Change of Signature, Name and Religion
Change of Signature, Name and Religion
21st JUNE 2011] KERALA GAZETTE 578 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Muraleedharan, R., Chaithram, Pidram, Perukavu P. O., (Via) Peyad, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin - 695 573, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. A 200784 with Register No. 31557 of March 1973, Driving Licence No. T/3424/78, dated 8-9-1978, issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Thiruvananthapuram, also known as Muralijose in the Ration Card No. 1106157936, issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Neyyattinkara and known as R. M. Jose, in the All India Secondary School Examination, 2009, S. No. SSE/2009/0313977 with Roll No. 4149403 of March 2009, issued by the Controller of Examinations, Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi of my son Jimith, M. J., is one and the same person. I have embraced Christianity from Hindu-Nadar Community as per the Baptism Certificate, issued from C. S. I. Kavalottukonam, with a new name Muralijose, R. Hereafter I will be a member of Christian Nadar Community and will be known by the name Muralijose, R. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Aneesh Lal, B. S., Thejas, Njaravila, Charupara, Kattakada P. O., Thiruvananthapuram District - 695 572, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. E-399969 with Register No. 17604 of 1992 March, have embraced Christianity from Hindu Cheramar Community with the same name as per the Baptism Certificate dated 19-2-2011 issued from Calvary Gospel Ministries, Chanthavila. Hereafter I will be a member of Christian Cheramar Community. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Perukavu, 24-5-2011. MURALEEDHARAN, R. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Vinod, R., Lakshamveedu Colony, Vencode, Mullilavuvila, Kudayal P.O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 505, holder of Transfer Certificate with Admission No. 6722, date of Admission 21-6-1992, issued by the Headmaster St. John’s High School Undancode, have embraced Hinduism from Christian Cheramar Community as per Suddhi Certificate No. 15240, dated 26-5-2011, issued from Kerala Hindu Mission, Thiruvananthapuram with the same name. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Cheramar Community. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kudayal, 26-5-2011. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kattakada, 27-5-2011. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Johnson, K., Varuvilakathuveedu, Pullunnithalakal, Njaravila, Charupara, Kattakada P.O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 572, holder of Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 2145, date of Admission 29-5-1952, issued by the Headmistress, Government H. S., Plavoor also known as Johnson in the Ration Card No. 1106087514, issued from Taluk Supply Officer, Neyyattinkara, Electoral Identity Card No. FDQ1179357, dated 17-6-2005 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer Aryanad LA Constituency, have embraced Hinduism from Christian–Cheramar Community as per the Suddhi Certificate No. 21949/11, dated 24-5-2011 issued from Aryasamaj, Thiruvananthapuram with a new name Jayan, K. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Cheramar Community and will be known by the name Jayan, K. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kattakada, 30-5-2011. VINOD, R. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Sheeba, L., Sheeba Vilasam, Mallambrakonam, Kudayal P. O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 505, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. J 174315 with Register No. 287260 of March 1997, have embraced Hinduism from Christian Cheramar Community as per Suddhi Certificate No. 15241, dated 26-5-2011, issued from Kerala Hindu Mission, Thiruvananthapuram with the same name. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Cheramar Community. ANEESH LAL, B. S. JOHNSON, K. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Parameswaran, P., Ayanivila Veedu, Thoongampara, Kattakkada P. O., Neyyattinkara Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. E 812531 with Reg. No. 267135 of 1986 March also known as Parameswaran in the Electoral Identity Card No. KL/19/ 131/435079 dated 10-4-1997 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Aryanad Constituency and in the Ration Card No. 1106088659, issued by the Taluk Supply Officer Neyyattinkara is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Prabhakaran, P. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kudayal, 26-5-2011. Thoongampara, 12-5-2011. SHEEBA, L. PARAMESWARAN, P. 21st JUNE 2011] KERALA GAZETTE 579 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Selvarajan, L., Anjithalayam, Tribal Colony, Nediyavila, Uriacode P.O., Thiruvananthapuram, Pin-695 543, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. A 180793 with Register No. 482480 of 1983 March have embraced Hinduism from Christian Nadar Community as per Suddhi Certificate No. 21961/11 dated 28-5-2011 issued from Arya Samaj, Thiruvananthapuram with the same name. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Nadar Community. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Jayanthi Devi, T., 10-D, Heera Gate, Jagathy, Thycaud P. O., Thiruvananthapuram Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 014, holder of Secondary School Leaving Certificate Book No. 580808 with Register No. 16725 of March 1968, also known as Jayanthi Devi in the Electoral Identity Card No. YUC0069062, dated 14-3-2009, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Thiruvananthapuram LA Constituency, in the Ration Card No. 1102081541, issued by the City Rationing Officer, North, Thiruvananthapuram, and known as Jayanthi Devi Antharjanam in PAN Card No. AKQPA9665F, issued from Income Tax Department, Govt. of India, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Jayanthi Devi, T. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Uriacode, 30-5-2011. SELVARAJAN, L. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Anumol, S. S., Sivamandiram, House No.558, Kadinamkulam, Puthukurichy P. O., Thiruvananthapuram Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 303, holder of S.S.L.C.-B No. 478962 with Register No. 642346 of March 2001, Driving Licence No. TP/487/05 dated 4-2-2005, issued by the Assistant Licensing Authority, Kazhakuttom, also known as Anu Mol, S. S. in the Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) Certificate No. HSE 775318 with Register No. 761284 of March 2003, Bachelor of Technology Degree Certificate No. 0087382 with Register No. 41203803/ 04406005 of May 2008, issued by the Vice-Chancellor, University of Kerala, known as Anu in the Ration Card No. 1103114154, issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Thiruvananthapuram, known as Anumol in the Electoral Identity Card No. BCC2041739, dated 11-3-2006, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kazhakuttom LA Constituency and as Anumol Rajesh in the Passport No. H6889354, issued on 1-2-2010 by the Passport Officer, Thiruvananthapuram, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Anu Sukumar. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Puthukurichy, 12-5-2011. ANUMOL, S. S. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, B. F. Antony, T.C. 17/1407, PURA-11 A, Netaji Lane, Mudavanmugal Road, Poojappura P. O., Thiruvananthapuram, Pin-695 012, have changed the name of my minor daughter Angeline Rose, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 221, date of Registration 22-7-2005, issued by the Registrar, Municipal Corporation, Aurangabad, Maharashtra State as Angeline Rose Antony. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Poojappura, 29-3-2011. B. F. ANTONY. Thiruvananthapuram, 30-5-2011. JAYANTHI DEVI, T. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Aji Kumar, G., Varuvila Puthenveedu, K. P. IV/749, Pottavila, Pravachambalam, Nemom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 020, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. F 043756 with Register No. 271896 of March 1986, have embraced Hinduism from Christian Cheramar Community as per the Suddhi Certificate No. 21960/11 dated 27-5-2011, issued from Aryasamaj, Thiruvananthapuram with the same name. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Cheramar Community. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Nemom, 27-5-2011. AJI KUMAR, G. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Kumari Prabha, V., Nandanam, Convent Road, Pravachambalam, Nemom P. O., Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 020, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. D 056448 with Register No. 136826 of March 1991, also known as Kumari Prabha in the Ration Card No. 1103141325 issued by the City Rationing Officer, Thiruvananthapuram, Electoral Identity Card No. GPL2030617 dated 11-2-2008 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kovalam LA Constituency and known as Kumariprabha, V., in the PAN Card No. ALRPV 8502C, issued from Income Tax Department, Government of India, is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Prabha, V. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Thiruvananthapuram, 5-5-2011. KUMARI PRABHA, V. 21st JUNE 2011] KERALA GAZETTE 580 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION I, G. Chandranpillai, Anitha Bhavan, Durga Nagar, K a r i p a r a t h a l a C h e r u v a k k a l , S r e e k a r y a m P. O . , Thiruvananthapuram do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor grand son Ananth under my guardianship, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2330/2000, date of Registration 2-12-2000 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram, also known as Vishnu, M. in the School Certificate with Admission No. 577 issued on 8-4-2011 by the Principal, The Trivandrum Scottish School, Thundathil, Karyavattom, Thiruvananthapuram and known as Vishnu in the Ration Card No. 1103078071 (Sl. No. 4) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Thiruvananthapuram is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Vishnu, A. It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Komalam, G., Vidhya Bhavan, Thumbanoor, Panagode P. O., Nedumangad Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 563, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. E 326721 with Register No. 117052 of March 1985, have embraced Hinduism from Christian Pulaya Community as per Suddhi Certificate No. 21954/11, dated 26-5-2011, issued from Aryasamaj, Thiruvananthapuram with the same name. Hereafter I will be a member of Hindu Pulaya Community. This change will come into effect in all the records related to him. K OMALAM , G Panagode, 30-5-2011. NOTIFICATION Cheruvakkal, 13-5-2011. G. CHANDRAN PILLAI. NOTIFICATION I, G. Chandranpillai, Anitha Bhavan, Durga Nagar, Kariparathala, Cheruvakkal, Sreekaryam P. O. do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor grand son Aravinth under my guardianship, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2329/2000, date of Registration 2-12-2000 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram, also known as Jishnu, M. in the School Certificate with Admission No. 576, issued on 8-4-2011 by the Principal, The Trivandrum Scottish School, Thundathil, Karyavattom, Thiruvananthapuram and known as Jishnu in the Ration Card No. 1103078071 (Sl. No. 5), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Thiruvananthapuram is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Jishnu, A. This change will come into effect in all the records related to him. Cheruvakkal, 13-5-2011. G. CHANDRAN PILLAI. NOTIFICATION I, Jayalal, H., Karikkunnu Thadathrikathu Veedu, Anappara P. O., Vithura, Nedumangad Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 551, do hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and public that my minor son Anjulal, J., holder of S. S. L. C. No. K-235656 with Register No. 519307 of March 2010, have embraced Hinduism from ChristianCheramar Community as per the Suddhi Certificate No. 21938/11 dated 16-5-2011, issued from Aryasamaj, Thiruvananthapuram with the same name. Hereafter he will be a member of Hindu-Cheramar Community. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Vithura, 16-5-2011. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. JAYALAL, H. It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Lalitha, L., Andoorkonam Roadarikathuveedu, Panniyodu P. O., Nedumangad Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, holder of Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 7295, date of Admission 8-6-1977, issued by the Headmaster, Government U. P. S., Poovachal, Ration Card No. 1105150949, issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Nedumangad, Electoral Identity Card No. FDQ1536192 issued on 27-11-2006 by the Electoral Registration Officer, Aryanad LA Constituency, also known as L. Usha in the S. S. L. C. No. H 146688 with Register No. 533742 of March 2008, of my daughter Soumya, L., is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Lalitha, L. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Panniyodu, 30-5-2011. LALITHA, L. . ERRATUM NOTIFICATION I, Rajendran, Meenu Bhavan, Neduveli Desam, Konchira P. O., Vembayam Village, Nedumangadu Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that in the notification regarding change of name and religion of mine and my children, Meenu, S. R., Neenu, S. R. published in the Kerala Gazette No. 27 dated 5-7-2005 (Part IV Page No. 425) the Suddhi Certificate No. 17607/05 dated 12-5-2005, issued from Aryasamajam, Thiruvananthapuram was wrongly shown as No. 17608/05 dated 12-5-2005. It is hereby corrected to read as No. 17607/05 dated 12-5-2005. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Thiruvananthapuram, 25-5-2011. RAJENDRAN . 