2005 - Hawaii SBDC Network
2005 - Hawaii SBDC Network
MAUI COUNTY DATA BOOK 2 0 0 5 COUNTY OF MAUI OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HAWAI’I SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER NETWORK HAWAI’I BUSINESS RESEARCH LIBRARY A Partnership Program between the University of Hawaii at Hilo and the U.S. Small Business Administration December 2005 A message from Mayor Alan Arakawa Aloha kākou – On behalf of the people of the County of Maui, it is my pleasure to present the 2005 edition of the Maui County Data Book. The Maui County Data Book is the definitive statistical reference work on Maui Nui – Kaho`olawe, Lāna`i, Maui and Moloka`i. It contains tables and statistics covering a broad spectrum of economic activity. The findings presented in this book will help the reader in numerous ways: look up a fact, compare statistics over time, prepare for a grant, back up a business plan, decide where to start a business and, with the addition of community input, gain a better of understanding of what we Mauians define as Maui Nui. None of the valuable information contained in the 2005 Maui County Data Book would be possible without the vital working partnership of the Hawai`i Small Business Development Center Network’s Hawai`i Business Research Library in Kīhei and the Maui County Office of Economic Development. Together they provide the most up-to-date data critical to informed decision-making by both prospective and established businesses in our community. As with earlier editions of the Maui County Data Book, the 2005 edition is available online at our Maui County Website at www.co.maui.hi.us and at the Hawai`i Business Research Library’s Website www.hbrl-sbdc.org, and we hope you will use it often to help you start-up, grow and expand upon your exciting business idea. Aloha, Alan Arakawa Mayor This publication is partially supported and some material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration and the University of Hawaii at Hilo under Cooperative Agreement Number 5-603001-Z-0012-16. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Small Business Administration or other sponsors. This report has been catalogued by the Hawaii Business Research Library as follows: Maui County Data Book. 1991- [Kihei, Hawaii]: Hawai‘i Business Research Library. Annual. Maui County (Hawaii)—Statistics—Periodicals. I. Maui County (Hawai‘i). Office of Economic Development. II. Hawai‘i Small Business Development Center Network. Hawai‘i Business Research Library. HA329.7.M3 Copies of this book are available from the Hawaii Business Research Library, Suite 136, 590 Lipoa Parkway, Kihei, Maui, Hawaii 96753. The price per copy is $20.00 when picked up in person, and $25.00 by first-class mail. An online version is available in Adobe Acrobat format (only) at http://www.hbrl-sbdc.org/. The HBRL’s Hawaii SmallBizWeek E-News newsletter is also available at the site. For further information, call (808) 8752400, or (800) 509-3100 (in-state only). The State of Hawaii Data Book is available on-line through the State of Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. The tables are available at http://www2.hawaii.gov/DBEDT/index.cfm. iv Maui County Data Book 2005 ABOUT THIS BOOK We hope you find the 2005 edition of the Maui County Data Book useful and valuable. This publication provides economic, demographic and other statistical information about the County of Maui. This thirteenth edition of the Data Book is produced by the Hawai‘i SBDC Network, Hawaii Business Research Library (HBRL) under a grant from the County of Maui, administered by the Maui County Office of Economic Development. In addition to the print version, the Data Book is also available online via the Internet (http://www.hbrl-sbdc.org). In addition to compiling and updating the Data Book, the Hawaii Business Research Library provides a callin/email service to provide a wide range of business research services to individuals and businesses residing or operating in Hawai‘i, or investigating business opportunities in Hawai‘i. The Data Book and its source material are some of the key elements in the HBRL collection which includes a wide range of print and electronic resources selected to inform business decision-making. Several other publications complement the Maui County Data Book for individuals needing more data about Hawai‘i. The State of Hawai‘i publishes The State of Hawaii Data Book (http://www3.hawaii.gov/dbedt/index.cfm) annually through the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. The Hawaii County Department of Research and Development publishes statistical data books annually (http://www.hawaiicounty.com/databook_current/ dbooktoc.htm). The Hawaii State Office of Hawaiian Affairs publishes the Native Hawaiian Data Book (http:// www.oha.org/pdf/databook_6_02.pdf). Numerous agencies of the federal, state and county governments, as well as many private organizations in Maui County, in Hawai‘i and on the mainland assisted the HBRL in preparing the Maui County Data Book. To them we extend our deepest appreciation for their support and cooperation. Maui County Data Book 2005 v CONTENTS ABOUT THIS BOOK ........................................................................................................................ CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................................... GENERAL STATISTICS Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1.1.1 Maui County Statistics .................................................................................................... 1.1.2 Census Bureau Quick Facts, Maui County and State of Hawaii ....................................... 1.2.1 Maui County and Districts .............................................................................................. 1.2.2 Maui County Subdivisions and Places ............................................................................. 1.2.3 Maui County Census Tracts ............................................................................................. 1.3.1 Resident Population by Counties ..................................................................................... 1.3.2 De Facto Population, By Counties ................................................................................... 1.3.3 Resident Population by Counties and Districts ................................................................ 1.3.4 Population Density, Maui County ................................................................................... 1.3.5 Resident Population and Households, Maui County by District and Census Tract ............ 1.3.6 Summary Characteristics of Persons for Maui County and Census Designated Places, by Race and Sex ............................................................................................................. 1.3.7 Population by Age Group, Maui County and Census Designated Places ......................... 1.3.8 Population by Race, Maui County................................................................................... 1.3.9 Components of Change in the Resident Population of Maui County ................................ 1.3.10 Marriages by Residency of Bride and Groom, Maui County ............................................ 1.3.11 Marriages in Maui County Where Both Bride and Groom are Non-Residents .................. 1.3.12 Live Births, Maui County by Zip Code ............................................................................ 1.3.13 Characteristics of Live Births, Maui County ..................................................................... 1.3.14 Population and Economic Projections, Maui County: 2000 to 2030 ................................ 1.4.1 Personal Income, Total and Per Capita, by Counties ........................................................ 1.4.2 Cost of Living Comparison .............................................................................................. 1.4.3 Consumer Price Index (All Items Combined), by Type of Consumer: Honolulu ............... 1.4.4 Estimated Cost of Living by Category, Counties of Hawaii Relative to Washington, DC ............................................................................................................. 1.4.5 Earnings by Detailed Industry, Maui County .................................................................... 1.4.6 Detailed Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Honolulu .................. 1.5.1 Capacities of Hospitals and Specialty Care Beds, Maui County ....................................... 1.5.2 Adult Residential Care Homes, Maui County .................................................................. 1.5.3 Health Practitioners Licensed in Hawaii by Place of Address .......................................... vi Contents v vi 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 28 30 31 32 EDUCATION Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 2.1 Maui District Public and Private Schools by Island and Location ..................................... 2.2 Per Pupil Expenditures by Schools/Functions, Maui County 2002-03 .............................. 2.3 Public Schools: Enrollment and Grades, Maui District ................................................... 2.4 Student Profiles, Maui County Public Schools, School Year 2002-03 ............................... 2.5 Ethnic Profiles, Maui County Public Schools, School Year 2002-03 ................................. 2.6 Community Profiles, Maui County Public Schools, School Year 2002-03 ........................ 2.7 Community Education Attainment Level Maui County Public Schools School Year 2002-03 ....................................................................................................... 2.8 School Completion, Maui County Public Schools, School Year 2002-03 ......................... 2.9 Teaching Staff Profiles, Maui County Public Schools, School Year 2002-03 ..................... 2.10 Stanford Achievement Scores, Maui County Schools, School Year 2002-03 ..................... 2.11 Private School Characteristics, School Year 2002 ............................................................ 2.12 Private School Tuition, Maui County 2003-04 ................................................................. 2.13 Private Schools: Enrollment and Grades, Maui District ................................................... 2.14 Library Holdings and Circulation, Hawaii State Library System, Maui Library District ..... 2.15 Library Holdings and Circulation, Maui Community College .......................................... 2.16 Degrees and Certificates Earned by Degree and Program Maui Community College, Fiscal Years Ending, June 30 ................................................. 2.17 University of Hawaii Distance Learning Courses and Graduates, Maui County ............... 2.18 Maui Community College Number of students and Faculty ............................................. GEOGRAPHY & LAND USE Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3.1.1 Land and Water Area of Counties and Islands ................................................................. 3.1.2 General Coastline and Tidal Shoreline of Hawaii, by County and Island .......................... 3.1.3 Major Named Waterfalls, Maui County ........................................................................... 3.1.4 Elevations of Major Summits ........................................................................................... 3.1.5 Miscellaneous Geographic Statistics, by Islands .............................................................. 3.1.6 Temperature and Precipitation Averages and Extremes, Maui County .............................. 3.1.7 Monthly Rainfall and Temperature at Specified Locations in Maui County ...................... 3.1.8 Annual Rainfall and Temperature at Specified Locations, Maui County ........................... 3.2.1 Trends in Real Property Tax Base, Maui County .............................................................. 3.2.2 Land use Districts, Maui County ..................................................................................... 3.2.3 Estimated Acreage of Land use Districts, by Islands ......................................................... 3.2.4 Land Ownership, Maui County ....................................................................................... 3.2.5 National and State Historic Places, Maui County ............................................................ 3.2.6 Land in Hawaii Owned by Selected Large Landowners ................................................... 3.2.7 Department of Hawaiian Home Lands Acreage, Lessees, and Applicants, by Islands ....... 3.2.8 Land Dispositions Made of Public Lands for Calendar Year 2003 .................................... Contents 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 68 69 vii 3.2.9 Single Family Home and Condominium Sales by Area, Maui County .............................. 3.2.10 Land Sales by Area, Maui County ................................................................................... 3.2.11 Forest and Natural Area Acreage, By Islands June 30, 2003 ............................................. GOVERNMENT Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4.1.1 Maps of Election Districts ............................................................................................... 4.1.2 Maps of Election Districts ............................................................................................... 4.1.3 Maps of Election Districts ............................................................................................... 4.1.4 Maps of Election Districts ............................................................................................... 4.2.1 Registered Voters and Votes Cast In the November 2, 2004 General Election .................. 4.2.2 Maui County General Election Results, November 2, 2004 ............................................. 4.2.3 Maui County General Election Results, Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustees and State Constitutional Amendments, November 2, 2004 .................................................... 4.2.4 Maui County General Election Results, Maui County Charter Amendments, November 2002 ............................................................................................................. 4.3.1 County Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Funds, Maui County ..................................................................... 4.3.2 State Tax Collections, Maui County Fiscal Years Ending June 30 ...................................... 4.3.3 Estimated Real Property Tax Revenue, Maui County ........................................................ 4.3.4 Real Property Tax Rates, Maui County ............................................................................. 4.3.5 Public Bonded Debt of State and Maui County Governments ......................................... 4.4.1 Personnel by County Department, Maui County ............................................................. 4.4.2 Top 20 County Positions Recruited in FY 2002-03 .......................................................... 4.5.1 Median Adjusted Gross Income on Resident Returns by Status, Taxation District and Year 4.5.2 Sources of Income Reported by Number of Returns and Amount, Maui County 2002 ..... 4.5.3 Deductions Claimed by Number of Returns and Dollar Amount Reported and Allowed in 2002, Maui County ................................................................................ 4.5.4 Tax Returns Filed in Maui County ................................................................................... 4.5.5 Tax Credits by Geographical Areas, Maui County 2002 .................................................. 4.5.6 Tax Credits Claimed by Individuals and Type of Credit, Maui County 2002 ..................... 4.5.7 County Property Tax Exemptions by Type, Maui County FY 2005-06 ............................... 4.5.8 Liquid Fuel Tax Base & Tax Collections, FY Ending June 30, 2004, Maui County ............. 4.5.9 Liquid Fuel Tax Allocation by Fund, FY Ending June 30, 2004, Maui County ................... AGRICULTURE & AQUACULTURE Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5.1.1 Agricultural Areas, Maui County ..................................................................................... 5.1.2 Tenure and Characteristics of Farm Operators and Types of Farm Organization, Maui County .................................................................................................................. 5.1.3 Farms and Land in Farms, Maui County .......................................................................... 5.1.4 Number of Farms, Farm Acreage, and Farm Employment, Maui County .......................... 5.1.5 Livestock: Number of Operations, Volume of Marketings, and Value of Sales, Maui County ................................................................................................................. 5.1.6 Crops: Acreage, Number of Farms and Value of Sales, Maui County ............................... viii Contents 70 71 72 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 93 94 95 96 96 98 99 100 102 103 103 104 5.1.7 5.1.8 5.1.9 5.1.10 5.1.11 5.1.12 5.1.13 5.1.14 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 Sugarcane, Maui Island .................................................................................................. Vegetables, Melons and Taro, Acreage, Production and Value, Maui County ................... Floriculture and Nursery Products, Maui County ............................................................ Floriculture and Nursery Products, by Commodity, Maui County .................................... Fruits: Value of Sales, Maui County ................................................................................. Bananas, Maui County ................................................................................................... Agricultural Tourism by County, 2000 and 2003 ............................................................. Agricultural Theft and Vandalism, By County .................................................................. Commercial Fish Landings, Maui County ........................................................................ Sea Species Commonly Caught Near Fish Aggregating Devices, Maui County ................ FAD Catches and Trip Count, Maui County ..................................................................... COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSPORTATION Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 6.1.1 Average Paid Circulation of the Maui News .................................................................... 6.1.2 Average Distribution of Other Newspapers, Maui County ............................................... 6.1.3 Cable Television Companies, Subscribers and Revenues, by Counties ............................. 6.1.4 Radio and Television Broadcasting Stations in Operation, Maui County .......................... 6.2.1 Liquid Fuel Tax Base, Maui County ................................................................................. 6.2.2 Estimated Daytime Population and Employment-Residence Ratios, Maui CDP ........................................................................................................... 6.2.3 Weekly Wholesale Gasoline Price Caps, Maui County ................................................... 6.2.4 Gasoline Average Prices Per Gallon, Maui County .......................................................... 6.2.5 Highway Distances, Island of Maui ................................................................................. 6.2.6 Hawaii Drivers Licenses in Force and Vehicle Registration, by Type of Vehicle, Maui County .................................................................................................................. 6.2.7 Highway Bridges, by Islands: December 31, 2003 ......................................................... 6.2.8 Length of Streets and Highways, Paved and Unpaved by Islands, December 31, 2003 .... 6.2.9 Road, Bridge and Drainage Maintenance, County of Maui ............................................. 6.2.10 Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Vehicle Miles ....................................................... 6.2.11 Vehicle Registration, by Taxation Status, for Counties 2003 ............................................. 6.2.12 Major Traffic Accidents, Traffic Injuries, and Traffic Deaths, 1992 to 2003 by Counties ... 6.2.13 Aircraft Operations, by Type of Aircraft, .......................................................................... 6.2.14 Aircraft Operations, by Type of Aircraft, at Kahului and Molokai Airports ........................ 6.2.15 Passengers, Cargo and Mail, Overseas and Interisland, Maui County Airports ................. 6.2.16 Private Passenger Aircraft and Corporate Jet Landings, Kahului Airport ............................ 6.2.17 Vessel Arrivals for Kahului Harbor .................................................................................. 6.2.18 Freight Traffic for Kahului Harbor .................................................................................... 6.2.19 Kahului Harbor Freight Traffic by Commodity ................................................................. 6.2.20 Vessels That Use Kahului Harbor .................................................................................... Contents 105 106 108 108 109 109 110 111 112 113 114 116 117 117 118 118 119 119 120 121 122 122 123 123 124 125 126 127 128 128 129 130 131 131 132 134 ix ENERGY, SCIENCE AND WATER Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 7.1.1 Telescopes at the Summits of Mauna Kea and Haleakala: 2003 ...................................... 7.1.2 Electric Utilities, Maui County ........................................................................................ 7.1.3 Gas Utilities, Maui County .............................................................................................. 7.1.4 Hawaii State Energy Report, Energy Consumption Estimates by Source ........................... 7.1.5 Water Services and Consumption, Maui County ............................................................. 7.1.6 Daily Averages for Water Production by Area, Maui County ............................................ 7.1.7 Water System Development Fee Schedule ...................................................................... 7.1.8 Water Services by Meter Size, Maui County .................................................................... 7.1.9 Outside Water Deliveries to Department of Water Supply, Maui County ......................... 7.1.10 Water Sales to General & Agricultural Consumers by District & Systems, Maui County, FY July 2002 - June 2003 .......................................................................... 7.1.11 Water Consumption by District, Maui County, FY July 2002- June 2003 ......................... CONSTRUCTION & HOUSING Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 8.1.1 Number and Value of Building Permits, Maui County ..................................................... 8.1.2 Value of Building Permits, By Type, Maui County ............................................................ 8.1.3 Private Residential Construction Authorizations, Maui County ........................................ 8.1.4 Private Residential Construction and Demolition Authorized by Permits, Maui County ... 8.1.5 Largest Residential Construction Projects, Maui County .................................................. 8.1.6 Largest Commercial Construction Projects, Maui County ................................................ 8.1.7 Planned Additions To And Subtractions From Maui Visitor Industry Plant Supply 2003 .... 8.1.8 Average Weekly Wages of Construction Industries, Maui County, 2002 .......................... 8.1.9 Building Permits Issued, Maui County, 2003 ................................................................... 8.1.10 Construction Establishments by Type and Location, Maui County ................................... 8.1.11 Estimated Value of Land Transactions, by Counties .......................................................... 8.2.1 Summary Housing Characteristics by Counties, 2000 ..................................................... 8.2.2 Selected Housing Characteristics, Maui County .............................................................. 8.2.3 Housing Unit Characteristics of Census Designated Places (CDP), Maui County ............. 8.2.4 Vacant Housing Unit Characteristics by Census Designated Place (CDP), Maui County .. 8.2.5 Occupied Housing Unit Characteristics by Census Designated Place (CDP), Maui County .................................................................................................................. 8.2.6 Owner-Occupied Housing Unit Values by Census Designated Place (CDP), Maui County .................................................................................................................. 8.2.7 Renter-Occupied Housing Unit Characteristics by Census Designated Place (CDP), Maui County .................................................................................................................. 8.2.8 Gross Rent of Renter-Occupied Housing Units by Census Designated Place (CDP), Maui County .................................................................................................................. x Contents 136 137 138 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 150 151 151 152 152 153 153 154 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 FINANCE & LABOR Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 9.1.1 Financial Institutions with Locations in Maui County ...................................................... 9.1.2 Deposits in Offices of FDIC-Insured Institutions, Maui County ........................................ 9.1.3 Federal Credit Unions by Asset Size and Membership, Maui County ............................... 9.1.4 Federal Credit Union Characteristics, Maui County ......................................................... 9.2.1 Civilian Labor Force Summary, State of Hawaii and Counties .......................................... 9.2.2 Employment Status of the Civilian Labor Force by Island, Maui County ........................... 9.2.3 Labor Force by Race and Sex, Maui County .................................................................... 9.2.4 Annual Average Job Count by Industry and Island, Maui County ..................................... 9.2.5 Annual Wage for the Top Most Common Occupations, Maui County .............................. 9.2.6 Wages for the Top 10 Paying Industries, Maui County ..................................................... 9.2.7 Best Job Opportunities in 2010, Maui County ................................................................. 9.3.1 Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed in Maui County 2002 ................................... 9.3.2 Labor Force Status and Employment Characteristics, Maui County .................................. 9.3.3 Labor Force Status, By Census Designated Place, Maui County 2000 .............................. VISITOR INDUSTRY & RECREATION Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 10.1.1 Visitors to Maui County by Month .................................................................................. 10.1.2 Length of Stay and Average Daily Census, Maui County, by Island .................................. 10.1.3 Average Daily Visitor Census, by Counties ...................................................................... 10.1.4 Domestic Visitor Arrivals from top US MSAS, Maui County ............................................. 10.1.5 Visitor Arrivals, Maui County .......................................................................................... 10.1.6 Nation of Residence of Visitors to Maui County .............................................................. 10.1.7 Total Air Seats Operated to Kahului Ariport ..................................................................... 10.1.8 Hotel Occupancy Rates, Maui Island .............................................................................. 10.2.1 PKF-Hawaii Occupancy and Room Rates, Food and Beverage Sales, Islands of Maui and Molokai .......................................................................................... 10.2.2 PKF-Hawaii Trends in the Hotel Industry, Maui County ................................................... 10.2.3 PKF-Hawaii Quality and Size Report, Maui County ........................................................ 10.2.4 Hospitality Advisors LLC Hawaii Hotel Flash Report, Maui Island ................................... 10.2.5 Visitor Plant Inventory by Island and Price, Maui County ................................................ 10.2.6 Visitor Plant Inventory by Island and Type, Maui County ................................................. 10.2.7 Summary of Visitor Plant Inventory by Area and Type, Maui County ................................ 10.2.8 Visitor Plant Inventory, Maui County ............................................................................... 10.2.9 Largest Hotels by Number of Sleeping Rooms, Maui County ........................................... 10.3.1 Expenditures Per Person Per Day by United States and Japanese Visitors, State of Hawaii 10.3.2 Visitor Spending, Maui and Molokai ............................................................................... 10.3.3 Summary Visitor Characteristics, Maui County ................................................................ 10.3.4 Summary Visitor Characteristics, By Island ...................................................................... 10.3.5 Cruise Visitor Per Person Per Day Spending by Category and MMA, State of Hawaii ........ 10.3.6 Cruise Ship Passenger Numbers Visiting Maui in 2003 and 2004 .................................... Contents 168 169 169 170 170 171 172 174 175 176 176 177 178 180 181 184 185 186 187 188 190 191 192 193 194 195 195 196 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 xi 10.3.7 10.4.1 10.4.2 10.4.3 10.4.4 10.4.5 10.5.1 10.5.2 10.5.3 10.5.4 10.5.5 10.6.1 10.7.1 10.7.2 10.7.3 Major Cruise Ships Visiting Maui .................................................................................... Activity Participation Maui County by Visitor Category .................................................... Excellent Satisfaction Ratings by Island ........................................................................... Maui County Visitation Decision Timetable ..................................................................... Overall Island Experience, Maui County, All Visitor Categories ....................................... Visitors by Income Level, Maui County by MMA ............................................................ Attendance at Museums and other Cultural Attractions, Maui County ............................. National and State Historic Sites, Maui County ............................................................... National, State and County Parks, Maui County .............................................................. Park Maintenance, Maui County Department of Parks and Recreation ............................ Seaweed Removal From Maui Beaches ........................................................................... Seating Capacities of Selected Facilities, Maui County .................................................... Dog Licenses Issued, by Island ........................................................................................ Maui Humane Society Animal Acquisitions and Dispositions, Maui Island ...................... Maui Humane Society Call Slips and Citations Issued ..................................................... DOMESTIC TRADE Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 11.1.1 Manufacturing Maui County and State of Hawaii ............................................................ 11.1.2 Industrial Parks, Island of Maui ....................................................................................... 11.2.1 General Excise Tax Base, Maui County ........................................................................... 11.2.2 Retail Establishments With Employees by Type and Location ........................................... 11.2.3 Characteristics of Major Shopping Centers, Maui County ................................................ 11.2.4 Summary of Retail Trade by Business Group With Employees, Maui County ................... 11.2.5 Merchandise Line Sales of Retail Establishments with Payrol1, for the State, Oahu and the Rest of the State ........................................................................................ 11.2.6 Commercial Lease Rents, Maui Island ............................................................................. 11.3.1 Characteristics of Business Establishments With Employees by Sector, Maui County ........ 11.3.2 Characteristics of Business Establishments by Sector, for Employers and Nonemployers, Maui County ................................................................................... 11.3.3 Largest Private Corporations, Maui County ..................................................................... 11.3.4 Characteristics of Business Establishments With Employees, Maui County ....................... 11.3.5 Number of Business Establishments With Employees, State of Hawaii and Maui County . 11.3.6 Service Establishments With Employees for Places with 2,500 Inhabitants or More, Maui County .................................................................................. 11.3.7 Service Establishments With Employees by Type and Location ........................................ 11.3.8 Sales by Business Establishments, for Employers and Nonemployers by Sector, Maui County ................................................................................................. INDEX xii 207 208 209 209 210 211 212 213 213 214 214 215 216 217 218 220 221 222 223 224 226 227 228 229 230 232 234 234 235 236 238 240 ...................................................................................................................................... 241 Contents General Statistics Section 1 GENERAL STATISTICS “CDP” means Census Designated Place, a “densely settled concentration of population that is identifiable by name.” “CCD” means Census Community Division, which is based on a “well-known local name that identifies its location.” CCDs may contain one or more CDPs. This section covers the statistics on population, population distribution, income, cost of living and other general aspects of Maui County. The totals for population have been broken down by factors such as residence, population, de facto population (the number of people actually in the county), district, density, age, race and sex. Population statistics are based on the April 1, 2000 census figures modified by provisional estimates supplied by the Federal-State Cooperative Program for Population Estimates. Several of the tables address the cost of living and personal income which have been shown to be of great interest to users of this book. The primary measuring tool for cost of living increases is the consumer price index for urban dwellers (CPI-U). The Honolulu consumer price index has been compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics since December 1963. This index measures the average change in prices of goods and services purchased by urban households. Prices are expressed as a percent of the average levels reported in 1982–1984, the base date. Statistics for Maui County are not available, therefore the index for the City and County of Honolulu is provided. The sources for this data are the U.S. Bureau of the Census, estimates developed by the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, U.S. Department of Commerce, Hawaii State Department of Health, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics CPI Reports. 2 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 Maui County Data Book 2005 1.1.1 MAUI COUNTY STATISTICS General Statistics Unit Period 1999 2000 2001 126,160 128,241 131,747 r Resident Population1 Number July 1 Civilian Labor Force Employment Unemployment Unemployment rate Total Job Count2 Number Number Number Percent Number Mo. Avg. Mo. Avg. Mo. Avg. Mo. Avg. Mo. Avg. 72,150 r 70,000 r 2,950 r 4.1 r 62,150 Gross Business Receipts State Tax Collections4 County Tax Collections5 Mil. $ Thous. $ Thous. $ Total Total Total 3,429.5 234,878 85,723 3,821.2 260,703 96,387 3,941.6 259,381 100,210 3785.2 250,170 114,087 Estimated Domestic Visitors Estimated International Visitors Hotel Inventory Hotel Occupancy Thous. Thous. Number Percent Total Total Feb. Mo. Avg. 1,866.5 6 480.5 6 18,609 77.3 1,867.0 7 470.0 18,270 81.9 1,727.2 418.5 18,234 73.0 Private Permits Residential Permits Non-Residential Permits Additions and Alterations Real Estate Resales Single Family Average Price Condominum Average Price Thous. Thous. Thous. Thous. $ $ $ $ Total Total Total Total 229,162 123,633 60,488 45,042 355,361 196,309 75,157 83,894 Number Dollars Number Dollars Total Avg. Total Avg. 965 344,848 1,347 305,672 985 441,143 1,495 399,172 Sugar Production, Raw Sugar 96° Pineapple Sales, Fresh Equivalent Diversified Crops/Livestock Diversified Crops Livestock & Aquaculture Thous. $ Thous. $ Thous. $ Thous. $ Thous. $ Total Total Total Total Total 73,050 r 69,350 r 3,700 r 5.1 r 58,150 89,800 28,325 43,334 r 36,850 r 6,484 r 71,150 r 68,500 r 2,650 r 3.7 r 60,500 65,300 29,395 48,696 r 41,306 r 7,390 r 2004 133,436 r 135,926 r 138,347 1.8 1.86 72,300 r 69,500 r 5,850 r 3.9 r 61,900 72,600 r 68,900 r 2,700 r 3.7 r 63,400 74,050 71,800 2,300 3.1 65,850 2.0 4.2 -14.8 -16.2 3.9 0.28 0.72 2.52 -8.57 2.53 4,107.7 257,486 123,492 4,561.3 308,140 140,280 11.0 19.7 13.6 6.03 5.91 10.42 1,770 369 17,992 71 1,900 296 18,578 74.2 1,938 270 18,485 78.0 2.0 -8.9 -0.5 5.1 0.87 -10.71 -0.12 0.39 312,738 186,548 86,619 39,571 273,716 186,622 38,384 48,710 456,085 276,286 128,440 51,359 448,831 285,212 58,757 61,862 -1.6 3.2 -54.3 20.5 19.13 21.03 32.84 16.48 986 402,272 1,309 391,385 978 491,248 1,551 300,985 1,410 591,222 1,986 354,444 1,221 730,264 1,993 438,255 -13.4 23.5 0.4 23.6 6.43 17.02 9.09 9.39 75,800 29,826 56,058 49,918 6,140 NA NA NA NA NA 1 76,500 29,624 55,502 r 49,448 r 6,054 r NA NA NA NA NA 2 Refers to number of jobs rather than number of persons employed. Persons with more than one job are counted more than once. Preliminary estimates by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. 4 Totals do not include real property taxes. 5 Fiscal year ending June 30. 1996-1998 figures are not comparable to other years due to low allocation to counties of electronically filed tax data. 6 Change in methodology. 7 Beginning 2000, includes passengers arriving on cruise ships. 3 NA: Not available *: Incremental change **: Average of incremental changes SOURCE: Maui County Databook 2005, compilations from multiple sources. p: Preliminary %Change Annual 00/04 2003 67,200 27,115 52,249 r 46,247 r 6,002 r 2002 %Change Annual 03/04 r: Revised NA NA NA NA NA 3 1.1.2 CENSUS BUREAU QUICK FACTS, MAUI COUNTY & STATE OF HAWAII Category Maui County State of Hawaii Population Population, 2004 estimate Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2004 Population, 2000 Population, percent change, 1990 to 2000 Persons under 5 years old, percent, 2000 Persons under 18 years old, percent, 2000 Persons 65 years old and over, percent, 2000 Female persons, percent, 2000 White persons, percent, 2000 (a) Black or African American persons, percent, 2000 (a) American Indian and Alaska Native persons, percent, 2000 (a) Asian persons, percent, 2000 (a) Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, percent, 2000 (a) Persons reporting some other race, percent, 2000 (a) Persons reporting two or more races, percent, 2000 White persons, not of Hispanic/Latino origin, percent, 2000 Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin, percent, 2000 (b) 138,221 7.9% 128,094 27.6% 6.7% 25.5% 11.4% 49.8% 33.9% 0.4% 0.4% 31.0% 10.7% 1.4% 22.2% 31.9% 7.8% 1,262,840 4.2% 1,211,537 9.3% 6.5% 24.4% 13.3% 49.8% 24.3% 1.8% 0.3% 41.6% 9.4% 1.3% 21.4% 22.9% 7.2% General Living in same house in 1995 and 2000', pct age 5+, 2000 Foreign born persons, percent, 2000 Language other than English spoken at home, pct age 5+, 2000 High school graduates, percent of persons age 25+, 2000 Bachelor’s degree or higher, pct of persons age 25+, 2000 Persons with a disability, age 5+, 2000 Mean travel time to work (minutes), workers age 16+, 2000 55.8% 16.5% 24.1% 83.4% 22.4% 23,820 21.7 56.8% 17.5% 26.6% 84.6% 26.2% 199,819 26.1 58,519 57.6% 37.5% $249,900 43,507 2.91 $49,489 $22,033 10.5% 470,512 56.5% 39.4% $272,700 403,240 2.92 $49,820 $21,525 10.7% Housing Housing units, 2002 Homeownership rate, 2000 Housing units in multi-unit structures, percent, 2000 Median value of owner-occupied housing units, 2000 Households, 2000 Persons per household, 2000 Median household income, 1999 Per capita money income, 1999 Persons below poverty, percent, 1999 4 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.1.2 CONTINUED Category Business Private nonfarm establishments with paid employees, 2001 Private nonfarm employment, 2001 Private nonfarm employment, percent change 2000-2001 Nonemployer establishments, 2000 Manufacturers shipments, 1997 ($1000) Retail sales, 1997 ($1000) Retail sales per capita, 1997 Minority-owned firms, percent of total, 1997 Women-owned firms, percent of total, 1997 Housing units authorized by building permits, 2002 Federal funds and grants, 2002 ($1000) Geography Land area, 2000 (square miles) Persons per square mile, 2000 FIPS Code Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area 1 Maui County State of Hawaii 3,955 54,155 3.6% 10,960 259,608 1,359,298 $11,410 38.4% 24.1% 1,184 494,645 30,175 441,856 2.3% 73,810 3,192,532 11,317,752 $9,516 57.7% 27.5% 5,902 10,473,997 1,159 6,423 110.5 188.6 9 15 Kahului-Wailuku, HI Micro Area Kalawao County included with Maui County; data not available separately. (a) Includes persons reporting only one race. (b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories. SOURCE: US Census Bureau, State & County QuickFacts. Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 5 1.2.1 MAUI COUNTY AND DISTRICTS K A L A W A O * L O K A I KAUNAKAKAI *Kalawao is officially designated as a separate county but is usually treated as a district of Maui for statistical purposes. MOLOKAI A N A U WAILUKU K U W A A M A K I LANAI CITY A N LANAI L I L I W A H L A MAUI O O A M H A N A KAHOOLAWE M A K AWAO (part) N ISLAND J U D I C I A L 12 0 D I S T R I C T MILES TOWN SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, 1991. 6 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.2.2 MAUI COUNTY SUBDIVISIONS AND PLACES KALAWAO CO. MOLOKAI KALAWAO WEST MOLOKAI Kualapuu MAUI (part) Maunaloa Kaunakakai EAST MOLOKAI LANAI MAUI (part) Lanai City LANAI MAUI Paia UI KAH LAHAINA Waikapu Haliimaile E EN N UU Makawao P Maalaea KIHEI HaikuPauwela Kahului UL UK U IA -PA Waihee Waiehu Wailuku O WA KA Lahaina HAIKUPAUWELA MA Kaanapali SPRECKELSVILLE WA IL Kapalua NapiliHonokowai WA WA IHEEIKA PU Pukalani Kihei Hana MAUI (part) HANA WaileaMakena KAHOOLAWE KULA (part) COUNTY KULA (part) ISLAND CENSUS DIVISION Census Designated Place 0 10 20 30 Miles SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2001 Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 7 1.2.3 MAUI COUNTY CENSUS TRACTS SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files, processed by the Hawaii SBDC Network Business Research Library. 8 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.3.1 RESIDENT POPULATION BY COUNTIES Estimates based on place of usual residence; includes armed forces stationed or homeported in Hawaii and residents temporarily absent, excludes visitors present Maui County1 Hawaii County Kauai County City & County of Honolulu State Total July 1, 1980 July 1, 1981 July 1, 1982 July 1, 1983 July 1, 1984 71,600 74,000 77,100 80,100 83,000 92,900 96,100 98,800 100,800 103,500 39,400 40,500 41,800 42,800 43,600 764,600 767,600 776,100 789,100 797,800 968,500 978,200 993,800 1,012,700 1,027,900 July 1, 1985 July 1, 1986 July 1, 1987 July 1, 1988 July 1, 1989 85,100 87,400 90,500 93,800 96,800 105,900 108,400 111,700 113,400 116,600 44,400 45,600 47,200 48,500 49,800 804,300 810,400 818,400 824,100 831,300 1,039,700 1,051,800 1,067,900 1,079,800 1,094,600 July 1, 1990 July 1, 1991 July 1, 1992 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1994 101,588 105,013 108,585 111,944 114,754 121,458 126,684 131,630 135,085 137,713 51,625 53,121 54,439 55,461 56,478 838,032 846,594 863,959 870,348 878,591 1,112,703 1,131,412 1,158,613 1,172,838 1,187,536 July 1, 1995 July 1, 1996 July 1, 1997 July 1, 1998 July 1, 1999 117,895 120,689 122,772 124,648 126,160 140,492 141,935 144,445 145,833 146,970 57,068 57,688 57,712 57,843 58,264 881,399 883,443 886,711 886,909 878,906 1,196,854 1,203,755 1,211,640 1,215,233 1,210,300 April 1, 2000 July 1, 2001 July 1, 2002 July 1, 2003 July 1, 2004 128,241 131,684 133,320 135,734 138,347 148,677 151,773 154,821 158,423 162,971 58,463 59,031 59,960 60,747 61,929 876,156 882,550 892,562 902,704 899,593 1,211,537 1,225,038 1,240,663 1,257,608 1,262,840 Date 1Including Kalawao County (Kalaupapa Settlement). SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1980 Census of Population-Characteristics of the PopulationNumber of Inhabitants Hawaii, PC80-1-A13 (October 1981), table 2 and 1990 Census of Population and Housing-Summary Population and Housing Characteristics Hawaii, 1990 CPH-1-13 (August 1991), table 2; U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) Summary File (March 19, 2001); and the U.S. Census Bureau, Federal-State Cooperative Program for Population Estimates. Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 9 1.3.2 DE FACTO POPULATION, BY COUNTIES Includes all persons physically present in area, regardless of military status or usual place of residence. Includes visitors present but excludes residents temporarily absent. Both calculated as averages for 12-month periods centered on estimate date. Date Maui County1 Hawaii County Kauai County City & County of Honolulu State Total April 1, 1980 July 1, 1981 July 1, 1982 July 1, 1983 July 1, 1984 85,803 89,000 94,200 104,000 114,400 98,588 101,700 104,300 108,500 109,600 46,048 47,300 48,400 50,500 54,100 821,068 824,700 837,600 846,300 852,300 1,051,508 1,062,600 1,084,600 1,109,200 1,130,500 July 1, 1985 July 1, 1986 July 1, 1987 July 1, 1988 July 1, 1989 115,400 120,100 123,100 125,700 139,200 112,500 116,600 120,400 122,200 132,300 55,200 59,700 62,100 64,200 68,100 854,800 871,000 881,000 888,200 905,900 1,137,800 1,167,500 1,186,500 1,200,400 1,245,600 April 1, 1990 July 1, 1991 July 1, 1992 July 1, 1993 July 1, 1994 134,569 139,120 145,617 147,566 150,424 133,202 140,657 145,319 146,373 148,172 66,699 69,347 65,614 60,596 66,376 896,260 897,798 906,425 901,984 911,199 1,230,731 1,246,923 1,262,974 1,256,519 1,276,171 July 1, 1995 July 1, 1996 July 1, 1997 July 1, 1998 July 1, 1999 152,600 154,407 158,415 159,650 161,636 149,789 151,264 157,637 161,212 160,046 67,842 69,263 70,318 72,299 72,735 911,501 909,660 919,240 916,203 913,222 1,281,732 1,284,594 1,305,611 1,309,366 1,307,639 April 1, 2000 July 1, 2000 July 1, 2001r July 1, 2002r July 1, 2003r 168,544 168,439 168,164 171,155 174,374 167,073 166,384 168,220 172,062 174,976 75,200 74,711 73,926 74,904 76,079 927,173 925,233 923,382 929,831 930,928 1,337,991 1,334,767 1,333,692 1,347,952 1,356,357 July 1, 2004 177,755 180,226 78,001 940,858 1,376,840 1Including r Kalawao County (Kalaupapa Settlement). Revised from previous Data Book. SOURCE: Federal-State Cooperative Program for Population Estimates; Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Tourism Research Branch; calculations by DBEDT. 10 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.3.3 RESIDENT POPULATION BY COUNTIES AND DISTRICTS County and District Percent Change 1980 to 1990 1990 to 2000 April 1, 1990 April 1, 2000 964,691 1,108,229 1,211,537 14.9 9.3 Maui Hana Makawao Wailuku Lahaina Lanai 70,991 1,423 19,005 32,111 10,284 2,119 100,504 1,895 29,207 45,685 14,574 2,426 128,241 1,855 36,476 61,346 17,967 3,193 41.6 33.2 53.7 42.3 41.7 14.5 27.6 -2.1 24.9 34.3 23.3 31.6 Molokai Kalawao 5,905 144 6,587 130 7,257 147 11.5 -9.7 10.2 13.1 City & Co. of Honolulu Honolulu Koolaupoko Koolauloa Waialua Wahiawa 762,565 365,048 109,373 14,195 9,849 41,562 836,231 377,059 117,694 18,443 11,549 43,886 876,156 372,279 117,994 18,899 14,027 38,370 9.7 3.3 7.6 29.9 17.3 5.6 4.8 -1.3 0.3 2.5 21.5 -12.6 Waianae Ewa 31,487 191,051 37,411 230,189 42,259 272,328 18.8 20.5 13.0 18.3 Hawaii County Puna South Hilo North Hilo Hamakua North Kohala 92,053 11,751 42,278 1,679 5,128 3,249 120,317 20,781 44,639 1,541 5,545 4,291 148,677 31,335 47,386 1,720 6,108 6,038 30.7 76.8 5.6 -8.2 8.1 32.1 23.6 50.8 6.2 11.6 10.2 40.7 South Kohala North Kona South Kona Ka’u 4,607 13,748 5,914 3,699 9,140 22,284 7,658 4,438 13,131 28,543 8,589 5,827 98.4 62.1 29.5 20.0 43.7 28.1 12.2 31.3 Kauai County Hanalei Kawaihau Lihue Koloa Waimea 39,082 2,668 10,497 8,590 8,734 8,593 51,177 4,631 15,627 10,663 11,368 8,888 58,463 6,348 18,525 12,022 12,845 8,723 30.9 73.6 48.9 24.1 30.2 3.4 14.2 37.1 18.5 12.7 13.0 -1.9 State Total County1 1 April 1, 1980 Including Kalawao County. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Census 2000 Redistricting Data Summary: Hawaii (March 2001); and 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Population and Housing Unit Counts, Hawaii, 1990 CPH-213 (March 1993), table 8. Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 11 1.3.4 POPULATION DENSITY, MAUI COUNTY Area All Persons Land Area (sq. miles) Persons Per Square Mile Maui + Kalawao Counties 128,241 1,172.4 109.4 Maui Island 117,644 771.9 152.4 Haiku-Pauwela division Hana division Kahului division Kihei division Kula division Lahaina division Makawao-Paia division Puunene division Spreckelsville division Waihee-Waikapu division Wailuku division 8,377 1,855 20,134 19,843 9,729 17,967 18,370 12 337 3,397 17,623 59.9 180.5 5.8 38.8 263.4 95.9 43.3 4.6 19.8 54.6 5.3 139.8 10.3 3,501.4 511.5 36.9 187.4 424.1 2.6 17.0 62.2 3,324.4 Haiku-Pauwela CDP Haliimaile CDP Hana CDP Kaanapali CDP Kahului CDP 6,578 895 709 1,375 20,146 15.8 1.7 2.2 4.9 15.2 417.5 534.0 326.0 282.8 1,328.7 Kapalua CDP Kihei CDP Lahaina CDP Maalaea CDP Makawao CDP 467 16,749 9,118 454 6,327 1.7 10.2 5.8 4.8 4.7 272.9 1,648.6 1,584.7 95.3 1,353.8 6,788 2,499 7,380 7,310 1,115 5.9 6.1 4.4 4.3 11.0 1,153.9 410.8 1,671.1 1,718.5 101.6 5,671 12,296 22.6 5.1 250.6 2,427.4 Molokai Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) East Molokai CCD West Molokai CCD 7,404 147 4,688 2,569 260.0 13.2 119.4 127.4 28.5 11.1 39.3 20.2 Kaunakakai CDP Kualapuu CDP Maunaloa CDP 2,726 1,936 230 2.0 30.5 0.2 1,342.7 63.5 1,374.6 Lanai Lanai City CDP 3,193 3,164 140.5 3.6 22.7 885.5 Napili-Honokowai CDP Paia CDP Pukalani CDP Waihee-Waiehu CDP Waikapu CDP Wailea-Makena CDP Wailuku CDP NOTE: See chapter introduction for definitions of CDP and CCD. SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 2000 Redistricting Data Summary: Hawaii (March 2001). 12 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.3.5 RESIDENT POPULATION AND HOUSEHOLDS, MAUI COUNTY BY DISTRICT AND CENSUS TRACT District and Census Tract Population Households Maui + Kalawao Counties 128,241 43,622 1,855 1,855 592 592 Makawao 302 303.01 303.02 304.01 304.02 305 36,476 8,377 6,659 3,070 8,147 7,708 2,515 13,009 2,973 2,522 1,408 2,760 2,558 788 Wailuku 306 307.01 307.02 307.03 308 309.01 309.02 309.03 310 311.01 311.02 311.03 312 313 61,346 337 3,579 8,057 8,207 3,397 2,437 2,661 6,682 5,843 6,908 4,730 4,720 3,776 12 20,409 130 1089 2,974 3494 1050 963 971 1,637 2,221 1,938 1,500 1,231 1,206 5 Lahaina 314.01 314.02 314.03 315 17,967 2,492 2,433 4,276 8,766 6,031 988 646 1,000 3,397 Lanai 316 3,193 3,193 1161 1161 Molokai 317 318 7,257 4,688 2,569 2,305 1,527 778 147 147 115 115 Hana 301 Kalawao (Kalaupapa) 319 SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 2000 Summary File 1: Hawaii (July 2001). Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 13 14 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 17,967 1,375 467 9,118 6,788 18,370 895 6,327 Makawao-Paia division Haliimaile CDP Makawao CDP 9,729 3,041 Kula division Wailea-Makena CDP (part) Lahaina division Kaanapali CDP Kapalua CDP Lahaina CDP Napili-Honokowai CDP 454 2,630 19,843 16,749 Kihei division Kihei CDP Maalaea CDP Wailea-Makena CDP (part) 20,134 20,134 1,855 709 117,644 8,377 6,578 128,094 Kahului division Kahului CDP (part) Hana division Hana CDP Maui Island Haiku-Pauwela division Haiku-Pauwela CDP Maui County Total Population 9,195 459 3,156 9,303 725 224 4,738 3,502 4,783 1,532 240 1,347 10,096 8,502 9,929 9,929 899 334 59,175 4,272 3,361 64,329 Male 9,175 436 3,171 8,664 650 243 4,380 3,286 4,946 1,509 214 1,283 9,747 8,247 10,205 10,205 956 375 58,469 4,105 3,217 63,765 Female SEX 10,834 281 4,095 9,330 1,183 327 3,442 4,294 7,369 2,620 405 2,119 12,550 10,026 5,022 5,022 814 248 59,640 6,347 4,889 62,688 White 145 2 55 184 18 3 72 91 78 30 2 51 326 273 172 172 6 2 1,179 124 94 1,272 483 26 225 335 6 177 145 201 48 5 56 394 333 399 399 49 13 2,488 273 200 2,738 American Black or Indian and African Alaska American Native 8,214 542 2,548 7,387 153 103 5,169 1,895 2,513 432 46 505 6,737 6,176 14,675 14,675 556 255 55,656 2,109 1,811 61,148 Asian 5,003 309 1,853 3,341 58 116 1,997 1,075 1,202 159 18 211 3,221 2,985 5,375 5,375 1,178 543 27,835 1,917 1,514 33,019 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander RACE (ALONE OR IN COMBINATION) 967 30 362 992 67 16 416 478 283 53 9 82 769 678 1,336 1,336 35 8 5,585 352 259 5,874 Some other race SUMMARY CHARACTERISTICS OF PERSONS FOR MAUI COUNTY AND CENSUS DESIGNATED PLACES, BY RACE AND SEX 1.3.6 3,235 97 1,337 2,118 164 34 984 922 751 163 27 236 2,087 1,824 3,105 3,105 180 78 15,376 1,106 889 16,511 Hispanic or Latino (any race) Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 15 7,404 2,569 1,936 230 Molokai (including Kalawao) West Molokai division Kualapuu CDP Maunaloa CDP 3,193 3,193 3,164 4,688 2,726 1,609 1,609 1,593 2,265 1,305 73 3,618 1,280 973 120 8,793 2,979 5,814 1,724 685 560 317 174 - 7 7 1,275 3,655 Male 1,584 1,584 1,571 2,423 1,421 74 3,786 1,289 963 110 8,830 3,001 5,829 1,673 645 555 336 163 - 5 5 1,224 3,725 Female SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 2000 Summary File 1: Hawaii (July 2001). Lanai Lanai division Lanai City CDP East Molokai division Kaunakakai CDP 147 17,623 5,980 11,643 Wailuku division Waihee-Waiehu CDP (part) Wailuku CDP (part) Kalawao division 3,397 1,330 1,115 653 337 - 12 12 2,499 7,380 Waihee-Waikapu division Waihee-Waiehu CDP (part) Waikapu CDP Wailuku CDP (part) Spreckelsville division Kahului CDP (part) Puunene division Kahului CDP (part) Paia CDP Pukalani CDP Total Population SEX 795 795 777 1,519 705 46 2,299 734 478 72 5,746 1,679 4,067 1,324 548 365 262 300 - 4 4 1,279 4,132 White 18 18 18 45 24 - 75 30 24 1 120 39 81 21 8 12 - 3 - - 17 59 61 61 61 122 60 - 189 67 45 12 316 107 209 38 17 13 7 - - 57 138 American Black or Indian and African Alaska American Native 2,418 2,418 2,410 2,122 1,481 27 3,101 952 781 90 11,539 4,179 7,360 1,884 643 753 421 36 - 6 6 1,242 3,661 Asian 659 659 651 2,798 1,551 74 4,599 1,727 1,352 142 5,619 1,964 3,655 966 451 298 68 10 - 3 3 708 1,937 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander RACE (ALONE OR IN COMBINATION) CONTINUED 1.3.6 130 130 130 91 53 10 169 68 59 4 720 192 528 118 51 32 12 13 - - 165 379 Some other race 439 439 439 485 295 6 702 211 176 17 2,455 863 1,592 321 129 115 72 18 - - 481 1,192 Hispanic or Latino (any race) 16 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 18,370 895 6,327 Makawao-Paia division Haliimaile CDP Makawao CDP 9,729 3,041 Kula division Wailea-Makena CDP (part) 17,967 1,375 467 9,118 6,788 19,843 16,749 454 2,630 Kihei division Kihei CDP Maalaea CDP Wailea-Makena CDP (part) Lahaina division Kaanapali CDP Kapalua CDP Lahaina CDP Napili-Honokowai CDP 20,134 20,134 1,855 709 117,644 8,377 6,578 147 128,094 Kahului division Kahului CDP (part) Hana division Hana CDP Maui Island Haiku-Pauwela division Haiku-Pauwela CDP Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) Maui County 1,249 43 469 1,229 69 39 555 541 424 106 1,313 1,145 12 156 1,438 1,438 134 62 7,822 586 458 0 8,579 Total Under Population 5 3 9,336 10 to 17 yrs 1,372 48 490 1,066 76 17 522 441 525 112 1,430 1,253 7 169 1,456 1,456 135 60 2,482 112 912 1,686 79 26 1,000 562 986 191 2,027 1,804 11 212 2,295 2,295 284 102 8,182 13,433 613 946 506 747 0 9,079 5 to 9 yrs 877 59 297 752 35 20 424 260 249 61 835 741 7 87 1,051 1,051 91 39 5,194 349 282 0 8,658 18 to 21 yrs 25 to 34 yrs 35 to 44 yrs 45 to 54 yrs 9 18 31 588 44 201 683 12 10 374 279 155 42 707 621 3 82 806 806 65 39 2,345 135 838 3,141 188 59 1,515 1,349 958 346 3,170 2,716 41 411 2,797 2,797 207 89 3,273 123 1,184 3,301 233 91 1,526 1,404 1,669 490 3,903 3,344 67 489 2,770 2,770 215 72 3,022 119 1,026 2,642 261 58 1,272 1,028 2,227 708 3,182 2,630 95 457 2,307 2,307 345 110 3,911 16,569 20,458 18,511 271 1,201 1,668 1,568 206 956 1,303 1,182 2 6,970 17,723 21,891 19,823 22 to 24 yrs 903 25 278 953 108 27 499 307 690 287 1,012 784 58 168 990 990 105 39 6,056 408 322 19 6,599 55 to 59 yrs 596 34 174 689 96 42 347 194 461 203 694 534 49 111 861 861 82 28 4,323 210 167 18 4,807 60 to 64 yrs POPULATION BY AGE GROUP, MAUI COUNTY AND CENSUS DESIGNATED PLACES 1.3.7 943 71 259 989 132 46 539 259 716 301 907 668 57 182 1,621 1,621 110 41 6,963 311 253 35 7,715 65 to 74 yrs 550 52 155 660 82 26 410 138 499 165 542 411 41 89 1,273 1,273 63 25 4,753 191 145 12 5,272 75 to 84 yrs 170 30 44 176 4 6 135 26 170 29 121 98 6 17 469 469 19 3 1,469 55 51 0 1,642 85 yrs & over 36.0 35.9 34.6 36.1 44.8 41.7 36.0 34.8 44.5 47.6 36.1 35.3 52.9 39.4 35.8 35.8 35.6 30.7 36.9 36.5 36.1 58.6 36.8 Median age Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 17 2,569 1,936 230 204 141 24 - 537 333 193 220 220 220 1,195 451 744 234 86 79 46 20 - - 180 478 269 196 30 - 627 358 214 270 270 269 1,315 581 734 239 95 81 52 31 - - 182 581 5 to 9 yrs 412 312 46 3 1,223 808 472 400 400 398 2,246 1,015 1,231 437 153 141 106 44 - - 302 1,010 10 to 17 yrs 126 96 16 1 382 255 145 141 141 141 815 336 479 168 64 54 27 7 - - 170 307 18 to 21 yrs SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 2000 Summary File 1: Hawaii (July 2001). West Molokai division Kualapuu CDP Maunaloa CDP 147 7,404 4,688 2,726 Molokai (with Kalaupapa) East Molokai division Kaunakakai CDP Kalawao division 3,193 3,193 3,164 17,623 5,980 11,643 Wailuku division Waihee-Waiehu CDP (part) Wailuku CDP (part) Lanai Lanai division Lanai City CDP 3,397 1,330 1,115 653 337 - 12 12 2,499 7,380 Waihee-Waikapu division Waihee-Waiehu CDP (part) Waikapu CDP Wailuku CDP (part) Spreckelsville division Kahului CDP (part) Puunene division Kahului CDP (part) Paia CDP Pukalani CDP Total Under Population 5 55 42 3 1 177 121 81 108 108 108 545 191 354 88 45 23 9 3 - - 100 200 22 to 24 yrs 294 226 24 9 738 435 243 425 425 425 2,388 723 1,665 325 129 137 29 37 - - 352 891 25 to 34 yrs CONTINUED 1.3.7 341 260 34 18 977 618 373 474 474 469 2,965 1,067 1,898 629 260 190 131 62 - 3 3 452 1,303 35 to 44 yrs 295 230 21 31 979 653 344 364 364 358 2,519 796 1,723 628 206 195 171 68 - 3 3 349 1,257 45 to 54 yrs 134 104 7 19 400 247 128 162 162 159 796 233 563 173 75 51 27 24 - 2 2 113 378 55 to 59 yrs 110 80 5 18 339 211 118 163 163 160 604 165 439 118 55 35 16 8 - - 87 246 60 to 64 yrs 176 127 14 35 573 362 231 214 214 213 1,172 258 914 179 86 54 21 13 - 2 2 106 439 65 to 74 yrs 129 105 4 12 347 206 128 184 184 176 812 133 679 147 64 61 15 14 - 2 2 80 227 75 to 84 yrs 24 17 2 - 105 81 56 68 68 68 251 31 220 32 12 14 3 6 - - 26 63 85 yrs & over 32.9 33.6 21.8 58.6 35.2 35.6 35.5 35.6 35.6 35.4 36.1 31.3 38.3 38.7 38.7 37.3 41.0 40.2 - 55.0 55.0 33.9 36.9 Median age 1.3.8 POPULATION BY RACE, MAUI COUNTY Race Race In Comb.1 Race Alone Percent 128,094 43,421 100.00% 33.90% 509 479 39,728 1,197 21,804 12,926 765 317 13,730 11,410 208 902 745 ND 1,743 28,484 0.40% 0.37% 31.01% 0.93% 17.02% 10.09% 0.60% 0.25% 10.72% 8.91% 0.16% 0.70% 0.58% All Races (Total Population) White Of Portuguese Ancestry2 Black AIAN3 ASIAN Chinese Filipino Japanese Korean Vietnamese NHPI4 Hawaiian Samoan Tongan Micronesian Fijian Some Other Race Two or More Races 1.36% 22.24% Percent 62,688 7,142 1,272 2,738 61,148 11,511 34,445 21,305 2,102 390 33,019 29,952 772 1,269 1,112 ND 5,874 48.94% 5.58% 0.99% 2.14% 47.74% 8.99% 26.89% 16.63% 1.64% 0.30% 25.78% 23.38% 0.60% 0.99% 0.87% 4.59% ND: Not Disclosed. Population count is 0 or less than 100 1 Race in Comb.: Race alone or in combination with one or more other races. Some individuals may be counted more than once. 2 Of Portuguese Ancestry: Number does not reflect whether Race Alone or Race in Combination. 3 AIAN: American Indian or Alaskan native. 4 NHPI: Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000, Summary File 2. 1.3.9 COMPONENTS OF CHANGE IN THE RESIDENT POPULATION OF MAUI COUNTY Change 4/90-7/99 4/1/2000-7/1/2000 7/1/2000-7/1/2001 4/1/2000-7/1/2001 7/1/2001-7/1/2002 7/1/2002-7/1/2003 7/1/2003-7/1/2004 Births 16,911 470 1,895 2,365 2,148 1,895 2,013 Deaths 6,438 189 827 1,016 753 967 990 Natural Increase (Births-Deaths) 6,214 281 1,068 1,349 1,395 928 1,023 Net International Migration 22 126 647 773 718 625 610 Net Internal Migration 5,135 224 1,240 1,464 20 871 790 Numeric Population Change -351 628 2,940 3,568 2,133 2,420 2,425 NOTES: Net International Migration consists of (1) legal immigration to the United States as reported by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, (2) an estimate of net undocumented immigration from abroad, (3) an estimate of emigration from the United States, and (4) net movement between Puerto Rico and the (balance of) the United States. Net Internal Migration is the difference between domestic inmigration to an area and domestic outmigration from it during the period. Domestic inmigration and outmigration consist of moves where both the origins and destinations are within the United States (excluding Puerto Rico). SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Estimates Program, Population Division, “County Population Estimates and Demographic Components of Population Change: Annual Time Series, July 1, 2003 to July 1, 2004.” 18 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.3.10 MARRIAGES BY RESIDENCY OF BRIDE AND GROOM, MAUI COUNTY1 Residency 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Both Bride and Groom are Residents Only One is a Resident Both Bride and Groom are Non-Residents 892 48 981 41 991 43 1,003 36 941 47 998 69 957 51 5,796 6,748 7,839 7,199 7,950 8,653 9,012 Total 6,736 7,770 8,873 8,238 8,938 9,720 10,020 1 Includes Kalawao. SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Health, Office of Health Status Monitoring, records. 1.3.11 MARRIAGES IN MAUI COUNTY1 WHERE BOTH BRIDE AND GROOM ARE NON-RESIDENTS January February March April May June July August September October November December Total 1 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 436 586 582 684 926 716 612 655 824 798 579 441 411 532 594 639 863 692 594 595 653 676 520 430 420 664 568 648 932 683 652 724 842 800 577 440 468 560 719 693 1,031 830 739 810 851 835 641 476 575 617 685 784 1,032 833 821 779 865 940 587 494 511 584 651 735 1,047 805 739 819 827 n/a n/a n/a 7,839 7,199 7,950 8,653 9,012 n/a Includes Kalawao. n/a: Not available. SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Health, Office of Health Status Monitoring, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 19 1.3.12 LIVE BIRTHS, MAUI COUNTY BY ZIP CODE CALENDAR YEAR AND PLACE OF MOTHER’S RESIDENCE Zip Code Location 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 117 38 284 331 266 196 34 1 70 331 107 18 305 334 274 204 48 0 77 332 114 40 293 260 266 221 34 0 55 328 124 33 310 301 290 190 38 0 69 333 99 29 350 306 279 226 40 9 70 350 101 33 303 347 296 232 43 0 78 333 Maui Island 96708 96713 96732 96753 96761 96768 96779 96784 96790 96793 Haiku Hana Kahului Kihei Lahaina Makawao/Pukalani Paia Puunene Kula Wailuku Lanai 96763 Lanai City 45 46 35 38 37 26 Molokai 96729 96748 96757 96770 Hoolehua Kaunakakai Kualapuu Maunaloa 16 62 8 9 22 70 8 19 20 56 11 12 14 82 15 13 13 49 13 8 19 55 9 9 0 0 8 5 0 11 1,808 1,865 1,753 1,855 1,878 1,895 Unknown Total SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Health, Office of Health Status Monitoring, records. 20 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.3.13 CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVE BIRTHS, MAUI COUNTY Characteristic 1 2002 Percent 2003 Percent 2004 Percent Births By Area of Residence Maui County Maui Molokai Lanai 1,859 1,698 125 38 100.00% 91.34% 6.27% 2.04% 1,883 1,761 86 36 100.00% 93.52% 4.57% 1.91% 1,895 1,774 121 1 n/a 100.00% 93.61% 6.39% n/a Ethnicity of Child Caucasian Hawaiian Chinese Filipino Japanese All Others Total 383 794 n/a 387 129 166 1,859 20.60% 42.71% n/a 20.82% 6.94% 8.93% 100.00% 371 808 25 408 104 167 1,883 19.70% 42.91% 1.33% 21.67% 5.52% 8.87% 100.00% 438 782 27 370 107 171 1,895 23.11% 41.27% 1.42% 19.53% 5.65% 9.02% 100.00% Ethnicity of Mother Caucasian Hawaiian Chinese Filipino Japanese All Others Total 523 590 n/a 439 136 171 1,859 28.13% 31.74% n/a 23.61% 7.32% 9.20% 100.00% 531 589 13 428 140 182 1,883 28.20% 31.28% 0.69% 22.73% 7.43% 9.67% 100.00% 572 592 20 427 116 168 1,895 30.18% 31.24% 1.06% 22.53% 6.12% 8.87% 100.00% Both Molokai and Lanai. n/a: Not available. SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Health, Office of Health Status Monitoring, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 21 1.3.14 POPULATION AND ECONOMIC PROJECTIONS, MAUI COUNTY: 2000 TO 2030 Forecast Variables Historical 2000 2005 Total resident population DeFacto population 128,969 140,050 151,300 162,600 168,541 181,850 197,550 213,850 Gross County Product (in current dollars) Total Personal Income (in current dollars) $ million Per capita personal income (in current dollars) Number employed Labor force Unemployment rate (%) 2010 Projected 2015 2020 174,450 229,700 2025 2030 186,850 199,550 246,400 263,500 4,723 5,832 7,317 9,181 11,457 14,305 17,896 3,220 4,168 5,322 6,887 8,952 24,973 68,400 71,400 4.2 29,759 73,568 77,115 4.6 35,178 77,619 81,704 5.0 42,354 81,431 85,717 5.0 51,316 85,276 89,764 5.0 62,064 89,239 93,935 5.0 74,283 93,392 98,307 5.0 Total self-employed jobs Total civilian wage and salary jobs Agriculture Mining and construction Manufacturing Transportation and Utilities Information Trade Finance, insurance and real estate Business and professional services Health services Accommodation and food services Other services Government 17,845 62,450 2,321 2,980 1,721 2,872 991 9,663 2,618 4,466 3,613 18,431 4,804 7,970 19,675 66,722 2,320 3,358 1,578 3,137 972 10,136 3,138 4,758 4,267 18,844 5,394 8,821 21,476 70,479 2,297 3,466 1,549 3,346 1,033 10,709 3,341 5,062 4,564 20,071 5,751 9,291 23,422 74,297 2,269 3,505 1,523 3,535 1,087 11,313 3,541 5,384 4,875 21,385 6,112 9,767 25,529 78,163 2,249 3,510 1,496 3,720 1,140 11,925 3,743 5,715 5,187 22,735 6,488 10,256 27,796 82,201 2,234 3,556 1,467 3,905 1,195 12,564 3,947 6,067 5,519 24,096 6,875 10,776 30,274 86,438 2,222 3,653 1,441 4,095 1,253 13,217 4,158 6,444 5,858 25,504 7,281 11,313 Visitor arrivals (in $ thousand) Visitor days (in $ thousand) Visitor expenditures (in $ million) Hotel rooms Hotel occupancy rates (%) 2,305 16,051 2,006 18,270 80.3 2,390 17,450 2,274 18,270 81.0 2,590 18,900 2,934 19,380 82.3 2,860 20,900 3,716 21,270 82.9 3,090 22,550 4,643 22,920 82.9 3,330 24,250 5,774 24,690 82.9 3,570 26,050 7,199 26,510 82.9 11,596 14,824.2 NOTE: “The projections ... are neither targets nor goals. Rather, they are DBEDT’s best estimates for important population and economic variables based on the currently available information” (from the Introduction). SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, Population and Economic Projections for the State of Hawaii to 2030, August 2004. 22 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.4.1 PERSONAL INCOME, TOTAL AND PER CAPITA, BY COUNTIES All figures revised Year Maui + Kalawao Counties Hawaii County Kauai County City and County of Honolulu State Total Total Personal Income (x $1,000) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 2,300,306 2,421,011 2,524,210 2,582,973 2,628,372 2,300,625 2,418,474 2,497,283 2,552,238 2,626,445 1,090,632 1,133,079 1,181,347 1,225,950 1,221,403 22,218,097 22,826,450 23,221,255 23,565,253 23,646,046 27,909,660 28,799,014 29,424,095 29,926,414 30,122,266 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2,706,070 2,848,193 3,036,459 3,240,658 3,345,029 2,693,916 2,865,367 2,987,074 3,195,347 3,371,216 1,238,384 1,272,456 1,319,431 1,410,114 1,434,026 24,363,482 24,770,656 25,302,751 26,604,764 26,976,012 31,001,852 31,756,672 32,645,715 34,450,883 35,126,283 2002 2003 2004 3,519,221 3,712,082 NA 3,546,329 3,730,331 NA 1,480,534 1,569,289 NA 27,936,227 29,001,504 NA 36,482,311 38,013,206 40,612,700 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 21,184 21,627 21,997 21,909 21,778 17,478 17,903 18,134 18,166 18,505 20,034 20,430 20,917 21,482 21,173 25,717 26,227 26,430 26,736 26,766 24,089 24,555 24,777 25,004 25,024 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 22,041 22,850 24,068 25,135 25,390 18,650 19,648 20,324 21,403 22,211 21,458 21,998 22,646 24,090 24,280 27,476 27,929 28,789 30,393 30,675 25,587 26,132 26,973 28,422 28,745 2002 2003 2004 26,374 27,310 NA 22,901 23,500 NA 24,680 25,838 NA 31,522 32,463 NA 29,552 30,441 32,160 Per Capita Income ($) NA: Data not available for this year. Notes: 1. Census Bureau midyear population estimates. Estimates for 2000-2003 reflect county population estimates available as of April 2005. 2. Per capita personal income was computed using Census Bureau midyear population estimates. Estimates for 2000-2003 reflect county population estimates available as of April 2005. 3. Per capita personal income is total personal income divided by total midyear population. 4. All state and local area dollar estimates are in current dollars (not adjusted for inflation). SOURCE: Regional Economic Information System, Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2005. Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 23 1.4.2 COST OF LIVING COMPARISON Homeowning family of 4 with an annual income of $80,000 Standard City, USA 100.0 Austin, TX 94.2 Kihei, HI 108.9 Seattle, WA 116.2 Boston, MA San Jose, CA 116.3 115.5 NOTE: The indices reflect the total expenses of housing, transportation, goods and services, and taxes. Standard City, USA represents the national average cost. SOURCE: Runzheimer International, 1999 cost of living comparison commissioned by the Maui Economic Development Board. 1.4.3 CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (ALL ITEMS COMBINED), BY TYPE OF CONSUMER: HONOLULU 1982–1984 average = 100 URBAN WAGE EARNERS AND ALL URBAN CONSUMERS (CPI-U) CLERICAL WORKERS (CPI-W) Year First Half Second Half Annual Average First Half Second Half Annual Average 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 120.1 126.4 135.5 146.8 153.9 158.6 163.4 166.9 170.5 172.1 172.0 172.7 123.4 131.1 140.8 149.1 156.4 161.6 165.7 169.4 171.0 171.8 171.0 173.8 121.7 128.7 138.1 148.0 155.1 160.1 164.5 168.1 170.7 171.9 171.5 173.3 121.1 127.4 136.3 147.7 154.6 159.4 163.5 167.2 170.8 172.4 172.3 173.0 124.5 132.0 141.6 150.1 157.2 162.0 165.8 169.7 171.2 172.0 171.0 173.9 122.8 129.7 138.9 148.9 155.9 160.7 164.7 168.4 171.0 172.2 171.6 173.4 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 175.9 178.1 180.1 183.2 190.6 176.7 178.7 180.4 185.7 189.2 176.3 178.4 180.3 184.5 191.9 176.0 178.6 180.4 183.4 190.2 176.9 179.5 180.7 185.3 188.8 176.5 179.1 180.6 184.3 191.5 NOTE: See section introduction (General Statistics) for CPI-U and CPI-W definitions. SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, CPI Detailed Report (monthly), BLS tapes tabulated by Hawaii State Data Center, and BLS. 24 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 25 122.55 112.36 122.50 119.50 115.42 148.23 115.80 111.88 112.04 104.33 92.92 109.88 102.31 99.49 143.77 132.59 267.67 86.36 122.24 149.58 112.97 127.68 125.39 159.28 131.16 138.17 108.75 106.06 Honolulu Index 118.00 116.53 102.20 116.12 109.23 172.72 124.66 111.00 107.00 104.41 84.04 120.63 111.24 99.49 115.95 90.58 382.07 52.84 120.75 155.11 113.41 139.91 121.93 155.19 129.50 137.26 104.99 102.89 Hawaii Index 127.09 107.91 110.27 121.60 109.41 223.87 119.73 116.04 108.65 104.93 83.39 124.86 102.31 99.49 141.32 118.21 391.70 48.30 127.66 162.92 116.75 163.44 139.47 155.96 130.62 146.04 110.18 116.57 Kauai Index 102.64 134.73 108.83 100.00 127.49 7.00 134.49 Overall Price Index Plus Adjustment Factor Index Plus Adjustment Factor 101.31 89.53 102.17 98.89 Miscellaneous Tobacco products, etc Miscellaneous Personal insurance and pensions Education and Communication Education Communications Computers and computer services 106.87 95.25 109.47 130.22 98.62 120.70 98.52 97.78 95.93 78.85 116.19 109.95 Medical Health insurance Medical services Drugs and medical supplies Recreation Fees and admissions Television, radios, sound equip Pets, toys, & playground equip. Other entertainment supplies Personal care products Personal care services Reading 125.90 114.93 133.65 101.69 99.63 250.37 Maui Index Transportation Motor vehicle costs Gasoline and motor oil Maintenance and repairs Vehicle insurance Public transportation Expenditure Item 122.78 5.00 127.78 103.35 121.60 117.30 100.00 101.20 156.34 98.89 98.89 106.91 99.68 105.22 118.33 104.64 113.55 104.96 104.55 89.90 78.47 99.61 105.46 118.67 108.88 113.73 117.73 103.42 218.80 Honolulu Index 112.11 7.00 119.11 103.09 125.05 114.55 100.00 100.88 70.08 102.58 98.89 101.72 88.62 108.38 122.30 102.43 112.43 76.48 96.21 89.11 77.33 101.87 100.69 118.02 100.64 121.90 102.07 103.83 268.41 Hawaii Index 123.58 7.00 130.58 104.46 127.28 123.45 100.00 101.43 80.64 102.73 98.89 109.90 104.33 109.71 118.40 102.74 121.58 94.99 135.52 90.77 78.32 99.65 110.40 121.37 108.56 126.75 111.57 83.83 261.81 Kauai Index SOURCE: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, “2004 Nonforeign Area Cost-of-Living Allowance Survey Report: Pacific and Washington, DC, Areas,” Federal Register vol. 70 No. 149, August 4, 2005, pp. 44989-45023. Adjustment Factor: A negotiated factor to reflect differences in living costs that might not be captured by the surveys. NOTE: Surveys conducted by Office of Personnel Management (OPM) in the spring and summer of 2004. 125.84 125.02 114.10 116.89 115.95 173.03 106.13 92.79 123.00 102.31 99.49 Household Furnishings & Supplies Household operations Housekeeping supplies Textiles and area rugs Furniture Apparel and Services Men and boys Women and girls Children under 2 Footwear Other apparel products and services 148.36 128.09 363.28 87.46 Shelter and Utilities Shelter Energy utilities Water and other public services 115.55 111.79 107.24 134.08 168.84 131.51 134.00 140.61 166.13 134.66 137.96 120.67 118.23 Food Cereals and bakery products Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs Dairy products Fruits and vegetables Processed foods Other food at home Nonalcoholic beverages Food away from home Alcoholic beverages Major appliances Small appliances, misc. housewares Misc. household equipment Maui Index Expenditure Item ESTIMATED COST OF LIVING BY CATEGORY, COUNTIES OF HAWAII RELATIVE TO WASHINGTON, DC 1.4.4 1.4.5 EARNINGS BY DETAILED INDUSTRY, MAUI COUNTY Earnings by Industry1 2003 Personal income 3,712,082 135,926 Population (persons) 2 Per capita personal income (dollars) 27,310 Earnings by place of work 2,912,119 less: Contributions for government social insurance 3 313,056 plus: Adjustment for residence 4 (18,201) equals: Net earnings by place of residence 2,580,862 plus: Dividends, interest, and rent 5 609,399 plus: Personal current transfer receipts 521,821 Wage and salary disbursements 2,149,299 Supplements to wages and salaries 447,667 Proprietors’ income 6 315,153 Farm proprietors’ income 407 Nonfarm proprietors’ income 314,746 Farm earnings 64,064 Nonfarm earnings 2,848,055 Private earnings 2,380,842 Forestry, fishing, related activities, and other7 (D) Forestry and logging 137 Fishing, hunting, and trapping (D) Agriculture and forestry support activities (D) Other 7 0 Mining (D) Oil and gas extraction 0 Mining (except oil and gas) (D) Support activities for mining 0 Utilities 37,622 Construction 219,191 Construction of buildings 52,842 Heavy and civil engineering construction 36,217 Specialty trade contractors 130,132 Manufacturing 110,336 Durable goods manufacturing 33,476 Wood product manufacturing (D) Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing 15,381 Primary metal manufacturing 7,097 Fabricated metal product manufacturing 2,299 Machinery manufacturing (D) Computer and electronic product manufacturing (D) Electrical equipment and appliance manufacturing 0 Motor vehicle manufacturing (L) Transportation equipment mfg. excl. motor vehicles 295 Furniture and related product manufacturing (D) Miscellaneous manufacturing 3,754 26 Earnings by Industry 2003 Nondurable goods manufacturing 76,860 Food manufacturing 41,349 Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing (D) Textile mills 0 Textile product mills 646 Apparel manufacturing 433 Leather and allied product manufacturing (D) Paper manufacturing 22,277 Printing and related support activities 5,829 Petroleum and coal products manufacturing (D) Chemical manufacturing (D) Plastics and rubber products manufacturing 133 Wholesale trade 56,921 Retail trade 291,053 Motor vehicle and parts dealers 41,237 Furniture and home furnishings stores 11,859 Electronics and appliance stores (D) Building material and garden supply stores 25,474 Food and beverage stores 53,014 Health and personal care stores 17,306 Gasoline stations 12,893 Clothing and clothing accessories stores 40,500 Sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores 12,205 General merchandise stores 40,652 Miscellaneous store retailers 31,758 Nonstore retailers (D) Transportation and warehousing 103,295 Air transportation 31,061 Rail transportation 0 Water transportation (D) Truck transportation 16,774 Transit and ground passenger transportation 7,487 Pipeline transportation 0 Scenic and sightseeing transportation 28,314 Support activities for transportation 9,044 Couriers and messengers 5,586 Warehousing and storage (D) Information 54,628 Publishing industries, except Internet 16,060 Motion picture and sound recording industries 1,683 Broadcasting, except Internet 3,267 Internet publishing and broadcasting (D) Telecommunications 31,638 ISPs, search portals, and data processing (D) Other information services 0 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.4.5 C O N T I N U E D Earnings by Industry Finance and insurance Monetary authorities - central bank Credit intermediation and related activities Securities, commodity contracts, investments Insurance carriers and related activities Funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles Real estate and rental and leasing Real estate Rental and leasing services Lessors of nonfinancial intangible assets Professional and technical services Management of companies and enterprises Administrative and waste services Administrative and support services Waste management and remediation services Educational services Health care and social assistance Ambulatory health care services Hospitals Nursing and residential care facilities Social assistance 2003 60,773 0 38,922 13,032 8,819 0 104,024 72,987 (D) (D) 95,653 22,982 125,012 104,455 20,557 24,180 (D) 144,330 (D) (D) (D) Earnings by Industry Arts, entertainment, and recreation Performing arts and spectator sports Museums, historical sites, zoos, and parks Amusement, gambling, and recreation Accommodation and food services Accommodation Food services and drinking places Other services, except public administration Repair and maintenance Personal and laundry services Membership associations and organizations Private households Government and government enterprises Federal, civilian Military State and local State government Local government 2003 94,094 34,626 8,950 50,518 633,442 470,406 163,036 125,423 (D) 24,742 55,765 (D) 467,213 49,855 39,057 378,301 259,304 118,997 Notes: Includes Kalawao County. All state and local area dollar estimates are in current dollars (not adjusted for inflation). 1 The estimates of earnings for 2001-2003 are based on the 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Census Bureau midyear population estimates. Estimates for 2001-2003 reflect county population estimates available as of April 2004. 3 Contributions for government social insurance are included in earnings by type and industry but they are excluded from personal income. 2 4 The adjustment for residence is the net inflow of the earnings of interarea commuters. For the United States, it consists of adjustments for border workers: Wage and salary disbursements to U.S. residents commuting to Canada less wage and salary disbursements to Canadian and Mexican residents commuting into the United States. 5 Rental income of persons includes the capital consumption adjustment. 6 Proprietors’ income includes the inventory valuation adjustment and capital consumption adjustment. “Other” consists of wage and salary disbursements to U.S. residents employed by international organizations and foreign embassies and consulates in the United States. 7 (D) Not shown to avoid disclosure of confidential information, but the estimates for this item are included in the totals. SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Information System, April 2005. Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 27 1.4.6 DETAILED CONSUMER PRICE INDEX FOR ALL URBAN CONSUMERS (CPI-U): HONOLULU 1982–1984 average = 100 unless otherwise noted Group 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 ALL ITEMS 176.3 178.4 180.3 184.5 190.6 Food and beverages 164.8 169.5 171.0 174.9 180.2 164.8 166.9 160.0 163.9 169.5 172.9 164.0 168.1 171.6 175.2 166.0 175.7 174.1 178.7 167.1 184.0 179.5 185.7 171.0 188.5 177.9 179.1 181.2 186.2 194.3 Shelter Rent of primary residence Owners’ equivalent rent1 191.9 180.3 196.3 193.1 181.6 197.7 196.3 185.3 201.8 200.3 190.2 206.4 209.7 196.9 214.4 Fuels and utilities Fuels Gas (piped) and electricity Electricity Utility (piped) gas 147.4 130.8 129.8 129.1 126.8 146.6 129.8 128.8 128.1 127.2 142.6 125.0 124.3 123.3 126.4 154.1 137.7 136.9 133.6 167.7 161.1 146.1 144.8 141.1 180.7 Household furnishings and operation 152.4 155.8 157.2 162.8 166.4 Apparel 103.5 101.0 102.6 98.5 101.2 Transportation 169.6 174.5 170.9 176.4 182.4 166.9 141.8 144.8 151.7 114.5 132.7 170.6 149.7 153.0 160.1 121.4 140.3 164.2 130.3 133.4 138.7 105.8 123.4 171.5 154.5 158.5 166.0 124.9 145.0 179.4 172.6 177.5 186.6 139.4 160.5 Medical care 239.8 No Data No Data No Data 275.9 Recreation3 102.8 101.6 99.5 100.4 102.3 Education and communication3 106.9 104.6 107.8 112.5 113.5 Other goods and services 279.7 289.3 302.2 307.6 312.4 Food Food at home Food away from home Alcoholic beverages Housing Private transportation Motor fuel Gasoline, all types Gasoline, unleaded regular Gasoline, unleaded midgrade2 Gasoline, unleaded premium 28 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.4.6 C O N T I N U E D Group 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 All items less shelter All items less medical care All items less energy All items less food and energy 170.5 173.0 180.7 185.1 186.5 173.1 174.9 182.8 174.4 176.3 185.6 189.5 178.5 180.2 188.6 192.6 183.2 186.3 194.3 198.4 Commodities Commodities less food Commodities less food and beverages 150.3 140.1 138.9 152.8 141.0 139.7 152.0 138.5 136.7 154.8 141.4 139.4 159.3 145.3 143.3 Durables 128.5 127.1 124.6 122.6 122.1 Nondurables Nondurables less food Nondurables less food and beverages 156.5 147.3 146.1 160.3 149.9 148.6 159.9 147.3 145.2 164.2 153.1 150.8 170.3 159.9 157.9 Energy 137.0 140.0 128.0 147.0 160.6 Services Services less rent of shelter1 Services less medical care 199.1 210.4 195.5 200.9 213.1 197.1 205.0 218.5 200.3 210.3 224.5 205.4 217.8 229.5 213.2 Special aggregate indexes NOTE: See Section 1: General Statistics for CPI-U definition. The level of CPI item detail has changed due to revisions in the Consumer Price Index done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1998. 1December 1982 = 100. 1993 = 100. 3December 1997 = 100. 2December SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, World Wide Web site (http://www.bls.gov/). Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 29 1.5.1 CAPACITIES OF HOSPITALS AND SPECIALTY CARE BEDS, MAUI COUNTY Data are for facilities recognized by the Hawaii State Health Planning and Development Agency Area by Type of Beds by Facility For the Period of January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2004 Area/ Type Facility Licensed Beds Medical/Surgical Kula Hospital 2 Maui Memorial Hospital 140 Moloka’i General Hospital 5 Critical Care Maui Memorial Hospital 15 Obstetric Maui Memorial Hospital 23 Moloka’i General Hospital 3 Psychiatric (Psych) Maui Memorial Hospital 18 Intermediate Care (ICF) Hale Makua (Wailuku & Kahului)124 SNF/ICF Hale Makua (Wailuku & Kahului)240 Kula Hospital 104 Lana’i Community Hospital 10 Moloka’i General Hospital 16 Acute/SNF Lana’i Community Hospital 4 Moloka’i General Hospital 6 Mentally Retarded (MR) Kula Hospital 9 Hansen’s Disease Kalaupapa Care Home 14 Other(s) Aloha House, Inc. NA Ho’omaka Hou 33 The Maui Farm, Inc. 15 Maui County Total 781 Inpatient Days Admissions Avg. Length of Stay Avg. Daily Census Percent Occ. 96 46,015 119 20 8,026 68 4.8 5.7 1.8 13.15 90.05 6.52 0.3 126.1 0.3 3,783 749 5.1 69.10 10.4 3,663 29 1,608 25 2.3 1.2 43.63 2.65 10.0 0.1 4,123 537 7.7 62.75 11.3 44,414 66 672.9 98.13 121.7 84,217 35,053 3,552 3,135 288 178 10 1 292.4 196.9 355.2 3,135.0 96.14 92.34 97.32 53.68 230.7 96.0 9.7 8.6 84 345 38 42 2.2 8.2 5.75 15.75 0.2 0.9 2,917 2 1,458.5 88.80 8.0 1,460 1 1,460.0 28.57 4.0 3,803 2,385 43 9 88.4 265.0 31.57 43.56 10.4 6.5 239,193 11,711 20.4 65.53 655.3 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Health, State Health Planning and Development Agency, Inpatient Facilities Utilization. 30 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 1.5.2 ADULT RESIDENTIAL CARE HOMES, MAUI COUNTY Data are for facilites recognized by the Hawaii State Department of Health, Office of Health Care Assurance Location Persons1 age 65+ Beds/1,000 persons age 65+ Facilites Beds 8 1 1 3 13 36 5 4 15 60 3,452 1,261 472 1,874 14,566 10.43 3.97 8.47 8.00 4.12 3 0 15 0 586 453 25.60 0.00 Maui County Total 16 75 14,566 5.15 Hawaii Co Kauai Co C & C of Honolulu 48 12 405 211 50 1,919 19,432 7,980 115,946 10.86 6.27 16.55 State Total 481 2,255 157,997 14.27 Maui Island 0 0 0 0.00 Molokai (Kalaupapa) Lanai 1 0 16 0 73 453 219.18 0.00 Maui County Total 1 16 14,566 1.10 Hawaii Co Kauai Co C & C of Honolulu 0 0 17 0 0 355 19,432 7,980 115,946 0.00 0.00 3.06 State Total 18 371 157,997 2.35 Type I (up to 5 beds) Kahului Kihei Makawao Wailuku Maui Island Total Molokai (Kaunakakai)2 Lanai Type II (more than 5 beds) 1 Bureau of the Census, Census 2000 2 Combination of CDPs, Kauanakai, Kualapuu, and Maunaloa SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Health, Office of Health Care Assurance, Vacancy Report - Adult Residential care Homes and Expanded Adult Residential Care Homes, May 3, 2005. Maui County Data Book 2005 General Statistics 31 1.5.3 HEALTH PRACTITIONERS LICENSED IN HAWAII BY PLACE OF ADDRESS Maui Molokai Lanai Oahu Hawaii Kauai Subtotal Hawaii Mainland Foreign/Other Total Acupuncturist 71 1 0 238 85 17 412 144 10 566 Chiropractor 69 2 0 190 40 18 319 280 11 610 Dental Hygenist 62 3 2 426 55 17 565 207 3 775 Dentist 75 3 0 782 95 36 991 306 18 1,315 Massage Therapist 1,080 8 5 2,628 823 412 4,956 739 48 5,743 Maui Molokai Lanai Oahu Hawaii Kauai Subtotal Hawaii Mainland Foreign/Other Total Certified Physician’s Assistant 14 1 0 71 7 8 101 12 1 114 Emergency Medical Tech. Basic 43 1 0 186 170 30 430 4 1 435 Emergency Medical Tech. Paramedic 35 5 0 210 75 13 338 18 1 357 Physician or Surgeon1 276 10 2 2,825 334 135 3,582 3,286 58 6,926 Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon 22 0 2 105 14 7 150 298 3 451 Registered Nurse 1,015 29 11 8,462 1,274 511 11,302 4,409 186 15,897 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse 27 3 0 412 63 30 535 154 2 691 Occupational Therapist 27 1 0 224 38 11 301 102 3 406 Physical Therapist 80 1 0 463 80 27 651 317 14 982 Optometrist 19 0 0 195 18 9 241 107 4 352 Pharmacist 85 2 0 730 97 47 961 713 7 1,681 Podiatrist 4 0 0 29 6 1 40 37 1 78 Psychologist 32 0 0 398 56 24 510 156 3 669 Licensed Practical Nurse Maui 326 Molokai 10 Lanai 0 Oahu 1,625 Hawaii 392 Kauai 207 Subtotal Hawaii 2,560 Mainland 303 Foreign/Other 11 Total 2,874 Maui Molokai Lanai Oahu Hawaii Kauai Subtotal Hawaii Mainland Foreign/Other Total 1Permanent Naturopath 14 0 0 25 16 7 62 27 0 89 licenses only. Does not include interns, residents, or physicians who provided state government services only. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Professional and Vocational Licensing Division, Licensing Branch, records, 3/27/2005. 32 General Statistics Maui County Data Book 2005 Education Section 2 EDUCATION This section covers statistics on public and private schools, enrollment, number of teachers, high school graduates, enrollment at Maui Community College, degrees offered, number of faculty at Maui Community College and libraries. Maui County public and private schools provide educational opportunities for students from pre-kindergarten through senior high school. Maui Community College offers courses in a wide variety of technical, vocational and liberal arts disciplines and through the University of Hawai`i Center offers 4- and 5-year University of Hawai`i degrees via the Hawai`i Interactive Television System (HITS). The Hawaii State Public Library System in Maui County has eight locations on three islands, Maui, Molokai and Lanai. Maui Community College Library holdings include four centers; two on Maui (Kahului and Hana), and one each on Molokai and Lanai. The principal sources of the data on education are the Hawaii State Department of Education, the Hawaii Association of Private Schools, and the University of Hawaii Institutional Research Office. On libraries, the principal sources are the Hawaii State Public Library System, Research and Evaluation Services and the Maui Community College Library. 34 Education Maui County Data Book 2005 2.1 MAUI DISTRICT PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS BY ISLAND AND LOCATION MAUI Hana Hana High and Elementary Keanae Elementary Kihei Kamalii Elementary Kihei Elementary Kihei Public Charter High Lokelani Intermediate Montessori Hale O Keiki Lahaina King Kamehameha III Elementary Lahaina Intermediate Lahainaluna High Maui Preparatory School Princess Nahienaena Elementary Sacred Hearts Elementary West Maui Carden Academy Kahului/Wailuku H. Perrine Baldwin High Christ the King Emmanuel Lutheran Iao Intermediate Isaiah Center for Excellence Kaahumanu Hou Christian (Maui) Kahului Elementary Lihikai Elementary Maui Adventist Maui High Maui Waena Intermediate St. Anthony Grade School St. Anthony Junior and Senior High Waihee Elementary Wailuku Elementary K-12 K-3 K-5 K-5 9-12 6-8 Pre-6 K-5 6-8 9-12 6-8 K-5 K-8 Pre-5 9-12 K-6 K-6 6-8 4-12 K-12 K-5 K-5 1-8 9-12 6-8 K-6 7-12 K-5 K-5 Upcountry/North Shore Carden Academy of Maui Clearview Christian Girls School Doris Todd Memorial Christian Haiku Elementary Haleakala Waldorf Horizons Academy S. Enoka Kalama Intermediate Kamehameha School (Maui) King Kekaulike High Kula Elementary Makawao Elementary Maui Christian Academy Montessori Hale O’Keiki Montessori of Maui Paia Elementary Pukalani Elementary St. Joseph Seabury Hall LANAI Lanai High and Elementary MOLOKAI Kamehameha Preschool Kalamaula Kaunakakai Elementary Kilohana Elementary Kualapuu Elementary Maunaloa Elementary Molokai Christian Academy Molokai High Molokai Intermediate Molokai Mission K-7 6-8 PreK-8 K-5 PreK-8 K-8 6-8 K-11 9-12 K-5 K-5 7-8 PreK-4 PreK-6 K-5 K-5 K-8 6-12 K-12 Preschool only K-6 K-6 K-6 K-6 PreK-12 9-12 6-8 K-8 NOTE: Table does not include schools that are Pre-School only. SOURCES: Hawaii State Department of Education, records; Hawaii Association of Independent Schools, Licensed Private Schools 20032004 and phone survey. Maui County Data Book 2005 Education 35 2.2 PER PUPIL EXPENDITURES BY SCHOOLS/ FUNCTIONS, MAUI COUNTY 2003-2004 School Instruction Instructional Support Leadership Elementary Schools Haiku Kahului Kamalii Kamehameha III Kaunakakai Keanae Kihei Kilohana Kualapuu Public Charter School1 Kula Lihikai Makawao Maunaloa Nahienaena Paia Pukalani Waihee Wailuku 4,270.57 4,670.78 3,736.40 3,763.87 5,458.04 25,867.33 3,819.91 5,888.73 5,070.85 4,202.87 3,913.16 4,604.16 5,817.90 3,899.21 5,206.27 4,691.99 4,221.66 4,779.52 1,886.77 1,720.87 1,498.15 1,648.30 3,458.26 639.07 1,415.33 4,621.20 1,540.12 1,967.10 2,092.87 2,618.47 5,747.61 1,509.11 2,278.22 1,745.08 1,520.74 1,689.73 513.47 416.77 430.21 529.15 893.59 984.09 442.88 1,547.95 796.96 524.26 411.77 653.85 2,307.84 449.11 855.99 570.76 465.18 403.72 1,313.24 1,377.13 1,167.42 1,210.79 1,993.16 7,572.57 1,302.32 2,312.15 1,648.59 1,371.42 1,135.60 1,174.25 2,805.49 727.56 1,648.88 1,354.15 1,124.58 1,160.37 79.30 87.57 66.87 80.90 165.43 70.82 67.79 62.54 66.69 75.10 110.53 62.91 62.87 66.00 66.87 65.20 79.25 107.44 Intermediate/Middle Schools Iao Kalama Lahaina Lokelani Maui Waena Molokai 4,224.04 4,324.34 3,842.16 3,345.13 3,499.87 NA 1,947.91 2,324.36 2,234.06 1,801.71 2,029.83 NA 650.32 533.29 742.49 603.11 568.28 NA 1,159.65 1,163.08 1,702.79 1,140.50 1,104.06 NA 127.05 66.50 62.56 71.32 66.61 NA High Schools Baldwin Kihei Public Charter High1 King Kekaulike Lahainaluna Maui Molokai 3,822.60 7,908.27 3,458.63 3,617.55 3,739.43 4,408.29 2,255.48 650.96 2,659.66 2,625.82 2,381.07 3,519.93 449.01 42.49 493.99 655.32 416.61 874.99 1,102.81 699.13 1,055.18 1,103.30 1,103.10 1,417.46 136.77 60.78 60.71 75.46 68.34 73.68 Multi-Level Schools Hana High & Elem Lanai High & Elem 5,064.18 4,193.90 4,186.99 3,583.00 992.00 874.37 1,663.29 1,441.10 59.18 96.13 Operations Other Commitments NA: Not available 1 Undistributed allotments. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Education, records. 36 Education Maui County Data Book 2005 2.3 PUBLIC SCHOOLS: ENROLLMENT AND GRADES, MAUI DISTRICT School H. Perrine Baldwin High Haiku Hana High & Elementary Iao Kahului S. Enoka Kalama Intermediate Kamalii King Kamehameha III Kaunakakai Keanae Kihei Charter High School1 King Kekaulike High Kihei Kilohana Kualapuu2 Kula Elementary Lahaina Intermediate Lahainaluna High Lanai High & Elementary Lihikai Lokelani Intermediate Makawao Maui High Maui Waena Intermediate Maunaloa Molokai High3 Molokai Intermediate4 Princess Nahienaena Paia Pukalani Elementary Waihee Wailuku Elementary Total Enrollment 1 2001 2002 2003 2004 Grades 1,693 429 387 842 834 1,179 841 651 264 3 1,459 774 118 387 440 632 986 659 1,144 718 514 1,673 1,008 54 757 1,726 418 389 825 842 1,132 809 642 243 6 155 1,413 817 105 351 430 642 1,038 672 1,134 773 489 1,654 1,007 66 748 1,651 426 388 830 855 1,066 751 679 238 3 164 1,379 830 109 352 421 625 1,000 636 1,143 764 489 1,669 1,033 73 704 636 214 471 877 952 649 207 474 828 959 655 212 493 833 937 1,680 428 384 831 850 1,014 716 698 216 7 115 1,380 855 89 341 412 637 1,038 640 1,108 795 455 1,653 1,009 69 413 215 661 212 480 856 937 9-12 K-5 K-12 6-8 K-5 6-8 K-5 K-5 K-6 K-3 9-12 9-12 K-5 K-6 K-6 K-5 6-8 9-12 K-12 K-5 6-8 K-5 9-12 6-8 K-6 9-12 6-8 K-5 K-5 K-5 K-5 K-5 21,596 21,643 21,408 21,194 Kihei New Century PC High School is a Charter School, established in 2001. 2 Formally Kualapuu Elementary School. Changed to: Kualapuu Elementary New Century Conversion Charter School. 3 Formerly known as Molokai High and Intermediate School. 4 Molokai Intermediate School opened in 2004. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Education, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Education 37 2.4 STUDENT PROFILES, MAUI COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SCHOOL YEAR 2003-04 School Elementary Schools Haiku Kahului Kamalii Kamehameha III Kaunakakai Keanae Kihei Kilohana Kualapuu Kula Lihikai Makawao Maunaloa Nahienaena Paia Pukalani Waihee Wailuku Fall Enrollment Students Enrolled for the Entire School Year Receiving Free or Reduced-cost Lunch Students in Special Education Students with Limited English Proficiency 426 855 751 679 238 3 830 109 352 421 1,143 489 73 655 212 493 833 937 91.1% 95.0% 85.8% 91.5% 90.3% 66.7% 92.2% 86.2% 96.0% 95.5% 94.1% 89.8% 84.9% 96.3% 90.1% 91.1% 97.5% 93.5% 41.1% 51.7% 23.2% 34.5% 78.6% 33.3% 56.4% 78.0% 77.8% 28.3% 49.3% 49.1% 80.8% 42.1% 59.0% 41.6% 38.8% 44.0% 8.7% 8.2% 6.1% 8.1% 15.5% 0.0% 4.7% 12.8% 6.0% 5.5% 6.6% 12.3% 12.3% 7.5% 6.1% 8.7% 6.0% 7.9% 1.6% 17.3% 3.5% 20.8% 5.0% 0.0% 13.9% 0.9% 2.0% 1.4% 9.7% 3.7% 0.0% 25.2% 2.4% 3.2% 3.0% 5.0% Intermediate/Middle Schools Iao 830 Kalama 1,066 Lahaina 625 Lokelani 764 Maui Waena 1,033 94.2% 96.1% 97.4% 89.9% 97.5% 34.9% 37.7% 38.4% 42.1% 42.3% 11.7% 16.1% 12.8% 11.0% 12.0% 2.4% 2.3% 9.0% 1.8% 7.2% High Schools Baldwin King Kekaulike Lahainaluna Maui 1,651 1,379 1,000 1,669 93.6% 93.3% 92.7% 90.5% 12.2% 28.5% 12.2% 20.9% 12.5% 20.4% 15.6% 15.9% 3.0% 1.1% 5.6% 7.8% 388 636 704 NA 96.7% 95.2% 63.1% 26.3% 63.6% 18.0% 21.7% 23.4% 0.0% 7.7% 1.4% Multi-Level Schools Hana High & Elem Lanai High & Elem Molokai High & Inter. NA: Not Availabe SOURCE: State of Hawaii Department of Education, Accountability Resource Center (ARCH), School Status and Improvement Report, School Year 2003-2004. 38 Education Maui County Data Book 2005 2.5 ETHNIC PROFILES, MAUI COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SCHOOL YEAR 2003-04 School Chinese Filipino Hawaiian Part-Hawaiian Japanese Portugese Hispanic White Others Elementary Schools Haiku 0.9% Kahului 0.2% Kamalii 0.7% Kamehameha III 0.1% Kaunakakai 0.4% Keanae 0.0% Kihei 0.1% Kilohana 0.0% Kualapuu 0.0% Kula 4.8% Lihikai 1.4% Makawao 0.6% Maunaloa 0.0% Nahienaena 0.1% Paia 0.0% Pukalani 1.2% Waihee 2.1% Wailuku 1.7% 2.5% 56.7% 9.7% 14.9% 15.2% 0.0% 32.5% 3.7% 8.2% 3.6% 35.7% 12.0% 6.2% 45.8% 7.8% 12.4% 22.7% 15.0% 2.3% 2.7% 1.2% 0.7% 4.5% 0.0% 1.0% 1.9% 14.7% 5.7% 3.5% 7.5% 15.4% 6.2% 20.0% 7.2% 11.0% 8.2% 22.7% 19.8% 8.0% 10.4% 64.8% 100.0% 22.0% 78.5% 70.3% 18.9% 20.3% 25.7% 67.7% 18.0% 44.9% 23.0% 34.3% 25.3% 3.0% 6.6% 2.9% 2.0% 3.7% 0.0% 2.8% 0.0% 1.4% 7.4% 10.9% 6.6% 3.1% 3.5% 2.9% 9.8% 9.2% 18.9% 2.1% 1.9% 0.1% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.9% 0.0% 6.9% 3.8% 11.2% 4.6% 0.6% 2.9% 8.0% 2.7% 2.8% 2.3% 2.2% 1.6% 14.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4.4% 0.0% 0.3% 3.3% 4.3% 6.6% 0.0% 8.2% 2.0% 2.2% 1.5% 2.4% 54.4% 3.2% 53.8% 31.0% 7.8% 0.0% 18.3% 13.1% 3.4% 42.6% 5.6% 22.6% 1.5% 5.7% 9.8% 22.6% 9.1% 10.6% 9.8% 6.6% 21.9% 26.6% 3.6% 0.0% 18.3% 1.8% 1.6% 6.7% 14.3% 7.2% 1.5% 11.7% 9.8% 13.6% 7.3% 15.1% Intermediate/Middle Schools Iao 1.2% 24.3% Kalama 0.8% 11.3% Lahaina 0.3% 36.5% Lokelani 0.4% 24.1% Maui Waena 1.0% 46.3% 8.1% 5.9% 1.9% 2.8% 1.8% 26.5% 24.6% 17.2% 10.3% 22.2% 15.1% 8.2% 2.8% 3.3% 9.5% 2.6% 7.3% 0.9% 0.9% 2.8% 1.5% 2.0% 6.2% 3.5% 2.8% 7.2% 29.7% 18.0% 33.2% 4.2% 13.4% 10.3% 16.2% 21.3% 9.3% High Schools Baldwin King Kekaulike Lahainaluna Maui 23.4% 9.1% 32.8% 42.2% 5.4% 4.5% 2.5% 2.2% 23.2% 22.7% 18.0% 16.4% 14.9% 9.1% 4.3% 8.2% 2.6% 6.8% 1.2% 2.2% 2.4% 2.3% 4.8% 3.2% 14.2% 32.7% 20.0% 11.4% 12.7% 11.9% 16.0% 13.4% 2.2% 3.7% 75.4% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 13.7% 2.2% 53.7% 3.4% 21.2% 3.7% 1.1% 1.7% 7.2% 7.4% 12.5% 7.8% 64.4% 3.5% 0.3% 0.9% 5.9% 4.1% 1.2% 1.0% 0.4% 0.9% Multi-Level Schools Hana High & Elem 0.5% Lanai High & Elem 0.5% Molokai High & Inter. 0.6% Others: Includes Black, Native American, Korean, Samoan, Indo-Chinese, and others. SOURCE: State of Hawaii Department of Education, Accountability Resource Center (ARCH), School Status and Improvement Report, School Year 2003-2004. Maui County Data Book 2005 Education 39 40 Education Maui County Data Book 2005 22.4% 22.1% 17.3% 19.7% 25.0% 22.8% 28.3% 20.6% 5,308 8,200 3,789 9,630 406 805 1,761 287,068 49.9% 56.1% 43.2% 45.9% 47.3% 50.1% 47.0% 45.0% % of Families with Children Under 18 19.2% 19.9% 19.2% 20.6% 17.2% 16.9% 22.5% 18.3% % of Families Headed by Single Mother $51,251 $52,638 $56,315 $48,679 $37,898 $43,642 $33,894 $49,820 Median Household Income 7.1% 5.3% 4.5% 6.2% 7.6% 4.9% 14.1% 7.6% % of Households Receiving Public Assistance Income SOURCE: State of Hawaii Department of Education, Accountability Resource Center (ARCH), School Status and Improvement Report, School Year 2003-2004. NOTE: All figures based on Census 2000 22,782 33,406 17,967 41,634 1,855 3,194 7,257 1,211,537 State of Hawaii Baldwin Complex King Kekaulike Complex Lahainaluna Complex Maui Complex Hana Complex Lanai Complex Molokai Complex Population School Community % of Population Number Aged 5-19 of Families COMMUNITY PROFILES, MAUI COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2.6 10.6% 8.8% 8.9% 9.2% 19.4% 8.9% 23.6% 11.2% % of Families with Children Living in Poverty 2.7 COMMUNITY EDUCATION ATTAINMENT LEVEL MAUI COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS School Communtiy College Graduate Some College High School Less than High School Graduate State of Hawaii 26.2% 29.9% 28.5% 5.4% Baldwin Complex King Kekaulike Complex Lahainaluna Complex Maui Complex Hana Complex Lanai Complex Molokai Complex 21.1% 28.2% 22.1% 20.8% 14.4% 16.5% 13.8% 29.0% 34.5% 29.7% 32.6% 27.7% 25.7% 26.3% 31.6% 26.3% 31.8% 28.2% 42.7% 27.2% 38.0% 18.3% 11.1% 16.4% 18.4% 15.2% 30.6% 21.9% NOTE: Based on Census 2000 SOURCE: State of Hawaii Department of Education, Accountability Resource Center (ARCH), School Status and Improvement Report, School Year 2003-2004. 2.8 SCHOOL COMPLETION, MAUI COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SCHOOL YEAR 2002-03 School Total Completers Diploma Graduates Certificate of Completion Individual Program School Dropouts Baldwin High School King Kekaulike Lahainaluna Maui 93.5% 96.9% 97.2% 94.0% 91.3% 95.9% 96.3% 92.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.2% 1.0% 0.9% 1.9% 5.2% 6.7% 2.8% 7.2% Multi-Level Schools Hana High & Elem Lanai High & Elem Molokai High & Inter. 100.0% 100.0% 91.7% 100.0% 92.0% 90.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.0% 1.7% 1.3% 5.0% 2.4% SOURCE: State of Hawaii Department of Education, Accountability Resource Center (ARCH), School Status and Improvement Report, School Year 2003-2004. Maui County Data Book 2005 Education 41 2.9 TEACHING STAFF PROFILES, MAUI COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SCHOOL YEAR 2003-04 School Elementary Schools Haiku Kahului Kamalii Kamehameha III Kaunakakai Keanae Kihei Kilohana Kualapuu Kula Lihikai Makawao Maunaloa Nahienaena Paia Pukalani Waihee Wailuku Teacher Headcount With 5 or More Years Average With at this Years Advanced School Experience Degrees Student Teacher Ratio Regular Instruction Student Teacher Ratio Special Education 25.0 51.0 40.0 39.0 17.0 1.0 48.0 8.0 21.0 25.0 68.0 31.0 6.0 39.0 15.0 31.0 53.0 60.0 17.0 36.0 25.0 25.0 3.0 1.0 22.0 4.0 17.0 19.0 36.0 27.0 2.0 18.0 10.0 17.0 35.0 39.0 14.0 17.2 10.2 11.2 8.1 17.0 9.4 10.5 10.8 16.2 12.3 15.3 5.2 8.1 14.2 14.7 11.9 16.7 5.0 11.0 8.0 7.0 4.0 0.0 13.0 2.0 0.0 4.0 15.0 8.0 2.0 10.0 2.0 7.0 14.0 15.0 18.5 18.0 19.1 18.9 15.5 3.0 18.4 11.9 18.4 18.5 17.3 17.9 14.2 17.3 14.2 17.0 17.4 17.8 9.3 10.0 15.3 11.0 9.3 0.0 7.8 0.0 7.0 7.7 12.7 8.6 9.0 12.3 13.0 10.8 7.1 6.7 Intermediate/Middle Schools Iao 49.0 Kalama 67.0 Lahaina 37.0 Lokelani 44.0 Maui Waena 61.0 29.0 43.0 17.0 13.0 25.0 13.1 12.9 5.9 6.1 9.1 21.0 21.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 18.3 17.0 17.6 18.1 17.5 10.8 12.3 13.3 14.0 13.8 High Schools Baldwin King Kekaulike Lahainaluna Maui 94.0 77.0 59.0 96.0 63.0 38.0 23.0 63.0 13.7 8.2 7.5 12.9 25.0 33.0 12.0 20.0 18.6 17.4 17.2 18.2 12.9 20.1 15.6 14.8 Multi-Level Schools Hana High & Elem Lanai High & Elem Molokai High & Inter. 29.0 47.0 47.0 13.0 18.0 22.0 10.4 6.1 10.5 7.0 13.0 11.0 13.3 13.6 13.3 17.5 13.8 27.5 SOURCE: State of Hawaii Department of Education, Accountability Resource Center (ARCH), School Status and Improvement Report, School Year 2003-2004. 42 Education Maui County Data Book 2005 2.10 STANFORD ACHIEVEMENT TEST SCORES, MAUI COUNTY SCHOOLS, SCHOOL YEAR 2004-05 % Below Average Reading % Average % Above Average % Below Average Math % Average % Above Average 5 5 5 5 5 * 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 30 9 16 36 * 19 50 24 6 25 20 57 23 33 16 24 24 46 59 62 59 56 * 60 50 73 44 61 67 43 65 48 56 54 52 39 11 30 25 8 * 21 0 4 51 14 13 0 13 18 28 22 23 10 13 9 7 16 * 16 17 24 16 17 20 57 23 29 16 14 17 36 52 41 51 60 * 47 67 49 28 50 54 43 58 47 44 52 40 55 35 50 42 24 * 37 17 27 56 33 26 0 20 24 40 33 43 Intermediate/Middle Schools Iao 8 Kalama 8 Lahaina 8 Lokelani 8 Maui Waena 8 Molokai 8 25 22 25 28 36 36 56 51 58 52 54 51 19 27 17 20 10 13 31 23 34 32 33 22 52 60 55 52 51 58 18 18 11 16 15 20 High Schools Baldwin High Kekaulike High Lahainaluna High Maui High Kihei PC High School 10 10 10 10 10 34 33 45 42 13 60 61 51 54 73 6 6 4 4 13 32 37 43 33 23 51 51 48 57 55 17 13 9 10 23 Multi-Level Schools Hana High & Elem. Lanai High & Elem. 10 10 51 54 44 44 5 2 49 48 41 48 11 4 School Elementary Schools Haiku Kahului Kamalii Kamehameha III Kaunakakai Keanae Kihei Kilohana Kualapuu NCPCCS Kula Lihikai Makawao Maunaloa Nahienaena Paia Pukalani Waihee Wailuku Grade * Data not shown for privacy reasons. NOTE: Percentages may not add up to 100% due to roundoff. SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Education, Planning & Evaluation Office, Accountability Resource Center Hawaii, Summary of SAT9 and HCPS test results. Maui County Data Book 2005 Education 43 2.11 PRIVATE SCHOOL CHARACTERISTICS, SCHOOL YEAR 2003 School Christ the King8 Clearview Christian Girls School3 Doris Todd Memorial Christian2 Emmanuel Lutheran6 Haleakala Waldorf School7 Horizons Academy of Maui, Inc.7 Kaahumanu Hou Christian (Maui)1 Kamehameha Schools (Maui)4 Maui Adventist9 Molokai Christian Academy3 Molokai Mission9 Montessori Hale o’ Keiki7 Montessori of Maui7 Sacred Hearts Elementary8 St. Anthony Grade School8 St. Anthony Junior & Senior High8 St. Joseph8 Seabury Hall5 Student Asian Classroom Teacher Amer Ind/ Pacific Teachers Ratio Alaskan Islander 8.0 4.9 10.0 n/a 20.4 3.8 8.0 62.0 2.3 8.1 1.0 4.4 9.0 12.0 8.3 42.3 7.0 39.6 15.4 3.7 10.6 n/a 9.1 6.8 14.9 13.4 13.5 6.4 6.0 7.0 15.3 17.6 24.1 6.8 11.3 10.