4th Annual WA Charolais Bull Sale
4th Annual WA Charolais Bull Sale
4th Annual WA Charolais Bull Sale Q U A L IT Y CE R TIF IE D Cross into Profit Thursday 5th February 2014 Brunswick Showgrounds Sale Complex 1pm start 45 BULLS FROM 7 VENDORS Selling Agents: Welcome Members of the Charolais Society of Australia WA Region would like to welcome buyers and Charolais enthusiasts to the 4th Annual WA Charolais Bull Sale. Cattle producers looking to boost profits in their beef operation are encouraged to attend the WA Charolais bull sale. For years, many commercial cattle breeders have received high returns for their calves after crossing into Charolais profit. There are 45 quality charolais bulls on offer from 7 of WA’s leading Charolais studs. Charolais are continually being recognised as one of the most important beef breeds in Australia today and is famous for its ability to add profit to beef production. The Charolais is renowned for its ability to sire consistent high value carcasses and along with this is recognised for fast growth rates and ability to lay down fat. These attributes make Charolais sired cattle sought after across all facets of the beef industry, with producers, butchers, feedlotters, live exporters and processors alike. The Charolais breed was established in WA over 40 years ago and over this period of time the modern Australian Charolais has continued to develop and evolve. Due to careful selection for structural soundness, growth for age, softness while maintaining that muscling attribute the breed is renowned for, along with the selection of low birth weight sires for calving ease and of course that placid Charolais disposition, Charolais breeders have made the modern Australian Charolais extremely well suited to our country’s climate and conditions. The WA Charolais Bull Sale will allow prospective buyers to view a number of bulls at the one venue from many different breeders, rather than having to attend a number of sales throughout the bull selling season. Intending purchasers can bid with confidence as all bulls on offer at the WA Charolais Bull sale comply with the Charolais Society of Australia “Quality Certified” sale guarantee. All bulls have been semen tested and for your herds protection bulls have been BVDV tested. All bulls have been inspected by Elders and Landmark agents. On behalf of the participating Charolais vendors I wish you all the best with your selections at the 2015 WA Charolais Bull Sale. Yours Sincerely, Robin Yost Chairperson Charolais Society of Australia WA Region Vendors ~ Bellevue Charolais ~ Greg Dunkley Bellevue M: 0418 591 949 Lots: 11, 12, 28, 29, 30, 31 & 41 ~ Downunder Charolais ~ Lesley Millner Wooroloo P: (08) 9573 1018 Lots: 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 36 ~ Kooyong Charolais ~ David Ellis Pinjarra P: (08) 9530 3225 or M: 0427 170 965 Lots: 7, 8, 24, 25, 26, 27 37, 38, 39, 40, 44 & 45 ~ Liberty Charolais ~ Kevin Yost Toodyay P: (08) 9574 2035 Lots: 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16 32, 33, 34, 35, 42 & 43. ~ Venturon Charolais ~ Andrew Thompson Boyup Brook M: 0429 379 135 Lots: 5, 6, 21, 22 & 23 ~ Willow Tree Charolais ~ Deb Ferguson Toodyay P: (08) 9574 4183 M: 0418 181 617 Lot: 10 ~ Wundam Glen Charolais ~ David Corker Boyup Brook M: 0412 390 315 Lot: 9 Q UA LITY CE Charolais Society of Australia Ltd R TIF I E D Charolais Society of Australia Ltd Seedstock Producer “Quality Certified” Sale Guarantee The nationally recognised “Whole of breed” Sale Guarantee provides warranties to customers on animals offered for sale by all Charolais Society Members in accordance with the Regulations of the Charolais Society of Australia Ltd, 2006. This Guarantee is effective from the 30th of March 2011. Preliminary requirements for all registered Charolais animals sold: 1. That this Charolais Society of Australia Ltd “Quality Certified” Sale Guarantee is made available to all prospective purchasers and can be viewed prior to animals being offered for sale. 2. All animals must be registered or recorded with the Charolais Society of Australia and transferred to the purchaser within thirty days of sale. 3. The parentage of an animal as stated on the registration certificate may be verified by DNA typing. 4. A declaration of herd health status is published in the vendors sale catalogue or made available to the purchaser prior to sale. 5. Veterinary attention and animal health care administered 90 days prior to sale is to be published in the vendors sale catalogue or made available prior to sale. 6. The prescribed fertility warranty (as stated below) for all bulls and females is published or made available prior to sale. 7. Females over 12 months of age and catalogued as unjoined are warranted fertile to natural service within twelve months of date of sale. The purchaser is to have the right to a full refund of the purchase price of the purchased female (excluding any costs and expenses of the purchaser) on submitting a veterinary report after the expiration of twelve months to the effect that the purchaser has been unable to get the female in calf to natural service. 8. The veterinarian must state that in his opinion there is no evidence that the female has suffered any injury or illness since being sold to the purchaser which could have affected her breeding ability. 9. The veterinarian must also state that in his/her opinion there is no evidence that the female has been subjected to embryo transfer procedures. The veterinary report (together with a statutory declaration by the purchaser to the effect that the substance of the report is true and correct) must be forwarded to the vendor (with a copy to CSA) within fourteen days of the first anniversary of the sale date. 10. All bulls over twelve months of age are to be sold as fertile and capable of natural service. The purchaser is to have the right to a full refund of the purchase price of the bull (excluding any costs and expenses of the purchaser) within six months of the date of the sale subject to submitting a veterinarians report stating that the bull is infertile or incapable of natural service. 11. The veterinarian must also state that in his/her opinion the bull has not suffered any injury or illness since being sold to the purchaser which could have affected his breeding ability. The veterinary report (together with a statutory declaration by the purchaser to the effect that the substance of the report is believed by the purchaser to be true and correct) must be forwarded to the vendor (with a copy to CSA) within fourteen days being six months to the sale date. 12. For all Society Endorsed events, the vendor’s herd is enrolled in Group Breedplan. Estimated breeding values (EBVs), the accuracy percentage for each EBV, and all breed specific $ Indexes on those animals listed for sale, are to be published or made available in the prescribed ABRI format. *Members are welcomed and encouraged to incorporate item 12 of the Sale Guarantee into their own on property sales. Charolais Society of Australia PO Box 772, Armidale NSW 2350 T 02 6771 1666 F 02 6771 1561 E [email protected] www.charolais.com.au CHAROLAIS BREEDPLAN CHAROLAIS BREEDPLAN EBVs An animal's breeding value is its genetic merit, half of which will be passed on to its progeny. While we will never know the exact breeding value, for performance traits it is possible to make good estimates. These estimates are called Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs). In the calculation of EBVs, the performance of individual animals within a contemporary group is directly compared to the average of other animals in that group. A contemporary group consists of animals of the same sex