Flavor Delicacies - Cornell University
Flavor Delicacies - Cornell University
Flavor Delicacies A Tour Through The Mysteries Of Matter Matthias Neubert Cornell University Flavor Delicacies – p.1/45 High-Energy Physics God-given units: ~=c=1 ∆p · ∆x ∼ 1 ⇒ ∆E · ∆t ∼ 1 high-energy accelerators are giant microscopes resolving tiniest distances create conditions similar to those very shortly after the birth of the Universe 100 GeV ↔ 10−15 m 1019 GeV ↔ 10−32 m (where 1 GeV = 109 eV ≈ mass of proton) Flavor Delicacies – p.2/45 Big Accelerators . . . Flavor Delicacies – p.3/45 Collide the Tiniest Particles . . . Flavor Delicacies – p.4/45 . . . as Physicists Watch in Awe Flavor Delicacies – p.5/45 High-Energy Theory Fundamental laws derived from few, simple guiding principles: Flavor Delicacies – p.6/45 High-Energy Theory Fundamental laws derived from few, simple guiding principles: symmetries (gauge theories) Flavor Delicacies – p.6/45 High-Energy Theory Fundamental laws derived from few, simple guiding principles: symmetries (gauge theories) simplicity and beauty (few parameters, simple equations) Flavor Delicacies – p.6/45 High-Energy Theory Fundamental laws derived from few, simple guiding principles: symmetries (gauge theories) simplicity and beauty (few parameters, simple equations) naturalness (avoid fine-tuning) Flavor Delicacies – p.6/45 High-Energy Theory Fundamental laws derived from few, simple guiding principles: symmetries (gauge theories) simplicity and beauty (few parameters, simple equations) naturalness (avoid fine-tuning) anarchy: everything not forbidden is allowed Flavor Delicacies – p.6/45 High-Energy Theory Fundamental laws derived from few, simple guiding principles: symmetries (gauge theories) simplicity and beauty (few parameters, simple equations) naturalness (avoid fine-tuning) anarchy: everything not forbidden is allowed Anarchy: An utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government These principles have brought us a long way . . . Flavor Delicacies – p.6/45 The “Standard Model” Flavor Delicacies – p.7/45 Grand Picture Theory of Everything (strings, branes, M-theory, ... ?) GUT ? extra dimensions ? SUSY ? extra dimensions ? Standard Model electro-weak strong electro-magnetic (gluons) (photon) matter: (3 generations) Higgs (?) weak gravitational (W,Z bosons) [ bt bt bt ] [ ντ ] [ sc sc sc ] [ νµ ] [ du du du] [ νe ] quarks leptons (gravitons) τ µ why replications ? hierarchies ? e Flavor Delicacies – p.8/45 The Puzzle of Flavor Most of Standard Model parameters are related to the masses and mixings of fermions (Yukawa couplings) quark and lepton masses: mu ≈ 0.004 GeV md ≈ 0.007 GeV me ≈ 0.0005 GeV m νe = ? mc ≈ 1.3 GeV ms ≈ 0.2 GeV mµ ≈ 0.1 GeV m νµ = ? mt ≈ 170 GeV mb ≈ 4.2 GeV mτ ≈ 1.8 GeV m ντ = ? for neutrinos: ∆m2atm ∼ 3 · 10−21 GeV2 , ∆m2sol ∼ 3 · 10−23 GeV2 why so different ? why families, hierarchical patterns ? Flavor Delicacies – p.9/45 Why Do Light Particles Exist ? A fundamental theory of elementary particle physics should describe all phenomena until some high energy scale Λ (“cutoff”) larger than all experimentally accessible energies But: Relativity + Quantum Mechanics ⇒ Quantum Field Theory In QFT, particles can aquire mass through interactions with “nothing” (vacuum): mass = bare mass + const·Λ Flavor Delicacies – p.10/45 since this is a generic feature of QFT, it seems that no light elementary particles should exist !?!? . . . unless Flavor Delicacies – p.11/45 since this is a generic feature of QFT, it seems that no light elementary particles should exist !?!? . . . unless