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 n/a 116 11 34 57 47 9 22 827 23 33 2 4 27 83 102 47 26 n/a Black 1 1 1 2 9 2 5 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 3 n/a Hispanic 0 0 1 1 12 2 8 0 3 0 3 0 4 3 6 6 5 n/a White 5 6 70 90 118 13 83 0 4 18 1 27 105 125 92 233 43 n/a n/a: Not available NOTE: Ethnicity is reported by number of students. Affiliation 1 Assembly of God 2 Baptist 3 Christian 4 Church of Christ 5 Episcopal 6 Lutheran Church 7 Nonsectarian 8 Roman Catholic 9 Seventh-Day Adventist SOURCE: National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). 44 Education Maui County Data Book 2005 2.12 PRIVATE SCHOOL TUITION, MAUI COUNTY 2004-05 School Tuition Fees Alaula School Carden Academy of Maui Christ the King School Clearview Christian Girl’s School Doris Todd Memorial Christian Academy Emmanuel Lutheran School Haleakala Waldorf School Hoomana Hou School Horizons Academy of Maui Inc. Isaiah Center for Excellence* Kaahumanu Hou Christian Schools Kamehameha Schools Maui Adventist School Molokai Christian Academy Molokai Mission School Montessori Hale O Keiki Montessori School of Maui Sacred Hearts School Seabury Hall St Anthony Jr./Sr. High School St Joseph Grade School St. Anthony Grade School West Maui Carden Academy* 1,000 5,900 - 6,900 3,200 6,000 3,740 - 3,840 3,860 - 4,900 3,150 - 7,450 5,000 12,240 - 13,030 4,100 3,050 - 4,150 1,734 - 2,171 2,700 - 3,700 3,050 - 4,000 1,750 6,595 6,950 - 7,950 3,950 13,100 6,200 - 6,400 2,950 3,500 5,500 * Tuition for School Year 2005-06 NOTE: Does not include schools that are PreSchool only. SOURCE: Hawaii Council of Private Schools, Private School Tuition Report 2004-2005 and phone survey. Maui County Data Book 2005 Education 45 2.13 PRIVATE SCHOOLS: ENROLLMENT AND GRADES, MAUI DISTRICT School Akaula School Carden Academy of Maui Christ the King Clearview Christian Girls School Doris Todd Memorial Christian Emmanuel Lutheran Haleakala Waldorf School Hoomana Hou School Horizons Academy of Maui, Inc. Isaiah Center for Excellence Kaahumanu Hou Christian (Maui) Kamehameha Schools (Maui) Maui Adventist Maui Prepartory School1 Molokai Christian Academy Molokai Mission Montessori Hale o’ Keiki Montessori of Maui Sacred Hearts Elementary St. Anthony Grade School St. Anthony Junior & Senior High St. Joseph Seabury Hall West Maui Carden Academy Total Enrollment 2002 2003 2004 2005 Grades n/a n/a 188 22 132 130 220 n/a 38 n/a 200 417 n/a n/a 85 9 60 189 235 189 330 102 394 n/a n/a n/a 188 23 134 130 204 n/a 29 n/a 118 736 30 n/a 75 7 55 185 240 236 330 108 394 n/a n/a n/a 160 24 124 149 212 n/a 24 n/a 121 832 31 n/a 65 6 57 178 221 200 288 118 390 n/a 45 104 170 24 140 157 235 16 26 30 100 966 27 n/a 57 3 64 177 200 201 315 80 397 115 5-8 K-7 PreK-8 6-8 PreK-8 K-7 PreK-8 9-10 K-8 4-12 PreK-12 K-3 1-8 6-8 PreK-12 K-8 PreK-4 PreK-6 K-8 PreK-6 7-12 PreK-6 6-12 Pre-5 2,940 3,242 3,220 3,627 n/a: Not Available. NOTE: Does not include schools that are pre-school only. 1 School starts in 2005-2006 school year with 30 students. SOURCE: Hawaii Council of Private Schools, Private School Enrollment Report and phone survey. 46 Education Maui County Data Book 2005 2.14 LIBRARY HOLDINGS AND CIRCULATION, HAWAII STATE PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM, MAUI LIBRARY DISTRICT 2002 Library locations, June 301 Personnel, June 302 2003 2004 8 44 8 45 8 43 Circulation, year ended June 30 786,880 681,358 929,477 Collections, June 30 Books, Video Tapes & Sound Recordings3 Periodical subscriptions 369,522 844 393,105 725 393,569 652 1 Includes libraries on Lanai (1 location), Maui (6 locations), and Molokai (1 location). Full-time equivalent basis, but including permanent and temporary State general-funded positions and temporary Federal funded positions but excluding student help. 3 Books includes braille. Video tapes include digital video disks (DVDs). Sound recordings include talking books, magnetic tape, recorded cassettes, compact disks and L.P. records. 2 SOURCE: Hawaii State Public Library System, Information Management Branch, records. 2.15 LIBRARY HOLDINGS AND CIRCULATION, MAUI COMMUNITY COLLEGE Number of volumes, June 30 Circulation, year ended June 30 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 41,391 42,523 43,595 45,808 46,649 48,546 49,812 50,416 38,379 34,558 21,219 35,704 37,575 25,698 20,482 22,020 2002r 2003 2004 51,130 52,737 55,220 7,401 8,126 9,680 r: Revised from previous Data Book. 1 Includes holdings on Molokai and Lanai, and in Hana. 2 Circulation also includes in-house and interlibrary loan counts. 3 Maui circulation for 2002 includes in-house and interlibrary loan counts. SOURCE: University of Hawaii at Manoa, University Libraries, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Education 47 48 Education Maui County Data Book 2005 21 AA AS/AAS AAS AAS AAS AAS – AAS AS AS/AAS AAS AS(2) AS/AAS AAS(2) AAS AAS – AAS – AS AS AAS AAS – – 22 – CA CA CA CA CA – CA CA CA CA CA(2) CA CA(4) CA CA CA CA CA CA – CA CA – – (Fall 2004) 17 – CC CC – CC (2) CC – CC – CC – CC CC CC (2) CC (2) CC – – – – – CC (3) – CC(2) – –– 228 58 15 7 14 22 45 70 16 7 9 34 5 4 7 1 – 1 16 – – – 5 2003 293 79 214 84 20 17 5 42 34 64 12 4 8 20 4 – 4 2 – 2 8 – – – 296 2002 TOTAL EARNED 308 95 213 69 20 13 15 21 38 57 16 3 13 33 5 – 1 1 – 1 9 – 15 1 – – 2004 13 – – – – 5 – 198 68 130 35 10 6 7 12 26 33 10 4 6 21 4 1 3 2002 199 79 120 51 11 11 4 25 21 28 9 3 6 11 3 – 1 – – – 7 – – – – – 196 95 101 36 11 7 6 12 14 19 11 2 9 21 3 – 1 – – – 9 – 7 1 – – 2003 2004 ASSOCIATE DEGREES 98 – 98 23 8 1 7 10 19 37 6 3 3 13 1 3 4 1 – 1 3 – – – – – 2002 94 – 61 29 8 4 1 16 1 27 2 – 2 – 1 – – – – 1 – – – – – – 112 – 112 33 9 6 9 9 24 38 5 1 4 12 2 – – 1 – 1 – – 8 – – – 2003 2004 CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT 1 The AS in nursing makes students eligible for the Registered Nursing Examination; the CA in nursing allows students to take the Practical Nursing Examination. 2 Program established in April 2001. SOURCE: University of Hawaii, Institutional Research Office, Degrees and Certificates Earned, University of Hawaii Community Colleges, Fiscal Years 2000-2002, 2002-2003 and 20032004 (degree counts). NOTES: AA = Associate in Arts, AS = Associate in Science, AAS = Associate in Applied Science, CA = Certificate of Achievement, and CC = Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Competence. Certificate of Completion/Certificate of Competence counts are not published. TOTAL General and Pre-Professional Education Career and Technical Education Business Education Accounting Business Careers Hotel Operations Office Administration & Technology Food Service Programs (Food Service) Health Service Programs (Nursing)1 Public Service Programs Administration of Justice Human Services Trades and Technology Programs Horticulture and Landscape Maintenance Auto Body Repair & Painting Automotive Technology Building Maintenance Carpentry Technology Drafting Technology Electronics Engineering Computer Engineering Fashion Technology Sustainable Technology2 Welding Technology Voc, Other (ATS) PROGRAM DEGREES/CERTIFICATES OFFERED DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES EARNED BY DEGREE AND PROGRAM MAUI COMMUNITY COLLEGE, FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30 2.16 2.17 UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII DISTANCE LEARNING COURSES AND GRADUATES, MAUI COUNTY Program 2000 Delivered from UH Hilo BA Business BA English BA Hawaiian Studies BA Marine Sciences (MARE) BA Psychology BA Sociology BS Nursing, RN to BSN BS Computer Sciences Certificate, Database Management Certificate, Hawaiian Medium Teacher Education Delivered from UH Manoa BA Information Computer Sciences (ICS) BA Interdisciplinary Studies/ Liberal Studies B. Ed. Counseling & Guidance, Voc Rehab B. Ed Elementary Education BS Nursing MA Music Education MA Accounting MBA (NIMBA) M Counseling & Guidance Vocational Rehabilitation M Ed Educational Administration, K-12 or Higher Ed M Ed. Early Childhood Education M Ed. Educational Foundations M Ed Interdisciplinary (IMED) M Ed Special Education MS Information Computer Sciences MS Kinesiology & Leisure Science M. Library & Information Science MS Nursing Masters in Social Work Certificate in Public Health Certificate Telecommunication & Infor. Resources Management Post-Bacc Certificate, Secondary Education Professional Diploma in Education Delivered from UH West Oahu BA Business Administration BA Professional Studies BA Social Sciences Certificate, Substance Abuse & Addiction Studies Total All Programs 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 - - 1 2 - 7 8* 11* 1 - 2 1 4 2 3 1* 1 8 3 2 - 19 3 21 2 21 1 1 1 1 - 9 1 1 11 3 2 12 2 1 1* - 16 18 4 1 1* 2 1 1* - 10 2 1 1 20 - - 2 2 10 1* - 30* 3 7 1 1* - 5 - 16 - 5 - 8 3 16 4 1 5 1 52 54 50 81 78 56 2* * Includes Molokai graduates. SOURCE: University of Hawaii System, Office of the Vice President for Academic Planning and Policy. Maui County Data Book 2005 Education 49 2.18 MAUI COMMUNITY COLLEGE, NUMBER OF STUDENTS AND FACULTY Fall Semester Total Full-Time Part-Time Students Enrolled 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 2,337 2,589 2,688 2,578 2,809 763 792 851 870 912 1,574 1,797 1,837 1,708 1,897 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2,765 2,854 2,787 2,849 2,862 985 1,046 1,062 1,074 1,013 1,780 1,808 1,725 1,775 1,849 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2,678 2,699 2,989 2,985 2,996 998 982 1,042 1,085 1,146 1,680 1,717 1,947 1,900 1,850 Number of Faculty 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 134 144 153 156 157 74 85 82 85 84 60 59 71 71 73 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 148 161 161 162 165 80 83 83 86 87 68 78 78 76 78 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004p 169 180 186 160 191 86 90 97 92 98 83 90 89 68 68 Note: Beginning with 1995, two additional categories of student are included in the enrollment figures. The categories are early admission (high school students taking Maui Community College classes) and concurrent (students primarily registered at another University of Hawaii campus who are taking at least one Maui Community College class). r: Revised from previous Data Book. p: Preliminary. SOURCES: University of Hawaii, Institutional Research Office, Fall Enrollment Report, Community Colleges and Faculty and Staff Report, University of Hawaii. 50 Education Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use Section 3 GEOGRAPHY & LAND USE This section presents statistics on physical geography, water areas, climate, land use, value and ownership. Information on agriculture, forests and parks may be found in other sections of the book. Maui County consists of four of the major eight islands in the State of Hawaii: Maui, Molokai, Lanai and Kahoolawe. The total land area of Maui County is 1,171.0 square miles with a general coastline of 210 statute miles. The highest peak in the county is Haleakala (Red Hill), Maui, at 10,023 feet; the largest stream is Kalialinui-Waiale Gulch, Maui, 18 miles; the most extensive lake or similar body, Kealia Pond (Marsh), Maui, 500 acres and the highest waterfall (in the county and in the state) is Kahiwa, Molokai, a 1,750-foot cascade. The climate of Maui County is defined by average temperatures ranging from 81.3 degrees in the warmest month at Kahului Airport, Maui, to 73.4 degrees in the coolest month. Rainfall varies greatly. Annual averages for rainfall in the county range from 81 inches in Hana, to 26 inches in Molokai, to 15 inches in Lahaina. The State Land Use Commission has zoned 27,981 acres in Maui County as urban, 311,601 as conservation, 402,992 as agricultural and 8,326 as rural. In the State of Hawaii, land ownership data indicates that the federal government owns 3.9 percent of all land, the state and counties own 25.7 percent, and private owners (chiefly large estates) have 70.3 percent. The island of Kahoolawe (28,800 acres) was transferred from the federal government to the State of Hawaii in May, 1994. Considerable caution is necessary in comparing statistics from different sources on land use and ownership. Variations in definitions and survey dates seriously affect comparability. Sources important to these tables are the U.S. National Climatic Data Center, the Atlas of Hawaii, 3rd edition, published by the University of Hawaii Press in 1998; Government in Hawaii, published annually by the Tax Foundation of Hawaii; and The State of Hawaii Data Book , published annually by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. 52 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 3.1.1 LAND AND WATER AREA OF COUNTIES AND ISLANDS ACRES1 SQUARE MILES Total Land2 State Total 6,470.8 6,425.2 45.6 4,141,312 4,112,128 Counties4 Hawaii Maui Kalawao Honolulu5 Kauai5 4,035.2 1,171.0 14.3 620.5 629.8 4,034.2 1,161.6 13.3 596.3 619.8 1.0 9.4 1.0 24.2 10.0 2,582,528 749,440 9,152 397,120 403,072 2,581,888 743,424 8,512 381,632 396,672 Islands4 Hawaii Maui6 Kahoolawe Lanai Molokai Oahu Kauai Niihau7 Kaula 4,035.2 734.5 45.9 141.2 263.7 617.6 558.2 71.1 0.4 4,034.2 728.6 45.0 140.4 260.9 593.6 549.4 70.0 0.4 1.0 5.9 0.9 0.8 2.8 24.0 8.8 1.1 – 2,582,528 470,080 29,376 90,368 168,768 395,264 357,248 45,504 256 2,581,888 466,304 28,800 89,856 166,976 379,904 351,616 44,800 256 County or Island Inland Water3 Total Land 1 Areas in acres were calculated directly from the figures shown for square miles; these equivalents were independently rounded, and hence may not add exactly to the indicated totals and subtotals. One square mile = 640 acres. 2 Dry land and land temporarily or partially covered by water, as marshland, swamps, etc. streams and canals under one-eighth statute mile wide; and lakes, reservoirs, and ponds under 40 acres of area. 3 Permanent inland water surface, such as lakes, reservoirs, and ponds having 40 acres or more of area; streams, sloughs, estuaries, and canals one-eighth statute mile or more in width; deeply indented embayments and sounds, and other coastal waters behind or sheltered by headlands or islands separated by less than 1 nautical mile of water and islands having less than 40 acres of area. 4 Because of rounding, island figures may not add to county figures. 5 Reflect inclusion of Kaula in the County of Kauai rather than in the City and County of Honolulu (Act 245, S.L.H. 1988, approved June 9, 1988). 6 Molokini, offshore of Maui, not measured; other sources give the area of Molokini as 18.6 acres (0.03 square miles). 7 Includes Lehua, previously reported as 243 acres (0.38 square miles). SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Planning and Economic Development, Remeasurements of the Area of Hawaii, 1982 (Statistical Memorandum 83-6, May 18, 1983); Hawaii State Department of Business and Economic Development, State of Hawaii Data Book. Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use 53 3.1.2 GENERAL COASTLINE AND TIDAL SHORELINE OF HAWAII, BY COUNTY AND ISLAND GENERAL COASTLINE1 TIDAL SHORELINE2 Statute Miles Kilometers3 Statute Miles Kilometers State Total 750 1,207 1,052 1,693 Counties Hawaii Maui and Kalawao Honolulu Kauai 266 210 137 137 428 338 220 220 313 343 234 162 504 552 377 261 Islands4 Hawaii Maui Kahoolawe Lanai Molokai 266 120 29 47 88 428 193 47 76 142 313 149 36 52 106 504 240 58 84 171 Oahu Kauai Niihau Kaula 112 90 45 2 180 145 72 3 209 110 50 2 336 177 80 3 25 3 2 6 6 3 40 5 3 10 10 5 25 3 2 6 6 3 40 5 3 10 10 5 5 8 5 8 Northwestern Hawaiian Islands5 Nihoa Necker Island French Frigate Shoals Laysan Island Lisianski Island Kure Atoll 1 Figures are lengths of general outline of seacoast. Data for the four islands of Maui County are not consistent with the reported county total. Shoreline of outer coast, offshore islands, bays, rivers, and creeks is included to the head of tidewater or to a point where tidal waters narrow to a width of 100 feet. 3 Derived from data expressed in statute miles; independently rounded and accordingly may not add exactly to indicated totals and subtotals. 1 mile = 1.609 km. 4 Data are not available for 4 minor islands: Molokini, Lehua, Gardner Pinnacles, Maro Reef, and Pearl and Hermes Atoll. 5 Excludes the Midway Islands, which are part of the Hawaiian archipelago but not legally part of the State of Hawaii. (Midway has a general coastline of 20 miles and a tidal shoreline of 33 miles.) 2 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Planning and Economic Development, Hawai’i, the Natural Environment (1974), p. 13; Hawaii State Department of Business and Economic Development, The State of Hawaii Data Book, 1989 (November 1989), table 131. 54 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 3.1.3 MAJOR NAMED WATERFALLS, MAUI COUNTY Waterfall1 Cascade Height (feet) Horizontal Distance (feet) Maui Honokohau Waihiumalu Waimoku 1,120 400 40 500 150 50 Molokai Kahiwa Papalaua Wailele Haloku Hipuapua Olupena Moaula 1,750 1,200 500 500 500 300 250 1,000 500 150 200 300 150 200 Average Discharge (million gal/day) 26.6 37.1 19.7 1 Includes the largest named waterfalls in each island, either in height or average discharge; all other named falls 250 feet high or over; and well-known small falls. Many unnamed falls have sheer drops of 200 feet or more. SOURCE: U.S. Geological Survey, records; Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Water and Land Development, records, and Hawaii State Department of Planning and Economic Development, Hawai’i, the Natural Environment(1974), p.18. Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use 55 3.1.4 ELEVATIONS OF MAJOR SUMMITS Elevation of the highest point on each island and other important peaks Island and Summit Feet Meters 13,796 13,679 8,271 5,480 4,093 3,660 4,205 4,169 2,521 1,670 1,248 1,116 1,483 1,434 452 437 160 49 10,023 8,201 5,788 2,250 3,055 2,500 1,764 686 Lanai Lanaihale 3,366 1,026 Molokai Kamakou Olokui Kaunuohua Kalaupapa Lookout Mauna Loa (Kukui) 4,961 4,606 4,535 1,600 1,430 1,512 1,404 1,382 488 436 Oahu Kaala Puu Kalena Konahuanui Tantalus Olomana 4,003 3,504 3,150 2,013 1,643 1,220 1,068 960 614 501 1,208 1,186 760 642 500 368 361 232 196 152 Hawaii Mauna Kea1 Mauna Loa2 Hualalai Kaunu o Kaleihoohie Kilauea (Uwekahuna) Kilauea (Halemaumau Rim) Kahoolawe Puu Moaulanui Puu Moaulaiki Molokini Maui Haleakala (Red Hill) Haleakala (Kaupo Gap) Puu Kukui Iao Needle Koko Crater (Kohelepelepe) Nuuanu Pali Lookout Diamond Head Koko Head Punchbowl 56 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 3.1.4 CONTINUED Island and Summit Feet Meters Kauai Kawaikini Waialeale Namolokama Mountain Kalalau Lookout Haupu Sleeping Giant (Nonou) 5,243 5,148 4,421 4,120 2,297 1,241 1,598 1,569 1,348 1,256 700 378 Niihau Paniau 1,250 381 Lehua 699 213 Kaula 548 167 Nihoa Millers Peak 903 275 Necker Island Summit Hill 276 84 French Frigate Shoal La Perouse Pinnacles 120 37 Gardner Pinnacles 190 58 Awash Awash Laysan Island 40 12 Lisianski Island 40 12 Pearl and Hermes Atoll 10 3 Midway Islands 12 4 Kure Atoll 20 6 Maro Reef 1 According to the 1991 Guinness Book of World Records (p. 142), “The world’s tallest mountain measured from its submarine base (3,280 fathoms) in the Hawaiian Trough to its peak is Mauna Kea ... with a combined height of 33,476 ft., of which 13,796 ft. are above sea level.” 2 Guinness (p. 142-143) describes Mauna Loa as having “dimensions, but not height, [which] exceed those of Mt. Everest .... The axes of its elliptical base, 16,322 ft. below sea level, have been estimated at 74 miles and 53 miles.” SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Accounting and General Services, Survey Division, data provided April 21, 1992; U.S. National Cartographic Information Center, data provided October 11, 1978; U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps, 1981–1984; Hawaiian Government Survey (for Nihoa and Molokini); U.S.S. Tanager survey, 1923 (for Necker Island, French Frigate Shoals, Laysan, Lisianski, Pearl and Hermes Atoll and Kure Atoll). Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use 57 58 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 48.6 20.8 50.9 3030 63.5 17.0 Percent of Area Within 5 Miles of Coast Percent of Area with Elevation of Less than 500 Feet Percent of Area with Elevation of 2000 Feet or More Approximate Mean Altitude (feet) Percent of Area with Slope Less Than 10 Percent Percent of Area with Slope 20 Percent or More 4.0 76.0 3950 68.4 12.0 30.0 28.5 4 36.0 38.5 2390 41.4 24.9 76.1 10.6 – 26 48 Maui 9.0 60.0 600 0.0 38.9 100.0 2.4 – 6 11 Kahoolawe 16.0 61.0 1140 6.3 24.8 100.0 5.2 1 13 18 Lanai 26.0 53.0 1150 17.8 37.3 100.0 3.9 14 10 38 Molokai 45.5 42.5 860 4.6 45.3 79.0 10.6 – 30 44 Oahu 50.5 33.5 1380 24.0 35.6 65.0 10.8 11 25 33 Kauai 12.5 68.0 530 0.0 78.2 100.0 2.4 3 6 8 Niihau SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Planning and Economic Development, Hawai’i, the Natural Environment (1974), p. 19; and U.S. Geological Survey, Elevations and Distances in the United States (1978), p. 4-5. According to Lee S. Motteler, Geography and Map Division, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, the sea cliffs along the northeastern coast of Molokai between Umilehi Point and Puukaoku Point drop 3,250 feet at an average slope of 58 degrees. These cliffs have been described by The Guinness Book of World Records (1991 edition, p. 148) as “the highest sea cliffs yet pinpointed anywhere in the world.” 1 28.5 Miles from Coast of Most Remote Point 33 76 Extreme Width (miles) Miles of Sea Cliffs with Heights of 1,000 Feet or More1 93 Hawaii Extreme Length (miles) State MISCELLANEOUS GEOGRAPHIC STATISTICS, BY ISLAND 3.1.5 Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use 59 19.36 35.14 60 113 105 144 268 97 267 33 Days Precip. >=0.01 in. 79.3 75.4 81.4 76.6 84.9 62.7 80.8 83.8 High 75.8 72.5 77.3 74.3 81.4 59.1 78.2 80.1 High 59.2 59.5 63.2 60.8 63.0 45.1 63.8 63.3 Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Low Month 47.66 66.87 43.70 1951 1968 1963 1980 1965 1989 1969 1950 Year 5.28 15.64 11.06 17.71 49.64 6.76 79.20 3.20 1999 1999 2001 1962 1953 1998 1953 1953 Year 3.33 5.30 4.61 8.54 9.52 3.75 12.67 3.15 in. Dec Jan Jan Jan Mar Jan Mar Jan Month in. Aug Aug Aug Sep Aug Aug Aug Aug Month in. 65.8 65.8 71.4 66.2 69.7 47.6 70.3 71.3 Low TEMPERATURES Coolest Month PRECIPITATION Driest Year Wettest Month 82.7 78.1 85.2 79.6 88.1 66.1 83.5 87.3 High Warmest Month Wettest Year 121.16 126.23 40.63 161.82 34.78 62.7 62.4 67.7 63.8 66.4 44.6 67.4 67.4 Low Daily Average in. 0.51 1.28 0.54 Aug Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Sep Jun Month Driest Month 07/02/2004 09/07/1994 04/14/1974 09/18/1968 08/18/1985 1.20 4.08 0.23 6.60 0.08 93 89 96 88 97 07/25/1953 11/03/1979 08/31/1994 Date Record High 80 94 97 ºF SOURCE: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Western Regional Climate Center, Hawaii Climate Summaries. 25.98 Lanai Lanai Airport Lanai City 52.92 80.84 19.06 119.45 14.62 Annual Average in. 1949 1949 Molokai Molokai Airport Maui Haleakala Ranger Station Hana Airport Kahului Airport Kailua (NE Maui, inland) Lahaina 1,300 1,620 450 Molokai Molokai Airport 1953 1949 1949 700 45 Lanai Lanai Airport Lanai City 1949 1950 1954 6,960 61 48 Maui Haleakala Ranger Station Hana Airport Kahului Airport Kailua (NE Maui, inland) Lahaina Elevation 1st Year ft. of Record STATION DATA TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION AVERAGES AND EXTREMES, MAUI COUNTY 3.1.6 01/22/1955 02/22/1973 03/04/1987 01/05/2004 12/23/1962 02/26/1965 01/09/1953 01/20/1969 Date 10.45 11.25 9.03 18.50 17.57 5.82 15.20 7.01 in. 11/10/1955 11/10/1955 02/12/1989 01/09/1980 04/16/1968 12/21/1955 11/15/1965 12/27/1983 Date 1 Day Record 46 47 46 50 52 27 50 48 ºF Record Low 60 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 1.60 0.54 9.68A 13.56 15.51A 6.22 16.09 37.28 8.54 10.84 23.20A 4.42 4.85 3.62 66.41A 0.00A 10.13 Mar 5.72 0.63 8.58A 5.13 2.47 4.40 23.00 1.05 4.59 5.05 51.17 20.90A 6.20 Apr 4.56 2.09 6.32 9.21 2.24 3.08 24.00 4.00 3.96 2.43 30.54 18.20 7.21 May 1.71 0.18 4.25A 2.89X M M 1 Precipitation for month. X: Monthly means or totals bsed on incomplete time series. 1 to 9 days are missing. T: Trace precipitation. 2.69 M 2.11 5.79 0.00X 1.73 10.80 1.09 10.45 1.69 18.06A 7.00 9.40 Oct Dec 3.59A M 3.81 M 26.1 78.4 57.06X M 9.66 M M M M 21.46 M 22.26 M 13.75 28.31 16.37 M M 35.71 Departure from Annual Normal 6.26 3.06 70.00 3.80 4.27 101.36 0.00T 1.48 26.17X 2.82 2.04 48.43 23.50A 0.00A 166.00 1.19 1.22 26.38 5.14 1.64 56.98 1.72 0.31 29.97 21.09A 15.54 378.54 14.80A 0.00A 133.90 10.45 4.85 106.62 Nov 0.08 1.27 1.08 2.01 3.60 1.51 0.47A 1.66A 0.32A 4.36A 5.50A 3.00A 1.05 0.03 Sep 7.35A 1.99 8.23 3.73 0.36 0.02 0.81 0.58 10.50A 9.50 0.53 0.00 1.13 3.98 1.35 2.52 27.03A 11.03A 0.00A 10.40A 13.86 4.55 Aug S: Precipitation amount is continuing to be accumulated. Total will be included in a subsequent monthly or yearly value. M: Insufficient or partial data; m appears alone if 10 or more daily values are missing. Jul 0.48 1.22 5.30 3.04 0.04 0.05 0.89 0.47 12.50 8.50 0.00 0.00 3.78 1.01 0.06 0.93 41.52A 12.46 10.90 31.20 4.63 3.55 Jun 6.83 2.31 3.23 0.74 2.77 0.67 17.96A 18.92A 14.77A 4.20A 4.21A 3.03A 9.05 8.70 3.08 5.40 10.00 3.81 6.00 3.17 48.68S 10.00 15.76 Feb 7.49 6.88 7.89 15.37 10.50A 9.07 10.45 7.12 34.20S 10.50A 16.03 Jan A: Accumulated amount. May include data from a previous month. Maui Haleakalala Ranger Station Hana Airport Kahului Airport (WSO) Kapalua-West Maui Airport Keanae Kihei Kula Hospital Makena Golf Course Puu Kukui Waikamoi Waihee Molokai Kalaupapa Molokai Airport Lanai Lanai Airport Lanai City RAINFALL1 Station 2004 MONTHLY RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE AT SPECIFIED LOCATIONS IN MAUI COUNTY 3.1.7 Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use 61 M 70.9 68.5 M Molokai Kalaupapa Molokai Airport Lanai Lanai Airport Lanai City 70.3X M M 73.3 53.9X 73.1X 73.4 66.1 73.7 62.9 62.7X 73.5X 74.7X Feb Apr May 69.5X 66.9X 72.4X 71.4 71.4 68.3X 73.3X 73.4X 56.7X 77.0X 79.5 69.2 79.0 66.9 66.1 78.5X 77.8X Jul 73.4 76.1 71.6X M M M 77.4X 78.3 56.3X 75.5X 78.8 68.3 77.4 66.0 65.2 77.5X 76.5 Jun 2004 76.3 M M M 58.8 77.3X 81.3 70.4X 80.4 68.6 67.7 79.9 78.3 Aug 75.1X M M M 55.7X 77.3X 80.0 69.8 80.2 68.3 67.2X 78.8X 78.3X Sep 73.8 M M M 55.0 76.9X 79.4 69.4 79.1 67.4X 61.9X 78.3 77.8X Oct 72.1 M M M 54.4X 75.6 76.3 M 77.4 64.7 64.5X 76.7X 75.6 Nov 69.5X M 74.1X M 51.0X 72.8X 73.2 64.2X 78.6 62.5 61.6 73.6 74.5X Dec 72.4X M MX M 54.4X MX 76.4 MX 76.6 64.9X 63.9X 76.0X 75.9X Annual T: Trace precipitation. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, National Climatic Data Center, Climatological Data Annual Summary, Hawaii and Pacific, 2004. X: Monthly means or totals based on incomplete time series. 1 to 9 days are missing. 73.0 M M 75.1 51.2X 51.2X 55.6X 71.6X M 74.5X 72.6 73.7 76.3 64.1X 65.6 66.6X 71.6 73.5 75.9 62.2 62.6 65.0 61.4X 62.2X 64.7 72.6X 73.6X 76.2X 73.3X 74.3 76.1 Mar M: Insufficient or partial data; m appears alone if 10 or more daily values are missing. temperature for month. A: Accumulated amount. May include data from a previous month. 2 Average 53.0X 71.7X 71.9 64.3X 72.7 62.0 61.5X 72.4X 73.3 Jan Maui Haleakalala Ranger Station Hana Airport Kahului Airport Kailua Kapalua-West Maui Airport Kula Branch Stn. Kula Hospital Makena Golf Course Oheo TEMPERATURE2 Station CONTINUED 3.1.7 3.1.8 ANNUAL RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE AT SPECIFIED LOCATIONS, MAUI COUNTY Station 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 ANNUAL RAINFALL Maui Haleakala Ranger Station Hana Airport Kahului Airport (WSO) Kapalua-West Maui Airport Keanae Kihei Kula Branch Stn. Lahaina Makena Golf Course Puu Kukui Wailuku 34.16 56.44 6.76 19.20 M 4.47 10.12 1.86 5.58 446.45 17.16 52.24 60.44 9.66 21.66 79.90M 7.13 12.38 2.62 10.16 379.88 18.57 37.30 86.85 9.72 18.92 94.50M 3.26 11.89 6.01 7.47 320.67M 16.14 40.62 48.37 10.53 20.61 82.10 6.20 15.83 NA 7.01 307.26 24.58 42.56 66.47 15.07 27.98 96.23 13.33 30.31 NA 18.24 242.54 M 32.60 66.93 13.83 27.07 151.90 11.58 25.67 NA M M NA 70.00 101.36 26.17X 48.43 166.00 26.38 31.57 NA 29.97 378.54 NA Molokai Kalaupapa Molokai Airport M 12.66 30.81 13.52 29.62 11.38 M 11.06 39.78 22.95 40.03 24.38 57.06X M Lanai Lanai Airport Lanai City 10.69 19.85 5.28 15.64 10.60 18.39 17.58 M 26.49 42.58 M M 26.1 78.4 AVERAGE ANNUAL TEMPERATURE Maui Haleakala Ranger Station Hana Airport Kahului Airport (WSO) Kapalua-West Maui Airport Kula Branch Stn. Kula Hospital Lahaina1 Makena Golf Course 53.7 74.0M 75.1 74.3M 63.2M 62.6M M 74.4M 53.8M M 75.1 74.5M 62.2M 62.8M M 74.8M 54.9 M 75.3 75.0M 63.8M M M 75.4M Molokai Molokai Airport 73.9 73.8 M Lanai Lanai Airport Lanai City 71.0M M 70.9M 68.4M 71.8M M 54.95 M 75.7 75.3M 64.2M 63.8M NA 75.7M 55.6M 74.2M 75.4 75.4 64.0 63.4M NA 75.2M 46.2X M 76.4 76.0X 64.5 63.9 NA MX 54.4X MX 76.4 76.6 64.9X 63.9X NA 76.0X M 74.9M 68.6X M 72.0M M 71.7M M M M 72.4X M M: Insufficient or partial data; m appears alone if 10 or more daily values are missing. X: Monthly means or totals based on incomplete time series. 1 to 9 days are missing. NA: Not available. 1 Lahaina station no longer in service as of 2001. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service Forecast Office, Honolulu. 62 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 3.2.1 TRENDS IN REAL PROPERTY TAX BASE, MAUI COUNTY Gross valuation in thousands As of January 1 unless otherwise noted 1999 Improved Residential Land 1,568,983 Improvements 817,079 Unimproved Residential Land 282,747 Improvements 1,872 Homeowner Land 2,225,415 Improvements 2,143,098 Hotel/Resort Land 1,066,582 Improvements 2,681,250 Apartment Land 496,335 Improvements 1,096,639 Time Share1 Land Improvements Commercial Land 611,007 Improvements 391,668 Industrial Land 577,667 Improvements 411,845 Agricultural Land 894,855 Improvements 363,055 Conservation Land 271,170 Improvements 27,759 TOTAL2 2000 2001 2002 1,629,787 1,778,535 2,105,914 883,993 980,638 1,147,963 327,362 122 2003 2,229,559 1,221,288 2004 2005 2,760,153 3,802,950 1,184,331 1,398,612 312,704 2,373 291,068 348 295,995 10,245 339,207 2,710 487,817 1,501 2,383,931 2,645,650 2,253,350 2,494,417 3,068,710 2,753,442 3,448,058 3,024,256 4,587,953 6,163,343 3,353,718 3,808,206 1,066,560 1,118,337 2,841,594 3,173,969 1,212,092 3,424,136 1,178,686 3,739,235 1,391,638 1,490,422 4,522,441 4,835,251 570,516 576,269 660,144 1,220,117 1,429,635 1,677,822 630,001 1,895,848 677,004 922,833 1,847,497 2,441,722 107,923 470,813 631,941 393,739 672,344 471,205 698,764 492,228 675,803 509,617 756,533 553,713 951,946 603,709 593,621 416,315 607,145 439,790 600,716 471,526 539,019 468,954 556,447 483,615 688,330 501,882 944,608 1,024,089 1,128,381 379,565 422,948 450,050 1,152,951 500,406 278,967 29,723 289,466 29,829 340,554 30,985 328,518 33,323 15,929,026 16,845,811 18,469,342 20,554,842 21,881,760 1,474,200 2,171,437 548,376 656,311 306,918 36,788 305,110 38,659 25,383,244 31,848,774 NOTES: Gross valuations do not include nontaxable properties. Detail may not add to totals due to rounding. 1 New category as of 2005. 2 Total maybe different than sum due to rounding. SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Finance, Real Property Tax Division, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use 63 3.2.2 LAND USE DISTRICTS, MAUI COUNTY SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Office of Planning, Hawaii Statewide GIS Program. 64 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 3.2.3 ESTIMATED ACREAGE OF LAND USE DISTRICTS, BY ISLANDS Total acreage, including inland water, as classified by the Hawaii State Land Use Commission under the provisions of Chapter 205, Hawaii Revised Statutes, as amended; all data are approximate CLASSIFICATION BY STATE LAND USE COMMISSION1 Island Total Area2 Urban Conservation Agricultural Rural As of December 31, 2004 Maui Lanai Molokai Kahoolawe 465,800 90,500 165,800 28,800 22,185 3,257 2,539 — 194,836 38,197 49,768 28,800 244,726 46,639 111,627 — 4,053 2,407 1,866 — Hawaii Oahu Kauai Niihau Kaula and Lehua Other Islands3 2,573,400 386,188 353,900 45,700 400 1,900 53,722 100,730 14,558 — — — 1,304,347 156,619 198,769 — 400 1,900 1,214,527 128,839 139,320 45,700 — — 804 — 1,253 — — — State Total 4,112,388 196,991 1,973,636 1,931,378 10,383 1 For definitions, see Hawaii Revised Statutes, Section 205-2. totals differ somewhat from the official figures based on measurements by the Geography Division of the U.S. Bureau of the Census. 3 The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, from Nihoa to Kure Atoll, excluding Midway. 2 These SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Land Use Commission, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use 65 3.2.4 LAND OWNERSHIP, MAUI COUNTY SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Office of Planning, Hawaii Statewide GIS Program. 66 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 3.2.5 NATIONAL AND STATE HISTORIC PLACES, MAUI COUNTY Island of Maui Alae Petroglyphs Alena Habitation Site Bank of Hawaii - Haiku Branch Cave of Seven Coffins CHINESE SOCIETY HALLS: Wo Hing Society Hall Ket Hing Crater Historic Dist. - Haleakala Frank Baldwin/H.F. Rice Res Gomes Residence Ha’iku Mill Hale Ho’ike’ike Hale Pa’I Haleki’i-Pihana Heiau Hale-o-Lono Heiau Hamoa Complex Hana Belt Road Hana Police Station & Courthouse Hana Store Hanamau’uloa Complex Hardy House Holy Ghost Catholic Church Hongwanji Temple Honokalani Village Honokowai Petroglyphs Iao Theater Ka’ahumanu Church Kahikinui House Kaiapuni Ho’a Kaimupe’elua Heiau Kalepolepo Fishpond Kaluakakalioa Cave Kaluanui Heiau Complex Island of Maui (Continued) Kama’ole House Site Kauhihale Complex Ka’umi’umiua Heiau Keone’oio Archaeological Dist. Kilolani Congregational Church Kipahulu Historic District Kipapa Archaeological District Lahaina Historic District (60 Sites) Lo’alo’a Heiau Luala’ilua Cave Luala’ilua Heiau Luala’ilua Terrace Complex Lufkin Residence Makawao Union Church Maui Jinsha Mission Molohai heiau Paia School Papakea heiau Papakea Petroglyphs Pi’ilanihale Heiau Schools Wailuku School Puunene School Henry Perrine Baldwin HS Paia School Keanae School Kaupo School Wahene Platform Waiale Bridge Waihe’e Church Waikapu Stone Church Wailuku Civic Center Wananalua Cong. Church Island of Molokai Ahina Heiau FISHPONDS (mostly submerged) Fishponds (numerous) Mikiawa Fishpond Weheleau’ulu Fishpond Halemahana Fishpond Ualapu’e Fishpond Kalua’aha Fishpond Mahilika Fishpond Panahana Fishpondh Ipukaiole Fishpond Kainalu Fishpond Kahinapohaku Fishpond Honouliwai Fishtrap Hokukano-’Ualapu’e Complex Keawanui Fishpond Kukui Heiau Pu’u ‘Olelo Heiau Kaluakapi’ioho Heiau Kahokukano Heiau Pakui Heiau Kalauonakukui Heiau ‘Ualapu’e Fishpond ‘Ili’ili’opae Heiau Kalua’aha Church Kilohana School St. Joseph Catholic Church Island of Lani Kealiakapu Compex Pu’upehe Platform Island of Kahoolawe Kaho’olawe Archaeolgical Dist. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Division, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use 67 3.2.6 LAND IN HAWAII OWNED BY SELECTED LARGE LANDOWNERS Ownership 2000 2001 2002 2003 Eight Large Landowners Percent of Total Land Area1 976,693 23.8 NA NA 954,207 23.2 822,606 20.0 Kamehameha Schools2 Richard S. Smart (Parker Ranch) Castle and Cooke, Inc. Dole Food Company, Inc. Samuel M. Damon Estate Alexander and Baldwin, Inc. C. Brewer and Company, Ltd. James Campbell Estate 366,042 136,332 95,200 28,515 121,360 91,100 75,744 62,400 366,458 136,686 NA NA 121,360 91,000 71,188 62,200 365,794 135,312 94,760 28,507 121,357 90,900 55,377 62,200 365,760 134,446 94,737 28,472 5,3363 90,000 44,210 59,645 NA: Not available. 1 Based on area of 4,110,966 acres. 2 As of July 1. Formerly known as the Bernice P. Bishop Estate. 3 A significant amount of land was conveyed to various entities in 2003. SOURCE: Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, survey of major landowners. 3.2.7 DEPARTMENT OF HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS ACREAGE, LESSEES, AND APPLICANTS, BY ISLANDS The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands administers land set aside for the benefit of qualified Native Hawaiians, who receive homestead leases and financial assistance from the Department June 30, 2004 Acreage1 Homestead leases2 Residential Agricultural Pastoral Applicant waiting list2 Residential Agricultural Pastoral Maui Molokai 202,658 117,313 7,418 5,934 1,096 388 34,327 17,989 14,072 2,266 2,091 1,306 502 283 12,360 5,031 5,834 1,495 Hawaii Kauai Oahu State Total 31,688 50 25,769 7,273 20,565 776 634 66 76 6,680 2,995 3,295 390 70 70 - 835 387 421 27 1,686 687 844 155 3,191 3,131 60 10,049 7,750 2,299 - 525 476 47 2 3,482 1,456 1,800 226 Lanai 1 Data based on latest figures from the trust resolution project. Acreages are rounded to the nearest acre and include 14,615 acres of new lands from the 16,518-acre land transfer from the Public Land Trust and 483 acres from the Hawaiian Home Lands Recovery Act. Oahu total includes 14.4 acres of Kalawahine land provided under Act 150, SLH 1990, 1,356 acres at Lualualei under Executive Orders to the the U.S. Navy, 53.615 acres at Princess Kahanu Estates, and 20.114 acres at Waianae Kai. Act 95, SLH 1996, also transferred 51.324 acres at Kealakehe (La’i’opua) and 37.839 acres at Kapolei, Oahu, as part of the land claims settlement. DHHL also purchased 57.160 acres at Waiehu Kou, Maui, and 60.433 acres at Kealakehe, Hawaii. 2 Residence, agriculture, or pasture. Since applicants may apply for two types of leases, duplications occur. The Department estimates the unduplicated Statewide total number of applicants at about 20,000. Data are subject to audit. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, Annual Reports and records. 68 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 3.2.8 DISPOSITION OF STATE LANDS, MAUI COUNTY 2004 Document Permittee or Number Grantee Name Location Revocable Permits RP7196 Asso. of Apt. Owners of Mana Kai-Maui RP7368 Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. RP7382 Maui Pineapple Company, Ltd. RP7394 Moses K. Kauhaahaa, IV Total Island of Maui: General Leases & Term Easements GL5639 Assn. of Apt. Owners of Kanai A Nalu GL5684 Linda Kay Goy GL5686 George H. Tanji, Trustee of the Total Island of Maui: Executive Orders - Set Asides 4033 County of Maui 4050 Department of Transportation 4051 Department of Transportation 4087 County of Maui 4088 County of Maui Total Island of Maui: Perpetual Easements LOD28626 Maui County Department of Water Supply LOD28685 Randall S. Sohler LOD28686 Maui County Department of Water Supply LOD28690 Maui County Department of Water Supply LOD28700 Maui County Department of Transportation LOD28704 County of Maui Total Island of Maui: LOD28613 David W. Singer LOD28703 Christine Feeter LOD28742 Christine Feeter Total Island of Molokai Dispositions to Public Utilities LOD28473 Maui Electric LOD28477 Maui Electric & Verizon Hawaii LOD28479 Maui Electric & Verizon Hawaii Total Island of Maui: Fee Conveyances LOD28514 Maui Land & Pineapple Co LOD28662 County of Maui LOD28706 Edward T. Taylor LPG15988 Dept. of Hawaiian Home Lands LPG15991 Maui Land & Pineapple Co Total Island of Maui: LOD28672 County of Maui Total Island of Molokai Quitclaims of Interest LPG15984 Maui County Dept. of Public Works Total Island of Molokai 1 Annual Payments 2 May be annual payments or one time payment. Acres Use Wailuku Wailuku Lahaina Wailuku 0.43 778.37 153.39 0.32 932.51 Wailuku Makawao Makawao 0.01 0.103 0.057 0.166 Lahaina, Waiehu Waikapu Waiohuli Lahaina 4.02 0.273 64.731 0.398 3.29 72.716 Wailuku Makawao Lahaina Wailuku Wailuku Makawao 0.022 0.07 0.159 0.11 0.03 0.7 1.05 0.18 0.03 0.03 0.23 Utility Access & Utility Water Utility Drainage Access & Utility Lahaina Wailuku Makawao 11.91 3.68 0.0 15.6 Utility Utility Utility Lahaina Wailuku Makawao Wailuku Lahaina 223 0.089 0.598 0.68 223 447.367 0.187 0.187 Molokai Molokai Molokai Molokai Molokai 0.111 0.111 Parking Sugarcane Agriculture Agriculture Payment $1,440 $55,560 $14,352 $840 $72,192 Seawall Water Utility Housing Highway Roadway Recreation Park $2,300 $1,400 $1,30 $5,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $0 $156 $0 $0 $0 $0 $156 Access & Utility $0 Access & Utility $0 Access & Utility $1,850 $1,850 $1,100 $1,900 $132 $3,132 Land Exchange Highway $1 Sale of Remnant $3,050 Access $3,600 Land Exchange $6,651 Highway $1 $1 Highway $0 $0 SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources. Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use 69 3.2.9 SINGLE FAMILY HOME AND CONDOMINIUM SALES BY AREA, MAUI COUNTY Number of Sales Area 2004 % Chg Sales Last Yr Average Sales Price Median Sales Price 2004 Average 2004 Median % Chg Last Yr % Chg Last Yr Total Dollar Volume 2004 Volume % Chg Last Yr SINGLE FAMILY HOMES Central 313 27% $461,597 23% Haiku 103 34% $751,378 13% Hana 11 10% $661,909 22% Kaanapali 24 -40% $1,355,792 26% Kahakuloa 4 300% $955,000 -17% Kapalua 8 -11% $2,682,500 -23% Kihei 230 -49% $630,327 39% Kipahulu 1 0% $548,000 -63% Kula/Ulupalakua/Kanaio 98 -25% $762,271 12% Lahaina 66 78% $966,697 72% Lanai 18 13% $360,667 83% Maalaea 0 -100% $0 -100% Makawao/Olinda/Haliimaile 88 0% $571,028 35% Maui Meadows 40 11% $1,016,875 24% Molokai 7 75% $648,143 -38% Nahiku 1 0% $355,000 -55% Napili/Kahana/Honokowai 67 -7% $1,021,199 73% Olowalu 2 N/A $1,832,500 N/A Pukalani 73 -11% $538,490 20% Sprecklesville/Paia/Kuau 38 -42% $868,566 32% Wailea/Makena 29 -44% $2,549,748 33% Maui Summary: 1,221 -14% $730,264 24% $439,000 29% $695,000 12% $620,000 46% $1,285,000 33% $997,500 -13% $2,200,000 -24% $549,000 34% $548,000 -63% $642,000 18% $625,000 20% $285,000 56% $0 -100% $499,500 28% $935,000 20% $400,000 -59% $355,000 -55% $765,000 38% $1,832,500 N/A $527,500 24% $570,000 46% $1,550,000 20% $550,000 25% $144,479,954 56% $77,391,910 52% $7,281,000 35% $32,539,000 -24% $3,820,000 232% $21,460,000 -31% $144,975,230 -29% $548,000 -63% $74,702,600 -15% $63,802,000 207% $6,492,000 106% $0 -100% $50,250,500 35% $40,675,000 38% $4,537,000 9% $355,000 -55% $68,420,310 61% $3,665,000 N/A $39,309,798 7% $33,005,500 -23% $73,942,700 -26% $891,652,502 6% CONDOMINIUMS Central 171 18% $182,737 29% Haiku 0 -100% $0 -100% Hana 5 25% $167,900 23% Kaanapali 132 -1% $745,255 12% Kapalua 85 39% $1,047,060 -1% Kihei 825 -4% $299,381 36% Kula/Ulupalakua/Kanaio 0 -100% $0 -100% Lahaina 44 0% $371,802 -15% Lanai 4 0% $1,720,750 63% Maalaea 76 21% $368,826 30% Makawao/Olinda/Haliimaile 1 N/A $195,000 N/A Molokai 4 N/A $201,839 N/A Napili/Kahana/Honokowai 430 -13% $383,724 30% Pukalani 2 -33% $354,500 -7% Sprecklesville/Paia/ 4 0% $402,500 17% Wailea/Makena 150 -19% $1,074,007 29% Maui Summary: 1,933 -3% $438,255 24% $170,000 21% $0 -100% $163,000 23% $660,000 22% $760,000 11% $269,000 42% $0 -100% $295,000 55% $1,557,500 69% $357,500 25% $195,000 N/A $177,500 N/A $360,000 31% $354,500 -8% $255,000 56% $737,500 32% $310,000 28% $31,247,950 52% $0 -100% $839,500 54% $98,373,624 11% $89,000,100 38% $246,989,219 31% $0 -100% $16,359,300 -15% $6,883,000 63% $28,030,800 57% $195,000 N/A $807,355 N/A $165,001,443 14% $709,000 -38% $1,610,000 17% $161,101,000 4% $847,147,291 20% N/A: Not applicable. SOURCE: Maui Board of Realtors, MLS Resale Data, December 2004. 70 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 3.2.10 LAND SALES BY AREA, MAUI COUNTY Number of Sales Area Central Haiku Hana Honokohau Kaanapali Kahakuloa Kapalua Kaupo Kihei Kula/Ulupalakua/Kanaio Lahaina Lanai Maalaea Makawao/Olinda/Haliimaile Maui Meadows Molokai Nahiku Napili/Kahana/Honokowai Olowalu Pukalani Sprecklesville/Paia/ Wailea/Makena Maui Summary: 2004 % Chg Sales Last Yr Average Sales Price Median Sales Price 2004 Average 2004 Median % Chg Last Yr LAND SALES 63 -31% $422,850 48% 25 -47% $459,400 -9% 14 27% $427,214 6% 1 N/A $495,000 N/A 34 -43% $624,485 44% 2 -75% $398,000 44% 33 267% $1,690,905 18% 1 -67% $145,000 -85% 81 179% $408,314 -23% 82 41% $379,304 -25% 24 20% $822,333 20% 4 0% $591,875 -41% 0 -100% $0 -100% 17 -23% $474,412 54% 3 50% $721,667 77% 14 8% $271,286 25% 2 0% $269,950 -20% 12 -48% $1,014,833 10% 2 N/A $872,500 N/A 11 -21% $383,182 80% 6 -14% $545,889 24% 48 109% $1,233,156 36% 479 7% $634,711 27% % Chg Last Yr $370,000 26% $400,000 5% $378,000 15% $495,000 N/A $625,000 54% $398,000 45% $1,520,000 69% $145,000 -85% $285,000 4% $216,250 -46% $825,000 70% $391,250 -64% $0 -100% $385,000 36% $550,000 35% $180,000 16% $269,950 -20% $420,000 76% $872,500 N/A $345,000 57% $515,785 1% $850,000 56% $400,000 21% Total Dollar Volume 2004 Volume % Chg Last Yr $26,639,574 $11,485,000 $5,981,000 $495,000 $21,232,500 $796,000 $55,799,875 $145,000 $33,073,470 $31,102,950 $19,736,000 $2,367,500 $0 $8,065,000 $2,165,000 $3,798,000 $539,900 $12,178,000 $1,745,000 $4,215,000 $3,275,333 $59,191,500 0.02 -51% 34% N/A -18% -64% 333% -95% 115% 6% 44% -41% 100% 19% 166% 34% -20% -42% N/A 42% 6% 184% $304,026,602 36% N/A: Not applicable. SOURCE: Maui Board of Realtors, MLS Resale Data, December 2004. Maui County Data Book 2005 Geography & Land Use 71 3.2.11 FOREST AND NATURAL AREA ACREAGE, BY ISLAND JUNE 30, 2004 Conservation district forest land Natural areas 3 Forest reserve land1 Private forest land2 Number of areas Acres 2004 State total 643,134 328,742 19 109,164 Hawaii Maui Kahoolawe Lanai Molokai Oahu Kauai Niihau 438,416 73,227 16,030 32,462 82,999 - 106,745 53,180 6,150 88,817 73,850 - 8 4 2 3 2 - 82,535 17,123 2,950 1,770 4,786 - Island NOTE: data have remain constant since 1996. 1 State-owned and privately-owned lands under surrender agreement in forest reserve system. 2 Private forest land within conservation district. The majority of these lands were previously in the forest 3 Includes Waimanu Research Reserve (3,600 acres) and Alakai Wilderness Preserve (9,939 acres). reserve system. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, records. 72 Geography & Land Use Maui County Data Book 2005 Government Section 4 GOVERNMENT This section presents data on election districts, registered voters and votes cast, county operating revenues, general excise and use tax base, real property valuations and rates, government debt, and the state and local tax burden. Local government in the State of Hawaii is vested in one combined city and county (Honolulu, consisting of the Island of Oahu and outlying islets), three non-metropolitan counties (Hawaii, Kauai and Maui), and one area (Kalawao County) administered by the Hawaii State Department of Health. Separate municipal governments do not exist. Official results for the primary, general and special elections are published by the Office of Elections. Reapportionment for Maui County was effected in May 2002. Important sources on statistics on government include: Government in Hawaii, Tax Foundation of Hawaii; Revenue Trends (monthly tax collection reports), Hawaii State Department of Taxation; State of Hawaii Data Book, Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism; and Historical Statistics of Hawaii, Robert C. Schmitt. For more detail on government finances and spending, see Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, County of Maui; and Consolidated Federal Funds Report, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, which has detail on Federal Government spending down to the county level. It is available on the Internet at http://www.census.gov/. The State of Hawaii does not report on its spending by county. 74 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 4.1.1 MAPS OF ELECTION DISTRICTS Islands of Maui and Kahoolawe LEGEND Senatorial District Boundary Representative District Boundary Precinct Boundary 10 06 10TH REP. DIST. 10 05 4TH SEN. DIST. 08 01 10 04 8TH REP. DIST. 9TH REP. DIST. 10 03 10 02 5TH SEN. DIST. 10 06 13 01 09 07 13 02 13 03 12 01 09 06 12 04 10 01 11 05 Polling Place: Representative District Precinct 13 04 13 05 12 02 13TH REP. DIST. 12 03 12 05 with Molokai and Lanai 12TH REP. DIST. 11 04 6TH SEN. DIST. 11 03 11TH REP. DIST. 13 06 with Molokai and Lanai 11 02 12 06 12 07 Molokini Kahoolawe 11 01 6TH SEN. DIST. 13TH REP. DIST. SOURCE: County of Maui, Geographic Information Systems, September 2002. Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 75 4.1.2 MAPS OF ELECTION DISTRICTS Island of Molokai LEGEND Senatorial District Boundary Representative District Boundary Precinct Boundary 10 06 13 12 13 10 6TH SEN. DIST. Polling Place: Representative District Precinct 13 11 with Maui and Lanai 13 09 13TH REP. DIST. with Maui and Lanai 13 08 SOURCE: County of Maui, Geographic Information Systems, September 2002. 76 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 4.1.3 MAPS OF ELECTION DISTRICTS Island of Lanai LEGEND Senatorial District Boundary Representative District Boundary Precinct Boundary 10 06 Polling Place: Representative District Precinct 6TH SEN. DIST. with Maui and Molokai 13 07 13TH REP. DIST. with Maui and Molokai SOURCE: County of Maui, Geographic Information Systems, September 2002. Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 77 4.1.4 MAPS OF ELECTION DISTRICTS List of Polling Places 8th Representative District Kahakuloa, Waihee, Waiehu 1. Waihee Elementary School 2. Wailuku Community Center 3. Baldwin High School 4. Paukukalo Hawaiian Homes Community Center 5. Wailuku Elementary School 6. Waikapu Community Center 7. Maui Economic Opportunity Center 9th Representative District Wailuku, Kahului, Spreckelsville 1. Iao School 2. Maui Waena Intermediate School 3. Lihikai Elementary School 4. Maui High School 5. Kahului Elementary School 6. Kahului Hongwanji Mission 7. Kaunoa Senior Center 11th Representative District Kihei, Wailea 1. Kealawai Congregational Church 2. Kamalii Elementary School 3. Kihei Community Center 4. Kihei Elementary School 5. Trinity Episcopal Church by the Sea 12th Representative District Haliimaile, Pukalani, Makawao, Kula, Ulupalakua 1. Kalama Intermediate School 2. Eddie Tam Memorial Center 3. Pukalani Elementary School 4. Hannibal Tavares Community Center 5. Kula Community Center 6. Kula Elementary School 7. Ulupalakua Ranch 13th Representative District Paia, Haiku, Keanae, Hana, Molokai and Lanai 1. Paia Community Center 2. Haiku Elementary School 3. Haiku Community Center 4. Kaulanapueo Church 5. Keanae Elementary School 6. Hana High and Elementary School 7. Lanai High and Elementary School 8. Kilohana Community Center 9. Kaunakakai School 10. Maunaloa Elementary School 11. Kualapuu Community Center 12. Kalaupapa Settlement 10th Representative District Lahaina, Maalaea, North Kihei 1. Kenolio Recreation Center 2. King Kamehameha III Elementary School 3. Lahaina Intermediate School 4. Princess Nahienaena Elementary School 5. Lahaina Civic Center 6. Honolua Methodist Church SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Office of Elections, 2002 Polling Places. 