October 2014 Newsletter
October 2014 Newsletter
PAGE 1 IMPORTANT DATES: Iqra school news I S S U E 3 2 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 3 Assalam u alaikum Parents/Carers, Half Term Holiday 27-31 October 2014 NURTURING SOULS, Transforming LIVES Return to School 3 November 2014 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Headteacher information 1 Attendance / Parent and Community News 2 Afterschool Clubs 3 Afterschool Clubs 4 Year 5 Update 5 Sports News 6 School Council 7 Local Vacancies 7 We approach the end of a very successful half term in which the experiential learning of children has been a key cornerstone to the planning of teachers. Across the school, children have benefitted from workshops teaching them about Computing and programming, which they have thoroughly enjoyed. Children recently took part in Black History week learning about the importance of combating racism and how the blessed journey of Hajj brings together people from all backgrounds regardless of nationality or colour. Members of the local police spoke to children about the importance of road safety and keeping safe over the holidays. Please remind your children about the importance of crossing the road safely and wearing brightly coloured clothes when they are out and about especially as the days become shorter. Individual year groups have benefited from a number of inspiring workshops. For example: Year 6 – Heathrow STIXX – aspiring to be the next generation of engineers Visits to and interviews with war veterans as part of History topic WW2 – budding journalists of the future! Year 5 – Visit to “Slough Food Bank” – Promoting awareness of citizenship and the need for charity. Year 4 - Visited Cotswold Wildlife Park as part of a Science topic for “Living things and their habitats” – Scientists of the future! Year 3 – Mediterranean countries as part of Geography – children had great fun tasting exotic cuisines from other cultures and learnt about how many of these are also recommended in the Sunnah to follow a healthy life style. Thank you to all the parents who turned up. Year 2 – Visit to Masjid Jannah as part of RE topic “belonging”. Children have experienced the science dome while looking at space exploration – Astronauts of the future! Year 1 – Children in Year One have worked hard to design their own bus. They have thought about the logo on their bus and will be making their 3D buses after half term – designers of the future! Reception – Children have settled in extremely well and are beginning to make some super choices in their learning. We have taken on the Walk to School Programme, therefore please try your best in walking to school when you can as this will help your child in understanding the benefit of exercise. A major focus of IQRA over the year will be to embed the notion of Huqooq ul Ibaad (rights of people), in particular through links to social groups and charities. Already we have had successful fund raising for McMillan’s cancer research raising £171; children have visited care homes, the local food bank and we are in the process of working with international charity for an understanding on overseas schools and the importance of educating children. Crisp/Chocolate ban consultation Thank you to all the parents who replied to the consultation of a crisp/chocolate ban. The results show that 95% of respondents agree with the ban so children can be encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle. As a result after half term pupils will not be allowed to bring in crisp bags or chocolate bars to school as part of snacks or packed lunches. IQRA will do workshops run by the NHS for children and parents after half term, which will encourage healthy eating and give lots of ideas! Year 6 CAF Forms –Secondary School APPLICATION The closing date for completing the online Common Application Forum is 31st October. Please ensure these are filled in or you may risk your child not getting your preferred choice at Secondary School. Any parents who are not Slough residents will need to apply on their home authority form (where they pay the council tax to). ALL