there is a symmetry that forbids such quantum-generated masses Flavor Delicacies – p.11/45 since this is a generic feature of QFT, it seems that no light elementary particles should exist !?!? . . . unless there is a symmetry that forbids such quantum-generated masses Theorists Love Symmetries (and the world needs them) Flavor Delicacies – p.11/45 Gauge Symmetries Photon (carrier of light) is massless as a consequence of the gauge invariance of Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism gauge transformation: ψe (x) → eiχ(x) ψe (x) , Aµ (x) → Aµ (x) − ∂µ χ(x) mass term mγ Aµ (x)Aµ (x) not invariant ⇒ mγ = 0 long-range forces likewise: mgluon = 0 (strong interactions) Flavor Delicacies – p.12/45 Chiral Symmetries Physics knows the difference between left and right gauge group: SUC (3) ⊗ SUL (2) ⊗ UY (1) weak force (the SUL (2)) acts only on fermions (spin- 12 particles) with left-handed chirality mass term mf (f¯L fR + f¯R fL ) not gauge invariant ⇒ mf = 0 massless fermions So now we know that all particles are massless... Flavor Delicacies – p.13/45 Electroweak Symmetry Breaking “Mass protection mechanism” only works as long as symmetries are unbroken Spontaneous symmetry breaking: E<v SUL (2) ⊗ UY (1) → Uem (1) Higgs mechanism broken below energy scale v ∼ 100 GeV Flavor Delicacies – p.14/45 Electroweak Symmetry Breaking “Mass protection mechanism” only works as long as symmetries are unbroken Spontaneous symmetry breaking: E<v SUL (2) ⊗ UY (1) → Uem (1) Higgs mechanism broken below energy scale v ∼ 100 GeV massive gauge bosons: mW ' 81 GeV, mZ ' 90 GeV ∼ v √ Flavor Delicacies – p.14/45 Electroweak Symmetry Breaking “Mass protection mechanism” only works as long as symmetries are unbroken Spontaneous symmetry breaking: E<v SUL (2) ⊗ UY (1) → Uem (1) Higgs mechanism broken below energy scale v ∼ 100 GeV massive gauge bosons: √ mW ' 81 GeV, mZ ' 90 GeV ∼ v massive fermions: mf ∼ 100 GeV ??? Flavor Delicacies – p.14/45 Electroweak Symmetry Breaking “Mass protection mechanism” only works as long as symmetries are unbroken Spontaneous symmetry breaking: E<v SUL (2) ⊗ UY (1) → Uem (1) Higgs mechanism broken below energy scale v ∼ 100 GeV massive gauge bosons: √ mW ' 81 GeV, mZ ' 90 GeV ∼ v massive fermions: mf ∼ 100 GeV ??? ⇒ top quark (mt ' 170 GeV) is only fermion with a mass of the expected order of magnitude! Flavor Delicacies – p.14/45 Hierarchy Problem Standard mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking requires existence of a scalar particle (Higgs boson) with mass mH ∼ 100 GeV, but a scalar mass is not protected by gauge or chiral symmetries expect mH ∼ Λ ∼ 1016 GeV, unless we are willing to fine-tune the “bare” Higgs mass against the mass aquired through quantum effects (mass = bare mass + const·Λ) Problem of EWSB: Why is mH Λ ? Flavor Delicacies – p.15/45 The Higgs Story Higgs desperately needed to achieve electroweak symmetry breaking much evidence for a relatively light Higgs from electroweak precision data (LEP+SLD): Preliminary 6 10 3 10 mH [GeV] (5) 0.02761±0.00036 0.02738±0.00020 4 mH [GeV] ∆αhad = 10 2 10 3 2 10 3 41.5 41.6 0 σhad [nb] mH [GeV] 0.015 0.02 A0,l FB 2 80.2 80.4 mW (LEP) [GeV] Measurement ∆αhad= 0.02761 ± 0.00036 (5) mH [GeV] 10 10 3 10 Preliminary 2 2 mH [GeV] 10 41.4 Excluded 10 2.5 ΓZ [GeV] mH [GeV] ∆χ2 2.49 2 0 3 theory uncertainty 10 αs= 0.118 ± 0.002 mt= 174.3 ± 5.1 GeV 2 20.7 20.8 0 Rl Flavor Delicacies – p.16/45 This reasoning has worked before . . . Top-Quark Mass [GeV] CDF 176.1 ± 6.6 D∅ 172.1 ± 7.1 Average 174.3 ± 5.1 LEP1/SLD/νN/APV 169.0 ± 10.0 