78 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 79 Kenolio Recreation Center King Kamehameha III Elem School Lahaina Intermediate School Princess Nahienaena Elem School Lahaina Civic Center Honolua Methodist Church Absentee Voters 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 SOURCE: Hawaii State Office of Elections, Records. All votes cast by absentee. Iao School Maui Waena Intermediate School Lihikai elementary School Maui High School Kahului Elementary School Kahului Hongwanji Mission Kaunoa Senior Center Absentee Voters 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 1 Waihee Elementary School Velma McWayne Santos Comm Ctr. Baldwin High School Paukukalo Hwn Homes Comm Ctr. Wailuku Elementary School Waikapu Community Ctr. Maui Economic Opportunity Ctr. Absentee Voters Precinct Name 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 District 1,394 1,947 2,010 1,465 3,024 2,200 1,133 2,654 2,297 2,320 2,205 213 979 1,311 3,345 1,611 1,635 2,074 759 1,039 495 891 898 604 1,312 1,159 1,322 432 1,201 957 797 959 93 488 2,460 587 1,294 606 479 804 356 373 2,735 35.50% 45.80% 44.70% 41.20% 43.40% 52.70% 10.98% 38.10% 45.30% 41.70% 34.40% 43.50% 43.70% 49.80% 20.85% 44.80% 38.70% 37.60% 29.30% 38.80% 46.90% 35.90% 23.23% Registered Votes Voters Cast Turnout Kealawai Congregational Church Kamalii Elementary School Kihei Community Center Kihei Elementary School Trinity Episcopal Church by the Sea Absentee Voters Kalama Intermediate School Eddie Tam Memorial Center Pukalani Elementary School Hannibal Tavares Community Center Kula Community Center Kula Elementary School Ulupalakua Ranch Absentee Voters Paia Community Center Haiku Elementary School Haiku Community Center Kaulanapueo Church Keanae Elementary School Hana High and Elementary School Lanai High and Elementary School Kilohana Community Center Kauanakakai School Maunaloa Elementary School Kualapuu Community Center Kalaupapa Settlement1 Absentee Voters 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 13-1 13-2 13-3 13-4 13-5 13-6 13-7 13-8 13-9 13-10 13-11 13-12 Precinct District Name 948 2,244 2,693 490 220 1,129 1,653 587 2,009 307 1,069 63 2,833 2,011 2,842 3,090 1,323 2,445 164 89 4,136 3,474 3,124 2,930 51.70% 51.70% 51.90% 57.80% 39.10% 49.70% 48.90% 40.50% 34.60% 39.10% 39.00% 15.59% 2,091 44.30% 46.90% 47.00% 47.50% 49.40% 52.10% 57.30% 20.85% 41.60% 45.80% 42.50% 46.30% 41.80% 14.08% 490 1,160 1,399 283 86 561 809 238 696 120 417 1,255 944 1,336 1,469 653 1,273 94 3,066 37 1,895 1,475 1,447 1,225 1,936 Registered Votes Voters Cast Turnout REGISTERED VOTERS AND VOTES CAST IN THE NOVEMBER 2, 2004 GENERAL ELECTION 4.2.1 4.2.2 MAUI COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS, NOVEMBER 2, 2004 President and Vice President (D) KERRY, John F. (R) BUSH, George W. (G) COBB, David (L) BADNARIK, Michael Blank Votes: Over Votes: U.S. Senator (D) INOUYE, Daniel K. (R) CAVASSO, Cam (N) BREWER, Jim (L) MALLAN, Jeff Blank Votes: Over Votes: U.S. Representative, Dist 2 (D) CASE, Ed (R) GABBARD, Mike Blank Votes: Over Votes: State Senator, Dist 5 (D) BAKER, Roz (R) COUCH, Don Blank Votes: Over Votes: State Senator, Dist 6 D) ENGLISH, J. Kalani R) FINBERG, Robb G) STENSHOL, Shaun Blank Votes: Over Votes: State Representative, Dist 8 D) SOUKI, Joe R) MIN, Robert (Bobby) Blank Votes: Over Votes: State Representative, Dist 9 D) NAKASONE, Bob R) SHISHIDO, Jan Blank Votes: Over Votes: State Representative, Dist 10 D) TANAKA, Kam R) BLUNDELL, Brian K. Blank Votes: Over Votes: State Representative, Dist 11 R) HALFORD, Chris D) GALLUP, Cort Blank Votes: Over Votes: Votes 28,803 18,187 244 196 304 23 Percent 60.30% 38.10% 0.50% 0.40% 0.00% 0.60% 34,145 9,620 1,096 754 2,123 19 71.50% 20.10% 2.30% 1.60% 0.00% 4.40% 29,814 16,099 1,828 16 62.40% 33.70% 0.00% 3.80% 8,272 5,863 551 10 56.30% 39.90% 0.10% 3.70% 12,362 4,948 469 656 5 67.00% 26.80% 2.50% 0.00% 3.60% 4,005 2,922 306 1 55.40% 40.40% 0.00% 4.20% 4,448 2,663 274 2 60.20% 36.00% 0.00% 3.70% 3,146 3,088 442 5 47.10% 46.20% 0.10% 6.60% 4,664 2,782 567 2 58.20% 34.70% 0.00% 7.10% State Representative, Dist 12 Votes D) YAMASHITA, Kyle T. 5,157 R) BUKOSKI, Kika G. 4,518 Blank Votes: 413 Over Votes: 2 State Representative, Dist 13 Votes (D) KAHO’OHALAHALA, Sol P. 5,559 (R) AKUNA, Meiling 2,143 Blank Votes: 645 Over Votes: 3 Councilmember, East Maui CARROLL, Robert (Bob) 21,031 CARROLL, Mele 19,170 Blank Votes: 7,505 Over Votes: 11 Councilmember, West Maui JOHNSON, Jo Anne 24,091 NAKAMURA, Dennis Y. 17,361 Blank Votes: 6,260 Over Votes: 5 Councilmember, Wailuku Waihee Waikapu KANE, Dain P. 28,861 BUENGER, Socrates 11,015 Blank Votes: 7,832 Over Votes: 9 Councilmember, Kahului PONTANILLA, Joe 22,077 COLLINS, Lance D. 17,390 Blank Votes: 8,239 Over Votes: 11 Councilmember, South Maui ANDERSON, Michelle 22,121 VAUGHT, Ron 18,309 Blank Votes: 7,277 Over Votes: 10 Councilmember, Makawao Haiku Paia MOLINA, Mike 25,751 HOLTER, Lance W. 14,961 Blank Votes: 6,992 Over Votes: 13 Councilmember, Upcountry TAVARES, Charmaine 34,774 Blank Votes: 12,943 Over Votes: 0 Councilmember, Lanai HOKAMA, Riki 30,026 Blank Votes: 17,691 Over Votes: 0 Councilmember, Molokai MATEO, Danny A. 30,299 Blank Votes: 17,418 Over Votes: 0 Percent 51.10% 44.80% 0.00% 4.10% Percent 66.60% 25.70% 0.00% 7.70% 44.10% 40.20% 0.00% 15.70% 50.50% 36.40% 0.00% 13.10% 60.50% 23.10% 0.00% 16.40% 46.30% 36.40% 0.00% 17.30% 46.40% 38.40% 0.00% 15.30% 54.00% 31.40% 0.00% 14.70% 72.90% 0.00% 27.10% 62.90% 0.00% 37.10% 63.50% 0.00% 36.50% SOURCE: Hawaii State Office of Elections, records. 80 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 4.2.3 MAUI COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS TRUSTEES AND STATE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS, NOVEMBER 2, 2004 Department of Education 1st Departmental School District Seat (Hawaii) WATANABE, Herbert S. 20,99% 4.00% DAVIES-QUINTANA, Nadia 14,131 29.60% Blank Votes: 12,625 0.00% Over Votes: 9 26.40% Office of Hawaiian Affairs At Large Trustee APOLIONA, Haunani HILL, Kaui (Bu La‘ia) KAWELO, Frankie Kay SABEY, John L. (Kione) Blank Votes: Over Votes: 19,600 41.00% 5,246 11.00% 3,573 7.50% 3,343 7.00% 15,962 0.10% 33 33.40% 7th Departmental School District Seat (Kauai) COX, Maggie 18,746 39.30% NAKASHIMA, Mitsugi 13,768 28.80% Blank Votes: 15,233 0.00% Over Votes: 10 31.90% Hawaii Resident Trustee DELA CRUZ, Linda K. HAO, Louis KAMAKAWIWOOLE1 BURKE, Jackie2 NELSON, Dickie CHUN, Kaliko KINIMAKA3 Blank Votes: Over Votes: 8,214 7,830 5,627 3,513 2,280 1,813 1,575 16,879 26 17.20% 16.40% 11.80% 7.40% 4.80% 3.80% 3.30% 0.10% 35.30% 22,852 18,637 6,244 24 47.90% 39.00% 0.10% 13.10% 23,102 17,533 7,108 14 48.40% 36.70% 0.00% 14.90% State of Hawaii Constitutional Amendments Sexual Assault YES NO Blank Votes: Over Votes: Public Right to Information YES NO Blank Votes: Over Votes: 28,957 60.60% 13,351 28.00% 5,421 0.10% 28 11.40% 32,307 67.60% 10,352 21.70% 5,078 0.00% 20 10.60% Rights of Accused Law YES NO Blank Votes: Over Votes: Felony Prosecutions YES NO Blank Votes: Over Votes: NOTE: Descriptions of Constitutional Amendments not given in official wording. Names abbreviated to accomodate formating. Names appeared on ballot as follows: 1 KAMAKAWIWOOLE, Reynods, N. 2 BURKE, Jackie (Kahookele) 3 KINIMAKA-STOCKSDALE, Kahea SOURCE: Hawaii State Office of Elections, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 81 4.2.4 MAUI COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS, MAUI COUNTY CHARTER AMENDMENTS, NOVEMBER 5, 2002 Maui County Charter Amendments Maui: Article 1 YES 29,852 NO 6,414 BLANK VOTES 5,064 OVER VOTES 18 Four Year Council Terms YES 14,011 NO 24,059 BLANK VOTES 3,257 OVER VOTES 21 Responsiblilities of Corp. Council YES 27,703 NO 8,353 BLANK VOTES 5,276 OVER VOTES 16 Rename Dept. of Public Work/Waste YES 27,506 NO 9,690 BLANK VOTES 4,138 OVER VOTES 14 Rename Dept. of Fire Control YES 22,237 NO 14,066 BLANK VOTES 5,032 OVER VOTES 13 Responsiblilities of Dept. of Planning YES 23,003 NO 11,977 BLANK VOTES 6,359 OVER VOTES 9 Role of Citizen Advisory Comm. YES 22,410 NO 12,887 BLANK VOTES 6,010 OVER VOTES 41 Role of Citizen Advisory Comm. Alt. YES 21,376 NO 13,393 72.20% 15.50% 12.20% 0.00% 33.90% 58.20% 7.90% 0.10% 67.00% 20.20% 12.80% 0.00% 66.50% 23.40% 10.00% 0.00% 53.80% 34.00% 12.20% 0.00% 55.60% 29.00% 15.40% 0.00% 54.20% 31.20% 14.50% 0.10% 51.70% 32.40% BLANK VOTES 6,553 15.80% OVER VOTES 26 0.10% Powers of Civil Serv. Commission YES 27,629 66.80% NO 8,268 20.00% BLANK VOTES 5,436 13.10% OVER VOTES 15 0.00% Initiative YES 22,681 54.90% NO 11,847 28.70% More Autonomy Dept. of Water YES 17,543 NO 17,785 BLANK VOTES 5,975 OVER VOTES 45 Dept. Water Under Mayor Adm. YES 21,568 NO 13,318 BLANK VOTES 6,440 OVER VOTES 22 Create County Dept. of Transportation YES 21,077 NO 14,526 BLANK VOTES 5,731 OVER VOTES 14 Staggered Terms Salary Comm. YES 23,922 NO 9,768 BLANK VOTES 7,649 OVER VOTES 9 1% Reaql Prop. Tax for Open Space YES 25,818 NO 9,596 BLANK VOTES 5,923 OVER VOTES 11 Mtgs Boards/Commissions YES 21,122 NO 14,462 BLANK VOTES 5,749 OVER VOTES 15 Housekeeping Changes YES 25,364 NO 8,979 BLANK VOTES 6,993 OVER VOTES 12 Public Record Request YES 23,368 NO 10,337 BLANK VOTES OVER VOTES Nomination Boards/Commission YES NO BLANK VOTES OVER VOTES BLANK VOTES OVER VOTES 42.40% 43.00% 14.50% 0.10% 52.20% 32.20% 15.60% 0.10% 51.00% 35.10% 13.90% 0.00% 57.90% 23.60% 18.50% 0.00% 62.40% 23.20% 14.30% 0.00% 51.10% 35.00% 13.90% 0.00% 61.30% 21.70% 16.90% 0.00% 56.50% 25.00% 7,632 18.50% 11 0.00% 27,710 67.00% 7,687 18.60% 5,939 14.40% 12 0.00% 6,807 16.50% 13 0.00% NOTE: Descriptions of Charter Amendments are not given in official wording. SOURCE: Hawaii State Office of Elections, records. 82 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 4.3.1 COUNTY STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES, ALL GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES AND EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS1, MAUI COUNTY In thousands of dollars; for year ended June 30 Revenues: Real Property Taxes Other Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Licenses and Permits Revenues from Use of Money and Property Fines and Forfeitures Assessements2 Other Sources Subtotal Other Sources:3 Bond/Loan Proceeds TOTAL Revenues + Other Sources Expenditures: Management and Other Public Safety Sanitation Highway and Streets Social Welfare Culture and Recreation Legislative Capital Outlay Debt Service: Principal Interest TOTAL Expenditures 1 Expendable Trust Funds not included after 2001. 2 Revenue catagory as of 2002. 3 G. O. Bonds and State Revolving Fund Proceeds. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 84,651 11,736 35,796 29,210 8,704 88,078 12,132 43,440 30,733 9,601 95,585r 18,502r 42,941 28,733 8,603 105,106 18,386 44,968 28,335 10,891 116,759 23,521 47,776 34,810 15,000 2,938 800 2,849 970 2,038 2,109 2,064 1,188 1,795 2,624 1,540 1,096 6,240 3,324 822 2,272 6,495 180,075 194,625 202,564 215,600 244,625 15,479 12,707 26,439 19,673 2,270 195,554 207,332 229,003 235,273 246,895 37,510 39,335 19,070 9,136 19,948 15,065 2,964 24,624 11,507 10,303 39,045 40,241 19,589 9,270 21,323 14,725 3,323 24,503 12,034 10,594 47,694 42,085 20,981 10,821 27,383 17,220 3,328 30,655 12,969 9,817 50,737 46,153 22,706 10,958 31,811 18,629 3,953 38,745 13,594 10,997 52,937 48,873 22,834 14,896 30,643 18,725 3,681 35,058 15,014 10,047 189,462 194,647 222,954 248,282 252,708 2,747 r Revised from previous Data Book. SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Finance, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, (Fiscal years ending June 30) 2000-2004. Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 83 4.3.2 STATE TAX COLLECTIONS, MAUI COUNTY FISCAL YEARS ENDING JUNE 30 Source of Revenue 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Banks/Financial Corporations 15,059 Employment Security Contributions 24 Fuel 5,424,191 General Excise License/Fees 88,206 General Excise and Use Tax1 129,339,853 Income, Corporate Declaration of Estimated Taxes 6,524,065 Payment with Returns 422,033 Refunds (1,364,843) Income, Individual Declaration of Estimated Taxes 26,959,486 Payment with Returns 8,466,766 Witholding Tax on Wages 51,809,665 Refunds (25,370,663) Liquor and Permits 6,211,674 Motor Vehicle Tax/Fees2 6,133,256 Public Service Company 11,090,896 Tobacco and Licenses 43,842 Transient Accomodation Fees and Time Share Occupancy Fees3 3,835 Transient Accomodation Tax and Time Share Occupancy Tax3 27,471,444 All Others 0 15,579 1,652 5,976,114 92,072 136,218,134 30,144 1,333 6,684,901 81,254 133,864,675 62,487 2,711 6,644,247 95,980 143,345,491 37,767 3,227 8,105,438 101,557 162,539,134 6,473,192 391,932 (1,665,303) 5,719,001 337,254 (2,671,821) 3,935,144 (1,558,163) (1,817,825) 10,106,319 (7,708,750) (1,426,186) 25,625,262 9,864,533 53,518,907 (28,143,999) 5,929,013 6,417,979 10,891,789 1,264,034 25,098,625 8,318,967 52,231,756 (32,311,148) 6,057,897 5,889,412 9,077,684 2,123,163 28,425,643 (1,739,533) 53,995,192 (29,731,274) 6,029,511 7,543,734 8,907,179 2,074,130 46,212,429 (12,063,961) 58,748,008 (32,671,127) 6,059,841 7,623,434 7,905,738 5,301,109 TOTAL 253,268,788 3,418 3,380 3,000 3,560 27,193,207 155 22,608,181 140 27,536,083 55 32,803,470 143 260,067,670 243,144,798 253,753,793 291,681,149 NOTE: Due to rounding, details may not add to total. 1 Gross collection–does not reflect allocation to Special Funds. Includes State Motor Vehicle Weight Tax, Registration Fees, Commercial Driver’s License, Periodic Motor Vehicle Inspection Fees, Rental Vehicle Registration Fees and Rental Vehicle Surcharge Tax. 3 Time Share Occupancy Fees and Taxes were first collected in 1999. 2 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Taxation, State Tax Collections and Distribution (fiscal year summary tables), 2000-2004. 84 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 4.3.3 ESTIMATED REAL PROPERTY TAX REVENUE, MAUI COUNTY In thousands of dollars Assessor’s gross valuation as of 4/19/2005 Land Improvement Exemptions1 4,945,591,300 Assessor’s net taxable valuation Half of valuation on appeal Number of appeals Valuation for tax rate purposes Land Improvement Amount to be Raised by Taxation2 1 2 31,848,774,400 17,092,109,800 14,756,664,600 26,903,183,100 99,707,789 543 26,803,475,312 15,138,812,976 11,664,662,336 163,264,110 Data exclude nontaxable properties. For fiscal year beginning July 1. SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Finance, Real Property Tax Division, Estimated Real Property Tax Revenue, Maui County, Assessment Year 2005, Fiscal year 2005-2006. Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 85 4.3.4 REAL PROPERTY TAX RATES, MAUI COUNTY Dollars per $1,000 net taxable value Rate Fiscal Year 2005-2006 Land Use Class LAND Homeowner Improved Residential Unimproved Residential Apartment Hotel/resort Time Share1 3.50 5.86 5.86 5.86 8.30 14.00 Commercial Industrial Agricultural Conservation 6.75 6.75 4.93 4.93 IMPROVEMENT Homeowner Improved Residential Unimproved Residential Apartment Hotel and Resort Time Share1 3.50 5.86 5.86 5.86 8.30 14.00 Commercial Industrial Agricultural Conservation 1 6.75 6.75 4.93 4.93 New Category as of FY 2005-2006. SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Finance, Real Property Tax Division, Estimated Real Property Tax Revenue, Maui County, Assessment Year 2005, Fiscal year 2005-2006. 86 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 4.3.5 PUBLIC BONDED DEBT OF STATE AND MAUI COUNTY GOVERNMENTS In millions of dollars; as of December 31, unless noted Year Total Bonded Debt1 (State and all counties) State Debt 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 2,054.3 2,217.9 2,359.5 2,545.4 2,715.7 1,764.9 1,883.6 2,039.3 2,235.8 2,391.5 22.4 21.1 19.8 19.0 33.5 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 3,131.5 3,311.8 3,298.4 3,382.3 3,710.4 2,621.2 2,720.4 2,700.7 2,728.8 2,969.9 30.8 47.2 48.8 43.1 73.6 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 4,484.5 5,298.1 6,129.5 6,924.7 6,913.5 3,394.4 4,214.0 4,842.4 5,219.6 5,015.4 110.5 108.5 134.8 170.4 185.1 1995 1996 1997 19982 19992 7,078.0 7,098.6 7,239.3 7,829.9 7,708.8 5,126.1 5,051.3 5,258.1 5,795.5 5,522.8 188.4 194.3 188.2 223.8 235.1 20002 20012,3 20022 7,956.3 7,855.2 8,856.6 5,678.3 5,471.6 6,072.0 236.8 234.9 246.3 20032 8,861.0 5,793.8 243.0 Maui County 1 Outstanding state and county bonds, both general obligation and revenue bonds. Gross debt exclusive of cash reserves. Excludes bonds not chargeable to public funds and short-term bond anticipation notes. 2 Revised as of June 30. 3 As of June 30. SOURCES: Tax Foundation of Hawaii, unpublished compilations of Hawaii State Department of Accounting and General Services, Annual Report of the Comptroller (annual) and of the Finance Director’s Annual Reports of the City & County of Honolulu, and the counties of Hawaii, Kauai and Maui (various reports); Tax Foundation of Hawaii, Government in Hawaii, table 52; Robert C. Schmitt, Historical Statistics of Hawaii (University of Hawaii Press, 1977) table 25.14. Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 87 4.4.1 COUNTY PERSONNEL BY DEPARTMENT, MAUI COUNTY Fiscal Year Department Civil Defense Corporation Counsel Finance Fire & Public Safety Housing and Human Concerns Liquor Control Management Parks and Recreation - General Parks and Recreation - Golf Personnel Services Planning Police Prosecuting Attorney Public Works - General Highways Wastewater Solid Waste Department of Transportation* Department of Water Supply** Total 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 3.0 23.3 106.8 236.0 54.0 16.0 5.0 328.9 20.8 12.0 28.0 434.6 55.8 80.8 151.0 107.0 68.2 3.0 22.0 94.8 236.0 53.0 19.0 12.0 348.2 20.8 12.0 27.0 438.4 55.3 80.3 150.0 104.0 68.2 3.0 22.0 110.8 242.0 94.8 20.0 19.0 353.3 20.8 12.0 32.0 452.1 68.3 88.3 150.0 104.0 68.2 4.0 22.0 108.8 243.0 96.6 23.5 20.0 379.9 20.8 12.0 35.0 466.7 69.8 88.6 151.0 104.0 71.0 4.0 22.0 110.8 284.0 115.6 21.0 24.0 384.8 20.8 12.0 38.0 480.9 69.4 93.6 155.0 105.0 72.0 0.0 198.4 7.0 22.0 111.8 284.0 115.6 23.0 23.0 383.8 20.8 12.0 46.0 481.9 69.4 88.6 157.0 106.3 69.0 3.0 192.6 7.0 22.3 122.8 284.0 126.1 23.0 31.0 411.6 *** 14.0 54.0 485.9 69.4 92.6 155.0 107.3 70.0 3.0 202.2 1,731.2 1,744.0 1,860.6 1,916.7 2,211.6 2,216.8 2,281.2 NOTE: Does not include Council Services, County Clerk and Office of the Mayor. These departments do not report equivalent personnel. * The Department of Transportation was created as a result of the 2002 Charter amendment. ** Prior to the 2002 Charter amendment, the Department of Water Supply was a semi-autonomous component unit. *** Included with Parks and Recreation General for 2005. Equivalent Personnel (E/P) = Full time equivalents of full- and part-time personnel. SOURCE: Office of the Mayor, Budget Office, County Budgets 2001-2005. 88 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 4.4.2 TOP 20 COUNTY POSITIONS RECRUITED IN FY 2003-04, MAUI COUNTY Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Position Number of Applicants Fire Fighter Trainee Police Officer I Clerk Typist III Clerk Typist II Police Sergeant/Detective Police Radio Dispatcher Asst. Wastewater Treatment Plant Oper. DMVL Service Representative II Land Use Permit Clerk Clerk III Special Events Specialist Victim/Witness Counselor I Landfill Attendant Tax Clerk (Molokai) Recreation Aide Clerk II Administrative Officer Liquor Control Officer I Police Lieutenant Senior Services Aid I 608 386 105 100 76 64 56 51 51 48 48 42 39 37 35 35 35 34 33 32 Number Qualified 52 85 18 13 38 11 6 8 7 11 7 8 21 14 7 4 3 1 16 12 SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Personnel Services, Annual Report 2003-2004. Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 89 4.5.1 MEDIAN ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME ON RESIDENT RETURNS BY STATUS, TAXATION DISTRICT AND YEAR Taxation District All Residents 2002 2001 2000 Joint 2002 2001 2000 All Others** 2002 2001 2000 All Resident Returns* Oahu $23,145 $23,100 $22,633 Maui 24,045 23,945 23,515 Hawaii 19,573 19,395 18,268 Kauai 22,136 21,381 20,778 $47,845 $47,234 $48,216 48,473 46,787 47,651 38,924 39,040 39,034 43,886 44,017 43,982 $15,761 $15,762 $14,992 17,400 17,704 16,780 13,726 13,585 11,817 15,901 14,693 14,024 STATE $22,757 $22,626 $22,157 $46,853 $46,012 $46,636 $15,707 $15,649 $14,764 Taxable Resident Returns Oahu $29,775 $28,946 $28,968 Maui 28,285 27,889 27,607 Hawaii 25,890 24,630 24,250 Kauai 26,743 25,842 26,460 $57,260 $56,016 $56,354 55,113 52,418 52,629 48,102 47,471 47,563 50,813 49,828 48,781 $20,696 $20,137 $19,732 20,326 20,476 20,341 18,533 17,971 16,970 19,316 18,752 17,628 STATE $55,554 $53,899 $54,353 $20,219 $19,809 $19,352 $28,881 $28,159 $27,948 *Includes returns with AGI losses. **Includes single, married filing separately, heads of households, and qualifying surviving spouses. SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation, Tax Research and Planning Office, Hawaii Income Tax Patterns 2002, Figure 6. 90 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 4.5.2 SOURCES OF INCOME REPORTED BY NUMBER OF RETURNS AND AMOUNT, MAUI COUNTY 2002 SOURCES OF INCOME Salaries and Wages Taxable Dividends Interest Business and Professions Net Profit Net Loss Sale of Capital Assets Net Gain Net Loss Rents and Royalties Net Profit Net Loss Partnerships and S-Corporations Net Profit Net Loss Estates and Trusts Unemployment Compensation Pensions and Annuities Taxable IRA Distributions State Tax Refund Income Federally-Taxed Social Security All Other Sources 1 NUMBER OF RETURNS AMOUNT 47,799 11,983 32,269 $1,637,147,021 26,507,423 38,218,720 6,298 3,651 105,472,029 (20,677,584) 3,720 4,827 77,186,051 (14,051,379) 3,210 2,923 30,419,879 (25,345,514) 1,762 1,269 387 4,412 8,757 2,816 16,017 3,848 11,480 88,494,512 (19,282,355) 2,878,571 14,248,374 123,030,179 26,652,669 20,324,846 33,281,354 (6,722,574) Federal Total Income Hawaii Additions 2 Hawaii Subtractions 3 Hawaii Total Income 56,663 10,404 17,269 56,663 $2,137,782,222 29,726,194 164,010,279 $2,003,498,137 Less Adjustments to Income 10,329 28,256,569 Adjusted Gross Income 4 56,663 $1,975,241,568 1 Includes alimony received, other income, and unknown sources (detail unavailable on both state and federal returns). 2 Items taxed by Hawaii but not by the federal government, such as federal cost of living allowances and certain state retirement contributions. 3 Items taxed by the federal government but not by Hawaii, such as social security contributions and certain pensions. 4 Includes losses. SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation, Tax Research and Planning Office, Hawaii Income Tax Patterns 2002, Table 5. Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 91 4.5.3 DEDUCTIONS CLAIMED BY NUMBER OF RETURNS AND DOLLAR AMOUNT REPORTED AND ALLOWED IN 2002, MAUI COUNTY TYPE OF DEDUCTION NUMBER OF RETURNS AMOUNT Itemized Contributions Interest Medical and Dental Casualty Loss Taxes Other Itemized Deductions 28,387 16,574 7,938 112 32,837 17,173 $53,351,347 188,274,310 25,741,595 548,350 118,997,345 65,865,370 Total Itemized Deductions 33,274 $452,778,317 2,559 $6,962,644 Net Allowed Itemized Deductions 33,274 $445,815,673 Standard Deduction 23,389 36,198,181 Total Allowed Deductions 56,663 $482,013,854 Less: Unallowed Itemized Deductions SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation, Tax Research and Planning Office, Hawaii Income Tax Patterns 2002, Table 7. 92 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 4.5.4 TAX RETURNS FILED IN MAUI COUNTY TYPE OF RETURN 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Form N-11 Form N-12 Form N-13 Form N-15 42,863 10,408 1,478 36,334 5,104 8,717 1,258 39,840 4,178 8,092 1,221 42,688 2,278 7,070 2,561 44,788 1,987 6,418 2,642 46,630 1,769 5,546 2,905 48,799 1,458 4,916 3,410 50,829 1,267 4,437 3,450 51,591 994 4,078 3,374 TOTAL 54,749 51,413 53,331 54,597 55,835 56,850 58,583 59,983 60,037 SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation, Tax Research and Planning Office, Hawaii Income Tax Patterns 2002, Table 15. 4.5.5 TAX CREDITS CLAIMED BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS, MAUI COUNTY 2002 Tax Credit Number of Returns Low Income Credit Renter’s Credit Dependent Care Credit Child Car Seat Credit General Income Tax Credit Capital Goods Excise Credit Energy Device Credit Residential Remodeling Credit Payments to Other States All Other Credits Wailuku Kahului Kihei Lahaina Rural Maui Molokai Lanai State of Hawaii 22,100 7,567 2,257 1,083 291 18,819 155 206 863 112 17 8,797 2,537 1,593 417 60 6,417 108 134 578 185 11 8,789 2,741 1,338 318 46 7,477 69 76 385 115 11 16,174 5,417 1,705 775 155 13,457 235 169 970 243 29 2,982 1,479 105 33 11 2,493 14 19 31 21 5 1,280 107 53 53 5 1,038 1 11 49 3 3 578,291 188,372 69,452 25,871 4,211 444,768 3,896 3,236 17,411 5,393 1,019 SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation, Tax Research and Planning Office, Tax Credits Claimed by Hawaii Taxpayers 2002. Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 93 4.5.6 TAX CREDITS CLAIMED BY INDIVIDUALS AND TYPE OF CREDIT, MAUI COUNTY 2002 Type of Credit Low Income Credit Renter’s Credit Dependent Care Credit Child Car Seat Credit General Income Tax Credit Capital Goods Excise Credit Fuel Credit for Fishing Motion Picture Credit Hotel Remodeling Credit Energy Device Credit Vocational Rehabilitation Job Credit Enterprise Zone Credit High Technology Credit Taxes Paid to Other Jurisdictions Technology Infrastructure Credit Low-Income Housing Credit Residential Remodeling Credit Minor School Repair & Maintenance Drought Mitigation Credit Research Activities Credit Other Refundable Credits TOTAL FOR INDIVIDUALS Number Amount 19,523 6,949 2,614 578 48,536 784 20 $850,600 671,950 808,216 14,450 98,202 844,280 3,819 782 17,394 505,448 4,739 1,541,859 1,892,703 188 2,475,535 27,427 18,145 $9,775,737 13 595 * * * 552 * * 2,789 * * 8 * 82,961 * Data suppressed to protect taxpayer confidentiality na: Not available. SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation, Tax Research and Planning Office, Tax Credits Claimed by Hawaii Taxpayers 2002. 94 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 4.5.7 COUNTY PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTIONS BY TYPE, MAUI COUNTY FY 2005-06 Amounts in Thousands Type of Exemption Federal Government State Government County Government Government Leases - Total Government Leases - Portion Hawaiian Homes Commission Hawn Homes Land - Basic Hawn Homes Land - Multiple Hawn Homes Land - Total Hawn Homes Land - Vacant Hawaiian Homes - 7 Year Homes - Fee - (Basic) Homes - Fee - (Multiple) Homes - Leasehold - (Basic) Homes - Leasehold - (Multiple) Blind Deaf Leprosy Totally Disabled Totally Disabled Veterans Cemeteries Charitable Organizations Childcare Churches Credit Unions Enterprize Zone Forest Reserve Historic Residential Properties Hospitals Landscaping, Open-Space Low-Moderate Income Housing Public Utilities Roadways and Waterways Schools Taro Miscellaneous TOTAL Number 78 1,290 455 86 51 256 460 0 283 164 105 21,430 0 747 0 25 13 1 460 94 8 177 23 237 12 0 4 1 12 1 32 70 1,295 11 26 4 27,911 Amount $ 35,306 1,667,181 327,556 58,646 16,403 19,438 31,349 0 33 23 13,313 4,103,881 0 137,975 0 570 200 0 9,227 37,207 1,158 178,514 1,150 223,345 10,317 0 77 594 37,200 10 108,395 77,019 3,814 39,320 30 343 $7,139,594 NOTE: Amount includes government parcels at actual value and exemptions on federal leases, if any. SOURCE: City and County of Honolulu, Real Property Assessment Division, Number and Amount of Exemptions by Type and County. Maui County Data Book 2005 Government 95 4.5.8 LIQUID FUEL TAX BASE AND TAX COLLECTIONS FY ENDING JUNE 30, 2005, MAUI COUNTY Source of Revenue Gasoline DO (non-hwy) DO (hwy use) LPG (off hwy) LPG (hwy use) SB (gas) SB (diesel oil) Aviation fuel Other fuel SUB-TOTAL Environmental Tax** TOTAL Gallons 61,843,768.78 * 21,855,203.00 5,581,457.20 334,616.99 18,972.24 0.00 0.00 58,118,856.00 636,009.04 148,388,883.25 4,380,695.20 State Tax City Fuel Tax $9,864,643.99 218,552.03 893,033.15 3,346.17 989.02 0.00 0.00 581,188.56 26,261.34 11,588,014.26 219,034.76 $11,807,049.02 Total Tax $11,097,724.46 $20,962,368.45 0.00 218,552.03 1,004,662.30 1,897,695.45 0.00 3,346.17 815.81 1,804.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 581,188.56 116.1 26,377.44 12,103,318.67 23,691,332.93 0.00 219,034.76 $ 12,103,318.67 *** $23,910,367.69 *See reverse for detail on all Agric. Use Refunds. **Effective 7-1-93 (per barrel). “Barrel” means 42 U.S. Gallons of Petroleum Products. ***Lanai $0 ; Molokai $0; Maui $12,103,318.67 =Total $12,103,318.67 SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation, Tax Research and Planning Office, Liquid Fuel Tax Base & Tax Collections. 4.5.9 LIQUID FUEL TAX ALLOCATION BY FUND FY ENDING JUNE 30, 2005, MAUI COUNTY Source of Revenue State Highway Special Fund State Airports Special Fund State Boating Special Fund County Fuel Tax: Lanai Molokai Maui SUB-TOTAL Environmental Tax Fund TOTAL Amount $10,896,757.44 581,188.56 231,101.45 0 0 $11,982,285.48 Total Tax $11,709,047.45 11,982,285.48 23,691,332.93 219,034.76 $23,910,367.69 SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Taxation, Tax Research and Planning Office, Liquid Fuel Tax Allocation by Fund. 96 Government Maui County Data Book 2005 Agriculture & Aquaculture Section 5 AGRICULTURE & AQUACULTURE This section includes statistics on agriculture and aquaculture. Statistics about farms are presented along with the value and distribution of farm and other land based herbaculture production. Fish catches and other aquaculture statistics are given. Agriculture remains an important element in Maui County’s economy and land use patterns. Sugar and pineapple remain the largest crops, though the trend toward diversification of agriculture continues. The value of commercially caught fish has been generally declining since 1986 and this trend continued through 1993, although there has been a rise since 1994. Commercial aquaculture continues to grow in importance. The data in this section comes mainly from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Hawaii Agriculture Statistics Service, specific crop producers, and the Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources. 98 Agriculture & Aquaculture Maui County Data Book 2005 5.1.1 AGRICULTURAL AREAS, MAUI COUNTY SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service, Statistics of Hawaii Agriculture, 2003. Maui County Data Book 2005 Agriculture & Aquaculture 99 5.1.2 TENURE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF FARM OPERATORS AND TYPES OF FARM ORGANIZATION, MAUI COUNTY 1992 1997 2002 850 806 823 Land In Farms (acres) 355,786 292,090 256,690 Tenure of Operator Full Owners Farms Acres 503 118,137 460 81,616 529 82,274 159 225,867 141,136 84,731 137 188,649 140,909 47,740 115 135,661 102,342 33,319 188 11,782 209 21,825 179 38,755 Operator Characteristics Place of Residence On farm operated Not on farm operated Not reported 577 219 54 536 215 55 623 200 n/a Principal Occupation Farming Other 456 394 372 434 434 389 Days of Work Off Farm1 None Any 1 to 49 days 50 to 99 days 100 to 199 days 200 days or more Not reported 298 482 55 31 133 263 70 290 455 59 33 86 277 61 413 410 47 36 63 264 n/a Years on Present Farm 2 years or less 3 or 4 years 5 to 9 years 10 years or more Average years on present farm Not reported 44 136 171 360 13.1 139 42 47 171 406 14.3 140 46 66 189 522 15.3 n/a Farms Part Owners Farms Acres Owned land in farms (acres) Rented land in farms (acres) Tenants Farms Acres 100 Agriculture & Aquaculture Maui County Data Book 2005 5.1.2 CONTINUED 1992 1997 2002 2 44 259 221 50 62 74 138 7 24 182 270 107 59 45 112 4 26 108 310 117 82 54 122 52.6 53.0 55.0 737 318,121 681 275,346 659 241,920 113 37,665 125 16,744 164 14,770 710 53,463 679 31,942 701 D 52 D 44 34,620 37 11,357 46 90,740 56 101,236 58 76,424 26 192,428 13 123,312 17 99,056 14 980 10 D Operator Characteristics (cont.) Age Group Under 25 years 25 to 34 years 35 to 44 years 45 to 54 years 55 to 59 years 60 to 64 years 65 to 69 years 70 years and over Average age Male Farms Acres Female Farms Acres Type of Organization Individual or Family (sole proprietorship) Farms Acres Partnership Farms Acres Corporation (family held) Farms Acres Corporation (other than family held) Farms Acres Other (cooperative, estate or trust, institutional, etc.) Farms Acres 16 D D: Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual farms. 1 Number of days of Work Off Farm revised 2002. SOURCE: United States Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2002 Census of Agriculture, various tables. Maui County Data Book 2005 Agriculture & Aquaculture 101 5.1.3 FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS, MAUI COUNTY 1992 1997 2002 850 806 823 355,786 419 NA 292,090 362 6 256,690 312 NA 1,118,184 2,671 818,342 2,258 1,251,598 4,112 117,143 88,989 58,849 Farms by Size 1 to 9 acres 10 to 49 acres 50 to 179 acres 180 to 499 acres 500 to 999 acres 1,000 acres or more 505 232 60 24 3 26 468 233 48 29 5 23 505 212 56 20 7 23 Total Cropland Farms Acres 733 D 684 D 649 28,404 Harvested Cropland Farms Acres 666 39,031 605 32,243 649 28,404 Irrigated Land Farms Acres 541 61,549 480 35,031 462 26,855 Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold ($1,000) Crops, including nursery and greenhouse crops Livestock, poultry, and their products 164,767 153,285 11,483 128,385 116,084 12,301 124,511 116,645 7,866 Average Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold per Farm ($) 193,844 159,287 151,289 Farms Land in Farms Average size of farm (acres) Median size of farm (acres) Estimated Market Value of Land and Buildings1 Average per farm Average per acre Estimated Market Value of All Machinery and Equipment1 Average per farm 1 Data are based on a sample of farms. D: Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual farms. NA: Not available. SOURCE: United States Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2002 Census of Agriculture, various tables. 102 Agriculture & Aquaculture Maui County Data Book 2005 5.1.4 NUMBER OF FARMS, FARM ACREAGE, AND FARM EMPLOYMENT, MAUI COUNTY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Number of Farms1 800 800 800 800 800 800 Farm Acreage (1,000)2 290 290 280r 270r 260r 260 350 150 1,950 450 200 2,200 500 150 2,000 500 150 1,800 500 150 2,250 * * 1,650 Farm Employment3 Self-employed farm operators Unpaid workers4 Hired workers * Beginning July 2002, estimates for self-employed and unpaid workers have been discontinued due to a change in the National Lab or Statistics Program. 1 Based on farm definition of $1,000 or more of agricultural sales. 2 Includes land not in crops and pasture, such as farm house lots, roads, woodlots, etc. 3 Average of quarterly data. 4 Includes family members and others working 15 or more hours per week. r: Revised from previous Data Book SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service, Statistics of Hawaii Agriculture 2003 (annual). 5.1.5 LIVESTOCK: NUMBER OF OPERATIONS AND VALUE OF SALES, MAUI COUNTY Number of Livestock Operations, December 31 Cattle1 Hogs Milk Eggs Honey Value of Livestock Sales ($1,000) Cattle2 Hogs3 Milk Eggs Aquaculture Total livestock & Aquaculture sales4 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 170 60 4 8 D 170 60 4 8 D 170 60 4 8 D 170 60 D D D 140 50 6 20 D 2,865 894 D D D 6,484r 3,230 935 D D D 7,390r 2,438 829r D D D 6,002r 2,588r 838 D D D 6,054r 2,266 897 D D D 6,104 D: Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual operations. r: Revised from previous Data Book 1 Includes beef, dairy, and dairy replacement operations. Excludes interfarm sales; includes out-of-state sales of slaughter cattle and feeder calves. 3 Excludes interfarm sales; includes out-of-state sales of slaughter animals. 4 Sum of individual commodities may not add to total. Includes sheep, wool, turkeys, horses, honey, beeswax, broilers and chickens. SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service, Statistics of Hawaii Agriculture 2003 (annual). 2 Maui County Data Book 2005 Agriculture & Aquaculture 103 5.1.6 CROPS: ACREAGE, NUMBER OF FARMS, AND VALUE OF SALES, MAUI COUNTY 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Acreage in Crop (1,000 acres) Sugarcane Pineapples (land used for pineapple) Vegetables and melons (harvested acreage)1 Fruits (excluding pineapples) Coffee Macadamia nuts All other crops2 43.3 9.1 1.4 0.3 D D 1.9 36.9 11.6 1.3 0.3 D D 1.9 35.4 9.1 1.2 0.3 D D 2.1 36.7 9.1 1.1 0.4 D D 1.5 36.7 5.9 1.1 0.5 D D 1.8 Number of Crop Farms Sugar Pineapples3 Vegetables and melons Fruits (excluding pineapples) Coffee Macadamia nuts Taro Flowers and nursery products 2 5 145 251 D D 13 150 1 5 120 231 D D 15 145r 1 2 100 193 D D 25 150 1 5r 100 204 D D 25 155r 1 5 95 285 D D 25 145 44,900 27,115 10,125 921 D 51,300 29,624 9,644 1,270r D 50,900 29,826 10,229 1,451 D D D D 11,106r D D D 11,315 Value of Crop Sales ($1,000) Sugar (unprocessed cane) Pineapples (fresh equivalent) Vegetables, ginger root, herbs, and melons Fruits (excluding pineapples) Coffee (parchment) Macadamia nuts (in-shell) Taro Seed crops Flowers and nursery products4 Total crops5 60,200 28,325 9,519 1,056 D 43,900 29,445 9,569 1,102 D D D D 9,851 D D D 9,818r D D D 9,898r 125,375 114,651r 118,262r 130,372r 130,644 D: Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual operations. r: Revised from previous Data Book. 1 Includes ginger root. Includes taro, seed corn, feed and forage crops (excluding pineapple feed products), and flowers, foliage and nursery products. 3 Includes specialty pineapple. 4 Flowers, foliage, and nursery products. 5 Total crop values shown are actual. Sum of individual commodities may not add to total. Forage crops’ and forest products’ value combined and included in total crop value. 2 SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service, Statistics of Hawaii Agriculture 2003 (annual). 104 Agriculture & Aquaculture Maui County Data Book 2005 5.1.7 SUGARCANE, MAUI ISLAND 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2 1 1 1 1 Acreage (1,000 acres) In crop1 Harvested for sugar 43.3 21.5 36.9 18.6 35.4 15.1 36.7 16.5 36.7 15.7 Yield per acre (tons)2 Sugarcane Raw Sugar 96° 91.9 11.86 86.7 12.18r 98.7 12.68r 102.7 13.04r 104.5 13.14 Number of farms1 Production of cane for sugar (1,000 tons) 1,975 1,613 1,491 1,694 1,641 Farm price (dollars per ton) 30.50 27.20 30.10 30.30 31.00 Value of cane for sugar ($1,000,000)3 60.2 43.9 44.9 51.3 50.9 Mill Production (1,000 tons) Raw Sugar 96° Molasses4 255 99 210 71 191 72 216 74 206 75 Average returns received (dollars per ton)5 Raw Sugar 96° Molasses4 352 13.20 311 26.20 352 49.00 354 50.10 368 35.30 89.8 1.3 91.1 65.3 1.9 67.2 67.2 3.5 70.7 76.5 3.7 80.2 75.8 2.6 78.4 Value of production ($1,000,000) Raw Sugar 96° Molasses4 Total r: Revised from previous Data Book. 1 At end of year. and farm price may not compute exactly due to rounding. 3 Value of cane for sugar estimated by deducting processing and marketing costs from value of sugar and molasses. Processing costs based on toll charges by independent producers. 4 Commercial. 5 Derived from production and value. Prices may not compute exactly due to rounding. 2 Yield SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service, Statistics of Hawaii Agriculture 2003 (annual). Maui County Data Book 2005 Agriculture & Aquaculture 105 5.1.8 VEGETABLES, MELONS AND TARO, ACREAGE, PRODUCTION AND VALUE, MAUI COUNTY Commodity 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 HARVESTED ACREAGE1 Beans, snap Cabbage, head Celery Corn, sweet Cucumbers 95 280 20 40 170 90 210 25 55 145 70 190 25 D 160 55 170 25 D 155 55 170 25 D 180 65 165 20 D 180 Lettuce Onions, dry Onions, green Peppers, green Romaine 15 235 15 D 110 D 190 D D 95 D 190 D D 55 D 150 D D 55 D 130 D D 30 D 145 D D 35 Squash, Italian Sweet potatoes Tomatoes Watermelon Other Vegetables & Melons2 50 65 155 10 280 70 70 D D 450 65 65 D D 495 60 50 D D 490r 75 95 D D 355 85 60 D D 350 1,540 95 1,400 90 1,315 100 1,210r 100 1,115 100 1,105 100 Total Vegetables & Melons Taro (acreage in crop)3 PRODUCTION (1,000 pounds) Beans, snap Cabbage, head Celery Corn, sweet Cucumbers 500 7,300 470 170 2,900 570 5,700 500 240 2,300 550 5,300 350 D 2,500 500 4,650 500 D 2,490 460 4,300 500 D 2,560 550 4,600 500 D 2,850 Lettuce Onions, dry Onions, green Peppers, green Romaine 55 3,000 125 D 1,900 D 2,900 D D 1,100 D 2,700 D D 600 D 2,150 D D 550 D 1,340 D D 350 D 2,125 D D 450 Squash, Italian Sweet potatoes Tomatoes Watermelon Other Vegetables & Melons2 470 750 5,800 140 3,625 750 600 D D 7,280 980 620 D D 6,625 800 380 D D 6,405 630 650 D D 5,005 1,080 660 D D 3,335 27,205 21,940 20,225 18,425 15,795 16,150 1,100 1,400 1,300 1,300 1,250 1,100 Total Vegetables & Melons Taro 106 (marketings)3 Agriculture & Aquaculture Maui County Data Book 2005 5.1.8 CONTINUED Commodity 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 VALUE ($1,000) Beans, snap Cabbage, head Celery Corn, sweet Cucumbers 416 1,314 120 117 1,018 496 1,009 125 161 840 468 970 98 D 988 473 944 152 D 1,068 414 886 153 D 1,080 495 1,044 140 D 1,206 Lettuce Onions, dry Onions, green Peppers, green Romaine 23 2,367 121 D 646 D 2,062 D D 352 D 2,066 D D 244 D 1,993 D D 214 D 1,461 D D 147 D 2,080 D D 176 Squash, Italian Sweet potatoes Tomatoes Watermelon Other Vegetables & Melons2 235 426 2,917 29 1,334 334 360 D D 2,911 480 372 D D 3,297 400 228 D D 3,570 282 332 D D 4,098 585 336 D D 3,295 11,083 8,650 8,983 9,042 8,853 9,357 577 736 684 691 690 605 Total Vegetables & Melons Taro3 D Not reported to avoid disclosure of individual operations. r: Revised from previous Data Book. 1 For vegetables and melons, acreage harvested (e.g., one acre planted and harvested three times during the year equals three harvested acres). For lotus root, watercress and taro, average acreage in crop during the year. 2 Only selected items are shown separately. All other vegetables and melons for the island are included in the other vegetables and melons category. 3 Oahu combined with Maui and Molokai to avoid disclosure of individual operations. SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service, Statistics of Hawaii Agriculture 2003 (annual).. Maui County Data Book 2005 Agriculture & Aquaculture 107 5.1.9 FLORICULTURE AND NURSERY PRODUCTS, MAUI COUNTY Number of farms and growing area Number of Farms Greenhouse (1,000 sq ft) Artificial Shade (1,000 sq ft) State Total 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 735 790 870 865r 920 3,235 3,175 3,030 2,540r 2,625 25,180 26,660 30,415 27,465r 26,495 Maui/Molokai 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 145 150 155 160r 180 345 425 400 350r 285 685 730 740 775r 755 Natural Shade (Acres) Open Field (Acres) Total (Acres) 7 9 10 16r 6 2,060 2,355 2,870 3,186r 3,200 2,719 3,049 3,373 3,890r 3,874 515 565 540 575r 545 539 592 566 601r 569 0 0 0 0 0 r: Revised from previous Data Book. SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service, Hawaii Flowers and Nursery Products (annual, 2004), Statistics of Hawaiian Agriculture (annual). 5.1.10 FLORICULTURE AND NURSERY PRODUCTS, BY COMMODITY, MAUI COUNTY Value of grower sales ($1,000) Commodity 2000 2001 2002 Cut Flowers1 Orchids Lei Flowers Foliage3 Potted Flowering Plants All Other Nursery Products4 Unspecified Sales5 Total 2,926 1,027 D 543 1,121 3,976 325 9,918 2,556 1,111 D D 1,135 4,866 230 9,898 2,895 981 D D 1,112 5,533 230 10,751 D: Data not shown separately to avoid disclosure of individual operations. 2003 2004 2,962r 1,629r 1,114r 365r 1,044r 3,902r 220 11,236r 2,526 998 817 447 1,275 3,269 215 9,547 r: Revised from previous Data Book 1 Cut orchids included in “Orchids“ category. 2 Excludes orchids used for lei flowers. 3 Includes potted, cut and unfinished. Beginning 1998, landscape foliage included with "all other nursery products." 4 Includes bedding plants, plant rentals, sod, trees, and any other nursery products not elsewhere classified. 5 Includes grower sales greater than $999 but less than $10,000 which were not categorized. SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service, Hawaii Flowers and Nursery Products (annual, 2004), Statistics of Hawaiian Agriculture (annual). 108 Agriculture & Aquaculture Maui County Data Book 2005 5.1.11 FRUITS: VALUE OF SALES, MAUI COUNTY 1,000 dollars (Fresh weight basis) Pineapples Other Total Maui/Molokai/Lanai 1994 25,150 984 26,134 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 24,775 27,144 28,295 28,413 28,325 1,031 858 1,136 1,051 1,056 25,806 28,002 29,431 29,464 29,381 2000 2001 2002 2003 29,445 27,115 29,624 29,735 1,102 921 1,214 1,565 30,547r 28,036 30,838 31,300 r: Revised from previous Data Book. SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service, Statistics of Hawaii Agriculture 2003 (annual). 5.1.12 BANANAS, MAUI COUNTY 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Number of Farms 35 40 40 30 40 Acreage in crop1 Acreage harvested2 85 50 85 50 75 60 85 60 85 60 Yield per acre (1,000 lbs. harvested) Fresh utilization (1,000 pounds) 16.0 800 17.8 890 12.5 750 9.7 580 9.2 550 Farm price (cents per pound) Value of sales ($1,000) 55.0 440 56.0 499 60.0 451 58.0 333 60.0 330 Maui/Molokai/Lanai SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Service, Statistics of Hawaii Agriculture 2002 (annual).. Maui County Data Book 2005 Agriculture & Aquaculture 109 5.1.13 AGRICULTURAL TOURISM BY COUNTY, 2000 AND 2003 County Total Farms 2000 2003 ($1,000) Value of Ag-Touism 2000 2003 Ag-Tourism Activity 2000 2003 Farms Planning Ag-Tourism Activities 2000 2003 Maui Hawaii Honolulu Kauai 800 3,300 900 500 800 3,300 900 500 31 60 19 16 43 89 31 24 7,288 8,875 7,777 2,103 6,772 12,562 8,586 5,949 16 47 15 6 37 65 23 20 State 5,500 5,500 126 187 26,043 33,869 84 145 NOTE: Ag-tourism is a commercial enterprise on a working farm conducted for the enjoyment, education, and/or active involvement of the visitor, generating supplemental income for the farm. Activities such as producing and selling products directly from the farm, operating a bed and breakfast, conducting educational farm tours, offering horseback riding, festivals, concerts, and many other on-farm activities qualify as ag-tourism. SOURCE: Hawaii Agricultural Statistics Publication, Hawaii Ag-Tourism, October 18, 2004. 110 Agriculture & Aquaculture Maui County Data Book 2005 5.1.14 AGRICULTURAL THEFT AND VANDALISM, BY COUNTY County Crop Livestock Chemical/ Machinery/ Fertilizer Equipment Number of Theft Incidents, by Type of Theft Maui 17 16 17 Hawaii 724 187 59 Honolulu 1,973 51 40 Kauai 186 30 11 Total 2,900 284 127 Amount of Loss Due to Theft, by Type of Theft ($1,000) Maui 66 5 9 Hawaii 196 213 12 Honolulu 218 7 31 Kauai 82 37 3 Total 562 262 55 Number of Vandalism Incidents, by Type of Vandalism Maui 117 0 3 Hawaii 126 34 19 Honolulu 17 9 0 Kauai 3 18 1 Total 263 61 23 Amount of Loss Due to Vandalism, by Type of Vandalism ($1,000) Maui 952 0 1 Hawaii 40 48 1 Honolulu 5 241 1 Kauai 29 10 1 Total 1,026 299 4 Other Property Total 71 157 336 44 608 113 447 92 168 820 234 1,574 2,492 439 4,739 169 153 506 11 839 80 60 36 52 228 329 634 798 185 1,946 40 51 53 25 169 287 264 54 32 637 447 494 133 79 1,153 101 45 273 46 465 106 58 48 13 225 1,160 192 568 99 2,019 Number of Trespassing Incidents Maui 1,850 Hawaii 32,021 Honolulu 4,227 Kauai 1,534 Total 39,632 Number and Level of Prosecution of Theft, Vandalism, and Trespassing Incidents Reported to Police Arrested Convicted Maui 177 5 3 Hawaii 655 86 13 Honolulu 206 10 6 Kauai 199 18 12 Total 1,237 119 34 SOURCE: United States Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Hawaii Agricultural Theft & Vandalism, October 18, 2005. Maui County Data Book 2005 Agriculture & Aquaculture 111 5.2.1 COMMERCIAL MARINE LANDINGS, MAUI COUNTY Year ended June 30 Year Pounds Landed Pounds Sold Value ($) 1982 1983 1984 792,504 944,045 889,715 734,258 899,995 810,257 873,251 1,109,356 1,083,651 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 862,333 1,007,255 1,120,497 961,337 698,000 810,599 915,637 1,026,307 851,858 596,620 1,140,578 1,659,720 1,919,196 1,780,096 1,363,703 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 777,385 744,805 854,282 516,909 624,147 624,466 602,325 692,870 409,498 486,682 1,428,937 1,390,838 1,596,576 1,050,460 1,226,805 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 731,447 783,394 663,203 748,149 725,445 586,398 620,343 507,255 605,174 555,477 1,597,826 1,577,195 1,409,797 1,464,070 1,562,511 2000 2001 2002 643,581 573,566 473,472 501,263 431,781 353,277 1,502,897 1,336,420 1,145,432 SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources, Commercial Marine Landings, State of Hawaii, fiscal year reports. 112 Agriculture & Aquaculture Maui County Data Book 2005 5.2.2 SEA SPECIES COMMONLY CAUGHT NEAR FISH AGGREGATING DEVICES, MAUI COUNTY Pounds landed in year ending June 30 Species 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Aku Bigeye Yellowfin Kawakawa Tuna (misc.) 19,809 1,234 33,108 124 1,149 42,012 1,449 41,447 150 598 18,538 554 18,508 105 1,140 10,642 — 29,136 — — 10,038 — 28,981 — — Blue Marlin Striped Marlin Sailfish Shortbill Spearfish 28,230 1,393 59 567 15,677 3,707 — 2,947 20,785 2,409 118 1,345 7,204 921 — 336 12,205 1,793 — — Kahala Kamanu Keokeo Mahimahi — 44 — 32,634 — 21 — 44,480 12 13 1 37,528 — — — 42,905 — — — 51,068 Mako Mano Ono Opelu Uku — 824 8,403 — — 410 255 7,785 83 15 — 100 7,143 — — — — 9,014 — — — — 5,918 — — Other 1,058 119 169 — — 128,636 161,155 108,468 100,158 110,003 15 16 15 16 15 Total Devices Available NOTE: Fish aggregating devices are non-navigational buoys placed several miles offshore to attract fish. Data is incomplete due to late submission and processing of fish catch records. SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources, Commercial Marine Landings, State of Hawaii, fiscal year reports. Maui County Data Book 2005 Agriculture & Aquaculture 113 5.2.3 FAD CATCHES AND TRIP COUNT, MAUI COUNTY No. of Months FAD I K M N O Q CC DD FF HO JJ LA MC NL T2 T3 T6 Location Halona Pt. Palaoa Hana Bay Cape Halawa Kalaupapa Pauwela Pt. Ka’ena Pt. Opana Pt. Pukaulua Pt. Ho’olawa Pt. Kamohio Lahaina Palaoa Nu’u Kolo Harbor Pala’au Palaoa Station On 10.6 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.1 12.0 12.0 9.3 12.0 10.0 12.0 8.2 9.9 10.4 Lbs.1 3,469 15,770 2,460 2,007 2,417 15,746 2,249 7,674 26,388 10,920 17,229 3,789 2,748 2,006 No. of Trips1 78 273 39 25 20 177 52 176 114 129 79 128 52 39 Lbs/ Trip 44.5 57.8 63.1 80.3 120.9 89.0 43.3 43.6 231.5 84.7 218.1 29.6 52.8 51.4 12.0 FAD: Fish Aggregating Device - are non-navigational buoys placed several miles offshore to attract fish. D: Due to low level of fishermen reporting and to preserve confidentiality, data for these FADs are not listed 1 Reported numbers are for trolling only. SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Land and natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources, Commercial Marine Landings, State of Hawaii, fiscal year report 2002. 114 Agriculture & Aquaculture Maui County Data Book 2005 Communication & Transportation Section 6 COMMUNICATION & TRANSPORTATION This section covers statistics on communications and transportation. Newspapers, radio and television station statistics are included in the first section (6.1). Under transportation, statistics on fuel usage, rental cars, registered drivers, aircraft and water craft facilities and freight traffic are presented. With more than 58,000 tons of cargo and mail passing through Kahului Airport and just under 3,800,000 tons passing through Kahului Harbor, water transport remains the primary way goods reach Maui. The transportation statistics are mostly taken from the Hawaii State Department of Transportation. 116 Communication & Transportation Maui County Data Book 2005 6.1.1 AVERAGE PAID CIRCULATION OF THE MAUI NEWS For 12 month period ending March 31 Year Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday 1992 1993 1994 1995 17,845 18,334 18,615 18,816 21,089 21,504 21,691 21,865 20,822 21,827 22,246 23,441 1996 1997 1998 2001 18,379 17,710 17,142 18,880 21,234 20,346 19,634 21,069 23,866 23,992 24,098 25,090 18,718 21,2141 21,6311 22,0321 21,9021 2002 2003 2004 2005 Sunday 26,525 26,833 26,931 26,382 NOTE: 1994 to 1997 average year circulation calculated from quarterly averages. The Maui News started publishing a Saturday edition in 2001. 1 Monday through Saturday. SOURCE: Audit Bureau of Circulations, Maui News Audit Report, 1990-1998 and Maui News records 2005. 6.1.2 AVERAGE DISTRIBUTION OF OTHER NEWSPAPERS, MAUI COUNTY Fil-Am LIGHT News Filipino Summit1 Haleakala Times Lahaina News The Lana’i Times The Maui Time Weekly Maui Weekly The Molokai Advertiser-News The Molokai Dispatch 1 10,000 10,000 16,000 12,000 3,000 18,000 35,000 3,000 5,000 monthly monthly bi-weekly bi-weekly monthly weekly weekly weekly weekly State Wide circulation. SOURCE: South Maui Times, Lahaina News, The Molokai Advertiser-News, The Lana’i Times, Haleakala Times, Fil-Am LIGHT News and Filipino Summit, staff. Maui County Data Book 2005 Communication & Transportation 117 6.1.3 CABLE TELEVISION COMPANIES, SUBSCRIBERS AND REVENUES, BY COUNTIES Maui Number of Companies1 Dec. 31, 1999 Dec. 31, 2000 Dec. 31, 2001 Dec. 31, 2002 Dec. 31, 2003 Dec. 31, 2004 Subscribers2 Dec. 31, 1999 Dec. 31, 2000 Dec. 31, 2001 Dec. 31, 2002 Dec. 31, 2003 Dec. 31, 2004 Basic Service Revenue ($1,000) 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 1State Hawaii Honolulu Kauai 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 51,835 47,695 48,422 49,202 49,918 50,814 34,268 34,974 36,436 37,554r 37,291 38,991 253,981 262,681 264,871 269,681 274,416 278,336 18,189 18,451 18,675 21,028 21,087 21,357 358,273 363,801 368,424 377,465r 383342 389,498 12,719 14,409 15,761 16,809 18,012 18,903 12,107 13,717 14,482 15,016 15,821 16,722 72,522 78,158 85,830 91,301 95,401 101,318 5,783 6,547 7,010 7,549 8,091 8,582 103,131 112,831 123,083 130,675 137,325 145,527 totals are unduplicated figures; one company provided service to three counties. State Total r Revised from previous Data Book 2Hawaiian Cablevision has redefined multiunit as expressed by Federal rules. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Cable Television Division, records. 6.1.4 RADIO AND TELEVISION BROADCASTING STATIONS IN OPERATION, MAUI COUNTY Station State Total Maui County 32 46 25 5 8 5 – 9 2 – 1 1 Commercial Stations AM FM TV2 Non-commercial Stations AM FM TV2 1 Excludes one commercal AM station with studio on Oahu but transmitter on Molokai. 2 Includes satellites but excludes translators and cable television. 1 SOURCE: Federal Communications Commission, Mass Media Bureau, Audio Services and Video Services Divisions, records. 