TRA Journal Index 1975-2000


TRA Journal Index 1975-2000
Introduction to the Index of the
Theodore Roosevelt Association Journal, 1975-2000
This cumulative Index to the Theodore Roos(f/)eltAssociation
Journa~ covering the first 25 years of this periodical, 1975-2000,
is published thanks to the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural
National Historic Site (WIlcox Mansion) in Buffalo, New York.
The Index was compiled by Shirley P. Hudders, Margaret Paul,
and Molly Quackenbush. Shirley Hudders and Margaret Paul are
dedicated volunteer workers at the Buffalo historic site, and
Molly Quackenbush is the site superintendent of the Wilcox
house, where Theodore Roosevelt took the oath of office as the
26th President of the United States on September 14,1901. It is
particularly fitting that this Index is published during the centennial year of Theodore Roosevelt's inauguration.
The Theodore Roos(f/)elt Association Journal began publication in 1975. 'I\vo issues were published in 1975, two in 1976,
and three in 1977, and starting in 1978 there have been four
issues or numbers in each volume. Volumes often are published
over more than one calendar year. The historian William H.
Harbaugh once wrote that the TRA Journal does "a superb job
of melding scholarship and human interest materials." The
Journal is both an historical periodical, with scholarly articles,
documents, and book reviews, and the Theodore Roosevelt
Association's newsletter. This mix of scholarship and news
seems to have a wide appeal. Bound copies of the Journal are
found on the shelves of many college and university libraries,
and many local public libraries are subscribers. The Journal is
received free of charge by every member of the Theodore
Roosevelt Association. Today the Journal has a world-wide circulation of 2,500.
In the early 19908,for over 18 months, a committee of hardworking volunteers at the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural
National Historic Site, under the leadership of Barbara B.
Brandt, then supervisor of the Buffalo site, and Shirley P.
Hudders and Margaret Paul, who co-chaired the committee,
compiled a cumulative Index of the Journal for the years 19751992. This Index was published in Volume XIX, no. 3 (1993) of
the TRA Journal, taking up an entire issue. Actually, there
were - and are now - two indexes. The Buffalo group decided
that it would be a good idea to compile a separate picture index
in addition to the index alphabetical listing of articles, subjects, authors, etc. Shirley Hudders and Margaret Paul have
now worked on the annual indexes of this publication since
1992, and decided that a cumulative Index was again in order,
marking the 25th Anniversary of the Journal. The officers of
the Theodore Roosevelt Association express deep gratitude to
the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site, and
particularly Shirley Hudders, Margaret Paul, and Molly
Quackenbush, for continuing work in the indexes of the
Theodore Roosevelt Association
Journal Index 1975-2000
Abernathy, Alta - see Book Reviews
Adams, Franklin P.
''The Cataract of TR" (Poem) VI1.3:26
Addams, Jane VI.3:2
African Safari - see Roosevelt, Theodore
Agassiz, Louis VI.3:14,15j VI1.4:2
Aircraft Carrier Theodore Roosevelt - see USS
Theodore Roosevelt Akeley, Carl XVIII.1:8-11j
Alamo XXIII.1:3,6
Alaska 1Il.3:15-16j IX.4:15-16
Albright, Horace M. V.2:15; XlII.2:22j XlX.2:19
of Theodore
Roosevelt" XlII.1:2-5
Alden, Jerome V.4:15j XlV.1:18-19; XXII.1&2:27j
XXI1.4:19 see also Book Reviews
Alexander, Lawrence - see Book Reviews
Allen, Howard \V, - see Book Reviews
Alsop, Corinne Roosevelt -grandniece XXII.1&2:16,18
Alsop, Joseph - nephew (b. 1910) XVI.2:63; see also
Book Reviews
Amador, Raoul IV.2:2
Ambrose, Stephen E. XXIII.2:8
American Forestry Association IX.3:20
XXIv, NUMBER 3 • 2001
American Museum of Naturalllistory,
NY, NY X1:25j XVI1.2:6j XX.1&2:29-31j XXI.3:21
Akeley African Hall XVIII.1:8-11
FoundingVI.3:15j VI1.4:4j VIII.3:2j XII.2:25
Snowy Owl IX4:5
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund
Hoxie Opinion VI.4:2
Bandstand, Derby-Hall Memorial-
1975 1.2:1-2j 1I.1:3-4j 1976 1I.2:3-4j
1I1.1:5j1977 1I1.2:2j IV.1:13j 19781V.3:11-12j
V.1:7j 1979 V.3:6j VI.1:11j 1980 VI.3:9j
VII.1:9j 1981 VI1.3:27j 1982 VII1.3.14j 1983
IX.3:lOj 1984 X2:23j 1986 XI1.2:25j 1987
XIII.2:22-23j 1988 XIV.2:23j 1989 xv.3:27j
1990 XVI.4:14-15j 1991 XVII.2:19-20j 1992
XVIII.1:19j 1993 XIX1:15j 1994 XX.1&2:33j
1995 XXI.1:22j 1996 XXI.3:21
History 1.2:3-5
Summary 1961-1986 XI1.2:25
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Hall 1I.2:4j
V.2:8-9j VIII.3:5-6j X.2:23j XI1.2:25j
XVI1.4:19,23j XVIII.!: 7-11,19
see also Derby, Ethel Roosevelt; Gable, John A. Publications
by - Pamphlets;
TRA Annual Dinner
Beale, Howard K. XV.3:2-3
Beame, Abraham D. IV.1:16
Beard, Peter H. - see Book Reviews
Beard, TImothy Field
to Roosevelt Genealogy
Ames, Judith Derby (Mrs. Adelbert) - granddaughter
IV.4:4j XVI.2:73
Ames, Mark - great grandson XXI1.3:28
Analostan Island - see Theodore Roosevelt Island
Arp, Don, Jr. XXIII.4:29
" 'Here Comes the President!'
TR and His 1903
Lincoln, Nebraska VISit" XXIII.4:6-9
Auchincloss, Louis - see Book Reviews
Gables Academies
TR Award VIII.3:17j X4:25
Gold Medal of the Society of Women
Geographers XXIII.3:13
Hostfest Heritage 1998 XXIII.1:17
Platform Association XVI1.3:13
National Collegiate Athletic Association 111.2:4;
National Recreation and Park Association
see also Navy League of the U.S. - Theodore and
Franklin D. Roosevelt Naval History Prize;
Roosevelt Study Center - L. J. Saunders Awards;
Roosevelt, Theodore - Medal of Honor; Rose
Award; TRA Jr. Officer Leadership; TRA Police
Awards; TR Distinguished Service Awards;
TRINHS - Citizenship Award
Badlands or Bad Lands - see Medora, ND; Memorials
to TR - Theodore Roosevelt National (Memorial)
Park, Medora, ND; Vivian, James F.
Baird, J. Randall XIX1:14j XXIII.3:13
Baldwin, Simeon VI.4:2-7,17-28j VIII.1:11
see Oyster Bay,
Bayley, James Roosevelt VI.1:15j XVI.1:26
Beach, Edward L. X1:13,16-17j see also Book
Berman, Jay Stuart XX:1&2.22-23
"Reform Comes to Mulberry Street: Theodore
Roosevelt Begins His Work as Police
Commissioner" XIV.2:7-17
see also Book Reviews
"A Roosevelt in Malacanang: GovernorGeneral Theodore Roosevelt, Jr."
Biehler, Frank
"Theodore Roosevelt in the South Bronx"
Adirondack Species VIII.2:11-13j XI.2:5-12
Boyhood Collection and Writings VIII.2:2-14j
IX4:2-8j XIII.1:8
Descriptions of Songs of British Birds
Passenger Pigeons IV.2:12-15j VIII.2:11j
XVII1.4:24j XXIII.4:20-21
see also Oyster Bay, NY - Natural History; Theodore
Roosevelt Bird Sanctuary
Birge Wallcoverings V.2:4
Birthplace - see TR Birthplace NHS
Bisso, Joyce M.
"Oyster Bay Celebrates the Memory of TRBust of TR by Gregory Glasson Dedicated"
"Oyster Bay Community Responds with
Donations for the USS Theodore Roosevelt"
"TR Day in Oyster Bay: A Hometown
Celebration of the Quasquicentennial"
Bleyer, Bill XIX.1:19j XXII.1&2:24-25; XXII.4:2
"Bully! Kids' Vote Helps Revive Teddy's
Home" XIX.1:12
"A Day in the Life of the Navy's Newest Big
Stick" XIII.4:2-6
Blum, John Morton IX.4:21j see also Book Reviews
Bodry-Sanders, Penelope - see Book Reviews
Boera, A. Richard VII.1:23
"The Edith Kennit Roosevelt Diaries" edited
and notes by XII.2:2-11
Boertien, Cornelis XVII.4:16,21-22
Bolt, Robert
"Theodore Roosevelt: Dutch Refonned
in the White House" XVII.1:12-14
"The Religion of Theodore Roosevelt" XIX.1:4-7
Book Notes - see Gable, John A. - Book Reviews,
News and Notes by
Book Reviewers
Book Reviews (continued)
Alexander, Lawrence
The Big Stick XI1.3:14
Allen, Howard \V,
Poindexter of Washington: A Study in
Progressive Politics VIII.3:10
Alsop, Joseph
FDR, 1882-1945: A Centenary
Remembrance VIII.4:21
"I've Seen the Best of It": Memoirs
Applegate, DebbyXVIII.1:7-11
Cordery, Stacy Rozek XX.1&2:18-20
Crews, Kenneth D. IX.2:21-22; X.1:27-28;
(with Adam Platt)
Auchincloss, Louis
Cropsey, Seth, XlV.1:13-14
Fisher, Cary XI.1:22-23
Flanagan, Dennis XVIII.1:6
Floyd, Perry D. XIII.3: 17-18; XV.2:11-12;
Beach Edward L.
Foster, Chris X.2:24-25
Frisone, Grace XXlII.1:24-25
Gable, Patrick C. VIII.1:10
Gurney, Scott XXlII.4:25,29
Hannond, Richard XXJ&2:20-22
Hendrix, Henry J. II XXl.1:11-12; XXlI.3:15-16,
Holdridge, Randall XXlII.1:22-24
Kirkpatrick, Donald F. XVII.1:16-17
Kolodnicki, WIlliam J. VIII.3:9-1O
Lewis, James G. XIX.4:8-9
Marino, Janice VI1.4:21
Morrison, Marvin R. V.2:11; V.3:12-13
Patrick, Cole XV.1:14-15
Roosevelt, Philip J. II IX.2:20-21
Summerville, James XX.1&2:22-23
Tulgan, Bruce L. IX.3:16-17
Weigold, Marilyn E. XV.1:18
Wood, Dennis VIII.1:12-14
Wynn, Gregory A. XXlI.3:19-20,28
see also - Collin, Richard H.; Cutright, Paul Russell;
Dalziel, Robert D.; Fisher, Peter; Fox, Stephen;
Gable, John A.; Gould, Lewis L.; Greene, John
Robert; Johnston, WIlliam D.; La Bella, Nicholas;
Manson, Michael L.; Marks, Frederick \V, ill;
Milano, Linda; Roosevelt Elizabeth E.; Roosevelt,
Tweed; Tilchin, WIlliam N.; Valaik, J. David;
Volpe, Christopher
Book Reviews
Bud and Me: The True Adventures of the
Abernathy Boys XXlII.1:22-24
Alden, Jerome
BuUy: An Adventure with Teddy Roosevelt
The VanderbUt Era: Profiles of a Gilded
The United States Navy: 200 Years
Beard, Peter H.
The End of the Game: The Last Wordfrom
Paradise V.3:12-13
Jay Stuart
Police Administration and Progressive
Reform: Theodore Roosevelt as Police
Commissioner of New York XIv.2:17-18
Blum, John Morton
The Progressive Presidents, Theodore
Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin
Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson VIII.1:10
Carl Akeky: Africa's Colkctor, Africa's
Savior XVIII.1:7-11
Brands, H. \V,
T.R.: The Last Romantic XXl1.3:17-18
Brinkley, Douglas
American Heritage History of the United
States XXlII.2:1O-11
The Magic Bus: An American Odyssey
Brough, James
Princess Alice: A Biography of Alice
Roosevelt Longworth V.4:11-12
Brownlow, Kevin
The War, the West and the Wilderness
Brugger, Robert J., Ed.
Our Selves/Our Past, Psychological
Approaches to American History
Bull, Bartle
Safari: A Chronick of Adventure XIv.4: 16;
Camping and Tramping with Roosevelt
Book Reviews (continued)
Burton, David H.
Book Reviews (continued)
DiNunzio, Mario R., Ed.
Theodore Roosevelt, American Politician:
An Assessment XXII.3:14-15
Caroli, Betty Boyd
Mr. Roosevelt's Steamboat VllI.1:12
The Roosevelt Women XXII.4:15, 22
Dyer, Thomas G.
The Alienist (fiction) XlX.4:9-11
The Angel of Darkness (fiction)
Theodore Roosevelt and the Idea of Race
Louis B. and Phillips Bourns
Side Trips: The Photography of Sumner
Matteson, 1898-1908 X.2:24-25
Paul D.
Camille E. II
(booklet) XX.3&4:28
Reform and the BRformer in the Progressive
Era X.2:25-27
Collier, Peter with David Horowitz
The Roosevelts: An American Saga
Theodore Roosevelt, Culture,
Diplomacy,and Expansion: A New VieW
of American Imperialism XlI.1:19-20j
Theodore Roosevelt's Caribbean: The
Panama Canal, the Monroe Doctrine, and
the Latin American Context XVI.4:11j
Cooper, John Milton, Jr.
The Wanior and the Priest X.l:27-28
Paul Russell
Theodore Roosevelt: The Making of a
Conseroationist XlI.1 :17-18
Paul Russell and Michael J. Brodhead
Elliott Coues: Naturalist and Frontier
Historian VllI.3:9-10
Dailey, Wallace Finley, Editor
Pocket Diary 1898: Theodore Roosevelt's
Private Account of the War with Spain
WIlliam L.
The Lunatic Fringe (Fiction) Vl1.4:21
Hamilton Fish: Memoir of an American
Patriot XX.1&2:23-24
Forma, Warren
Images of the Spanish- American War,
April-August 1898 XXI1.4:16-17
Collin, Richard
Fish, Hamilton
La Nascita dell'lmperialismo Americano
(1890-1898) [The Birth of American
Imperialism (1890-1898)] XXIII.1:24-25
The Rough Riders and New Mexico
Colburn, David R. and George Pozzetta,
Alice Roosevelt Longworth XlV.2:21-22j
Republicans, Negroes and Progressives in
the South 1912-19161X.2:22-23
Dohan, Mary Helen
Carr, Caleb
Theodore Roosevelt: An American Mind
Garrett and Roosevelt XV.2:11-12
Masterson and Roosevelt, The Early West
Series Xl.3:17
They Were Ragtime 1V.1:19
Fox, Stephen
John Muir and His Legacy: The American
Conseroation Movement VlI.4:21-22
Robert V.
Theodore Roosevelt and the Rhetoric of
Militant Decency XVI.4:11
Fritz, Jean
Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt! XVII.3:10
Gable, John A.
The Bull Moose Years: Theodore Roosevelt
and the Progressive Party V.2:12-13
Gable, John A., Editor
The Man in the Arena: Speeches and Essays
by Theodore Roosevelt XlV.1:10-12
The Man in the Arena: Speeches and Essays
by Theodore Roosevelt (reprinted
1999) XXII1.2:10
Theodore Roosevelt Cyclopedia, revised 2nd
editionXV.1:14-15j XV.2:13
Garfield, Brian
Manifest Destiny (Fiction) XV.4:7
Gibson, WIlliam M.
TR Among the Humorists: Jv.D.Howells,
Mark Twain, and Mr. Dooley VlI.2:22-23
Gluck, Sherwin
TR's Summer White House, Oyster Bay
(foreword by John A. Gable) XXIlI.2:9
Goetsch, Charles
Essays on Simeon Baldwin VllI.1:11-12
Goetzmann, WIlliam H. and Kay Sloan
Looking Far North: The Harriman
Expedition to Alaska, 1899 IX.4:15-16
Book Reviews - Jeffers (continued)
Book Reviews (continued)
Gould, Lewis L.
The Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt
Grant, George
Carry a Big Stick: The Uncommon Heroism
of Theodore Roosevelt XXII.3:19-20
Roosevelt in the Badlands XIV.2:19
Theodore Roosevelt and Six Friends of
Indians XXII.3:17
The Bad Lands (Fiction) V.2:11-12
John E.
Matinecock Light: The History of
Matinecock Lodge No. 806 F. & A.M:,
Haraway, Donna
''Teddy Bear Patriarchy: Taxidenny in the
Garden of Eden, NYC, 1908-1936" in
Primate VISions: Gender, Race and
Nature in the World of Modem Science
William H.
