rsstetttefc ;}jf to REV. EGERTON RYERSON 770,3 6OOO CHINESE CHARACTERS WITH JAPANESE PRONUNCIATIO AND JAPANESE AND ENGLISH RENDERINGS BY J. IRA JONES, A.B. H. V. S. KYO BUN KWAN TOKYO PEEKE, D.D. CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE ... ... ... ... ... vn-ix INTRODUCTION TABLE OF SOUNDS COMBINATIONS OF OF THE kana PRODUCED BY CERTAIN TWO OR MORE LETTERS ... LIST OF THE 214 RADICALS ... ... ... ... ... ... OF CHARACTERS WHOSE OBSCURE x XI-XX 1-212 DICTIONARY I.IST v-vi ... ... RADICALS ... LIST OF USEFUL GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ... ARE ...213-219 22O-223 PREFACE. Some years ago the present writer discovered a small ChineseJapanese dictionary containing five thousand characters. It was in fact just what he wanted, but fairly well printed, was portable, it was nearly out of print. He was fortunate enough to obtain a dozen copies in an obscure book-shop, and made it a practice to present a copy to young missionaries of special linguistic promise. One of these books was given to Rev. J. Ira Jones, a student missionary at Fukuoka. When Mr. Jones took up the study of the Chinese characters in earnest, he applied the index principle to the dictionary. There was nothing original in indexing the side margin with numbers for the sets of radicals from one stroke to seventeen. But the indexing of the lower margin for the radicals little themselves, thus subdividing the side indexes, deserves the credit of a new invention. By the first, the time required for finding a character was cut one fourth tional two ; by the second, it was reduced an addi- fourths. Calling upon him in September, 1913, the writer saw the ingeni- learned that Mr. Jones had conceived the idea of a re-print of the dictionary in question, with the index feature added. Conversation developed a plan for an entirely new dictionary ous arrangement, of something at:d over five thousand characters, with Romaji and English features, of pocket size, and indexed. In the end the five thousand characters grew to six thousand. However, it is hoped that the disadvantage of a somewhat thicker book will be fully offset by the greater certainty of finding the character sought. Mr. Jones at once began the task of selecting characters and preparing copy. Laboring for several months quite alone, he had blocked out the work and accomplished a good deal, when circum- stances connected with the health of his family necessitated his return to the United States, leaving to his associate the completion and revision of the copy, and the carrying of the book through the press. It is at least unusual that this collaboration has, of necessity, PREFACE. VI been carried on with the minimum of mutual consultation. How- may perhaps be appropriateness in the fact that the younger collaborator has furnished largely the initiative, ingenuity and ever, there energy requisite for launching the enterprise, while it has been reserved for the older, and necessarily more experienced member, to furnish the caution and care necessary to carry the project to completion. The compilers have proceeded on successfully completed their task, they the assumption that if they would have rendered an un- usual service to missionary and other students of the Japanese language, and it is to be hoped that, in a measure at least, they have attained their purpose. Careful examination has been made of existing dictionaries pre- pared by Europeans in recent years, and of the dictionary which primarily suggested this book, although special confidence has been reposed in the Kan-wa Dai Jirin, of the Ikubunkwan. Acknowledgement is due, also, to Mr. S. Tanaka, of the Saga Chu Gakko, and Mr. T. Sasaki, of the Kyushu Gakuin, for very considerable assistance. It can hardly be expected that the (work that the judgment of the editors as is shown mechanically correct, or in their renderings will be all, but it is hoped that inaccuracies are few and not such as seriously to impair the usefulness of the book. It must be remembered that a pocket dictionary of such a language as the Chinese, with renderings in Japanese and in English, has its neces- approved by sary limitations. An especially kind judgment is bespoken for the index feature. time that an index of this peculiar kind has been attempted, and granting even that its printing and cutting is mechanicIt is the first ally correct, only experience can show whether the best form has been chosen, and whether the kind of paper selected, or indeed, whether any paper, will, without curling or tearing, stand the strain to which it will be subjected. But even though only partial success in this direction crowns our efforts, the benefits, we feel sure, will not be small. H. V. Saga, January, 1915. S. PEEKE. INTRODUCTION. the Since the purpose of the compilers of this dictionary has from been that of assisting fellow students, it will not be amiss to first offer a few words of suggestion as ly the needs of those who to its use, having in mind especial- are beginning the study of Chinese characters. The book its is meant to be suggestive rather than exhaustive, so purpose will not have been achieved to pursue inquiries far beyond what is many if are not helped by offered here. The it six thou- sand odd characters given will be found, however, to cover quite thoroughly the ground traversed by most writers. It is claimed that anyone mastering the four thousand characters given in Mr. Lay's excellent dictionary will be able to read the columns of the Japanese press with ease. made Naturally much more can be collection of six thousand characters. said for a carefully Prof. B. H. Chamberlain us that 9,500 is the maximum number of characters employed in this country ; of which 3,000 are exceedingly rare. Of the Tokyo " The number of characters kept on hand printing offices, he says, in all the usual varieties of size and 'face' is 6,100; but this again tells must be regarded as a maximum, an abundantly Moji no Shirube, p. 6.) liberal limit." (See The Chinese eminently are. characters are called ideographs, and such they But the exact form and limitations of the "idea'' pictured are often left very vague, and the student will not find it easy to accustom himself to this vagueness. The same character may be used to represent the idea in a verbal form, either active or passive, as a noun, singular or plural, as an adjective or an adverb. could hardly be expected that all this would be brought out in a pocket dictionary, so the student will often be obliged to work his It imagination hard. Some characters are more frequently used to express a transitive action, some a name, some a modifying idea, but that does not preclude other uses on occasion. INTRODUCTION. VIII In order to make use of even an indexed dictionary like this, it is most desirable that the student should master the radical?, giving especial attention to those under which the most characters are found. The preface to Dr. Gring's Eclectic Chinese-JapaneseEnglish Dictionary gives excellent suggestions, and Chamberlain's Moji no Shirube is, of course, a classic. No less essential is it to with the number of strokes in the become thoroughly familiar radicals, their order, and the method of writing. beginning on to this latter task will recommend Chinese his own Characters, be well spent. Time spent in the The writer ventures brochure, Suggestions for the Study of the which special attention is given to the in method of writing the radicals, and to the order of strokes. In this dictionary the contractions of the radicals are noted, not only alongside the radical contracted, but separately in the list of radicals. For example, ? (san-sui) is a contraction of a four-stroke radical, 7jt, and properly has no place in the list of three-stroke convenience this and other contractions written radicals, but for with three strokes, are listed in that place. Similarly, contractions written with four strokes are listed after the four-stroke radicals. It may be well to call attention to a are confusing, but must be borne with. number of irregularities that The contraction -H-, of $fy (kusa-kammuri), is evidently written with three strokes of the brush, but as a matter of fact it is always counted as four strokes when characters with IS of it are classified in the dictionary. & (dzato-heti), and ft of JfL (kozato-heti), The contraction are undoubtedly written with two strokes of the brush, but they are nevertheless counted as having three strokes. The four-stroke contraction %, (of JO is often written and printed in such a way as to suggest but three strokes. In the character %, at the lower left-hand corner is a hook that seems surely to require two strokes of the brush, but that particular hook is always counted as a single stroke wherever found. It will not do to think that there is anything hit or miss about writing the characters and counting the strokes. It is true that there is much faulty writing and there are many so-called vulgar characters, but the best dictionaries discriminate very carefully, INTRODUCTION IX and note exactly what is the correct and what the common usage, and there is a proper method of counting strokes that can be implicitly relied on. It is sometimes annoying to find a character classified under a when apparently there is as much reason for classifying it under another, and it was suggested that in this book an attempt be made to list the characters under all possible radicals, but certain radical would have teen taking a liberty with the scholarship of the ages alongside which the most extreme English spelling reform would be a mere nothing, and the attempt was not made. number of abbreviations have been introduced. Ab.f.= Abthat A breviated for; Alt.f.= Alternative for; Com. for; Com. Common Inc.= Incorrect form ; /.^Common or vulgar or vulgar (f-) form; Equiv. Equivalent to; " " before a C0r,=Correct form. The mark H radical in the margin indicates that the list of characters under it begins on the reverse of the page. The mark " O " found before certain characters indicates that they are among those that Prof. Chamberlain has referred to as "Just these 2,450 indispensable characters." The endeavour has been made to group these at the beginning of each set having a primitive of the same number of strokes under a given radical. SOUNDS PRODUCED BY CERTAIN COMBINATIONS OF TWO OR MORE LETTERS OF THE KANA. From the following letters as presenting are theoretical. 79=5 list of combinations are omitted ttigori-ed no special difficulties. Combinations marked * XI LIST OF 214 THE RADICALS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF STROKES. - XII L Baku. 25 XIII A, Yd. 52 XIV ^ XV -^ XVI 115 Ketsu, kechi. 116 ^ (Oi-kammuri). (Ana-kammuri). ritsu. Ryu, 124 C/, 0. (Hane-kammuri). (Nogi-heti). 125 126 117 (Tatsu-heri}. Contracted Radicals. ^a/, r*. 127 (Suki-hen}. 128 (Mimi-hen). Itsu, ichi. 129 130 -I91 (Mku-zuki). 131 /V ffy 1 J Chiku, toku. *ft 118 (Take-kammuri). JtfA Bd, mai. 7|v (Kome-heti). Beki, myt 132 119 133 120 131 (Ito-hen). 121 rqp 122 136 (Ami-gashira). nn, TC, M, w. 137 ft (Me-gashira). 123 (Hitsuji-hen\ 135 & 138 XVII B /. Shoku, sliki. XVIII & XIX *,,. jlj 197 6000 CHINESE CHARACTERS CHINESE-JAPANESE-ENGLISH RADICAL ORDER. Z,u t ina, sezu, arazu. i Stroke radical. 21 Characters. Not, negative verbal suffix. it i~T* =3- 4 One, the beginning. *Ushi. Hinoto, tsuyoi, ataru, sakan. ^ The second zodiacal The 4 V J fourth calendar ^ sign, fourth in order, D, 3\5 of one ri, flourishing. ab.f. vJJ Ten "Fl^* Take, Jisshaku. Ten Shaku, about 10 y^>* ~p thousand, & -riTi ft. stature, quantity. s> ^ Mitsu. JI^v Three. I J v Pi r^ \ y> Kami, ue, noboru, Shimo, shita, moto, kudaru. Below, inferior, low, under, to descend, send down. world, age, times. ^ Hinoc, akiraka. third calendar sign, third in order, C. KM 4 The Futatsu. Two, both. ab. f. ffi Tasukeru, tsugu, ukeru. To help, join, receive. Narabu, awaseru. be arranged in a row, together with, to To Ataeru. give. mata, Oinaru, hajime. Large, the beginning. agaru. Above, high, superior, first, to ascend, send up. To karisome, A mound. all. measure, Eng. Katsu, The Yorozu. [the ox. sign, Again, moreover. Nanatsu. Seven. ^TT^v Kou, ataeru. beg, bestow. To Hitotsu, hajime. ib.f. join. ab.f. flr Ijfel? jjp I Stroke radical. 7 Characters. 3 * ~7 4 Kinoto. 4 ;^C# _9l+y Majiwaru, tagaini. To associate with, mu- ose. J^/ft^ix Nori, okilc, 6 Osa, kashira, oji. the head, a chief, elder brother, parent's a count. A Buddha, France. Nasu, tsukuru. To perform, make, build. Tomo, tomonau. A companion, to accom- Amaneku, Everywhere, to spread. pany. Noleru, nobiru. To Omoneru, hetsurau. To stretch. seru. Strong, to unite strength. Niru, shimesu, nmneru. resemble, wo awa- Tsuyoi, chikara enquire, spy. To flatter, artful. show, to Oi, moromoro, tsuyoi. mimic. Many, all, strong. Togi, nasubi. A nurse, attendant, eggplant. Equiv. $ff Tsukuda, tsukurida, laga- A rice'field, Irt to till, hunt. r= Mitsugi, atai, uru, kau. Tax, price, to sell, buy. Nagusatneru, nwieasobu. comfort, play with. To TtL v But, however, only. Seshimeru, shitagau. To cause to do, follow. tr*->+ Tatazumu. Susutnazu, shirizoku, todo- y. Tada, tadashi. IT a To stand still. To Rank, grade, position, stand withdraw, still, to be impeded. Osoreru, awatadashii. degree. To respectfully fear, flur- ried. Low. katachi. Surnu, todomaru. To dwell, stay. Fleshy, stout. Tasukeru. To save, assist. To Tasukeru, saiwai. save, help, blessing. Tanoshimu, yasuraka. /jrf * |KJ What, now, why, where. amari. 3 Ware, I, my, the remainder, more than. too, Equiv. fj To delight in, enjjy, tranquil. Hoka, yokoshima. LH Other, wayward. 7 6 8 Unagasu, semaru. To urge, Niwaka Tomogara, 1 dun, press upon. coterie, fellows. fa ^ Sugureru, toshi. v To excel, eminent, , ukaqau. ' Illustration, spy. smart. vulgar, Torino. v rustic. iyashii. A custom, mean, secular. >, example, to Iyashii. Common, y Narawashi, A companions, ni. Suddenly. ff tsure. A kaotsuki. Omokage, Face, figure. ft ' captive. Tamotsu, yasunzuru. preserve, protect> to be contented. To Osameru, tsukurou, totonou. practice, repair, be arranged. To j Fusu, utsumuku. To look down, to bow the head. Matsu. To wait. All, together. Otokodate. A helper pressed. ^. 3, of the op- Makoto, otozure, noberu. n v Truth, faith, Tawamure. Sport, play. tidings, to Tau-ara. A straw bag. tell. i, \v ningydt hajime. A statue, image, the first Tamamono, fuchi. Salary, rations. instance. ^ Fusu, utsumuku,tsutomeru t lie down, face down, labor, exert one's self. A godown, storehouse. * To s/ Wardbe, kodomo, * A child, ^ Tsutsushitnu. To An auxiliary numeral. yoi. good. reverence. O^f To increase, multiply. Taoreru, sakashima. fall over, upside To Jinrikisha. down. Manaita t chopping board. To , y n A kari ni. borrow, rent, tempo- rarily. * Umu, To V v akiru. be tired Saiwai, magure-zaiwai. Blessed, happy, luck. of. Nori, sujimichi, tomogara. rule, regulation, principle, coterie. A *, Naraberu, awaseru. To shirushi. To be (an auxiliary verb), Takunii, ivaza. to spy, enquire, a sign. Skill, ability, Masu,-seshimeru, niramu. To increase, cause to do, glare at. ji, , To To ' Yugeit yawaragu. Light accomplishments, to harmonize. be proud. > Okii, hanayaka. 1 Grand, gay. ( Yamato. Japan. ' r Kan. Temporary. Utsukushii, yatou, tsuratsura, Beautiful, to hire, thoroly. soeru. JhGC * Segare, son (one's JT^ 4 A add * Oinaru. . ( ' Large, admirable. ow'n), to to. Katayoru, hitoe ni. be partial, incline, . 31 * Ware, oinaru. I, 'To great. Kowai, * imitate, study. To /m * t v katayoru. incline, rely on. Au, ataru, atai. meet, value price. ' Oroka, isogashii. Foolish, busy. To a deed. Narau. , Tachimachi, sumiyaka. Immediately, quickly. l/iS a be arranged in order, to join. Stiff, earnestly. tsuyoi. strong. * Well, so then, now. ^ Hajime, * The nasu, sugureru. beginning, to do, ex- Nasu, tsukuru. perform, do, mate. cellent. ^ Kuruu, v To be as * To taoreru. ^ Todomaru. insane, to fall over. Futoru, koeru, tomogara. To be fat, plump, a sign of the plural. JL A A n To 4 stop, stay. Takeshii, sukoyaka, tsuyoi. 4- Brave, healthy, strong. 7 JL P U 73 C 10 y Soba, katawara. * The side, one jf v side. Tamatama, au. to Occasionally, g Oinaru, sakan. agree, 4 Large, flourishing. even (number). # Katadoru, narau. v To model after, imitate. y Kurushimu, '* h v isogashii. suffer, busy. To Nusumu, karogaroshii, * Moydsu, unagasu. lya- 4 shikumo. To steal, trifling, at Anadoru, ogoru. To disdain, be proud. all. To organize, [n Fusu, ndbiku. v \ To lie To press on. y * i, To down, bend over. tsukau. employ. Tsutaeru, ichidaiki. transmit, hand on, a . JjJ^ prepare, urge. To biography. tsutomcru. strive, to be diligent. Hagemu, To ^\ ;^. 4 , * 'fB V it Takeshii. Valiant, brave. JK ' p Tomo Katamuku. M^.1 To incline to one side. ? Ukagau, saguru. To enquire after, spy, search. 10 Kashizuku, tasukeru, mori. wait on, assist, a [ To - nurse. , Katawara, The . tsukuri. side, the phonetic. Sugurcru, hiideru. To excel. Karakasa. umbrella (Japanese). An Sonaeru. To Itamu, kizutsuku, kizu. To hurt, injure, a wound. ni. 4 With, together. 4 Oime, kariru. A debt, loan, to borrow. prepare, offer. /ig** Wazuka, hotondo. v little, almost. |M A AgLjv Hataraku. To work, labor. 11/J^ B Semushi, kagamu. hunch-back, to crouch. * .fe * A Mwa, kotogotoku. All, entirely. Kagamu, semushi. To bend, a hunch-back. Itsuwari, nise. lie, counterfeit. A 10 11 Katachi, katadoru. to shape like. Imashimeru. An image, To Shimobe, ware. servant, I. A I, Bozu. Monoshiri. Ware, A Buddhist priest. Mina, mama. Yadori, takai. All, condition. Norikoeru, midasu. usurp, confuse. Yatou. To hire. Warawa, kare, hito. he, others. A scholar, Confucianist. A stopping place, high. To admonish. Tomogara, nakama. shimobe. A child, servant. A coterie, fellowship. To rejoice, Yorokobu, tanoshimu. be glad. A company, sort, alike. Motomeru, saiwai. Yasashii, masaru, sugureru, yutaka. Mild, to be superior, To Nakama, seek, desire, lucky. tagui, shitoshii. abundant. Tomo. companion, colleague. A 'f Tsukunou. v To compensate, redeem. Atai, neuchi, nedan. Ayatsuri-ningyo. Value, price. A puppet. Katayoru, higamu, kuse. To be prejudiced, a bad :f. 3 \ habit. Narabu,fufu. Hakaru. One hundred million, to measure. A rule, i, To be aligned, man and wife. Utsukushii, oni-yarai. Beautiful, driving katachi. ceremony, good, out devils. appearance. y Ogosoka, tsutsushimu. to reverence. Bt Sugureru, * Solemn, Tsuzumayaka. Economical. Taoreru, fusu. To fall over, lie Takuwaeru, mokeru. lay up, earn (money). To V down. JL n moshi, iyashi- kumo. Excellent, if, JL U 7} a at all. 12 Ko, clngo. II iftlf /LfftU /UHl* Com. ft Child, infant. 17 Characters. Kabuto. helmet. A uu Hito. Kisou, osoreru, tsuyoi. Man- To compete, Hagetaru. Bald. 2 Stroke radical. \ Moto, hajime, kashira. Origin, beginning, head. it Makoto, yurusu, ataru. True, to grant, conform. To An Uchi, iru, ireru. Inside, among, to enter, elder brother. enter, put in. in. Michiru, ategau. To fill, complete, Mattai, maltaku. ap- Whole, complete, portion. Kizashi. A sign, omen, perfect. Futatsu. a billion. ^Two, 7, mazu, sakinzuru. Front, before, well, past, to go first. M Iri-gashira. Hi* 5 Characters. put ft fear, strong both, Shikari, iyoiyo. Yes, more and more. 2 Stroke radical. Hikari, terasu. Light, to shine. Hachi-gashira. 10 Characters. . Ashii, wazaivai, arai. 5B- Evil, misfortune, wild. Eight. /, To yokusuru. conquer, be able. AV Manukareru, yunrsu. To escape, exempt, per- The public, a prince. Mutsu. mit. Yorokobu, kaeru. To rejoice, exchange. Usagi. A rabbit, hare. * Tomo m, mtna, awaseru. ? Together, all, to unite. Tsiiwamono. |J *S4 soldier, A soldier, -N ti troops: 13 El y Sonaeru,utsuwa,tsubusani. 3? To provide, offer, utensils, . um . M ~maru. Cor. fa , ^ In vain, to be superfluous. a minutely. Kammuri, kaburu. A head covering, v Sono, sore. 5? Tsukasadoru, nori. v To manage, * Kaneru, " To crown, to cover over. That, yonder. rule, Kurai,fukai,yomi,kasuka. the under world. records Dark, deep, kanete. discharge two functions simultaneously, Tsuka, oinaru. A mound, great. | . previously. Mageru, kagamu, mujitsu : 1 ^ Koinegau. y To entreat. To bend,stoop, accusation. 2 Stroke radical. *? Tomi, tomu. Equiv. ^ Riches, to be rich. ^'Samae. 7 Characters. ^ Far, to cover, a border. J ^ 2 Stroke radical. 5w/ 1 | I a false 17 Characters. f, * kakitsuke. A volume, ticket, check. * Mata, futatabL Again, moreover#wice. * Hikaru, dkiraka. 4 shine, clear. jj- To . To 5 freeze, ice. Winter. . ; Itokenai, noboru. Okasu, ou, musaboru. * To dare, cover, trans- Young, to ><; gress, covet. Hieru, koru, samui. Inc. ff To * Kabuto. * A helmet. ^ ? ^ Kammuri. v , rise. chill, freeze, cold. Kori, koru. Ice, to freeze. Ab. fa A crown. com. f. 2 Stroke radical. f-gli Wa-kammuri. -I'* 7 Characters. eg 3 _^^* To On, tsutsumu. ' ff cover, wrap ^ V^u Hiyayaka, Jip < ^ up. JL A A n 7 suzushn, tsumeCold, cool. [to/. Kitau, iru. To forge, cast. JL P U 7J C 14 /Ttilix Hiyayaka, hageshii, samui. \7 } y Chilly, severe, cold. r 15 16 a Korosu, * To kill, katsu. Kizutsukeru, kizu, hajime. To wound, a wound, the conquer. beginning. Modoru. To return, the sound of splashing. 3ll* P'Jtf Wakatsu, saku. To tear asunder, divide, dissect. $ Kowai, kataiy tsuyoi. \rriv Hard, strong, valiant. # P r 1 5 yfl\\ Hagu, muku, kezuru. To flay, prive of. 4 v Kiru, kizamu. t To cut, carve. v ->. skin, peel, de- & v A ? Chiribamu. v To carve. y vio- Tsurugi. A swo^d. Equiv. ^)J Yaburu, saku. ** To break, tear. Masakari, korosu. Irezumi. A broad axe, to kill. Amaru, amatusae. exceed, be left over, ^ Mazcaivaseru, 4 to adjust, medicine. Sou, tasukeru. go along with, totonoeru, kusuri. To compound, in addition. To Hanahadashii, hageshii. t~. To 9 mince. limit, divide, lent. Tatooing. IB'J To * Exceeding, extreme, 4. y Kezuru, eguru. v To shave, gouge. -j kiru, obiyakasu. flay, cut, threaten. To To cut, dissect, scoop out. y ml Hagu, Kagiru, wakeru, kizamu. Kiru, hone wo toku. Horimono wo suru kogatacurved chisel. [na. ! Suru, kiru, kama. To rub, cut, a sickle. ^ Korosu, toru. To kill, take. J nz||| >> jf Hanagiru. To assist, slash the nose. vice-(in official titles). * To )} v Kiru, kezuru. cut, scrape. ^ To 1$. cut. Saku, warn, sokonau, wart. To tear, divide, injure, share, percentage. l| Kiru. N To cut. ? Kama, todomaru. f 9 A sickle, stationed. to halt, to be 2 Stroke radical. 34 Characters. 17 ' J ^ Chikara, tsutomeru. Tsuyoi, katai. * Strong, hard. J Strength, power, force, to exert one's powers. 5 Itawaru, negirau. 4 Kuwaeru, masu. tin-- a * To Isaoshi, sympathize with, en- Ugoku, hataraku. waza. To move, [work. work. Merit, ability, efficiency, + Awaseru, ? To tertain, return thanks for. increase. To Tsutome, tsutomeru. Service, business, labor. tsutomeru. unite, endeavor. i, Otoru. y To it y be inferior. Tasukeru, suke. To rescue, to Kangacru, shiraberu, sadameru. [settle. To consider, examine, w Kutsuwa, osaeru, kizamu. * A bridle, to restrain, assistance. carve. * Tsutomeru. To exert one's self, * Tsutomeru. labor. 5 Jsutomeru, tsukareru. To labor, v be weary. V . tsuto- meru. To investigate crime, to labor. Tsutomeru, hagemu. " To labor, exert one's * conquer, endure, ex- ' 1 ' Tsunoru, motomeru. To raise, levy, collect. 4 Tsutomerut hataraku, nenv To work,labor,kind. \goro. Ikioi, self, exhort. a. gureru, To cel, surpass. ' + pity, care for, su:^ Katsu, taeru, masaru, Shirushi, isao, narau. Effect, result, merit, to imitate. Equiv. $C Tsumi wo kiwameru, i work, to be weary. by force. v strive, toil. reru. To Obiyakasu, kasumeru. ? To threaten, take >r to To 9 Hataraku, itawaru, tsuka- arisama. Power, strength, condition. force, Isamu, isamashii. Awaseru. To be emboldened, brave. To Mikotonori. An imperial decree. Obiyakasu, kasumeru. To threaten, plunder. Niwaka Isaoshi, waza, tsutomeru. ni, okoru. Suddenly, to rise. unite, co-operate. Merit, a deed, to labor. P c c 18 Itawaru, tsukareru. To 2 Stroke radical. be weary. pity, 4 Characters. Isaoshi. Merit, order of merit. Saji, yajiri, narabu. b u beA tsutomeru, susutneru. To strive, work ly, diligent. encourage, urge. /k 9 TU 9 spoon, arrow-point, to arranged in a row. bakeru. Kawaru, To change, be transformed, a ghost. Susumeru, tasukeru. To recommend, encour- * Kita, somuku, nigeru. * The run age, help, labor. north, to disobey, _+ .jfer* 2 Stroke radical. 1 ^J r?K Hr* Ho-gamae. 10 Characters. Tsutsumu. m To wrap 1 up. Ju*^ ~4 ? A measure of capacity. Iremono, lidko. receptacle, box. A Mommc. fa A measure of weight, of one ounce. '/y* * Hishaku. 4 Ndkare. Do '-9. not, not. amaneku, Hitoshii, i? suku- Equal, everywhere, few. Tsutsumu. To wrap up, envelope. sawagu. The breast, to be agitated. * \'r 7 To v lie, or crawl, on the Hisago, yugao. '# gourd, the calabash. A A dipper. Meguru, amaneku. To surround, universally. Takumt, daiku. A carpenter, an expert, a master, a design. * Tadasu, sukuu, hako. correct, save, a box. .^ To '* Hako. ? A box. A crawl. belly. l>x s' , i, box, bad. Harabau. To 2 Stroke radical. Hako-gamae. *-JK HI"* ii Characters. not, '# Uzumaki. 4 A whirlpool. warm. vagabonds, 19 psC u Kagamibako, iESlL*' 1 fr\ kushige. A mirror-case, toilet-box | Uma, majiwaru. The seventh zodiacal 20 21 -t-^ jf. Sant, suteru. _ riL * Kanau. ^\ y To suit, agree 22 with, unit- 23 3fl Ware, waga. yorokobu, hocru. > To irffl/ it, er ]yVv To blow, rejoice, bark. kamabisushii. 4 Ikaru, hoeru. # Mina, amancku. v be angry, to bark. Fuku. To blow. Unaru, umeku. =t rrt ibiki. F \ 4- * PI t v Pn v no nagasa. distance of about 10 close to, short. Warau, Shina. A Kanashimu, naku. grieve, weep. To grieve, pity. thing, sort, stance, quality. revile. * Itamu, nageku, atatamaru. & To feel pain, grieve, to become warm. Kanashimu, awaremu. To Kamabisushii. HEt v To a snore. Has sun in., , azakeru. laugh, ridicule. a Ikaru, nonoshiru. v To be angry, to A yawn, A All, everywhere. * Noisy. Kamu. rvfi* Akubi, cough. v To * To moan, groan. KZ% 3 A Noisy, vociferous. To $/ bite. kataru. laugh, speak. # Kazu. v An auxiliary numeral, man, official, member. circum- Hajime, kana, ya. The beginning, an inter- J Mairu. An English mile. =f Akiraka, jection, interrogative. Saku. To open (as a pher, intelligent. blossom. ^?,.y * *Uta. Tazuneru, nageku. enquire, sigh. To spit out. v The , musebu. throat, to be choked. 4 A song, hymn. j/ Kuchibiru. \ ~ To satoi. ? To be wise, a philoso- flower), " The lips. ^ Hiroi, Kara. v Wide, China, foreign. 25 w Saezuru. v To chirp, Tsuibamu, tsutsuku. To sing. * Musebu, fusagaru. v To be choked, blocked J peck at, A dumb pick. person. up. $/ Uru, akinau. v To Kotaeru, sosonokasu. To reply, tempt, entice. . ; sell, engage in trade. Tsubaki. The saliva. Ah, belching. 'y Susuru, naku. \2 sup, sip, weep. To A song, elder brother. Dornoru. jj Ikaru, sakebu. To =1 & '. ' Naku, sakebu. cry out. To Kurau, yasMnau. To cry (as a bird). To To i To stammer. be angry, to cry out. Unaru. groan. eat, feed. Kami-au. fe * Monomi. A sentinel. * Tada, hitori, ukegau. to consent. J Only, alone, * Tonaeru, utau. y To say, sing, recite. To bite each-other. Naku, kamabisushii. cry (as a bird), morous. To cla- Nomu. To drink. * Hiraku, 4 To mosu, oshieru. open, say, instruct. Tada, tada Only. ni. Tou, tazuneru. To enquire, examine into, visit. * Akinau, akinai, hakaru. v To trade, commerce, to measure. To cry, weep. Yoi. Goodness, virtue, right. Shaberu, kamabisushii. To babble, noisy. - * B tft * 26 5 Hayakuchi. ^ Talking fast. Yorokobu. To rejoice. * Yakamashii. 'HI v Noisy, troublesome. it The throat. Tokinokoe. v A cry, call, ), Kuchibashi. l To & To war-cry. Ushinau, mo. To lose, mourning, to be , A The bill, beak. destroyed. ' Hitotsu, hitoe. One, single, singular. To chew, drink, eat, 1 smoke. n^, To A, nageku. Ah, to grieve. Naku, nageku, sasayaku. To i, kakotsu. cry, to lament. Tashinamu, konomu. be fond of, like. Satosu, tatoe. To instruct, announce, warn, an example. v ^O&M, sakcbu. call, cry out. cry, grieve, whisper. To Kudokudoshii. Prolix, verbose. smell. Ikaru koe. Saezuru, yawaragu. To be harmoni- twitter, An angry voice. To inherit, succeed, next. ous. ski, To cry, damaru. a dumb person, to be silent. * PB9 3^ Nageku, tameiki. Tf\ crrif>w> a a cicr To grieve, sigh. A, itamu, nageku. Ah, to sigh, grieve. Warau, azakeru. To Ikifuku, atatameru. To breathe, warm. % sniRaru, ikaru koe. v To + > scold, Takai. High. an angry cry. laugh, ridicule. L Shiwagare. r Hoarseness. Yabusaka, kechi, oshimu. ^ Miserly, to begrudge. LjJ I 27 To grieve, tanoshimu. ^4, mourn. 12 Ah, to be happy. x Musebu. Yoi, yomisuru. Good, happy, to regard as good, esteem. To be choked. Utsuwa. A vessel, utensil. ' It To vomit. Shikaru, haku. To scold, blow out, spout out, vomit. ^ *& Nameru, katsute. # To lick, previously. ( ' > Keshikakeru, sosonokasu. To set on a dog, instigate. y Shiwabukt, f [y seki. the Clearing cough. y , throat, a ^ Ton. An English ton. Hanashi. A story. t, 3. A 9 To , i, fe v To Uso, nageku. lie, to sigh. a cry out. Sawagu. To be noisy. saezuru. cry, twitter. Usobuku. roar naku. call, Kuchifusagu. To (as a To tiger), be silent. whistle. A Azakeru. To laugh at, make a y nageku, akubi. Ah, to grieve, belching. fool of. - Kamu. Sazo. Very, how, much, truly. To Kamabisushii. Noisy. A yawn. dbiK Equiv. j^l Nengoro, y KatarUy uwasa. v To ' 'h Sakebu, yobu. call out, summon. \v Kuchibashi. bill, beak. To A fe * Inanaku. To neigh. jt 9 * n * *: te-atsui. Kind. rumor, gossip. relate, bite, eat. Odosu, shikaru. threaten, scold. To 14 28 ijf Kamu. Kamu. I* To To 5=- 1,4 Ji* bite. Kusame, kushami. Stroke radical. Kuni-gamae. A sneeze. Sdki ni, mukau, v Before, the I bite. 5 25 Characters. hibiku. past, to face, opposite, echo. Equiv. %jj P Meguru, kakomi. To surround, an enclo- sure. To gulp down, swallow, the throat. * Oinaru. u Large. i Four. Meshiudo, toraeru. prisoner, criminal, con- 0? A vict, to arrest. Ogosoka, kibishii. \* Strict, severe, solemn, to rf . frighten. ft Hisomeru. [* To scowl. Meguru, kaeru. IE)? To revolve, time, chapter. To 4 saezuru. cry, twitter. ^ Saezuru. v To twitter, return, Cor. a [0] Meguru, kaeru. To revolve, return, time, chapter. Corn.f. chatter. Kamu. To To revolve, time, chapter. 4 Yorw, chinami ni, moto. v To depend on, by the way, because of, a cause. Kamabisushii. *v Noisy. 'if \ a Equiv. ^ Meguru, kaeru. m r Naku, '* return, a Kurushimu, komaru, ^ chew. a [nj tsu- kareru. be in distress or in extremity, to be tired. To ,-fe * Sasayaku. To whisper. >* I ^ Hayasu. ? To . : OtorL decoy. A play music. z', motoyori. Hard, firm, from the first. Fukuro. bag. A obstinate, Hitoya. prison. A ^ Tanomu, yoseru. > To engage, order. entrust to, Komegura, meguru. A granary, to revolve. 