Demin Data NSPECS .qxd - Eco-Tec
Demin Data NSPECS .qxd - Eco-Tec
PB0104BNS RECOFLO WATER DEMINERALIZER ® Do more with less . . . he Recoflo Demineralizer is much more than just another packed-bed, counter-current ion exchange system. The distinctive design and operating features of the Recoflo Demineralizer allow for the production of higher purity water at lower operating and total installed costs. The high ion exchange efficiency of the Recoflo Demineralizer results in a reduction in chemical usage and waste generation, and allows for the production of high purity water (conductivity as low as 0.1 µS/cm) without the need of a mixed bed polisher. The shorter cycles make the Recoflo Demineralizer more resistant to organic fouling and allow for the more effective removal of colliodal and ionic silica. Shallow resin beds (6 in/15cm) and a small resin volume reduce resin replacement expenses. The compact, T RECOFLO® WATER DEMINERALIZER Low installed cost, low operating cost, and small space requirement skid-mounted design requires less floor space and headroom than other demineralizers and no elaborate civil work is required for installation. To further reduce the cost of commissioning and installation, the resin is pre-loaded and the unit is fully tested with regenerants prior to shipment. Low operating costs, high performance and proven reliability make the Recoflo Demineralizer the choice of industry leading companies worldwide including PacifiCorp, Dynegy Midwest Generation and Borden Chemicals & Plastics in the United States; Ontario Power Generation, TransAlta Energy, Dupont Canada and Delta Hudson in Canada; Kiwi Dairy in New Zealand and United Phosphorus in India. Recoflo ion exchange features... Short bed height/small resin volume - The resin beds in the Recoflo Demineralizer are only 6 inches (15 cm) in depth and have approximately 10% of the resin volume of other demineralizers (Figure 1). A shallow bed is made possible by the rapid ion exchange kinetics that result from the use of fine mesh resins and low resin loading. 1 Loaded resin Fine mesh resin - Since exchange kinetics and regeneration efficiency is improved by using only the exchange sites at surface of the resin beads, a fine mesh resin is used to increase the total surface area that is available for exchange. The size of these resin beads is approximately one quarter the size of the resin used in other demineralizers (Figure 2). This resin is uniformally sized to maximize the efficency of rinsing and promote uniform distribution of flow through the bed. 3 Reaction zone Unused resin Figure 1 Figure 2 Low resin loading - Unlike other demineralizers that load the resin to near exhaustion, the Recoflo demineralizer uses less than 20% of the total exchange capacity of the resin. By using only the most accessable exchange sites at the surface of the resin beads, the exchange kinetics are improved and regenerant usage is reduced since the sites that most readily accept an ion are those most easily regenerated. In addition, the low resin loading does not force the resin to undergo large changes in size that cause resin fragmentation in other demineralizers. 2 Higher throughput rates - The rapid ion exchange kinetics and short resin beds allow for high throughput rates, typically 3 to 5 times higher than other demineralizers. The high flowrates result in a smaller resin bed diameter and hence a reduction in the required amount of floor space. 4 Recoflo ion exchange features... Counter-current regeneration - To maintain the cleanest resin at the bottom of the resin beds after regeneration, the regenerant is passed through the bed in the opposite direction of the feed flow (Figure 3). Counter-current regeneration minimizes regenerant usage and maximizes product water quality. 5 Packed resin beds maximize regeneration efficency by maintaining the exchange zone profile and ensuring proper flow distribution through the bed. Eliminating the freeboard reduces rinse requirements by minimizing intermixing and liquid dilution. BEFORE REGENERATION FEED WATER ▼ ▼ ▼ Figure 4 PRODUCT WATER AFTER REGENERATION WASTE ▲ ▲ REGENERANT 6 RESIN Figure 3 Compressed resin beds - The resin beds in the Recoflo Demineralizer are fully packed such that no freeboard exists. In fact, the resin beds are compressed by adding an excess of resin prior to closing the vessel (Figure 4). Shorter cycle times - The combination of high flowrates, low resin loading and small resin beds result in short cycle times, both in service and regeneration. Whereas other demineralizers are onstream for approximately 20 hours and require several hours to regenerate, the Recoflo Demineralizer is typically onstream for less than 30 minutes and is regenerated in less than 7 minutes. The shorter cycles allow for the continuous supply of the required flow with only one unit since during the short regeneration period, water can be drawn from the product storage tank. This buffer volume and the demineralized water used for regeneration is then replaced during the subsequent onstream cycle. The shorter cycles also facilitate troubleshooting since many cycles can be witnessed in a single shift after the remedial action has been performed. 