LEP1/SLD/νN/APV/mW 180.5 ± 10.0 125 150 175 200 mt [GeV] . . . however, as soon as the Higgs is found, the hierarchy problem is born! Lore: There must be New Physics at or below the TeV scale! (1 TeV=1000 GeV) Flavor Delicacies – p.17/45 Our Biggest Problem Although we firmly believe that New Physics is just around the corner, we see no trace of it in the data Standard Model works too well! Summer 2001 Measurement 1 0.5 (5) Preliminary 68 % CL U≡0 2 lept sin θeff mW ∆αhad(mZ) 0.02761 ± 0.00036 -.35 mZ [GeV] 91.1875 ± 0.0021 .03 ΓZ [GeV] 0 σhad [nb] Rl 0,l Afb T Γl mH mt -1 -.48 1.60 20.767 ± 0.025 1.11 0.01714 ± 0.00095 .69 0.1465 ± 0.0033 -.54 0.21646 ± 0.00065 1.12 Rc 0.1719 ± 0.0031 -.12 0,b 0.0990 ± 0.0017 -2.90 Afb 0,c 0.0685 ± 0.0034 -1.71 Ab 0.922 ± 0.020 -.64 Ac 0.670 ± 0.026 .06 0.1513 ± 0.0021 1.47 Afb -0.5 2.4952 ± 0.0023 41.540 ± 0.037 Rb Al(Pτ) 0 Al(SLD) 2 lept -1 -0.5 0 S 0.5 1 Pull sin θeff (Qfb) 0.2324 ± 0.0012 (LEP) mW [GeV] 80.450 ± 0.039 mt [GeV] (TEV) mW 174.3 ± 5.1 [GeV] 80.454 ± 0.060 2 sin θW(νN) 0.2255 ± 0.0021 QW(Cs) -72.50 ± 0.70 meas fit meas (O −O )/σ -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 .86 1.32 -.30 .93 1.22 .56 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Flavor Delicacies – p.18/45 When will it crack ? B physics ? Flavor Delicacies – p.19/45 When will it crack ? B physics ? (g − 2)µ ? Flavor Delicacies – p.19/45 When will it crack ? B physics ? (g − 2)µ ? SUSY partners at LHC, LC ? Flavor Delicacies – p.19/45 When will it crack ? B physics ? (g − 2)µ ? SUSY partners at LHC, LC ? black holes at LHC ? Flavor Delicacies – p.19/45 When will it crack ? B physics ? (g − 2)µ ? SUSY partners at LHC, LC ? black holes at LHC ? ... ? Flavor Delicacies – p.19/45 Finding New Physics Theory New Physics No/little experimental guidance Examples: general relativity heavy quarks (Kobayashi–Maskawa) SUSY, extra dimensions, strings, . . . ? Flavor Delicacies – p.20/45 Finding New Physics Theory New Physics Energy Frontier Mass production of new particles Examples: b quarks at CESR, DORIS W , Z bosons at LEP top quarks at Tevatron Higgs bosons, SUSY (s)particles at LHC, LC ? Flavor Delicacies – p.20/45 Finding New Physics Theory New Physics Energy Frontier High Luminosity Precision measurements (effects of virtual particles) Examples: charm quark (K–K̄ mixing) top quark (B–B̄ mixing, EW precision data) Higgs bosons (EW precision) ? SUSY (s)particles (g − 2 of muon) ? Flavor Delicacies – p.20/45 Yukawa Couplings Couplings of Higgs field to fundamental fermions (quarks and leptons) determines their masses and √ flavor-changing interactions (hh0 i = v/ 2 after EWSB): LY = 3 X i,j=1 λij d h+ ūiL djR + h0 d¯iL djR + λij u h0∗ ūiL ujR − h− d¯iL ujR + h.c. Not all parameters of the complex 3 × 3 matrices λij d and λij u are observable (field redefinitions) difficulty for model building, since Yukawa couplings cannot be derived even with perfect data! Flavor Delicacies – p.21/45 What can be measured are masses and flavor mixings: Vub Vtd up down 10 −5 strange 10 −4 10 charm −3 0.01 Vts Vcb Vcd Vus bottom Vtb Vcs Vud top 0.1 1 2 mq v Importance of quark flavor mixings (CKM matrix): only source of flavor-changing interactions in SM only source of CP-violating interactions in SM Flavor Delicacies – p.22/45 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Two strategies: precision measurements of CKM elements in weak decays of hadrons (bound states of quarks) searches for new flavor-changing/CP-violating interactions Status of CKM measurements: VCKM Vud = Vcd Vtd Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 