HMS Pinafore - Jacobs School of Music


HMS Pinafore - Jacobs School of Music
W. S. Gilbert and
Arthur Sullivan
Five Hundred Sixty-Fifth Program of the 2013-14 Season
Indiana University Opera Theater
as its 435th production
H.M.S. Pinafore
Music by
Arthur Sullivan
Libretto by
W. S. Gilbert
Constantine Kitsopoulos, Conductor
Michael Shell, Stage Director and Choreographer
C. David Higgins, Set Designer
Patrick Mero, Lighting Designer
Walter Huff, Chorus Master
Costumes Courtesy of Malabar
Musical Arts Center
Friday, February Twenty-Eighth
Saturday, March First
Friday, March Seventh
Saturday, March Eighth
Eight O’Clock
Cast of Characters
(in order of appearance)
Friday, February 28
Saturday, March 8
Saturday, March 1
Friday, March 7
Sir Joseph Porter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christopher Seefeldt
Christopher Seefeldt
Captain Corcoran. . . . . . . . . . . . . Reuben Walker
Erik Krohg
Ralph Rackstraw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trey Smagur
Benjamin Smith
Dick Deadeye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Connor Lidell
Steven Berlanga
Bill Bobstay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Huyler
Evan Forbes
Bob Becket. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler Henderson
Tyler Henderson
Josephine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olivia Yokers
Tabitha Burchett
Cousin Hebe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madeline Stern
Jessamyn Anderson
Little Buttercup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anna Prokop
Eileen Jennings
Opera Chorus
Walter Huff, Chorus Master
Soprano I
Bridget Conway
Abbey Curzon
Jordan Goodmon
Natalie Martell
Stephanie Sprauer
Synthia Steiman
Soprano II / Mezzo-Soprano
Mallorie Bromer
Gabriela Fagen
Elana Fiorini
Caroline Flett
Bridget Foley
Jasmine Galvez
Vanessa Gehring
Antonia Kitsopoulos
Emily Klink
Christina Whitford
Joshua Clampitt
Darian Clonts
Joe Giovannetti
Connor Hakes
Kole Howie
Benjamin Seiwert
Bradford Thompson
Max Zander
Baritone / Bass
Paul DiGiulio
Colin English
Quinn Galyan
Tyler Henderson
Deiran Manning
David McNeil
Alex Nelson
Julian Reisenthel
On the quarter deck of the H.M.S. Pinafore, sailors are at work cleaning the
ship and singing in preparations for Sir Joseph Porter, First Lord of the Admiralty’s
arrival. Presently, their work is interrupted by the arrival of a Portsmouth woman,
nicknamed Little Buttercup. Her basket is full of tempting wares—snuff, tobacco,
scissors, watches, knives, and ribbons and laces for wives and sweethearts. In spite of
Buttercup’s gay and frivolous exterior, she confesses to a heart burdened with worry
and remorse regarding a young sailor by the name of Ralph Rackstraw.
Young Ralph, “the smartest lad in all the Fleet,” has fallen in love with Josephine,
daughter of his captain on the H.M.S. Pinafore. But Josephine is sought in marriage
by no less than Sir Joseph Porter. Ralph’s love is returned by Josephine, and to her
father’s dismay, she confesses her love for the sailor on board his ship, adding that
though she can esteem, reverence, and venerate Sir Joseph, she cannot under any
circumstances love him. “I hate myself when I think of the depth to which I have
stooped in permitting myself to think tenderly of one so ignobly born—but I love
him! I love him! I love him!” she cries and bursts into tears.
A barge approaches the H.M.S. Pinafore, and from it steps Sir Joseph Porter
himself, accompanied by a collection of ladies, consisting of his sisters, his cousins,
and his aunts. Sir Joseph inspects the crew of H.M.S. Pinafore and in a democratic
speech declares that all men are equal. These sentiments encourage Ralph Rackstraw to
propose to Josephine, who, however, rebukes him for raising his eyes to the daughter
of his commanding officer: “Sir, you forget the disparity of our ranks.” In despair,
Ralph decides to take his life with a pistol to his head, when Josephine intervenes.
“Ah! Stay your hand. I love you!” she tells him, making her confession before the
entire ship’s company. They plan to elope that very night, in spite of objections from
Ralph’s odious mess-mate, Dick Deadeye. He urges Ralph vindictively to “remember
she’s your gallant Captain’s daughter and you the meanest slave that crawls the water.”
But he is shouted down by the rest of the crew, who all side with Ralph and Josephine.
That night on board H.M.S. Pinafore, Sir Joseph expresses to Captain Corcoran
his disappointment with Josephine, who has not responded favorably to his proposals of
marriage. “Josephine is of course sensitive to your condescension, Sir Joseph, but perhaps
your exalted rank dazzles her,” pleads the Captain. So Sir Joseph once again approaches
Josephine, and hoping to further his own cause, he tells her that in his opinion, difference
of social status is no barrier to love. Little does he know how eloquently he has pleaded his
rival’s cause, and Josephine, who was in doubt as to the propriety of eloping with Ralph,
has no qualms now. But Dick Deadeye has warned Captain Corcoran of the intended
elopement, and the Captain arrives in time to prevent it.
Unable to repress his anger, and in front of all Sir Joseph’s female relations,
who have arrived on the scene, he turns on Ralph with: “Damme, it’s too bad!”
Sir Joseph is horrified at the Captain’s bad language and orders him to his cabin
in disgrace; then, turning to Ralph Rackstraw, he inquires in fatherly fashion how
Captain Corcoran came to forget himself. Ralph then admits his love for Josephine,
which enrages Sir Joseph. “Insolent sailor, you shall repent this outrage. Seize him,”
he commands. And Ralph is led off in custody.
At this point, Little Buttercup intervenes with a truly remarkable story. Many
years before, she had been a nanny, and in her charge were two infants; one a wellborn babe, the other of humble origin. Inadvertently she had mixed them up, and
Ralph Rackstraw is really named Corcoran and the Captain is Ralph Rackstraw.
On hearing this revelation, Sir Joseph sends for the two affected parties, and Ralph
enters dressed in Captain’s uniform, and Captain Corcoran as a common sailor.
Addressing Captain Corcoran, Sir Joseph says, “I need not tell you that after this
change in your condition, my marriage with your daughter is out of the question.”
The Captain protests in Sir Joseph’s own words that “Love levels all ranks.” “It does
to a considerable extent, but it does not level them as much as that,” says Sir Joseph
crushingly. Handing Josephine to Ralph, Sir Joseph admonishes him to treat her
kindly, and the curtain falls on general rejoicing and a finale in which all the best
tunes are repeated and which finishes on a patriotic note in praise of Englishmen.
Program Notes
H.M.S. Pinafore: A Class Act
by Laura Dallman
When H.M.S. Pinafore premiered on May 5, 1878, at the Opéra Comique
in London, nothing predicted the extent of its forthcoming success. Gilbert and
Sullivan had received significant attention with Trial by Jury in 1875 but had yet to
become household names outside of Britain. Pinafore became their first international
hit, with pirated versions of the show playing in America and Australia less than year
after it opened in London. On the surface, Pinafore is meant to be light and fun,
yet a performance of Pinafore can also deliver something more than entertainment.
Underneath their humor, Gilbert and Sullivan provide an ironic commentary,
offering the viewer the opportunity to think about heavier issues in a friendly forum.
Pinafore tells the story of Ralph Rackstraw, a sailor in the Royal Navy,
and Josephine, a captain’s daughter. Although the lovers are separated by class
and professional rank, an offhand remark by Sir Joseph Porter, the First Lord of
the Admiralty and Josephine’s intended fiancée, sets them on course to wed. His
proclamation in Act II that “love is a platform upon which all ranks meet” essentially
creates his own nuptial demise. By declaring that love has no social or professional
boundaries, Porter’s character defies social differences that had become important to
British citizens particularly after the advent of the Industrial Revolution.
In the world of the H.M.S. Pinafore, Ralph, a foremast hand, would have
certainly been in a lower social class than a captain’s daughter. Additionally, as a
commissioned officer of the Royal Navy, a captain would have held a much higher
professional rank. His daughter would be expected to marry a man of at least equal
rank. Yet while the Captain and Ralph are clearly members of separate social spheres,
Gilbert and Sullivan provide an ironic commentary through the characters’ singing.
Ralph’s music is often more complex than the Captain’s. His first entrance includes
two numbers back-to-back, the second of which, “A Maiden Fair to See,” features a
chromatic melodic line. The accompanying harmony uses several colorful chords,
suggesting that Ralph has a rich musical vocabulary. His musical capability also shines
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We hope you enjoy the performance.
in the trio “A British Tar.” Though Ralph’s melody here is not as chromatic, his arching
phrases and the varying textures of the trio provide musical interest. It is also noteworthy
that this trio of sailors is musically proficient enough to sing a capella.
In contrast, Captain Corcoran and Sir Joseph both have rather simplistic songs.
In both “I Am the Captain of the Pinafore” and “When I Was a Lad,” the melody
features repeated notes. This patter draws on the tradition of characters like the
servant Leporello in Don Giovanni and is certainly meant to be more comical than
Ralph’s melodies. The harmonic progressions are less colorful too. The duple meter
and even rhythm of Sir Joseph’s “When I was a Lad” also follow the pattern of a
hornpipe, a dance often associated with ordinary, not commissioned, seamen.
Thus the music in these few songs flips social norms. The Captain and Sir Joseph
sing like ordinary sailors, and Ralph sings like an accomplished musician. To a discerning
audience, these differences might spark the question of what defines social class. Is it
lineage? Is it education? Consider also the biography of Sir Joseph: “When I Was a Lad”
chronicles his rise from an office boy to a member of Parliament and ultimately to the
First Lord of the Admiralty, indicating that upward mobility is possible. One is not
necessarily confined to a particular social class for the entirety of his life.
This certainly makes the question of class messier and gives one plenty to
contemplate. And perhaps that is exactly what Gilbert and Sullivan mean for us to
do: muse on the subject of class. With its comical characters and situations, Pinafore
is a harmless medium, allowing the audience an opportunity for enjoyment. Yet it
can also serve as a safe place to explore heavier issues of class, issues that were certainly
significant in 1878 and that can still confront us in our society today.
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Artistic Staff
Constantine Kitsopoulos has made a name for himself as a conductor
whose musical experiences comfortably span the worlds of opera and
symphony—where he conducts in such venues as Carnegie Hall,
Avery Fisher Hall, and Royal Albert Hall—and musical theater, where
he can be found leading orchestras on Broadway. Kitsopoulos is in his
sixth year as music director of the Queens Symphony Orchestra and
continues as general director of Chatham Opera, which he founded in 2005. He serves
as music director of the Festival of the Arts BOCA, a multi-day cultural arts event for
South Florida, and was most recently appointed artistic director of the OK Mozart
Festival, Oklahoma’s premier music festival.
Highlights of his 2012-13 season include engagements with the New Jersey
Symphony and North Carolina Symphony, as well as the Boca Raton Symphonia in a
performance of Beethoven’s Eighth Symphony. A frequent guest conductor at Indiana
University, he has led the IU Symphony Orchestra in a performance of Schumann’s
Fourth Symphony and IU Opera Theater in a production of Verdi’s Falstaff. In the
summer of 2012, Kitsopoulos returned to the OK Mozart Festival, Houston Symphony,
and the Philadelphia Orchestra at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center.
His 2011-12 season included appearances at the Ravinia and Sun Valley
festivals, Atlanta Symphony, Dallas Symphony, Little Orchestra Society (N.Y.), and
the Saratoga Performing Arts Center with the Philadelphia Orchestra. Highlights
of his 2010-11 season included debuts with the Dallas, North Carolina, Charlotte,
and Tucson symphonies and the OK Mozart Festival. In recent seasons, Kitsopoulos
made debuts with the Tokyo Philharmonic and the Russian National Orchestra.
He has also led the Baltimore, Colorado, Detroit, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, and San
Francisco symphony orchestras, as well as the Calgary Philharmonic, National Arts
Centre Orchestra, Blossom Festival Orchestra, and the New York Pops Orchestra at
Carnegie Hall.
In addition to his symphonic work, Kitsopoulos maintains a busy opera
schedule. In the 2011-12 season, he conducted IU Opera Theater’s production
of Bolcom’s A View from the Bridge. In 2010-11, he conducted productions of La
Bohème at Baldwin-Wallace College and Die Fledermaus at IU Opera Theater, where
he first appeared with a 2008-09 production of The Most Happy Fella. Previous
seasons’ operatic highlights include the Dicapo Opera Theatre’s productions of The
Merry Widow, Gounod’s Faust, and all three versions of Puccini’s Madame Butterfly,
Chatham Opera’s debut production of Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors, Hong
Kong Municipal Opera’s production of Carmen in both Hong Kong and Beijing,
and Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice at Alice Tully Hall. Kitsopoulos also served as music
director and created the orchestrations for the world premiere production of Ed
Dixon’s Fanny Hill at the Goodspeed Opera House in Connecticut.