Power and Responsibility: The Life and
Times of Theodore Roosevelt (reprint)
The Theodore Roosevelts' Retreat in
Southern Albemarle:Pine Knot 19051908 XX.1&2:23
Young Teddy Roosevelt (children's
John B. and Lynn C. Hattendorf
A Bibliography of the Works of Alfred
Thayer Mahan XIII.2:18
Heatley, Jeff
BuUy! Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, the
Rough Riders and Camp WreojJ,
Montauk, NY, 1898XXII.4:16-17
Hines, Gary, illustrated
(children's book)
by Alexandra
A Christmas Tree in the White House
The Dreadful Month IX.2:21-22
H. Paul
The Adventures of the Stalwart Companions
(Fiction) V.2:11
Colonel Roosevelt: Theodore Roosevelt Goes
to War, 1897-1898XXI.3:17;
A Pilgrimage of Faith: The History of the
First Presbyterian Church, Oyster Bay,
Remember Santiago (Fiction) XV.4:7,8
News from the White House: The
Presidential-Press Relationship in the
Progressive Party IX.3:16-17
Hall, Oakley
Johnston, William Davison and Richard \V,
NY, 1844-1989
Jones, Douglas C.
Hagen, William T.
Commissioner Roosevelt: The Story of
Theodore Roosevelt and the New York
City Police, 1895-1897 XX.1&2:22-23,35
Kerr, Joan Patterson,
A Bully Father: Theodore Roosevelt's
Letters to His Children XXI.1:10-11
Kissinger, Henry
Diplomacy XXI.1:11-12
No Place of Grace: Antimodemism and the
Transformation of American Culture,
1880-1920 VIII.2:17-18
Lewis, R. \V, B. and Nancy Lewis, Eds.
The Letters of Edith Wharton XV.2:9-11
Lutts, Ralph H.
The Nature Fakers: Wildlife Science and
Sentiment XVII.1:16-17
Marks, Frederick \v', ill
Velvet on Iron: The Diplomacy of Theodore
Roosevelt VI.3:5-8
Mc Cormick, Richard L.
From Realignment to Reform: Political
Change in New York State 1893-1910
McCullough, David
Mornings on Horseback VII.3:22-25
The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of
the Panama CanallV.1:18-19
Miller, Char
GiJJordPinchot: The Evolution of an
American Conservationist, Two Essays
Miller, Char and Rebecca Staebler
The Greatest Good:100 Years of Forestry in
America XXIII.4:25
Miller, Edward S.
War Plan Orange: The U.S Strategy to
Defeat Japan, 1897-1945XVIII.1:6
Miller, Kristie
Ruth Hanna McCormick: A Life in Politics,
1880-1944 XVIII.1:4-5
XXIv, NUMBER 3 • 2001
Book Reviews (continued)
Miller, Nathan
Book Reviews (continued)
Roosevelt, Selwa
The Roosevelt Chronicles VI.1:14-15
Theodore Roosevelt: A life
The Naval War of 1812XIV.1:13-14
Through the Brazilian Wilderness (reprint
Monk, William Everett
Theodore and Alice, A Love Story: The
life and Death of Alice Lee Roosevelt
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
Teddy Roosevelt at San Juan: The Making
of aPresident XXII.4:16-17
Morris, Sylvia Jukes
Edith Kermit Roosevelt: Portrait of a First
Lady VI.3:2-5
Naylor, Natalie A., Douglas Brinkley, and John
A. Gable, Eds.
Theodore Roosevelt: Many-Sided American
Theodore Roosevelt VII.2:23-26
Pederson, William and Ann McLaurin,
The Rating Game in American Politics: An
Interdisciplinary Approach XIII.2:15
Teague, Michael
Mrs. L: Conversations With Alice Roosevelt
Longworth VII.4:19-20,23
Alice: The Life and Times of Alice
Roosevelt Longworth V.4:11-12
Tilchin, William N.
Don't You Dare Shoot That Bear! A Story
of Theodore Roosevelt (children's book)
Theodore Roosevelt and the British Empire:
A Study in Presidential Statecraft
L. and Sanford
America's Royalty: AU the President's
Children XII.1:19
Organize or Perish: America's Independent
Progressives 1913-1933 XIII.2:17
1898: The Birth of the American Century
Edward J., Jr.
John Burroughs: An American Naturalist
The Lion's Pride: Theodore Roosevelt and
His Family in Peace and War XXIII.2:8-9
Ricard, Serge
Theodore Roosevelt: Principles and Practice
of a Foreign Policy (Theodore Roosevelt:
Principles et Pratique d'une Politique
Etrangere) XVIII.4:15-21
Ronnie, Art
Counterfeit Hero: Fritz Duquesne,
Adventurer find Spy XXI.1:12-13
Roosevelt, Archibald
Tobin, Eugene M.
Traxel, David
Teddy Roosevelt's Great White Fleet
My Last Chance to be a Boy: Theodore
Roosevelt's South American Expedition
of 1913-1914 XX.1&2:17-18,35;
Reckner, James
American Bears: Selections from the
Writings of Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt: Wilderness Writings
Quinn, Sandra
Schorr, Mark
Bully! XII.3:14
Schullery, Paul, Ed.
Old Yellowstone Days VIII.1:12-14
The Grand Canyon: Early Impressions
Norton, Aloysius
of 1914 edition) XX.1&2:17-18
Samuels, Peggy and Harold Samuels
Frederic Remington: A Biogmphy
Morris, Edmund
Ornig, Joseph
Keeper of the Gate XVI.4:10
Roosevelt, Theodore
B., Jr.
For Lust of Knowing: Memoirs of an
Intelligence OjJicer XIV.1:15
Thrk, Richard W;
The Ambiguous Relationship: Theodore
Roosevelt and Alfred Thayer Mahan
Valaik, J. David
Theodore Roosevelt, An American Hero in
Caricature XIX.4:6-7
Vidal, Gore
Empire XIII.3:17-18
Vivian, James F.
The Romance of My life: Theodore
Roosevelt's Speeches in North Dakota
Wagenknecht, Edward
American Profile 1900-1909 IX.3:15
Book Reviews (continued)
Walker, Dale L.
Brooks, David
The Boys of '98: Theodore Roosevelt and
the Rough Riders XXII.4:16-17
Death Was the Black Horse: The Story of
Rough Rider Buckey O'NeiU VIII.2:18
White-Henson, Wendy and Veronica M.
Gillespie, assisted by Harriet Harrison,
The Theodore Roosevelt Association Film
Colkction: A Catalog Xl1.3:13
Widenor, William C.
Henry Cabot Lodge and the Search for an
American Foreign Policy IX.3:17-19
In My Mother's House XVJ:18
Wright, James
The Progressive Yankees: Republican
Refonners in New Hampshire 1906-1916
Ziel, Ron
Birth of the American Century: Centennial
History of the Spanish-American War
XXII.3:21; XXII.4:16-17
Boone and Crockett Club VI.1:4; VII.1:23;
VII.2:5,11-12,14; IX.1:41; 1X.2:28; 1X.3:6;XlII.1:3,5;
XIV.4:14; XV.3:31; XIX.1:17; XXI.2:19; XXI1.3:25
Bourns, Phillips - see Book Reviews - Casagrande
Boy Scouts of America XVII.3:17
Camp Roosevelt IV.4:9
Boyd, Bob (Robert E.) II1.2:15; IV.3:17; IV.4:16;
IX.2:25,28; Xl1.3:3
" 'A Day With Theodore Roosevelt' or 'T.R.
Rides Again!'" V.1:11-14
Bradley, Omar M. - see Roosevelt, Theodore Jr.
Brands, H.\v. XXII.3:25, 28; XXII.4:18; XXIII.1:3
see also Book Reviews
Brandt, Barbara II1.1:8j V.3:15j IX.1:43j
XVIII.2&3:34,35; XIX.2:13; XXI.1:15-16,19;
Brazilian Expedition 1914 VIII.3:3; XIX.4:11;
XX.1&2:17-18,35 1992 XVII.3:14;XV11.4:17,1819,22j XVIII.1:13-15,25j XVIII.2&3:30,31,36j
Brinkley, Douglas XVIII.1:11,25; XVIII.2&3:28;
XVIII.4:30-31j XlX.l:9,19; XIX.2:23; XXI.4:15;
XXII.1&2:29; XXIII.2:8, 10-11; XXIII.4:3
"We Are Losing Our National Heritage"
Quotation by Walter Cronkite XXIII.2:10
see also Book Reviews, Brinkley, Naylor
Brodhead, Michael J. - see Book Reviews - Cutright
"Bully for America: What Teddy Roosevelt
Teaches" XXIl.l&2:10-14
Brough, James - see Book Reviews
Browne, Henry J. XVII1.4:26
Brownlow, Kevin - see Book Reviews
Brugger Robert. J. - see Book Reviews
Bryan, William Jennings XV.2:2-3,6
Budner, Lawrence H. XXI.2:12,20; XXI.4:18-19;
XXII.1&2:31;XXI1.3:25; XXII.4:18; XXIII.1:3,4,6;
XXIII.2:19j XXIII.4:18,20
Budner, Lawrence H. and Doris A. XIV.4:12,18;
see also Exhibits
Buffalo, NY
Buffalo & Erie County Naval and Servicemen's
Canisius College - see TR Conferences
TR Square (Plaza) XlI.1:8; XVI1.3:12
see also TR Inaugural NUS
Bull, Bartle - see Book Reviews
Bull Moose Party - see Progressive Party
Bulloch Family V.1:15; VI1.3:15j VII.4:9;
XVII.4:4,10-11,13j XXI.1:3,5; XXIII.4:22
Bulloch Hall, Roswell, GA 1.1:2; IV.4:19;
V.1:6,14-15 VI.1:9; XI.1:25; XVII.4:2,10,13; XXI.1:3
Family China XXI.3:22-23
Burroughs, John IV.2:12,14-15; VI.1:18; VII.2:10,20j
VIII.1:14; IX.4:15,16; XVII.1:16-17; XIX.4:4-6,23
Quotations about TR VI.1:18; VI.4:28; XI.4:5j
Tribute to TR XIX.4:2-3
see also Book Reviews
Burton, David H. XV.3:3-4
"Three Roosevelt Women" XXI.2:3-10
see also Book Reviews
Bush, Barbara Pierce XXI1.4:18j XXIII.1:3,5,7
Bush, George H.W. XXII.4:18; XXIII.1:3,5,6,8-9
Caglioti, Michael
"Theodore Roosevelt, Colombia and the
Panamanian Revolution" 11.2:7-11
Caming, Stephen
"Our Ship's Coming In" XlI.4:8-9
Camp Bronco Junction 111.3:6,7,19
Carlson, Keith Thor
"Theodore Roosevelt and the Wmning of the
West: Historian as History"
Carr, Caleb XX.1&2:29j XXIII.2:11
see also Book Reviews
Caroli, Betty Boyd - see Book Reviews
Carroll, F. M.
"Theodore Roosevelt, John Quinn, and the Irish
Home-Rule Convention" VI.2:11-14
Carter, Jimmy III.3:1-2; IV.1:15-16
Casagrande, Louis B. - see Book Reviews
Casdorph, Paul D. - see Book Reviews
Chessman, G. Wallace
"Theodore Roosevelt and New York: Retrospect
and Prospect" 1.1:7-10
Cliff, Edward P.
"Theodore Roosevelt Began the Era of Resource
Conservation" IX.3:6-8
Clinton, William J. XIX.1:14-15
"The Progressive Movement" from Between
Hope and History XXI.4:15
Cohen, Stan - see Book Reviews
Colburn, David R. - see Book Reviews
Collier, Peter -see Book Reviews
Collin, Richard H. XlI:1:22; XV.3:9-11
Book Reviews by Vlll.1:7 -10; XIV.2:20-21
Quotations from TR's Caribbean XVII.1:15-16
see also Book Reviews
Collum, Lee
"Theodore Roosevelt, Where Are You Now
That We Need You?" XIV.1:2-3
Comstock, Walter S. and Barbara J. XlX.2:17
Conrad, David E.
"Roosevelt and Emmons" III.3:15-16
Conservation IX.3:5-8j X.3:23; Xlll.1:3-5; XXII.3:3-7
Commissions and Conferences
1901-09 Listing X3:9-11j XXIll.2:26
Early History in U.S. XIV.3:2-11
NYSFisheries Commission XIV.3:5-10
Philosophy of Theodore Roosevelt X.3:2
Presidential Conference on Conservation - 75th
Anniversary IX.3:20
1990's XXII.3:10-13
see also Fox, Stephen; National Forests; National
Monuments; National Parks; National WIldlife
Refuge System; Pinchot, Gift'ord; Roosevelt,
Theodore - Conservationist
Cooper, John Milton, Jr. XV.3:14; see also Book
Cordery, Stacy Rozek XXIll.4:29
"Princess Alice:The Life and Times of Alice
Roosevelt Longworth" XXIll.4:10-14
Coues, Elliott Vlll.2:10j Vlll.3:9-10j IX.4:2,8
Cowles, Anna Roosevelt - (Bamie, Bye) - sister Vl.3:3j
XVI.2:51j XXIll.4:10
Cowles, William Sheffield - nephew XlI. 3:8; XVI.2:60
Cronkite, Walter - see Brinkley, Douglas
Curtis, Edward S. V.4:10,15j IX.4:15,16
Cutright, Paul Russell Iv. 3: 15; XlI.1:18; XIV.2:25j
Book Review by IX.2:17-20
"The Boyhood Natural History Notebooks of
Theodore Roosevelt" Vlll.2:2-15,23
"Theodore Roosevelt Disposes of His Boyhood
Bird Specimens" IX.4:2-8
''TR Listens to the Music of British Birds"
"Twin Literary Rarities of TR" Xl.2:5-12
see also Book Reviews
Dailey, Wallace Finley XlI.3:17,18,19; XIV.4:6;
XV.4:15; XXI.4:19,21
"The Theodore Roosevelt Gallery at Harvard"
"Theodore Roosevelt in Periodical Literature,
1950-1981" Vlll.4:4-15
"TR Collection at Harvard: A Report" 1.2:8-9
"The Theodore Roosevelt Collection: A Fiftieth
Anniversary Report" XIX. 4: 12-17
see also Theodore Roosevelt Collection
Dalton, Kathleen M. Vl.1:21; XXI.4:14,15,19
Quotations about TR XVIll.2&3:37
"Theodore Roosevelt and the Idea of War"
"Why America Loved Teddy Roosevelt Or,
Charisma is in the Eyes of the Beholders" - a
Review Vlll.1:7-10
Dalziel, Robert D. XVII.4:11,12,15-17j
XVIll.2&3:33-35; XlX.1:12,17j XlX.2:16-17;
XXI.1:16j XXI.2:15j XXIll.3:17
"Six Women Who Were President" XlX.1:2-4
"More About The Six Women Who Were
President" XlX.2:7-1O
Book Review by xx. 1&2:23-24
TRA Annual Meeting 1990 XVI.4:20-22
Roosevelt Study Center 1996 XXI.4:28-29
Davenport, Frederick M., Jr. III.1:10
Davenport, Frederick M., Sr. XlI.2:12-21; XVI.1:29
Association with TR Xl1.2: 15-17
Davidson, John XXI1.4:19
Davison, F. Trubee 1.2:5
Dawson, Francis Warrington XXI.3:4,1O-12,15
DeAndrea, William L. - see Book Reviews
Decker, Joe F. Xl1.3:17
"Theodore Roosevelt's Proposed World War I
Division, an Essay in Historiography"
"Theodore Roosevelt's Way with Words"
DeMattos, Jack - see Book Reviews
DeMores, Marquis V.4:3,14; IX.2:8-9j
Derby, Ethel Roosevelt (Mrs. Richard) - daughter.
1l1.2:7-9,12j IV.4:4j Vl.3:3; VlI.1:4j Vlll.3:14,16j
IX.1:10,12; X3:14; XV.2:1O-11j XVI.2:61j
XVI1.3:17j XX.1&2:32j XXII.3:26,28j XXIII.1:28
American Museum of Natural History IV.1:4,9
Obituary and Biography IV.1:2-5
Theodore Roosevelt Distinguished Service
Medal IV.1:6,8-10
TRA Resolution - 12117n7 IV.1:23
White House - Carter 111.3:1-2
see also Oyster Bay, NY - Derby-Hall Memorial
Bandstand; Exhibits - TR Gallery - Harvard
Derby, Edith Roosevelt - granddaughter - see Williams
Derby, Judith Quentin - granddaughter - see Ames
Derby, Sarah Alden - granddaughter - see Gannett
Derujinsky, Gleb W. 11.1:7,12; IX.1:3,8
Dewey, Thomas E. IV.2:4,5
Direct Primary Bill- (Hinman-Green)
NY State
Dohan, Mary Helen - see Book Reviews
Dorr, George B.
Mount Desert Island (Acadia) VII.2:17-18
Drago Doctrine - see Roosevelt, Theodore - Foreign
Policy /Diplomacy
Drysdale, Alexander J. - see Sagamore Hill
Dudley, Elaine XIX.1:15
Dulski, Thaddeus J. Ill.1:Bj X.1:23
Dworkin, Alexandra Roosevelt (Mrs. Ronald)
XX.1&2:34 Mr. XX.1&2:34
Dyer, Elisha XVIII.1:20-21,24
Rose Award IX.2:10-11,27
Dyer, Thomas G. -see Book Reviews
Earley, Joseph 11.1:7; Ill.2:15
Ecker, Robert J.
