investigation on the mechanical characteristics of sawdust and
investigation on the mechanical characteristics of sawdust and
Investigation on The Mechanical Characteristics of Sawdust and Chipwood Filled Epoxy Investigation on The Mechanical Characteristics Of Sawdust And Chipwood Filled Epoxy Puvanasvaran, A.P1., Hisham, S2., Kamil Sued, M1 Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Locked Bag 1752, 76109, Melaka, Malaysia 1 Universiti Kuala Lumpur 1016, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT In furniture and paper industries, huge amount of wood flakes and wood flours in the form of chip wood and sawdust are always found as waste. This is known as natural fiber, a renewable source that available at low cost. This study was carried out for three different sizes of fiber which categories into “soft”, “rough” and “coarse” particles that derived from chip wood (CW) and sawdust (SW). The SW and CW fiber were blended with epoxy by using hand tools machine respectively, which then open molding was employed to form a fiber composite and specimens’ accordance to the ASTM standards. It was found that the strength of tensile value for the rough size particles of SW were higher than the CW. The works presented a good quality of SW and CW fiber composite had been produced which can be used for home furniture utilities. KEYWORDS: Sawdust and chip wood, wood composites, tensile and flexural properties. 1.0INTRODUCTION Polymer composites have replaced conventional engineering materials such as metals, plastics and ceramics in many engineering applications in the recent years. Nowadays, composite materials are chosen as materials in engineering products for a variety of reasons, including lightweight, high stiffness, high strength, low thermal expansion, corrosion resistance, and long fatigue life. In recent years, natural fibre composites are used in many non-structural and semi-structural applications due to their low cost, being renewable and abundance and the examples include coconut, oil palm, pineapple leaf and wood fibre reinforced polymer composites. In the past there were numerous ISSN: 2180-1053 Vol. 3 No. 1 January-June 2011 71 Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology work have been conducted in the area of natural fibre composites using different types of fibres such as bamboo (Chen, 1998, Ismail, 2002), oil palm empty fruit bunch (Rozman, 2003) and wood (Jayaraman and Bhattacharyya, 2004, Elinwa and Mahmood, 2002). In furniture and paper industries, huge amount of wood flakes and wood flours in the form of chip wood and sawdust are always found as wastes. Because of high accessibility and low cost of the chip wood and sawdust, they can easily be incorporated with polymers by compounding process in order to improve the properties of reinforced polymers such as high strength and ease of processing compared to wood or neat polymer. Wood is a unique material that has many characteristics such as aesthetics and light weight compared with man-made materials such as concrete and brick. Wood can be used in conjunction with polymers to forms glued laminated members and can be used alone in the form of a sheet of paper or to make a toy (Jozsef,1982). Wood continues to be the raw material for the large number of products in the modern time, even thought other materials such as metals, cement and plastics are highly used as raw materials to produce consumer products (George, 1991). Wood fibre reinforced polymer composites have been known for many years. Historically, most of woods are used in the form of wood flour to produce filled composites. The wood flour reduces the cost of composite materials, but was not usually intended to substantially improve the performance of composites. More recently, the use of wood fibers to provide a reinforcing mechanism in thermoplastics has been of substantial interest. In fact, several companies have manufactured wood fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite materials for use as synthetic lumber in applications such as decking and window frames (Susan, 2004). The demand from the end user for furniture especially in modern furniture design, required the use of wood composites with high strength (Eckelman ,1997). Moreover, the use of natural fibre in furniture is not just limited to wood fibres but also in other plant based fibres such as banana pseudo-stem faibres (Sapuan and Maleque, 2006). In this paper, a study on mechanical properties of chip wood and sawdust fibre reinforced epoxy composites is presented. Mechanical properties studied include tensile strength, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity and modulus of rapture. 