Discover Earth Exhibition - Boone County Public Library
Discover Earth Exhibition - Boone County Public Library
discover... BOONE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY BCPL Boone County Public Library MAY 2016 Scheben Branch, May 14 - August 5 Discover Earth Exhibition Discover Earth: Our Changing Planet, a national traveling exhibition exploring a global view of our changing environment, will be on display at the Scheben Branch (8899 US 42, Union) from May 14 to August 5. Help us launch the new exhibit on opening day, May 14 at the Scheben Branch, with refreshments from 1-3 p.m. All ages will enjoy exploring the twelve different interactive stations. Discover Earth makes science fun with hands-on multimedia activities on topics such as weather, the water cycle, and how changes in our local ecosystem impact the environment around the world. We’ve put together a summer line-up of earth science and earth-friendly events to go along with the exhibit. See page three for the first two Discover Earth events. Our Summer Reading program this year will also reflect the Discover Earth theme. Check next month’s newsletter and our website for more information. Discover Earth: A Century of Change, a traveling exhibition for libraries, is part of the STAR Library Education Network (STAR_Net) led by the National Center for the Interactive Learning at the Space Science Institute. Exhibit partners include the American Library Association, the Lunar and Planetary Institute, and Afterschool Alliance. Discover Earth is supported through a grant from the National Science Foundation. Mystery & MAYhem Recipe for a Good Read By Amy B. Foster, Scheben Branch Manager As C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably.” With that in mind, during the month of May, we’re celebrating the love of food and a good mystery with Mystery and MAYhem: Recipe for a Good Read. From pizza to tea, to coffee and cakes, there are an endless number of series which combine food and a great mystery…a winning combination. Often referred to as culinary mysteries, these series have one thing in common: all feature food in some way, whether by location or profession of the sleuth. Haven’t tried this genre before? Stop by any Boone County Public Library location in May and you’ll find a display featuring books from one of the many culinary mystery series in our collection. Are you a wine lover? Check-out the Wine Country series by Ellen Crosby. And, here’s a clue: start by uncorking book number one, The Merlot Murders. Fancy yourself a chocoholic? Sample one of the many books in Joanna Carl’s Chocoholic Series. Have a craving for something else? Grab one of our recipe card bookmarks to find other culinary mysteries or stop by the Information Desk at any location and one of our literary chefs (also known as librarians) will be glad to cook something up for you. Also during May, as an appetizer, each Library location will have a drawing for a gift basket full of items to satisfy every food lover. And we’ll be giving a nod to the wide array of food from our region with a main course grand prize drawing featuring a basket of food items from around the tristate. Be sure to enter and tell us on your entry form what culinary mystery you’ve devoured. In May, there’ll also be food-related programs taking place at various Library locations, and we invite you to join us at one of these interesting and fun events to celebrate the delicious combination of books and food. Battaglia’s Deli, inside the Main Library, will offer specials throughout the month from recipes found in popular culinary mysteries. To quote Virginia Woolf, “One cannot think well, love well or sleep well, if one has not dined well.” Bon appetite and happy reading! Discover, explore, experience a lifetime of learning. discover... EVENTS & WORKSHOPS FOR adults To register for Library events online, go to: and locate your program in the Library’s event calendar. weekly programs In the Loop Mondays, 10 a.m. Florence Branch Knit or crochet in relaxed, friendly company. Learn for the first time or pick up some new tricks. Gentle Yoga Mondays, 6 p.m. Main Library Learn the basic postures and flows. Please bring a yoga mat. $30 fee for the month. Call Boone County Parks to register: 334-2117. Yoga Mondays, 7:10 p.m. Main Library Relax and explore Hatha yoga postures. Bring a yoga mat. $30 fee for the month. Call Boone County Parks to register: 334-2117. Bridge Tues. and Thurs., Noon-3 p.m. Scheben Branch Open play – Everyone welcome! Piecemakers Quilting Group Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m. Scheben Branch Join this friendly group to learn the basics or share expertise in quilting. 