Invocation at Launching of USS TR XI.1:9
Eisenhower, Dwight D. IV.2:2,4; V.3:3; x'4:10
"He Built a Monument to America" IV.2:5-7
Quotations about TR VIII.1:14; XVII.3:11
Tribute to TR x'2:20
Elbegdorj, H.E.Ts. XXlII.4:19, 29
"Young Mongols are No Longer Reading Marx
and Engels" XXlII.4:27
Elder, Lance IX.4:1B,19
Eliot, Charles William VI.3:12,14
Emmons, George T.
Association with TR Ill.3:15-16
Engle, Harrison XII.3:2-B,16
Epstein, George 11.1:11; V.1:21
"Because He Was Loved" (Poem) x'4:16-17
TR Festival, Bethlehem, NH 1987 XIV.1:19;
1988 XIV.4:16j 1989 XV.2:17
Esthus, Raymond A. XV.3:4-6
DeGolyer Library at SMU - Budner TR
Collection - 1988 XIV.4:12
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
Theodore 1984 X.2:29-30; X.3:13-16,20j
X.4:22-23; XI.4:15
Texas Humanities
Outreach Program 1984 XI.1:26
National Portrait Gallery, 1998-1999
Century XXlI.4:20; XXlII.1:4; XXlII.2:17
Catalog - Barber, James G.
Theodore Roosevelt Federal Building,
Washington, D.C. XXl.1:21
Theodore Roosevelt Gallery - Harvard
Fa~r and Daughter (Ethel) - 1977 IV.4:B-9
~odore and Alice 1986 XI1.3:18
Theodore&osevelt at Barnard 1977
see also Sagamore Hill
Fairbanks, Charles w: IX.4:20; X.1:29j XV.2:19
Federal Bird Reservations
Listing - 1901-09 X.3:6-B
Federal Employers' Liability Act VIII.1:11; XIX.4:21
Felsenthal, Carol - see Book Reviews
Ferris Brothers, Sylvanus M. and Joseph A.
XVIII.2&3:2,3,4,7 -10,16,19,21,24; XXl1.4:4
BuUy IX.4:20; X.1:29
Reviews IV.4:1B,19
BuUy:An Adventure with ~odore
Indomitable Teddy &osevelt IX.4:21,23;
X.1:29,32-33; X.2:30j XlI.4:25; XIV.2:27j
Christopher Award 1987 XIII.2:22
Reviews XII.3:3-B
Summary XII.3:1-3
Video XXlI1.2:21
My Fa~r
~ President VIII.3:14,16; VIII.4:25;
IX.1:12-13; X.1:35; X.2:30
RMA Collection 1924-3011.1:14-15
~ &ugh Riders (1927) V.4:12; XIV.4:5
TRA Film Collection at Library of Congress
History 11.1:14-15
TRA Video Cassette and Film Series
11.1:2,6-7,15,16-17,19; 1I.2:12-13,15j Ill.1:6
Wind and ~ Lion 1:2:9-10,13; 11.1:7
see also Prism Entertainment
Fischer, Roger A.
"Theodore Roosevelt in Cartoon Art: Debut
1883-1884" XIV.2:2-6
Fish, Hamilton, Sr. xy'4:17; XVI.4:6-7,1B;
XVII.1:19-20,22; XVI1.4:23
"Theodore Roosevelt and the Race Riots of
1917" 1.1:13-14
see also Book Reviews
Fisher, Peter R. XIV.1:lO-11; XXlII.2:10
Book Reviews by VIII.1:11-12; VIII.4:21; XI.3:17
3 • 2001
Gable, John A. XI.4:10
Miller, Carol XI.4:11
Oldenburg, Richard E. XI.4:10-11
Obituary XI.4:9
Fishman, Ethan
"Applied Idealism" - Theodore Roosevelt's
Prndent Approach to Consenration XXII.3:3-7
Floyd, Perry D.
"John F. Lehman, Jr." XXI.1:6-8
Foote, James XXIII.1:21
Foppiani, Oreste - see Book Reviews
Foran, Robert XXI.3:10-12,13,15
Forbes, John Ripley 11.2:15
Ford, Gerald R. 11.1:13-14
Fonna, Warren - see Book Reviews
Foschio, Leslie G. IV.3:6,17; V.3:15; VII.1:23
"The WIlcox Mansion Becomes the Theodore
Roosevelt Inaugural
Historic Site."
"Theodore Roosevelt: A Lasting Model for
America" IX.1:17-20
Fox, Stephen XXI.4:19,30; XXII.1&2:27
"A Chapter in the History of the American
Conservation Movement: Land, Trees &
Water, 1890-1915" VII.2:2-21
"Gifford Pinchot and His Place in the American
Conservation Movement" XIII.3:7-10
"'l\ventieth Century Limited: Cycles and
Ironies since 1900" XXI.4:3-12
Book Review byVIII.2:17-18
Letter to Gifford B. Pinchot XIv. 1:9
see also Book Reviews
Fraser, James Earle VII.1.17-19; VIII.3:5; X.1:6,lOj
XI.3:13; XVII.4:14; XVIII.1:8; XIX.2:14;
XXII.1&2:34; XXIII.1:10
Robert V. - see Book Reviews
Fritz, Jean - see Book Reviews
Frost, Robert
Quotations about TR XVIII.1:5
Furlow, John \Vo, Jr.
"Gifford Pinchot: Public Service and the
Meaning of Conservation" XIII.3:11-17
Gable, John A. XX.1&2:32; XXII.4:3,4; XXIII.1:21
Articles by
"Dr. Peale and Gen. Yeager Receive TR
Distinguished Service Medal" XI.3:2-5
"Foreword to the Roosevelt Genealogy"
to Speeches of TR 10/20/1905" XVII.4:2-3
"Jessica E. Kraft: The Heart of the TRA"
XIII.4: 10-15
Gable, John A. (continued)
"The Life and Work of Hennann
Hagedorn" 111.3:9-13
"Nicholas Roosevelt 1893-1982"
"P. James Roosevelt 1928-1998" (with
Philip J. Roosevelt, II) XXIII.1:26-28
"Paul Russell Cutright, Historian of
Natural History" XII.1:18
"Robert B. Roosevelt" XIV.3:9
"Running for Reelection" X.4:19
"Theodore Roosevelt and the American
Museum of Natural History" VIII.3:2-6
"Theodore Roosevelt and the Square Deal"
"The Theodore Roosevelt Distinguished
Service Medal- A Brief History"
"Theodore Roosevelt: Man of Letters"
"Theodore Roosevelt's Favorite Hymns"
"Theodore Roosevelt's Nobel Peace
Prize" IX.1:31-32
"TR in Fiction" XV.4:8
"TR on Bigfoot" XXI1.4:21
"The 'l\vo TR's - Mythic and Real"
Book Reviews, News and Notes by 111.1:10;
IV.1:18-19;V.1:16,18-19j V.3:12; V.4:11-12;
VI.1:14-15;VI.2:14-16; VI.3:2-8; VII.1:20-22j
VII.2:23-26; VII.3:22-25; VII.4:19,21-22;
VIII.2:18-19; VIII.3:10; IX.2:22-23; IX.3:15,1719; IX.4:15-16; X.2:27-28; XI.3:17; XII.1:1920; XII.3:15; XIII.2:17j XIV.1:10-12,14,15;
XIV.2:17-18,19,21-22; XV.2:9-11,12;
XV.3:19-22; XV.4:6;XVII.1:17;
XVII.3:6-1O,12; XVIII.2&3:25-29;
XVIII.4:21-24j XIX.1:8; XIX.4:
6-7,9-11; XX.1&2:23; xx.3&4:28-29;
XXI.1:10-11; XXI.3:18; XXII.1&2:2634;XXII.3:14-15, 16, 17-18, 20;XXII.4:16-17,
19-20; XXIII.2:8-9, 10-11,
15-25; XXIII.3:11-14
Citations for TR Distinguished Service Medal"In Her Own Right: Barbara Pierce Bush"
David McCullough XXI.4:13
Executive Director TRA 19741.1:2
1999 Honor - 25 years of service
XXIII. 3:14; XXIII.4:16
Graduation Address
"Education and You" 1981 VII.3:12-14
Gable, John A. (continued)
Publications by
The BuU Moose Years: Theodore
Roosevelt and the Progressive Party
V.4:13; Vl.2:15
Adventure in Reform XII.3:17;
Theodore Roosevelt and the American
Museum of Natuml History
Publications Edited by
The Man in the Arena XIV.l:10-ll
The Many-Sided Theodore Roosevelt
XII.3:17; XI1.4:26
TR Cyclopedia XV.1:23
Scheduled Activities 197511.1:7; 1976 11.2:15
1979 V.2:15; 1980 Vl.2:19; 1982 VlII.2:23
1982/83 IX.1:44; 1983 IX.2:28; IX.4:21; X.4:18
1984 X.3:14,15; XI.1:25; 1985 XII.1:13
1987 XIII.2:20; 1988 XIV.2:26-27;
XIV.3:13-14; XIV.4:18
1989 XV.2:18-19
1990 XVI.4:18; 1991 XVI1.2:25
1992 XVIII.1:24; 1993 XIX.1:18
1994 XX.1&2:33-34
1995 1.1:15,17,19,20,21,22; XXl.2:19;
XXl.3:21,23; XXl.4:15
1996 XXl.4:23,24
1997 XXlI.1&2:27,29
1998 XXlI.3:24,25; XXlI.4:3,11,21
1999 XXlII.3:12-13,14; XXlII.4:5,16
Speeches by
The Rough Rider in War and Peace Univ. of
New Orleans 2114/98 XXlI.4:11-14
Television Review by XXlI.1&2:24-25
Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American
War XXlII.3:9-1O
Tribute by 1992 XVIII.1:24
see also Book Reviews; Derby, Ethel Roosevelt Obituary and Biography
Gannett Company, Inc. IX.4:21; XII.3:2,5,16
Gannett, Sarah Alden Derby (Mrs. Robert T.) granddaughter X.3:13,14; XVI.2:73; XVII.4:1O;
XVIII.1:24; XVIII.2&3:35; XXl.3:22-23; XXlII.2:2224; XXlII.4:16
Gannett, William B. - great grandson XVI.2:73
Garfield, Brian - see Book Reviews
Garrett, Pat xv.2:11-12
Genealogical Project - see Roosevelt Genealogical
Gentry, Caroline 11.1:14
Gibson, William M. - see Book Reviews
Gillespie, Veronica M. 111.2:15;see also Book Reviews White-Henson
Glasson, Gregory XI.1:20,26
Gluck, Sherwin - see Book Reviews
Gnatek, Michael XXlII.2:27
Goetsch, Charles C.
"Simeon E. Baldwin, Theodore Roosevelt, and
Their 1910-1911 Controversy Over the
Federal Employers' Liability Act" Vl.4:2-28
see also Book Reviews
Goetmlann, William H. - see Book Reviews
Gold Seal Company V.4:2,14; IX.2:4
Gould, Lewis L. XXl.3:4,9
Book Reviews by XII.1:17-18; XIV.1:12-13
''Theodore Roosevelt and the Spanish American
War: Four Unpublished Letters to President
William McKinley" VlI.3:17-21
see also Book Reviews
Grace, Oliver XVI1.4:18j XVIII.1:19,24
Grant, George - see Book Reviews
Grave - see Youngs Memorial Cemetery
Great White Fleet 11.1:10-11; XII.4:7-8,11,13;
xv.3:19-21; XXl.1:5; XXlI.4:12-13; XXlII.4:24
USS Louisiana XI1.4:5
Green, Seth XIV.3:5-6
Greene, John Robert
"Frederick Morgan Davenport: Portrait of a
Progressive" XII. 2:12-21
Book Review by x'2:25-27
Grey, Edward XIII.1:6-11
Grey Towers National Historic Landmark - see
Pinchot, Gifford
Grinnell, George Bird VlI.2:5,11-12,20; IX.4:16;
XIII.3:9; XXl1.3:17
Gurney, Scott - see Book Reviewers
Habib, Philip C. X.1:13,17-18
Hagedorn, Hennann IX.3:2-3
Articles by
"Ending the Russo-Japanese
"The President from Oyster Bay"
"The Unknown Theodore Roosevelt"
Centennial 1982 VlII.3:8
Life and Work III.3:9-13
Memorial Dedicated - Nantucket
Quotations about TR X.1:26
see also Book Reviews
Island, MA
Hagen, William T. - see Book Reviews
Haight, Anne Pardee Lyon (Mrs. Sherman Post)
see also Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association
Hall, Leonard \V, V.1:21;VII.1:4;XVIII.4:24j
xx. 1&2:32;XXI1.3:26
Eulogy by Hogan, Howard T. V.3:4-5
Ku Klux Klan - Opposition to V.3:2
Obituary and BiographyV.3:1-4
Reminiscences of TR V.3:15
Republican National Committee V.3:3
Resolution of TRA Executive Committee 6/15n9
see also Oyster Bay, NY- Derby-Hall Memorial
Hall, Oakley - see Book Reviews
Hamlet, Billie
"All Creatures Great and Small: Presidential
Gifts to the National Zoological Park" - a
compilation VI.2:8-9
Hammond, John E. - see Book Reviews
Haraway, Donna - see Book Reviews
Harbaugh, William Henry VI.2:15jXVIII.2&3:32;
see also Book Reviews
Harding, Warren G. V.2:7,8;XVI1.2:4
Harmon, Mark - see Rough Riders - Descendants Harmon
Harmond, Richard P.
"Robert Barnwell Roosevelt and the Early
Consenration Movement" XIV.3:2-11
Harnes, Anne E.
"Presidents Aren't Made the Way They Used
To Be" XIX.4:18
Harness, Cheryl - see Book Reviews
Harriman, Edward H. IX.4:15-16
Harris, Joel Chandler XVII.4:2,8-9
Harrisburg, PA
Rededication of Capitol Building VIII.1:27
Harrison, Harriet - see Book Reviews - White-Henson
Hanrard University - see TR Conferences - Hanrardj
Theodore Roosevelt Collection - Hanrard
Haskell, Charles T. XVIII.2&3:31,36;see also
Brazilian Expedition - 1992
Hattendorf, John B. XXII.1&2:30
Hattendorf, John B. and Lynn C. Hattendorf - see
Book Reviews
Havig, Alan R.
"Theodore and Franklin: FDR's Use of the
Theodore Roosevelt Image, 1920-1936"
Hay, John X4:3
Hazel, John R. 111.1:8;lV.3:6
Hazen, John R. - see Hazel, John R.
Heatley, Jeff - see Book Reviews
Heine, Cornelius \V,
"History Speaks from the Marble Likenesses of
Past Leaders" VII.1:17-20
Heston, Charlton xx.3&4:34
Hines, Gary - see Book Reviews
Hitchcock, Ethan Allen 1II.3:15-16jVII.2:15,18
Hoff, Henry B.
"Introduction" to Roosevelt Genealogy
Hogan, Howard T. XXII.3:13,26; XXIII.1:4
"The End of an Era" - Eulogy for Leonard \V,
Hall V.3:4-5Mrs. XXI.2:19,21
Hoover, Herbert C. lV.2:4,5;XVII.2:5,6
Hornaday, \V, T. 11.2:15
Horowitz, David - see Book Reviews - Collier
Hughes, Charles EvansXII.2:14,15,17-18j
Jackson, Carlton - see Book Reviews
Jackson, Nancy Dabney Roosevelt (Mrs. Wm E.)
"A Sense of Style: Remembering Edith Kermit
Roosevelt" XXIII.3:2-4,17
Jamestown Exposition 1907 XXI.1:3-5
Bruton Parish Church lectern XXI.2:19
Georgia House XXI.1:3-5
Negro Building XXI.1:4-5
Javits, Jacob K. lV.1:16
Jeffers, H. Paul - see Book Reviews
Jeffries, Philippa Roosevelt - cousin XII.1:21;
Jeffries, Rogina (Mrs. Stephen B.) XXII.1&2:29
Jeffries, Stephen B. - cousin XXII.1&2:29
Johnson, Mrs. Lyndon B.
Library Exhibition X3:13-15,21
Johnson, Robert Undenvood VII.2:2-5,8,13-16,18-19
Johnston, William Davison VII.1:5jXVIII.1:22-24,26
Articles by
"The Story of Theodore Roosevelt
Memorial Park in Oyster Bay: The TRA
Helps Build a Playground" IX.3:11-14
''Theodore Roosevelt Association Prepares
for Commissioning of USS TR" XIl.l:2-5
Book Reviews byXIII.2:16-17
Public Speaking Contest IX.4:22
Rose Award XIII.1:13-15
Speeches at
LBJ Library 6/1184 X3:20
125th Anniversary Dinner 10/27/83 X.1:5
Oyster Bay, NY 10/24/81 VIII.1:16,18
Theodore Roosevelt Island 6/18/83 Ix.3:4-5
TRA Annual Meeting 10/30/82 IX.1:15
USS TR CVN-71Commissioning 10/24/86
USS TR CVN-71Launching 10/27/84
22 -----------------
Johnston, William Davison - Speeches at (continued)
Washington, DC 10/27/81 VIII.1:18-19
White House 10/27/82
''TR's Nobel Peace Prize Returns to
the White House" IX.l:8-1O
USS TR Museum XVIII.2&3:30,32
see also Book Reviews
Jones, Douglas C. - see Book Reviews
Juergens, George - see Book Reviews
Jung, Diane - see TR Birthplace NUS
Kahn, David M. - see Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace
Kahn, Otto M.