72 ISSN: 2180-1053 Vol. 3 No. 1 January-June 2011 Investigation on The Mechanical Characteristics of Sawdust and Chipwood Filled Epoxy 2.0 Methodology Materials and methods The waste wood fibers used in this study were collected from a saw mill in Sungai Buluh, Selangor, Malaysia. In all cases waste woods were dried overnight to remove moisture at room temperature and were kept in the polyethylene bags to prevent fungus growth. Both sawdust and wood chip were sieved using three different sizes of sieves. The timber species dominant in the sawdust and chip woods was not known to the authors and perhaps they were simply a blend of various hardwoods. Chip wood (CW) fibres collected from each sieve were separated into three different sizes namely, “coarse” for 150 meshes, “rough” for 100 meshes and “soft” for 50 meshes. The sawdust (SW) were divided “coarse” for 1.0 mesh, “rough” for 0.5 meshes and “soft” for 0.3 meshes (See Figure 1). The sieving process was carried out manually and the whole process was carried out in 30 minutes. The resins used in the study were epoxy type ASASIN 142 A used as matrix and ASASIN 142 B used as hardener. The mixing ratio was for 100 parts of ASASIN 142A there was 40 parts of ASASIN 142B. The amount of SW/epoxy and CW/epoxy composites was determined by their weight ratios. Different amount of SW, CW and epoxy liquid were blended using hand tool machine. The fibre of the size classified as ‘coarse’, ‘rough’ and ‘soft’ with 14 % ratio by weight each was loaded to epoxy with the weight of 100 gm and together with hardener with the weight of 40gm were prepared. The material used to prepare tensile test specimen was plaster of Paris and for flexural test was glass. The parts to be molded were coated with release agent to prevent them from sticking to the mould. The test specimens were prepared using ASTM D 638 (TAHUN) for tensile testing and ASTM D 790-97 (TAHUN) for flexural testing. The stress-strain plots and moduli of elasticity the composite were obtained using an Instron Universal Testing Machine, model 6566 during the tensile and flexural testing. The load applied was specified at 10kN at 2.5 mm/min cross-head speed. The thickness of both tensile and flexural testing specimens was 6 mm. The experiment was conducted at room temperature. The specimens prepared took 24 hours to dry. Six specimens were tested for both tensile and flexural testing. ISSN: 2180-1053 Vol. 3 No. 1 January-June 2011 73 composite obtained Instron Universal Testing plots Machine, model 6566 during the D 790-97 (TAHUN) for using flexural testing. Thewas stress-strain andatmoduli of elasticity the tensile and were flexural testing. Thean load applied specified at 10kN 2.5 mm/min cross-head composite obtained using an Instron Instron Universal Testing Machine, model 6566 during the tensile and were flexural testing.using The load appliedUniversal was specified at Machine, 10kN at 2.5 mm/min cross-head composite were obtained an Testing model 6566 during the speed. The thickness of both The tensile and flexural testing specimens was 62.5mm. The experiment tensile and flexural testing. load applied was specified at10kN 10kN at62.5 mm/min cross-head speed. The thickness of both The tensile and flexural testing specimens was mm. The experiment tensile and flexural testing. load applied was specified at at mm/min cross-head was conducted at room temperature. The specimens prepared took 24 mm. hours toexperiment dry. Six Journal ofThe Mechanical Engineering and Technology speed. thickness of both both tensile and flexural testingprepared specimens was The was conducted at room temperature. The specimens took 24 hours toexperiment dry. Six speed. Thewere thickness of tensile flexural testing was 6 6mm. The specimens tested for both tensileand andThe flexural