Kitsopoulos has also continued to show his ability and interest in performing
new works and conducting a wide variety of genres. He conducted the Red Bull
Artsehcro, an orchestra consisting of students from the top conservatories and
university music programs in the country, in a concert at Carnegie Hall featuring a
program of world premieres by Raul Yanez and Laura Karpman.
In addition to his orchestral and classical commitments, he is much in demand
as a theater conductor, both on Broadway and nationwide. He most recently
served as music director and conductor of The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess, the Tony
Award-winning Broadway musical revival featuring Audra McDonald and Norm
Lewis, which ran until September 2012. Prior to that, Kitsopoulos was conductor
and musical director of the Tony-nominated musical A Catered Affair, the Tonynominated musical Coram Boy, and the American Conservatory Theatre’s production
of Kurt Weill’s Happy End, for which he recorded the cast album at Skywalker Ranch.
Other musical theater highlights include serving as music director and principal
conductor of Baz Luhrmann’s highly acclaimed production of Puccini’s La Bohème,
conducting the new musical Mambo Kings in San Francisco, serving as music director
of Frank Wildhorn’s Dracula and Les Misérables, and conducting Matthew Bourne’s
Broadway production of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake.
His most recent recording is the Grammy Award-winning original Broadway
cast album of the Tony Award-winning The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess, released in May
2012 on P. S. Classics. His first recording, Baz Luhrmann’s production of La Bohème,
is available on Dreamworks. Also available are recordings of Happy End, the only
English language recording of the work, and an original Broadway cast recording of
A Catered Affair on P. S. Classics.
Kitsopoulos studied conducting with his principal teacher Vincent La Selva, as
well as Gustav Meier, Sergiu Commissiona, and Semyon Bychkov. He studied piano
with Marienka Michna, Chandler Gregg, Ed Edson, and Sophia Rosoff.
Stage Director and Choreographer
After making his directorial debut in 2006, Michael Shell has
directed for Atlanta Opera, Pittsburgh Opera, Michigan Opera
Theater, Virginia Opera, Piedmont Opera, Opera Tampa, Opera
Omaha, The A. J. Fletcher Opera Institute, and Opera Theatre of St.
Louis (OTSL). He made his international directing debut at the
Wexford Festival Opera in 2010 with a production of Winners by
American composer Richard Wargo and returned the next fall to direct Double
Trouble—Trouble in Tahiti & The Telephone.
Shell has written and directed three cabarets, including All About Love and The
Glamorous Life —A group therapy session for Opera Singers, both for Opera Theatre of
Saint Louis.
He has been a guest faculty member at the North Carolina School of the Arts,
Florida State University, and Webster University St. Louis teaching Opera Workshop
and directing Undergraduate Opera Workshop performances.
He was the 2009 honoree of the OTSL Charles MacKay Career Development
Fund and recently won the Best Director/Best Opera Wilde Award in Michigan for
Giulio Cesare at Michigan Opera Theatre.
f a s i n d y. o r g
Last summer, he directed scenes for the Young Artist Program at Santa Fe
Opera and will return this summer to direct scenes and assistant direct Dr. Sun Yatsen. Upcoming engagements include The Barber of Seville, co-produced by Opera
Philadelphia and Opera Theatre of Saint Louis; Gianni Schicchi and Pagliacci, coproduced by Mississippi Opera and Young Artist Scenes Program at Santa Fe Opera;
L’italiana in Algieri, Opera San Jose; and Fidelio, Opera Omaha.
Set Designer
Born in Bloomington, Ind., and raised not two blocks from campus,
C. David Higgins started his theatrical studies at IU intent on
becoming an actor/dancer before he discovered his love for scenic
design. He studied with the famous C. Mario Cristini and became
proficient in the Romantic-Realist style of scenic design and painting.
After earning his master’s degree, he joined the staff of Indiana
University Opera Theater and worked there as master scenic artist from the time the
Musical Arts Center opened in 1971 until his retirement in December 2011. He was
appointed to the faculty in 1976 and served as chair of the Opera Studies Department
and principal designer for Opera Theater. His design credits throughout the United
States include the San Antonio Festival, Memphis Opera, Norfolk Opera, Louisville
Opera, Detroit Symphony, Canton Ballet, and Sarasota Ballet, as well as many other
venues. His Indiana University productions have been seen throughout North
America as rentals by major regional opera companies. His many international credits
include the Icelandic National Theater; Ballet San Juan de Puerto Rico; Korean
National Opera; Seoul City Opera; Korean National Ballet; Dorset Opera (England);
Teatro la Paz de Belém, Brazil; and the Teatro National de São Paulo, Brazil. He has
designed the scenery for the world première of Our Town (Ned Rorem), the American
premières of Jeppe (Sandström) and The Devils of Loudun (Penderecki), and the
collegiate premières of Nixon in China (Adams) and The Ghosts of Versailles
(Corigliano), as well as many other operas and ballets. Known for his Italianate
painting style, Opera News magazine has referred to Higgins as one of the finest
American scenic artists today.
Lighting Designer
Patrick Mero is the head of lighting for Indiana University Opera
and Ballet Theater. He has designed the lighting for Don Giovanni,
Albert Herring, La Bohème, Tosca, L’Italiana in Algeri, West Side Story,
Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Suor Angelica, and Gianni Schicchi. He has
done extensive design work for the Jacobs School of Music Ballet
Department and the African American Art Institute’s Dance
Ensemble. In addition to his work on the Musical Arts Center stage, Mero’s designs
have been seen in several Cardinal Stage Company productions, including, most
recently, All My Sons, Romeo and Juliet, The Grapes of Wrath, The Diary of Anne Frank,
and Inherit the Wind. Mero originally hails from Charleston, S.C., but calls
Bloomington home.
East by
Spring Ballet
Photo by Paul B. Goode, courtesy of the Paul Taylor Dance Company
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Donizetti Variations
Chorus Master
Along with his responsibilities as professor of choral conducting and
faculty director of opera choruses at the Jacobs School of Music,
Walter Huff continues his duties as Atlanta Opera chorus master. He
has been chorus master for The Atlanta Opera since 1988, preparing
the chorus in more than 100 productions, receiving critical acclaim in
the United States and abroad. Huff received his Bachelor of Music
degree from the Oberlin Conservatory and his Master of Music degree from Peabody
Conservatory (Johns Hopkins). He studied piano with Sarah Martin, Peter Takacs, and
Lillian Freundlich, and voice with Flore Wend. After serving as a fellow at Tanglewood
Music Center, Huff received Tanglewood’s C. D. Jackson Master Award for Excellence.
He served as coach with the Peabody Opera Theatre and Washington Opera, and has
been musical director for The Atlanta Opera Studio, Georgia State University Opera,
and Actor’s Express (Atlanta, Ga.). He also has worked as chorus master with San Diego
Opera. Huff served on the faculty at Georgia State University for four years as assistant
professor, guest lecturer, and conductor for the Georgia State University Choral Society.
Recently, he was one of four Atlanta artists chosen for the first Loridans Arts Awards,
given to Atlanta artists who have made exceptional contributions to the arts life of
Atlanta over a long period of time. While serving as chorus master for The Atlanta
Opera, Huff has been the music director for The Atlanta Opera High School Opera
Institute, a nine-month training program for talented, classically trained high school
singers. He has served as chorus master for the IU Opera productions of Don Giovanni,
The Merry Widow, Akhnaten, Le Nozze di Figaro, and Lady Thị Kính. In addition, he
maintains a busy vocal coaching studio in Atlanta.
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11, 12
Conductor Joseph Rescigno
Stage Director Jeffrey Buchman
Set Designer
Cameron Anderson
Costume Designer Linda Pisano
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Leave your expectations at the door, and
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For tickets, visit the Musical Arts Center
Box Office: (812) 855-7433, or go online to
Cast Biogaphies
Sir Joseph Porter
Christopher Seefeldt is a junior pursuing a degree in vocal performance
from the Jacobs School of Music as well as a degree in Germanic studies
from the College of Arts and Sciences. This is Seefeldt’s first principal role
with IU Opera Theater (IUOT), but he has previously performed in the
choruses of La Bohème, Candide, Don Giovanni, Cendrillon, Xerxes, and Le
Nozze di Figaro, and will appear in the chorus of La Traviata this spring. In
addition to his work with IUOT, he has served as bass soloist for the Jacobs Symphonic Choir
performance of Michael Haydn’s Missa Sancti Gabrielis, premiered the role of Joseph in Kevin
Garza’s opera What We Learn in Between with New Voices Opera this past fall, and was a
member of the Verdi Requiem chorus conducted by David Effron last spring. Seefeldt is from
Avon, Ind., and is a student of Timothy Noble.
Captain Corcoran
Baritone Erik Krohg, a native of Bloomington, Minn., is making his IU
Opera Theater debut. He is an associate instructor of voice at IU, where he
is pursuing his Master of Music in Voice Performance as a student of
Timothy Noble. Krohg earned a Bachelor of Music Summa Cum Laude in
Vocal Performance from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn., where he
studied with Peter Halverson and was a member of and soloist with the
Concordia Choir. At Concordia, he was heard as Jesus in Bach’s St. Matthew Passion and as a
baritone soloist in Carmina Burana. He also performed Mahler’s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen
with chamber orchestra. In 2011, Krohg performed as the baritone soloist in a performance of
Rene Clausen’s Memorial with the Northern Symphony Orchestra with the composer
conducting. Krohg has performed in several productions with the Fargo-Moorhead Opera
Company, including Il Barbiere di Siviglia, in which he performed the role of Fiorello. In 2013,
he was an associate fellow at the Tanglewood Music Center, where he performed in Benjamin
Britten’s Curlew River and Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas under the direction of Mark Morris
and conducted by Stefan Asbury.
Reuben Walker is a second-year master’s student at the Jacobs School of
Music. His performances on the IU Opera Theater stage include Pandolfe in
Massenet’s Cendrillon and le Bailli in Werther. In spring 2013, he premiered
the role of Richard Nixon with New Voices Opera in Chappell Kingsland’s
Intoxication: America’s Love Affair with Oil. He is currently touring with IU’s
outreach program Roundabout Opera for Kids performing the dual role of
El Duende and Payador in Piazolla’s Maria de Buenos Aires. This summer, he performed
Guglielmo in Così fan tutte with Pacific Lutheran University’s Summer Opera Festival. Walker
completed his undergraduate degree at Western Washington.
Ralph Rackstraw
Trey Smagur is a master’s student studying with Carlos Montane. He has been
seen recently at IU in the Deborah Voigt master class in October 2013, as well
as in the opera chorus of Cendrillion by Massenet and Xerxes by Handel.
Smagur has also been a featured artist with the Northwest Georgia Winds on
multiple occasions and recently performed with the IU Symphonic Band. He
has performed a variety of roles in his undergraduate career, spanning from
Shrek in Shrek the Musical to Tamino in Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte.
Tenor Benjamin Aaron Smith is pursuing his Master of Music in Voice
Performance at the Jacobs School of Music. He is a native of Evansville,
Ind., and has appeared in IU Opera Theater’s production of Bernstein’s
Candide as Charles Edward and in Lehár’s Die Lustige Witwe as Kromow.
Other credits at IU Opera Theater include ensembles for Die Lustigen Weiber
von Windsor, Die Zauberflöte, Faust, Così fan tutte, La Bohème, Falstaff, and
Le Nozze di Figaro. He has also participated in the Bay View Music Festival, appearing as
Gherardo in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi and in Ching’s Buoso’s Ghost. Smith has appeared in the
Arts in August concert series and Tower Concert Series in Evansville. He was a national finalist
representing the East Central Region in the Music Teacher’s National Association Young Artist
Competition. He has earned accolades including at the National Association of Teachers of
Singing State Competition, where he received first place (twice), second place (once), and third
place (once); the Schmidt Youth Awards, where he received third place and two second-place
awards; the Jerry Hoover Award; and the Audience Favorite Award. Smith is treasurer for the
IU chapter of the Student National Association of Teachers of Singing, and business manager
for New Voices Opera. He holds a Bachelor of Music in Voice Performance from the Jacobs
School and is a student of Brian Horne.
Dick Deadeye
Steven Berlanga comes to the Jacobs School of Music from Salinas, Calif.
He is in his first year pursuing a Doctor of Music in Choral Conducting,
and is studying voice with Robert Harrison. He received a Master of Music
in Choral Conducting from the University of Cincinnati (UC)-College
Conservatory of Music, a bachelor’s degree in voice from California State
University–Long Beach (CSULB), and an A.A. in Music from Cabrillo
College. During his studies, Berlanga has served as director of the UC Cabaret Singers, the
CSULB Women’s Chorus, Dolce of the Cabrillo Youth Chorus, and chorus master at the
Opera Institute–Bob Cole Conservatory of Music. Berlanga also works with Steve Zegree and
the Singing Hoosiers. He is performing in his first IU Opera production.