118 Communication & Transportation Maui County Data Book 2005 6.2.1 LIQUID FUEL TAX BASE, MAUI COUNTY Thousands of gallons 1997 1998 1999 2000 111,889 111,316 125,852 127,738 Gasoline 52,863 52,855 54,543 Diesel Oil, Non-highway 32,361 26,735 Diesel Oil, Highway Use 3,743 Liquid Petroleum Gas, Off Highway Liquid Petroleum Gas, Highway Use Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 107,449 145,548 128,416 145,322 57,861 56,585 59,380 73,689 62,593 31,191 28,289 25,580 36,566 5,0441 16,255 3,987 4,564 4,097 4,151 4,839 4,307 5,976 609 560 602 634 590 167 137 394 21 22 20 14 16 19 17 15 115r 328 Other Fuel Aviation Fuel 1 Current Estimate 22,293 27,157 34,931 36,842 20,525 44,561 45,109 59,962 r: Revised from previous Data Book. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Taxation, Liquid Fuel Tax Base and Tax Collections, Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2004 (annual release), and records. 6.2.2 ESTIMATED DAYTIME POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT-RESIDENCE RATIOS, MAUI CDP Place Name Haiku-Pauwela Kaanapali Kahului Kihei Lahaina Makawao Napili-Honokowai Pukalani Waihee-Waiehu Wailea-Makena Wailuku Population 6,578 1,375 20,146 16,749 9,118 6,327 6,788 7,380 7,310 5,671 12,296 Resident Working In 1,139 2,844 12,992 6,117 6,568 1,356 890 1,119 238 4,441 8,271 Workers Living In 3,071 615 8,203 8,819 4,562 3,252 3,941 3,812 3,392 3,176 5,602 Daytime Population Percent Change 4,646 3,604 24,935 14,047 11,124 4,431 3,737 4,687 4,156 6,936 14,965 -29.4 162.1 23.8 -16.1 22.0 -30.0 -44.9 -36.5 -43.1 22.3 21.7 Percent of Workers Living In 21.2 25.0 42.6 32.6 49.5 15.1 11.8 12.7 3.3 31.2 33.9 CDP: Census Designated Place. SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Census 2000. Maui County Data Book 2005 Communication & Transportation 119 6.2.3 WEEKLY WHOLESALE GASOLINE PRICE CAPS, MAUI COUNTY1,2 Week of: (2005) September 1-4 September 5-11 September 12-18 September 19-25 September 26 - October 2 October 3-9 October 10-16 October 17-23 October 24-30 October 31 - November 6 November 7-13 Maui 3 Hana Molokai Lanai 2.2968 2.5677 3.0123 2.5164 2.4563 2.7086 2.7940 2.3522 2.2344 2.0594 2.0188 2.3768 2.6477 3.0923 2.5964 2.5363 2.7886 2.8740 2.4322 2.3144 2.1394 2.0988 2.4048 2.6757 3.1203 2.6244 2.5643 2.8166 2.9020 2.4602 2.3424 2.1674 2.1268 2.4958 2.7667 3.2113 2.7154 2.6553 2.9076 2.9930 2.5512 2.4334 2.2584 2.2178 The Gas Cap Law is a legal limit on wholesale gasoline prices, or the maximum amount that may be charged for producing gasoline and delivering it to a service station. Under the new law, the gas cap is set weekly by the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC) based on average spot prices for regular unleaded gasoline in three U.S. markets, New York Harbor, the Gulf Coast, and Los Angeles. 1 2 Regular unleaded gasoline. Excludes taxes and retail markup. Gas Taxes: Federal 0.184 State 0.160 County of Maui 0.180 4% General Excise Tax (based on gross sales price). 3 Excludes Hana. SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Protection, Public Utilities Commission, records. 120 Communication & Transportation Maui County Data Book 2005 Maui County Data Book 2005 Communication & Transportation 121 2.690 NA NA 2.680 2.799 2.681 NA 2.679 2.706 2.700 2.696 12/04 SOURCE: Oil Price Information Service, Rockville, MD. NA: Not Available Regular unleaded gasoline as of the first day of the month. 2.681 NA NA 2.666 2.794 2.678 NA 2.677 2.707 2.701 2.689 Maui County Average Haiku Hana Kahului Kaunakakai Kihei Kula Lahaina Makawao Paia Wailuku 1 11/04 Location 2.686 NA NA 2.675 2.799 2.680 NA 2.681 2.708 2.702 2.681 01/05 2.686 NA NA 2.673 2.799 2.687 NA 2.678 2.703 2.702 2.681 02/05 2.697 NA NA 2.686 2.809 2.690 NA 2.692 2.715 2.717 2.698 03/05 2.765 2.779 NA 2.764 2.829 2.772 2.719 2.737 2.779 2.767 2.765 04/05 2.789 2.779 NA 2.788 2.829 2.789 2.719 2.774 2.803 2.799 2.786 05/05 2.794 2.799 NA 2.793 2.829 2.793 2.724 2.787 2.811 2.812 2.786 06/05 2.858 2.864 NA 2.859 2.845 2.853 2.759 2.854 2.882 2.879 2.854 07/05 3.014 3.079 NA 3.017 2.999 3.017 NA 3.006 3.032 3.018 3.011 08/05 GASOLINE AVERAGE PRICES PER GALLON, MAUI COUNTY1 6.2.4 3.568 NA 3.924 3.568 3.538 3.579 3.169 3.558 3.590 3.584 3.557 09/05 3.509 NA 4.009 3.514 3.545 3.495 NA 3.486 3.538 3.547 3.494 10/05 6.2.5 HIGHWAY DISTANCES, MAUI COUNTY Route Statute Miles Maui Wailuku-Kahului Wailuku-Kahului Airport Wailuku-Hana, via Keanae Wailuku-Hana, via Kaupo Wailuku-Haleakala summit Route Molokai Kaunakakai-Sheraton Hotel Kaunakakai-Maunaloa Kaunakakai-Airport Kaunakakai-Halawa Airport-Sheraton Hotel 2.3 4.2 53.2 59.8 38.2 Wailuku-Makena Wailuku-Lahaina, via Kahakuloa Wailuku-Lahaina, via Olowalu Kahului-Kihei Lahaina-Wailea 17.9 38.0 20.9 8.2 32.4 Lahaina-Napili Lahaina-Kaanapali Statute Miles 19.5 16.5 8.0 27.6 11.5 Lanai Lanai City-Lanai Airport Lanai City-Hulopoe 3.1 7.5 8.9 3.7 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Highways Division, records. 6.2.6 HAWAII DRIVERS LICENSES IN FORCE AND VEHICLE REGISTRATION, BY TYPE OF VEHICLE, MAUI COUNTY Taxable and non-taxable; includes vehicles registered but subsequently scrapped or shipped out of state 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 82,217 84,980 87,550 90,964 93,595 97,045 99,716 100,916 All Vehicles 119,626 123,596 128,204 135,554 139,546 141,511 148,716 156,880 Motor Vehicles Passenger vehicles1 Ambulances Buses Trucks1 Truck tractors Truck cranes Motorcycles2 Trailers and semi-trailers 116,878 90,573 10 328 23,935 111 79 1,842 2,748 120,818 93,912 11 328 24,474 104 74 1,915 2,778 125,404 97,565 13 342 25,268 96 72 2,048 2,800 132,636 103,329 13 324 26,690 98 68 2,114 2,918 136,473 105,879 12 308 27,868 99 62 2,245 3,073 138,058 106,384 12 291 28,696 99 62 2,514 3,453 144,985 112,205 14 288 29,516 88 61 2,810 3,731 152,904 118,915 12 268 30,569 88 60 2,992 3,976 Drivers Licenses in Force (as of December 31) 1 Vans 2 and other trucks under 6,500 lb. in personal use, legally classified as passenger vehicles, are included in the totals for trucks. Including motor scooters but excluding mopeds (1.5 HP or less), legally classified as bicycles. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Safety Office, records. 122 Communication & Transportation Maui County Data Book 2005 6.2.7 HIGHWAY BRIDGES, BY ISLAND, DECEMBER 31, 2003 Island 1 Number of Bridges1 Longest Bridge Length Location (feet) Highest Bridge Location Height (feet) State 752 Airport Viaduct 14,890 Nanue 208 Hawaii Maui Lanai Molokai Oahu Kauai 135 98 19 445r 55r Hakalau Honokahua None Manawainui Airport Viaduct Hanamaulu 775 600 360 14,890 1,150 Nanue Uaoa None Manawainui Kipapa Wahiawa, Koloa 208 79 50 156 90 Limited to bridges under State jurisdiction and longer than 20 feet. r: Revised from previous Data Book. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Highways Division, records. 6.2.8 LENGTH OF STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, PAVED AND UNPAVED BY ISLAND, DECEMBER 31, 2004 Excludes private roads and military roads not regularly open to public use Paved Island State total Hawaii Maui Lanai Molokai Oahu Kauai Niihau Total mileage Freeways Unpaved Other 4316.35 88.55 4055.39 172.41 1466.06 630.69 47.48 132.86 1625.34 413.92 - 88.55 - 1406.76 573.99 33.48 120.86 1528.87 391.43 - 59.30 56.70 14.00 12.00 7.92 22.49 - SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Highways Division, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Communication & Transportation 123 6.2.9 ROAD, BRIDGE AND DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE, COUNTY OF MAUI MAINTENANCE PROJECTS FY 2002 County Summary Complaints received - road (including potholes) and drainage Average number of days to resolve complaints Interdepartmental support (landfill, refuse collection, cesspool pumping), work hours per year Other department support (Fire, Parks), work hours per year Pothole patching, tons of cold mix Lineal feet of shoulder work Acres of grass mowed Lineal feet of culverts maintained Number of catch basins maintained Wailuku Complaints received - road (including potholes) and drainage Average number of days to resolve complaints Pothole patching, tons of cold mix Lineal feet of shoulder work Acres of grass mowed Lineal feet of culverts maintained Number of catch basins maintained Makawao Complaints received - road (including potholes) and drainage Average number of days to resolve complaints Pothole patching, tons of cold mix Lineal feet of shoulder work Acres of grass mowed Lineal feet of culverts maintained Number of catch basins maintained Lahaina Complaints received - road (including potholes) and drainage Average number of days to resolve complaints Pothole patching, tons of cold mix Lineal feet of shoulder work Acres of grass mowed Lineal feet of culverts maintained Number of catch basins maintained Hana Complaints received - road (including potholes) and drainage Average number of days to resolve complaints Pothole patching, tons of cold mix Lineal feet of shoulder work Acres of grass mowed Lineal feet of culverts maintained Number of catch basins maintained Molokai Complaints received - road (including potholes) and drainage Average number of days to resolve complaints Pothole patching, tons of cold mix Lineal feet of shoulder work Acres of grass mowed Lineal feet of culverts maintained Number of catch basins maintained Lanai Complaints received - road (including potholes) and drainage Average number of days to resolve complaints Pothole patching, tons of cold mix Lineal feet of shoulder work Acres of grass mowed Lineal feet of culverts maintained Number of catch basins maintained FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 399 3.84 377 4.12 739 7.77 529 4.87 19,646 3,393 2,215 100,000 1,000 3,402 380 19,253 1,991 3,062 210,800 1,386 4,880 516 11,201 828 3,153 181,325 1,174 7,443 489 18,295 1,927 2,706 214,703 1,021 4,835 439 282 3 710 4,000 435 1,050 70 250 5 1,050 68,800 560 330 268 556 8.97 825 17,525 350 970 193 410 5 793 67,223 507 618 162 57 7.0 500 74,900 331 172 178 68 3.0 730 89,750 452 90 50 105 5.0 760 105,450 337 75 89 88 5.5 627 93,038 381 152 99 47 4 58 4,100 54 420 60 41 2 49 3,000 56 500 58 70 3.13 55 3,050 83 3,125 65 48 2.82 49 3,513 67 1,150 61 2 4 900 4,800 90 750 22 0 0 1,150 24,000 120 960 36 0 0 1,398 28,000 130 1,056 48 1 1 1,162 28,700 115 860 35 11 8 40 10,000 80 1,000 42 18 1 70 23,000 185 3,000 85 8 1 100 24,000 250 2,200 70 10 1 150 20,000 270 2,000 70 0 0 7 2,200 20 10 8 0 0 13 2,250 13 0 19 0 0 15 3,300 24 17 24 0 0 25 2,730 24 17 24 SOUCE: Office of the Mayor, Budget Office, County Budgets 2002-2006. 124 Communication & Transportation Maui County Data Book 2005 6.2.10 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL CONSUMPTION AND VEHICLE MILES HIGHWAY FUEL CONSUMPTION1 Total (1,000 gallons) Gallons per Vehicle2 406,819 405,963 409,940 428,558 422,884 453 457 468 490 482 8,142.2 8,065.5 7,945.3 7,925.2 7,944.1 9,075 9,070 9,063 9,056 9,051 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 426,370 421,499 422,928 417,374 428,425 482 477 473 460 455 8,005.9 8,003.0 8,090.2 8,215.2 8,525.7 9,050 9,050 9,055 9,058 9,058 2001 2002 2003 2004 455,558 477,518 483,232 498,816 461 484 469 463 8,754.3 8,937.3 9,325.0 9,734.6 9,052 9,050 9,046 9,042 Maui County 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 49,037 48,985 50,715 53,933 53,634 434 445 460 487 477 1,013.7 988.3 988.5 993.9 1,010.1 8,962 8,971 8,971 8,973 8,977 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 55,346 53,771 56,241 59,560 60,598 473 461 467 477 459 1,049.5 1,046.0 1,079.7 1,119.5 1,182.6 8,968 8,963 8,959 8,958 8,955 2001 2002 2003 2004 61,922 65,142 77,140 68,646 456 474 534 452 1,216.9 1,231.9 1,292.5 1,357.7 8,956 8,958 8,952 8,941 Year State of Hawaii 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1 VEHICLE MILES OF TRAVEL Total (millions) Per Vehicle2 Includes gasoline, diesel oil, and butane gas. Gasohol was no longer used in motor vehicles after June 1982. 2 Based on motor vehicle total by county of inspection, includes both taxable and nontaxable vehicles, and all military nonresident exempt vehicles. Data include passenger cars, buses, trucks and motorcycles but exclude trailers and semi-trailers. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Highways Division, Planning Branch, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Communication & Transportation 125 6.2.11 VEHICLE REGISTRATION, BY TAXATION STATUS, FOR COUNTIES 2003 Taxation Status Total registered Taxable vehicles Exempt vehicles Federal government State government County government Fire department Police department Consulates Disabled veterans Military non-resident Farm Horseless carriage Electric vehicles State Total City and County of Honolulu County of Hawaii County of Kauai County of Maui 1,049,266 672,912 156,201 70,241 149,912 980,943 68,323 377 5,064 6,246 247 1,653 55 118 54,129 286 47 101 608,003 64,909 361 5,063 4,042 72 1,307 55 59 53,729 113 37 71 154,866 1,335 12 1 701 110 343 10 85 49 8 16 69,466 775 468 34 42 225 4 1 1 148,608 1,304 4 1,035 31 3 7 90 120 1 13 Note: Includes vehicles registered by subsequently scrapped or shipped out of State. Excludes trailers, semi-trailers and motorcycles. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Motor Vehicle Safety Office, records. 126 Communication & Transportation Maui County Data Book 2005 6.2.12 TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC INJURIES, AND TRAFFIC DEATHS, 2000 TO 2004, BY COUNTY COUNTY 2000 2001 2002 2003 Major Traffic Accidents1 Honolulu Hawaii Kauai Maui 7,129 2,201 483 1,298 6,406 2,781 524 1,159 6,761r 2,256r 637 1,009 7,025r 2,313r 767r 1,145r NA NA NA NA 58 34 4 20 74 29 4 26 65r 29r 5 15 66 33 9 21 Fatal Accidents Honolulu Hawaii Kauai Maui Persons Injured Honolulu Hawaii Kauai Maui Persons Killed Honolulu Hawaii Kauai Maui 6,114 1,805 441 1,527 66 38 5 24 5,036 1,819 440 1,346 79 30 4 28 67 27 5 17 5,426r 1,844r 524 1,156 67 28 5 20 5,460 1,797 588 1,249 79r 30r 5 16r 2004 NA NA NA NA 71 41 10 21 NA Not available. r: Revised from previous Data Book. 1 Through 1990, includes traffic accidents with damage of $300 or more or causing injury or death. Effective 1991, includes only accidents with damage of $1,000 or more or causing injury or death. Effective June 20, 1995, includes only accidents with damage of $3,000 or more or causing injury or death. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Highways Division, Traffic Safety Section, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Communication & Transportation 127 6.2.13 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS BY TYPE OF AIRCRAFT, MAJOR STATE-OWNED AIRPORTS 2003 Kahului Honolulu International Kona International (Keahole) Lihue All Movements 151,558 301,919 119,210 97,576 99,415 40,944 47,295 76,261 24,169 3,833 165,406 46,012 74,293 16,208 22,317 14,524 66,798 15,571 23,833 48,767 19,961 5,015 12,829 47,774 28,163 10,649 656 27,116 11,450 1,722 Air Carrier Air Taxi General Aviation Military Hilo International Molokai SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Airports Division, Airport Activity Statistics, Calendar Year 2003. 6.2.14 AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS BY TYPE OF AIRCRAFT, KAHULUI AND MOLOKAI AIRPORTS 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 178,590 173,342 180,890 188,385 174,855 160,324 157,868 151,558 67,136 78,722 29,976 2,756 64,599 81,105 25,211 2,427 63,336 84,546 29,509 3,499 62,883 92,569 29,575 3,358 63,799 77,779 29,983 3,294 55,937 69,635 31,816 2,936 51,275 77,357 25,218 4,018 47,295 76,261 24,169 3,833 49,221 44,667 49,353 49,184 44,691 43,806 43,065 40,944 1,003 34,753 10,744 2,721 1,017 31,290 10,844 1,516 1,163 30,080 15,425 2,685 1,469 30,286 14,169 3,260 1,484 27,385 11,869 3,953 1,138 26,890 12,532 3,246 964 27,213 11,931 2,957 656 27,116 11,450 1,722 Kahului Airport All Movements Air Carrier Air Taxi General Aviation Military Molokai Airport All Movements Air Carrier Air Taxi General Aviation Military NOTE: Definitions. Aircraft operations: Total aircraft movements, landings and takeoffs, combined. Reported by the United States Federal Aviation Administration’s air traffic control towers. Air carrier: Large commercial aircraft having more than 60 seats. Air taxi: Small commercial aircraft having 60 seats or less. General aviation: All types of civil aviation including private jets, corporate jets, and helicopters. General aviation excludes commercial and military aircraft operations. Military: All military aircraft, including military helicopters. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Airports Division, Airport Activity Statistics, Calendar Year 2003. 128 Communication & Transportation Maui County Data Book 2005 6.2.15 PASSENGERS, CARGO AND MAIL, OVERSEAS AND INTERISLAND, MAUI COUNTY AIRPORTS 1999 Airport Enplaned 2000 Deplaned Enplaned 2001 Deplaned Enplaned 2002 Deplaned Enplaned 2003 Deplaned Enplaned Deplaned Passengers OGG interisl. 2,129,704 2,017,788 2,141,313 2,075,141 1,449,602 2,132,627 1,591,870 1,593,034 1,414,008 1,414,634 OGG overseas 854,706 969,881 965,586 1,009,205 1,067,849 1,079,015 1,112,000 1,119,599 1,271,118 1,282,431 MKK 132,540 137,212 124,670 128,838 106,898 108,740 103,139 105,622 97,180 100,163 LNY 88,598 87,043 80,761 80,644 72,714 72,822 70,050 69,851 56,406 56,275 JHM HNM LUP 68,336 4,184 4,150 66,966 3,909 3,996 61,128 8 1,148 60,187 9 1,007 47,609 2,933 1,295 47,781 2,781 1,252 41,336 2,569 2,381 41,177 2,368 2,224 47,569 3,863 5,947 48,027 3,810 5,097 Cargo (U.S. Tons) OGG interisl. OGG overseas MKK LNY 5,324 14,911 6,147 17,872 6,135 17,321 5,266 16,361 6,134 18,101 6,945 441 112 5,937 967 665 7,390 485 76 6,688 847 642 7,919 486 73 5,511 836 612 12,471 414 78 7,049 856 753 15,699 617 79 8,184 815 732 277 42 15 360 11 174 273 25 12 316 10 190 278 51 15 304 16 170 258 38 13 295 41 193 285 23 17 337 61 174 JHM HNM LUP Mail (U.S. Tons) OGG interisl. OGG overseas MKK LNY 2,263 7,592 2,089 7,575 1,977 7,176 193 3,512 1,547 7,557 1,102 35 15 1 204 113 641 5 1 32 171 99 1,133 22 9 136 62 37 332 1 n/a 1 n/a n/a 773 19 2 35 39 33 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 9 JHM HNM LUP NOTES: Interisland traffic is intrastate only; overseas includes both international and U.S. mainland flights. Kahului is the only Maui County airport offering overseas flights. AIRPORT KEY: OGG Kahului MKK Molokai LNY Lanai JHM HNM LUP Kapalua Hana Kalaupapa SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Airports Division, Airport Activity Statistics, Calendar Year 2003. Maui County Data Book 2005 Communication & Transportation 129 130 Communication & Transportation Maui County Data Book 2005 21 7 28 12 6 74 <10,000 10,000 - 20,000 20,000 - 30,000 30,000 - 40,000 40,000 - 50,000 50,000 - 75,000 75,000 - 100,000 >100,000 Total 3 35 16 21 7 5 87 Aug 1 1 8 5 13 28 Sep 1 7 3 11 7 19 5 53 Oct 14 1 21 5 19 10 3 73 Nov 1 1 49 14 59 23 2 149 Dec 1 6 26 11 37 16 1 98 Jan 2 2 25 7 27 4 4 71 Feb 6 41 14 49 16 8 134 Mar SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation, Airports Division, records. >100,000: B737-700, B737, Boeing Business, B727-100, B727, B727-200. 75,000 - 100,000: Gulfstream V, BD-700 Global EX, Bombardier BD-700, others. 50,000 - 75,000: Gulfstream III & IV-SP. 40,000 - 50,000: Embraer ERJ135, Falcon 900 & 900EX, Falcon 50EX, 30,000 - 40,000: IAI 1126 Galaxy G-2000, G200, Cessna 750 CIT X, Falcon 2000, Falcon 50, Challenger 600 & 601 &604, others. 20,000 - 30,000: WestWind Astra, IAI 1125 Astra SPX, Hawker 800, IAI Galaxy, IAI 1126 Galaxy, others. 10,000 - 20,000: DHC-6, Dehavilland DHC-6, Lear 35 & 36, WestWind II, LearJet 60. < 10,000: Britten-Norman. Aircraft Types by MLW MLW: Maximum Landing Weight Jul MLW (pounds) 3 1 29 7 34 10 5 89 Apr 21 1 17 5 14 9 67 May PRIVATE PASSENGER AIRCRAFT AND CORPORATE JET LANDINGS, KAHULUI AIRPORT FY 04-05 6.2.16 15 2 20 5 16 8 2 68 Jun 1 71 62 276 138 303 112 28 991 Total 6.2.17 VESSEL ARRIVALS FOR KAHULUI HARBOR Excludes domestic fishing craft Total Inbound Vessels 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1,333 1,259 1,351 1,442 1,453 1,595 1,548 1,499 35 1 539 22 0 534 45 3 584 55 2 614 54 0 665 69 2 375 59 2 718 75 6 695 676 82 615 88 618 101 656 115 624 110 744 105 663 106 593 130 1,280 53 1,061 198 1,152 199 1,160 282 1,198 255 1,305 220 1,279 203 1,289 131 By Type of Vessel Self propelled vessels Passenger and dry cargo Tanker Towboat or tugboat Non-self propelled vessels Dry cargo Tanker By Draft 18 feet and less 19 feet and more SOURCE: U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterborne Commerce of the United States, Part 4, Waterways and Harbors, Pacific Coast, Alaska and Hawaii, calendar years 1995-2003. 6.2.18 FREIGHT TRAFFIC FOR KAHULUI HARBOR Freight Traffic (In thousand short tons) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 2,278 2,408 2,434 2,357 2,216 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 2,368 2,586 2,828 2,895 2,851 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 3,513 3,477 3,695 3,458 3,778 SOURCE: U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterborne Commerce of the United States, Part 4, Waterways and Harbors, Pacific Coast, Alaska and Hawaii, calendar years 1989-2003. Maui County Data Book 2005 Communication & Transportation 131 6.2.19 KAHULUI HARBOR FREIGHT TRAFFIC BY COMMODITY In thousands of tons 2003 Commodity Grand Coastwise Total Receipts Shipments Total, all commodities 3,778 2,439 1,339 Petroleum and Petroleum Products Total 2211 Gasoline 2330 Distillate Fuel Oil 2340 Residual Fuel Oil 2350 Lube Oil & Greases 2640 Liquid Natural Gas 2990 Petro. Products NEC Chemicals and Related Products Total 3110 Nitrogenous Fert. 3190 Fert. & Mixes NEC 3274 Sodium Hydroxide 3275 Inorg. Elem.,Oxides, & Halogen Salts 3281 Radioactive Material 3282 Pigments & Paints 3284 Medicines 3285 Perfumes & Cleansers 3286 Plastics 3291 Pesticides 3293 Explosives 3299 Chem. Products nec Crude Materials, Inedible Except Fuels Total 4189 Lumber 4190 Forest Products NEC 4225 Pulp & Waste Paper 4331 Sand & Gravel 4338 Soil & Fill Dirt 4420 Iron & Steel Scrap 4900 Non-Metal. Min. NEC Primary Manufactured Goods Total 5110 Newsprint 5120 Paper & Paperboard 5190 Paper Products NEC 5220 Cement & Concrete 5240 Glass & Glass Prod. 5290 Misc. Mineral Prod. 5360 I&S Bars & Shapes 5370 I&S Pipe & Tube 5480 Fab. Metal Products 5540 Primary Wood Prod. 524 179 231 104 2 8 0 25 – 18 – 6 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 159 100 – 2 49 1 8 0 2,104 1 1 17 46 1 19 2 4 2,014 0 523 178 231 104 2 8 0 23 – 17 – 6 – 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 108 95 – 0 12 1 – 0 1,223 1 1 15 46 1 19 2 4 1,135 0 2 1 – – 0 0 – 2 – 1 – 0 0 – 0 0 0 – – 0 51 5 – 2 37 – 8 – 882 – – 3 0 0 0 132 Communication & Transportation 0 879 – Maui County Data Book 2005 6.2.19 CONTINUED 2003 Commodity Grand Coastwise Total Receipts Shipments Food and Farm Products Total 6134 Fish (Not Shellfish) 6442 Rice 6654 Vegetables & Prod. 6746 Wheat Flour 6747 Grain Mill Products 6781 Hay & Fodder 6782 Animal Feed, Prep. 6811 Meat, Fresh, Frozen 6822 Dairy Products 6839 Animals & Prod. NEC 6857 Fruit & Nuts NEC 6858 Fruit Juices 6861 Sugar 6865 Molasses 6871 Coffee 6885 Alcoholic Beverages 6887 Groceries 6889 Food Products NEC 6899 Farm Products NEC All Manufactured Equipment, Machinery and Products Total 7110 Machinery (Not Elec) 7120 Electrical Machinery 7210 Vehicles & Parts 7220 Aircraft & Parts 7230 Ships & Boats 7400 Manufac. Wood Prod. 7500 Textile Products 7600 Rubber & Plastic Pr. 7900 Manufac. Prod. NEC Unknown or Not Elsewhere Classified Total 9900 Unknown or NEC 414 0 3 14 1 0 1 10 5 0 5 0 87 40 73 0 21 0 150 4 552 15 1 228 0 1 16 1 1 290 0 0 200 0 3 11 1 0 1 10 5 0 2 0 – – – 0 21 0 142 4 364 5 0 139 0 0 15 0 0 202 0 0 214 – 0 3 – 0 – 0 0 0 2 0 87 40 73 0 0 0 8 – 188 9 0 89 0 0 1 0 0 88 – – NOTES: Totals may not add due to rounding. Tonnage figures are rounded. A zero represents less than 500 tons but more than zero. Blanks mean zero tons. Commodity codes are standardized to reflect the Standard Industrial Trade Classification (SITC) Revision 3 commodity codes. Coastwise: Domestic traffic receiving a carriage over the ocean, or the Gulf of Mexico,(e.g. New Orleans to Baltimore, New York to Puerto Rico, San Francisco to Hawaii, Alaska to Hawaii). Traffic between Great Lakes ports and seacoast ports, when having a carriage over the ocean, is also termed Coastwise. Receipts: traffic moving from one location to another where the destination is the subject port. Shipments: traffic moving from one location to another where the origin is the subject port. NEC: not elsewhere classified. I&S: iron and steel. SOURCE: U.S. Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterborne Commerce of the United States, Part 4, Waterways and Harbors, Pacific Coast, Alaska and Hawaii, calendar year 2003. Maui County Data Book 2005 Communication & Transportation 133 6.2.20 VESSELS THAT USE KAHULUI HARBOR Type or Purpose of Vessel Vessels That Use Pier 11 Cruise Ships Sugar Barge Coal Ship Matson Barges Tin Ship Pascha Roll On Roll Off Ship Capacity Load Current Port Call Frequency 2000-3000 passengers & crew 34,000 tons of sugar ~17,000 tons of coal ~190 shipping containers 1,600 tons of tin plate 3,000 passenger vehicles Vessels that Dock at Pier 1 and Pier 3 Diesel & Bunker Fuel Barge for MECo ~60,000 barrels Diesel, Gasoline & Jet Fuel Barges for Tesoro & Chevron ~60,000 barrels Sand Barge 4,300 tons of sand Scrap Metal Barge 4,500 tons of scrap metal 1 Excluding fishing fleet vehicles 2 Depends on demand for electricity. Frequency increases in summer months. Current Time in Port 1-2 per week 2-3 days per week 1 per 6-8 weeks 2-3 per year 2-3 per week 3 per year 1 per 2 weeks 2-2.5 days 4-5 days 12-16 hours 10-12 hours 8 hours 1 per 10 days on average2 15 - 20 hours 2 per week 2-3 per month 1 per 3 months 12-16 hours 10 hours 2-3 days SOURCE: Mayor’s Cruise Ship Task Force, Island of Maui, Final Report August 15, 2005. 134 Communication & Transportation Maui County Data Book 2005 Energy & Science Section 7 ENERGY & SCIENCE The increase in Maui County’s population has been reflected in the utilities. Consumption and use of electricity, gas, utilities, and water have all increased dramatically over the last decade. Statistics on electricity, gas, water production and consumption are covered. Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar generated about 10.0% of the electric power used on the island of Maui in 2001. Ongoing scientific endeavors include observation of astronomical and manmade space objects from the summit of Mt. Haleakala. 136 Energy & Science Maui County Data Book 2005 7.1.1 TELESCOPES AT THE SUMMITS OF MAUNA KEA AND HALEAKALA: 2003 Capital cost1 ($mil) Facility (mirror diameter in meters) Mauna Kea observatories: UH 0.6-m (Optical) UH 2.2-m (Optical/Infrared) Canada-France-Hawaii 3.6-m (Optical/Infrared) NASA IRTF 3.0-m (Infrared) United Kingdom 3.8-m (Infrared) James Clerk Maxwell 15-m Submillimeter Caltech 10.4-m Submillimeter W.M. Keck Observatory (Keck I & II) 10-m x 2 (Optical/Infrared) VLBA Antenna 25-m (Radio) Submillimeter Array 8x6-m Subaru (Japan National Large Telescope) 8-m (Optical/Infrared) Fredrick C. Gillett Gemini 8m (Optical/Infrared) Mauna Kea Observatories Support Services Total County based staff Operational 0.3 5 30 10 5 32 10 -2 1.3 6.2 3.2 3.0 5.0 2.6 -2 8 50 16 31 39 11 1968 1970 1979 1979 1979 1986 1986 170 7 80 11.0 0.25 6.0 115 2 36 1992/96 1992 2003 170 92 (X) 15.0 8.0 2.43 70 70 28 1999 1999 (X) 611 61.6 476 0.5 3.3 (NA) 200.0 0.1 0.7 0.5 16.0 2 7 4 120 1968 1976/84 1979 1979 50.0 5.0 5.0 (X) 15.0 0.25 (NA) 0.13 55 1 (NA) 6 1997 2000 2003 (NA) 263.8 32.68 195 Total Haleakala observatories: Mees Solar Observatory Lunar Ranging Facility Haleakala Observatories Projects Maui Space Surveillance Site (MSSS)4 Advanced Electro-Optical System 3.7-m Telescope (AEOS) Magnum 2-m Telescope5 Faulkes 2-m Telescope6 Haleakala Support Facilities Annual operating cost ($mil) NA Not available. X Not applicable. 1 Historical cost, not adjusted for inflation. 2 Combined budget and staffing with UH 2.2-m telescope. 3 Not included in the total since derived from facility operating costs. 4 Formerly Air Force Maui Optical Station (AMOS). 5 MAGNUM = Multicolor Active Galactic Nuclei Monitoring. 6 Under construction. SOURCE: University of Hawaii at Manoa, Institute for Astronomy, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Energy & Science 137 7.1.2 ELECTRIC UTILITIES, MAUI COUNTY 2000 CUSTOMERS, DEC. 31 Total Maui Island Molokai Lanai Maui County Residential1 Maui Island Molokai Lanai Maui County Other Maui Island Molokai Lanai Maui County 2001 2002 2003 2004 53,204 2,903 1,494 57,601 54,405 2,926 1,509 58,840 55,504 2,960 1,519 59,983 56,880 3,017 1,526 61,423 57,430 3,018 1,548 61,996 45,379 2,351 1,296 49,026 46,320 2,381 1,306 50,007 47,253 2,416 1,310 50,979 48,327 2,464 1,319 52,110 48,753 2,472 1,334 52,559 7,825 552 198 8,575 8,085 545 203 8,833 8,251 544 209 9,004 8,553 553 207 9,313r 8,677 546 214 9,437 GENERATING AND FIRM PURCHASED CAPABILITY, DEC. 31 (MW) Maui Island Molokai Lanai Maui County 250.1 12.1 10.4 272.6 250.1 12.1 10.4 272.6 250.1 12.0 10.4 272.5 245.2 11.8 10.3 267.3 245.2 11.8 10.3 267.3 185.1 6.5 5.0 191.0 6.5 5.2 193.9 6.6 4.9 197.7 6.5 5.0 206.5 6.7 4.8 1,071,486 35,681 26,905 1,134,072 1,096,739 34,942 27,036 1,158,717 1,142,689 35,894 28,136 1,206,719 1,184,554 35,344 27,802 1,247,700 360,025 12,348 7,068 379,440 378,828 12,439 7,358 398,625 398,949 13,048 7,515 419,512 419,276 13,413 7,688 440,377 711,462 23,333 19,838 754,633 717,911 22,503 19,678 760,092 743,741 22,846 20,621 787,208 765,268 21,931 20,114 807,313 PEAK DEMAND (MW)2 Maui Island Molokai Lanai POWER SOLD (1,000 kWh) Total Maui Island 1,042,006 Molokai 36,349 Lanai 27,108 Maui County 1,105,463 Residential Maui Island 354,689 Molokai 12,687 Lanai 6,855 Maui County 374,231 Other Maui Island 687,317 Molokai 23,661 Lanai 20,253 Maui County 731,232 138 Energy & Science Maui County Data Book 2005 7.1.2 CONTINUED 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 7,816 5,397 5,289 7,633 7,773 5,186 5,412 7,588 8,017 5,149 5,617 7,819 8,255 5,296 5,697 8,050 8,600 5,426 5,763 n/a 87,836 42,865 102,288 85,275 87,998 42,814 97,722 85,433 87,009 41,366 94,152 84,417 86,957 41,312 99,619 84,528 88,195 40,166 93,990 n/a 0.18656 0.23631 0.24415 0.18925 0.17119 0.22173 0.22445 0.17375 0.18289 0.22953 0.23460 0.18527 0.20817 0.25741 0.25149 n/a 0.17125 0.22841 0.24555 0.17497 0.15684 0.21110 0.22480 0.16020 0.16954 0.22509 0.23516 0.17287 0.19296 0.25543 0.23959 n/a 178,638 8,186 5,999 192,823 189,003 8,247 6,597 203,847 177,446 7,508 6,075 191,030 199,057 8,137 6,612 213,806 234,943 9,054 6,752 250,749 64,668 2,891 1,521 69,080 67,166 2,918 1,726 71,809 64,851 2,758 1,652 69,260 72,964 2,995 1,763 77,721 87,281 3,453 1,933 92,667 113,970 5,294 4,478 123,743 121,837 5,330 4,871 132,038 112,596 4,750 4,424 121,769 126,093 5,142 4,849 136,085 147,662 5,602 4,819 158,083 AVERAGE ANNUAL USE (kWh)3 Residential Maui Island Molokai Lanai Maui County Other Maui Island Molokai Lanai Maui County AVERAGE RATE (dollars per kWh) Residential Maui Island 0.18232 Molokai 0.22787 Lanai 0.22184 Maui County 0.18459 Other Maui Island 0.16582 Molokai 0.22376 Lanai 0.22112 Maui County 0.16922 REVENUES ($1,000) Total Maui Island Molokai Lanai Maui County Residential Maui Island Molokai Lanai Maui County Other Maui Island Molokai Lanai Maui County 1 Residential refers to single-metered residential customers which may include condominiums for visitor use but excludes master-metered apartment and condominium buildings used by residents, which are classified as commercial customers. 2 Peak demand is the maximum amount of energy required from the electrical system. The islands’ electrical systems are not interconnected, so no peaks are reported for Maui County as a whole. 3 Based on number of customers at end of year. r: Revised from previous Data Book. n/a Not Available. MW: Megawatts kWh: Kilo-watt-hour. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Division of Consumer Advocacy, records; capacity and peak demand: Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc., Securities and Exchange Commission 10-K filings, 2000-2004. Maui County Data Book 2005 Energy & Science 139 7.1.3 GAS UTILITIES, MAUI COUNTY Excludes bottled gas 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Island of Maui Customers (December 31) Residential1 Other Total 326 79 405 333 78 411 329 79 408 325 75 400 321 76 397 317 74 391 Gas Sold (1,000 therms) Residential Other Total 74 813 887 78 805 883 77 786 863 68 771 839 69 766 836 69 782 850 Average Annual Use (therms) Residential Other 228 10,285 233 10,320 234 9,947 210 10,281 216 10,081 217 10,561 Average Rate ($ per therm)2 Residential Other 1.98769 1.14251 2.10372 1.23916 2.43086 1.45250 2.71343 1.36960 2.82044 1.51092 2.91367 1.59858 148 928 1,076 163 997 1,161 187 1,141 1,329 185 1,056 1,241 196 1,158 1,353 201 1,249 1,450 Revenues ($1,000) Residential Other Total Island of Molokai3 Customers (December 31) Total/Residential 92 78 71 80 72 73 Gas Sold (1,000 therms) Total/Residential 19 17 15 14 15 14 206 220 205 117 202 185 2.23825 2.33821 2.62590 2.84208 3.00433 3.15372 42 40 38 40 44 43 Average Annual Use (therms) Total/Residential Average Rate ($ per therm) Total/Residential Revenues ($1,000) Total/Residential 1 Residential refers to single-metered residential customers which may include condominiums for visitor use but excludes master-metered apartment and condominium buildings used by residents which are classified as commercial customers. 2 Based on number of customers at end of year. 3 All Molokai customers are residential. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Division of Consumer Advocacy, records. 140 Energy & Science Maui County Data Book 2005 7.1.4 HAWAII STATE ENERGY REPORT, ENERGY CONSUMPTION ESTIMATES BY SOURCE In billion BTU 1997 Asphalt and road oil Aviation gasoline Distillate fuel Kerosene-type jet fuel Naphtha-type jet fuel Kerosene Liquified petroleum gasses Lubricants Motor gasoline Residual fuel Other petroleum products1 Subtotal petroleum products Geothermal energy Solar thermal & photovoltaic energy Wind energy Subtotal geothermal, solar thermal, photovoltaic and wind energy Coal Hydroelectric power Natural gas Wood and waste Total energy consumption 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2,629.6 2,138.0 2,340.3 4,009.3 2,271.0 709.9 608.8 540.3 293.6 226.3 243.8 88.6 27,025.5r 25,925.21r 30,951.2 29,672.1 35,180.4 47,099.5 57,930.6r 56,643.3 53,720.0 53,510.8 50,437.3 59,450.4 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 1.5 0.9 1.3r 0.9 0.7 870.3 3,050.5 1,358.0 2,027.4 2,102.2 2,782.4 571.7 598.5 604.8 595.7 545.8 539.3 48,781.1 48,692.3 46,653.8 48,397.8 50,587.3 54,261.1 76,811.8r 83,261.3r 81,383.5 85,001.5 83,517.5 80,086.4 17,607.0r 14,778.7r 14,730.2r 13,959.5r 17,261.8r 16,453.0 230,489.6r 233,446.2r 229,921.2 235,194.0r 239,885.4r 259,230.9 4,683.3 1,273.0 206.2 4,983.0 1,317.7 196.6 4,437.1 1,353.0 168.7 5,515.6 1,364.9 173.4 4,349.9 1,341.0 21.6 NA NA NA 6,162.4 6,496.2 5,958.8 7,053.9 5,712.6 NA 20,040.3 1,194.5 2,688.3 14,779.2 18,222.9 1,236.6 2,803.7 17,649.8 17,653.7 1,175.0 2,886.5 18,098.3 17,653.7 1,055.4 2,975.0 16,101.2 17550.7 1,025.0 2,919.4 15,121.0 NA NA NA NA 241,824.9 279,884.9 275,730.6 280,033.8 282,163.2 NA NOTE: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding. 1 Other petroleum products are aviation gasoline blending components, motor gasoline blending components, petroleum coke, still gas, unfinished oils, and petroleum waxes. r Revised from previous Data Book. NA: Not Available. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, Combined State Energy Data System 2001 and 2002. Maui County Data Book 2005 Energy & Science 141 142 Energy & Science Maui County Data Book 2005 73,732 11,177 10,822 355 State Total Maui County Maui Molokai 11,494 11,150 344 74,990 27,460 25,960 1,500 226,998 1995 11,477 11,138 339 75,389 27,918 26,409 1,509 229,989 1996 11,485 11,110 330 71,810 28,306 26,795 1,511 230,952 1997 1999 29,333 27,809 1,524 235,799 29,750 28,217 1,533 238,665 11,729 11,399 369 73,301 12,547 12,199 348 76,631 12,719 12,388 331 76,401 CONSUMPTION (million gallons) 28,720 27,205 1,515 233,043 City and County of Honolulu Board of Water Supply, County of Hawaii Department of Water Supply, County of Kauai Department of Water, and County of Maui Department of Water Supply. 2000 NUMBER OF SERVICES 1998 SOURCE: Data compiled by Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism from 27,021 25,531 1,490 222,569 Maui County Maui Molokai State Total 1994 Years ending June 30 12,883 12,546 337 78,748 30,414 28,872 1,542 242,092 2001 12,312 11,997 315 77,868 31,021 29,451 1,570 245,397 2002 WATER SERVICES AND CONSUMPTION, MAUI COUNTY 7.1.5 12,695 12,357 338 80,735 31,680 30,102 1,578 247,862 2003 12,436 12,105 331 78,345 32,344 30,751 1,593 254,036 2004 Maui County Data Book 2005 Energy & Science 143 7,321 344 3,583 2,764 375 1,255 Upcountry Maui Surface Water Groundwater West Maui Surface Water Groundwater East Maui Groundwater Molokai Groundwater 44,451 1,340 356 3,767 2,778 8,923 394 19,927 1,959 3,702 749 07/04 09/04 10/04 1,298 392 3,450 2,911 8,821 1,783 1,220 441 3,359 2,553 7,933 2,764 42,549 45,096 44,104 1,256 370 3,595 2,909 8,048 370 18,842 18,306 18,239 2,015 2,039 2,073 2,929 3,498 4,795 530 0 726 08/04 SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Water Supply, Water Quality Report. 40,404 17,75 1,837 4,091 1,082 Central Maui Groundwater-Iao Iao Tunnel Groundwater-Waihee Surface Water TOTAL WATER PRODUCTION 06/04 Area 12/04 1,100 370 3,187 1,863 5,440 1,110 36,548 35,689 1,074 452 3,445 2,009 5,384 1,205 16,864 16,075 2,016 2,036 3,165 3,466 935 1,043 11/04 in thousands of gallons 02/05 1,055 376 3,544 1,608 4,983 1,170 31,069 33,545 912 345 3,542 1,353 4,421 953 13,573 14,336 2,011 1,985 3,180 3,595 780 892 01/05 04/05 05/05 1,180 339 3,722 1,685 6,310 1,099 1,406 382 3,609 2,015 7,215 1,327 34,893 37,638 41,154 1,040 350 3,591 1,795 5,389 1,139 15,685 16,089 17,483 1,777 2,054 2,149 3,547 4,322 4,608 580 838 959 03/05 DAILY AVERAGES FOR WATER PRODUCTION BY AREA, MAUI COUNTY 7.1.6 38,962 1,179 379 3,532 2,190 6,693 1,138 16,949 1,996 4,146 759 Prev. 12 months 7.1.7 WATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE Effective July 29, 2002 METER SIZE 5/8 inch 3/4 inch 1 inch 1 1/2 inch 2 inch 3 inch 4 inch 6 inch 8 inch 10 inch 12 inch TOTAL FEE $6,030 8,442 15,678 34,974 61,506 138,690 247,230 555,966 987,714 1,543,680 2,222,658 NOTE: Fees do not include installation charges. SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Water Supply, Annual Report FY 2004. 144 Energy & Science Maui County Data Book 2005 7.1.8 WATER SERVICES BY METER SIZE, MAUI COUNTY District Regular Rates Wailuku Makawao Lahaina Hana Molokai Subtotal 5/8" 3/4" 1" 15,304 8,268 2,631 478 1,483 28,164 827 285 130 8 37 1,287 493 159 116 8 31 807 9 66 3 0 2 80 1,367 Agricultural Service Meters Wailuku 27 Makawao 427 Lahaina 2 Hana 13 Molokai 4 Subtotal 473 Total 28,637 1-1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" Total 383 77 126 4 14 604 362 24 116 3 18 523 70 13 28 0 1 112 22 5 6 0 0 33 3 0 1 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 17,465 8,831 3,154 501 1,585 31,536 7 104 1 3 1 116 5 93 0 0 1 99 1 37 0 0 0 38 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 729 6 16 8 808 923 703 561 113 34 5 1 32,344 SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Water Supply, Annual Report FY 2004. Maui County Data Book 2005 Energy & Science 145 7.1.9 OUTSIDE WATER DELIVERIES TO DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, MAUI COUNTY Purchased From East Maui Irrigation Wailuku Agribusiness Maui Land & Pine Hawaiian Home Lands R.W. Meyers HC&S Total District Wailuku Kula Makawao Lahaina Hana Molokai Total 1,000 Gallons Amount Cost Per 1,000 Gallons 2,634,661 101,972 846,126 11,963 3,198 113,095 $158,871 18,964 42,306 17,500 1,279 28,082 $0.060 0.186 0.050 1.460 0.400 0.248 3,711,015 $267,002 $0.072 215,067 1,639,509 987,191 846,126 7,961 15,161 $47,047 98,862 59,528 42,306 480 18,779 $0.219 0.060 0.060 0.050 0.060 1.239 3,711,015 $267,002 $0.072 SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Water Supply, Annual Report FY 2004. 146 Energy & Science Maui County Data Book 2005 7.1.10 WATER SALES TO GENERAL AND AGRICULTURAL CONSUMERS BY DISTRICT & SYSTEMS, MAUI COUNTY FY JULY 2003 - JUNE 2004 System Wailuku District Wailuku Waihee Waikapu Wailuku Heights Kahului Puunene Kihei Maalaea Makena Paia-Kuau Spreckelsville Subtotal Makawao District Kokomo-Kaupakalua Kuiaha Haiku-Pauwela Makawao Pukalani Hailiimaile Upper Kula Lower Kula Ulupalakua Kula Agr. Park Subtotal Lahaina District Lahaina Honokowai Alaeloa Honokohau Subtotal Molokai District Kawela-Kaunakakai Ualapue Kalae Halawa Subtotal Hana District Hana Nahiku Keanae Kaupo Subtotal Total Services Change from FY 2003 Consumption (1,000 gallons) Change from FY 2003 (1,000 gallons) 5,150 189 327 472 4,530 10 5,565 45 164 886 171 17,509 51 4 26 6 28 0 283 0 5 30 6 439 1,202,221 24,200 47,914 78,465 1,533,709 29,886 3,946,031 80,793 218,190 163,271 77,520 7,402,200 (50,357) (1,889) (3,790) (14,787) (195,091) (8,512) 29,914 (2,846) 13,410 (2,763) (9,672) (246,383) 1,079 303 837 1,980 2,040 201 1,920 1,084 79 40 9,563 69 4 12 5 20 1 28 8 3 3 153 178,073 58,133 146,674 348,717 370,656 38,301 439,704 758,392 55,254 192,208 2,586,112 (3,128) 5,375 8,885 (8,644) (12,982) 2,488 (65,069) (37,674) (14,260) (825) (125,834) 1,973 430 745 13 3,161 3 17 34 0 54 891,755 642,345 504,055 1,604 2,039,759 (26,027) 58,859 79,209 158 112,189 1,130 350 107 8 1,595 16 1 0 0 17 231,602 83,722 15,790 125 331,239 (16,129) 4,802 4,615 (147) (6,859) 381 35 80 20 516 32,344 1 1 0 (1) 1 664 57,017 4,770 13,084 1,457 76,328 12,435,638 1,150 1,248 5,005 144 7,547 (259,340) SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Water Supply, Annual Report FY 2004. Maui County Data Book 2005 Energy & Science 147 7.1.11 WATER CONSUMPTION BY DISTRICT, MAUI COUNTY FY JULY 2003 - JUNE 2004 1,000 GALLONS Months Total General July-August September-October November-December January-February March-April May-June Total 2,131,709 2,220,856 1,911,047 1,510,225 1,734,934 1,733,885 11,242,656 Agricultural July-August September-October November-December January-February March-April May-June Total 256,504 268,213 221,785 152,529 148,680 145,271 1,192,982 Grand Total 12,435,638 Wailuku Makawao Kula Lahaina Molokai Hana 113,344 109,377 94,462 74,768 68,616 80,245 540,812 389,074 464,723 271,680 191,955 389,952 322,389 2,029,773 66,910 71,300 59,629 44,684 43,350 36,242 322,115 12,744 11,487 12,111 13,285 11,454 13,344 74,425 201,007 215,053 165,043 108,827 106,133 108,120 904,183 2,095 2,710 1,406 907 1,481 1,387 9,986 2,361 2,553 1,702 1,246 330 932 9,124 546 100 293 267 117 580 1,903 7,402,200 1,141,117 1,444,995 2,039,759 331,239 76,328 1,348,233 201,404 1,383,279 180,690 1,258,680 214,485 1,049,842 135,691 1,058,888 162,674 1,133,666 147,999 7,232,588 1,042,943 30,681 30,413 30,352 26,904 27,781 23,481 169,612 19,814 17,384 22,989 14,378 12,838 10,771 98,174 SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Water Supply, Annual Report FY 2004. 148 Energy & Science Maui County Data Book 2005 Construction & Housing Section 8 CONSTRUCTION & HOUSING Statistics on building permits, construction authorizations and modifications for both public and private projects are covered in this section. Tenure and control of real property is reflected here, as are Maui’s housing characteristics by division and census designated place. There are approximately 56,000 housing units on Maui of which around 25,000 (44%) are owner-occupied. 2,472 building permits were issued in 2004. 150 Construction & Housing Maui County Data Book 2005 8.1.1 NUMBER AND VALUE OF BUILDING PERMITS, MAUI COUNTY Ending December 31 Year Number Issued Estimated Value ($1,000) 1992 1993 1994 1995 3,020 2,593 2,606 2,030 234,124 288,753 252,547 253,805 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2,369 2,254 2,338 2,365 2,294r 195,916 193,129 207,498 250,486 355,360r 2001 2002 2003 2004 2,012r 1,915 2,199r 2,472 312,737r 273,716 469,277r 448,831 r: Revised from previous Data Book. SOURCE: Maui County, Development Services Administration, Department of Public Works and Environmental Management, records. 8.1.2 VALUE OF BUILDING PERMITS, MAUI COUNTY In thousands of dollars Category 2001 2002 Residential 86,548 186,622 271,286r 285,212 Hotel 34,000 0 0 43,000 Non-residential 52,619 38,384 150,423r 58,757 Additions and alterations 39,570 48,710 47,568r 61,862 312,737 273,716 469,277r 448,831 Total 2003 2004 r: Revised from Previous Data Book. SOURCE: Compiled monthly from county building departments by the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism 2001 - 2004, Maui County, Development Services Administration, Department of Public Works and Environmental Management, 2004 records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Construction & Housing 151 8.1.3 PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATIONS, MAUI COUNTY 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 904 239 778 277 787 397 877 211 1,104 379 1,143 1,055 1,184 1,088 1,483 158,200,160 50,656,320 120,382,575 19,974,528 161,781,500 24,705,968 149,660,471 16,235,608 188,003,293 31,176,018 208,856,480 140,357,103 186,487,468 165,896,079 219,179,311 Authorized Housing Units New single-family units New multi-family units Total Permit Value ($) New single-family units New multi-family units Total SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Monthly New Privately-Owned Residential Building Permits, Maui County, 2000-2004. 8.1.4 PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION AUTHORIZED BY PERMITS, MAUI COUNTY Year New One Family Dwellings 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 20041 New Duplex Units New Apartments Units Demolished1 608 7 16 109 574 563 650 842 767 807 889 1,158 2 438 42 24 28 36 6 28 147 40 218 245 253 371 206 368 40 42 86 37 43 34 47 NA r Revised from previous Data Book. NA: Not available. 1 Annual survey data from Maui County not available. Alternate county data compiled by DBEDT utilized. SOURCE: Compiled from county building departments by the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism. 152 Construction & Housing Maui County Data Book 2005 8.1.5 LARGEST RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, MAUI COUNTY Building Permit Value Project 2003 Napali Villas, Phase I, II, III Villas at Kenolio Grand Fairways & Islands (Maui Lani) CCG Residence AM Residence 2004 Villas at Kenolio West Side Resource Center Description Completion Date $21,000,000 $15,000,000 184 Multi-family units 140 units, 16 buildings Aug. 2003 Jun. 2004 $4,564,079 $334,000 $300,000 House & Lot Packages Single Family Residence Single Family Residence DND Sep. 2003 May. 2003 $15,000,000 $6,845,000 140 units, 16 buildings Resource Center Jun. 2004 Feb. 2004 DND: Did not disclose. SOURCE: “Residential Construction Projects,” Pacific Business News, Book of List 2004 and 2005. 8.1.6 LARGEST COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, MAUI COUNTY Project Building Permit Value Kaanapali Ocean Resort, Phase II $65,719,801 Kamehameha Schools, Phase III $64,000,000 Kamehameha Schools, Phase IV $29,000,000 Maui Army National Guard $10,500,000 Kaiser Medical Clinic $5,000,000 Lanai Police Station $4,000,000 Kahului Airport Terminal Phase 1A $1,900,000 Description Completion Date 177 units Hotel and Time Share New High School New High School New Armory New Clinic New Police Station Airport Improvements Mar. 2005 Jul. 2005 Mar. 2005 Jun. 2004 Oct. 2004 Jul. 2004 Jan. 2005 SOURCE: “Commercial Construction Projects,” Pacific Business News, Book of List 2005. Maui County Data Book 2005 Construction & Housing 153 8.1.7 PLANNED ADDITIONS TO AND SUBTRACTIONS FROM MAUI VISITOR INDUSTRY PLANT SUPPLY 2004 Name of Facility Planned Type Kaanapali Ocean Resort Kahului Airport Hotel Maui Ocean Club Sequel International Maui Palms Redevelopment Kapalua Bay Hotel North Wing Expansion Westin Kaanapali Ocean Resort Villas Expansion Project Timeshare Hotel Timeshare 280 140 143 Starwood Hotels A&B Properties, Inc. Marriott Vacation Club Hotel 136 NA Hotel 128 YCP Kapalua, L.P. Timeshare 258 SVO Pacfic Inc., a subsidiary of Starwood Hotels Intrawest Honua Kai Project (Kaanapali) Maui Lu Resort Hotel & Townhouses Timeshare Planned Units 628 Hotel Units & 72 Townhouses 388 Developer NA NA: Not available. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Visitor Plan Inventory, Table 10. 8.1.8 AVERAGE WEEKLY WAGES FOR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES, MAUI COUNTY - 2004 Number of Establishments Industry Construction Construction of Buildings Residential Building Construction Nonresidential Building Construction Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction Land Subdivision Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction Specialty Trade Contractors Building Foundation/Exterior Contractors Building Equipment Contractors Building Finishing Contractors Other Specialty Trade Contractors 471 166 131 35 37 18 9 268 52 93 81 42 Average Employment Total Wages 3,082 1,039 607 432 399 74 301 1,644 367 595 407 275 $143,841,437 $47,095,721 $23,722,428 $23,373,293 $27,046,691 $5,842,604 $20,437,251 $69,699,025 $15,844,962 $26,696,018 $16,004,585 $11,153,460 Average Weekly Wages $898 $872 $752 $1,040 $1,304 $1,518 $1,306 $815 $830 $863 $756 $780 SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Research and Statistics Office. 154 Construction & Housing Maui County Data Book 2005 8.1.9 BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED, MAUI COUNTY CALENDAR YEAR 2004 Types of Permits No. of Permits No. of Units Valuation Single Family, Detached Single Family, Attached Two Family Buildings Three and Four Family Buildings Five or More Family Buildings Hotels, Motels, and Tourist Cabins Churches and Other Religious Industrial Offices, Banks, and Professional Schools and Other Educational Stores and Customer Services Other Non-Residential Bldgs. Structures Other than Bldgs. Residential - (Add, Alter, Convert) Commercial - (Add, Alter, Convert) Additions of Residences Garages/Carport Demo - Single Family Homes Demo - Two Family Bldgs. Demo - All Other Bldgs. & Structure Repairs to Dwellings Repairs to Other Bldgs. Relocate Residential Bldgs. Relocate Garages & Other Bldgs. Fences, Retaining Wall, Seawalls, etc. Mechanical Work Temporary Structures (Tents, Booths, etc.) 1,122 3 11 24 17 2 6 1 5 4 16 119 203 644 164 93 41 1 28 40 31 2 2 152 2 102 1,122 6 22 96 275 $235,711,226.00 $5,400,000.00 $2,835,880.00 $13,091,520.00 $21,834,980.00 $43,000,000.00 $9,782,000.00 $15,000.00 $2,163,450.00 $11,449,990.00 $11,304,600.00 $9,966,674.00 $15,069,917.00 $34,528,409.29 $29,529,146.89 $3,136,641.00 $324,800.00 $25,000.00 $378,900.00 $1,055,879.00 $3,032,156.00 $50,500.00 $22,882.00 $5,391,078.00 $616,583.00 $718,484.00 TOTAL: 2,835 3 27 41 2 2 $460,435,696.18 SOURCE: County of Maui, Department of Public Works, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Construction & Housing 155 8.1.10 CONSTRUCTION ESTABLISHMENTS BY TYPE AND LOCATION, MAUI COUNTY Based on primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code and zip code Establishment Type Location / Number Location / Number Land subdivision & land development (NAICS 2331—) Hana 1 Makawao 3 Lahaina 2 Residential building construction (NAICS 2332—) Haiku 14 Kula 15 Hana 2 Lahaina 11 Kahului 10 Makawao 17 Kihei 28 Paia 4 Nonresidential building construction (NAICS 2333—) Haiku 3 Kula 1 Kahului 7 Lahaina 1 Kihei 4 Makawao 1 Heavy construction (NAICS 234—) Kahului 8 Kula 1 Kihei 2 Lahaina 2 Plumbing, heating & AC contractors (NAICS 2351—) Haiku 2 Kula 2 Kahului 16 Lahaina 6 Kihei 14 Painting & wall covering contractors (NAICS 2352—) Haiku 1 Kula 3 Kahului 3 Lahaina 3 Kihei 8 Makawao 4 Location / Number Wailuku Totals 2 Total Wailuku Kaunakakai Kualapuu Lanai City Wailuku Wailuku Makawao Wailuku Paia Wailuku Kualapuu Electrical contractors (NAICS 2353—) Haiku 1 Kula 2 Wailuku Hana 1 Lahaina 3 Hoolehua Kahului 10 Makawao 4 Kaunakakai Kihei 7 Masonry, drywall, insulation, tile contractors (NAICS 2354—) Haiku 3 Kula 4 Makawao Kahului 4 Lahaina 2 Wailuku Kihei 6 Carpentry & floor contractors (NAICS 2355—) Haiku 3 Kula 2 Wailuku Kahului 4 Lahaina 3 Kualapuu Kihei 10 Makawao 6 Roofing, Siding, & Sheet metal contractors (NAICS 2356--) Haiku 3 Kula 1 Paia Kahului 3 Makawao 2 Wailuku Kihei 3 Excavation contractors (NAICS 235930) Kahului 1 Kula 1 Wailuku Kihei 3 Makawao 1 Other special trade contractors (NAICS 2357—, 58—, 59— except 235930) Haiku 1 Kula 2 Makawao Kahului 11 Lahaina 6 Wailuku Kihei 9 15 2 2 1 8 Maui subtotal 116 Total 121 5 Total 22 Total 17 Total 49 4 4 5 1 5 1 10 1 1 Maui subtotal 28 Total 29 Maui subtotal Total 38 40 Total 32 Maui subtotal Total 33 34 Total 17 Total 7 6 7 5 1 1 4 1 2 9 Total Grand Total 40 416 NOTE: Pukalani combined with Makawao, and Puunene combined with Kahului. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Zip Code Business Patterns 2003, on CD-ROM. 156 Construction & Housing Maui County Data Book 2005 8.1.11 ESTIMATED VALUE OF LAND TRANSACTIONS, BY COUNTY In thousands of dollars Kauai County City and County of Honolulu Year Maui County Hawaii County State Total 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 76,462 71,480 114,634 189,958 183,760 111,239 131,267 170,995 212,170 156,682 24,522 28,247 80,274 85,687 65,518 668,003 812,545 1,142,699 1,441,073 1,305,257 880,226 1,043,539 1,508,602 1,928,888 1,711,217 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 194,478 222,214 384,122 581,485 643,711 138,289 141,779 209,366 288,886 545,192 47,790 56,088 87,570 162,725 277,753 1,064,559 1,312,981 1,471,172 2,017,774 3,009,059 1,445,116 1,733,062 2,152,230 3,050,870 4,475,715 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 611,607 424,994 602,464 423,712 610,385 546,141 397,740 293,310 359,695 467,052 317,869 298,858 203,575 154,878 137,773 2,749,190 2,078,739 1,911,711 2,333,882 2,549,352 4,224,807 3,200,331 3,011,060 3,272,167 3,764,563 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 562,563 1,080,487 1,169,182 1,344,818 2,446,997 359,835 620,157 641,667 971,541 1,671,483 274,002 326,870 388,442 446,136 669,875 2,581,678 4,182,294 4,820,850 6,705,645 8,514,926 3,778,078 5,911,973 7,020,141 9,468,113 13,303,281 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 2,046,874 1,028,857 1,027,394 1,753,255 1,441,528 2,893,086 983,728 886,726 1,345,225 1,120,254 558,462 676,826 345,950 551,138 677,991 8,764,532 4,793,933 5,590,377 8,621,058 7,461,624 14,262,954 7,483,344 7,850,447 12,270,676 10,701,398 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 847,727 990,129 1,057,281 1,971,082 1,683,688 849,799 786,192 851,136 1,066,148 1,201,547 261,990 376,776 347,399 499,285 589,624 4,465,410 3,640,154 4,042,187 3,904,127 4,836,187 6,424,925 5,793,252 6,298,003 7,440,642 8,311,047 2000 2001 2002 2003 2,316,618 2,131,623 2,164,631 3,687,957 1,548,501 1,786,101 2,053,321 2,269,635 685,700 802,516 810,053 1,081,279 5,138,547 5,447,028 5,783,195 8,605,070 9,689,367 10,167,267 10,811,198 15,643,941 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources, Bureau of Conveyances, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Construction & Housing 157 8.2.1 SUMMARY HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS, BY COUNTY Data includes some condominium units used or intended for use by transients 2000 Kauai Maui1 315,988 25,331 56,549 26 6.7 2.7 3 3.3 4.6 14.6 4.4 0.6 1.2 1.7 4.3 29.4 5.3 0.9 1.6 2.2 4.6 403,240 52,985 286,450 20,183 43,622 20.2 22.6 19.7 20.1 20.1 23.8 17.7 21.7 22.2 17.8 7.8 5.7 8.2 5.4 8.2 Specified owner-occupied units Median value (dollars) With a mortgage Median monthly costs (dollars) Monthly costs were 35 percent or more of household income Not mortgaged Median monthly costs (dollars) 173,861 272,700 122,128 1,571 29,914 153,700 19,167 1,133 113,155 309,000 81,606 1,653 10,839 216,100 7,224 1,375 19,953 249,900 14,131 1,572 38,510 51,733 271 5,970 10,747 212 24,904 31,549 289 2,435 3,615 269 5,201 5,822 260 Specified renter-occupied units Median gross rent (dollars) Rent was 35 percent or more more of household income 174,458 779 18,382 645 129,907 802 7,735 739 18,434 7883 50,848 5,637 37,543 2,320 5,348 Characteristic State Total All housing units Percent Structure built 1990-2000 Structure built before 1940 Lacking complete plumbing Lacking complete kitchen facilities Percent with no telephone service 2 Median number of rooms 460,542 62,674 18.1 4.7 1 1.4 2 4.3 All occupied units Percent householder moved into unit 1999 to March 2000 Before 1980 Percent of units with occupants per room of 1.51 or more 1 Hawaii Honolulu 23.8 4.1 1 1.1 2.4 4.0 3 Includes Kalawao County (172 housing units), not shown separately. 2 Telephone service not available in the unit from which calls could be made and received. This includes cellular telephones. 3 Maui County, not including Kalawao County. Median number of rooms for Kalawao County was 2.0. Median gross rent for Kalawao County was $788. No median available for combined area of Maui and Kalawao County. SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3 Table DP-4. Profile of Selected Housing Characteristics: 2000 (May 2002). 158 Construction & Housing Maui County Data Book 2005 8.2.2 SELECTED HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS, MAUI COUNTY Data include some condominium units used or intended for use by transients 2000 Maui County Kalawao County All Housing Units Units in Structure 1 unit, detached 1 unit, attached 2 to 4 units 5 to 9 units 10 or more units Mobile home, boat, other Median Number of Rooms 56,377 172 31,593 3,497 2,887 7,191 11,058 151 4.0 125 0 21 13 13 0 2.0 Occupied Housing Units Total With 1.01 or more persons per room 43,507 7,166 115 0 Vacant Housing Units Total For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use Percent of all vacant units Homeowner Vacancy Rate Rental Vacancy Rate 12,870 9,746 75.7 1.2 7.2 57 31 54.4 100.0 0.0 Owner-Occupied Housing Units Total Percent of All Occupied Units Average Household Size 25,039 57.6 3.13 0 0.0 0.00 19,953 794 5,292 7,455 4,348 1,511 553 249,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Renter-Occupied Housing Units Total Average Household Size 18,468 2.62 115 1.28 Gross Rent of Specified Renter-Occupied Units2 Total Less than $300 $300 to $499 $500 to $749 $750 to $999 $1,000 to $1,499 $1,500 or more No cash rent Median (dollars) 18,319 1,055 1,754 4,829 5,267 3,109 971 1,334 788 115 13 0 25 0 0 0 77 525 Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units1 Total Less than $100,000 $100,000 to $199,999 $200,000 to $299,999 $300,000 to $499,999 $500,000 to $999,999 $1,000,000 or more Median (dollars) 1 House and lot. Data limited to owner-occupied, one-family, attached and detached houses on less than 10 acres without a business or medical office on the property. 2 Includes utilities if paid by renter; excludes one-family, attached and detached houses on 10 acres or more. SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Profile of General Demographic Characteristics, Hawaii (DP-1) and Profile of Selected Housing Characteristics, Hawaii (DP-4). Maui County Data Book 2005 Construction & Housing 159 8.2.3 HOUSING UNIT CHARACTERISTICS OF CENSUS DESIGNATED PLACES (CDP), MAUI COUNTY ALL HOUSING UNITS OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS Total Median Number of Rooms Total 56,377 172 4.0 2.0 43,507 115 7,166 0 Maui Island Haiku-Pauwela CDP Haliimaile CDP Hana CDP Kaanapali CDP Kahului CDP 2,455 260 239 1,770 6,044 4.6 4.9 3.5 3.4 4.0 2,311 254 184 550 5,861 313 45 63 2 1,464 Kapalua CDP Kihei CDP Lahaina CDP Maalaea CDP Makawao CDP 844 9,401 3,056 599 2,218 3.5 3.5 4.3 3.5 4.5 169 6,178 2,631 261 2,154 22 924 642 7 288 Napili-Honokowai CDP Paia CDP Pukalani CDP Waihee-Waiehu CDP Waikapu CDP 4,673 891 2,543 1,889 360 3.1 4.7 5.0 5.0 5.3 2,624 784 2,463 1,864 351 411 107 365 448 46 Wailea-Makena CDP Wailuku CDP 4,871 4,820 4.0 4.4 2,510 4,556 147 691 172 962 591 88 2.0 4.2 4.8 4.7 115 872 568 62 0 209 145 17 1,354 3.9 1,161 269 2000 Maui County Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) Molokai Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) Kaunakakai CDP Kualapuu CDP Maunaloa CDP Lanai Lanai City CDP More than One Person per Room SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Profile of Selected Housing Characteristics, Hawaii (DP-4). 160 Construction & Housing Maui County Data Book 2005 8.2.4 VACANT HOUSING UNIT CHARACTERISTICS BY CENSUS DESIGNATED PLACE (CDP), MAUI COUNTY VACANT HOUSING UNITS 2000 All Housing Units Total Maui County Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) 56,377 172 12,870 57 9,746 31 1.2 100.0 7.2 0.0 Maui Island Haiku-Pauwela CDP Haliimaile CDP Hana CDP Kaanapali CDP Kahului CDP 2,454 260 253 1,775 6,079 144 6 62 1,238 199 63 0 18 1,205 29 0.8 0.6 2.3 2.6 0.4 2.2 1.3 30.3 6.2 2.0 Kapalua CDP Kihei CDP Lahaina CDP Maalaea CDP Makawao CDP 831 9,170 3,027 600 2,222 645 3,000 428 337 71 457 2,442 322 272 20 2.4 1.7 0.4 0.0 0.9 71.1 8.0 5.3 33.3 1.2 Napili-Honokowai CDP Paia CDP Pukalani CDP Waihee-Waiehu CDP Waikapu CDP 4,681 890 2,522 1,909 360 2,052 107 83 45 13 1,704 63 18 4 0 0.4 1.3 1.0 0.7 1.5 13.6 6.5 1.6 2.3 2.4 Wailea-Makena CDP Wailuku CDP 5,099 4,780 2,579 245 2,401 52 4.5 1.2 2.5 3.7 172 962 592 91 57 95 28 26 31 28 7 1 100.0 2.4 1.1 33.3 0.0 7.7 6.8 24.0 1,343 195 66 0.9 7.1 Molokai Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) Kaunakakai CDP Kualapuu CDP Maunaloa CDP Lanai Lanai City CDP Seasonal, Recreational Homeowner Rental or Occasional Vacancy Rate Vacancy Rate SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Profiles of General Demographic Characteristics, Hawaii (DP-1). Maui County Data Book 2005 Construction & Housing 161 8.2.5 OCCUPIED HOUSING UNIT CHARACTERISTICS BY CENSUS DESIGNATED PLACE (CDP), MAUI COUNTY AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD SIZE OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS 2000 All Housing Units Maui County Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) 56,377 172 43,507 115 25,039 0 18,468 115 3.13 0.00 2.62 1.28 Maui Island Haiku-Pauwela CDP Haliimaile CDP Hana CDP Kaanapali CDP Kahului CDP 2,454 260 253 1,775 6,079 2,310 254 191 537 5,880 1,416 176 129 416 3,190 894 78 62 121 2,690 3.01 3.45 3.84 2.58 3.43 2.54 3.68 3.44 2.48 3.13 Kapalua CDP Kihei CDP Lahaina CDP Maalaea CDP Makawao CDP 831 9,170 3,027 600 2,222 186 6,170 2,599 263 2,151 120 3,007 1,393 151 1,207 66 3,163 1,206 112 944 2.35 3.00 4.05 1.74 3.18 2.80 2.42 2.87 1.71 2.63 Napili-Honokowai CDP Paia CDP Pukalani CDP Waihee-Waiehu CDP Waikapu CDP 4,681 890 2,522 1,909 360 2,629 783 2,439 1,864 347 1,128 523 1,600 1,526 264 1,501 260 839 338 83 2.92 3.26 3.13 4.07 3.26 2.32 2.78 2.84 3.21 3.07 Wailea-Makena CDP Wailuku CDP 5,099 4,780 2,520 4,535 1,386 2,675 1,134 1,860 2.34 2.87 2.14 2.49 172 962 592 91 115 867 564 65 0 531 441 8 115 336 123 57 0.00 3.34 3.49 4.63 1.28 2.79 3.22 3.39 1,343 1,148 571 577 2.91 2.59 Molokai Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) Kaunakakai CDP Kualapuu CDP Maunaloa CDP Lanai Lanai City CDP Total by Owner by Renter OwnerOccupied Units RenterOccupied Units SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Profiles of General Demographic Characteristics, Hawaii (DP-1). 162 Construction & Housing Maui County Data Book 2005 8.2.6 OWNER-OCCUPIED HOUSING UNIT VALUES BY CENSUS DESIGNATED PLACE (CDP), MAUI COUNTY SPECIFIED OWNER-OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS 2000 Maui County Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) Total $100,000 Less than to $100,000 $199,000 $200,000 to $299,000 $300,000 to $499,000 $500,000 to $1,000,000 $999,000 or more 19,953 0 794 0 5,292 0 7,455 0 4,348 0 1,511 0 553 0 Maui Island Haiku-Pauwela CDP Haliimaile CDP Hana CDP Kaanapali CDP Kahului CDP 1,171 169 126 190 2,827 20 12 12 0 41 234 74 41 7 977 329 73 41 11 1,444 368 10 21 21 359 210 0 7 112 6 10 0 4 39 0 Kapalua CDP Kihei CDP Lahaina CDP Maalaea CDP Makawao CDP 49 1,755 1,331 13 1,117 2 23 37 0 36 3 396 249 3 327 6 912 641 3 513 12 348 278 0 197 3 8 67 3 40 23 68 59 4 4 Napili-Honokowai CDP Paia CDP Pukalani CDP Waihee-Waiehu CDP Waikapu CDP 631 477 1,483 1,433 258 0 14 38 31 9 38 204 222 615 71 311 167 789 567 131 199 41 423 190 45 50 32 11 22 2 33 19 0 8 0 Wailea-Makena CDP Wailuku CDP 855 2,070 0 109 27 568 131 711 251 530 351 124 95 28 Molokai Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) Kaunakakai CDP Kualapuu CDP Maunaloa CDP 0 493 340 7 0 59 126 2 0 353 158 5 0 67 29 0 0 9 14 0 0 5 9 0 0 0 4 0 Lanai Lanai City CDP 547 114 339 63 14 9 8 SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Profile of Selected Housing Characteristics, Hawaii (DP-4). Maui County Data Book 2005 Construction & Housing 163 8.2.7 RENTER-OCCUPIED HOUSING UNIT CHARACTERISTICS BY CENSUS DESIGNATED PLACE (CDP), MAUI COUNTY ALL RENTER-OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS 2000 Division and Place Maui County Total Total One Unit, Detached or Attached Persons Per Unit Mean Number of Rooms 14,062 9,423 2.66 3.6 764 614 257 69 1,996 1,996 2,412 2,074 117 219 1,217 479 2,564 88 51 1,313 1,087 1,684 58 637 200 626 47 47 37 – 191 84 72 10 1,758 115 1,643 713 570 234 59 1,397 1,397 1,301 1,163 11 125 1,088 394 1,041 20 12 802 187 1,547 54 583 175 590 43 43 36 – 170 74 64 9 955 102 853 2.70 2.68 2.75 3.06 2.91 2.91 2.46 2.48 1.86 2.59 2.40 2.20 2.56 2.27 2.16 2.91 2.16 2.80 3.40 2.83 2.53 2.95 3.21 3.21 2.11 – 3.24 3.19 3.01 3.30 2.64 3.43 2.58 3.7 3.8 3.3 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.0 4.2 3.8 3.6 3.3 3.7 3.4 3.6 2.8 4.1 3.8 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.6 4.6 4.1 – 4.2 4.1 4.2 5.8 3.4 4.0 3.4 East Molokai division Kaunakakai CDP West Molokai division Kualapuu CDP Maunaloa CDP 511 304 239 98 118 361 203 212 98 106 2.65 2.40 3.35 3.50 3.43 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.5 4.6 Lanai division Lanai City CDP 385 376 325 318 2.73 2.74 4.3 4.3 Haiku-Pauwela division Haiku-Pauwela CDP Hana division Hana CDP Kahului division Kahului CDP (part) Kihei division Kihei CDP Maalaea CDP Wailea-Makena CDP (part) Kula division Wailea-Makena CDP (part) Lahaina division Kaanapali CDP Kapalua CDP Lahaina CDP Napili-Honokowai CDP Makawao-Paia division Haliimaile CDP Makawao CDP Paia CDP Pukalani CDP Puunene division Kahului CDP (part) Spreckelsville division Kahului CDP (part) Waihee-Waikapu division Waihee-Waiehu CDP (part) Waikapu CDP Wailuku CDP (part) Wailuku division Waihee-Waiehu CDP (part) Wailuku CDP (part) SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, Hawaii.. 164 Construction & Housing Maui County Data Book 2005 8.2.8 GROSS RENT OF RENTER-OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS BY CENSUS DESIGNATED PLACE (CDP), MAUI COUNTY SPECIFIED RENTER-OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS PAYING CASH RENT 2000 Maui County Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) Total Less than $3001 $300 to $499 $500 to $749 $750 to $999 $1,000 to $1,499 $1,500 or more 18,319 115 2,389 90 1,754 0 4,829 25 5,267 0 3,109 0 971 0 Maui Island Haiku-Pauwela CDP Haliimaile CDP Hana CDP Kaanapali CDP Kahului CDP 917 74 49 149 2,672 139 16 8 15 502 46 15 8 0 358 219 7 23 3 1,008 334 17 5 0 480 144 17 3 26 297 35 2 2 105 27 Kapalua CDP Kihei CDP Lahaina CDP Maalaea CDP Makawao CDP 52 3,142 1,190 144 959 2 162 142 20 134 3 188 130 0 84 13 874 207 23 174 6 1,190 371 59 341 13 632 237 39 163 15 96 103 3 63 Napili-Honokowai CDP Paia CDP Pukalani CDP Waihee-Waiehu CDP Waikapu CDP 1,490 265 850 331 73 109 27 64 129 5 62 28 21 20 9 321 79 202 63 28 656 46 230 52 21 260 68 251 37 10 82 17 82 30 0 Wailea-Makena CDP Wailuku CDP 1,127 1,877 103 231 9 227 164 811 430 374 279 197 142 37 Molokai Kalawao County (Kalaupapa) Kaunakakai CDP Kualapuu CDP Maunaloa CDP 115 337 115 55 90 107 41 3 0 69 10 9 25 86 37 33 0 65 21 7 0 10 6 3 0 0 0 0 Lanai Lanai City CDP 584 119 270 109 69 17 0 1 Includes no cash rent. SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Profile of Selected Housing Characteristics, Hawaii (DP-4). Maui County Data Book 2005 Construction & Housing 165 166 Construction & Housing Maui County Data Book 2005 Finance & Labor Section 9 FINANCE & LABOR Part one of this section presents statistics on the financial institutions on Maui. Part two includes figures for Maui County’s labor force. The civilian labor force for 2004 was 74,050 and the number of employed was 71,800. The unemployment rate decreased 0.6% between 2003 and 2004. Data for this section came from the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, the Hawaii Credit Union League, and the Hawaii Department of Industrial Labor and Relations. 168 Finance & Labor Maui County Data Book 2005 9.1.1 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS WITH LOCATIONS IN MAUI COUNTY As of December 31, 2004 Maui Molokai Lanai Banks Firms Locations 5 25 1 1 2 2 Savings and Loans Associations Associations Locations 3 11 1 1 – – Financial Services Loan Companies (depository and non-depository) Firms Locations 8 10 1 1 – – Escrow Depository Companies Firms Locations 7 19 – – – – SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Division of Financial Institutions, 2004 Annual Report. 9.1.2 DEPOSITS IN OFFICES OF FDIC-INSURED INSTITUTIONS, MAUI COUNTY In thousands of dollars TOTAL DEPOSITS AS OF JUNE 30 Location Hana Kahului Kihei Lahaina Pukalani Paia Wailuku Kaunakakai Lanai City Total 2000 3,281 531,188 140,741 267,538 111,115 25,630 219,754 49,474 24,368 1,373,089 2001 3,340 543,692 219,287 264,335 119,224 28,011 224,091 50,446 25,276 1,477,702 2002 3,995 586,703 226,882 276,877 125,990 30,576 219,942 49,839 26,214 1,547,018 2003 4,092 649,545 279,988 301,879 141,839 37,727 225,810 50,869 26,935 1,718,684 2004 4,658 734,996 344,705 348,892 162,069 41,200 257,771 60,911 27,153 1,982,355 2005 4,914 832,651 365,722 375,810 162,389 46,438 288,056 61,417 27,753 2,165,150 NOTES: Office locations were determined by zip code. FDIC-Insured institutions are commercial banks and savings associations. Deposits include savings and checking accounts, certificates of deposit, IRAs and Keogh Plans, trust funds and escrow accounts. See “deposits” in the glossary accompanying the Reports of Condition and Income instructions for the precise definition. SOURCE:Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, FDIC/OTS Summary of Deposits (annual). Maui County Data Book 2005 Finance & Labor 169 9.1.3 FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONS BY ASSET SIZE, MEMBERSHIP AND LOANS, MAUI COUNTY December 2004 County Rank Location Maui County Employees Valley Isle Community Maui1 Kahului Kula Community Maui Teachers Wailuku West Maui Community Lanai Molokai Community Lahaina Kulia Ohana First Hawaiian Homes Maui county Total Wailuku Kahului Kahului Kahului Kahului Wailuku Wailuku Lahaina Lanai City Kaunakakai Lahaina Wailuku Hoolehua State Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 18 25 26 32 39 42 46 51 68 78 84 94 State Total 1 Assets (dollars) Loans (dollars) Members 58,055,071 20,608,600 12,418,312 14,230,510 12,930,202 1,748,043 9,916,423 2,213,293 1,890,643 5,317,251 2,262,382 2,835,898 1,339,852 145,766,480 10,133 8,383 6,205 4,937 3,611 1,696 3,629 2,032 2,035 3,503 2,188 1,017 965 50,334 $6,442,599,837 2,826,290,922 729,097 $135,441,398 67,946,675 48,642,823 47,690,394 38,421,610 29,807,460 28,023,930 24,809,534 21,059,753 11,481,033 7,278,982 4,689,297 2,502,662 $467,795,551 Name changed from Maui Land & Pine FCU to Maui FCU in 2003. SOURCE: National Credit Union Administration, Call Report Data Files under FOIA for December 2004 (final). 9.1.4 FEDERAL CREDIT UNION CHARACTERISTICS, MAUI COUNTY 2001 2002 2003 2004 13 46,904 $321,517,593 13 48,487 $370,758,888 13 49,390 $425,246,021 13 50,334 $467,795,551 Total Shares and Deposits $268,250,700 Number of Share and Deposit Accounts 57,258 $313,559,880 60,461 $363,998,927 62,842 $402,309,588 65,189 Total Loans Number of Loans $125,551,665 12,675 $129,863,704 12,410 $145,766,480 12,343 Number of Credit Unions Total Members Total Assets $119,344,751 12,875 SOURCE: National Credit Union Administration, Call Report Data Files under FOIA (final), December 2001, 2002 and 2003, 2004. 170 Finance & Labor Maui County Data Book 2005 9.2.1 CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE SUMMARY, STATE OF HAWAII AND COUNTIES Annual averages All Figures Revised Maui County Hawaii County Kauai County City & County of Honolulu State of Hawaii Civilian Labor Force 1997 69,950 1998 71,100 1999 73,050 2000 71,150 2001 72,950 2002 72,300 2003 72,600 2004 74,050 69,300 69,500 70,750 74,100 76,000 76,400 77,600 78,550 28,800 29,050 29,500 30,300 30,350 30,400 31,100 31,550 433,600 434,700 433,350 432,200 433,700 429,650 431,150 431,700 601,650 604,300 606,650 607,750 613,000 608,800 612,500 615,800 Employed 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 65,200 66,700 69,350 68,500 70,000 69,500 69,900 71,800 62,900 63,400 65,250 70,550 72,200 72,900 74,050 75,500 25,850 26,400 27,450 28,900 28,800 29,050 29,900 30,500 412,800 413,600 414,300 415,250 415,750 412,600 414,850 418,000 566,750 570,150 576,300 583,200 586,750 584,050 588,650 595,750 4,750 4,350 3,700 2,650 2,950 2,850 2,700 2,300 6,450 6,100 5,550 3,550 3,800 3,500 3,600 3,000 2,950 2,600 2,050 1,400 1,550 1,350 1,250 1,050 20,750 21,100 19,050 16,950 17,950 17,050 16,300 13,700 34,900 34,150 30,350 24,550 26,250 24,750 23,850 20,050 Percent Unemployed 1997 6.8 1998 6.2 1999 5.1 2000 3.7 2001 4.1 2002 3.9 2003 3.7 2004 3.1 9.3 8.7 7.8 4.8 5 4.6 4.6 3.8 10.3 9 6.9 4.6 5.1 4.4 4 3.3 4.8 4.9 4.4 3.9 4.1 4 3.8 3.2 5.8 5.7 5 4 4.3 4.1 3.9 3.3 Unemployment 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 NOTE: Except for percent unemployed, data rounded to nearest 50. Totals may not add due to rounding. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, and records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Finance & Labor 171 9.2.2 EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF THE CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE BY ISLAND, MAUI COUNTY Annual averages All figures after 1989 are revised Maui County Maui Molokai Lanai 55,000 57,300 60,350 64,800 65,500 51,300 53,200 56,250 60,250 61,150 2,250 2,700 2,600 2,950 2,850 1,450 1,400 1,550 1,600 1,550 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 66,350 67,250 68,350 69,950 71,100 61,950 62,550 63,550 65,400 66,400 2,900 3,000 3,100 2,850 2,950 1,500 1,650 1,650 1,700 1,700 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 73,050 71,150 72,950 72,300 72,600 68,250 66,500 68,600 68,100 68,100 3,000 2,850 2,550 2,450 2,450 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,750 1,750 2004 74,050 69,850 2,600 1,650 53,550 54,900 57,100 59,600 62,000 50,200 51,300 53,350 55,600 58,000 2,050 2,250 2,350 2,500 2,600 1,300 1,300 1,450 1,500 1,400 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 62,500 62,600 63,750 65,200 66,700 58,450 58,350 59,500 61,100 62,500 2,650 2,700 2,650 2,500 2,550 1,400 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,650 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 69,350 68,500 70,000 69,500 69,900 65,000 64,250 66,000 65,550 65,550 2,600 2,500 2,250 2,300 2,300 1,700 1,750 1,750 1,650 1,650 2004 71,800 67,900 2,300 1,600 Civilian Labor Force 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Civilian Employment 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 172 Finance & Labor Maui County Data Book 2005 9.2.2 CONTINUED Maui County Civilian Unemployment 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Maui Molokai Lanai 1,450 2,400 3,250 5,200 3,500 1,100 1,900 2,900 4,650 3,150 200 450 250 450 250 100 50 100 100 150 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 3,850 4,600 4,600 4,750 4,350 3,500 4,200 4,050 4,250 3,900 250 350 450 400 400 100 100 100 100 50 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 3,700 2,650 2,950 2,850 2,700 2,300 3,250 2,200 2,600 2,600 2,600 1,950 400 400 300 200 200 300 50 50 50 50 50 * 2.6 4.2 5.4 8 5.4 2.2 3.6 5.2 7.7 5.1 9.8 16.3 10.2 14.9 8.7 8.3 5.1 6.7 7.3 9.1 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 5.8 6.9 6.7 6.8 6.2 5.6 6.7 6.4 6.5 5.9 9.1 10.9 14.8 13.6 13.6 6 5 5.3 5.3 3.1 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 5.1 3.7 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.1 4.8 3.3 3.8 3.8 3.8 2.8 13.1 13.3 11.9 7.4 7.4 10.7 3.9 3 3.9 4.2 4.2 2.6 Unemployment Rate 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 NOTES: Except for percent unemployed, data rounded to nearest 50. Totals may not add due to rounding. 1990 - 1999 data reflect 2000 Census-based geography & new model-based controls at the state level. 2000, 2001, 2004 & 2005 data reflect 2000-based geography, new model controls, 2000 Census inputs, & methodological changes. 2002 - 2003 data are not yet 2000 Census-based therefore are not comparable to other years’ data. * Data is less than 50. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, and records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Finance & Labor 173 9.2.3 LABOR FORCE BY RACE AND SEX, MAUI COUNTY PERCENT DISTRIBUTION Race or Sex, 2004 Civilian Labor Force Employed Unemployed Civilian Labor Force EmployUned employed Unemployment Rate Both Sexes (incl. Hispanic) White Black/African American American Indian/ Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Some other race Two or more races 74,100 29,500 300 71,850 28,650 300 2,250 850 * 100.0% 39.8 0.4 100.0% 39.9 0.4 100.0% 37.0 0.3 3.1% 2.8 2.1 300 21,450 300 21,050 * 400 0.4 28.9 0.4 29.3 0.7 17.4 5.4 1.8 7,000 1,100 14,450 6,550 1,100 13,950 450 * 550 9.5 1.5 19.5 9.1 1.5 19.4 20.7 0.1 23.8 6.7 0.3 3.7 Minority Group Hispanic or Latino 44,600 5,050 43,200 4,850 1,450 200 60.2 6.8 60.1 6.7 63.0 9.0 3.2 4.1 Females (incl. Hispanic) White Black/African American American Indian/ Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander Some other race Two or more races 34,700 13,150 100 33,750 12,750 100 950 400 * 100.0% 37.9 0.3 100.0% 37.8 0.3 100.0% 39.9 0.7 2.7% 2.9 5.5 150 10,550 150 10,450 * 100 0.4 30.4 0.4 30.9 0.9 12.8 6.2 1.2 3,300 450 7,000 3,100 450 6,800 200 0 200 9.6 1.2 20.2 9.2 1.3 20.1 23.1 0.0 22.5 6.6 0.0 3.1 Minority Group Hispanic or Latino 21,550 2,250 21,000 2,200 550 100 62.1 6.5 62.2 6.4 1.7 9.6 2.7 4.0 46.80% 47.00% 41.90% Females as a percent of both sexes * Less than 25. NOTE: Totals may not add due to rounding. Includes Kalawao County SOURCE: Labor Force Estimates from 2004 Annual Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS), based on 2000 Census. 174 Finance & Labor Maui County Data Book 2005 9.2.4 ANNUAL AVERAGE JOBCOUNT BY INDUSTRY AND ISLAND, MAUI COUNTY Industry, 2004 Maui County Maui Molokai Lanai TOTAL NONAGRICULTURAL WAGE & SALARY JOBS Total Private Total Goods Producing Natural Resources & Mining & Constr. Manufacturing Durable Goods Non-Durable Goods Total Service-Providing Trade, Transportation & Utilities Wholesale Trade Retail Trade Food & Beverage Stores Clothing & Clothing Accessories General Merchandise Transp., Warehousing & Utilities Air Transportation Information Telecommunications Financial Activities Finance & Insurance Professional & Business Svcs Prof., Scientific & Tech. Svcs. Admin. & Support & Waste Mgmt. Education & Health Services Education Services Health Care & Social Assistance Leisure and Hospitality Arts, Entertainment & Recreation Accommodation & Food Svcs. Accommodation Food Services and Drinking Places Full-Service Restaurants Other Services Total Government Federal Government Department of Defense State Government State Education (DOE & UH) Local Government AGRICULTURE 65,850 57,200 4,600 3,050 1,550 300 1,250 61,250 13,750 1,250 9,300 1,750 1,600 1,400 3,250 1,000 950 400 2,950 900 5,750 1,450 3,950 5,100 950 4,150 21,400 2,100 19,300 11,550 7,750 5,100 2,700 8,650 750 * 5,700 3,050 2,200 1,700 62,450 54,600 4,450 2,950 1,500 300 1,200 58,000 13,250 1,200 8,950 1,600 1,600 1,400 3,100 950 900 400 2,750 850 5,500 1,450 3,900 4,750 95 3,800 20,350 1,950 18,400 10,850 7,550 5,050 2,550 7,850 700 * 5,150 2,700 2,000 1,650 1,850 1,250 50 * * 1,550 1,350 100 100 0 1,800 350 * 250 150 1,450 150 * 100 * 100 * * * * * 50 * 50 * 150 * 200 * 350 * 300 300 * 300 150 150 50 100 600 * * 700 100 600 550 50 * * 200 * 400 250 150 100 150 100 * - NOTE: Data rounded to nearest 50. Totals may not add due to rounding or residual categories. * Fewer than 50. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Labor and Industrial Relations. Maui County Data Book 2005 Finance & Labor 175 9.2.5 MEAN ANNUAL WAGE FOR THE TOP 10 MOST COMMON OCCUPATIONS, MAUI COUNTY Maui County Estimated Annual Employees Mean Wage Maui Rank Occupation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Retail Salespersons Waiters and Waitresses Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners Cashiers Office Clerks, General Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers Janitors & Cleaners, Exec Maids & Housekeeping Cleaners Combined Food Prep & Serving Workers, Inc Fast Food Secondary School Teachers, Exc. Special & Voc Educ Cooks, Restaurant 3,130 2,960 2,620 1,900 1,650 1,590 1,450 1,430 1,250 1,170 $21,870 $22,380 $25,790 $21,320 $25,620 $25,960 $22,180 $18,400 $43,290 $29,680 Annual Wage (Statewide) $22,050 $22,330 $24,650 $19,560 $23,190 $24,090 $20,460 $17,110 $47,440 $24,510 SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Research and Statistics Office, Wages by Occupation, May 2004. 9.2.6 MEAN ANNUAL WAGE FOR THE TOP 10 PAYING OCCUPATIONS, MAUI COUNTY Maui County Estimated Annual Employees Mean Wage Maui Rank Occupation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Physicians and Surgeons, All Other Chief Executives Computer Software Engineers, Applications General and Operations Managers Computer Systems Analysts Pharmacists Architects, Except Landscape and Naval Construction Managers Computer and Information Systems Managers Engineering Managers 60 60 40 680 30 70 50 140 30 70 $151,060 $128,800 $91,210 $86,930 $84,900 $84,050 $82,940 $78,930 $78,760 $77,980 Annual Wage(Statewide) $187,180 $145,160 $69,800 $91,140 $66,070 $80,180 $58,980 $89,630 $84,400 $109,840 SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Research and Statistics Office, Wages by Occupation, May 2004. 176 Finance & Labor Maui County Data Book 2005 9.2.7 BEST JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN 2010, MAUI COUNTY Employment Postion 2002-2010 Total Job Openings Annual Growth Rate Long Term Preparation (At least a bachelor’s degree or higher, may need work experience) Secondary School Teachers, Except Special & Vocational Education 280 2.10% General & Operations Managers 270 1.90% Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education 240 1.60% Special Education Teachers, Preschool, Kindergarten, & Elementary School 110 3.80% Accountants & Auditors 110 2.30% Sales Managers 100 3.70% Property, Real Estate, & Community Association Managers 90 2.10% Marriage and Family Therapists 80 4.60% Child, Family, & School Social Workers 70 3.80% Financial Managers 70 2.20% Middle Level Preparation (More than one year to less than four years of training or education) Cooks, Restaurant 430 0.90% First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Retail Sales Workers 350 2.30% Registered Nurses 280 2.60% First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Food Preparation & Serving Workers 280 1.70% First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Office & Administrative Support Workers 210 1.50% Maintenance & Repair Workers, General 190 1.00% First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Housekeeping & Janitorial Workers 130 2.40% Carpenters 120 1.30% Radiologic Technologists & Technicians 110 2.20% Bakers 100 3.70% Short Term Preparation (From one month to twelve months of training or education) Medical Assistants 260 5.60% Bookkeeping, Accounting, & Auditing Clerks 220 1.00% Customer Service Representatives 190 3.60% Laundry & Dry-Cleaning Workers 150 2.40% Truck Drivers, Heavy & Tractor-Trailer 140 1.40% Bus Drivers, Transit & Intercity 120 2.40% Executive Secretaries & Administrative Assistants 120 1.60% Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, & Executive 120 0.30% Construction Laborers 110 2.20% Operating Engineers & Other Construction Equipment Operators 110 1.40% Little Preparation (Less than one month of training, usually on the job) Combined Food Preparation & Serving Workers, Including Fast Food 1,850 3.60% Retail Salespersons 1,740 2.70% Waiters & Waitresses 1,680 0.40% Cashiers 1,470 2.30% Maids & Housekeeping Cleaners 1,320 2.70% Landscaping & Groundskeeping Workers 640 2.60% Janitors & Cleaners, Except Maids & Housekeeping Cleaners 510 1.90% Office Clerks, General 470 2.20% Counter Attendants, Cafeteria, Food Concession, & Coffee Shop 450 2.20% Hotel, Motel, & Resort Desk Clerks 440 3.70% Security Guards 440 3.50% 2003 Mean Annual Wages $45,810* $87,330 $39,150 $41,570* $43,340 $62,960 $51,490* $35,130* $37,620 $72,940 $28,150 $38,510 $55,510 $37,300 $43,020 $34,660 $37,020 $52,850 $48,890 $31,170 $26,410* $30,540 $30,860 $23,130 $30,140 $29,030 $38,590 $29,550 $38,340* $51,900 $18,770 $21,850 $22,610 $20,830 $25,680 $24,470 $21,690 $24,670 $16,070* $31,140 $21,930 * State wage SOURCE: State of Hawaii, Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Research and Statistics Office. Best Job Opportunites in 2010. Maui County Data Book 2005 Finance & Labor 177 9.3.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE INSURED UNEMPLOYED IN MAUI COUNTY 2003 All Claimants Percent of Total Molokai Annual Average Percent of Total 1,190 100.0 123 100.0 SEX Male Female 717 473 60.3 39.7 63 60 51.2 48.8 INDUSTRY State County Agriculture Mining Utilities Construction Manufacturing Wholesale Retail Trades Transportation Information Finance & Insurance Real Estate Professional, Scientific & Tech. Management Administrative & Waste-Mgt. Education Health & Social Arts & Entertainment Accommodation & Food Other-Services Public-Administration Information Not Available 42 7 11 0 1 297 4 12 58 56 20 12 28 25 1 111 7 45 26 178 38 0 211 3.5 0.6 0.9 0.0 0.1 25.0 0.3 1.0 4.9 4.7 1.7 1.0 2.4 2.1 0.1 9.3 0.6 3.8 2.2 15.0 3.2 0.0 17.7 9 1 31 0 0 23 1 1 4 5 0 0 0 2 0 5 3 9 0 10 7 0 12 7.3 0.8 25.2 0.0 0.0 18.7 0.8 0.8 3.3 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 4.1 2.4 7.3 0.0 8.1 5.7 0.0 9.8 Age Under 22 22 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 and over 23 50 264 329 326 171 27 1.9 4.2 22.2 27.6 27.4 14.4 2.3 6 7 29 31 25 17 8 4.9 5.7 23.6 25.2 20.3 13.8 6.5 Characteristic TOTAL 178 Maui/Lanai Annual Average Finance & Labor Maui County Data Book 2005 9.3.1 (CONTINUED) Characteristic Maui/Lanai Annual Average Percent of Total Molokai Annual Average Percent of Total DURATION 1-4 weeks 5-14 weeks 15 and over 482 432 276 40.5 36.3 23.2 42 45 36 34.1 36.6 29.3 OCCUPATION Management Business & Financial Computer & Mathematical Architecture & Engineering Life, Physical & Social Science Community & Social Services Legal Education, Training & Library Arts & Entertainment Healthcare, Practioner & Tech. Healthcare Support Protective-Service Food Preparation & Services Building & Grounds & Maint. Personal Care & Service Sales-Related Office & Administrative-Support Farm, Fishing & Forestry Construction & Extraction Installation & Repair Production Transportation & Moving Information Not Available 78 10 6 4 5 19 3 20 18 9 17 22 119 39 41 90 162 8 157 29 14 57 263 6.6 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.4 1.6 0.3 1.7 1.5 0.8 1.4 1.8 10.0 3.3 3.4 7.6 13.6 0.7 13.2 2.4 1.2 4.8 22.1 4 2 1 2 1 2 0 5 0 1 4 4 9 5 3 7 8 33 9 3 2 4 14 3.3 1.6 0.8 0.0 0.8 3.3 0.0 4.1 0.0 1.6 3.3 3.3 7.3 4.1 2.4 5.7 6.5 26.8 7.3 2.4 1.6 3.3 10.6 ETHNICITY Amer. Indian Chinese Filipino Japanese Other Asians Black Hawaiian Other Pacific Islander White & Latino Others Information Not Available 14 18 159 79 22 14 186 33 502 163 0 1.2 1.5 13.4 6.6 1.8 1.2 15.6 2.8 42.2 13.7 0.0 0 1 28 2 1 0 72 1 11 7 0 0.0 0.8 22.8 1.6 0.8 0.0 58.5 0.8 8.9 5.7 0.0 SOURCE: Research and Statistics Office, Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Labor and Occupational Information Hawaii (LO’IHI), The Characteristics of the Insured Unemployed in Hawaii 2003. Maui County Data Book 2005 Finance & Labor 179 9.3.2 LABOR FORCE STATUS AND EMPLOYMENT CHARACTERISTICS, MAUI COUNTY LABOR FORCE STATUS 1990 2000 Persons 16 years and over In labor force Civilian labor force Employed Unemployed Percent of labor force Armed forces Not in labor force 76,121 55,169 55,112 53,618 1,494 2.7 57 20,952 99,326 66,307 66,219 62,935 3,284 5.0 88 33,019 Males 16 years and over In labor force Civilian labor force Employed Unemployed Percent of labor force Armed forces Not in labor force 38,747 30,411 30,354 29,479 875 2.9 57 8,336 49,448 35,349 35,261 33,352 1,909 5.4 88 14,099 Females 16 years and over In labor force Civilian labor force Employed Unemployed Percent of labor force Armed forces Not in labor force 37,374 24,758 24,758 24,139 619 2.5 0 12,616 49,878 30,958 30,958 29,583 1,375 4.4 0 18,920 4,861 532 328 60 144 6,843 539 2,476 463 3,904 Persons 16 to 19 years Not enrolled in school and not high school graduate Employed or in armed forces Unemployed Not in labor force SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Summary File 3, 1990: Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics. 2000: DP-3 Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics, QT-P19 School Enrollment, QT-P24 Employment Status by Sex. 180 Finance & Labor Maui County Data Book 2005 9.3.3 LABOR FORCE STATUS, BY CENSUS DESIGNATED PLACE, MAUI COUNTY, 2000 Census Designated Place Haiku-Pauwela Haliimaile Hana Kaanapali Kahului Kapalua Kaunakakai Kihei Kualapuu Lahaina Lanai City Maalaea Makawao Maunaloa Napili-Honokowai Paia Pukalani Waihee-Waiehu Waikapu Wailea-Makena Wailuku Total: 5,130 743 488 1,181 15,488 335 1,955 13,166 1,410 7,300 2,405 437 4,732 130 5,344 1,904 5,620 5,207 860 4,706 9,712 Armed forces 0 0 0 2 37 0 2 27 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Civilian Labor force Not in Emlabor force Total ployed 1,805 276 141 519 6,547 158 804 3,571 612 2,418 821 145 1,194 53 1,175 603 1,492 1,573 285 1,349 3,708 3,325 467 347 660 8,904 177 1,149 9,568 798 4,882 1,584 292 3,523 77 4,169 1,301 4,128 3,634 575 3,357 6,004 3,155 445 320 641 8,365 165 1,035 9,087 702 4,667 1,505 287 3,361 74 4,024 1,262 3,961 3,474 552 3,242 5,715 Unemployed 170 22 27 19 539 12 114 481 96 215 79 5 162 3 145 39 167 160 23 115 289 %Unemployed 5.1 4.7 7.8 2.9 6.1 6.8 9.9 5.0 12.0 4.4 5.0 1.7 4.6 3.9 3.5 3.0 4.0 4.4 4.0 3.4 4.8 SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Summary File 3, Matrices P43 and PC35. Maui County Data Book 2005 Finance & Labor 181 182 Finance & Labor Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation Section 10 VISITOR INDUSTRY & RECREATION This section presents statistics on numbers of visitors, visitor plant inventory, and visitor expenditures. In addition you will find information about recreation on the islands including attendance at recreational events, and visitors to Maui County attractions. Information on tourism is supplied primarily by the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division. They have assumed the collection and analysis of visitor data since July 1998. 184 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.1.1 VISITORS TO MAUI COUNTY BY MONTH Arrivals by Air 2004 Total Visitors January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Domestic Visitors January February March April May June July August September October November December Total International Visitors January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Maui Molokai Lanai Total Maui County 167,243 166,427 190,994 176,085 174,958 185,542 226,466 205,455 153,100 174,238 157,980 177,070 6,143 7,536 7,010 5,137 5,364 5,554 6,856 5,809 4,900 5,904 5,322 6,566 5,738 6,652 7,093 6,087 6,119 6,114 6,619 6,091 5,121 6,099 5,358 6,298 171,268 172,047 196,384 180,043 179,268 189,820 230,782 210,022 156,327 178,237 161,934 181,695 2,155,561 72,099 73,388 2,207,826 137,988 142,156 161,199 159,343 154,488 168,716 204,286 180,339 135,444 156,354 140,602 154,666 5,493 5,330 5,142 3,996 4,323 4,872 5,857 4,741 4,020 4,715 4,293 5,207 5,044 4,820 5,984 4,975 5,027 5,707 6,192 5,265 4,468 5,445 4,750 5,494 141,576 145,889 165,624 162,780 157,610 172,507 207,973 183,751 138,078 159,599 143,833 158,578 1,895,582 57,987 63,172 1,937,797 29,255 24,271 29,795 16,742 20,470 16,826 22,180 25,116 17,656 17,884 17,378 22,404 650 2,206 1,868 1,141 1,041 682 999 1,067 881 1,189 1,029 1,360 694 1,833 1,109 1,112 1,093 407 426 826 653 654 608 804 29,692 26,158 30,760 17,263 21,658 17,313 22,808 26,271 18,249 18,638 18,102 23,117 259,979 14,112 10,216 270,029 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 185 10.1.2 LENGTH OF STAY AND AVERAGE DAILY CENSUS, MAUI COUNTY BY ISLAND Arrivals by Air 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Length of Stay (days)1 All Visitors Maui Molokai Lanai 6.71 4.98 4.75 6.81 5.13 4.34 6.90 4.32 4.72 7.17 4.64 4.71 7.33 3.67 3.41 7.47 4.28 3.29 Domestic Maui Molokai Lanai 7.20 5.07 4.12 7.35 5.51 4.90 7.41 5.03 5.02 7.63 5.47 4.92 7.53 4.06 3.65 7.70 4.68 3.46 International Maui Molokai Lanai 4.84 4.42 5.56 4.75 2.74 3.53 4.83 2.23 2.85 4.89 2.63 3.88 6.00 2.51 2.44 5.83 2.66 2.24 Average Daily Census (people) All Visitors Maui Molokai Lanai 41,918 950 1,124 41,819 905 1,130 38,724 831 1,096 40,744 955 1,043 42,710 947 853 44,014 844 660 Domestic Maui Molokai Lanai 35,750 830 909 35,817 837 1,022 33,330 721 1,002 36,081 797 868 38,215 786 728 39,873 741 597 International Maui Molokai Lanai 6,167 121 215 6,002 67 109 5,394 110 95 4,662 158 175 4,495 162 126 4,140 103 63 NOTE: Totals may not add due to rounding. 1 Length of stay is the average number of days that visitors who travel to a specific island have stayed on that island. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report. 186 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.1.3 AVERAGE DAILY VISITOR CENSUS, BY COUNTIES Average number of visitors present in each county on any given day Arrivals by Air Year Maui County Hawaii County Kauai County Oahu State Total 1979 15,598 7,996 7,394 67,688 98,676 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 15,363 15,727 18,090 24,670 32,790 7,195 6,561 6,725 8,690 7,570 7,259 7,225 7,050 7,990 10,930 66,680 66,455 73,445 66,695 67,370 96,417 95,968 105,310 108,040 118,660 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 31,910 34,330 33,890 33,870 44,020 8,040 9,870 10,210 10,690 17,760 11,470 14,840 15,510 16,400 19,140 65,280 73,870 74,660 80,450 88,750 116,700 132,910 134,270 141,410 169,670 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 37,657 37,060 41,854 42,132 42,933 16,698 17,535 19,297 18,974 18,902 17,378 17,720 13,516 8,283 13,268 82,783 75,008 77,999 78,108 81,526 154,516 147,323 152,666 147,498 156,630 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 42,751 42,724 43,383 42,864 43,992 18,547 19,337 21,656 23,993 22,736 14,439 15,615 15,999 17,909 18,214 81,362 81,054 76,150 72,623 79,497 157,098 158,730 157,188 157,389 164,439 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 43,854 40,651 42,742 44,510 45,517 21,831 21,064 22,277 21,934 23,376 18,041 16,830 17,432 17,828 18,869 84,911 79,702 82,121 76,776 83,718 168,637 158,247 164,572 161,048 171,481 NOTES: Average daily census is based on intention to visit each island. Eastbound and northbound visitors counts are based on a 20 percent sample through 1983 and a 10 percent sample thereafter. Westbound visitor counts are based on the form distributed on all Hawaii-bound flights of all domestic airlines. Data beginning with 1990 are not strictly comparable to previous years. 1 All eastbound visitor days were attributed to Oahu through 1988. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report; “Historical Visitor Data.” Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 187 10.1.4 DOMESTIC VISITOR ARRIVALS FROM TOP US MSAS, MAUI COUNTY Arrivals by Air Lanai Total State Maui Albuquerque Anchorage Atlanta Austin Bakersfield 4,729 6,481 17,367 7,556 4,942 147 390 511 238 145 147 163 706 307 145 4,816 6,779 17,695 7,735 5,043 13,234 20,495 43,720 18,637 13,544 Bellingham Boise Boston Charlotte Chicago 3,018 5,427 27,784 4,320 60,846 61 176 793 87 1,523 64 137 1,025 205 2,047 3,068 5,539 28,248 4,400 61,928 7,077 12,229 62,282 10,356 122,402 Cincinnati Cleveland Colorado Springs Columbus Dallas 10,047 10,445 4,463 6,295 33,690 381 281 169 152 783 390 296 151 212 1,274 10,247 10,616 4,577 6,400 34,278 21,859 22,027 13,908 14,144 75,647 Denver Detroit Eugene Fresno Grand Rapids 34,122 24,308 4,833 8,224 4,519 1,007 641 204 173 106 1,181 841 99 223 169 34,910 24,714 4,965 8,407 4,597 86,007 49,305 11,514 20,961 9,258 Hartford Houston Indianapolis Kansas City Las Vegas 5,574 23,602 7,412 9,371 19,576 255 635 201 232 555 236 981 283 323 605 5,768 23,982 7,516 9,527 19,962 13,079 52,717 17,951 22,136 59,430 Los Angeles Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Modesto 282,183 8,698 7,601 25,471 5,511 6,410 315 238 606 120 8,238 464 259 773 128 288,174 8,837 7,769 25,956 5,610 756,696 19,953 16,274 61,008 13,797 188 Molokai Total Maui County 2004 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.1.4 CONTINUED Lanai Total State Maui Nashville New York Norfolk Oklahoma City Omaha 4,437 79,833 3,766 3,972 3,740 117 2,407 169 104 132 157 3,541 242 121 148 4,493 81,604 3,906 4,052 3,829 10,960 171,172 16,462 10,403 9,133 Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland 5,714 20,340 37,525 6,821 44,089 172 738 987 194 1,339 256 903 1,204 319 1,149 5,794 20,762 38,221 6,966 45,177 14,174 44,401 92,069 14,609 103,416 Provo Raleigh Reno Sacramento Saint Louis 3,774 4,604 7,052 45,796 11,890 67 178 178 1,234 420 92 196 233 983 434 3,830 4,726 7,231 46,691 12,107 13,179 11,354 17,917 111,345 26,293 5,441 16,042 4,546 54,294 207,178 186 463 167 1,512 5,333 172 458 252 1,602 5,565 5,625 16,462 4,682 55,561 212,041 15,041 47,154 14,357 158,683 554,670 San Luis/Obispo Santa Barbara Seattle Spokane Stockton 4,978 7,647 87,391 6,323 7,974 229 311 2,541 178 257 129 227 1,909 181 151 5,162 7,951 89,293 6,449 8,118 13,534 22,094 216,821 14,188 20,549 Tampa Tucson Tulsa Washington D.C. 7,115 6,743 3,355 33,095 252 297 94 1,341 303 315 131 1,491 7,251 6,997 3,444 34,035 17,285 18,616 8,175 106,006 Top US MSAs as % of total visitors 74.6 67.5 71.1 74.5 73.1 Salinas Salt Lake City San Antonio San Diego San Francisco Molokai Total Maui County 2004 NOTE: MSAs - Metropolitan Statistical Areas. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 189 10.1.5 VISITOR ARRIVALS, MAUI COUNTY Data covers visitors to the state staying overnight or longer, and include one-day (non-overnight) trips Westbound Visitors 1979 1,419,773 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1,378,189 1,389,892 1,550,080 1,645,720 1,854,690 1985 1986 1987 1988 International Visitors1 1,831,110 2,001,870 1,908,780 1,884,050 Domestic Visitors Total Visitors 19892 400,860 2,113,100 2,513,960 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 469,239 483,224 569,241 569,204 531,610 1,815,623 1,692,382 1,754,371 1,693,910 1,808,906 2,284,862 2,175,606 2,323,612 2,263,114 2,340,516 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 564,092 586,576 542,018 527,950 480,471 1,762,705 1,732,034 1,788,366 1,776,165 1,866,531 2,326,797 2,318,610 2,330,384 2,304,115 2,347,002 Arrivals by Ship 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 470,035 418,518 369,323 296,273 270,029 1,834,631 1,685,960 1,770,103 1,900,174 1,937,797 32,288 41,288 58,853 43,514 69,427 2,336,954 2,145,766 2,198,280 2,239,961 2,277,253 1 Due to the need for timely and market-specific visitor statistics arising from the establishment of the Hawaii Tourism Authority, collection and reporting of visitor statistics has been extensively revised. The previous visitor categorization as eastbound (visitors who arrive mainly from Asia, Australia and New Zealand) and westbound (visitors who arrive from the US mainland and Canada) has been replaced by a domestic and international breakdown of visitors. 2 The subcategories for 1989 were eastbound (visitors arriving mainly from Asia, Australia and New Zealand) and westbound (arriving from the US mainland and Canada). County distribution for eastbound/international visitors not available before 1989. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report; “Historical Visitor Data.” 190 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.1.6 NATION OF RESIDENCE OF VISITORS TO MAUI COUNTY Arrivals by Air 2004 MAUI MOLOKAI MMA1 Domestic International Total 1,895,852 259,979 2,155,561 57,987 14,112 U.S. 1,765,278 20,469 1,785,747 52,352 25,659 67,482 93,140 Asia China Hong Kong Japan Korea Singapore Taiwan 1,997 432 1,220 1,025 152 572 1,323 1,232 117,830 6,916 323 2,952 Total Asia 5,398 Oceania Australia New Zealand Total Oceania Domestic Int’l. Total 72,099 63,172 10,216 73,388 1,957 54,309 57,831 1,451 59,282 863 2,069 2,931 854 1,900 2,754 3,321 1,664 119,050 7,941 476 3,525 249 17 47 46 27 22 250 22 6,466 404 124 340 499 40 6,512 449 151 362 135 36 49 27 15 27 166 14 4,191 170 74 49 301 50 4,241 196 89 75 130,576 135,977 408 7,606 8,013 289 4,664 4,952 2,684 493 3,177 17,212 3,277 20,489 19,896 3,770 2,366 115 19 134 1,136 329 1,465 1,251 348 1,599 94 8 102 1,064 252 1,316 1,159 259 1,418 Europe United Kingdom Germany France Italy Switzerland Total Europe 15,631 11,286 2,289 2,541 2,483 34,230 2,262 887 465 147 218 3,978 17,893 12,173 2,754 2,688 2,701 38,208 672 688 113 97 168 1,737 215 33 66 0 10 324 887 721 179 97 178 2,061 742 454 80 102 144 1,523 221 0 66 69 0 356 963 454 147 171 144 1,879 Latin America Argentina Brazil Mexico Total Latin America 747 1,484 2,733 4,964 18 76 136 230 765 1,560 2,869 5,194 26 57 115 199 0 29 0 29 26 86 115 227 41 73 122 236 0 16 12 28 41 90 134 264 56,876 16,754 73,630 2,295 663 2,958 2,337 501 2,838 1,895,582 259,979 2,155,561 57,972 14,112 72,084 63,166 10,216 73,382 Canada Other Foreign2 Total Foreign Total Domestic Int’l. LANAI Total 1 Major Market Areas (MMAs) have allowed the Hawaii Tourism Authority to focus on specific areas for marketing and to see changes in these markets. 2 “Other foreign” is comprised of all countries not listed above in an MMA as well as visitors from US territories . SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 191 10.1.7 TOTAL AIR SEATS OPERATED TO KAHULUI AIRPORT TOTAL SEATS 1,326,429 Scheduled Seats Charter seats DOMESTIC SEATS Scheduled Seats Charter seats US West Burbank Las Vegas Los Angeles Oakland Orange County Phoenix Portland Sacramento San Diego San Francisco San Jose Seattle US East Atlanta Chicago Dallas Houston St. Louis INTERNATIONAL SEATS Scheduled Seats Charter seats Canada Calgary Edmonton Vancouver 2002 2003 2004 1,480,866 1,283,488 42,941 1,631,999 1,444,386 36,480 1,590,819 41,180 1,275,107 1,232,166 42,941 1,421,582 1,385,102 36,480 1,594,958 1,553,778 41,180 1,089,402 1,187,910 38,316 538,798 45,880 45,260 22,728 562,663 45,260 45,260 22,282 37,260 1,324,702 32,984 124 545,667 50,318 45,384 21,599 48,530 14,136 22,578 339,336 47,956 156,090 314,676 52,976 69,084 11,730 299,375 45,584 80,180 142,764 197,192 229,076 574 81,957 77,573 68,972 70,337 57,077 88,313 36,374 15,428 51,322 51,322 59,284 59,284 37,041 37,041 51,322 1,782 594 48,946 59,284 9,894 3,378 46,012 37,041 72,427 37,041 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report. 192 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.1.8 HOTEL OCCUPANCY RATES, MAUI ISLAND Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 72.3 81.8 82.1 76.8 67.5 71.8 71.4 77.0 69.1 76.4 69.0 64.6 76.2 89.6 87.2 78.3 70.5 73.5 80.4 83.1 73.2 79.7 74.6 60.8 73.2 90.3 89.0 82.7 78.5 79.7 84.8 83.2 77.6 78.1 78.0 68.8 77.9 85.2 84.9 77.7 72.4 75.7 80.6 80.3 58.1 60.9 64.9 58.0 66.2 78.3 77.8 72.7 68.3 75.2 78.8 81.4 64.6 68.1 62.2 62.5 72.4 79.9 78.4 74.1 71.8 75.3 83.8 84.2 67.1 70.2 67.6 70.6 77.5 83.4 83.0 80.9 76.8 79.0 82.4 82.9 73.5 74.9 70.7 69.4 73.3 77.2 80.3 73.0 71.0 74.8 78.0 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 193 10.2.1 PKF-HAWAII OCCUPANCY AND ROOM RATES, FOOD AND BEVERAGE SALES, ISLANDS OF MAUI AND MOLOKAI Includes condominium units in rental pools for transient occupancy AVERAGE DAILY SALES PER GUEST Percent Occupied Average Daily Room Rate Average Revenue per Available Room Food Beverage Maui 1993 1994 67.56 72.69 122.88 125.70 83.02 91.37 23.04 22.72 7.16 6.61 14.17 14.61 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 73.53 73.37 71.58 72.81 77.25 144.36 155.54 156.37 161.40 167.08 106.15 114.11 111.93 117.52 129.06 25.72 26.32 26.92 27.12 28.62 7.23 7.56 7.94 8.23 9.05 15.99 17.09 17.11 17.75 19.16 2000 2001 2002 2003r 2004 80.11 74.50 72.41 75.71 78.69 189.78 210.29 205.90 212.06 226.78 152.04 156.66 149.10 160.54 178.45 30.52 27.68 29.35 30.79 32.01 10.09 8.59 9.20 10.34 11.15 20.10 18.78 19.44 20.31 21.47 Molokai 1993 1994 42.66 41.19 74.69 72.18 31.87 29.73 32.27 34.52 10.45 12.16 10.66 8.57 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 37.47 39.00 40.42 44.18 41.08 71.85 74.44 74.02 78.43 74.54 26.92 29.03 29.92 34.65 30.62 42.40 56.65 47.17 36.62 NA 15.26 17.14 17.31 11.33 NA 10.00 10.64 10.04 10.76 NA 2000 2001 2002 2003r 2004 42.72 47.36 50.58 51.19 60.38 79.77 92.09 93.67 96.83 107.28 34.07 43.62 47.38 49.57 64.77 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Year Food Sales Per Cover NOTES: PKF-Hawaii LLP publishes comparable statistics only for the last two years. Participating hotel and resort condominiums differ from year to year, so earlier survey statistics are not strictly comparable due to changes in the participants’ number, type, location and size. There are no participants on Lanai. r: Revised from previous Data Book. SOURCE: PKF-Hawaii LLP, Trends in the Hotel Industry, Hawaii, December 2004, and records. 