testing.specimens was conducted at room temperature. specimens prepared took 24 hours to dry.SixSix specimens were tested for both tensile andThe flexural testing. prepared took 24 hours to dry. was conducted at room temperature. specimens specimens were tested for both tensile and flexural testing. were tested for both tensile flexural testing. Thespecimens test specimens were prepared using and ASTM D 638 (TAHUN) for tensile testing and ASTM D 790-97 (TAHUN) for flexural testing. The stress-strain plots and moduli of elasticity the composite were obtained using an Instron Universal Testing Machine, model 6566 during the tensile and flexural testing. The load applied was specified at 10kN at 2.5 mm/min cross-head speed. The thickness of both tensile and flexural testing specimens was 6 mm. The experiment was conducted at room temperature. The specimens prepared took 24 hours to dry. Six specimens were tested for both tensile and flexural testing. (a) (a) CW CW Coarse Coarse fibre fibre (a) CW CW Coarse Coarse fibre (a) (b)CW CWRough Roughfibre fibre (b) (b) (b)CW CWRough Roughfibre fibre CWSoft Soft fibre (c)(c)CW fibre (c)(c)CW Soft fibre CW Soft fibre (a) CW Coarse fibre (a) SW SW course course fibre (a) (a) SW SW course course fibre fibre (a) (b) CW Rough fibre (c) CW Soft fibre (b) (c)(c)SW fibre (b)SW SWRough Roughfibre fibre SWSoft Soft fibre (b) (c)(c)SW fibre (b)SW SWRough Roughfibre fibre SWSoft Soft fibre Figure Figure1: 1:Fibre Fibreused usedininthe thestudy study FigureFigure 1: FibreFibre used ininthe study Figure1: 1: Fibreused used inthe thestudy study 3.0 Results Results and and Discussions Discussions 3.0 3.0 Results Results and and Discussions Discussions 3.0 The results results of of measurement measurement of forfor The of the the tensile tensileproperties propertiesand andflexural flexuralproperties propertiesofofthethecomposites composites 3.0 Results and Discussions different particle sizes in the of sawdust and chip wood are shown Tables 1 1and 2 2 The results of measurement of case the tensile properties and flexural properties ofinthe composites for different particle sizes in the case of sawdust and chip wood are shown in Tables and The results of measurement of the tensile properties and flexural properties of the composites for respectively. The comparison of the mean of each property of three categories of fibres is (a)respectively. SW courseparticle fibre (b) SW Rough fibre (c) SW Soft fibre different sizes in the case of sawdust and chip wood are shown in Tables 1 and 2 The comparison theofmean of each property of are three categories of fibres different particle in analysis the of case sawdust and chip shown in Tables 1 andis2 The results of sizes measurement of the tensile properties and flexural analyzed using T-test. The of variance iswood used compare thethe mean scores respectively. The comparison of the mean of (ANOVA) each property of to three categories of fibres is analyzed using T-test. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to compare mean scores respectively. Theof comparison of the mean of tests eachfor property of three categories of fibres is for all properties properties during tensile and flexural each category ofoffibres. analyzed using T-test. Thethe analysis variance is used to compare the mean properties of the composites for different particle sizes in the casescores of Figure 1: Fibre used(ANOVA) in thefor study for all of during the tensileof and flexural tests each category fibres. analyzed using T-test. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to compare the mean scores for all properties of during the tensile and flexural tests for each category of fibres. sawdust and chip wood are shown in Tables 1 and 2 respectively. The for all properties duringproperties the tensileofand flexural each category of fibres. Table 1:ofTensile waste woodtests fibrefor reinforced epoxy composites 3.0 Results and Discussions Table 1: Tensile properties of waste wood fibreofreinforced epoxy composites comparison mean of each property three categories of fibres PropertyTableof1: the Sawdust (SW) Chip wood (CW) properties ofSawdust waste wood reinforced epoxy PropertyTable 1: Tensile (SW)fibre Chipcomposites wood (CW) Tensile properties of waste wood fibre reinforced epoxy composites Soft Rough Coarse Soft Rough Coarse Property is analyzed using T-test. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to Sawdust (SW) Chip wood (CW) The results of measurement of the tensile properties and flexural properties of the composites for Soft Rough (SW) Coarse Soft Chip Rough Coarse Property Sawdust wood Coarse (CW) Displacement at Peak mm 8.626 12.968 1.906 11.447 11.086 Softof sawdust Roughand 12.037 Coarse Soft Rough different particle sizes in mm the case chip wood are shown in Tables 1 and 2 compare the mean scores for all properties of during the tensile and Displacement at Peak 8.626 12.968 12.037 1.906 11.447 11.086 Soft Rough 24.407 Coarse Soft Rough 22.256 Coarse Strain at Peak (at%)Peak mm 17.030 26.103 3.846 22.893 Displacement 8.626 12.968 12.037 1.906 11.447 11.086 respectively. The comparison of the mean of each property of three categories of fibres is Strain at Peak ( %) 17.030 26.103 24.407 3.846 22.893 22.256 Displacement at Peak mmcategory 8.626 12.968 12.037 14.224 1.906 11.447 17.922 11.086 flexural tests each of fibres. Stress (MPa) 10.921 28.917 24.767 19.867 Strainat atPeak Peakfor ( %) 17.030 26.103 24.407 3.846 22.893 22.256 analyzed using T-test. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare the mean scores Stress at Peak (MPa) 10.921 28.917 24.767 14.224 19.867 17.922 Strain Peak %)(MPa) 17.030 26.103 24.407is used 3.846 22.893 22.256 Young’s 386.873 889.988 860.116 594.453 902.331 737.815 Stress at atModulus Peak ((MPa) 10.921 28.917 24.767 14.224 19.867 17.922 Modulus (MPa) 386.873 889.988 860.116 594.453 902.331 737.815 for allYoung’s properties of during the tensile and flexural tests for each category of fibres. Stress Peak (MPa) 10.921 28.917 1.932 24.767 1.117 14.224 1.550 19.867 1.398 17.922 Load atatPeak (kN) 2.297 Young’s Modulus (MPa) 0.852 386.873 889.988 860.116 594.453 902.331 737.815 Table 1: Tensile properties of waste wood fibre1.117 reinforced epoxy 1.398 Load at Peak (kN) (MPa) 0.852 1.932 1.550 Young’s Modulus 386.873 2.297 889.988 1.932 860.116 1.117 594.453 1.550 902.331 1.398 737.815 Load at Peak (kN) 0.852 2.297 composites Table 1: Tensile wood fibre reinforced epoxy composites Load at Peak (kN) properties 0.852of waste 2.297 1.932 1.117 1.550 1.398 Property Sawdust (SW) Chip wood (CW) Soft Rough Coarse Soft Rough Coarse 61 Displacement at Peak mm 8.626 12.968 12.037 1.906 11.447 11.086 6161 Strain at Peak ( %) 17.030 26.103 24.407 3.846 22.893 22.256 61 Stress at Peak (MPa) 10.921 28.917 24.767 14.224 19.867 17.922 Young’s Modulus (MPa) 386.873 889.988 860.116 594.453 902.331 737.815 Load at Peak (kN) 0.852 2.297 1.932 1.117 1.550 1.398 From Table 1, it is shown that the tensile strength of rough SW is higher than the chip wood CW with a maximum reading of 29.917 Mpa. The61 mechanical properties for both composites (SW and CW) revealed an optimum values at rough particle size. Moreover, by comparing SW and CW, it is found that the tensile strength for rough and coarse SW is higher than the rough and coarse of CW. On the other hand, for soft chip wood the tensile strength is higher than the soft sawdust. It is believed that the material properties differences might originate from 74 ISSN: 2180-1053 Vol. 3 No. 1 January-June 2011 From Table 1, it is shown that the tensile strength of rough SW is higher than the chip wood CW on The Mechanical of Sawdustfor andboth Chipwood Filled Epoxy with a maximumInvestigation reading of 29.917 Mpa. The Characteristics mechanical properties composites (SW and CW) revealed an optimum values at rough particle size. Moreover, by comparing SW and CW, it is found that the tensile strength for rough and coarse SW is higher than the rough and coarse of CW. On the other hand, for softsurface chip wood the tensile strength is higher and than the soft the compositions and active areas for the sawdust chip sawdust. It is believed that the material properties differences might originate from the wood. compositions and active surface areas for the sawdust and chip wood. Table 2: Flexural test forSW SWand and Table 2: Flexural testresults results for CWCW Property Soft 102.550 4.408 Sawdust (SW) Rough Coarse 121.145 62.395 6.215 14.552 