ONLINE LOGIN DETAILS HAVE BEEN SENT IN LATE SEPTEMBER – IF YOU REQUIRE THESE AGAIN PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE. Dinner money payment problems A number of parents have approached me and the office about issues with the dinner money accounting. Please fill in the form attached to this newsletter and return to the school office so that we can liaise with the catering company and bring issues to a close. After school clubs IQRA currently has nearly 30 clubs running with approximately 400 children attending. This is a fantastic achievement by staff, parents and children. Well done. Website School website (www.iqraprimary.com) now has an active media section where you can learn about some of the exciting learning taking place at the school in video format. We hope to see all children back on Monday 3rd November. Governors surgeries-to meet Chair and Vice Chair 2-4pm every Monday. Booking via the Front Office Staff. Mr N Anwar Head Teacher PAGE 2 Attendance for 13-17 October 2014 Reception R1 99.3% R2 91.3% R3 89.7% Year 1 1.1 92.3% 1.2 96.7% 1.3 97.0% Year 2 2.1 96.7% 2.2 96.0% 2.3 98.0% Year 3 3.1 91.4% 3.2 100% 3.3 89.0% Year 4 4.1 96.7% 4.2 97.7% 4.3 94.7% Year 5 5.1 94.3% 5.2 97.0% 5.3 98.3% Year 6 6.1 95.9% 6.2 97.3% 6.3 95.3% Attendance: Of pupils who miss between 10-20% of school –ONLY 35% of them achieve 5 GCSEs at grades A—C Of pupils who miss more than 50% of school– ONLY 3% manage to achieve 5 GCSE Whole School attendance is 96.8% from 8 – 17 Oct 2014. Winners are : for Reception - R1 Miss Ahmed’s class, Key stage 1 is Class 2.3 Mrs Ansari’s Class and Key Stage 2 winner is 3. 2 Mrs Munir’s Class with an amazing 100% for 2 weeks running. This is excellent attendance from all the pupils in these classes. This half term we have had 10 classes with 100% attendance over a week which has been record-breaking so please keep this up! PLEASE NOTE: AS EVER, WE WOULD LIKE TO EMPHASIZE NO HOLIDAYS ARE BEING AUTHORISED AND A FINE IS NOW APPLIED IF THERE IS AN ABSENCE OF ONLY 5 DAYS. COMMUNITY EVENT: Sounds of Light Event 2014 –In Aid of Building Gaza Live Concert in SLOUGH at THE CENTRE 6pm (Farnham Rd, Slough, SL1 4UT) Tickets are on sale £10 Book now at humanappeal.org.uk or visit Olive Tree Montessori . Featuring MAHER ZAIN, MESUT KURTIS, RAEF, HARRIS j, KEEFAH ZREEQY, PREACHER MOSS, NA’EEM RAZA Iqra School Mother and Toddler (every fortnight) Just a reminder that we are running Mother and Toddler every 2 weeks in the Iqra School Hall from 9-11am. Please feel free to attend. We are looking for volunteers to help with running the sessions. If interested please call Shaida on 07861 261 768 Parent Partnership Group We are looking to restart a Parent Group (as mentioned in the previous newsletter) that will meet once a half term to communicate with school staff as a partnership. The Parent Association will work on various projects such as Charity Events, Fundraising etc. We have some exciting events lined up this year but require parents to come forward. We would like to hold a meeting asap to start working on some of the projects. If you are interested please leave your name and number with the office or ask for Mrs Malik. Office Number: 01753 520018, Mobile: 07733881872 PAGE 3 Afterschool Clubs Autumn Term (September—December) 2014 – Day If your child has registered for a club it is important to remind your child on the day and ensure you know what time he/she are to be picked up. Please ensure your child attends every session to gain the full benefit of a club. THANK YOU Time Year Group Club Where and who Group Collection Point for Parents 3.00-4.15pm 4&5 BE CREATIVE Mrs Virdee Upstairs (outside Class 6.3) Front Entrance 3.00-4.15pm ALL COOKING Mrs Sprling/ Mrs Richardson Kitchen Front Entrance 3.15-4.15pm KS2 KARATE Hall Mr Ramsay Hall (Community Door) 3.00-4.00pm 5&6 WEAVING 3.00-4.00pm 4&5&6 BIKE IT Front School Entrance Front Entrance 3.00-4.15pm 5&6 ART CLUB 3.15 – 4.15pm 5&6 ALOHA (External provider) 3.00-4.00pm KS2 Maths Booster Lunchtime 12.45-1.25pm Lunchtime 12.30-1.15pm 5 MATHS BOOSTER BOOK CLUB Mrs Khan Class 6.1 Mr Wilson/ Victoria Willis