- Hartford Hospital
- Hartford Hospital
56485 Cover 2/16/06 9:30 PM Page 1 H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L 2 0 0 5 A N N U A L R E P O R T RESEARCH DISCOVERING THE MEDICINE OF TOMORROW 56485 Cover 2/16/06 CONTENTS 9:30 PM Page 2 Introduction 1 The Year in Review 18 Cardiology Research 2 Consolidated Balance Sheet 21 Psychiatry Research 6 Revenue and Expenses 22 Oncology Research 10 Statistical Highlights 23 Genomas 14 Board of Directors 24 Anti-Infective Research 15 Advisory Board 24 Chairman’s Message 16 Administrators 25 Report to the Community 17 Corporators 27 Trust Funds 30 Affiliations 33 Medical Staff 34 Community Involvement 54 Mission and Values 56 $10,000,000 H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L R E S E A R C H P R O G R A M $9,000,000 External Funding Received $8,000,000 Research Administration Expenses $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 1997 1998 1999 2000 C O V E R : I M A G E O F T H E E L E C T R I C A L C O N N E C T I N G PAT H WAY S I N A H E A LT H Y B R A I N C A P T U R E D BY T H E O L I N C E N T E R ’ S 3 - T M R I S C A N N E R . 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:36 PM Page 1 T H E S TO R Y O F M E D I C I N E I S T H E S TO R Y O F C O N T I N U O U S D I S C O V E R Y. T H E L I F E - S AV I N G T R E AT M E N T S PAT I E N T S R E C E I V E TO D AY E X I S T B E C A U S E G E N E R AT I O N S O F M E D I C A L RESEARCHERS EXPLORED POSSIBILITIES, DISCOVERED NEW KNOWLEDGE AND APPLIED T H AT K N O W L E D G E TO T H E C A R E O F PAT I E N T S . H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L H A S A L WAY S B E E N AT T H E F O R E F R O N T O F M E D I C A L R E S E A R C H . TO D AY I T I S O N E O F T H E C O U N T R Y ’ S L E A D I N G C L I N I C A L R E S E A R C H H O S P I TA L S . R I G H T H E R E ON OUR CAMPUS, WORLD-CLASS RESEARCHERS ARE CONDUCTING GROUNDBREAKING STUDIES N E I L Y E S TO N , M D VICE PRESIDENT OF TO G A I N A D E E P E R U N D E R S TA N D I N G O F S E V E R E M E N TA L D I S O R D E R S , D E V E L O P B E T T E R ACADEMIC AFFAIRS S C R E E N I N G S A N D T R E AT M E N T S F O R C A N C E R , L E A R N H O W TO P R E V E N T A N D T R E AT H E A R T D I S E A S E , A N D M U C H , M U C H M O R E . T H R O U G H A U N I Q U E P A R T N E R S H I P, T H E H O S P I TA L I S A L S O I N T H E VA N G UA R D O F P E R S O N A L I Z E D M E D I C I N E — TA I L O R I N G D R U G T R E AT M E N T S T O A N I N D I V I D U A L P AT I E N T ’ S U N I Q U E G E N E T I C M A K E U P. I T I S H I G H LY U N U S UA L F O R R E S E A R C H O F T H I S C A L I B E R TO B E P E R F O R M E D AT A G E N E R A L H O S P I TA L , B U T H A R T F O R D I S N OT A N O R D I N A R Y H O S P I TA L . “ W E H AV E N E V E R B E E N C O N T E N T M E R E LY TO I M P L E M E N T W H AT OT H E R S H AV E L E A R N E D , ” S AY S V I C E P R E S I D E N T O F A C A D E M I C A F F A I R S N E I L Y E S TO N , M D . “ W E H AV E A L O N G - S TA N D I N G C O M M I T M E N T TO B E I N G L AU R I N E B OW, P H D A N I N S T I T U T I O N W H E R E M E D I C A L K N O W L E D G E O R I G I N AT E S A N D W H E R E T H E C L I N I C A L VICE PRESIDENT OF RESEARCH PRACTICES OF TOMORROW ARE BORN.” RESEARCH: DISCOVERING THE MEDICINE OF TOMORROW B E C A U S E O F T H I S C O M M I T M E N T, H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L H A S AT T R A C T E D G I F T E D RESEARCHERS AND PRACTITIONERS AND AN EXCEPTIONAL LEVEL OF RESEARCH FUNDING. L A S T Y E A R A L O N E , R E S E A R C H E R S AT T H E H O S P I TA L W E R E AWA R D E D $ 1 0 . 8 M I L L I O N I N E X T E R N A L F U N D I N G F R O M G O V E R N M E N T, I N D U S T R Y A N D F O U N D AT I O N S O U R C E S . T H R O U G H E N D O W M E N T F U N D S A N D F U N D S P R O V I D E D B Y T H E M E D I C A L S TA F F, T H E H O S P I TA L I T S E L F P R O V I D E S S E V E R A L H U N D R E D T H O U S A N D D O L L A R S I N R E S E A R C H G R A N T S A N N UA L LY. O U R R E S E A R C H E F F O R T S A R E S U P P O R T E D B Y A D E D I C AT E D D E PA R T M E N T, R E S E A R C H A D M I N I S T R AT I O N , W H I C H P R O V I D E S T H E TA L E N T A N D I N F R A S T R U C T U R E N E C E S S A R Y TO D E S I G N E F F E C T I V E S T U D I E S , G AT H E R A N D A N A LY Z E S TAT I S T I C S A N D H A N D L E D O C U M E N TAT I O N . V I C E P R E S I D E N T O F R E S E A R C H L A U R I N E B O W, P H D , N O T E S , “ T H I S C R I T I C A L S U P P O R T E N A B L E S P H Y S I C I A N S A N D S TA F F TO C O N D U C T I M P O R TA N T R E S E A R C H W H I L E C O N T I N U I N G TO P R O V I D E E X C E L L E N T C L I N I C A L C A R E TO PAT I E N T S O N A D A I LY B A S I S . ” A M U LT I D I S C I P L I N A R Y I N S T I T U T I O N A L R E V I E W B O A R D E VA L UAT E S A L L R E S E A R C H P R O J E C T S I N V O LV I N G H U M A N S U B J E C T S , TO E N S U R E T H E H I G H E S T E T H I C A L S TA N D A R D S . P E R H A P S M O S T D I S T I N C T I V E I S T H E F A C T T H AT T H E VA S T M A J O R I T Y O F R E S E A R C H AT H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L I S F O C U S E D , N OT O N M O L E C U L E S I N A L A B O R ATO R Y, B U T O N C O N T I N U O U S LY I M P R O V I N G C L I N I C A L C A R E , B OT H F O R TO D AY ’ S PAT I E N T S A N D F O R T H O S E W HO W I L L E N T R US T US W I T H T H E I R H E A LT H F O R Y E A R S TO C O M E . 1 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:36 PM Page 2 “ ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT IN RESEARCH CHANGES THE E N V I R O N M E N T O F A N I N S T I T U T I O N . I T AT T R A C T S P E O P L E WHO ARE INTERESTED IN RESEARCH AND WHO ENRICH THE INSTITUTION BY BRINGING IN NEW IDEAS AND ” C O N T R I B U T I N G TO S U P E R I O R PAT I E N T C A R E . PAU L D . T H O M P S O N , M D DIRECTOR OF CARDIOLOGY AND PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L 2 D I S C O V E R I N G M O R E E F F E C T I V E WAY S 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:36 PM Page 3 CARDIOLOGY TO P R OT E C T, H E A L A N D S T R E N GT H E N T H E A M A Z I N G H U M A N H E A R T “LIGHTSPEED” 64-SLICE CT IMAGE OF THE LEFT AND RIGHT VENTRICLES O F T H E H E A R T ( G O L D A R E A AT B OT TO M C E N T E R ) W I T H I N T H E C H E S T. R I B S A R E V I S I B L E AT F A R R I G H T A N D L E F T. I M A G E P R O D U C E D I N T H E A D VA N C E D I M A G I N G A N D 3 - D L A B O F T H E I M A G I N G C E N T E R AT H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L . 3 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:36 PM Page 4 CARDIOLOGY THE HEART IS A SMALL MUSCLE WITH A BIG J O B TO D O. T H I S A M A Z I N G P O W E R P L A N T B E AT S 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 T I M E S E A C H D AY, P U M P I N G 2 , 0 0 0 GALLONS OF BLOOD THROUGH A SYSTEM OF B L O O D V E S S E L S T H AT I S M O R E T H A N 6 0 , 0 0 0 M I L E S L O N G . I T W I L L B E AT M O R E T H A N 2 . 5 BILLION TIMES IN A LIFETIME. 4 Keeping the hard-working heart healthy has been a major focus at Hartford incidence of stroke by an astonishing 75 percent. 얐 “This discovery is Hospital for decades. Today, the hospital provides the most advanced directly applicable to patient care at Hartford Hospital,” says Dr. Kluger. cardiac care available anywhere. 얐 The Division of Cardiology’s Research “We are the only ones in the state doing this research, and our surgeons Program aims to continually improve heart health and patient care. The are the first to use our results to improve outcomes for patients.” 얐 program is taking a variety of approaches to use research to develop the Dr. Kluger’s discoveries have been published in leading medical journals best practices of tomorrow 얐 Paul Thompson, MD, director of cardiology worldwide, contributing to better treatment for heart patients everywhere. and preventive cardiology, and Gualberto Ruaño, MD, director of genetics 얐 William Boden, MD, director of cardiac clinical research, heads a research, are exploring why roughly 10 percent of people experience multinational study comparing two treatments for patients with coronary muscle aches when taking statins—drugs that reduce risk of heart disease heart disease. The largest study of its kind to date, the COURAGE trial will by lowering cholesterol. Their work may enable them to use DNA analysis define the best treatment for these patients for years to come. 얐 Women to predict which patients will have the side effect, so physicians can will benefit from more accurate diagnosis and better treatment of coronary modify the dose or use alternative treatments. Their work may also help disease as a result of research being conducted by Gary Heller, MD, PhD, pharmaceutical companies develop cholesterol-lowering drugs free of this associate director of cardiology and director of nuclear cardiology. Under side effect. 얐 “If we can help more people tolerate these highly effective his leadership, Hartford Hospital is a principal site in a 36-center study medicines,” says Dr. Thompson, “we can save lives by reducing their risk that is expected to show that imaging of a woman’s heart provides a of heart disease.” 얐 Patients who have open heart surgery are much less more accurate diagnosis than an exercise test alone. This research will likely to experience atrial fibrillation—an abnormal heartbeat that can change the standard of care for women nationwide. 얐 “Like many of my cause blood clots and stroke—thanks to research conducted by Jeffrey colleagues,” Dr. Heller says, “I am at Hartford Hospital because I want to Kluger, MD, director of heart rhythm management. He has shown that a provide up-to-date care and do research that will have a beneficial impact well-known drug called amiodarone, when used before and after open heart on patients now and for years to come.” surgery, reduces heart rhythm disturbances by 40 percent and reduces the PAU L T H O M P S O N , M D JEFFREY KLUGER, MD D I R E C TO R O F C A R D IO L O G Y D I R E C TO R O F H E A R T AND PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY RHYTHM MANAGEMENT WILLIAM BODEN, MD GA R Y H E L L E R , M D , P H D D I R E C TO R O F C A R D I AC A S S O C I AT E D I R E C T O R , CLINICAL RESEARCH C A R D I O L O G Y, A N D D I R E C T O R OF NUCLEAR CARDIOLOGY 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:36 PM Page 5 G R A C E B U T L E R I S A V O L U N T E E R I N A S T U D Y T H AT W I L L H E L P D E T E R M I N E W H E T H E R D O C T O R S S H O U L D I N C R E A S E T H E “ G O O D ” C H O L E S T E R O L W H I L E L O W E R I N G T H E B A D . A D V I C E F R O M T H E R E S E A R C H E R S W H O A R E M O N I T O R I N G H E R H E A LT H W H I L E S H E PA R T I C I PAT E S I N T H E S T U D Y I S H E L P I N G T O B R I N G E V E N H E R B L O O D S U G A R A N D B L O O D P R E S S U R E U N D E R C O N T R O L . M S . B U T L E R ’ S PA R T I C I PAT I O N W I L L H E L P D O C T O R S F I N D B E T T E R M E T H O D S O F T R E AT I N G H I G H C H O L E S T E R O L . B E L O W , T H E B R I L L I A N T LY C O L O R E D R I G H T A N D L E F T V E N T R I C L E S O F T H E H E A R T I N A PAT I E N T W I T H S E V E R E H E A R T F A I L U R E , D U R I N G H E A R T P H A S E A C T I VAT I O N . R E S E A R C H E R S AT H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L A R E D E V E L O P I N G T H I S T E C H N I Q U E A S A G U I D E T O T H E R A P Y. 5 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:36 PM Page 6 “ GENOMICS IS ANOTHER LEADING-EDGE AREA OF RESEARCH FOR U S . I N C O L L A B O R AT I O N W I T H G E N O M A S , W E A R E U S I N G D N A A N A LY S I S TO TA I L O R T H E C H O I C E S O F C O M M O N P S Y C H I AT R I C M E D I C AT I O N S T O A N I N D I V I D U A L’ S G E N E T I C M A K E U P. I N T H E F I E L D O F P S Y C H I AT R Y, G E N O M I C S A N D N E U R O I M A G I N G A R E ” THE CRUCIAL TOOLS OF THE FUTURE. H A R O L D I . S C H WA R T Z , M D P S Y C H I AT R I S T- I N - C H I E F H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L’ S I N S T I T U T E O F L I V I N G 6 UNLOCKING THE MYSTERIES OF THE BRAIN 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:36 PM Page 7 P SY C H I AT R Y TO BRING HOPE AND HEALING TO TROUBLED MINDS D I F F U S I O N T E N S O R I M A G E O F T H E W H I T E M AT T E R C O N N E C T I N G PAT H WAY S I N T H E B R A I N O F A H E A LT H Y V O L U N T E E R , A S C A P T U R E D B Y T H E O L I N C E N T E R ’ S 3 - T R E S E A R C H S C A N N E R . T H E S E PAT H WAY S A R E T H E B R A I N ’ S E L E C T R I C A L C A B L E S , W I R I N G D I S TA N T PA R T S O F T H E B R A I N TO E A C H OT H E R . P R O B L E M S I N T H E S E C O N N E C T I O N S ( M I S - W I R I N G O R ‘ M I S C O N N E C T I O N S ’ ) A R E T H O U G H T TO P L AY A N I M P O R TA N T R O L E I N S C H I Z O P H R E N I A . 7 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:36 PM Page 8 P SY C H I AT R Y S O M E O F T H E M O S T I M P O R TA N T P S Y C H I AT R I C R E S E A R C H I N T H E W O R L D I S B E I N G C O N D U C T E D AT H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L’ S I N S T I T U T E O F L I V I N G , A N D I T A L L F O C U S E S O N Q U I C K LY T R A N S L AT I N G N E W K N O W L E D G E I N TO B E T T E R PAT I E N T C A R E . 8 The Institute is internationally recognized for its pioneering research and schizophrenia and other disorders by combining—for the first time— innovative approaches. In just the past several years, it has established two information on structural and functional aspects of the brain. 얐 Gaining a new research centers, for a total of four; recruited world-class researchers; better understanding of autism in children and adolescents is the focus of acquired leading-edge technology such as its dedicated 3-Tesla MRI scan- research being conducted by Michal Assaf, MD, who is also making use of ner; and attracted millions in external research funding—$4.5 million this the Olin Center’s MRI scanner to observe subjects’ brains at work. 얐 At the year alone. 얐 “The level of research being conducted here is extraordinary,” Institute’s Anxiety Disorders Center, Director David Tolin, PhD, is conducting says Harold “Hank” Schwartz, MD, the Institute’s psychiatrist-in-chief. studies that will lead to more effective treatments for obsessive-compulsive “It is virtually unheard of outside of a large university medical school and disorder and compulsive hoarding. His colleague, Gretchen Diefenbach, is in large measure due to Hartford Hospital’s commitment to research. IOL PhD, is researching how best to identify anxiety disorders in the elderly. researchers are publishing lead articles in the major journals in their fields, 얐 A virtual reality driving scenario, coupled with neuroimaging, is helping winning prestigious awards and obtaining unprecedented grant support.” Robert Astur, PhD, gather vital information on how alcohol affects the 얐 At the Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center, Director Godfrey Pearlson, brain. 얐 Two IOL researchers, Matthew Kurtz, PhD, and Michael Stevens, MD, is exploring the genetic origins of schizophrenia in conjunction with PhD, received NIMH K Awards this year. The highly sought-after five-year brain imaging to try to discover how to help patients with this disorder. awards were the first ever awarded to Hartford Hospital. Dr. Kurtz is In recognition of Dr. Pearlson’s groundbreaking work, the National focused on developing new interventions for the cognitive abnormalities of Institute of Mental Health recently presented him with a coveted MERIT schizophrenia, while Dr. Stevens is examining brain function in youth with Award, a 10-year research grant given to only two scientists in the nation disruptive behavior disorders. 얐 Alzheimer’s disease is a growing concern. each year. 얐 Kent Kiehl, PhD, was awarded multiple large grants from NIMH Through the efforts of Karen Blank, MD, of the IOL’s Braceland Center on this year. His work exploring the root causes of psychopathic behavior and Mental Health and Aging, and its Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center, the its connection to substance abuse may lead to the development of therapies Institute was recently chosen to participate in a major study of cognitive to treat or even prevent psychopathy. In other research, he is using functional impairment and aging being sponsored by the National Institute on Aging. imaging to differentiate schizophrenia from other psychotic conditions. 얐 “With 3,500 patient admissions every year, we are one of the largest 얐 Many other important research projects are under way at the Institute psychiatric inpatient facilities in the country,” notes John Goethe, MD, with support from NIMH, Hartford Hospital, and other prestigious national director of the IOL’s Burlingame Center for Psychiatric Research and organizations and foundations. 얐 Using the Olin Center’s brain-imaging Education. “We are uniquely positioned to make the discoveries that capabilities, Vince Calhoun, PhD, is improving the ability to diagnose will translate into improved care for patients everywhere.” H A R O L D I . S C H WA R T Z , M D M I C H A L A S SA F, M D VINCE CALHOUN, PHD KENT KIEHL, PHD M AT T H E W K U R T Z , P H D ROBERT ASTUR, PHD P S Y C H I AT R I S T - I N - C H I E F O L I N N E U R O P S Y C H I AT R Y O L I N N E U R O P S Y C H I AT R Y O L I N N E U R O P S Y C H I AT R Y SCHIZOPHRENIA O L I N N E U R O P S Y C H I AT R Y H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L’ S RESEARCH CENTER RESEARCH CENTER RESEARCH CENTER R E H A B I L I TAT I O N P R O G R A M RESEARCH CENTER INSTITUTE OF LIVING AND OLIN CENTER GODFREY PEARLSON, MD KAREN BLANK, MD MICHAEL STEVENS, PHD JOHN GOETHE, MD DAV I D TO L I N , P H D G R E TC H E N D I E F E N BAC H , P H D D I R E C TO R BRACELAND CENTER ON O L I N N E U R O P S Y C H I AT R Y D I R E C TO R D I R E C TO R ANXIETY DISORDERS O L I N N E U R O P S Y C H I AT R Y M E N TA L H E A LT H A N D A G I N G RESEARCH CENTER BURLINGAME CENTER FOR ANXIETY DISORDERS CENTER P S Y C H I AT R I C R E S E A R C H A N D CENTER RESEARCH CENTER E D U C AT I O N 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:37 PM Page 9 A N N C A M E R O N , A H E A LT H Y A N D A C T I V E O C T O G E N A R I A N , V O L U N T E E R E D T O H E L P R E S E A R C H E F F O R T S AT T H E O L I N N E U R O P S Y C H I AT R Y R E S E A R C H C E N T E R A S PA R T O F T H E N O R M A L B R A I N A N D A G I N G S T U D Y. A LT H O U G H M S . C A M E R O N D O E S N ’ T H AV E A D I S O R D E R T H AT M I G H T B E H E L P E D T H R O U G H T H E R E S E A R C H B E I N G C O N D U C T E D , H E R G E N E R O US C O N T R I B U T IO N S TO S C I E N C E W I L L H E L P OT H E R S TO I M P R O V E . B E N E F I TS TO H E R I N C L U D E T H E C L O S E M E D IC A L F O L L O W - U P C A R E — I N H E R C A S E , I N C L U D I N G B L O O D W O R K A N D M R I S C A N S — T H AT I S P R O V I D E D T O A L L R E S E A R C H S U B J E C T S , F R E E O F C H A R G E . B E L O W , A S C R E E N F R O M T H E I N S T I T U T E ’ S “ V I R T U A L R E A L I T Y ” D R I V I N G T E S T. 9 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:37 PM Page 10 “ R E S E A R C H T H AT A C T UA L LY C H A N G E S T H E C A R E PAT I E N T S R E C E I V E H A P P E N S AT T H E L E V E L O F T H E C O M M U N I T Y H O S P I TA L , W H E R E H U N D R E D S O F PAT I E N T S A R E E VA L UAT E D I N O R D E R TO D E T E R M I N E W H I C H T R E AT M E N T I S M A K I N G A P O S I T I V E D I F F E R E N C E . I T I S L A R G E S T U D I E S L I K E T H E O N E S AT H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L T H AT ” CHANGE CLINICAL PRACTICE EVERYWHERE. S TAC Y N E R E N S TO N E , M D MEDICAL ONCOLOGIST H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L 10 I M P R OV I N G P R E V E N T I O N , D E T E C T I O N A N D T R E AT M E N T TO DAY 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:37 PM Page 11 ONCOLOGY AND SHAPING THE CANCER CARE OF TOMORROW C E L L S O F A M A L I G N A N T B O N E T U M O R C A L L E D T E L A N G I E C TAT I C O S T E O G E N I C S A R C O M A , S TA I N E D P I N K A N D P U R P L E , F R O M T H E PAT H O L O G Y L A B AT H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L . PAT H O L O G I S T A N D R E W R I C C I , M D , S AY S , “ M A N Y Y E A R S A G O, T H E S E W E R E T R E AT E D B Y A M P U TAT I N G T H E I N V O LV E D L I M B , A N D 8 0 % O F PAT I E N T S W I T H O S T E O G E N I C S A R C O M A S T I L L D I E D O F T H E I R D IS E A S E . W I T H MO D E R N M U LT I MO DA L T H E R A PY ( I N C L U D I N G U P F R O N T C H E MOT H E R A PY A N D L I M B - S PA R I N G S U R G E R Y ) , M O R E T H A N 8 0 % O F S U C H PAT I E N T S N O W S U R V I V E T H E I R T U M O R S A N D M A I N TA I N A F U N C T I O N A L L I M B. ” 11 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:37 PM Page 12 ONCOLOGY VERY FEW PEOPLE ARE UNTOUCHED BY CANCER. MORE THAN 40 PERCENT OF US W I L L H AV E T H E D IS E A S E O U R S E LV E S , AND MANY OF US WILL COME TO KNOW C A N C E R I N T I M AT E LY T H R O U G H T H E E X P E R I E N C E O F A F A M I LY M E M B E R OR FRIEND. 12 Fortunately, thanks to decades of research, many types of cancer are Herceptin, which are more specific to the cancer and less globally toxic,” more preventable, detectable and treatable than ever before. The medical says medical oncologist Stacy Nerenstone, MD. 얐 Survival rates for community’s ever-increasing knowledge about cancer means greater hope ovarian cancer are low, largely because it is often advanced when detected. for people everywhere. 얐 Hartford Hospital is helping to create the cancer Hartford Hospital, with Dr. Nerenstone as principal investigator, is taking care of tomorrow by participating in a host of leading-edge research projects part in a Gynecology Oncology Group NCI study focused on finding the best through its Cancer Clinical Research Office. 얐 “We are unique in the way to prevent and detect ovarian cancer. High-risk women enrolled in the breadth and spectrum of cancer research we do,” notes Andrew Salner, MD, study can elect to have surgery followed by biannual blood screenings or director of the hospital’s cancer program and Helen & Harry Gray Cancer have quarterly blood screenings and annual ultrasound screenings. 얐 Center. “We address every aspect of the cancer continuum, from prevention, Discovering ways to help people with cancer achieve the best possible communication, early detection and treatment through support, survivorship quality of life is the goal of a major area of research Hartford Hospital is and quality of life.” 얐 Hartford Hospital is helping to discover better ways involved in, called the Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support to prevent and treat breast cancer by participating in clinical trials under System. Funded by an NIH grant to the University of Wisconsin at Madison, the auspices of the National Cancer Institute’s National Surgical Adjuvant CHESS is a Web-based program of education, communication and support Breast and Bowel Project. The hospital was the statewide coordinating for people with cancer and their families. Hartford Hospital is a main institution for the NSABP’s landmark Breast Cancer Prevention Trial, which collaborator with the Wisconsin group and is the only CHESS site in demonstrated the effectiveness of tamoxifen. The hospital was also the Connecticut. 얐 Dozens of other research projects at Hartford Hospital coordinating institution for the state for the NSABP’s subsequent STAR are addressing cancers of the prostate, lung, colon, blood and more. The trial, which compared tamoxifen to another drug, raloxifene, for the hospital’s collaboration with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute enables it to prevention of breast cancer in high-risk post-menopausal women. Patricia offer patients the most advanced treatments, close to home. 얐 “Having DeFusco, MD, was the principal investigator of both studies and is an research available means that we’re able to provide patients with cutting- NSABP board member. 얐 Breast cancer patients who test positive for a edge oncology care devised by some of the best minds in the field,” says protein called HER-2 have more hope for recovery as a result of another Robert Siegel, MD, medical director of the Cancer Clinical Research Office groundbreaking NSABP study the hospital took part in that showed that and chairman of the hospital’s Institutional Review Board. 얐 Plus, notes adding Herceptin to standard chemotherapy reduced risk of recurrence by Research Office Coordinator Camille Servodidio, RN, “We always remember 50 percent. 얐 “The next generation of chemotherapy will be drugs like that caring for the patient is the most important thing we do.” A N D R E W SA L N E R , M D PAT R I C I A D E F U S C O, M D S TAC Y N E R E N S TO N E , M D D I R E C TO R MEDICAL ONCOLOGIST MEDICAL ONCOLOGIST H E L E N & H A R R Y G R AY CANCER CENTER ROBERT SIEGEL, MD C A M I L L E S E R VO D I D I O, R N M E D IC A L D I R E C TO R C O O R D I N AT O R CANCER CLINICAL CANCER CLINICAL RESEARCH OFFICE, AND RESEARCH OFFICE CHAIRMAN IRB 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:37 PM Page 13 R O Y F O R T I E R PA R T I C I PAT E D I N A R E S E A R C H T R I A L T H AT I N C O R P O R AT E D W H AT WA S T H E N A N E X P E R I M E N TA L D R U G , O X A L I P L AT I N , I N T H E P O S T O P E R AT I V E T R E AT M E N T O F C O L O N C A N C E R A S A M E A N S O F P O T E N T I A L LY D E C R E A S I N G R E L A P S E S . T H I S S T U D Y S U B S E Q U E N T LY P R O V E D O X A L I P L AT I N ’ S E F F E C T I V E N E S S , A N D 13 I T I S N O W PA R T O F O U R S TA N D A R D O F C A R E I N T H E P O S T O P E R AT I V E S E T T I N G . A S A PA R T I C I PA N T I N T H E T R I A L , M R . F O R T I E R WA S A B L E T O R E C E I V E T H E D R U G B E F O R E I T WA S F D A A P P R O V E D . B E L O W , C O L O N C A N C E R C E L L S S TA I N E D P U R P L E F O R T H E M I C R O S C O P E , F R O M H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L’ S PAT H O L O G Y L A B . 