29 Aru, Sono, kagiru. garden, to bound. A To iru. the to dwell, country, now. be, Hitoya, fusegu. . ' A prison, to defend, ward Tsuchi. off. The earth, Hatake, niwa. field, vegetable garden. A -H.* Tama, 7"aia, -H4 A Kuni, furusato. ' A country, state. " Com. gj land, a phce. isagiyoi. crystal, a jewel, pure. An acclivity, a road up a hill. ' Ori, meguru. cell, cage,' circle, A to surround. Chimata, tsutsumi, tera. cross-roads, a dike, a Buddhist temple. $5 A Umakai, umakau,' hitoya. A hostler, to keep a horse, Hitoshii, amaneku. a prison. Alike, level, Kawaya, majiru. everywhere. A privy, to mix. Kakomu, kakou, surround, an enclosure. : ' Su&aru. To kakoi. To equality, sit, squat. preserve, A hole, pit. Marui. Round, a Japanese dollar Ab. (yen). R A foundation, base. Sono. A park, garden. ft v Hakaru, egaku. To plan, a picture, to draw a picture, a map. Marui, meguru, kakomu. Round, to go around, encompass. 3 Stroke radical. 5*c*f4fli. Ml* 98 Characters. >: Tsuchi. v Earth. A hole, pitfall. Sakai, kagiri. A boundary, limit. Marui, atsumaru. Round, to assemble, a company. Ana, otoshiana. Tsuchi, hitsuji-saru. earth, south-west. l= 1 v The 9 Tairaka, hiroi. *' smooth, Level, wide. plane, 4 A land measure, 4 sq. yds. :* Tareru, nannan to suru. # To droop down, hang down, about P Ul I f B Ift to. *_ 3- 30 Sakait kagiri. Tsutsumi. A dike, dam. 4*rtf nayamu. , Steep, to suffer pain. +V] A place, limit, boundary. , i take, take hold manage, transact. Motoi, motozuku. Shima, todomaru. Foundation, basis, origin, to be founded on. An island, to stop. Horn, 4J v of, Saku, hiraku. To tear, open. M-j^ -f-ff**; toraeru. To Rutsubo, kawarake. crucible, unglazed A hori. To dig, carve, dig open, a canal. earthen ware. Hard, firm, strong, strict. . i A fence, wall. Takadono, sakan. A public hall, chamber, mansion, flourishing. A mould. Tsuku, hikui kaki. adhere, a low fence. To Arizuka. An ant hill. , -fCia kegareru. 9R* Filth, to be defiled. Shiro, miyako, kizuku. castle, town, to build. The edge of a bank. Hatoba. wharf. A A nebatsuchi. Red clay. Chiri, hokori. Rubbish, dust. Nebatsuchi. Sticky clay. Uzumu. To bury, fill up, hide. Kakoi, hikui kaki. An enclosure, a low fence Katai tsuchi. Hard ground. Tsuchikau. To manure, tend the roots of plants. Tairaka narazu, saka. Uneven, a grade. Chi no hate, koneru. The ends knead. Shiratsuchi, shirakabe. White earth, white wall. of the earth, to Uzutakai. Piled up in heaps. 31 *; J i, " Tsutsumi. A bank, dike. 1 4 Fusagu, toride. To stop up, * Taeru. endure, be able. To A dike. ba. i, place, stances. 4 field, circumCom. |H Negura, toya. A roost, Sakai. A border, frontier, i; Kdki, takuwaeru. A fence, store wall, to Rutsubo. A crucible. cote. Uzumeru, fusagu. a To boundary. v A Tsutsumi. report. ft fortress. # Tsuchikure. clod of earth. 14 Mukuiru, tsugeru. * To recompense, pay back >s A a cover, ry bury, fill up. A clay image, 2 a puppet. # Takakute kawaita I. High and dry ground. chi. Kojiro, toride. A small castle, an em- Dirt, dust, rubbish. bankment. le, lieya. *> A dam, to block up. i Uzumu, fusagu. A school, school-room. k * ;* f To fill A mound, grave, mile , Sakai. A limit, boundary, up, stop up. gion, condition. ichirizuka. A mound, grave. re- post. rf, Takai, toi. High, far. A wall, fence. a /ftzfo', A tower, pagoda, to fall. nuru. oro, num. Mud, to besmear, A mound, grave. mizo, kabe. A fence, drain, mud-wall Niwa, A ba. place, stances. paint, lacquer. v kakine. 4 s/ 3 field, circumCow. /. Shimoyashiki. country residence. A * a * r ^ 32 Tani, ana. t Hori, mizo. * A valley, ravine. A moat, ditch. Hdka-ana. y Ochiru. ;* To fall down. A grave. Kasanaru, toride. be piled up, fortifica- Masu. To To increase, add. tions. Yaburii, kuzusu. Ink, blacking. To * Dinaru oka, furui * i, A large hill, ruins. Takai tokoro, oka. A high place, a hill. Yasechi, tairaka narazu. Unfertile soil, hilly. Sakagame. A liquor cask. Otosu, kowasu. To y * break down, destroy, ruin. ato. throw down, break. Koetsuchi, tsuchi. Fertile ground, the earth. Hal^a, tsutsumi. mound, grave, dike. A 3 Stroke radical. 9 Characters. Kobe. * A wall, fence, ^ Idokoro, mizu no ki-wa. * Residence, a shore. cliff. _^ Samurai. A \^ man, an officer, a soldier. <7 a Hiraku. * To prepare new ground for cultivation. a Fusagu, * To hedateru. shut up, shut , Mizunoe. The gth calendar sign. Voice, report, praise. out, separate. A moat, ditch. Sakan, sukoyaka, tsuyoi. Strong, vigorous, flourishing. Matsuri no tdkoro. platform, an altar. A Fusagu, osu, osaeru. To stop up, press down, oppress. . A jar, vessel. Hitotsu, mopp One, entirely. 33 Muko. A son-in-law. Tsutsushimu,osoreru,tsukimatou. [ence, fear. follow about, rever- Kotobuki, hisashii. life, old age, long- Long To continued. Obitadashii, oil Yorokobu, mau. To Many, numerous, very. rejoice, dance. 3 Stroke radical. Stroke radical. 3 D ai-gashira. Sui-nyu. 31 Characters. Characters. i oi ni. Okureru. Oy^, oinaru, To Great, big, chief, very. be late. The sky, weather, nature heaven, a god or God. Stroke radical. 3 3 Characters. Futoi, okit, hanahadal Large, great, very, thick. Yukkuri aruku. tft * >5lUTowalk slowly. Otoko, otto, sore. A man, husband, that. Summer. wakajini, utsukushit. Haruka, tot. Young, an early death, handsome. Distant, far. Nakdba The Stroke radical. middle, center. Characters. ./Jk s/ Ushinau, ayamachi. S\? To lose, err, a mistake. Yube, yu. Ebisu, tairaka, horobosu. A barbarian, peaceful, to Evening. /*! y Hoka, / r? destroy. soto. Outside, beyond, besides, ffokoru, ogoru. To different, foreign. ^Oi, Numerous, many, much. ^ Hayai, Ti tsuto ni. ^ Early, early-morning. ., * Night. A be proud. ffasamu, sashihasamu. To hold between two things. H^ PJ y^, y^^M. -> Mezurashii. Strange, wonderful, odd Inc. (number). m K X a m 34 ft v Tatematsuru, ukeru, tsuka- r Oku, okufukai. Inside, the back, deep, a wife. em, tasukeru. To receive present, to from (a superior), serve, Ubau. help. Ikan, nanzo. How, at * Equiv. ^ what, why. Ou, niivaka ni, kotogotoku. To cover, suddenly, completely. y Susumeru, kana- mosu, deru. To report to the Throne, play on a musical instrument. ^ To seize, assist, praise. u Keshobako, kagamibdko. v Toilet-box, mirror-case. ^ Furuu. * To be cited, To make ft or alliance with, a check. Hashiru. up, Onna, me. A woman, girl, daughter, : female. Okii, azayaka. Yakko, yatsu. v Great, bright. A servant, i Okii, sakan. * Large, great, to gamble. person (rude). Yoi, yoshimi, konomu. 4. 4 Hoshi no yadori, bunsho no hoshi. A constellation, the star favorable to literature. y Nagai. * Long. 9- ex- . Onna-hcn. 100 Characters. an agreement * To run. stirred f. % Stroke radical. Chi.-;iru, ivarifu. 4 take by force. tasukeru. ^ Susumeru, y To exhort, encourage, Oinaru, sakan. * Large, prosperous. slave, fellow, Good, beautiful, ship, to like. friend- Nakodo. A go-between. Gotoshi, shiku, mosht, yuku. Like, as good as, if, to go. Midari, itsuwaru. Improper, disorderly, to lie. * Nanzo. 4 How, why. v A fish-basket. ^ Sadameru, matsuru, oku. v To decide, worship, place. v Ogoru, yutaka. * To be extravagant, profuse. Okasu, midasu, itsuwaru. To transgress, wicked adultery, to falsify. Kisaki, narabu. An Imperial concubine, to be arranged in order. Asobime. A singing tute. girl, a prosti- 35 >-//K Taenaru, ivakai, utsuku- 36 hfk 5PN 3 - Uruwashii, yawaraka. Ko wo umu. Beautiful, soft. To Utsukushii. Metoru. Handsome, To marry beautiful. Baba, uba. An old bear a child. Oitaru An old woman, a wet- (a wife). woman. nurse. Onna, yome. Oba, tsuma no shtmai. aunt, sister-in-law. A woman, Utsukushii, namamekashii. Beautiful, bewitching. Marriage. Musume. To An wife. Mukotori, yomeiri. Musaboru, midara. A girl, female. Shitagau, shitoyaka. obey, graceful. fcfc To Utsukushii, yobu. Beautiful, to call. Tsunagu, hikitomeru. Shitagau, utsukushii, kudo- To follow, covet, immodest. beautiful, prolix. To tie, hitch. ^ Tawamureru. P Utsukushii, shinayaka. Beautiful, graceful. j( To sport, a prostitute. Tanoshimu, tawamureru. play, sport lewdly v To Imoto, ototo-yome. A younger sister, sister- Hashitame. in-law. A maid-servant. Utsukushii. Beautiful. t Muko. 4 Tanoshimu. To y Mau, To 4 hayai. Nakadachi, nakodo, A go-between, to consult. dance, quick. x Hime. ^ A lady. Uruwashii. Fair, beautiful. Haramu. To A son-in-law. rejoice. conceive, nant. be preg- Tanoshimu, shitagau, nusumu. To be glad, obey, steal. 37 * Kobiru. To Kami, midarigawashii. . flatter, curry favor. Trifling, indecent. Yotsugi, tsuma. heir, a real wife. Utsukushii. Beautiful. An 't Kegasu, nareru, anadcru. v To defile, to be free and Uba,baba. old woman. An easy with, despise. Narau, miydbiydka. be accustomed, To Baba. An old woman. 10 o Totsugu, yuku. To marry To hate, -k&* j(X * (a husband). - Ureshii, utsukusMi. beautiful. Happy, r t Taoydka, utsukushti. * Graceful, beautiful. unsatisfied. Aniyome. Utsukushii, namamekashii. Beautiful, charming. A sister-in-law. soyogu. Lenient, to blow gently. a Engumi, yoshimi. .-x '4 ' Minikui, oroka, midarigawashii. u Yome, tsuma. v bride, wife. t. 11 Netamu, nikumu, To be jealous, hate. The moon i '^ ^ head cover. [^ I tf A i* Nikbori warau. smile. Yamome. widow. Michiru, amaru. be full, to over. To Weak, a remain wife. Musume. 5 A Naburu, tawamureru. To make sport of, to play. Yowai, tsuma. To Yowai, wakai. v Delicate, young. Osanai, kammuri no himo. the cords of a 4 Juvenile, Ugly, foolish, licentious. $> Sobazukai, ki-ni-iri. An attendant, a favorite. A v Marriage, intimacy. v to study, elegant. 5r A girl, female, miss. * Yamome. * widow. A x r a 38 fj#jfc;fe Hosoi, yowai. 39 The J Tsukaeru, tsukasa. v To serve, an official. Mattai. * Miya. V A Shinto shrine, v Whole, complete, perfect. Imperial household, Hiroi, oinaru. & Great, large, wide. prince, princess. Oinaru, noki, ie. world, vast, eaves, a house. g if Sokonau, wazawat. 1 To y Iru, kuni no na. To be, one of the Chinese * i. y Sugiru, hora-ana. To pass by, a cave. y Moto, a fountain, origin, head, sect, to honour. Tanoshimu, sakamori, yasumu. To enjoy, a banquet, to Ireru, katachi, nan. put into, put up with, To form, appearance. * Sora. [nity. v The universe, 'space, eter- official, pertaining to Ie, uchi. A house, family. . Tsukasa, dyake. Office, a thing govern- Tsukasadoru, tsukasa. To ment, public. x. * Yoroshii, ube. right, proper, fair, natural. Good, Adakamo, W^^ ^ exactly, addressed each. x Tabibito, marodo. * guest, stranger, A -te visitor, Yoru,yoseru. 4 Yurusu, nadameru. To pardon, mitigate (a punishment), appease. proclaim, tell, everywhere, an edict. quiet, calm. A cellar, To call in upon, lodge, rely upon, entrust to. * To Sabishii, shizuka. Hisoka, chikai, tsumabiraka. [minute. secret, close, dense, wife. t Noberu, amaneku, mikoto- official. To stop, lodge, a lodging place, post-station. * Lonely, previous. y Heya, muro, tsuma. * A house, room, an Evening, night. ^ Yadoru, yado. ate, zutsu. Just, to, rule, Ozora, rniya. The heavens, an Imperial palace, Imperial. ^ Sadameru. 4 To fix, establish, decide. * damage, a injure, rest, quiet. v The v - mune. tatiobu, a calamity. dynasties. tt the a Ada, kasumeru. M*~* & ^ f An enemy, to rob. Tora. [the tiger, third zodiacal sign, 40 Tomi, tomasu. ity, to enrich. Yatsureru. t Wealth, riches, prosper- - To ;^. Toride, magdki. *4 Yoru, yadoru, yado. To stop, lodge, a lodging-place. ; ' s/ ^ *$/ 1 ^ 'tx *v ni. ? Oku, todomcru, suteru. t Tsukasa, nakama. official, colleague, v Not Lonely, quiet. kangaeru, tsumabiraka. Shiraberu, p>> [ Takara, tama. v Precious, 3 Stroke radical. Sun-zukuri. 12 Characters. Hakaru. An sleep, rest. yasui, yasuraka. Rather, easy. Mi, michiru, makoto. * Fruit, deed, to be a treasure, jewel, wealth. reflect, Yasumu, neru. 1 gentle, wide, liberal, merciful. Sukunat, yamome. Few, a widow, alone. ^ Mushiro, Jiiroi. strict, easy, $* Itsukushimu, megumu. i<tf To love, show mercy. Sdbishii, shizuka. To photo- \* Kirni no osamcru tochi. ; v The Imperial domain, the world. Okotaru, yugamu. be lazy, bent. To examine, minute, plain. draw, An g Yuruyaka, To put, stop, throw away. To Utsusu. companion. In fact, verily. ' kiwameru, tadasu. copy, graph. sleep, rest. Makoto fence. Tsumabiraka, ^ To Neru, yasumu. To A stockade, Clear, plain, to decide, investigate, judge. Samui. p? look poorly. Equiv. HJ inch, to measure. Tera. , * A Buddhist temple. & Sakai, tsutsumu, tojiru. v jy. A boundary, wrap full, up, domain, to seal, to give title to. true, real, sincere. $> Sameru, yutnemiru. To ^ awake, dream. Sabishii, shizuka. v Lonely, quiet. \Iru. * To shoot, dart (as light). Katsu. To conquer. Equiv. 41 Masa ni, kashira, hikiiru. officer, to # & Ashinae, semushi. t; A cripple, hunchback. * v Moreover, just about, an conduct. Mottomo, v machi. Osaeru, yasunzuru, jo. A company officer, to ^ Moppara, hoshiimama, v hi- ^ Mukutnu, entirely, self- 9 Owaru, title. To > Tazuneru, hiro, nami. ^To enquire, a fathom, ordinary. or I pair. 6 Characters. fj Chiisai, ko, sukoshi. Small, little, young, my (used depreciatingly). Sukunai, shibaraku, wakai. Few, a short time, young. -fe /\.* take up (work to become. Monosashi. A Japanese foot, 12 in- ches, a rule. f Tsukasa, tadasu, makoto. rrfr v "7"^ ruler, to correct, truth. A The buttocks, bottom. A Buddhist nun. O, sue. A tail, the end. A^f>, tattobu, hisashii. Still more, to reverence, Tsubone, magaru. a long time. A office), A tit A # Kdbeno * tsuku, naru. finish, Shikabane, corpse. >U-k ^J/ ^ Togaru, surudoi. v To be pointed, sharp. ^ J a H 1^ 30 Characters. Michibiku. To lead. 3 Stroke radical. yaseru, semushi. 3 Stroke radical. Shikabane-dare. Kotaeru, mukau, tsuriai. answer, confront, a To companion, a Yimw, Weak, emaciated, hunchback. y Tattobu, mikoto. v To honor, honorable, a respectful okii. A shaggy dog, large. * tori. Specially, willed. aya- Very, right, however, to blame, a mistake. tranquilize, a rank. i togameru, ^ ana. Equiv.^ hole in the wall. room, office, government woman's appart- ment, to bend, be bent. ^ Sukunai. Ibari. Urine. I ^ radical. S J^r* 3 Stroke %7u^L -glC % C 5 Characters. Kagamu, herikudaru. To bend down, to be 7f Mr /U humble. + J" . tfl a 42 To Ka saner'u, takadono. To pile up, the upper sum at. Iru, oru, be, dwell, sit down, of stories place, a residence. a building, strata. Itaru, todokeru. To reach, be efficacious, to forward (a petition). M' To tread on, boots, shoes, to put on (foot-wear). He. A result of Shikigawa, shikiwara. An insole, straw bedding. flatulence, worthless. Kutsu. Shoes. A house. ' Kuso. Dung, filth. tsuranaru, Tsuku, ? Shikabane. A * Kutsu, sort, waraji. # Shoes, straw foot-wear. corpse. tomo- Com. J|5 gara To belong to, be arranged in a row, a companion. isagtyoi. > Rubbish, scraps, pure. 3 Stroke radical. 2 Characters. ^ Noberu, v miru. hiraku, korogaru, To spread out, open, exhibit, roll over, look at. iti D Mebae, kusa. A sprout, grass. Tamuro, atsumaru. An y Hakimono. * Foot-wear. f A wall, encampment, bar- racks, to assemble. fence, to cover. -JW? Ill -l\ M-J Stroke radical. Yama-Jien. 3 MH 56 Characters. Waraji. Straw sandals. OJ Hofuru, korosu. To slaughter, A mountain, hill. Takai, surudoi. Lofty, pointed. kill. Shibashiba. Takai, kewashii, hagetaru. Often. High, steep, bald. Yasumu, To Eda, wakareru, futamata. Forks in a road, to ikou. rest. Kutsu, zori, waraji. Shoes, straw foot-wear. diverge, high. 'f~' v Mine, takai, kewashii. A peak, high, steep. 43 v Kewashii. Takai, ayaui. High, dangerous. Steep. Takai. * High. t Precipitous, high. Takai, kewashii, yamami- ^ Kewashii, tdkai, kibishii. v Steep, high, strict. chi. Kewashii, tdkai. High, steep, a mountain Saki, kewashii. path. A hill, A Iwao, iwa. rock, high bank, rocky cliff, hazardous. A Kishi. * jj ~* & Kuzureru, kdkureru. * To crumble to pieces, (used of Family). if A bank, cliff, 4 shore. A lofty peak. Misaki. cape, the side of a A promontory, cape, steep. mound. the Gake, kishi, kagiri. precipice, cliff, end, limit. A the a Shina no yama no na, tattoi. y The name of a mountain in China, precious. hill. , kewashii. A peak, high, steep. ^ Mine, iwa-ana. v die Imperial A peak, cave. Takai, kewashii. Toge. A mountain High, steep. pass, ascent, climax. High. Sobadatsu, sonaeru. To tower aloft, to supply. rfrPl h lUjUJ cr Sobadatsu, okoru. To tower up, rise. Hora-ana, katatagae. uneven. A cave, M Tdkai. /F High. Agameru, To high. -1 tf 7 - A mountain peak. Hazama > strait. High. g Arashi. * A storm. # v A rock, taniai. ^ A mountain gorge, chasm, 7 tdkai. honor, exalt, adore, Iwa, kewashii. Oi cliff, ste.ep. 44 Takakute kewashii. Hjgh and Kewashii, sagashii. Steep, precipitous. steep. Takai, Fukai, kewashii, hameru. v Deep, steep, to fit in. okii, hitoridachi. High, large, solitary. 1, s' A mountain peak. ? Itadaki. -' The top of a mountain. f Takai, kewashii, iwayama. a reeky steep, 4 High, '* Suru di y y V Sakashii, kewashii. Steep, precipitous. A cliff, steep. 3 Stroke radical. 5 Characters. Kewashii, ay am. Steep, dangerous. Kawa. /// ^ river. \\\ y A * Kewashii, togatte iru. v Precipitous, pointed. Ill* /fora. y 1 1 ^ A river. . An island. Equiv. sagashii 7w^, ^/5/!/, kewashii. rock, high bank, rocky ^ Takakute kewashii. tf High and steep. P yama, yama. A steep, jagged mountain mountain. JJJ y Shima, ) I kuni. province, p A country, continent. is- land, ^ Kewashii. v Meguru, mawaru. To go around, patrol, Precipitous. travel about. t, , itadaki. A mountain peak. A nest, den. Take, ikameshii. lofty peak, majestic. A Stroke radical. Takumi-hen. 6 Characters. 3 Kewashii, sakashii. Steep, precipitous. Takai, nukindetaru. High, eminent. ^ Shima. 3 An island. a Takumi, waza, tsukasa. skill, a workman, an officer. ^ Art, work, /TV Hidari, tasukeru, shirushi. The left, to assist, evidence. 45 46 Nobori, hata. Tcnugui. A towel. A flag, banner. Kami kazari. Head ornament". Suso, hadagi. ' The skirts, under an shirt. oi. Tobari, A curtain, Tobari, tarenuno. An account book, regis- ter, curtain. awning. Coin, money, wealth, a religious symbol. Obi, obiru. girdle, to wear. A v Tsune. Usual, ordinary, fixed. Tobari, katabira. An account book, regiscurtain, a summer garment. A flag, banner. & Hata, tobari, horo. v A flag, curtain, hood. y Nobori, A flag. hatajirushi. ter, ;* * Zukin. A hat. Cor. ijf i** i* Haba, hirosa. Tobari, sudare, oi. A curtain, screen, shade. Oi, hachimaki. A sun-shade, a kind of head-wear. Breadth, a hanging pican auxiliary nume- ture, ral. Ham, 3 Stroke radical. 6 Characters. hari. mounted pictures. , A shield, to meddle with, dry, take part in. A loin cloth. Tobari, maku. Tairaka, hira, tairageru. Level, equal, even, to quell, to quiet, A curtain. A hood (carriage), kawaku, azu- awn- ing. Toshi. A year. Naraberu, an, narabi v A curtain before a shop. J ^ A curtain, a screen. # * ni. To arrange in a row, to Com. ft meet, suit, and. Tobari, sudare. Tobari. A curtain, tent, to cover. Saiwai, miyuki, koinegau. Happiness, luck, to ask for, going out (of the Emperor). 47 ' Miki, tsuyoi, hataraki. stalk, trunk, able, work, to manage, rule. A -At* -4f -glC 3 /A, " PH i-H Ah A store. Atsumaru, kura, mtyako. assemble, a govern- To Stroke radical. ment department, Yo-hen. fecture. Kanoe. Ckiisai, osanai. The Small, young. I * J How A school. Idokoro, kurai, suwaru. seat, assembly, position, to be, to sit down. Iku, hotondo, negau. ( Nori, tabi, hakaru. A rule, times, to measure, a degree. 4 Kurai, haruka, kakureru. tr Dark, dim, to be hidden. , calendar A kitchen. Young. , [sign. seventh Kuriya. Maboroshi, madowasu. optical illusion, magic, vision, to deceive. An Osanai, itokenai. store- house, city, an urban pre- 5 Characters. A many, few, near, to request. ^ Niwa. I-*-* / af r*-V v) y Stroke radical. -JUt? 3 -gK HI* 44 Characters. Iwaya, munagi. A grotto, ridge-pole. 4 A godown, store-house. * >* Ou, kage, hisashi. cover, a shelter. To & Tsuidc, noberu, hasJiigaki. 3 Order, arrangement, opn)ko, nedoko. floor, boards, a bed. Tana, oku. A shelf, to put. 9, itaru. The bottom, to reach. A small building for religious uses, a cottage. s/ Moromoro, koinegau, me3 kakebara. All, numerous, the people, to request, a con- cubine's child. portunity, the preface. J The Oinaru, yutaka. v Large, abundant. v % Level. tA.c*, court-yard. Kura. 5 /or/, ie. ^ Tairaka. - A garden, it Yasui, tanoshimu. v Easy, peaceful, to enjoy. -s Ou, kakusu. 4 To cover, hide. a Tsune, mochiiru, oroka. * Ordinary, to use, stupid. JL H. 48 Hikui ie, mijikai. ie, A low house, short. a Kura, Mitamaya, yashiro. tomb, an ancestral yutaka. A A store-house, abundant. * Kawaya. A shop, * kiyoi, yasui. article, item, cheap, Kura, komegura, fuchi. warehouse, rations, a A stipend. pure. iori. Kariya, 5 Hosodono. A corridor, porch, gallery. A shed, booth. , a Yawaragu, fusagu. be reconciled, ? To # Kakusu, motomcru. y To conceal, seek out. A ; office. Com. @[ ^ Oinaru, munashii. an enclosure, t, Large, empty. %. ;g 4 ^ To thrown y Tateru. * To build, raise, establish. Meguru, kaeru. { To revolve, time, chapter. Hisashi, sakan. 3 A sun-shade, luxuriant. + Kuriya. A kitchen. postpone, court, level. away, A * draw. ^ Niwa, tairaka. 1 The Imperial Court, a Meshitsukai, iyashii, yashinau. servant, inferior, to nourish, rear. } Characters. extend, prolong. abolished, to cease. : 5 * To Sutaru, yamu. be Stroke radical. x Hiku, noberu. Hiroi. To 3 4 Hiku. Umaya. A stable. v Wide, broad. ;.>- to block up. Ie, mandokoro. buHding, government : Hisashi, ie. Eaves, a house. \v ware-house, market. j v government office. A privy. An a temple, * Hisashi. ? The eaves. v dbaraya. A shed, shanty. return, Stroke radical. ^ Characters. IK * J\ 5 Komaneku, To fold the arms. a 49 . If, $, u hat hatachi. Niju, =i- IT 7 Twenty. v with. Kammuri. A cro.vn. tawamureru. a Moteasobu, 9 To a: Ou,futa. To cover, a cover, jug. y -y 7 p I \J \ \ Hiku. v play with, to sport. conduct, quote. Arazu, doru. so, the dollar sign. rtl Hiroi, hiromaru. Great, large, to expand, 7,1* Beautiful, checkers. spread. Yabureru, kuse. Broken, poor, mean, bad, ^ Yurumeru, * habits. 3 To draw, Not r Utsukushii, igo. bad Tomurau, itamu. lament for, condole To To ochiru. loosen, unfasten, relax, fall. A younger brother. Stroke radical. 6 Characters. ^ __L* a Igurumi. \* 9 Shooting birds with cord-attached arrow. a A gauntlet. Yuzuka, nigiri. ^ The gripping place of a bow. 4 Hitotsu. Yumibukuro, hatabukuro. ? One. 9 4> v A bow-case, a flag-case. Yumizuru. A bow-string, chord. Nori. A law, custom, cere- mony, form. A bow, an arch. A stake. Ishiyumi. large bow. A Korosu, shiisuru. To kill a superior. Tsunoyumi. A bow with horn or bone ends. 3 Stroke radical. Yowai. 9 Weak, young. s P H 24 Characters. ^. Yumi. A bow. v Yuhazu, tsugaeru. tip of a bo w,to fix (as an arrow to a bow-string). The 50 Hani. To Kanae, Tsuyoi, tsutomeru, shiini. Tasukeru. help, assist. * * Yagoro. bow-shot. A ^ wo kazari. A hair ornament, tassel. Katachi, arawareru. appearFigure, shape, ance, to be manifest. Ut hiku. TO jerk, a spring, bullet, to play (a musical instru- rule, law. 3 Stroke radical. San-zukuri. ii Characters. Strong, violent, to force, urge regardless of right. To Com. j$ nori. A tripod vase, spread, stretch, boast X Akai. ment). Sukoyaka, tsuyoi. Vigorous, strong. lyoiyo, habikoru, Htko, sugureta An amaneku, hito. illustrious person, honourable title, an a man. tsukurou. more, to spread out, everywhere, to mend, Still Irodoru, aya. To colour, paint, to be variegated. Hiku, magani. To draw, bend, arched. -Vr * 4 3 Horu, chiribameru. To engrave, carve, inlay. Stroke radical. A ^ Kei-gashira. 1 * ~$Z\\ Hi* Ay a, An 7 Characters. /far/ nezumi no atama. *?-& Urdkata A no kotoba, i Beautiful, .clear. no tagiii. divination term, a kind of pig. horu /&' u'o To # koto. Tsuzumi no hokiboshi. oto, The sound sakan. of a drum, vigorous. Akirdkd, arawasu, ay a. Clear, to manifest,figures. carve wood. /, tiger. Uruwashii, dkiraka. _JL4^ A hedgehog's head. ^C v tora. ornament, a sugatd. Shade, shadow, an image. A broom, comet. ^^ A , *H00. wild pig. pig, 3 MH Stroke radical. Gyo-nimben. 36 Character Tagui. , A sort, kind, to classify, collect. Tatazumu. stop, stand To still. . 51 y^/La: Tsukau. 52 @fr* 53 5 56 Uryoru, urei, kanashimu. kanashimu. omoi- Itamu, Sorrow, sorrowful. To be sad, distressed, to sympathize with. Kokoro, kokorobase, omoi. The mind, will, mean- * Ayamachi, toga. v ing, feelings. A mistake, fault. Ugoku, kotae-hibiku. t&\ v To move, feel, admire, be v To sensitive to. f .4 Itsukushimu. To love, pity. _ Ikidoru. p v _ Oroka. * grieve, pity. Motoru, gojo na. To oppose, obstinate. To be angry. Foolish. Yorokobu, kokoroyoi. To be glad, happy, fortable, Odoroku, awateru. ~*j? To be frightened, con-)f fused, flurried. Yasuraka,? shizuka, dama- ti Yorokobu. m*^ To v Comfortable, rejoice. quiet, to be silent. Uryoru, osoreru. To com- 1 ' grieve, fear. Tsutsushimu. To be cir- respectful, cumspect. Uryoru, To hitori. Itsukushimi, nasake. Love, charity, pity. grieve, alone. Satoi, shizuka. n Arisama, sugata. Form, appearance, man- Clever, quiet. \4 ner, condition. To hurry, narrow-mind- i, To ed. Kurai. hajiru. Dark. Shame, disgrace, to be ashamed. i Tsutomeru, omou. To exert one's self, think. 14 ; Okotaru. - IFI To be idle, To be distressed, Nengoro, awaremu. polite, to pity. y Kindly, Akitarazu, kokoroyoi. remiss. Dissatisfieo), comfortable. Ononoku. Nayamu. ed. nageku. be angry, grieve. afflict- To fear. fear, tremble with 57 Tsutsushimu, ma- sunao, Omompakaru. To koto. To show consider. reverence, sin- cere, true. Nagusameru. To amuse, divert, con- Yasui, tanoshimu. sole. Easy, to be happy. m Yorokobu, iwau, saiwai. rejoice, congratulate, happiness. To Tsutsushimu, yoi, sunao. To show reverence, good, sincere. f Susumeru. To advise. To grieve over public affairs. Anadoru, utagau, kakusu. To despise, doubt, conceal. a Musaboru. * Passion, lust, greed, covet. Hayai, tachimachi. I to Urei, uryoru. v Grief, to sorrow, be anxi- Fast, immediately. ous. Itamu, kanashimu. To ^ Uryoru, itamu. grieve. To * Uttaeru. f To appeal To love, long for. to. * Haji, hajiru. * Shame, to feel ashamed. Equiv. %& h ,-* '* grieve, suffer pain. Itamu, sokonau, mugoi. To feel pain or sorrow, to torture, cruel. 9 K Nageku, itamu. cry, grieve. & Anadoru, ogoru, okotaru. To despise, be proud, Kakusu, warui, yokoshima. To conceal,bad, perverse. To J Monoui. v To be lazy. Nareru, narawashi. v To be accustomed to, familiar with, custom. 9- Tashika ni. -. Hayai, ? Quick, takeshii. fierce. ^ Susumeru. ? Certainly. y To offer, press upon. & Uryoru, itamu. V To grieve, lament. Intelligent. Nageku, kanashimu. To be grieved and indignant. Oshimu. begrudge. To %. * a * Jfc a ^ 58 Yorokobu, shizuka. Osoreru, fusu. To fear, lie To down. To rejoice, quiet. Uramu. Awaremu. To pity. Habakaru. fear, be shy To resent, regret. Nengoro, makoto. Courteous, true. of. Kotaeru, atehameru, ataru. To correspond to, consent, apply, accordingly. .? Ikidoru. * To be angry, indignant, zealous. Nayamu, kurushimu. >r Ikou, * To To yasumu. be in distress. rest. Okotaru. To * Nori. v Law, Omou, To y Nikumu. v To be lazy. constitution. shirusu. think, note down, re- member. hate. Uryoru. To Tsukareru. To tr be weary. To fc Tanomu,yoru. grieve, pity. ? To apply to, feel sorrow Nengoro, komayaka. Kind, intimate. Uryoru, awaremu. * grieve, for. rely Yoi, tsutomeru, sakan. flourish- Good, to labor, on, evidence. ing. Itsuwaru. To Yorokobu. 4. * To ^ * Tashinamu, sukoyaka. be fond of, healthy. Yatsureru, uryoru. To be glad. falsify. be To emaciated, sor- rowful. Wazurau, nwdaeru. T To . To * Namajii ni. Without deliberation, v thoughtlessly. be troubled, in an- guish. grieve. ; Itamu. \ To be in pain. Kurai, midareru, oroka. to be disturbed, Yorokobu, konomu. Dark, To foolish. rejoice, like. 59 ' H^ Yowai, ikujinai. Weak, cowardly. The To fifth calender sign. Masakari. Korasu. > > Tsuchinoe. . /At A broad ax, battle ax. punish, threaten, con- vict. Sen. A Japanese coin, a sen. Idaku, omou, natsuku, futokorc. To embrace, desire, be tamed, the bosom. Kakaru. To hang, concern, cost depend on, be anxious. The dog, the eleventh zodiacal sign, north-west. Mantoru. To guard. Kurai, oroka, midareru. Dark, foolish, to be Tsuwamono, hamono, dis- A Okotaru, monoui. be indolent. barian. To become, a bar- finish, per- form. repent, confess. ~fc uryoru. To rejoice, grieve. Osoreru, ononoku, odosu. To fear, tremble, threat- it 7PC * Imashime, imashimeru. A prohibition, commandment, to punish, warn. I, en. my, we, our. a Aruiwa, aru, kuni, tochi. * Or, if, some, a certain, per- Osoreru. To soldier, arms, To To \m Kuyuru. ebi- su. turbed. fear. haps, doubtful, country. Yoi, uruwashii. Good, beautiful. * Sokonau, 9 Koi, shitau. Love, to love, long for. -fe To korosu, hoko. injure, kill, a spear. Shitashimu, miuchi, uryoru. friendly, intimate with, relatives, to grieve. * To be Oroka. Foolish. * A clicking, v sound. beating 4 Stroke radical. * rt ,m Hoko-zukuri. M f> y I"* * 22 Characters. Hoko, ikusa. I* ff A , A spear, lance, war. ,,5: Hoko. double headed lance, korosu. ^ To conquer, n '. Jh * * ? kill. tt R, 58 -fe Osoreru, fusu. ~y To fear, lie Yorokobu, shizuka. down. Hv To rejoice, quiet. To resent, regret. u Awaremu. v To pity. n Hdbakaru. To fear, be shy >s/ Nengoro, makoto. Courteous, true. of. Kotaeru, atehameru, ataru. To ? Ikidoru. * To be angry, indignant, correspond to, con- sent, apply, accordingly. zealous. Nayamu, kurushimu. 4. < To Ikou, yasumu. To be in distress. rest. Okotaru. * To Nori. v Law, constitution. Omou, To To be lazy. shirusu. think, note down, re- member. hate. Uryoru. To Tsukareru. To t; * fc p be weary. feel sorrow Nengoro, komayaka. Kind, intimate. Uryoru, awaremu. To grieve, for. grieve, pity. Yoi, tsutomeru, sakan. flourish- To Tanomu, yoru. apply to, rely on, Good, to labor, evidence. ing. Itsuwaru. To Yorokobu. 4. -> To be glad. falsify. ^. Yatsureru, uryoru. * To be Tashinamu, sukoyaka. be fond of, healthy. To emaciated, sor- rowful. Wazurau, modaeru. be troubled, in an- To * To * Namajii ni. Without deliberation, 5 ' \ guish. grieve. '* To be in pain. thoughtlessly. Kurai, midareru, oroka. to be disturbed, Yorokobu, konomu. Dark, To foolish. rejoice, like. 59 Yowai, ikujinai. Tsuchinoe. Weak, cowardly. The J Korasu.^ v To fifth calender sign. * Masakari. * broad ax, battle ax. A punish, threaten, con- vict. g Idaku, omou, natsuku, futokorc, 4 To embrace, desire, be tamed, the bosom. ,4- Kakaru. I" To y , The dog, the eleventh zodiacal sign, north-west. hang, concern, cost Mamoru. depend on, be anxious. To a; Kurai, oroka, midareru. '* Dark, foolish, to be disturbed. A 5 Okotaru, monoui. indolent. ^ ,v To To bar- become, finish, per- Imashime, imashimeru. Yorokobu, uryoru. rejoice, grieve. A prohibition, commandment, to punish, warn. Osoreru, ononoku, odosu. To fear, tremble, threaten. 