"Why Did Roosevelt Run in 1912?" XI.4:2-3
Theodore Roosevelt (Teddie) Bell
X.4:18j XXIII.2:25
Kanter, Sanford - see Book Reviews - Quinn
Kaufman, George S. - see Theater - The First Lady
(Based on Alice Roosevelt Longworth)
Kaye, Broce M.
''Theodore Roosevelt National Park
History: A Quick Look"
Kelly, Michael
"Tablescraps: Mementos of the WashingtonRoosevelt Dinner" XIV.4:7-11
Kent, William VII.2:15,17,18
Kennit, WV XIX.2:23
Kerr, Joan Patterson XXI.2:18j XXII.1&2:27
see also Book Reviews
Kidder, Dorothy
Kimberly, Robert
"The Health
King, Alice Gore
''The Letters
R. XXI.1:19
of Theodore
Roosevelt" v'3:7-11
of Edith Kennit Roosevelt to
Marion King" VII.3:4-12,27
King, Marian Morrison (Mrs. Frederick Gore)
Kraft, Harold R.
Derby-Hall Memorial Bandstand XI.4:14
Kraft, Jessica (Mrs. Harold R.) 1II.1:19j
IX.2:10,11-12,27; XIII.3:10,19; XIII.4:7,10-15;
Rose Award IX.2:11-12
Kunstler, Mort X.4:26
see also Sagamore Hill- Exhibit
Kupferman, Theodore R. 11.1:13; XI.3:4j XIII.1:15-16;
XIX.2:23j XX.l&2:25
Laymen's National Bible Association Kupferman Award XV.3:30-31
La Bella, Nicholas X.2:31
Book Review by v'4:12
"Ceremonial Happenings of the Year at Youngs
Memorial Cemetery" IV.4:13-14
Lampasso, James 11.2:15; 111.1:2
Lansdowne, Lord VII.4:13-18
Lavergne, Gary M.
"John M. Parker's Confrontation with
Woodrow WIlson" X.2:15-19
Lazio, Rick XXIII.2: 17
Lears, T. J. Jackson -see Book Reviews
Leathers, Robert IX.3:12-14
Leavers, Frank 1I1.1:7-8j IV.3:6,17; VIII.1:27j
Leclere, Roger XXI.2:14,19j XXIII.3:14; XXII1.4:20
Lee, Alice Hathaway - wife XVI.2:52j see Theodore
Roosevelt Collection - Harvard
Lee, Arthur XXII.1&2:7-9j XXIII.3:6
see also Marks, Frederick \v. ill- Articles by
Lehman, John F., Jr. XXI.1:6-8
Lester, Dee Gee - see Roosevelt Research
Lewis, R.\v.B. and Nancy Lewis - see Book Reviews
DeGolyer Library at Southern Methodist
University -see Exhibits
Houghton Library at Harvard - see TR
Collection; TR Conferences - Harvard
Library of Congress - Pinchot Papers XIII.3:7;
see also Films - TRA Film Collection
Long Island University - see TRA - Collection
C.\v. Post Center
Lyndon Baines Johnson
see Exhibits
Library, Austin TX -
Mugar Memorial, Boston Univ. - RichardsTheodore Roosevelt Room - Dedication
Pusey - see TR Collection, Harvard - TR
Memorial Gallery
St. Louis Mercantile XVIII.2&3:36
Widener - see TR Collection, Harvard
Liebman, Sheldon
"Theodore Roosevelt and Unemployment"
Lincoln, Abraham XXII.3:4,7
Lindsey, Alton A. XVIII.4:25
"The Sighting at Pine Knot, Va." IV.2:12-15
Lippmann, Walter 1.1:12,13
Lockwood, Grace - see Roosevelt, Grace Lockwood
Lodge, Henry Cabot IV.3:2jVI1.4:15j IX.3:17-19;
X.2:3,7; XXI.2:4j XXII.3:14, 19,25
"Theodore Roosevelt: 'Mr. Valiant-for- Truth'"
Loeb, William Jr. XXII1.2:9
Long Island History XII.1:20
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt - daughter v'1:21j VII.1:5j
VII.4:23; X.3:14-15; XII.3:18; XI1.4:7j XIII.1:5;
XIV.4:5jxv.2:10-11,12; XVI.2:60j XVIII.1:11j
XIX.1:4; XXI.2:3, 6-7,10j XXI1.3:8j XXIII.4:10-14,29
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt (continued)
Book by
Crowded Hours V.4:11
Books about XXIII.4:14
Life and Times ofVI.2:2-7,19
see also Book Reviews - Brough; Teague; Teichmann;
Theater - The First Lady
Longworth, Nicholas - son-in-law VI.2:3; XVI.2:60;
XXI.2:6j XXIII.4: 11-12
Looker, Earle 111.1:7
Lutts, Ralph H. - see Book Reviews
MacArthur, Douglas - see Roosevelt, Theodore,
Medal of Honor
Mackay, William Andrew VIII.3:6; XVII.4:23;
Helen M. IX.4:23
The Judge 1883-84 XIV.2:3,4,5
National Geographic 9/82 VIII.4:23
New Yorker 9/8/80 VI.4:29j 2/28/25 XXII1.4:14
Newsweek 7nn5 1.2:13j 4/2179 V.2:4; V.4:14;
VI.3:5-6; 8/6179 V.4:14,15
Outwok 2/27/1909 XX.1&2:3j XXI.3:4-5,13
Presidential Studies Quarterly - Wmter 1989
Martin, Clarece
"Theodore Roosevelt and the Assassin" V.2:5-6
''Theodore Roosevelt's Ancestral Link to the
Panama Canal" VII.3:15-17,27
"President Roosevelt VISits Georgia House: A
Replica of Bulloch Hall" XXI.1:3-6
"The Return of the Bulloch China" XXI.3:22-23
Force and the Immovable
Object: Theodore Roosevelt and Lt. Gen.
Nelson A Miles" XIII.2:4-15
Matthews, Brander IV.3:9
Quotations about TR VI1.4:12
Maxwell, George - see Syracuse University
McCall, Samuel \V, XX.3&4:6
McConnell, David
"1\venty-five Years Ago: The Dedication of
Sagamore Hill" IV.2:4-5
McCormick, Richard L. - see Book Reviews
McCormick, Ruth Hanna XVIII.1:4-5,11
McCullough, David VII.3:27; XVI.4:17-18j
XXI.2:16,19j XXI.4:13,22,30
Foreward to 1995 edition - A Bully Father:
Theodore Roosevelt's Letters to His Children
Puck 1883-84 XIV.2:3,4,5; 1898-1912 XIX.4:6-7
Scribner's XXI.3:5,9,10,11,14
Time III.1:3j 4/13/98 XXII.4:20; 4/13/98
US News and World Report 11/18/96 XXI.4:14
VICtorian Homes XIX.2:23
The Weekly Standard 6/23/97 XXI1.1&2:10-14
Mahan, Alfred Thayer XIII.2:18j XIV.2:20-21;
XXII.1&2:30j XXIII.4:22,24
Manship, Paul IX.3:3
Manson, Michael L. XIX.4:23; XX.3&4:30,31j
XXI.2:18; XXI1.3:27
"Theodore Roosevelt Public Speaking Contests"
Book Reviews by xx.1&2:17-18; XXI.1:12-13j
XXI.3:17; XXI1.3:21
Marks, Frederick \V, ill X.1:34j X.4:4; XV.3:6-8
Articles by
"A Special English Friend: Arthur
Hamilton Lee" III.1:10-11
"Roosevelt's Diplomatic
Marks, Frederick W. - Articles by (continued)
"The Writing of Velvet on Iron" VI.1:16-18
"Theodore Roosevelt and the Righting of
History" XII. 1:8-12
Book Review by VII.2:22-23
Quotations about TR XVIII.2&3:39
Publications by IV.2:21; VI.2:19j VI.4:29
see also Book Reviews
Martin, James B.
"The Irresistible
American XXI.3:5
American Fly Fisher 1982 VIII.4:23
Atlantic 2/89 XV.2:17
Economist XXI.4:14
Geo 10n9 V.4:14
Harper's Weekly XXI.3:6; 1883-84 XIV.2:2,3,4,5j
"He Didn't Just Happen and He Didn't Do It All
Alone: Theodore Roosevelt's Background and
Context" VI.3:14-16; VII.4:2-6
Publications by Iv.2:2,21j V.1:5; V.4:14j
XVIII.1:13; XVIII.2&3:29
Mornings on Horseback - American Book
Award 1982 VIII.3:12-13
Thoughts on Medora, ND V.4:2-3
see also Book Reviews
McCutcheon, John XXI.3:13-14
McFarland, J. Horace VII.2:15-20
McGee, Dorothy Horton 111.1:2
McGeoch, Lyle A.
"Lord Lansdowne and the American Impact on
British Diplomacy 1900-1905" VII.4:13-18
McHale, Paul - see Roosevelt, Theodore - Medal of
McKeldin, Theodore Roosevelt 1.1:12-13
McKinley, William VI1.3:27j XIII.2:8,13j XV.2:2-7
Association with TR VII.3:17-20
Tomb XXI.3:26
McKnight, Elizabeth C. XVIII.2&3:31,36j see also
Brazilian Expedition - 1992
McLaurin, Ann - see Book Reviews - Pederson
McMillan, Grace Roosevelt (Mrs. WIlliam)granddaughter XlI.4:2,6j XVI.2:72j XIX.4:19-20
Meadowcroft 1984 X.4:23-24
Media - Errors about TR XlV.2:26
see also Films; Magazines; Newspapers; Television
Medora, ND V.1:3; V.4:2-3,14; VI.1:9; VII.4:23;
lX.2:6-9; X.1:19-20j XXl1.3:8
Maltese Cross Ranch Cabin lX.3:22
see also Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation
"The Distortion of History: The Wmd and
the Lion" 1.2:9-10
"Theodore Roosevelt: A Classic American
Hero" V.4:7-9,15
"TR and the Press" VI.3:17
Books by
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt V.2:15j
Marias Pass Historic Site, MT XVI1.3:14j
- 50th Anniversary
"A First Class Navy" XlI.4:7-8
"Happy Quasquicentennial,
President" lX.1:13-14
Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan!
Mellon, Marc XVIII.2&3:30,34j XlX.2:11,13j
XX.1&2:25j XXl.2:14
Plaque XlX.2:14
Memorials to TR
Mount Rushmore
Morris, Edmund (continued)
Articles by
"A Few Pregnant Days: Theodore
Roosevelt and the Venezuelan Crisis of
1902" XV.1:2-13
Rough Rider Statue, Portland, OR XXlIl.4:30
TR Monument, Tenafly, NJ XXlIl.4:32-33
see also American Museum of Natural History;
Roosevelt Study Center; Sagamore Hill; TR
Birthplace; TR Inaugural Site; TR Island
Merrifield, A \V, (Bill) lX.2:7-8j
XVIII.2&3:3,9 ,16, 19,21
Milano, Linda E. XXl1.3:27j XXlIl.4:31
Articles by XXlIl.3:15
"Theodore Roosevelt Monument, Tenafly,
NJ" XXlIl.4:32-33
Book Reviews by XXl1.4:15j XXlIl.1:22j
Miles, Nelson A XlII.2:4-15
Miller, Char - see Book Reviews
Miller, Edward S. XVIII.1:12j see also Book Reviews
Miller, Kristie XVIII.1:11j see also Book Reviews
Miller, Nathan V.4:15j XVIII.1:13j XlX.1:19j
XXll.1&2:26; XXl1.4:3
Quotations About TR XVI1.3:10
Quotations from Theodore Roosevelt: A Life
see also Book Reviews
Minnen, Comelis A. van XlX.2:22
Remarks - TRA Meeting 1118187 XIV.1:16-17
Minot, H.D. XI.2:5-12
Morison, Elting E. xx.3&4:33
Morris, Edmund V.3:15j VI.2:14,19j Xll.1:22j
XIV.4:15,16j XVI.4:3,4j XXl.4:14,15j XXll.1&2:26j
XXl1.3:28j XXlIl.3:12-13j XXlIl.4:5
XVIII.2&3:29j XVIII.4:27
Han'ard Lecture 1986 Xl1.3:17
Quotations about
P. James Roosevelt XXlIl.1:26
Speeches by
Dedication of TR Federal
10/27/92 XVIII.4:28-29
see also Book Reviews
Morris, Sylvia Jukes (Mrs. Edmund) IV.3:7j
V.1:5;VI.2:14,19j VI.3:19; VI.4:29j XVI.4:11j
XXlIl.3:12,13; XXlIl.4:5
see also Book Reviews
Mowry, George. E. X2:11,25-27
Muir, John VII.2:2-21j VII.4:21-22j VIIl.1:14j
lX.4:15,16; XIII.3:3-10j XIX.4:5,8-9
Museums - see American Museum of Natural
History; Bulloch Hall; Roosevelt Study Center;
Smithsonian; TR Inaugural NHS;
USS TR CVN 71 - TR Room
Music lX.4:18j XIV.4:2-6,18j XV.2:17jXVI1.3:18j
XVI1.4:19j XlX.1:lOj XlX.2:23j XX.1&2:27-28;
Nast, Thomas XIV.2:2,3
National Collegiate Athletic Association
National Forests
Agricultural Appropriations
Creation of XlII.3:4
- see Awards
Bill 1907lX.3:7j
Listing - 1901-09 X.3:4-6
Tongass (Alaska) 111.3:15
National Game Preserves
Listing - 1901-09 X.3:8
National Monuments
Antiquities Act of 1906 VIII.4:24j XIV.1:3j
Listing - 1901-09 X.3:9; XXlI1.2:27
Muir Woods VII.2:17,18
National Park Service VI1.2:20j XIX.2:19j XX.1&2:27
Kennedy, Toby XXlI.1&2:27
Stanton, Robert G. XXI.4:24
see also Teddy Bears-Robert G. Stanton Fund
National Parks
Acadia (Mount Desert Island) VII.2:17-18
Established by TR XIV.l:6j xv.2:17-18
Grand Canyon VIII.1:12-14
Listing - 1901-09 x'3:8-9
Olympic VIII.4:23-24
Theodore Roosevelt, Medora, ND - see
Theodore Roosevelt National (Memorial)
Yellowstone VIII.1:12-14j XlII.1:5j XIX.2:4-7;
Yosemite VII.2:2-4,10,12-14,18-21
Hetch Hetchy XlII.3:5-6j XIX.4:8-9
National WIldlife Refuge System 1903-1978 IV.3:15
Pelican Island XIx.l:12-13
National Zoological Park
Gifts VI.2:8-9
Naval History - see Navy League of the U.S. Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt Naval History
Navy League of the U.S., NY Council
John Paul Jones Award 1987 XlII.2:21
Roosevelts Gold Medal 1986 Xl1.4:25j 1987
XIV.1:19; 1988 XIV.4:17
Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt Naval
History Prize 1986 Xl.1:24; Xl1.3:17
1987 XlII.2:19j 1988 XIV.2:23-24
1989 xv.3:26-27j 1990 XVI.4:16-17
1991 XVII.2:21-22j XVI1.4:16
1992 XVIII.1:12j 1993 XIX.1:9j XIx.4:19
1994 XIx.4:19j 1995 XXI.1:19
1996 XXI.3:24,25 Judges XXI.3:25
Recipients -listing 1986-93 XIX.1:lOj
1986-1996 XXI.3:24
Naval War College, Newport, RI XXlI.1&2:31-32
Naylor, Natalie A.
Quotations from Theodore Roosevelt: ManySided American XVIII.4:21-22
see also Book Reviews
Neu, Charles E. XV.3:15
NYS Centennial Commission XXlII.3:11
Members XXlII.3:12
New York State Dep't. of Environmental
Conservation Fisheries Commission - see
Conservation - NYS Fisheries Commission
Associated Press XXI.3:5,10
Dallas Morning News 10/26/88 XIV.4:15-16
Dallas 1imes Herald 12/27/87 XIV.1:2-3j 11/1/88
Bonne/on, Jean de XXI.3:9-10,11,14,15
Los Angeles Times 1/26/97XX1.4:14-15
NY Times 9/21/80 VI.4:29; 3/6/89 XV.2:17j
1/20/93 XVII1.4:27j 10/6/95 XXI.4:14,15j
7/13/97, 7/19/97 XXlI.1&2:25
Newselay 8114196 XXI.3:23j 7/20/97 XXlI.1&2:24,
25j 8/26/97 XXlI.1&2:26j 10/22/98 XXl1.4:2
USA 1belay "Putting Presidents in their
Place" XXlI1.4:3
United Press XXI.3:5,10
WaUStreet Joumal1/12/84
X.1:33-34j 8120/84
X.4:19; XXl1.4:14
Washington Post 8/31/83 XVI1.3:10
Niagara Falls Parks VII.2:16-18
Nicholson, Thomas D.
"The T. R. Memorial Fund: A History" 1.2:3-5
Nitze, Paul H. XVI.4:7
Nobel Peace Prize IX.1:3-5,8-10,31-32; Xl.1:15j
XlI.2:11; XlI.4:14
Disposition of Fund by TR IX.1:36-37
see also White House
North Creek, New York XIX.!: 17
75th Anniversary III.1:9-10
see also TR - Adirondacks
North Dakota - Anecdotes VIII.4:21j xv.3:9;
Norton, Aloysius A.