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:37 PM Page 14 GENOMAS I M AG I N E H AV I N G A S I M P L E B L O O D T E S T T H AT W O U L D T E L L Y O U R D O C TO R W H AT D R U G — A N D W H AT D O S A G E O F I T — WOULD BE THE SAFEST AND MOST EFFECTIVE FOR YOU, BASED ON YOUR P A R T I C U L A R G E N E T I C M A K E U P. This type of “personalized medicine” may sound like science fiction, but at the Institute of Living to predict whether a particular patient is able to it’s already happening, thanks to a unique collaboration between Hartford metabolize—and therefore benefit from—certain psychiatric medications. Hospital and an innovative biomedical company called Genomas. 얐 얐 “Medicine no longer has to be based on averages or on ‘one size fits all,’” Genomas’ president, Gualberto Ruaño, MD, has been a pioneer in using says Dr. Ruaño. “We can now interpret DNA so precisely that, for the first knowledge of the human genome to tailor therapies to an individual patient’s time, we can use that knowledge to provide treatments adjusted to the per- DNA. Since 2003, Dr. Ruaño has been working in collaboration with Hartford son.” 얐 “There is no doubt in my mind,” says Vice President of Academic Hospital to conduct clinical research and DNA analysis to advance this Affairs Neil Yeston, MD, “that we will soon be able to use this approach to exciting field. 얐 In the field of cardiology, Dr. Ruaño is working with Dr. tailor many drugs for maximum efficacy and minimal risk. Personalized Paul Thompson to use DNA testing to identify patients who are likely to medicine is the prescriptive paradigm of the future.” have an adverse reaction to statin drugs. He is collaborating with researchers T H E F U T U R E O F M E D I C I N E , H E R E TO DAY A U N I Q U E PA R T N E R S H I P I S H E L P I N G P H Y S I C I A N S TA I L O R M E D I C AT I O N S TO I N D I V I D UA L PAT I E N T S F O R G R E AT E R E F F E C T I V E N E S S A N D S A F E T Y. 14 G UA L B E R TO R UA Ñ O, M D , P H D PRESIDENT GENOMAS D E TA I L F R O M A G E N E A R R AY S H O W I N G 2 3 , 8 0 8 D N A T Y P E S F O R 3 8 4 VA R I A B L E S E Q U E N C E S ( R O W S ) F R O M E A C H O F 6 2 S U B J E C T S ( C O L U M N S ) . E A C H D N A T Y P E I S D E F I N E D B Y A S I N G L E N U C L E OT I D E P O LY M O R P H I S M ( S N P ) AT A VA R I A B L E S I T E I N T H E D N A . W I T H E I T H E R O F T W O S E Q U E N C E S . T H E C O L O R S R E P R E S E N T T H E D N A T Y P E A P E R S O N H A S I N H E R I T E D F R O M PA R E N T S AT E V E R Y SNP SITE: TWO COPIES OF EITHER SEQUENCE (BLACK OR WHITE) OR ONE OF EACH (RED). 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:37 PM Page 15 ANTI-INFECTIVE THE RIGHT ANTIBIOTIC CAN MEAN THE D I F F E R E N C E B E T W E E N L I F E A N D D E AT H . A N D T H E M I C R O S C O P I C O R G A N I S M S T H AT MAKE US ILL ARE VERY CLEVER; THEY C O N T I N U O U S LY E V O LV E TO B E C O M E R E S I S TA N T TO E X I S T I N G D R U G S . That’s why developing new anti-infective drugs and prescribing them in the treatment. Research the center did a number of years ago on how to use a most effective ways is so important, and why the Center for Anti-Infective certain class of drugs to achieve maximum efficacy and minimal resistance Research and Development at Hartford Hospital is a busy place. Last year is now the standard of practice in the U.S. 얐 “Our goal,” says David alone, the center received nearly $2.5 million to fund its broad range of Nicolau, “is to determine how to administer antibiotics in such a way as to research. Center Director David Nicolau, PharmD, received more external achieve the very best patient care.” 얐 A project initiated by Nicolau and research funding in 2005 than any other single investigator at Hartford his colleague Joseph Kuti, PharmD, is having a global impact. The OPTAMA Hospital. 얐 The center works closely with firms that are developing program is analyzing worldwide data in order to advise clinicians in North innovative compounds. Its staff of highly educated professionals conduct and South America, Europe and, soon, China, on which antibiotics are likely research to discover which compounds kill which bacteria, what the best to be most effective, given the kind of bacteria and level of resistance in dosage is, how the drugs act in the body and how patients respond to their particular location. THE ENDLESS QUEST FOR MORE-PERFECT DRUGS THE CENTER FOR ANTI-INFECTIVE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT I S A N I N T E R N AT I O N A L L E A D E R I N D R U G D I S C O V E R Y. 15 DAV I D N I C O L AU , P H A R M D D I R E C TO R THE CENTER FOR ANTI-INFECTIVE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT A P E T R I E D I S H E S F I L L E D W I T H A G A R I N W H I C H VA R I O U S B A C T E R I A L S P E C I E S A R E G R O W N I N H A R T F O R D H O S P I TA L’ S A N T I - I N F E C T I V E RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER. 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:37 PM Page 16 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Natural disasters were widespread and particularly devastating during this past year. Many tens of thousands of people were killed, injured and displaced by the tsunami in South Asia, the hurricanes on the Gulf Coast, the earthquakes in Pakistan and other natural disasters around the world. Our hearts go out to all those affected. 얐 A community can be quickly overcome by cataclysmic events. The ability of the health care system to respond is critical. Hartford Hospital and the State of Connecticut are taking action to make sure we are as prepared as possible to deal with crises resulting from natural disasters as well as those resulting from terrorism. 얐 The State of Connecticut Department of Public Health is a national leader in emergency preparedness. Last spring, the department spearheaded a disaster drill that involved several Northeastern states and numerous state, local and regional entities, including Hartford Hospital. The simulation provided a unique opportunity to identify and correct any weaknesses in response capabilities. Hartford Hospital plays a critical role in the state’s emergency preparedness efforts. Because of the hospital’s extensive resources and expertise, the DPH has designated it as the center of excellence for the northern tier of Connecticut. 얐 Hartford Hospital frequently conducts training and drills and refines its plans for responding to crises. The hospital has established a dedicated Bioterrorism Preparedness Program. Lenworth Jacobs, MD, director of the Trauma Program, oversees the hospital’s efforts. Brian Cooper, MD, director of Infectious Diseases, helps us prepare for eventualities such as an influenza pandemic or a terrorist attack involving biological agents. (Brian is a captain in the U.S. Army Reserve and is about to leave for his second tour of duty in Iraq. We are proud of Brian and of other members of the 16 hospital community who are serving in the armed forces, and we wish all of them well.) 얐 The costs of being prepared for large-scale emergencies, added to the costs of operating a premier health care institution, are such that philanthropy continues to be of increasing and vital importance. I thank our corporators, my fellow board members and all others in the hospital community who support the mission of this outstanding hospital through their gifts of time and funds. 얐 Much appreciation is in order to John Meehan and the hospital administration for another year of great leadership and creativity in dealing with the many challenges facing the medical community. Our gratitude is also due to the members of the Hartford Hospital medical staff, who I believe are the finest group of physicians in the region and without whom our hospital would not be the premier institution that it is. Martin Wolman Chairman of the Board 56485 Edit 2/16/06 9:37 PM Page 17 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY The discoveries that research makes possible enable us to continuously enhance the quality and safety of patient care. Our exceptional level of research activity also supports our teaching role and helps us recruit high-caliber clinicians. 얐 Of course, continuously improving care is the major impetus for all of the innovations we make year after year. 얐 During 2005 we became the first hospital in the state to acquire a 64-slice CT scanner. This new scanner gives physicians a significant diagnostic edge in clinical scenarios involving the heart. In a scan lasting only a few seconds, the device allows physicians to obtain ultra-clear, three-dimensional images of coronary arteries and— for the first time—a beating heart. 얐 To ensure the most appropriate care for patients with life-threatening illness, we initiated a Palliative Medicine Consult Service this year. The service’s interdisciplinary team works to relieve symptoms, provide psychological and spiritual support and enhance quality of life for patients and families. The service is a resource for staff as well. Many thanks to the Aetna and the Hartford Hospital Auxiliary for their generous gifts in support of this program. 얐 We earned re-verification as a Level I trauma center from the American College of Surgeons. Hartford Hospital continues to be the only Level I trauma center in the Hartford area. One of the key reasons is that we are the only hospital with a full range of specialists readily available all the time. 얐 Also on the accreditation front, our Center for Wound Healing and Hyberbaric Medicine became the first center in the state to earn accreditation by the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society. 얐 Physical improvements this year included renovations to our Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and MRI suites. 얐 Alfred Herzog, MD, vice president of medical affairs, announced his plans to step down from this position. We thank Al for his exceptional contributions, and we extend best wishes to Joseph Klimek, MD, chief of medicine, who assumed the vice president position in January 2006. 얐 Operating under the financial pressures of the current health care environment continues to be a challenge. Inadequate reimbursements from state programs and the costs of malpractice insurance, utilities and pharmaceuticals weigh heavily on the hospital and on physicians. We encourage state legislators to take steps to address the financing of malpractice insurance and to enact reforms that will bring more rationality to the adjudication process. 얐 Sincere thanks to all those who made possible the hospital’s many achievements this year. It is only through the dedication and hard work of so many people—physicians, employees, board members, donors, volunteers and others—that Hartford Hospital is able to fulfill its vital role in this community. John Meehan President and Chief Executive Officer RESEARCH IS CRITICAL TO OUR MISSION OF PROMOTING, RESTORING A N D M A I N TA I N I N G T H E H E A LT H O F T H E P E O P L E O F O U R C O M M U N I T Y. 17 56485 Finan18-23 2/21/06 4:08 PM Page 18 OCTOBER 04 American Cancer Society presents a plaque to HH for 10 years of supporting Making Strides Against Breast Cancer (L to R) Shwana Brathwaite of the ACS; Ann Zogbaum, MS, RD; Diane Ward, RN; Roxanne Rotondaro, MPH; Kathryne Alexander, ACS; Andrew Salner, MD, cancer program director; Iris Soto, Carolyn Chemerka, RN, Janet Libera, Camille Servodidio, RN. Nite of Lite Laughter (L to R) Wendy Liebman, Comedy Central; Rennie Polk; Caroline Rhea, NBC’s “Biggest Loser,” David Polk, VP, Business Development; Suzanne McDonald, Infinity Broadcasting; Kathleen Madigan, Comedian. NOVEMBER 04 Grace Webb School Opening, Bloomfield (Above left) The IOL’s second satellite Webb school opened in Bloomfield with Grace Webb herself in attendance. (L to R) Vicky Aldrich, LCSW, Hank Schwartz, MD, Psychiatrist-in-Chief at the IOL, Grace Webb, Gail Nelson, RN. (Above right) Vicky Aldrich, LCSW, Bob Sahl, MD, co-director of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry; Hank Schwartz, MD, Surrey Hardcastle, Principal, Grace S. Webb School, and John Meehan. 18 DECEMBER 04 Employee Holiday Party (Above left) Enjoying holiday food and gifts sponsored by the Auxiliary are (L to R) John Gagliardi, Lori Bonito, Lynn Costa, Cherese Chery, Kathy Dilozir, and Joyce Harrison. (Above right) Pitching in to help are Betsey Blaisdell, Dick Blaisdell, Pam Meehan, David Polk, Marianna Zazzaro, Kevin Hannifan, Ex. VP and COO. APRIL 05 ACE Luncheon Scott Wolf, D.O., director of the Asthma Control & Education (ACE) program, at the podium during the celebration of the program’s 1000th patient. The IOL Auxiliary-Sponsored Fashion Show (Above left) Sergeant Emory Hightower. (Above right) Maura O’Donnell. YEAR IN REVIEW 56485 Finan18-23 2/21/06 4:08 PM Page 19 NOVEMBER 04 Annual Meeting David Crombie, MD, addressed the audience of Board and Advisory Board members, corporators and staff. Memory Disorders Center Opening (L to R) Hank Schwartz, MD, Karen Blank, MD, Medical Director of the Memory Disorders Center; Theresa Covington, Ph.D., and John Meehan. Lobby Market (Above left) Kathy Herzog and Linda Goldman at one of the Auxiliary’s popular events. (Above right) Hillary Pease and Jeanne Conrad were also on hand to help out. 20th Anniversary of Connecticut’s First Successful Heart Transplant David Hager, MD; Stephen Kastoff, MD; Andy Buczek (recipient of first successful heart transplant); Monika Buczek; Henry Low, MD (Andy’s surgeon); and James Dougherty, MD. 19 MARCH 05 The IOL Toy Tea, sponsored by the IOL Auxiliary, provides toys for children at the Webb Schools. (L to R) Leslie Watson, Katherine McCormack, Amanda Hicks, Abigail Hicks, Jenefer Berall, and Surrey Hardcastle. Breakfast in the Neighborhood John Meehan, far end of the table, and other HH administrators enjoy breakfast with community leaders. MAY 05 Quarter Century Club Party (Above left) Anthony Cole is congratulated by John Meehan. (Above right) The scene at the ERC. YEAR IN REVIEW 56485 Finan18-23 2/21/06 4:08 PM Page 20 MAY 05 Chest Pain Center Opens on N10 On hand to cut the ribbon are, (L to R) John Meehan; Karen Habig, RN; Cindy Dabrowski, PA; William Boden, MD, director of cardiology; and Barbara Emery, Nurse Manager, N10. Auxiliary Plant Sale Auxiliary volunteers (L to R) Priscilla Viets, Hillary Pease, Lynne Carey, Jennifer Fletcher, and Marianna Zazzaro pose at the popular springtime event. JUNE 05 Life Star’s 20th Anniversary (Above left) At an event held on the front lawn, Rich Magner, the only 20-year veteran Life Star pilot, addresses the crowd as Ken Robinson, MD, medical director of Life Star, waits his turn to speak. (Above right) John Springer, CEO of the hospital when Life Star was developed, far left, and Lenworth Jacobs, MD, director of emergency/trauma, with present and past crew members. 20 JUNE 05 JULY 05 Celebrate Life The hospital’s annual “Celebrate Life” gathering draws hundreds of cancer survivors. Aetna Presents a Check for Palliative Medicine (L to R) Jack Rowe, CEO of Aetna; Barbara Jacobs, RN, PhD; Len Jacobs, MD, chief of trauma; Karyl Burns, RN, PhD; and John Meehan. VHA’s President’s Award Hartford Hospital receives the VHA’s “President’s Award of Excellence,” the only hospital ever to do so. SEPTEMBER 05 MRI Opening Newly renovated MRI suites opened with (L to R) John Meehan, Barry Stein, MD, Allison Calvello, and Michael O’Loughlin, MD, cutting the ribbon. 64-slice CT technology comes to Connecticut Revolutionary “Lightspeed” CT cardiac imaging, a collaborative project between Radiology and Cardiology, is welcomed to Hartford Hospital by (L to R) Barry Stein, MD; Bob Rice, Director of Radiology; Charles Primiano, MD; and John Meehan. Employee of The Year Kevin Dumais YEAR IN REVIEW 56485 Finan18-23 2/21/06 4:08 PM Page 21 C O N S O L I DAT E D BA L A N C E S H E E T Year ended September 30 2005 2004 ASSETS Cash and short-term investments $ 12,440,326 $ 25,729,830 Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts 95,142,568 83,722,301 Other current assets 49,427,728 43,233,499 Total current assets 157,010,622 152,685,630 Retricted and Unrestricted investments 429,997,311 391,886,295 Funds held in trust by others 124,570,889 119,451,777 84,612,898 73,637,472 290,306,176 290,080,097 $1,086,497,896 $ 1,027,741,271 $26,873,502 $31,229,170 Salaries, wages, payroll taxes and amounts withheld from employees 26,410,316 24,354,699 Other current liabilities 21,785,978 18,160,178 Total current liabilities 75,069,796 73,744,047 Other liabilities 51,875,992 48,236,370 Bonds payable 45,940,000 45,940,000 913,612,108 859,820,854 $1,086,497,896 $1,027,741,271 Prepaid pension and other assets Property, plant and equipment net of accumulated depreciation Total Assets LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts Payable Net assets Total liabilities and net assets 21 56485 Finan18-23 2/21/06 4:08 PM Page 22 REVENUE AND EXPENSES Year ended September 30 2005 2004 $ 569,422,121 $ 538,892,947 Other Revenues 92,113,475 98,945,795 Total Revenues 661,535,596 637,838,742 288,215,114 275,138,878 79,582,766 74,831,885 Supplies 110,443,210 109,649,299 Purchased Services 102,082,153 95,099,125 49,391,970 50,135,265 9,877,534 9,860,635 Bad Debts 24,861,489 22,852,442 Total Expenses 664,454,236 637,567,529 Net Revenues from services to Patients Salaries Employee Benefits Capital Costs Research Expense 22 Income from Operations $ Medicare & Champus $ 515,678,433 $ 456,458,228 125,402,886 109,312,701 52,418,957 44,865,900 370,322,792 328,904,830 70,951,065 69,185,121 $1,134,774,133 $1,008,726,780 Medicaid (2,918,641) Medicaid Managed Care HMO'S Insurance & other Gross Revenue $271,213 Gross Patient Revenues (percentage) 2005 2004 A Medicare & Champus 45.45 45.24 B HMOs 32.63 32.61 C Medicaid 11.05 10.84 D Insurance & other 6.25 6.86 E Medicaid Managed Care 4.62 4.45 D E D C E C A A B B 2005 2004 Total Expenses (percentage) 2005 2004 F Salaries 43.38 43.15 G Supplies 16.62 17.20 H Perchased services 15.36 14.92 I Employee benefits 11.98 11.74 J Capital costs 7.43 7.86 K Research expense 1.49 1.55 L Bad debts 3.74 3.58 J K L J I K L I F H F H G 2005 G 2004 Page 23 S TAT IS T IC A L H IG H L IG H TS AV E R A G E LENGTH OF S TAY 5.80 5.86 80,473 79,544 2005 2004 2005 2004 3,967 3,977 113,234 111,222 2005 2004 2005 2004 O U T PAT I E N T S VISITS 29,069 BIRTHS 2004 26,776 2005 219,452 2005 37,446 T O TA L SURGERIES EMERGENCY ROOM VISITS 2004 PAT I E N T D AY S 226,571 DISCHARGES 2004 4:08 PM 39,045 2/21/06 2005 56485 Finan18-23 23 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 24 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AS OF 9.30.05 Martin Wolman Term Ending 2005 Term Ending 2008 Chairman Marla J. Byrnes Marilda Gandara John Meehan† Rev. Gary L. Miller David B. Payne† Richard J. Shima John C. Taussig* John H. Bennett, PhD James E. Bowers, Esq Leslie Clark Richard B. LilIy, MD Philip Schonberger Linda T. Taylor, MD† John Meehan President and Chief Executive Officer Leslie Clark Secretary John M. Biancamano Treasurer Term Ending 2009 Term Ending 2006 EX OFFICIO Eddie A. Perez Mayor of Hartford Priscilla Viets Debbie May Co-Presidents Hartford Hospital Auxiliary Ramani Ayer† Stanley Cohen, Esq.* William B. Henry, MD Rolando Martinez Andrew L. Salner, MD† Martin Wolman† Dona D. Young Term Ending 2007 Arthur Tarantino, MD President Hartford Hospital Medical Staff Michael Conway, MD 24 Vice President Hartford HospitaI Medical Staff H. David Crombie, MD† Douglas G. Elliot Laura R. Estes† E. Clayton Gengras, Jr.† Merrily G. Moynihan* William H. Trachsel† Paul J. Daqui Patricia A. Giardi Marcia L. Hincks† Ross Hollander Roger R. Klene* Alex Lloyd, Esq. * Governor’s Appointees † Executive Committee Ramani Ayer, Chair ADVISORY BOARD AS OF 9.30.05 Arthur C. Banks, Jr., PhD Mr. Morrison H. Beach Mrs. St. Clair Bromfield, Jr. Mrs. J. Noyes Crary Mr. James F. English, Jr. Mr. Donald R. Frahm Mrs. Jane P. Fuller Mr. Robert B. Goode Mr. Harry J. Gray Mrs. Harry J. Gray Mr. Dennis Hardcastle Mr. Nathaniel S. Howe Mrs. Cornelia Hull Michael Lazor, MD Mr. David J. McQuade Mr. Daniel Neiditz Sidney D. Pinney, Jr., Esq. Mrs. Claire Pryor Mr. Alfred R. Rogers Mr. Joseph D. Sargent Mrs. Allyn Seymour Mr. John Springer Mr. Robert E. Stevens Mr. DeRoy C. Thomas Mr. James H. Torrey 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 25 A D M I N IS T R AT IO N John Meehan President and Chief Executive Officer C O L L A B O R AT I V E M A N AG E M E N T T E A M S Kevin Hannifan Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Medicine Endoscopy John Fagan Theodore Loewenthal, MD Robert Turgeon, RN Vice President Finance and Administrative Services Sharon Diamen, MD Joseph Klimek, MD Pam Vecchiarino, RN Cathy Yavinsky, RN Laura Caramanica, RN, PhD Cancer Program Vice President Nursing Vice President Professional Services Elizabeth Lada-Morse, RN Robert Rice Andrew Salner, MD Carol S. Garlick Surgery Emergency Medicine Lenworth M. Jacobs, MD Vice President Medical Affairs Judith Pepe, MD Cheryl Ficara, RN Michael Ivy, MD J. Kevin Kinsella Orthopedics John M. Biancamano John L. Fagan Vice President Philanthropy Al Herzog, MD Vice President Government Affairs Alan M. Laites Bruce Browner, MD Maria Tackett, RN Executive Director Jefferson House Transplant John C. Lylis, PhD Vice President Education Richard A. McAloon Vice President Human Resources Laurine Bow, PhD Vice President Research David E. Polk Vice President Business Development & Community Relations David Hull, MD Cathy Yavinsky, RN EMS/Trauma Lenworth Jacobs, MD Robert Powers, MD Kenneth Robinson, MD A. J. Smally, MD Maria Tackett, RN Neurosurgery D I R E C TO R S O F M E D I C A L D E PA R T M E N T S Anesthesiology Witold Waberski, MD Dentistry Vernon Y. Kwok, DMD Medicine Joseph J. Klimek, MD Neurosurgery Arnold Rossi, MD Obstetrics and Gynecology Joel Sorosky, MD Ophthalmology Jerry Neuwirth, MD Orthopedics Bruce D. Browner, MD Otorhinolaryngology Richard A. Newman, MD Pathology/Laboratory William T. Pastuszak, MD Vice President Behavioral Health Arnold Rossi, MD Maria Tackett, RN J. Bryan Simmons Neurology Vice President Planning & Facilities Development Pasquale Finelli, MD Liz Fowler Leslie Wolfson, MD Psychiatry Rehabilitation Andrew L. Salner, MD Harold I. Schwartz, MD Stephan O’Neill Vice President Information Services Neil Yeston, MD Vice President Academic Affairs Karen Brecher Lenworth Jacobs, MD Rita Parisi Women’s Health Joel Sorosky, MD Susan Maxwell, RN John Greene, MD Mental Health Annetta Caplinger Ted Mucha, MD Gail Nelson, RN Harold Schwartz, MD Pediatrics Victor Herson, MD Harold I. Schwartz, MD Radiation Oncology Radiology Stuart K. Markowitz, MD Surgery Orlando Kirton, MD Urology Douglas Viets, MD 25 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 26 D I R E C TO R S O F PAT I E N T C A R E U N I T S D E PA R T M E N T D I R E C TO R S Rev. Kathleen Ogden Davis Accounting Vascular Thoracic Surgery Cheryl Ficara, RN Cardiothoracic Surgery Karen Habig, RN Cardiology Karen Habig, RN Women’s Health Services Susan Maxwell, RN Oncology Elizabeth Lada-Morse, RN Audio-Visual John C. Lylis, PhD Biomedical Engineering Amato DeRosa Budget Frederick J. Sorbo, III Care Continuum Pepper Sobieski, RN Environmental and Patient Support Services Trauma/Rehabilitation James Baio Psychiatry 26 Raymond Kowalski Orthopedics/Neurology/ Maria Tackett, RN Gail Nelson, RN Ellen Blair, RN Jere Dittrich, RN Melissa Matolina, RN Emergency Center/Life Star Maria Tackett, RN Medicine Pamela Vecchiarino, RN Adult Ambulatory Services, C12 Cathy Yavinsky, RN Pastoral Services Facilities Development Charles Crocini Food and Nutrition Don Reynolds, MS Fund Development Karen McAllister Health Information Management Cynthia Pugliese Health Science Libraries Shirley Gronholm Human Resources Margaret Watson Internal Audit Robert Dunlap Laundry Ron Wolcheski Materials Management Sharon Fried Nutrition Services Adele Bissonnette, MS, RD Occupational Health Service Kathy Emanuelsen, RN, BS, MEd Patient Accounts John Matakaetis Patient Relations Nancy Martone Perioperative Services Robert Turgeon, RN Pharmacy Gregory Gousse, RPh, MS Plant Operations Christopher Burney Public Relations Lee Monroe Quality Management Lisa Allen, PhD Radiation Oncology Robert Rice, MS Radiology Robert Rice, MS Respiratory Services Elizabeth Fowler, RRT, MS Risk Management Allison Reynolds Marybeth Scanlon, JD Security Lucette Dunlop Social Services Monica Fowler Telecommunications Anthony Prete Volunteer Services Kelly Boothby Eileen Pelletier Erin McCallom-Estremera 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 27 C O R P O R ATO R S AS OF 9.30.05 A Ruth D. Abbott Worthington M. Adams Robert P. Albanesi John Allen Diane Alverio John Alves Rhonda Anderson Raymond S. Andrews, Jr. Arlene S. Angelastro J. Danford Anthony, Jr., Esq. Dorothy Archibald Norman E. Armour Doris M. Armstrong, R.N. Philip E. Austin, PhD Ramani Ayer B Ivan A. Backer George Bahamonde David R. Bailey Louise M. Bailey Donald E. Baker Arthur C. Banks, Jr., PhD Gerard Barrieau, Jr. Dr. Jerome E. Bartow Robert D. Batch Edward B. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Morrison H. Beach Dr. and Mrs. Roger S. Beck W. Marston Becker Anne B. Belanger Suzette M. Benn John H. Bennett, PhD Jenefer C. Berall Edna Berastain Rabbi Donna Berman, PhD John A. Berman, Esq. James T. Betts, Esq. Anthony Bianca Harold E. Bigler, Jr. Curtis L. Blake C. Duane Blinn, Esq. John H. Bloodgood G. Peter Bloom, MD John L. Bonee James E. Bowers, Esq. Barbara B. Bradley Elizabeth W. Brady, MD Tracy E. Brennan, MD Mary Kate Bromfield Joseph D. Bronzino, PhD Diane F. Brown Donald L. Brown, Jr. Donald L. Brown, MD William J. Brown Harold C. Buckingham, Jr., Esq. Judith A. Buckley, MD Ann Bucknam Philip A. Burton Mr. and Mrs. John F. Byrnes C Luis Caban Coleman Casey, Esq. and Jo Champlin Casey Michael Casparino Leon Chameides, MD Beatrice Moore Chase David T. Chase Elsie Childs David W. Clark, Jr. Leslie C. Clark Ruth Clark Thomas C. Clark Brian Clemow, Esq. Sanford Cloud Leonard G. Clough David L. Coffin Naomi K. Cohen H. Bacon Collamore, Jr. Mary Louise Condon, R.N. Jeanne Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Cooley Timothy H. Coppage John A. Corroon John C. Cosgrove Jerry J. Coursey, Jr. Martin J. Coursey Thomas R. Cox, III James W. Cox-Chapman, MD Mary Crary H. David Crombie, MD Lillian Cruz Margaret J. Cushman D David D'Eramo, PhD Gerald O. Dahlke Martha G. Dale Brendan Daly, Esq. Michael J. Daly Paul J. Daqui Eddie Davis Ethel F. Davis Raymond H. Deck Peter J. Deckers, MD Jeannette DeJesus William A. DiBella Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Dixon Evan Dobelle, Ed.D. John M. Donahue Mabel C. Donnelly, PhD Roger Dove Thomas W. Dugdale, MD E Douglas G. Elliot Shayna Ellovich Morton A. Elsner, Esq. Susan Ely James F. English, Jr. Laura R. Estes Douglas C. Evans F Marcille M. Farr Wilson H. Faude and Janet Bailey Faude David R. Fay Joan W. Feldman, Esq. I. Martin Fierberg Andrew D. Filler Robert D. Filon Samuel M. Fingold Hinda N. Fisher Robert L. Fisher, MD John L. Flannery Muriel Fleischmann Barbara L. Flynn Benedict D. Flynn, Jr. Garrett S. Flynn Mr. Brian J. Foley and Mrs. Lisa WilsonFoley Ruth C. Ford Paul Fox Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Frahm Arthur W. Frank, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Freedman David Freeman Joseph Friedman Sandra Bender Fromson Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Fuller G Richard F. Gamble Marilda L. Gandara Alexander R. Gaudio, MD Martin J. Gavin Roger A. Gelfenbien E. Clayton Gengras, Jr. Patricia Giardi and Peter Seigle John M. Gibbons, Jr., MD Robert G. Gilligan, Esq. James Gleason Lynda Godkin Larry Gold Louis J. Golden Blanche Goldenberg 27 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 28 Peter H. Goldfarb Robert B. Goldfarb William H. Goldfarb Linda Goldman Robert B. Goode, Jr. Dorothy C. Goodwin, PhD Jonathan Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Googins Marion Gossling Ellsworth S. Grant Dorothy Y. Graulty Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Gray Marc A. Green Robert E. Green Arnold C. Greenberg Dolores Grenier Neil J. Grey, MD R. Nelson Griebel Jane Griggs Rachel K. Grody Robert C. Gronbach Edward Guay 28 H William P. Haas J. C. David Hadden David M. Hadlow Beverly Hamilton Jane Hamilton Samuel C. Hamilton Kevin Hannifan Richard B. Haskell Susan S. Hatch Martha Haviland Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Hayden William B. Henry, MD Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Herzog J. Gregory Hickey Eunice Higgins George C. Higgins, PhD Alyce F. Hild Robert L. Hill Faith Himelstein Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hincks Jeffrey S. Hoffman Gloria Hollander Robert A. Hollander Ross H. Hollander Theodore H. Horwitz Wayne F. Hosking, MD Nathaniel S. Howe Margaret Hughes Cornelia Hull Robert H. Hurwit J Lenworth M. Jacobs, MD Lucille Janatka Arthur N. Johnson Steven A. Johnson Richard F. Jones, III, MD K Charles H. Kaman Norman C. Kayser John F. Kearns, III Saundra A. Kee Borges Lafayette Keeney Peter G. Kelly, Esq. Jack S. Kennedy Judith M. Keppelman, Esq. Bernard A. Kershner Francis J. Kiernan, MD John Y. Kim Roger R. Klene Joseph J. Klimek, MD Joan Kohn Michael Konover Simon Konover Polly Kosar Craig H. Krahl Jack A. Krichavsky Eleanor Krieger Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kugelman L David N. LaBau Hernan LaFontaine Alan M. Laites Roland H. Lange Sonja L. Larkin-Thorne Christopher Larsen John H. Lawrence, Jr. Margaret W. Lawson Dorothy Lazear Michael Z. Lazor, MD John M. Lee Frank A. Leone, Esq. Harvey S. Levenson Robert M. Levin Janet Lewis F. Peter Libassi Richard B. Lilly, Jr., MD Thomas C. Lincoln Mildred E. Linden Alex Lloyd, Esq. Roger S. Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Worth Loomis Carlos Lopez N. Philip Lord, Jr. Henry B. C. Low, MD Elaine T. Lowengard Tracey L. Lunenburg Joseph G. Lynch, Esq. James B. Lyon, Esq. M Baxter H. Maffett Tony March Arthur C. Marquardt Robert S. Martin, MD William B. Martin Michael J. Martinez Rolando T. Martinez Linwood S. Mather, Jr. Miguel Matos A. Cynthia Matthews Katherine M. McCormack E. Merritt McDonough, Sr. M. Kathleen McGrory, PhD Barbara McLeod James F. McNally Mr. and Mrs. John Meehan Thomas S. Melvin, Jr. Stephen T. Merkel Paul E. Mersereau, Esq. Judith C. Meyers Stephen B. Middlebrook Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Miller, Jr. Elliott C. Miller Reverend Gary Miller Charles B. Milliken, Esq. Mary Mitchell Harold J. Moffie Harvey G. Moger William H. Morgan Michael F. Morosky, MD John H. Motley Timothy J. Moynihan, Jr. Thomas F. Mullaney, Jr. Frederick J. Mullen, Jr., Esq. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis Murphy Valentine Murphy John S. Murtha N Robert F. Neal Edna N. Negron Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Neiditz Stacy R. Nerenstone, MD Garrett W. Nevius William R. Newton Stephen L. Nightingale Henry W. Nozko, Jr. 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 29 O S Donald W. O'Brien John F. O'Connell, Jr. The Honorable Kevin J. O'Connor Martin J. O'Meara, Jr. Reverend Joanne P. Orlando and Rocco Orlando III, MD Dariush Owlia, MD Andrew L. Salner, MD Romulo Samaniego Frances Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Sargent Robert T. Sargent Thomas Sargent Anita Ford Saunders, APR Henry S. Scherer, Jr. Richard F. Schneller Philip A. Schonberger Steven F. Schutzer, MD Edward Scull, MD Appleton H. Seaverns Kate M. Sellers L. Everett Seyler, Jr., MD Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Seymour Anne Shafer Patrick J. Sheehan Richard J. Shima Jane C. Shipp Ralph M. Shulansky Steven J. Shulman Stephen Sills Robert A. Simons Robert S. Siskin James B. Slimmon, Jr. Donald S. Smith, Jr. John J. Smith, PhD Laurence R. Smith, Jr. Robert H. Smith, Jr. Scott H. Smith Richard W. Sorenson The Honorable Arthur L. Spada Harvey L. Spaunburg, Jr. Marie Spivey, R.N. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Springer Talcott Stanley Theodore W. Stedman Cynthia F. Steer Robert E. Stevens Dianne Stone John S. Stout Leonard G. Sucsy Edith Gay Sudarsky John R. Suisman Michael Suisman Paul R. C. Sullivan, MD Phillip C. Surprenant P Mr. Warren C. Packard Mr. Stephen F. Page Mr. Daniel I. Papermaster Arlene Parmelee Sam Pasco Robert E. Patricelli David B. Payne Hillary B. Pease Agnes S. Peelle The Honorable Eddie A. Perez Mr. Brewster B. Perkins Sidney D. Pinney, Jr., Esq. and Judith M. Pinney Rabbi Marshal Press Claire M. Pryor Mr. Douglas T. Putnam R John R. Rathgeber Albert E. Reavill, Jr. Katherine Redfield Arthur C. Reeds, III Marilyn Rettig Rodney R. Reynolds Tracy L. Rich John H. Riege, Esq. Ezra H. Ripple, IV Kate and Barclay* Robinson, Jr. Alfred R. Rogers Dr. Ramon Rojano Lewis B. Rome, Esq. Raymond A. Roncari Robert L. Rosensweig, Esq. Edward F. Rosenthal Coleman D. Ross Elizabeth G. Ross Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Rosson David M. Roth Susan Rottner Barbara Rubin Anne Rudder Douglas G. Russell Peter G. Russell T John C. Taussig Linda T. Taylor, MD Mr. and Mrs. DeRoy C. Thomas H. Grant Thomas William B. Thomson Samuel H. Title Dr. Humphrey Tonkin Hector Torres James H. Torrey William H. Trachsel Stephen J. Trachtenberg, J.D. Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Truex U Antonina P. Uccello V Mrs. Stanley W. Vogel Robert J. von Dohlen W Lyn G. Walker Mr.* and Mrs. Raycroft Walsh, Jr. Alan W. Ware Alden Y. Warner, Jr. Bernadette T. Warren, R.N. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Watkins, Jr. Richard Weaver-Bey Mr.* and Mrs. Frederic P. Werner Howard J. Wetstone, MD Ernest C. Wignall Wilson Wilde Evelyn Wilkie James E. Willingham, Sr. Lynn W. Willsey Donald K. Wilson, Jr. Martin Wolman Y Neil S. Yeston, MD Mr. and Mrs. Roland F. Young, III Z Henry M. Zachs Paul J. Zimmerman Gordon A. Zimmermann, MD Eugene J. Ziurys, Jr. * Deceased 29 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 30 TRUST FUNDS Held by the Treasurer of Hartford Hospital. Founded on bequests and gifts which are restricted to use of income only: 30 Betty Agee Memorial Fund Edwin Aishberg Fund Lucy Brace Allen Free Bed Fund* Marjorie H. Allen Free Bed Fund* Alumnae Association, Hartford Hospital School of Nursing* Mary W. Anderson Fund James P. Andrews Fund Lillian Andrews Free Bed Fund* Harriett Wadsworth Arnold Fund u/w/o Frederick W. Arnold Mary Ogden Avery Memorial Fund Avery-Welcher Free Bed Fund* Beatrice Fox Auerbach Capital Equipment Fund William T. Bacon Free Bed Fund* Eugene Ballard Fund Raphael and Julia R. Ballerstein Free Bed Fund* D. Newton Barney Educational Building Endowment Fund Laura D. Barney Free Bed Fund* Ruth and Roger Beck Fund W. Marston and Katharine Becker Fund Alice Howard Bennett Free Bed Fund* Samuel Barwick Beresford Free Bed Fund* John M. and Shelly A. Biancamano Fund Helen Sterling Brainard Free Bed Fund for Children* Leverett and Mary Brainard Free Bed Fund* Lyman B. Brainard and Lucy M. Brainard Free Bed Fund Mary B. Brainard Fund* Newton C. and Elsie B. Brainard Fund Amaziah Brainerd Fund* Dorothea H. Brandon Memorial Fund Howard W. Brayton Fund* Alice Stephen Brewster Free Bed Fund* Barbara Bridgman Fund Frances Wood Britton Free Bed Fund* Ruth Talcott Britton Fund John H. Brooks Fund Brooks-Woodford Memorial Fund F.A. and Martha W. Brown Fund Frederick S. and Almera 0. Brown Fund* John D. Brown Fund* Isabel Goodrich Buck Fund i/m/o Francis Goodrich Buck Addie W. Burpee Fund* Angie L. Burr Fund Elsie A. Butler and William N. Butler Fund u/w/o William N. Butler Mary Gleason Camp Memorial Fund Carbone Family Fund Coleman H. and Jo Champlin Casey Fund Natalie Chambers Fund i/m/o Francis Chambers Kathryn Richards Chandler Fund* Mary Robinson Cheney Fund Cheney Brothers’ Free Bed Fund* Children’s Fund* Citizens Endowment Fund Julie J. Gilman Clark Fund for Assistance* Mabel H.P. Clark Social Service Fund Robert J. Clark Endowment Fund Susan S. Clark Free Bed Fund* Francis W. Cole Fund Martha Isham Cone Free Bed Fund i/m/o Lillian C. Cone* Charles B. Cook Free Bed Fund* Frank W. Corbin Fund* Florence S. Marcy Crofut Educational Endowment Fund C. Wellington Crosby Fund u/w/o Mathew George Thompson* Daniel P. Crosby Fund Francis Crosby Fund Ralph W. Cutler Free Bed Fund* Ruth Brainard Cutler Fund* Julia W. Ensign Darling Fund Issac B. and Maria Ann Davis Fund u/w/o John 0. Davis Pierpont Davis Fund Calvin Day Free Bed Fund* Edward M. Day Fund L.A. Dickinson Fund* Edward H. Dillon Fund* Austin Cornelius Dunham Laboratory Fund Austin Cornelius Dunham Training School Nurses’ Prize Fund Sarah R. Dunham Fund* Lucius H. Elmer Fund William Ely Free Bed Fund* Endowment 1994 Fund Joseph R. Ensign and Mary P. Ensign Free Room Fund* T.R. Farrell Free Bed Fund* The Maury Ferriter Endowment Fund Anna B. Fischer Free Bed Fund* Emily Fritts Memorial Endowment Fund George H. Fitts Fund Frank J. and Kathryn W. Flynn Memorial Fund George Bushnell Foster Fund James P. Foster Fund Gurdon Fox Fund Moses Fox Free Bed Fund No.1* Moses Fox Free Bed Fund No.2* Bernadine D. Gale Fund u/w/o Philip B. Gale George Gay 2000 Endowment Fund* George H. Gilman, Sr. Fund u/w/o George H. Gilman, Jr. Anna M. Goodwin Fund Daniel M. Goodwin Free Bed Fund* Francis and Mary Goodwin Free Bed Fund* The Rev. Dr. James Goodwin Memorial Free Bed Fund* James Lippincott Goodwin Fund Mary Elizabeth Lincoln Goodwin Bed Fund u/w/o Charles L Goodwin* Rev. Stephen Henry and Helen Woodward Granberry Free Bed Fund* Ella Grasso Scholarship Fund C.L. & L.M. Griggs Grohmann Fund u/w/o Carl L. Grohmann Dwight Griswold Lectureship Fund Frank L. and Agnes E. Griswold Fund Christine J. Haas Fund Hannah S. and William P. Haas Fund George Hall Fund No. 1* George Hall Fund No. 2* Harriet Hall Fund Joseph T. Hall Fund Margaret J. Hall Free Bed Fund* Edith May Hart Free Bed Fund* Emma May Hart Fund* Ferdinand Austin Hart Free Bed Fund* Harold and Ethel Hart Endowment Fund Hartford Archdeaconry, Children’s Cot Fund* Norman Hendensted Fund Edward P. Hickmott Free Bed Fund* Elisha E. Hilliard Fund Atbertus S. Hills Fund* Hills Fund u/w/o Carrie E. Hills Knight Frederick W. Hills Fund* 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 31 J. Coolidge Hills, Ellery Hills and Nancy H. Hills Fund* Drayton Hillyer Fund* Mrs. Henry P. Hitchcock Free Bed Fund* Harold G. Holcombe Fund* Jane Holton Memorial Fund Edward Williams Hooker Free Bed Fund* Hospital Social Service Fund Edmund G. Howe, Willlam J. Wood and Frances Howe Wood Fund Charles L. Hubbard Fund Lucius E. Humphrey and Grace H. Humphrey Fund Newman Hungerford Fund No.1* Newman Hungerford Free Bed Fund No.2* Newman Hungerford Free Bed Fund No.3* Jefferson House Good Samaritan Fund Charles A. Jewell Free Bed Fund* Lyman B. Jewell Fund Katherine W. Johnson Fund The Jonathan Lodge #66 I.O.O.F. and Jonathan Welfare Society Endowment Fund Jennie C. Jones Memorial Fund Edwin B. Judd Fund Junior League of Hartford Free Bed Fund* Keney Fund* Mary J. Keney Fund Edith and Will Kingsbury Fund George W. Klett Fund Robert C. and Leonice M. Knox Fund Henry Kohn Free Bed Fund i/m/o Richard Case Kohn Herman P. Kopplemann Fund Dr. John C. Leonard Fund Hyman Levine Fund James M. Linton Fund Marilyn Lippman Memorial Fund Susan E. Lyon Memorial Fund Morris and Edith Mancoll Fund Augusta M. Manning Free Bed Fund* Edith Oakley Martin Fund u/w/o Richard P. Martin Roland Mather Permanent Fund of the Hartford Hospital Francis T. Maxwell Fund Dr. John Butler McCook Memorial Fund William B. McCray Fund* Harriett Rowley McKown Fund Juliette McLean Free Bed Fund* George J. Mead Fund Charles B. Miller Free Bed Fund* Ella F. Miller Free Bed Fund* Maria L. Moody and Bertram E. Moody Fund for Palliative Care Henry K. Morgan Fund Junius S. Morgan Fund William D. Morgan Fund Grace Root Morris Fund Arnold Henry Moses Fund John C. Niblack Trauma Support Endowment Fund Frederick L. Nichols Endocrine Fund Charles N. Northam Fund* May Rockwell Page Fund Emma L. Parsons Fund* Emily M.W. Peabody Free Bed Fund* Julia Ripley Pember Free Bed Fund u/w/o Chauncey Pember* Mrs. George C. Perkins Free Bed Fund* Gertrude S. Perkins Free Bed Fund* Lucy Adams Perkins Fund Permanent Fund Charles and Elsie Sykes Phelps Free Bed Fund* Guy R. Phelps Fund Clara Piester Fund u/w/o Everett Piester Ralph and Lula Pinney Fund The Charles Polivy, MD, Surgical Education Fund Charles F. Pond Free Bed Fund* Caroline E. Porter Free Bed Fund* Eliza Storrs Porter Free Bed Fund* John Porter and Caroline E. Porter Fund Camilla Jillson Potter Free Bed Fund* Samuel 0. Prentice Free Bed Fund* William H. Putnam Research Fund Ludwig J. Pyrtek, MD Chair Fund Barbara Coles Ralston Endowment Fund M. Katherine Reis Free Bed Fund* Edith Kerr Richards Memorial Fund* Herrick C. Ridlon, MD Fund Charles C. and Emily Cheney Riley Fund Sophia S. Risley Fund No.1 Sophia S. Risley Fund.No. 2 Elvira Evans Roberts Free Bed Fund* Edward K. Root Fund Edward King Root Maintenance Fund Judson H. Root Free Bed Fund* Lewis P. Roraback Fund G. Gardiner Russell Fund Ada Gilbert Russell Fund* Mary I. B. Russell Fund* William C. Russell Social Welfare Fund* William C. Russell and Ada G. Russell Free Bed Fund* William A. Sanborn Free Bed Fund School of Nursing Endowment Fund* Schizophrenia Treatment Fund William G. Sexton Fund Clayton H. Smart Fund for Diabetes Ellen T. Smith Free Bed Fund* Olcott and Lucy Smith Research Fund Dr. Oliver C. Smith Fund No. 1* Dr. Oliver C. Smith Fund No. 2 Dr. Oliver C. Smith Fund No. 3 W. Leslie Smith, MD Fund Joseph S. and Margaret A. Stackpole Fund Staff Memorial Fund Hannah Marcy Starr Free Bed Fund* Melancthon Storrs Fund u/w/o Gertrude S. Perkins Frank C. Sumner Fund Alice Taintor Free Bed Fund* The Taylor Fund Madeline Murphy Taylor Fund Isham Terry Fund* Oliver Grant Terry and Amelia Smith Terry Fund u/w/o Mary A. Terry Gertrude D.S. Thompson Free Bed Fund* Hartwell G. Thompson Fund James M. Thomson Free Bed Fund* Thrift Shop Nursing Education Fund Dr. Ralph M. Tovell Fund The Truex Family Fund for Community Service Grace Tuttle Fund u/w/o Sarah Tuttle and u/w/o William F. Tuttle Jane Tuttle Free Bed Fund for Nurses, etc.* Miles A. Tuttle Free Bed Fund* Sarah Tuttle Free Bed Fund u/w/o Jane Tuttle* William F. Tuttle Free Bed Fund u/codicil to Will of Jane Tuttle* William F. Tuttle Free Bed Fund u/w/o Jane Tuttle* Kate G. Tyler Fund H. Whitney Tyler Fund Bernadette Warren Fund 31 56485 Finan24-56 32 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 32 Nathan M. Waterman Free Bed Fund* Ellen M. Watkinson Trust Fund* Arne Welhaven Memorial Library Fund Cassius Welles and Susie Russell Welles Fund u/w/o William C. Russell Mary A. Whaples Fund* Frank L. Wilcox Free Bed Fund* Wildwood Sanatorium Investment Fund Elizabeth W. Williams Free Bed Fund* Eugene Phillips Williams Fund* Josephine Williams Estate Fund i/m/o Lyman B. Jewell Josephine Williams Trust Fund Hattie Johnson Wilson Free Bed Fund* Robert J. Winkler Endowment Fund Solomon and Katie Wohl Free Bed Fund* Bertha B. Woodford Fund Charles G. Woodward Fund Mary S. Woodward Fund Henry I. Wright Fund* Trust Funds not held by the Treasurer of the Hartford Hospital. From Bank of America as trustee: John G. & Jane M. Austin Trust Edwin H. Bingham Trust Harriet Bundy Est. Trust Willie 0. Burr Trust Elizabeth M. Burt Trust John J. Corning Trust David Crary, Jr, Trust Flora M. Crary Trust Harriet Dickman Trust Emma B. Fehrer Trust George Gay Trust Lelia C. Hunter Trust Charles A. Hunter Trust Emma B. Lane Est. Trust Sarah Pardee Trust Lewis P. Roraback Trust E. Terry Smith Trust Winchell Smith Trust Louise Terry Trust Joseph P. Trumbull Trust Frank W. Weston Trust Anna C.F. Butler Trust George J. Capewell Foundation u/w/o Garafelia Capewell u/w/o George J. Capewell, Jr. u/w/o Mary A. Capewell u/w/o Ida G. Capewell I. Kent Fulton Trust William L. Montogue Ethel Wood Thomas Trust Aaron W.C. Williams Trust Charles G. Woodward Trust Grace Holcomb Humphrey Trust Trust Funds not held by the Treasurer of the Hartford Hospital Jefferson House. From Bank of America as trustee: Grace Edith Bliss Trust Grace Edith Bliss Trust u/w/o Frederick S. Bliss David Crary, Jr., Trust Rene H. Hills Trust Sara Pardee Trust Joseph P. Trumbull Trust Frank W. Weston Trust Mary Botsford Trust George J. Capewell Foundation u/w/o Garafelia Capewell u/w/o George J. Capewell, Jr. u/w/o Mary A. Capewell u/w/o Ida G. Capewell William R. Morgan Trust Aaron W. C. Williams Trust Charles G. Woodward Trust Julia S. Reynolds Trust Trust Funds not held by the Treasurer of the Hartford Hospital Jefferson House: Elizabeth C. Bacon William T. Bacon John F. Baker Fund Alice M. Bartholomew Mary Jane Blackman Fund Brooks-Woodford Memorial Fund F. A. Brown Fund Martha W. Brown Fund Wickliffe S. Buckley Fund Louise S. Bunce Fund Harriet Turner Burnham Fund Silas Chapman, Jr., Fund Mabel H.P. Clark Fund Susan S. Clark Caroline L. Cooley Josephine H. Davis Fund Charles E. Fox Fund u/w/o Frederick K. Fox Bernadine D. Gale Fund Charles S. Goodwin Fund u/w/o Charles L. Goodwin Jessie I. Herriman Fund Elsie M.S. Hills Fund Stephen Hills Fund Mrs. Henry P. Hitchcock Charles L. Hubbard Fund Keney Fund George Rice Lester Fund George S. Lewis u/w/o Cornelia B. Hinsdale Emma Brown Lyman Mary P. Mansfield Fund Eliza F. Mix John Porter and Caroline E. Porter Fund Edward V. Preston and Clara M. Preston Fund Judson H. Root Fund W. C. Russell Fund Ellen T. Smith William L. Sugden Fund Catherine Tuttle Fund u/w/o Sarah Tuttle William Tuttle u/w/o Sarah Tuttle Bertha B. Woodford Fund Charles G. Woodward Fund Mary S. Woodward Fund P. Henry Woodward Fund * Those starred are “Free Bed” funds which have been given to enable the hospital to provide care to any and all, based on financial need on application. 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 33 A F F I L AT IO N S H O S P I TA L A F F I L I AT I O N S Primary affiliate of the University of Connecticut School of Medicine for both undergraduate and graduate medical education. Hartford Hospital has four residencies plus thirteen integrated residencies in conjunction with the Capital Area Health Consortium. The hospital also sponsors fourteen Hartford Hospital fellowships and fourteen from the integrated program. Affiliate of: N U R S I N G A F F I L I AT I O N S The University of Connecticut for graduate education in oral surgery. Associate Degree Affiliate and partner with: Dartmouth Medical School for undergraduate medical education. Allied health affiliations with: Boston University Briarwood College Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Connecticut School of Massage Therapy Ithaca College Manchester Community College Naugatuck Valley Community College New England University Northeastern University Quinnipiac College University of Rhode Island Sacred Heart University Saint Joseph College Simmons College Springfield Technical Community College Springfield College Tufts University Tunxis Community College University of Connecticut University of Hartford University of Vermont Yale University Capitol Community College Baccalaureate Saint Joseph College University of Connecticut Southern Connecticut State University Upper Division Baccalaureate Central Connecticut State University University of Hartford Master’s Program Fairfield University Northeastern University Quinippiac University Sacred Heart University University of Connecticut University of Hartford University of Massachusetts UMASS – Amherst UMASS – Worcester Western Connecticut State University Yale University 33 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 34 M E D IC A L S TA F F AS OF 9.30.05 OFFICERS M E D I C A L D E PA R T M E N T D I R E C TO R S Arthur Tarantino, MD President Witold Waberski, MD Anesthesiology Vernon Kwok, DMD Dentistry Lenworth Jacobs, MD Emergency Medicine/Trauma Michael Conway, MD Vice President Joseph J. Klimek, MD Medicine Leslie I. Wolfson, MD Neurology Arnold Rossi, MD Neurosurgery Jay Krompinger, MD Secretary Joel Sorosky, MD Obstetrics and Gynecology Jerry Neuwirth, MD Ophthalmology Bruce D. Browner, MD Orthopaedics Witold Waberski, MD Treasurer Richard A. Newman, MD Otorhinolaryngology William T. Pastuszak, MD Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Victor Herson, MD Pediatrics Harold I. Schwartz, MD Psychiatry Andrew L. Salner, MD Radiation Oncology Stuart K. Markowitz, MD Radiology Orlando Kirton, MD Surgery Douglas Viets, MD Urology 34 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 35 A Arena, Nancy F., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine/Gastroenterology Abbensetts, John M., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine/Traumatology Arky, Lawrence M., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Armstrong, Alan S., PA-C; Adjunct, Radiology Abbosh, Jasmine M., MD; Active, Medicine/Allergy Arnold, Philip B., MD; Active, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Abbott, Kathleen M., MD; Courtesy, Physical Aronow, Michael S., MD; UConn Courtesy, Orthopedics Medicine/Rehabilitation Arose, Bruce P., MD; Active, Radiology Abbott, Lincoln F., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Ashmead, Duffield, MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Aberizk, William J., MD; Honorary, Radiation Oncology Ashraf, Humaira, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Abraham, Richard I., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Atton, Andrew V., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Abreu, Joseph E., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology Ayre, Mary, MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Abriola, Kenneth P., MD; Active, Medicine/Infectious Disease Aziz, Deborah A., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Achong, M. Natalie, MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Azrin, Michael, MD; UConn Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology Adamenko, Robert S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Adams, Nicole, APRN; Adjunct, Surgical Critical Care Adelson, Lester, MD; Honorary, Pathology/Lab Medicine Aferzon, Joseph, MD; Courtesy, Neurosurgery Ahmed, Irshad, MBBS; Courtesy, Psychiatry Ahmed, Sheikh I., MD; Active, Pediatrics Ahn, William B., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Ajjagottu, Vijaya, MBBS; Active, Internal Medicine Al Mounayer, Muhammad K., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Albergo, Patrick F., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Albertsen, Peter C., MD; UConn Consulting, Urology