7 Recoflo Demineralizer Cycle... 1. Onstream 5. Internal Recirculation (0.30 minutes) Filtered feedwater CATION ANION Deionized water Pre-filtered water is pumped downward through the resin beds. The length of the onstream time depends upon the feed total dissolved solids concentration and desired product water quality. 2. Anion Pre-Heat (0.50 minutes) Waste ANION CATION Warm deionized water ANION CATION 6. Cation Regeneration (0.13 minutes) To maximize the efficiency of removing silica from the anion resin during regeneration, the cold anion bed is heated with warm demineralized water from the warm water supply system. Waste ANION CATION Acid Deionized water 3. Anion Regeneration (0.44 minutes) Waste ANION CATION Caustic soda Warm deionized water Concentrated caustic drawn from the bulk supply is diluted in-line immediately below the anion bed with heated demineralized water from the product storage tank. The diluted caustic is pumped upward through the anion bed. CATION Deionized water ANION The anion bed is rinsed with demineralized water from the product storage tank to wash out remaining caustic regenerant. Concentrated acid drawn from the bulk supply is diluted in-line immediately below the cation bed with demineralized water from storage tank. Diluted acid is pumped upward through the cation bed. 7. Cation Rinse (0.37 minutes) Waste ANION CATION Deionized water The cation bed is rinsed with demineralized water from the product storage tank to wash out remaining acid regenerant. 8. Internal Recirculation 4. Anion Rinse (2.49 minutes) Waste Water within the system is circulated in a closed loop through the resin beds to move trace sodium ions from the caustic regenerant to the cation bed. CATION ANION Prior to onstream, water at the outlet is purified to desired quality by circulating water within the system in a closed loop through the resin beds. Length of time for this step depends upon the desired product water quality. Benefits ... PRODUCT CONDUCTIVITY (µmhos/cm) SYSTEM PERFORMANCE Produce High-Purity Water Without a Mixed-Bed . . . 0. 5 0. 4 0. 3 0. 2 0. 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 DAY Figure 5 SILICA LEAKAGE 1100 0 PRODUCT SILICA (ppb) 9 90 8 80 7 70 In many cases, the Recoflo Demineralizer is able to produce water with a conductivity as low as 0.1 µS/cm (10 resistivity) with less than 0.010 mg/L of silica using only the cation and anion beds (Figures 5 & 6). This high level of performance is made possible by the rapid and efficient exchange kinetics resulting from the use of fine mesh resins and low resin loading. The elimination of the need of a complicated mixed bed reduces space and labour requirements and removes any risk of resin cross contamination due to imperfect separation or re-mixing of resins during regeneration. 6 60 50 5 Reduce Commissioning Installation Costs . . . 4 40 3 30 20 2 10 1 00 00 5 10 15 20 25 30 DAY Figure 6 and Prior to shipment, the Recoflo Demineralizer is completely assembled and wired, and the resin is loaded into the beds. To reduce the time required for commissioning, the Recoflo unit is fully tested at the factory. Flowrates are adjusted, valve sequencing is checked, the operating program is debugged and the specified water quality is produced using regenerant chemicals. This significantly reduces commissioning time while providing an opportunity for handson operator training at Eco-Tec. A Recoflo Demineralizer can be commissioned in 2 to 3 days as compared to 2 to 4 weeks for other packed bed sys- Benefits ... tems. Once on site, the compact, skidmounted design allows for easy placement and installation with no elaborate civil work. In addition, there is no need for regenerant dilution systems or separate feed pump skids as required with other demineralization systems. Each individual Recoflo Demineralizer skid contains the acid and caustic injection pumps and a multi-purpose centrifugal pump that is used to pump the feed water, dilution water, rinse water and the water during the recirculation steps. Reduce Space . . . The high throughput rate of the Recoflo Demineralizer is 3 to 5 times that of other Demineralizers. This increased productivity, and the shorter resin bed, result in a much smaller vessel diameter and low headroom requirements. In addition, the shorter cycle times reduce the size of the auxiliary equipment (e.g., waste neutralization, warm water supply) since small volumes of waste will be generated throughout the day rather than a large volume of waste being produced daily. The Recoflo Demineralizer requires approximately one half of the floorspace and headroom of other demineralizers. Reduce Operating Costs . . . The Recoflo Demineralizer offers substantial savings in operating costs. The distinctive design and operational features of the Recoflo ion exchange process guarantee the lowest consumptions of the acid and caustic. The lower regenerant usage and highly effective rinsing of the resin result in the efficient usage of water and the subsequent minimization