2 Set a Guinness World Record! May 1 to June 11 All BCPL locations The Daughters of the American Revolution is officially attempting to set a world record by collecting the most letters to military personnel! YOU can participate in this by bringing your letter in a self-addressed, unsealed envelope with postage to any BCPL location before June 11. One letter per person can be submitted . It can be addressed to an active service member that you personally know, or choose an address from the list at the DAR drop-off table. Complete details will be posted on the table at each library location. Microsoft Excel I Monday, May 2 Main Library, 6:30 p.m. Explore the basics of MS Excel 2013, Spanish Conversation Group Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. Scheben Branch For people studying Spanish as well as those passionate about the language. All skill levels are welcome! Presented in partnership with Gateway Community College. Rummikub Thursdays, 5 p.m. and Sundays, 1 p.m. Florence Branch Do you like to play Rummikub? Do you want to learn how? Rummikub (pronounced Rummy-cube) is a cross between rummy and mahjong. Yoga Thursdays, 6:15 p.m. Scheben Branch This class is suitable for all levels! Please bring a yoga mat & small handheld or wrist weights (optional). $30 fee per month. Call Boone County Parks to register: 334-2117. Mahjong Fridays, 1 p.m. Scheben Branch Open play - All skill levels welcome! including creating a worksheet, working with simple formulas, sorting and filtering, creating a pie chart, and more! Mystery and MAYhem: Baking Mysteries: Secrets Revealed Monday, May 2 Walton Branch, 7 p.m. Two people follow the same recipe, but the results are different. The clue is in the ingredients! Diane Mason of the Boone County Cooperative Extension Service will help us solve the mystery. Please register. Positive Parenting Mondays, May 2, 9, 16 & 23 Scheben Branch, 7 p.m. Discover how positive parenting can impact your relationship with your children in this four-part series. Please register for each class. Co-sponsored by the DCCH Center for Families & Children, the Family Nurturing Center, and Boone County Public Library. May 2: Positive Parenting: How to Get Your Kids to Listen - The Family Nurturing Center will share how to effectively communicate with your kids. May 9: Positive Parenting: Getting a Handle on Power Struggles – The Family Nurturing Center will show how to effectively de-escalate disagreements to create a calmer home. May 16: Positive Parenting: What Your Child’s Behavior is Telling You – The DCCH Center will explain how your child’s behaviors may be clues pointing to underlying issues. May 23: Positive Parenting: Tim’s Toolbox for Discipline – The DCCH Center will demonstrate how to effectively use discipline to get the behavior results you need for a happy home. Sewing 101 Tuesday, May 3, 10 & 24 Main Library, 10 a.m. Do you have a sewing machine but don’t know how to use it? In this 3week class you will learn the face of your machine and the long and short of different stitches. Learn how to fill bobbins and thread your machine. Start sewing simple seams and finish with a pillowcase. Materials fee: $20 This is a progressive class, so you must attend the first class. Please register. Mystery and MAYhem: Chili Tasting and the History of Cincinnati Chili Tuesday, May 3 Main Library, 6 p.m. Who really makes the best chili in Cincinnati? Sample a variety of chilies and cast your vote! The Cincinnati Museum Center will talk about the history of Cincinnati-style chili and share stories about the American immigrants who developed the recipes we all enjoy today. Door prizes! Tasting is from 6-6:30 p.m., speaker starts at 6:30 p.m. Please register. Call Kathy Utz at 292-3393 at least one week in advance if special accommodations are needed. Writer’s Group Tuesdays, May 3, 17 & 31 Main Library, 7 p.m. Join other local writing enthusiasts every other Tuesday night. Share your work, get feedback, encouragement, and perhaps even inspiration to write your masterpiece. Community Stops in Hebron Wednesday, May 4 Remke Parking Lot, 5-7 p.m. Thursday, May 19 Lakeside Christian Church 10 a.m. - noon Pick up your hold request and check out books from our mini library on wheels. Please bring your library card with you. German Language II Classes Wednesdays, May 4, 11, 18, 25 and June 1 Scheben Branch, 6:30-8 p.m. Klaus Seidlitz continues this series of German conversation and grammar beyond the basics. Attendance in previous German language classes or elementary knowledge of the language is needed. The class consists of one session per week for six consecutive weeks. Registration required (first class was April 27). Computer & Internet Basics Thursdays, May 5, 12 & 19 Florence Branch, 1 p.m. This class begins on the first Thursday of each month and covers all the basics of how to use a computer and surf the Internet. Learn about the parts of a computer system, how to get online and get to websites, how to use search engines and perform keyword searching, and how to set up and use an email account. Please register. s To register by phone, call 342-BOOK (2665) and select the appropriate location. Best of the Best Book Group Thursday, May 5 Florence Branch, 3 p.m. Discuss Chocolat by Joanne Harris. Concert @ the Library: Cold Smoke Friday, May 6 Scheben Branch, 7 p.m. See page 7. Free Comic Book Day (all ages) Saturday, May 7 All Locations, all day Celebrate Free Comic Book Day by picking up a free comic book at any BCPL location, while supplies last. Thank you to our local sponsor, Comic Book World. Art for All! Monday, May 9 Main Library, 12:30 or 6 p.m. Paint Curiosity under the guidance of a professional artist. At the end of the class, you’ll walk away with a masterpiece! Open to all adults. $20 materials fee. Please register. Microsoft Excel II Monday, May 9 Main Library, 6:30 p.m. Learn how to use more of Excel’s functions by creating a budget, a checkbook register, and a chart. Find out other helpful options with this powerful program. Prerequisite for this class is MS Excel Basics or a working knowledge of MS Excel. Chapter and Verse Book Group Tuesday, May 10 Scheben Branch, 7 p.m. Discuss I am the Messenger by Markus Zusack. Get a taste of some chili and some history at the Main Library on May 3 at 6 p.m. Mystery & MAYhem: Tea & Scones Tuesday, May 10 Florence Branch, 7 p.m. Celebrate your favorite foodie mystery authors with tea and scones! The Library’s own Dee Lanning will share authors’ recipes, discuss their books, and demonstrate her own scone recipe. Please register. Thrillers and Chillers Thursday, May 12 Main Library, 10 a.m. Discuss The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Annie Barrows and Mary Ann Shaffer. 2016 Boone County Historic Preservation Awards Thursday, May 12 Main Library, 6:30 p.m. Please join the Boone County Historic Preservation Review Board as we celebrate and recognize the best historic projects in Boone County during 2015. Reception starts at 6:30 with a Rabbit Hash Restoration Project update at 7. Concert @ the Library: Queen City Bronze Friday, May 13 Main Library, 7 p.m. See page 7. Real Men Read Wednesday, May 18 Scheben Branch, 10:30 a.m. Discuss the latest book you’ve read. Book Chatter Thursday, May 19 Walton Branch, 9:30 a.m. Choose your own culinary mystery. Chick Picks Thursday, May 19 Main Library, 10 a.m. Discuss The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin. The Boone Conservancy Thursday, May 19 Main Library, 7 p.m. Mary Unterreiner, Executive Director of Boone Conservancy, shares how her organization preserves the recreational, natural, scenic, historical and cultural resources of the county. There will be a short business meeting before the program. Sponsored by Boone County Historical Society. Genealogy Workshop Saturday, May 21 Main Library, 1 p.m. Members of the Boone County Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution and Simon Kenton Chapter National Society Sons of the American Revolution will be present to help you with your genealogy. Stop in for general information, to get started, or to get past your brick wall. Carnival of Cultures Saturday, May 21 Florence Branch, 2-4 p.m. Bring the family and enjoy music, snacks, face painting, crafts and a petting zoo! Comfort Quilts for Kids Monday, May 23 Main Library, 10 a.m. This group sews small quilts to comfort children during their stay at Ronald McDonald House. Come help us quilt! Everyone is welcome. Art for All! Monday, May 23 Main Library, 12:30 p.m. Paint, He loves me, he loves me not, under the guidance of a professional artist. At the end of the class, you’ll walk away with a masterpiece! Open to all adults. $20 materials fee. Please register. Monday 4 Mystery Monday, May 23 Florence Branch, 7 p.m. Discuss Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich. Folded Book Art Tuesday, May 24 Main Library, 6 p.m. Learn how to fold a design inside a recycled book. Discover Earth: Edible Landscaping Tuesday, May 24 Florence Branch, 6:30 p.m. Learn about fruits and vegetables you can plant around your house or in containers. Add curb appeal and have your own produce at the same time! Pick up some free vegetable seeds! Please register. Discover Earth: Hydroponics 101 Thursday, May 26 Main Library, 7 p.m. Heard of hydroponics and wondered what all