"Theodore Roosevelt and the Feminine Mind"
"Theodore Roosevelt and the Life of Zen"
see also Book Reviews
Nowak, Henry J. X.1:24j XIV.4:16
Odum, Eugene P. XVII.4:10,11,13-15,17
Olmsted, Frederick Law VII.2:3,16
Olympics, U.S. and International
Committee - see
Roosevelt, Julian K.
Omig, Joseph R. - see Book Reviews
Oyster Bay, NY XIV.4:3,5,6
Bully Award IX.4:19
Celebration - Fourth of July 1996 XXI.2:16
Concert "Teddy You're a Bear" XIV.4:17-18
Dedication ofTR Bust 11.1:12; Xl.1:20-21
Derby-Hall Memorial Bandstand V.3:5-6,15;
VIII.3:17j XV.3:26
Dedication and HistoryVII.1:1-4,6,7
Gift to Sagamore Hill- 1996 XXI.2:16
Matinecock Lodge No. 806 F.& A.M.
Oyster Bay (continued)
Moore's Building (summer
Pozzetta, George E. - see Book Reviews - Colburn
Pratt, Walter Merriam - see Theodore Roosevelt
Birthplace NHS
Presidential Ranking
20th Century XXI1.4:20
Prism Entertainment
Historical Film Endowment Fund Xl1.4:25
White House)
Natural History ofVIII.2:8-11
Oyster Bay High School- see USS Theodore
Roosevelt CVN 71 - Donations
Oyster Festival
1984 Xl.1:20-21
Peace Jubilee and Roosevelt Reception 912U1898 XXII.4:5-10
Progressive Movement VIII.2:19; VIII.3:1O; X.2:l5,25
27j XlI.2:l2-21,26
Federal Employers' Liability Act (FELA)
Celebration IX.4:17-19,20-21
VISit of Dutch Delegation and Boys Choir 1993
see also Sagamore Hill; TR Bird Sanctuary; TR
Memorial Park; Theodore Roosevelt Association
Oyster Bay H.S. Awards 1996; Youngs Memorial
Canal 11.2:7-11; VII.3:15-17
Palindrome XIV.3:8
TRA Statement 1977111.3:17
see also Book Reviews - McCullough
Parker, John M. X.2:8,12,15-19
Passenger Pigeons - see Birds
Pataki, George E. XX.1&2:33; XXII.3:28; XXIII. 3:11
Peale, Norman Vmcent Xl.2:12; Xl.3:3-6,8-10
"We Can Surpass Ourselves" Xl.3:l5-16
Peale, Ruth Stafford Xl.3:6
Pederson, William - see Book Reviews
Pell, John H. G. v'2:15; XIV.1:10,21
Perelman, Karen XXIII.4:16,29,31
Perry, J. Warren XVIII.2&3:34
Philippine Islands XX.1&2:12-16
Pinchot, Cornelia Bryce XlII.3:3,13-16
Pinchot, Gifford VII.2:6-8,11,14,18-20; IX.3:6-8;
X.4:11,14,15; XIV.1:7-9; XIV.2:15-16,24; XIX.4:5
6,8-9; XXI.2:4j XXII.1&2:l4, 16;
XXII.3:5,6,14,18,19j XXIII.4:25
Conservation XlII.3:2-16
Grey Towers, Milford, PA Xl.4:15: XlII.3:6
Pinchot Lectures Xl1.3:17-18; XlI.4:26;
XV.3:31; XIX.4:8
Philosophy and Beliefs XlII.3:11,16
Progressive Leader XlII.3:13-16
Quotations about TR VI.1:18; XlII.4:9
U.S. Forest Service X.3:6; XlII.1:3; XlII.3:2-12;
Pinchot, Gifford B. - son
Letter to Stephen Fox XIV.1:7-9
Pine Knot, VA - see Roosevelt, Theodore - Homes
Platt, Adam - see Book Reviews - Alsop
Platt, Thomas C. 1.1:8-9; XIV.2:8
Plays - see Theater
Pope, John Russell XVIII.1:19
Portsmouth, NH Treaty - see Russo-Japanese
Post, Regis Henry XIX.2:10
Powell, John Wesley VIII.1:13
Second Employers'
Liability Cases (SELC)
Progressive Party (Bull Moose Party) V.1:16; IX.2:2223; Xl.3:4,6,16; XIV.1:23; XVI.1:29j XVI.4:6;
Putnam, Carleton XXI1.3:27
Putnam, George Haven
"Theodore Roosevelt" - Memorial Address
2/9/1919 XX.1&2:3-11
Pynchon, Thomas IV.3:17; XX.3&4:33
Quackenbush, Molly XXI.2:18
Quackenbush, Robert - see Book Reviews
Quinn, John VI.2:11-13
Quinn, Sandra L. - see Book Reviews
Rainsford, Christina (Mrs. Kerr)
"A Momentous Ride: Theodore Roosevelt
Becomes President
Eighty Years Ago"
Reagan, Ronald w: X.4:l9,21; XlI.1:22j XlI.4:14,26;
XXII.1&2:10,11; XXIII.3:11,12,17
Greetings to TRA Annual Meeting - 1984
Letter of Congratulations
- 1985 Xl.3:3
Luncheon for TRA 1982 IX.1:3-7
"Message from the President of the United
States for TR Day in Oyster Bay" IX.4:19
Message to TRA 1983 X.1:9
Normandy 1984 X.3:17,21
Proclamation of TR Day 1982 IX.1:11
Quotations about TR X.4:17; XVI1.3:10
Reckner, James R. XV.3:26-27;see also Book Reviews
Reclamation Projects
Listing - 1901-09 X.3:3
Reed, Thomas B. XX.3&4:3-22,29
Letters to TR xx.3&4:9-17
Richard w: - see Book Reviews -
Remington, Frederic X.2:27-28
Renahan, Edward J. XIX.2:6j XXII.1&2:33;
XXII.4:22; XXIII.2:19, 24; XXIII.3:12,14j
Speech by- "Theodore Roosevelt and the Navy"
Norfolk, VA 10/29/1999 XXIII.4:22-25
see also Book Reviews
Roosevelt, Cornelius van Schaack - grandson
XVI.2:61j XVII.3:15-16
Roosevelt, David Russell- great grandson XII.3:18j
Republican Party XXII.1&2:10-14
Ricard, Serge xv.3:11-13
"The French Historiography
of Theodore
Roosevelt" X2:21-23
''Theodore Roosevelt and the Diplomacy of
Righteousness" XII.1: 14-17
''Theodore Roosevelt: Principles and Practice
a Foreign Policy XVIII.4:2-6
see also Book Reviews
Rice, Gary
"Trailing a Celebrity: Press Coverage of
Theodore Roosevelt's 4frican Safari, 19091910"XXI.3:4-16
Richards, Paul C. IV.3:2-4
Richardson, Mrs. Benjamin H. XI.2:5,6
Riddle, Theodate Pope - see TR Birthplace NHS
Rinke, Stefan H.
"The Gennan Ambassador Hennaun Speck von
Sternburg and Theodore Roosevelt, 18891908" XVII.1:2-12
Rio Roosevelt Expedition
Robbins, Richard
"A VISit to Uniontown"
- see Brazilian
1914 X.4:11-15
Robinson, Corinne Roosevelt (Mrs. Douglas)
IY.4:4; VI.3:3,16j VII.4:6j xv.2:9-1O; XVI.2:52j
- sister
Family XXI.3:23
Robinson, Edwin Arlington V.4:10
Robinson, Jack Roosevelt (Jackie) XXII.1&2:27
Rockefeller, Laurence XXI.1:21
Roosevelt, Alexandra - great granddaughter - see
Roosevelt, Alice - daughter - see Longworth
Roosevelt, Alice Lee - wife XXI.2:3
Roosevelt, Anna (Bamie) -sister - see Cowles, Anna
Roosevelt, Anna Curtenius - great granddaughter
1II.3:8j VII.3:26j XVI.2:72j XVII.4:22j XXIII.3:13
Roosevelt, Archibald B. son (b.1894) V.4:14;
XVI.2:61j XVII.2:4
Biography VI.1:2-6
Descendants VI.1:6
Roosevelt and Cross VI.1:4j XVIII.1:15
Roosevelt, Archibald B., Jr. - grandson (b.1918)
XVI.2:73j XVI.4:10,12,17j see also Book Reviews
Roosevelt, Caleb - great-grandson VIII.4:24j XVI.2:72
Roosevelt, Christopher DuPont - cousin XXII.1&2:29
Roosevelt, Corinne - sister - see Robinson, Corinne
Roosevelt, Cornelius Van Schaak - grandfather
(b.1794) XXI.3:23
Roosevelt, Cornelius Van Schaak - uncle (b.1827)
Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Carow - wife IV.3:7j
VII.1:12,21-22j XII.2:26j XIII.4:11j XVI.2:52j
XVII.4:2,3j XVIII.4:14,24-25j XIX.2:18,19j
XXI.2:3-6,10j XXII.3:14j XXIII.3:2-4,13,16-17
Biography VI.3:2-5
Excerpts from Diaries XII.2:2-11
Franking Privilege XVII.4:19
In:t1uence on TR XXI.2:4-5
Letters VII.3:4-12,27
Roosevelt, Eleanor (Mrs. Franklin D.) - niece V.4:9;
XVI.2:56j XVII.2:5j XXI.2:3,6,7-10j XXII.1&2:16,
Roosevelt, Eleanor Alexander - daughter-in-law
XVI.2:60j XVII.2:2,5,8,25-26
Roosevelt, Elizabeth E. - cousin XII.2:26j
XII.4:19,22,26; XVI.2:60
Book Reviews byV.2:11-12; VII.4:20-21;
VIII.1:12; XII.2:22j XV.4:7jXXII.3:17
Roosevelt, Elliot - cousin (b. 1910) XV.3:28,29-30j
Roosevelt, Elliott, Jr. (b. 1936) XXI.2:12,20
Roosevelt, Ethel - daughter - see Derby, Ethel
Roosevelt, Frances Webb (Mrs. Quentin II) - wife of
Quentin II XXl&2:34j XX.3&4:34; XXI.1:8-10
Roosevelt, Franklin D. - cousin X4:5-6j XVI.2:56;
XVII.2:4,6-7j XXI.2:3,8; XXII.3:19; XXIII.3:17;
New Deal XII.2:19-20
Pictures with TR XVI.1:28-31
Use ofTR's Image V.2:6-10
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr. - grand-nephew
Roosevelt, Frank (FDR III) XX.3&4:33
Roosevelt, George E., Jr. - cousin IX4:5j XVI.2:69
Roosevelt, Grace Lockwood (Mrs. Archibald B.) daughter-in-law VI.1:3j XVI.2:61
Roosevelt, Helen Sparrow (Mrs. John E.) XII.3:19j
XVI.2:71; XIX.4:17j XXI.1:20
Roosevelt, Hilbourne - cousin XVI.1:46j XVI.4:12
Roosevelt, J. Willard XIX.1:10
Roosevelt, Jean Schennerhorn
(Mrs. Philip J.)cousin X2:20,31j X3:23j XII.3:19j XVI.2:60
Roosevelt, John E. - cousin (b. 1853) X.4:23-24j
Roosevelt, John E. - cousin (b. 1931) X4:24j XVI.2:71;
Mrs. see Roosevelt, Helen Sparrow
Obituary and Biography XI.4:12-13
Roosevelt, Julian K. - cousin XII.2:26-27j XVI.2:70
Roosevelt, Kermit - son (b. 1889) XVI.2:61j XVI1.2:5;
XXI.3: 4,7,8,11,13
Author - East of the Sun and West of the Moon
Roosevelt, Kermit, Jr. - grandson (b. 1916) XVI.2:72
Books to TR Collection - H8JVard IV.4:4
Roosevelt, Kermit IV - great great grandson (b. 1971)
XV.3:31j XVI.2:87
Roosevelt, Mark - great grandson XlII.2:22j XVI.2:87j
Roosevelt, Martha Bulloch - mother V.1:15j XVI.1:38j
see also Bulloch Family; Bulloch Hall
Roosevelt, Nancy see Jackson, Nancy Dabney
Roosevelt, Nicholas - (b. 1658) Xl1.4:20j XVI.1:8
Roosevelt, Nicholas - brother of great-grandfather
(b. 1767) VI.1:15; VIl1.1:12j XVI.1:21
Roosevelt, Nicholas - cousin (b. 1893) VIII.2:15-16j
A Front Row Seat (1953) IX.4:11
Roosevelt, P. James - cousin 1.2:13j II1.1:8j II1.3:1,2j
lY.1:7-8,14j X.4:24j Xl1.3:19j XVI.1:3j XVI.2:71;
XVI1.3:14j XVI1.4:lOj XX.1&2:32j XXI.4:21j
XXI1.1&2:28-29j XXI1.4:23j XXIII.1:26-28, 29-30j
"Nonnan Vmcent Peale and the Religion of
Service" XI.3:8-10
"The Life's Work of Mrs. Richard
"'The Old Fighting Man Home from the Wars'
Archibald B. Roosevelt, A Biographical
Tribute" VI.1:2-6
P. James Roosevelt Lecture Series XXI.4:21j
XXI1.1&2:28, 29
Contributors from the Roosevelt Family
XXII. 1&2:29
Other Contributors XXIII.1:17
see also Panama - TRA Statement
Roosevelt, Philip J., II
"Family Remembrance" XXII1.1:29-30
"P. James Roosevelt - 1928-1998" (with Gable,
John A.) XXIII.1:26-28
Roosevelt, Philippa Buss (Mrs. P. James) Xl1.3:19;
Roosevelt, Quentin - son (b. 1897) V.4:15j X.3:17;
Roosevelt, Quentin II - grandson XX.1&2:34
Roosevelt, Robert B. uncle (b. 1829) VI.1:15j
VI1.3:23-24j XVI.1:37-38
Roosevelt, Selwa "Lucky" (Mrs. Archibald B., Jr.) granddaughter-in-Iaw VIII.3:17j IX.1:3j XVI.2:73j
XVI1.3:12j XVI1.4:10-11j see also Book Reviews
Roosevelt, Simon - great great grandson XV.3:27j
Roosevelt, Susan - great granddaughter
Susan Roosevelt
- see Weld,
Roosevelt, Theodore XVI.2:52
Accident - Pittsfield, MA XXIII.4:6
Adirondacks VII1.2:11-13
Momentous Ride VI1.3:2-3
North Creek VI1.3:2,3j XIX.1:17
Tahawus Club VI1.3:2,3
African Safari XV.1:15-17jXXI.3:4-16
Animal Rights Activists XXI.3:6
Farewell from U.S. XXI.3:7-8
American Historical Assn. XXI.4:13
Article References Xl1.2:26
1912 V.2:5-6j VI1.2:13-15j
Assemblyman XIV.2:2-4j XX.1&2:6-7
Assistant Secretary of Navy XlI.4:7,8,12j
XXII.1&2:30; XXIII.4:23
Associations with - see Baldwin, Simeon E.;
Curtis, Edward S.; Davenport, Frederick M.