and age class within a herd, run under the same management conditions and treated equally. Indirect comparisons are made between animals reared in different contemporary groups, through the use of pedigree links between the groups. EBVs are expressed in the units of measurement for each particular trait. They are shown as + ive or - ive differences between an individual animal's genetics difference and the genetic base to which the animal is compared. For example, a bull with an EBV of +50 kg for 600-Day Weight is estimated to have genetic merit 50 kg above the breed base of 0 kg. Since the breed base is set to an historical benchmark, the average EBVs of animals in each year drop has changed over time as a result of genetic progress within the breed. The absolute value of any EBV is not critical, but rather the differences in EBVs between animals. Particular animals should be viewed as being "above or below breed average" for a particular trait. Whilst EBVs provide the best basis for the comparison of the genetic merit of animals reared in different environments and management conditions, they can only be used to compare animals analysed within the same analysis. Consequently, Charolais BREEDPLAN EBVs cannot be validly compared with EBVs for any other breed. Although EBVs provide an estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for a range of production traits, they do not provide information for all of the traits that must be considered during selection of functional animals. In all situations, EBVs should be used in conjunction with visual assessment for other traits of importance (such as structural soundness, temperament, fertility etc). A recommended practice is to firstly select breeding stock based on EBVs and to then select from this group to ensure that the final selections are otherwise acceptable. EBVs are published for a range of traits covering fertility, calving ease, milking ability, growth, carcase merit and docility. When using EBVs to assist in selection decisions it is important to achieve a balance between the different groups of traits and to place emphasis on those traits that are important to the particular herd, markets and environment. One of the advantages of having a comprehensive range of EBVs is that it is possible to avoid extremes in particular traits and select for animals with balanced overall performance. Calving Ease EBVs (%) are based on calving difficulty scores, birth weights and gestation length information. More positive EBVs are favourable and indicate easier calving. CE % Dir = Direct Calving Ease - The EBV for direct calving ease indicates the influence of the sire on calving ease in purebred females calving at two years of age. CE % Daughters = Daughters' Calving Ease - The EBV for daughters' calving ease indicates how easily that sire's daughters will calve at two years of age. Gestation Length EBV (days) is an estimate of the time from conception to the birth of the calf and is based on Artificial Insemination and hand mating records. Lower (negative) Gestation Length EBVs indicate shorter gestation length and therefore easier calving and increased growth after birth. Birth Weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of progeny, adjusted for dam age. The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers. 200-Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 80 and 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for age of dam. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for growth to early ages. 400-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301 and 500 days of age, adjusted to 400 days and for age of dam. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for yearling weight. 600-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for age of dam. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal's genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age. Mature Cow Weight EBV (kg) is based on the cow weight when the calf is weighed for weaning, adjusted to 5 years of age. This EBV is an estimate of the genetic difference in cow weight at 5 years of age and is an indicator of growth at later ages and potential feed maintenance requirements of the females in the breeding herd. Steer breeders wishing to grow animals out to a larger weight may also use the Mature Cow Weight EBV. Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animal's milking ability. For sires, this EBV indicates the effect of the daughter's milking ability, inherited from the sire, on the 200-day weights of her calves. For dams, it indicates her milking ability. Scrotal Size EBV (cm) is calculated from the circumference of the scrotum taken between 300 and 700 days of age and adjusted to 400 days of age. This EBV is an estimate of an animal's genetic merit for scrotal size. There is also a small negative correlation with age of puberty in female progeny and therefore selection for increased scrotal size will result in reduced age at calving of female progeny. Carcase Weight EBV (kg) is based on abattoir carcase records and is an indicator of the genetic differences in carcase weight at the standard age of 650 days. Eye Muscle Area EBV (sq cm) is calculated from measurements from live animal ultrasound scans and from abattoir carcase data, adjusted to a standard 300 kg carcase. This EBV estimates genetic differences in eye muscle area at the 12/13th rib site of a 300 kg dressed carcase. More positive EBVs indicate better muscling on animals. Sires with relatively higher Eye Muscle Area EBVs are expected to produce better muscled and higher percentage yielding progeny at the same carcase weight than will sires with lower Eye Muscle Area EBVs. Rib Fat and Rump Fat EBVs (mm) are calculated from measurements of subcutaneous fat depth at the 12/13 rib site and the P8 rump site (from live animal ultrasound scans and from abattoir carcases) and are adjusted to a standard 300 kg carcase. These EBVs are indicators of the genetic differences in fat distribution on a standard 300 kg carcase. Sires with low, or negative, fat EBVs are expected to produce leaner progeny at any particular carcase weight than will sires with higher EBVs. Retail Beef Yield EBV (%) indicates genetic differences between animals for retail yield percentage in a standard 300 kg carcase. Sires with larger EBVs are expected to produce progeny with higher yielding carcases. Intramuscular Fat EBV (%) is an estimate of the genetic difference in the percentage of intramuscular fat (marbling) at the 12/13th rib site in a 300 kg carcase. Depending on market targets, larger more positive values are generally more favourable. Selection Indices Charolais selection indices are calculated for three market specifications, namely, Domestic, Export and Northern Terminal. Index values are reported as EBVs, in units of relative earning capacity ($’s) for a given market. They reflect both the short-term profit generated by a sire through the sale of his progeny, and the longer-term profit generated by his daughters in a self-replacing cow herd. A selection index combines the EBVs with economic information (costs and returns) for specific market and production systems to rank animals based on relative profit values. Note that different types of animals can give similar profit values, so consideration should be given to both the index and the component EBVs when selecting animals for a particular production system. More information is available on selecting animals using a selection index. The Index values are derived using BreedObject technology. More information is available from the BreedObject web site. Domestic Index ($) - Estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined for an example commercial herd with a British cow base (eg Angus) targeting grass-finished production for the domestic trade. This Index assumes pasture grown & finished steers weighing 430 kg (240 kg HSCW and 6 mm P8 fat depth) at 12 months. Daughters are retained or sold for breeding therefore maternal traits are of importance. In response to industry feedback, positive emphasis has been placed on finishing ability. Export Index ($) – Estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined for an example commercial herd with a British cow base (eg Angus) targeting the production of steers for export markets. This Index assumes pasture grown & finished steers weighing 700 kg (380 kg HSCW and 9 mm P8 fat depth) at 29 months. Daughters are retained or sold for breeding therefore maternal traits are of importance. In response to industry feedback, positive emphasis has been placed on finishing ability. Northern Terminal Index ($) – Estimates the genetic differences between animals in net profitability per cow joined for an example commercial herd in Northern Australia (ie Brahman cows) targeting the production of grass finished steers for the Jap Ox market. Steers are sold direct to slaughter at 630 kg (345 kg HSCW and 5 mm P8 fat depth) at 28 months. All progeny are slaughtered. In response to industry feedback positive emphasis has been placed on finishing ability. Accuracy Accuracy (%) is based on the amount of performance information available on the animal and its close relatives - particularly the number of progeny analysed. Accuracy is also based on the heritability of the trait and the genetic correlations with other recorded traits. Hence accuracy indicates the "confidence level" of the EBV. The higher the accuracy value the lower the likelihood of change in the animal's EBV as more information is analysed for that animal or its relatives. Even though an EBV with a low accuracy may change in the future, it is still the best estimate of an animal's genetic merit for that trait. As more information becomes available, an EBV is just as likely to increase in value, as it is to decrease. Accuracy values range from 0-99%. The following guide is given for interpreting accuracy: Accuracy range Interpretation less than 50% Low accuracy. EBVs are preliminary and could change substantially as more performance information becomes available. 50-74% Medium accuracy, usually based on the animal's own records and pedigree. 75-90% Medium-high accuracy. Some progeny information included. EBVs may change with addition of more progeny data. more than 90% High accuracy estimate of the animal's true breeding value. As a rule, animals should be compared on EBVs regardless of accuracy. However, where two animals have similar EBVs the one with higher accuracy could be the safer choice, assuming other factors are equal.For further information please contact the Charolais Society (02 6771 1666) or Charolais BREEDPLAN (02 6773 3059). Insurance Disclaimer: Insurance risk of stud animals sold at auction transfers to the purchaser at the fall of the hammer including animals remaining on the vendor’s property. Purchasers therefore are advised to insure their animals at the completion of the sale. Stud Animals are not covered by commercial livestock insurance. LOT: 1 LIBERTY HAWKEYE (AI) (P) Tattoo: Y1K H65E Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD DOB: 27/08/2012 Sex: M HARVIE REDEMPTION 36P MC286641 (OAC Z6641E) (P) S: RANGAN PARK REDEMPTION E42 (RAN E42E) (P) RANGAN PARK SHOWGIRL C7 (RAN C7E) Selection Index Values LIBERTY UNFORGETABULL (Y1K U4E) (P) D: LIBERTY FIRST LADY (Y1K F58E) (P) LIBERTY U SEXY THING (Y1K U1E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$16 +$19 Export +$20 +$26 Northern Terminal +$15 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 EBV -8.1 +1.3 +0.1 +2.9 +17 +38 +48 +6 Acc 44% 38% 53% 65% 54% 54% 56% 43% MCW Milk Carc Wt SS EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF Notes: Hawkeye is our leading Stud sire and we are putting him up for sale because we have decided to keep a younger son of Redemption, our 2014 Perth Royal Show Junior Champion interbreed bull, Liberty Just Ramblin Along J35E. Hawkeye was sashed Senior Champion Interbreed bull at this years Perth Royal Show and was Grand Champion Charolais bull at the 2013 Perth Royal Show at 13 months of age. He is the first Redemption son to be offered at auction in WA. His pedigree is one of our best and he is a complete outcross sire. We purchased a semen share in Redemption at the Brisbane Royal show in 2011. Redemption was sashed the Grand Champion charolais bull and went on to win Interbreed Champion bull at Brisbane Royal. Hawkeye did his first season this year and covered 45 cows with 98% conception at 2 years of age. We will be retaining a semen share in Hawkeye. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Purchaser:$ LOT: 2 LIBERTY JONNY CASH (AI) (P) Tattoo: Y1K J27E Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD DOB: 27/03/2013 Sex: M HARVIE REDEMPTION 36P MC286641 (OAC Z6641E) (P) S: RANGAN PARK REDEMPTION E42 (RAN E42E) (P) RANGAN PARK SHOWGIRL C7 (RAN C7E) Selection Index Values LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) D: LIBERTY EXTRAVAGANCE (Y1K E5E) (P) LIBERTY XTRA SEXY (Y1K X2E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$16 +$19 Export +$19 +$26 Northern Terminal +$14 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS EBV -7.4 -3.9 -0.1 +2.3 +15 +35 +42 +40 +6 Acc 44% 37% 72% 73% 64% 63% 68% 60% 44% Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +0.1 +1.4 +0.9 +1.4 -0.7 +1.1 69% 48% 53% 52% 51% 47% Notes: Jonny Cash is another outstanding Redemption son with tremendous length, muscle and good structure with a flawless disposition. He scanned in October 125cm2 EMA, with even fat cover 8 PH and 8 Rib with 4.2% IMF. His dam W51E is one of our best and her son F9E sold for $8250 equal top price at the Inaugural WA Charolais bull sale. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Purchaser:$ LOT: 3 DOWNUNDER JANGLE (P) Tattoo: 1LP J31E LOT: 6 Vendor: L.I. MILLNER DOB: 08/05/2013 Sex: M Tattoo: VE7 J23E LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) S: LIBERTY FUTURE DIRECTION (Y1K F9E) (P) TRALEE WINNER (BC8 W51E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$24 +$19 Export +$30 +$26 Northern Terminal +$17 +$15 DOB: 31/03/2013 CE Dtrs EBV +6.0 Acc 41% GL MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Sex: M Selection Index Values PALGROVE TRIBUTE (PK T127E) D: LINKLETTER A7E (LJA A7E) PALGROVE ESTELLA 39 (PK Q55E) November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir Vendor: D.A. & A.E. THOMPSON EC NO DOUBT 2022 P M685500 (OAU Z2022E) (P) S: VENTURON FRANKIE (VE7 F10E) (P) VENTURON BROWNIE (VE7 B2E) (P) Selection Index Values TRALEE VICEROY (BC8 V9E) (P) D: DOWNUNDER ARTIC PITCH (1LP A46E) (P) DOWNUNDER PERFECT PITCH (1LP P45E) (P) VENTURON JUPITER (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$38 +$19 Export +$57 +$26 Northern Terminal +$33 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN Rib Rump RBY IMF CE Dir CE Dtrs BW 200 400 600 -5.2 +0.1 +11 +20 +21 +7 EBV +0.4 34% 69% 61% 57% 56% 45% Acc 44% Notes: A natural poll, deep, long bull and very soft with good fat cover. Has been semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated 5:1, multimin, vitamin ADE and backlined. GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS -2.3 +0.4 +16 +38 +60 +62 +17 40% 70% 63% 62% 67% 60% 48% Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +1.7 +1.3 +1.2 +1.8 -0.7 +0.7 52% 48% 50% 49% 50% 46% Notes: Early maturing polled bull with amazing growth for