Alder, William C., MD; Active, Psychiatry Algranati, Paula, MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Al-Husein, Iyad, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Alkeylani, Abd U., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology Allan, Thomas R., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Alleman, Kim M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Allen, Gretchen L., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Allmendinger, Philip D., MD; Active, Cardiothoracic Surgery Almentero, Felix A., MD; Courtesy, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Alston, Cynthia E., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Alter, Burton N., MD; Honorary, Surgery Altman, Arnold J., MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Altman, Larisa, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Altonji, Paul F., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Alvarez, James, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Alvaro, Vincent M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Ambrogio, Riccardo, DMD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Ambrose, Susan M., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Anastasio, George D., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Anderson, Elizabeth A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Anderson, Gustav W., MD; Honorary, Neurology Andriole, Vincent T., MD; Consulting, Internal Medicine Angeluzzi, Diane T., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Anquillare, Joseph T., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Anson, Nancy O., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Antonelli, Richard C., MD; Active, Pediatrics Anyatonwu, Samuel K., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Arafeh, Mehadin K., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry B Babcock, Albert L., MD; Honorary, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Babigian, Alan, MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Bacall, George, MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Bacon, Marilyn A., MD; Active, Pediatrics Badwal, Roger S., DMD, MD; Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Baginski, Andrew G., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Bagnall, John S., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Bagnall, Richard S., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Baiulescu, Maria, MD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Baker, Gerald L., MD; Honorary, Radiology Baker, Lisa S., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Baker, W. Jeffrey, MD; Active, Medicine/Oncology Balakrishna, Srimathi, MD; Active, Pediatrics Balarezo, Fabiola S., MD; Active, Anatomic Pathology/Lab Med Balazs, Denes V., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Balla, Robert A., DMD; Active, Dentistry/Endodontics Ballesteros, Enrique, MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Banack, Sherry, MD; Active, Pediatrics Banco, Leonard I., MD; Active, Ambulatory Pediatrics Banerjee, Sanjay, MD; Active, Psychiatry Banerjee, Saumitra R., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Banever, Thomas C., MD; Active, Surgery Banevicius, Maria, APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Bangs, Kenneth P., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Banta, John V., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Barksdale, Susan, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Barnes, Diane M., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Barnett, Dorien S., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Barnett, Marianne, APRN; Adjunct, Orthopedics Barnett, Peter R., MD; Active, Orthopedics Barry, Patricia D., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Bartlett, Raymond C., MD; Honorary, Pathology/Lab Medicine Bartus, Christine M., MD; Active, Surgery Bartus, Stanislaus A., MD; Honorary, Transplantation Surgery Barwick, Peter E., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Bash, Jeffrey A., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Bason, Margaret M., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Bason, Richard H., MD; Active, Pediatrics 35 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 36 Bass, David M., MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Bocciarelli, Paul A., DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Batti, James S., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Boden, William E., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Baumer, Amy L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Bogdanovics, Egils K., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Endocrinology Beam, Harold E., MD; Courtesy, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Bogli, Carl, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Beatson, Elizabeth V., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Boire, Kathleen M., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Bechum, Christine M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology Bolduc, Daniel A., CST; Adjunct, Surgery Beck, Roger S., MD; Honorary, Surgery Bombard, Tim G., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Beck, Steven G., MD; Courtesy, Physical Bonaiuto, Gregory S., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Medicine/Rehabilitation Becker, Carl J., CST; Adjunct, Surgery Becker, Gerald J., MD; Active, Orthopedics Bonkovsky, Herbert L., MD; UConn Consulting, Medicine/Gastroenterology Bedard, Robert M., MD; Active, Medicine/Allergy Bonney, Henry T., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Beebe, Roy D., MD; Active, Orthopedics Bonoan, Elaine K., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Bell, David P., DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry Borgida, Adam F., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Beller, Peter J., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Bosco, Peter J., MD; Courtesy, Urology Bellucci, Aldo L., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Bourque, Michael R., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Bender, Jean M., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Bourque, Michel D., MD; Active, Pediatric Surgery Benthien, Ross A., MD; Active, Orthopedics Bourque, Victoria L., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Bentman, Adrienne L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Bouteiller, Matthew A., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Berke, Adrienne, MD; Consulting, Dermatopathology/Lab Bouwer, Patricia J., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Medicine 36 Bonanni, Craig C., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Bow, Laurine M., Ph.D.; Consulting, Internal Medicine Berkowitz, Samuel, DPM; Consulting, Podiatric Surgery Bower, Bruce F., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Endocrinology Berlin, Bert B., MD; Active, Urology Bowers, George N., MD; Honorary, Pathology/Lab Medicine Berman, Elliot S., DDS; Active, Dentistry Bowman, Bruce, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Berman, Martin M., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Boyd, Timothy S., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Bernier, James A., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Boyle, James C., MD; Courtesy, Urology Berning, Richard A., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Boynton, Whitney A., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Berns, Ellison, MD; Consulting, Medicine/Cardiology Bradbury, Robert L., DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry Bernstein, Jill D., MD; Active, Pediatrics Bradley, Donald F., MD; Honorary, Surgery Bernstein, Scott P., MD; Active, Medicine/Nephrology Brady, Elizabeth W., MD; Active, Surgery Berry, Cecile D., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Brakoniecki, James J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Bertsch, Helaine F., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Braren, Carl H., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Bevilacqua, Richard G., DMD, MD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Brauer, Lee D., MD; Active, Psychiatry Bezahler, Ronald C., MD; Consulting, Ophthalmology Brauer, Rima L., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Bhagat, Smita J., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Brautigam, Robert T., MD; Active, Emergency Bier, Robin S., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Medicine/Traumatology Bilchik, Tanya R., MD; Active, Neurology Breiter, Jeffrey R., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Binder, Thomas B., MD; Active, Pediatrics Brennan, Kevin J., PA-C; Adjunct, Urology Bingham, Katherine D., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Brennan, Mary T., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology Bisbee, Susan W., LAc; Adjunct, Medicine Brennan, Sean T., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Biskup, Joan M., PA-C; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Brennan, Tracy E., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Black, James C., MD; Active, Psychiatry Brennan-Centrella, Mary, APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Blair, C Lee, MD; Active, Psychiatry Brewer, Sybille V., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Blanchard, Bradford M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Briccetti, Christine E., MD; Active, Pediatrics Blank, Karen, MD; Active, Psychiatry Bridburg, Richard M., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Blechner, Jack N., MD; UConn Consulting, Ob-Gyn Briggs, Judith L., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Blitzer, Avrum H., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Brigham, Margaret, APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Bloch, Tamara N., MD; Active, Pediatrics Brodey, James F., MD; Active, Psychiatry Blomquist, W. Stewart, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Brodey, Z. Riki, LCSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Bloom, G. Peter, MD; Active, Surgery Bronson, William R., MD; Honorary, Pathology/Lab Medicine Bloom, Ronald J., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology Brown, Colleen M., APRN; Adjunct, Transplantation Surgery Bluth, Lawrence S., MD; Active, Neurology Brown, David L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Bobrowski, Renee A., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Brown, Donald L., MD; Honorary, Psychiatry 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 37 Brown, Edwin, LAc; Adjunct, Medicine Carriero, Lucy, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Brown, Matthew G., MD; Active, Transplantation Surgery Carroll, Wendi S., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Gastroenterology Brown, R. Timothy, MD; Active, Radiology Carta, Angelee D., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Brown, Steven H., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Carter, Allen L., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Brown, Steven J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Cartun, Richard W., Ph.D.; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Brownell, Kim C., MD; Active, Pediatrics Caruso-Bergman, Marcia, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Oncology Browner, Bruce D., MD; Active, Orthopedics Carver, H. Wayne, MD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Brunelli, Vincent, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Case, Arnold L., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Brunquell, Philip J., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Neurology Casey, Zoe C., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Bryant, Michael C., APRN; Adjunct, Surgical Critical Care Cassano, Victoria A., MD; Active, Medicine Bryon, Lori A., PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics Cassens, Geraldine P., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Buccheri, Santo, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Castiglione, Charles L., MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Buch, Peter S., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Surgery Buckley, Judith A., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Castner, James J., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Buckman, Ronald L., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Cavanagh, Norman J., DMD, MD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Bugliari, Richard A., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Cavanna, Christopher A., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Bullard, Sarah E., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychology Cavus, Idil, MD, PhD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Bunke, Frederick J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Cech, Alex C., MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Buonomano, Ronald J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Cerciello, Robert L., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Burgmyer, Leonard J., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Ceruzzi, William, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Burke, Martha J., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Chaffkin, Linda M., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Burnett, Robert W., Ph.D.; Honorary, Pathology/Lab Medicine Chagnon, Raymond J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Burnham, Robert T., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Chamberlin, Douglas E., MD; Active, Psychiatry Burton, Kevin J., MD; Active, Orthopedics Chameides, Leon, MD; Honorary, Medicine/Cardiology Bush, Frank J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Champagne, Joanne, MT; Adjunct, Medicine Bushell, Adolph, DDS; Active, Dentistry/Endodontics Chandawarkar, Aarit R., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Butler, Alan R., MD; Active, Radiology Chang, Mary W., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Butterfield, Kevin J., DDS, MD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Charpentier, Christine, PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology C Cable, Allison S., APRN; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Cahill, Joan D., LCSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Cahill, Theresa A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Calderon, Stephen F., MD; Courtesy, Neurosurgery Calhoun, Vince D., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Calnen, Gerald, MD; Active, Pediatrics Campbell, Carol L., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Campbell, Cathleen E., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Canevari, Daniela D., PA-C; Adjunct, Urology Cannon, John L., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Cantin, Jeffrey A., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Canty, Lucinda, LNM; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Cappa, Joseph A., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Cappadona, John T., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Cappelluti, Erika, PhD, MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Caputo, Andrew E., MD; Active, Orthopedics Carbon, John R., DO; Active, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Cardon, James P., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Carley, Matthew D., MD; Active, Medicine/Nephrology Carley, Nina H., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Infectious Disease Carlton, Lawrence S., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Carlton, Richard D., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Carney, Maureen E., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Carpenter, Robert J., MD; UConn Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Charpentier, Kevin P., MD; Active, Transplantation Surgery Chartier, Timothy K., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Chartoff, Stanley E., MD, MPH; Active, Emergency Medicine Chawla, Surendra K., MD; Consulting, Surgery Cheffer, Eric T., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Chere, Nancy E., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Cherry, David A., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Chiappetta, Russell, MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Chin, Daniel W., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Chin, Mark T., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Christino, Annemarie T., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Chrostowski, Violetta, APRN; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Chung, David Y., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Chung, Kyung H., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ciafone, Russell A., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology Ciarcia, Carmen C., LAc; Adjunct, Medicine Ciccolini, Darren, PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Cieck, Mindi M., APRN; Adjunct, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Ciesielski, Thomas E., MD; Active, Anatomic Pathology/Lab Med Ciocca, Cristina L., Psy.D; Consulting, Psychiatry Cipolla, Donna M., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Civetta, Joseph M., MD; Consulting, Surgical Critical Care Clark, Coryn B., APRN; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Clark, Ronald G., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Clark, William E., MD; Honorary, Pathology/Lab Medicine 37 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 38 Clark Coller, David, APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Cunin, Burton, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Cleary, Francis B., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry Curis, Francis T., MD; Honorary, Pediatrics Clerkin, Edward A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Curley, Timothy M., DO; Active, Medicine/Nephrology Cloutier, Michelle M., MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatric Currie, John L., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Pulmonology Curry, Stephen L., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Clyne, Christopher A., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Cusick, Eileen R., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Cohen, Eric B., MD; Active, Psychiatry Cyr, Mary-Ann, APRN; Adjunct, Cardiothoracic Surgery Cohen, Eric D., MD; Active, Psychiatry Czarnowski, Marc J., DMD; Active, Dentistry Cohen, Erik L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Cohen, Gary P., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Cohen, Jeffrey L., MD; Active, Surgery Cohen, Mario, MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Cohen, Robert B., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Cohen-Abbo, Alberto, MD; Active, Pediatrics Cole, Solon R., MD; Honorary, Pathology/Lab Medicine Coley, Geoffrey M., MD; Honorary, Surgery Colfer, Jaclyn, PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Collias, James C., MD; Honorary, Neurosurgery Collins, Kevin L., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Collins, Rochelle L., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Conard, Frederick U., MD; Active, Radiology 38 Currier, Allen A., MD; Active, Radiology Clubb, Mariann, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Conrad, Cynthia D., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Conrad, William D., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Contrino, Josephine, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Conway, Edward J., MD; Honorary, Medicine Conway, Mark, MD; Honorary, Psychiatry Conway, Michael M., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Conway, Stephen R., MD; Active, Neurology Cooke, Ronald W., MD; Honorary, Surgery Cooney, John R., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Cooper, Brian W., MD; Active, Medicine/Infectious Disease Cooper, Martin M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Corbett, Lisa Q., APRN; Adjunct, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Corcoran, Della M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Corning, Joseph J., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology Corradino, Joan F., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Corrigan, Christine N., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Cortland, Renee C., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Costello, Ruth, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Covington, Theresa M., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychology Cox-Chapman, James W., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Craig, Steven L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Creedon, Patrick J., PA-C; Adjunct, Cardiothoracic Surgery Cremins, Angela M., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Cremins, Michael S., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Crescimanni, Rachel E., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Croce, Kathleen, Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Crombie, H. David, MD; Honorary, Surgery Crone, Margaret B., APRN; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Cronin, Edward B., MD; Active, Radiology Crowley, Ellen M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry D D’Agostino, Darrin C., DO; Active, Internal Medicine D’Ambrosio, Susan E., Psy.D; Consulting, Psychology D’Ambruoso, Dominic C., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology D’Avella, John F., MD; Active, Medicine/Nephrology D’Occhio, Marzena S., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Dabrowski, Cindy A., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology DaCosta, Jose L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine DaCosta, Maria M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Daggett, Deanne, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Daigle, Karen, MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatric Pulmonology Daigneault, Maria S., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Dailey, Mark E., MD; Active, Medicine/Hematology Dalton, George R., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Daman, Lauren A., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Damon, Heather W., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Danitz, Mitchell, Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Danyliw, Joseph M., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Das, Amal, MBBS; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn DeCarolis, Kenneth A., MD; Honorary, Radiology Decker, Kenneth A., CST/CFA; Adjunct, Cardiothoracic Surgery Deckers, Peter J., MD; Active, Surgery Deegan, Patrick S., PA-C; Adjunct, Radiology DeForest, Kelly M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery DeFusco, Patricia A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine DeGennaro, Beth Anne D., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine DeGiovanni, James C., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry DeGraff, Arthur C., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology DeJesus, Daniel, PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Dekker, Paul T., MD; Active, Medicine/Hematology Delgado, João H., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine DeLucia, Orlando, MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery DeMaio, John M., MD; Active, Anesthesiology DeMarcaida, J. Antonelle, MD; Active, Neurology Denton, Cleveland R., MD; Honorary, Medicine DeSantis, Carla, MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Deshaies, Michael R., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Deutsch, Larry, MD; Active, Pediatrics Devassy, Karen S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Deveaux, Monique L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Dezi, Cynthia J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Diamen, Sharon A., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Diamond, Peter H., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Diana, Daniel J., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 39 Dicks, Barbara, APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Edelstein, Stanley W., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Dicks, Robert S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Edwards, Martin G., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Diefenbach, Gretchen J., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychology Edwards, Shernett M., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Dieterich, Steven R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Egan, James F., MD; UConn Courtesy, Ob-Gyn DiGiuseppe, Joseph A., MD, PhD; Active, Anatomic Ehlers, William H., MD; UConn Courtesy, Ophthalmology Pathology/Lab Med Eisenberg, Ellen, DMD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine DiMario, Francis J., MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatric Neurology Eisenfeld, Leonard I., MD; Active, Neonatology Dinowitz, Kevin, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Elaba, Wilfred P., MD; Active, Geriatric Medicine DiStefano, Leo J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Elderkin, Eugene, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Dixon, Jonathan A., MD; Active, Medicine/Rheumatology Elligers, Kenneth W., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Dobkin, Eric D., MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Elliott, Derek P., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine/Pulmonology Dobrow, Robert J., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Cardiology Elliott, Mark, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Doelger, Peter J., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Ellis, Maria L., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Dolan, Thomas C., DDS; Active, Dentistry Ellison, Lee H., MD; Honorary, Cardiothoracic Surgery Dolin, Scott L., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Ely, Matthew G., MD; Active, Urology Dolinsky, Paul A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Emmel, David K., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Dolinsky, Zelig S., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Engster, Peter W., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Domenichini, David J., MD; Active, Medicine/Endocrinology Epes, Helen M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Dominguez, Yuri L., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Epperson, C. Neill, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Donahue, Ann S., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Erdil, Michael, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Donahue, George M., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Ergin, M T., MD; Honorary, Surgery Donaldson, James O., MD; UConn Courtesy, Neurology Erickson, Carol J., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Donnelly, Susan L., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Erman, Spencer G., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Donovan, Elaine G., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Erol, Ali O., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Donovan, James F., MD; Honorary, Orthopedics Eror, Ellyssa L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Donovan, Thomas J., MD; Honorary, Surgery Estime, Pierre H., DO; Courtesy, Medicine Donshik, Peter C., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Estrada, D. Elizabeth, MD; Consulting, Pediatrics Doot, Dianne L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Evans, Elizabeth Y., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Dornelas, Ellen A., Ph.D.; Consulting, Medicine/Cardiology Evans, Jerome E., MD; Active, Psychiatry Dorobisz, Agatha T., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Everhart-Caye, Maria A., MD; Active, Medicine/Nephrology Dougherty, James E., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Ewald, Edward M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Douglas, Francine M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Dow, Michael A., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Dowd, Donald R., DDS; Honorary, Dentistry Dowsett, Robert J., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Drescher, Michael J., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Drezner, A David, MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Druckemiller, William H., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Drury, Robert W., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Dudek, Beverly A., MD; Active, Psychiatry Dufel, Susan E., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Duffy, Allyson N., MD; Active, Pediatrics Dugdale, Thomas W., MD; Active, Orthopedics Duggan, William J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Duncan, Brett H., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Durstin, Holly, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Dworkin, Paul H., MD; Active, Pediatrics Dwyer, Mary Ellen, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Dym, Hal M., DMD; Active, Dentistry Dzieczkowski, Jeffery S., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine F Factor, Jeffrey M., MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy Fadakar, Parvin, MD; Active, Pediatrics Fagan, Patricia L., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Fagnant, Daniel P., DO; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Fantl, Eugene, MD; Active, Pediatrics Farley, Steve W., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry Farrell, Elisabeth H., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Farrell, John M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Farrell, William J., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Farrington, David L., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Farwell, Mary E., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Faucher, Sue-Ann, PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Feder, Henry, MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatric Infectious Disease Feingold, David A., MD; Courtesy, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Feldman, Deborah M., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Feldman, Thomas A., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Felice, Kevin J., DO; UConn Courtesy, Neurology E Felsenfeld, Herbert W., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Ebbets, Judith A., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Femino, Suzanne, APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Edelen, Paul V., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Fenton, David T., MD; Active, Internal Medicine 39 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 40 Ferazzi, Mary Anne, APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Fredericks, Edward J., MD; Active, Neurology Ferlan, Virginia S., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Fredrickson, Robert W., MD; Honorary, Surgery Fernandez, Anthony M., DO; Active, Anesthesiology Freedman, Eileen, MD; Active, Pediatrics Fernandez, Janice L., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Freedman, Kenneth I., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Ferraro-Borgida, Melissa J., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Freeman-Bosco, Linda S., APRN; Adjunct, Cardiothoracic Ferrarotti, Ruth A., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Freilich, Cecille R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Ferrigno, Russell A., DDS; Honorary, Dentistry Freund, Jennifer S., APRN; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Ferris, Charlene, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Fritts, Lori L., MD; Active, Surgery Ferriss, Jane S., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Fromson, Thomas N., MD; Active, Pediatrics Ferullo, Jenifer, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Fry, Brian M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Ficara, Robert J., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Fulco, Michael N., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Fieldman, Arnold, MD; Honorary, Medicine/Cardiology Fulkerson, John, MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Fiel-Gan, Mary D., MD; Active, Anatomic Pathology/Lab Med Fuller, Robert P., MD; UConn Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Fierer, Edwin J., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Fusco, Daniel S., MD; Active, Cardiothoracic Surgery Fine, Alan, MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Finelli, Pasquale F., MD; Active, Neurology Fink, Judd B., DDS; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Firshein, Stephen I., MD; Active, Medicine/Hematology Fischer, Nathan R., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Fischer, Richard D., MD; Active, Orthopedics Fischler, Adam H., MD; Active, Anesthesiology 40 Surgery Ferrer, Fernando A., MD; Active, Urology Fischman, Steven A., DMD; Active, Dentistry/Orthodontics Fisher, Daniel G., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Intensive Care Fisher, Robert L., MD; Honorary, Orthopedics Fishman, Stephen D., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Fishman, Theodore D., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Fiske, Mary E., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Flescher, Robert, MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Fletcher, Mark C., DMD, MD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Fletcher, Susan H., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Flowers, Alexandra, MD; Active, Neurology Flynn, Christian M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Fogel, Cathryn A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Fogel, Denise L., Psy.D; Consulting, Psychology Fogg-Waberski, Joanna H., MD; Active, Psychiatry Foley, Dennis K., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Foley, L. Christopher, MD; Active, Radiology Folk-Barron, Lori, Psy.D; Consulting, Psychology Fons, Anthony L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Forner, Leonard E., MD; Active, Pediatrics Fortier, Alexander J., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Fortier, Lawrence J., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Foster, John E., MD; Active, Vascular/Interventional Radiology Fote, John J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Fox, Brendan M., MD; Consulting, Urology Fox, Evan, MD; Active, Psychiatry Fox, Yolanda B., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Foxman, Ethan B., MD; Active, Radiology Fram, Daniel B., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Franklin, John B., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Franklin, Michael J., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Franklin, Stephen M., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology G Gabow, Andrew G., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Gahm, Norman H., MD; Honorary, Neurosurgery Galbraith, David A., DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Gallagher, Carol W., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Gastroenterology Gallagher, James J., MD; Active, Peripheral Vascular Surgery Gallagher, Robert C., MD; Active, Cardiothoracic Surgery Gallegos, Rafael, Psy.D; Consulting, Psychology Gallitto, Anne D., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Gallucci, Nicholas T., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Galvin, J. Robert, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ganeles, Andrew, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ganeles, Carolyn, MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Gange, Robert J., DDS; Active, Dentistry Garrett, Audrey L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Garrigan, R Thomas, PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Garrison, John M., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Garrison, Margaret A., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Garvin, Vicki L., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Gaudio, Alexander R., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Gaudio, Paul A., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Gaynor, Mark, LCSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Geertsma, M. Alex, MD; Consulting, Ambulatory Pediatrics Gelb, David A., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry Gelber, Barry J., DDS; Active, Dentistry/Periodontics Gelinas, John G., MD; Courtesy, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Gelwan, Jeffrey S., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Gemayel, Carol Y., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Genser, Stuart S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine George, Anastasios B., MD; Honorary, Ophthalmology George, Anna, MD; Active, Pediatrics Gerber, William H., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Ghabrial, Sobhy L., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Gianoli, Amy M., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Gibbons, John M., MD; Consulting, Ob-Gyn Gigstad, Joan E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Gilbert, C Mitchell, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Gillam, Linda D., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 41 Gingold, Michael P., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Greene, Ira M., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Giosa, Nicholas A., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Greene, John F., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Given, James B., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Greenfield, David N., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Gleason, Ellen, APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Greenspan, Beverly N., MD; Courtesy, Neurology Gletzakos, Peter, DMD; Active, Dentistry Greenstein, Robert M., MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatrics Glickstein, Marc F., MD; Active, Radiology Greenwood, Martha M., MD; Active, Radiology Glucksman, William J., MD; Active, Radiology Grey, Neil J., MD; Active, Medicine/Endocrinology Gobel, Susan E., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Grieco, Danielle M., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Godlash, Kenneth M., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Griffin, Jennifer L., LNM; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Goethe, John W., MD; Active, Psychiatry Grillo, Robert A., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Goldberg, Frank E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Grimes, Edward P., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Goldberg, Morton H., DMD, MD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Grindle, Cynthia, APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Goldberger, Neal M., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Grinspan, Gregg H., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Goldblatt, Steven, MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Griswold, Pamela C., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Goldenberg, Arnold, MD; Consulting, Internal Medicine Grodofsky, Marshall P., MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy Goldenberg, Steven A., MD; Courtesy, Grogan, Brian J., MD; Active, Radiology Medicine/Gastroenterology Gross, Jeffrey B., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Goldenthal, Carol, MD; Honorary, Medicine/Cardiology Gross, Ronald I., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine/Traumatology Goldman, Jonathan F., DMD; Active, Dentistry Grossman, Sheila C., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Goldman, Richard L., MD; Active, Radiology Grover, Rahul, MD; Active, Pediatrics Goldner, Stephen H., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Gruca, Peter J., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Goldschmidt, Jennifer L., PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics Guanco, Basilio M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Goldstein, Laurence J., MD; Active, Psychiatry Guerra, Arthur J., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Goldstein, Rachel A., DO; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Guertin, Danette C., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology Golioto, Michael J., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Guinan, William P., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Golub, Grant R., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Oncology Gundersen, Charles A., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Golub, Robert J., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Gupta, Bhushan C., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Allergy Gomes, João A., MD; Active, Neurology Gupta, Pankaj, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Goodman, Marvin M., DDS; Active, Dentistry Gurka, John P., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Googel, Fredric R., DMD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Gurtman, Frances B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Gooneratne, Tilak C., MD; Active, Pediatrics Gwozdecke, Steven, PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Goracy, Edward S., DDS; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Gwozdz, Theresa H., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Gordon, Donald E., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Gordon, Jennifer L., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Gorenbeyn, Aleksandr, MD; UConn Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Gorjanc, Ann T., PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics Goupil, Michael T., DDS; UConn Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Grady-Benson, John C., MD; Active, Orthopedics Graffagnino, Paul N., MD; Honorary, Psychiatry Graham, Gerard F., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry Graham, Neville J., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Graniero, Richard A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Grant, Jennifer H., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Grant, Robert J., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Grant-Kels, Jane M., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Graves, Virginia L., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Graydon, R James, MD; Active, Urology Grayson, Richard J., DPM; Courtesy, Podiatric Surgery Green, Logan L., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Green, Theresa M., PA-C; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Greenberg, Jonathan S., MD; Active, Psychiatry Greene, Gerald S., MD; Honorary, Orthopedics H Habelow, Wendy F., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Haber, Lawrence C., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychology Hackman, Janet T., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Hagar, Maryanne E., APRN; Adjunct, Geriatric Psychiatry Hall, Sharynn D., MD; Active, Medicine/Hematology Hallisey, Michael J., MD; Active, Radiology Hameroff, Harvey J., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Hammond, Jonathan A., MD; Active, Cardiothoracic Surgery Hampton, Bryan M., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Hampton, Walter R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Hancharyk, Irene, PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Hanna, Nora N., MD; Active, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Hardy, James H., MD; Honorary, Orthopedics Harovas, Arthur, DMD; Honorary, Dentistry Harrington, Corinne E., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Harris, Thelissa A., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Harrop, Catriona M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Harvey, Richard C., MD; Active, Pediatrics Hasan, Omar, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Hassan, Mohamed N., MD; Active, Neurology 41 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 42 Hauser, Stephen H., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Hortvet, Laurel A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Hayes, Gail A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Hosain, Harini, MD; Active, Medicine/Allergy Hayes, Kathleen M., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Hosking, Wayne F., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Haymes, Michael, Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Houle, Tracy L., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Heath, Lorissa, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology Howe, Edward R., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Hechtman, Daniel H., MD; Active, Pediatric Surgery Howell, Matthew D., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Heffernan, Thomas M., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Howlett, David R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Heisler, Faye J., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Hu, Lorraine V., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Heller, Cynthia B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Hughes, Sandra M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Heller, Felice A., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Hull, David, MD; Active, Transplantation Surgery Heller, Gary V., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Hull, Sharon S., APRN; Adjunct, Orthopedics Henig, Donna L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Humphrey, Chester B., MD; Active, Cardiothoracic Surgery Henken, Eleanor C., DMD; Active, Dentistry Hussain, Shahnaz, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Hennessey, Liane A., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Hyams, Jeffrey S., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Henry, William B., MD; Active, Pediatrics Hepburn, Robert H., MD; Honorary, Urology Hepner, George R., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Herlands, Stuart E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Hernandez, Patricia, APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Herr, J. Michael, DO; Active, Internal Medicine Herr, Jill A., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Herson, Victor C., MD; Active, Neonatology 42 Herzig, Edward, DDS; Honorary, Dentistry Herzog, Alfred, MD; Active, Psychiatry Hess, Jennifer M., PA-C; Adjunct, Urology Hewett, William J., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Hight, Donald W., MD; Active, Pediatric Surgery Hild, David H., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Hematology Hill, David A., MD; Active, Ophthalmology I Ianello, Joseph L., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Gastroenterology Iantosca, Mark R., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Iger, Howard G., MD; Active, Psychiatry Illescas, Fernando F., MD; Active, Radiology Immerman, Barry, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Inchalik, Kenneth R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Ingardia, Charles J., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Iozzo, Michael F., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Isenberg, Gary M., Psy.D; Consulting, Psychology Israel, Jonathan L., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Ivy, Michael E., MD; Active, Surgery Iyer, V. Ramesh, MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Izard, Mark W., MD; Active, Medicine/Nephrology Hine, Peter L., MD; Active, Pediatrics J Hirst, Jeffrey A., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Jacobs, Allan M., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Hoang-Skawinska, Monika, PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Jacobs, Henry E., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Hobert, Eric H., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Jacobs, Lenworth M., MD, MPH; Active, Emergency Hochman, Howard I., MD; Active, Urology Medicine/Traumatology Hodges, Ralph W., DDS; Honorary, Dentistry Jacobs, Rose E., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Hoffman, Deborah S., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Jacobsen, Nancy B., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Hoffman, Herbert S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Jacobson, Jennifer M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Hoffman, James S., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Jacobson, Sara J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Hoffman, Lee I., MD; Active, Pediatrics Jacunski, Ewa M., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Hoffman, Martin G., DO; Courtesy, Medicine/Gastroenterology Jaffe, Adam J., Ph.D; Consulting, Psychiatry Holmes, Paula S., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Jajoo, Devika N., MD; Active, Radiology Holsbeke, Timothy J., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Jannuzzi, Peter J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Holtman, Allison G., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology January, Mildred H., MD; Honorary, Psychiatry Holup, Joseph J., PHD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Janzen, Arnold H., MD; Honorary, Radiology Medicine/Microbiology Jarasek, Nancy K., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Hong, Joy E., MD; Active, Pediatrics Jaroszewski, Edward L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Hong, Sung Chil, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Javornisky, J Gregory, Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Hong, Timothy J., MD; Active, Medicine/Oncology Jelley, Sheila, PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Horgan, William E., MD; UConn Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Jenner, Laura L., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Hornbake, E. Rodney, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Jhunja, Rashma, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Hornblow, John T., MD; Honorary, Neurology Jimenez, Michael J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Horowitz, Benson J., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Jimenez, Ramon E., MD; Active, Surgery Horowitz, Steven M., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Johansson, Per-Erik F., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 43 Johnson, Donald W., MD; Honorary, Radiology Kellner, Marian F., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Johnson, Fielding, MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Kelly, Christopher J., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Johnson, Georgann M., LNM; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Kelly, Donald R., MD; Active, Orthopedics Johnson, Kristina H., MD; Active, Surgery Kelly, Martin J., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Johnson, Lori B., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Kels, Barry D., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Johnson-Arbor, Kelly K., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Kelsey, Anita M., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Johnson-Laborde, Darnita L., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Kempt, Allison L., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Johnston, Janice J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Kennedy, Hugh A., MD; Courtesy, Urology Jolly, Gary P., DPM; Courtesy, Podiatric Surgery Kennedy, Patricia R., MD; Active, Surgery Jones, Merwood M., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Kerlin, Arlene E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Jones, Richard F., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Kern, Kenneth A., MD; Active, Surgery Jones, Thomas G., MD; Active, Medicine/Endocrinology Kernisan, Gregory L., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Josel, Mark, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Kerrigan, Kirsten L., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Joseph, Indramattie, PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Khaliq, Abdul H., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Joseph, James G., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Khalique, Mujeebe A., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Joseph-Banks, Brooke, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Khan, Ahmed M., MD; UConn Courtesy, Neurosurgery Josephson, Ronald P., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Khanna, Parveen, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Joshi, Vijay V., MD; Active, Anatomic Pathology/Lab Med Kiefer, Valerie F., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Joslin, E. Spencer, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kieffer, Marene M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Joughin, William L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Kiehl, Kent A., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Ju, Won Hae, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Kiernan, Francis J., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Judson, Peter H., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Kilbourn, Kent J., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Juszczyk, Monika A., MD; Consulting, Medicine/Cardiology Kiley, Robert F., MD; Honorary, Radiology K Kafer, Sheldon, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Kagan, Jeffrey M., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Kahan, Robert W., MD; Consulting, Medicine/Cardiology Kahn, Michael, Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Kallal, James E., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Kallor, Scott M., DO; Active, Pediatrics Kamanitz, Joyce, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Kamin, Richard A., MD; UConn Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Kamradt, Jeffrey M., MD; Active, Medicine/Hematology Karabatsos, Yanna M., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Karabelnik, Lisa, MD; Active, Psychiatry Karasik, Michael S., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Karp, William L., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Karrenbauer, Camtu N., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Kasaraneni, Devika R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kashanipour, Shiva L., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Kastoff, Stephen J., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Kates, Richard J., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Katz, Mitchel G., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Katz, Steven M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Kay, Richard, MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Keating, Herbert J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Keating, Kevin P., MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Keefe, Arthur D., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Keen, Jackie L., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Kehoe, Fiona C., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychology Keightley, Deborah A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kellerman, Roy, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kelliher, Kathleen L., PA-C; Adjunct, Ambulatory Pediatrics Killinger, John R., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Kim, Chi, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kim, Christina, MD; Active, Urology Kim, Susan Y., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Kime, Charles B., MD; Active, Orthopedics King, Mary B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kirschenbaum, Gene D., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Kirton, Orlando C., MD; Active, Surgical Critical Care Kirzhner, Igor, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Klatsky, Alan U., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Hematology Klay, Martha, APRN; Adjunct, Urology Kleiman, Michele D., MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatric Neurology Klein, Maxine J., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Kleinhen, Ian D., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kleshchelskaya, Valeria, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Klick, John C., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Klimek, Joseph J., MD; Active, Medicine/Infectious Disease Klipstein, Arnold L., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Kluger, Jeffrey, MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Knauft, R Frederic, MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Knox, Isabella, MD; Active, Neonatology Knuth, Sara G., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Kodish, Martin E., MD; Consulting, Medicine/Endocrinology Koff, Arnold M., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Kolakowski, Henry P., DDS; Honorary, Dentistry Kope, Walter R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kordansky, Daniel W., MD; Active, Medicine/Allergy Kornbrust, Amy M., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Korus, Paul D., DMD; Active, Dentistry Kosofsky, Eric M., DPM; Courtesy, Podiatric Surgery 43 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 44 Kosto, Bernard, MD; Active, Urology Lapuk, Seth L., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Kotlyar, Viktor, MD; Active, Psychiatry LaRocca, Charlotte A., MD; Active, Psychiatry Kowalski, Kenneth F., DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry LaSala, Anthony F., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Kozar, Albert J., DO; Active, Internal Medicine LaSala, Christine A., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Kozar, Christina A., DO; Active, Pediatrics Latif, Shazia, MD; Active, Pediatrics Kraft, Michael, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Laudone, Vincent P., MD; Active, Urology Krall, Michael L., MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy Laut, Jeffrey M., MD; Active, Medicine/Nephrology Kratzer, Allan S., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Lautenbach, Richard, Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Krause, Peter J., MD; Active, Pediatric Infectious Disease Lavalette, John H., MD; Active, Pediatrics Kreisman, Rhoda L., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Lavine, William S., DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry Krenicky, Peter T., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Lawlor, Michael T., MD; Active, Medicine/Infectious Disease Krieger, James L., MD; Honorary, Radiology Lawrence, Denise M., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Kritzman, Marilyn G., MD; Consulting, Anatomic Pathology/Lab Lawson, John A., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Med 44 Lazar, Joan M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Krompinger, W Jay, MD; Active, Orthopedics Lazor, Lawrence Z., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Krulee, David A., MD; Consulting, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Lazor, Michael Z., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Nephrology Krumperman, Leroy W., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Leach, C. Edward, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kuehn, Paul G., MD; Honorary, Surgery Leahy, Brendan T., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Kugaya, Akira, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Leavens, John E., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Kugelman, Lisa C., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Lebowitz, Steven, PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics Kugelman, Thomas P., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Lederman, Marc A., DPM; Courtesy, Podiatric Surgery Kuiper, Odin K., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Lee, Hyun S., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Kulicki, Leonard E., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Lee, Janice L., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Kuntz, Joanne G., MD; UConn Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Lee, Jason O., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Kuntz, Richard L., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Lee, Nora S., MD; Active, Neurology Kupracz, Betty, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lee, Sherrylynn N., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Kurbanov, Aleksandr, MD; Active, Surgery Leeds, William C., MD; Honorary, Medicine Kureshi, Inam U., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Leggitt, Beverly A., APRN; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Kurth, Pamela A., MD; Courtesy, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Lehmann, William B., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Kvam, David A., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Leib, Warren, Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Kwok, Vernon Y., DMD; Active, Dentistry Leicher, Carol R., MD; Active, Pediatric Neurology Lena, Christopher J., MD; Active, Orthopedics L Laakso, William B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lacey, Joan M., APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Lach-Pasko, Elzbieta A., MD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Ladenheim, Sydney, MD; Active, Pediatrics Ladinsky, Jaye T., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Lafrenier, R Kenneth, MD; Active, Psychiatry Lageman, Jill S., PA-C; Adjunct, Neonatology Lally, Anne, MD; Active, Transplantation Surgery Lamarr, Deborah G., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Lamothe, P Henri, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Lamoureux, Christine T., MD; Active, Pediatrics Lancaster, Gilead I., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology Landry, Arthur B., MD; Consulting, Medicine/Cardiology Landwirth, Julius, MD; Honorary, Pediatrics Lange, Stephan C., MD; Courtesy, Neurosurgery Langeland, Leena K., DMD; Active, Dentistry Langmann, Robert D., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Lantner, Howard, MD; Courtesy, Neurosurgery Lapidus, Garry D., PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics Lapin, Craig D., MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatric Pulmonology Lenz, Geraldine, Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Leon, Allen, PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Leonard, Gerald, MD; UConn Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Leopold, Harris B., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Leopold, Jodi M., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Leopold, Kenneth A., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Lesser, Robert L., MD; Consulting, Ophthalmology Lessow, Richard J., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Letendre, Michelle T., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Leverton, Shirley T., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Levine, Marvin N., MD; Honorary, Pediatrics Levine, Michael S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Levine, Ronnie L., LNM; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Levine, Susan F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Levine, Tracy E., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Levitz, Robert E., MD; Active, Medicine/Infectious Disease Levy, Bruce H., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Lewinter, Jody R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lewis, Ann, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Lewis, Courtland G., MD; Active, Orthopedics 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 45 Lichter, Arlen I., MD; Courtesy, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Macht, Christine M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Mack, Daniel E., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Lichtmacher, Abraham, MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn MacKay, Iain M., MD; Honorary, Radiology Lieblich, Stuart E., DMD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Mackey, John N., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Ligato, Saverio, MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine MacKinnon, Ian, MD; Honorary, Medicine Lilly, Richard B., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Maderazo, Eufronio G., MD; Consulting, Medicine/Infectious Limaye, Deepa P., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Disease Limaye, Paresh, MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Madigan, John C., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Linburg, Richard M., MD; Active, Orthopedics Madonick, Steven H., MD; Active, Psychiatry Lindberg, George S., CST/CFA; Adjunct, Ophthalmology Maffucci, Laura, CST/CFA; Adjunct, Surgery Lindberg, Michael C., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Magin, Andrew, Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Lindenberg, Leslie B., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Maglio, Joseph R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lipkowitz, George S., MD; Courtesy, Transplantation Surgery Magnavita, Jeffrey J., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Lippman, Leonard, MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Magnuson, Karen, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lippman, Neal, MD; Consulting, Medicine/Cardiology Mah, John W., MD; Active, Surgery Lipton, Philip, MD; Honorary, Medicine Mailly, Todd W., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Livadiotis, Panos A., MD; Consulting, Surgery Maine, Margo D., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Livingston, Robert, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Malican, Jude P., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Loewenthal, Theodore L., MD; Active, Malinconico, Lawrence L., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Medicine/Gastroenterology Malloy, Priscilla B., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Lomeli, Gabino, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Mallya, Sarita, MD; Active, Psychiatry London, Raymond G., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Maltby, Nicholas A., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychology London, Shawn R., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Manaktala, Asha, MD; Active, Pediatrics Lopez, Janice M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Mancoll, William, MD; Honorary, Otorhinolaryngology Lopez, Ruth, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Mandavilli, Bela S., MBBS; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Lopreiato, Matteo J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Mandavilli, Srinivas R., MBBS; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Lothstein, Leslie M., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Mandzik, Matthew A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Lothstein, Mary Anne, Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Manfredi, Brenda L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Lovejoy, David W., Psy.D; Consulting, Psychology Mangini, Lynn M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Low, Henry B. C., MD; Active, Cardiothoracic Surgery Mangion, Judy R., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Lowe, Robert, MD; Active, Peripheral Vascular/Thoracic Surgery Mangual, Theresa Y., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Lowenstein, Penny A., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Mansoor, Mohamed R., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Lowery, Susan I., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Mara, John J., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Lowman, Sheryl A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Marco, William P., DMD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Lucek, Elizabeth T., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Maresh, Henry R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Luciano, Anthony A., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Mark, Howard I., DMD; Honorary, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Ludwig, Mark E., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Markley, Tonnie C., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Luger, Steven W., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Markowitz, Stuart K., MD; Active, Radiology Lugo, Raquel, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Marmer, Ellen L., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Luk, Stephen S., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine/Traumatology Maron, William R., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Lussier, Robert G., MD; Active, Psychiatry Marquis, Maynard L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Luxemburg, Maury R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Marranca, Michael, PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Lylis, John C., Ph.D.; Consulting, Medical Education Marsh, Spinks H., MD; Honorary, Radiology Lynch, Christine K., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology Marshall, Bruce R., MD; Honorary, Otorhinolaryngology Lynch, Dolores A., APRN; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Marshall, Daniel, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Lynch, John D., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Martel, Adele L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Lynch, William A., MD; Honorary, Radiology Martin, Richard J., DMD, MD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Lyon, Jacqueline M., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Martin, Robert S., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Oncology M Macaulay, William P., MD; Active, Surgery Macchiarolo, Denise C., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology MacGilpin, Douglas H., MD; Active, Pediatrics Machon, Timothy J., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Martin, Thomas J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Marvasti, Jamshid A., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Massey, Robert U., MD; Honorary, Medical Education Massucco, Anne M., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Mastella, Daniel J., MD; Active, Orthopedics 45 56485 Finan24-56 46 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 46 Master, Shahena, DO; Active, Internal Medicine Menick, Suanne M., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Mastroianni, Linda R., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Menkes, Jeffrey S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Mathalon, Daniel H., PhD, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Menon, Mohanakrishnan V., MD; Active, Medicine/Oncology Mathew, Anil, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Menzer, Alexander, MD; Honorary, Pediatrics Mathews, John, MD; Active, Pediatrics Merced, Wanda I., MD; Active, Pediatrics Mathieu, Tommie P., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Merkelson, Scott J., DMD; Active, Dentistry Matson, Adam P., MD; Active, Neonatology Meyer, John L, MD; Honorary, Pathology/Lab Medicine Matson, Scott D., MD; Courtesy, Urology Meyer, Richard B., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Mauck, F Taylor, MD; Honorary, Pediatrics Migeed, M. Magdy, MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Maurer, Brian, PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics Migliorato, Marcie, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Maurer, Kathleen F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Mikhail, Maha, MBBCH; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Mauriello, Magdalen S., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Milanese, Ann, MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Mazzara, James T., MD; Active, Orthopedics Milburn, William M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology McAllister, Robert W., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Milewski, Stanislaw A., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology McAndrews, James F., MD; Honorary, Urology Millen, Linh, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology McArdle, John R., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Miller, Diane, PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery McAvoy, John, APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Miller, Joel M., MD; Active, Medicine/Endocrinology McCarter, Yvette S., Ph.D.; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Miller, Kenneth D., MD; Active, Medicine/Oncology McCarthy, Frank W., MD; Honorary, Pediatrics Miller, R. Keith, MD; Active, Anesthesiology McCarthy, Maureen F., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Miller, Richard J., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry McClintock, Linda L., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Millerick, Joseph D., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn McComb, Robert, Ph.D.; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Millerick, Juanita R., MD; Honorary, Pediatrics McCormick, James M., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Millican, Timothy Z., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology McCormick, Michael J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Mills-Baxter, Andrew R., MD; Active, Anesthesiology McCullough, Louise D., MD; Active, Neurology Mintell, David F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine McDermott, Patrick H., MD; Active, Medicine/Endocrinology Miranda, Kendra L., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery McDonald, G. Todd, APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Miranda, Michael A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology McGlashan, Thomas H., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Miranda, Michael A., MD; Active, Orthopedics McGowan, George E., MD; Honorary, Pediatric Surgery Misiak, Joseph M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine McGrath, Kevin P., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Allergy Mitchel, Joseph F., DO; Active, Medicine/Cardiology McGregor, Kristin, MD; Active, Pediatrics Mitchell, Nancy E., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry McGuire, Barry R., DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Mitchell, Paul R., MD; Active, Ophthalmology McGuire, Stephanie, APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Molk, Richard, MD; Active, Ophthalmology McIsaac, Joseph H., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Monforte, Ellen, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology McKay, Charles A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Montano, Carole L., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry McKay, Raymond G., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Montgomery, Douglas D., MD; Active, Radiology McLaren, Margaret J., MD; Active, Ambulatory Pediatrics Monti, David A., MD; Courtesy, Physical McLean, Charles E., MD; Honorary, Medicine Medicine/Rehabilitation McMahon, Michele M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Montminy, John M., DO; Active, Emergency Medicine McManus, Lynn F., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Moon, Mary S., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics McNab, John, PA-C; Adjunct, Transplantation Surgery Moore, Robert E., Ph.D.; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine McNamara, Susan, MD; Active, Psychiatry Moote, Douglas J., MD; Active, Radiology Mead, Peyton H., MD; Honorary, Surgery Morgan, Danielle R., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Medina, Roberto M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Morgan, Harry E., MD; Active, Psychiatry Mehldau, Craig A., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Morgenstern, Jeffrey H., MD; Active, Urology Meisterling, Eric, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Morin, Kristen D., PA-C; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Mejia, Sergio, MD; Active, Psychiatry Morosky, Michael F., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Mellen, Colleen E., APRN; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Morrow, Jeffrey S., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Mello, Dennis M., MD; Active, Cardiothoracic Surgery Morse, Noele M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Memmo, Pietro A., MD; Active, Orthopedics Mort, Thomas C., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Memon, Mohammed A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Moss, Roberta J., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Mendelson, Louis M., MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy Moyer, Stephen