Connor Lidell is a junior vocal performance major at the Jacobs School of
Music. He is from Arlington, Texas, and is performing in his fourth named
role on the MAC stage. Studying with Andreas Poulimenos, he has appeared
recently in Philip Glass’s Akhnaten as a Priest and as Bartolo in Le Nozze di
Figaro. He has also performed with New Voices Opera, a student group at
IU producing new operas, as Charlie in Chappell Kingsland’s Intoxication:
America’s Love Affair with Oil. He is preparing to perform at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall
in March with the IU choir NOTUS: Contemporary Vocal Ensemble.
Bill Bobstay
Baritone Evan Forbes is a sophomore at the Jacobs School of Music. He is a native of
Sacramento, Calif., and is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Music in Voice Performance. This is
his first role with IU Opera Theater. Previously, he has appeared in the choruses of Cendrillon,
Xerxes, and The Marriage of Figaro. He is a student of Timothy Noble.
A native of Florham Park, N.J., baritone William Huyler makes his solo
debut with the IU Opera Theater in this production of H.M.S. Pinafore. His
growing list of performing credits includes appearing in the ensemble of IU
Opera Theater’s 2013 production of Xerxes, as baritone soloist with the
International Vocal Ensemble, and in the ensemble of the IU Summer
Festival Chorus production of Dido and Aeneas. He currently serves as
president of the student chapter of the American Choral Directors Association at IU and is
conductor of the Voices of the World Children’s Choir at United Presbyterian Church in
Bloomington, Ind. Huyler is a third-year undergraduate student pursuing a Bachelor of Choral
Music Education with a minor in ethnomusicology. He is a student of Marietta Simpson.
Bob Becket
Tyler Henderson is a versatile actor and singer who is comfortable in a wide
variety of musical and theatrical environments. Having begun his
performance studies at a young age, he continued these pursuits into his
undergraduate years at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where he
studied voice, acting, and stage combat. He currently studies voice with
Andreas Poulimenos at the Jacobs School of Music, where he is serving as an
associate instructor of voice. In the fall of 2011, he was seen as Schaunard in IU Opera’s
production of La Bohème. He was a finalist for the Merola Program with San Francisco Opera.
In 2013, he was seen as Ariodate in IU Opera’s production of Xerxes under the baton of Gary
Wedow, Silvio in I Pagliacci with Opera Experience Southeast, and most recently, in the title
role of IU Opera’s production of Le Nozze di Figaro under the direction of Arthur Fagen. His
concert performances include the Brahms Requiem, Handel’s Messiah, The Five Mystical Songs
by Vaughan-Williams, and the Lord Nelson Mass by Haydn.
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Though she began her musical studies as a violinist, soprano Tabitha
Burchett has found a home in the vocal world. A first-year master’s student
at the Jacobs School of Music, she recently graduated from the Wheaton
College Conservatory of Music (Wheaton, Ill.). During her undergraduate
work, she performed a variety of roles including Gretel (Hansel and Gretel),
Lily (The Secret Garden), and Mabel (The Pirates of Penzance). She won the
Vocal Concerto Competition and sang the soprano solo of the Mozart Requiem with Wheaton’s
combined choirs and orchestra. Burchett, from Terre Haute, Ind., has been privileged to work
with greats such as Cynthia Hoffman of The Juilliard School, conductor John Nelson, and
pianist and vocal coach Martin Katz. At IU, Burchett is continuing her vocal studies with
Heidi Grant Murphy. She enjoyed performing Libby Larsen’s Sonnets from the Portuguese in
December with IU’s New Music Ensemble. H.M.S. Pinafore marks her IU Opera Theater
Soprano Olivia Yokers, a native of Hamilton, Ohio, is in her fourth year of
undergraduate studies in voice performance at the Jacobs School of Music.
At IU, she has appeared as LoLo in The Merry Widow, a daughter in
Ahknaten, and as one of the wedding singers in The Marriage of Figaro. She
also performed with the IU Opera Chorus in its productions of La Bohème
and Candide. As a 2014 member of Roundabout Opera for Kids under the
direction of Kim Carballo, Yokers will perform the role of Maria in Maria de Buenos Aires at
high schools in the Bloomington area. In 2012, she won the title of Cincinnati Opera Idol and
was a member of the Cincinnati Opera chorus for the 2012 and 2013 seasons. In 2013, she
was awarded first place at the Indianapolis Musicale competition and the Dayton Opera Guild
competition. Yokers is a student of Alice Hopper.
Cousin Hebe
Soprano Jessamyn Anderson, a Carmel, Ind., native, is a junior pursuing a
Bachelor of Music in Voice Performance. At IU, she has performed the roles
of Margot in The Merry Widow and Mooch in the world premiere of Mooch
the Magnificent, an outreach production of Roundabout Opera for Kids.
Anderson attended Opera in the Ozarks young artist program last summer,
where she was a studio artist. There, she performed the roles of Fairy
Godmother and Tisbe, an ugly stepsister, in an outreach production of Cinderella and the role
of Isabel in Pirates of Penzance. Other favorite past roles include Mrs. Dolly Levi in Hello, Dolly!
and Aunt Eller in Oklahoma! She is a frequent soloist with the Indiana Wind Symphony at the
Palladium in Carmel, Ind., and will be performing with them again in August and December.
Anderson is a Herbert Presidential Scholar, a Founders Scholar, and a Dean’s Talent Scholarship
recipient at IU. She is a student of Scharmal Schrock.
Soprano Madeline Stern is a senior voice performance major studying with
Andreas Poulimenos. She was last seen on the MAC stage in the ensemble of
Verdi’s Falstaff. This past summer, she performed the role of Esther in the
new operetta Esther, Sweet Esther. She has performed in many IU ensembles,
including the University Singers and Opera Chorus, and as a soloist with the
Singing Hoosiers. Originally from New York, she has performed many
regional musical theatre roles. H.M.S. Pinafore is her opera debut.
Little Buttercup
Eileen Jennings is a mezzo-soprano from Cleveland, Miss., and studies with
Patricia Havranek as she works toward the Doctor of Music in Voice
Performance degree. Jennings has performed with IU Opera Theater in
Falstaff as Dame Quickly, Cendrillon as Madame de la Haltiere, Albert
Herring as Florence Pike, She loves Me as Ilona Ritter, and The Love for Three
Oranges as Princess Clarissa. She performed the role of Mother Goose in
Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress at the Princeton Festival in Princeton, N.J. She is committed to
her community, spending summers teaching young musicians ages 4 to 18 in the Mississippi
Delta at the Janice Wyatt Mississippi Summer Arts Institute, a program she attended from its
inception for eight years. During her tenure as a student there, she performed in Grease as Betty
Rizzo, Anything Goes as Bonnie, A Secret Garden as Rose Lennox, A Chorus Line as Diana
Morales, and Little Shop of Horrors as Audrey.
Mezzo-soprano Anna Prokop is a Maryland native who received her
bachelor’s degree in music from The Boston Conservatory. At IU Opera
Theater, she performed the role of one of Les Esprits in Massenet’s Cendrillon
and a daughter in the IU premiere of Phillip Glass’s Akhnaten. She sang the
role of the Sorceress in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas with the IU Summer
Festival Chorus. Highlights from her undergraduate degree include Suzy in
Puccini’s La Rondine, Amastre (cover) in Handel’s Xerxes, and the Sandman in Hansel and
Gretel. Choral solos include alto soloist in Haydn’s Theresienmesse and alto soloist in Brahms’
Liebeslieder and Neue Liebeslieder waltzes. Prokop is a student of Marietta Simpson.
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University Orchestra
Violin I
Dechopol Kowintaweewat
Elan Sapir
Filip Filipov
Gaia Ramsdell
Ran Cheng
Esther Roestan
Christi Park
Khelsey Zarraga
Hee Yeon Kim
Ari Fisher
Violin II
Joseph Ohkubo
Megan Zapfe
Jihye Choi
Lara Madden
Jiale Peng
Carina Parker
Lydia Cho
Masashi Iida
Ines Molares
Emily Owsinski
Joshua Hunton
Robert Pile
Erik Thorstensen
Benjamin Wagner
Jae Choi
Sarah Song
Kamyron Williams
Keeon Guzman
Hee Ye Kim
Mercedes Lysaker
Oliver Huebscher
Laurel Roseborrough
Nathaniel Olson
Jack Henning
Zachary Ward
Patricia Wallinga
Daniel Coffman
Patrick Chappell
Melissa Mashner
Karen Baumgartner,
Kristina Ruis
Lindsey Cavanaugh
Tyler Willis
Heng-Ling Wang
Shannon Walsh
Kevin Johnson
Emilie Mitchell
Timothy Perry
Orchestra Manager
Paul Hauer
Benjamin Wagner, Asst.
Orchestra Set-Up
Benjamin Wagner
Hee Yeon Kim
Masashi Iida
Shannon Walsh
Mariel Stauff
Student Production Staff
Assistant Conductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholas Hersh
Associate Chorus Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mason Copeland
Assistant Chorus Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jaeeun Kim
Coach/Accompanists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Davies, Sarah Hoffmeister
Opera Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hallie Stebbins
Head Fly Person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nate Bleecker
Deck Supervisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lindsey Hubble, Allen Karel, Eric Schulze
Deck Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Josiah Brown, Ashlee Bullers, Elliot Edwards
Rachael Fernandez, Isaac Fink, Taylor Gaby,
David Gordon-Johnson, Alexandria Heston, Hafsah Khan
Chris Kosiak, Mercedes Lysaker, Morgan McDowell
Drew Merz, Jacob Morehead, Rose Neukam, Lindsey Rector
Kyle Resener, Marie Richardson, Rosa Schaefer
Sarah Schaefer, Joe Schweitzer, Jonathon Smith
Gytis Starinskas, Casey Stone, Kathyrn Vanderbosch
Electrics Supervisors . . . . . . . . . . . Patrick Clark, Sao Parker, Caitlin Watkins
Electrics Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clayton Hicks, Matt Hughes, Alexis Jarson
Greg McCracken, Chris Murphy, Nicole Parker
Topher Rohrer, June Tomastic
Venxia Wagner, Betsy Wray
Props Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caroline Benton
Paint Supervisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brendon Marsh, Christa Ruiz
Paint Crew . . . . . . . . . . . Hannah Brammer, Alex Benson, Ross Coughanour
Lynne Glick, Margaret Hensley, Amber McKoy
Andrew Richardson, Michael Schuler
Wig, Hair, and Makeup Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara Abbott
Costume Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simone Chanley, Jason Eck, Rachel Evans
Grace Koury, Lizz Mattingly, Josh Mollman
Keith Schwartz, Molly Stover
Audio/Video Production Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Brophy, Jessica Mann
Michael Steinbrenner
Jacobs School of Music Honor Roll
Calendar Year 2013
Individual, Corporate, and Foundation Supporters
The Jacobs School of Music wishes to recognize those individuals, corporations, and
foundations who have made contributions to the School between January 1, 2013, and
December 31, 2013. Those listed here are among the Jacobs School’s most dedicated and
involved benefactors, and it is their outstanding generosity that enables the IU Jacobs
School of Music to continue to be the finest institution of its kind in the nation.