21st JUNE 2011] KERALA GAZETTE 581 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Kavitha, M., Kaveri Mansion, Ponganadu P. O., Kilimanoor, Chirayinkeezhu Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 601, holder of S. S. L. C. A No. 245376 with Register No. 406689 of March 2000, Higher Secondary Examination (Class XII) Certificate No. HSE 251366 with Register No. 523638 of March 2002, issued from the Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Government of Kerala, Bachelor of Technology Certificate Register No. 41198803/ 41103607/02415044 of May 2009, issued by the Vice Chancellor, University of Kerala, Ration Card No. 1102071166, issued by the City Rationing Officer, North Thiruvananthapuram, Certificate of Marriage with Registration No. 84/2010, date of Registration 18-6-2010, issued by the Secretary (Special Grade), Kilimanoor Grama Panchayath, also known as Kavitha in the Electoral Identity Card No. FVM1678697, dated 7-8-2007, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Thiruvananthapuram East LA Constituency and known as Kavitha Mohanan in the Passport No. G4520880, issued on 20-9-2007 by the Passport Officer, Thiruvananthapuram is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu-Nair Community vide Discharge Certificate No. 3541, dated 3-4-2008 issued from Therbiyathul Islam Sabha, Mukhadar, Kozhikode with a new name Sumayya, M. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and have changed my name as Sumayya Sameer consequent on my marriage and will sign accordingly. It is hereby notified for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that I, Thasnim Nazar, Nasariya Cottage, Koonthaloor P. O., Chirayinkeezh Taluk, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 304, holder of S. S. L. C. No. F 679435 with Register No. 527283 of March 2006, Higher Secondary Examination Certificate No. HSE 403327 with Register No. 4010357 of March 2008 issued from Board of Higher Secondary Examinations, Government of Kerala, in the Ration Card No. 1104021265, issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Chirayinkeezhu, Thiruvananthapuram, also known as Thasneem, N. in the Election Identity Card No. TZC0061143, dated 31-1-2009, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, 136 Aruvikkara LA Constituency, known as Tasneem Nasarudeen in Birth Certificate Registration No. 91/1990, date of Registration 17-4-1990, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kazhakuttom Grama Panchayath, as Tasneem Nasaruden in the Passport No. G 6638378, dated 10-3-2008, issued from the Passport Office, Thiruvananthapuram and as Thasneem Nasarudeen in the Certificate of Marriage No. 17/2008, dated 25-10-2008 issued by the Secretary, Mudakkal Grama Panchayath is one and the same person. I have changed my name as Thasnim Sameer consequent on my marriage and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. THASNIM NAZAR. Ponganadu, 30-5-2011. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Thiruvananthapuram, 25-5-2011. NOTIFICATION KAVITHA, M. I, Anandavalli, K., Adithyan Bhavan, Kottamala, Puthusherimuku P.O., Kallambalam, Taluk Chirayinkeezhu, Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 605, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor son Arjun, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 74/04, date of Registration 25-6-2004, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Nagaroor Grama Panchayath, also known as Adithyan Dravid, A. in the School Certificate with Admission No. 3618, date of Admission 1-6-2010, issued by the Headmistress, S.N.U.P. School, Thevalakkad is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Adithyan A. Dravid. I, Sidhardhan, R., Sarada Vilasam, Vilabhagom, N e d u n g a n d a P. O . , C h i r a y i n k e e z h u Ta l u k , Thiruvananthapuram District, Pin-695 307, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that my minor daughter Saumya, S., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1501/97, date of Registration 10-10-1997, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Varkala Municipality, also known as Soumya Sidhardhan in the School Certificate with Admission No. 1007, date of Admission 5-6-2005, issued by the Principal, Gem-Know Model Higher Secondary School, Mel-Vettoor, known as Soumya in the Ration Card No. 1104143285, issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Chirayinkeezhu is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Soumya Sidhardhan only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Puthusherimuku, 27-5-2011. Nedunganda, 30-5-2011. NOTIFICATION Gaz. No. 25/2011/DTP (Part IV). ANANDAVALLI, K. SIDHARDHAN, R. 21st JUNE 2011] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sibindas, C. S., Vilayil House, Vaidyasala Nagar-351, Asramam North, Kollam-691 002, holder of S. S. L. C. No. D 168233 with Register No. 186753 of March 2004, also known as Sibindas in the Ration Card No. 1207003172, issued on 24-12-2008 by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kollam and known as Sibindas, P. in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 1859/1989, date of Registration 1-3-1989, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Kollam Corporation is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Sibindas, C. S. only. This change will take effect in all records related to me. Kollam, 6-5-2011. SIBINDAS, C. S. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Jeny Samuel, Peedikayil-1, House No. 636, Kodinjal, Ozhukuparackal P. O., Ayur-691 533, Kollam District, holder of S. S. L. C. Book No. E 144647 with Register No. 212146, of March 1984, Election ID Card No. NVU0063420 dated 19-11-2008, issued from Punalur LA Constituency, in the Ration Card No. 1209119073, issued from Taluk Supply Office, Pathanapuram, Driving Licence No. QN/781/03 dated 26-2-2003 issued from Sub RT Office, Punalur, in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2031/1993, date of Registration 10-11-1993, issued from Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram of my minor daughter Hannah Thankam Kurian, in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 998/1995, date of Registration 31-5-1995, issued from Corporation of Thiruvananthapuram of my another minor daughter Sarah Mariam Kurian, also known as Jeny Kurian in the Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 8910, date of Admission 2-6-2008 issued from St. Thomas Central School, Mukkolakkal, Trivandrum of my minor daughter Sarah Mariam Kurian is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Jeny Kurian only, consequent on my marriage and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Ayur, 12-3-2011. JENY SAMUEL. 582 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Rosamma, A., Silvas Home, Kuthirachira, Punalur P. O., Pathanapuram Taluk, Kollam District, holder of Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 4902 and date of Admission 5-6-1968, issued by the Headmistress, P. M.G. U. P. S., Punalur, also known as Rosamma Donal in the Ration Card No. 1209113796 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Pathanapuram and in the Passport No. J0706747 issued on 30-8-2010 by the Passport Officer, Thiruvananthapuram and known as Rosal Donal in my daughter Ancy Mol D'Silva, S.S.L.C. No. G566561 with Register No. 169646 of March 2007 and as Rosamma in the Marriage Certificate No. 74, issued on 6-2-2009 from St. Mary's Cathedral, Punalur is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Rosamma Donal only, consequent on my marriage. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Punalur, 28-4-2011. ROSAMMA, A. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Annamma, V. P., Chakkalackal House, Cheenikuzhi P. O., Thodupuzha Taluk, Idukki District, Pin-685 595, holder of Extract of School Admission Register with Admission No. 3760, date of Admission 1-6-1972, issued by the Principal, G.V.H.S.S., Thamarassery, also known as Leela in the Electoral ID Card No. KL/14/082/279757 dated 16-11-1998 issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Thodupuzha Constituency and in the Ration Card No. 1628032662 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Thodupuzha is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Leela Peter, consequent on my marriage and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Cheenikuzhi, 28-2-2011. ANNAMMA, V. P. NOTIFICATION I, Subhash, V. M., Vadakke Pulliattu House, Ooramana P. O., Muvattupuzha Taluk, Ernakulam District, Pin-686 730, do hereby notify for the information of all authorities concerned and the public that, my minor son Aastle, S., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 5092/05, date of Registration 2-5-2005, issued from Thiruvananthapuram Corporation and also known as Aastle in the Ration Card No. 1740029313 dated 24-12-2008 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Muvattupuzha is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed his name as Aastle Mathew, S. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Ooramana, 18-1-2011. SUBHASH, V. M. 21st JUNE 2011] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION 583 NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, P. Shaju, Vaishnavam, Mannarkkad P. O., Mannarkkad Taluk, Palakkad-678 582, holder of All India Secondary School Examination Certificate Serial No. AISC/88/000047452 with Roll No. 61379 of March 1988 issued from Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi, All India Senior School Certificate Examination Certificate Serial No. AISSC/ 90/000028072 with Roll No. 657783 of March 1990 issued from the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi, Bachelor of Commerce Degree Certificate with Register No. 14199 of April 1994 and April 1996 issued from the University of Calicut, Diploma in Pharmacy Certificate No. M 92/Y/99 of March 1992 issued from the Medical Education Department, Madras, PAN Card No. AJQPP6251R issued from the Income Tax Department, Government of India also known as Shaju Puthuvally in the MBA Certificate, issued from Dublin Metropolitan University, known as Puthuvally Shaju in the Passport No. E 6621033, dated 5-3-2003 issued from Passport Office, Cochin and as Shaju in the Ration Card No. 1949054910 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Mannarkkad is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Shaju Nair. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Mannarkkad, 19-2-2011. P. SHAJU. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sabitha, G. S., Thazathu Valappil House, Manoor, Kaladi Post, Ponnani Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S.S.L.C. No. C 015801 with Register No. 628408 of March 2003 and Higher Secondary Course Certificate S. No. HSG1222018 with Register No. 900012, dated 21-11-2005 of Department of Government Examination, Chennai have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu-Nair Community vide Discharge Certificate No. C 158/09, dated 8-3-2009, issued from the Maunathul Islam Association, Ponnani, with a new name Aneesa. I have changed my name as Aneesa Firose consequent on my marriage and will sign accordingly. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kaladi, 27-4-2011. SABITHA, G. S. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Neethu, L. N., Poolakka Parambil House, Nediyirippu Post, Ernad Taluk, Malappuram District, holder of S. S. L. C. No. C 368783 with Register No. 117348 of March 2002, B.Sc. Nursing Degree Certificate with Register No. ACAFBNZ033, of February 2009, dated 6-10-2010, of University of Calicut, Registration Certificate Sl. No. 6057, with Register No. 48510 of 15th June 2009, issued from Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council, Thiruvananthapuram and Registration Certificate Sl. No. 6107, with Register No. 47660 of 15th June 2009 of the Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council of Thiruvananthapuram also known as Neethu in the Electoral Identity Card No. HVX 2356533, dated 27-2-2008, issued by the Electoral Registration Officer, Thiruvananthapuram North LA Constituency is one and the same person. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu-Ezhava Community vide Discharge Certificate No. 4026, dated 13-6-2009, issued from Therbiyathul Islam Sabha, Mukhadar, Calicut with a new name Najafathima. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and will be known by the name Najafathima only and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Nediyirippu, 3-5-2011. NEETHU, L. N. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Rafeek Thanda Param Kandy Thazha Kuni, Madathil House, Kuningad P. O., Vadakara Taluk, Vilathapuram, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 503, holder of S. S. L. C. No. D 348763 with Register No. 354600 of March 2004, Birth Certificate with Registration No. 3198, date of Registration 14-8-1989, issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Health Inspector Gr. I, Vadakara Municipality, also known as Rafeeqe, in the Election Identity Card No. AHQ0037317, issued on 31-1-2009, by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kuttiady LA Constituency is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed my name as Rafeek Azhar and will sign accordingly. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Vilathapuram, 26-4-2011. RAFEEK THANDA PARAM KANDY THAZHA KUNI. 21st JUNE 2011] KERALA GAZETTE 584 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION I, Fitz Gerald Michael Rosario, ‘Celstin’ House, B.G. Road, West Hill P. O., Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin - 673 005, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my Community which is wrongly entered in the S.S.L.C. Book No. E 722518 with Register No. 10969 of September 1986 as Christian-Latin Catholic, is corrected as Christian-Anglo-Indian, Vide Community Certificate No. K. Dis. 23571/2010/K.1, dated 20-9-2010 issued by the Additional Tahsildar, Taluk Office, Kozhikode. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sayooj, S., Spandanam House, Balussery, Koyilandy Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 612, holder of S. S. L. C.A No. 050180 with Register No. 518288 of March 2000, Birth Certificate with Registration No. 6937, date of Registration 1-12-1984, issued by the Health Officer and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Calicut, also known as Sayooj in the Ration Card No. 2160093566, issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, This correction will come into effect in all records related to me. Koyilandy, in the Electoral Identity Card No. JTL1776954, West Hill, 29-3-2011. Officer, Balussery LA Constituency, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name FITZ GERALD MICHAEL ROSARIO. dated 25-6-2005, issued by the Electoral Registration Sayooj Vijayan only. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Mariyambeebi, P. M., Darul Issath House, Beach Road, Koyilandy P. O., Koyilandy Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 305, holder of Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 5170, date of Admission 28-5-1980, issued by the Principal, Govt. Mapila Vocational Higher Secondary School, Koyilandy also known as Muthubi, in the Election ID Card No. FVT 1459304, issued on 18-3-2001, by the Electoral Registration Officer, Koyilandy LA Constituency and known as Shareefa Mariyambi, in the Ration Card No. 2160104537 (Serial No. 3) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Koyilandy as Muthu, in the S.S.L.C. of my daughter Shareefa Jafna Beevi, P. M., (Certificate No. D 136741 with Register No. 371492 of March 2004), and as Mariyam, in the Birth Certificate of Shareefa Jafna Beevi, (Registration No. 1440, date of Registration 9-6-1988, issued by the Executive Officer & Registrar of Births and Deaths, Koyilandy Panchayath, and also known as Shareefa Mariyam, in the Birth Certificate of my minor son Sayid Mohammed Ajlan (Registration No. II/1779/02, date of Registration 2-11-2002, issued by the Health Officer & Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Calicut), is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Shareefa Mariyambi only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Balussery, 7-5-2011. NOTIFICATION I, Shamsuddin, N. M., Nalagath House, Puthukkutti Padam, Areekkad, Nallalam P. O., Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin- 673 027, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Kulsum, N., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 319, date of Registration 22-3-1995, issued by the Health Officer and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Calicut, and in the Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 4871, date of Admission 14-5-2010 issued by the Principal, N. S. S. Higher Secondary School, Meenchanda, Calicut and also known as Ummukulsu in the Ration Card No. 2159202447 (Sl. No. 4), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kozhikode is one and the same person. Hereafter I have changed her name as Raya Kulsum, N. This change will come into effect in all records This change will come into effect in all records related to me. related to her. Koyilandy, 4-4-2011. Areekkad, MARIYAMBEEBI, P. M. SAYOOJ , S. 4-5-2011. SHAMSUDDIN, N. M. 21st JUNE 2011] KERALA GAZETTE NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sreemathi, V., Kalluvalappil House, Vellannoor, Chooloor P. O., REC Via, Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 601, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. E 057072 with Register No. 455522 of March 1992, also known as Sreemathi, in the Election ID Card No. FZQ 1726389, issued on 15-1-2002, by the Electoral Registration Officer, Kunnamangalam LA Constituency and known as Seema, in the Ration Card No. 2159067487 (Serial No. 2), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kozhikode, is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name as Seema, V. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Vellannoor, 29-3-2011. 585 It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Sreeja, S., Jaans (House), Morikkara P. O., Kakkodi, Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 611, holder of S.S.L.C. Book No. E 211317 with Register No. 105429 of March 1992, also known as Sreeja Saradamma, in the Passport No. E 4679859, issued on 12-6-2003, from the Superintendent, Regional Passport Office, Bangalore and known as Sareena Navas in the Marriage Certificate with Reg. No. 108/11 date of Registration 16-5-2011 issued by the local Registrar of Marriages (common) Kakkodi Grama Panchayat, is one and the same perosn. I have embraced Islam Religion from Hindu-Nair Community as per Discharge Certificate Ref. No. 272, issued on 2-5-2011, from Therbiyathul Islam Sabha, Mukhadar, Calicut with the new name Sareena Navas. Hereafter I will be a member of Islam Religion and will be known by the name Sareena Navas only consequent on my marriage. SREEMATHI, V. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. NOTIFICATION I, Sebastian, K. D., 21/2603, Kappalumakkal (House), Kakkodi, 30-5-2011. SREEJA, S. Nellipoyil, Meenmutty P. O., Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode NOTIFICATION District, Pin-673 580, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor daughter Mary, holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 79, date of Registration 27-1-1995, issued by the Health Officer and Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Calicut, also known as Ashni Sebastian, in the Extract of Adimission Register with Admission No. 4716, date of Admission 19-5-2008, issued by the Headmistress, St. John’s High School, Nellipoyil, Meenmutty P. O. and known as Ashni, in the Ration Card No. 2159238932 (Serial No. 6), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kozhikode is one and the same person. Hereafter she will be