Sr.; Emmons, GeorgeT.; Grey, Edward;
Lansdowne, Lord; McKinley, William;
Miles, Nelson A.; Minot, H. D.; Richardson,
Mrs. Benjamin H.; Steele, Matthew F.;
Sternburg, Hennann Speck von; WIlson,
Author VI1.2:23-26j XI.4:5j XXI1.4:13
Articles, Essays by
"Booker T. Washington" XIV.4:11
"Notes on Some of the Birds of Oyster
Bay, Long Island" XI.2:5-12
"Practical Politics" XIV.4:6
"Promise and Perfonnance"
"Sou' - Sou' Southerly" XlY.4:16
"The Adventure of Living" XlII.2:2-3
"The American Mockingbird"
"The Joy of Living Is His Who
Demands It" VIII.4:2-3
"The Summer Birds of the
Adirondacks, Franklin Country,
NY" XI.2:5-12
"The Thraldom of Names" VIII.1:2-7
Fly Fishing IX4:9-13
"How to Pronounce the Name 'Roosevelt'"
African Game Trails XXI.3:5,11
A Book-Laver's Holidays in the Open
IX.4: 14-15j XIV.3:12-13j XVI.2:84-85
Minister to Netherlands XlY.3:10
Gouverneur Morris 111.1:16
in Books and Magazines
Roosevelt, Theodore (continued)
The Naval War of 1812 XI1.4:12j
XIv.l:13-14j (New Edition)
XXlII.2:11j XXlII.4:23
Outdoor Pastimes of an American
Hunter 1905, reprinted 1990
Theodore Roosevelt: An
Autobiography XI.3:17j xv.l:2
ill XXI.3:2
Theodore Roosevelt's Letters to His
Children XXI.1:lO-11
Through the Brazilian Wilderness
The Wilderness Hunter XXl1.4:21
The Winning of the West
The Works of Theodore Roosevelt National
Edition XXI.3:2-3
American Bears: Selections from the
Writings of Theodore Roosevelt
IX.l:41-42j IX.2:17-21
Memories of the American Frontier
The Man in theArena XIV.1:10-12j
Roosevelt, Theodore (continued)
Conservationist V.3:12-13j VII.2:5,11-16j
VI1.3:13j VIII.3:2-3j VII1.4:23j IX.2:3,7j
IX.3:5-8j X.3:23j XI.3:5j XI.4:5j XI1.3:15j
XIII.1:3,18j XIV.2:24,25j XVII.3:2,3,14j
XXII.1&2:14, 15-19j XXlII.4:25,32-33
Cultural Institutions XXI1.1&2:13
Descendants XI.1:17
Diplomacy - see Foreign Policy - Diplomacy
Election of 1904 XXI.1:23
Family Illnesses VI.3:14j VI1.4:3
Family Life XVIII.1:26
Films - Appearance in Movies XV.4:17
Firsts 1I.1:8j 1II.3:10,17j IV.2:2,l1j IV.4:2-3j
V.4:12j X.1:21j X.4:25-26j XII.2:11,21j XI1.4:5j
XIII.4:7j XIV.4:16j XV.2:12,17,19j
XVI.4:12,17j XIX.4:21j XXl1.3:4j
XXlI.4:2,3,12,13,14j XXlI1.2:9j XXlII.4:6
Foreign Policy - Diplomacy 1I.2:7-11j VI.1:16-18j
VI.2:11-14j VI.3:5-8,11-14j VII.1:13-17j
IX.l:32j X.1:33-34j X.4:2-10j XI.4:5j
XII.1:14-17j XV.1:2-13jxv.3:2-18j
XVII.4:2,8j XVIII.4:2-6j xx.l&2:11j
Big Stick Policy XXlII.3:6
Drago Doctrine XXl1.4:14
Moroccan Crisis XXlII.3:6
The Romance of My life: Theodore
Roosevelt's Speeches in North
Dakota XVI.4:12
Books in Print 1992 XVIII.1:12
French Historiography - see Ricard, Serge
Governor 1.1:7-10j VIII.2:18-19j XX.1&2:8j
Guinness Record IV.2:11
Books for Young People XVIII.1:12
Bureau of Mines XI.2:21
Cartoons About XIV.2:2-6
Guns of IX.2:7j XX.1&2:34-35
Health ofV.3:7-11
Church Membership XXI.2:20
Civil Service Commissioner xx.l&2:3,7-8
College Years IV.3:4-5,12j IV.4:6-8jVI.3:15-16j
VII.4:3-5j VIII.3:11
Comparisons with
Bush, George XV.2:15-16
Clinton, William J. XXI.4:14-15
Giants of Classical Literature and
Mythology V.4:8-9
Giuliani, Rudy XXlI.1&2:12
Lehman, John F., Jr. XXI.1:6-8
Reagan, Ronald X.4:19
Stevenson, Adlai E. XV.2:2-7
Truman, Harry S. X.4:5-10
WIlhelm II, Kaiser XV.1:6
Wolfe, Tom XVI.4:5
History Texts
of TR XIl.l:8-12
North Dakota IX.2:2,6-7j IX.3:22
Pine Knot IV.2:12,14j XVIII.2&3:30,32j
XVIII.4:14-15,24-26j XIX.1:13-14j
XIX.2:18-19j XIX.4:2,18-19j XX.1&2:23j
XXI.1:16,19j XXI.2:14,15j XXI.3:26j
XXlII.3:13,14j XXlII.4:15,20-21
Albemarle Co. Historical Society
see also Leclere, Roger; Sagamore Hill
hnperialism - see Foreign Policy - Diplomacy
1901 1I.2:6-7j XXlII.4:31
Jury Duty IX.2:24
Letters To
Family IV.4:6-9
McKinley, William VII.3:18-21
Reed, Thomas B. XX.3&4:9-15,17
Russell, George VI.2:12-13
Libel Suits V.3:15j VI.4:22
Roosevelt, Theodore (continued)
Life Insurance VI.4:29
Medal of Honor XXII.1&2:26-27; XXII.3:25;
XXII.4:2-4j XXIII.1:4,21j XXIII.2:18-19, 24
Ceremony x.2:29
Epstein, George VI.2:19
Thompson, James V.4:15
Weil, Daniel V.4:15
see also Exhibits - NPG
from Badlands
Akeley, Carl VIII.4:22
Albright, Horace M. XlII.1:2-5
Bishop, Joseph Bucklin XVIII.1:26
Fish, Hamilton, Sr. 1.1:13-14
Frost, Robert VIII.1:26
Garland, Hamlin XVIII.1:26
Kelly, Jack XX.1&2:33
McCoy, Frank Ross XX.3&4:33
Putnam, George HavenXX.1&2:11
Roosevelt, Elliott XV.3:29-30
Roosevelt, Nicholas VIII.2:15
Root, Elihu VI1.4:22
Straus, Roger \V, XVI1.3:17
Street, Julian XVII.3:18
Tarkington, Booth XIV.3:11
Ticknor, John V.3:7
Myths About XI.4:4-7; XlI.1:11
Named for
Banks 1.1:12; 11.2:11
Buildings XVIII.2&3:34,35
Highway XXII.1&2:15-19
Miscellaneous XVIII.1:6
Monument XVI1.3:14
11.1.13; XIV.1:22
Roses XIV.2:25
Schools XIV.4:16; XVI1.4:17
Ships VIII.1:26; X.4:22; XI.1:2-7; Xl1.4:7j
Naturalist IV.2:12-15; VIII.2:2-15,23; IX.2:17-21;
XlII.1:6-11j XIX.2:3-7; XIX.4:2-3
Navy XI.1:7 -8j XlI.3:20; XXIII.3:6j XXIII.4:2224
U.S. and British XXII.1&2:3-9
Nobel Peace Prize XII. 2:11
Outdoor Life VIII.4:2-3
Peacemaker IV.4:2-3j Xl1.4:14
Philosophy and Beliefs VII.4:6-12; VIII.1:2-7;
VIII.3:6-8; X.4:15j XIV.1:4-6; XV.1:23j
Roosevelt, Theodore (continued)
Police Commissioner II.1:11-12j V.3:15j VI.4:29;
Ix.2:14-16j XI.3:18; XIV.2:7-18jXVIII.1:18;
XX.1&2:22-23,25,27 ,29,35; xx.3&4:28,32
Polish Historiography - see Wmid, Bogus1aw
Portrait by
Gnatek, Michael XXII1.2:27
de Laszlo, Philip Alexius XXIII.3:11
Torrey, Burroughs VJ:8
Portrayals 1I.1:7j III.2:5-6,15; IV.1:12,22;
VJ:11-14j VII.2:27; Ix.2:25j XIV.1:18j
XVIII.2&3:36; XIx. 1:10; xx.3&4:31;
XXII.1&2:24-25j XXI1.4:19
see also Foote, James
Presidency XVII.3:6-10
Campaign 1903 XXIII.4:6-9
Commerce and Labor Departments
Created XV.2:12
Progressivism VI.4:7-11,16,24j
x.4:10,11-15; XI.4:6; XVII.3:11; XIX.4:21
Secret Senrice XXIII.4:6-7
of Navy XXI.1:23
of State XXI.3:26
Supreme Court Appointees XXI.1:23
Year VIII.4:23; Ix.1:3-13,41j
Ix.2:26,29; Ix.3:4-5,19,23j IX.4:17-21j
Quotations about
Adams,Henry XXI.2:4
Baker, Russell VI.3:19
Braisted, WIlliam XXIII.4:24
Gable, John A. XXIII.2:17
Hard, WIlliam XVIII.2&3:24j XIX.1:9;
Lehman, John XXIII.4:24
Miscellaneous III.2:14j VI.2:9j VI.3:17j
by NYS Legislature,
Roosevelt, Franklin D. XXIII.4:22
Smith, Herbert Knox VI.1:18; X.4:lO
Tilchin, WIlliam N. XXII.3:16
West, Richard Samuel X.4:17
Will, George XX.3&4:34
see also Burroughs, John; Collin, Richard;
Dalton, Kathleen; Eisenhower, Dwight D.;
Frost, Robert; Hagedorn, Hermann; Marks,
Frederick \V, ill; Matthews, Brander; Miller,
Nathan; Morris, Edmund; Naylor, Natalie
A.; Pinchot, Gifford; Reagan, Ronald; Root,
Elihu; White, WIlliam Allen
Quotations by
Alice (daughter) XXIII.4:14
American XVI1.4:9
Roosevelt, Theodore - Quotations by (continued)
Americanism XXl&2:11
Big Stick XXI.1:1
Books VI1.3:25j VIII.3:16
Bully fuIpit XX.1&2:3,6
Character XXIII.1:23
Children V.1:11
Conservation 1I1.2:11j VI1.2:21j X3:2,19j
XI.2:4j XlII.1:5j XVII.4:17; XIX4:7j
Economy VIII.2:21
Ethics IV.4:14
Experimenting XVIII.4:13
Fann Life XlII.1:18
Fearlessness XXIII.2:4
Freedom IX.1:29
Foreign Policy IX.1:10,29,38j xv.l:13j
Grand Canyon XXIII.2:27
Great Nation XXIII.2:5
Hunting XXI1.3:7
Hyphenated Americans XXII.1&2:12
Ideals IV.2:11j XXI.2:22j XXI.3:3
Immigration XXII.1&2:12
Justice and Morality XVIII.4:28
Life Xl11.2:4j XXIII.4:35
Man in the Arena XIV.1:12; XIV.2:6
Maxwell House Coffee XX3&4:33
Miscellaneous III.1:17; III.2:14j
III.3:13,16,18j V.1:19j v'3:13j VI.4:28j
VIII.2:23; IX4:16j Xl1.3:12j XXIII.4:33
Morals VII. 3:14
Navy XI.1:8,18,21j XXI.1:1; XXIII.4:22-23
Nobel Prize moneyXXIl.4:14
Panama Canal xv.4:2
Panama Revolution, 1903 XV.4:5,19
Philosophy XI.3:8
Police Board Policy XIV.2:7,9,14
Police Commissionership
Politics IV.3:14j XIV.4:19; XXI.3:2-3
IXl:16; XXI.4:28
Public Life V.2:10j XXI.3:2-3
Public Officials XV.2:7,13,19
Rights for Blacks XIV.4:18
Role of the United States VII.l:22
Roosevelt, Theodore Jr. XVI1.2:26
Sagamore Hill XlII.4:6
Socialism XV.3:24
Sports IX3:9
Strenuous life XXIII.2:7
Success X.1:12
The Exceptional
Roosevelt, Theodore - Quotations by (continued)
The West IX2:9,10,23
Universal Health Insurance XIX4:21
War and Peace XVII.1:22
Weapons XXIII.4:27
Women XXIII.2:4
Rank in History XV.3:16jXXI1.4:20
Reader XVIII.1:25j XX.1&2:5-6
Reform in Municipal Government XIv.2:2,3
Relevance to Today IV.4:3jV.1:10j V.2:4j
VII.1:16-17j IX.1:17-20j XI.4:6-7j XlI.1:6j
XlI.3:4-5; Xl1.4:13j XIV.1:2-3,14; XIX.4:21;
Religious Beliefs and Practices 1.2:10-12j
IV.4:10-13j XVI.4:12; XVII.1:12-14j XIX.1:4-7j
XXI.2:22j XXI1.3:19j XXI1.4:10
Favorite HymnsXX1.2:10-11
Roosevelt Room, White House III.3:1-2
Simplified Spelling Reform IV.3:9-11
Social Justice 1.2:5-8j VI.4:9-11j XV.1:17
Songs - see Music
Acceptance of Nobel Peace Prize - 5/5/1910
Atlanta, GA 10/20/1905 XVII.4:4-9
Cambridge University 5/26/1910
"The Conditions Of Success"
Dakota Territory 7/4/1886 111.2:6-7
Grand Canyon 5/6/1903 XVII.3:3-4
Inaugural Address 3/4/1905 XVI.4:2
Jamestown Exposition
Georgia Honse 6/10/1907 XXI.1:5
Negro Building 6/10/1907 XXI.1:5
Lincoln, NE 4/27/1903 XXIII.4:7-9
Roswell, GA 10/20/1905 XVII.4:3-4j
Springfield, lllinois 6/4/1903 XVI1.3:4
"You Must Judge Us by Our
Politicians" 1910-11 XVIII.1:2-3
see also Gable, John A - "Introduction
Speeches of TR"
Speeches About
Putnam Memorial Address XX.1&2:3-11
Sportsman 1I.1:8j VI1.2:27j VIII.4:23j XIv. 1:4-5
Square Deal XVII.3:2-4
Strenuous Life XXIII.2:3-7
Tennessee Connections XXIII.1:18-20
Women's Rights XIX.1:18
World War I Division Proposed X.2:2-19j
see also Rough Riders
Roosevelt, Theodore, Sr. -father
VlI.3:23,24j VlI.4:2-6j XVl.1:38
Portraits XIX.4:17-18
(b. 1831) Vl.3:14-16j
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. - son (b. 1887) V.2:8j Vl.1:15j
X.3:17j Xl.3:4,16j XlV.2:6j XVl.2:60j XVlI.2:218,25-27; XX1&2:34; XXlI.1&2:27; XXlI.4:3,10
Author - East of the Sun and West of the Moon
of Philippines XX.1&2:12-16
Quotation from Omar Bradley X.3:17
Roosevelt, Theodore ill - grandson (b.1914) 1II.1:4j
Challenge Grant XXl.2:15
Roosevelt, Theodore IV - great grandson (b. 1942)
1I1.1:4j XlV.4:16; xv.1:15j XVl.2:86-87j
XVlIl.2&3:32,35j XVlIl.4:14,25j XXlI.4:18
Citation for TR Distinguished Service Medal
"President George H.W. Bush - The
Magnitude of the Accomplishments We
Seek to Honor and Celebrate"
"Conservation Then and Now" lX.3:5-6
of Bust of TR to President
Speech - Medora, ND, 50th Anniversary
National Park 8/2/97 "The Greatness
Land will Endure" XXlI.3:8-13
of TR
of this
Roosevelt, 'l\veed - great grandson Vl.1:2j XV.4:16j
XVl.2:88j XVlI.4:17,18-19,22j XVlII.1:13-15,25j
XVlIl.2&3:31,36j XIX.!: 14,18j XlX2:23j
XX.1&2:17,35j XXl.4:19j XXlI.4:2,3,4,16j
XXlIl.1:17j XXlII.3:14; XXlII.4:19,27
Remarks, 4/29/88, Arbor Day XlV.2:24-25
Roosevelt and Cross - see Roosevelt, Archibald B.
Roosevelt Coat of Arms XlI.4:2
Roosevelt Family lX.1:6-7
Assistant Secretary of Navy X.4:22; XVl.2:61;
Roosevelt Family Reunion 1989 XV.3:28-29; 1991
XVlI.3:16-17j 1997 ND XXlI.1&2:28-29
Roosevelt Genealogical Project V.4:9,15j Vl.1:13j
Vl.2:19j VlI.1:10j VlIl.1:24; XlV.1:21-22j XVl.4:19;
Abbreviations XVl.1:5-6
"About Jacob Rosevelt and His Descendants"
"Appendix" to Genealogy, "Jacob
His Descendants" XVl.3:99-122
Rosevelt and
Committee X.1:9,17-18
Family Tree XVl.1:45
Index XVl.3:123-154
Roosevelts Who Ran for Governor of New York
State XVl.2:79
"The Roosevelt Family in America: A
Genealogy" XVl.1j XVl.2j XVl.3:2-155
Roosevelt Memorial Association II.1:14j XIX.1:2,3j
XIX.2:7,24j XXlII.3:18
Thompson, William Bryce XIX.1:2,3
see also Films
Roosevelt Motto XlI.4:2j XXlIl.1:26
Roosevelt Research XVlII.2&3:29
Roosevelt Savings Bank, Garden City, NY 1.1:12j
Theodore Roosevelt Gallery IV.2:10
Roosevelt Study Center, Middelburg, the Netherlands
Xl.4:14-15j XlI.1:13,21-22j XlI.2:26; XlI.3:16;
XlI.4:18-22,26j XlV.1:15-17,21j
XlV.3:13-14; XlV.4:15j XV.3:28,31j XV.4:9-10j
XVlI.4:16,21-22; XIX.2:20-21j XXl.3:22j XXl.4:17j
Family Heirloom XlI.4:19-20
Lawrence J. Saunders Awards 1987 XlV.1:20j
1988 XV.!:19-20j 1989 XV.4:9j 1990-1991
XVlI.2:19j 1992 XVlIl.1:21-22j 1993
XIX.2:21-22 see also Saunders, Lawrence J.
"Summerschool Amerika" XlV.3:13
Symposium 1986 XlI.4:18-19
Tenth Anniversary 1996 XXl.4:28-29
Theodore Roosevelt American History Awards
(formerly the Lawrence J. Saunders Awards)
1995 XXl.1:22j 1996 XXl.3:21-22
see also Dalziel, Robert D.