$1,000,000 and Up
The Estate of Barbara M. Jacobs
$100,000 - $999,999
Gary and Kathy Anderson
The Estate of Jean R. Branch
David H. Jacobs
William E. and Cynthia L. Simon
Louise L. Bass
Jean Creek and Doris Shoultz-Creek
Michael C. Donaldson
Luba Dubinsky
Chris Fan
Mary Kratz Gasser
Rusty and Ann Harrison
James R. Hasler
Ruth Johnson
Timothy W. Kittleson
Peter and Monika Kroener
Shalin C. Liu
P.A. Mack
James F. Mellichamp
Lou and Sybil Mervis
Kolya Panhuyzen
Maria Partlow
Shawn S. Pelton
Leonard Phillips and Mary Wennerstrom
Carl D. Repp*
S. Sue Aramian
Theodore and Marilyn Batterman
Hank J. and Susan Cartland-Bode
Thomas and Catharine Buck
J. Peter Burkholder and P. Douglas
Jack and Pamela Burks
R. Park and Louise F. Carmon
William and Kathleen Decker
The Estate of Eleanor R. Fell
Jay and Karen Goodgold
Richard and Alice Johnson
Donald and Charlene Allen
Susan H. Backer
C. Matthew Balensuela
Robert Barker and Patsy Fell-Barker
Brian M. Barnicle
Marian K. Bates
Franklin and Linda Bengtson
David and Gina Boonshoft
Roberta Brokaw
Carol V. Brown
Jeffrey C. Brown
J.P. and Barbara Carver
Scott and Marcella Caulfield
Jerald and Megan Chester
Mark S. Cobb
John and Carol Cornwell
Donald and Patricia* Danielson
David DePeters and Elizabeth Hainen
Jay and Jacqueline Dickinson
Gary and Sandra Dowty
Stephany A. Dunfee
Stephen A. Ehrlich
Thomas and Ellen Ehrlich
Jorja Fleezanis
Ramona R. Fox
Janie M. Fricke
Frank and Suzanne Gault
Paul and Ellen Gignilliat
Monroe A. Gilbert
Jack and Linda Gill
John and Susan Graham
James and Roberta Graham
Theodore C. Grams*
Walter Greenough
Marshall J. Grossack
Souheil and Alejandra Haddad
Rajih and Darlene Haddawi
Dale C. Hedding
Bernhard C. Heiden*
William G. Henry
J. Stanley and Alice Hillis
Leland and Donna Horrall
Lawrence and Celeste Hurst
Jeffrey S. Jepsen
Robert and Lisa Jones
Kenneth and Linda Kaczmarek
Thomas and Gail Kasdorf
John Kincaid and Mary Soper
Carolyn L. Knapton
George and Cathy Korinek
Thomas and Theresa Kulb
Dennis and Judith Leatherman
$10,000 - $99,999
Stephen Russell and Mag Cole Russell
Virginia Schmucker*
John Schwab and Judith Hansen-Schwab
John and Lorna Seward
Linda Shortridge
Janet S. Smith
Robert D. Sullivan
Mimi Zweig
$5,000 - $9,999
Katherine C. Lazerwitz
Lawrence Myers
Jon A. Olson
Stanley E. Ransom
Susan J. Slaughter
Charles and Lisa Surack
$1,000 - $4,999
Robert and Sara LeBien
Jeanette C. Marchant
Richard and Susan Marshall
Patrick and Marianne McCall
Darby A. McCarty
Beverly A. McGahey
Clarence and Nancy Miller
John and Geraldine Miller
James and Jacqueline Morris
Craig C. Morris
James Neff and Susan Jacobs-Neff
Gary and Susan Noonan
Daniel and Misty Novak
Eugene O’Brien
Joan C. Olcott
Ora H. Pescovitz
Lamar E. Peterson
Dyan Peterson and Sarah Bullen
Gary and Christine Potter
George and Wendy Powell
Roy and Marlene Rapp
Edward and Lois Rath
Nancy P. Rayfield
Robert and Joy Renshaw
Joseph Rezits and Norma BeversdorfRezits
Gwyn and Barbara Richards
John and Donna Sasse
Scharmal K. Schrock
Richard C. Searles
Harold and Jeannette Segel
Robert and Sandra Sherman
Curtis and Aimee Shirley
Jefferson S. Shreve and Mary T. Kelley
C. William and Christine Shriner
Curtis and Judith Simic
James B. Sinclair
Gerald and Joanne Solomon
Fredric and Roberta Somach
William C. Spence
Beth Stoner
Ellen Strommen
Linda Strommen
Mark A. Sudeith
Mark and Beth Taylor
Susan C. Thrasher
James and Ruth Allen
Robert Althauser and Mary Goetze
Ann C. Anderson
Niel and Donna Armstrong
Charles and Margaret Athey
Linda A. Baker
David Y. Bannard
David Barnes and Jill Taylor-Barnes
Brett and Amy Battjer
Frederick and Beth Behning
Douglass and Ruth Boshkoff
Schuyler and Mary Buck
Carolyn A. Buckley
Sean and Geraldine Christie
Jonathan D. Chu
Miriam S. Clarke
James and Carol Clauser
J. Neal Cox
Ralph E. Daum
Thomas and Marian Drake
Sandra Elkins
Ezra and Linda Friedlander
Lawrence D. Glaubinger
Mary A. Gray
Stephen and Jo Ham
Laura B. Hentges
Allan Hershfield and Alexandra Young
Jolaine L. Hill
Elwood and Carol Hillis
Larry and Susan Hodapp
Rona Hokanson
William and Karol Hope
Chester Hublar
Nancy O. Hublar
Robert J. Hublar
Masanori and Seiko Igarashi
Marilyn J. Keiser
Marilyn J. Kloss
John and Nancy Korzec
Scott R. Latzky
Eric and Rebecca Lightcap
Michael Lynch and Emilia Martins
Carmen J. McGrae
Ralph and Shirley Melton
Emanuel and Kathleen Mickel
Matthew and Maryann Mindrum
Susan L. Adams
George Alter and Elyce Rotella
Paula J. Amrod
Vincent and Kaylene Arizzi
Kenneth and Elizabeth Aronoff
James F. Ault
Sandra C. Balmer
Charles and Gladys Bartholomew
John and Paula Bates
Lanelle B. Blanton
Myron and Susan Bloom
Christopher and Ruth Borman
Elizabeth M. Brannon
Montgomery and Mary Brown
Brayton W. Brunkhurst
Aaron M. Burkhart
David Burkhart and Chris Holmes
John N. Burrows
Phyllip B. Campbell
Philip and Elizabeth Capasso
Joseph R. Car
Robert and Gayle Chesebro
Janice O. Childress
Timothy and Sandra Connery
Mark R. Conrad
R. Kent Cook
Ernest and Roxanna Crawford
Michael G. Cunningham
Dominic and Susan Devito
Clarence and Judith Doninger
John and Sharon Downey
Jeremiah and Chelsea Duggan
Danny and Jeanette Duncan
David B. Edgeworth
Frank and Vickie Edmondson
John and Anne-Marie Egan
Charles and Anna Ellis
Terrell and Mary Faulkenberry
Arthur and Therese Fell
Jack Fields and Melissa Kevorkian
Donald and Sandra Freund
Gabriel and Sara Frommer
Charles L. Fugo
Jann M. Fujimoto
Robert and Hollis Gaston
Robert and Elizabeth Glassey
Alan R. Goldhammer
Ross A. Gombiner
Thomas and Heather Gorin
Christian F. Gourley
Bertram and Susan Greenspan
Christine L. Haack
Richard and Carolyn Haile
Sheila Hass
George and Amy Hill
Harvey B. Holly
Mark S. Hood
Harlow and Harriet Hopkins
William T. Hopkins
Donna Hornibrook
Roger and Carol Isaacs
Jathan and Marjorie Janove
Warren W. Jaworski
Russell L. Jones
Kenneth and Elyse Joseph
Chitate Kagawa
Kathleen Katra
Carol R. Kelly
Myrna M. Killey
Laura J. King
Karen L. Klages
Howard and Linda Klug
Virginia A. Krauss
David and Suzanne Larsen
$500 - $999
Alice M. Tischler
Randall and Deborah Tobias
Bruce and Madelyn Trible
Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi
Mark and Gail Welch
Allen and Nancy White
David L. Wicker
Laura S. Youens-Wexler
Stephen L. Zegree
Philip and Jennifer Nubel
Edward and Margaret Olson
Dennis W. Organ
Massimo Ossi and Sarah Gaskill
James and Denise Parker
Herbert E. Parks
P. Q. Phan
David and Monica Purk
Joann Richardson
Randy Schekman and Nancy Walls
David and Barbara Sheldon
Odette F. Shepherd
William R. Shindle
Edwin L. Simpson
Gregory and Rhonda Swanson
Daniel and Kathleen Tankersley
G. K. Tavel
Karen M. Taylor
William Teltser and Carolyn Marlow
Eric and Rina Turpen
Wayne and Rebecca Weaver
Charles H. Webb
Mark Wiedenmayer
$250 - $499
George Lawrence and Judith Auer
Gregory and Veronica Leffler
Amy L. Letson
Andrew Levin and Linda Moot
Elliot R. Lewis
Jerry and Jane Lewis
Jon and Susan Lewis
Joseph J. Lewis
Thomas* and Nancy Liley
John and Barbara Lombardo
Robert W. Magnuson
Richard and Geraldine Markus
Richard and Susan Marvin
Jim and Sallie Matthews
Francis and Winnifred McGinnis
James L. McLay
G. Scott and Rosalind Mitchell
Ray and Wendy Muston
David and Jean Nanney
Vincent J. Ognibene
Andrew and Tracey Ortstadt
Mike Pate
Sujal H. Patel
Patricia A. Powell
Stephen and Darlene Pratt
Thomas and Patricia Price
James and Mary Rickert
Mary A. Rickert
Scott and Katherine Riley
Roger Roe
Bruce Ronkin and Janet Zipes
Linda J. Rosenthal
David and Ann Samuelson
Michael and Susan Sanders
Christopher and Janet Schwabe
Ilana and Uriel Segal
Edward S. Selby
Jeffrey R. Sexton
Wayne and Lois Shipe
Nathaniel P. Short
W. Robert and Jill Siddall
John and Donna Slinkard
Frances L. Smith
John and Laura Snyder
Ronald L. Sparks
John P. Troxel
Linda J. Tucker
Merl and Susan Waschler
Mark and Karen Westerhausen
Craig and Cynthia Weyers
E.G. and Sharon White
Tony J. Wiederhold
Donald H. Wissman
Neal and Elizabeth Abdullah
Lois C. Adams Miller
Robert Akers and Ruth Ruggles Akers
Dean and Bonnie Allison
Joseph and Sharon Amlung
Donna K. Anderson
Richard and Evelyn Anderson
Stella N. Anderson
William and Janet Anderson
William and Jean Appel
Roy and Janice Applegate
Kevin B. Arbogast
Richard D. Arends
William and Elizabeth Arsenault
Helen L. Aylsworth
James and Mary Babb
Robert A. Babbs
Sandra L. Babbs
John N. Baboukis
James* and Beverly Baker
Wesley A. Ballenger
Daniel C. Balog
Samuel and Janet Baltzer
Pamela L. Banks
John and Patricia Barnes
Mark and Allison Barno
Patricia W. Barrett
Robert R. Bartalot
Allan and Bonnie Bartel
Gayna F. Bassin
Cecelia Beam
Martin and Judy Becker
John C. Beckman
Thomas Beddow
William and Sharon Beecroft
Marc C. Bellassai
Fleurette Benckart
Norman and Sandra Berg
Lauren Bernofsky
Donald W. Betts
Olesia O. Bihun
David and Judy Blackwell
Ronald and Regina Blais
Heinz and Gayle Blankenburg
Larry L. Blossom
Julian M. Blumenthal
John and Mary Blutenthal
Aric Boger and Keisha Corso
Lawrence and Mary Bond
Francis and Kay Borkowski
Arthur and Karen Bortolini
Sidney C. Bosley
Carolyn E. Bowen
Edward and Barbara Bredemeier
Clayton and Pauletta Brewer
W. Michael Brittenback and William
Carl and Connie Brorson
Dorothea M. Brown
Gordon and Janet Brown
Edward P. Bruenjes
Mark and Jody Bruns
Hal and Freddie Burke
Jean A. Burkholder
Ralph and Ann Burns
Doris J. Burton
V. Barbara Bush
Rebecca C. Butler
Margaret R. Buttermore
Bruce A. Cain
Stephen and Pamela Caine
Michael A. Camp
Ben J. Canary
Donald Capparella and Amy Dorfman
Lisa C. Cardwell Ponten
Stephen and Mary Carter
Judith E. Caswell
Susan T. Caulfield
Robert and Susan Cave
Richard Cavicchi
Howard and Elizabeth Chapman
Harriet R. Chase
John A. Cheek
Mu-Yin M. Chen
Kenneth T. Chia
Aileen Chitwood
Matthew Christ and Sophia Goodman
Nelda M. Christ
Lawrence and Dianne Christensen
Paul and Catherine Christenson
Douglas and Roseann Christian
Marvin C. Christie
Deborah Ciganovich
Cynthia M. Cirome
David Clark and Diane Coutre
Steve and Sonya Clark
Richard and Lynn Cohee
Mary C. Cole
Robert and Marcia Coleman
James D. Collier
Laurel Collins
Joseph and Frances Conrad
Ken and Paula Cook
Richard K. Cook
Peter and Elise Cooper
Nora B. Courier
Gary and Ellen Coval
Katherine R. Covington
Kenneth H. Cox
Cynthia M. Crago
Gretchen E. Craig
K. C. Crandell