1, my, we, our. a Aruiwa, aru, kuni, tochi. 9 Or, if, some, a certain, per- t Osoreru. To soldier, arms, a form. repent, confess. ' "* ebi- barian. Kuyuru. To guard. Tsuwamono, hamono, * To be * A Japanese coin, a sen. fear. haps, doubtful, country. Y0/, uruivashii. beautiful. Good, ^ & LX Sokonau, korosu, hoko. To injure, kill, a spear. X<?z, shitau. y Love, to love, long for. * Oroka. * Foolish. -fe * Shitashimu, miuchi, uryoru. To be friendly, intimate with, relatives, to grieve. # A clicking, y sound. beating 4 Stroke radical. , . Hoko-zukuri. Mr* 22 Characters. A spear, lance, war. Hoko. double headed lance, A u Katsu, korosu. v To conquer, kill. X a B 60 t g Osameru atsumeru. To ^ Kiru, tatsu. To cut, cut i* i Shitagau. To follow. , i? ij 9 [ store up, collect. Tobira. leaf of a door, title The off. page of a book. Korosu, sarasu. To kill, expose (a corpse). 4 Stroke radical. i -fe \* Tatakau, soyogu. To fight, war, to tremble with fear, flutter in the wind. Tawamureru, asobu. To i r play, sport. Itadaku, noseru. reTo ceive respectfully, sustain. put on the head, 24/ Characters ^ The hand, arm, a handle. Hataraki, wazuka. #1 Ability, scarcely. only, talent, Utsu. E^- -Ju rt /h* rtU Hi"* 4 Stroke radical. To ~sasllira 10 Characters. To beat, strike. To strike, beat. -fc 1 i, 1 tataku. Osu, hiraku. push, grasp, entrust to. r To A door, house, family. Tataku, hikaeru. knock, to ! V Semai, nayamu, wazawai. * Narrow, to suffer, mis- , To ' open, refrain, withdraw, put down. fortune. Motoru, modoru, tomaru. oppose, return, stop. To * ' v le, heya,fusa, manaita. A house, room, To TT tassel, a assist, protect, help. su, place, cause, now. Tasukeru, mamoru. To chopping board. A pierce, well, Fusegu, mamoru. To defend, protect. -fcr that To which. shimesu. strike, push, show, criticize. Tozasu, kwannoki. Ukeru, uketamawaru, tsugu. 1 To To receive, acknowledge, ^ Hiratai, oi, hikui. Flat, many, low. ^ v shut, a gate bar. A folding fan, to fan. : succeed to. Oru, kujiku, To wakajini break, bend, fold, die young. 61 4/L h Nageru, tomdru. IX * To throw, send (as a let- 62 4CI ij 77J * Tabiirakasu, kadowakasu. deceive, abduct. To " Hiraku. To open. Hitieru, To * Hiku, v To pull, a draw, dis- v Naderu, kesu, nuru. To v To I/ seize, lead make. Semeru. To urge, press upon. s/ Hirou, to. 7 To pick up, ten. away. To Saku, hiraku, utsu. To tear, open, strike. P To ? 9- erase, hiku, toraeru. Tsukamu, -H rub, stroke, anoint. tsumamu. pinch, pick up. y Koshiraeru. charge. ,s Oyayubi. The thumb. have, hold, keep. A finger, to point out. * To jt Hasamu, pull, draw, extract. ^ Nuguu,fuku. * To fit tstigtwni. into, mouth), be close (the silent. # Kukuru, musubu. y To bind, r Nejiru, oru. * To twist, break. 4^ * In y ' >N v Nageutsu. To throw or fling away. beat, strike, beat time, pulsation. * Sam, 3 To sasageru, motsu. leave, offer up, hold. naderu. 7 Utsu, tatdku, To strike, beat, stroke. To labor, toil. To save * Komanuku. tr To 4- Kobushi. ^ Idomu. * To challenge, defy, en- divide. it koto, fist. tice. * To throw away, ^ Te wo utsu fold the arms. * The Suieru, -wakatsu. " To Honeoru, hataraku. tatdku, hyoshi. /, To unite. ^ Sukuu, tasukeru. 5 9 tie, mau. clap the hands, dance. Utsu, tadasu. beat, investigate, torture. v To 63 it 4 To 4- -r *" aux. num. for guns, etc. Kangaeru, hikaeru, tnomu. To ^ Hakadoru. massage. < To progress favorably. * to Utsu, iatdkau. * To y To consider, restrain, pull, lead. strike, fight. Kumu, yuzuru, 4 To ? To draw, pull. 4 To s/ Furuu. push, draw dip up, shirizoku. relinquish, retire. >r Osu, chikazuku. : protect. off, Nuku, nukinderu. 4 To pull out, supersede =? Hissageru. -* To carry in the hand. 1 Fusegu, mamoru. v To ward hang. t. ; v To shake, quake, Suteru. * To throw away, near. stir up. * Hasamu, sashihasamu, * To hold between two give up. Sasageru. To present to a superior. To throw away. objects, cherish. ^v Maku, kakageru. To Toraeru. ' To seize, roll up, lift up. arrest. Sabaku, wakatsu. v To unravel, divide, Harau, haku. To sweep, clear away. >x sell. Sazukeru* To 9 Hirou, toru. v To pick up, take. bestow, give, impart. >v Tanagokoro, tsukasadoru. jr The palm of the hand, to control. a Hitoskii, tataku. ^ Equal, to hammer. Hiraku, 9* * Osu, toraeru, itsuivaru. push, seize, falsify. shirizolzeru, To open, cause to retire, to be in a row. Toraeru, karameru. To arrest, seize na- rabu. To Horu. To dig out and bind. Kakaru. To hang, concern. Kujiku, oru. To sprain, break, destroy. Jh : s 64 >> i tt v Kasumeru. Torn, tsumu. take, choose, pick. To To To for, investigate, * To search t- To ^ ^ To f. press, infer, a: Ou, OSOU. '* To 4 Hiku, todomaru. To pull back, to .stop. twist, twirl, touch. y To Katsu, hayai. To un- attack ^ Sukuu. 9 To scoop up. Hineru, sawaru. ? cover, awares. rule. *z -t ivaki. the side. Nejiru, motoru. To twist, wrench, oppose. To Wakibasamu, * To hold under the arm, Okite. 1 crowd confer, withdraw, advance, guess. Law, aloft. upon. restrain, push, tower hodokosu, semaru. put, ff down, 'appeal. # To (9&M, * To * Osu, susumeru. ix raise, join, associate with, Hikacru. jot Ageru, sobieru. v To continue, touch. = beat, whip. examine. t Tsugu, majlwaru. y take, rob. muchi-utsu. Saguru, sagasu. equalize, match, com- plete, furnish. conquer, quick. ^ Momu, tawamcru. v ^ Sueru, yoru. a To place, rely on. To rub, crumple, bend. ? Hissageru, tazusaeru. To 4 To f- Sasu, sashihasamu. press, print. ^ Hineru, tsumamu. ? To twist, take a pinch, ~ J To carry in the hand. clasp, insert. Com. pick up. . & Nusumu. v To T, Sumu. * To fj 5=- ^ To raise, hoist, praise. steal. , * -y ' }. Ageru, homeru. , f Kaeru, aratameru. v To change, exchange, dwell. Furiiu. To tail). flap or shake (as a Kdkageru. To lish. raise up, hoist, pub- 65 Furuu. * To shake, wield, 3- To strike, seize, arrest. To scratch. Tasukeru. * To * * help. Hdkaru. oi To * plan, plot. Ugoku, yureru. To move, and ^ Egaku, To * Tazusaeru, hissageru. 4 To carry in the hand, Cor. j^ carry. Koneru. knead, mix, falsify. Equiv. J 4 3 ///&, tr Komanuku. yuzuru. To To To ^t/ra/. pull, dark, ignorant. Sto&m*. fold the hands, yield. To T Nigiru. ? be shaken to fro. utsusu. draw, describe, copy To ? toraeru. t, scatter. squeeze, milk. ^ Tsuku, utsu. ? To pound, strike. grasp. * Hdkaru. * To plan, conjecture. Hakobu, utsusu. * To Karakau. 9. To mock, v banter, tease. transport, move. Sagasu. To search, investigate, enquire after. a: Tasukeru, hiku. assist, rescue, draw. * To *, y Noseru, utsu. ^ To load, strike. Erdbu, wakatsu. y To choose, \& Kakageru, nukitoru. To lift up, pluck out. ^ distinguish. v To cover. i f Karameru. To bind, arrest. ]& ^ /#&/. To draw, full. To copy, print. To strike, take, cover. Hakaru, nori. To measure, law. , t. 10 y Sokonau, ushinau, herasu. * Harm, to damage, lose, diminish. Jr H toru, ou. y Sashibasamu, furuu. * To hold between, wave. Jh 66 * To a? * Maku, tataku. , strike, beat. Hirou, tsumu. To pick up, pick To -t: shiku. sow, spread, publish. Erabu. v To choose, off. select. Utsu. strike. Kosuru, migdku, kesu. To rub, polish, sharpen, To erase. , Utsusu, nottoru, saguru. mould, model, to copy, 4- C/tew, V To A search for. =) 9 nageru, kakageru. throw, lift up. strike, Torn, kakimazeru. take, mix. To ^ Suru, yaburu. ? To rub, stroy. print, file, de- ^ * Utsu, marumeru. strike, roll into a ball. To away. ft *> Narau, \T * To utsusu. a pole. t Hissageru, 4 break, crush. U# To -t: * strike, Kakageru, a* To lift Sashi-maneku, saku. To beckon, tear. pound. utsu. up, strike. '-y [*. Motsu, utsu. To hold, strike. Naburu, idomu, kasumeru. Hiroi-toru. To To pick up. * Tsukamu. To saku. take up, tear. >v &* To take. p To * Tsukaneru. To bind in a bundle. Toru. jft. Sasacru, sao-sasu. To support, to push with imitate, copy. Kudaku. To Utsu, kakageru, harau. strike, lift up, clear To tease, entice, seize. nozoku, hagu. take away, to strip i, To grasp. off, reject. ^a Sasaeru, " To prop noberu. up, stretch. Hineru, yoru. To ' ; twist. Naderu, itawaru. To stroke, comfort, pity. tranquilize, Tsuku, tataku. To pound, strike. 67 Tsunmmu, toru. To take a pinch (a photograph). :>-, !* Of-^rt/&5M. To take of, Harau, hanatsu, bacht. To clear away, shoot, a plectrum. Sasageru, ukeru. To offer, receive. y Osameru. '^ To restrain. ^ Chirasu, maku. To scatter, sprinkle. t*- Tomeru, ..9. i* conceal. Imashimeru. To warn, reprove. tau'ainu, Tsuranuku, kiru. pierce through, wear. To Kezuru, oru, muchiutsu. scrape, break, whip. To mida- reru. Ugokasu. To bend, relax, be disordered. To move. Tsukaneru, todomeru, kangaeru. To bind, check, inspect, consider. To Utsu. r^- v [ : To & Erabu. * To choose. ; tect. Saku, oyayubi. To tear apart, the thumb. Utsu. To Toriko, toraeru. beat, strike A captive, to * Yoru. a To rely on, on account Utsu, To Ninau. carry on the should- To mukau. ers, strike, confront. To To pulverize, roll. To To Muchi-utsu. v To imitate, model compare, estimate. t Kazoeru. h up, bear, count, enumerate. Toru, wakatsu. seize, divide. To whip. # ^ I* all, Nazoraeru, hakaru. strike. *? raise promote. a Utsu. T To be responsible. Ageru, kaku, kozoru, mina. >5 Suru, korogasu. 4 take seize, prisoner. of. ^* mamoru. embrace, hold, pro, Misao, toru, ayatsuru. v Chastity, to take, work puppets. * ni suru. act arbitrarily. To -9- V '* strike. Hoshiimama ff a J! JK Jh ft after, 68 Tsumani-motsu, tsumamu. pick up with the *> fingers. \s lift overthrow, push pound, * To pull out, select, excel. reject, ^ f To hold down, V to. 19 scatter. u Tsuru. * To cramp, be drawn up by cause to retire. disease. 9 Tsukamu, torn. ? To grasp, seize. Sasuru, kosuru. To rub, stroke. * ni. , tasukeru,kari take, help, act for To Osaeru, chirasu. Shirizokeru. ' expel, temporarily, pay heed strike. Hikidasu, nukinderu. To UtSU. strike. ;J in. Tsuku, tataku. To 16 up. harau. ^ Shirizokeru, brush off. To up. Oshiotosu, oshi-ireru. To lift * To Motageru. To Kdkageru. * To To Kaki-midasu. To Midareru, wazurawashii. To be confused, disturbed, vexatious. stir into confusion. 21 Nigiru, tsuka. To grasp, a hilt. * | 5 J0rw, tsumamu, moisu. To take up in the fingers, * '? >* hold. Nageutsu. To throw, throw away. 4 Stroke radical. &**' nyu- Hirogeru. To spread out, widen, extend, 2 Characters. fill. ^/<3, A Yojiru. To climb. Katamuku, mochi-sam, ; so- badatsu. To lean, carry away, tower up. Tsumamu. pick sasaeru, moisu. to support, branch, hold. Hiraku, nozoku, ugokatu. To open, eradicate, move. To * up with the Stroke radical. fingers. Boku-zukuri. 31 Charac!ers. \r Minagorosu, shibaru. \y To massacre, bind. Ageru, yosutebito. To raise, a hermit, monk. *. fftai. To strike. * #c 69 y Toraeru, osameru, toru. * To seize, take, collect, reap, pay in (as taxes). % Aratameru. 4 a v To reform, improve, re- vise, inspect. Utsu, semeru, V A place, positively, to be bold, adventurous. y. Chiru, chirasu, kogusuri. ^ To medicinal scatter, powder. h Atsui, nengoro. far. Hanatsu, oiyaru, hoshii- mama. To let go, set free, banish as Aete, isamu. v Daring, v Honest, strike, attack, study. 4 Tokoro,toi. v . osameru, narau. To >jj f one ^ pleases. Matsurigoto, tadasu. 1 Government, kind. ^ Suteru,yabureru,tsukareru. 4 To throw away, to break, to be weary. * Hiraku, arawareru, v aki- rdka. To be open, manifest, clear. political, to govern, correct. Tama no sakazuki. A valuable wine-cup. Moto, yue, furui, kotosara ni. cause, reason, Origin, old, deceased, purposely. narau, jj Kikime, v manabu. [study. Efficacy, merit, to learn, isaoshi, Oshie, michibiku, -seshimeru. ^ Uyamau, 4 t- uyauyashii, tsutsushimu. To honor, respectful, to stand in awe of. Utau, utsu. v To sing, strike. oshieru, Doctrine, to lead, teach cause to do. ti Tataku, utsu. & To strike, knock. Ada, kataki, kobamu. * An enemy, to oppose. 5r t Satoi, toi. v Intelligent, clever, quick. Yaburu, sokonau, kusareru. 4 To break, destroy, defeat, >H * Kazu, kazoeru, shibashiba. to Number, several, count, often. rot. Shiku, tsuranaru. * Sukuu, tasukeru. v j> 3 To To spread, be arranged in a row. save, assist. Tsuizuru, noberu, tsuide. arrange in order, re- To confer rank by the way. late, upon, An ix Imperial decree. Ogoru, tawamureru, kamabisushii. To Totonoeru, hitoshiku sum. put in order, repair, To equalize. * Mikotonori. 5 t 4 [noisy. be proud, to sport, Osameru, y To ^ 4 toru. collect, gather To fall down, die, over. 'X '$. * i* a in. Taoreru, taosu. a & push 70 4 Stroke radical. Owo, j<?^/, /^m/, ta/sw. axe, to cut. An P H 4 Characters. To ? v cut. jFttOTZ, 0;y<2. A composition; letter, ij! Tatsu, kiru. v To cut figures, off, cut. u Sakan. y Kore,kaku. Flourishing. This, thus, so. Uruwashii. y Atarashii, Pretty. Madara, ^ New, buchi. Striped, spotted. ^* v 4 Stroke radical. To-zukuri. Tatsu, taeru, sadameru. cut off, cease, decide, Ab. %ft refuse, decline. To OK I* 6 Characters. Stroke radical. 4 A measure, the a constellation. Hakaru, name alegai. To estimate, fee, price, material, allowance. Naname. Inclined, [que. slanting, obli- A to. Kumu, hakaru. [select. dip out, 1 3 Character ;. v Side, region, direction, person, square, way. a, Yori, ni, oite. * In, on, as to, in estimate, beside, 1J 3 ^^ 5/1 * A journey, traveling, a brigade, many. ^ Sashizubata, \ r^. /P A [axe. Ibs. while, everywhere. Ono-zukuri. 8 Characters. ) bestow, ^Soba, katawara, katagata, v amaneku. Side, 4 Stroke radical. Hakari, ono. catty, i| to. practice. Tsukasadoru. To rule, administer. r*L regard Hodokosu. To give alms, /Ho wo jubai. measure of ten To Kata-hen. RH of nii-. recent, fresh. ^A usJii signal flag, no isshu. of kind cattle. Eng., an M no hata, kore. Shtrizokeru, Wzokeru, hakaru. ^ v To Yakara, tomogara, iagiii. * Family, relatives, per- drive away, expel, keep at a distance, mate. esti- A silken flag, this. My* sons, sort, kind. 71 Meguru, kaeru. To -hH J /Ui^^ The revolve, return. Hata, arawasu. flag, to point out. A Hata no The rising sun. * Hideri. ' ashi. A drought. y * Higure, sakan. v Evening, vigorous. folds of a flag. Hata. A flag. same, afterwards, an elder brother. A Mrugaeru. flag, to wave. z, Noboru, agaru. To rise, ascend. 4 Stroke radical. Sakan, akiraka. Prosperous, bright, clear. 2 Characters. Nashi. Not, without. ; Mukashi, inishie. Ancient times, the past, yesterday. ! Sude ni, tsukusu. [haust. Already, to finish, ex- . Yasui, kaeru. Easy, to exchange, trade, divination. 4 Stroke radical. Nichi-hen. 98 Characters. ' Higure, kurai. Evening, dark. i, * Clear, bright, y The sun day. r~l & Tsuta, v Early, .F~*~ dkeru. obvious, to open, dawn. ashita, dkirdka. morning, 9 Hikari, sakan, higasa. light, v Light, vigorous, a clear. halo. Furui, moto. m** Formerly, t: old, ancient, the olden times, origin. \f -h Okii, hiroi, natsu no sora. ,v Large, wide, the summer sky. early, quick, fast. y Katamuku. Toka. A period of ten days, ten. n ? # 5r To decline. JOSL * * y tt ^ XU< awaremu. sky, to pity. k Ashita, tsuto, sumiyaka. Early in the morning, * sora, An autumn % Agaru, takai. v To rise, lofty. Umai, mune. Sweet, pleasant to the taste, meaning, object. jf Aki no "t_i R 72 r Hareru, A star, dot. late, to The osoi, v To become spring. >r yawaragu. fair (clear), soften Shiroi. White. Yami, kurai, kuramasu. Darkness, dark, obscure, # Akiraka, hikaru. to deceive. v Clear, bright, to Kore, koko ni, tadashii. This, here, right, cor- shine. ? Sarasu. 4 rect. To expose to the sun, bleach. Akiraka, hikari. 5/ Clear, light, manifest. B^ *** Yesterday, s/ last. Susumu. * To advance, Hiraku, tobi-agaru, hikaru. To open, leap up, shine. Hi no Mahiru. v Mid-day, noon, * hikari. *. Sunshine. increase. Evening, night, late. Him. v Noon, day-time. Atatameru. To warm. Evening. Akiraka, hikari. v Clear, light. 4 i/ hikari. White * Subaruboshi. P v The Pleiades. Akeru, kawaku. To dawn, to dry. 4 Utsuru, akiraka. reflect (as in a mirror), shine on, clear. f Chikazuku, *. "> To Akiraka, hoshi no hikari. Clear, starlight. mutsumajii, shitashimu. To come near, friendly, to be intimate. :? A long day, clear. Kurai, tsugomori, misoka* Dark, the last day of the month. v Ashita, * Hinaga, akiraka. ? light. ', tsuto ni. v Morning, early. Antaneku. Time, hour, season. All, everywhere. 73 * Keshiki, kage* 1 Appearance, scenery, Hikari, kagayaku. Light, to shine. - shade, sunshine, light. ] Kashikoi, satoi. Intelligent, wise. v Kasuka, kurai, yoru. Faint, dark, night. Akiraka, hikaru. Bright, clear, light, crystal. y ^ ^ Hareru. 4 To be Noberu, nagai. stretch, long. To Shibaraku. short time, A some time. clear. Kure, kureru. Hikage, hakaru. Shade, to calculate time, Evening, sunset, to ' grow dark. t Hi-kure. 7 Dusk, evening. & set, Sarasu, kawakasu. To expose to the sun, to dry. 7 c -fc> Kurai, sasaeru. ^ Dark, to support. t Akiraka, shiroi. * Clear, white, complexion. Equiv. "U jj Kiyoi, akiraka. clear. V Pure, Kurai. * Dark. >; . * jj| = , Leisure. Hot, hot weather. atatameru. Ng-jr Atatakai, \0.v Warm, if Atatameru. v To warm. >v Kurai. * Dark. to heat. j* Knir Kurai, yami. 10 v Dark, darkness. 'H,v Atataka, nodoka. Warm, mild. Hp> Tsuki-hi no kasa, ir!>.y The halo to of become moon To approach, be intimate. g /Ira/, flra^w, ^ niwaka, sara- .sw. ^ Violent, to devastate,sudden, to expose to the sun. memai suru. fft. Chikazuku, shitashimu. * or sun, * n Kumoru. To be cloudy. y Akatsuki, satoru. dizzy. v The dawn, to perceive, know. Hinode, akiraka. 9 Sunrise, clear. jit Ji R 74 12 ip. '* O Koyomi. A calendar. Kumoru, Ancient kazasu, kurai. from the 4 Stroke radical. sun, Hirabi. 12 Characters. Oyobu, tsuyoi, tonio ni. To reach, strong, along with. lu, To Kagayaku, sakan. notamau. speak, say, call. tsubu- Magaru, yugamu, shine, flourishing. sa To ni. be Hinode, akiraka. Sunrise, clear. in detail, a tune. Asahi. Hiku. The bend, crooked, To pull, drag. Kaeru, fukeru, sara ni. To change, reform, grow rising sun. Kurai, kazasu, ou. Dark, to hold as a screen from the sun, cover. 13 previ- cloud over, to hold y as a screen 4 dark. To times, I* Sarasu. .* To expose to sunlight. Clear. ^ To Mukashi, saki. : ously. u Akiraka. > ; late, again. Izukunzo, todomeru. * Why, to stop. jj 14 I *. Hikari, kagayaku. P Light, to O shine, termina- tion for days of the week. |s, i s/ 3 Akebono. a The dawn, morning, $ ^ twilight. letter, Tomogara, nioronwro. A plural particle, per- sons, companions. L^ Kurai, bony art. > Kdku, fumi. write, a book, document, To Dark, dim. -v v Higure. Hit'Oj, Wide, Dusk, twilight. nagai, nobiru, utsu- kushii. long, to [fair. extend, y Katsute, kasanaru. ^ Previously, ever, never. ? Kawaru, sutaru, yatnu. [^ Sarasu. f-* To expose to the sun. l. Akiraka, hisashii, [ $ sMku \ ?j To change, substitute, be discarded, out of use. i- Mottomo. suru. Clear, a long time, make useless. Hi iro, no muna- Sunlight, sun. to .4 asahi. the morning ^ >f Very, best, right. atsumaru, satoru. meet, assemble, company, to perceive. .4M, To a 75 t~E -**r 4 Stroke radical. H Imada, yet, not, the sheep, the eighth zodiacal sign. ^ The end, top branch, a The moon, a month. * To hitsuji. Not Tsuki-hen. / 4 ^*K HI* 12 Characters. descendant, future. be, have, keep, pos- -1 >TL v sess. A ticket, note, card, paper-money. * Tomo. 9 A friend, companion. Kimono, shitagau. * Clothing, to obey, auxiliary numeral. v The an kita. ffcfjf- Tsuitachi, hajime, first of the month, 77J * The beginning, north. principal, be based upon, a * ink. Kinokawa, oinaru. of a tree, great, $ ~*2jfx Nozomu, mochizuki. The bark original, plain, simple. Tsukue. ^35^ To a^ A desire, hope, expect, the full moon. din 5 Hogardka. ^5/J * Bright, clear, spacious. table, desk. J-Tt* Kuchiru. To decay. T7^ ashita, tsuto. The morning, origin, ^ Aka, akai. Red, vermillion, red * Ware. jfrtt^ ^sa, motozuku. book. * The Imperial "We." -T7J * ', real, to -y A thorn. early, the Court. A A branch, cluster. period of time, fixed time, to fix, expect. v The cedar, cryptomeria. Oboro. Dim, cloudy, obscure. iggti Sumorno. A plum. 0&0r0. Dim, cloudy, obscure. 4 Stroke radical. Maruta, hataraki. 'M? Material, stuff, timber, qualities, sagacity, ability OH 282 Characters. Mura. A tree, wood. A A village. cane, stick, to lean on. H Jh 3? 1 * Jr 76 n f- TQ The Duke of v Argyll's Makura. A pillow. tea-tree. y v ^ Tsukaneru, To y tie, tdba. Hay ash bind, a bundle, sheaf. i. A forest. A iki, kazu. stem, an auxiliary numeral, to number. A lever. A branch, Konomi, hatasu, Fruit, to end, accomplish as expected. forking bran- ches. " r Hishaku, A branch, limb. e. A dipper, handle. Biiva. The / An LJ >T V* apricot. A^take, loquat. Kui. A stake, pile. Magaru, mageru. pile. To no ne,fusagu. Grass roots, to shut off. W> bend, condescend. Kine. IT A mallet, pestle. Soma. A mountain planted with hashi, komakai. tip of a tree, end, ^ Kozue, v timber, timber. The small. A persimmon. * Hi, donguri. a A wine-cup, glass. Com.^ east. & Yuka, toko. v The floor, a bed. # The pine. 4;| ^ A board, printing-block. A branch, line. kind of i Kurai, haruka. 9 Dim, dark, far. Higashi, azuma. The A shuttle, acorn, chestnut Sakazuki. 4/1 , To A Com.f. f^ ivakatsu. tear, divide, analyze. wooden box for measuring, a theatre box. 77 -frnf ^ h, umaguwa. " A handle, horse-rake. % . s/ Tekase. * * Manacles. v 4.4-. Kareru. aP To A 1 withered, * tsuka, gara. handle, Hiiragi. An & Soregashi, sore. certain person, erect. A I, A rudder. that. 401. Someru, shimiru. To hang up, Karasao, kubigase. flail, cangue. oak. A v to Clappers. Kashiwa. * Karatachi. A hedge tree. Tana, kakeru. 9 The holly. , of mulberry (zakurj ^5^?, the pomegran- A shelf, appearance, pattern, kind, sort. s, Yamagnwa. A kind ate). be dried, dead. ^ E, Ono-no-e, eda. TMJ * An ax-handle, branch. r\\\ dye, penetrate, infect. fr M^flM. v The citrus family, an orange. >& Yawarakai. :* Soft, gentle, tender. Hitsugi. A coffin. Shiraberu, kangaeru. Karanashi, nanzo. of apple, why. A kind To enquire into, examine, investigate. A kind of horse-chestnut. Hashira. ' A post, pillar. Ytisu, hahaso, kiru. A Yanagi. The willow. banyan tree, an oak, to cut. Yuzu. 1 The Brush wood. Shigarami. 9 Hurdles, piles, a palisade. -9- * citron, lemon. 4-rTT Masame. TiL The straight wood. Toga, tsuga. A rudder, an oar. A kind of SL ^ fir. JKL Jh ft ft grain of 73 -fe v Kikugi. , A stopper, cork, wooden kase. Cross-beams, fetters. peg. >j * jj Kurt. chestnut. xhe Japanese A Kangaeru, shiraberu. * To consider, To compare, ash. plant. revise, a school. vbfc+Rab*. a V> The stump of a Warui, sugureru. Bad, superior. tree, shares, stock. a Afe, ;;;0to. ^ The * A kind of blue-bell. $, Ashigase. root, origin. it Itaru, nori, tadashii. y To reach, rank, station, pattern, rule, right. * Shackles, hoko. J Hobashira, 4. Katsura. 1 The cinnamon, or cassia, tree. ^ A mast, spear. * Tcgase, tadashii. Manacles, straight. Momo. * A peach. 7 Tsukue, y , ^j- :* dai, kangaeru. desk, resolution, proposal, thought, idea. * Kamachi. ^ A window, A frame. Kuwa. A plum. The mulberry. The fetters. paulownia or door, A branch, line, item, law. imper- ialis. Nashi. A pear. A book-mark, clue, trailmarker. 5? i fc Isamashii. - .B y A ladder, stairway. Brave. i Fetters, ^ Sumu,yasumu, ^ Hashigo. To dwell, The seeds 4 gland. of instrument, ma- chine, contrivance. rest. fruit, a ^ Shigcru, hi. v To be luxuriant, a * tie. shut- 79 ' p Hart, utsubari, yana. bridge, rafters, weir. h Oke. v Moto, go. The base, checkers. A A pail, bucket. Japanese tateru. , To plant, set colonize. A cane, stick, an auxiliary numeril. A pole, Kushikezuru, kushi* a comb. To comb, up (type), bar. Tana. A shelf. Kozue. twig, tip of a tree. A The Taruki. ridge of a roof. A rafter. Mori, sakan, shigeru. A forest, flourishing. Azusa. The catalpa. Hitsugi. A coffin. Hobo, aramashi, tadashii. For the most part, just. Natsume. Fuknro,gokumon nikakeru. An owl, to and expose. The jujube. To practise, decapitate a kind of cherry. KajL A rudder, helm. f3^ Nejiru, motoru. ^ To twist, to be ' rf stogiri. A kind of paulownia. y Yamanashi. v A kind of pear tangled. tree. Brahmanism, India, Sanscrit, sacred. v Uwahitsugi, hakaru. outer coffin, to cal- An culate. Kuchinashi. Cape jasmine. 9 Hachi. ; : v Suteru, sutaru. To throw away, Kiwata. Cotton. abandon, obsolete. ^ - Awns, gO* The base, checkers. A bowl (wooden). reject, Wdkareta Japanese eda. r Forked branches. SL C !* ah ft ft A JBL 80 =, * 9- y Bo. Kaede. A club. The maple. Kakehashi, tana. suspension bridge, jet- Ibara, azayaka, kurushimu. thorn, clear, to suffer. A A ty, shelf, gallery. Kusunoki. The camphor Tsue, utsu. stick, to beat. A * Ibara, ? bushes. '# Thorny .^ Sumu, sumika. '< To reside, J Kiwameru. roost, a dwell- ^ determine, exhaust, extreme, investigate, very. a oak, mallet, to A model, correct, square character. strike. ^ Tsugu, To A kusabi. graft, A species of palm. wo ki. kind of tree. E ' -fe Itadaki, sansho. The summit, the Eaves, a beam. | A species of palm. Shigeru, boke. To be luxuriant, Japanese pear. Noki, hari. I fr the Shuro. a wedge. The cryptomeria. v To Shii, saizuchi, utsu. # An ? nanwai. Calling, occupation, business. ing, perch. -9 , tree. 7 Kai, y the Japan- An kaji. oar, rudder. Tawameru, mageru. ese pepper. To bend. Koshikake. ft * ? v A chair. * The cocoanut. Kai, sao. * An oar, pole. Tsubaki. camellia. A v Kawayanagi. v A willow. Nire. The A elm. species of oak. Hosonagai. Elongated, ellipse. oval, an -* 81 ?. 3 Kozu. The paper mulbery. Kakefuda, kogu. A placard, to row. v Taruki. * * Kareki. v dead A rafter. A v >r v Kusabi. A wedge. '^ Tarai. A pillar. l fc* A plum tree. n. /fa/, &o/Y. j/ v An oar, A \ ^ Hashira. 4 y . ' ? Tsuchi, utsu. I* mallet, to strike. A Sakaki. rudder. The Cleyera Japonica (used in religious ceremonies). Enoki. i An evergreen tree, the Chinese tree-lotus. Sakaeru. Splendor, ^ Enju. H The Japanese pagoda- tree. Zakuro. .to be luxur- The pomegranate. iant, excellent. ; A basin. \ A shield. , tree. Yari. lance. n Kamae, kamaeru. The external appearance, an enclosure, to con- 'v struct. * A kind of palm. * * Taruki. The pistachio. A house. A rafter. Shiboru. To ? Sugi, shigeru. * The cryptomeria, to be squeeze out. A faggot, fire-wood. luxuriant. V Kiru, ikada. To cut, a raft. * Hdko. y Hashibami. * The hazel. ^ A spear. tt Koshikake. ? Jh a R A lounge. 10 Ako. * A banyan-tree. A I Omune. = \ * Generally, for the most trowel. ^ Shikimi, nioigi. * The Chinese anise. part. 9- J TanoshimL v Happiness, pleasure,com* fort, music. Yagura, sukui-ami. A tower, a scoop-net. ! *jf- Afuchi. ^^Thhe v A water of pride ? Yuzu, Takadono, yagura. v large house of several stories, a tower. ;* koeda. A lemon, twig. A v taira ni ;>f Omune, ;^ For the most Shirushi, arawasu. mark, sign, to display. sum. part, to level. A Kusunoki. v a spout, gutter. ~. India, tree. pipe, The camphor tree, cam- ^ Kaiba-oke, v A feeding oke. tub, watering trough. phor. v Santa. An v Manner, form, appearance, Mr. . : 2, Momi. The white nori, katadoru. To model after, copy, pattern, form, scale. 3 Kashi no oar. fir. a 4 Tsuki, keyaki. A kind of tree. kt. P* An oak tree. ^ Mukuge. ^ The rose of Sharon. Toboso, kaname. hinge, pivot, important, essential. A Kiji, kazari no nai. ^ Fuda, yomu, kaku. * writing board, to read, " A Plain, simple, honest, unaffected. to write. Iiakaru. g * Uwahitsugi, An outer coffin, to Ki, tateru, ueru. tree, to stand, erect, plant. A cal- culate. Hashi. Montijt. The maple. * Hanetsurube. v well-sweep. A A bridge. Hata, hazumi, takumi. loom, rebound, chance, machinery, important. A 83 hoshiimama, Kikori, takigi. yoko- A wood-cutter, fire -wood. taeru. Across, self-willed, place across. i, v (Kanran A $fcffi, to * The brown birch, a color. the olive) .* Sto-i. kind of tree. i & Fukuro. * small bag. A i A sledge. ^ Toehi. -v The horse-chestnut. Hosonagai. Slender. A ki, tawameru. v Crooked wood, to bend. # Magaritaru ij '* Zdkuro. v The pomegranate. v A cask, barrel. \ r * y z, ^ Hitsugi-oi, kareru. coffin cover, to wilt. die. A * Sasaeru, tsukae-bashira. To support, a prop. > * Kui, kiri-kabu. stake, stump. A y Fubako, shiraberu, kangaeru. v essen- An envelope case, to ex- amine, consider. strike against, ring (a 5 bell). j[ Daidai. A whip. Tomoshibi. < light, torch. >r Tsuku. v To of oak whose inner bark yields a dye, a tub. To organs (of a flower). tial farar. A species Muchi-utsu. A ^ Tareru, shibe. * To hang down, the *; Kaski-no-ki, tsuyoi. oak, strong. The A kind of tree. e* \ rudder. Hinoki. A species of evergreen. Kaorigi. The sandal- wood kind of bitter citrus tree, a Buddhist temple. fuxt. y Meshibumi. * A summons, Tachibana. Trees of the citrus va- nouncement. riety. Kashi. The oak. ? Kawayanagi. 4 The willow. Jh tt 5 an an- 12 84 :: '* Sakura. Noki. eaves. The 17 The cherry * HobasMra. mast. v A A kind tree o hard-wood of tree. Tesuri. A The hemp palm. mt A *" A cage, prison. ^ 5 Kttshif kushikezuru. A comb, to comb. Yumibukuro, (Kanran v A " A hilt, circular form. ffifl, kind of tree. A bow-bag, armor-case. the olive 21 [tree) handle. Fusagii, kurai, shigeru. y Gloomy, dull, melancholy dense. kai. 24 A watch-tower, an oar. Lattice. A kind of oak. Mr 4 Stroke radical Fuku-zukuri. 21 Characters. candle tree. Akubi, kakeru. A yawn, to Kttnugi, donguri-no-ki. A kind of \v I ; a Kiri-kui, hiko-bae. stump, an off-shoot. A Kusunoki. The camphor tree. be deficient, absent. oak, oaks. /, iff 19 yoroi-zutsuY/ The Maruku sum. v To take a J-iC*A,l/ A box. Yagura, power, autho- influence, to plan, weigh. 5 - A weight, rity, An oar. . (of Lattice, a hand-rail, balustrade. Kai. b column Renji, tesuri, koshi. (Binro kind of palm. tgt* On. 'Dm.*' hand-rail, a newspaper). tsugu. Next, assistant, viee-, to succeed. I/U* Yorokobu. V To rejoice. /IA.