D., DO; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Mendes, Beverly A., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Mucha, Theodore F., MD; Active, Psychiatry 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 47 Mueller, Robert E., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Pulmonology O Mullaney, John F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine O’Brien, James W., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Gastroenterology Muller, Richard, MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine O’Brien, John J., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Murcia, Eva S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine O’Brien, Karen T., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Murphy, Dianne, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology O‘Conor, Lorraine M., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Murphy, George A., DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery O’Connor, Charles T., MD; Active, Psychiatry Murphy, Karen Z., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology O’Connor, Christopher F., MD; Active, Pediatrics Murphy, Keven A., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry O’Connor, Frederick V., MD; Active, Pediatrics Murphy-Setzko, Marlene A., MD; Courtesy, Urology O’Flynn, Karen, MD; Active, Psychiatry Murray, Doreen W., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology O’Loughlin, Michael T., MD; Active, Radiology Murray, James H., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology O’Neill, Dennis G., MD; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Murray, Judith M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology O’Neill, Margaret M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Murray, Paul B., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Oakes, Howard J., Psy.D; Consulting, Psychiatry Myers, Kurt J., MD; Courtesy, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Oberstein, Robert M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine N Namerow, Lisa B., MD; Active, Psychiatry Napoletano, Robert, MD; Consulting, Surgery Naqvi, Johar A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Nash, John D., MD; UConn Consulting, Ob-Gyn Natale, Frances O., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Nathanson, Robert B., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Naum, Janice B., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Naungayan, Christine S., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Naylor, James E., DDS; Active, Dentistry Neal, Amy, PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Negrich, Susan M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Nemarich, Alfred N., DDS; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Nerenstone, Stacy R., MD; Active, Medicine/Hematology Ness, Tony R., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Nesta, Joseph M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Offsay, Julian, MD; Active, Psychiatry Ohki, Stephen K., MD; Active, Radiology Ojha, Bhawani S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Olivar, August C., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Oliveri, Janice A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Olson, Edmund H., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Olson, Neil H., MD; Active, Medicine/Infectious Disease Onyiuke, Hilary C., MD; UConn Courtesy, Neurosurgery Opalacz, John P., MD; Active, Radiology Orlando, Rocco, MD; Active, Surgery Osley, Robert P., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Otis, Richard D., MD; Honorary, Pathology/Lab Medicine Overman, Lillian, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Owitz, Sherri L., Psy.D; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Owlia, Dariush, MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Ozonoff, Maer B., MD; Honorary, Radiology Nestler, Jeffry L., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology P Neuwirth, Jerry, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Pacelia, Kara M., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Newell, Richard C., MD; Honorary, Medicine Pachucki, Debra A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Newman, Richard A., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Packer, Andrew J., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Newport, Mary Lynn, MD; UConn Courtesy, Orthopedics Palter, Marc D., MD; Active, Surgery Newton, Helen D., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Panchal, Hemant K., MD; Active, Pediatrics Nguyen, Brittany T., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Papadakis, Kathryn M., MD; Courtesy, Medicine Nguyen, Manh D., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Pappas, Maryann S., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Nichols, Mary, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Paquette, Mary T., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Nieves, Julian, MD; Consulting, Internal Medicine Paradis, Jacqueline M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Nightingale, Charles H., Ph.D.; Honorary, Internal Medicine Paradis, Marc A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Nino, Alfredo F., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Pareles, Lawrence M., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Nissen, Carl W., MD; UConn Consulting, Orthopedics Pariser, Ronald H., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Nivison, Robert J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Parker, Lewis P., MD; Active, Medicine/Rheumatology Nobert, Gary F., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Parrotti, David, PA-C; Adjunct, Pediatrics Noble, Gavin L., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Parsch, Cornell, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Nochisaki, Lynn, APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Parsons, Julian, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Nolan, Gerard M., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Pasciucco, Peter F., DDS; Active, Dentistry Nolasco, Helena C., MD; Active, Medicine/Rheumatology Passman, Bernard, MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Nova, Sheldon, MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Pasternack, James J., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Nowicki, Thomas A., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Pastuszak, William T., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Patel, Nima G., MD; Active, Pediatrics Patel, Shutish C., MBBS; Courtesy, Neurology 47 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 48 Paternostro, Gina M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Gastroenterology Pool, Sharon K., DO; Active, Pediatrics Pathmanathan, Suppiah, MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Pope, Frederick J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Patten, Jennifer L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Pope, Preston C., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Paulekas, Wayne C., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Poppiti, Terry M., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Pauli, Maura, APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Porter, Ross W., MD; Active, Pediatrics Pearlson, Godfrey D., MD; Active, Psychiatry Post, Jarrod B., MD; Active, Medicine/Nephrology Peck, Alexander S., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Post, Leah G., MD; Active, Pediatrics Peluso, Anthony, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Powers, Dianne M., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Pennoyer, William P., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Powers, Robert D., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Pentz, Paul G., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Prasad, Avinash, MD; Active, Neurology Pepe, Judith L., MD; Active, Surgery Prebluda, Jeffrey L., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Pepper, David A., MD; Active, Psychiatry Preissler, Paul L., MD; Active, Cardiothoracic Surgery Perdrizet, George A., MD; Active, Emergency Preston, Mark R., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Medicine/Traumatology 48 Pollack, Ira A., MD; Courtesy, Neurology Preysner, Linda A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Peredy, Tamas R., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Price, Ann L., MD; Active, Psychiatry Perez, Alberto, MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Price, Cynthia L., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Pericat, Elizabeth T., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Price, John T., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Perkins, John H., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Primiano, Charles A., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Perks, Kenneth, MD; Active, Pediatrics Prindiville, David E., DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Perks, Susan O., MD; Active, Pediatrics Provost, Renee M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Perlmutter, Stephen, DPM; Courtesy, Podiatric Surgery Pullen, Richard D., MD; Honorary, Medicine Perosky, Wayne M., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Puranik, Ujwala P., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Perry, Lisa C., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Pescatello, Linda S., Ph.D.; UConn Consulting, Medicine/Cardiology Pesce, William J., DO; Consulting, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Petashnick, Daniel E., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Peters, Jill M., MD; Active, Urology Q Quadri, Ishrat I., MD; Active, Pediatrics Quinlan, Rosemary, MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Quintero, Sandra M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Quintiliani, Richard, MD; Active, Medicine/Infectious Disease Quintiliani, Richard, MD; Honorary, Medicine/Infectious Disease Petronio, Angela M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine R Petrucelli, Michele, MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Raffaele, Michael S., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Phillips, Christopher R., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Raghavendra, Sree, DMD; Active, Dentistry Phillips, Doris J., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Ram, Amitabh R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Phillips, Robin L., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Ramanan, Aruna S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Phinney, Arthur O., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Ramanan, Chitraleka, MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Pianka, Mary Ann, APRN; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Ramanan, Sundaram V., MD; Consulting, Internal Medicine Pickett, Erin K., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Ramsby, Melinda L., MD, PhD; Courtesy, Piecuch, Joseph F., DMD, MD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Medicine/Rheumatology Piekos, Katherine C., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Ranade, Vinay R., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Pier, James W., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Ranade-Kapur, Rekha, MD; Active, Psychiatry Pierce, Michael J., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Ranga, Jyotsna S., MD; Active, Psychiatry Pierce, Paula J., LNM; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Ranga, Kasturi V., MD; Active, Medicine/Nephrology Pinou, Anne E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Rankin, E Clair, MD; Honorary, Medicine Piorkowski, Robert J., MD; Active, Surgery Raskin, Sarah A., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Piserchia, Gerald G., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Rasoulpour, Majid, MD; Active, Pediatric Nephrology Pitegoff, John G., MD; Active, Pediatrics Rasoulpour, Mina R., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Pittsinger, Lynn E., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Ratchford, Mary G., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Plausse, Julianne, PA-C; Adjunct, Cardiothoracic Surgery Ratzan, Richard M., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Pluta, Kinga K., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ratzan, Susan K., MD; UConn Courtesy, Medicine/Endocrinology Poletti, Charles E., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Rau, Frederick J., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Polio, John, MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Gastroenterology Ravin, Anatoliy, DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry Pollack, Elliot S., DPM; Courtesy, Podiatric Surgery Rawlins, Wayne S., MD; Consulting, Internal Medicine 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 49 Ray, Carolyn M., MD; Active, Medicine/Hematology Rosenberg, Eric L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Raycroft, John F., MD; Active, Orthopedics Rosenberg, Ralph, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Raye, John R., MD; Honorary, Pediatrics Rosenberg, Ronald J., MD; Active, Radiology Raza, Carol J., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Rosengren, Sally S., MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatrics Reaback, Richard I., DPM; Consulting, Podiatric Surgery Rosenkrantz, Ted S., MD; UConn Courtesy, Neonatology Reagan, Louise A., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Rosenkranz, Barry M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Reardon, Jane, APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Rosenlicht, Joel L., DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Reardon, Mark, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Rosenlieb, John W., DMD; Active, Dentistry Reddy, Usha, MD; Active, Pediatrics Ross, Jack W., MD; Active, Medicine/Infectious Disease Reed, Michael L., MD; Active, Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery Ross, Wayne D., MD; Honorary, Radiology Regan, Adine F., MD; Courtesy, Urology Rossetti, Robert A., DMD, MD; Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Regan, Thomas J., MD; UConn Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Rossetti, Valerie A., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Reik, Louis, MD; UConn Consulting, Neurology Rosshirt, Werner, MD; Active, Radiology Reiner, Steven, DDS; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Rossi, Antoinette D., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Reiser, Ruth M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Rossi, Arnold J., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Reiter, Laura, LCSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Rossi, Michael A., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Rendock, Deanne E., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Rosson, Robert S., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Renstrom, Karen, APRN; Adjunct, Surgical Critical Care Rotenberg, Donald A., MD; Active, Medicine/Nephrology Rentas, Angel M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology Roth, Malcolm S., MD; UConn Courtesy, Ophthalmology Rentz, Robert E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Roth, Shari M., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Rezuke, William N., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Rothenberg, Robert A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ricci, Andrew, MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Rothman, Lisa M., DPM; Active, Podiatric Surgery Rice, Margaret L., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Rothwell, Marcia D., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Richards, Barbara E., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Rouleau, Christine M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Riege, Deborah S., APRN; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Rouman, James C., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Rifkin, Lawrence S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Rubin, Fred G., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Rimai, Mervyn L., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Rubin, Karen R., MD; UConn Courtesy, Medicine/Endocrinology Rinaldi, Maria, APRN; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Rubin, Stacey, APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Rinaldi, Michael J., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Cardiology Rubin, Viviann M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Ritoli, Elena Lee, DMD; Courtesy, Dentistry Rubino, Laureen F., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Ritvo, Arnold S., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Ruddat, Michael S., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Rixon, John D., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Ruderman, Mark, MD; Active, Medicine/Rheumatology Rizvi, Asad A., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Rudnicki, Robert D., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Robaczynski, Diane M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Ruffett, Donald S., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Robbin, Mark A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ruiz, Ricardo, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Robbins, Jeffrey S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ruser, Tilla F., MD; Active, Psychiatry Roberts, Melville P., MD; Honorary, Neurosurgery Russomanno, John H., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Robertson, Russell W., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Rutstein, Robert D., DPM; Consulting, Surgery Robinson, Ellen J., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Ryan, Lawrence P., DDS, MD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Robinson, Kenneth J., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Ryan-Parsch, M Cathleen, APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Robson, Kenneth S., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Rzepski, Barbara R., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Rocha, Paula C., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Roche, Jamie M., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Rock, Reuben, DDS, MD; Active, Radiology Rodgers, John W., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Rodriguez, Alberto J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Rodriguez, Maria M., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Roh, Charles E., MD; Honorary, Medicine Roman, Robin, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Rosati, Dennis L., MD; Active, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Roselli, Anthony M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Rosen, Elaine E., LCSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Rosen, James P., MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy S Sachdev, Kiran, MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Sacheti, Vandana, MD; Active, Pediatrics Safer, Robert H., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Sahakyan, Marine T., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Sahl, Robert A., MD; Active, Child/Adolescent Psychiatry Saidel, Matthew L., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Salerno, Nicholas R., MD; Active, Radiology Salesky, Sharon N., APRN; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Salm, David S., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Salner, Andrew L., MD; Active, Radiation Oncology Saltzman, Seymour H., MD; Honorary, Medicine 49 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 50 Salvietti, Ralph, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Salzberg, Donald J., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Medicine/Rehabilitation Sanders, Katrina L., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Segool, Richard A., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Sanders, Marilyn R., MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatrics Seide, Morris J., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Sanders, Ricky L., DO; Active, Anesthesiology Sekaran, Anand K., MD; Active, Pediatrics Sanford, Michelle, APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Selcow, Jay E., MD; Honorary, Pediatric Allergy Santaniello, Nancy E., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Selden, Steven E., MD; Active, Orthopedics Sardegna, Kathleen, MD; Active, Pediatric Nephrology Seltzer, James C., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Sardella, William V., MD; Active, Surgery Selzer, Gerard B., MD; Active, Psychiatry Sargent, R. Kent, MD; Honorary, Emergency Medicine Semenov, Emilia, MD; Active, Physical Medicine/Rehabilitation Satlof, David M., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Sereny, Peter, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Satvat, Behzad, MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Seyler, L. Everett, MD; Active, Medicine/Endocrinology Savinelli, Thomas J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Shack, David M., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychology Sawyer, Jeffrey A., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Shafer, David M., DMD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Saxon, Ronald J., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Shafer, Myron E., MD; Active, Orthopedics Scarangella, Stephen F., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Shamim, Tabassum, MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Scavetta, Melissa J., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Shangold, Gregory L., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Schachter, Andrew, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Shapiro, Paul A., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Scharfenberger, Judith A., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Shapiro, Philip E., MD; Consulting, Anatomic Pathology/Lab Schauer, Peter K., MD; Active, Medicine/Oncology 50 Seetharama, Subramani, MD; Active, Physical Medicine Scheetz, Nancy A., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Shapiro, Ruben L., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Cardiology Scheinblum, Anne R., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Shapter, Robert K., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Scheiner, Laurie A., MD; Active, Pediatrics Shastri, Munish K., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Scherzer, Larry N., MD; Active, Pediatrics Shaw, Kevin M., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Schettini, Pamela S., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Shea, Kevin P., MD; UConn Courtesy, Orthopedics Schiff, Evan L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Shea, Lisa A., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Schigas, Libra S., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Shea, Michael D., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Schipke, Raymond E., MD; Honorary, Pediatrics Shelton, Philip A., MD; Honorary, Ophthalmology Schjavland, Elena, APRN; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Shepard, Ashley K., DPM; Active, Podiatric Surgery Schmetterling, Jack A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Sheppard, Richard, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Schmoll, Ralph D., MD; Honorary, Medicine Sherburne, Bradford J., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Schnatz, Peter F., DO; Active, Ob-Gyn Sherpick, William E., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Schoem, Scott R., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Sherwood, David R., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Schott, Eric, PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Shichman, Steven J., MD; Active, Urology Schramm, Craig M., MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatric Pulmonology Shieh, William, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Schreiber, Jonathan S., MD; Consulting, Plastic/Reconstructive Shlansky, Lisabeth, MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Surgery Shore, Eric T., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Schuck, Elizabeth G., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Shull, John C., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Schuck, J. Christopher, MD; Active, Pediatrics Siegel, Robert D., MD; Active, Medicine/Oncology Schutzer, Steven F., MD; Active, Orthopedics Sigman, Robert L., MD; Honorary, Surgery Schwab, Jennifer L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Sigmund, Stefanie L., APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Schwartz, Harold I., MD; Active, Psychiatry Silk, Laura K., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Schwartz, Lester R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Silver, David M., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Schwartz, Louis, MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Silver, Herbert, MD; Honorary, Pathology/Lab Medicine Schweizer, Robert T., MD; Honorary, Transplantation Surgery Silverman, David I., MD; UConn Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology Scoles, Marc H., DMD; Active, Dentistry Silverman, Isaac E., MD; Active, Neurology Scott, D. Dawson, PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Silverman, Samuel M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Scott, Nadine, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Silverman, Sheila R., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Scrivano, Sharon M., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Silvers, David S., MD; Active, Neurology Scull, Edward, MD; Honorary, Medicine Silverstein, Eric W., DPM; Active, Podiatric Surgery Sebastian, Vanassa J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Silverstein, H. Robert, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Seeley, Brook M., MD; Active, Otorhinolaryngology Simeone, Kimberley A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Seeley, Michelle Z., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Simon, Mary A., MD; Active, Pediatrics 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 51 Simon, Richard H., MD; UConn Courtesy, Neurosurgery Steele, Matthew G., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Simonowicz, Patricia J., APRN; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Stein, Barry, MD; Active, Radiology Singer, Paul R., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Stein, Jeffrey E., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Singh, Satesh C., MBBS; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Stein, Neil D., MD; Active, Pediatrics Singhaviranon, Phanthila, MD; Active, Pediatrics Stemp, Leo I., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Siraco, John F., MD; Active, Pediatrics Stephan, Janna N., LNM; Adjunct, Ob-Gyn Siskind, Jill R., APRN; Adjunct, Urology Stepnowski, Roxanne R., Psy.D; Consulting, Psychology Sisson, Pamela M., APRN; Adjunct, Physical Stevens, Michael C., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychology Medicine/Rehabilitation Stevens, Michael E., PA-C; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Skalski, Arthur H., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Stevens, Thomas J., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Skerker, Pamela M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Stewart, Kurt R., MD; Active, Pediatrics Skirgaudas, Mark A., MD; Active, Radiology Stielau, Jean B., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Slater, Richard, MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Stiffle, Kate E., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Slivka, Hilda, MD; Active, Ambulatory Pediatrics Stocker, Ralph P., MD; Active, Medicine/Rheumatology Slover, William P., MD; Honorary, Radiology Stoddard, Ann L., APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Small, Susan, APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Stoj, Marion J., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Smally, A. Jon, MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Stoll, Frank, Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Smedley, Michelle V., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Stolman, Joseph M., DMD; Honorary, Dentistry Smirnoff, Alan M., Psy.D; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Stone, Richard I., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Gastroenterology Smith, Benay P., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Stone, Susan M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Smith, Brian G., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Straub, J. John, MD; Active, Radiology Smith, Evelyn F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Streeto, James M., MD; Active, Medicine/Endocrinology Smith, Gabriella, PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Streim, Carrie S., MD; Active, Pediatrics Smith, Howard G., MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Striebel-Oberly, Cindi M., APRN; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Smith, Karen P., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Strigun, Debra R., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Smith, Karin L., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Strindberg, Maryanne C., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Smith, Matthew L., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Stroebel, Paul P., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology Smith, Peter J., MD; Consulting, Psychiatry Su, Yanjun, MD; Active, Anatomic Pathology/Lab Med Smith-Slatas, Candra L., MD, PhD; Active, Pediatrics Suchecki, Jeanine, MD; UConn Courtesy, Ophthalmology Smolski, Sue A., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Suecof, Larry A., DPM; Active, Podiatric Surgery Smyth, Blaise E., PA-C; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Sullivan, Paul R. C., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Endocrinology Snyder, Amy L., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Sullivan, Raymond J., MD; Active, Orthopedics Snyder, Gail, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Summerfield, Alan K., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Sobelman, Steven J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Suski, Edmund T., MD; Courtesy, Ophthalmology Solinsky, Alan E., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Sussman, Steven K., MD; Active, Radiology Soroka, Alan, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Sutay, J. Bruce, MD; Active, Pediatrics Sorosky, Joel I., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Swain, Edward B., MD; Honorary, Psychiatry Spada, Daniel L., MD; Active, Pediatrics Sweet, Elliott B., MD; Honorary, Orthopedics Spalding, Helen, MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Swords, Robert, MD; Active, Psychiatry Spear, Heather L., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Sylvester, Francisco A., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Spector, William B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Sylvester, S. Russell, MD; Active, Pediatrics Spencer, Richard P., MD; Honorary, Radiology Syrengelas, Athanasia D., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Sperling, Arthur L., DMD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Szabo, Ronald S., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Sperry, Susan M., APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry Szerejko, Margaret K., MD; Active, Radiology Spiegel, Gary R., MD; Active, Radiology Sziklas, John J., MD; Honorary, Radiology Spiegelman, Kenneth N., MD; Active, Pediatrics Szydlo, Jon, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Spiro, Jeffrey D., MD; UConn Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Szymaszek, Susan M., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Srinivasan, Prasad, MD; Active, Pediatric Allergy St. Onge, Cindy L., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Stahl, Kent I., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Stannard, Judith M., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Starkey, Noah, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Starr, Carol W., MD; Active, Psychiatry T Tagliavini, Lynda B., APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Takata, Hiroyoshi, MD; Active, Cardiothoracic Surgery Tally, Kevin J., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Tandon, Priya, MD; Active, Internal Medicine 51 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 52 Tandy, Bruce J., DMD; Active, Dentistry Upham, Stephen, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Tarantino, Arthur E., MD; Active, Urology Uphoff, Dean F., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Tarre, Eve R., MSW; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Urbanski, Steven R., MD; Active, Radiology Taylor, Linda T., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Taylor, Peter T., MD; Honorary, Radiology Taylor, Richard F., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Teiger, Michael B., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Pulmonology Tek, Ece, MD; Active, Psychiatry Testa, Lorraine, APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Thalody, Vimala G., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Thayer, Elizabeth S., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Thibeault, Susan M., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Thomas, John B., MD; Honorary, Medicine Thomas, Leonora P., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology Thomas, Patricia A., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Thompson, Paul D., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Thomson, Jeffrey D., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Tickey, Gary M., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Tiernan, John F., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Tilden, Fred F., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Tingey, Ian C., DDS; Courtesy, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Tinnesz, Peter J., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology 52 Tinsley, Joyce A., MD; Active, Psychiatry Tishler, Darren S., MD; Active, Surgery Tobin, Lucille, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Tolin, David F., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychology Tolsdorf, Christophe C., Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Toro-Salazar, Olga, MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Tortland, Paul D., DO; Active, Internal Medicine V Vacek, Margaret M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Vacek, William J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Van Niel, David E., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Van Solingen-Ristea, Rodica M., MD; Active, Medicine/Rheumatology Veale, Christopher J., MD; Active, Pediatrics Vella, Paul M., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Vena, Jason T., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Venkatachalam, Varalakshmi, MBBS; Active, Internal Medicine Venkatesh, Jayashree, MBBS; Active, Pediatrics Venkatesh, Peruvamba R., MBBS; Active, Internal Medicine Venti, Rozann F., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Vergara, Cunegundo, MD; Active, Internal Medicine Verhoest, JoAnna L., PA-C; Adjunct, Neurosurgery Verissimo, Ana Maria, MD; Active, Pediatrics Victor, Bernadette J., MT; Adjunct, Medicine Viets, Douglas H., MD; Active, Urology Vignati, Paul V., MD; Active, Surgery Vine, Hugh S., MD; Active, Radiology Vitale, Elizabeth, Psy.D; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Vithala, Anil K., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Volpe, Brett T., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Volpe, John P., MD; Active, Radiology Voytek, Theresa M., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Toscano, Robert R., MD; Active, Pediatrics W Towers, Marlene W., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Waberski, Witold M., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Tran, Ly C., PA-C; Adjunct, Surgery Wabrek, Alan J., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Tray, Kory A., MD; Active, Medicine/Nephrology Wagner, Joseph R., MD; Active, Urology Trehey, Patricia, APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Wakefield, Andrew E., MD; Active, Neurosurgery Tress, Jonathan H., MD; Active, Medicine/Infectious Disease Walden, Jeffrey H., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Tripp, William H., MD; Honorary, Ob-Gyn Walden, Peter G., MD; Active, Ophthalmology Trono, G. Thomas, MD; Courtesy, Urology Walden-El, Dawn D., PA-C; Adjunct, Medicine Trouern Trend, John G., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Walker, Constance, MD; Consulting, Internal Medicine Trowbridge, Phillip E., MD; Honorary, Surgery Walker, Deborah A., APRN; Adjunct, Internal Medicine Truex, Richard H., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Wallace, Deborah, CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Trymbulak, Helen F., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Wallington, Dale J., MD; Active, Psychiatry Tsongalis, Gregory J., Ph.D.; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Walters, David L., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Medicine Waltman, Irving, MD; Honorary, Surgery Tucker, Elmo G., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Wand, Martin, MD; Active, Ophthalmology Tucker, Jolyon S., MD; Honorary, Neurology Wang, Louis, MD; Courtesy, Otorhinolaryngology Tulchinsky, Amir, MD; Active, Anesthesiology Warner, Allen, MD; Honorary, Psychiatry Tulikangas, Paul K., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Warrington, Amy, PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Twigg, Michele C., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Washburn, Carl F., MD; Active, Psychiatry U Waszynski, Christine M., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Underhill, David, MD; Active, Cardiothoracic Surgery Underwood, Michael J., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Ungar, Martin J., DMD; Active, Dentistry Waterman, Deborah E., DPM; Active, Podiatric Surgery Watson, Carol L., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Watson, H. Kirk, MD; Active, Orthopedics Wawrzyniak, Irene, APRN; Adjunct, Psychiatry 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 53 Weatherby, Susan L., CRNA; Adjunct, Anesthesiology Wolfson, Leslie I., MD; Active, Neurology Weigand, Amy M., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Wolkoff, Leslie I., MD; Active, Neonatology Weinerman, Harry C., MD; Active, Pediatrics Woodley, Anthea F., MD; Courtesy, Medicine/Cardiology Weinreb, Steven L., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Woodruff, John H., MD; Honorary, Radiology Weinstein, Nancy J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Woods, Scott W., MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Weinstein, Robert J., Ph.D.; Consulting, Psychiatry Worgaftik, Brigitte P., MD; Active, Ob-Gyn Weis, Camille, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine Worthley, Catherine A., APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Weisburst, Mark R., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Cardiology Woznica, Margaret E., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Weiser, Jeffrey S., MD; Active, Medicine/Gastroenterology Woznica, Zbigniew A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Weiss, Alyssa B., APRN; Adjunct, Neonatology Wright, Stephanie A., MD; Active, Medicine/Infectious Disease Weiss, Linda, DO; Active, Internal Medicine Wu, Alan B., Ph.D.; Consulting, Pathology/Lab Medicine Weiss, Richard G., MD; Active, Pediatric Surgery Wu, Pierce T., PA-C; Adjunct, Cardiothoracic Surgery Welch, Arthur S., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Welch, Edmund T., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Welch, John P., MD; Active, Surgery Welling, Daniel S., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Wellner, Murray I., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Wells, Jean, MD; Honorary, Pediatrics Wells, Kenneth H., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Weltman, Richard B., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Werner, Herbert J., MD; Honorary, Pediatrics West, Paul B., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Wetstone, Howard J., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Wettstein, Markus, MD; Active, Medicine/Endocrinology Weyman, Brett A., DDS, MD; Active, Dentistry/OMF Surgery Y Yahwak, Jason A., MD; Active, Medicine/Pulmonology Yannopoulos, Aris D., MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Yarlagadda, Ravi K., MD; Active, Medicine/Cardiology Yasuda, Thomas J., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Yeston, Neil S., MD; Active, Surgery Yetil, Turgut, MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine York, Elihu, MD; Honorary, Medicine Youmans, Erik L., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Yu, Lori, APRN; Adjunct, Pediatrics Yu, Song Y., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Yuan, Stephen B., MD; Courtesy, Internal Medicine Wheeler, Maynard B., MD; Honorary, Ophthalmology Z Whitaker, Charles H., MD; Active, Neurology Zabrensky, Karen, MD; Active, Ob-Gyn White, Benjamin V., MD; Honorary, Medicine Zafian, Ruthann B., APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology White, Edward J., MD; Courtesy, Surgery Zahradnik, Janet, MD; Courtesy, Orthopedics Whitehead, David E., DDS; Active, Dentistry Zakko, Salam F., MBChB; UConn Courtesy, Whitehead, David E., MD; Honorary, Anesthesiology Medicine/Gastroenterology Wickwire, James C., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Zalneraitis, Edwin L., MD; UConn Courtesy, Pediatric Neurology Wiese, Chester A., MD; Honorary, Surgery Zambuto, Domenic A., MD; Active, Vascular/Interventional Wilcox, David S., MD; Honorary, Medicine/Endocrinology Radiology Wilcox, Heather, APRN; Adjunct, Medicine/Cardiology Zamstein, Jacob, MD; Courtesy, Urology Wiley, Catherine C., MD; Active, Pediatrics Zande, Michael L., PA-C; Adjunct, Orthopedics Wiley, James F., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Zanker, Michael F., MD; Active, Emergency Medicine Wilhelms, Kathryn L., DMD; Active, Dentistry/Endodontics Zatman, Marina, MD; Active, Psychiatry Wilion, Felicia M., MD; Active, Pediatrics Zavoski, Robert W., MD; Active, Ambulatory Pediatrics Williams, Merrilyn, MT; Adjunct, Medicine Zeller, William W., MD; Honorary, Psychiatry Williams, Rebecca N., MD; Active, Pathology/Lab Medicine Zelman, Marvin, MD; Courtesy, Psychiatry Willig, Robert S., MD; Consulting, Medicine Zeman, Peter M., MD; Active, Psychiatry Wilmer, Edward P., MD; Honorary, Pediatrics Zentner, Arnold S., MD; Honorary, Psychiatry Wilson, Mark E., MD; Active, Anesthesiology Zimmerman, Holly, APRN; Adjunct, Surgery Winchester, Eugene A., MD; Active, Internal Medicine Zimmerman, Jeffrey, Ph.D.; Clinical Affiliate, Psychiatry Windels, Mary H., MD; Active, Surgery Zimmermann, Gordon A., MD; Active, Orthopedics Winnick, Frieda, APRN; Adjunct, Emergency Medicine Ziogas, Barbara F., MD; Courtesy, Pediatrics Wiseman, Dana, MD; Active, Medicine Ziter, Fred M H., MD; Honorary, Radiology Witt, Michael T., MD; Courtesy, Emergency Medicine Zubkov, Bella, MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Wolf, Arthur D., MD; Honorary, Internal Medicine Zweig, Elliot C., MD; Active, Medicine/Dermatology Wolf, Mark G., MD; Courtesy, Ob-Gyn Wolf, Scott A., DO; Active, Internal Medicine Wolfberg, Carrie A., MD; Consulting, Medicine/Cardiology 53 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 54 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Hartford Hospital’s involvement with the following organizations includes financial support, health screenings, health fairs, wellness education or other inkind services: 54 O R GA N I Z AT I O N Aetna Center For Families All aboard Alzheimer’s Association American Cancer Society American Diabetes Association American Lung Association American Red Cross Amistad Foundation Anti-Defamation League Big Brother Big Sister Boys & Girls Club of Hartford Broad Park Development Corporation Buick Championship Bushnell Performing Arts Center Camp Courant CAUSA Catholic Family Services Charter Oak Cultural Center City of Hartford Community Partners In Action Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Connecticut Forum Connecticut Latino Leadership Summit Connecticut Puerto Rican Forum Connecticut Valley Girl Scout Council Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services Dwight Elementary School Eastern Rehabilitation Network Friends of Elizabeth Park, Inc Greater Hartford Arts Council Greater Hartford Convention and Visitors Bureau Greater Hartford Green Team Greater Hartford West Indian Independence Celebration Guakia Hartford Association of Retarded Citizens Hartford Advisory Commission on Food Hartford Education Foundation Hartford Fire Department Hartford Girl’s Basketball Club Hartford Marathon Foundation Hartford Medical Association Hartford Stage Company Hartford Symphony Orchestra Hispanic Health Council Hispanic Professional Network Immaculate Conception Shelter Interval House Institute For Hispanic Family Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford Johnson Health Network Jr. Achievement Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Immaculate Conception Shelter Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Knox Parks Foundation Komen Race For The Cure LaCasa de Puerto Rico Leadership Greater Hartford Learning Corridor Links, Inc., Greater Hartford Chapter Mayor Perez’s Rising Stars For Hartford Mended Hearts MetroHartford Regional Economic Alliance Mi Casa Midstate Medical Center NAACP Natchaug Hospital National Conference for Community and Justice National Kidney Foundation National Multiple Sclerosis Society New England Fiddle Contest Northern Connecticut Black Nurses Association Nutmeg Big Brothers & Big Sisters Nutmeg State Games Open Hearth PKD Race for the Cure Rainbow Diabetes Foundation Riverfront Recapture Rushford Saint Michael’s Church Salvation Army of Greater Hartford Science Center of Connecticut Shiloh Baptist Church South Park Inn Spanish American Merchant’s Association Springfield Spirit Strive/SAND Summerwind Concert Series Sussman Jazz Festival Talcott Mountain Music Festival The First Cathedral Town of Avon Town of Simsbury Trust House United Network For Organ Sharing University of Hartford Urban League of Greater Hartford VNA Health Care, Inc. Wadsworth Atheneum Wheeling & Able World Affairs Council YMCA 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 55 SUPPORT GROUPS E D U C AT I O N I N F O R M AT I O N Addiction Self Help Groups Advanced Prostate Cancer Support Alzheimer’s Support Group for Caregivers Annual Memorial Service for Hemodialysis and CAPD Patients Brain Tumor Support Group Breast Cancer Support Group Breathe Easy Support Group CBSR Patient/Family Members Family Education on Eating Disorders Healing Hearts Heart Transplant Support Group HIV Support Group Lifesaver Domestic Violence Program New Beginnings Ovarian Cancer Support Group Prostate Cancer Support Group Transplant Support Group Trauma Support After Care Program Why Weight? Allied Health Collaborative Cancer in Women Celebrate Life-Survivorship Day City of Hartford Workfare Programs CPTV Science Fair Diabetes Life Care Program Evening of Lite Laughter Heart Health Hormone Therapy LIFE STAR Safety Program Parenting Postponing Sexual Involvement Pre-natal Classes Prostate Cancer Public Education Program VO L U N T E E R E F F O R T S / C O M M U N I T Y & C H A R I TA B L E E V E N T S African American Day Parade American Cancer Society American Heart Association Walkathon American Liver Foundation Walkathon Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Chip In For A Cure Christmas In April Community Clean0Up Day Connecticut Commission For Addiction Services Cystic Fibrosis Dupuis Raynald Charity Classic First Tee Foodshare Foundation For Mental Health Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Walk March of Dimes Walk America Midstate Medical Center Puerto Rican Day Parade Rebuilding Together Red Cross Disaster Relief Training SINA Festival Spanish American Merchants Association Special Olympics Taste of Hartford Hospital United Way/Combined Health Appeal United Way Day of Caring West Indian Celebration 55 56485 Finan24-56 2/16/06 9:47 PM Page 56 OUR MISSION IS TO PROMOTE, R E S TO R E A N D M A I N TA I N T H E H E A LT H OF ALL THE PEOPLE WE SERVE. VA L U E S Patient-Centered Care In all our endeavors, we are guided by the needs of the patient, creating a partnership that is effective and personal across the continuum of care. Continuous Learning We actively support outstanding programs of education and research designed to encourage the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are of value to the organization and the community. Community We actively develop partnerships that will improve our community and, as stewards of a public trust, we ensure informed and dignified care for all patients regardless of their ability to pay. Communication We strive to acquire and understand information, and share it clearly and effectively. Relationships We develop and strengthen collaborative relationships with all of our customers, including our 56 patients, their families, our employees, volunteers, Medical Staff, and our business partners. Diversity We recognize, respect and actively support differences among individuals and demonstrate this philosophy through our words and actions. Human Resources We support the professional and personal growth of employees in their pursuit of the hospital’s mission. Service Excellence In every interaction we have with patients, visitors, physicians, co-workers and other employees throughout the hospital, we demonstrate our commitment to anticipating, meeting and exceeding their expectations. Organizational Ethics We are guided by ethical values that emphasize honesty, fairness, dignity, and respect for the individual. Superior Performance We strive for superior performance in all that we do, to preserve the hospital’s clinical, organizational and financial strength. 56485 Cover 2/16/06 9:30 PM L O C AT IO N S Page 3 Hartford Hartford Hospital 80 Seymour Street, Hartford, CT 06102 Avon Hartford Hospital Avon Wellness Center 100 Simsbury Road, Avon, CT 06001 Glastonbury Hartford Hospital Health Care Center – Glastonbury 704 Hebron Avenue, Glastonbury, CT 06033 Wethersfield Hartford Hospital Health Care Center – Wethersfield 1260 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109 Windsor Hartford Hospital Health Care Center – Windsor 1060 Day Hill Road, Windsor, CT 06095 EDITOR: LEE MONROE WRITER: NOREEN KIRK DESIGN: R I T Z H E N TO N D E S IG N G R O U P PHOTOGRAPHY: LANNY NAGLER AND JOY MILLER 56485 Cover 2/16/06 9:30 PM Page 4 80 Seymour Street Hartford, CT 06102-5037 860 545-1888 www.harthosp.org Member of