Root, Elihu X.4:3-4,15j XlIl.2:6-15j XXl.2:4
Quotations about TR Vl.3:17j Vl.4:28j
XlI.4:10-11j XXl.2:21
see also Roosevelt, Theodore - Memories
Root, Oren XX.1&2:34
Rose Awards VlIl.4:16j 1983lX.2:1O-12,27j
XlIl.4:13-15; XVlIl.1:21j 1986 XlII.1:13-15;
XVlII.1:24; 1991 XVlI.4:21-22; 1992
XVlII.2&3:30,31j 1993 XIX.2:17; 1996 XXl.4:21
Rose, Bertha Benkard (Mrs. Reginald P.) IV.3:17j
VlII.4: 15-16,24j lX.2: 10
"The Sagamore Story" VlIl.4: 17-20
Roswell, GA XVlI.4:2,3-4,10,13
Roth, Gary G. V.1:5jsee also Sagamore Hill- 25th
Rough Riders VlI.3:17-20j VlII.2:18; X.4:18,26j
Xl.2:2-3j XV.4:7-8jXVlI.3:2j XIX.!: 18 XXl.3:8,17j
XXlI.1&2:24-25; XXlI.4:2,5-1O, 11-14; XXlIl.1:3,23
Descendants - Harmon XlIl.2:23
80th Anniversary IV.4:16,19
Listing XXlI.3:22-23
Memorial - Las Vegas, NM X.4:24
Museum - Las Vegas, NM XX.3&4:28
see also Medora, NDj Statue - Memorials to TR
Rough Riders, Inc.
VI.1:21j VIII.1:27j
Russell, Greg
"Roosevelt's Strenuous Life and the Rediscovery
of American National Character" XXIII.2:3-7
Russo-Japanese War IX.1:9-10,20,21-30j XXIII.3:6
Negotiations IV.4:2-3
Treaty of Portsmouth 1V.4:3
Sagamore Hill NHS, Oyster Bay, NY 11.1: 14j
IV.1:4-5,8-9,21j IX.2:11-12,28j XVIII.4:26j
XX.1&2:32; XX.3&4:29; XXI.2:16,19; XXI.3:18
Anny flag XXIII.4:15
Aylward, Eileen XVI1.2:25
Booklet Dedicated to the Memory of Ethel
Roosevelt Derby V.1:5
Dedication 1V.2:4-5
Directions to XIX.1:12
Drysdale Painting Identified III.2:4-5
History of the Flag Paintings by
Kunstler, Mort IV.3:13
Friends of Sagamore Hill XXI.4:25;
Gravestone of Quentin X.3:17
Historic Preservation Colloquium IX.1:43
Life at XIII.4:7-9
NPS Curator
Verone, Amy XXIII.3:12,13; XXIII.4:5
Old Orchard XIX.4:20j XX.1&2:32
Public Speaking Contest XXIII.2:21
Restoration VIII.4:17-20j 1993 XIX.1:10-12,19j
Rose Garden, Jessica, E. Kraft Memorial
Sagamore Hill: An Historic Guide (New edition)
Grant - Roslyn Savings Bank Foundation
Site for Voter Registration XIV.3:15
Dayson, Diane XIV.1:22
Martinez, Vidal v., Jr. XVII.1:22; XIX.1:l0
25th Anniversary IV.2:2-3; V.1:5-6
25th Anniversary Lectures 1V.3:7,17
Visit of Interior Secretary Babbitt XXI.1:22
DiVita, Thomas P. XXIII.3:15
Harvey, Tuck XIX.4:23
White House Bicentennial Events XVIII.2&3:35
"Working at Sagamore Hill" XXI.4:26-27
see also Kraft, Jessica; TRA - Books Published by Sagamore Hill ...; Television - C-Span
Samuels, Peggy and Harold - see Book Reviews
Sanders, James
"The East 20th Street Revitalization Project"
Sargent, Charles Sprague
Saunders, Lawrence J. XIV.1:20-21
Schafer, Ed XVIII.2&3:36j XVIII.4:28;
Schafer, Harold v'1:3j v'4:2-3,14j VI.1:7-8,9j
IX.1:43,44; IX.2:4; X.1:13,19-20j XIX.1:8j
Harold Schafer Heritage Center
see also Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation
Schafer, Sheila (Mrs. Harold)
IX,1:43,44j X.1:13,19,20;
XlX.1:8; XX.3&4:34j
see also Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. XXIII.4:3,4,17,18
Schlup, Leonard
"Theodore Roosevelt and Adlai Stevenson: An
Examination of Differences in 1900" XV.2:2-7
Schorr, Mark - see Book Reviews
Schrank, John VI1.2:15
Schullery, Paul VIII.4:23j IX.1:41-42
"Robert B. Roosevelt and Fly Fishing" IX.4:9-13
see also Book Reviews
Scott, George C. XII.3:2,3,5
Sewall, William XVIII.2&3:6,11-12
Sexton, William
"TR: Peacemaker of Oyster Bay" IV.4:2-3
Seymour, Lawrence D XXIII.2:16; XXIII.4:18
Shearson Lehman Brothers XVI1.2:20
Sherman, Jonathan Goodhue and Stephen Fish
"Theodore Roosevelt: Doer of the Word"
Sierra Club VII.2:4,7,10,15,18-20
Skidmore, Max J.
"The Theodore Roosevelt International
Highway" XXII.1&2:15-19
Sloan, Kay - see Book Reviews - Goetzmann
Smithsonian Institution IX.2:19
Snyder, Charles \V,
"An American Original: Theodore Roosevelt,
Junior" XVII.2:2-18,25
Sobel, Howard A.
"T. R.'s 'Man with the Muckrake' Speech: A
New Interpretation" 1.2:5-8
Software Review
The Election of 1912 by Eastgate Systems, Inc.
Southern Pacific Railroad VII.2:3-4,13
Spanish-American War XXI1.3:21j XXII.4:2-4,
11-14; XXIII.3:9-10
Spanish-American War (continued)
Centennial XXII.3:24-25
Conferences XXII.3:25
Television (continued)
Spring-Rice, Cecil XV.1:3-4j XXI.2:4j XXI.3:6j
Staebler, Rebecca - see Book Reviews, Miller, Char
Steele, Matthew F. XI.2:2-3
Stemburg, Hennann Speck von XVII.1:2-12
Stevens, S. P. (Mr. and Mrs.) IX.2:7-8,28
Stevenson, Adlai E. - see Roosevelt, Theodore Comparisons with
Stobo, Archibald and Elizabeth - great great
grandparents VII.3:15
Straus, Oscar S. II XIX.1:4
Street, Julian, Jr. XX.3&4:33
Stunn, Joanna - great granddaughter VI.2:3,7; XII.3:18j
XVI.2:72j see also TR Collection-Harvard
- LeeLongworth Papers
Summerville, James
''The New Nashville Chapter" XXIII.1:18-20
Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Citizenship
and Public Affairs XII.2:18-19
Taft, William Howard VI.4:16j VII.2:19-20; XIX.1:4;
Talmage, George E.
"Theodore Roosevelt, Parishioner"
Tappan, Harry B. 11.2:4
Teague, Michael XXIII.2:24
see also Book Reviews
Good Bears of the World Organization V.2:15
Origin - Smedes, MS XII.3:18j XVII.4:20
Threatened Species XVII.4:20-21
Teichmann, Howard - see Book Reviews
JJ1w Wants to be a Millionaire?
American Castles XXI.1:17-18
Biography XX.3&4:33; XXI.1:17,18
Elections XXI.2:19
American Presidents: life Portraits
TR 9/3/1999 XXIII.4:5; TR Day
Poll XXIII.4:3-4
Historians listed - 2000 XXIII.4:5
Discovery Cable Channel
The Rivals XXI.1:18
of Theodore
XXI.!: 18;
Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American
War XXIII.3:9-10
He JJ1wHas Planted Jf1iUPreserve 11.2:14
Lehrer News Hour XXI.2:18
A Man For AU Times 11.1:7-8,19; 11.2:14
New Explorers XVIII.2&3:36; XVIII.4:24,31
The Roosevelts of Sagamore Hill 11.1:7-8,19
A Third Choice XXI.1:17,18
A Walk through the 20th Century with Bill
Moyers X.1:34-35
Rough Riders XXI.4:30
(Review) XXII.1&2:24-25
Program Not Recommended XVII.4:23
Thayer, William Roscoe IV.3:4
Arsenic and Old Lace VII.3:22
Bully 111.1:18;V.3:12j V.4:15; VII.3:22;
XXII.1&2:27; XXII.4:19
Teddy Bears V.1:10j XIV.4:4j XX.1&2:4j XXI.1:20
Drive 1986 XIII.3:10A; 1987 XIV.1:22; 1988
xv.1:19j 1991 XVII.4:20j XXIII.4:19,29
Robert G. Stanton Fund XXI.4:24
A&E Cable Network
The American Experience XX.3&4:33
The American Experience - "TR: The Story
The First Lady (Based on Alice Roosevelt
Longworth) V.4:11
The Medora Musical IX.2:4
Teddy and Alice XIII.3:19; XIV.1:17,18j
Reviews XIV.1:18-19
Teddy Roosevelt VI.4:29; VII.2:27; XI.1:26
Teddykins: An American Hero XXIII.3: 15
Tintypes VII.1:23j XVI.4:3
Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt Naval History
Prize - see Navy League of the U.S.
Theodore Roosevelt Association
Activities and Logo XXI.3:25j XXII.1&2:34
Advisory Board (new) 1999-2000 XXIII.4:17-18
Listing XXIII.4:2
Anniversary - 75th XIX.4:18
Annual Dinner Meeting&lReports XXIII.2:24
1974 1.1:1-4j 197511.1:1-7; 1976111.1:1-7
1977 IV.1:5-8,1O-14; 1978 V.1:2-10
Special Meeting, Medora, ND 1979 V.4:2-4
1979 VI.1:6-14; 1980 VII.1:5-13
1981 VIII.1:15-26; 1982 IX.1:15-16,43
1983 IX.4:20; X.1:2-8,30-31j 1984 XI.1:16-18
1985 XI.3:2-3j XII.1:20
1986 XII.4:5,27; XIII.1:12-13
1987 XIV.1:15-17
1988 XIV.1:22; XIV.2:26; XIV.4:12-15
1989 XV.4:9-13; 1990 XVI.4:13-14
1991 XVII.1:22j XVII.4:10-11,15-17
TRA - Annual Dinner/Meetings
1992 XVIII.2&3:29-35
1993 XVIII.4:26; XIX.1:13j XlX.2:14-19
1994 XX.1&2:27-33
1995 XX.1&2:31; XXI.1:13-15
Patrons XXI.1:16-17
1996 XXI.1:22; XXI.2:19; XXI.4:16-18,19-22
Patrons XXI.4:29
1997 XXI.4:23; XXII.1&2:3,30-33
Patrons XXII.1&2:34
1998 XXI1.3:28j XXII.4:18; XXIII.1:3-6
Patrons XXIII.1:16
1999 XXIII. 3:14; XXIII.4:15-25j 26-27
Patrons and Donors XXIII.4:28
2000 XXIII.4:16-17, 21; XXIII.3:16
2001 XXIII.3:16; XIII.4:17,21
Books Published By
Gouverneur Morris 11.1:2,6,9,19; 11.2:5
Sagamore HiU:An Historic Guide IV.4:15;
V.1:5,9,20; VI.2:15-16j XI1.3:18
The Man in the Arena XIV.1:1O-12;
Theodore Roosevelt Cyclopedia, revised 2nd
edition XIV.3:15
Bylaw Changes Regarding Trustees XI.1: 18
Capital Funds Drive 1989-1990 XV.1:22-23;
Centennial Symposium - Harvard - see
Theodore Roosevelt Conferences - Harvard
Challenge Grant XXI.2:15j XXI.3:26
Chapters XXIII.1:18-20; XXIII.3:13j
Donations to XXIII.1:17; XXIII.2:24
Nashville XXIII.1:18-20
New Orleans XXIII.3:13
Texas XXI.2:12,20
Collection at C. W. Post Center - L.I.U. 1974
1.1:4-5; 11.1:4
Donors, Special XXII.4:22
Elementary School Programs
E-mail and Internet XXI.3:24j XXI.4:30;
XXII.1&2:9j XXIII.1:17,19 XXIII.2:18,
25; XXIII.3:15,17
Essay Contests 1975 11.1:2,4; 1976 11.2:7; 1977
111.3:8;IV.1:19; 1979 V.3:15; 1980 VI.3:19;
1981 VII.3:27; 1982 VIII.3:17; 1986 XII.3:18j
1987 XIII.2:20; 1993 XIX.1:17; 1996 Boston
Executive Director
Exhibits with
1974 - see Gable, John A.
Sea Clift' Photograph
Flag - Official XVIII.1:15
Company V.4:10,15·
TRA (continued)
History 11.1:14; 111.2:13;IV.4:17; IX.1.40-41;
XlX.2:1O,24; XX.1&2:32; XXI.3:26;
XXII.1&2:34; XXII.4:22; XXIII.3:18
Journal 11.1:4-5; 1II.1:6-7j IV.1:14j
Accolade by Lindsey, Alton A.
Addenda to XXII.3 XXII.4:22
Corrections to xx.3&4 XXI.1:20
First Issue 19751.1:15
General Index 1975-1992 XlX.3:1-20
1993-94 XX.1&2:36-38
1994-95 XXI.1:24-25
1996-97 XXII.1&2:20-22
1997-98 XXIII.2:12-14
Indexes XlX.2:24-26; XIX.4:22-23;
xx.1&2:35; XXI.1:21
On Microfiche XlV.2:26; XIV.3:15;
Picture Index 1975-1992 XIX.3:1A-6A
1993-94 XX.1&2:38
1994-95 XXI.1:26
1996-97 XXII.1&2:23
1997-98 XXIII.2:15
Purpose XIX.4:23
Junior Officer Leadership Award - see USS TR
Letters to XIX.1:16; XXI.1:22
Library Program 19741.1:14; 1975 11.1:7; 1976
111.1:6;IV.1:14; V.1:9; VII.1:10; 1981 VII.3:27;
Literary Rights XIX.2:22-23
Long Range Planning XXI.3:26
Membership XXI.2:21; XXIII.4:31
Benefits XX.3&4:33
and Honors
XXI.2:19,20,21; XXI.3:18
Honor Roll XX.1&2:9; XXI.3:19-20;
XXII.3:29-30; XXIII.4:34-35
Peter R. Fisher XIV.1:10-11
Newsletter - 11/1/1999 (TRA meeting)
Charles Hamman XXIII.4:26-27
Office 1993 XIX.1:17; XIX.2:24; XIX.4:23
xx.1&2:35; XX.3&4:34; XXI.1:22-23;
XXI.2:21; XXII.3:27
Outward Bound Scholarship 1985 XII.1:21
Oyster Bay H.S. Awards 1996 XXI.2:19
P. James Roosevelt Lectures - see Roosevelt,
Policy XXIII.1:5
Poster (with NYS Dept. of Labor) XXI.1:20j
TRA (continued)
Presidents IV.1:8j VII.1:6j VI1.4:18j IX.1:16j
XIII.1:16-18j XIV.2:27j XVI.4:14j XVI1.4:12j
XVIII.2&3:33j XXI.4:30j XXI11.4:18
Promotion of Historical Study X.2:31
Public Speaking Contests XlX.I:3
1975 1.1:10-11j 1976 1I.1:8j 1977 111.2:3
1978 IV.1:20j 1979 V.2:2-4,15j 1980 VI.2:10
1981 VI1.2:27j 1982 VIII.2:22j 1X.1:44
1983 IX.4:22j 1985 XII.1:21j 1987 XIII.2:19-20
1988 XIV.2:23j 1989 XV.2:15j 1990 XVI.4:15
1991 XVII.2:20-21j 1992 XVIII.1:19-20
1993 XIX.1:16
1994 NYC - Nassau Co. XIX.4:20
1995 xx.3&4:29-30
1996 NYC XXI.2:17-18j Nassau Co. XXI.2:17
1997 NYC XXII.1&2:32
1999 (75th year) XXIII.2:20-21
1985 XI.4:14
"Sagamores" XI.3:14
Student Contests 1II.1:5-6j IV.1:13j V.1:7j
VI.1:10j VII.1:I0j VIII.1:23j XVI1.3:13j 1993
Trustees - 1985-1987 XI.1:27
1986-1988 XII.1:23
1995 XXI.1:2,15-16
Class of 1997 XX.1&2:28
1997-99 XXI.4:2,18 MeetinWReport
1998-2000 XXII.1&2:2j XXI1.3:2
Meeting 1998 XXIII.1:3-4
1999-2000 XXI1.4:23 Meeting/Report
1999-2001 XXIII.1:2j XXIII.2:2
Meeting 1999 XXIII.3:14
2000-2002 XXIII.4:2,17
Honorary Trustee (G. Bush) XXIII.4:18
Jackson, WIlliam E. XXIII.4:29
VISion Statement XXI1.4:17j XXIII.1:20j
WIlls and Estate Planning XXIII.4:31
Great Adventure Legacy Society
see also Awards, Hostfest Heritage; Films - TRA
Collection at Library of Congress - TRA Video
Cassette and Film Series; Roosevelt Memorial
Association; Roosevelt Study Center; Rose Awards;
TR Distinguished Senrice Medal; USS TR CVN-71;
Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association
Theodore Roosevelt Association Police Awards
XVIII.4:31j XXI.2:20j XXI.4:17j XXI1.3:28
1983 NYC IX.2:13-14,28j 1984 NYC x'3:16,22j
1985 NYC XI.3:18j 1986 NYC XI1.3:16
TRA Police Awards (continued)
1987 NYC XIII.2:19j 1988 NYC XIV.2:11-12
1989 NYC XV.3:28j 1990 NYC XVI.4:15-16
1991 BuffalolWestem NY XVII.3:12-13j NYC
1992 Boston XVIII.1:16-17; BuffalolWestem
XVIII.2&3:34,35j NYC XVIII.1:18
1993 XIX.2:11,13,14j Boston XIX.2:13-14
BuffalolWestem NY XIX.2:13j NYC
1994 xx.l&2:24,25; Boston XX.1&2:26,27;
BuffalolWestem NY xx.l&2:26-27j NYC
1995 Long Island XX.3&4:31-32j NYC
XX.3&4:32j Boston XXI.1:18j
BuffalolWestem NYXXI.1:18-19
1996 Boston XXI.2:14j XXI.4:16j
BuffalolWestem New York XXI.4:24j Dallas
XXI.2:12j Long Island XXI.2:13-14j NYC
XXI.2: 12-13j Philadelphia (first) XXI.4:23
1998 Nashville XXIII.1:20j New Orleans (first)
1999 Long Island XXII1.2:17
History XVIII.1:16-17j XXIII.2:16
Medal XXI.2:14
Carl B. and Florence E. King Foundation
National Park Senrice XXI.2:14
NYNEX XX.1&2:24,27j XX.3&4:32j
XXI.1:18j XXI.2:13j XXI.4:16-17
Philadelphia XXI.4:23
Tri~tate Consumer Insurance Co.