Dean A. Cripe
Adam C. Crockett
Janet S. Crossen
Samuel and Mary Crowl
Bradley and Cheryl Cunningham
Beth A. Curtis
John and Rita Czarnecki
Edward and Linda Dahm
Deborah L. Dalfonso
David and Donna Dalton
John T. Dalton
Eugene B. Daniels
Janice E. Daniels
Bette G. Davenport
Walter H. De Armitt
Robert and Josette Degeilh
Linda Degh-Vazsonyi
Ann H. Delaney
Galen Wood
Mark A. Yother
Christopher Young and Brenda Brenner
Giovanni Zanovello
Joyce R. Zastrow
Conrad and Debora Zimmermann
Larry and Joyce Zimmerman
$100 - $249
Michael and Leslie Deleget
Richard and Barbara Dell
Mary L. Denne
Deborah J. Deyo-Howe
Mary A. Diaz-Przybyl
Kim and Dianne Diefenderfer
Richard and Barbara Domek
David M. Donathan
Paul T. Dove
David A. Drinkwater
Margaret J. Duffin
Gregory S. Dugan
Kevin J. Duggins
Gary and Lisa Dum
Tamara S. Dworetz
Silsby S. Eastman
Robert and Robin Eatman
Patricia Eckstein
Marjorie A. Eddy
Terrence and Barbara Edgeworth
Rick and Marci Eisen
Anne C. Eisfeller
Gerald Ellington and Marilyn ParkEllington
Joseph E. Elliott
Michael J. Ellis
David D. Elyea
Herman and Mary Emmert
Stanley and Pamela Engle
Lucille I. Erb
Yale P. Esrock
Richard and Pamela Eyerly
Mark and Jennifer Famous
Carlton and Teresa Fancher
John Fearnsides and Margaret Jenny
Jean E. Felix
Salvatore and Carol Ferrantelli
Moira J. Fetterman
David N. Fienen
William and Harriet Fierman
Martin Fine
Mary E. Fine
Harvey Fineberg and Mary Wilson
Lydia V. Finkelstein
Ruth Fischer
Michael Fish and Belinda Potoma
Donald and Myra Fisher
Julia A. Fleming
David M. Flood
Larry and Phyllis Florman
James R. Floyd
William and Eleanor Folley
Gerald and Nancy Forbes
Linda A. Frauenhoff
Adam L. Frei
David and Ann Frick
Edwin R. Fuhrmann
Sylvia L. Gardner
Douglass Garibaldi
Stephen and Lisa Geber
David and Linda Giedroc
Robert J. Giesting
Susann Gilbert
Joseph and Kim Gits
Lewis P. Glasener
Vincent M. Golik
Sylvia S. Gormley
Arlene Goter
Jack Granger and Suzanne Gray-Granger
Susan E. Grathwohl
Linda J. Greaf
Gretchen M. Green
Jane C. Greenberger
Charles and Theresa Greenwood
James D. Gregory
David E. Greiwe
Pamela C. Griffel Swieter
Marka R. Gustavsson
Franck P. Hagendorf
Laurel K. Hagerman
Chun-Fang B. Hahn
Patricia L. Hales
Robert E. Hallam
Norman L. Hanks
Bernard and Nancy Hansan
Josephine Hansen
Charlene A. Harb
Ellie M. Harlow
David and Kristin Harp
Andrew H. Harper
Stephen and Martha Harris
Lincoln O. Hartford
Steven and Karen Hartjes
William R. Harvey
Frank and Skaidrite Hatfield
John and Debra Hatmaker
John H. Head
Clayton and Ellen Heath
Diane E. Heath
William and Constance Hegarty
Lynn E. Helding
Donald Helgeson and Sue Shepard
Harriette A. Hemmasi
Kimball and Helen Henderson
Florence E. Hiatt
Leslie W. Hicken
Susan Hicken
Joe and Margaret Hickman
J. William and Karen Hicks
John and Carol Highhouse
Jonathan D. Hilber
George A. Hill
James and Suzanne Hillis
Laura J. Hilmert
Lowell and Ruth Hoffman
Richard and Halle Holland
Nicholas and Katherine Holzmer
Bernard and Helen Hoogland
Dennis and Judith Hopkinson
Ray and Phyllis Horton
Emily L. Hostetter
Thomas and Patricia Howenstine
Ivan and Anne Hughes
John and Cindy Hughes
Marcia A. Hughes
Diane S. Humphrey
James S. Humphrey
Llewellyn and Sally Humphreys
Owen and Annette Hungerford
John and Victoria Huntington
Michael Hurtubise and Ann Murray
Marshall L. Hutchinson
Mieko Inoue
Jennifer A. Jafari
Carole L. James
Robert and Kathryn Jessup
Amy L. Jevitt
Alison Johansson
Robert and Michele Johns
Paul R. Johnston
Wayne and Kristin Jones
Alan L. Kagan
David L. Kaplan
Alvin and Mariellen Katzman
Clifford F. Keating
Janet Kelsay
Richard and Aileen Kennon
John and Julianne King
Kyle W. King
Meredith K. Kirkpatrick
Iris J. Knollenberg
Charles C. Knox
Arthur Koch and Stine Levy
Peter Koenig and Mary Jamison
John and Patti Komperda
Kimberly J. Koons
Joseph C. Kraus
Joel S. Krueger
Jung Kwak
Young Kwuon
Larry and Judy Lafferty
Eric Lai and Grace Lok
Carolyn J. Lamberson
Alexander Lamis and Holly Horn
Thomas and Nancy Lancaster
John and Mary Langdon
Lois B. Lantz
Gregory Largent and Anna LeppertLargent
Arthur W. Larson
Peter and Marianne Lauffer
Robert and Christabel Lauinger
Kathleen C. Laws
Randy L. Leazenby
Robert and Debra Lee
Bradley Leftwich and Linda
James A. Leick
Timothy and Mary Lerzak
C. Ray and Lynn Lewis
Scott and Ann Liberman
Timothy Lindeman and Nancy Walker
Matthew and Lynn Litwiller
Lillian G. Livingston
Warren E. Loomis
John Lopatka and Marie Reilly
John and Rachel Lorber
Marie T. Lutz
Alma E. Lyle
Joan I. Lynch
Frances M. Madachy
David and Barbara Malson
Mayer and Ellen Mandelbaum
Joseph and Leslie Manfredo
Rochelle G. Mann
John H. Manz
Rudy T. Marcozzi
Brian D. Marcus
Georgianna E. Marks
John D. Marsh
John M. Maryn
Joel and Sandra Mathias
Curtis J. Mathison
Joseph V. Matthews
Andrea Matthias
Kelli L. Matula
Matthew and Kelly Mayer
Barbara E. Mayhew
Carey D. McBride
Erin M. McCauley
Philip and Elizabeth McClintock
Gregory and Margaret McClure
Gary W. McCourry
Scott and Kelly McCray
Herm and Carol McCreary
Jeffrey and Cynthia McCreary
Marilyn K. McDonald
Ellen L. McGlothin
Jerry and Lucy McIntosh
Charlotte M. McLain
James and Nelia McLuckie
Mary Jo McMillan
Michael and Marcia McNelley
Sean M. McNelley
Mary K. Mehner
Stephen and Judy Merren
Lynn A. Meyer
Craig R. Miller
Herbert and Lillian Miller
Judith E. Miller
Rodney E. Miller
Ronald and Joyce Miller
Thomas J. Miller
Raymond and Clara Millett
Christine W. Mirabella
Julianne M. Miranda
Patrick and Frances Mitchell
Jan T. Mixter
Michael L. Mlynarski
Richard J. Mlynarski
Aaron M. Mobley
Gordon and Elaine Moebius
Rosalind E. Mohnsen
Jay E. Montgomery
Philip and Patricia Moreau
James and Rowena Mount
Arthur E. Mussett
Dean and Carol Myshrall
George and Diane Nadaf
Emile G. Naoumoff
Yury M. Nedelin
Kent A. Newbury
Kathleen C. Nicely
Kenneth H. Nichols
Christopher and Mary Nielsen
Omar and Julia Nielsen
Carol L. Noe
Gloria G. Noone
Christopher and Christine Norris
Douglas and Roma North
Ned and Elizabeth North
Colette L. O’Connor
Kristin A. Ogdon
Michelle T. Ogdon
David and Diane O’Hagan
Melinda P. O’Neal
Stephen Orel and Karen-Cherie
Adrienne Ostrander
Mary A. Owings
Hyung-Sun Paik
Carol L. Pampalone
Sandra B. Parker
Peggy W. Paschall
Marilyn J. Patton
Mary Pearson Pless
Russell and Ruth Peck
Ronald A. Pennington
Kathie I. Perrett
Wayne H. Peterson
Edward Petsonk
Norman and Sue Pfau
Thomas C. Phipps
Ernest and Patricia Pinson
R. David Plank and T. Earline Moulder
Jeffrey L. Plonski
Willy Postma
James H. Potts
Gregory Powell and Miriam McLeod
Sylvanna T. Prechtl
Richard and Mary Pretat
William and Doris Preucil
Richard Pugh and Elizabeth Baker
R. A. and Brenda Quick
Margaret F. Radke
Julia D. Ragains-Slawin
Robert L. Ralston
John A. Rathgeb
Alan and Diana Rawizza
James L. Reifinger
David Reingold and Lynn Hooker
Ronald and Suzanne Reising
John L. Reitz
Carl Rexroad and Carol Pierce
Carolyn J. Rice
William and Nancy Riggert
Paul and Barbara Ristau
William and Patricia Ritchie
Donald E. Ritter
Deborah Rivas
Alice E. Robbins
Trineice M. Robinson-Martin
Edward and Donna Ronco
James and Maureen Ross
Daniel Rothmuller
Robin S. Rothrock
Anya P. Royce
Gerald J. Rudman
Harold and Sandra Sabbagh
Irving L. Sablosky
Mary-Lynn Sachse
Robert and Ruth Salek
Eric B. Samuelson
Anne E. Sanders
Virginia G. Sarber
David Sasso and Dana Small
Benjamin and Marlene Schaffer
Lynn L. Schenck
Arthur and Carole Schreiber
Kenneth and Cecile Schubert
Matthew R. Schuler
Daniel E. Schulz
Michael and Marilyn Schwartzkopf
Monte Schwarzwalder and Rebecca
Carol B. Scott
Perry and Lisa Scott
Beverly Scott and Sylvia PattersonScott
Eleanor A. Seaver
John A. Seest
Richard Sengpiehl and Mary Adams
Danny and Sarah Sergesketter
Christine J. Shamborsky
Nancy L. Shane
Nadine E. Shank
Karen Shaw
David L. Shea
Larry and Debra Sherer
Jennifer L. Shuck
James S. Skladzien
Abner Slatt and Pamela Haft
Eliot and Pamela Smith
Estus Smith
John and Juel Smith
Linda K. Smith
Lucille Snell
Robert Smith and Janice Lesniak
Sandra L. Snyder
James and Carolyn Sowinski
Paul V. Spade
Fredrick and Lori Spencer
Viola J. Spencer
Dominic and Patty Spera
Stanley and Cynthia Springer
Darell and Susan Stachelski
Sonja A. Stambaugh-Latimer
Shannon J. Starks
Anthony and Elizabeth Staskunas
Dale Steffey and Dawn Adams
Joseph and Nina Steg
Gary and Anne Steigerwald
Paul Stephenson and Maria Schmidt
Scott A. Stewart
Melanie D. Stidham
James and Laura Stokes
Tom and Melinda Straley
James L. Strause
Eric and Etsuko Strohecker
Michael Stump and Mabel Martinez
Michael D. Sweeney
Yasuoki Tanaka
Lawrence and Sandra Tavel
Charles and Diane Taylor
Dana W. Taylor
Joyce A. Taylor
Kathleen A. Taylor
Thomas and Mary Theobald
Robert Thomas and Mary FahnestockThomas
Shelley M. Thomason
David and Norma Thompson
Jo Throckmorton and Jillian Kinzie
Joseph and Diana Tompa
Aaron and Mary Tosky
Jonathan Towne and Rebecca Noreen
Stephanie G. Tretick
Philip and Alice Trimble
Cheryl A. Tschanz
Mary E. Ulrey
Russell Valention and Yasuko Akiyama
Mazelle V. VanBuskirk*
Robert C. VanNuys
Dianne Vars
Edward L. Veazey
Matthew and Therese Veldman
Robert and Kayla Vodnoy
Barbara J. Waite
Jeffrey D. Walker
Leslie E. Wallis
Louis A. Wallis
Dennis and Julie Walsh
Sarah F. Ward
Paul and Mary Waytenick
Jerry and Bonnie Weakley
Barbara C. Weber
Eugene and Frances Weinberg
Daniel Weiss
Garry and Stacy Wells
Phyllis C. Wertime
Susan E. Westphal
John and Mary Whalin
Jonathan J. Whitall
James T. White
Patricia L. Williams
Dolores Wilson
Lawrence A. Wilson
Norma K. Wilson
James F. Winfield
Peter and Teresa Wolf
Richard and Donna Wolf
George W. Wolfe
John and Margaret Woodcock
Eric A. Woodhams
David C. Woodley
Earl S. Woodworth
Danny and Karen Wright
James and Patricia Wright
G. Eugene Yates
Donna Youngblood
Jeffery P. Zaring
David and Joan Zaun
Timothy and Sara Zwickl
* Deceased
Corporations and Foundations
$100,000 and Up
The DBJ Foundation
The Cynthia L. & William E. Simon, Jr.
$25,000 - $99,999
Summer Star Foundation for Nature,
Art, and Humanity
$10,000 - $24,999
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Harry Kraus Survivor Trust
Old National Wealth Management
USA International Harp Competition
Avedis Zildjian Company
Bank of America Foundation
Bloomingfoods Market & Deli
Bloomington Classical Guitar
Society, Inc.