0.975 in magn. ≈ 0.221 0.005 0.221 0.003 0.975 0.040 1 0.040 Flavor Delicacies – p.23/45 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Two strategies: precision measurements of CKM elements in weak decays of hadrons (bound states of quarks) searches for new flavor-changing/CP-violating interactions Status of CKM measurements: VCKM Vud = Vcd Vtd Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 0.975 in magn. ≈ 0.221 0.005 0.221 0.003 0.975 0.040 1 0.040 Vud: nuclear β decay Flavor Delicacies – p.23/45 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Two strategies: precision measurements of CKM elements in weak decays of hadrons (bound states of quarks) searches for new flavor-changing/CP-violating interactions Status of CKM measurements: VCKM Vud = Vcd Vtd Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 0.975 in magn. ≈ 0.221 0.005 0.221 0.003 0.975 0.040 1 0.040 Vus: semileptonic K → πeν decay Flavor Delicacies – p.23/45 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Two strategies: precision measurements of CKM elements in weak decays of hadrons (bound states of quarks) searches for new flavor-changing/CP-violating interactions Status of CKM measurements: VCKM Vud = Vcd Vtd Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 0.975 in magn. ≈ 0.221 0.005 0.221 0.003 0.975 0.040 1 0.040 Vub: semileptonic B → πlν decay Flavor Delicacies – p.23/45 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Two strategies: precision measurements of CKM elements in weak decays of hadrons (bound states of quarks) searches for new flavor-changing/CP-violating interactions Status of CKM measurements: VCKM Vud = Vcd Vtd Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 0.975 in magn. ≈ 0.221 0.005 0.221 0.003 0.975 0.040 1 0.040 Vcd: charm production off d quarks in DIS Flavor Delicacies – p.23/45 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Two strategies: precision measurements of CKM elements in weak decays of hadrons (bound states of quarks) searches for new flavor-changing/CP-violating interactions Status of CKM measurements: VCKM Vud = Vcd Vtd Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 0.975 in magn. ≈ 0.221 0.005 0.221 0.003 0.975 0.040 1 0.040 Vcs: semileptonic D → Keν decay Flavor Delicacies – p.23/45 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Two strategies: precision measurements of CKM elements in weak decays of hadrons (bound states of quarks) searches for new flavor-changing/CP-violating interactions Status of CKM measurements: VCKM Vud = Vcd Vtd Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 0.975 in magn. ≈ 0.221 0.005 0.221 0.003 0.975 0.040 1 0.040 Vcb: semileptonic B → D ∗ lν decay Flavor Delicacies – p.23/45 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Two strategies: precision measurements of CKM elements in weak decays of hadrons (bound states of quarks) searches for new flavor-changing/CP-violating interactions Status of CKM measurements: VCKM Vud = Vcd Vtd Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 0.975 in magn. ≈ 0.221 0.005 0.221 0.003 0.975 0.040 1 0.040 Vtd : Bd –B̄d mixing Flavor Delicacies – p.23/45 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Two strategies: precision measurements of CKM elements in weak decays of hadrons (bound states of quarks) searches for new flavor-changing/CP-violating interactions Status of CKM measurements: VCKM Vud = Vcd Vtd Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 0.975 in magn. ≈ 0.221 0.005 0.221 0.003 0.975 0.040 1 0.040 Vts : Bs –B̄s mixing Flavor Delicacies – p.23/45 Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Two strategies: precision measurements of CKM elements in weak decays of hadrons (bound states of quarks) searches for new flavor-changing/CP-violating interactions Status of CKM measurements: VCKM Vud = Vcd Vtd Vus Vub Vcs Vcb Vts Vtb 0.975 in magn. ≈ 0.221 0.005 0.221 0.003 0.975 0.040 1 0.040 Vtb : top decay, unitarity Flavor Delicacies – p.23/45 Semileptonic decay: l − ν Vub W b u π+ B0 d Mixing: Vtd* Vtb b B 0 d W t t W d Vtd* B 0 b Vtb theoretical uncertainties from quarks ↔ hadrons binding effects Flavor Delicacies – p.24/45 Wolfenstein Parameterization Hierarchy of CKM matrix is made explicit by writing: VCKM = 1− λ2 2 −λ Aλ3 (1 − ρ̄ − iη̄) λ 1− λ2 2 2 −Aλ Aλ3 (ρ̄ − iη̄) Aλ2 1 + O(λ4 ) accurately known: |Vus | and |Vcb| (λ = 0.224 ± 0.003 and A = 0.82 ± 0.04) more uncertain: |Vub| and |Vtd | (ρ̄ and η̄) with standard phase conventions, complex entries appear in smallest matrix elements (requires ≥ 3 generations) ⇒ CP violation! Flavor Delicacies – p.25/45 Unitarity Triangle Experimental knowledge about smallest entries can be summarized by displaying the unitarity relation Vub∗ Vud + Vcb∗ Vcd + Vtb∗ Vtd = 0 as a triangle in the complex (ρ̄, η̄) plane: (ρ,η) α ~Vtd * ub ~V CP Violation γ (0,0) β (1,0) CP violation results from a non-vanishing area! Flavor Delicacies – p.26/45 CP Violation One of the most intriguing aspects of physics, which links particle physics with cosmology Microcosmos: fundamental difference between the interactions of matter and anti-matter microscopic violation of time-reversal invariance (CPT theorem) Macrocosmos: baryon asymmetry in the Universe ⇒ our existence! Flavor Delicacies – p.27/45 What is CP Violation ? Most interactions in Nature are invariant under parity ... but the weak force differentiates left from right! Flavor Delicacies – p.28/45 only left-handed fermions and right-handed anti-fermions take part in the weak interactions a CP transformation replaces left ↔ right and matter ↔ anti-matter Flavor Delicacies – p.29/45 only left-handed fermions and right-handed anti-fermions take part in the weak interactions a CP transformation replaces left ↔ right and matter ↔ anti-matter If CP were conserved, there would be no way of explaining to an alien the difference between matter and anti-matter. Flavor Delicacies – p.29/45 only left-handed fermions and right-handed anti-fermions take part in the weak interactions a CP transformation replaces left ↔ right and matter ↔ anti-matter If CP were conserved, there would be no way of explaining to an alien the difference between matter and anti-matter. In that case, shaking hand with an alien could be potentially disastrous! Flavor Delicacies – p.29/45 only left-handed fermions and right-handed anti-fermions take part in the weak interactions a CP transformation replaces left ↔ right and matter ↔ anti-matter If CP were conserved, there would be no way of explaining to an alien the difference between matter and anti-matter. In that case, shaking hand with an alien could be potentially disastrous! Since CP is not conserved, shaking hand with an alien is a safe endeavor . . . Flavor Delicacies – p.29/45 Short History of CP violation 1964: CP violation in K ↔ K̄ mixing (tiny effect: ≈ 1.6 · 10−3 ) 1999: CP violation in K → ππ decay (tiny effect: 0 / ≈ 1.7 · 10−3 ) 2001: CP violation in B, B̄ → J/ψ KS decay (large effect: sin 2β = 0.79 ± 0.10) Pattern of CP violation in mixing and weak decay of kaons, charm and B mesons is correctly predicted by the SM and relects the hierarchy of the