the hype is about? Rose Sinning from Worm’s Way in Erlanger will be teaching us how growing plants in water has never been easier! Please register. All locations closed for Memorial Day. Monday, May 30 Mystery & MAYhem: Eating Better on a Budget Tuesday, May 31 Scheben Branch, 6:30 p.m. Learn how to stretch your food budget while eating well! Along with a tasty sample of a healthy recipe, participants will receive wholesome recipes, helpful tips on saving at the grocery store, and a free kitchen tool to take home. Please register. Inside the Main Library in Burlington, on the first floor next to the dome. Phone # 859-992-0004 Monday - Saturday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Gourmet sandwiches, homemade soups, salads and desserts! Dine-in, carry-out or have your next event catered. 3 explore... LIBRARY FUN FOR KIDS...may To online, go > program in the event ca To register register for for programs programs online, go to: to: > At At the the Library Library and locate locate your program inLibrary’s the library’s library’s event ca To register for Library events online, to: and and locate youryour program in the event calend Discover Earth Discover Earth: Our Changing Planet, a national traveling exhibition exploring a global view of our changing environment, will be on display at the Scheben Branch (8899 US 42, Union) from May 14 to August 5. Help us launch the new exhibit on opening day at the Scheben Branch with refreshments from 1-3 p.m. All ages will enjoy exploring the twelve different interactive stations. Discover Earth makes science fun with hands-on multimedia activities on topics such as weather, the water cycle, and how changes in our local ecosystem impact the environment around the world. 4 Read with a Teen (grades 1-3) Tuesday, May 3 & 17 Scheben Branch, 6 p.m. Partner with a teen to enhance your reading skills. Call the Scheben Branch to reserve your 30-minute time slot. Registration encouraged. Homeschool Sampler (grades 1-5) Wednesday, May 4 Main Library, 2 p.m. School Year Finale and Curriculum Swap! Share something you’ve learned or created over the past school year in a three-minute presentation. Registration encouraged. May the Fourth Be with You (all ages) Wednesday, May 4 Chapin Memorial, 6 p.m. Awaken the Force! Grab a lightsaber and complete your Jedi training. Free Comic Book Day (all ages) Saturday, May 7 All locations, all day Celebrate Free Comic Book Day by picking up a free comic book at any BCPL location, while supplies last. Thank you to our local sponsor, Comic Book World. The Hangout (grades 4-7) Tuesday, May 10 Chapin Memorial, 4:30 p.m. Games, snacks & more! Art Club: Wild Animal Sculptures (grades K-5) Tuesday, May 10 Walton Branch, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Do you love painting, drawing, and all things art? Check out what we’re doing on the second Tuesday of every month! Yu-gi-oh (grades K-12) Wednesday, May 11 Scheben Branch, 6:30 p.m. The duel is on! Play Yu-gi-oh with other local players. Bring your own deck. No trading, English cards only. Active Play with R.C. Durr YMCA (2-5 years) Thursday, May 12 Scheben Branch, 10 a.m. Get your kids up and moving on a mini obstacle course and leave with ideas to try at home. Minecraft Lab (grades 3-5) Thursday, May 12 Florence Branch, 6:30 p.m. Play and build your world on the Library’s Minecraft server. Registration required. Madcap Puppets Presents Aesop’s Classic Fables (all ages) Saturday, May 14 Main Library, 11 a.m. Three of Aesop’s favorite stories are retold by puppets - - and you! Discover Earth Opening Event (all ages) Saturday, May 14 Scheben Branch, 1-3 p.m. Help us launch our new exhibit just in time for Summer Reading! Refreshments will be served. AVO Kinderballet Presents The Wizard of Oz (all ages) Sunday, May 15 Main Library, 2 p.m. Follow the yellow brick road with Dorothy and friends in this ballet performance of the classic story.. Lego Mania (all ages) Monday, May 16 Main Library, 6 p.m. Let your imagination run wild and build some amazing creations. We provide the Legos and the Duplos. PAWS to Read (grades K-5) Saturday, May 21 Scheben Branch, 10 a.m. Read to one of the library’s therapy dogs. Call the Scheben Branch to schedule your 15-minute time slot. Carnival of Cultures (all ages) Saturday, May 21 Florence Branch, 2-4 p.m. Bring the family and enjoy music, snacks, face painting, crafts and a petting zoo! alendar. To by 342-BOOK (2665) select appropriate location. alendar. To register register by phone, phone, call 342-BOOK (2665) and select the appropriate location. dar. To register by phone, callcall 342-BOOK (2665) andand select the the appropriate location. Pages & Paws (grades K-5) Sunday, May 22 Main Library, 2 p.m. Read to one of the library’s therapy dogs. Call the Main Library to schedule your 15-minute time slot. Pokémon (grades K-12) Monday, May 23 Main Library, 6:30 p.m. Gotta catch ‘em all! Bring your own deck or DS; no trading, English cards only. Game Night (grades 2-4) Tuesday, May 24 Walton Branch, 6:30 p.m. Chow down on pizza, hang with friends, play the Wii and your favorite board games! Water Safety with the YMCA (all ages) Wednesday, May 25 Main Library, 6 p.m. It’s almost pool and beach season! Becca from the RC Durr YMCA will teach us how to have fun in the water while still being safe. Storybook Science (grades K-2) Thursday, May 26 Florence Branch, 6:30 p.m. Build Rapunzel’s Tower, help Jack get to the castle in the clouds without using the beanstalk, and make other stories come to life. All locations closed for Memorial Day. Monday, May 30 Developmental Screenings for babies and toddlers Want to find out how your child, ages two months to three years, is developing? Library staff are trained to offer developmental screenings. For more information and to schedule an appointment, contact Geneva at 342-BOOK, ext. 8138. Screenings can be done at the BCPL location of your choice. Storytime No Storytime this month. Storytime will return June 6. Baby Time (birth to 18 months) Main Library • Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. Scheben Branch • Fridays, 9:30 a.m. Spanish Storytime Tiempo de Cuentos (birth to 5+ years) Florence Branch • Fridays, 10:30 a.m. Tiny Tots (18 months to 2-1/2 years) Scheben Branch • Mondays, 10 a.m. • Wednesdays, 10 a.m. Main Library • Thursdays, 11 a.m. • Fridays, 11 a.m. Toddler Tales (2-1/2 to 3-1/2 years) Main Library • Mondays, 11 a.m. • Mondays, 1 p.m. • Wednesdays, 11 a.m. Scheben Branch • Tuesdays, 10 a.m. • Fridays, 11 a.m. Family Time (birth to 5+ years) Main Library • Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. Walton Branch • Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. Scheben Branch • Saturdays, 1 p.m. Bookworms (3-1/2 to 5+ years) Scheben Branch • Thursdays, 10 a.m. Main Library • Thursdays, 1 p.m. Sensory Storytime (all ages) A storytime designed for children with sensory sensitivities Main Library • Fridays, 10 a.m. Stories with Art (3 to 6 years) Scheben Branch • Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. 5 experience... EVENTS & WORKSHOPS FOR teens To register for Library events online, go to: To register by phone, call 342-BOOK (2665). May New Releases ADULTS The Girl from Summer Hill by Jude Deveraux Aunt Dimity and the Buried Treasure by Nancy Atherton Night Shift: A Novel of MIdnight Texas by Charlaine Harris City of the Lost by Kelley Armstrong Wilde Lake by Laura Lippman The Apartment by Danielle Steel Traces of Guilt by Dee Henderson Troublemaker by Linda Howard Haunted Destiny by Heather Graham The Weekenders by Mary Kay Andrews Boar Island by Nevada Barr Blood Flag by Steve Martini Beyond the Ice Limit by Douglas Preston All Summer Long by Dorothea Benton Frank The Emperor’s Revenge by Clive Cussler TEENS The Hidden Oracle (Trials of Apollo) by Rick Riordan Clash of the Worlds (House of Secrets) by Chris Columbus Invision (Chronicles of Nick) by Sherrilyn Kenyon The Last Star (The Fifth Wave) by Rick Yancey 6 (M) Programs for students in middle school (H) Programs for students in high school Teen Café (M/H) Scheben Branch, Wednesdays, 3:15-4:45 p.m. Florence Branch, Wednesdays, 3:15-4:45 p.m. Main Library, Wednesdays, 3:30-5 p.m. Walton Branch, Wednesdays, 4-5:45 p.m. Drop in for gaming, snacks & more! Young Boone County (H) Tuesday, May 3 Scheben Branch, 6:30-8 p.m. Hang out with other teens and help plan events that give back to your community. Homeschool Hangout (M/H) Wednesday, May 4 Main Library, 2 p.m. School Year Finale and Curriculum Swap! Share something you’ve learned or created over the past school year in a five-minute presentation. May the Fourth Be with You (all ages) Wednesday, May 4 Chapin Memorial Library, 6 p.m. Awaken the Force! Grab a lightsaber and complete your Jedi training. Photography 101 Thursday, May 5 Walton Branch, 4:30 p.m. Learn the basics of photography with Matthew Albritton, Photography Program Coordinator at NKU. Don’t forget your camera (or phone)! Gaming, snacks and more at Teen Café every Wednesday. Free Comic Book Day (all ages) Saturday, May 7, all day All Locations Celebrate Free Comic Book Day by picking up a free comic book at any BCPL location, while supplies last. Thank you to our local sponsor, Comic Book World. The Hangout (grades 4-7) Tuesday, May 10 Chapin Memorial, 4:30 p.m. Games, snacks & more! Yu-gi-oh (grades K-12) Wednesday, May 11 Scheben Branch, 6:30 p.m. The duel is on! Play Yu-gi-oh with other local players. Bring your own deck. No trading, English cards only. ROYAL (Reviewers of Young Adult Literature) (M/H) Monday, May 16 Main Library, 6:30-8 p.m. Read new books before they hit the shelves. Publishers and writers will receive your reviews. Teen Writer Tuesday (H) Tuesday, May 17 Main Library, 6:30-8 p.m. Join us on the third Tuesday of every month to share your work. No experience required! DIY: Cork Planters (M/H) Thursday, May 19 Scheben Branch, 6:30-8 p.m. Create mini succulent planters out of cork that you can showcase on the fridge or in your locker. Registration encouraged. Pokemon (grades K-12) Monday, May 23 Main Library, 6:30 p.m. Catch ‘em all! Bring your own deck or DS; no trading, English cards only. Anime and Manga Club (M/H) Tuesday, May 24 Main Library, 6:30 p.m. Join other otakus for movies, snacks, and kawaii crafts. Read With a Teen Training Thursday, May 26 Scheben Branch, 6-8 p.m. Mandatory training session for all teens interested in volunteering for Read With a Teen, either in the summer or during the school year. Registration and application required. Not Your Grandma’s Cross Stitch (M/H) Thursday, May 26 Main Library, 6:30 p.m. Rude cross stitching with Ally. Come have fun. Or don’t. Teen Night (M/H) Friday, May 27 Florence Branch, 6-8 p.m. Want to hang out after the Library closes? Now is your chance. Pizza, games, and more! All locations closed for Memorial Day. Monday, May 30 Call Kathy Utz at 292-3393 at least one week in advance if special accommodations are needed. discover... CONCERTS @ THE LIBRARY Mark your calendars! May -- July 2016 Concert Schedule Cold Smoke Friday, May 6, Scheben Branch, 7 p.m. These seasoned pros play a great mix of R&B, blues, rock and dance music. They have an extremely tight, dynamic rhythm section and a solid horn section, topped off by excellent singers and have played with some of the finest groups in the area, including The Juke Daddys, The Avenues and Amazing Grace. Queen City Bronze Friday, May 13, Main Library, 7 p.m. This handbell ensemble has presented concerts throughout the tri-state area including performances with the Cincinnati Pops, Blue Ash Symphony, and the Cincinnati Men’s Chorus. Their concerts offer an eclectic mix of musical styles representing jazz, folk, classical, spiritual, and original compositions. Rolling Stone Tribute Show: Tumbling Dice Saturday, June 18, Boone Woods Park 6000 Veterans Way, Burlington, 7 p.m. Tumbling Dice is led by its very own version of The Glimmer Twins – Guy and guitarist and musical director, Dennis Lyons. Together they guide their audience on a thrilling tour-de-force through the Rolling Stones legendary catalog. Never contrived, never choreographed and always a wild ride! Celtic Font Sunday, June 19, Florence Branch, 2 p.m. Fresh from Ireland, this husband and wife duet play traditional Irish/American folk songs and ballads. They have toured in Ireland, Europe, and America and have performed at the Cincinnati Celtic Fest, the Dublin Irish Festival (Ohio), and many other festivals across the country. Classical Guitarist Peter Fletcher Friday, July 15, Scheben Branch, 7 p.m. Peter began guitar study at the age of seven under instructor John Sutherland and made his formal debut at the age of fifteen. In demand as a performer in cultural venues throughout the country, Peter has traveled widely. He made his New York debut at Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in February 2007 and returned in March of 2009. He has released five solo CDs and contributed to numerous projects. Blue Chip City Big Band Saturday, July 16, Boone Woods Park, 7 p.m. This group has been providing music throughout the tri-state for over two decades, performing a variety of musical styles including: big band swing tunes, show tunes, sing-a-long format with lyrics, and traditional jazz. The McCartney Project: Paul McCartney Tribute Band Saturday, July 23, Boone Woods Park, 7 p.m. This is a fun, high-energy show from the opening song through the closing encore. Each song replicates the authentic, iconic sound of Paul McCartney’s music. Leading The McCartney Project is Tony Burlingame. He has been paying tribute to Paul McCartney for years and bears an uncanny resemblance to Sir Paul. His voice, mannerisms and left-handed bass playing along with the very talented McCartney Project band delivers the ultimate McCartney experience. Tony has performed throughout the United States including performances with the premiere Beatles tribute band, “The Fab Four.” Florence Community Band Saturday, July 30, Boone Wood Park, 7 p.m. You’ll hear everything from traditional marches to jazz from this band composed of your friends and neighbors. 