Mr Price Class 6.3 Training Rm 1 Tasneem Umerlebbai &Niza Fiaz Mrs Chaudhry, Ikram, Ansari / Year 2 Classrooms Mrs Shafi Class 5.1 Miss Akram Library Miss Admani Class 5.3 Monday IMPORTANT : If your child cannot attend a club , YOU MUST INFORM THE OFFICE PRIOR TO THE DAY Tuesday KS2 Front Entrance Main Front Entrance Year 2 classrooms LUCHTIME LUCHTIME 3.00 -4.00pm KS2 FRENCH LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Main Front Entrance 3.00 -4.00pm 5&6 PUBLIC SPEAKING Mr Saddique ICT SUITE Main Front Entrance 3.00-4.15pm KS1 50/50 Sync KS1 & KS2 Hall/ Outdoors Hall Entrance PAGE 4 AfterSchool Clubs Cont...d 12.30-1.00pm KS2 ARABIC CLUB (Tues & Wed) DEBATE YOUR WAY OUT Mr Ramsay Lunchtime 3.00-4.00pm 4&5 Miss Munir Class 4.1 Front Entrance 3.00-4.00pm 4&5&6 GARDENING Mr Ali Front Entrance 3.00-4.15pm 4&5&6 CRAZY CHEFS Mrs Khan/ Mrs Munir School Kitchen Front Entrance 3.00-4.00pm KS1 READING CLUB Ms Mirza Class 1.3 Class 1.3 3.00-4.00pm KS1 SKETCHING CLUB Class 1.2 3.00-4.00pm 1&2 NASHEED CLUB Mrs Hashmi Class 1.2 Miss Khalid Class 1.2 3.15 – 4.15pm 5&6 ALOHA (External provider) Front Entrance 3.00-4.00pm 5&6 Football Training Room 1 Tasneem Umerlebbai &Niza Fiaz Mr Wilson Outdoors 3.00-4.00pm KS2 DRAMA CLUB Ms Egeh Class 3.1 Front Entrance 3.00 -4.00pm 4, 5 & 6 CROCHET FOR BEGINNERS Front Entrance 3.15-4.15pm KS1 KARATE Mrs Ashraf Training Room 1 Hall Mr Ramsay Wednesday Thursday Friday Class 1.2 Front Entrance Hall (Community Door) NEW CLUB: We are pleased to announce Ms Kasmani from Desert Echo Daff, : will be running Daff and Voices in Praise (VIP) on return back from the half term holiday 5 November—17 December 2014 for 7 weeks. Time 3.15 –4.30pm Cancellation of Clubs– We will endeavour to let you know as soon as possible if clubs are cancelled. This could be because of staff members being ill, therefore please ensure you have provided an updated mobile number to the office which will be used to send a group text to parents PAGE 5 Year 5 Update What a busy term it has been for Year 5 ! This term, children have been working extremely hard in all areas of the curriculum. Below are a few highlights of what children in Year 5 have been busy with this term: 5.2 started the new year with a confident assembly performance of “Mr and Mrs Twit” in celebration of Roald Dahl Day. Children also enjoyed Dahlicious Day by dressing up as some of their favourite characters! Black History Month workshop! Children participated in a drumming workshop in celebration of Black History Month. They learnt about different types of African drums, and even had a chance to play them! Computing workshops! Children were introduced to and had the opportunity to design, program and create their very own game! Links to the Community Children in Year 5 have also been busy spending time learning about and helping their local community. This week a selection of children represented Iqra Primary School by visiting a local charity organisation called “Slough Food Bank” and donated food that had kindly been handed in by their peers. Children were given the opportunity to explore the sorting warehouse, find out about how food is distributed to those less fortunate and even had the chance to ask real charity workers about their job roles Furthermore, this week Year 5 children have also had the chance to go on a Religious Education visit to Khalsa Primary School and St Paul’s Church (on Stoke Road). Here they learnt more about other religious faiths and people in our local society. Children showed respect to the new people they met, and as always were very excited to explore comparisons between their own beliefs and those of people in our community. We look forward to more exciting learning next term and hope that you all have a lovely half term holiday! PAGE 6 Sports News Football Festival Year 3 & 4 Iqra entered into the first Slough Schools Sports Network festival of 2014/15 hosted at Marish Primary school. Iqra entered 3 teams (A+B+C) into the year 3 & 4 mixed Football festival. The festival is an opportunity for the children to play competitive football against other schools from Slough. The