CKM matrix! Flavor Delicacies – p.30/45 Constraints on the Unitarity Triangle K from CP violation in K–K̄ mixing: due to CP violation, the √ long-lived strange meson |KL i ≈ (|K 0 i − |K̄ 0 i)/ 2 is not exactly a CP eigenstate and so can decay into two pions K is sensitive to Im[(Vtd∗ Vts )2 ] Vtd* Vts s K 0 d W t t W d Vtd* K 0 s Vts Flavor Delicacies – p.31/45 |Vub/Vcb | from semileptonic B decays: ratio can be measured by comparing semileptonic b → ulν and b → clν decays l ν Vub W b B u 0 − π+ d Flavor Delicacies – p.32/45 ∆md,s from Bd,s –B̄d,s mixing: B–B̄ mixing amplitudes are dominated by virtual production of top quarks ∗ ∆md,s is sensitive to |Vtd,ts Vtb |2 Vtd* Vtb b B0 d W t t W d Vtd* B 0 b Vtb Flavor Delicacies – p.33/45 Experimental Results (2000) 1 ∆md ∆ms/∆md ∆md η |εK| 0 |Vub/Vcb| |εK| -1 CKM fitter -1 0 1 2 ρ Flavor Delicacies – p.34/45 Determination of sin 2β In B decays into a CP eigenstate fCP , observable CP asymmetries can arise from the interference of the amplitudes for B–B̄ mixing and decay: mixing ~ e -2i β B0 B0 A denote: λ = e-2i β A A A fCP Resulting time-dependent CP asymmetry: Γ(B̄ 0 (t) → fCP ) − Γ(B 0 (t) → fCP ) ACP (t) = Γ(B̄ 0 (t) → fCP ) + Γ(B 0 (t) → fCP ) Flavor Delicacies – p.35/45 Golden Modes B → J/ψ K If the decay amplitude itself is real, a theoretically “clean” measurement of sin 2β can be performed: B0 → J/ψKS0 B0 → ψ(2S)KS0 B → χc1KS0 0 50 a) 0 B tags 0 b) −0 50 BaBar (2001) sin2φ1 . sin(∆md∆t) ACP (t) = ±sin 2β · sin(∆md t) (a) Combined 1 0 Belle (2001) -1 B tags − (b) (cc)K S (ξf = −1) 0 0.5 1/N.dN/d(∆t) 0 -1 B → J/ψKL0 0 d) (c) J/ψKL (ξf = +1) 0 e) −0 Asymmetry 0 B tags 0.10 1 0 0.00 -8 -1 B tags 25 q.ξf = −1 0.20 c) -0.5 25 q.ξf = +1 1 -4 0 ∆t (ps) 4 8 (d) Non-CP sample 0 0.5 f) 1 0 -0.5 -1 -5 0 5 ∆t (ps) -8 -4 0 ∆t (ps) 4 8 Flavor Delicacies – p.36/45 Summary of Constraints (2001) 1 ∆md ∆ms/∆md η |εK| sin 2βWA 0 |Vub/Vcb| |εK| -1 CKM fitter -1 0 1 2 ρ Flavor Delicacies – p.37/45 This has established the existence of a CP-violating phase in the top sector (Im(Vtd ) 6= 0) Results at 95% confidence level: ρ̄ = 0.21 ± 0.12 sin 2β = 0.74 ± 0.15 η̄ = 0.38 ± 0.11 sin 2α = −0.14 ± 0.57 γ = 61◦ ± 16◦ after obtaining a consistent picture of CP violation in the top sector, the next step must be to explore the complex phase γ = arg(Vub∗ ) in the bottom sector Flavor Delicacies – p.38/45 Rare Hadronic B Decays γ can be probed via the tree–penguin interference in rare hadronic decays B → πK, ππ, . . . W u b W s,d b t u s,d g,Z,γ q q B → πK B → ππ Tree Penguin Ratio ∗ Vub Vus ∼ λ4 e−iγ Vtb Vts∗ ∼ λ2 |T /P | ∼ 0.2 ∗ ∼ λ3 e−iγ Vub Vud Vtb Vtd∗ ∼ λ3 eiβ |P/T | ∼ 0.3 information from CP asymmetries (∼ sin γ) and CP-averaged branching fractions (∼ cos γ) Flavor Delicacies – p.39/45 The Challenge QCD, the marvellous theory of the strong interactions, has a split personality. It explains both “hard” and “soft” phenomena, the softer ones being the hardest. (Y. Dokshitzer) high energies (short distances) ⇔ weak coupling (asymptotic freedom) low energies (long distances) ⇔ strong coupling (confinement) Flavor Delicacies – p.40/45 Different strategies exist for determining the relevant hadronic matrix elements: Hadronic Matrix Elements General Amplitude Parameterizations: Isospin and SU(3) Flavor Symmetry Amplitude Triangles, Quadrangles, ... Maximal Use of Measurements QCD-Based Calculations: QCD Factorization (HQL) pQCD, QCD Sum Rules, Lattice Maximal Use of Theory (ambitious!) various combinations QCD Factorization + Fleischer-Mannel Bound Neubert-Rosner Bound Bounds -> Determinations QCD