Soft 78.827 4.225 Chip wood (CW) Rough Coarse 102.740 145.755 4.083 8.548 Maximum Load (N) Extension at compression Load (mm) Energy at 1, it is shown that 0.247 0.395 0.180 0.757 From Table the tensile strength 0.625 of rough SW is higher0.218 than the chip wood CW Compression Load (J) with a maximum reading of 29.917 Mpa. The mechanical properties for both composites (SW Strain Compression 0.102values 0.167 0.145 size.0.043 0.192 SW and and CW) at revealed an optimum at rough particle Moreover,0.040 by comparing Load (mm) CW, it is found that the tensile strength for rough and coarse SW is higher than the rough and Stress at Compression 21.910 25.891 13.333 16.843 21.952 31.141 coarse of CW. On the other hand, for soft chip wood the tensile strength is higher than the soft Load (MPa) sawdust. It is believed that the material properties differences might originate from the compositions and active surface areas for the sawdust and chip wood. In term of flexural properties, the highest and lowest properties between sawdust and chip wood Inbe term ofinflexural the highest and lowest properties can found Table 2. properties, Stress compression load (MPa) is found decreased with thebetween increments Table 2: Flexural test results for SW and CW ofsawdust the particlesand sizeschip for SW but a vise versa behavior is shown by the chip wood composite. The wood canSawdust be found compression Property (SW) in Table 2. Stress Chip wood (CW) results in flexural test for both composites can be ascribed because of the differences in particles Soft Rough Coarse Soft of the Rough Coarse load (MPa) is found decreased with the increments particles sizes sizes Maximum and fiber surfaces. Load (N) 102.550 121.145 62.395 78.827 102.740 145.755 for SW but a vise versa behavior is shown by the chip wood composite. Extension at 4.408 6.215 14.552 4.225 4.083 8.548 Strain at Compression 0.102 0.167 0.145 0.043 0.040 0.192 AThe three-point configuration for the determination of modulusbecause of rupture resultsbend in flexural testwas foremployed both composites can be ascribed compression Load (mm) (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE). Equations for MOR and MOE are as shown in Energy at 0.247 0.395 0.625 0.180 0.218 0.757 of the differences in particles sizes and fiber surfaces. equation 1 (Eq. 1)Load and equation 2 (Eq. 2). Compression (J) A three-point Load (mm)2 MOR=3Pl/2bd bend configuration was employed for the determination (1) Stress at Compression 21.910(MOR) 25.891and 13.333 16.843 21.952 31.141 of modulus of rupture modulus of elasticity (MOE). 3 Load3/4bd (MPa) MOE=ml (2) Equations for MOR and MOE are as shown in equation 1 (1) and equation 2 (2). In term properties, highest properties betweenspan, sawdust and dchip where P of is flexural the maximum loadthe carried by and the lowest specimen, l the support b and are wood the can be found in Table 2. Stress compression load (MPa) found decreased withlocation the increments specimen breadth and depth, respectively, measured at theis nearest undisturbed to the of the particles sizes for SW but a vise versa behavior is shown by the chip wood composite. region of failure, and m is the slope of the load–deflection curve during elastic deformation where P is the maximum load carried by the specimen, l the supportThe results in etflexural test for both composites can be ascribed because of the differences in particles Savastano al. (2000). span, b and are the3:specimen depth, measured sizes and fiber d surfaces. Table The Means breadth of MOR forand Sawdust and respectively, Chip wood at the nearest undisturbed location to the region of failure, and m is the Fiber Mean SD was Particle Sizefor elastic Mean A three-point configuration employed the determination ofSD modulus of rupture slope of thebend load–deflection curve during deformation Savastano COURSE 3.364 (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE). Equations for19.998 MOR and MOE are as shown in (2000). 30.565 SAW 8.669 ROUGH 38.829 1.534 equation 1 (Eq. 1) and equation 2 (Eq. 2). 