children had lots of fun and showed some amazing skills, with some excellent goals being scored. The A team won their pool group and went on to the quarter finals. The match was played at a high tempo and whilst hitting the post we narrowly lost. The day was a huge success and every child came home wanting to play more football, especially the girls.! The teams A Team C Team B Team Iqra Football Squad Sports Council A Sports council team has been elected and will meet once a week to discuss and implement a wide range of sporting topics. The children will bring ideas to the meeting from their year groups and any topic that is mentioned will be discussed and decisions made. The idea of the sports council is to give the children a voice in the school and enhance not only the sports they play but to make every child aware of how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Swimming Children in year 5 are participating in a 10 week swimming course at Montem Leisure Centre. The children will learn different strokes and will also learn how to be safe in and around the water. All the children are enjoying the course and are improving every week. PAGE 7 School Council A new School Council was elected. Congratulations to the following pupils for being elected. Humzah Yakub and Hanah Khan (4.1), Junaid Haider and Mahanoor Kiani (4.2), Najdah Golaup and Zayan Sadiq (4.3), Zoya Aslam and Hamzah Aleem (5.1), Laibah Nouman and Umer Riffky (5.2), Imarah Khan and Youcef Defairi (5.3), Firdous Abid and Andrei Mitroi (6.1), Aamash Qazi and Ruqaya Bashir (6.2), Hewad Hanifi and Amal Hussain (6.3). So far the School Council have been involved in MacMillan’s Cancer Fundraising, Consultation with ISS Catering on changes they would like to see to the menu, Consultation with the School Leadership Team on Afterschool Clubs, Walking to School (Living Streets) Local area Mapping. In the near future they will be working on arranging and managing a TUCK SHOP, to learn about Business Enterprise. They will also be fundraising for projects across the school. Watch this SPACE!!! JOB ADVERTISEMENT We will be using the newsletter to advertise local jobs for parents as a way of working with local businesses and to help employment in our local area. If you have a business or know of anyone who would be interested in advertising their business job vacancies in the school newsletter please forward details by emailing [email protected] or call 01753 520018 _______________________________________________________________________________ Vacancy at STOKE PARK COUNTRY CLUB HOTEL Stoke Park offers luxury 5 star standard accommodation within easy reach of Heathrow, Windsor and London. 49 exquisite bedrooms open to members and non-members alike; boast the finest in interior design and comfort. Set within Stoke Park’s stunning Georgian Mansion, and with breathtaking views across the estate and lakes the hotel offers three dining options: the 3 AA Rosette-awarded Humphry's serving modern British cuisine with a twist, the relaxed yet elegant Orangery, and our Italian brasserie, San Marco. We are looking for a Staff Canteen Chef: Specific Duties: To prepare varied & nutritious meals for our staff and undertake a range of duties within the kitchen in accordance with the company and hotel policies, procedures and standards. To maintain high standards of internal customer satisfaction whilst ensuring the food cost is kept in line with approved budgets. Applicants should be committed to the highest standards of cuisine, presentation and food preparation. Relevant experience gained in a similar environment is desirable. Hours: 9.30am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday. Skills: The successful candidate will have CIEH Level 2 in Food Safety in Catering or equivalent. The Package: Your commitment and hard-work will be rewarded with a competitive salary and excellent benefits including gym membership, discounted rates on facilities, meal on duty, free car parking. For further information please visit our careers web page at www.stokepark.com or email your C.V. with a covering letter to [email protected].