known by the name Ashni Sebastian only. This change will come into effect in all records related to her. Nellipoyil, 31-3-2011. SEBASTIAN, K. D. I, Riyaz, P., Parengal Reju Manzil, Near Kannattikulam, Kolathara P. O., Kozhikode Taluk, Kozhikode District, Pin-673 655, do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son, Abdul Muna, P., holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 137/2001, date of Registration 10-4-2001, issued by the Secretary, Registrar of Births and Deaths, Ramanattukara Grama Panchayat and in the Extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 504, date of Admission 30-7-2007, issued by the Principal, Markaz Public School, Aikkarapady, also known as Abdul Muna, in the Ration Card No. 2159009168 (Sl. No. 6), issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Kozhikode, is one and the same person, Hereafter I have changed his name as Muhammed Anas, P. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. Kolathara, 27-4-2011. RIYAZ, P. 21st JUNE 2011] KERALA GAZETTE 586 NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Manjeri Surya Sunder Raj, Besant Ashram, Annie Hall, Chalapuram Post, Calicut-673 002 holder of All India Secondary School Examination Certificate 2006 Marks Statement S. No. 2006 056659, with Roll No. 4144612, dated 27-5-2006, issued by Controller of Examination, CBSE, Delhi, Election I. D. Card No. WEY 0079616 issued on 11-8-2010 by the Electoral Registration Officer, 28 Kozhikode South LA Constituency also known as Manjeri Suryajith Sunder Raj in the Birth Certificate with Registration No.114 date of Registration 2-4-1991 issued by the Health Officer & Registrar of Births and Deaths, Corporation of Calicut and known as Surya in the Ration Card No. 2158012596 (Serial Number 4) issued by the City Rationing Officer, South Kozhikode is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Manjeri Surya Sunder Raj only. It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Santhinivas, N., Kallatt House, Muyyam P. O., Varadool, Taliparamba Taluk, Kannur District holder of extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 397 date of Admission 7-5-1975 issued by the Headmaster, S.R.K. Mission L.P. School, Calicut and in the Birth Certificate of my daughter Thushara Saju with Registration No. 2152/1989, date of Registration 12-6-1989 issued from Taliparamba Municipality also known as Alphonsa in the Ration Card No. 2365123031 (Serial No. 2) issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Taliparamba and as Alphonsa Saju in All India Secondary School Examination 2005, Marks Statement of my daughter Thushara Saju (S. No. 2005/133648 with roll No. 4143722 issued by the Controller of Examinations, Central Board of Secondary Education Delhi), is one and the same person. I have embraced Christian Religion from Hindu Thiyya Community vide Baptism Certificate with Reg. No. 4/09 issued on 5-1-2011 by the Asst. Vicar of St. Mary’s Church, Taliparamba with a new name Alphonsa. Hereafter I will be a member of Christian Religion and will be known by the name Alphonsa Saju only consequent on my marriage. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Chalapuram, 8-4-2011. MANJERI SURYA SUNDER RAJ. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. NOTIFICATION I, Veerandrakumar, K. K., Korlote House, Varadoor P. O., Sulthan Bathery Taluk, Wayanad do hereby notify for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that my minor son Nivin holder of Birth Certificate with Registration No. 2168/2000, date of Registration 13-6-2000 issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths, Mananthavady Grama Panchayat also known as Nivin Vishnu, K. V., in the extract of Admission Register with Admission No. 728, date of Admission 2-6-2004 issued by the Headmistress, Niveditha Vidya Nikethan, Kaniyambetta and as Nivin Vishnu in the Ration Card No. 2262055875 issued by the Taluk Supply Officer, Vythiri is one and the same person. Hereafter he will be known by the name Nivin Vishnu, K. V. only. Taliparamba, 27-4-2011. SANTHINIVAS, N. NOTIFICATION It is hereby notified for the information of all concerned authorities and the public that I, Nikhilbabu, P. V., Soubhagya, Post Kanul, Kannur District, Pin-670 564 holder of S.S.L.C. No. F 282654 with Register No. 135538 of March 2006 and Driving Licence No. 59/79/2010 dated 2-1-2010 issued by Asst. LA, Thaliparamba, also known as Nikhil in the Birth Certificate with Registration No. 350 date of Registration 13-2-1991 issued from Kannur Municipality is one and the same person. Hereafter I will be known by the name Nikhil Babu, P. V. only. This change will come into effect in all records related to him. This change will come into effect in all records related to me. Kaniyambetta, 2-5-2011. Kannur, 17-2-2011. VEERANDRAKUMAR, K. K. NIKHIL BABU, P. V.