By-law A few definitions Standards Private detached garages Sheds


By-law A few definitions Standards Private detached garages Sheds
Ville de Gatineau has a by-law governing the location and construction of detached
accessory buildings on residential properties, designed to promote visual harmony in
residential neighbourhoods.
Specifically, this by-law concerns garages, sheds, arbours, gazebos, pergolas and domestic
greenhouses on residential properties.
If your accessory building is connected to your main building over a width of at least three
metres (by a wall, roof, overhang or passageway), it is considered an attached structure. In
this case, please read the brochure on buildings or structures attached to dwellings, such as
garages, carports, solariums, sunrooms and verandas.
Inside lot
The following standards relate to the location, clearances, area and height applicable to
all types of detached secondary buildings: garages, sheds, arbours, gazebos, pergolas and
domestic greenhouses.
Hedge or opaque
Min. height 1.5 m
Max. height 2.5 m
The height of detached accessory buildings may not exceed the height of the
main building or 4.5 metres.
In addition to the standards governing site placement, clearances, area and
height, additional specific standards apply to the following detached accessory
Private detached garages
• Dimensions
The inside dimensions of the garage must correspond to the dimensions
applicable to a parking space, namely:
• Minimum width of 2.5 metres
• Minimum length of 5 metres
Street easement
Private garage: a detached or attached accessory building that accommodates or is
Corner lot
A few definitions
intended to accommodate a personal vehicle and is located on a property occupied by a
Arbour: a small, accessory seasonal shelter constructed of light materials, uninsulated,
enclosed by glass or screen and intended for outdoor relaxation.
Gazebo: a small seasonal open shelter, permanent or temporary, with a roof, that provides a
sheltered place to eat or relax, and is located in a garden or a yard.
Pergola: a structure made of columns and light-duty beams, supporting an open roof
structure, with sides that are open or covered by a light filtering material, usually built to
accommodate climbing plants or to create shade.
Shed: a small outdoor structure featuring a sloped roof. An enclosed area or room without
special fittings used to store objects and tools.
Domestic greenhouse: an accessory building with a roof and walls or sides, usually covered
with a material that allows light to penetrate, used for growing plants, fruit or vegetables for
personal use and not for sale.
• Height
Permitted location of detached accessory
buildings or structures
• Garage door
Lot line
A 0,6 mètre
C 0,5 mètre minimum (*voir note)
A 0.6 m
B 0.5 m minimum (*see note)
B 0,5C mètre
minimum (*voir note) D 3,0 mètre minimum
0.5 m minimum (*see note) D 3.0 m minimum
*Note: If a glass window or door faces any of these property lines, the required distance is 1.5 metres.
See the “Direct views” section of this brochure.
The height of a private garage door may not exceed 2.5 metres.
• Architecture, materials and colours
The architecture, types of materials and colours chosen for the garage must
harmonize with the main building.
• Architecture, materials and colours
The architecture, types of materials and colours chosen for the shed must
harmonize with the main building.
Assembly details for sheds or private detached garages*
Note: There is no minimum distance required between a cornice
and a property line. The minimum distance requirement is between
the outside of a wall, or the concrete slab or foundation of an
accessory building and the property line.
• Location
Detached accessory buildings may be located in side yards and backyards.
They are usually not permitted in front yards.
• Minimum clearances
• 0.6 metres from the main building
• 0.5 metres* from a side or rear property line (not adjacent to a street).
Also, for corner or side properties:
• 3 metres from side or rear lot lines adjacent to a street.
In these cases, detached accessory buildings must also be concealed from the street by an
opaque fence or wall no less than 1.5 metres high but no more than 2.5 metres high, or by a
dense evergreen hedge.
• Area
The total permitted area of an accessory building detached from the main building may
not exceed 10% of the total area of the property, or 80% of the footprint of the main
building on a property intended primarily for non-agricultural purposes.
Maximum height
cannot exceed
height of main
building or 4.5 m
Maximum height of
garage door 2.5 m
Opening 1.5 m from property line
*Note : this sketch can be completed and used to apply for a building permit.
• Direct views
The Civil Code of Québec contains provisions governing the placement of
windows and other types of openings. You may not have a “direct view”, in
other words, windows or glass doors may not be installed within 1.5 metres of
the line separating your property from your neighbour’s. For more information
on this point, please see a lawyer or check the Government of Quebec Web site:
An easement on your property?
No detached accessory building or structure may be constructed on an easement.
To determine whether your property is subject to one or more private or public
easements, check your property survey (localization certificate).
To find out more
Please call your local service centre.
Is a permit required?
Before you begin construction of a garage, shed, arbour, gazebo, pergola or
domestic greenhouse, you must obtain a building permit from Ville de Gatineau.
Visit us in person and bring the necessary documents to the Division d’urbanisme
service desk at your sector’s municipal service centre (see contact information at
the back of this brochure).
The main documents or information you must provide include: your property
survey (localization certificate), a site plan showing the location of the accessory
building or structure, and construction details.
Note: Additional documents may be required.
Avoid accidents!
Hydro-Québec provides safety advice: feel free to contact them!
Info-Excavation is a free service for locating underground conduits, and can help
you avoid nasty surprises. Before digging, planting trees or installing a fence,
check with Info-Excavation, 72 hours ahead of time.
1-800-663-9228 –
A few tips
Given the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and environmental damage, you
should not leave your engine running inside a garage or carport.
The information in this brochure is based on Ville de Gatineau zoning by-law
number 502-2005 and is intended for information only. It does not replace the
provisions of the by-law.
The contents of this brochure were updated on May 1, 2006. Amendments to the
by-law may have come into force since then.
Additional rules may apply specifically to certain properties (waterfront lots, corner
lots, etc.) or to certain areas (flood zones, mass movement areas, heritage areas,
etc.). Please contact the Division d’urbanisme at your sector’s municipal service
centre for more information in this regard (see contact information at the back of
this brochure).
Aylmer Service Centre
Division d’urbanisme
115 rue Principale, 2nd floor
Gatineau, Quebec J9H 3M2
Telephone: 819-685-5027
Fax: 819-685-5043
Buckingham Service Centre
Division d’urbanisme
515 rue Charles
Gatineau, Quebec J8L 2K4
Telephone: 819-986-4242
Fax: 819-986-8336
Gatineau Service Centre
Division d’urbanisme
144 boulevard de l’Hôpital,
1st floor
Gatineau, Quebec J8T 7S7
Telephone: 819-243-2460
Fax: 819-243-2479
Hull Service Centre
Division d’urbanisme
775 boulevard de la Carrière,
2nd floor
Gatineau, Quebec J8Y 6V1
Telephone: 819-595-7350
Fax: 819-595-7326
Masson-Angers Service Centre
Division d’urbanisme
57 chemin de Montréal Est
Gatineau, Quebec J8M 1K3
Telephone: 819-243-2345,
extension 3113
Fax: 819-986-9539
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
Detached Accessory
Buildings or Structures:
Garages, Sheds, Arbours,
Gazebos, Pergolas and
Domestic Greenhouses