^ v 4 Seki. A cough. Equiv. fc X 85 Ka. To Hossuru, musaboru. wish, desire, covet, An lust. ticle. Kotaerukoe, "hai." affirmative response. To rejoice. IA r&Tf To Ill Azamuku. To par- Yorokobu, tanoshimu. An Naku, musebu. weep, sob. interrogative 4 Stroke radical. pj p|j 9 Characters. deceive, cheat. Todomeru, yamu. r Tsutsushimu. To En. 5' an Yamu, To just, proper, legal. article, Equiv. Musaboru, ana. To covet, a hole, cease, re- ^ Tadashii, masa ni. 4 Correct, straight, Yorokobu, makoto, tataku, komayaka. knock, minute. halt, stop, main. reveren:e, Imperial To To & This, here. ' ' >jfc pit. Ayumu. To walk, a step, interest, 36 sq. ft. tsukiru. stop, rest, be Takeshii, tsuyoi. ex- Fierce, strong, military. hausted. \y Yugamu. To \* Bent, crooked. Uta, utau. :-k Ukeru, urayamu. receive, envy. A song, poem, to sing. (4 ' ir Akitarazu, uramu, musa- ** boru. Unsatisfied, to be pleased with, covet. Toshi. A year. Com. $$ Heru, amaneku. To pass, successive, emi- ment, everywhere. dis- Kaeru. To return, revert, end. Nageku. To grieve, mourn. ?m Stroke radical. Haku, utau. To vomit, sing. ^-^. Characters. Naku, hanaiki suru. To cry, breathe through -y Sarebone. the nose. ** Bleached bones. Suu, sobiyakasu, awaseru. To suck, strut, concur. Death, to die. it 86 Shinu. To Tsukusu, To Wakajint. Early death. %P* Taoreru, shiroko. fall, die, a diseased silkworm. Karimogari, uzumeru. die, pass PFflZflttW, Temporary yultu. fctttfZZ 1 Tsukusu, horobosu. destroy, annihilate. ttlJ Ru aia Ml'* 10 Characters. ' nit korosu, ivakalsu. Especially, to kill, to distinguish. * s/ Sao, hoko. pole, spear. Shitagau, tomo ni shinu. ^ Shikiri, wakachi. (even unto death), die for another. follow v Starving to "' death, 5 _, To increase, enlarge, get tsumi suru. ^* Korosu, \ p> y To fr Ochiru, owaru. * To kill, Korosu, sogu. To kill, cut, slice off. * Prosperous, condemn. fall, die. Wakajini suru. die young. f # To a booming noise. ',fueru, ucru. Nokoru, sokonau. To be left over, injure, destroy. ( step, grade, platform, \ Sakan. rich, plant. ; A to wither. _ A section, yyotsubo of land. -9. Uejini, kareru. _j 4 Stroke radical, -^f/ Horobosu, tayasu. To to To SMrH. v To destroy, exterminate. * burial, bury. away. Misfortune, to condemn. T spent, exhaust, To Ayaui, hotondo. Perilous, almost, nearly. To /^/v kotogo- be entirely. , -TCjh tsukiru, die. to Kara. The shell, skin. h Majiwaru, sakana. * To mingle, a relish eaten with sake. A o, shingari. palace, temple, lord, Mr., the last of a row. Kobotsu, soshiru. break, slander. To Tsuyoi, takeshii. Strong, firm, stern. ^x Shinu, taosu. Utsu, tataku. l< To die, kill. To strike, knock, assault. 87 * Fusafusa shita. 4 Stroke radical. Characters, Tufty 5 11 long hair. (hair), S' J7L Tori no ke. p Feathers, a feather robe. . UJ* Nakare, nashi. A prohibition, do iz not, v not. Kemushiro. 12 13 A woolen rug. Hdha. A mother. Stroke p* jfel? 44 Characters. radical. JU\( PP A Every, each, always. Sokonau. ' Poison, to harm. -f * 5?- Sodateru, yashinau. To bring up, nourish. LI* I&ff * C7/V. A surname, Mr. Itaru, utsumuku, hikui. To The people, 4 Stroke radical. J4U ((IP 2 Characters. J-L Atsut, tasukeru. Kind, to help. $;. S, 4 Stroke radical. 8 Characters. ft 4 tagui, 4 Stroke radic.i 5 Characters. arrange in a row, sort, kind, time. ' o subjects. people, subjects. Jtoro. To compare, down, 7Vz'' Ths Ll H Kuraberu, naraberu, look reach, low. ^ V 1 . A m [mood, nature. spirit, Vapor, breath, ? Iki, wazawai. /W. ^^' Air, foul *4 air, misfortune. Sakan. t v Grand, sublime. Hair, fur, feathers. &** Vapor, Mushiru. To v Invigorating atmospher- Hosoge. ic Fine ing. hair. Hosoi, sukoshi, hosoge. little, spirit, y Sakan. pluck. Thin, a breath, mood, nature. influences, flourish- 4 Stroke radical. Shita-mizu. fine hair. Mart. A ball. 292 Characters. tt K A a 88 Mizu. Ukabu, tadayou, To Water. hiroi. drift float, about, wide. ' Todomaru, To \ Nagai, hisashii. Long, a long time, ever- kishi. stop, the shore. mz&w. * To cleanse, choose,select. lasting. $/ ~J * Kumu, hiku, suu. 7 To draw water, to suck Shiru Juice, gravy. fast to, busy. * Kimeru, wakeru, rife* Motomeru. To seek, ask for, get. * <J\ y~fV 4 \ J Nagisa, migiwa. A strand, sandy spit, beach. kesshite. To decide, settle, determine, never. ^ Shizumu, fukai, shizumeru. v To sink, be immersed, deep, to quiet. Habikoru, amaneku. v To spread, overflow, isago. >, everwhere. Oki, itokenai. * The tide, evening ebb tide. .* The yushio, hikishio. -k Sfo'0, tide, offing, drown, As. v Sweat, perspiration. young. Shizumu, kakureru, shinu. To sink, be hidden, die, to confiscate. Kamiarau, uruosu. To wash the ha r, bathe, ; - Kegareru, aka. To be dirty, moisten. polluted, Midareru, shizumeru. filth. To 1' 'a tf * be in disorder, to sink. You! A river, arm of the sea. Shimu, saguru. To soak in, seek for. Fusagaru, midareru. To be obstructed, chaotic. A pond. Fusagaru, koru. be obstructed, To Mizudamari, kegareru. puddle, to be defiled. A Fukai, a Mizugane. v Quicksilver, mercury. to freeze. hiroi, okii. Deep, wide, large, an expanse of water. 89 * Sosogu, Amefuri, sakan. To rain copiously, abund- p ant. tt Kasanaru, musaboru, oka- ~? 5* su, kutsu. l To pile up, covet, transgress, shoes. tsugu. water, give heed pour, flow into. ~y Steam. a Tsuchi no koela, to Fertile, ant. Doro, nazumu. Mud, to adhere to (an opinion). To weep. & Yasuraka, sosogu, 1 Calm, oinaru. peaceful, * Toi, hiroi. 4 Far, wide. A river. Hana-shiru. 7 Waku. Mucous from the * To 4 Abura. Sakanoboru, mukau. To ascend, confront. i, Nagareru, namidaga deru. P * To govern, tranquilize. To Sou, shitagau. * To go alongside / a fol- of, low, successive. _ Izumi. ^ A >N Tomaru, flow, start (as tears). Todomeru, yaburu. check, defeat. To A bubble. spring. todomaru, v Uruou, tada- you. To lodge, stop, drift. r nureru. To be moist, wet. To buy, v 3 _.-.*, nottoru. A law, Kiyoi, hiyayaka, suzushii. 4 Pure, cool. IP * A marsh. y nose. boil up. v97 at large, great. pour, luxuri- Kawa. 1 to, * Naku. * Mizuke. M To sell, trade. rule, doctrine, to follow the example of. ji, Namida. 4 Tears. A bubble, foam. 5 Nozoku, morasu, yuruydka. Nami. A wave. ^ To i discharge, slow, lax. a ^ exude, 90 I, v To Nagareru. Oyogll. float, To swim. flow, a kind, sort, style, school. $ Afttreru, hoshiimama. To overflow, wilful. ^ * Mashite, iwanya. y Still more, how much more, condition, state. ?> 't To boil crete. up, -fe float. 5/ To go to ruin, dark. To swim. $ iru, kurai. ^| *. Shikiri ni, tabitabi. often. Arau, susugu. wash, rinse. To , extensive, sprinkle, wash. 5 wash. 6 Hikaru, To To A bubble, or boil, up. hiroi, fukai, shine, wide, deep. no koto. , oinaru. flood, vast. Amaneku. leak. Universally, Watashi, watashiba, ferry, harbor, A ford. canal. Belonging to Kyoto, the old Japanese capital. A 5/ filthy. samu. A ditch, drain, kuni. ^lilj/ Nagisa, shima, 1/11* strand, islet, country. ^ kegarcru. be * Clear, cold. Hora,fukai, tsuranuku. cave, deep, to pene- To hitoshii. alike, equal. puddle, trate. < active, alive, Tamari-mizu, * A to foreign. To To be movable. v Frequently, Ukabu. To To a sect, Ikiru. ^ Makoto, *" -f stream, party. ^ Truth, Shiromizn. y Oumi, hiroi, v The ocean, eda. be divided, exude, se- Water in which rice has been washed. 4 part, branch, y Waki-ideru. , To all. tsu. Hana-shiru. inlet, [* Nasal discharge. 91 Kuroku someru. Ura. The To dye sea- coast, a bay. Nami, midari. wave, vagrant, unattached, wasteful, disorderly. A Torn, izumi. To pass through, ajspring. Ukabu, uki. To black. Namida, naku. Tears, to weep. Waku. float, light, fickle, a To buoy. boil, bubble, or gush, forth. Abiru. To bathe, wash the body. To cross spend i s/ v The over, ford, (as time), acquaint- ed with. sea. Migiwa, kishi, kagiri. margin, bank, bound- A Hitasu, uruosu. To soak, sink, wet. ary. i^ Kieru, kesu. v To disappear, to extin- * Juice, liquid. 4 Madara. a, Namida. 4 Tears. guish, erase. v To ^ y y Obscene, lewd, licentious. dredge, clean out. Okoru, sakan. To rise, flourishing. # Awai, usui. ^ Of delicate Arau, sosogu. To wash, rinse. Oinaru, hiroi, sakan. Vast, wide, vigorous. * Saliva. ^ * A rivulet. flavour, taste- less, flat, thin. Kiyoi, isagiyoi. clear. v Pure, Majiru. To mix, mingle. Chiisai nagsre. Pure, clear, China. t Amaneku. ? Everywhere. Nozomu. To regard ruler). Asai. Shallow. Soeru, masu. (as does a To add, supplement, annex, enclose, accompany. 1 uruosu. Miri* Hitasu, 93 4 , y v Uzumaki, uzumaku. whirlpool, eddy, whirl around. Ukabu, oyogu, asobu. v To float, A swim, p'ay. Minato, atsumiru. to assemble. A harbor, Mizu-umi. A lake. /, shitataru. 4 A drop, =t Subete, oinaru. v to drip. All, quite, large. Haruka, 9 no nai. hiroi, ^s * Hot water, a bath. to kiwamari Far, wide, boundless. ^ Hayase. ni oboreru, utsuru. A rapids. ^ Sarau. ? To clean out, to dredge. Kasu, ori. Dregs, sediment. ^ [ W nagare- To be drunken, to change. To wash, rinse. Waku. To boil, bubble, or gush, forth. Nami-utsu. 4 Beating of the waves. >N Tokoro no na. of a place. The name 9 Tokeru, t To chiru, sakan. melt, scatter, flourlsh- Ochiru, shizumu, fusagaru. fall down, sink, be closed up. To Kawaru, kaeru. To Talaeru, shizumu. fill to the brim, sink, be quiet. To change. nanzo. A ditch, Minamoto, moto. canal, dock, he, The why. Umi no na. A China sea. Uryoru, semai, alsumaru. mv To ^ grieve, narrow, to * semble. tfaj ij Kawaku. V To be dry, to compare, imitate. To collect, alike, accumulate, be stagnant. Afureru. To overflow. ^ thirst. make Rules, level, to Tamaru. as- wE3 7 Atsui, uruosu. ICE 9 Benevolent, to wet. ,JB source. Nori, hitoshiku suru, nazorau. \4 Tani, tanigawa. A valley, rivulet. 94 a Nigoru, midaru. v To be muddy, confused. Oboreru, ibari. To drown, sink, doat on, urine. >\ * Kasu, Steam. Com. v union, shigeru, aji- yoi. increase, be moist, rich, dense, tasty. Nameraka, suberu y Slippery, smooth, to s/ y Waku. ;v To \ slide. 6 To soak, pickle. Todokoru, tomaru. be obstructed, stop, To stay. kome wo togu, ibari sum. To bubble up. v Hitasu, tsukeru. , Atsumaru, sakan, oi. To assemble, flourishing, Sosogu, Minagiru, omizu. overflow, a flood. To [h many. 5/ ori. f. tx To vast. Dregs, sediment. Mizuke. i, Sakan, oinaru. V Boisterous, Horobiru, kieru. To be destroyed, extinguished. rinse, wash rice, Shitataru, shizuku. To drip, a drop. uri- nate. / Michiru, ogoru. Union, shimeru. moist, wet. To be full, satisfied, com- 7 To be t Kurai, umi. 1 Dark, the sea. Sakanoboru. To ascend a stream, trace back, retrace. plete, proud. 4? 3 drain. To fish. ^ Kogu, hakobu. v To row, scull, transport. oi A ditch, Sunadoru* Noberu. v To speak, lecture, ex- plain. Nagareru, tokeru. To flow, dissolve. The sea. Arau, sosogu. To wash, rir.se. Niwaka. Sudden. Moru. * To leak. Ydyaku, susumu. length, by degrees, to At progress, Hiroi, midari, habikoru. Wide, arbitrary, without leave, to spread. 95 Onoko. -K0SM, v an ancient Chinese kingdom. To * Hiroi. Lacquer. ft A man, 11 filter. Urusld. * Wide, obscure. Tadayou. To Shio-tsuchi. drift. Salt-earth. Minagiru. swell up, overflow. To /: * Tairaka, hiroi, kurai. Level, wide, dark. Isagiyoi, ktyoraka. Pure, clean. y Moru, ^ To nijimu. leak, spread, run, Fukai, fuchi. soak. \ Deep, an abyss, a pool. Hisomu, kuguru. u Sazanami. v Wavelets. ~r 1 To hide, dive. Cow. /. } Kubomi. A hollow. The water of the ocean, tide. y Susugu. v To rinse. Equivalent V Tadayou. v To s/ drift. ~? S//z'6w, The to g| shibui. juice of unripe per simmons, astringent. * Mizugiwa. The bank of a stream. a Mizu-waki-izuru. v The pouring out of water. . v Haneru, waku. To leap, bubble up. ..fe Hisomu, kuguru. '^ To hide, dive. Coin, jfj* Shitataru. J To drip. Sazanami. Wavelets. Lj . 1 A lake, wide. Sumu. To be clear. Nomimono. A beverage. Tsubureru, tsuieru, kuzu- reru. To To pour, irrigate. break, be 'defeated, crumble. JK Jr 96 2 Uruou, tsuya. v To be moist, rich, ,7 lustre. r Mizugiwa, fukai, oki. A beach, deep, an offing. p 5 Tamarimizu. v puddle. ^ Usui, karui. * Thin, light. A Nagareru oto, The sound sara-sara. of v flowing To water. Tsukiru. To > be spent, dried up. Namida-nagareru. flowing of tears. * The ^ gush forth, a shore. i Ori, doro. , Sediment, mud. r# Shizuku, aivai. >s/ A drop, quiet, tasteless, unaffected. Usut, sosogu, v Thin, perfidious, to pour. ^ Nami no oto. * The sound of waves. To I j/ \v v: abyss, shore. Uruou, shimcru. be moist, wet. To Ha ma, hctori, ' An sosogu. wash, rinse. mizugiwa. ,^ The ^ (Vataru, sumaseru, sukuu, sea- coast, a beach. Equiv. $( A dry beach. sumu. To 4 y. # A valley. cross over, save, finish. Sawa, uruou, tsuya. marsh, to be moist, A moat. A settle, rich, gloss. & >a Koi, komayaka. Thick, minute. deep, - strong, y. * V * Nureru, nurasu. be wet, to soak. To Hageshii, tsukiataru. be excited, fierce, to surge up, rash against. To # Nigoru. 9 To be muddy. A channel, water-way. Arau, susugu. To wash, sprinkle, rinse. fukai. ^ Sarau, V To dredge, deep. Mud. Dark, obscure. 97 y Onami. v Great waves, billows. Hiroi, haruka, minagiru. Wide, far, to overflow. ^ Unlawful, 5 Midari, lidbikoru. Onami, shitalaru. Great waves, to drip. * Afureru, hitasu, nagisa. To overflow, soak, strand. wanton, to overflow, spread over. Tdki. '9 waterfall. A a Sosogu. $> Sosogu, kata, haku. ** To To flow into, a beach, to vomit. pour out, irrigate. Sosogu. To sprinkle, pour into, wash. y 3 Kosu. To Nada. filter. ' h Me. A bay. Nigosu, kegasu. To muddy, defile. 4 Stroke radical. Hi-hen. Kiyoi, sumu, hayai. v Pure, clear, swift. j \ a normally rough sea, part of the sea. t Sosogu. v To pour. 9 A M Rekkwa. 96 Characters. a Tdki. [v A Hi. waterfall. Fire. ti Migiwa, v The hotori, chikai. brink, shore, near. [,&. ,* ix A shoal, shallows, rapids. drip, dredge, out. 1- a Mizutamari. A puddle. i, hageshii. Pure, violent Hiroi. Vasr, wide. # Tomoshibi. 4 light. A ^ Wazawai. Shitataru, sarau. * To ? Ashes. clean 4 Misfortune, calamity. * Akiraka, yaku, sakan. ? Bright, to burn, cauterize, glorious. % Yaito, yaku. & The moxa, to cauterize with moxa. x Hono-o, atsui. v A flame, hot, mation (in inflam- compounds). JEL 5 Jr 5? 98 :* p Kashigu. * To cook rice, to cook. Yoi, utsukushii, hokoru. beautiful, to >U* Good, be proud. s/ * Aburu, yaku. To broil, roast. Kagaribi, aburu. A torch, to toast, warm. * Sumi. * Charcoal, carbon. * To & ^ * Shirushi, tomosu. dot, point, to * light. * A mark, Com. f. & boil, cook. Noroshi. A beacon, signal-fire, a rocket. * TaimatsUf H torch. A ->. kagaribi. * Kagayaku, akiraka. 1 Akiraka. Bright To shine, clear. .x Izukunzo, kore, koko ni. Tsutsumiyaki, aburu. Meat wrapped in a v How, why, where, here. bam- boo sheath and roasted, ^ Nat. ? Not. to toast. Hono-o. flame. Akiraka, hikaru. Bright, clear. t Kagayaku, akiraka. ^ Moeru, shikari. " burn, be so, yes, but, To ' A To shine, bright. however. Tosliin. A wick. y Uryoru. To be sorry. Hageshii. Violent, hot, ardent. 3. Karasu, kuroi. A crow, black, an interrogatory particle. v To burn, Kemuri. To Smoke. To burn, Terasu, kagayaku. illuminate, shine. ^ To make kindle. toast, roast, warm. Kogareru, kogasu. char, scorch, to long To red-hot. Moromoro, musu. All, to steam. for. i * To roast, parch. 99 y Niru. 3 To Atatakat, atatameru, Warm, warm, me- boil. x Kemuri. ^ Smoke. clear. To Wazurawasu, wazurau. To vex, trouble, be ill. 4 Kagayaku, hono-o, sakan. * To shine, flames, flourishing. bless. Hikari, kagayaku. Light, to shine. ' t Terasu, akirdka. v To shine, illuminate, compare, to burn, boil. y 4 v Kuma. A bear. p Uzumibi, atataka. * Fire buried in the ashes, warm. .-V Aburu, torakasu. 'V To expose to heat, melt. To temper, forge. i, a Kagaribi. v A torch, beacon, rocket. kitaeru. " To flap, bang, fan, stir up, incite to sedition. g Kagayaku. v To shine forth. jr Atataka, atatameru. [^ Warm, to warm. Kieru, kesu. To die out, to extinguish. . 9 Fusuberu, fusuboru. To smoke, fumigate, be smoked. >5/ ea Hikari, kagayaku, yawaragu. Light, to glitter, shine, harmonize. Atataka. >r * Tomoshibi. A small light. To , tsuratsura. ripen, mature, care- Warm. fully, Akirdka. Atsui. Bright. Hot, heat, fever. Alone, solitary. Azayaka, hikaru. Bright, distinct, to shine. Soot. Hikari, kagayaku. Light, to shine. thoroughly. Hinoshi, noshi. A flat-iron, a gift-label. Iru. To roast, parch. JR I 100 Moeru, moyasu. burn. :* ^ To i- y To : Uchibi, noroshi. Fire produced by a and steel, a beacon. flint Tomoshibi. A light, lamp, lantern. * Moeru, ; # hono-o. burn, a flame. < Atataka, 5 Warm, ;^ Yawaragu, niru. ,& To reconcile, boil. -9- To v burn. J Yorokobu, aburu. rejoice, to toast. 6 To Kagaribi. torch. Kawaku, kawakasu. To dry. Terasu, tomoshibi. illuminate, a candle. To light, it /ft, noroshi. ,& Fire, a rocket. A 4r To atsui. hot. Fusuberu, fusuboru. v To smoke, be smoked. burn. Equiv. a- ? To shine, flourishing % Koge-kusai, kogasu. J H Kagayaku, sdkan. Burnt-tasting, to scorch. ^ Kogasu, kagaribi. * To scorch, a torch. To . A y; # Moeru, sdkan. To burn, flourishing. shine. Y& Moekuzu, moe-nokori. charred piece of wood, l^ firean extinguished brand. Yaku, kawaku, sdkeru. be dry, explode. To burn, & Hikari,tordkasu,kagaydku. :J Light, to melt, to shine. ; ', kitsunebi. Phosphorus, will-o'-the- wisp. ' 1 v A swallow. A Tamuro, 4 A Irori. A hearth, fireplace. L 5 Tadareru, dkirdka. I^To be inflamed, clear, bright. itonamu. camp, to make, perform, build, to carry on k f. Kashigu. v To boil rice. (business), business. ^ Akiraka, azaydka. y Bright, lustrous. 4 Stroke radical. Tsume-gashira. 7 Characters. ^ 101 iff -9- )\\* Tsume, tsume-kiru. , Nails, hoofs, claws, talons, to cut the nails. Arasou, kisou, isameru. To contend, compete, wrangle, dispute about, reprove. Kaku, toru. To scratch, rake up, take. Koko nt. Here, therefore, [upon. there- Tame, nasu,-saseru,-rareru. For the sake of, for, by, to, to cause to do, a passive ending. Utsu, tsukamu. To A spear, to divide. J A floor, ^ A j> Rank, bility, order of noa wine-cup. title, 4 Stroke radical. 2 Characteis. Chichi. A father. Chichi, jii, toshiyori. father, an old man. A Majiwaru, narau. To intermix, follow, model /I 53? Kata-hen. pH kire. side, a fragment. ,s/ta,/K</a. "A printing block, records, register, aschedule. >N i Fuda, A shirushi. tate, ticket, notice, medal, sign. shield, t Tatematsuri-bumi, kaki- A respectful letter, a writing, a sheet of paper. ^ Fuda, utsushi-bumi. * tablet, record, de- A spatch, a copy. ^ Mado, michibiku. A window, to lead, guide. ^ Mado, tori-ana. v A window, an opening in b a wall. Fuda, tegami, kakitsuke. v A writing-tablet, letter, bill. after. Nanji, shikari, kaku, nomi. You, just so, thus, only. 4 Stroke radical. 4 Stroke radical. Mr* A Kiba-hen. 2 Characters. , toDth, kamu. tusk, flag, bite. l-f "fcl? Tl ttj ttlj 8 Characters. LI* ->. Katakata, jl v One Akiraka, sawayaka. [ful. Clear, pure, fluent, cheerSJ> . 4 Stroke radical. hr' j 4 Stroke radical. 3 Characters. Ttf^, jwfcx, nedoko, dat. bed, stand. A'^/, kakine. wall, fence. _ . strike, seize. Kurai, sakazuki. wakatsu. v Hidari-kata. Sasaeru. 3 Characters. To ' support, prop up. to 102 4 Stroke radical. fl Ushi-hen. Mr* 22 n To Characters. oppose, differ. Madara, karasuki, narabu. spot, plough, to be arranged in order. A hikoboshi. /, A cow, name bull, ox, the T u v The female A Ubau, oinaru, itsukushimu. ;kL T!* seize, large, to love. O, osu. [animals. of birds and The male plow, to cultivate, a spotted cow. of birds and animals. To Karasukiytagaesu, madara- of a star. H ft barn, cage, hard, strong. /fcfls* Michiru, T7j * ^ Madara-ushi, akiraka, su* guretaru. A To be full, v To [pliant. h Koushi. stopped up, * clear, entertain hospitably. A calf. Ikenie. kau, yashinau, tsukasadoru. pasture, to rear, breed, An animal govern. Mono. A thing, cow, * Negirau. Makiba, A spotted superior. prison, fusagaru, shina- yaka. a disturbance, an uproar, to clamor. Ori, hitoya, katai. A Hishimekii. * To make sacrifice. Stroke radica Kemono-hen. 1 . $2 Characters. matter, article. Ikenie. An animal sacrifice. A dog. Fureru, au, aramashi. To touch, meet, for the most To part. a kitsuke. Form, appearance, bull. cumstances, a Hiku, tsuranaru. To pull, conduct, be re- row. The rhinoceros, hard. Akaushi. A red cow cir- letter. Kuruu, kichigai. To be mad, disordered, a lunatic. lated to, be arranged in a Katai. offend, transgress. Katachi, sama, sugata, ka- Koto ni, tada, hitori, o-ushi. Especially, alone, only, 5 m Nareru, narau. To be accustomed study. Ebisu. barbarian. A to, to 103 Kitsune. if A fox. 4 Inu, koinu. A dog, j Hihi> ihi, shojo. Nerau, ukagau. at, watch, i P) it Nareru, chikazuku, Niwaka, awatadashii, be accustomed Suddenly, flurried, push against, outwit. ana- draw to, near, despise. Neko. Karu. * To it Warugashikoi,zurui,koinu. sly, a pup. A cat. hunt. Nao, gotoshi. * Cunning, * to Midarigamashii, midareru. Disorderly, confused, improper. to j/ jj tsu- ku. doru. To Netamu, utagau. To envy, doubt. spy out. v Monoguruoshii, kuruu. to be crazy. Uruwashti, yoru. Beautiful, to^rely on. r A baboon, orang-outang. To aim A kind of lion. v Insane, pup. A baboon, orang-outang. 4 Shishi no zoku. Still Mujina. more, again/like. Tatematsuru, sasageru. offer or present to a superior. A badger. To Narrow, small. The 5 Okami, midareru, urotaeru. wolf, disordered, flur- v >+ Inoko, inoshishi. ried. ><; < 3 A wild boar, hog. Okami, midareru, urotaeru. A wolf, disordered, flur- ried. ai \* Tanuki. A badger. i * Ki no semai koto. ^ Narrow, bigoted. T orang-outang. A Takei, tsuyoi, ikaru. Fierce, strong, bold, violent, to be angry. Tenagazaru. A long-armed. monkey. Harinezumt. hedgehog. A /, mashira. A monkey. -4 ,v Hakaru, hakarigoto. plan, a plan, scheme. To 104 Ozaru. Sam, mashira. A monkey. A large monkey, mothermonkey. Hitoya, uttae. prison, complaint, criminal case. A Stroke radical. 3 Characters. 5 \$\1 A lion. Kuroi, okufukai. Black, dark, profound. 9 Warugashikoi, midareru. y Cunning, to be disordered. " * Susumeru, tasukeru, home- * * To urge forward, help, sj; praise. * v This, here. Suberu, hikiiru, kazoeru, shitagau. To control, lead, count, follow, generally, rules, rate. Kuruu, isamu. be mad, intrepid. To 5 Stroke radical. 3 Tama-hen. 53 Characters. Hitori. Alone, single. 9 Warugashikoi, midareru. \ Cunning, disordered. 9 Eru, emono, ubau. : ? To get, game, to seize. A precious stone, a gem. v Kimi, kashira. A king, sovereign, mon- arch. Kawaoso. An ,v y, otter. Hunting, to hunt. Kemono. v An * Araiinu, waruzuyoi. wild dog, rough. animal. Tama no saikunin. as* A worker in jewels. A semi-precious, black -Uu stone. jfe A semi-precious stone. Moteasobu. 5, A y Tatematsuru, sasageru. * To offer, or present, to a superior. To play with, a toy. Mezurashii, tattoi, takara. Strange, rare, curious, precious, treasure. A semi-precious stone. 5f ? Kawaoso. * An otter. Kohdku. Amber. 105 Tama no kizu. A flaw. A musical instrument. Mizutama. y The Japanese harp or Glass, crystal. (Ha-ri lyre. Tama no oto. The sound of Gakki no a jewel. (Sango 3$fi$, coral). isshu. A kind of musical instrument. (Biwa Kizu, tama no kizu, aya- ^ Tama A flaw, mistake. Amber. Kingyoku no narihibiku koe. The sound of a jewel. irrb.* J4 V Ogame no *, * a Migaku, (Tai-mai Jft*?f| or To -x Shirusht, yorokobt. favourable sign, happy, lucky, good, joy. * Sj| Tama. (Kohaku erabu. * isshu. A kind of turtle, tortoise shell. no na. polish, choose. A A tortoise. A pearl. 5 Kubi-kazari. * necklace. A ^ 6 Tsuide, tsuranaru, A tortoise. kurai, madara. wej^tjbd*. In order, rank, a spot. (Sango A precious stone. toTWtf. f 7 O jf. * A jewel for personal adornment. Agate. Arawareru, utSutsu. Now, to be made known, the reality, absence of mind. A flaw, fault, mistake. toga, , ayamachi. no tagui, komayaka, kibishii. A Tama, man. A precious stone, a globe, large koto, devoted, strict. ball. Mezurashii, omoi. Kime, kotowari, osdmeru. The Strange, precious, heavy. veins in wood, rea- Utsukushii tama. son, right, meaning, principle, to govern. $ A beautiful jewel.' A semi-precious stone. ?, kuzu. The sound of a jewel, a fragment, small, tri(Ru-ri fling. * 6 * B & 5 10 106 \ Migaita tama, migaku. polished jewel, A to A melon. polish. Karasu-uri. coarse melon. A Akiraka, azayaka. Clear, bright. Fukube, hisago, yugao. gourd. A Marui tama. A round jewel. Gohan no utsuwa. A utensil for eating. Tama no na. The name of Hisago, fukube-hyotan. gourd. A Handbira, urizane. Petals, a valve, seeds of a jewel. a melon. (Me-no J|fS) Tama. 5 Glass, a precious stone. Tama, Stroke radical. 10 Characters. kizu. A kind of jewel, a flaw. Kawara. A tile. An unpolished jewel. Kame, A precious stone. ^ Tamaki, iva, bin, tsurube. A jar, vase, bottle, a well- Tama. bucket. meguru, ma- A bracelet, ring, to go round, to wrap around. Arawasu, akiraka ni suru. To reveal, make clear. Ishidatami, shikiishi. A stone pavement. Shirushi, oshide. A sign, the Imperial seal. , A tawa no A small jar. red jewel, the sparkle of a jewel. Tama Kame. hikart. Kawara, shikigawara. A tile, paving-tile. no na. A precious stone. Iraka, munegawara. Tiles, roof-ridge tiles. Kazari. An ornament. Koshiki, seiro. vessel for A steaming food. 5 stroke radical. 5 Characters. Kame, tsurube. A jar, well-bucket. 107 # Oinaru V bon, ogame. a large A large tray, 5 jar. * A field, ^ ^ gotoshi, yoru, mochiiru. Stroke radical. Subject to, on account 4 Characters. umai. -14* P v Sweet, g> [the senses. i, Kinoe, yoroi, kabuto, kara. ~? The tasty, pleasing to ^ Atnai, umai. senses. * To J 5 i&'rw, street, town, ward, a measure of length and . , TO Umu, umareru, nariwai, [hood. sugiwai. Birth, production, liveli- Yomigaeri. Resurrection, Machi. A surface. bear, live, livelihood, raw, to grow. draw, a picture. Wazawai. Calamity. A [life. border, frontier, boundary. return to B3 nephew. 5 2 mon- sign). ^ Osameru, nukinderu. v x o govern, excel. To P|J say, state, the A Stroke radical. 4 Characters. A To previously. 5 ^ helmet. Mosu, saru, noberu. * Otoko, ondko. * man, a baron. ffi katsute. Com. f. H? > calendar sign, "A," armor, a key (9th zodiacal to the Equiv. lick, I, shell, s> Nameru, first No. Hanahada. * Sweet, pleasant of, to use, follow. v Very. * rice-field, land. Osoreru, kashikomu. To fear, regard with awe, squat down Stroke radical. Mizo, une. Characters. A gutter, ridge between fields. a Mochiiru, tsukau. * To use, business, hatake. use. Dry Hajime, oinaru. The beginning, large. 5 x, V Stroke radical. Ta-hen. v H \* 34 Characters. 9 r| ffl fields. ^[2^, J&MW, hotori, A Equiv. ^ somuku. path between fields, boundary, to oppose. Tomeru, todomaru. stop, to remain. To 108 Kau, yashinau, takuwaeru. f- ^ To keep, rear, store up, domestic animals. Hatake, liata. field. Equiv. Jffl A & ? * Se. A measure of surface, 30 A tion. if- -v , . The Hakarigoto, hobo, hdbuku, ubau. plan, for the most part, nearly, to contract, to take by force. Matsuri no niwa, mokeru. place of worship, to jw '*" ^ ' \ ? tatami. up, repeat, increase, fold up, a mat. To pile 5 A gain. Stroke radical. Sho-nyu. 4 Characters, A s/ a Ashi, hiki. foot, A an Une, aze, shikiri. A auxiliary numeral. Orosoka, torn, 3 Negligent, j/ ridge between fields, a partition. Tsugi, tsugai. [number. v Next, a pair, turn, watch, :* . Owari, kotogotoku. end, all. y Une, sakai, tagui. path, boundary, sitt. A ? Kasanaru, l* v Im- [* Sakai, kagirt, shikiri. LYT limit, boundary, parti- A earth. & A \ [tsubo. Mokko, kago,fugo. ^ basket for carrying ti Kagiri, shikimi. limit, threshold, perial domain. , utoi. to pass through, distant, cold. 3 Equivalent to j$t Utagau, osoreru, madou. To doubt, suspect, fear, be bewildered. Egaku,kagiru,wakatsu,e. To draw, limit, divide, a picture. Kotonaru, ayashii. To differ, strange, rare, foreign. e. r J Egaku, kagiru, wakatsu, \y To draw, limit, divide, a picture. ># Ataru, masa ni. v To strike against, fit ex- ? actly, happen, just, this. ;t Nawale. road thru rice-fields. [* A Ayashii, ivari-nokori no ple. crip- _ P" Stroke radical. Yamai-dare. 72 Characters. * Yamai. 9 -fe v A disease. Koshi no itami, hara no itami. Pain in the loins or abdomen. a Shirt no yamai. v Disease of the ta, katawa. Strange, an irregular remainder of a field divid- ed into squares, a 5 . lower trunk. 3. Yamai, yamashii. v A disease, if Hizengasa, kosegasa. 1 An itch. unhealthy. ioy it. * Hayari yamai. An i Ibo, * Kayui. epidemic. Itching. kobu. Ato, kizuato. A wart, wen. Remains, a scar. .KifeM. A wound. " ~. ^ Tsukare. Fatigue, exhaustion. To Yamai, yamu. 1 Disease, sickness, to 7<?r, naoru. heal, recover. be h fiosu, mogasa. # Small-pox. ill. b >N ^ Mogasa. * Small-pox, water-blisters. s/ Kudariyamai. open purge, bowels, diarrhea. To Yamai, wazurai. y Disease, illnes?. Kasabuta. A Suji ga hikiisuru. 4 Cramps. ^ y Hashika, kasa. eruptions. Tsukae, itamu. Kodomo no yamai. * Children's diseases. jj v Itamu, itami. To pain, pain. it Kibamu yamai. i the Hokuro, aza. mole, freckle. ' ^ Measles, Itamu, hanahadashii. To hurt, severe. Pain in the stomach, to be in pain. Shibireru yamai. Palsy, to be numb. * Jaundice. ^ Yamu, tsukareru. * To be sick, tired, fatigued. J Symptoms, nature of a v Phlegm, mucous. disease. */ Ashii kasa. * A sore, cancer. Oroka. Foolish. a Nagayamat. A ^'s, kizutsuku. A wound, to wound. persistent disease, chronic complaint. r l a no. Hikitsuru. * To yamai, kubi no mawari no dekimono. the of hardening sinews, a disease of the neck glands, scrofula. be cramped. Yoi tri A naoranu yamai. A chronic disease. no Isshu Naeru, shibireru. To Ashii v Gonorrhea. shirachi- Eruptions, leuchorrhea, flow of blood. Shibayubari. ij kasa, nagachi. weaken, be numb. ki. jjj v Foul air, fire-damp. ' Munasawagi. Palpitation of the heart. ' ' , wo V yama. A wound, female diseases. Headache. leru, naoru. To heal, get well. lyasu, naosu. To heal, restore. A wen, swelling. y A cancer. 5 Itamu. '^ To hurt, consumption. Hisashiku it yamai, * fugusha. chronic disease, a >N 'Y r Atamagasa, kizutsuku. Sores on the head, to wound or be wounded. 4 Oshi. *' Dumbness, a dumb person. A cripple. * ^ Epilepsy. * To be emaciated, thin. Yaseru. To be emaciated. (Tenkan j^-^) Kuse, tsukaeru. '* habit, morbidity, indigestion, constipation. \~ A To heal, get well. Ashii kasa. serious eruption. A ,f. v s ' Kasa, kizu, dekimono. An eruption, wound, boil. Kizu, kizuato. wound, scar. A :? Okori. Namazu. A skin disease showing spots. Satokarazu, oroka. Foolish. Kattat. Leprousy. Ill * Scrofula (Ruireki v Kerai, unta no kaioke. retainer, a manger. ><; Katachi, sugata. ^* Hara no itami. Cholera (Kwakuran Tamusht. v The ring-worm. * Form, appearance. ? Mato, akiraka. * 3 Haretnono, ashii kasa. * swelling, severe erup- A clear. Mtna, tomo Yaseru. All, together. f Yamu, To ni. be emaciated. y Kimi, sumeragi, akiraka. An emperor, sovereign, Monogurut. v Insanity. 5/ A target, like, similar to, tions. To 51 A be <tT yaseru. sick, Com. bright, exalted, Imperial. ^ emaciated. . 5 Stroke radical. Hatsu-gashira. 4 Characters. Fumi-nokeru, yuku. ^.. To return,Jrevert, end. Afo* Tsuki no shiroi koto. X* Clear, bright, white. ij Hikaru, shiroi, akiraka. Bright, white, clear. Hifu no shiroi koto. * Whiteness of the skin. -fe off, go. Mizunoto. The last of the ten calendar signs. Noboru, susumu, minoru. To ascend, rise, register, ripen. Okoru, hanatsu, hiraku. To start, send out, rouse, open, let go, discharge. 5 Stroke radical. Haku-hen: Whiteness (of frost or snow). >>( Shiraga, shiroi. The whiteness of old age. ^ Akiraka, J White, 15 Characters. White, pure, to pure. Stroke radical. Ke-gawa. Kawa-hen. 6 Characters. 