Chicago Tribune Foundation
The Dow Chemical Company
Eli Lilly & Company
The Ella Fitzgerald Charitable
Ellen Strommen Living Trust
Fountain Warren Musical Arts
Geico Corporation
Greater Kansas City Community
Indiana University Alumni Association
IU Jacobs School of Music Alumni
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Juan Orozco LTD, Inc.
Kalamazoo Community Foundation
M.A. Gilbert Declaration of Trust
Mark S. Feldstein Private Foundation
$1,000 - $9,999
Myers Revocable Trust
National Christian Foundation Greater
Opera Illinois League
Paul C. Gignilliat Trust
Paulsen Family Foundation
Stanley E. Ransom Family Trust
Sweetwater Sound, Inc.
United Way of Washtenaw County
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
William Henry, Jr. Endowment Trust
Annual Giving Circles
The Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Annual Giving Circles include
individuals dedicated to making a difference in the cultural life of the university. These
unrestricted gifts of opportunity capital support the areas of greatest need, including
financial aid, faculty research, academic opportunities, and visiting artists.
Dean’s Circle
Visionary Members
$10,000 and Up
Gary and Kathy Anderson
David H. Jacobs
Ruth Johnson
Peter and Monika Kroener
Strategic Members
$5,000 - $9,999
S. Sue Aramian
Jack and Pamela Burks
Jay and Karen Goodgold
Rusty and Ann Harrison
Rick and Alice Johnson
Lawrence Myers
Charles and Lisa Surack
Supporting Members
$2,500 - $4,999
Robert Barker and Patsy Fell-Barker
David and Gina Boonshoft
Thomas and Ellen Ehrlich
Jack and Linda Gill
William G. Henry
Robert and Sara LeBien
Eugene O’Brien
Gwyn and Barbara Richards
Richard C. Searles
Beth Stoner
Mark A. Sudeith
David L. Wicker
Contributing Members
$1,000 - $2,499
Franklin and Linda Bengtson
J.P. and Barbara Carver
Jerald and Megan Chester
Mark S. Cobb
John and Carol Cornwell
Donald and Patricia* Danielson
Stephany A. Dunfee
Jorja Fleezanis
Paul and Ellen Gignilliat
John and Susan Graham
James and Roberta Graham
Marshall J. Grossack
Rajih and Darlene Haddawi
Dale C. Hedding
J. Stanley and Alice Hillis
Jeffrey S. Jepsen
Robert and Lisa Jones
Kenneth and Linda Kaczmarek
Thomas and Gail Kasdorf
George and Cathy Korinek
Thomas and Theresa Kulb
P.A. Mack
Jeanette C. Marchant
Patrick and Marianne McCall
Darby A. McCarty
John and Geraldine Miller
James Neff and Susan Jacobs-Neff
Joan C. Olcott
Ora H. Pescovitz
Gary and Christine Potter
Robert and Joy Renshaw
Scharmal K. Schrock
Harold and Jeannette Segel
Robert and Sandra Sherman
Jefferson S. Shreve and Mary T. Kelley
James B. Sinclair
Fredric and Roberta Somach
William C. Spence
Mark and Beth Taylor
Randall and Deborah Tobias
Bruce and Madelyn Trible
Artist’s Circle
$500 - $999
Ann C. Anderson
Niel and Donna Armstrong
Charles and Margaret Athey
Linda A. Baker
David Y. Bannard
Miriam S. Clarke
James and Carol Clauser
Frank and Suzanne Gault
Lawrence D. Glaubinger
Jolaine L. Hill
William and Karol Hope
Masanori and Seiko Igarashi
Marilyn J. Keiser
Marilyn J. Kloss
John and Nancy Korzec
Scott R. Latzky
Eric and Rebecca Lightcap
Michael Lynch and Emilia Martins
Carmen J. McGrae
Emanuel and Kathleen Mickel
Matthew and Maryann Mindrum
James and Jacqueline Morris
Edward and Margaret Olson
Dennis W. Organ
Susan L. Adams
Paula J. Amrod
Vincent and Kaylene Arizzi
Charles and Gladys Bartholomew
Lanelle B. Blanton
Christopher and Ruth Borman
Elizabeth M. Brannon
Montgomery and Mary Brown
Brayton W. Brunkhurst
John N. Burrows
Joseph R. Car
Robert and Gayle Chesebro
Janice O. Childress
Timothy and Sandra Connery
Mark R. Conrad
R. Kent Cook
Ernest and Roxanna Crawford
Michael G. Cunningham
Clarence and Judith Doninger
John and Sharon Downey
Jeremiah and Chelsea Duggan
Danny and Jeanette Duncan
Frank and Vickie Edmondson
John and Anne-Marie Egan
Terrell and Mary Faulkenberry
Gabriel and Sara Frommer
Charles L. Fugo
Ross A. Gombiner
Bertram and Susan Greenspan
Richard and Carolyn Haile
Harvey B. Holly
William T. Hopkins
Donna Hornibrook
Jathan and Marjorie Janove
Warren W. Jaworski
Russell L. Jones
Myrna M. Killey
Laura J. King
Howard and Linda Klug
Virginia A. Krauss
David and Suzanne Larsen
George Lawrence and Judith Auer
Gregory and Veronica Leffler
Amy L. Letson
Andrew Levin and Linda Moot
Jon and Susan Lewis
Joseph J. Lewis
John and Barbara Lombardo
Richard and Geraldine Markus
Jim and Sallie Matthews
Ralph and Shirley Melton
David and Jean Nanney
Neal and Elizabeth Abdullah
Robert Akers and Ruth Ruggles Akers
Joseph and Sharon Amlung
Donna K. Anderson
Richard and Evelyn Anderson
Stella N. Anderson
Roy and Janice Applegate
Kevin B. Arbogast
Richard D. Arends
William and Elizabeth Arsenault
Helen L. Aylsworth
James and Mary Babb
John N. Baboukis
Sandra C. Balmer
Herbert E. Parks
Randy Schekman and Nancy Walls
David and Barbara Sheldon
Odette F. Shepherd
Edwin L. Simpson
Gregory and Rhonda Swanson
William Teltser and Carolyn Marlow
Susan C. Thrasher
Wayne and Rebecca Weaver
Charles H. Webb
Mark Wiedenmayer
$250 - $499
Sujal H. Patel
Patricia A. Powell
Thomas and Patricia Price
Edward and Lois Rath
James and Mary Rickert
Mary A. Rickert
Scott and Katherine Riley
Roger Roe
Bruce Ronkin and Janet Zipes
Linda J. Rosenthal
David and Ann Samuelson
Christopher and Janet Schwabe
Edward S. Selby
Jeffrey R. Sexton
Wayne and Lois Shipe
Nathaniel P. Short
W. Robert and Jill Siddall
Frances L. Smith
Ronald L. Sparks
John P. Troxel
Linda J. Tucker
Merl and Susan Waschler
Donald H. Wissman
Mark A. Yother
Larry and Joyce Zimmerman
$100 - $249
Samuel and Janet Baltzer
Pamela L. Banks
John and Patricia Barnes
Patricia W. Barrett
Robert R. Bartalot
Gayna F. Bassin
Martin and Judy Becker
Thomas Beddow
William and Sharon Beecroft
Norman and Sandra Berg
Donald W. Betts
Olesia O. Bihun
Ronald and Regina Blais
Heinz and Gayle Blankenburg
Larry L. Blossom
Arthur and Karen Bortolini
Carolyn E. Bowen
Edward and Barbara Bredemeier
Clayton and Pauletta Brewer
W. Michael Brittenback and William
Dorothea M. Brown
Gordon and Janet Brown
Hal and Freddie Burke
Ralph and Ann Burns
Doris J. Burton
V. Barbara Bush
Rebecca C. Butler
Margaret R. Buttermore
Bruce A. Cain
Ben J. Canary
Donald Capparella and Amy Dorfman
Stephen and Mary Carter
Robert and Susan Cave
Richard Cavicchi
Howard and Elizabeth Chapman
Harriet R. Chase
John A. Cheek
Mu-Yin M. Chen
Kenneth T. Chia
Aileen Chitwood
Lawrence and Dianne Christensen
Paul and Catherine Christenson
Cynthia M. Cirome
David Clark and Diane Coutre
Richard and Lynn Cohee
Mary C. Cole
Robert and Marcia Coleman
Joseph and Frances Conrad
Peter and Elise Cooper
Nora B. Courier
Katherine R. Covington
Kenneth H. Cox
Cynthia M. Crago
Adam C. Crockett
Janet S. Crossen
Samuel and Mary Crowl
Bradley and Cheryl Cunningham
Beth A. Curtis
John and Rita Czarnecki
Edward and Linda Dahm
Deborah L. Dalfonso
John T. Dalton
Eugene B. Daniels
Robert and Josette Degeilh
Michael and Leslie Deleget
Richard and Barbara Dell
Mary L. Denne
Dominic and Susan Devito
Deborah J. Deyo-Howe
Mary A. Diaz-Przybyl
Kim and Dianne Diefenderfer
Richard and Barbara Domek
Paul T. Dove
David A. Drinkwater
Margaret J. Duffin
Silsby S. Eastman
Robert and Robin Eatman
Patricia Eckstein
Anne C. Eisfeller
Gerald Ellington and Marilyn ParkEllington
Joseph E. Elliott
Charles and Anna Ellis
Michael J. Ellis
Herman and Mary Emmert
Stanley and Pamela Engle
Lucille I. Erb
Yale P. Esrock
Mark and Jennifer Famous
Jean E. Felix
Salvatore and Carol Ferrantelli
Moira J. Fetterman
David N. Fienen
William and Harriet Fierman
Martin Fine
Mary E. Fine
Julia A. Fleming
James R. Floyd
Gerald and Nancy Forbes
Adam L. Frei
Edwin R. Fuhrmann
Sylvia L. Gardner
Douglass Garibaldi
Robert J. Giesting
Vincent M. Golik
Thomas and Heather Gorin
Sylvia S. Gormley
Arlene Goter
Jack Granger and Suzanne GrayGranger
Linda J. Greaf
Jane C. Greenberger
James D. Gregory
David E. Greiwe
Pamela C. Griffel Swieter
Marka R. Gustavsson
Franck P. Hagendorf
Laurel K. Hagerman
Chun-Fang B. Hahn
Patricia L. Hales
Robert E. Hallam
Norman L. Hanks
Bernard and Nancy Hansan
Charlene A. Harb
David and Kristin Harp
Andrew H. Harper
Stephen and Martha Harris
Lincoln O. Hartford
William R. Harvey
Clayton and Ellen Heath
Diane E. Heath
Lynn E. Helding
Donald Helgeson and Sue Shepard
Harriette A. Hemmasi
Florence E. Hiatt
Susan Hicken
Joe and Margaret Hickman
Jonathan D. Hilber
James and Suzanne Hillis
Lowell and Ruth Hoffman
Richard and Halle Holland
Nicholas and Katherine Holzmer
Bernard and Helen Hoogland
Harlow and Harriet Hopkins
Dennis and Judith Hopkinson
Ray and Phyllis Horton
Emily L. Hostetter
Ivan and Anne Hughes
Diane S. Humphrey
James S. Humphrey
Owen and Annette Hungerford
Michael Hurtubise and Ann Murray
Jennifer A. Jafari
Carole L. James
Robert and Kathryn Jessup
Amy L. Jevitt
Alison Johansson
Kenneth and Elyse Joseph
Alan L. Kagan
David L. Kaplan
Kathleen Katra
Clifford F. Keating
Carol R. Kelly
Janet Kelsay
Richard and Aileen Kennon
John and Julianne King
Iris J. Knollenberg
Charles C. Knox
Arthur Koch and Stine Levy
Peter Koenig and Mary Jamison
John and Patti Komperda
Kimberly J. Koons
Joseph C. Kraus
Young Kwuon
Alexander Lamis and Holly Horn
Thomas and Nancy Lancaster
John and Mary Langdon
Lois B. Lantz
Arthur W. Larson
Robert and Christabel Lauinger
Kathleen C. Laws
Robert and Debra Lee
James A. Leick
Timothy and Mary Lerzak
Timothy Lindeman and Nancy Walker
Lillian G. Livingston
John Lopatka and Marie Reilly
John and Rachel Lorber
Marie T. Lutz
Joan I. Lynch
Frances M. Madachy
Mayer and Ellen Mandelbaum
Rochelle G. Mann
John H. Manz
Rudy T. Marcozzi
Brian D. Marcus
Georgianna E. Marks
John D. Marsh
Richard and Susan Marvin
John M. Maryn
Joel and Sandra Mathias
Curtis J. Mathison
Joseph V. Matthews
Andrea Matthias
Barbara E. Mayhew
Carey D. McBride
Philip and Elizabeth McClintock
Gary W. McCourry
Herm and Carol McCreary