in waste generation (Figure 7). The small resin volume, approximately 10% of other demineralizers, allows for the inexpensive, simple and expeditious replacement of resin. Figure 7 CONVENTIONAL RECOFLO® 34,500 gallons (130 m3) 152 gallons (0.57 m3) 128 gallons (0.48 m3) DAILY WASTE FLOW DAILY CAUSTIC USAGE DAILY ACID USAGE 20,500 gallons (77 m3) 96 gallons (0.36 m3) 67 gallons (0.25 m3) Benefits ... Reduce Operator Attention . . . The fully automated Recoflo system is PLC controlled with many self-diagnostic features. The key operating parameters can be made available for monitoring and trending from a remote location via the internet or a plant's DCS system and locally on a Human Machine Interface screen (Figure 8). The low operator requirements of the Recoflo unit has made it the ideal system for low or unstaffed locations such as the Tilton and Freedom power peaking stations (Figure 9). Rapid Return to Service . . . Human Machine Interface (HMI) Screen The Recoflo demineralizer can be returned to service after a single 7 minute regeneration cycle, regardless of how long the system has been on stand-by. The return to service can be automatically triggered by a low-level signal. Other demineralizers require a 3 to 4 hour regeneration cycle and rinse-down, with a substantial amount of waste water being generated. This feature makes the Recoflo System ideal for applications involving intermittent operation such as in power peaking stations or for the batch production of pharmaceuticals. Tilton Energy Center, Danville, Illinois Figure 9 Figure 8 Feed Forward Control . . . The conductivity of surface water that feeds the demineralization system can vary seasonally. The Recoflo System can include a feed forward conductivity controller that will automatically adjust the operating parameters of the demineralization units to account for changes in the feed total dissolved solids concentration. This ensures the resin beds are always regenerated with the correct volume of regenerant, while also optimizing chemical consumption. Removal of Colloidal Silica . . . Unlike other packed-bed demineralizers, the Recoflo Demineralizer has shown to be very effective at removing colloidal silica. The high surface area of the fine mesh anion resin provides attachment sites for the negatively charged colloidal silica particles. The short onstream time ensures that the Recoflo Demineralizer is taken out of service for regeneration before the exchange sites at the surface of the resin are exhausted and breakthrough of colloidal silica occurs. Field data from several sites employing the Recoflo Demineralizer for purification of well and surface waters have shown a reduction in colloidal silica concentration from up to 2.5 ppm to less than 0.010 ppm. Benefits ... Resistance to Organic Fouling . . . RECOFLO® EXPERIENCE WITH ORGANICS Ottawa River at the Ottawa Heath Science Centre Cogeneration Facility Canada feed TOC = 2.5 mg/L effluent = < 180 ppb Narmada River at the Search Chem Cogeneration Plant India feed TOC = 4.2 mg/L effluent = < 200 ppb ECO-SERV Service Program . . . The Recoflo Demineralizer is fully covered under Eco-Tec's ECO-SERV Customer Service Program. The program begins with strict quality assurance at every stage of the design and manufacturing processes, as demanded by ISO 9001. Samples of resin from every shipment are tested inhouse to confirm the particle size distributions and ion exchange characteristics. The filter vessels and piping systems are constructed in accordance with ASME guidelines. Prior to shipment, the demineralizer is tested with regenerant chemical to produce the specified water quality. An Eco-Tec Customer Service Representative can be onsite to provide supervision during start-up and to offer operator training. A Service Representative is available 24/7 to assist with any aspect of the system. Naturally occurring organics, such as humic and fulvic acids, enter into feed water supplies from decaying vegetation. These large organic molecules are negatively charged and are exchanged onto the anion resin. The long onstream cycle time of deep-bed demineralizers give the organic molecules ample time to penetrate deep into the resin bead. Once entangled within the resin bead matrix, the organic molecules are not effectively removed by regeneration. Organic fouling will cause a reduction in demineralizer performance, efficiency and capacity. The operation of the Recoflo Demineralizer makes it more resistant to organic fouling. The short cycles promote the frequent removal of organics and prevent them from penetrating into resin bead structure. ECO-TEC INC. ECO-TEC (Europe) Ltd. Units 5C, D & E, Chase Park Industrial Estate, Ring Road, Burntwood, 1145 Squires Beach Road, Pickering, Staffordshire, England WS7 8JQ Ontario,Canada L1W 3T9 Telephone: 44-15436-83086 Fax: 44-15436-74117 Telephone: 905-427-0077 Fax: 905-427-4477 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] The information contained in this document is proprietary and is the sole property of Eco-Tec Inc., no part may be reproduced without the express consent of Eco-Tec Inc.