5 Shiroi, kiyoi, rnosu. make shiroi. ? Clear, white. state, clear. Momo. A hundred. . Skin, leather, bark. - 112 Nikibi. A -fe ^ pimp-e. Shiwa, Sakan, moru. Flourishing, to fill up, heap up, abundant. hibi. Wrinkles, chaps. * Nusumu, To steal, nusubito. a thief. Tsuzumi, utsu. A drum, to beat. y ^ Akagire, hibi, shiwa. Oz<, /Mto, kedashi. [for. A lid, to cover, probably, Chikau, akiraka. take an oath, Cracks, chaps, wrinkles To chilblains. a clear, Kao make compact, alli- ance. no shiwa. Wrinkles (faceX v 5 Stroke radical. Sakazuki. y Sara. Hl*2l Characters. K nn ** A JUL* IS| To jj Mint, kangamiru, shirabe- V plate, saucer, dish. kotogotoku. ^ use up, exhaust, all. ru, suberu. To look at, take examine, A bowl. JDL A wine-cup, cup. v Tsukusu, Hachi, wan. -=5^ Salt. warning, govern, over- see, inspect. *. Michiru. * To ^ be >A full, v completed. Tarai, tearau. [the hands. hand-basin, to wash vA A tray. W * Sdk'azulti. ^ A wine-cup, glass. h v Com. % a: Sara, tarai, dai. A basin, dish, stand. Masu, susumu, yutaka, Abut Ugokasu, kakimazeru, oi- naru. To move, stir up, large. oi. * More and more, money, 5 Stroke radical. ^fc* profit, benefit, use. 64 Characters. ii 6u,futa, nanzo. To cover, a lid, why. Af^, 7/rtt. The y Hachi, sakan. ^ bowl, at its best. A (9, //, kedashi. To cover, a lid, eye, to see, view, a mesh, square, name, dot. [for. probably, T r*~~? Mekura, meshii. Blind, a blind person. 113 Sugu ni, tadashii, Akirdka narazu, kurai. naosu, Indistinct, dark. ataru. At once, direct, honest, right, to mend ; value. Chikazuku. To draw At, mini. near, be inti- mate with. Together, mutual, to look at, a minister, premier. Kaerimiru, habuku. To look back, consider, diminish, reduce, a department of the govern- niramu. ,J* Manajiri, The corner of the Mekurumeku, madou. To be dizzy, bewildered. ment. Miru, nozomu. To see, look at, look eye, to glare at. ? Nagameru, miru, nozomu. v To view, gaze at. after. Uramimiru. look with envy. jf * The eye, Tate. shield. y eye-ball. * Kaerimiru, atsuku A To look back with one eye, omou, nengoro. consider, regard affectionately, kind. To Kaerimiru. look look a- at, skance. & Hitomi. v The pupil of the eye. Sugame, kasuka. Squint-eyed, indistinct. Hitomi. The pupil of the eye. Mayu. j I Me, manako. To The eye-brows. aru koto, tanoshimu. v Glaring, to take pleasure in. /j i ^ v Kurai, oibore. Makoto, kuwashii, tadashii. Real, genuine, true, correct. 3 Nemuru. ^ To -fe Nemuru. '* To sleep, be drowsy. Mabayui, ivazawai. 4 Dazzling, hazy, clouded, misfortune. sleep, ^* Hikiiru, meru. be drowsy. tadasu, imashi- To Kurai, kasumu. Dark, to be hazy. v Dark, dotage. 5/ .;* lead, command, oversee, inquire into, correct. r*s Niramu. "t To glare at. Megiwa, mdbuchi. of the eye-lids. The edge Hitomi. The pupil of the eye. Mutsumajii, shitashimu. Friendly, amicable, to be intimate with, harmonize. ML fefc 114 Me wo ' To 1 3L up the Mitsumeru, miharu. To spy, lead. y Niramu, nagashime ni look a- glare skance. at, fr tf out. Majirogu, matatdku. To wink, blink. Matatdku, majirogu. To wink, twinkle, a short time. eyelids, eye-lashes. 4 watch Mdbuchi, matsuge. ? The edges of the * stare at, Akirdka narazu. Dim, obscure. miru. To ^j Clear, distinct, plain. eyes. Ukagai-miru, hiku. * To 4 Akirdka. aogu. lift Nirami-au, somuku. To glare at each other, oppose. Kotogotoku, oinaru Entirely, large. Miru, chirari to miru. glance at. To !# Miru, fu shite ^ orosu. miru, mi- . dkirdka, z, . To hijiri. *4 Intelligent, clear, a sage. . & Kurai, tsutsushinde miru. fr Dark, to drop the eyes k reverentially. , v To me wo see, look down upon. p Hitomi. v The pupil of the eye. r Kdkureru. * To be hidden, obscured. haru. be angry, make angry eyes. jt Miru, nozomi-miru, aogimiru. \* To see, look up to with v Meshii, mekura. Blind, a blind person. desire. *' >r 4 fusagu, shinu. sleep, be giddy, close the eyes, die. eyelids. To x. -f ><; V Me An v Blind, a blind person. eye disease. dkirdka na- deceive, dim eyes. Miru, me no yamai. To see ; disease of ; the ,* Mitsumeru, miharu. To stare at, be surprised. Odoroki-miru, osoreru. look with astonish- To ment, , eye?. fe . raw. To ~. ^ Meshii, mekura. no yamai. Damasu, me Mabuta, mabuchi. v Eylids, the edge of the j Nemuru, mekurumeku, me- fear. dkirdka Meshii, kurai. narazu, Blind, not clear, dim. * Awale-miru, odoroku. % To look at flurriedly, be astonished. 115 Tomeru, tadasu, itsuwaru. Sakan, sobieru. [loft. Flourishing, to tower a- To Miru, nagameru. pretend, To straighten, rectify, lie. see, stare at. 5 Stroke radical. |<w HI* 5 Stroke radical. Ishi'hen. 62 Characters. 3 Characters. Ishi, twa, koku. A stone, rock, a A spear. Awaremu, hokoru, tsutsu- shimu. To be proud, to Isago suna % Sand. i wo motte ugatsu, afu~ reru. [flow. To drill a hole, to over- m -ft Chikara wo tsukushite liataraku koto. pity, reverence. Kiri measure of capacity. migin. A stone pavement, time, period, opportunity. Stroke radical. 'a-hen. 9 Characters. Ya, tsuraneru, chikau. An arrow, dart, to arrange in order, swear. A particle used to conclude a sencence. Arsenic. Ishihajiki, ozulsu. ballista, gun, cannon. A Yaburu, hiraku, want, kowasu. To tear, break, destroy, open, split, smash. Toishi, aoto. Shiru, satoru, tsukasadoru. To know, perceive, govern. Kinti, mato. A lord, target. Nori, sashigane, A stockade. 7* Lf- Kinuta, uchiishi. Mashite, iwanya, haguki. Much more, the gums. Aicr A whet-stone. magari- Aci Arule, carpenter's square. Mijikai, ayamachi. Short, short-comings. Mijikai, takehikuL Short, low of stature. v A block flO^ used in fulling cloth. Ishibari. A stone needle. Migaku, To togu, sum, kiwa- polish, rob, study. Akai suna. fill Red sand. 1J6 rf Suzuri. ink-stone. *x v An % Ishi no Midori. * Green, oto, ehiisai. if * The sound of a stone blue. Sakashii, kewashii. v Steep. , inferior. * Tachiishi, takai. ? A stone tablet, lofty. ~* Hard, 9 Stony ground. '.i f it V fe Katai, kowai, tsuyoi. Hard, strong. Kusuri no na, ishi Ei; >j Pondo. no katai 9 Yu-no-hana, Sulphur. or (Mend 5 '4 Oku no Many ishi, nukinderu. stones, piled up, to excel. $ Kudaku, warn. 4 To break to pieces. ^ (sterling A yard (English), agate. The base, Japanese check- 4 pound id. Moto,go. * A avoirdupois). ers. w solid, certain, in- deed. Salt-peter. fi/IL * tashika. '>% '* Ishi no katachi. A stony Iwa, oinaru. A rock, great. Jishaku, harisui-ishi. A magnet, lodestone. appearance. Hikiusu. Ikari. M An anchor. Com. for $| 4 A hand mill. Migaku. To polish. Karausu, Jumi-usu. 4 A mortar worked by the foot. Ishibumi. A stone Haritsuke, saku, sarasu. cross, to tear, expose. A Kishiru. tablet, monu- To ment grate, creak. Migaku, ^ Oinaru. * Great, large, eminent. Agate. To togu, sum, hikiusu. polish, rub, sharpen, a mill. Kewashii. Steep. 117 fr Koishi. small stone, pebble. ;* Uwahitsugi. A stone outer coffin. A t Kawara. vA fe * tile, t * brick. Kusuri no na. Alum. (Myoban a Migaku, togu, suru. *P To rub, polish, whet. Kawara, sunawara. \ A or pebbly, sandy, shore, a river beach. >, \* 4 stone musical instrument. kawara. The jj v 5 sea-shore. Mizu aru konzuru katachi. The appearance of being jumbled together. A Iso, Michi-fusagaru, Stroke radical. Shimesu-hen. 40 Characters. tani. A watered valley. Shimesu. To show, publish, inform, * Ore of iron or copper. i & instruct. Ishidan, saka. A stone platform, 4 Politeness, ceremony, thanks, acknowledgement. Ab. f. il an ac- clivity. t Kakure-twa. * A hidden, rock. or s/ Ishi no oi chi, katai chi. Stony, hard ground. Yashiro, kumiai. altar, shrine, pany, association. ^An sunken, frQ /I'u Hata to. An interjection, That's it! com- Matsuri, matsuru. religious celebration, festival, to worship. A Sakan, oinaru. Prosperous, great. Ishizue. A stone pedestal or foun- iriu/i, tsugeru. To dation. Sawaru, todomeru, fusegu, samatageru. To stop, impede, limit, ::lr /UK pray, petition. Kunitsukami, yasui. god, the god-protector of a country, peaceful. A an obstruction. Happiness. v ix i i Raw Togu, To metal. toishi, arato. whet, a whet-stone. Wazawai. * Calamity. Tasukeru, saiwai. help, happiness. To 118 Senzo, hajime, moto. ancestor, beginning, origin. Fucht, saiwai. Salary, rations, An Hfifei'' Chichi no tamaya. ancestor's shrine, priest with the army. An Todomeru, imashimeru. j/ Kami, spirit. ^ Kannushi, norito, iwau. Shinto priest, prayers, ^ p to congratulate,celebrate. A a Saiwai. Happiness. j Harai. v Shinto prayers. Tsutsushimu. reverence. To tsukareru, hisoka ni, kakusu. god, to be tired, secretly, to conceal. Kami, T- Saiwai, tadashii, yoi. i Happiness, # 3 Fusegu, mamoru, todomeru, kobamu. To ward off, protect, defend, stop, refuse. Saiwai, yoi. Happiness, joy. -b Yuzuru, shizuka. y To yield, resign, a Buddhist sect, calm, quiet. 9. * Harau, ou, chirasu. a To clear away, pursue, good. i" To worship. A Saiwai, kurai. Happiness, honor, rank. just, Harai, misogi. 4 Clearing way, a rite of purification by use of water. 4- * Tatari, wazawai. * curse, calamity. Matsuri, hokora, tamaya. religious festival, a shrine. sokonau, kobotsu. to Misfortune, misery, harm, demolish. 7 Saiwai, tasuke, yorokobi. # Happiness, blessing. A A stop, forbid, prohibit. i, v tamashii. * The gods, God, a * To a Comf.m I happi- ness. *" Matsuri no na. A festival in commemo- ration of the dead, u Nori t gishiki. 4 Politeness, thanks, scatter. ceremony, acknowledg- ment. Yorokobi, saiwai, kizashi. & Happiness, an omen. -> <? 4 Fuda, shirushi. A ticket, sign. priest A with the army. & Inoru. v Matsuri, matsuru. religious celebration, a festival, to worship. Chichi no tamaya. ancestor's shrine, An To pray. r arau. To drive away, purify. a 119 Shiina, kegareru. Stroke radical. 5 An 3 Characters. imperfect ear of rice, to be defiled. Hisomeru, himeru, hisoka. To v Foot-prints of an animal. Noberu, mushi. To * v conceal, ^ Magusa, v Fodder, relate, insects. private, secret. Tori, magusakau. to feed. Mitsugi. tribute, duty, land- Birds. Tax, tax. _ rtli Mr* Stroke radical. J Hatari. & ~Nogi-hen. 55 Characters. Tsuide, tsune naru. Order, fixed, ordinary, arranged in order. Ine, nae. Grain, rice. Nae. Hiideru, shigeru, utsukushii. To be luxuriant, beautiful, excellent. & A scales. Watakushi, yokoshima, Shoots of young plants. 5/ Shina no molo no na, uruou. ancient name of China, to get wet. " An hi- soka. I, selfish, Utsuru, utsusu. private, secret. To change, to remove, transplant. Hageru, kaburo. To be bald, a bald head. Mare, orosoka. Scarce, rare, few, remiss, negligent, dilute (chem.). Straw. Ine no taba, torn. [take. bundle of grain, to A Autumn, a & 4 Mitsugi. tax, A $ Shidai time, period. tribute, duties, tariff. ni, yaya, yoyaku. * Gradually, rather, at last. Shina, toga. branch (of study), kind, A Hodo, shina, hakaru, mi- degree, series, a fault. Extent, kind, to calculate, distance, limit. Urushine, okute. Non-glutinous rice, late A little, Momigara. Chaff. rice. Sukoshi, chinori. wazuka naru koto. a second of time. Straw. ' 120 Itokenai, osanai. Young, childish. f Shigeshii, sakan. 9 Thick, dense, ^ 1 crowded, ix '* flourishing. y, > v ,*. Minoru, To Wakaine, osanai. rice, young. Growing Kuroi, tnorotnoro. Black, all. y * Kokibi, awa. Millet. toshi. ripen, a year. ^ Tsumu, kasaneru, tsumoru Hie. ,* < A kind of grain. # A corner, majesty. To heap up, accumulate, load, estimate, intention. Sutaru, otoroeru. j J Haydku maita \< To be rejected, become weak. ine. ? Early planted rice. Nuka. Rice-bran. ^ Tamawaru, ukeru, niosu. ^ To receive from a supey speak to a supe- rior, to rior. ,jr v An Hadaka mugi. Wheat. d? ? A seed, ear of grain, point of an awl, clever, various kinds, intelligent. Uyauyashii, yawaragu, tsutsushimu. Respectful, to be harmonious, to show respect. sorts. ^ Tonaeru, hakaru, homcru. calculate, recite, ? To name, praise. # An ;^ \ y y Inc. 9 Rice in the paddy. To work, labor, plant. \ 3 Tanatsumono, yoi. 9 Grain, cereals, good. Kangaeru, (of a let- hakaru, kura- beru. To Karu. \ \^. v To reap. Kusagiru, kusanozoku. To cut, or pluck out, grass. Oi, sakan, yuiaka. consider, study, cal- culate, ^ Odayaka, yasuraka. v Quiet, calm. :% ter). 4 Kariosameru. To harvest grain. Kegareru, kegarawashii. To be defiled, unclean. Kasegu, ueru. ii Wara, shitagaki. * Straw, a draft ear of grain. compare. Abundant, fertile. prosperous, 121 5 Stroke radical. Ana-kammuri. '# "9 Anagura. cave used for storing. A 33 Characters. ^Tashinameru, kumshimu. To afflict, to be in pain ' >Sx na. .* or sorrow. A cave, hole. * Kiwameru. * To investigate examine, be carefully, in great g A \9 Utsuro, ana. hollow, hDle. ,* A trouble. 3 fr *v Iwaya, ana. i* cave, hole. Munashii, sora. Empty, the sky. f^ tj > Takai, oinaru, sora. vast, the sky. ^ y Ugatsu, horu, tsuranuku. To dig, pry into, penetrate, wear (boots). v High, f Ugatsu, kugurido. [*Tci dig a hole, a small door * A grotto, store-house. Tsuku, niwaka. To strike against, sudden. Kiwamaru, fusagaru. be in extremities, To t Otoshiana. 1 poor, exhausted, depress- A pit-fall. ed. Kamado. lOri. v A A furnace. stable, pen, prison. * Fukai, 9 in a gate. Iwaya, kura. f \ h Kubomu. To be concave, hollowed. shizuka, okufukat, Yugamu, kizu. be bent, a flaw. uruwashii. Deep, quiet, beautiful. To profound, Semai, semaru. * Narrow, to press upon. Ukagau, nozoku. enquire, spy out. To , -D. y Mado. v A window. ^ Shizuka, fukai, * okufukai, utsukushii. Deep, quiet, beautiful. v Mado. A window. g Munashii, -/ profound, + Fusagu, tsumeru. v To stop up, obstruct. ^. o Yatsuyatsushii, yatsureru. v Poor, wretched, ragged, e.na elated. utsuro. Empty, a hollow. Sorimagaru, ozora. 5 To be warped, bent, the vault of heaven. >y Nagareru, hanatsu, kaku- reru. To run away, let go, hide. 122 Ana, munashii. 3> A hole, empty. a young servant. Mizumichi, anagura. An aqueduct, a grotto. t Shizuka, yasui. 1 Quiet, peaceful. Kamado. A furnace. Itoguchi, hashi, tadashii. y The Nusumu, hisoka To steal, ni. secretly, pri- just. * * 5 Stroke radical. . Tatsu-hen. rt jfc^P 15 -II'* origin, cause, end of thing, edge, margin, a vately. . Tate, shimobe. * The height, length wise, Tsukiru, tsukusu. To end, exhaust. To Characters. contend, Tatsu. /. ,? compete, race. 6 Stroke radical. To stand. rtll Take-kammuri. -If* 1*5 Characters. ? A dragon, to rise up. ^ Narabu, tomo 4 To ni, narabi ni. Bamboo. be arranged in a row, together with. Bamboo. + Tadazumu. a To stand still. Tdkezao. owaru, kiivameru. 4 Finally, to finish, exhaust. \i ni, shiru,^ Akiraka, ay a, nori, v * shi. (Tenjiku ^c^, A bamboo pole. Warau, emu, yorokobu. To laugh, smile, rejoice. Tdke-no-ko. Bamboo root. Clear, an ornament, rule, chapter, section. A box for books Warabe. on the back). A child. To wait. Owaru, yamu, aratameru. To finish, stop, to reform. ^ Tsutsushimu, osoreru. 5 To revere, fear. India). Oi, hombako. (carried Zaru. A basket. A baton carried by nobles the presence emperor. Kasa. in of A hat, head-covering. the 123 y Hako. A box, hamper. Warifu, fuda, awaseru. 9 A pen, brush. Yahazu, hazu. shirushi, * The notch in an arrow, A tally, seat, sign, to unite, correspond with. ought. r> Tagui, V ^ Tsuide, yashiki. * Order, number, degree, a house. hitoshii, Quality, sort, like, sign of the plural. * Suji. a Taga. VA + HL y Kotaeru. vein, line, sinew, the authorities concerned. A hoop. i To A shuttle. 3 * u Kago, mushiro. 4 basket, mat. A 1 * ? Fue. * whistle, flute. A Hakarigoto, kakitsuke, muchi. * Kogai, kanzashi. 4 A hair ornament. * Tsue, take. YX Ab. ^ A cane, bamboo. Sasara. Fuda, muchi. ticket, reply, answer. A plan, scheme, whip. The shoots of the bamboo. ^ *A wakachi, ra. A whip. brush made of split bamboo. * * Sho-no-fue. ^ Yana,fusego. A kind of wind musical instrument. * Muchi, muchiutsu. s> bamboo Take-no-ko, koshi. sprouts, a sedan chair. ^ Bamboo $ Semaru, shiboru, hasamu. * To press upon, to wring, to hold between. b Sasa. r a large basket. A whip, to whip. Bamboo A weir, A tube, funnel, pipe. * Ikada. * grass, Tsutsu. * A raft. A whistle made of a reed. Gakki no na. wind- musical instrument of five pipes. A Arai. Rough. . M E a e A 124 ^. Kazoeru, kazu. v To calculate, count, num- 9 Kuda,fuye, tsukasadoru. v A pipe, whistle, to have \ ber, arithmetic. gr a jurisdiction. Takezutsu, yatsubo. A bamboo tube, quiver. A round box, a [a Gakki no isshu, kago. w kind of musical instruL ment, a basket. A box. * z, A kakimono. document, ticket, tablet. Bamboo. v j !:. v , ^ Tsukasadoru, kuda. To govern, a pipe. Mi, an assemblage. -<. J^lL v winnowing Sudare. foil, blinds made of bamboo strips. tion. Sgf + in- a dust-pan. * Metal Divining sticks, divina- musical chiritori. rice, -^/"Tvy Medogi, uranai. iW^4 stringed strument. A basket for Mushiro. A mat, A * Yadake, take-no-ko. * Bamboo suitable for arrows, bamboo sprouts. Kakehi. A bamboo water-pipe. Taga. The A hoop. reed of a loom. j Ebira, yanagui. 9 quiver. Hdko, sasara, meshibitsu. A A box, split bamboo brush, rice-basket. * Tsugumu, tozasu, kubigase. close the month, gag, a cangue. shut, * To Itokuda, kago, utsubari. ;* spool, basket, beam. I^- A Hdko. A box. ^ Medogi, hakarigoto, fiida. ;' Divining sticks, a plan, ticket. /, i * misao,toki. A joint, time, chastity, a point, or period, of time. An ' auxiliary numeral. Com. jgj * Takamura, yabu, fue. ,v A clump of bamboos, a flute. \yHawaku, ** To hoki. Tehon, kata, nori. rule, law, model. sweep, a broom. '* Kazoeru, kazu. *v To calculate, count, ber, arithmetic. A *x num- Amu, ^To shomotsu, kakemono. compose, a book, section, document. 125 -+ Kizuku, 9 To Isuku. " construct, build. A sieve, to I A y Imashime, hari, harisasu. v Warning, a needle, to prick with a needle. ' i sift. wo . [ment. kind of musical instru- A weir, a thin a trowel. bladed knife, * Ya. y An arrow. \ " r Mino. A raincoat. * Ashi, yoshibue. 't Magaki, gakki no na. *y fence, musical instrument. A reed, a reed-pipe. ; 1 Iko, ^ A koromokake, fumidai. A clothes-rack, foot-rest. * '* Hashi, kiru, ichijirushii. [ Chopsticks, to wear, re- -v markable. ^The A rush mat for covering. elrira. Su, sunoko, yukaita, atsu- A quiver. meru. kind of A Hako. \ Shigeru, hazure no oto. To be luxuriant, the rustling of leaves. Toma. seal character. a Yanagui, Nagai, hart, hitoshikarazu. Long, a needle, of unequal length. bamboo mat, flooring, to collect. ? A box. Muragaru, atsumaru, ya'a Gakki no na. kind of musical instrument. ^A h Atsui. Kind, > J/tew. rv To liberal, A deep. to choose, frugal, bridge. Takemushiro. take by force, rob. [a Kago,fusego, kagari. i* basket, bonfire, torchlight support. v assemble, an arrowhead, barb. Fumi, juda, erabu, tsuzumaydka. bamboo ticket, a letter, ' >* jiri. To to A bamboo mat. A Hako. A kind of small bamboo. Ajika,fugo, makko. basket for carrying A box. A earth. Fue-no-shita. ^ Sumikago, hako. * a- A The tongue charcoal basket, box. # 1 m & E a e of a flute. 126 $/ t * Magaki. Kanzashi, kogai. A fence. A hair ornament. Shinodake, fue. 6 Stroke radical. Koine-hen. 40 Characters. A small bamboo, a flute. ' ix v ! Sudare, su. blind made of strips of A bamboo. Koine, yone. :* Chomen, fuda. 'j An Momi, ntomigara. Unhulled rice, chaff. account book, a reg- ister. Kume. x * A Hisashi, noki. awning, eaves. meaningless used in names. An syllable Hiru, aoru. To winnow, l-fe '* Fumi,fuda, A book, Flour, powder. to flap. Tsubu. grain of rice, a pill, an auxiliary numeral. A tsutaeru. register, list, to transmit. Okii kago. large basket. ; Coarse, rough, large, for the most part. A 1 A blasted ear [* Hdkarigoto, kazoeru. V A scheme, plan, to count. Rattan. ! y .^ Yiz&tt, 2flrw. A bamboo grove, a canebrake, a basket. ?w Kago, komeru. i* basket, cage, to put in. m of rice. Nebaru, tsuku. To be sticky, to stick. Mochi, kogomemochi. Rice-cake, rice-cake broken-rice. of Kasu. Dregs. A 5 4 F, kanashii koe. A flute, a sad tone. ;^ .Kw/Y, shirushi. lot, chance, ticket. \* A * A flute. Millet. Yosoou. To adorn. Onibi, hotarubi. Ignis fatuus, the light of the fire-fly. 127 ^ Hoshii, kate. Kibizake, mochi. A kind from :> of liquor brewed Sun-dried rice, rations. millet, rice-cake. J-t Kogome. yy Broken rice. Rice-gruel. Hoshii, irigome, kate. Sun-dried ? Monti, kayu. Chaff, rice-gruel. rice, parched rice, food. _.,.., ...dareru, tsuiyasu. Rice-gruel, to be inflam- J ft Provisions, rations. ed, to spend. i^ Nebarut majiru. To be sticky, to mix. r^ Urushine, uruchi. & Non-glutinous rice. , ; $. Azayaka. ^4 Kuwashii, Kuso, kegasu. Dung, to defile. Kasu, moromi. Dregs, lees. :* Bright. tadashii, yoi, shirageru, tamashii. Upright, sure, good, minute, to refine, the spirit. \ -j ** Millet. Rice-bran, flour. Provisions, rations. Yeast. \ :* Moppara, kuwashii, Mochigome. Glutinous rice. tnajiri ^ Kaiyone. [* Rice for buying. t Entirely, minute, elegant, pure. \? Uriyone. [^ Rice for selling. y Chimaki. * A rice-cake. r Paste. 6 Stroke radical. PP Chimaki. A rice dumpling. , ^To kurau. 175 Characters. Thread, mix, to eat. string. Tadasu. To enquire into, examine, judge. Sugar, rice-jelly. m IPT 128 4- 4 Chisuji, tsunagu, tsuzuku. A connection, system, line of succession, to con- >N v %. Tadasu, nau. * To enquire into, examine, ' Midareru, magireru. Confused, perplexed, dis- J Nawabari, hiroi, oinaru. Stretching rope, wide, 7 judge, twist. Shirusu, nori. orderly, ambiguous. To write down, a history, chronicle, rule, law. t vast. y Musubu, tsuzumeru, chikau, A promise, generally, to bind, abridge, promise. =I Kurenai, bent. y To weave, i, magaru, matou. Arope,tobebent,towrap. * Shiroginu, musubu. J Shining garments, to f Midareru. be disordered, ^To -f * Midareru, sakan, okii. To be in confusion, prosperous, many. * To Ayamaru, kazaru, araginu. To make a mistake, adorn, coarse cloth. tie. con- f- * vestigate, wrap, lonely. crest. To receive, collect, pay , * braid, ribbon, to . 4 Tstride, shina, class, Kami. $, majiri no nai, moppara. Good, pure, entirely. Usumono. ^ Gauze, thin. silk. pile up, repeat, tie up, cause trouble. Hosoi, komaka, wazuraivashii. Kazari-obi, tsukaneru. sash, a gentleman, to bind, * A large ornamental Paper. ,* raivasu. troublesome. step, grade, rank. Yoi, in- Narrow, minute, small, kida. order, search, Kasaneru, tsunagu, ivazu- To A card, to Purple. Himo, musubu. A rope, Murasaki. * tie. * ? sagasu, matou, sabi- shii. A in. * Nawa, Aya, moyo, kata. * Ireru, osameru. 3* yurumu. loose, to relax. fused, tumultuous. * A design, v silk. -^ v Scarlet, rouge. v spin (thread). Moto, shiroi, sunao. Origin, white, simple, the original thing. tinue. W Tsumugu, umu. To bundle. fe v Tsugu, tasukeru. connect, continue, introduce, assist. To * Dark blue. 129 Oivaru, tsui ni, shinu, end, finally, to die. * Tamau, sonaeru, 7 To give (to an To M To weave, club together, a company, league. j. v f Fusagu, furuwata. * To close up, old cotton. v 4 An unlined garment, to string. Shibaru, tsunagu, nawame. * To bind, tie, a bond. & Hosonuno. * Fine cloth, woolen cloth. * Tsumugi, tsumugu. & Pongee, to spin. * Kubiru, tie, ^ Cotton. matou. n, wrap. : ^ Tsunagu, ywwaeru, * Ito. fe pull. To Suberu, suji-michi. To unite in one, govern, continue, line (family). Thread, hiku. Nuno, tsumugi, nawa. Linen, pongee, rope. * inferior), supply, to suffice. Kumu, kumi. > Hitoemono, tariru. To tie, kizuna. I bonds, fetters. A Azamuku, v Pure, j, .* shizuka. quiet. Kubiru, shiboru, shimeru. To bind, strangle, wring, squeeze. utagau, matou. To deceive, doubt, wrap. ; 3 Matagjtru, hakama. To * Shirizoku, kagamu. 5 To retire, bend down. bestride, loose trous- ers. Resplendent. String, cord, a stringed Shitone. musical instrument. A mattress. Hodasu, tsunagu. y To 3 * 4- * Wata, midareru. fetter, bind, tie. Cotton, to be disordered. tsunagaru, kukuru. to be connected, to bind. Ito, A thread, nort, tsune, tale. To pass through, a rule, law, usual, length wise, a parallel of longitude. Musubu, VMM. To tie, 'bind, dress the hair. v * Taeru, tatsu. end, fail, be extinct, to cut. To Silk. ' Komakai, kuzununo. \ * Fine, grass-cloth. 130 Tsurube-nawa. A well rope. ar Hokorobu. v To rip open, to open (as a bud). Shima no orimono. u Some-iro, moegi. Striped cloth. 4 The coloring, a light green. Arai kuzununo. * Coarse grass-cloth. JJL* >> Somukanu, musuli'.sukeru. v Not opposed, to tie fast. 4- ^ ^ Kiito, ayaginu. Raw silk, damask. I* ! s, * Tsumuida araito, kuzunuuo. Coarse-spun thread, grasscloth. Nawa, nau, Rope, to twist rope. ^ Kammuri no himo, tareru. * The ribbons of a crown, to Matou, kazami. vTo wrap around, weather vane. a ^ Tsumugi. 4 Pongee. * Yasunzuru, 4 shirizoku, warn. be at ease, retire, > To susit. suberu. |# Tsuna, tsunagu, \9 hawser, to tie, unite. A 'J Wata, shimaginu. Cotton, striped cloth. + Matou, shigeshii, tsuzuku. v To wrap around, crowded, dense. y Osa, suberu. * 5 Green. The reed of a loom, to control, superintend. y Kumihimc. ribbon, braid, cord. * Midori. hang down. A *Shirushi. Tsunagu, tsuna, 4 A mark, sign. * To tamotsu, kore. To lys I * tie, rope, keep, this. A net. Tsuzuru, tsugi-awa eru. compose, join together, patch, spell, rags. oJ To : J color. i4i. Wata. Cotton. l. ,5 Silk-damask. 6 Eginu, ayaginu. 1 Decorated silk. Ayaginu, tsuya. Figured cloth, lustre. ^ Yutaka, yuruyaka. 7 Abundant, lenient. * Kuroi, kuroginu. Black, black cloth. 131 Tsuriito, >j tto, A fish-line, y Tsumugu, atsumeru. tsukasadoru. cord, to gov- To ern. \jj Kibishii, matou. 41 v , Strict, to Tojiru, karageru. v To bind itoguchi, kumihimo. a thread, The end of plaited cord. Nuki. * The woof, Itoguchi, o, tsunami. ^The end of a thread, a or tude. ^ v Neru. Suji. A thread, line. To To 4 tie, make Haruka, tight, shut, border, affinity, relation, connected with. \ v Loose, it v Amu, kumu, tsuizuru. v To weave, compose, to be in order. ^ y ^ Wata, tsuranaru. Cotton, to be connected. v? * to pain. A diaper. . * Sakan, furuwata, wataire. V v Flourishing, old cotton, a wadded garment. Neru, shiroginu, shima. To gloss, stripe. white cloth, a Agata, kakeru. district, prefecture, to A Orosu, sugaru. lower, lean upon. To s/ '* toi. Odoshi. >r threads of an armor. . M A large sash, a gentle- man. * Indistinct, far. The remiss, easy, slow. Meguru, tori-maku. To wind about, surround, encompass. Mutsuki. Kasuka, hoso-ito. hang up. K Tsuri-ito, zenisashi, itamu. y A fish-line, coin-string. ^ toi, Shtbaru, kukuru, nawa. To tie, rope. Komakashii, kuwashii. Fine, minute. v drill, osoi. j^ Yuruyaka, Heri, fuchi, yoru, chinami. ^A *x train, Distant, far, fine-thread discipline. x temper, practice. Musubu, shimeru. =r cross-threads parallels of lati- lines, a thong, lineage. ^. together, bind. wrap around. Akai, neriginu. Vermillion, red, gloss silk. v col- assemble, spin, lect. Chijintu, chijimi. To shrink, cloth. a kind of Kinufutako. v A kind of woven goods. A * E si a rfi M B IW 132 ! Koto. *4 A . h > Shibarinaiva, shibaru. bond, fetter, to bind. A thing. Nawa, karageru, mukabaki. Rope, to hoist, leggings. Muji no Plain kinu, yuruyaka. lenient, cloth, eisy. r^ Kazaru, shigeshii. r? To ornament, luxuriant. Matou, ayamari. To wrap around, Kubiru, kubikukuru. To bind, tighten, strangle. an error. Itosuji, kuivashii, tsuzure. A ^Nuu, ,v To sew. 1 thread, clear, minute, particular, rags. v Chijimu. Oru. ^ To To shorten, shrink. weave. */ Tsukurou, osameru. repair, regulate. Tate, hoshiimama, yunisu. Length-wise, willful, to To permit. Kinugasa. A parasol. ^* Shigeshii, shigeru. Luxuriant, prosperous. Matou, meguru, tori-ntaku. around, encom- To wrap ;.fe Umu, tsumugu, ,* To isaoshi. pass. spin, merit. Kinu. y Suberu, subete, musubu,fusa. v To control, govern, generally, all, to tie, a tassel. \, Motsureru, musuboreru. be tangled, or knot- ^To ted. ^ Maku, tsukaneru, mutsuki. v To wind, bundle up, a swaddling cloth. -v Himodoku, hirogeru. 10 i To unfasten, untie, read, to widen. Nuimono, nuihaku. Need] ework, embroidery. Meguru, torim a ku. To surround, encompass. Nawa, Hanairo, moegi. Light green. tadasu. A rope, to adjust. Tsunagu, kutsutva. E, egaku, miu. To p'cture, to draw, broider. tie, a bridle * Mutsuki, v Silk. A A bit. em- zenisashi. diaper, a cord stringing cash. for Tsunagu, kakeru, kizuna. tie, hang, a bond, tie. To 133 i Noberu, tazuneru. * To relate, enquire. Hosoi wata, ivata-ire. Fine cotton, a wadded garment. Matou, tsunagu, nawa. To wrap around, tie, a rope, hawser. ^ Kuru. .* To reel thread, gin cotton. [* Tazuna. Wazuka. f\> A little. A rein, halter. * L-^ [* Kammuri Tsunagu, meguru. tie, surround. no himo. Ribbons of a head-cover- To ing. Hosoi, komakai, # Matou, * To wrap . Fine, slender, delicate. around, thread. * A banner, standard. zuku. Ab. $} Tomozuna, funazuna. A hawser. Atsumeru. To gather, compile, sew together. 6 Stroke radical. + Nengoro, nasakebukai. ^Kind, sympathetic. j/ 15 Characters. Matou, kumu. To wrap around, braid a queue. ^ Usuginu. # Kame, ^ Thin "t thread, Ukeru, tsugu, tsunagu, 1su~ tinue. v a To To received, inherit, cony. shina- Tsugu, tsuzuru. succeed, continue. v The silk-worm cocoon. 4 suji, ya^a : itosuj silk, fine silk. Sakan, okii. v Flourishing, & Hotogi, kame. earthen vessel, jar. An A jar. >r Kakeru, sokonau. v To large. motai. v lack, to te defective, incomplete, to injure. Tsugu, tsuzuku. To ^ Kame, continue. J * Musubu, shiboru. ? To tie, wring out, dye. j- A jar. motai. ^ Kakeru. ftfi * To be nicked. Matou, karameru, meguru. v To wrap around, bind, cling about, encompass. M ~. 4 Kame, tsurube. A crock, jar, well-bucket. a M s* g IW 134 $. v ^ Sakazuki. A wine-cup. Munasliii, '4 JH. J utsuro, kotogo Mtr^ A mals). Sukima, ana. A crack, hole. r Motai, kame. fr -y " ami. net or trap (for ani- Wana, toku. Empty, a hollow, entirely. ' A net for catching ania mals. < *JB ^ Tsumi, toga, wazaivai. 7p4 A sin, crime, punishment, misfortune. A crock, jar. O/^M, todomeru. J^L Sakadaru. To IM. v A sflfe cask. * A jar, crock. put, place, except, let alone. komeru. ^*^ ^t Kago, A^ttf A basket, to put into. Uo-ami. M^* A 1 Sakadaru. safo? cask. 4 A ^ A bottle. fish-net. Goban no mori me, 4 i- Hotogi, kogame, tsurube. jar, can, bucket. A [ Tsumi, tsumi suru. # Punishment, to punish. v Yakusho, han wo 3 6 Stroke radical. A government osu. office, to seal. % on fro p*i Ami-gashira. Me-gashira. 24 Characters. suji. A vacant spot, a line. Nonoshiru. " * To abuse, revile. ? Yameru, makaru. ^ * A net, snare. * Nai, ami, Kakaru, au, uryoru. be concerned in, meet with, grieve. * Wana, toraeru. v A trap, to catch. Mare, ami. * Seldom, a net. jj Ami, kasaneru. ? A net, to pile up. * A fish-net. Ami. cease, retire. To shiiru. v Not, a net, to deceive. fc To Ami, usuginu, tsurauaru. net, gauze, to be arranged in a row. A . ^ Shiboru, kosu. 4 To wring ou f , filter. 135 Shiguma. kind of bear. Mure, muragaru, oi. crowd, to flock together, congregate, numerous. A A To cover, a covering an algebraic exponent. ^ Urayamu, amaru. v To envy, covet, main over. cloth, Tabi, tabibilo, tomaru. journey, traveler, to A Tadashii, nori, yoshi. ; Right, justice, reason, good, correct, proper. \ lodge. Kizuna, tabit omogai. fetter, journey, bridle. to re- % Atsumono, suimono. A ? f-fe 6 Stroke radical. , Soup. Hitsuji-kusai, namagusai. v Smelling of sheep, ill- smelling, Hitsuji-hen. 17 Characters. [ a } Hitsuji, utsukushti. a, A sheep, beautiful. Hitsuji. A sheep. Yowai,yaseru, tsukareru. * Weak, to be emaciated, tired. A barbarian. 