Jeffrey and Cynthia McCreary
Marilyn K. McDonald
Francis and Winnifred McGinnis
Ellen L. McGlothin
Charlotte M. McLain
James L. McLay
James and Nelia McLuckie
Mary Jo McMillan
Michael and Marcia McNelley
Stephen and Judy Merren
Lynn A. Meyer
Craig R. Miller
Judith E. Miller
Rodney E. Miller
Ronald and Joyce Miller
Raymond and Clara Millett
Christine W. Mirabella
Julianne M. Miranda
Patrick and Frances Mitchell
Rosalind E. Mohnsen
Philip and Patricia Moreau
George and Diane Nadaf
Emile G. Naoumoff
Yury M. Nedelin
Kent A. Newbury
Kathleen C. Nicely
Kenneth H. Nichols
Christopher and Mary Nielsen
Omar and Julia Nielsen
Gloria G. Noone
Christopher and Christine Norris
Philip and Jennifer Nubel
David and Diane O’Hagan
Mary A. Owings
Hyung-Sun Paik
Carol L. Pampalone
Peggy W. Paschall
Russell and Ruth Peck
Kathie I. Perrett
Wayne H. Peterson
Edward Petsonk
Jeffrey L. Plonski
Gregory Powell and Miriam McLeod
Sylvanna T. Prechtl
Richard Pugh and Elizabeth Baker
R.A. and Brenda Quick
Julia D. Ragains-Slawin
Alan and Diana Rawizza
James L. Reifinger
Ronald and Suzanne Reising
John L. Reitz
Carl Rexroad and Carol Pierce
Carolyn J. Rice
William and Nancy Riggert
Paul and Barbara Ristau
Donald E. Ritter
Deborah Rivas
Trineice M. Robinson-Martin
Edward and Donna Ronco
Robin S. Rothrock
Mary-Lynn Sachse
Robert and Ruth Salek
Eric B. Samuelson
Anne E. Sanders
Virginia G. Sarber
David Sasso and Dana Small
Arthur and Carole Schreiber
Matthew R. Schuler
Monte Schwarzwalder and Rebecca Henry
Beverly Scott and Sylvia Patterson-Scott
Carol B. Scott
Perry and Lisa Scott
John A. Seest
Ilana and Uriel Segal
Richard Sengpiehl and Mary Adams
Danny and Sarah Sergesketter
Christine J. Shamborsky
Nancy L. Shane
Nadine E. Shank
David L. Shea
Abner Slatt and Pamela Haft
Eliot and Pamela Smith
Estus Smith
John and Juel Smith
Linda K. Smith
Robert Smith and Janice Lesniak
John and Laura Snyder
Fredrick and Lori Spencer
Viola J. Spencer
Stanley and Cynthia Springer
Darell and Susan Stachelski
Sonja A. Stambaugh-Latimer
Anthony and Elizabeth Staskunas
Joseph and Nina Steg
Paul Stephenson and Maria Schmidt
Tom and Melinda Straley
James L. Strause
Michael D. Sweeney
Yasuoki Tanaka
Dana W. Taylor
Charles and Diane Taylor
Joyce A. Taylor
Kathleen A. Taylor
Robert Thomas and Mary FahnestockThomas
Jo Throckmorton and Jillian Kinzie
Joseph and Diana Tompa
Stephanie G. Tretick
Philip and Alice Trimble
Cheryl A. Tschanz
Mary E. Ulrey
Robert C. VanNuys
Dianne Vars
Robert and Kayla Vodnoy
Barbara J. Waite
Jeffrey D. Walker
Leslie E. Wallis
Louis A. Wallis
Sarah F. Ward
Paul and Mary Waytenick
Jerry and Bonnie Weakley
Barbara C. Weber
Eugene and Frances Weinberg
Daniel Weiss
Susan E. Westphal
John and Mary Whalin
Jonathan J. Whitall
E.G. and Sharon White
Dolores Wilson
Lawrence A. Wilson
Norma K. Wilson
James F. Winfield
Richard and Donna Wolf
George W. Wolfe
John and Margaret Woodcock
Eric A. Woodhams
Danny and Karen Wright
Timothy and Sara Zwickl
Leadership Circle
Members of the Leadership Circle have contributed lifetime gifts of $100,000 or
more to the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. We gratefully acknowledge the
following donors, whose generosity helps the school reach new heights and build a sound
financial framework for the future.
Over $10,000,000
The Estate of Barbara M. Jacobs
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Louise Addicott-Joshi and Yatish Joshi
Gary and Kathy Anderson
Cook, Inc.
Dorothy Richard Starling Foundation
The Estate of Juanita M. Evans
Georgina Joshi Foundation, Inc.
Jack and Linda Gill
Jack* and Dora Hamlin
David H. Jacobs
Krannert Charitable Trust
Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation
Arthur R. Metz Foundation
The Estate of Ione B. Auer
Alexander S. Bernstein
Jamie Bernstein
Nina Bernstein Simmons
The Estate of George A. Bilque
Jack and Pamela Burks
Carl A. Cook
Gayle T. Cook
The DBJ Foundation
The Estate of Frederick G. and Mary M.
Wilbert W. Gasser* and Mary Kratz
Ann and Gordon Getty
Jamey and Sara Aebersold
The Estate of Wilfred C. Bain
Olimpia F. Barbera
The Estate of Angeline M. Battista
Beatrice P. Delany Charitable Trust
The Estate of Sylvia F. Budd
The Estate of Marvin Carmack
Christel DeHaan Family Foundation
Christelina DeHaan
The Estate of Alvin M. Ehret
Over $1,000,000
The Estate of Juana Mendel
The Estate of Clara L. Nothhacksberger
The Estate of Paul and Anne
Plummer Trust
$500,000 - $999,999
The Estate of Eva M. Heinitz
Sandy Montenegro Littlefield
Robert R. O’Hearn
Richard and Barbara Schilling
The Estate of Eva Sebok
The Estate of Ruth E. Thompson
$250,000 - $499,999
The Estate of Lucille Espinosa
Richard E. Ford
The Estate of Emma B. Horn
IBM Global Services
Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation
The Estate of David H. Jacobs
The Estate of Harold R. Janitz
Peter and Monika Kroener
Shalin C. Liu
The Estate of Nina Neal
Presser Foundation
Rudolph and Joy Rasin
The Estate of Naomi Ritter
Murray and Sue Robinson
The Estate of Lee E. Schroeder
Scott and Kathryn Schurz
The Estate of Maidee H. Seward
Bren Simon
David and Jacqueline Simon
Deborah J. Simon
Herbert Simon
The Estate of Melvin Simon
William E. and Cynthia L. Simon
The Estate of Ursula Apel
Fred C. Arto
Artur Balsam Foundation
The Estate of Robert D. Aungst
Robert Barker and Patsy Fell-Barker
Hank J. Bode and Susan Cartland-Bode
Bennet and Cynthia Brabson
Brabson Library and Education
The Estate of Jean R. Branch
The Estate of Frances A. Brockman
Cole & Kate Porter Memorial Graduate
Fellowship in Music
Jean Creek and Doris Shoultz-Creek
Mavis M. Crow
The Estate of William H. Earles
The Estate of Robert A. Edwards
Marianne Y. Felton
Ford Meter Box Foundation Inc
The Estate of Frederick G. Freeburne
The Estate of Thomas L. Gentry
Georgia Wash Holbeck Living Trust
Paul and Ellen Gignilliat
The Estate of Theodore C. Grams
The Estate of Marjorie Gravit
The Estate of David C. Hall
The Estate of Margaret H. Hamlin
Robert and Sandra Harrison
Rusty and Ann Harrison
Harrison Steel Castings Company, Inc.
The Estate of Jascha Heifetz
Joan & Marvin Carmack Foundation
Ruth Johnson
The Estate of Eleanor Knapik
The Estate of Eugene Knapik
P. A. Mack
David and Neill Marriott
The Estate of Margaret E. Miller
The Estate of Samuel and Martha Siurua
Paul and Cynthia S. Skjodt
Summer Star Foundation for Nature, Art,
and Humanity
Marianne W. Tobias
The Estate of Herman B Wells
The Estate of John D. Winters
$100,000 - $249,999
Betsy Myers Bain
The Estate of Jean P. Nay
Penn Asset Equity LLC
Leonard Phillips and Mary Wennerstrom
The Estate of Charlotte Reeves
The Estate of Dorothy Rey
William D. Rhodes Foundation
The Estate of Dagmar K. Riley
Stephen Russell and Mag Cole Russell
The Estate of Virginia Schmucker
Fred Simon
Smithville Telephone Company, Inc.
Theodore W. Batterman Family
Foundation, Inc.
Thomson, Inc.
The Estate of Mary C. Tilton
Kenneth C. Whitener
The Legacy Society
The Legacy Society at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music honors the
following individuals who have included the Jacobs School as a beneficiary under their wills,
trusts, life insurance policies, retirement plans, and other estate-planning arrangements.
David* and Ruth Albright
Richard and Ann Alden
Janette Amboise-Chaumont*
Gary and Kathy Anderson
John and Adelia Anderson
Peggy K. Bachman
Dennis and Virginia Bamber
Christa-Maria Beardsley
Michael E. Bent
Richard and Mary Bradford
Mildred J. Brannon*
Marjorie Buell
Pamela Buell
Gerald and Elizabeth Calkins
Marvin Carmack*
Sarah Clevenger
Eileen T. Cline
Esther R. Collyer*
Jack and Claire Cruse
John* and Doris* Curran
Susie J. Dewey
D. Michael Donathan
Luba Dubinsky
Thomas and Ellen Ehrlich
Sandra Elkins
H. C. Engles
Eleanor R. Fell*
Michael and Sara Finton
Phillip* and Debra Ford
Frederick* and Mary* Freeburne
Marcella I. Gercken
Monroe A. Gilbert
Harold* and Lucille Goodman
Ruth Grey
Ransom* and Mary Jo Griffin
Jonathan L. Gripe
Kathy Gripe
Jack* and Dora Hamlin
Charles Handelman
James R. Hasler
David and Mildred Hennessy
Clara Hofberg
David M. Holcenberg
William T. and Kathryn* Hopkins
David E. Huggins
Harriet M. Ivey
Douglas and Virginia Jewell
Walter and Bernice* Jones
Ted W. Jones
Myrna M. Killey
Martha R. Klemm
C. Ray and Lynn Lewis
Richard* and Ann Lilly
George and Brenda Little
Harriett Z. Macht
Marian L. Mack
P. A. Mack
Jeanette C. Marchant
Charles J. Marlatt
Susan G. McCray
Douglas McLain
Donald and Sonna Merk
William F. Milligan
Robert A. Mix
Dale and Cynthia Nelson
Del and Letty Newkirk
Robert R. O’Hearn
Lee Opie and Melanie Spewock
Richard* and Eleanor Osborn
Arthur Panousis
Gilbert and Marie Peart
Jean A. and Charles F.* Peters
Leonard M. Phillips and Mary
Paul* and Anne S.D.* Plummer
Jack W. Porter
Stanley E. Ransom
Clare G. Rayner
Robert and Carlene Reed
Charlotte Reeves*
Albert and Lynn Reichle
Gwyn and Barbara Richards
Ilona Richey
Murray and Sue Robinson
John* and Patricia Ryan
Barbara R. Sable
Roy and Mary Samuelsen
George P. Sappenfield
Hubert A. Seller
John and Lorna Seward
Odette F. Shepherd
Judith E. Simic
Donald G. Sisler
Catharine A. Smith
George P. Smith, II
Mary L. Snider
William and Elizabeth Strauss
Douglas* and Margaret Strong
Robert D. Sullivan
Maxine M. Talbot
Hans* and Alice Tischler
Jeffrey S. Tunis
Henry and Celicia Upper
Nicoletta Valletti
Robert J. Waller
Patrice M. Ward-Steinman
Charles H. Webb
Michael D. Weiss
Robert* and Patricia Williams
* Deceased
Friends of Music Honor Roll
Calendar Year 2013
The Mission of the Society of the Friends of Music is to raise scholarship funds for
deserving, talented students at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. The Society was
established in 1964 by a small group led by Herman B Wells and Wilfred C. Bain. We are pleased
to acknowledge outright gifts made between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2013.
