2009 Long Range Plan - Sarasota Sailing Squadron
2009 Long Range Plan - Sarasota Sailing Squadron
( Sarasota Sailing Squadron Long Range Plan 2009-2010 What we are: The Sarasota Sailing Squadron is a not-for-proJit sailing organization open to anyone interested in the sport of sailing. It is an organization established for the purpose of promoting all aspects of sailing and, toward that end, the Squadron provides facilities for storage and launching of boats of various siles, as well as for educutionql and social activities related to sailing. Our Purpose: The purpose of the Squadron shall be to encourage the sport of sailing, to promote the science of seamanship and navigation, to sponsor cruises, races and instruction classes for adults and children, and to foster a spirit of good fellowship, courtesy and sportsmanship; to provide entertainment and refreshments for members and their guests. In order to support out mission the Long Range Plan is established to guide the Board and management on decisions effecting current issues as well as the future of the club. Thus we establish the following main critical items, noting that. . ... Docks, the sesshore, und boats always have an intrinsic danger in them, as a Squadron our utmost duty is to minimize these dangers for the safety of the members, visitors, and guests. 1. Preserve the squadron, its facilities and activities 2, Maintain current facilities 3. Maximize usage of facilities to promote purpose 4. Improve facilities to expand ability to fulfill purpose 5. Maintain volunteer nature of club and keep costs as low as possible, as 6. 7. increased costs naturally eliminates some users. In all that we do promote good stewardship of the environment Promote the club and sailing to the public, locally, nationally, and 8. internationally. Preserve the low key atmosphere and history of the club Brief History: The club was started in the 1930's as a youth sailing organization. In 1947 the Squadron itself was incorporated with the intent to support the youth program and also to encourage adult sailing. Since then, through the hard work of volunteers and the monies generated by club operations, the squadron had grown, in members, type and quality of facility and the number of events we supporl. In order to continue to fulfill our mission to promote and encourage the sport of sailing and the science of seamanship the club needs to continue to find ways to increase the utilization of facilities in place as well as seek additional facilities. In this light this LONG RANGE PLAN is our guide to fulfill our mission. l. Preservation of the Squadron facilities and activities The board and management must be vigilant to preserve the Squadron and activities that generations have built an entrusted to the current members to maintain Our facilities our most importance asset, the location and ability to house and launch sailboats are absolutely critical to the squadron's ability to fulfill its stated purpose. 2. Maintain Current Facilities Without our facilities we cannot accomplish our stated mission. Thus we need to use our limited resources to maintain what we have and ensure we can continually maintain these facilities prior to expanding. 3. Maximize usage of facilities The clubs mission is to promote the sport of sailing and the science of seamanship. To date we have accomplished this mission, in the future we need to expand to reach even more people. The city and world have grown so too must our club. The mission is important and it is our duty to use our resources to maximize the fulfillment of the mission 4. Improve facilities to expand abilify to fulfill purpose To date we are filling up our storage facilities and the YSP, which we whole-heartedly support, continues to grow and expand requiring more donations of our limited space. The club needs to address methods to expand and improve our facilities to be better able to complete our stated mission. 5. Maintenance of Volunteerism We need to continue to encourage if not demand that the club membership volunteer to maintain and improve the facilities. This must be maintained in order to minimize the cost to sail and thus promoting sailing to as large a group of people as possible. This also promotes a feeling of belonging and "ownership" of the club and the pride and actions that these feelings bring. 6. In all that we do promote good stewardship of the environment Sailing by its nature requires a keener understanding of the environment than many sports. Sailors understand that being mindful of the effects we impose on the environment can be either positive or negative. This club wishes to promote and explore methods and practices that protect the native environment. 7. Promote the club and sailing to the public The club must promote itself to the public to allow those in the community to learn of the accessibility of sailing to all Sarasota residents. One of our charter goals is to promote the art and science of sailing, we must be active in the community teaching the benefits of sailing and the importance of the club in fulfilling this mission. Work to promote the squadron as a sailing Destination - a club that makes sailors from all over the world excited to say they visited or plan to visit 8. Maintain the low key historical atmosphere of the club This club has a long and cherished history. It was built and run mostly by volunteers who donated time, supplies, money and their talent. It is these many club members who built maintained and passed on the clubs cherished relaxed low-key atmosphere in which to enjoy the sport of sailing. Future members must preserve this unique feeling of the club and pass it on to future generations. This club is very special as it encompasses sailors of all ages, from infants sailing in car seats with their folks to sailors with 8 decades of experience. It also encompasses all types of sailboats from prams to 40+ ft keelboats, and also multi-hull boats and windsurfers. Specific Recommendations and Approximate time frame 2009-2010 Specific items - Land lease I year time frame with cify of Sarasota Thus a topmost priority for the near future is the renegotiation of the land lease with the city of Sarasota. It is also critical to have a long lease to allow future improvements to the facility that would allow increased participation in sailing. Mooring Field - submerged land lease with the state of Florida. The mooring field is a vital and critical part of the Squadron's mission. The mooring field "houses" the