age. Excellent Breedplan figures. Maternial brother to Venturon Crusty Demon. Purchaser:$ Purchaser:$ LOT: 4 DOWNUNDER JOLLY RODGER (P) Tattoo: 1LP J43E DOB: 11/05/2013 LOT: 7 Vendor: L.I. MILLNER Tattoo: H2E J19E Sex: M LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) S: LIBERTY FUTURE DIRECTION (Y1K F9E) (P) TRALEE WINNER (BC8 W51E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$29 +$19 Export +$34 +$26 Northern Terminal +$15 +$15 CE Dtrs EBV +4.5 Acc 39% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk +3.2 -0.3 +7 +17 +17 +7 31% 69% 60% 60% 58% 42% SS Carc Wt EMA Rib DOB: 03/03/2013 Sex: M Selection Index Values EDEN PARK ALEX (LZD A1E) (P) D: KOOYONG DIANNA D18E (H2E D18E) (P) KOOYONG XPRESS (H2E X40E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$17 +$19 Export +$25 +$26 Northern Terminal +$14 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS LAZY JR CADET 5C XMC 4790 (IAC G6090E) S: KOOYONG FORD (H2E F12E) (P/S) KOOYONG YIPPEE (H2E Y43E) (P) Selection Index Values DOWNUNDER ZINK POP (1LP Z3E) D: DOWNUNDER CUTE LASS (1LP C16E) (P) DOWNUNDER WINSOME LASS (1LP W22E) (P) KOOYONG JOHNSON (P) Rump RBY CE Dir CE Dtrs EBV +1.6 -0.4 +0.3 +2 Acc 37% 32% 67% 37% IMF GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk Carc Wt SS EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF Notes: Natural poll with a lot of thickness, length and a deep soft bull. Has been semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated 5:1, multimin, vitamin ADE and backlined. Notes: First son of our new herd Sire Ford to be offered. Muscle, growth and softness in a polled package, Jonson has below average birth EBV’s. BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. Purchaser:$ Purchaser:$ LOT: 5 VENTURON JACKSON (P) Tattoo: VE7 J51E Vendor: D.A. & A.E. THOMPSON DOB: 10/08/2013 CCR SURESHOT 1107F7 ET 456598 (OAU R1107E) (P) S: VENTURON CRUSTY DEMON (VE7 C5E) (P) LINKLETTER A7E (LJA A7E) Index Index Value Domestic Export Northern Terminal Breed Avg +$10 +$19 +$15 +$26 +$9 CE Dtrs EBV -4.7 Acc 41% GL BW 200 400 600 -5.5 +1.1 +8 +17 +24 36% 67% 58% 60% 59% MCW Milk SS Carc Wt DOB: 01/03/2013 Sex: M Selection Index Values LT BLUEGRASS 4017P M686569 (OAU Z4017E) (P) D: KOOYONG FANCY (H2E F4E) (P) KOOYONG CAT (H2E C9E) (P) +$15 Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$66 +$19 Export +$86 +$26 Northern Terminal +$31 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +11 +0.3 +1.9 +2.8 -1.6 +0.8 EBV +15.8 +6.2 -6.9 -2.7 +14 +29 46% 43% 45% 44% 45% 41% Acc 46% 35% 74% 71% 57% 57% Notes: Polled son of Venturon Crusty Demon, sire of Venturon Gorgeous, 2014 Grand Champion Charolais Female Sydney Royal Show. Jackson was Reserve Junior Champion Charolais Bull at the 2014 Perth Royal Show at 13 months old. Very stylish young bull oozing stud sire potential. Purchaser:$ Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS NWMSU DOC SILVER 362 PLD M669488 (OAU Y9488E) (P) S: LEACHMAN WHITE GOLD P002X M796550 (OAU F6550E) (P) LCOC MS AMERICA UP045 F1129774 (PED -9774E) Selection Index Values November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir KOOYONG JACKSON J11 (AI) (P/S) Tattoo: H2E J11E Sex: M LIBERTY UNFORGETABULL (Y1K U4E) (P) D: LINKLETTER A105E (LJA A105E) (P) LINKLETTER W13E (LJA W13E) (P) LOT: 8 MCW Milk SS +27 +6 +2.6 57% 40% 53% Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF Notes: By new AI Sire White Gold (An Australia trait leader for BW, 400day weight and scrotal size). Jackson is a long, well muscled, clean sheathed, with curve bending Breedplan figures and dollar indexes triple breed average for domestic and export. BVDV and Semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. Purchaser:$ LOT: 9 WUNDAM GLEN JANNU J5 (P) Tattoo: DMC J5E Vendor: DAVID & OLIVIA CORKER DOB: 15/06/2013 Sex: M BELLEVUE JERRICO J17 (P) Tattoo: S11 J17E LT BLUEGRASS 4017P M686569 (OAU Z4017E) (P) S: WUNDAM GLEN GLACIER G3 (DC4 G3E) (P) WUNDAM GLEN CLAE A2 (DC4 A2E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$28 +$19 Export +$36 +$26 Northern Terminal +$17 +$15 DOB: 29/04/2013 CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk Carc Wt SS EMA Rib Sex: M Selection Index Values TOKEN YEAH YEAH (4FJ Y39E) (P) D: BELLEVUE RITA B26E (S11 B26E) SUMMERFIELD Q1E (WW9 Q1E) (P) November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir Vendor: TALISKA SECURITIES PTY LTD EC NO DOUBT 2022 P M685500 (OAU Z2022E) (P) S: BELLEVUE CATAPULT (S11 C50E) (P) SUMMERLEA ANITA 4TH (DBS X5E) Selection Index Values WUNDAM GLEN ICEBERG X1 (DC4 X1E) (P) D: WUNDAM GLEN FLARE C6 (DC4 C6E) (P) WUNDAM GLEN FLARE X2 (DC4 X2E) (P) LOT: 12 Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$28 +$19 Export +$41 +$26 Northern Terminal +$27 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN Rump RBY IMF CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk EBV +5.3 -0.3 +5 EBV +1.3 -0.9 +0.4 +18 +29 +45 +42 +8 Acc 35% 45% 36% Acc 41% 36% 69% 62% 65% 68% 60% 48% Notes: Only a baby at 19 months. A really well made polled bull. Vaccinated 7:1 and BVDV negative. Carc Wt SS EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF Notes: Vaccinated 7:1, semen tested. Son of Interbreed and Grand Champion bull at 2009 Perth Royal Show - Catapult. Purchaser:$ Purchaser:$ LOT: 10 WILLOW TREE JOKER (P) Tattoo: TW7 J3E LOT: 13 Vendor: D FERGUSON DOB: 25/03/2013 Tattoo: Y1K J19E Sex: M LIBERTY YEOMAN (Y1K Y12E) S: LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) LIBERTY XTRA TANTALIZING (Y1K X3E) (P) TRALEE VICEROY (BC8 V9E) (P) D: WILLOW TREE ZELACIOUS (TW7 Z1E) DOWNUNDER PRETTY WOMAN (1LP P28E) Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$25 +$19 Export +$30 +$26 Northern Terminal +$17 +$15 CE Dtrs EBV +2.4 Acc 44% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk -6.1 +0.8 +11 +25 +27 +5 37% 57% 54% 53% 53% 47% SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Sex: M Selection Index Values LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) D: LIBERTY ELITE JEWEL (Y1K E50E) (P) TRALEE WINNER (BC8 W51E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$22 +$19 Export +$27 +$26 Northern Terminal +$22 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir DOB: 25/03/2013 Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD HARVIE REDEMPTION 36P MC286641 (OAC Z6641E) (P) S: RANGAN PARK REDEMPTION E42 (RAN E42E) (P) RANGAN PARK SHOWGIRL C7 (RAN C7E) Selection Index Values Index LIBERTY JACK OF HEARTS (AI) (P) Rump RBY IMF CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 EBV -5.1 -5.7 -0.3 +2.2 +18 +41 Acc 43% 35% 71% 71% 55% 55% MCW Milk SS +52 +8 57% 41% Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +0.6 +1.8 +0.4 +0.7 +0.0 +0.7 49% 38% 46% 46% 42% 37% Notes: A good polled bull showing plenty of softness and thickness with good structure. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Notes: Jack of Hearts was used as our junior stud sire this year and went out with 25 cows. We are selling him as he is a Redemption son and we have choosen to keep this years Junior Champion Interbreed bull by Redemption as our new stud sire. This polled bull is an exceptionable young sire with tremendous thickness, depth and length of body and disposition. He has a really good spread of EBV’s. One of the reasons we chose this bull as a stud sire was his pedigree, its one of our best genetic crosses. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Purchaser:$ Purchaser:$ LOT: 11 LOT: 14 BELLEVUE JUMPER J13 (AI) (P) Tattoo: S11 J13E Vendor: TALISKA SECURITIES PTY LTD DOB: 02/04/2013 Tattoo: Y1K J17E Sex: M IMPAIR 1893102983 (OAF N189F) S: PRESLEY 5703133810 (OAF U3810F) (P) MEDUSE 5796021535 (PED -5796F) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$11 +$19 Export +$19 +$26 Northern Terminal +$15 +$15 CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 EBV -2.4 +3.4 -2.8 +0.9 +9 +17 +35 +9 Acc 39% 35% 66% 64% 59% 62% 66% 46% MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Notes: Vaccinated 7:1, semen tested. Well grown son of French Sire Presley Purchaser:$ Rib Sex: M Selection Index Values LIBERTY YEOMAN (Y1K Y12E) D: LIBERTY BOLD BRASSY (Y1K B10E) (P) LIBERTY X RATED (Y1K X23E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$22 +$19 Export +$30 +$26 Northern Terminal +$19 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir DOB: 25/03/2013 Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD HARVIE REDEMPTION 36P MC286641 (OAC Z6641E) (P) S: RANGAN PARK REDEMPTION E42 (RAN E42E) (P) RANGAN PARK SHOWGIRL C7 (RAN C7E) Selection Index Values KIARA TIMOTHY (L1K T3E) (P/S) D: EPILOMA YVETTE (1MC Y18E) EPILOMA TOFFEE (1MC T9E) LIBERTY JET STORM (AI) (P) (R/F) Rump RBY CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS EBV -5.7 -1.6 -0.3 +2.0 +17 +37 +46 +44 +4 Acc 44% 37% 73% 73% 64% 64% 70% 60% 48% IMF Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +1.3 +2.0 +0.6 +1.0 +0.2 +0.3 73% 48% 51% 50% 51% 47% Notes: A quality polled red Redemption son and maternal brother to the top priced bull of the 2014 WA Charolais Bull sale at $11000. He has tremendous thickness, length and depth of body with good structure, 43cm testicle measurement and a great disposition. He was used in our commercial herd this year. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Purchaser:$ LOT: 15 LIBERTY JACKSONVILLE (AI) (P) Tattoo: Y1K J5E DOB: 07/03/2013 Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD Sex: M HARVIE REDEMPTION 36P MC286641 (OAC Z6641E) (P) S: RANGAN PARK REDEMPTION E42 (RAN E42E) (P) RANGAN PARK SHOWGIRL C7 (RAN C7E) Selection Index Values LIBERTY BOTTOM LINE (Y1K B32E) (P) D: LIBERTY DELTA DAWN (Y1K D25E) (P) LIBERTY BAD GIRL (Y1K B27E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$39 +$19 Export +$52 +$26 Northern Terminal +$26 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS EBV +2.0 +5.2 -6.0 +0.2 +13 +33 +45 +35 +11 Acc 43% 36% 72% 73% 64% 64% 70% 60% 46% Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +0.7 +1.4 +0.3 +0.6 -0.1 +0.8 73% 49% 54% 53% 53% 48% Notes: A very soft extremely well muscled polled Redempion son with a below averge birth weight EBV and a good spread of growth and milk figures. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Purchaser:$ LOT: 16 LIBERTY JEFFERSON (P) Tattoo: Y1K J15E Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD DOB: 18/03/2013 Sex: M LIBERTY YEOMAN (Y1K Y12E) S: LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) LIBERTY XTRA TANTALIZING (Y1K X3E) (P) Selection Index Values LIBERTY COUNT THE DOLLARS (Y1K C3E) (P) D: LIBERTY FANCY FREE (Y1K F52E) (P) LIBERTY DIXIE CHICK (Y1K D4E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$28 +$19 Export +$37 +$26 Northern Terminal +$17 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir CE Dtrs EBV -1.3 Acc 43% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS -4.7 +0.4 +10 +25 +26 +19 +5 35% 73% 65% 65% 71% 61% 46% Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +1.7 +2.2 +2.5 +3.7 -1.5 +1.2 72% 49% 56% 55% 53% 48% KOOYONGCharolais 42 YEARS OF BREEDING Offering 12 Bulls Notes: A polled soft Below Zero son with good length of body and plenty of thickness. These Below Zero sons are some of our last for sale as the old bull retired. His progeny over the years have sold exceptionally well with sons selling to top price twice at the 2012 WA Charoalis sale and twice at the 2014 sale averageing over $9000, his preformance and pedigree speak for its self. Lots 7, 8, 24, 25, 26, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44 & 45 Purchaser:$ LOT: 17 DOWNUNDER JORDAN (P) Tattoo: 1LP J53E Vendor: L.I. MILLNER DOB: 11/07/2013 All bulls BREEDPLAN recorded, semen tested, scanned, BVDV Negative, Vaccinated 7 in 1 Multimin, B12 and Vitamin A.D.E. Sex: M LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) S: LIBERTY EAST WIND (Y1K E6E) (P) LIBERTY A GREAT GAL (Y1K A17E) (P) Selection Index Values ROSEDALE ASCOT (MR A36E) (P) D: DOWNUNDER ELM CANDY (1LP E52E) (P) DOWNUNDER ALPINE FLOWER (1LP A16E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$47 +$19 Export +$66 +$26 Northern Terminal +$35 +$15 HERDSIRE KOOYONG ERIC H2E E5E November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir CE Dtrs EBV +5.3 Acc 35% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk -1.8 +0.3 +19 +42 +57 +10 29% 67% 58% 58% 56% 40% SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Notes: A free moving young sire. Has been semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated 5:1, multimin, vitamin ADE and backlined. Purchaser:$ Rump RBY IMF GL -3.2 BW -1.7 200D 400D 600D +8 +18 +21 SC +0.4 Sire of lots 25, 40 & 45 2 Year Guarantee Bulls, females, embryos and semen available privately For all enquiries contact David Ellis P: 08 9530 3225 M: 0427 170 965 LOT: 18 DOWNUNDER JESTER (P) Tattoo: 1LP J1E LOT: 21 Vendor: L.I. MILLNER DOB: 03/03/2013 Tattoo: VE7 J11E Sex: M LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) S: LIBERTY EAST WIND (Y1K E6E) (P) LIBERTY A GREAT GAL (Y1K A17E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$47 +$19 Export +$63 +$26 Northern Terminal +$31 +$15 CE Dtrs EBV +4.8 Acc 33% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk +3.2 +0.5 +16 +39 +50 +7 28% 63% 53% 58% 55% 36% SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Sex: M Selection Index Values VENTURON CRUSTY DEMON (VE7 C5E) (P) D: VENTURON FARRAH (VE7 F24E) (P) VENTURON REMINISCE (VE7 R2E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$31 +$19 Export +$43 +$26 Northern Terminal +$28 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir DOB: 06/03/2013 Vendor: D.A. & A.E. THOMPSON M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET M633377 (OAU W3377E) (P) S: EC NO DOUBT 2022 P M685500 (OAU Z2022E) (P) EC LADY DUKE 2022 P F956614 (PED -2022E) (P) Selection Index Values DOWNUNDER ZINK POP (1LP Z3E) D: DOWNUNDER FELICITY (1LP F11E) (P) DOWNUNDER AVAIL (1LP A8E) VENTURON JAMESON (AI) (P) Rump RBY CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS EBV +2.0 -6.0 -5.8 -0.2 +12 +29 +45 +39 +16 Acc 50% 46% 68% 72% 66% 64% 68% 61% 52% IMF Notes: A heavy muscled, quiet natured, free moving young sire. Has been semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated 5:1, multimin, vitamin ADE and backlined. Purchaser:$ Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +1.0 +2.6 +0.7 +1.1 +0.4 +0.3 53% 49% 52% 51% 50% 48% Notes: Son of Venturon Farrah (P) 2011 Champion Junior All Breeds Beef Female Perth Royal Show. Low birth weight, high milk figure, standing on great feet and legs. This young bull has exceptional sire outlook. Purchaser:$ LOT: 19 DOWNUNDER JET SETTER (P) Tattoo: 1LP J54E DOB: 12/07/2013 LOT: 22 Vendor: L.I. MILLNER Tattoo: VE7 J38E Sex: M FERNVALE TRAPPER (FEN T50E) S: ROSEDALE ASCOT (MR A36E) (P) ROSEDALE DAFFODIL 5 (MR P81E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$24 +$19 Export +$36 +$26 Northern Terminal +$17 +$15 DOB: 01/05/2013 CE Dtrs EBV -1.3 Acc 44% GL MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Sex: M Selection Index Values LINKLETTER Y25E (LJA Y25E) D: VENTURON CHERRY BLOSSOM (VE7 C10E) VENTURON TABITHA (VE7 T6E) (P) November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir Vendor: D.A. & A.E. THOMPSON CCR SURESHOT 1107F7 ET 456598 (OAU R1107E) (P) S: VENTURON CRUSTY DEMON (VE7 C5E) (P) LINKLETTER A7E (LJA A7E) Selection Index Values DOWNUNDER XCHANGER (1LP X67E) (P) D: DOWNUNDER A SURPRISE (1LP A50E) (P) DOWNUNDER