Cryogenic Engineering Education at NIT Rourkela
Cryogenic Engineering Education at NIT Rourkela
Cryogenic Engineering Education at NIT Rourkela Sunil Kr Sarangi Director, NIT Rourkela NIT Rourkela • Established in 1961 as the Regional Engineering College • Converted to National Institute of Technology in 2002 • 9 Engineering, 3 Science and 1 Social Science Departments • Faculty: 180 (120); Students 1700; Supporting Staff 350 Department of Mechanical Engineering • Faculty Strength : 25 (17) • Students : – B Tech : 80 x 4 – M Tech : – Machine Design – Production Technology – Thermal Engineering – M Tech by Research • Ph D Programme Refrigeration & Cryogenics Group Prof Sunil Kr Sarangi Prof Ranjit K Sahoo Prof Ashok Satpathy Prof Alok Satpathy Prof Subhas Haldar (on leave) Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory Major Equipment • Cryomech Liquid Nitrogen Generator Based on GM refrigerator – Capacity 40 litre per day • INOX Dewars – 200 litre (5 bar), 2 x 30 litre, 3 litre • Thermax steam generator – 500 kg/hour, 10 bar • Vacuum Techniques (Bangalore) High vacuum pumping station - 500 litre/second • Alcatel Vacuum Leak Detector • Miscellaneous Instruments Cryogenic Engineering Laboratory R&D Activities • • • • • Screw compressor (BRNS) Expansion Turbine Heat Exchangers Heat and Mass Transfer Programmable Cryochamber for Cryotreatment of Cutting Tools • Pulse Tube Refrigerator • Laboratory nitrogen liquefier and refrigerator • Helium Purifier STUDIES ON OIL INJECTED TWIN-SCREW COMPRESSOR STUDIES ON OIL INJECTED TWINSCREW COMPRESSOR ¾ Development of a Mathematical model to relate the performance of a screw compressor to design and operating parameters. ¾ Conversion of a cheap Air compressor for Helium applications. ¾ Study of purification techniques to ensure oil free gas delivery suitable for cryogenic applications Animation of 5-6 lobe combination rotors; casing removed for clarity Suction Entrapment Compression Discharge Working mechanism of twin screw compressor Schematic view of experimental setup at NIT Rourkela 100 Air Nitrogen Argon Helium Pd/Ps=8.65;RPM=4350 94 88 (ηtv %) 82 76 70 64 58 52 46 40 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 Interlobe clearance(mm) Comparison volumetric efficiency of different gases at a fixed male rotor rotational speed with interlobe clearance at a fixed injected oil temperature and suction conditions 96 T li=308K 94 (ηv %) 92 90 Air(exp) Air (calculated) Nitrogen(exp) Nitrogen(calculated) Argon(exp) Argon(calculated) Helium(exp) Helium(calculated) 88 86 84 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pressure ratio(Pd/Ps) Variation of volumetric efficiency of different gases with pressure ratio at a fixed injected oil temperature and suction pressure 9 Development of a Cryogenic Turboexpander Development of a Cryogenic Turboexpander ¾ The Expansion turbine is a basic component of a Cryogenic process plant Air separation plant Helium or hydrogen liquefier Low temperature refrigerator NIT,Rourkela has initiated a program for indigenous development of a turboexpander, in continuation of earlier work at IIT Kharagpur ¾ 17 blades equispaced Blade details 4 Slots of 10mm width Experiments with SINGLE STAGE PULSE TUBE REFRIGERATOR SINGLE STAGE PULSE TUBE REFRIGERATOR OBJECTIVES: ¾ Design and development of single stage pulse tube refrigerator ¾ Development of rotary valve pressure pulsation ¾ Development of Helium compressor PRICIPLES OF WORKING ¾ The gas must reach the low temperature point without carrying a lot of heat. ¾ The amplitude of the gas flow and pressure oscillations in the pulse tube section must be large enough to carry away the heat collected by to the cold heat exchanger, and ¾ The phase relationship between the pressure and the gas flow in the pulse tube section must be appropriate to carry heat away from the cold point