fleet of larger boats, mostly keel boats but also some multi-hull boats. These boats are a vital link to many in learning to sail. Maintenance of Docks Replace main dock in spring of 2010. Recommend using funds from current savings and replace funds in current and future budgets. Securify Continue evaluation of the current state of the squadron's security and lighting systems. Review new camera technology and plan and changes as budgets allow. Hoist Due to the number of members who rely on this equipment and the requirement to remain safe we recommend the club continue to monitor the repair and maintance of the current hoist in addition to budgeting for replacement. Parking Lot The parking lot boundary wall of plants and pilings were removed and planters were built in 2008. This was done to increase parking as well as develop a flow through lane. The flow through lane, it was hoped, would reduce traffic immediately in front of the smali boat storage and the main clubhouse. The flow through lane has not been maintained since the flowerpots were destroyed shortly after their installation. Review the changes made to the parking lot and assess the traffic flow and parking improvement. Recommend any changes necessary. General maintenance of Stonehouse shower facility The lighting in the woman's showers is inadequate both in each stall as well as incorrect lighting over the sinks. The ventilation system needs to be addressed. The floor and walls for both sides were repainted in Aug 2008 but additional hooks and shelves are still needed. The counter tops and faucets are in need of replacement. The building is also not suitable for showering during the winter months due to lack of any heating. Review for additional improvements and make improvements as financial conditions and volunteers allow. On going items - no time frame Financial Diseipline: In order to maintain the facilities our club already enjoys we need to set aside money each year for major capital repairs. The club needs to operate within its means and set aside funds each year for future expenses and repairs. In the area specific to the maintance of the physical facilities it is estimated the club should be setting aside approximately $40,000 per year to be used for major capital repairs. See estimate calculation at the end of this repot. More boat storage: The club's main source of revenue is from active boat storage fees. The ability to store boats is also a primary reason for new members to join. Our current rules require all boats must be actively sailed or they must be removed from the club. As we have grown the club is now nearly full in each of the storage areas. Thus the clubs revenue is topping out without an increase in fees. Many members only wish to join if they can bring their own boat to the club. Additional storage for all types of boats will directly improve the club ability to fulfill its mission. Encourage multi-owner and multi-user boats This will help fulfill our mission, increase our membership as well as increase boat and facility usage. Family Friendly Facilities and Activities Families are the lifeblood of any club. Adult sailors can sail more and introduce young children to sailing more readily if the club provides a family friendly atmosphere that not only allows but also encourages the entire family to spend time at the club. This is true both for our members but also for families that attend events at the club both sailing events as well as private functions. Accessibility for all Boats, docks, and beaches are not always accessible to people with limited mobility. It is the intention of the club to whenever possible to make the facility as accessible as we can for our members, guests and visitors. Specific longer term items 2-5 year time frame Dock Repair Decking is warping and pulling up from the stringers. The stringers are also split under the planking due to nailing/screwing decking on multiple occasions. Begin planning a scheduled replacement for each dock including setting aside required funding. Develop ability to hold multiple events simultaneously We often are limited in the use of the club as we only have locations for a one main event at a time. The ability to hold a second smaller event such as a lecture or meeting would greatly expand the usability of the all the club's facilities Clubhouse Restrooms The clubhouse restrooms, in spite of the improved cleaning schedule, are unappealing to members and guests. The floor tile is inappropriate as it is very difficult to keep clean. When finances are avarlable a suitable replacement should be sought and installed. Landscaping Please note that the Pine trees around the club are nearing the end of their lifespan. The management has had to have limbs and trees removed as they become unsafe. Before all of the trees die or fall down we need to begin to replant so the new tree have some time to mature and provide shade around the club. Items Reviewed during 2009 and considered completed or no longer a priority for 2010 Electric power on docks The GFI outlets on both the wave fence and the main dock are tripping often, as the wiring to them is inadequate for the power load applied. An electrician with experience working around docks should be consulted to evaluate current wiring. Upgrades to the wiring and outlets should be investigated and budgeted. Action - Club volunteers diagramed wiring and made two independent circuits to plug into. Quotes to upgrade service were soughtfrom 3 electricians, only one respondedwith a quote of approximately $30,000. The main reason is the need to rerun cable from the main power shed out to thefence. See reference section.for quote andwiring diagram Sea Wall beautification / Work Area The view of the squadron looking into the squadron from boats off of New Pass is tenible. This is the only impression of the club that many visitors and residents of Sarasota will get of the club. The rusting trailers, the open view of the work area, and the miscellaneous rigging located along the seawall all are not visually appealing. We should look into moving items around as to hide some of our dirty laundry, as it is necessary to assist in improving our image in the community. Action: General cleanup of work area and hoist area. Boats and trailers relocated away from seawall. Continuing list of Recommendations for consideration and discussion Air-conditioned meeting room for 100+ people. We currently do not have any facility to hold alarge number of sailors during the hot