ZONE VIBRENT (1LP Z19E) (P) VENTURON JORDAN (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$19 +$19 Export +$23 +$26 Northern Terminal +$15 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN Rump RBY IMF CE Dir CE Dtrs BW 200 400 600 +3.7 +1.3 +15 +26 +36 +3 EBV +0.1 38% 69% 62% 61% 58% 50% Acc 40% Notes: A moderate frame with good feet and legs and good muscling. Has been semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated 5:1, multimin, vitamin ADE and backlined. Purchaser:$ GL BW 200 400 600 -4.9 +0.3 +10 +21 +26 35% 69% 62% 62% 67% MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +11 +0.9 +1.2 +1.7 -0.5 +0.1 47% 44% 46% 44% 45% 42% Notes: Young 19 mth old Polled son of Venturon Crusty Demon, sire of Venturon Gorgeous, 2014 Grand Champion Charoalis Female Sydney Royal Show. A bull showing outstanding carcase traits and muscling. Purchaser:$ LOT: 20 DOWNUNDER JACK BOOTS (P) Tattoo: 1LP J24E DOB: 30/04/2013 LOT: 23 Vendor: L.I. MILLNER Tattoo: VE7 J21E Sex: M LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) S: LIBERTY FUTURE DIRECTION (Y1K F9E) (P) TRALEE WINNER (BC8 W51E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$20 +$19 Export +$24 Northern Terminal DOB: 27/03/2013 +$15 CE Dtrs EBV +4.5 Acc 39% GL MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Selection Index Values Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$33 +$19 Export +$45 +$26 Northern Terminal +$26 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir Sex: M VENTURON ARCHIE (VE7 A18E) (P) D: VENTURON GERALDINE (VE7 G28E) (P) BALLENGARA ACHIEVEMENT 8 (CJP L192D) (P) +$26 +$12 Vendor: D.A. & A.E. THOMPSON EC NO DOUBT 2022 P M685500 (OAU Z2022E) (P) S: VENTURON FRANKIE (VE7 F10E) (P) VENTURON BROWNIE (VE7 B2E) (P) Selection Index Values DOWNUNDER WEIGHT LIFTER (1LP W28E) (P) D: DOWNUNDER CASHEW NUT (1LP C22E) (P) DOWNUNDER WE NUT MEG (1LP W43E) VENTURON JASPER (P) Rump RBY CE Dir BW 200 400 600 IMF -1.7 -0.3 +7 +13 +13 +7 EBV 31% 69% 60% 61% 58% 42% Acc CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 +5.9 -0.4 +12 +25 +36 36% 65% 60% 58% 64% MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +14 +1.4 +0.9 +1.2 -0.1 +0.2 40% 42% 44% 42% 44% 41% Notes: Good temperament, long body with a lot of depth. Has been semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated 5:1, multimin, vitamin ADE and backlined. Notes: Smooth polled bull with low birth weight and high milk figure. Great temperament. Purchaser:$ Purchaser:$ LOT: 24 KOOYONG JOLLY Tattoo: H2E J43E LOT: 27 Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS DOB: 17/03/2013 Tattoo: H2E J28E Sex: M LAZY JR CADET 5C XMC 4790 (IAC G6090E) S: KOOYONG FORD (H2E F12E) (P/S) KOOYONG YIPPEE (H2E Y43E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$34 +$19 Export +$46 +$26 Northern Terminal +$18 +$15 CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 EBV +9.5 +2.2 -3.6 -1.3 +10 +14 +15 +3 Acc 40% 36% 50% 66% 49% 49% 52% 42% MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY +$19 Export +$37 +$26 Northern Terminal +$17 +$15 CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS EBV -2.1 +8.6 -4.3 +0.0 +10 +19 +34 +23 +9 Acc 58% 58% 59% 64% 62% 61% 61% 60% 64% Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY +0.7 +1.2 +0.1 +0.4 +0.1 56% 50% 52% 52% 51% IMF Notes: A polled son of a gun MAC 2244 is a legend of the breed in Australia and the US. J Mac is smooth, clean sheathed, has good growth figures and will add milk to any female progeny retained in your herd. Palgrove J122D was a heavy, deep bodied compact type. This combination has produced several Perth Royal Show Champions. BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. LOT: 28 Sex: M KOOYONG BLANDY (H2E B35E) (P/S) S: KOOYONG ERIC (H2E E5E) (P) KOOYONG YIPPEE (H2E Y43E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$19 +$19 Export +$22 +$26 Northern Terminal +$15 +$15 CE Dtrs EBV -0.9 +4.7 +0.7 +12 +25 +31 +6 Acc 40% 35% 68% 48% 48% 50% 39% 400 600 MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY Vendor: TALISKA SECURITIES PTY LTD DOB: 24/05/2013 Sex: M EC NO DOUBT 2022 P M685500 (OAU Z2022E) (P) S: BELLEVUE FAST TRACK (S11 F8E) (P) BELLEVUE SOPHIA C32E (S11 C32E) (P) Selection Index Values BLAWEARY UNBELIEVABULL (BLO U9E) (P) D: SUMMERLEA ANITA A6E (DBS A6E) SUMMERLEA ANITA 3RD (DBS W4E) November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir BELLEVUE JOJO (P) Tattoo: S11 J28E Selection Index Values GAUGUIN 8591105891 (OAF L859F) D: KOOYONG BEE (H2E B6E) LINKLETTER W1E (LJA W1E) (P) 200 Breed Avg +$25 Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS DOB: 01/04/2013 BW Index Value Purchaser:$ KOOYONG JACK (P/S) GL Index Domestic CE Dir IMF Purchaser:$ Tattoo: H2E J53E Selection Index Values November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN Notes: Another Ford son with muscling and softness standing on excellent feet, Jolly has a below average Birth weight of -1.3. BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. LOT: 25 Sex: M MANDALONG BAIL (RP B110E) D: PALGROVE ANGEL 8 (PK J122D) PALGROVE ANGEL 5 (PK D1C) November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir DOB: 09/03/2013 Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS WCR SIR FAB MAC 809 M 202427 (OAU -57E) (P) S: WCR SIR FA MAC 2244 M 234430 (OAU B2244E) (P) WCR MISS CENTURY 920 TWN F 354249 (OAU -58) (P) Selection Index Values LT BLUEGRASS 4017P M686569 (OAU Z4017E) (P) D: KOOYONG DRYANDRA (H2E D47E) (P) LINKLETTER W18E (LJA W18E) (P/S) KOOYONG J MAC (AI) (ET) (P) Purchaser:$ Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$28 +$19 Export +$37 +$26 Northern Terminal +$22 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN IMF Notes: Jack is a balanced deep bodied soft bull that oozes quality, perfect for those sought after Silver calves. By Eric, the Sire of our top priced bull last year. Birth weight of -1.3. BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. Index CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk EBV +3.6 +0.8 -4.8 -0.1 +9 +21 +31 +16 +8 Acc 40% 33% 53% 70% 62% 64% 68% 61% 46% SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF Notes: Vaccinated 7:1, semen tested Purchaser:$ LOT: 26 KOOYONG JUTLAND (AI) (P/S) Tattoo: H2E J34E DOB: 10/03/2013 Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS LOT: 29 Sex: M BAR J SILVERADO 14S PMC306605 (PED -6605E) S: JWX SILVER BULLET 524W PMC325757 (OAC E5757E) (P) KMAC MISS MARMALADE 31R PFC343445 (PED -3445E) Tattoo: S11 J23E Selection Index Values Index AYR FLETCHER’S FRAZER (AYR W397F) D: KOOYONG CARLIE (H2E C36E) KOOYONG WARATAH (H2E W24D) Index Value Domestic +$27 +$19 Export +$41 +$26 Northern Terminal +$20 +$15 CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 EBV +2.1 +3.4 -0.4 +0.9 +12 +26 +38 +4 Acc 38% 27% 71% 69% 50% 50% 51% 34% MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY Vendor: TALISKA SECURITIES PTY LTD DOB: 08/05/2013 Sex: M PACIFIC 7121329558 (OAF U9558F) (P) S: BELLEVUE DOMINO (S11 D27E) SUMMERLEA BRONWYN 2 (DBS Y5E) Breed Avg Selection Index Values BLAWEARY UNBELIEVABULL (BLO U9E) (P) D: SUMMERLEA SAGITTE 3 (DBS Y11E) (P) SUMMERLEA SAGITTE (DBS S9E) (P) November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir BELLEVUE JACKSON (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$20 +$19 Export +$21 +$26 Northern Terminal +$11 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN IMF CE Dir CE Dtrs EBV +4.4 Acc 38% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk +1.8 +0.3 +5 +16 +14 +4 27% 69% 62% 64% 67% 42% SS Carc Wt EMA Notes: Growth, muscle, conformation with large testicles, Jutland is a fine specimen of New Canadian AI Sire JWX Silver Bullet (P). BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. Notes: Vaccinated 7:1, semen tested Purchaser:$ Purchaser:$ Rib Rump RBY IMF LOT: 30 BELLEVUE JACK J5E (P) Tattoo: S11 J5E Vendor: TALISKA SECURITIES PTY LTD DOB: 09/03/2013 LIBERTY JONNY B GOOD (AI) Tattoo: Y1K J3E Sex: M DBAR SYNERGY 721T PMC310075 (OAC C3100E) (P) S: BELLEVUE FEAST YOUR EYES (S11 F51E) (P) SUMMERLEA SAGITTE 3 (DBS Y11E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$22 +$19 Export +$33 +$26 Northern Terminal +$20 +$15 DOB: 02/03/2013 CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk Carc Wt SS EMA Rib Sex: M Selection Index Values EXCLUSIF 8589103317 (OAF J858F) D: LIBERTY GLAMOUR PUSS (Y1K G5E) (P) LIBERTY UTANTALIZE ME (Y1K U12E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$38 +$19 Export +$54 +$26 Northern Terminal +$29 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD HARVIE REDEMPTION 36P MC286641 (OAC Z6641E) (P) S: RANGAN PARK REDEMPTION E42 (RAN E42E) (P) RANGAN PARK SHOWGIRL C7 (RAN C7E) Selection Index Values CCR SURESHOT 1107F7 ET 456598 (OAU R1107E) (P) D: BELLEVUE BRONWYN F37E (S11 F37E) (P) SUMMERLEA BRONWYN 2 (DBS Y5E) LOT: 33 Rump RBY IMF CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF EBV -0.1 -3.2 +0.5 +14 +25 +36 +4 EBV -3.7 +5.0 -2.5 +1.9 +20 +46 +64 +7 +2.2 +1.6 +0.0 +0.3 +0.2 +0.7 Acc 38% 53% 66% 61% 63% 66% 39% Acc 44% 39% 68% 70% 63% 62% 68% 45% 73% 49% 52% 51% 51% 47% Notes: Johny’s dam is a really well put together polled first calver, he is a very impressive young bull with tremendous thickness, length of body and softness. Johny’s dam and Jumunji’s dam are full ET sisters. He has very good EBV’s and a 45cm scrotal measurement. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Notes: Vaccinated 7:1, semen tested. Well grown, smooth grandson of Synergy. Purchaser:$ LOT: 31 Purchaser:$ BELLEVUE JONAH (P) Tattoo: S11 J35E Vendor: TALISKA SECURITIES PTY LTD DOB: 01/07/2013 Sex: M PACIFIC 7121329558 (OAF U9558F) (P) S: BELLEVUE DOMINO (S11 D27E) SUMMERLEA BRONWYN 2 (DBS Y5E) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$34 +$19 Export +$37 +$26 Northern Terminal +$18 +$15 CE Dtrs EBV +6.0 Acc 37% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk +2.5 +0.2 +6 +25 +22 +8 27% 69% 59% 60% 57% 38% Carc Wt SS EMA Rib Rump RBY Tattoo: Y1K J51E Sex: M LIBERTY YEOMAN (Y1K Y12E) S: LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) LIBERTY XTRA TANTALIZING (Y1K X3E) (P) EXCLUSIF 8589103317 (OAF J858F) D: LIBERTY EXCLUSIF DESIGN (Y1K E18E) (P) LIBERTY UTANTALIZE ME (Y1K U12E) (P) Index Value +$27 +$19 Export +$31 +$26 Northern Terminal +$15 +$15 GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS EBV +0.5 -2.2 -2.4 +0.2 +11 +24 +21 +26 +7 Acc 47% 41% 50% 72% 64% 64% 69% 60% 52% Carc Wt +$18 +$19 Export +$29 +$26 Northern Terminal +$19 +$15 CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS EBV -10.4 -2.6 +0.6 +2.4 +17 +36 +54 +49 +4 Acc 43% 36% 74% 73% 64% 64% 69% 60% 46% Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +0.0 +1.6 +1.8 +2.7 -1.0 +1.4 72% 48% 53% 52% 51% 47% Purchaser:$ LOT: 35 LIBERTY JAMES BOND (AI) (P) (R/F) DOB: 25/03/2013 Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD Sex: M Selection Index Values LIBERTY XCITEABULL (Y1K X11E) (P) D: LIBERTY DOWNRIGHT SEXY (Y1K D22E) (P) LIBERTY ZEST (Y1K Z16E) (P) November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dtrs Domestic HARVIE REDEMPTION 36P MC286641 (OAC Z6641E) (P) S: RANGAN PARK REDEMPTION E42 (RAN E42E) (P) RANGAN PARK SHOWGIRL C7 (RAN C7E) Breed Avg Domestic CE Dir Breed Avg CE Dir Tattoo: Y1K J18E Selection Index Values Index Index Value Notes: Jack is a very impressive middle of the road type of bull, heaps of thickness, softness and length of body. He has a good spread of figures and 40cm scrotal measurement. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD DOB: 21/04/2013 Selection Index Values Index November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN IMF Purchaser:$ LIBERTY JUMUNJI (P) Sex: M LIBERTY BULL DURUM (Y1K B14D) (P) D: LIBERTY DAY DREAMER (Y1K D10E) (P) LIBERTY TURTLE DOVE (Y1K T3E) (P) Notes: Vaccinated 7:1, semen tested. Youngest bull in team with massive growth potential. LOT: 32 DOB: 29/03/2013 Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD HARVIE REDEMPTION 36P MC286641 (OAC Z6641E) (P) S: RANGAN PARK REDEMPTION E42 (RAN E42E) (P) RANGAN PARK SHOWGIRL C7 (RAN C7E) November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir LIBERTY JACK FROST (AI) (P) Tattoo: Y1K J38E Selection Index Values WUNDAM GLEN AVALANCHE (DC4 Z6E) (P) D: BELLEVUE ROSEWOOD (S11 C18E) (P) BREAKAWAY ROSEWOOD (4DJ R600E) LOT: 34 EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +1.8 +1.9 +1.5 +2.2 -0.7 +0.8 70% 48% 53% 53% 51% 47% Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$16 +$19 Export +$21 +$26 Northern Terminal +$13 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS EBV -7.8 +1.3 -0.7 +1.4 +12 +28 +37 +33 +9 Acc 44% 37% 72% 73% 64% 64% 70% 60% 46% Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +0.9 +1.4 +1.0 +1.5 -0.4 +0.5 73% 49% 54% 53% 52% 48% Notes: Jumunji was sashed the Junior Champion Charoalis Bull at the 2014 Adeliade Royal show. This fellow is long, deep and soft with plenty of thickness and has a fabulous temprement. He has a 44cm scrotal measurment with a high EMA and even fat measurments with a good spread of EBV’s. He is from an exceptional cow family and by Below Zero. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Notes: A very good red Redemption son with great thickness, depth of body and softness. He was used in our commercial herd this year for his carcase attributes, colour and EBV’s. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Purchaser:$ Purchaser:$ LOT: 36 DOWNUNDER JUST GOOD GUY (P) Tattoo: 1LP J32E DOB: 10/05/2013 LOT: 39 Vendor: L.I. MILLNER Tattoo: H2E J15E Sex: M FERNVALE TRAPPER (FEN T50E) S: ROSEDALE ASCOT (MR A36E) (P) ROSEDALE DAFFODIL 5 (MR P81E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$21 +$19 Export +$30 +$26 Northern Terminal +$12 +$15 DOB: 02/03/2013 CE Dtrs EBV +0.8 Acc 47% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk +2.7 +0.5 +7 +16 +21 +5 42% 71% 65% 64% 60% 53% SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Sex: M Selection Index Values EDEN PARK ALEX (LZD A1E) (P) D: KOOYONG ELIZA (H2E E63E) (P) KOOYONG ANGELICA (H2E A70E) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$20 +$19 Export +$27 +$26 Northern Terminal +$14 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS JMB DATELINE 754T PMC310942 (PED -3109E) S: G. BROS THIN RED LINE 527W MC326475 (OAC E6475E) (P) G BROS TULIP 101T PFC359984 (PED -9984E) Selection Index Values TRALEE VICEROY (BC8 V9E) (P) D: DOWNUNDER ZESTY CANDY (1LP Z17E) (P) DOWNUNDER SUGAR CANDY (1LP S57E) (P) KOOYONG JET J15 (AI) (P) Rump RBY CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW EBV +4.7 -4.4 -4.6 -0.4 Acc 36% 25% 71% 68% IMF 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF Notes: A horned bull with a great nature, free moving with good testicles. Has been semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated 5:1, multimin, vitamin ADE and backlined. Notes: Jet is polled, has excellent structure, smooth shoulders and has a low birth weight. Another top son of Thin Red Line(P). BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. Purchaser:$ Purchaser:$ LOT: 37 LOT: 40 KOOYONG JAVELIN J6 (AI) (P) Tattoo: H2E J6E DOB: 24/02/2013 Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS Sex: M Tattoo: H2E J36E LT BLUEGRASS 4017P M686569 (OAU Z4017E) (P) S: GLENLEA EDDIE (GLE E14E) (P) GLENLEA NOLANA 29TH (GLE C15E) Selection Index Values HCR PERFECTION 5142 POLL M 255320 (OAU E5142E) (P) D: KOOYONG GABBY (H2E G2E) KOOYONG DIANNA D18E (H2E D18E) (P) KOOYONG JUNCTION (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$45 +$19 Export +$56 +$26 Northern Terminal +$20 +$15 DOB: 11/03/2013 CE Dtrs GL BW EBV +17.9 +1.9 -6.6 -3.4 +9 Acc 38% 33% 71% 68% 37% 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Tattoo: H2E J21E DOB: 04/03/2013 Rump RBY CE Dtrs EBV +11.1 Acc 38% BW 200 400 600 +8.1 -2.6 +1 +2 -2 +5 32% 68% 48% 48% 50% 36% CE Dtrs GL BW EBV +2.8 -3.3 -4.2 +0.6 Acc 37% 26% 70% 67% 200 400 600 LOT: 41 Selection Index Values MCW Milk GL Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$17 +$19 Export +$24 +$26 Northern Terminal +$14 +$15 SS EMA Domestic +$29 +$19 Export +$35 +$26 Northern Terminal +$10 +$15 MCW Milk SS Carc Wt BELLEVUE JELLYBEAN (P) Tattoo: S11 J30E Carc Wt Breed Avg EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF Notes: Junction ia a deep bodied, well muscled compact vealer bull with a clean sheath and gentle disposition. Another excellent son of Eric. BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. Rib Vendor: TALISKA SECURITIES PTY LTD DOB: 26/05/2013 Sex: M EC NO DOUBT 2022 P M685500 (OAU Z2022E) (P) S: BELLEVUE CATAPULT (S11 C50E) (P) SUMMERLEA ANITA 4TH (DBS X5E) Selection Index Values BELLEVUE BENCHMARK (S11 B28E) (P) D: BELLEVUE XEBEC (S11 E68E) (P) EDEN PARK XEBEC (LZD X15E) (P) November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir Index Value Purchaser:$ Sex: M AYR FLETCHER’S FRAZER (AYR W397F) D: KOOYONG FLAME (H2E F56E) KOOYONG AZARIA (H2E A68E) CE Dir IMF Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS JMB DATELINE 754T PMC310942 (PED -3109E) S: G. BROS THIN RED LINE 527W MC326475 (OAC E6475E) (P) G BROS TULIP 101T PFC359984 (PED -9984E) Index November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN Purchaser:$ KOOYONG JAFFA (AI) (P) (R/F) Selection Index Values LAZY JR CADET 5C XMC 4790 (IAC G6090E) D: KOOYONG CORDITE (H2E C18E) KOOYONG YAKABINDIE (H2E Y17E) Notes: Sired by Bluegrass son Glenlea Eddie, Javelin has a birth weight of almost 4kg below breed average, with excellent feet and legs, large testicles and dollar indexes double breed average. BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. LOT: 38 Sex: M KOOYONG BLANDY (H2E B35E) (P/S) S: KOOYONG ERIC (H2E E5E) (P) KOOYONG YIPPEE (H2E Y43E) (P) November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$33 +$19 Export +$45 +$26 Northern Terminal +$29 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN Rump RBY IMF CE Dir CE Dtrs EBV +3.6 Acc 39% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk -3.4 +0.2 +22 +36 +48 +8 33% 68% 59% 55% 55% 44% SS Carc Wt EMA Notes: A polled Red Factor son of new Canadian AI Sire G Bros Thin Red Line (P). Jaffa has excellent structure, large testicles and positive growth with breed average birth weight. BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. Notes: Vaccinated 7:1, semen tested. Well grown bull with sire potential. Purchaser:$ Purchaser:$ Rib Rump RBY IMF LOT: 42 LIBERTY JUGHEAD (P) Tattoo: Y1K J16E Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD DOB: 20/03/2013 KOOYONG JOYNES (P/S) (TW) Tattoo: H2E J47E Sex: M LIBERTY YEOMAN (Y1K Y12E) S: LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) LIBERTY XTRA TANTALIZING (Y1K X3E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$40 +$19 Export +$49 +$26 Northern Terminal +$22 +$15 DOB: 24/03/2013 CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS EBV +7.6 -4.7 -4.2 -0.2 +13 +26 +25 +22 +6 Acc 46% 39% 51% 73% 66% 66% 71% 62% 49% Carc Wt Sex: M Selection Index Values KOOYONG WESTON (H2E W10E) (P) D: KOOYONG ZHOU (H2E Z76E) (P) KOOYONG THELMA (H2E T25E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$17 +$19 Export +$23 +$26 Northern Terminal +$14 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS KOOYONG BLANDY (H2E B35E) (P/S) S: KOOYONG ERIC (H2E E5E) (P) KOOYONG YIPPEE (H2E Y43E) (P) Selection Index Values LT BLUEGRASS 4017P M686569 (OAU Z4017E) (P) D: LIBERTY FUNKY TOWN (Y1K F4E) (P) LIBERTY DOWNTOWN GIRL (Y1K D13E) LOT: 45 CE Dir CE Dtrs GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +0.9 +1.6 +1.9 +2.9 -1.6 +1.5 EBV +0.8 +0.4 +6 73% 50% 57% 56% 54% 50% Acc 37% 54% 33% Notes: A very impressive Below Zero son with below average birth weight EBV’s and a good spread of figures. Breeding combines Bluegrass trait leader for birth weight and Below Zero for growth traits at 400 and 600 day weights. Measured 40cm scrotal and show even fat cover and good IMF%. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY Notes: Last but could have easily been in our top 6, Joynes is a well balanced bull, easy doing type with an excellent temperament. Another top son of Eric our senior herd sire. BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. Purchaser:$ Purchaser:$ LOT: 43 LIBERTY J48E (P) Tattoo: Y1K J48E Vendor: LIBERTY CHAROLAIS STUD DOB: 11/04/2013 Sex: M LIBERTY YEOMAN (Y1K Y12E) S: LIBERTY BELOW ZERO (Y1K B8E) (P) LIBERTY XTRA TANTALIZING (Y1K X3E) (P) Thank you for attending the 4th Annual WA Charolais Bull Sale. Please join us for refreshments at the conclusion of the sale. Selection Index Values LIBERTY COUNT THE DOLLARS (Y1K C3E) (P) D: LIBERTY FOREVER ME (Y1K F21E) (P) LIBERTY DO U WANT ME (Y1K D36E) (P) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$25 +$19 Export +$32 +$26 Northern Terminal +$16 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir CE Dtrs EBV -1.5 Acc 44% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS -5.0 +0.7 +9 +24 +25 +16 +5 36% 73% 66% 66% 71% 62% 48% Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF +1.3 +2.4 +2.5 +3.5 -1.3 +1.0 73% 49% 56% 55% 53% 48% Notes: A younger polled son of Below Zero, his pedigree is packed full of some of our best genetics, he is a moderate framed soft bull with plenty of thickness and measured 40cm scrotal. Semen tested, BVDV tested, vaccinated with 7:1, Vibrovac, Pestiguard and is preformance recorded. Purchaser:$ LOT: 44 KOOYONG JARRAH (P) Tattoo: H2E J54E Vendor: DE & JR ELLIS DOB: 14/04/2013 Sex: M EDEN PARK ALEX (LZD A1E) (P) S: KOOYONG EXCALIBUR (H2E E32E) (P) KOOYONG ANGEL (H2E A57E) (P) Selection Index Values KOOYONG BLANDY (H2E B35E) (P/S) D: KOOYONG ELEGANAT (H2E E68E) (P) KOOYONG WINONA (H2E W20E) Index Index Value Breed Avg Domestic +$11 +$19 Export +$13 +$26 Northern Terminal +$8 +$15 November 2014 Australasian Charolais GROUP BREEDPLAN CE Dir CE Dtrs EBV -3.0 +3.4 +0.8 Acc 34% 28% 67% GL BW 200 400 600 MCW Milk SS Carc Wt EMA Rib Rump RBY IMF Notes: A well balenced deep bodied son of Excalibur, with excellent feet and temperament, Jarrah would produce quality Silver calves. BVDV and semen tested, 7:1 vaccinated, multimin, B12 and vitamin ADE. Purchaser:$ IMF WA Charolais Bull Sale Purchaser’s Instruction Slip (To be handed to agents before leaving the sale) Name:____________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________ Account To: _______________________________________________ PIC NO: __________________________________________________ Lot numbers purchased: _____________________________________ NOTES Transport arrangements, please give details: Name of Carrier: ____________________________________________ Phone number: _____________________________________________ Destination:________________________________________________ Insurance required:__________________________________________ Transfer Registration to: ______________________________________ Other instructions:___________________________________________ Agent: ____________________________________________________ Buyers Signature: ___________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________________ NO VERBAL INSTRUCTIONS ACCEPTED