Factorization + Phenom. Penguin Amplitude Charming Penguins, ... Flavor Delicacies – p.41/45 Two Examples Measurement of Γ(B ± → π ± K 0 ) , R∗ = ± 0 ± 2Γ(B → π K ) and of the time-dependent CP asymmetry Sππ in B → π + π − decays, provide powerful constraints in the (ρ̄, η̄) plane: 0.6 0.6 1.0 R*=0.8 PSfrag replacements 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.2 0 0 η̄ η̄ 0.4 1.2 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 PSfrag replacements 0 ρ̄ 0.2 0.4 0.6 Sππ : 0 -0.3 -0.6 -0.9 -0.6 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 ρ̄ Flavor Delicacies – p.42/45 Rare and Forbidden Decays Systematic study of rare B decays is richer than unitarity triangle physics many clean tests for New Physics possible processes that are strongly suppressed or forbidden in the Standard Model offer a farther reach than the relatively abundant processes used for CKM physics γ b Example (a “beautiful candle”): W s = b s + New Physics t γ Flavor Delicacies – p.43/45 Rare Decays at Super B-Factories Selective list of interesting modes: Decay Mode Branching Fractions B → Xs γ (3.3 ± 0.3) × 10−4 B → K ∗γ B → ρ(ω)γ B → Xs µ+ µ− B → Xs e+ e− B → K ∗ µ+ µ− B → K ∗ e+ e− B → Xs ν ν̄ B → K ∗ ν̄ B → τν B → µν Bd0 → τ + τ − Bs0 → µ+ µ− Bd0 → µ+ µ− B 0 → γγ 5 × 10−5 2 × 10−6 (6.0 ± 1.5) × 10−6 (2 ± 1) × 10−6 e+ e− B-Factories BaBar Super-BaBar Belle (0.5 ab−1 ) (10 ab−1 ) 11K 220K 1.7K 34K (B tagged) (B tagged) 170 25K 6K 120K 300 6K 3.6K 300 6K 350 7K 60–150 2.2K/4.5K 665/4.2K 120 2.4K 150 3K 8 160 1.5 30 17 350 8 150 Hadron Collider Experiments CDF BTeV ATLAS D0 LHC-b CMS −1 7 (2 fb ) (10 s) (1 year) (4.1 ± 0.9) × 10−5 5 × 10−6 5 × 10−5 1.6 × 10−7 10−7 10−9 5/1.5–6 −11 8 × 10 0/0 −8 10 5/11 1/2 9/7 0.7/0.5 0.4 8 Flavor Delicacies – p.44/45 Summary The physics of flavor is the physics of matter Flavor Delicacies – p.45/45 Summary The physics of flavor is the physics of matter The puzzles of flavor physics are fundamental and relate to virtually any open question in high-energy physics: Flavor Delicacies – p.45/45 Summary The physics of flavor is the physics of matter The puzzles of flavor physics are fundamental and relate to virtually any open question in high-energy physics: origin of mass ? Flavor Delicacies – p.45/45 Summary The physics of flavor is the physics of matter The puzzles of flavor physics are fundamental and relate to virtually any open question in high-energy physics: origin of mass ? origin of families and hierarchies ? Flavor Delicacies – p.45/45 Summary The physics of flavor is the physics of matter The puzzles of flavor physics are fundamental and relate to virtually any open question in high-energy physics: origin of mass ? origin of families and hierarchies ? origin of CP violation ? Flavor Delicacies – p.45/45 Summary The physics of flavor is the physics of matter The puzzles of flavor physics are fundamental and relate to virtually any open question in high-energy physics: origin of mass ? origin of families and hierarchies ? origin of CP violation ? current and future B-physics program is vital to answering these questions Flavor Delicacies – p.45/45 Summary The physics of flavor is the physics of matter The puzzles of flavor physics are fundamental and relate to virtually any open question in high-energy physics: origin of mass ? origin of families and hierarchies ? origin of CP violation ? current and future B-physics program is vital to answering these questions . . . f f o g n i k a t t s u j s i d l e fi s i Th Flavor Delicacies – p.45/45
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