6 Stroke radical. Yoi, utsukushii, yomisuru. ; Hane-kammuri. Lovely, good, beautiful, t j esteem, approve. : * 23 Characters. O-hitsuji. Hane, tsubasa. A ram. Feathers, wings. Okina, oyaji, chichi, old man. Me-htsuji, kuroi o-hitsuji. 9- A ewe, a black ram. v Ko-hitsuji. y Tsubasa, tada ni. Wings, not only with a negative), (used a Tsugi. [row. A lamb. An A ram, lamb. 9 Next, following, to-mor- Susumeru, hazukashii. To offer, urge upon, a- ? O-hitsuji, ko-hitsuji. s/ Narau, manabu, narawashi. To shamed. learn, study, practice, custom, fashion. O-hitsujL 3 Tsutsushimu, tasukeru. To respect, assist. A large sheep. * To (Incorrect for fly, soar. E & IW 3f =& 136 ^f atsumeru. Aii, Kagayalatt hikaru. ? To meet, gather together. To * Midori. * Green. r-tlJ Jr* ? Yamadori, * A 14 shine. 6 Stroke radical. ^* Oi-kammuri. 7 Characters. kiji. pheasant. <, toshiyoru. old, aged, To grow Kawasemi. A kingfisher. vene- rable. Kangaeru, nagaiki. To consider, reflect, opin- ^ Kiru, tatsu. * To cut. ion, thought, long M?o, wa, ^oo, <x ^ Hirugaeru, Jiayaku To wave, mind, tobu. Thing, as change the >^ Moteasobu. * To play with. To grow ^ Fumi, a pheasant. -zj tobu. A writing, The neck old, an old per- son, sixty years old. v :fr Oibore. (9/r, toshiyoru. - tobu, kiji. fly fast, a per- f Dotage. ^ To for, this, son. fly fast. Hayaku life. hito. epistle, to fly. O/'rw, inochi-nagai. To grow old, long-lived. O/Vw. * To [years old. eighty grow-old, 6 Stroke radical. 3 Characters. of a wing. Kazasu, kinugasa. To stick in the hair, a protection from the sun. Hirugaeru, kaeru. To turn over, wave, to change about, translate. nan. Yet, The oi, Yawaraka, yowai. weak. r up. To 6 Stroke radical. Suki-heu. tt Hi-* 14 Characters. lift 5 ^<, kakeru. play, soar. r^^rw, koraeru. bear, endure. To ageru. wings, many, to and, you. Soft, Tsubasa, tasukeru. Wings, to assist. Hane, still, ^ A , fc suki-no-e. plough, the handle of a plough. O 137 ^, yar, ^t^t. Tsuchikau. To TT.I % Tagayasu. s> To cultivate, till, *llL labor. Shame, disgrace. Com. f. * Kusagiru. * To pull weeds. 9- A kind I, ^ To whisper, ringing in the ears, deafness. Hikari, akiraka. Light, clear. of agricultural drawn by animals. tool Fukeru, takedakeskii. be addicted to, auda- Heru, tsukiru. To decrease, hausted. become To ex- cious. Isasaka, tanoinu, negau. Trifling, a little, to request. * Suki no ha. a The blade of a spade. * , s/ 3 Suki. A spade. Kamabisushii, oroka. Clamorous, foolish. Suki, ai-tasukeru. A spade, to mutually Hijiri, monoshiri. A sage, holy, assist. rf P perial, Narabti, tagui, tsureai. To be arranged in order, . sort, consorts, husband v ,) '& ,f '? sacred, im- a learned man. Ton, tnesu, metoru. enquire, summon, To and wife. y. tyfr Sasayaku, miminari, tsum- Magusa, tagayasu. Fodder, to cultivate. ^ Maguwa. * [a father. An interrogative particle, fertilize, cultivate. marry, Tanemaku, ueru. sow, plant out. Atsumaru. To be assembled together. To Kuwa, kusagiru. A mattock, to cut grass. wo ou utsuwa. mallet, spade, implement for covering seeds. Tsuchi, suki, tane A v To hear, news. t Muko. 4 A husband. u Tsuranaru, v seru. To 6 Stroke radical. tsuzuku, to continue, to unite. Mimi-hen. 20 Characters. y Akiraka, satoi, kashikoi. v Quick of hearing, ear, only, intel- ligent. Mimi, nomi. 9 An awa- be arranged in a row, a final par- ^ i ticle. ffi Koe, oto, hibiki, homare. A voice, report, praise. 138 * Sobieru, tdkai. y To tower up, high, lofty. y Tsutome, shigoto, tsukasa* doru. Office, duty, trade, occu- pation, business, to ern. gov- ///;V, The elbow, arm. /JT v The liver. H_L h Hara. The abdomen. /JJI ^ Kiku,yurusu. * To hear, listen, permit a Tsumbo. 9 Deafness, deaf. rttr"ftlf 6 Stroke .r|=L pP radical. 5 Characters. 4 Fude, tsui ni. * brush, pen, at A p~i* % Shiri, fukureru. The anus, to be swollen and large. To be fat, fertile. ^ Kata, katsu. y The shoulder, to over- come. last. Mise, tsuranaru, hoshiima- ma. j-a Gaenzuru, ukegau. J ^ To consent, assent. A shop, to be arranged in ranks, arbitrariness, final- The lungs. ly. 2/1 ^ =f v Tsutsushtmu, kibishii, uya- Sakana. uyashii. To Meat and vegetables eaten with rice or sake. be circumspect, se- vere, respectful. Narau, honeoru, wakaeda. To study, labor, a young shoot. Hajime, hakaru. [culate. The beginning, to cal- ">f * r-tlJ % kumu. bring up, nourish, educate. 3 6 Stroke radical. Sodateru, yashinau, hago- To Momo. The thigh. Niku-zuki. Hr* no Characters. The hands and feet, limbs. Shishi, mi. Flesh, meat. Abura, koeru. Fat, to be fleshy. JjJL* The skin, naked body. H4i Hiji. Abarabone, wakibone. HJJ * The The ribs. Niru, taguu, katadoru. To resemble, make like. elbow, main arm. haremono. wart, wen, swelling. Ibo, kabu, E4v A 139 4 140 I* Ashi, sune. 'y foot, the shin, A v The kidneys. Nukeru, manukareru. cast off (as a skin), escape, to leave out, can- no * Komura, hagi cel % Kara,fushi. * Empty, a tune. To The (membership.) ushiro. calf of the leg. > Hagi, sune. 4 The shin. The loins. * Osameru, narau. P To regulate, study (as a science). The abdomen, feelings. <* JH ^ Kuchibiru. f The The Namaniku, namagusai. fresh and Raw-meat, a Hojishi. Dried meat. disagreeable smell. Komakai, moroi, Jfr brain, intellect. lips. kiriniku. Fine, brittle, sliced meat. Hokuro. mole. A hare mono. '^ Hareru, L# To swell, a swelling. .f, r ;er Harawata. The intestines. - To decay, rot. F> v $/? SM/Y ;/0 nemoto. The sinews, the ends of sinews. \^ Harawata. The intestines, feelings,. sympathies. t/*fe, \-)i be emaciated. grow ;><; thigh. \ \ f Hojishi. uruosii. ointment, to fleshy, to enrich. Ibaribukuro. * The Wdki no shita, waki. The arm-pit, side. Dried meat. fat, inflated, puffed up. The spken, Abura, koeru, v Grease, * Fukureru, ham. swell, be 1 To f* Yaseru. To kaina. The arm. te *, v j bladder. Sebone, kinniku no chikara. muscular spine, force. 3 The y Momo, \1 hagi ya ushiro The momo niku. thighs, calf or no 1:0 rump. 141 0/7 -- a Mune, v The utsu, ataru, ukeni. to strike, breast, receive. The diaphragm. momo Hojishi, Dried meat, no hone. the thigh -fe ' Common for # Knsai, namdkusai. v Putrid, bone. ill-smelling. * Namasu. kind of salad. 4 A ]j|J 9 Hikagami. I? The hollow back of the \ knee The elbow. joint. Umi. Hadae, hada. The skin, Pus. naked body. Mune. 'y; \ ; 9 The breast, heart, nvnd, ideas, feelings, timidity. Usugawa. A membrane. y Hiza. ' r^ The \ij Nikawa, r Glue, to stick fast. knee, lap. h Shiri, isarai. v The buttocks. ^ .v nebari-tsiiku. Kuimono wo sonaeru. '^To prepare dining table. eatables, a akazuku. * Aburag'ru, To be greasy, dirty. Fukureru, hareru. To swell. Shita mabuchi no heri. v The edge of the lower eye lids. Heso, hozo. 4 The navel. -k ^ ^ Hiji, hijibushi, kaina, tadareru, yawarakai. J The elbow, elbow-joint, ^ arm, to be inflamed, soft. 5 Fuyu uo matsuri, omisoka. ? Winter, the las! day of the year. Himorogi. Flesh offered in sacrifice. Nodo. The throat. Kimo. The liver, g ill, affections, >j a feelings. Namagusai, abura. A fresh, fleshy smell, fat. jj Nardberu, tsuide, tsutaeru. To arrange in a row, order, to transmit in Atsumonj. 9 Soup. Haremono, dekinwno. A swelling, boil. ^ The viscera (Zo-fu $ E e sg a s 142 Utcna. Shishimura, kirimf. Flesh, sliced meat. 19 The calyx of a flower, a high terrace, stand. Itaru, oyobu, atsum am. 6 Stroke radical. 5 Characters. Kerai, omi. To attain reach, to, gather together. [cer, subject. 6 Stroke radcal. 12 Characters. A reta ner, minister, offiYasiunu, fusu, neru. pTI To \&\ lie down, rest. Q Yasumu,fusu, neru. To lie down, Yoi, atsui, ru rest. (Com,f. g\). mainai ivo uke- koto. [bribe. to receive a Nozomu, mini. To approach, be at the Good, kind, 11 point behold, special. of, A mortar. otoshiana. A hole, pitfall. Chotto no aida. A short time. ylwrt, Kakuy ageru. [raiss up. To carry on the shoulder, Usutsuku, tsuku. To pound in a mortar, pound. pf JJ ", 6 Stroke radical. 3 Characters. Yon, mizukara, onozukara. From, one's own 5, accord, bad a * Tsugeru. To [ously. smell, [odor. tell. 6 Stroke radical. 5 Character - Itaru, klivamaru. To arrive, reach, very, as to, to be carried to an extreme. Ilasu, itaru, To A father-in-law, uncle. of its spontane- self, Kusai, kaori. ^ Stinking, Kutsu, oinaru katachi. Shoes, a large appearance. omomuki. /, kumisuru, azu- ataeru. , And, with, to take part in, give, from, an interrogative particle. Okoru, okosu, sakan, omo- To rise, to raise, prosper- ous, interesting. Ageru, kaku, ntina. To raise up, bear on the shoulders, promote, honor, all. Com. f. ^ Hisashii, furui,moto. Formerly, ancient, old, olden times, a long time, do, finish, reach, purport. Futaiabi itaru, shikiri ni. To come again, constant- origin. Hibi, kizu, chinuru. crack, flaw, to ly. friendship. A smear with blood, a break in 143 Moyaibune. 6 Stroke radical. 6 Characters. Boats lashed together. Shita. ^ The tongue. , * y adorn, sashi-oku. >^ A house, to lodge, stop. v Obune. A large boat, ship. s/ 3 Noberu, omommiru, yuruyaka. 3 To relate, nobiru, Fune. y extend, slack, softly. y Funabata. *' The gunwale of a Nameru. TO ' A boat, ship. Hck. ' (Incorrect jor $$ ) M boat. A large boat i * v (Common for ||) 6 Stroke radical. 3 Characters. A4. Somuku, tagau, midareru. oppose, differ, be in !xT v To Tomo, The kaji. stern, a rudder. A rudder. A small boat, a boat. confusion. ^ Mukuge. jx The morning-glory. - Kobune. A small boat. Mai, man. dance, to dance, circle around. A 6 Stroke radical. 25 Characters. Hashikebune. small boat, tender. A * fane. The prow, a boat. A * an auxiliary boat, numeral for boats. A boat. A , wataru. boat, to cross over, Funagura. The hold of a vessel. navigat'on. Utsusu, hakobu, tabi. transport, sort, time. To Ikusabune. A man-of-war. g 1 e -m- J & m im 144 Funeyosooi. The equipment 01 Tsuya, urutvashii, ateyaka. V Lustre, beautiful, lovely. of a ship. An oar, scull. 6 Stroke radical. An oar, rudder. if Kusa-kammuri. 244 Characters. Hobashira. mast. A Ikusabiifie. ^ Grass. A war-sh p. : ^ Yomogt, mogusa, kusagiru. Ikusabune. A war-ship. 4 The mugwort, moxa, to cut grass. The stern of a vessel. HH^ .~rl / no isshu. kind of rush. A 6 Stroke radical. 4 Characters. a ^ Ushi-tora, Mehajiki, i. A kind of rush. todomaru, kagi- Imo - The rw, ^ato/. The potato, tubers. N.E., to stop, limit, hard. Yin, A head of grain, dark. ^a^a hisashiku. J Good, excellent, skillful, tolerably long. a Futatabi tagayasu, ^ -ft y taga- >-5M. To Shigeru. To be luxuriant. plough. The peony. Katai, nayamu. Hard, to be distressed, afflicted. (Shaku-yaku <. , Grass, vigorous. Kobashii, midareru. 6 Stroke radical. 3 Characters. Fragrant, to be disordered. Shiba. Iro, irodoru. Turf. Color, to paint, appearance, sort, love, a lover, lewdness. A Ikaru. To be angry. flower. /, kobashii. Perfume, fragrant. 13 m o 145 -j 9 Hiideru, handbusa. To excel, a flower. Obako. The plantain. H Chiisai, shigeru. ^ Small, to be luxuriant. Shigeru, sakan. To be luxuriant, dense. to Karashi, akuta. 4 Mustard, rubbish. A garden, pasture. A flower. (Ba-sho S?f|, banana). f * Kusagiru, sakan, nioigusa. cut grass, luxuriant, To 4 Moss. ., & fragrant grass. -pf J~f~ * Seri. v Toma. - Parsley. * Magusa, kusa wo kuu mo? n kusakari. Shigeru, tsuto. To be luxuriant, a present. v A rush mat for protect- ing boats from rain. -, Fodder, grass-eating ani- Iratsu, kibishii, togameru. irritate, harsh, vexa- mals, a grass-cutter. To tious, to y 3 Used only for sound. its ^ blame. A present, hemp. Chigaya, kaya. v A reed used as thatch. v Migivva, chiisai. 4 The shore, small. n The ^ * 0, mao. v & , To karitoru. cut, harvest. Nae, tane, A young family chisuji. 3 shoot, seed, a Hemp (for rope). supposing that, tempDrary, small in degree. ^. Yomogi, meguru. 1 The mugwort, to revolve. >; Ichigo. If4 gotoshi, y egg-plant. line. a lyashikumo, karisome. v Nasubi. moshi, i, nanji. Young, 4 4 like, if, perhaps, To Mimina, cchiru. kind of vegetable, to A fall. you. a Kurushimu, A berry. nigai. suffer pain, trouble, affliction, bitter, cruel. . Hasu no mi, juzudama. The fruit of the lotus, Job's tears. Ipf 146 ? Endo, takai. * Pease, high. u Kaori, kobashii. v Perfume, fragrance. & Egoma, 7 Shigeru, sakan. luxuriant, dense, vigorous. it v A Tiima- soft, to Kotaeru. ? To answer, reply. Ibara, tsue, muchi. 4 thorny plant, a cane, ,* Murasakigusa. herb giving a purple A A whip. dye. it ^ Umagoyashi. 'A yawaraka, kind of plant, be slow. y To be * e, doru. Hanajunsai, asaza. v The water-shield. kind of grass (Moku- ^ Kusa, shikiri ni. v Grass, constantly. Tea. '4 Shitone, v shiro. mu- shikinwno, \ A Kusa. * Areru, susamu. To be laid waste, deserted, abandoned, increasing to bud, to cut. Kusa no in violence. * y y H v, A .fe \ ' toi. Hiroi, v Wide, vast, \ Onira. far. \^ The A thorny plant, a thatching rush, to thatch. Koko Akanegusa. * Madder. kayafuku. , na. A kind of grass. Cha-no-ki, cha-no-yu. The tea shrub, tea (the beverage). ^ spread, J Tsubana, megumu, karu. The plume of the kaya, v 4. mattrass, strawmat. Grass. large garlic. kind of grass, fennel ni, kore. Here, A kind of tree. this. Shigeru, midareru, atsu- maru, kinoko. be luxuriant, disordered, to assemble, the To * Ninau, mushroom. hasu. carry, baggage, goods, cargo, the lotus. soft. jx Kusa no reed. ni, To s -t**g> Kurau, yawaraka. *in To eat, Common na. A kind of grass or rush. * Nashi, nakare, oinaru. A negative, do not, large. not, have 147 Usukawa, uejini. Inner bark, death by ^ffi^* Satoru, hotokegusa. apprehend, ^ To a kind ~in * starvation. h x * Nigana, kariru. A bitter vegetable, to borrow. j t, jefe^ Hana, hanayaka. ? ^f A flower, elegant. * Alsiimeru. O%osoka, tsutsushimu, inakaya, sakan, kazari. Stern, majestic, to rever- To ence, a villa, vigorous, ornament. assemble, collect. Used only for its sound. (Bit-do |fi?S). 5 Tabako. v Tobacco. j( perceive, of grass. Akaza, areru, kusakaru. The goose-foot, waste, to cut grass. Hagusa, minikui. Weeds, ugly. laid Ay ante. J The iris. 'j \ Kuki, iniki. * A stem, stalk, trunk. I . /: \< ; ' Kiichigo, koke. A kind moss. Imushiro, of i, 4 raspberry, Kabiira, shigeru. turnip, to be luxuriant. The it hohoemu. kobashii. Thin, imperfect, fragrant. Rush matting, a kind of rush, to smile. Mamegara. Shells or stalks of peas or beans. Tsubomi, shibe. bud, the stamens and pistils of a flower. A ^ Kinoko. * Mush-rooms, germs. Saya. pod. A i J To ^^ tsuku, nozomu. * ascend the throne, to come (condescendingly). Kizasu, moeru, mebae. sprout, a sprout. To 3 Makomo. kind of rush. A A kind of rush. >t 70, Kudamono. thicket, large. 7/an', soshiru. A thorn, to revile. Fruit. '}/ Vegetables. Kusa, kusamura, oinaru. * Grass, a The chrysanthemum. ^ | Hasu, tsubomi. The lotus, a bud. A I im o 148 * ; ',v ;* HisM. The water caltrop, the water chestnut. '* 5 Ochiru, ochibureru. ' To be f fall, omitted, degenerate, a village. :* \? Mame. ty Beans. '.? ' Ha, fuda, jidai. A leaf, leaflet, period. |* Icl.ijirushii, kiru, arawasu, Tori, on. A hut, to cover. ^ tsuku. To be clear, put on, wear, ^ publish, compose, arrive. -v y Daikon. * kind of radish. A *jj r* Horenso. Spinach. Kazura, kuzu, kuzununo. kind of vine, grass- A cloth. Used only Sum ire. for sound. its A violef. s/ i(L a Greens pickled Fuku, kasanaru. ? To v Tsukemono. >;rt roof, thatch, piled up. in vine- to be gar. Homuru, homuri. J Kariyasu, shirusu. ^The name of a plant, to write down. */ Tona. Greens. ^ To h Kakureru, tadasu. [rect. To be put away, to cor- " Shigeru, sakan. To be luxuriant. ^ Ukigusa. 1 Floating plants. # Hana, hanabusa, * >j To : utena. A flower, the calyx. Mugura, shigeru. v The Japanese hop, to be luxuriant. \P Shibomu, shioreru. ; flower. Lettuce. land, calamity. 4 =e_ Hana. A Chisa. wazawai. * Are-ta, Unbroken bury, a burial. > wither, droop. Kusai yasai, karai yasai. ^ Malodorous, or bitter, vegetables. s/ o*, yomog. The lespedeza, mugwort. , oi. Ten thousand, iad/ many. Oniru, ninniku. Garlic. Tsutsumu, homeru, shigeru. all, a myr- To wrap luxuriant up, praise, to be 149 amu. Ashi, *A Komuni, To reed, to weave. kurai, oroka. receive, incur, dark, foolish. Ashi. A reed. . An * .. Sakan, shigeru, kusamura. a dense, Flourishing, f, hitomoji, nebuka. onion. thicket. Yomogi, herasu. The mugwort, . A hollyhock. . 4 J=L V The day-lily, thatching rush. To Medogikusa, medogi. A kind of grass, divining sticks. sow, plant. , ' Gama, ayame. A bulrush, the ' a Musu, To ; H # ' matting, a mat- v To tamigusa. cover, a lid, covering, probably, for. damp ' Mino, ou. A rain-coat + Takuwaeru, atsumeru, ya* shinau. of straw, to cover. shigeru, awatadashii. Green, blue, luxuriant, flurried. .-407, To mushiro, shitone. \\ Ou,futa, kasa, kedashi. oi, steam, to be . i J, A rush, trass. iris. & and hot, numerous, the 5 people. ^v to lessen. Shigeru, sukan. To be luxuriant, prosperous. Kinma. kind of plant. (Konnyaku A >< Shiroyomogi. White hoard, keep (domestic animals). '* Ninniku. Garlic. > Himeyoshi. > A kind of reed. save, Oinaru, mushiro. Kusa no The A bur (G0fr0 Large, a straw mat. The mugwort, dock. mi. fruit of plants. Tsubomi. , hachisu. lotus. A flower bud. Yomogi, midareru. kind of edible root fr dis- order. (Konnyaku ^jjH). Atsumeru, kakusu. To gather together, hide. Mugwort, to be in i, Hasu, hachisu. * The lotus. A IW o 150 ^ Anadoru. :r Tsuta. v To * The slight, despise, insult. ^ Ou, Tsuru, habikoni, karamu. vine, to creep, spread over, wind around. A < To ivy. kakusn. cover, hide. ^ Shigeni, oi, ebisu. To be luxuriant, numer^ ^ ous, a barbarian. & Mizuna, junsai. t The Chinese mustardplant. ,c Shibe (o-shibe, me-shibe\ < Th2 stamens (^^) and Tade, shigeni. - The smart-weed, to be pistils v luxuriant. ttySMw. ^ Heta, hozo, heso. 1 The calyx which remains attached to the fruit. [9- '< ft* Buckwheat. ^n ^v Akuta kame. a turtle used in Filth, v divination. 3 Sato-kibi. * Sugar-cane. ter. u Ibara, mame. * A thorny plant, beans. 3 Aomono, na. A > y Hiroi, torokeru, ugoku. v Wide, to melt, to move. ^ Warabi. > A fern. Greens, vegetables. I* Shitomi, hiyoke, nazuna. & sun-screen, shepherd's purse. * Kusa, 1* Grass, ' ^* Shigeni, sakan, kusamura. J To be luxuriant, fiourishing, a thicket. y Su, atsumaru. nest, to assemble. \* cunning. A Kage, ou. v Shade, to cover. " zurui. Kabura, shigeru, aretaru. turnip, to be luxuriant, laid waste. \4 : Takigi, kikori, shibakari. * Fire-wood, a wood-cut- $/ >/ Takigi, basho. Fire-wood, Lananas (Ba- 4 Kusaikusa, nioi. v Malodorous ^ Shizuka, grass, odor. sabishii, yomogi. v Silent, quiet, calm, lonely, ; the A Ajika. A basket used in carry- ^ Mukuge, asagao. ^ The convolvulus, morn- ing earth. * mugwort. ing-glory. Go-bai, hanareru. v- Five-fold, to separate. t Chiisai, atsumaru. Small, to be assembled. 151 ra Hasu-no-mi. ** Seeds of the lotus. Kinoko. A mushroom. Nioiguza. : A fragrant plant. * Hajikami, 13 sloga. '^ Ginger. (Aburana A basket for carrying earth. karu, Mm. ^ Nagu, To mow, cut down. i^ , '^r Yawaraka, v tsugu. The name > Straw. of a plant. : >N a light, merit. 5 /4. v Indigo. Usuifkarui, sudare. 9 Thin, isao. '=, Soft, to connect. ' Kaoru, To be fragrant, Wara. r bamboo Kura, screen. A kakiisu, osameru. godown, storehouse, hide, store away. y Takigi. to '"Firewood. > > Suge, aburana. kind of rush, a kind of greens. A Hotoke. Buddha. 'a Shinu, owanij oi. die (of persons \v To ' of rank), numerous. a The potato, tubers. ^ Nazuna. "< '% Onira, rakkyo. \4 Garlic. ["X ' * Mizugiisa, tsumii, narau. water plant, to pile up, study. J A v 5 Tsubomi. flower bud. ior), a (to a super- To chiisai, Zemmai. despise, small, beauti- y Waza, ueru. The arts, accomplishments, to plant. ^ a kind of fern. h Fuji, kazura. wisteria, a vine. t? The Kusuri. 4- Azami. :-V 1 The \* Medicine, drugs. thistle. utsu- tot. \4 spread. Osmund, kushii, ful, far. Susiunem, shtMmono. v To present ^ y A ' -t: Karu, shiku. borrow, spread out. To |^ Karonzuru, i 4 Shepherd's purse. y )& JfiL * i iw 152 Koke. Magaki. An enclosure, miate. a Moss. dai- Hikobae, kirikabu. on-shoot, sucker, a Hasu, hasu-no-ne. An The stump. lotus, lotus-root. ix Akaza. < The A goose-foot. y Yabu. * thicket. /, A rise the name magaki. an enclosure. A fence, Tsuta, kazura. ivy, a vine. Ycmigaeru. To kind of ginger. from the dead, The of a plant. Kazura. A vine. The stamens and pistils. 6 Stroke rad'cal. a The potato, tubers. rtll J H| Tcra-gashira. 10 Characters. H Ashi, yoshi. A rush, reed. 3 ^. . A/o, tfjfl. # Sea-weed, duck-weed, Tora. embellishments. A tiger. Takuwaeru, tsutsumu, To oi. ^ store up, hide, nu- P merous. u Mizugusa. * > 1 ^ A floating y v 7, .^ $> a r harmonize. toshingusa. A kind of rush. , Wakai mame, mame no ; y Young beans, I A orchid. To ' just. Ont, tokoro, sadameru. be, a place, to manage, judge. To ij 3 space, Toriko, ikedoru. A prisoner, to arrest. Omompdkaru, an tadashii. be respectful, sky. bean 5 Araragi,fujibakama. kind of plant, v To oppress, tyranize over, treat with cruelty. 4 Munashii, sora. 3 Empty, in vain, ha. leaves. [ Shietageru. * Tsutsushimu, plant. Sakan, shigeru, yawaragu. Flourishing, to be luxuriant, to A tiger's stripes. . To osore. cjnsider, be anxious about, fear. 153 Uwabami. SiLebu, sJiirushi, okurina, nazukeru. To cry out, a sign, a posthumous name, to name. The anaconda. Mukade. A centipede. fCakeru, sokonau. To lack, want, miss, fail. A kind of cricket. 6 Stroke radical. Mll Hr* * Mushi-hen. 124 Characters. Tombo. A dragon-fly. Mushi, mamushi, doku-hebi. An insect, reptile, v poi- * sonous snake. f, y Mizuchi, meguru. ifcil yf\ * conch-shell. kuchinawa. A snake. A dragon, to revolve. Tombo, A small ari. Gejigeji. A milleped. A dragon-fly, an ant. Shirami. A louse. v Akizemi. kind of cicada. A A rainbow. a . lft4-/; Abu. iUL* Ahorse-fly. r , A ,* maggot. # Tarn ago* v An egg. 9 Mamushi, kamdlnsushii. v viper, clamorous. .f- A Mimizu. An earth-worm.' Nomi, hayai. A flea, quick. Kawazu, kaeru. A frog. y., ; Hamaguri. v A clam. v A mosquito. 4 Mimizu. An earth-worm. * A spider. Tombo. v Anadoru, oroka. To despise, foolish. A dragon-fly. ft * Mizuchi. A dragon. Jfc s Iffi 154 .- y Gama noko, namekuji. A young toad, rf a slug. Mukade. A centipede. Hamaguri. A clam. A large ant. * Inamushi, y * y semigara. A locust, a cicada's shell. A kind of shell-fish. Kirigirisu, korogi. cricket. A J "' A leech. A bee, > 3 A , wasp. * Hikigaeru. A toad. //, A Kiimozaru. A spider-monkey. miller. gejigeji. Long, a milleped. 9 v Imomushi. large green caterpillar. J t- A $> mimizu. A dragon- fly. no cko, hiiru. A silk-worm y higurashi. A cicada. To crawl, an earth-worm. Ashitakagumo, tako. long-legged spid.er, an octopus. Nagai, Honey. Inamushi, aburamushi. locust, the plant-louse. - v Shijimi. A kind of shell-fish. A Kagamaru, To J;au. crouch, crawl. Kumo. Ohamaguri. A large clam. Jigabachi, kalatsuburi. wasp, snail. i A spider. Imori, tokage. A kind of salamander, a lizard. Nukegara, monukeru. A cast-off shell, to throw off its skin, surpass. neji. Kawahori, komori. Sanagi. A pupa, Kumo, A spider, rain-bow. chrysalis. A bat. 155 Kawahori, komori. Mugiivarazemi. A small kind of cicada. A bat. Ebi. A horse-fly. A prawn. Hill CJ:o. A butterfly. 3- v Kaeru-no-ko, otamajakushi. Mushibamu, kakeru. be defective, worm- 10 A fire fly. A polly-wog. To Toru, tokeru, hogaraka. To circulate, melt, thaw, to harmonize, clear. t? Kamakiri. \9 mantis. A eaten. >N ' v Harinezumi. hedgehog. Aburamusht. A plant-louse. A f, * Inamushi. A locust. : Mamushi. b \v A viper. A butterfly. Katatsumuri, dedemushi. A snail. DedemusJti, kata'.sumuri. Tatsu. A dragon. A dragon. \ ^ v 11 Korogi, kirigirisu. cricket. A t Sasu, ikaru. * To sting, be angry. A snail. Kakureru, hisomu. To be hidden, confined, Inago. An insect that infests the rice-fields. A locust. Mizuchi, amaryo. \ Kocho. Inamushi. to hide, hibernate. if Kant no hasami, dhamaguri. Kikui-mushi,sukumomushi. wood-borer, grub. A Ugomeku. To wriggle. A louse. The claw of a crab, a large clam. * Kamakiri. v The praying mantis. Horagai, nina. A conch-shell. M tw 156 w Kera. ? mole-cricket. Kant. A s, v A crab. In ago. A kind of 13 Mimizu, semi. An earth-worm, a cicada. insect that infests rice-fields. Hikigaeru. '^ * A y Kirigirisu, korogi. cricket. & A toad. Hikigaeru. toad. Imomushi. * 5 A large A pillar. Tombo, kemushi. a caterpil- The green cater- Mate. A dragon-fly, razor-shell clam. lar. Hachi, sasori. A bee, scorpion. A cicada. Ugomeku. Mushi. Insects, ><c * -% To Shakutorimushi. Natsuzemi. kind of cicada. A The inch-worm. Uivdbami, orochi. The A huge serpent. Wadakamaru. y To be coiled up, tortuous, convoluted. ^3^^ jjtj^^t ty&v A caterpillar. Katsuomushi. A winged insect. Musasabi. The An. An ant. Hae, Kaki. 9^ ^ An oyster. A moth. Kemushi, iramushi. hai. Kamdkiri. A mantis. gecko. 3 Mitsu no kasu. wjj)j& Bee's wax. jh|S|ix Shi mi. > crawl, wriggle. worms. ' ix /iut [1 flying squirrel. wo ^flww mushi, hisago. An insect attacking trees, a gourd. Ugoku, ugomeku, oroka. ^ ^ To crawl, wriggle, foolish. 14 157 i* Kamikirimushi. kind of beetle. tj ^ A * y Hachi, hokosaki. bee, the point spear. a Majinau, miko. [* A [ To charm, cast a j^- v i-9- * To boast of, sell one's self. * Chimata, a sorceress. ' Terau, uru. of a spell, $ -j *" Kaiko. strike against. Mamoru, fusegu. To and paper. defend, protect. Hakaru, hakarizao, A barbarian. Chimata, yotsutsuji. Oi, be defeated, to crush, blood from the Koromo. moromoro. v Many, all, Clothing. the people. , 6 Stroke radical. PH cross-roads. 6 Stroke radical. Koromo-hen. rtl_l -*r* 91 Characters. hijiku, hanaji. sprain, nose. j, level, A street, Blood. To a weighing a yoke. weigh, beam, 6 Stroke rad.'cal. 3 Characters. # Yaburu, taira- ka, kubiki. To * street, A government office. To eaten, an insect that attacks wood Jfo odori. cross-roads, road, town. A silk-worm. To be worm I A Gejigeji, isagiyoi, akiraka. A milleped, pure, clear. Mushibamu, kikuimushi* k Tedate, waza, michi. rule, art. A device, trick, Omote, arawasu, shirushi. The outside, front, to disshow, a sign. close, II Characters. Hitoemono, eri. unlined garment, An Yuku, okonau, aruku. J>lZl^ -I \ * To step, go, do, walk, v act, a row, column. Afureru, hirogaru, shiku. over-flow, spread, cover with. a collar. / no nai koro- mo. A shirt. To Tanoshimu, sadamaru, ma- m#* To koto. be pleased, [truth. settled, Otoroeru, yowai. To fait, degenerate, weak. /, The makoto, magokoro. inside, truth, equity. Jfil IW 158 4 159 Suso, hotori, sue. Hiraku, kegoromo. To open, fur clothing. The skirts, hem, descendants. Tobari, fusiima, tamoto. bed-clothing, sleeves. A curtain, Shibito ni okuru koronio. Clothing presented to the dead. Hadaka, hitoemono, Hadanugu. slriro- To goromo. Naked, an ment. unlined gar- strip to the waist. Tsutsumu. To wrap Kawagoromo. Leather clothing. Suso, mosuso. The skirt of a garment. Uchi, ura. The inside, lining. Homeru. To Mo, mosuso, hadagi, heri. skirt, an undergarment, a hem. A Fukuro, hizakake. Descendents, the skirt of a robe, a border. The robe ^ * * Kasaneru, awase. To pile up, increase, repeat, a lined garment, a sign of plurality. of a Buddhist (Ke-sa ) Kasanerut Yutaka. To Abundant, fertile. Mo, mosuso, hakama. . v The skirt of a garment, loose trousers. ^ Tsukuru, koshiraeru, tatsu. < To make, manufacture, cut out (clothes). 3 Hadaka. 5 Naked. atsui. pile up, thick. Semai, chiisai. Narrow, small. Fundoshi, shitaobi, momoA. loin cloth, trousers. drawers, Kegoromo, aranuno. Fur * The praise. A bag, rug. Sue, suso, heri. priest. up. clothing, coarse arm-pit, a sleeve. Mutsuki. J A sleeveless outer gar- ment. Oginau, tasukeru, kumisu- An infant's diaper. Yosoou, fukuro. adorn, a bag. To ru, chiisai. To supplement, take part in, small. assist, Hitoeginu. An unlined garment. 160 Ucliikake. Orosu,irozameru,furubiru. put down, to fade, A long ceremonial robe. To wear out. Hitoe. An Shitone. mattress. unlined garment. A ^ A . , To Shitagi, mijikai koromo. shirt. strip off, seize. Stockings. Kakageru, chijimeru. * To rai -e up, hoist, shrink. Shitagi. shirt. A t Shitagi, kegareru. * Underclothing, to be de- Osou, kasaneru, tsugu. attack, invade, pile up, inherit. To filed. ? , kasaneru. A lined Boro. garment, to pile Rags. up. Mutsuki, maku. * diaper, to wind. Wata-ire. >\ A A wadded garment. Tasuki. * Mutsuki. v An A infant's diaper. cord used for tying back the sleeves. =* Noboru, nozoku. lv To ascend, take away. Uivagi,Jujin no uwagi. An over-garment. Homern. To 6 Stroke radical. praise. t~tU Ka-kammuri. r ro, tsuzure. ; Characters. Rags. - Majiru, atsumaru. mingle, gather to- -Tr* Qu. To lUr To gether. 7Jf^ Y-\ The collar, or neck, of a garment. * cover. Nishi. The west. Kanamc, motomeru. The rivet of a fan, essenprinciple, important point, to seek for. tial, Fusiima, uwagi. sliding paper-door, an A , over-garment. Kimono wo tatamu, To Jiida. fold clothing, a pleat. To fukaku pull, reach, wide. shite deep and 161 \-y ff , a Au, miru. To meet, Ou, kutsugaesu, taosu. cover, upset, overthrow. v To see. Mamieru, au. * To have an with, meet. %. ' Hodashi, tsunagu. Fetters, to tie up. \ ft [ft * SMraberu, kibishii. To examine, strict. 9 Satoru, oboeru, sameru. To discern, learn, awake. 5 Mini. * To look 7 Stroke radical. 1 audience * To 7 Characters. at, see. Miru, mamieru. 1^- see, [with. have an audience Miru, shimesu, mie. v To + Miru. * To see. Nori, tadasu, hakaru. law, rule, to correct, 7 Stroke radical. A Tsuno-hcn. 10 Characters. measure, compasses. ^ Motomeru. * To seek for. Tsuno, kado, kisou, kurabent. Mini. To A horn, see, inspect. To Kageru, uramu, abaku. To ask, question. To call on, question, hear, watch, secretly. i* ^Sakazuki,fuda. wine-cup, placard. A Kannagi, miko. A sorceress, an enchant- ress. i :* Kuchibashi. 4 The Friendship, parents, friendly. * To ft Teku, 4 affection, to self, be To see, To desire, at. hope hodoku, stand. oinaru. A large wine-cup, drink- ing-horn, large. * Sakazuki. Negau, nozomu. i yurumu, satoru. g Osakazuki, tsunosakazuki, ,v look touch, reach. explain, melt, untie, cut up, disperse, under- request, desire. Miru. of a bird. itaru. To Koinegau, nozomu. To bill ^ Fureru, y Shitashimu, oya, mizukara, v chikazuku. i^ be deficient, resent, divulge. Ukagau. y corner, point, to compete, compare. ^ Ukagau. v inspect, show, see, appearance. for. v A wine-cup. * f 1 S "I * * J 162 &5Plg Pure, fureru, sawani. 163 5/i^ Hakaru, shinasadameru. 