Programmable Cryochamber Programmable Cryochamber Programmable Cryochamber • Features: – Working volume = 300 x 300 x 300 mm – Temperature controlled to about 1 K by PID control – Temperature range: 300K to 90K Programmable Cryochamber Components – – – – – – – Stainless Steel Housing Thermocole insulation Cryogenic solenoid valve Fan for air circulation Heater RTD Temperature sensor ADAM data acquisition modules Programmable Cryochamber Applications – Good for Cryotreatment of cutting tools, dies, punches – Poor in biological applications because of direct spray of liquid nitrogen and lack of seeding facility. Major New Initiatives Experiments on Brazed Aluminium Plate Fin Heat Exchanger Heat exchanger test core with steam entry and exit ducts ( IIT Kharagpur) Photograph of the experimental rig at IIT Kharagpur ; New programme initiated at NIT Rourkela. 0.1 f - factor 10.2 W 0.152 18 (Al) 2/3 St.Pr f (Hot Test) j - factor 2/3 St.Pr (Kays) f (Kays) f (Cold Test) 0.01 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80.9 1 2 Re x 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -3 Thermo-hydraulic characterization of the calibration heat exchanger (IIT Kharagpur results ) Development and Study of an Indigenous Helium Purifier based on Low Temperature High Pressure Adsorption of Impurities ( Submitted to BRNS ) INVESTIGATORS PI: Prof Sunil Kr Sarangi, NIT Rourkela CI: Prof Ranjit K. Sahoo, NIT Rourkela Prof P. K.Das, IIT Kharagpur PC: Mr. R.Dey, VECC, Kolkata Mr. Trijit K.Maity, VECC, Kolkata • In liquid helium applications (e.g. superconducting magnets), boil-off helium gas is collected in gas bags, compressed and reliquefied. • In the process, the gas is contaminated with air impurities (nitrogen, oxygen, moisture, CO2) • Removal of impurities is essential to avoid blockage of orifices and valves, deposition on heat transfer surfaces and solid impurities hitting turbine blades. • On-line purifiers are often inadequate to handle high impurity concentrations. Project Objectives – To design and build an adsorption based helium purifier, and to study its performance – To create proper documentation (design details, selection of equipment, fabrication and testing methods) for future construction and technology transfer. Specifications : Raw gas flow rate = 20 m3/hr. Adsorption pressure > 120 to 150 bar. Adsorption temperature = 77 K. Inlet impurity conc. = upto 50%air in helium. Outlet impurity < 100 ppm air in helium. Elements of the Proposed Project 1. Determination of specifications of the purifier. 2. Process design. 3. Component specifications. 4. Design or selection of components. 5. Procurement and fabrication of components. 6. System integration. 7. Testing and performance studies. 8. Improvement of design. 9. Documentation. 10. Technology Transfer. Selection of Equipment : Compressor : 1 bar to 150 bar, 3 or 4 stages Reciprocating Flow rate = 20 m3/hr Options: Bauer (Germany) John Sauer (Germany) TEC (Korea) Helium Purity Monitor - Imported Vacuum Vessels – Fabricated commercially Valves & Fittings – Swagelok, Parker Other accessories – To be procured Experimental Programme : • • • • • • Actual impure helium flow rate and pressure drop in different components. Actual product purity (expected purity 99.99%) as a function of input purity level. Maximum tolerable air impurity. Maximum tolerable moisture impurity. Capacity of purifier (nm3 of pure helium) before regeneration as a function of input purity. Liquid nitrogen consumption – – • quantity of LN2 consumed per regeneration cycle. quantity of LN2 consumed per nm3 of pure helium as a function of input impurity. Time and power input for regeneration. Deliverables : • Two completely functional purifier units delivering 99.99% pure helium, 50 to 100 m3 per six-hour shift. [One unit will be delivered to VECC, while the other is retained in