XX.3&4:31-32j XXI.2:13
Theodore Roosevelt Bird Sanctuary, Oyster Bay, NY
1I.1:4j 1II.2:12j IV.1:12-13j V.1:6j VI.1:10j
VII.1:9-10; VIII.1:22-23; VIII.3:10; XIX.1:19
Director - Mary E. Richard XXI1.3:27
Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace NUS, NYC, NY
1I.1:2,5-6,14,19j 1I1.3:11j V.3:15j XIX.1:2-4j
XlX.4:17j XXI.2:17j XXIII.1:10j XXIII.2:20
Birge Wallcoverings V.2:4
Gross, Kathryn XIX.1:2-3
Harris. Joan XIX.1:3
Jung, Diane IX.2:28
Kahn, David: NPS ReportIV.1:17-18
1984 X.4:26
Pratt, Walter M. - TR Collection 111.1:19
Celebration - Conclusion IX.4:22
Lectures IX.1:38
Restoration and Revitalization
1II.1:4-5,11-15j 1II.2:15j
TR Birthplace NHS (continued)
Dedication 111.1:11-13
Riddle, Theodate Pope V.2:15
Markis, Charles XX.3&4:30
"Teddys for Kids" by Charles Markis, Manager
see also MacLachlan, Helen M.
Theodore Roosevelt Centennial Commission IlI.3:13
Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard 11.1:3,15,19;
IlI.1:3-4; 111.3:13,19; lV.1:13-14; V.1:7-8;
Vl.3:3,10,19; VlI.1:7-8; VlII.1:23; XV.4:15-16;
XIX.4:12-17j XXl.4:19
Alsop Papers IV.4:4
Annual Meeting 1977 111.3:19; 1978 lV.4:4
1979 Vl.1:11,21; 1980 VlI.1:8
1981 VlII.1:23; 1982 IX.1:44
1983 IX.4:21; 1986 XII.3:18
1987 XIII.2:20; 1996 XXl.1:22
Dictionary Catalog and Shelflist XIII.2: 18
Donations by Theodore Roosevelt Family V.1:8
History lV.4:4-5; Vl.1:11
LeelLongworth Papers XI1.3:18
Letters of Edith VlI.3:4-12,27
Music of Theodore Roosevelt XIV.4:6
Portrait of TR lV.4:4
TR Firearms Research IX.2:8
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Gallery
1I.2:2-3,15j IV.4:5-9j XXl.4:19
see also Dailey, Wallace Finley; Exhibits
Theodore Roosevelt Conferences - 1980 Harvard
Vl.3:10-17j VlI.1:7 1983 Lamar University X.3:22;
1985 Canisius College XI.2:4j XII.1:7-12,22
1990 Hofstra XV.2:8;XV.3:31; XV.4:15;XVl.4:3-9j
XVlI.1:22; XVlII.2&3:34-35
1998 Univ. of New Orleans XXlI.4:11j XXlII.1:4
see also Naylor, Natalie A.
Theodore Roosevelt Distinguished Service Medal
1951 XI1.2:20j 1959 XIII.1:2,5; XIII.2:22
1965 XI.4:15; 1973 V.3:2; 1977lV.1:6,8-10
1983 IX.4:20; X.1:6-7,13; XIII.2:16
1985 XI.2:12; XI.3:2-3j 1990 XVl.4:5-7; XVlI.1:22
1991 XVlI.4:1O,11,13-15; 1992 XVlII.2&3:30,31
1995 XXl.1:6-8,14-15; 1996 XXl.4:13,22
1998 XXlI.4:18; XXlII.1:5-6,7,8-9
History X.1:6,1O-11; XI.3:12-13; XXl.4:22;
Listing of Recipients X.!: 14-15; XI.3: 13-14;
XVl.4:22; XXlII.1:11-15
Theodore Roosevelt Federal Building
XVlII.2&3:34,35; XVlII.4:26; XXl.1:21
Dedication XVlII.4:28-30
Theodore Roosevelt Public (Historic) Sites lV:2:16-18;
XXl.1:23; XXlII.3:18
Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural NUS, Buffalo, NY
lV.3:6,17j v'2:4j V.3:15j Vl.1:21; VlI.4:23;
VlII.1:16,20-21,27; VlII.4:25j IX.1:44j X.1:29;
XIII.2:22j XIV.4:16j XVlI.2:25; XVlII.4:27j
XIX.4:6-7j XXl.2:18j XXl.3:18j XXlII.2:16
Anniversary Celebrations
75th IlI.1:7-9; 90thXVlI.3:12-13; 91st
XVlII.2&3:35j 95th XXl.4:24
Citizenship (Exemplary) Award 1981 VlII.1:27
1982 IX.1:44; 1983 IX.4:21j 1987XIV.1:19
1988 XIV.4:16; 1990 XVlI.1:22
1993 XIX.2:13; 1994 XX.1&2:27
1995 XXl.1:19; 1996 XXl.4:24
Bully Fare XVlII.1:13
Essay Contest 1991 XVlI.3:12,13
History 11.2:6;Xl:21-25
Joumallndex Project XIX.2:24-26;
Committee - Hudders, Shirley and Paul,
Margaret XXlII.2:15
Celebration IX.4:21
Brandt, Barbara XXl.1:15-16,19;
XXl.2:18,20; XXlII.2:15
Quackenbush, Molly XXl.2:18;
TR Books Currently Available XVlII.1:13j
TR Symposium - see TR Conferences - Buffalo
Theodore Roosevelt Plaza - Rededication
see also Theodore Roosevelt Association Police
Awards - Buffalo
Theodore Roosevelt Island, Washington, DC 11.1:14;
"Roosevelt Renaissance" IX.3:4-5,19
Theodore Roosevelt Medora Foundation XIlI.3:19;
XV.4:6,18jXVl.4:12j XXlI.1&2:28j XXlI.3:28;
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund - see American
Museum of Natural History
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Gallery, Harvard
Theodore Roosevelt Collection
- see
Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park, Oyster Bay,
NY 1I.1:4,14j 111.1:5;1I1.3:11,13j IV.l:13j Vl.4:29;
VlI.1:8-9; IX.3:11-14
TR National (Memorial) Park Medora, ND
V.4:3,14j Vl.1:9j VlI.4:23; IX.2:4,6-7j IX.3:22;
XXlI.1&2:28; XXlI.4:4-5; XXlI.3:8-13j 28
Theodore Roosevelt National Park Medal of Honor
1995 XXl.1:21
Thoman, Richard Billing, Jr.
''T. R. and the Camp Bronco Junction
Philosophy" III.3:7
Tilchin, WIlliam XVIII.4:27j XXIII.3:12,17
Book Review By XVIII.4:15-21
''The Rising Star of Theodore Roosevelt's
Diplomacy: Major Studies from Beale to the
Present" XV.3:2-24
''Theodore Roosevelt and the Guiding Principles
of US Cold War Diplomacy XXIII.3:5-7
"Theodore Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and the
Uneven Course of American Foreign Policy in
the First Half of the 1Wentieth Century"
'The U.S. Navy, the Royal Navy and AngloAmerican Relations during the Presidency of
Theodore Roosevelt" XXII.1&2:3-9,32
see also Book Reviews
Tobin, Eugene M. - see Book Reviews
Torrey, Burroughs V.1:8
Traxel, David - see Book Reviews
Truman, Harry S. - see Roosevelt, Theodore Comparisons with
Tuchman, Barbara w:
''Theodore Roosevelt: 'Not, Shall I Say, the
Average Harvard Graduate'"
Turk, Richard w: - see Book Reviews
Turner, Frederick Jackson XX.3&4:23,24,26,27
United States Capitol Historical Society
Vice Presidential
Busts VII.1:17-20
U.S. Civil Service Commission - see U.S. Office of
Personnel Management
United States Forest Service VII.2:14-15
United States Navy and Marine Corps Bicentennial Sagamore Hill 11.1:10
U.S. Office of Personnel Management XXI.1:21
Untermeyer, Chase
''The Spirit of TR in the New Navy" XlI.1:5-6
USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71 VIII.1:26j XlII.2:22j
XlII.4:2-6j XIV.4:12,17j xv.3:25,26j XVI.4:19j
XVII.1:11j XVIII.2&3:36-37j XXIII.4:16,24-25, 2627
Dolonor Balls XlI.3:19-20
Sunset Reception XlI.3:19-20
Chapel XVII.1:18j XIX.2: 17
X4:22,27j XI.1:2-4j
Commanders XIV.1:17j XVIII.2&3:29j
XIX.4:21-22j xx.1&2:29j XXI.1:15j XXI.2:16j
XXII.1&2:33j XXI1.3:26j XXI1.4:21j XXIII.1:3
Parcells, Paul Whitney XlII.2:21j
USS TR CVN-71 (continued)
Commissioning XlI.4:3-7,23
Family Members Present Xl1.4:6
Commissioning Preparations
XII. 1:2-5,20
Donations XlI.2:23-25j XlI.4:4,7j
XVIII.2&3:30,34j XIX2: 24j XXI.1:15
Donors - Listing XXIII.4:28
Facts and Figures XlI.1:4j XVII.1:19
Flags Given XlI.4:23-25j XXIII.4:15
Junior Officer Leadership (Jr. Officer of the
Year) Award 1992 XVIII.2&3:30,31,34
1993 XIX. 2:17j 1994 XX.1&2:29
1995 XXI.1:14,17j 1996 XXI.4:20
1997 XXII.1&2:33j XXI1.4:18
1998 XXIII.1:3j 1999 XXII1.3:14j XXII1.4:15
WIlliam D. Johnston Room
Desert Storm XVI1.2:19j 1988 XV.1:20-21
1991 XVI1.4:16j 1993XIX1:14-15j 1994
Plankowners Xl1.2:24j XlI.4:15
Honorary Xl1.4:15-17
Seal Xl1.4:2
TR Room XlI.4:4,7
Valaik, J. David XlI.1:7,22j XIX2:17
Book Review by VIII.2:18
"TR in the Battle of San Juan Hill,
July 1, 1898" XI.2:2-3
see also Book Reviews
Vidal, Gore - see Book Reviews
Vivian, James F.
"Recollections of Theodore
Roosevelt and the
Badlands" XVIII.2&3:2-21,24
see Book Reviews
Vivian, John H.
"Theodore Roosevelt's Spelling Reform
Initiative: The Newspaper Response"
Volpe, Christopher
"An American Original: John Burroughs'
Forgotten Portrait of a President"
Book Reviews by XIX4:4-6
Wagenknecht, Edward
The Seven Worlds of Theodore Roosevelt
see also Book Reviews
Walker, Stephen Vrncent XIX.2:23j XX.1&2:27
"The Music of Theodore Roosevelt" XIV.4:2-6
Walker, Dale L. - see Book Reviews
XXIv, NUMBER 3 • 2001
Walsh, Barry Walden
"Gifford Pinchot, Consenrationist"
"Notes on Gifford Pinchot as a Writer"
XVI1.4:10j XX.1&2:29; XXI.2:16j XXI.3:22-23j
XXII.1&2:18,19; XXI11.4:15
''The Theodore Roosevelt Association at 75" Address 10/29/94 XX.1&2:31-33
Ward, Geoffrey C. XXI.2:16j XXII1.2:8
Pictures of TR and FDR Together XVI.1:28-31
Washington, Booker T. XIV.4:7-11; XVII.4:2;
Washington Cathedral XVI.4:17
Weinberger, Caspar W;
Speeches at
Launching of USS TR 10/27/84 XI.1:12-15
USS TR Conunissioning 10/25/86
Williams, R. Hal
'''Dear Tom', 'Dear Theodore': The Letters of
Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas B. Reed"
Weld, Susan Roosevelt (Mrs. William F.) - great
granddaughter XVI.2:87; XVI.4:17; XVIII.1:16j
XVIII.2&3:34; XXI.4:16
Weld, Willam F. XVI.2:87j XVI.4:17j XVII1.4:28j
Remarks about Frances Webb Roosevelt
Wood, Boguslaw W; XVIII.4:26-27
"Theodore Roosevelt in Polish Historiography"
Westvaco Corporation - see Roosevelt, Theodore Author - Compilations - Memories .•.
Wharton, Edith xv.2:9-11
"With the TIde" (Poem) XV.2:14
White, William Allen
TR Cyclopedia- ForewordXIV.3:15j XV.1:14,17
Quotations about TR XXI.2:3,11
White-Henson, Wendy - see Book Reviews
White House
Cabinet Room Portraits XXI.4:15
Furnishings VI.3:4
Lecture Series XVI.4:17-18
Nobel Peace Prize X.1:9
Open House XVIII.4:27
of Memorial Edition of The Works
of Theodore Roosevelt 1I1.3:1-2j IV.1:11
Luncheon IX.1:3-7
Roosevelt Room III.3:1-2j IX.1:5j XXIII.3:17
TR Portrait XV.1:19j XV.2:17
see also Sagamore Hill
Whitmore, James 1I1.1:18j III.2:5-6,15j IV.4:18;
VI1.3:22j XXI1.4:19
see also Theater - BuUy
Widenor, William C. XV.3:8-9jsee also Book Reviews
WIlcox, Ansley 1I1.1:7-8j Xl:21-23,25j XVI1.3:13
WIlcox Mansion - see Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural
Willey, D. Allen
"Pine Knot: 'Neighbor Roosevelt's'
Woods" XVIII.4:14-15
Shack in the
Williams, Andrew M. XXIII.1:4
Williams, Edith Derby (Mrs. Andrew M.) granddaughter X.1:6,8j XVI.2:73; XVI1.3:14j
Williamsburg, VAsee Jamestown Exposition 1907
Willson, John E. XIX.2:23
WIlson, Woodrow X.1:27-28j XII.2:13; XXIII.3:7
Parker, John M. - Confrontation with X.2:15-19
World War 1 Division ProposedX.2:2-14j
Wmthrop, Elizabeth - see Book Reviews
WJrth, Conrad L. XIX.2:19
WISter, Owen XXIII.4:14
Wolfe, Tom XI.3:4; XVI.4:5-6
"Chuck Yeager and the Right Stuff" XI.3:10-11
Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association 11.1:14;
111.3:17; XIX.1:2-4, 17-18; XIX.2:7-1O,24j
Presidents -listing 1919-55 XXI.4:30
Belknap, Julia Pomeroy Averill
XIX.1:4; XIX.2:10
Chandler, Evelyn Moore Biddle XIX.1:4;
Demorest, Alice Gilbert (Mrs. William
Curtis) XIX.1:3; XIX.2:7
Haight, Anne Pardee Lyon (Mrs. Sheman
Post) XIX.1:4; XIX.2:10
Hammond, Emily Sloane Vanderbilt
XIX.1:3; XIX.2:7·8
Longfellow, Julia Livingston Delafield
XIX.1:4; XIX.2:9-10
Wood, Mrs. Henry A. WISe XIX.2:7
Women's Suffrage VIII.1:27
Women's Theodore Roosevelt Association(WfRA)
see Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association
Wood, Leonard V.3:2; XXII.4:3,18j XXIII.4:11
see also Decker, Joe F.; Lavergne, Gary M.
Wright, James - see Book Reviews
Yeager, Charles E. XI.2:12; XI.3:4-5,7-8,10-11
Youngs Memorial Cemetery, Oyster Bay, NY 1I.1:4j
IV.1:12j 1V.4:13-14jV.1:6; VI.1:10; VII.1:9j
VIII.1:22; X.2:31; XXII.3:27-28
Annual Pilgrimage XIX.4:18
1977 IV.1:15; 1978 IV.3:6j 1979 V.2:15
1981 VII.3:27; 1984 XI.1:21
Headstone for Roosevelt grave XXI1.3:28
Ziel, Ron - see Book Reviews

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