164 Imashimeru. To warn, admonish, com- Itsuwaru, azamuku. To lie, deceive, intrigue, deceptive. Ton, hakaru. To enquire, consult with. Negotp, uwagoto. sport, cule. Shisha Talking in one's delirious words. question, Tawamureru, azakeru. To mand. -. to ridi- joke, wo homeru kotoba. A eulogy. >\ 4 Shirusu. To P>li> Imashimeru, tsugeru. To reprove, tell. Midareru, madou, somuku. To be thrown into disorder, be bewildered, be opposed write down, record. Mitomeru, shitatameru. recognize, acknow- sleep, to. * Taburakasu, azamuku. p To hoodwink, deceive. To ^ Semeru, ledge, write. Chikau. To swear, promise, vow. * To ^ Shiyuru. Azamuku, umareru. To deceive, to be born. To * seduce, invite, lead, tempt. accuse wrongfully, slander. ij Izanau, sasou. To shikaru. reproach, scold. Tsugeru. To tell, inform. Yoroshii. Good. Kataru, kotoba. pp To tell, relate, Eauiv. | language, words. Who. Truth, sincerely, indeed. Hakaru, wariateru. To fix, allot, tax, a les- son, task, bureau. To explain, preach, re4 late, doctrine, op nion. -* : 9 4 O shieru, satosu. To teach, instruct. v Yomu, v To tonaeru, soranzuru. recite from read, To slander, revile. Shiraberu, totonoeru. To examine, adjust, regulate, a tune. Hetsurau. memory. To flatter. Ayamaru. To make commit an a mistake, error. Kataru, hanasu. To tell, relate. 165 Kou, negau, ukeru. To ask, beg, invite, receive. v arasou. To discourse, discuss, disdispute, argument, course. omou. SH# lu, To say, think. Okurina. 452*^ A , Hetsurau. To Shiyuru, itsuwaru. * To slander, to lie. >< The words T, ;fr of a superior. To revile, abuse. / .* hint at, allude to. Isameru. ' * Isameru, arasou. * To remonstrate flatter. Totonou, yawaragu, kanau. To be in order, in harmony, to suit, be fitting. Honomekasu. Nonoshiru. * To posthumous name or title. To admonish, remon- strate with. [strive. with, Ukagau, saguru. spy out, search. To Tou, hakaru. To enquire, plan. , Hakaru, tazuneru. To ^ Makoto, tasukeru, omoiv yaru. Truth, to help, sympathize with. . ' Itsuwaru. ' To lie. consult with, enquire. Kamdbisushii, itsuwaru. To be clamorous, to lie. Oboeru, soranjiru. learn by heart, recite To from memory. Nengoro. Polite, cordial, patient. ifOp jf Habakarazu iu. P*if * To speak without re- serve. Satosu, tsugeru, tatoe. To admonish, advise, a comparison. Akiraka, tsumdbiraka, akirameru. Clear, minute, to be resigned. in- struct, Is/ a \rf v ;* * Moromoro, kore,. All, various, this. Kotowaza. proverb. A kakusu, imina. sa* Imu, To dislike, hide, a post- humous name. Mamieru, mosu. have an audience Ukegau, kotaeru, yurusu. consent, agree with. To To with, state, tell. Hakaru, hakarigoto. To plot, plan, scheme, Soshiru, nikumu. consult with, a plan. To slander, s revile, hate. Iffl 166 ^v Oroka, tawagolo, oinaru. $ Herikudaru. v To be humble. : a Tokiakasu, narau. * To explain, practice, in- Foolish, a jest, large. In Todomeru, tsutsushimu. v To check, reverence. vestigate, study. s/ ** Kotowaru, wabiru, rei wo noberu. To '# Tsumisuru, togameru. \* To condemn, blame, banish. apologize, thank. Utau. * Utau. 9 To sing. To * Anadoru, azamuku. Negotp, uwagoto. v Talking in one's sleep, delirious words. .v Proof, spoit, trifle, joke. Ufa, utau. A poem, to sing. fc ,j/ Yttsuraka, shizuka. r* Nazo. t * ;s> A riddle. \ h v \ >4- copy. I* Domoru, iadashii kotoba. To stammer, just words. : ' ' _ :* Hakaru, Jmkarigoto. To deliberate, a plan. (Indian rubber, ! Gomu I* Tsutsushimu. To be reverential, circum- Soshiru, uttaeru. revile, accuse. Itsuwaru. To lie, deceive. 4r Kawaru, kamabisushii. ^ To change, clamorous. # Hanashi, oinaru. v A story, large. Itsuwaru. Ayamari. W An error, mistake. \\? > Shiru, shirusu. To know, jot down. v To Utsusu. To \). Soshiru. To slander. , v Peaceful, quiet. : despise, deceive. shirushi. ^ Akashi, evidence. * Tawamureru. J To To sing. To lie. Imashimeru, ^ '4 To warn, admonish, instruct. spect. '* Shiwabuki. '* Clearing the throat. ; \ Hakaru, arasou. To debate, discuss. -^ 167 Toku, wake. explain, To * translate, meaning. -fe To illustrate, ple, comparison. an exam- * A defi- ance. fused. S> Tawagoto. Shirusu. yield. 5 Soshiru, azamuku, shiyuru. * To down, a record, jot Yuzuru. ? To Delirious, or silly, words. To fear, dislike. Sakamori, katari-au. feast, to talk together. y Uttaeru, soshiru. * To accuse, slander, Kamdbisushii, midareru. ^ Clamorous, to be con- * v Osoreru, imu. To Tatoeru, tatoe. f-fe An enemy, to be avenged. revile, deceive, slander. chronicle, tune, note. ^ Mamoru. rf 4- v I* , To Homare, homeru. Tawagoto. Renown, Silly talk, delirious words. to praise. Yorokobu, kamdbisushiL Semeru, shikaru. To To reprimand, scold. Homeru. ,y To To To o 0/0 wo prophe *y. I'M. Cow. /. praise. Tadashii kotoba. Just words. Cow./: praise. Sflfo' rejoice, clamorous. Homeru. Yomu. To read. >+ I To prophesy, a prophecy. defend, protect. F3 ^Pj Nikumu, uramu, soshiru. hate, to be displeased To with, to revile. v Shallow. 7 Stroke radical. Tani-hen. 3 Characters. tsumi. ;# Semeru, togameru, attack, blame, sin. \9 To [-^ r * Kawaru. To change, a phenome- Tanit ya. A valley. non. Tani. mukuyuru. enemy, to be avenged. ij/ /IJa, : An A valley with water, a rivulet * M ffi 168 Hogaraka, munashii, toru. Bright, empty, to com- . A pig. prehend. * A wild puddle. 7 Stroke radical. Mame-hen. 7 Characters. h ^ boar, a pig, a pea. ylw/, tianzo. * An 7 Stroke radical. introductory exclamation, how ? Af/&w-*i. i * Sasdge. The cow-pea. Soramame. ^ * - o Characters. ^/ mushi. Reptiles. Broad beans. Tatsu, wakai shimobe. To stand, a young A leopard. ser- * Yamainu, musaboru. vant. ^ A wild dog, to covet. toyo. ? Ten. Fertile, abundant. tf x Tsuyayaka, *>' mizuda- erally, previously. A bean, Yutaka, buta, g Arakajime, kanete. Beforehand, roughly, gen- Mame. * * Inoshislri, kaoyoi. A marten, sable. Glossy, beautiful. A barbarian. 7 Stroke radical. * Kedamono no shurui. v kind of strong animal. * < Mujina, ebisu. A Iiioko-heH. 8 Characters. * The A pig, hog. v A pig, hog. ^ Katachi, katadoru, ^ Shape, v copy, phant, a law. Shape, form, appearance, an Tanuki, uzumeru. to A badger, to bury. ele- Yashinau, inu to buta. nourish, a dog and a pig. Kedamono no A y To ft ^ badger, a barbarian. Kdtachi, kao, arisama, haruka. far off. okite. appearance, imitate, .> >; Sugureru, tsuyoi. Excellent, powerful. t t tagui. kind of strong animal. -Vr* 3 -^5l\ ^\ MH 7 Stroke radical. Kai-hen. 71 Characters. 169 X * Kai. >*JSm. A shell. i , ? Tadas fiit. 1 Upright, chaste. ^ ,^ Ou, somuku, makeru, yoru. carry on the back, a To debt, to receive, disobey, lose, rely on. load, , To ! buy. IVaku, yaburu. boil, break. To Iwau, yorokobu. To congratulate, be glad. ^? Kaeru, akinau. To exchange, trade. Wealth, property. Haru. 'a Mitsugi. ,tf To Tribute, a tax. u Mazushii. * Poor. , y Musaboru. f To covet, Tsuiyasu, desire. To ^ Hisagu, uru. ." To peddle, degrade, minish. y Tsuranuku. k >. To pierce through, connect, pervade, an aux- numeral. + Takuivaeru. store up, lay up. t Morau. 4 To retire, di- Nokosu, okuru. To leave, present. sell. Aganau, takara. redeem, wealth. To , * lend. To L* Seme, semeru, togameru. - An ordeal, responsibility, % duty, to torture, torment. To tsuie. Otosu, shirizokeru, herasti. ^ Wealth, property. 3 a dose of To spend, waste, expense. Takara. iliary stick on, medicine. gn * Ataeru, okurimono. give, a present. VVL J To Yatou, karu. hire, to To rent, rent* wages, fare. Mainai, takara. bribe, wealth. A receive. Futatsu, soeru. Two, to add. Nusubito, sokonau, korosu. robber, rebel, to in- A jure, kill. Tattoi, takai. Kau, akinau, uru, akindo. Excellent, valuable, dear, your. merchant. To buy, * trade, .# sell, a * a & e Iffl o 170 Tasukeru, takara, moto. help, wealth, prop- , s/ To P Mainai, mainau. ? Tamau, ataeru. 4 To confer, bestow. A present, bribe, to bribe. N? To nigiwasu. blessings ><; bestow Nigiwau, nigiwasu. v To be to help with alms. ti * Marodo. Kakeru. A guest. \*f Karu, kasu, ogoru, toi, g> borrow, lend, be ex- Tamau. To give a present on an occasion of mourning. = Aganau, kau. To ransom, atone, pur- v give (used of a su- chase. perior). Kaerimode. ^ Presenting thank-offerings at a temple. >& Tamau, , p nie. v A bribe. T To Okurimono, A present, offering. 6 Okuru. travagant, far, slow. Mainai. I gamble. 5 Yoru, tanomu. 4 To rely on, request. osoi. To bet, ^To Mukuiru. To recompense. ^s/ make Mitsugi, shiku, kubdru. Taxes, to compose poetry, spread, distribute. crowded, bustling, Tsukunau, oginau. indemnify, to up a deficiency. To * cause to prosper. $/ bless- ings upon. erty, riches, capital. ^ Megumu, Tamau, megumu. confer, bestow To yomisuru, tama;#00. To give to an inferior, reward, approve, a prize. 9- Kasuka, fukaiy okufukai. * Dim, deep, profound. J^ lyashii. t y Low, mean, humble. ;* C/rw. ,* To a Soeru, okuru, masu. To add to, send, increase. 9_ Okuru. give a present on an occasion of mourning. sell. To ^v Kashikoi, sugureru. Clever, to excel. , Muda, 1 sunao. Umaretsuki,^ tadasu, >v Natural disposition, to a enquire, pledge, plain, s/ , , To praise. second, Com. f. ^ excessive, a wen, knob. material. ;$ Tasukeru, homeru. v assist, help, kobu. Superfluous, Nie. A religious present ing. offering, made when a call- 171 py Okuru. * ; ;). * t [ft v . To 7, To send, present. a spark, red. Tasukeru, homeru, susumu. assist, help, second, praise, to go forward. To Aka, akai. Red. Nise, niseru. f, Counterfeit, spurious, to counterfeit. 7_Stroke radical. So-nyu. 12 Characters. to cause to flourish. i Amari, 4 katsu, makeru, mi- y Hashiru. run. v To chiru. Tsugeru, omomuku. go, reach. A superfluity, to conquer, gain, to fill up. To announce, Chikara. Strength, to strengthen. To Hanamuke, Tatsu, okoru, okosu. A present to one depart- origi- Takedakeshii, tsuyoi. koto, nu- Koeru, odorikosu. pa^s over, leap over, surpass. sumimono. To bribe, stolen goods. :^ Aganau. 9 To redeem, atone. Koeru, kosu. pass over, cross over. To \ . to raise, Bold, strong. Mainai wo okuru To rise, nate. sembetsu. ing. *)? akatsuchi. Red, red earth. 5 Damasu, sukasu, eru. C To deceive, hoax, get. V m ^ Tasu, sukuu, nigiwasu. v To supplement, help, kagayaku, akai. be angry, to shine, Nise, itsuwari, niseru. v Counter, false, to count?/ erfei f . a Tadazumu, yukinaydmu. To stand still, be dis- tressed to go. 7 Stroke radical. 6 Characters. ^4^, akai. Red. %* To become ashamed. To run, s/ Omomuki, omomuku, una- * forgive, pardon. # Akaku naru, hajirau. red, feel Hashiru, ou, koeru. chase, pass over. " * * * To v $, */ * gasu. Purport, to run, go, urge. Tadazumu. To stand still. Hashirut sumiyaka. To run, quick. a 1* M 172 Subayashii. 12 Quick-witted, fast. 7 Stroke radical. *-! Ashi-hen. M fc I"* M * foot, leg, K= extend across. 76 Characters. make up A trace, clue. v Matagaru. * To straddle, A road, path. AsJii, tariru, tasu. A Ato. to suffice, a lack. Ashi-no-ko, agura-kaku. The instep, to sit cross- legged. a Kibisu. > The heel. * Hizamazuku. To kneel. Ashimoto, ato. fit' The feet, remains. /, B f, hadashi. ^ Barefooted. Tsumadatsu, hau. To stand on tip-toe, creep. hedateru. To reach, cross over, be distant from. * Ashioto. 9 The sound of steps, joyful. Odoru, tobiagaru. dance, leap. * To Atoshizaru, tadazumu. a To go backward, stand j/ To still. y To pass through, to dis- tinguish. * Yoromeku. stagger, reel. /./. )0S Hizamazuku. To ? Sugiru, tsumazuku. * To cross over, go beyond, kneel. stumble. * ^ Fumu. * To tread. The shin. a Odoru. * To leap, dance. Ashikumu. To cross the legs. Ashi-no The -^ fc J Sekugumaru. y To be bent over in the ko. back. instep. Ashinae, bikko. A cripple, a lame person. 5 Odoru, yoromeku. To dance, stagger, 'P ;^r The sole of the foot. ? totter. Fumu, To tread on, trample on. 173 * Uzukumaru, koshikakeru. 3 To squat down, sit down. & Masaru, y To 4- v \ ; stand A cripple, 10 lame. Fumitagau, tsumazuku. To misstep, stumble. hitoritatsu. be superior, Ashinae, chimba. '. alone. * Fumu. v To tread, trample Tachimotoru. To roam about. A Ashinae. A lame person. .^. v 9 Kurubushi. y The ankle bones. fe Fumu. y To tread on, fulfil, it Sashiashi, nukiashi. * Stealthy steps. as- A foot-print, trace. * Kagamu, tsumazuku. To bend down, stumble. y Ashiato, ato. 5 Foot-prints, a clew. Y Yoromeku, koeru. stagger, cross over. ^ To over. Chimba wo Taosu, taoreru. 4 To push over, to fall over. ><, 57 Kibisu, kakato, shikiri ni. .5 The heel, constantly. oc^ Hizume. hoof. A a Odoru. \v Ugoku, hashiru. run. To move, cend. k* Kagamaru. S y To be bent I on. <* Komichi. ;4 path. To To To tread upon. cross over. Fuminijiru. To To crush under foot. wo limp. ^ Ashiura. * The sole of the ,, ^ "9 foot. Z5ri. A sandal. t Todomeru, leap, dance. FMWM. hiku, bikko hiku. sakibarai. To check passage, payment in advance. ^ Chijimaru, semaru, 5 chika- zuku, shikameru. To shrink, press close, draw near, make a wry face. 6 Semaru. * To be crowded. * a 174 f- Tamerau. a To I ij Fumu, fuminijiru. P To tread, hesitate. crush with the foot. ' Mizukaki. \ Web-foot. >y Uzukumaru. [^ Yoromeku, \* ^ To squat down, crouch. \* Tsumazuku, korosu. i? To stumble, turned, roll. \* Ashi \* i 5' i* > Fumu, noboru, ou. \* wo takaku ageru 7 Stroke radical. 9 Characters. ka- s^ * Mi, mizukara. The body, one's kick, tread on. a I stand Com. Hadaka. Naked. Shitsuke. ; Instruction in politeness, culture. Ashinae. A cripple. (V Odoru, noboru. I* To leap, dance, ascend. ^jpv Kuguse, semushi. ? A hunchback. * Aft, mukuro, karada. The body. Tamerau. To Directly, by and by, soon, presently, shortly. hesitate. ^ Noboru. 4 To ascend. 7 Stroke radical. ^ Tadazumu, tachimodoru. * |f hesitate. : y|i*. f. 4 M*, karada. v The body. Sawagu, awatadashii. To be stirred up, excited. ,* sub- person, still. r r-s The body, stance, appearance. Tamerau. To self. ? Karada, katachi. 4 *.+ self. raise the feet. * Tadazumu. * To Mi, mizukara. I, myself, v The body, Keru,fumu. To tread, ascend, cover. Mi-hen. rtU M r* over- tachi. To To kutsugaeru, be mau. To stagger, circle around. To stand still, Tsumazuku. To stumble. turn back. Kuruma-hen. 52 Characters. Kurutna. A wheel, carriage. 175 r * Kishiru. To grate, scrape. oguruma. a large car- A basket, riage. ^ Ikusa, moromoro. * War, all. ^ * * Karui, A rut, track, line. Tasukeru. To assist, rescue. karonzuru. 1 Light, to make light of. * The eaves of a ^ Tayasui, sunawachi. ? Easy, that is. * Yawaraka. Soft, weak. * To house, an anxiliary numeral. ^ Hiku, kuruma wo hiku. pull, draw a carriage. A yoke. Makimono, Kuruma, narabu, ]* noru. A carriage, aux. numeral, v to be arranged, ride. shingi. axis, axle- A stem, stick, Hikari, kagayaku. Light, to shine. tree. Karui, karonzuru. Light, to make light of. .\s . Fushtawase. Unfortunate. Teguruma. v An Imperial :^ Tomogara, .4 Companions, ' Megurtit ugoku, korogu. To revolve, move, roll. 4 Sugiru, tsuku, okasu. v To pass beyond, to strike, violate. carriage. tagui. comrades, we." Wa, meguru. A ring, wheel, to revolve. jf Nagae no hashi. < The end of a carriage shaft. ^ Kurdberu, yaya. * To compare, examine, somewhat, tolerably. + Noseru, < J Fumu, kishiru. y To tread, grate against, creak. toshi. To place on Niguruma. record, load, A year. wagon, baggage wa- gon. ^Low. =) ~J ** Mikuruma, oinaru, % The Imperial large. carriage, =r Tayasui, sunawachi. Com. /. Easy, that is. ^ Todomaru, yamu. ? To stop, cease. IM 176 y Yawaragu, atsumeru, ^ merit. osa- Midareru, musiiboreru. To be thrown into confusion, to be tangled. To appease, soften, collect, compile, edit, pay in. y Fushiawase. Unfortunate. Itasu, okuru, hakobu. * To do, send, carry, transport. Todoroku. To 4 Karui. Light. Kutsuwa, tazuna. A Kuruma no ya. y The spokes of \y a wheel, to gather together. \ **v Atsumaru. To assemble. <=i Koshiki. ^ The hub *it Tsukasadoru, kusabi. '* To ly rumble. bit, rein, bridle. Kishiru. To grate, door). Kuruma creak a (as no michi. A wagon rut. of a wheel. Kishiru. To grate against, creak. have jurisdiction over, a wedge. rule, [? Kishiru, 7 Stroke radical. 10 Characters. meguru. > To grate, revolve. /ftv/iz, A Karai, itamashii, kanoto. <?. Pungent, palanquin, to place , cover, the public. bitter, painful, the 8th calendar sign. ' x Nagae. \* The shaft ^ v Utsuru, Tsumi, toga. '" of a carriage. korobu, marobu, ^ Sakeru, saru, mesu. * To avoid, depart, call. utata. To revolve, change, more and more. jw \* A sin, fault. 9 Karai, sugoi. v Bitter, awful. Kotoba, kotowaru. Kurumaki. A pulley. fall, (Rokuro A word, to refuse, decline, bid farewell. ? Wadachi, * ato. A rut. Wakatsu, wakimaeru, to- dasu. * >j JS^gw. A sedan chair. Todoroku, kishiru. v To rumble, grate. To discriminate, discern, argue, correct. Tsutomeru, sonaeru. labor, offer, prepare. To 177 Kotoba, kotowaru. Language, to refuse, resign, bid fare well. ^ Meguru. v To go Kuinu, rnaton. To braid, to twine round. Wakimaeru, g> Hayai, sumiyaka. y Quick, fast. * Ayumu, tadoru. ^To walk, grope way. y Mukaeru, au. ^ To go out to 7 Stroke radical. 3 Characters. one's meet, wel- come, meet. * Chikai. v Near. toki. The dragon, the zodiacal sign, time. Hazukashimeru, patrol, ta- arasou, To discriminate, discern, argue, correct. Tatsu, round, travel. fifth Totemo, tote, tomo. By no means, katajike- although, because. nai, haji. To shame, disgrace, thankful, obliged, shame. Tagayasu, tatsukurL ^ To * Meguru, mawaru. ^ To revolve, go around. v cultivate, agriculture. -Vr* 7 Stroke radical. JL SMn-nyu. JK Ml"* 107 Characters. Kaeru, kaesu. To return, to restore. Used only for + Hashiru, tatazumu. y To run, stand still. its sound. Semaru, isogu. *|14 To press upon, urge, to hasten. Tsugi. A cross-road. * ^ Komi, komu. crowd, to put A crowd it into. -s Hotori, atari. ^ into, * Com. /. jg Side, place, region. * Utsuru. ^ To move, remove, fer. \ * ^i^ To, as far as, till, by, to reach, extend to. state, relate, follow. Nogareru, nigeru. run away. Com.f. To Tstiranaru, naname $ ni yuku. To trans- Com.f.& 7o/, mawaridoi. Far, round about. Noberu, shitagau. To be connected, go ob- liquely. ^ SusumUffumu, michi. * To advance, tread, a road. ^ Jo/, haruka. Far, distant. a ffi 178 Tot, haruka, hikari. Far, light. Ou, oikakeru, shitagau. chase, follow, obey. To Tagai ni, kawarugawaru. Mutually, in turn. JS? r Todomaru. Oyobu, itaru. To reach, extend to. * To h Toru, kayou, kayoi, Mayou. To go V To pass through, go to and fro, a street, pass- astray, be be- wildered. On, shitagau, To otte. s/ follow, pursue, sup- plement, by and by. To withdraw, * Quick, be arranged in a row, to unite, a companion, continually. itaru. create, build, to reach. w Meguru. To go round, circulate. -b Burabura to aruku. V To Meguri-au, yorokobu. ^ ' unexpectedly, rejoice. saunter, ramble, loaf. Nogareru, nigeru. To escape, run away. h Sukitoru, toru. * To be Tachimotoru. To roam about. ^ ato. 4 ^ * Hodobashiru, splash, shirizokeru. scatter, v to Michi, tadachi ni. A path, straight, soon. Shirizoku, shizaru, shizari-suru. To withdraw, nanji. -k to say, you. -f ato- go back- wards. repel. is to transparent, pass through. * Foot-prints, remains. That Au, mukaeru, yuruyaka. To meet, lenient. V To make, JO? ^To * tsure, shikiri ni. * Tsukuru, send, escort. ?, fast. Tsuranaru, awaseru, To run away. Okuru, yaru, tsukawasu. ' ^ v Nogareru, nigeru. To meet creep, meet. retire. sakamotoru, Sakarau, sama. To be contrary to, to disobey, upside down. To tori. book, thoroly. Hau, mukaeru. ^ To crawl, \s To stop. y Sumiyaka, hayai. Shirizoku, hiku. . A road. h Shinu, yuku, saru. To die, go, depart. 179 ? Takumashii. Motoru, tagau. ^ Powerful. To * r Meguru, mawari, amaneku. * To go round, all, everywhere, circumference. s/ Susumu, noboru, tsutomeru. * To advance, be promos/ -fe j( v To lose, make 1g Semaru. y To aya- press, urge. ^ Ukagau, 4 to chase. Nogareru, ntgeru, tagai often. Koeru, tot. To cross over, far. a mistake, escape. saguru, sasuga. question, seek, as one might have expected, even such, nevertheless. To ni. v To escape, flee, together. Naname ni yuku. To go fc be impetuous, \ Oyobu, ou. * To reach, Sumiyaka, skibashiba. v Quickly, ted, to give, serve. Ushiuau, hayaru, matsu, nogareru. oppose, differ. X Amaneku, meguru. ,^ The whole, everywhere. diagonally. ' h Ntgeru, nogareru. escape. * To run away, ;* ni, owaru. accomplish, finally, r Yamu, todomaru, v To stop, cease. f Togeru, tsui * To Haruka, taeru. tot. Far, distant. , to finish. y Au, tamatama, To meet, motenasu. meet unex- pectedly, occasionally, to entertain. 4 Asobu, tanoshimu. v To play, amuse one's self, travel for pleasure. J i? Michi. road, A [ciple. Leisure. ^ Semaru, tachimachi, * To katai. press, quickly, hard. .<4/>/w. * Hakobu, meguru. v To transport, revolve, fortune, chance. * Sugiru, yogiru, ayamachi. ? To exceed, pass by, a fault, mistake, a strong degree (chem.). /towfl. Splendid, admirable. X. & Haruka, Far off, tot. distant, indis- tinct. x * Toi, amaneku. Far, everywhere. doctrine, prin- , tsukaivasu. give, send, transmit Itaru, toru, todokeru, araivareru, togeru. To To Herikudaru, shitagau. To humble one's follow. reach, pass through, to forward, to excel, appear, to complete. self, ,1 M 180 Tsugiba, kawaru, tagai ni. to change, together, by turns. Meguri-au, yorokdbu. unexpectedly, A post-town, To meet rejoice. Sakanoboru. Yuku, sugureru, dim. To go against, trace to its source. Yuku, itaru, kanau. To ly, - go, excel, Haruka, tamatama, grow old. tot. Far, distant. go, reach, occasionalto suit. Niwaka, awatadashii, osc- reru. Au. To / To up Quick, flurried, to fear. meet. Mukaeru, maneku. To go to meet, welcome, Saegiru, todomeru. To intercept, put a stop invite. to. Okufukai. Osoi, okureru. . V Late, slow, ^ Chikai, chikazuku. Asobu. v To . Profound, deep. to be late. play, amuse Near, to draw near. oneself. Nogareru, nigeru. escape, abscond. Hotori, atari. Side, place, region. * To r ; ^ Shitagau, narau. v To follow, obey, to learn. I* Haruka, toi, anadoru. \* Distant, far, to contemn. ;* Utsuru. " r ^ To move, remove, Meguru, shinobu. To go around, conceal, keep secret. trans- fer. Nokosu, tishinaUfWasureru, okuru. v To leave behind, lose, 7 Stroke radical. Ozato-hen forget, send, bequeath. t Erabu, eru. * To choose, v Mr* mu. revolve, to surround. Sakeru. To 22 Characters. select. Megiiru, megurasu, kako- To r-tU ^ 4 Mura,ozato ~* A village, city, capital. y; Hakaba. v cemetary A escape from, avoid. f Kaeru, kaesu, mcguru, tsuv knnau. To return, go round, indemnify. (figurative). * Nanzo, nani, ano. * A country, nation. How, why, that. 181 lyashii, hina, indka. Yokoshima, ka, ya. Wicked, evil, wrong, an Mean, low, humble, interrogative particle. tic, y Mura. ^ Nengoro. * A village. 4 Kindly, polite. ? v 4 -fftfft Yashiki. >j A mansion, residence. Mizu no na, Tonari, tonaru. A neighbor, neighboring, to adjoin. no na. yama Pt> 5' The name of a rus- the country. river, a 7 Stroke radical. country. Hiyr. m i- 11 o-tori. Koyom i-no-tori. % No, indka. v The country, suburbs. 48 Characters. 4 Kobashii, sakan. * Fragrant, flourishing. v The bird, the tenth zodi- acal sign. 5 Otoko. '* A man, a complimentary 4 term for males. s/ y * A district, country. x Sekku no na. 4 The name of 1^ IJ a season. Aogu, hitna, sukima. look up, leisure, To a To be drunk. Tsukasa, osa. A chief, leader. Kumu, hakaru. To dip out, or ladle, weigh, consider. Kubaru. To distribute, marry. crevice. Japanese beer, liquor. Wakatsu, kumi. a section, divide, bureau, copy of a book. To * Kuruwa. ? An enclosure, a Strong liquor, alcohol. Sumizake. Clear sake. fortifi- cation. 4 Tsugtba, tf eki. A post-station, mail. >* Tashinamu, tanoshimu, fu~ keru. t^ v To be fond of, addicted to. Miyako, subete. ^ 5, wukuiru. * Vinegar, to reciprocate. A capital, all. 5 A village, previously. a t To sell, buy. a s I* ffl 182 1, Sameru. To awake, become sober, Takcnawa. v At the height, the acme. fade. y Chichizake. The skin formed on milk, cream. *1 You. 1 To be drunk. 1> \y. 5 Chichishiru. y Cream, cheese, the syrup of boiled fruits. ' y Mukuiru. 6 To repay, give back. Shishibishio, shiokarai. L* Salted meat, salty. j^ Minikui, ashii, nikumu. )y Ugly, bad, to hate. [# Kamosu. L*' To Mugoi, hanahadashii. FI * Cruel, very, painful, Clear 5rt^, a thick, rich, cream-like liquor. cause to ferment. ft Shtokara, hishio. 4 Salted fish, pickles. la- mentable. Yamai wo ' : . I* Sake wo nonde tanoslrimu A koto. Pleasure from drinking. Usui sake, shiru. soup. , ' Sake, sake no moto. Liquor, yeast. to Weak sake, I Pickles. Sake no moto, sakekasu. * The materials of iyasu koto ivo ivaza to suru mono. doctor. sake, dregs of sake. f 5 Nigorizake r# Unrefined Su, sui. * Vinegar, ;* wo sour. :* YOU. To brew * To be drunk. ai ^ ><; Shiozuke, tsukemono. Salted, pickles. Moromizake. futatdbi kamosu ^to. a second time. r.v SM, 5/. u^f Vinegar, sour. jit Nigai. I* Bitter. 4 Unstrained Matsuri no na, tsukusu. Kokizake, moppara. A kind of religious Strong val, to sake, completely. Mukuiru, su. To recompense, vinegar. do thoroly. Amazake, hitoyazake. Sweet sake. festi- 183 Rin. % Sakekau. 3 To buy sake, contribute. & You, tanoshimu. [ed. v To be A No, intoxicated, pleas- To requite, * , float. > Nomitsukusu. drink up. f Chinuru, chimatsuri, suki- ma, kizu. To smear iyashii. Hakaru, masume, kasa. To weigh, estimate, measuring, bulk, quantity. To 31 of a the country. urge. 5 Ukabu. * To ^ A moor, wild, rustic, low, & Mukuiru, susumeru. ? copper coin, with blood, a blood offering, a crevice, Osameru, tamau, sujtmichi, chiisai. To regulate, give, right, justice, small. wound. 6 Kamosu. J To brew. 8 Stroke radical. Kane-hen. 129 Characters. 7 Stroke radical. i Nogome-hen. r-i Rr* Kane, kogane. Gold, metal, money. 4 Characters. ^ Wakatsu. < To 1 Tsuya, hikari. it kugiutsu. y To divide, distinguish. * Toru, erabu, irodoru. take, choose, paint. v Gloss, color, lustre. Toku, hanatsu, satoru. unfasten, set free, understand. (Shaka To 7 Stroke radical. 1 1 Sato-hen. Mr1 6 Characters. . A Japanese mile, 2\ miles (English), a village. * Omoi, kasanaru, tatlobu. ? Heavy, important, to be up, repeatedly, piled double, to honor. A nail, to nail. Kama. A boiler, cauldron. Han. A needle. Botan. button, stud. A To fish. Udewa. A bracelet. Kanzashi. hair ornament. A Nibui, oroka. Dull, blunt, foolish. Kiru, kezuru, chona. To cut, scrape, an adze. * * 184 ~ -K"47, : An Kane. kind of gong. Utsusu, kasumeru, torn. copy, seize, take. A To Hitoshii. ouzu no shurui. ; A kind of bell. 1 Equal. Shirogane. Silver. ' * A ix Suzu. 1 magaru. A hook, to be bent. ' axe. handle, knob, button. A musket, rifle, gun. A bell. Akagane. Copper. i [ ^ Kurogane. \9 Kurogane. Iron. Namari. Lead. < Shirusht, shirusu. name, to name, record, publish. Kanzashi. hair ornament. A ^ J Surudoi, kiru. Sharp, to cut. Kanna. # Hasami, j> Haclii. A A bowl, basin. A plane. kazari. v Scissors, an ornament. Oinaru- ; Large. j ^ Tsuyagane, y Lustrous tsuya, nomi. metal, lustre, a chisel. To cut, a Hakaru, hdkari. harpoon. ' To calculate, weigh, scales. A spade. MSuki. Hoko. . Kanabasami, kubigase, fu- A spear. Shackles, fetters, to close up. Dull. Masakari. A large axe. Nabe, kama no rut. A kind of cooking utensil. 185 Kutsuwa,fukumu. bit, to take in the mouth. A Hakari, kanamari. scales, a metal bowl. A Shikoro, yaivarageru. Surudoi, togaru. Pointed, sharp, acute, to be sharp. Armour protecting neck, to soften. the Suki, suki no ha, tatara. spade, blade of a spade, a foot-bellows. A Hasami. Scissors. The Hokosaki, kissaki. point of a spear. Hakari no omori. A weight used in weigh- Byd. ing. A rivet. Hagane. Kesu, tokasu. To erase, melt. Steel. Shiku, tsuraneru, amaneku, mise- A unit of weight. To spread out, arrange in a row, everywhere, a shop. Kdkeme no na. Kane, kane no koe. A bell, the sound of a bell. Sabi. Suki, suku. A spade, hoe, to dig. Rust. Sdbi. A needle. Harl. Rust. Kin. Nokogiri. A saw. A gimlet. Shirusu, utsusu. Fusagit, katai. To close up, hard. To write down, record, copy. A lock. To be hurried, be in disorder, to mix, make a mistake. Zeni. 'A Midareru, majiru, ayamatsu. Jomae. small coin, a cash, a Ikari. tamau. Tin, to bestow. 5w2fM, Embroidered cade. An anchor. Ha, tsuba. A silk, bro- blade, a sword guard. Zeni sashi. cord for stringing cash. A 186 u Neru, kitaeru. f To temper, forge. A coat of mail. Mekki, kazaru. Plating, to ornament. i v Kusagiru, kuwa. To cut grass, a hoe. A needle, kind of Suki no tagui. Agricultural lancet, * To .? digging tools. ,# Kitaeru. >* A hammer. A pot, kettle, saucepan. y Nabe. v Kanazuchi. forge, temper. Atsumaru, sakazuki. assemble, a wine-cup. To Nabe, kagayaktt. A saucepan, to shine. Kagami, terasu, kangamiru. A mirror, to illuminate, warning by. to take ^ Kuwa. * 31 -j A hoe, spade. Minagoroshi. Aragane, itagane. Unwrought metal, metal The head or barb sheets. arrow. Shinchu. Brass. A trowel, flat-iron. r+Kagi. ;* Extermination. A key. Yajiri. of an Kole. Sake wo atatameru utsuwa, A rokuro. utensil for warming sake, a pulley. Kusari, tozasu. A chain, to shut. , < Kusari. A chain. + Shizumcru, osaeru, yasun- ^ zwu. To calm, tranquilize, pro- Kaburaya. kind of arrow. A tect. Kama. A sickle. Tsiiku, kane ya ishi no oto. To strike, beat, the sound of metal or stone. Kane no naru koe. Igata, tokasu. The sound of metal. Yari. To A mould, to melt. 7~suranuku, tsuzumi no koe. A spear. pierce through, sound of a drum. the . ' ' \ Kusari. chain, chain-links. Kagami, kangamiru, Nomi, eru. gard as an example, discriminate. A A chisel, to gouge. mi" wakeru. A mirror, example, to reYari. i A spear. Chiribamu, horu. To engrave, carve. Aragane. Raw ' Kane, tsurigane. ' metal. A bell. Kutsuwa, sakan. A bridle bit, flourishing. Ishizuki. ' A ferrule. Yasuri. ' Tsuba, wagane. sword guard, a hoop. A file. A An iron coin of very value. little Tokasu, torakasu, kesu, sakan. To melt, erase, flourishing. Hibachi, hidoko. Kane. kind of gong. A A brazier, forge. Kagavaku, hikaru. To shine. Abumi. A stirrup. Jo, tozasu. A lock, to lock up. Kurogane. Iron. Chiribamu, horu. engrave, carve. To Tsurube. A tin, can, well-bucket Nomi, ugatsu. A chisel, to pierce, dig. Osuzu. A large bell. Kojiri. The tip (of a scabbard). To cut A bell. Oguwa. Wa. A ring. To cast (metal). A large mattock. 8 Stroke radical. 2 Characters. -BIS 188 * Nagai, kashira, v Long, the head, Takadono, yakusho, goten, kwannuki. large building, office, toshiyori. senior, to A grow, increase. palace, gate-bar. See under Iegara, isaoshi. Family station, merit. l| 8 Stroke radical. Mon-gamae. tf IJ Kado-gamae. 40 Characters. a Tatakau,' toki no I I* | ^ Kado, y > v 1 iegara. gate, outside entrance, door, sect, lineage. A Kwannuki. A gate-bar. ^ Hirameku, * wave, flash, fl'cker. to search. ^ 1 koe. war-cry. % Hey a, kugurido, yakusho. 7 A room, postern, office. \\ *. r? A sleeping-room. Kemisuru, erdbu. inspect, review, ex- To amine. gau. To fight, a I* Nebeya. I chiratsuku, uka- To kui. fa Shikimi, * I A threshold, a stake. Tojiru, fusagu. To h shut, stop up. a Sashitsukae, tsukae. I Sato, kado, kuchi. murd no iri- A A hindrance. village, gate, the entrance of a village. Hiraku, saku. 4 To open, explain, bloc in. jj -f | * Shizuka, hima. ^ ^ I Quiet, leisure. 