2 MOR=3Pl/2bd 34.970 CHIPWOOD 10.403 MOE=ml3/4bd3 SOFT COURSE ROUGH SOFT 32.869 46.716 32.930 25.265 4.421 3.543 5.309 6.607 (1) (2) 62 where P is the maximum load carried by the specimen, l the support span, b and d are the specimen depth, respectively, measuredby at the the nearest undisturbed to the where Pbreadth is theand maximum load carried specimen, l thelocation support region of failure, and m is the slope of the load–deflection curve during elastic deformation span, b and d are the specimen breadth and depth, respectively, measured Savastano et al. (2000). at the nearest undisturbed location tofor the region failure, Table 3: The Means of MOR Sawdust andof Chip wood and m is the slope of the load–deflection curve during elastic deformation Savastano Fiber SD Particle Size Mean SD (2000). Mean SAW DUST 30.565 8.669 CHIPWOOD 34.970 10.403 ISSN: 2180-1053 COURSE ROUGH SOFT COURSE ROUGH SOFT Vol. 3 No. 1 19.998 38.829 32.869 46.716 32.930 25.265 January-June 2011 3.364 1.534 4.421 3.543 5.309 6.607 62 75 where P is the maximum load carried by the specimen, l the support span, b and d are the specimen breadth and depth, respectively, measured at the nearest undisturbed location to the Journal of Mechanical Technology region of failure, Engineering and m is theand slope of the load–deflection curve during elastic deformation Savastano et al. (2000). Table 3: The Means of MOR for Sawdust and Chip wood Table 3: The Means of MOR for Sawdust and Chip wood Fiber Mean SD SAW DUST 30.565 8.669 CHIPWOOD 34.970 10.403 Particle Size COURSE ROUGH SOFT COURSE ROUGH SOFT Mean 19.998 38.829 32.869 46.716 32.930 25.265 SD 3.364 1.534 4.421 3.543 5.309 6.607 62 Table 3 shows the means of mechanical properties for the particle sizes in modulus of rupture (MOR) according to the fiber types. It can be indicate that the mean of CW is higher than SW, at 34.970 kgf/mm2 and Table 3 shows the means of mechanical properties for the particle sizes in modulus of rupture 30.565 kgf/mm2 respectively. (MOR) according to the fiber types. It can be indicate that the mean of CW is higher than SW, at 34.970 kgf/mm2 and 30.565 kgf/mm2 respectively. Table 3 shows the was meansdone of mechanical the particle significant sizes in modulus of rupture Further test using properties Turkey’sforHonestly difference (MOR) according to the fiber types. It can be indicate that the mean of CW is higher than SW, at of Further was done using Turkey’s Honestly significant difference significant level withtest a significant level of2 0.05 in identifying the lies.with Thea p value and 34.970 kgf/mm2 andthe 30.565 respectively. 0.05 in identifying lies. kgf/mm The p value and the significant level of physical properties of the the significant level of physical properties of the composite are listed in composite are listed in Tables 4 and 5. Further test4was done Tables and 5. using Turkey’s Honestly significant difference with a significant level of 0.05 in identifying the lies. The p value and the significant level of physical properties of the Tablein4:Tables Independent composite are listed 4 and 5.T-test for Mean MOR between types of fiber Table 4: Independent T-test for Mean MOR between types of fiber Table 4: Independent Mean MOR between types of fiber VariableT-test for t-value p-value Fiber Variable -1.380 t-value Significant level, α = 0.05 Significant level, α = 0.05 Fiber -1.380 0.177 p-value 0.177 From the independent p-values than α = 0.05 From the independent T-test the T-test p-values greater thanare α =greater 0.05 (refer to Table 4). This Significant level, αthe =are 0.05 indicates is 4). no significant difference in the mean between SW and CW. in (referthat to there Table This indicates that there is of noMOR significant difference From the independent T-test the p-values are greater than α = 0.05 (refer to Table 4). This the mean of MOR between SW and CW. indicates that there is no significant difference mean MOR Table 5: The Meansinofthe MOE forofSW andbetween CW SW and CW. Fibre Fibre SAW DUST Mean SD Particle Size Mean Table 5: The Means forSW SW and CW Table 5: The Meansof of MOE MOE for and CW324.3288 COURSE Mean 4254.195 SAW DUST CHIP WOOD 4254.195 1993.023 CHIP WOOD 1993.023 SD Particle Size 874.771 ROUGH COURSE SOFT 874.771 ROUGH COURSE 421.217 SOFT ROUGH COURSE SOFT 421.217 ROUGH SOFT Mean 10185.66 324.3288 2252.595 10185.66 1373.762 2252.595 2682.045 1373.762 1923.25 2682.045 1923.25 SD 44.0466 