the PI’s laboratory]. • A well documented design and fabrication procedure, and • Complete performance study along with comparison with theoretical prediction. DEVELOPMENT OF TURBOEXPANDER BASED CRYOGENIC REFRIGERATOR AND LIQUEFIER ( Submitted to BRNS ) INVESTIGATORS PI: Prof Sunil Kr Sarangi, NIT Rourkela CI: Prof Ranjit K. Sahoo, NIT Rourkela CI: Prof G. Venkatarathnam, IIT Madras PC: Mr. Trilok Singh, Head, Cryogenic Division, BARC He Gas Bag 1 Compressor 3 2 4 5 Aftercooler 9 8 Load Turbine 7 Load 6 Turbine Heat Load Cryogenic refrigerator (Tref > 4.2 K) based on modified Collins cycle: Process Flow Diagram p= Compressor HX1 9 3 Temperature (T) [K] LP HP p= 2 1 HX2 4 5 8 HX3 7 EE p P =H p= Heat Load 6 LP Specific Entropy (s) [J/kg. K] Cryogenic refrigerator (Tref > 4.2 K) based on modified Collins cycle: Temperature Entropy Diagram Constituents of a Cryogenic process plant Hardware 1. Compressor (Reciprocating or Screw) 2. Heat Exchangers (wound finned tube, plate fin, matrix) 3. Expansion engine/turbine 4. Expansion (JT) valve 5. Plumbing 6. Instrumentation and controls 7. Vacuum vessels Brainware 8. Process Design 9. Selection of equipment 10. System integration 11. Operation and testing The Proposed Project Target : 1. To construct a turbine based refrigerator with following specifications : - Working Fluid : - Ultimate Temperature : 50K - Cooling Load 2 kW at 80K : Helium 2. To use the same device with Nitrogen as working fluid to realize a laboratory scale liquid nitrogen generator. Expected production rate: 20 lit/hr The Proposed Refrigerator System Gas Bag 1 Cold Box 7 Compressor Aftercooler 2 3 6 5 Load Turbine 4 Nitrogen Heat Load Proposed Cryogenic refrigerator (Tref = 80 K) based on Reverse Brayton cycle and using a heat exchanger of effectiveness less than unity: Process Flow Diagram LP p= HP p= Temperature (T) [K] 2 1 7 Compressor 6 HX 3 EE HP p= LP p= H 5 d 4 Lo a t ea Specific Entropy (s) [J/kg. K] Proposed Cryogenic refrigerator (Tref = 80 K) based on Reverse Brayton cycle and using a heat exchanger of effectiveness less than unity: Temperature Entropy Diagram Liquid Nitrogen Generator Air Purifier Raw Air Dry air (CO2 free) 1 Cooling water Compressor Isothermal 2 3 HX1 4 HX2 8 5 7 HX3 Expansion Engine Load EE g Phase Separator Expansion Valve 6 f Liquid Air Air/Nitrogen liquefier based on Claude cycle and using ideal heat exchangers: Process Flow Diagram LP HP p= p= 2 Compressor 1 Temperature (T) [K] HX1 8 3 HX2 EE 5 4 Exp valve h = Constant HP p= LP p= f 6 Phase separator 7 HX3 g Specific Entropy (s) [J/kg. K] Air/Nitrogen liquefier based on Claude cycle and using ideal heat exchangers: Temperature Entropy Diagram Components of Proposed Refrigerator and Liquefier • • Compressor : Existing Screw Compressor Make : Kaeser, Germany Pressure Rating : 10 bar Flow Rate : 300 m3/hr Power : 37 KW Working Fluid : Nitrogen / Helium Expander : Technology developed for turbine of matching capacity with gas lubricated bearings. Needs more work : fine tuning, reliable operation, performance improvement. • Heat Exchangers : Plate fin heat exchangers to be procured from BHPV, Vishakhapatnam, or Apollo heat exchangers. Design capability exists at NIT. Propose to try wire-wound coiled tube and printed circuit heat exchangers. • Plumbing, Instrumentation & Controls : To be procured. • Vacuum Vessel, insulation etc : To be procured. • Process Design : - Capability available at NITR and IIT Madras. • System Integration, Operation and Improvement : - to be pursued as part of the project. The future : • Fully established indigenous technology on turbine based refrigerators and liquefiers – – – – Laboratory scale nitrogen generator 10-20 K Refrigerator Laboratory scale helium liquefier Liquefiers for hydrogen, natural gas and special gases Thank You
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