01 j it v Aida, hima, ma, mdjiru. Between, during, leisure, a measure of length, an aux. num., to mingle. Com. f. v Pfl Au-aremu, uryoru, aki no \* Chimata, susu nieru, kao-yoi. A street, to wage, beauti- \T Fusagu, todomeru. |^ To close up, stop. foi v I pity, to grieve, A ful. sora. To Shikimi, kagiri. threshold, limit. the Momban, komono. A gate-keeper, servant, castration. autumn ^ * sky. Uruou, uru. To be moist, rich or prosperous, intercalary. [= v I Isogashii, midari ni. 9 Busy, confusedly. gate-keeper, gate. Yamu, yasumu, owaru. ^ Kado, suimon. J A gate, water-gate. & Kadomori, kado. A To 4- stop, rest, finish. Shizuka, sabishii. lonely. * Quiet, 189 ^ Takenawa, tesuri. v At its height, a handrail. v Yami, kurai, damaru. ^ Darkness, dark, to ^ Yabureru, kuzureru, fe ^40^, shigeru. A path between be luxuriant. fields, to -? be silent. To break, crumble, Hiroi, yutaka, hisashii. ochi- fall, a cliff. | I* i \ f- Broad, wide, abundant, a long time. Kakeizuru, masshigura v To run out, furiously. ^ Sakan, oto. \y Flourishing, a sound. % ? * \ Tojiru, tobira. To close, a door. A ayamatsu, ushinau. gate, to make a mis?, Kakawaru, seki, tozasu. v To concern, a shut. 1 Hiraku, I barrier, to Incor. Hij Ukagau, nozoku. To spy, look into. \ akiraka. * To open, Saka. An inclined road. A dike, to fend. A clear. wow, kwannuki. threshold, gate, gate- bar. Hiraku, sakeru. To open, avoid. j, iwfldW, ^J<7. v A street, city, . MH gate. 8 Stroke radical. [S Kozalo-hen. 66 Characters. C'^, oinaru. mound, large. A off, de- Kewashii, semai. Steep, narrow. Oka, otoshiana. A mound, pitfall. Otoshiana. Kuma,''omoneru. dark spot, corner, to A flatter. Kewashii. Steep. Tsuku, shitagau, kuwaeru. adhere to, follow, to To add :i, ward A pitfall. take, lose. I ><, .* ni. to. Kizahashi, hashigo. The s'eps of the throne. Fusagu, samatageru, ayaui, kewashii. To obstruct, impede, dangerous, steep. Hedateru, naydmu, kewa- To be separated from, to suffer, steep. Tsutsumi, tameike, naname. dike, pond, slanting. A lyashii, semai. Low, mean, narrow. ii^" ^ m H 190 y Kagiri, saki. to v End, limit, Suemono, yakimono. fix. Pottery, porcelain. Ochiru,yaburerUj kuzureru. To fall, break, crumble. , 9 Ochiiru, ochiru, otoshiana. fall into, be entrapped, collapse, a pitfall. To MacM, aze, nawate. street, road between rice-fields. A Furu, kudaru. Inc. To come down ^ (rain, descend, surrender. etc.), -x. Kizahashi. 4 The steps of the throne. Oka, kuga. Sumi, sato. ^ J* A corner, country village. \* Hotori, sakai. : # Vicinity, borders. Narabu, tsuranaru. To be arranged in order, a camp. Yakusho, build- ing for religious uses. Nozoku, waru, harau. subtract, ;^ Oka, misasagi, shinogu. 'rv divide, ,-y '* Narrow. An ntichi. inclined, or narrow, road. 4 y 1 advance. rise, Kuwawaru, v A accom- Noberu, shiku, tsuraneru, naraberu, furui. To state, sumi. A dark spot, corner. corner, angle. tasukeru. To attend on, pany, assist. show, old. Kuma, ^ Sumi, kado. advance. 4 Kage, kumoru, hisoka ni. v Shadow, cloudy, secretly, the female principle in philosophy. f. A Noboru, susumu. susumu. |tiH|j Noboru, ,<; ^ Tsutsumi, dote. 1 dike, bank. To \/y ? To Hi, akiraka, hinata. The sun, clear, warm, sunshine, the male principle in philosophy. semai rise, A mound, Imperial tomb, to slight a superior. sweep away. 2, tasukeru. tera, ie. An office, school, a To if A low wall, a parapet, to spread out, Prosperous, high. Kumi, mure. A company, crew, crowd. regiment, Kizahashi, hashigo. steps, stairs, ladder. A Koeru, haruka. cross over, far. To 191 Saka, tsutsumi. hilly road, a dike. 7 A 'i ! v Fusagu. v To '* obstruct. ,# Karabon. A dry moat. \ O Hedateru, fusagaru. y To be separated from, obstructed. 'to \ nook, brink, Anamichi, ochiru. An underground passage, a tunnel, to fall. Kakureru. v To hide, be in retirement, secret, (S / j* 10 A corner, edge. >>f Okotaru, ochiru. To be remiss, fall, oval. ; Kuma, mizugiwa. illicit, obscure. Sawa. marsh. A J 0fl, hatake. ;p A mound, field. [ * Ochiru, yaburu, ushinau. * To fall, to break, lose. 8 Stroke radical. 2 Characters. -r Semai, fusagu. 4 Narrow, to obstruct. Oyobu, ataeru. reach, to give. To 11 O >f * Sukima, hima. crack, opening, leisure. Tsuku, shimobe. A To belong to, a servant, menial. Kiwa, ori, majiwaru. Edge, time, limit, to as- 8 Stroke radical. sociate with. ^u H " 23 Characters. Furutori. Hedateru, sawari. To be separated from, an obstacle, objection. Tonari, tonaru. 12 Neighboring, a neighbor, O to adjoin. a* to pieces. tori. A t Katakata, * Kuzureru. To crumble * Furutori, * bird. hitotsu. One of a pair, one, an aux. num. for ships. & * Hayabusa. The Aogu, sakamichi, hashigo. To look up, a hilly road, g; a ladder. y perigrine falcon. Suzume, odoru. sparrow, to leap for A joy. 13 O Shitagau. To obey, follow, according to. b /JT^n. ^ A wild goose. 4 O, Kewashii, takai, nayamu. Steep, high, to suffer. v A WM, sugureru. male, strong, to sur- pass. 192 ; a Yatou. To I hire, Hanareru, employ. To $> ; ; 7 Atsumeru, atsumaru, oi. assemble, collect, waka- be separated from, to divide. To many. muzukashii, kurushimu. Difficult, hard, to suffer. Katai, Shitoyaka, tadashii. Refined, elegant, just. Me, mesu. A liedaieru, tsu. female, 8 Stroke radical. weak, to be r-u *" inferior. ^ Koeru, dburagiru. v To be fat or oily. Ame-kammuri. 36 Characters. Ante, amefuri. Rain, rainfall. 3 Yawaragu. v To be harmonious. t Yuki, susugu. ^ Snow, to wash, 1 rinse. A pheasant. Amagoi. Praying for rain. Misago. The osprey. Shizuku. A drop. Horn, kumadaka. To carve, the fr crested v Kumo. A cloud. eagle. , 1 ledomo. A Although. >s Futatsu. ' Two, ! Majiru, atsumaru. To mix, assemble, varicoarse, ous, roughly ' Snowfall. a pair, both. is Ochiru. ^ To Yawaragu, tanoshimu. To be harmonious, hap- Lightning, electricity. f t Hina. A Thunder. Inazuma, inabikari. py. J a cipher, zero, g Ikazuchi, kaminari. -i ' fall, quiet rain. made. t mist. Yukifuri. chicken, small doll. Niwatori. A barn-yard fowl. >>. t f i> //y^, hizame. hail. Large Motomeru. a To ask for, demand. 193 *. Sora. tf The sky, heavens. ' B Tsuyu, uruou, arawareru. Dew, to be wet, known, manifest. v Furuu, v To ^ osoreru. shake, quake, fear. Indbikari, ikazuchi. t-fe > N l Lightning. koto. rain, the flowing Hatagashira, daimyo-ga- shira. \ The leading power. * dame, mizu no nagareru Heavy Arare. > Hail. '^. Ikazuchi, kaminari. f* Thunder. of water. i -g Niwaka, sakan. Suddenly, vigorous. Kin', kumo no tobu koto. mist, the flight of the ^ Hareru. *4 To fix Tamashii. \4 ^A clouds. clear up. The soul, spirit, a ghost, sacred. iu Tsuyoi kaminari. ** Severe thunder. 9 Uruou, nureru. ^ To become wet, ^ 4 >j to soak. , tandbiku. Mist, fog, to cloud over. Niji. A rainbow. Tandbiku. cloud over. To Naga-ame. * A long rain. * Shinto. 8 Stroke radical. 5 Characters. ^ Frost, hoar-frost. Kasumi, kasumu. Mist, haze, to be hazy. . Mizore. ^ Sleet. at i in- Green, blue, unripe, experienced. |^ Yasui, osameru. 4 Quiet, to tranquilize, to rule. Amadari, shitadari. v The dripping of rain. v Yosoou, kazaru. To adorn. Mist, fog. Shizuka, ikon. Quiet, peaceful, to rest. Naga-ame. long rain. Aizome, aoi. Indigo dyed, blue, green. A l 194 Tomo. 8 Stroke radical. 3 Characters. An archer's wrist-shield. Munagai, ninau, A Arazu, wand, soskini. wrong, to Not, bad, slander, criticise, blame. ft v Kaban. A traveling bag. Tagau, motareru. To differ from, lean upon. Kura. H Nabiku, fusit. To bend, yield obey. tsuyoi. collar, to bear, strong. to, A saddle. wave, Waraji. Straw sandals. Katai, tsukaneru. Hard, firm, to bind. 9 Stroke radical. 3 Characters. tf IJ Saya. scabbard. A Omole, kao, mukau. The face, front, surface, to front. Mari, kiwameru, yashinau, tsugeru. Hajiru. To A ball, to be ashamed. investigate, to bring up, to announce. Ekubo. dimple. A Shirigai. The crupper 9 Stroke radical. Kavca hen. of a saddle. Muchi, muchiutsu. A whip, to whip. Tsukuri-gaiva. 20 Characters. kiwameru, Tou, meru. Aratameru, nameshigawa, kawa. To renew, restore, leather, loitsu- To ask, investigate, Ci'ossquestion. hide, skin. Nameshigawa, yawaraka. Dressed leather, soft. Kutsu. Boots, shoes. Yawaraka, shinayaka. Utsu, muchiutsu. Soft, pliable. To strike, whip. Munagai. The collar to which a saddle is attached. Hodashi, shirigai. Fetters, the crupper. Omogai. A headstall. ; Tdbi, shitaguisu. Stockings, hose. . . -I I"* 9 Stroke radical. Nameshi-gawa. 5 Characters. 195 Nameshigawa, somuku. Tanned it V * A well-curb, Korea. Konogoro, shibaraku, kata4 Yoi' * bow 1, Unaji. # The nape of the neck, a or sword. ^ Fuigo. bellows. v A clause, paragraph. Shitagau, yawaraka. To obey, follow, in re- gular order, gentle. y Subekaraku, shibaraku. a Ought, proper, an 9 Stroke radical. r-tu muku. Recently, for some time, a moment, about, to incline. Good. a on the head, receive. Igeta, Chosen. * Tsutsumu, yumibukuro. * To wrap up, a case for >>, Itadakt, itadaku. The head, top, to put leather, to rebel. Nira-hen. in- stant. H 1^2 Characters. ^ Homeru, v To utau. praise, sing. Nira. A leek. a Azukaru, arakajime. To have charge of, be en- Kudaku, tsukemono. To trusted with, previously. crush, pickles. ' h v \ 9 Stroke radical. 4 Characters. Q vA <?, &?. voice, UruwasMi, 5fe tone, >N HI i, tell. 4 \*Hibiki. ;** ^ > * "^ Stroke radical. a *' ukeru. \t> [v kashira. . I head, a page. neck, collar, to rule, Katayoru, sukoburu. To incline to very, greatly. Otogai* * The chin. ~ , Kubi, en, osameru, suberu, receive, jurisdiction. ;* Hibiki, hibiku. Sound, noise, report, echo, shock, to resound. 43 Characters. ordka, nibui. foolish, dull. divide, distribute. The Rhyme, rythm. The nuka- Wakalsu, kubaru. v To utsukushii, tsu- Beautiful, to ni, be rejected. y Katakuna, v Stubborn, [noise. sound, niwaka zuku, sutaru. Forthwith, suddenly, to bow the head, salute, to Oto-hen. to, Yagate, [ Tobiagaru. leap up. To Ago, otogai. The chin, jaw. A t m one side, 196 LIFI '" J* Kashira, atama, kobe. head, top, chief, an auxiliary numeral. Itadaki, The The cheek. * Tagui, niru. Sort, kind, to resemble, a Oinaru. * Large. Taoreru, kuzureru, sutaru. to pieces, to be abandoned. To crumble Kaerimiru, omou. To Constantly, quickly. jj Otagai, ago, unazuku. chin, to nod assent. The tania no round object, a White, large, a heavenly atmosphere. j^ Furuu, wannanaku. v To shiver, shudder. | > , ff \ Arawareru, akiraka. v To be revealed, to pear, clear. s> Shirushi, na. subject, topic, 'u text, > temple. Shikameru, uryoru. To make a wry face, to grieve. Kashira, atama, atama no Hitai, tdka. The hone. forehead, amount, a The picture, price. ",-if Kao, tsura. [v The head, skull. * Hobone. v The cheek-bone. face. ^j Oroka, uvauyashii. Foolish, humble. Ago, Komekami. y The temple. agito, tsutsushinnt. 9 Stroke radical. Fu-nyu. 10 Characters. The chin, to be circumspect. Agito, ago. The gills, . jaw-bone, chin. , narawashi. Wind, Negau. To ap- Komekami. * The name. 'if Shiroi, oinaru, ten no ki, clod of earth. A \ kazu, tsuchigure. small, reflect, ? Kubi. The neck. A look back on, consider. Shikiri ni, sumiydka. Tsubu, sakasama, kutsu- gaeru. The top, head, beginning, to be upset. ask, request, desire. Hitai. The forehead. air, fashion, cus- toms. Oroshi. A wind blowing from the mountains. 197 v? y Yumeshi, chazuke. Kazaoto. The sound v Supper, of the wind. ~y t v rice with tea poured over. Tsujikaze. A whirlwind. 4 v Nomu, nomimono. To drink, a drink. Okaze, tsumujikaze. A typhoon, whirlwind. ^ Kuruu v A violent wind. -V Ageru, fukichirasu, fuki- v lift raise, h Fukiageru. To blow about. ^ Hirugaeru, kazefuku kata- Mushimochi. & Nieru, up, to scatter, or * To by the wind. v ^ ii. ^ Steamed rice-cakes. ageru. To n: Meshi, Boiled rice, food. kaze. Jj ^ niru. boil. Tsutsushimu, imashimeru, totonoeru. To reverence, admonish, adjust. chi. To wave, the appearance of wind blowing. Okaze, tsumujikaze. high wind, whirlwind. Aku. To be sated. A ^ Aku. ? To have enough, be tired of. 9 Stroke radical. 2 Characters. ' & Kazari, kazaru, yosoou. An ornament, to adorn, J gloss over. Tobu. To >N " * Kau, yashinau. nourish. fly, jump, leap. Hirugaesu. To turn over, change about. To wave, Glutinous A cake of pounded rice. Shoku-hen. 48 Characters. jjj eat, ' '^ be hungry, starved, famished. Takuwaeru. IT To store up. Kare-ii, okuru. rice dried, provisions (for troops), to send. y Boiled to nourish. Ueru. To rice-jelly. Mochi. 9 Stroke radical. ^ Meshi, kuu, yashinau. to # Boiled rice, keep, Ame. E,esa,eba, ejiki. Food of animals, bait. ;-v Yashinau, sodateru. 'V To nourish, support, rear, bring up. 198 Ueru. Hoshii. To Sun-dried boiled-rice. be starved, hungry, famished. Kayu, mazushii kurashi. Rice gruel, poor living. * Kurau, nomu. v To eat a meal, to swal- low. Okuru, kareii. send, dried boiled- To nokoru. 3 Amari, amaru, The remainder, to be left over, too, more than. rice. ;* v ; Kurau, yumeshi. |- I" To (A kind Manju To ^ Nokori, kuiamashi. v A remainder, To be starved, hungry, famished. * Yakata, yado, fate. v palace, mansion, pub- A lic office, Okuru, kuimono. To send, food. lodging-place. *# Susumeru, kurau. To urge, to eat. Kuimono, sonaemono. Food, an offering. V a Dango. Sueru. V A dumpling. To * Azareru, ;* 4 ueru, kuimono. putrify, to starve, To food. ing, to present, see off. Sonaemono, furumai. An offering, a feast. am at. Bean flour and sweet. Kusai, suetaru. Putrid, decayed. Musabori-kurau. To * putrify. Yutaka, amaru. Surplus, abundant, lib- eral, fertile. okuru, miokuru. ^ Hanamuke, ^ A present to one depart- An, of dumpling, Ueru. left-over food. | be starved, hungry, eat, supper. \& Ueru, kusaru. \4 starve, decay. , Ueru. To famished. gluttonize. sugar, Motenasu, sakaworiTo entertain guests, banquet. Asameshi, ryori sum. Breakfast, to cook. Musaboru. To covet. Rice-gruel. Aku. To be sated. a 199 ^ Haseru. 9 Stroke radical. 2 Characters. To ride rapidly, gallop. Nareru, shitagau. To Kubi, kobe, kashira. The head, chief, to acknowledge, confess. Mimikiru, kubikiru. Cutting off ears, decapi- >>, re- fute. Kakeru, karu, hashiru. To run, drive, urge on. 9 Stroke radical. 6 Characters. f. Todomaru, yamu. ^ To stop, reside. Nioi, kaori, ka. J Odor, fragrance, Koma. incense. A colt, a two-year-old. - Kaori. v Fragrance. ' -j to, Buchi. 9 Spotted, piebald, to tation. * be accustomed familiar with, to follow, obey. Kobashii, kaori. * Noru, norimono, shinogu. r** # Fragrant, fragrance. Nioi. * Odor. To ride, harness, hicle, to supersede. a ve- Nibuiuma. r A slow horse, stupid. r kobashii. 11 4- Kaoru, 4 Fragrant, incense. 7W, /la^rt/, sumiyaka. Quick, fast I , u Kobashii, niou. ^ Strong odor. A four-in-hand. 10 Stroke radical. _ Mr* U ma-hen. 46 Characters. Nibui uma. slow horse, stupid, to unshoe. A Uma. Noru, owaseru. A horse. To p Noru, tsukau, osameru. 3 To ride, drive, rule. Odoroku, sawagu. be frightened. To ^ Haseru, shinogu, noboru. p To run, go ahead overtop, ascend. ^ Owaseru. An aux. ride, to load. Kawarnge uma. of, A black-maned white horse. num. loads, to load for horse- on a horse. y Hashiru. v To -j, 7L run, rapid. W 4A. fo n 200 y v Siigureru, hayai. To be excellent, quick. ^ Haseru. 4 To Ashige uma. A gray horse. ;.> gallop, ride fast. Noru, matagaru. To ride, astride of, an for horsemen. sit aux. num. Sugureta uma. superior horse. A * Ashige no uma. * A gray horse. ^ Narabu, muda. * To be in ranks, \y Sugureta uma, hayai, isamashii. i^ A good horse, fast, strong. ,4- ^ \ ',>r Sukasu, azamukeru, taba^ karu. |i '* -, To cheat, deceive. [ Odoroku. , A post-station, Kutsuwa. Usagiuma. A donkey. Sawagu. To be noisy, excited. Sen-ri no uma. An ^ Kakeru, sawagashii. ^'To be deficient, noisy. Yorokobu. To A Usagiuma. mule. v ,s black horse, to be ar- ranged in order. 10 Stroke radical, Tsuyoi, hayai. fast. Hone-Jien. 13 Characters. Yoi uma, ogoru, karonzuru. A good steed, to be proud, to despise. '> rejoice. Kurouma, narabu. A if excellent steed, abi- lity. Kakeru, karu, hashiru. To run, drive, urge on. 9 Strong, station. A bridle bit ing. -x be frightened. Umayado, shuku. & Niwaka, shibashiba. Sudden, fast, frequently. Noboru, agaru, kinkiriuma. * To rise, ascend, a geld- -t A \v h v Shirushi, kikimc, tamesu. mark, efficacy, to consider, examine. To 1 worthless. Ogoru. be stubborn, proud. To \ Noboru, noru, koeru. To ascend, ride, cross over. ^ Hone. % > bone. A \-jj Hagi, sunebone. v The leg, shin. 201 b V Kami wo soru, Sugoroku no sai. kind of die used in A To kiru. shave, cut the hair. games. if 4 Kamoji, soegami. False hair. Hone, karada. bone, the body. A * Hone. * The bones of a skeleton. % ? Similar, resembling. Hizashita, ashikubi. The lower leg, ankle. Taregami. Long % Hone-tatsn, kadodalsu. v To have a bone in the throat, to be crabbed. u \y \v Hohige. v Whiskers. Kami. Momo. i.><, The :* Hair. thigh. Hizabone. The knee. i? Tsunogatni, taregami. v Long \ ^a Sarekobe. The skull. t i Karada, hair, locks. ? Mrw &z m ikazari. * To resemble, a hair orna' ; , ment. katachi. The body, hair. person, sub- stance, appearance. i, ' t Uwahige. A moustache. Sarekobe. Urushi-nuru. varnish. A skull. To Hone no shin. Marrow. ^4 Motodori, tabusa. Dressed up hair, a lady's cue. |f I) 10 Stroke radical. Character. I : k ^ Ibitsu, kami wo tokasu koto. ? Oval, to take down the hair. Tofan*. High, > -JUr* -S|\ HI'* lofty, dear, good. 10 Stroke radical. Kami-gashira. 21 Characters. ^y ' Midaregami. Dishevelled hair. Tategami, s The mane of a hire. of a horse, fin fish. Midaregami. * Disordered, or 9. Nagai kami no Longhair. ke. let down, hair. K 202 Katsura, False hair, a wig. Kurai, shigeru. Gloomy, dull, melan- choly, dense. v Shitahige, agohige. ^ Chin whiskers. 10 Stroke radical. # Wage, mage. v cue, a style of hair- 2 Characters. A dressing. Ho nokamige. v Hair over the temples. ti i, Tategami. ~? The mane. .^ Ashiganae, hedaisu, hedatan. 12 % three-legged kettle, to separate, distance. A [ f \*> Urn, hisagu. sell, peddle. To 10 Stroke radical. Tatakai-gamae. 7 Characters. 10 Stroke radical. 12 Characters. Om. A devil, Tatakau. To ye fight. ghost, spirit. Kashira, sakigaki, oinaru. The head, a leader, large, Sawagashii. v Noisy. great. n Tokinokoe, tatakau. The Tamashii. i A war cry, to fight. | \jf \ I Semegu, utiaeru. quarrel, accuse. * To h Tatakau, arasou, * To fight, quarrel, contend \ for. \^. \f j. [ Kuji, kujitoru. A lot, to draw lots. Tatakau, arasou. p To tend fight, for. quarrel, con- soul, spirit. Tamashii. The soul, spirit. Miiru, bakasu, bakemono. To be witched, to delude, a ghost. Hideri no kami, hideri. The god of drought, drought. Mizunokami, yama-kawa no tama. water-god, a god of mountain or river. A Takai, oinaru. High, large. PP 10 Stroke radical. 2 Characters. Kaorigusa. Fragrant herbs. Mizu no kami. A mountain god, a spirit of river and mountain. Mizuchi, yama no kami. dragon, a mountain god. A 203 Sushi. Oni. An evil Rice and raw fish soned with vinegar spirit, devil. Osowareru. To have the nightmare. II sea- Same. A shark. Stroke radical. , ^u I* 67 Characters. shake. The salmon. Uo-hen. -I wo tamago, hararago. t/p Fish-roe (of salmon). Uo. A fish. Tachiuo. A The dace. The razor shell, a kind of long slender kind of fish. Oshikiuo. fish. A white fish. Koi. Oroka, nibui. Foolish, dull. A Awabi. A kind of fish. The sea-ear. . * Uo no hone, I Rice and raw fish seasoned with vinegar. t v r^' ' ? Ayu. I v A river fish, * A small carp. carp. tadashii. A fish bone, correct. Iruka. The dolphin. trout. Sunafuki, haze. 1 , Hae, haya. namagusai. The salmon, a raw ^Akiadoffish. The fresh and Konoshiro. kind of A >-fe aji. \9 Numauo, azayaka, sukunai. Fresh fish, clear, bright, fresh, few. Magnro. The dace. smell. tunny. | Tako. octopus. The v The Japanese perch. ;> Kujira. The whale. U * * 9a w 204: Knjira. The whale. The Snrume. Dried ; cuttle-fish. a O-uo. v An immense |# \ Shachi, shachihoko. ; =) ; The grampus. i [ A lamprey. Iwashi. The sardine. i fish. sole. Iwashi. sardine. y The Nantazu. The A fin. cat-fish. I .^ Saba. 4 The mackerel. g Nishin. i The herring. Th 2 mullet. v Kajika. bull-head. The Katsuo. y The bonito. s- 7 Haya, The Wani. ylAv. The alligator, crocodile. era. gills hae. dace. A kind of a//. herring. , of a goose-fish. Unagi. fish. Ningyo. A mermaid. 37 >t- An The ,* Tobi-uo. A flying-fish. Konoshiro. Nishin. ' Yamo-o. A widower. A large blue-backed fish. i A shrimp, prawn, lobster. The v An eel. Tara. cod. The Fugu, awabi. A globe-fish, sea-ear. The horse-mackerel. 10 205 The Uroko, koke. scales of a fish or The phoenix snake. bird). (a fabulous Tobi. Support. The snapping turtle. Kisu. The kite. To cry, j A kind of fish. naru. call, to sound, ring. Masu. The Doku no salmon-trout. tori no na. A poisonous bird. Hamo. A kind of Karasu. eel. A crow. Tanago. A small fresh-water fish. Kari. A wild goose. Fuka. A shark. Mozu. The Sayori. The half-beak. shrike. Misosazai. The Japanese wren. Want. A crocodile. Kanw. A wild-du^k. Suzuki. The Tobi, fukuro. perch. n A kite, an owl. Stroke radical. Oshidori. ^K H 61 Characters. Tori-hen. The mandirin duck. I"* (Dacl.o A bird. Oshidori. Hato. pigeon. The mandarin duck. A Ishitataki. Nio. A small The duck. Kamo. A $&&, ostrich) wag-ta.l. Shigi. The snipe. wild duck. -fc^ IP ti 206 Odori, oinaru. A large wild goose, large, A duck. great. Misago. The osprey. The kite. Uguisu. lebalo. The The dove. warbler. bush- Tsuru. crane, stork. The cormorant. * Japanese The Gacho. A goose. Niwatori. The barn-yard fowl. Mozu. A shrike. Ao-dori. The Hakucho, oinaru. The swan, large. wagtail. Hdshtddka, layabusa. kind of falcon. A Hototogisu. The cuckoo. Hayabusa. A falcon. Monoii-dori. The parrot. f, tamago. A chick, an egg. A fabulous bird, a large bird. The The siskin. quail. The cormorant. Kasasagi. The magpie. Oki-na mizudori. aquatic fowl. A large Hiyodori. The brown-eared bulbul. /, hageshii. A wild bird, fierce. Washi, kumadaka. The eagle, Indian crested Kamome. eagle. The sea-gull. The partridge. Nue. kind of pheasant, fabulous night bird. A a 207 . Washi. The ^l^M, shio. salt. Lye, eagle. , . soap) Oyamadori. A large pheasant. Salt. Misosazai. II Stroke radical. The Japanese wren. Shigi, The r^ |1 Shika-hen. 14 Characters. Mr* kawasemi. snipe, the kingfisher. , Misosazai. * The Japanese wren. ka. A deer, stag. ~4 Mejika. A doe. Taka. A hawk, falcon. $/ Sagi, shirasagi. The snow-heron. Kdbato, onagadori, uso. A ^ Muragaru, shibaru. * To crowd U. to together, bind. kind of magpie, an implement of worship. Oinaru shika. A large deer. ^ Nareshika. reindeer. The The cormorant. A fawn. \y Monoii-don. \9 The parrot. Fumoto. The foot of a mountain. Kozuru. (5 The stork. Urardka, uruwashii. Kami no tori, suzu. * The phoenix, a bell. Beautiful, good, bright. 5 Me no rin. fabulous animal sembling a giraffe. A II Stroke radical. re- 4 Characters. Kujika. A kind of stag. Shiohama, arechi. Salt fields, waste land, Kaori. Odor. salty. m Shiokarai. Kaorijika. " Salty. The musk-deer. ** - m 208 O no rin. fabulous animal sembling a giraffe. A 12 Stroke radical. 2 Characters. re- Arai, orosoka. Ki, kiiro. Coarse, rough, foolish. II Yellow. Mandbidokoro. Stroke radical. A school. Mugi-hen. til-) Baku-tiyu. 7 Characters. 12 Stroke radical. 4 Characters. * Mugi. * Wheat. 7 A kind of bread from wheat made flour. Wheat ' LX "i :> Mugiko. \*> 5, Kibi. '3 Millet. Kulsunori, Paste shoes, flour. oi, used kuroi. in making many, dark. >T Nebaru, mochi. Omugi. ; I " : To be sticky, bird-lime. Barley. I* *#/. (' Yeast. Torimochi. Bird-lime. \ |> Mugiko. \v | -7 Wheat flour. 12 Stroke radical. 17 Characters. Irimugi. Parched wheat. !# II Stroke radical. 4 Characters. a Kuroi. * Black. ,)? * Asa. Hemp. * . To be silent. ^ Kuroi. * Black. Sukoshi, komaka. A little, trifle. Hata, sashimaneku, shimesu. signal flag, to beckon, show. A . Damaru. Maro. The termination of certain names of men. , hfjremono. A wart, wen, ^ v i swelling. Shiruslri, tomosu, unazuku. A dot, point, spot, mark, to mark, light, nod assent. Mayuzumi. Blackened black. eyebrows, 209 * Shirizokeru. 5 To send away, cause Koroma no aya-nui. Embroidery. to degrade. retire, v Ao-guroi. x Blue-black. fy |]|! Warugashikoi, * y katdkute Kaeru, tsutomeru. kuroi. A frog, to exert oneself. Crafty, hard and black. Irezumi. 4 Tattooing. x>- *y ' t 6 Tomogara, mure, tagui. band, association, party, flock, companions, v A sort. i, v O support, ^^ Hikigaeru. , ^ A bull-frog. Kame, suppon. A turtle, the turtle. r Kurai, itamu. v Dark, to be painful. I Blackened eyebrows. , - snappmg- 13 Stroke radical. Character. # Mayuzumi. \4 imori. A large snapping-turtle. A sea-tortoise. Kuroi. 4 Black. ; 13 Stroke radical. 5 Characters. akazuku. Mould, to become dirty or greasy. i Hokuro. ^ A mole. \&1? Kanae. A tripod utensil, a cauldron. 13 Stroke radical. p||-l 4 Characters. > Kegasu, akazuku. 9 To defile, dishonor. Tsuzumi, utsu. 12 Stroke rad cal. 4 Characters. r , To , sew, . darn, embroi- dery. y Enogu, irodoru. [paint. v Painting materials, to y Hizakake, maedare. * lap-rug, an apron. A A drum, to beat. Tsuzumi-utsu, utsu, aoru. beat a drum, to beat, To to stir up. Tsuzumi no oto. The sound of a drum. Furitsuzumi. sort of tambourine. A 13 Stroke radical. 6 Characters. ti 210 Nezumi. mouse. Namasu, kudaku. A rat, A kind of fish salad, to crush. ItachL weasel. A 15 Stroke radical. Ha-hen. 13 Characters. Musdbi. A flying squirrel. v Ha, yowai. Teeth, age. x Moguramochi. v A mole. y Hagaivari, si v > \4 Moguramochi. A mole. child- hood, young. Hatsukanezumi. Haguki, arasou. A mouse. f The gums, to Yowai, 14 Stroke radical. Characters. JJ|<J 3 quarrel. toshi. Age. Kamn, kuichigau. To bite, disagree, uneven. Hana. The itokenai. of teeth, [^Change nose. Snoring. Kamu, haguki. v To bite, the gums. % \ f Kamu. To bite. Hana-iki. Breathing thru the nose. r* Usuba. IP hollowed A tooth (as of an old man). 14 Stroke radical. Characters. 5 >j} Kamu. >v To Alike, even, to regulate. Monoimi, isagiyoi, hey a. Fasting and purification, pure, a room for study. Motarasu, sonaeru. To bring, carry, present. Hitoshii. Equal, alike. bite. Kamu, Hitoshii, totonoeru. \ kuichigau. To bite, disagree, uneven. Hagami, semaru, chiisai. Grinding the teeth, to be crowded, small. Mushiba. A decayed tooth. Semaru, kosekose suru. To be crowded, to potter. 211 'J-fcT? j 1 6 Stroke radical. . A tortoise. pf * 4 Characters. ^Suppon. y I i # ]>> i* Tatsu. A dragon, A snapping-turtle, a tor- Midareru, takai ie. To be disordered, a high 1 7 Stroke radical. 3 Characters. building. * 4 '? 12 toise. Imperial. E9 Sonaeru, tatematsuru. To offer. A flute. :^ Hokora. [^ A small shrine. 5 Old form of 16 Stroke radical. 2 Characters. i^ Yobu. lj To call. fir 7 LIST OF CHARACTERS WHOSE RADICALS ARE OBSCURE. R A 2 Strokes. 7 i <J 7) JU < ^ ^ & /A 31 A A 4 Strokes. 75 iE ft z, fc b 3 Strokes. a W E n 1 Y ,, "T tt *f~A & /L \ n ~j -^rt. >f ,, s. .. i/i* Ii A A /^ ft b , n** r|J ,. 7tii ^ in B E j 4- A ft " !fe /L W u 5 Strokes. Ant > 214 LIST OF CHARACTERS WHOSE RADICALS ARE O3SCURE. * A "7^ ki >> 51 A ft n JR r|i x J& "3^ ^v ^ ., Jft ft A U B n 95 Jj ft JL fe n ffi m ffi P B ffi JE b ft h * y\* 7 Strokes. K 38 ra R iti a > n T^ ^ 6 Strokes. E T*J >i P ft tt t4 1C Zl LIST OF CHARACTERS WHOSE RADICALS ARE OBSCURE. m a A " ^ )J A Pt It K9 S xi^ UL n PO iu M m . ^3 ra -5^ J jg |J P^F a ^ | Til /r ^j ^ S ^ fy3 E E ^7 B H HP /K ?S ^C 8 Strokes. M & Jg if a J5 n ' " ri /3K n S&. ^ ~* < S I B * *[ du v O ^7 55 - ^ Jh 2*^ "* fc A M e ^ .. tit 3 SL ife m* * 210 LIST OF CHARACTERS WHOSE RADICALS ARE OBSCURE. m a & .. ft .- .if .. A jfc 9 Strokes. I ffl A 3 JL m A E W S *-^ , ^ P- 4t xiv S n IS u W 7J in n K x /T^ S ,0 31 10 Strokes. B A * A BE 3 BC m 3f n OF CHARACTERS WHOSE RADICALS ARE OBSCURE. LIST fifc ffl m n ^ A 1 J* n n A ,, ^fc @ ffi 1^1 w H * a Is -<i ^^C ^L. gfc * ft A *4 * B iff ;n a. fi ^1* :< Fa ^iMj * i fig * - A |I..J| j^v / M $ ' H B W 12 Strokes. ^ A fl Jl tt II Strokes. ^f ^=E n /4 * A ^P? SS n .. j> a w BE m a 218 LIST Wl m a* OF CHARACTERS WHOSE RADICALS ARE OBSCURE. * . * IK M * m a H 1 fll 6 Strokes. mA 13 Strokes. II IP? c * a m m A a S3 p A %* M 14 Strokes. * ft 15 Strokes. a s ^& n SS ., P * a a * * LIST m OF CHARACTERS WHOSE RADICALS ARE OBSCURE. H 17 Strokes. 8? P m ft 3 IM 18 Strokes. 2.0 .Strokes. l P H 23 Strokes. ^ m ft* a B a ^. Jt B g. EJ 19 Strokes. ^ IBt $$ M A ^ Si A II 21 Strokes. S -i- i RI is it* M 24 Strokes. 93 22 Strokes. Rm 219 *. m* K 25 Strokes. 26 Strokes. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. The Empire Fu Nara of Japan m Niigata Oita Ky5to Osaka Okayama Saga Saitama Aichi Akita ft m Shizuoka Chiba Ehime s m Fukui ffia 7p M m & Im Gifu Gumma Hiroshima Shiga Shimane Aomori Fukuoka Fukushima Ul Okinawa Tokyo Ken & Hyogo Ibaraki * Ishikawa )}\ Iwate Tochigi Tokushima Tottori Toyama Wakayama Yamagata Yamaguchi Yamanashi Ul T& m P Chosen (Korea) Hokkaido Kagawa Karafuto (Sagalien) Kagoshima Taiwan (Formosa) |8 fc Kanagawa Names Kochi Kumamoto (Places Tokyo Shi Miyagi Miyazaki Nagasaki some Important Places found above are omitted) Mie Nagano of whose characters may be if Akasaka Asakusa Azabu M mm ^@ rfr Ku GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. ',21 $g )]} |& Shimonoseki T Kongo #. m BE m Honjo Kanda ;fc ffi |& 03 Ha Koishikawa 'KG-MIHa Taihoku Taiku Takamatsu Tamsui Tsu Unzen Fukagawa Ku fiif Kojimachi Kyobashi Nihonbashi H Bf g ; ffi IS ^ T ^ Shiba Shitaya Ushigome Yotsuya Fusan |g Genzan (Yuensan) TC Gotemba ^P Hakata Hakodate . ff gj 2 Yokosuka ASIA Amoy p- Ul Annam Anping Arabia Bombay Bur m ah Jinsen (Chemulpo) t: ^ Karuizawa $1 Keelung HE: Keijo (Seoul) ^ Kobe jp$ Kure ^ Matsuyama 15 Harbin Moji PI Hongkong Muroran |f| India Nawa m Macao Nagoya Sendai ffiWttffi Bangkok Kanazawa Sapporo Sasebo & Aden Heij5 (Pyeng Yang) Nikko Osaka a Yokohama = ~ ffiL ^. m ft *e?? Canton Ceylon Changchun Chefoo China Chungking Hankow Malay States Manchuria ;fc Mukden (Hoten) ^L Nanking ^ Newchwang fill Peking P PI GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. 222 Persia London Ryojunko (Port Arthur) Saigon Moscow Norway Shanghai Paris Siam Siberia Petrograd Poland Singapore Tairen (Dalny) Prussia *& $T $ m m E II & m m as %- Portugal Taku fff Rome Thibet Roumania Tientsin Russia s Tsingtau Spain Tongking Vladivostok Sweden Weiheiwei Switzerland (Ikaiei) Turkey Vienna Wuchang EUROPE m&& AMERICA Brazil Austria Canada Berlin Belgium a Brussels EL Chicago Chile Constantinople Denmark England m H Cuba Mexico New York Panama Peru France San Francisco United States Germany Vancouver Greece Washington Hamburg Holland Hungary Italy AFRICA m Egypt E&m m m GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. POLYNESIA Atlantic 223 Ocean Black Sea Australia (Goshu) m m Hawaii Baltic Sea Caspian Sea ?& ^Gulf of Pechil (Bokkai ) gft *g Indian Ocean p Jg i Java Loo Choo ^ Is. m mm Manila Philippine Is. South Sea Is. tttfffrts ft( #) Kiaochow Bay (Koshuwan) E^if Inland Sea (Japan) ffi^ Mediterranean Sea Ocean Panama Canal Red Sea Pacific Thursday Is. OCEANS, ETC. Suez Canal Antarctic Ocean Arctic Ocean Yangtse River Yellow Sea fife Fl * ^: -^ |T ^ ^ * * iE iE -f- m S -b -- Ep B 9 * O * Sw m * 1 Ep ^ 9 fr H T ;* * it it BINDING MAY l 3 1968
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