SD 14675.49 44.0466 450.6688 14675.49 337.5417 450.6688 354.8565 337.5417 1075.615 354.8565 1075.615 Table 5 shows the means of mechanical properties in modulus of elasticity (MOE) according to fiber respectively the particle sizes. The means and the test direction used multiple comparison Table 5 shows thetomeans of mechanical properties in modulus of elasticity (MOE) according to offiber Tukey’s Studentized Range Test. From Table 5 indicates that the mean of SW (4254.195 Table 5 shows means of means mechanical properties in modulus of respectively to the the particle sizes. The 2 2 and the test direction used multiple comparison kgf/mm ) is higher than CW (1993.023 kgf/mm of elasticity Tukey’s Studentized Test. From Table). respectively 5 indicates that the of SW (4254.195 (MOE) Range according to fiber to mean the particle sizes. 2 kgf/mm ) is higher than CW (1993.023 kgf/mm2). The means and the test direction used multiple comparison of Tukey’s Table 6: Independent T-test for mean MOE between types of fiber Studentized Range Test. From Table indicates the mean of SW Table 6: Independent T-test for mean5MOE between that types of fiber (4254.195 kgf/mm2) is higher than CW (1993.023 kgf/mm2). Variable Variable Fiber Fiber t-value t-value 1.05 1.05 p-value p-value 0.301 0.301 Significant level, α=0.05 Significant level, α=0.05 The comparison of MOE between SW and CW were used an independent T-test, shows that all The comparison of ISSN: MOEthan between SW (refer andVol. CW used independent T-test, that all 76p-values 2180-1053 No. 1 an January-June 2011 the are greater α = 0.05 to3 were Table 6).This indicate that there shows is no significant the p-values are greater than α = 0.05 (refer to Table 6).This indicate that there is no significant difference in the mean of MOE between chips wood and saw dust. difference in the mean of MOE between chips wood and saw dust. Table 5 shows the means of mechanical properties in modulus of elasticity (MOE) according to fiber respectively to the particle sizes. The means and the test direction used multiple comparison of Tukey’s Studentized RangeonTest. From Table 5 indicatesofthat the mean of SW Filled (4254.195 Investigation The Mechanical Characteristics Sawdust and Chipwood Epoxy kgf/mm2) is higher than CW (1993.023 kgf/mm2). Table 6: Independent T-test for mean MOE between types of fiber Table 6: Independent T-test for mean MOE between types of fiber Variable t-value p-value Fiber 1.05 0.301 Significant level, α=0.05 Significant level, α=0.05 The comparison ofbetween MOE between SW and CW used T-test, an independent The comparison of MOE SW and CW were used anwere independent shows that all theT-test, p-valuesshows are greater thanall α =the 0.05p-values (refer to Table indicate is no(refer significant that are6).This greater thanthatαthere = 0.05 to difference in the mean of MOE that between chipsiswood and saw dust. difference in the mean Table 6).This indicate there no significant of MOE between chips wood and saw dust. 63 4.0 Conclusion Based six epoxy composite that reinforced by chip wood and sawdust, the rough sawdust composite exhibit greater mechanical properties compared to chip wood. Mechanical properties data were subjected to two-way analysis of variance using Tukey’s multiple comparison method to determine the significance of differences in sample means at the 95% confidence level (P=0.05). From the tests results, evidence shows that the factors influenced the natural composite are depending on the fiber source, size, shape, processes, separation in matrix, bonding in matrixes. The other potential factor is defects that have in the fiber. 5.0 References Chen, X., Gue, Q. and. Mi, Y. Bamboo fiber reinforced polypropylene composites: A study of the mechanical properties, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 1998.69: 1891-1899. Eckelman, C.A., A look at the Strength Design of Furniture. Forest Product Journal. 1966. 16. 3: pp. 21-24. Elinwa, A.U. and Mahmood, Y.A. Ash from timber waste as cement replacement material, Cement and Concrete Composite 2002. 24 (2),pp. 219-222. George Tsoumis, (1991) Science And Technology Of Wood. Structure, Properties, Utilization. Ed. 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