7 BCPL Nonprofit U.S. Postage PAID Florence, KY Permit No. 50 Boone County Public Library 1786 Burlington Pike Burlington, Kentucky 41005 Five locations to serve you — one phone number: 859-342-BOOK (2665) Main Library 1786 Burlington Pike, Burlington, KY 41005 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Scheben Branch 8899 US 42, Union, KY 41091 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-5 p.m. Walton Branch 21 South Main, Walton, KY 41094 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Tues. Wed.-Fri. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Votes for Women Kentucky women’s fight for suffrage began long before it was signed into law in 1920. Women’s rights activist Susan B. Anthony visited Kentucky in 1879, to gain the support of Kentucky women. Much earlier, in 1837, widows in Kentucky (this right did not extend to people of color) were entitled vote on behalf of their dead husbands in school district elections. This is widely considered an early landmark in women’s suffrage, but the decision was not final. The Kentucky Legislature repealed women’s school-district voting rights in 1902, then restored them again in 1912. The subject of the larger women’s vote was regularly covered by the press. The Boone County Recorder’s editorial columns often praised the courageous hearts and gentle souls of local ladies, but did not support their right to vote. This flattery did little to quiet the narrative; discussion continued. One editorial contributor to the Recorder in 1902 pointed out the root of the movement, noting the following: “Is it not merely an objection to taxation without representation?” His resolution was to offer the Women’s Florence Branch 7425 US 42, Florence, KY 41042 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Mon.-Thurs. Friday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-5 p.m. by Hillary Delaney, Local History Associate Club of the Grange (agricultural organization) as an outlet for women to exercise voting rights. By 1916, women’s suffrage made the news with even more frequency, but had become a more complicated issue. Often, the women’s suffrage movement was linked to other causes: the temperance movement, child Kentucky Governor Morrow signing the 19th amendment into law, 1920. Kentucky Historical Society Collection labor issues, and adult workers’ rights among them. Many of the same advocates for women’s voting rights were also vocal on these issues and the suffrage movement was rarely mentioned as an independent issue. Prohibition of alcohol was the most divisive of these causes, and often was Chapin Memorial Library 6517 Market St., Petersburg, KY 41080 Noon-8 p.m. Monday Tuesday Noon-6 p.m. Wednesday 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday Noon-8 p.m. Friday Noon-6 p.m. Visit our Digital Branch On display presented as cause for opposition to Florence Branch: Carnival the vote for women. of Cultures by Karen Rich The Boone County Recorder ran a front page opinion piece on NovemScheben Branch: Traveling ber 23, 1916, which had originally Exhibit: Discover Earth run in the Cincinnati Enquirer. The Mystery and MAYhem: unnamed writer pointed out that, Delicious Mysteries given the chance, women would vote based on the “person” while men vote Walton Branch: The Wall with the “community” in mind. He of Life: Success stories from made mention of the social issues the LifeCenter Organ Donor often linked with women’s voting Network rights as those which would affect individuals near and dear to the hearts of women. The article concludes that women gaining the right to vote would ultimately have a negative effect on Would home and family. In 1920, a women’s suffrage you like to convention was held in Boone receive this newsletter County, with the following officers via email? elected: Mrs. Dessie Ryle, president; Or choose to have it mailed to your Mrs. Sallie Bodie, vice president; Mrs. home? Visit our website:, Vida Stephens, secretary and Mrs. Flora Stephens, treasurer. It should be click on Events and sign up. You’ll also find an option to sign up for occasional email mentioned that one of the Stephens’ updates about special events husbands was not in agreement, and new services according to the “Neighborhood at the Library. News” section of the Recorder, but the women pressed ahead, undeterred.
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commit. Please register for this program so we can make accommodations
for everyone. Register for “The Road to Innocence” at
or call 342-Book (2665) and select Scheben Branch.