Guarantor Scholarship Circle
Hoagy Carmichael
Rusty and Ann Harrison
Cole Porter
$5,000 - $9,999
Robert Barker and Patsy Fell-Barker
Susie J. Dewey
Stephen and Jo Ham
Friends of Music
$5,000 and Above
Robert Barker and Patsy Fell-Barker
Susie J. Dewey
Stephen and Jo Ham
Rusty and Ann Harrison
Richard and Barbara Schilling
Scott and Kathryn Schurz
Herman B Wells Circle
$2,500 - $4,999
Jim and Laura Byrnes
Eleanor F. Byrnes
Nelda M. Christ
Michael C. Donaldson
Timothy W. Kittleson
Herbert Kuebler and Phil Evans
Dennis and Judith Leatherman
Jeanette C. Marchant
Charles and Julia McClary
Michael and Laurie McRobbie
Murray and Sue Robinson
$1,000 - $2,499
Robert Agranoff and Susan Klein
Ruth Albright
James and Susan Alling
John and Teresa Ayres
Jennifer A. Cast
Jean Creek and Doris Shoultz-Creek
Frank Eberle and Cathy Cooper
Harvey and Phyllis Feigenbaum
Richard E. Ford
Paul and Ellen Gignilliat
James and Joyce Grandorf
Rajih and Darlene Haddawi
Richard Ham and Allison Stites
Frank and Athena Hrisomalos
Lawrence and Celeste Hurst
Peter P. Jacobi
Jennifer Johnson
Ruth Johnson
Peter and Monika Kroener
Ronald and Linda Maus
Stephen Medlyn and Cynthia FarquharMedlyn
Gerald and Anne Moss
Lucina B. Moxley
Dale and Cynthia Nelson
Lenny and Lou Newman
John and Lois Pless
Gwyn and Barbara Richards
David and Virginia Rogers
Phyllis C. Schwitzer
Karen Shaw
Anthony and Jan Shipps
Christopher and Ann Stack
L. Robert and Sylvia Stohler
Gregg and Judith Summerville
Susan E. Trippet
James and Joan Whitaker
Galen Wood
John and Linda Zimmermann
Dean Wilfred C. Bain Circle
$500 - $999
James and Ruth Allen
Donald and Debbie Breiter
Jack and Pamela Burks
William and Helen Butler
John and Cathleen Cameron
Edward S. Clark
Vivian L. Counts
Fred and Suzanne Dahling
Gayl and Beverly Doster
James and Jacqueline Faris
Richard S. Forkner*
Robert and Ann Harman
Carter and Kathleen Henrich
Ernest Hite and Joan Pauls
Jeffrey and Lesa Huber
Kenneth and Linda Kaczmarek
Howard and Linda Klug
George and Cathy Korinek
Harlan Lewis and Doris Wittenburg
Perry J. Maull
Vera M. O’Lessker
Dennis W. Organ
Leonard Phillips and Mary Wennerstrom
L. David Sabbagh and Linda Simon
Randy Schekman and Nancy Walls
Curtis and Judith Simic
Richard Small and Elizabeth Hewitt
Blount and Anna Stewart
Henry and Celicia Upper
Martha F. Wailes
Charles H. Webb
$300 - $499
S. Christian and Mary Albright
Rodger and Diana Alexander
Gary and Kathy Anderson
Peggy K. Bachman
Olimpia F. Barbera
Marian K. Bates
Mark and Ann Bear
Daniel J. Bender
Richard E. Bishop
Del and Carolyn Brinkman
Gerald and Elizabeth Calkins
James and Carol Campbell
William and Anita Cast
Sarah Clevenger
Charles and Helen Coghlan
Larry and Joyce Crawley
Lee and Eleanore Dodge
David R. Elliott
Edward and Mary Fox
Anne T. Fraker
Dana and Tammy Good
Robert and Martha Gutmann
R. Victor Harnack
David and Rosemary Harvey
Steven L. Hendricks
Robert and Doris Johnson
Martin and Linda Kaplan
Shirley Krutilla
Michael Larsen and Ayelet Lindenstrauss
Kenneth Mackie and Yvonne Lai
Herbert and Judy Miller
John and Geraldine Miller
Michael Molenda and Janet Stavropoulos
Edward Mongoven and Judith Schroeder
Del and Letty Newkirk
Roger and Ruth Newton
David and Barbara Nordloh
Fred A. Place
Mary J. Reilly*
John and Lislott Richardson
Albert and Kathleen Ruesink
Jerard and Nancy Ruff
Richard C. Schutte
John and Lorna Seward
Odette F. Shepherd
Alexis Spencer
Francis William and Cynthia St. Leger
Lewis H. Strouse
Kenneth and Marcia VanderLinden
Steven and Judith Young
$100 - $299
David and Melanie Alpers
Ethan and Sandra Alyea
Janette Amboise-Chaumont*
John and Dianna Auld
Richard and Adrienne Baach
Mark J. Baker
David and Judith Barnett
Robert and Patricia Bayer
Bonnie Beach
David and Ingrid Beery
Joshua D. Bell
Shirley Bell
Ernest and Eva Bernhardt-Kabisch
Charles and Nancy* Bonser
Herbert and Juanita Brantley
Bill and Jaclyn Brizzard
Alexander and Virginia Buchwald
Susan L. Burk
Derek and Marilyn Burleson
Barbara J. Byrum
Barbara Carlson
George and Lynda Carlson
Gerald and Beatrice Carlyss
Howard and Elizabeth Chapman
H.E. and Chatherine Charles
John and Phyllis Clapacs
Steven and Karin Coopersmith
Rob and Christine Cowan
John and Carol Dare
Jefrey and Pamela Davidson
Linda Degh-Vazsonyi
Julia DeHon
Deborah Divan
David and Jennie Drasin
John and Beth Drewes
Jon and Sarah Dunn
Raymond and Judith Dusman
Mark and Karin Edwards
Stephen A. Ehrlich
Peter and Pearl Ekstrom
Joe and Gloria Emerson
Mary K. Emison
Michael and Cheryl Engber
Marianne Y. Felton
James and Joan Ferguson
Richard and Susan Ferguson
Robert and Geraldine Ferguson
George and Jo Fielding
Lydia V. Finkelstein
Bruce and Betty Fowler
Dorothy J. Frapwell
Donald and Sandra Freund
Draeleen Gabalac
Bernardino and Caterina Ghetti
Jeffrey and Toby Gill
Michael and Patricia Gleeson
James and Constance Glen
Henry H. Gray
John J. Greenman
Jerry and Linda Gregory
Kenneth R. Gros Louis
Henry C. Gulick
Samuel and Phyllis Guskin
David Hacker
Thomas and Susan Hacker
Hendrik and Jacobina Haitjema
Stanley and Hilary Hamilton
Ralph E. Hamon
Andrew Hanson and Patricia Foster
Kenneth and Janet Harker
Pierrette Harris
Robert and Emily Harrison
James R. Hasler
Lenore S. Hatfield
Edward and Linda Heath
Barbara J. Henn
James and Sandra Hertling
David and Rachel Hertz
John D. Hobson
Patricia H. Hodge
Rona Hokanson
Richard and Lois Holl
Diane S. Humphrey
Margaret J. Intons-Peterson
Roger and Carol Isaacs
Martin D. Joachim
Lora D. Johnson
Donald and Margaret Jones
Burton and Eleanor Jones
Gwen J. Kaag
Kenneth and Amy Kaczmarek
Berkley Kalin
Patricia C. Kellar
Janet Kelsay
Marilyn J. Kelsey
Thomas and Mary Kendrick
John and Julianne King
James Koch and Mary Cox
Ernest and Dawn Koenig
Peter Koenig and Mary Jamison
Ronald and Carolyn Kovener
Rose Krakovitz
William A. Kunkel
Eric Lai and Grace Lok
David and Suzanne Larsen
Joan B. Lauer
John and Julia Lawson
Katherine C. Lazerwitz
Big Red Liquors, Inc.
Culver Family Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Edoardo A. Lebano
Diana R. Lehner
Louis and Myrna Lemberger
Leslie and Kathleen Lenkowsky
Mitzi A. Lewison
Carolyn R. Lickerman
Pamela K. Liebing
Jeffrey Lim
Peter and Carol Lorenzen
Alvin and Susan Lyons
P. A. Mack
Andrew and Jane Mallor
William and Eleanor Mallory
Mayer and Ellen Mandelbaum
Nancy G. Martin
Susann H. McDonald
James L. McLay
Joseph and Ruth Miller
G. Scott and Rosalind Mitchell
Stephen and Sandra Moberly
Lois Morris
John and Patricia Mulholland
John Myers
Marcia M. Nagao
Frank and Nancy Nagler
Daniel and Heather Narducci
Marilyn F. Norris
Douglas and Roma North
Harold and Denise Ogren
Joan C. Olcott
Richard and Jill Olshavsky
Robert and Mary Orben
Dan F. Osen
Elayne Ostrower
Harlan and Joanna Peithman
Russell Percifield
Dorothy L. Peterson
Ronald and Frona Powell
Stephen and Darlene Pratt
Earl and Dorothy Prout
Kenneth Renkens and Debra Lay-Renkens
Joseph Rezits and Norma BeversdorfRezits
William and Dorothy Richards
Jill A. Robinson
John and Mary Rucker
Ruth L. Rusie
James and Helen Sauer
Lynn L. Schenck
Robert and Alice Schloss
Fredric and Nancy Schroeder
Richard C. Searles
Christian and Mary Seitz
Herbert A. Seltz
Richard Shiffrin and Judith Mahy-Shiffrin
John and Rebecca Shockley
Anson and Janet Shupe
Michael A. Simkowitz
Ruth Skernick
David Smith and Marie Libal-Smith
Eliot and Pamela Smith
Janet S. Smith
John and Laura Snyder
Fredric and Roberta Somach
Stephen T. Sparks
Malcolm and Ellen Stern
Ellen Strommen
Linda Strommen
William and Gayle Stuebe
Saundra B. Taylor
Charlotte H. Templin
Charles Thompson and Gina Reel
Roderick Tidd and Lisa Scrivani-Tidd
Samuel B. Troxal
Hillard and Ruth Trubitt
Jeffrey S. Tunis
William and Jane Volz
Robert and Marcia Voss
Janet K. Wagner
Sharon P. Wagner
Judith Walcoff
George Walker and Carolyn LipsonWalker
Donovan R. Walling
Joseph and Esther Weaver
Ewing and Kay Werlein
G. Cleveland and Frances Wilhoit
Natalie J. Williams
Patricia L. Williams
James and Ruth Witten
Thomas and Sara Wood
Virginia A. Woodward
William L. Yarber
James and Rachel Zimmerman
Corporations and Foundations
Five Star Quality Care, Inc.
Fred A. Place Accounting LLC, PA
Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis
Legacy Fund Community Foundation
Meadowood Retirement Community
Waterfield Foundation, Inc.
Companies Providing Matching Gifts
Eli Lilly & Company
Genworth Foundation
Goodrich Foundation
IBM International Foundation
Planned Gifts
We are grateful to those individuals who have expressed their interest in ensuring
scholarship support for tomorrow’s students today by making a planned gift through a
testamentary gift in their estate planning by a will or trust, charitable gift annuity, or retirement
plan. We are pleased to acknowledge those individuals who have provided gift documentation.
David* and Ruth Albright
Peggy K. Bachman
Marvin Carmack*
Anita Hursh Cast
Esther R. Collyer*
Douglas and Virginia Jewell
Jeanette C. Marchant, in memory of
Emerson R. and Velma R. Calkins
James and Helen* Pellerite
Charles F.* and Jean A. Peters
Judith E. Simic
Jeffrey S. Tunis
* Deceased
IU Opera Theater Production Staff
General Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dean Gwyn Richards
Executive Director of Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timothy Stebbins
Director of Coaching and Music Administration . . . . . . . . . . . Kevin Murphy
Faculty Director of Opera Choruses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter Huff
Executive Administrator of Instrumental Ensembles . . . . . . Thomas Wieligman
Coordinating Opera Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kimberly Carballo
Coach Accompanists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Phelps
Stage Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meggie Scache
Assistant Stage Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chelsey Sorbo, Travis Staley
Technical Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alissia Garabrant
Director of Paint and Props . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark F. Smith
Lead Costume Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dana Tzvetkova
Costume Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . Soraya Noorzad, Magdalena Tortoriello
Wigs and Makeup Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christy Clark
Head of Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patrick Mero
House Electrician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fritz Busch
Stage Carpenters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken D’Eliso, Andrew Hastings
Administrative Production Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brenda Stern
Director of Recording Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Konrad Strauss
Sound Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Douglas McKinnie
Audio Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fallon Stillman
Box Office and House Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tridib Pal
Editor and Publicity/Media Relations Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . Linda Cajigas
Director of Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neil Robinson
Director of Digital Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patrick Eddy
Music Programs Editorial Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jonathan Shull
Marketing and Publicity Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah Slover
Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martha Eason
Assistant Technical Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholaus Miller
Assistant Properties Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gwen Law
Assistant Costume Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Swallow Leach
Assistant First Hands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sarah Akemon, Wendy Langdon
Noriko Zulkowski
W. A. Mozart
Sept. 20, 21, 27, 28
Jules Massenet
Oct. 25, 26 | Nov. 1, 2
and Gretel
Engelbert Humperdinck
Nov. 15, 16, 21, 22
The Tale of
Lady Thi Kính
P. Q. Phan
Feb. 7, 8, 14, 15
H.M.S. Pinafore
Gilbert and Sullivan
Feb. 28 | March 1, 7, 8
La Traviata
Giuseppe Verdi
April 11, 12, 18, 19
Musical Arts Center Box Office
Monday - Friday, 11:30-5:30
(812) 855-7433
Le Nozze
di Figaro
Celebrating Violette
Oct. 4, 5 Fall Ballet
Divertimento No. 15
Variations for Eight
Left Unsaid
Dec. 5, 6, 7, 8
East by
March 28, 29 Spring Ballet
La Bayadère Act III
Donizetti Variations