summer months. Training classes are limited to size and time of year. An additional large meeting room would enable the club to expand its mission year round as well as expand its training programs with the ability to house larger events. This would also help the club attract larger national level sailing regattas that require multiple rooms for organizing large regattas. We also do not have a place to hold private protest meetings during aregatta. Begin outlining building requirements. Action taken: Initial planning committee would need to be formed to define the requirements. No further action taken as it was determined that maintenance requirements on our current facilities needs to be address first. Work to promote the squadron as a sailing Destination Create and promote a club that makes sailors from all over the world excited to say they visited or plan to visit Adult sailing lessons: The club only offers very limited sailing instruction for adults. The most notable is the Red Cross and a number of members who offer private lessons. (Please see appendix for additional information) A committee should be established to discuss and to work out details. See appendix for a proposed plan drafted by Stu Gilfurd. Shared boat usage: Only 1 in 8 members join without a boat. Finding programs to encourage shared use of sailboats and possibly club boats available for members to use would allow increased usage of the club, increased membership without requiring as much boat storage as a one boat per member allows. Boat Use Verification: Design plan to veriS boats are being used as often as required by our rules and bylaws. Management continues to address this issue Fireboat located on premises - look into having new lease with city allow club to "sublease" to the local fire department to have them locate their fireboat on our property (must be addressed and included in new lease) Oryanizational Issues: Implement an annual review system for current and future boards to review the performance of the manager and staff. Develop standard procedures to for club operation the benefit of future boards to monitor various aspects of the squadron. Design, and implement procedures for typical squadron operations. Board and management continue to address this issue Formalize our relationship with the subgroups, YSP being the largest. Define Area for YSP and other groups Begin planning for build new meeting room for Classes, Lectures, and Parties In this design also look into facilities for grounds caretaker apartment. The criterion for this building needs to be discussed and then formalized. Expand playground area with a nautical themed play set with room for 15-20 children: Action Taken: A custom built nautical themed expanded play area was generally well supported by members. Unfortunately not enough members with the time and skill necessary to implement this taskvolunteers to assist. Review infuture. Squadron powerboats: look into the usage of boats and decide of the current fleet meets our needs and make plan for replacement as appropriate National regattas: Review the requirements of hosting large national level regattas and build required improvements and personal training into future club activities. Add 220volt outlet in the work area - Action taken: members indicated this is unnecessary Always be open and also to seek out partnerships with other groups, businesses and individuals to find mutually beneficial and creative methods to solve problems and improve our club General trimming and trash removal: The perimeter of the club grounds is overgrown and ground around the Stonehouse is also full ofjunk. full of old masts and trash. The Increased security - outboard motors as well as cash from the bar and safe have been taken in the last year. As the club holds more events and more members use the club and sail in the evening closing the club becomes more of an issue. Methods and procedures to secure the clubhouse as well as the grounds need to be investigated. Many sailing organizations have an overnight watchman to protect the boats and also assist sailors arriving at the club after normal hours. This may require the new lease to allow for this. Allowing and encouraging formal member watch groups might be of value. Action taken: Management continues to modifu and improve security procedures. Review location and usage of current storage facilities. Verify that the current location for storage items still makes sense. Recommend specific recommendations. Look into food improvement options - non-kitchen based: The food offering at the squadron is an ongoing issue. One important item is providing lunches for the children and adults during the summer YSP camps. It has also the club's intention to keep the food as inexpensive as possible. The kitchen is a members' use kitchen and we would like it to stay available primarily for members' use. Construct financial plan for ongoing maintenance of current facilities Grow membership and influence in the community based on our stated objective and mission Review feasibility of off-site storage for lesser used boats and trailers :t' Do we need to require boats be used more than 6 times ayear? Is it an advantage to have addition classes of membership? Out of state, second club discount, no boat fee reduction Is website suffrcient? Action: Website redone in 2008, reviewed in summer 2009 r e c ommendati ons forthc oming Replacement Reserve Requ i rements 9/18/2009 Estimates For of replacement cosfs and useful life for lnitial Budgeting Purposes Only Year Built / Docks Major Repair Remaining Life Wave Fence 1987t2005 10 Main Dock B Dock YSP Area Dock 1965 I ?? '1983/1996 0 I 989 Hoist Annual Reserve Est Replacement Cost* Requirements* 6 6 $89,000 $'110,000** $38,000 $36,000 $6,333 $6,000 3 $25,000 $8,333 65 20 $8,462 $1,500 $2,000 $2,000 $667 $1,200 $2,500 $8,900 $o Buildings Club House Stone House Pavilion Small Boat Storage (one) Small Boat Storage (two) Wave Fence Pavilion (Binnacle) B.B.Q. Pavilion Boats Just a guess for planning purposes: Big Ben, Mako, Pontoon, Wailer 2001 ?? 20 I 995 15 I 995 25 $550,000 $103,000 $75,000 $40,000 $40,000 $10,000 $30,000 10 $25,000 988 1 998 1 '1991 50 20 Other Capital lmprovements * This assumes 0% inflation and 0% interest earned on savings **Assumes Replacement in 2010 $5,1 50 0 0 Total $53,045 Please note that we have some reserve fund monies already saved for these types of projects thus it is not necessary to set aside the full $53,000 that this spreadsheet implies