194 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.2.2 PKF-HAWAII TRENDS IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY, MAUI COUNTY Total Maui 2004 Kaanapali West Maui Other Molokai Room Sales for the Total Market Percent Occupied Average Daily Room Rate Revenue / Available Room 78.69 226.78 178.45 82.95 175.63 145.68 79.29 183.10 145.17 75.71 289.53 219.20 60.38 107.28 64.77 Room Sales for the Hotel Market Percent Occupied Average Daily Room Rate Revenue / Available Room 82.91 253.53 210.19 85.60 170.81 146.22 81.68 182.00 148.66 81.34 360.70 293.41 64.68 122.95 79.53 Room Sales for the Resort Condo Market Percent Occupied Average Daily Room Rate Revenue / Available Room 70.96 169.52 120.29 70.56 202.88 143.15 76.78 184.32 141.52 66.40 145.60 96.68 56.26 90.03 50.65 32.01 11.15 21.47 22.03 7.16 15.03 28.78 9.95 27.44 41.32 14.84 24.19 NA NA NA Food Sales for the Total Market Average Daily Food per Guest Average Daily Beverage per Guest Average Food Sales Per Cover SOURCE: PKF-Hawaii LLP, Trends in the Hotel Industry, Hawaii, December 2004. 10.2.3 PKF-HAWAII QUALITY AND SIZE REPORT, MAUI COUNTY 2004 Maui Room Quality Percent Occupied Average Daily Room Rate Revenue / Available Room Luxury 77.19 332.36 256.55 Number of Rooms on Property Percent Occupied Average Daily Room Rate Revenue / Available Room Under 100 55.09 207.52 114.31 First Class 80.96 176.64 143.02 100 - 200 75.78 142.23 107.78 Molokai Deluxe 77.20 122.45 94.53 Standard 85.57 79.92 68.39 201 - 350 74.25 228.03 169.31 351 - 500 84.89 270.01 229.22 Budget NA NA NA Standard 61.10 85.56 52.28 Over 500 Under 100 83.82 60.38 244.26 107.28 204.74 64.77 SOURCE: PKF-Hawaii LLP, Trends in the Hotel Industry, Hawaii, Quality and Size Report, December 2004. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 195 10.2.4 HOSPITALITY ADVISORS LLC HAWAII HOTEL FLASH REPORT, MAUI ISLAND 2004 Total Maui Occupancy Average Daily Rate Revenue per Available Room 78.0% 192.23 149.94 79.9% 75.8% 180.80 205.65 144.46 155.88 75.7% 80.8% 80.3% 78.0% 300.71 177.52 120.24 97.22 227.64 143.44 96.55 75.83 By Area Lahaina/Kaanapali/Kapalua Other Maui By Price Luxury Upscale Midprice Economy/Budget SOURCE: Hospitality Advisors LLC, Hawaii Hotel Flash Report, December 2004. 10.2.5 VISITOR PLANT INVENTORY BY ISLAND AND PRICE, MAUI COUNTY 2003 Class (Price per Night) Units % of Total 2004 Properties Units % of Total Properties 232 1,970 5,958 6,932 2,467 17,327 11.4% 34.4% 40.0% 14.2% 100.0% 275 24 66 103 67 236 27.8% 43.8% 28.4% 100.0% 29 6 7 11 160 191 369 1.9% 2.9% 43.3% 51.8% 100.0% 7 Maui Budget: $100 or less Standard: $101 to $250 Deluxe: $251 to $500 Luxury: Over $500 All levels 2,400 5,828 6,924 2,238 17,390 13.8% 33.5% 39.8% 12.9% 100.0% Budget: $100 or less Standard: $101 to $250 Deluxe: $251 to $500 All levels 66 104 66 236 28.1% 43.9% 28.0% 100.0% Budget: $100 or less Standard: $101 to $250 Deluxe: $251 to $500 Luxury: Over $500 All levels 7 10 174 177 368 2.0% 2.7% 47.2% 48.2% 100.0% Molokai Lanai SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Visitor Plant Inventory. 196 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.2.6 VISITOR PLANT INVENTORY BY ISLAND AND TYPE, MAUI COUNTY 2000 Maui Apartment/Hotel Bed & Breakfast Hostel Hotel Condominium Hotel Individual Vacation Unit Timeshare Other Total Molokai Bed & Breakfast Hotel Condominium Hotel Individual Vacation Unit Timeshare Other Total Lanai Apartment/Hotel Bed & Breakfast Hotel Individual Vacation Unit Timeshare Other Total 2001 2002 2003 2004 Prop- Available Prop- Available Prop- Available Prop- Available Prop- Available erties erties erties erties erties Units Units Units Units Units 6 30 3 28 74 134 50 8,577 6 26 2 29 93 115 30 8,399 7 23 2 29 103 113 30 8,413 6 22 2 29 69 110 30 8,379 8 27 2 31 45 144 30 8,065 104 7,767 107 7,987 102 7,548 106 7,955 114 7,085 56 327 – – 14 544 241 17,473 65 409 – – 16 541 251 17,574 63 584 – – 16 613 242 17,404 63 638 – – 19 730 247 17,911 90 549 – 1,512 16 387 288 17,817 1 2 1 183 1 1 1 45 1 1 1 45 2 1 3 45 3 2 3 114 4 117 4 116 4 101 6 159 6 140 1 – 2 10 2 – 126 429 2 – 2 10 4 – 126 292 2 – 2 10 66 – 7 220 17 – 2 28 26 – 66 299 22 – 1 33 31 7 4 299 – – 3 – – 362 – 1 3 – 3 362 – 1 3 – 3 362 – 1 3 – 3 362 1 1 3 1 3 362 3 6 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 – 6 – 368 – 6 – 368 – 6 – 368 – 6 – 368 – 7 – 369 NOTES: Categories vary in the way they are reported from year to year. INDIVIDUAL VACATION UNIT: Individual condominium unit (not in a hotel rental operation), house, cabin, villa or cottage with very limited service, often with only basic cleaning supplies provided. – Not available, not reported or none. SOURCES: 1999-2001: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Visitor Plant Inventory. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 197 10.2.7 SUMMARY OF VISITOR PLANT INVENTORY BY AREA AND TYPE, MAUI COUNTY 2004 Island/Area/Type Maui Island Hana Bed & Breakfast Condominium Hotel Hotel Individual Vacation Unit TimeShare Other Kahului-Wailuku Apartment/Hotel Bed & Breakfast Hostel Hotel Individual Vacation Unit Other Kula-Makawao Bed & Breakfast Condominium Hotel Hotel Individual Vacation Unit Other Lahaina-Kaanapali-Napili-Kapalua Apartment/ Hotel Bed & Breakfast Condominium Hotel Hotel Individual Vacation Unit TimeShare Other Maalaea Condominium Hotel Wailea-Kihei Apartment/ Hotel Bed & Breakfast Condominium Hotel Hotel Individual Vacation Unit TimeShare Other Molokai Bed & Breakfast Condominium Hotel Hotel Individual Vacation Unit TimeShare Other Lanai Apartment/Hotel Bed & Breakfast Hotel Individual Vacation Unit Properties 288 28 2 1 2 18 5 11 1 1 2 3 2 2 32 7 1 1 21 2 93 3 10 50 13 13 4 8 8 116 3 7 55 12 36 3 33 2 6 2 22 1 7 1 1 3 2 Available Units 17,817 149 2 0 70 36 16 25 435 2 10 30 366 7 20 133 56 9 8 48 12 9,597 21 53 3,808 4,302 117 977 319 245 245 7,258 13 23 3,032 3,319 341 519 11 299 3 140 114 31 7 4 369 1 3 362 3 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Visitor Plant Inventory. 198 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.2.8 VISITOR PLANT INVENTORY, MAUI COUNTY Year Available Units 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 2,743 3,695 4,095 4,075 5,208 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 5,830 7,232 8,037 8,736 9,472 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 9,701 11,359 12,162 12,749 13,138 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 14,152 14,096 13,849 15,168 15,708 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 17,869 18,702 19,290 19,127 18,804 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 NA 17,824 18,552 18,650 18,609 2000 2001 2002 2003r 2004 18,270 18,234 17,992 18,343 18,485 NOTES: Includes hotels and condominiums available for transient rental. HVCB did not conduct an update survey in 1995. NA: not available. r: Revised from previous Data Book. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Visitor Plant Inventory. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 199 10.2.9 LARGEST HOTELS BY NUMBER OF SLEEPING ROOMS, MAUI COUNTY Number of Maximum Sleeping Exhibit Area Rooms & Suites (sq. ft.) 2004 Hyatt Regency Maui Resort and Spa Maximum Number of Meeting/Banquet Employees Seating Capacity (or FTE) Average Occupancy Rate 806 16,640 1,400 850 81.0% 780 26,700 1,600 850 DND 759 8,760 650 DND DND Lahaina, Maui Grand Wailea Resort Hotel & Spa Wailea, Maui The Westin Maui Resort & Spa Lahaina, Maui ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The Ritz-Carlton Kapalua ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 548 19,200 1,200 650 DND 521 13,800 1,100 325 70.0% 516 7,890 800 DND DND ○ Kapalua, Maui Wailea Marriott, an Outrigger Resort Wailea, Maui The Royal Lahaina Resort Lahaina, Maui ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Sheraton Maui Resort ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ DND ○ ○ 510 6,560 600 463 NA NA DND DND 450 8,400 450 500 DND ○ ○ ○ ○ DND Lahaina, Maui Aston Kaanapali Shores Lahaina, Maui Fairmont Kea Lani Maui Wailea, Maui ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Kaanapali Beach Hotel ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 430 4,631 600 280 76.0% 391 14,040 1,700 DND DND Lahaina, Maui Maui Marriott Resort & Ocean Club Lahaina, Maui ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Ohana Maui Islander ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 360 NA NA DND DND 359 NA NA DND DND 345 7,000 400 294 82.0% ○ Lahaina, Maui The Whaler on Kaanapali Beach Lahaina, Maui Renaissance Wailea Beach Resort Wailea, Maui ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Maui Prince Hotel, Makena ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 310 5,200 350 DND DND 279 NA NA 5 78.0% 265 980 60 70 87.0% ○ Wailea, Maui Maui Marc Vista Kihei, Maui Maui Coast Hotel Kihei, Maui ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Manele Bay Hotel ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 249 NA 299 500 60.0% 210 3,000 250 227 69.5% 200 NA NA DND DND ○ Lanai City, Lanai Kapalua Bay Hotel Kapalua, Maui Maui Seaside Hotel Kahului, Maui ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Lodge at Koele ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 102 NA 70 200 57.0% 66 NA 100 200 40.0% Lanai City, Lanai Hotel Hana-Maui Hana, Maui DND: Did not disclose. NA: Not applicable / not available. FTE: Full time equivalent. SOURCE: Pacific Business News, “Largest Maui County Hotels,” Book of Lists 2005. 200 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 ○ 10.3.1 EXPENDITURES PER PERSON PER DAY BY UNITED STATES AND JAPANESE VISITORS, STATE OF HAWAII In dollars; excludes transpacific travel costs (Arrivals by Air) US EAST US WEST JAPAN Expenditure Type 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 GRAND TOTAL 163.3 172.7 153.0 147.6 240.1 251.5 Total Food and beverage Restaurant food Dinner shows and cruises Groceries and snacks 35.4 25.6 4.6 5.1 36.1 25.8 4.4 5.9 32.0 21.6 4.1 6.3 31.3 20.9 3.3 7.1 41.3 27.9 5.6 7.9 43.0 29.8 5.5 7.7 Entertainment & Recreation 1 14.7 18.8 12.1 13.9 18.2 18.5 Total Transportation Interisland airfare Ground transportation Rental vehicles Gasoline, parking, etc. 17.5 2.8 1.4 11.5 1.8 13.4 5.6 5.0 2.4 0.3 16.2 1.2 0.8 12.7 1.6 21.2 6.5 1.0 12.2 1.5 12.6 4.8 4.7 2.8 0.3 13.4 5.6 5.0 2.4 0.3 Total Shopping Fashion and clothing Jewelry and watches Cosmetics, perfume Leather goods Hawaii food products Souvenirs 25.5 9.0 5.7 0.3 0.4 2.6 7.4 25.0 8.6 6.4 0.5 0.5 2.3 6.7 21.4 8.1 4.5 0.3 0.4 2.2 5.9 20.7 8.0 4.4 0.4 0.5 2.3 5.0 89.9 22.4 12.6 5.4 30.4 9.7 9.5 98.9 24.6 14.5 5.8 34.6 10.1 9.3 Lodging 64.1 63.3 64.9 57.7 61.3 60.3 6.2 8.4 6.5 6.6 16.7 17.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA All other expenses Optional tour packages 1 NOTE: Categories marked ‘NA’ (not applicable) reflect differences between questionnaires given to visitors from the United States and Japan. 1 Due to changes in survey forms in 2003 and 2004, spending on optional tours included in the Entertainment & Recreation category for 2003 and 2004. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 201 10.3.2 VISITOR SPENDING, MAUI AND MOLOKAI MAUI Spending per Person per Day MOLOKAI Residents1 All Visitors U.S. East U.S. West Canada Total Lodging 76.85 83.77 76.08 57.78 32.88 37.76 Total Food & Beverage Food at Restaurants Dinner Shows Groceries 34.76 24.03 3.70 7.03 40.80 30.13 4.77 5.90 32.58 21.80 3.34 7.44 23.54 13.37 2.00 8.17 25.81 18.17 1.11 6.53 17.17 9.41 0.07 7.69 Total Entertainment2 15.72 21.81 13.71 8.11 13.44 6.61 Total Transportation Ground transportation Rental vehicles Other transportation Total Shopping Fashion and clothing Jewelry / watch Cosmetics/perfumes Leather goods Hawaii food products Souvenirs 17.04 0.93 14.86 1.25 20.65 8.38 4.54 0.31 0.45 1.76 5.21 19.43 2.08 15.80 1.55 24.69 9.36 6.03 0.34 0.45 1.94 6.56 16.32 0.45 14.74 1.13 19.47 8.01 4.18 0.31 0.45 1.75 4.77 13.72 0.27 12.50 0.96 11.04 5.77 1.46 0.09 0.09 0.91 2.72 10.95 0.06 8.93 1.97 9.77 3.74 1.65 0.34 0.02 1.43 2.58 11.78 0.27 9.92 1.59 5.58 2.12 0.62 0.05 0.13 1.18 1.49 All Other 7.51 9.37 7.00 4.83 7.70 3.61 Tour Packages2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cruise 0.11 0.19 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.06 172.64 200.05 165.21 119.10 100.56 82.58 Total Spending 1 2 All Visitors Hawaii Residents Traveling Inter-Island. Due to changes in survey forms in 2003, spending on optional tours included in the Entertainment category for 2003. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2003 Annual Visitor Research Report. 202 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.3.3 SUMMARY VISITOR CHARACTERISTICS, MAUI COUNTY Arrivals by Air 2004 Total Domestic International Islands Visited Maui County ... Maui ... Molokai ... Lanai Oahu Kauai Big Island ... Kona ... Hilo Maui Only Molokai Only Lanai Only 2,207,826 2,156,242 72,134 73,424 756,016 315,367 343,917 200,244 277,868 1,217,987 8,590 9,178 1,937,797 1,895,582 57,987 63,172 571,542 278,891 290,366 161,609 233,558 1,145,099 8,295 8,530 270,029 260,660 14,147 10,253 184,474 36,476 53,550 38,634 44,311 72,888 295 648 Visit Status First trip Repeat Average number of trips 798,362 1,409,464 4.59 689,736 1,248,061 4.67 108,627 161,403 4.01 Party Size One person Two persons Three or more persons Average party size 308,205 1,031,357 868,264 2.13 270,428 919,615 747,754 2.11 37,777 111,742 120,510 2.27 Accomodations Hotel ... Hotel Only Condo ... Condo Only Timeshare … Timeshare Only Apartment/Rental House Bed & Breakfast Cruise Ship Friends or Relatives 1,351,104 1,088,990 625,163 473,284 185,439 127,455 54,624 27,469 115,050 141,700 1,150,182 918,461 569,350 434,916 177,074 122,433 50,447 24,526 104,476 124,053 200,922 170,529 55,812 38,368 8,365 5,022 4,177 2,943 10,574 17,647 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 203 10.3.4 SUMMARY VISITOR CHARACTERISTICS, BY ISLAND Arrivals by Air 2004 Islands Visited Maui County ... Maui ... Molokai ... Lanai Oahu Kauai Big Island ... Kona ... Hilo Maui Only Molokai Only Lanai Only Maui Molokai Lanai 2,155,561 2,155,561 43,485 48,244 729,593 307,459 333,773 195,478 269,847 1,217,987 72,099 43,485 72,099 16,226 41,890 19,855 22,999 17,408 19,715 73,388 48,244 16,226 73,388 37,240 23,034 27,031 19,845 23,840 8,590 9,178 Visit Status First trip Repeat Average number of trips 784,913 1,370,648 4.55 25,655 46,444 5.14 26,860 46,528 5.10 Party Size One person Two persons Three or more persons Average party size 297,728 1,007,060 850,773 2.14 13,942 34,366 23,791 1.97 11,954 38,123 23,311 2.01 Accomodations Hotel ... Hotel Only Condo ... Condo Only Timeshare … Timeshare Only Apartment/Rental House Bed & Breakfast Cruise Ship Friends or Relatives 1,317,475 1,061,754 615,271 466,595 182,738 125,984 51,154 26,536 113,989 134,703 41,546 27,728 18,748 11,785 4,452 2,347 4,763 2,000 6,299 9,381 50,327 37,323 12,682 7,925 4,512 2,608 2,186 1,292 9,702 6,329 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report. 204 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.3.5 CRUISE VISITOR PER PERSON PER DAY SPENDING BY CATEGORY AND MMA, STATE OF HAWAII Passenger Type Resident Visitor in Hawaii Visitors by MMA Expenditure US West US East Canada Europe Other Total Lodging $15.75 $8.06 $11.14 $16.66 $22.45 $20.97 $21.55 Total Food & Beverage Food at Restaurants Dinner Shows Groceries Other Food Expenditures $12.15 $5.74 $3.40 $1.24 $1.77 $9.08 $5.40 $1.10 $1.85 $0.73 $10.68 $4.69 $3.29 $1.36 $1.35 $12.75 $5.91 $3.75 $1.10 $2.00 $14.49 $8.48 $2.59 $1.87 $1.55 $12.80 $6.08 $1.47 $1.50 $3.74 $14.70 $7.14 $4.36 $1.45 $1.75 Total Entertainment $3.96 $2.04 $3.84 $4.14 $3.29 $2.86 $5.50 Total Transportation Inter-island airfare Ground transportation Rental vehicles Other transportation $9.31 $3.88 $1.68 $3.21 $0.54 $8.11 $3.99 $0.71 $2.62 $0.79 $8.30 $3.16 $1.35 $3.20 $0.58 $10.29 $4.43 $1.74 $3.51 $0.61 $8.04 $2.70 $1.63 $3.23 $0.48 $9.12 $5.69 $1.64 $1.60 $0.19 $10.89 $4.50 $2.93 $3.06 $0.40 Total Shopping Fashion and Clothing Jewelry / Watch Cosmetics / Perfumes Leather Goods Hawaii food Products Souvenirs Other Shopping $17.77 $5.17 $4.59 $0.41 $0.23 $1.64 $4.26 $1.47 $14.45 $5.22 $2.26 $0.38 $0.23 $0.88 $4.06 $1.43 $17.28 $5.01 $4.53 $0.38 $0.20 $1.71 $4.00 $1.45 $18.47 $5.09 $4.96 $0.36 $0.19 $1.79 $4.74 $1.35 $16.63 $5.43 $3.23 $0.35 $0.28 $1.62 $3.95 $1.77 $15.68 $4.73 $3.91 $0.36 $0.40 $0.78 $3.48 $2.03 $22.48 $7.57 $5.58 $1.00 $0.49 $1.48 $4.22 $2.13 $9.10 $13.81 $8.72 $10.01 $7.44 $5.49 $10.83 Shore Tour Spending Shore Tour: Honolulu (Oahu) Lahaina (Maui) Kahului (Maui) Kona side (Big Island) Hilo side (Big Island) Nawiliwili (Kauai) $25.46 $3.82 $4.32 $3.08 $3.71 $5.16 $5.36 $9.47 $0.52 $1.44 $1.43 $1.86 $2.26 $1.96 $22.20 $3.25 $3.74 $2.40 $3.36 $4.63 $4.82 $30.44 $4.63 $5.27 $3.91 $4.31 $5.97 $6.35 $17.12 $2.88 $2.56 $1.68 $2.60 $3.71 $3.68 $23.72 $2.22 $4.56 $2.86 $4.60 $4.41 $5.06 $23.61 $3.71 $3.63 $2.78 $3.27 $5.43 $4.79 Unallocated Expenditures $31.84 $24.52 $26.55 $38.18 $19.50 $27.84 $19.05 Total Spending Per Person Per Day $125.34 $89.53 $108.72 $140.93 $108.97 $118.49 $128.60 All Other Expenses SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, 2004 Annual Visitor Research Report. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 205 10.3.6 CRUISE SHIP PASSENGER NUMBERS VISITING MAUI IN 2003 AND 2004 2003 Approximate Passenger Visits Maui Lahaina Kahului Approximate Crew Visits Arrived 20041 340,495 271,700 152,106 119,594 110,000 103,000 Number of Ships Arrived Maui Lahaina Kahului 18 2 16 5 2005 Projected4 2006 2007 345,449 162,054 183,395 485,659 181,448 304,211 476,296 128,466 347,830 18 5 19 6 6 5 96 166 98 276 NA 332 232 19 6 Approximate number of Times a Cruise Ships Stopped in Maui 1232 1312 Lahaina 68 85 Kahului 60 59 Approximate Number of Days Cruise Ships Spent In3 Maui 160 200 Lahaina 99 113 Kahului 61 87 NA Not Available 1 Calculated using passenger and crew capacity figures from Cruise Line International Association, and Lahaina and Kahului harbor schedules. 2 Some Ships stopped in both Kahului and Lahaina. 3 Some ships made overnight stays in harbor. 4 Calculated using passenger and crew capacity figures from Cruise Line International Association and Kahului and Lahaina harbor schedules published in April 2005. SOURCE: Mayor’s Cruise Ship Task Force, Island of Maui, Final Report August 15, 2005. 206 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.3.7 MAJOR CRUISE SHIPS VISITING MAUI Cruise Line Vessel Carnival Cruise Lines (Carnival) Celebrity Cruises (Royal Caribbean) NCL (Star Cruises) Crystal Cruises (Nippon Yusen) Holland America (Carnival) Holland America (Carnival) Holland America (Carnival) Kuoni Travel Group NCL (Star Cruises) NCL (Star Cruises) NCL America (Star Cruises) New World Cruises Peter Dielmann Cruise Lines Princess Cruises (Carnival) Princess Cruises (Carnival) Princess Cruises (Carnival) Princess Cruises (Carnival) Princess Cruises (Carnival) Radisson Seven Seas Cruises Radisson Seven Seas Cruises Royal Caribbean International Royal Caribbean International Royal Caribbean International Royal Caribbean International Carnival Spirit Infinity Crown Odyssey* Crystal Harmony Amsterdam Statendam Veendam Clipper Odyssey* Norwegian Star Norwegian Wind Pride of Aloha M/V Discovery* MS Deutschland* Dawn Princess Island Princess Pacific Princess Regal Princess Sun Princess Seven Seas Mariner Seven Seas Voyager Legend of the Seas Radiance of the Seas Serenade of the Seas Vision of the Sea Gross Length Tonnage (feet) Registry 88,500 91,000 34,250 49,400 61,000 55,451 55,451 5,218 92,000 41,000 81,000 20,186 22,400 77,000 92,000 30,277 70,000 77,000 50,000 46,000 69,130 90,090 90,090 78,491 963 965 614 790 780 720 720 207 965 754 853 856 856 592 804 856 670 670 867 962 962 915 Panama Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Netherlands Netherlands Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas US Bermuda Bermuda Bermuda Gibralter Bermuda Britain Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas PAX & Maui Maui Crew Tours Tours Capacity 2003 2004 2,038 3,597 354 1,355 1,485 3,150 2,949 3,486 2,796 1,080 910 3,340 2,448 1,057 2,802 3,359 2,286 3,392 1,145 1,147 1,823 3,150 1,823 3,095 5 10 1 2 1 7 0 0 52 11 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 4 1 0 12 4 0 1 4 7 0 5 1 8 2 1 2 21 25 1 1 0 7 2 6 0 0 1 12 2 4 2 * Ships no longer traveling to Maui. SOURCE: Cruise Line International Association and Mayor’s Cruise Ship Task Force, Island of Maui, Final Report August 15, 2005. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 207 10.4.1 ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION MAUI BY VISITOR CATEGORY, MAUI COUNTY Activity U.S. Total U.S. West U.S. East Japan Canada Europe Sightseeing Helicopter / airplane tour Boat tour / submarine / whale watching Tour bus excursion Private limousine / van tour Self-guided 90.7% 8.3% 35.0% 11.3% 5.9% 74.6% 88.8% 8.1% 33.6% 6.9% 4.8% 77.4% 93.6% 8.8% 36.7% 17.5% 7.3% 71.0% 91.0% 5.5% 18.1% 49.8% 7.4% 30.6% 95.8% 7.3% 40.1% 14.2% 4.9% 79.3% 93.3% 7.5% 29.3% 16.9% 15.2% 69.4% Recreation Swimming / sunbathing / beach Surfing/bodyboarding Snorkeling / scuba diving Jet skiing / parasailing / windsurfing Golf Running / jogging / fitness walking Gym / health spa Backpacking / hiking / camping Sports event or tournament 88.1% 80.4% 24.0% 53.1% 6.4% 15.6% 34.7% 15.1% 14.2% 1.8% 92.3% 84.9% 30.1% 58.2% 7.2% 18.3% 38.7% 16.0% 14.0% 1.8% 82.7% 74.8% 16.3% 46.3% 5.3% 11.7% 29.3% 14.0% 14.8% 1.6% 54.5% 42.4% 2.3% 17.0% 0.9% 11.9% 9.4% 4.4% 2.6% 0.5% 87.0% 81.4% 30.4% 50.6% 2.4% 20.5% 40.4% 11.1% 15.7% 4.3% 85.0% 78.6% 16.9% 38.6% 4.5% 6.3% 19.2% 6.7% 15.1% 2.3% Entertainment Lunch / sunset / dinner / evening cruise Lounge act / stage show Nightclub / dancing / bar / karaoke Fine dining 79.5% 30.6% 29.3% 12.7% 62.5% 81.7% 30.7% 32.1% 13.4% 64.2% 76.6% 30.5% 25.4% 12.0% 60.6% 66.6% 21.1% 9.0% 1.6% 56.8% 70.8% 28.8% 22.5% 11.4% 53.0% 68.0% 32.3% 16.0% 16.7% 44.4% Shopping Department stores Designer boutiques Hotel stores Swap meet / flea markets Discount / outlet stores Supermarkets Convenience stores Duty free store 92.4% 37.8% 47.3% 43.1% 19.7% 36.4% 64.4% 52.9% 3.9% 95.5% 40.8% 50.8% 43.7% 22.3% 38.5% 75.0% 56.0% 4.1% 88.1% 34.5% 43.1% 42.4% 16.2% 33.2% 50.3% 48.5% 3.6% 64.2% 6.3% 19.4% 26.1% 5.3% 13.7% 28.9% 35.3% 7.6% 92.6% 49.8% 46.9% 36.2% 25.5% 39.3% 67.2% 60.0% 6.3% 89.8% 48.6% 30.6% 27.1% 11.9% 26.1% 65.4% 36.0% 9.0% Culture Historic site Museum / art gallery Polynesian show / luau Art / craft fair Festival 72.1% 43.5% 26.8% 40.8% 17.7% 3.6% 70.8% 41.9% 29.8% 38.8% 20.5% 4.5% 74.3% 46.5% 22.9% 43.5% 14.7% 2.3% 33.0% 21.0% 9.5% 9.8% 1.5% 2.2% 72.4% 48.0% 28.2% 35.5% 18.8% 2.5% 61.8% 44.6% 21.0% 25.6% 11.0% 3.1% Transportation Trolley Public Bus Taxi / limousine Rental car 87.9% 1.7% 4.5% 9.1% 82.4% 91.6% 1.7% 4.2% 9.0% 87.7% 83.1% 1.6% 4.9% 10.0% 75.5% 47.8% 7.6% 4.4% 19.8% 22.1% 88.2% 2.7% 6.1% 11.8% 80.2% 84.1% 5.2% 10.8% 17.5% 69.7% NOTE: Percentages sum more than 100 percent due to multiple island visitation and multiple activities. SOURCE: Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism. 2004, Visitor Satisfaction & Activity Report. 208 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.4.2 EXCELLENT SATISFACTION RATINGS BY ISLAND, US AND JAPAN VISITORS Year State Maui Oahu Big Island Kauai U.S. Visitors 1998 2001 2002 2003 2004 68.0% 68.6% 69.3% 72.4% 68.2% 70.0% 69.4% 70.1% 73.6% 70.3% 65.0% 67.5% 57.7% 60.1% 55.8% 72.0% 70.4% 65.5% 65.1% 63.2% 70.0% 74.1% 75.5% 76.4% 73.3% Japan Vistors 1998 2001 2002 2003 2004 41.0% 53.9% 48.7% 52.0% 51.0% 38.0% 52.7% 51.9% 53.7% 53.0% 41.0% 55.4% 48.5% 55.1% 53.4% 35.0% 51.3% 55.6% 57.3% 57.7% 42.0% 39.8% 45.5% 41.6% 46.3% SOURCE: Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, 2004 Visitor Satisfaction & Activity Report. 10.4.3 MAUI COUNTY VISITATION DECISION TIMETABLE % OF TOTAL VISITORS BY MMA Island Total U.S. U.S. West U.S. East Japan Canada Europe Maui Decide before arrival in Hawaii Decide after arrival in Hawaii 95.3% 4.7% 94.4% 5.6% 96.0% 4.0% 90.3% 9.7% 95.4% 4.6% 86.2% 13.8% Molokai Decide before arrival in Hawaii Decide after arrival in Hawaii 52.7% 47.3% 51.5% 48.5% 52.7% 47.3% 49.7% 50.3% 65.7% 34.3% 57.0% 43.0% Lanai Decide before arrival in Hawaii Decide after arrival in Hawaii 54.9% 45.1% 47.8% 52.2% 59.2% 40.8% 76.6% 23.4% 66.3% 33.7% 70.3% 29.7% SOURCE: Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, 2004 Visitor Satisfaction & Activity Report. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 209 10.4.4 OVERALL ISLAND EXPERIENCE, MAUI COUNTY, ALL VISITOR CATEGORIES Experience U.S Total U.S. West U.S. East Japan Canada Europe Maui Island Excellent Above Average Below Average Poor 70.3% 25.8% 2.9% 1.0% 68.5% 27.5% 3.0% 1.1% 72.8% 23.6% 2.7% 0.8% 53.0% 43.1% 3.2% 0.7% 69.0% 26.9% 4.1% 0.0% 67.0% 28.8% 3.4% 0.8% Molokai Excellent Above Average Below Average Poor 57.8% 34.0% 6.4% 1.7% 58.8% 34.3% 3.9% 3.0% 56.5% 33.6% 9.8% 0.0% 49.7% 40.9% 9.4% 0.0% 31.6% 29.8% 29.6% 9.0% 44.0% 54.9% 1.1% 0.0% Lanai Excellent Above Average Below Average Poor 60.9% 34.5% 3.7% 0.9% 62.4% 31.8% 4.1% 1.7% 60.2% 36.6% 3.2% 0.0% 19.1% 80.9% 0.0% 0.0% 52.2% 34.7% 10.0% 3.2% 54.7% 39.1% 5.2% 1.0% SOURCE: Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism., 2004 Visitor Satisfaction & Activity Report. 210 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.4.5 VISITORS BY INCOME LEVEL, BY MMA, MAUI COUNTY Income Under $15,000 $15,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $29,999 $30,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $39,999 $40,000 - $44,999 $45,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $69,999 $70,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $124,999 $125,000 - $149,999 $150,000 or more Total U.S. U.S. West 0.6% 2.7% 1.6% 2.3% 2.1% 2.6% 3.6% 13.8% 23.7% 15.7% 8.8% 22.5% 0.4% 3.3% 1.7% 1.8% 2.4% 2.4% 2.7% 13.5% 23.6% 15.6% 8.4% 24.0% U.S. East Canada Europe 1 0.8% 1.8% 1.7% 3.1% 1.9% 2.9% 4.8% 14.3% 23.5% 16.2% 9.2% 19.8% 1.3% 3.1% 3.0% 1.1% 3.5% 4.1% 2.8% 15.7% 21.6% 14.7% 8.5% 20.6% 2.5% 6.5% 4.0% 3.8% 3.2% 5.1% 4.8% 15.4% 21.5% 12.2% 5.5% 15.6% Japan 10,000 Japanese Yen Under 150 150 - 249.999 250 - 299.999 300 - 349.999 350 - 399.999 400 - 449.999 450 - 499.999 500 - 699.999 700 - 999.999 1,000 - 1,249.999 1,250 - 1,499.999 1,500 or more 1 4.3% 2.7% 3.2% 6.8% 4.9% 3.0% 4.4% 13.5% 27.9% 11.2% 6.7% 11.5% In U.S. Dollars SOURCE: Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, 2004 Visitor Satisfaction & Activity Report. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 211 10.5.1 ATTENDANCE AT MUSEUMS AND OTHER CULTURAL ATTRACTIONS, MAUI COUNTY Calendar year unless otherwise specified Island and Cultural Attraction 2001 2002 2003 2004 31,004 NA 17,009 41,003 NA 33,386 NA 16,114 NA NA 32,818 NA NA NA NA 35,483 NA NA NA NA Kula Botanical Gardens Lahaina Restoration Foundation Baldwin Missionary Home Museum Brig Carthaginian2 Hale Pa’ahao (Old Lahaina Prison) Hale Pa’i Printing House Wo Hing Temple Museum 24,200 210,349 45,106 39,476 29,877 3,184 92,706 27,050 154,898 37,438 19,343 24,632 2,101 71,384 26,030 143,341 35,282 27,834 2,416 77,809 26,175 148,784 40,927 28,536 3,068 76,253 Maui Historical Society Bailey House Museum Maui Ocean Center Maui Tropical Plantation Whaler’s Village Museum 11,681 NA NA 177,024 12,780 NA NA 186,508 12,003 NA NA 176,495 12,651 417,386 NA 178,906 8,956 14,178 9,791 9,122 Maui Alexander & Baldwin Sugar Museum Halekii-Pihana Heiaus State Monument1 Hana Cultural Center (Hale Wai Wai O Hana) Hawaii Nature Center Iao Valley State Monument1 Molokai Kalaupapa Settlement NA: Not available, open. 1 Years ending June 30. 2 Closed permanently. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, Research and Economic Analysis Division, State of Hawaii Data Book 2004, Table 7.40; and records. 212 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.5.2 NATIONAL AND STATE HISTORIC SITES, MAUI COUNTY 2002 Total Maui County Maui Kahoolawe Lanai Molokai Listed Hawaii Register only Listed National Register only Listed both Hawaii and National Register Eligible for National Register1 31 4 31 1 – 1 – – – – 2 – 41 10 40 2 72 15 73 3 Total sites 67 1 2 93 16 1 Sites declared eligible for National Register listing by the National Board. SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Division, records, 2004. 10.5.3 NATIONAL, STATE AND COUNTY PARKS, MAUI COUNTY Parks 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2 28,991 1,736,160 2 28,991 1,503,068 2 39,747 1,610,996 2 40,747 1,502,640 2 40,747 1,517,274 State Parks & Historic Sites2 Number of areas Acreage Visits (1,000) 10 566 1,921 10 566 1,747 10 566 1,522 10 566 1,553r 9 566 NA County Parks Number of areas Acreage 143 1,198 143 1,198 150r 1,307r 150 1,307 NA NA National Parks1 Number of areas Acreage Visits NA: Not available. r: Revised from previous Data Book 1 As of December 31. 2 As of June 30. SOURCES: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Public Use Statistics Office, acreage and visitation reports, Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of State Parks, records. County data compiled by the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism from data provided by county parks and recreation departments. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 213 10.5.4 PARK MAINTENANCE, MAUI COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Performance Measures: FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 1,678 1,632 239 95% 1,937 1,921 262 95% 2,046 1,998 302 95% 132 1,229 73 420 4,124 286 133 1,334 58 466 3,852 291 136 1,342 61 114 4,784 226 1,946 1,938 325 96% 132 136 1,342 58 157 4,892 274 Total number of repair requests Completed repair requests Emergency requests Percentage of emergency requests responded to within 24 hours Completed projects Inventory of parks (does not include Waiehu Golf Course) Park acres (does not include Waiehu Golf Course) Additional street trees planted Additional park trees planted Number of park trees trimmed by contractors Number of park trees trimmed in-house SOURCE: Office of the Mayor, Budget Office, County Budgets 2001-2004. 10.5.5 SEAWEED REMOVAL FROM MAUI BEACHES Item Seaweed removal - tons collected Seaweed removal - complaints received Seaweed removal - cost per ton to pick up FY2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 5,406 28 $16.38 3,128 46 $14.71 2,101 2 $29.24 3,500 2 $30.00 2,800 2 $29.70 SOURCE: Office of the Mayor, Budget Office, County Budgets 2002-2006. 214 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.6.1 SEATING CAPACITIES OF SELECTED FACILITIES, MAUI COUNTY Facility Capacity Stadiums, Auditoriums and Gymnasiums War Memorial Complex Track & Football Stadium Baseball Stadium Gym Kamehameha School Stadium Kamehameha Middle School Gym Kamehameha High School Gym Maui High Gym Baldwin High Auditorium Seabury Hall Gym Wailuku Gym Civic Centers and Theaters Iao Theater Lahaina Civic Center Convention Hall Maui Academy of Performing Arts Maui Arts & Cultural Center Ampitheater Castle Theater Gallery Theater Stage McCoy Theater Community Hall Classroom C Mayor Eddie Tam Memorial Center Mayor Eddie Tam Hall Hannibal Tavares Community Center Kihei Community Center (new) Wailuku Community Center Kahului Community Center Haiku Community Center Paia Community Center Kula Community Center Upcountry Community Center Upcountry Community Center (2 halls each) Kalama Park Extension Mitchell Pauole Center Maui Community College Student Center Lounge Churches First Assembly of God Maui (Puunene Avenue) First Assembly of God (Kane Street) St. Anthony Church Makawao Union Church First Assembly of God Maui (Kula) Makawao Union Church Hall First Assembly of God Maui (Molokai) Iao Congregational Iao Congregational Hall St. John Episcopal Church St. John Episcopal Church Hall Trinity Episcopal Church by the Sea 6,000 1,200 2,996 2,200 700 1,800 2,000 1,183 400 600 400 4,050 60 4,000 1,200 400 400 300 230 160 1,500 380 559 500 500 200 178 230 180 556 96 250 246 100 2,000 500 500 350 250 200 200 175 100 100 200 100 SOURCE: Officials of the facilities. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 215 10.7.1 DOG LICENSES ISSUED, BY ISLAND Year State Total Maui1,2 Lanai Molokai Oahu Hawaii Kauai 1993 1994 1995 27,586 29,010 28,442 2,427 3,171 1,446 26 26 82 46 57 48 20,081 19,485 20,030 4,006 4,099 4,911 1,000 2,172 1,925 1996 1997 1998 30,376 28,395 28,645 699 1,378 649 32 33 35 58 80 83 21,245 19,713 19,861 5,381 5,871 5,777 2,961 1,320 2,240 1999 2000 2001 28,245 26,560 31,068 4,473r 4,587r 4,285r 29 57 (NA) 84 25 (NA) 20,039 20,066 18,761 6,311 5,627 5,919 1,201 785 2,103 2002 2003 2004 27,115 29,519 NA 4,420r 2,901 3,977 50 12 45 30 47 32 17,752 16,673 NA 6,809 6,786 8,085 1,848 3,100 1,942 NA: Not available. 1 Beginning in January 1995, the number of registrations issued by the animal shelter was not included in the count. Therefore, the figures for 1995-1999 were affected by this change. 2 From year 2000 Maui County reported data in fiscal year, in 2001 Maui County reported 674 licenses issued which includes Lanai and Molokai figures and animal shelter data obtained for the same period were 3,611. SOURCE: Compiled by the Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism from the County Departments of Finance; Hawaiian Humane Society (for Oahu, 1995-2003); and Maui Humane Society (for Maui in 2000-2004). 216 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 10.7.2 ANIMAL ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSITIONS, MAUI HUMANE SOCIETY, MAUI ISLAND Period July 2003 - Jan. 2004 Acquisitions & Disspositions Dogs Percent Cats Percent Other Percent Area Upcountry Hana Kihei Kahului Wailuku Lahaina Left at Shelter Cremations Total 453 93 167 133 238 96 384 290 1,854 24% 5% 9% 7% 13% 5% 21% 16% 100% 592 36 369 351 439 451 367 138 2,743 22% 1% 13% 13% 16% 16% 13% 5% 100% Acquisitions All Areas Strays Owner turn ins Total 979 875 1,854 53% 47% 100% 1,919 824 2,743 70% 30% 100% 437 270 707 62% 38% 100% Dispositions Reclaim by Owner Cremation DOA Not Adoptable Total Available for Adoption 376 290 34 407 747 20% 16% 2% 22% 40% 85 138 194 1,590 723 3% 5% 7% 58% 26% 5 10 290 423 1% 0% 1% 41% 60% Adoptable Dispositions Adopted Adoptable Euthanized Total 394 353 747 53% 47% 100% 437 286 723 60% 40% 100% 150 273 423 35% 65% 100% SOURCE: Maui Humane Society, records. Maui County Data Book 2005 Visitor Industry & Recreation 217 10.7.3 MAUI HUMANE SOCIETY CALL SLIPS AND CITATIONS ISSUED (Period July 2003 - Jan. 2004) Call Slips Lease Law No Tax Barking Cruelty/Neglect Home Inspection Injured Animals Large animal trespass Spay/Neuter Reclaims Abandonment Vicious Dog recheck Dog to Dog Bites Dog to Human Bites Dog to Other Bites Pickup/Deliver/misc Stray Dog pick up DOA’s Stray Cat Pick up Pick up Police Reports, license Other Animal Pick up Total Citations Issued UpCountry Hana Kihei Kahului Wailuku Lahaina Total Number Percent 1,226 208 183 597 364 80 4 3 21 54 24 45 3 446 295 315 603 137 5 4,613 27% 5% 4% 13% 8% 2% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 0% 10% 6% 7% 13% 3% 0% 100% Number Percent 100 7 51 29 58 30 275 36% 3% 19% 11% 21% 11% 100% SOURCE: Maui Humane Society, records. 218 Visitor Industry & Recreation Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade Section 11 DOMESTIC TRADE This final section covers data on manufactures, service establishments, professional firms, retail trade, industrial parks and the general excise tax base. Also included is a list of Maui County’s largest private corporations. The largest private corporation based in Maui is Maui Land & Pineapple with 1,240 employees, and sales of $153 million in 2004. Maui County is moving into the high technology development phase, with a public-private partnership working to develop the Maui Research & Technology Park at Kihei to support emerging high technology business. 220 Domestic Trade Maui County Data Book 2005 11.1.1 MANUFACTURING MAUI COUNTY AND STATE OF HAWAII Includes operating manufacturing establishments and auxiliaries MAUI COUNTY 2002 All All Establishments Total (number) With 20 employees or more (number) Food STATE OF HAWII All Food 93 8 34 4 929 157 259 54 All Employees Number Payroll ($1,000) 1,491 50,232 1,159 36,512 13,200 421,269 5,224 145,699 Production Workers Number Hours (1,000) Wages ($1,000) 1,141 2,204 35,640 932 1,791 27,631 8,865 16,837 254,713 3,597 6,693 90,162 Value Added by Manufacture ($1,000) 157,060 116,228 1,217,728 478,098 Cost of Materials ($1,000) 113,889 87,711 2,246,539 427,972 Value of Shipments ($1,000) 270,556 204,002 3,460,199 908,464 16,574 10,872 82,960 26,914 Total Capital Expenditures ($1,000) SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2002 Economic Census. Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade 221 11.1.2 INDUSTRIAL PARKS, ISLAND OF MAUI Size Location Types of industries Maui Research & Technology Park 330 acres Kihei High technology Kahului Industrial Area 200 acres Kahului Light industrial and commercial Maui Business Park 75 acres Kahului Light industrial and commercial Wailuku Industrial Park 55 acres Wailuku Construction base yard, trucking, commercial Millyard Subdivision 30 acres Wailuku Light industry and business commercial Kihei Gateway 30 acres Kihei Light industrial and commercial Lahaina Industrial Park 10 acres Lahaina Commercial MILLYARD INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION WAILUKU INDUSTRIAL PARK KAHULUI INDUSTRIAL AREA KAPALUA MAUI BUSINESS PARK 36 KAANAPALI WAILUKU KAHULUI LAHAINA 37 380 30 350 30 KULA 377 378 HANA KIHEI 37 KIHEI GATEWAY WAILEA 31 LAHAINA INDUSTRIAL PARK (Wili Ko Subdivision) MAUI RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Directory of Industrial and Technology Parks, 1991. 222 Domestic Trade Maui County Data Book 2004 Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade 223 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 31,336,665 6,800 607,000 26,281,200 18,410,800 209,382,400 25,449,200 61,979,800 373,473,865 94,902,666 73,000 2,900,400 29,412,400 21,927,400 328,986,000 30,991,200 183,129,000 692,322,066 41,309,334 147,600 2,376,000 28,193,200 27,228,200 367,046,000 37,430,000 233,743,000 737,473,334 121,564,668 57,400 2,210,000 25,924,400 29,517,200 384,273,200 38,642,600 224,557,800 826,747,268 59,276,000 82,000 1,978,400 23,407,000 29,829,600 358,084,800 47,747,000 216,882,000 737,286,800 63,635,334 40,400 4,091,600 23,037,600 37,399,400 365,772,200 50,574,800 172,571,600 717,122,934 108,120,666 11,400 1,535,400 20,054,400 29,042,400 386,196,400 45,863,000 273,048,400 863,872,066 1,984,029,908 2,107,855,340 3,429,513,941 3,821,177,209 3,941,552,993 3,785,156,650 4,107,698,034 4,561,331,241 29,943,333 85,400 265,400 21,713,000 17,607,400 191,297,600 26,346,200 42,011,800 329,270,133 SOURCE: Hawaii State Department of Taxation, General Excise and Use Tax Base, Calendar Years 1997 to 2004 (annual). NOTES: This report is on cash basis accounting and reflects tax bases only for allocated collections. The base for unallocated net collections cannot be determined due to differing tax rates which may be applicable. Unallocated collections as percent of total collections: 1995 and before <=5%, 1996=20.7%, 1997=35.3%, 1998=36.3% and 1999=8.4% when the Department of Taxation altered its general excise tax reporting procedures. (Unallocated net collections 2000=5.8%.) The unallocated net collections category includes amounts resulting from collections from electronic fund payments (apparently causing its rise from 1996 to 1998), penalty and interest, assessments and corrections, delinquent collections, refunds, protested payments and settlements, etc. This table will understate the general excise tax base in Maui County for the above reason and also because many businesses operating statewide locate their head office in Honolulu, so all their income is attributed to that county rather than among each county in which they operate. GRAND TOTAL Insurance Solicitors Sugar Processing Pineapple Canning Producing Manufacturing Wholesaling Services (Intermediary) Use (1/2%) SUB-TOTAL Retailing 621,260,750 649,032,400 1,200,011,150 1,357,279,775 1,363,859,275 1,288,265,075 1,416,929,475 1,606,066,500 Services 315,540,900 328,849,125 404,622,650 445,827,275 480,773,575 497,605,975 538,502,100 581,463,850 Contracting 161,468,800 193,365,375 259,711,650 326,777,275 360,568,625 364,438,350 425,070,200 452,890,850 Theater, Amusements, Radio, etc. 5,757,150 6,518,225 15,984,275 16,659,825 19,942,250 20,309,700 21,195,600 21,525,925 Interest 7,568,225 7,794,250 11,002,075 12,191,625 16,204,050 18,674,475 18,889,650 14,142,100 Commissions 53,701,225 64,093,175 82,441,600 102,188,000 108,053,925 105,181,525 135,367,700 149,889,375 Hotel Rentals 219,644,400 192,012,700 332,734,900 373,941,925 318,051,550 321,252,400 359,701,525 400,577,025 All Other Rentals 189,527,750 206,840,275 272,953,600 284,930,450 291,789,000 289,637,275 301,241,100 295,148,025 Use (4%) 6,608,975 9,585,650 32,232,375 44,145,100 36,581,075 25,138,275 45,193,250 41,583,950 All Others (4%) 73,681,600 76,290,300 125,497,600 119,762,625 118,982,400 117,366,800 128,484,500 134,171,575 SUB-TOTAL 1,654,759,775 1,734,381,475 2,737,191,875 3,083,703,875 3,114,805,725 3,047,869,850 3,390,575,100 3,697,459,175 1997 GENERAL EXCISE TAX BASE, MAUI COUNTY 11.2.1 11.2.2 RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS WITH EMPLOYEES BY TYPE AND LOCATION Based on primary North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code and zip code 2003 Establishment Type Location / Number Location / Number Motor vehicle & parts dealers (NAICS 441—) Kahului 24 Makawao Kihei 3 Wailuku Lahaina 5 2 10 Location / Number Kaunakakai Lanai City 2 2 Lahaina Wailuku 7 5 Wailuku 3 Totals Maui subtotal Total 44 48 Total 38 Total 28 Building material & garden equipment & supplies dealers (NAICS 444—) Haiku 1 Kula 2 Hoolehua 1 Hana 1 Lahaina 5 Kaunakakai 2 Kahului 22 Makawao 1 Lanai City 1 Kihei 2 Wailuku 5 Maui subtotal Total 39 43 Food & beverage stores (NAICS 445—) Haiku 4 Lahaina Kahului 21 Makawao Kihei 10 Wailuku Kula 1 18 5 13 Kaunakakai Kualapuu Lanai City 6 1 3 Maui subtotal Total 72 82 Health & personal care stores (NAICS 446—) Haiku 1 Lahaina Kahului 17 Makawao Kihei 5 20 1 Wailuku Kaunakakai 4 1 Maui subtotal Total 48 49 Maui subtotal Total 36 39 Furniture & home furnishing stores (NAICS 442—) Haiku 1 Kihei 5 Kahului 19 Kula 1 Electronics & appliance stores (NAICS 443—) Kahului 12 Kula Kihei 7 Lahaina Gasoline stations (NAICS 447—) Haiku 2 Kula Kahului 12 Lahaina Kihei 5 Wailuku 224 1 5 1 10 6 Kaunakakai Lanai City Domestic Trade 2 1 Maui County Data Book 2005 11.2.2 CONTINUED 2003 Establishment Type Location Number Location Clothing & clothing accessories stores (NAICS 448—) Haiku 1 Kula 1 Kahului 40 Lahaina 128 Kihei 50 Makawao 4 Number Wailuku Kaunakakai Lanai City 8 3 1 Sporting goods, hobby, book & music stores (NAICS 451—) Kahului 20 Makawao 3 Kalaupapa Kihei 9 Wailuku 8 Kaunakakai Lahaina 14 1 1 General merchandise stores (NAICS 452—) Haiku 1 Kihei Hana 1 Lahaina Kahului 8 Makawao Miscellaneous store retailers (NAICS 453—) Hana 3 Lahaina Kahului 20 Makawao Kihei 27 Wailuku Kula 4 Nonstore retailers (NAICS 454—) Kahului 3 Kula Kihei 1 Wailuku 2 2 2 Wailuku Kaunakakai Lanai City 1 4 1 78 9 9 Kaunakakai Maunaloa Lanai City 1 1 2 Hoolehua Lanai City 1 1 2 1 Totals Maui subtotal Total 232 236 Maui subtotal Total 54 56 Maui subtotal Total 17 22 Maui subtotal Total 150 154 Maui subtotal Total 7 9 Grand Total 804 NOTE: Pukalani combined with Makawao, and Puunene combined with Kahului. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Zip Code Business Patterns 2003. Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade 225 11.2.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR SHOPPING CENTERS, MAUI COUNTY Location Stores Year Built/ Last Renovated Gross Leasable Area Queen Kaahumanu Center Maui Marketplace Maui Mall The Shops At Wailea Piilani Shopping Center Kahului Kahului Kahului Kahului Kihei 87 23 50 100 30 1972/1995 1997 1971/1995 2000 2000 572,896 317,000 182,000 160,000 150,000 Lahaina Center Factory Stores Wailuku Shopping Center Lahaina Cannery Mall Kahului Shopping Center Whalers Village Lahaina Wailuku Lahaina Kahului Lahaina NA NA 55 35 37 1990 NA 1987/1999 1951/1960 1971 150,000 134,557 128,000 112,066 79,000 Lahaina Shopping Center [unnamed] Kahana Gateway Whaler’s Market Place In Lahaina Lahaina Square Lahaina Lahaina Lahaina Lahaina Lahaina 21 NA NA 46 25 1995 1997 1990 1974 1973 77,000 74,000 58,902 56,165 52,000 The Wharf Lipoa Center Kukui Mall Pioneer Inn Dickenson Square Lahaina Kihei Kihei Lahaina Lahaina 56 NA NA 13 NA 1978/1987 1989/1991 1987 NA NA 50,000 42,309 40,073 35,632 23,500 Kealia Beach Center Banyan Inn Marketplace Kai Nani Village Pukalani Square Napili Plaza West Maui Center Kihei Lahaina Kihei Pukalani Lahaina Lahaina NA 9 14 NA NA NA 1983 1975 1975 1986 NA NA 20,350 20,028 13,878 6,600 NA NA SOURCE: National Research Bureau, 2002 database supplied to Claritas, Inc. 226 Domestic Trade Maui County Data Book 2005 11.2.4 SUMMARY OF RETAIL TRADE BY BUSINESS GROUP WITH EMPLOYEES, MAUI COUNTY Sales in thousands of dollars 2002 Establishments Sales ($1,000) Employees 816 1,772,473 9,201 198,794 Retail trade (NAICS 44-45) Annual Payroll ($1,000) Automobile dealers (NAICS 4411—) Other motor vehicle dealers (NAICS 4412—) Automotive parts, accessories & tire stores (NAICS 4413—) Furniture stores (NAICS 4421—) Home furnishings stores (NAICS 4422—) 13 8 D 10,989 250-499 39 D 1,270 27 16 20 D 18,703 20,557 100-249 85 139 D 2,832 3,858 Electronics & appliance stores (NAICS 4431—) Building material & supplies dealers (NAICS 4441—) Lawn & garden equip & supplies stores (NAICS 4442—) Grocery stores (NAICS 4451—) Specialty food stores (NAICS 4452—) 22 35 8 68 15 19,569 111,213 10,977 346,405 D 128 500 43 1,721 100-249 2,526 13,106 1,096 36,070 D Health & personal care stores (NAICS 4461—) Gasoline stations (NAICS 4471—) Clothing stores (NAICS 4481—) Shoe stores (NAICS 4482—) Jewelry, luggage & leather goods stores (NAICS 4483—) 51 38 132 19 78 111,463 109,984 181,246 12,448 65,267 652 501 1,411 110 416 12,430 9,254 22,708 1,582 11,144 Sporting goods, hobby, musical instrument stores (NAICS 4511—) Book, periodical & music stores (NAICS 4512—) Department stores (NAICS 4521—) Other general merchandise stores (NAICS 4529—) Florists (NAICS 4531—) Office supplies, stationery & gift stores (NAICS 4532—) 36 18 4 16 14 97 33,558 17,188 D D D D 317 149 500-999 250-499 20-99 250-499 4,937 2,741 D D D D Used merchandise stores (NAICS 4533—) Other miscellaneous store retailers (NAICS 4539—) Nonstore retailers (NAICS 454—) 12 53 12 D 41,958 19,228 100-249 289 106 D 7,297 2,677 D: Withheld to avoid disclosing data of individual companies; data are included in higher level totals. SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2002 Economic Census. Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade 227 11.2.5 MERCHANDISE LINE SALES OF RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS WITH PAYROLL, FOR THE STATE, OAHU AND THE REST OF THE STATE Merchandise Line NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS State Rest of Total Oahu State TOTAL Retail Trade1 Groceries and other food items Meals and snacks Packaged liquor, wine, & beer Cigars, cigarettes, & tobacco Drugs, health aids, & beauty aids Soaps, detergents, & household cleaners Paper and related products Men’s wear Women’s, juniors’, & misses’ wear Children’s wear Footwear (including accessories) Sewing, knitting, & needlework goods Curtains, draperies, and dry goods Major household appliances Small electric appliances Televisions, video equipment/tapes Audio equipment, musical instruments Furniture & sleep equipment Flooring & floor coverings Computer hardware, software, & supplies Kitchenware and homefurnishings Jewelry Books Photographic equipment & supplies Toys, hobby goods, & games Optical goods Sporting goods Hardware, tools, plumbing, & elect. suppl. Lawn and garden equipment Lumber, millwork, building materials Paint & related preservatives & supplies Wallpaper & other flexible wallcoverings Cars, vans, trucks, powered vehicles Automotive fuels Automotive lubricants (oil, greases, etc) Automotive tires, batteries, accessories Household fuels (oil, LP gas, wood, & coal) Pets, pet foods, & pet supplies All other merchandise Unclassified merchandise Nonmerchandise receipts 5,088 1,298 430 743 976 1,035 547 634 931 1,113 511 773 154 185 106 180 217 320 214 94 112 609 1,056 404 247 453 278 406 385 449 168 153 14 96 380 590 483 44 341 1,749 754 958 3,269 819 260 465 594 621 345 383 548 708 285 458 109 112 62 117 143 219 123 54 81 359 661 260 161 312 189 239 225 274 86 71 7 60 241 348 293 14 205 1,091 447 586 1,819 479 170 278 382 414 202 251 383 405 226 315 45 73 44 63 74 101 91 40 31 250 395 144 86 141 89 167 160 175 82 82 7 36 139 242 190 30 136 658 307 372 SALES ($1,000) State Total Oahu Rest of State 11,317,752 1,910,787 119,935 280,830 193,535 776,494 95,687 117,699 468,259 936,203 139,497 298,683 21,438 63,319 92,644 30,988 67,820 119,940 125,314 60,348 124,338 132,298 498,437 89,691 33,259 116,057 45,595 163,942 294,216 150,684 204,318 71,393 596 1,274,548 538,555 39,541 312,323 34,238 64,066 699,275 193,773 316,673 8,264,716 1,263,171 87,075 187,484 131,361 575,064 63,240 83,618 362,435 784,649 102,878 249,530 13,077 42,421 60,999 22,220 50,461 95,304 95,291 42,942 116,881 96,102 404,117 64,338 24,219 89,859 35,890 117,948 210,819 76,180 141,276 46,514 254 1,005,722 331,662 26,967 211,064 20,173 46,536 528,980 116,402 239,551 3,053,036 647,616 32,860 93,346 62,174 201,430 32,447 34,081 105,824 151,554 36,619 49,153 8,361 20,898 31,645 8,768 17,359 24,636 30,023 17,406 7,457 36,196 94,320 25,353 9,040 26,198 9,705 45,994 83,397 74,504 63,042 24,879 342 268,826 206,893 12,574 101,259 14,065 17,530 170,295 77,371 77,122 1 Because some establishments carry more than one merchandise line, the number of establishments for each line will not add to the indicated totals. X: Not applicable. SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1997 Economic Census CD-ROM Vol. 1, Release 1F. 228 Domestic Trade Maui County Data Book 2005 11.2.6 COMMERCIAL LEASE RENTS, MAUI ISLAND YEAR 2005 Location RANGE PER SQUARE FOOT PER MONTH Retail Office Warehouse $2.50 to $5.00 $2.00 to $5.00 $1.25 to $2.25 $11.00 to $35.00 1 NA $1.50 to $1.75 $1.50 to $2.00 $1.50 to $2.50 NA NA $1.25 to $1.85 NA Kihei $2.50 to $3.00+ $1.45 to $2.00 $1.25 to $1.45 Wailuku $1.04 to $2.00 $1.15 to $2.50 $0.95 to $1.10 Kahului $2.50 to $3.00 $1.75 to $2.20 $1.00 to $1.15 Common area charges (in addition to rent, per square foot rented, all areas): $0.30 to $1.92 $0.40 to $0.95 $0.20 to $0.50 West Maui: Lahaina Shopping Centers Off Front Street Industrial Area Front Street NOTE: Retail rents on Front Street, Lahaina and some other areas are usually a base rent against a percentage of 8% to 12% of gross receipts. The tenant pays whichever is higher (but not both). 1 Small areas under 500 SF rent more on a minimum price than a per square foot basis. SOURCE: Lowson and Associates and Felicon Enterprises, records. Current property listings can be found at www.mauicommercial.com, sponsored by members of the Commercial Round Table of Maui. Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade 229 11.3.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS WITH EMPLOYEES BY SECTOR, MAUI COUNTY Excludes government employees, agricultural production workers and self-employed persons Number of Industry Establishments1 Forestry, fishing, hunting, and agriculture support 5 Mining 2 Utilities 10 Construction 420 Building, developing & general contracting 153 Heavy construction 17 Special trade contractors 250 Manufacturing 95 Food manufacturing 33 Beverage & tobacco product manufacturing 3 Textile product mills 3 Apparel manufacturing 3 Leather and allied product manufacturing 1 Wood product manufacturing 2 Printing & related support activities 13 Chemical manufacturing 6 Plastics & rubber products manufacturing 2 Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing 7 Fabricated metal product manufacturing 2 Machinery manufacturing 1 Computer & electronic product manufacturing 1 Furniture & related product manufacturing 3 Miscellaneous manufacturing 15 Wholesale trade 167 Wholesale trade, durable goods 69 Wholesale trade, nondurable goods 92 Wholesale electronic markets & agents and brokers 6 Retail trade 826 Motor vehicle & parts dealers 46 Furniture & home furnishing stores 35 Electronics & appliance stores 19 Bldg material & garden equip & supp dealers 44 Food & beverage stores 92 Health & personal care stores 48 Gasoline stations 38 Clothing & clothing accessories stores 243 Sporting goods, hobby, book & music stores 52 General merchandise stores 21 Miscellaneous store retailers 174 Nonstore retailers 14 Transportation & warehousing 130 Air transportation 10 Water transportation 6 Truck transportation 25 Transit & ground passenger transportation 17 Scenic & sightseeing transportation 48 Transportation support activities 14 230 Domestic Trade Number of Employees2 0-19 20-99 250-499 3,183 1,034 149 2,000 1,464 1,062 20-99 0-19 8 0-19 20-99 93 20-99 0-19 100-249 0-19 0-19 0-19 11 26 1,461 418 1,012 31 9,469 682 214 120 569 2,052 545 515 1,912 545 1,205 1,058 52 2,778 500-999 20-99 410 321 892 144 Annual Payroll ($1,000) D D D 125,988 40,598 6,256 79,134 45,803 31,114 D D 126 D D 2,442 D D D D D D 257 596 53,429 16,113 36,743 573 218,149 31,929 6,675 2,639 16,111 40,447 14,568 9,602 37,267 8,576 28,119 20,275 1,941 75,417 D D 12,247 4,505 21,908 6,057 Maui County Data Book 2005 11.3.1 CONTINUED Industry Number of Establishments1 Couriers & messengers Warehousing and Stroage Information Publishing industries Motion picture & sound recording industries Broadcasting & telecommunications Internet Publishing and Broadcasting Telecommunications Internet Ser. Providers, Web & Data Services Other Information Services Finance & insurance Credit intermediation & related activities Security, commodity contracts & like activity Insurance carriers & related activities Real estate Real estate Rental & leasing services Lessors of other nonfinancial intangible asset Professional, scientific & technical services Management of companies & enterprises Admin, support, waste mgt, remediation services Administrative & support services Waste management & remediation services Educational services Health care and social assistance Ambulatory health care services Hospitals Nursing & residential care facilities Social assistance Arts, entertainment & recreation Performing arts, sports, & related industries Museums, historical sites & like institutions Amusement, gambling & recreation industries Accommodation & food services Accommodation Food services & drinking places Other services (except public administration) Repair & maintenance Personal & laundry services Religious, grantmaking, civic, prof & like org. Unclassified establishments Total 8 2 81 24 16 6 1 21 12 1 143 89 19 35 282 204 77 1 335 14 256 242 14 72 346 257 4 14 71 107 31 13 63 486 81 405 419 77 97 245 7 4,203 Number of Employees2 100-249 20-99 768 229 163 120 0-19 184 67 0-19 832 632 67 133 2,154 1,202 500-999 0-19 1,557 225 3,402 3,273 129 747 4,996 2,104 500-999 500-999 1,249 1,760 650 189 921 19,553 10,815 8,738 2,607 368 777 1,462 0-19 57,337 Annual Payroll ($1,000) D D 27,491 10,558 2,103 3,583 D 9,022 2,173 D 34,501 26,214 3,226 5,061 66,931 42,734 D D 50,989 9,741 77,477 74,206 3,271 16,976 178,804 95,509 D D 25,936 36,400 13,229 3,848 19,323 476,862 348,428 128,434 56,343 10,029 15,198 31,116 D 1,575,874 1 Data refer to establishments in business at anytime during the year. For week including March 12. A range for the number of employees may be given to avoid disclosing data for individual companies. D: Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies. 2 SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, County Business Patterns 2003. Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade 231 11.3.2 CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS BY SECTOR, FOR EMPLOYERS AND NONEMPLOYERS, MAUI COUNTY. Establishments Establishments with Employees Non-Employer Industry Total Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, and Agriculture Support Mining Utilities Construction Construction of Buildings Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction Specialty Trade Contractors Manufacturing Food Manufacturing Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing Textile Product Mills Apparel Manufacturing Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing Wood Product Manufacturing Printing and Related Support Activities Chemical Manufacturing Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing Machinery Manufacturing Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing Miscellaneous Manufacturing Wholesale Trade Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods Wholesale Electronic Markets and Agents and Brokers Retail Trade Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers Furniture and Home Furnishings Stores Electronics and Appliance Stores Building Material, Garden Equipment & Supply Dealers Food and Beverage Stores Health and Personal Care Stores Gasoline Stations Clothing and Clothing Accessories Stores Sporting Goods, Hobby, Book, and Music Stores General Merchandise Stores Miscellaneous Store Retailers Nonstore Retailers Transportation and Warehousing Air Transportation Water Transportation Truck Transportation Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation Support Activities for Transportation Couriers and Messengers Warehousing and Storage 232 Domestic Trade 4,203 5 2 10 420 153 17 250 95 33 3 3 3 1 2 13 6 2 7 2 1 1 3 15 167 69 92 6 826 46 35 19 44 92 48 38 243 52 21 174 14 130 10 6 25 17 48 14 8 2 Gross Receipts Non-Employer ($1,000) 12,526 246 D D 1,136 282 31 823 336 36 552,360 3,862 D D 74,260 31,647 3,856 38,757 16,900 3,553 40 960 D D D D 27 D D D 25 120 344 179 D D 1,051 29 24 D D 35 41 D 115 55 D 243 464 260 11 D D 148 14 D D D D D D D 1,783 D D D 1,875 4,534 18,167 9,375 D D 58,075 2,477 3,087 D D 3,735 843 D 11,507 4,467 D 17,933 10,039 9,257 345 D D 3,631 1,011 D D D Maui County Data Book 2005 11.3.2 CONTINUED Establishments Establishments with Employees Non-Employer Industry Information Publishing Industries (except Internet) Motion Picture and Sound Recording Industries Broadcasting (except Internet) Internet Publishing and Broadcasting Telecommunications Internet Providers, Web Portals, & Data Proc. Ser. Other Information Services Finance and Insurance Credit Intermediation and Related Activities Securities, Commodity, Financial Invs. Insurance Carriers and Related Activities Real Estate and Rental and Leasing Real Estate Rental and Leasing Services Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Management of Companies and Enterprises Admin, Waste Management and Remediation Services Administrative and Support Services Waste Management and Remediation Services Educational Services Health Care and Social Assistance Ambulatory Health Care Services Hospitals Nursing and Residential Care Facilities Social Assistance Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related Industries Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar Institutions Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation Industries Accommodation and Food Services Accommodation Food Services and Drinking Places Other Services (except Public Administration) Repair and Maintenance Personal and Laundry Services Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Prof, & like Org. Unclassified 81 24 16 6 1 21 12 1 143 89 19 35 282 204 77 1 335 14 256 242 14 72 346 257 4 14 71 107 31 13 63 486 81 405 419 77 97 245 7 Gross Receipts Non-Employer ($1,000) 152 45 63 D D D D 14 233 44 78 111 1,606 1,533 D D 1,535 5,771 2,793 1,825 D D D D 677 34,391 3,174 26,942 4,275 110,828 105,715 D D 54,756 1,033 D D 195 860 588 26,575 D D 4,047 26,283 21,202 43 229 1,082 889 1,216 3,865 36,585 19,231 238 74 164 2,204 617 1,506 81 14,895 5,798 9,097 57,377 19,997 35,665 1,715 D: Withheld to avoid disclosing data of individual companies; data are included in higher totals. SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, County Business Patters 2003 and Nonemployer Statistics 2003. Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade 233 11.3.3 LARGEST PRIVATE CORPORATIONS, MAUI COUNTY State Rank Sales ($ million) Company 2005 2004 2004 2003 Employees Maui Land & Pineapple Co. Inc. TS Restaurants of Hawaii & Calif. Valley Isle Motors Ltd. West Maui Resort Partners LP VIP Foodservice Dorvin D. Leis Co. Inc. Maui Petroleum Inc. Maui Toyota MINIT STOP Stores Hale Makua Maui Medical Group Inc. Wailea Golf LLC Maui Clothing Co. Inc. 47 76 96 102 120 145 158 163 172 215 236 246 247 40 74 84 156 129 144 175 177 186 212 242 240 NR 153.2 96.7 76.1 69.7 63.3 51.0 43.8 41.3 37.7 26.2 21.2 19.0 18.4 151.3 1 92.0 78.7 65.6 2 55.0 47.0 35.1 34.7 32.9 24.8 19.5 20.0 16.4 1,240 1,756 154 492 127 300 15 40 166 450 216 130 167 NR: Not ranked. 1 Changed 2003 gross sales figure (to match change in reporting format for 2004). 2 Changed 2003 gross sales figure to show combination of time share and hotel sales. SOURCE: “Top 250,” Hawaii Business, August 2005. 11.3.4 CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS WITH EMPLOYEES, MAUI COUNTY Excludes government employees, agricultural production workers and self-employed persons 2002 Characteristics Number of establishments1 Number of employees2 Payroll—First quarter ($1,000) Payroll—Annual ($1,000) 2003 State Total Maui State Total Maui 30,633 439,934 3,237,290 13,352,194 4,104 53,407 348,190 1,459,381 31,061 459,010 3,422,999 14,138,996 4,203 57,337 380,190 1,575,874 1 Data refer to establishments active anytime during the year. For week including March 12. D: Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies. 2 SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, County Business Patterns 2003. 234 Domestic Trade Maui County Data Book 2005 11.3.5 NUMBER OF BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS, STATE OF HAWAII AND MAUI COUNTY Year State Total Maui County 1979 20,621 1,858 1980 1981 1982 19831 1984 21,125 21,264 21,655 24,519 25,093 1,864 1,872 1,988 2,257 2,406 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 25,742 26,212 27,281 27,938 28,443 2,528 2,656 2,867 2,958 3,096 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 29,313 29,736 30,467 30,157 29,995 3,239 3,367 3,482 3,502 3,578 1995 1996 1997 19982 1999 29,942 29,967 29,991 29,603 29,569 3,639 3,708 3,766 3,746 3,790 2000 2001 2002 2003 29,853 30,853 30,633 31,061 3,889 3,955 4,104 4,203 NOTE: Through 1982, this table includes business establishments with taxable payrolls during the first quarter of the calendar year; for 1983 and later years, it includes those with taxable payrolls anytime during the year. 1 New definition (see headnote). 2 Start of data collection on NAICS basis. NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) replaces the old SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes. SOURCES: Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, County and District Trends in Hawaii, 1991, (Statistical Report 224, January 1992), table 18; U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, County Business Patterns 2003. Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade 235 11.3.6 SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS WITH EMPLOYEES FOR PLACES WITH 2,500 INHABITANTS OR MORE, MAUI COUNTY Geography Number of establishments Sales, Shipments, Receipts, Number of Annual Payroll or revenue ($1,000) employees ($1,000) Professional, scientific, and technical services (NAICS 54) Maui County 310 126,090 1,334 Haiku-Pauwela 10 1,992 12 Kahului 36 16,095 213 Kaunakakai 4 D 1 to 19 Kihei 41 16,541 126 Lahaina 16 D 20 to 99 Lanai 2 D Makawao 14 4,827 107 Napili-Honokowai 2 D 1 to 19 Pukalani 10 5,079 79 Wailea-Makena 14 3,282 30 Wailuku 116 57,996 504 Balance of Maui County 45 D 100 to 249 Administrative and support and waste management and remediation services (NAICS 56) Maui County 267 230,343 3,775 Haiku-Pauwela 9 4,055 75 Kahului 52 61,899 1,618 Kaunakakai 4 D 1 to 19 Kihei 49 13,175 163 Lahaina 30 26,275 420 Lanai 6 D 20 to 99 Makawao 8 D 20 to 99 Napili-Honokowai 6 D 100 to 249 Pukalani 7 14,296 267 Waihee-Waiehu 5 D 1 to 19 Wailea-Makena 15 D 20 to 99 Wailuku 42 31,474 768 Balance of Maui County 34 D 500 to 999 Educational services (NAICS 61) Maui County 50 14,236 243 Haiku-Pauwela 3 D 1 to 19 Kahului 9 2,158 43 Kaunakakai 1 D 1 to 19 Kihei 8 3,054 38 Lahaina 3 D 20 to 99 Makawao 2 D 1 to 19 Napili-Honokowai 2 D 1 to 19 Pukalani 2 D 1 to 19 Wailea-Makena 6 1,387 14 Wailuku 4 D 20 to 99 Balance of Maui County 10 D 20 to 99 Health care and social assistance (NAICS 62) Maui County 336 427,508 5,119 Haiku-Pauwela 7 D 1 to 19 Kahului 84 123,700 1,419 Kaunakakai 14 24,989 464 Kihei 34 20,278 274 Lahaina 22 13,138 126 Lanai 6 D 20 to 99 Makawao 8 D 20 to 99 236 Domestic Trade 44,348 279 5,964 D 5,163 D D 1,892 D 2,913 815 19,826 D 76,347 1,139 26,387 D 3,792 8,169 D D D 8,495 D D 11,466 D 5,058 D 811 D 1,091 D D D D 524 D D 178,295 D 54,961 10,703 8,551 4,733 D D Maui County Data Book 2005 11.3.6 CONTINUED Geography Number of establishments Napili-Honokowai 3 Pukalani 15 Wailea-Makena 1 Wailuku 110 Balance of Maui County 32 Arts, entertainment, and recreation (NAICS 71) Maui County 98 Haiku-Pauwela 4 Kahului 12 Kihei 11 Lahaina 16 Makawao 1 Napili-Honokowai 2 Pukalani 5 Waihee-Waiehu 1 Wailea-Makena 10 Wailuku 10 Balance of Maui County 26 Accommodation and foodservices (NAICS 72) Maui County 461 Haiku-Pauwela 6 Kahului 77 Kaunakakai 10 Kihei 78 Lahaina 94 Lanai 6 Makawao 8 Napili-Honokowai 18 Pukalani 9 Wailea-Makena 34 Wailuku 52 Balance of Maui County 69 Other services (except public administration) (NAICS 81) Maui County 358 Haiku-Pauwela 4 Kahului 59 Kaunakakai 7 Kihei 65 Lahaina 53 Lanai 4 Makawao 4 Napili-Honokowai 14 Pukalani 8 Waihee-Waiehu 1 Wailea-Makena 28 Wailuku 66 Balance of Maui County 45 Sales, Shipments, Receipts, Number of Annual Payroll or revenue ($1,000) employees ($1,000) D 5,025 D 211,217 D 20 to 99 63 1 to 19 2,220 250 to 499 D 1,987 D 82,715 D 123,751 1,071 16,715 10,702 33,366 D D 4,107 D D 3,819 D 1,626 12 221 179 487 1 to 19 20 to 99 39 1 to 19 100 to 249 71 500 to 999 34,686 421 4,228 3,625 11,056 D D 1,223 D D 913 D 1,379,316 D 85,862 D 71,471 154,665 D 8,392 29,908 5,840 371,472 22,777 628,929 18,932 1 to 19 1,620 100 to 249 1,285 2,627 500 to 999 263 449 135 4,687 471 7,060 441,069 D 21,545 D 17,616 42,979 D 2,869 6,698 1,455 140,687 5,642 201,578 170,658 2,231 25,679 2,435 21,334 14,625 D D 6,066 D D 20,128 38,085 D 2,374 35 477 48 266 165 1 to 19 1 to 19 57 20 to 99 100 to 249 246 609 250 to 499 48,108 709 9,077 945 5,285 3,717 D D 1,492 D D 6,819 10,231 D D: Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies. SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2002 Economic Census. Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade 237 11.3.7 SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS WITH EMPLOYEES BY TYPE AND LOCATION Establishment Type, 2003 Location / Number Location / Number Professional, scientific & technical services (NAICS 541—) Haiku 12 Kula 16 Hana 1 Lahaina 22 Kahului 44 Makawao 28 Kihei 54 Paia 11 Location / Number Wailuku 115 Kaunakakai 8 Maunaloa 1 Lanai City 2 Management of companies & enterprises (NAICS 551—) Kahului 2 Lahaina 8 Kihei 1 Wailuku Administrative & support services (NAICS 561—) Haiku 10 Kula 7 Hana 1 Lahaina 42 Kahului 46 Makawao 19 Kihei 57 Paia 3 Wailuku Kaunakakai Lanai City Maui subtotal Total 303 314 1 Total Waste management & remediation services (NAICS 562—) Kahului 6 Makawao 2 Hoolehua Kihei 2 Paia 1 Lanai City Lahaina 1 Wailuku 4 Educational services (NAICS 611—) Haiku 5 Kula Hana 2 Lahaina Kahului 13 Makawao Kihei 14 Totals 46 4 3 1 1 12 Maui subtotal Total 231 238 Maui subtotal Total 16 18 6 9 8 Paia Wailuku Kaunakakai 1 11 1 Maui subtotal Total 69 70 Ambulatory health care services (NAICS 621—) Haiku 5 Kula 6 Hana 1 Lahaina 22 Kahului 66 Makawao 20 Kihei 26 Paia 2 Wailuku Kaunakakai Kualapuu Lanai City 89 6 1 3 Maui subtotal Total 237 247 Hospitals (NAICS 622—) Wailuku 1 Lanai City 1 Maui subtotal Total 1 3 Nursing & residential care facilities (NAICS 623—) Kahului 3 Lahaina 2 Kihei 3 Makawao 2 Wailuku 3 Social assistance (NAICS 624—) Haiku 2 Hana 1 Kahului 8 Kihei 6 Kula 1 Hoolehua Kaunakakai Kualapuu Lanai City Kaunakakai Lahaina Makawao Paia Wailuku 1 4 7 3 23 Performing arts, spectator sports, & related industries (NAICS 711—) Haiku 4 Kula 2 Makawao Kahului 2 Lahaina 8 Wailuku Kihei 4 238 Domestic Trade 1 5 3 2 Total 13 Maui subtotal Total 55 66 Total 28 2 6 Maui County Data Book 2005 11.3.7 CONTINUED Establishment Type, 2003 Location / Number Location / Number Location / Number Museums, historical sites & like institutions (NAICS 712—) Hana 2 Lahaina 1 Wailuku Kahului 2 Makawao 2 Kualapuu Kula 3 Amusement, gambling & recreation industries (NAICS 713—) Haiku 1 Kihei 16 Makawao Hana 2 Kula 1 Paia Kahului 10 Lahaina 16 Wailuku Accommodation (NAICS 721—) Haiku 4 Hana 2 Kahului 25 Kihei 20 Kula Lahaina Wailuku 3 1 4 2 5 1 28 2 Kaunakakai Maunaloa Lanai City 1 4 1 Food services & drinking places (NAICS 722—) Haiku 4 Lahaina 110 Hana 1 Makawao 16 Kahului 46 Paia 10 Kihei 88 Wailuku 59 Kula 5 Kaunakakai Kualapuu Maunaloa Lanai City 11 1 1 3 Paia Wailuku Kaunakakai 1 27 1 Makawao Wailuku 7 19 Repair & maintenance (NAICS 811—) Haiku 3 Kula Kahului 30 Lahaina Kihei 9 Makawao Personal & laundry services (NAICS 812—) Haiku 1 Kula Kahului 22 Lahaina Kihei 22 1 4 3 1 21 Religious, grantmaking, civic, professional & like organizations (NAICS 813—) Haiku 3 Lahaina 70 Hoolehua 2 Hana 3 Makawao 7 Kaunakakai 8 Kahului 32 Paia 6 Maunaloa 1 Kihei 66 Wailuku 42 Lanai City 5 Kula 6 Totals Maui subtotal Total 13 14 Total 57 Maui subtotal Total 82 88 Maui subtotal Total 339 355 Maui subtotal Total 78 79 Total 93 Maui subtotal Total Grand Total 235 251 1,946 NOTE: Pukalani is combined with Makawao, and Puunene with Kahului. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Zip Code Business Patterns 2003. Maui County Data Book 2005 Domestic Trade 239 11.3.8 SALES BY BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS, FOR EMPLOYERS AND NONEMPLOYERS BY SECTOR, MAUI COUNTY NACIS Employer Establishments Industry Sales ($1,000) ---- Total X X 11 21 22 23 31-33 42 44-45 48-49 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 71 72 81 Forestry, fishing & hunting, and agricultural support services Mining X Utilities X Construction X Manufacturing 93 Wholesale trade 169 Retail trade 816 Transportation & warehousing X Information 81 Finance & insurance (not published for counties) X Real estate & rental & leasing 261 Professional, scientific, & technical services 310 Management of companies & enterprises X Adm. & support & waste mgmt. & remediation service 267 Educational services 50 Health care & social assistance 336 Arts, entertainment, & recreation 98 Accommodation & food services 461 Other services (except public administration) 358 X X X 270,556 562,888 1,772,473 X N X 350,258 126,090 X 230,343 14,236 427,508 123,751 1,379,316 170,658 NonEmployer Sales Establishments ($1,000) 11,713 469,599 D D D 1,011 326 318 1,011 D 145 210 1,474 1,528 D D D 54,988 16,096 16,789 51,787 D 5,093 28,359 90,098 49,302 1,047 178 775 1,001 235 1,964 24,060 3,194 22,639 35,160 11,767 50,112 D: Withheld to avoid disclosing data of individual companies. X: Not publsihed for counties. SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2002 Economic Census. 240 Domestic Trade Maui County Data Book 2005 INDEX Agriculture. (See also specific crops) Characteristics of farm operators ............................................................................................................ 100 Cropland ............................................................................................................................................... 102 Crops and livestock .................................................................................. 99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106-107 Employment .......................................................................................................................................... 103 Farms by size ......................................................................................................................................... 102 Farms and farm workers ................................................................................................................ 103, 104 Land use and acreage ............................................................................................ 100, 102, 103, 104, 108 Production volume ................................................................................................ 104, 105, 106, 108, 109 Sales/Value ..................................................................................................................................... 104-109 Theft/Vandalism ..................................................................................................................................... 111 Tourism ................................................................................................................................................. 110 Aircraft ........................................................................................................................................................ 128 Airports ........................................................................................................................................ 128, 129, 130 Air transportation Aircraft operations ................................................................................................................................. 128 Cargo and mail ...................................................................................................................................... 129 Facilities ................................................................................................................................................ 128 Passengers ............................................................................................................................................. 129 Seats ..................................................................................................................................................... 192 Animals Call slips and citations ........................................................................................................................... 218 Dog licenses .......................................................................................................................................... 216 Humane Society .................................................................................................................................... 217 Automobiles. See Motor vehicles. Auditoriums .................................................................................................................................................. 215 Banks ........................................................................................................................................................ 169 Births and birth rates Characteristics ......................................................................................................................................... 21 Components of population change .......................................................................................................... 18 Zip Code ................................................................................................................................................. 20 Bridges ................................................................................................................................................ 123, 124 Buildings. See Construction industry and Housing and housing units. Business enterprises. (See also individual types of business and industry) Employment and payrolls .............................................................................................................. 230, 234 Establishments ................................................................................................................................ 230-240 Gross business receipts .............................................................................................................. 3, 232, 236 Non employer ............................................................................................................................... 232, 240 Sales ..................................................................................................................... 227, 228, 234, 236, 240 Cable television ............................................................................................................................................ 118 Cattle. See Livestock and livestock products. Census designated places or urban places ........................................... 12, 14, 16, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 Climate .............................................................................................................................................. 59, 60, 62 Coastline. See Shoreline. Condominiums. (See also Housing and housing units) ................................................... 3, 70, 197-198, 203-204 Construction industry. (See also Housing and housing units) Building permits ................................................................................................................. 3, 151-152, 155 Index 241 Demolitions .......................................................................................................................................... 152 Employment and payrolls ...................................................................................... 154, 227, 230, 232, 236 Establishments ......................................................................................................... 224, 227-228, 230-240 Nonresidential building projects .................................................................................................... 151, 153 Private, residential construction .............................................................................................. 151, 152-153 Consumer Price Index. (See also Prices and Rates) .................................................................................... 24, 28 Credit unions ................................................................................................................................................ 170 County government Bond debt ............................................................................................................................................... 87 Expenditures ............................................................................................................................................ 83 Personnel ................................................................................................................................................ 88 Positions recruited ................................................................................................................................... 89 Tax collections and other revenues ..................................................................................................... 83-86 Deaths .......................................................................................................................................................... 18 Diesel fuel ..................................................................................................................................................... 119 Education Public Community educational attainment .................................................................................................... 41 Community profiles ............................................................................................................................ 40 Enrollment .............................................................................................................................. 37, 46, 50 Ethnic profiles .................................................................................................................................... 39 Expenditures per pupil ........................................................................................................................ 36 Schools .............................................................................................................................................. 35 Student profiles .................................................................................................................................. 38 Teaching staff profiles ......................................................................................................................... 42 Test scores .......................................................................................................................................... 43 Private Characteristics .................................................................................................................................... 44 Enrollment .......................................................................................................................................... 46 Schools .............................................................................................................................................. 35 Tuition ................................................................................................................................................ 45 Community College and University Enrollment .......................................................................................................................................... 50 Degrees ........................................................................................................................................ 42, 49 Distance learning courses/graduates ................................................................................................... 49 Faculty ............................................................................................................................................... 50 Elections and elected officials Election districts or precincts .............................................................................................................. 75-79 General election results ...................................................................................................................... 80-82 Voters and votes cast .......................................................................................................................... 79-82 Electricity Capacity, consumption, production, and rates ....................................................................................... 138 Residential customers ............................................................................................................................ 138 Revenues ................................................................................................................................................. 39 Elevations and altitudes. (See also Mountains) ................................................................................................. 56 Employment and labor force. (See also Labor and individual industries) Census designated place ....................................................................................................................... 181 Characteristics ....................................................................................................................................... 180 Employment and payroll ............................................................................................. 3, 103, 154, 171-177 Government .................................................................................................................................... 22, 175 Industry groups ........................................................................................................................ 22, 175, 176 Jobcount ...................................................................................................................................... 3, 22, 175 Labor force ..................................................................................................................................... 171-173 242 Index Projections ...................................................................................................................................... 22, 177 Unemployment and unemployed workers ......................................................................... 3, 171, 172, 178 Energy and power. (See also Electricity and Utilities) Consumption ................................................................................................................................. 138, 141 Electric utilities ...................................................................................................................................... 138 Electricity generation ............................................................................................................................. 138 Gas utilities ........................................................................................................................................... 140 Ethnic origin and race. (See also Population) ......................................................................................... 4, 14, 18 Excise Tax. See Taxes. Farms and farm workers. See Agriculture. Finance, insurance, and real estate Assets and deposits ......................................................................................................................... 169-170 Employment and payrolls .............................................................................................................. 175, 212 Establishments ................................................................................................................ 169-170, 175, 212 Fishing industry ............................................................................................................................. 112, 113, 114 Flowers and nursery products ........................................................................................................................ 108 Food. (See Agriculture) Forests and forest products ...................................................................................................................... 72, 132 Freight. See Water transportation. Fuel. (See also individual type) Consumer price index ........................................................................................................................ 28-29 Consumption ......................................................................................................................................... 125 Electricity generation ............................................................................................................................. 138 Taxes and tax base .......................................................................................................................... 96, 119 Tax allocation .......................................................................................................................................... 96 Gas utilities Consumption, consumers, and use ........................................................................................................ 140 Rates and revenues ................................................................................................................................ 140 Gasoline Prices ............................................................................................................................................ 120, 121 Taxes and tax base .......................................................................................................................... 96, 119 Geographic data Area .................................................................................................................................................. 53, 54 Elevations ............................................................................................................................................ 5, 56 Inland waters ........................................................................................................................................... 53 Shoreline ................................................................................................................................................. 54 Waterfalls ................................................................................................................................................ 55 Government. See individual government units. Harbors Freight traffic ................................................................................................................................. 131, 132 Vessel arrivals ........................................................................................................................................ 131 Vessels using ......................................................................................................................................... 134 Health care Care homes ............................................................................................................................................. 31 Consumer price index ............................................................................................................................. 28 Health services .............................................................................................................. 231, 236, 238, 240 Hospital capacity .................................................................................................................................... 30 Health practioners ................................................................................................................................... 32 Highways and streets Accidents .............................................................................................................................................. 127 Bridges .................................................................................................................................................. 123 Fuel consumption .................................................................................................................................. 125 Length ................................................................................................................................................... 123 Index 243 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 124, 214 Miles and mileage ......................................................................................................................... 122, 125 Historic sites ........................................................................................................................................... 67, 213 Hospitals. See Health care. Hotels. (See also Tourism) Construction .......................................................................................................................................... 154 Employment and payrolls .............................................................................................................. 200, 237 Establishments and properties ........................................................................ 195, 196, 200, 231, 239, 240 Largest .................................................................................................................................................. 200 Occupancy rates ................................................................................................................ 3, 193-196, 200 Revenues ........................................................................................................................................ 194-196 Room rates ..................................................................................................................................... 194-196 Taxes and tax base ............................................................................................................................ 63, 86 Units ........................................................................................................................................ 22, 195-200 Households or families .................................................................................................................................... 13 Housing and housing units. (See also Condominiums and Construction industry) Building permits ........................................................................................................................ 3, 152, 155 Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 4, 153, 158-165 Consumer price index ............................................................................................................................. 28 Construction .................................................................................................................................. 152, 154 Contract rent ......................................................................................................................................... 165 Demolitions .......................................................................................................................................... 152 Occupied units ............................................................................................................................... 159-163 Prices of homes ................................................................................................................... 3, 70, 159, 163 Real property tax ............................................................................................................................... 63, 86 Resident and non-resident housing units ......................................................................................... 159-155 Renter-occupied .................................................................................................................... 159, 154, 155 Sales ....................................................................................................................................................... 70 Vacancies ...................................................................................................................................... 159, 161 Value, owner-occupied ......................................................................................................................... 163 Income Per capita ............................................................................................................................................ 4, 23 Per household ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Personal .................................................................................................................................................. 23 Income taxes Deductions .............................................................................................................................................. 92 Exemptions .............................................................................................................................................. 95 Median adjusted gross income ................................................................................................................ 90 Number of returns ................................................................................................................................... 93 Sources reported ..................................................................................................................................... 91 Tax credits ......................................................................................................................................... 93, 94 Insurance. See Finance, insurance, and real estate. Jobcount. See Employment and labor force. Labor. See Employment and labor force. Land and land use. (See also Maps) Area Census designated places ................................................................................................................... 12 Counties and islands .......................................................................................................................... 53 Farms .................................................................................................................................... 100, 102, 105 Hawaiian Home Lands, Hawaii State Department of ............................................................................... 68 Land use districts ............................................................................................................................... 64, 65 Historic Places ........................................................................................................................................ 67 244 Index Ownership Government ....................................................................................................................................... 66 Hawaiian Home Lands ................................................................................................................. 66, 68 Leased/owned .................................................................................................................................... 68 Public land dispositions ........................................................................................................................... 69 Sales ....................................................................................................................................................... 71 Real property ........................................................................................................................................... 63 Value of land transactions ............................................................................................................... 71, 157 Libraries .......................................................................................................................................................... 47 Livestock and livestock products ....................................................................................................... 3, 102, 103 Manufacturing industry Cost of materials .................................................................................................................................... 221 Employment and payrolls ...................................................................................................... 221, 230, 231 Establishments ............................................................................................................... 221, 230, 231, 240 Value added and value of shipment ....................................................................................................... 221 Maps Agricultural Areas .................................................................................................................................... 99 Census tracts ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Election districts ................................................................................................................................. 75-77 Industrial parks ...................................................................................................................................... 222 Land ownership ....................................................................................................................................... 66 Land use districts ..................................................................................................................................... 64 Subdivisions and places ............................................................................................................................ 7 Marriages Non residents .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Residency ................................................................................................................................................ 19 Medical care. See Health care. Migration. See Population. Motorcycles .................................................................................................................................................. 122 Motor vehicles. (See also Highways and streets) Establishments ............................................................................................................... 224, 227, 230, 232 Drivers licenses ..................................................................................................................................... 122 Fuel consumption .................................................................................................................................. 125 Registration ................................................................................................................................... 122, 126 Vehicle miles ......................................................................................................................................... 125 Sales ..................................................................................................................................... 122, 126, 227 Mountains, altitudes, and elevations ........................................................................................................... 56-57 Museums ...................................................................................................................................................... 212 Newspapers .................................................................................................................................................. 117 Parks ................................................................................................................................................. 212-213 Maintenaance ....................................................................................................................................... 214 Pay rates. See Wages and salaries. Population Age ..................................................................................................................................................... 4, 16 Components of change ............................................................................................................................ 18 De facto ............................................................................................................................................ 10, 22 Density ................................................................................................................................................ 5, 12 Ethnic .................................................................................................................................................. 4, 18 Household and/or families. See Households or families. Geographical location Census designated places ................................................................................................... 7, 12, 13, 15 Index 245 Counties or island .......................................................................................................................... 9, 11 District and census tract ................................................................................................................. 8, 11 Migration ................................................................................................................................................ 18 Projections .............................................................................................................................................. 22 Resident ........................................................................................................................... 3, 4, 9, 10,12, 13 Sex ...................................................................................................................................................... 4, 14 Power. See Energy and power. Prices Estimated Costs of Living ......................................................................................................................... 25 Consumer price index ....................................................................................................................... 24, 28 Radio stations ................................................................................................................................................ 118 Rainfall .............................................................................................................................................. 59, 60, 62 Real property. See Housing and Land and land use. Real property taxes. See Taxes. Real estate. (See also Finance, insurance and real estate.) Commercial lease rates .......................................................................................................................... 229 Sales ................................................................................................................................................. 70, 71 Recreation Cultural attractions and the performing arts ........................................................................................... 212 Parks ..................................................................................................................................... 212, 213, 214 Retail trade Employment and payrolls ...................................................................................... 175, 230, 234, 235, 236 Establishments ......................................................................................................... 224, 226-228, 230-240 Sales ............................................................................................................................. 227, 228, 236, 240 Taxes and tax base ................................................................................................................................ 223 Savings and loans .......................................................................................................................................... 169 Seaweed removal .......................................................................................................................................... 214 Service industries Establishments ......................................................................................................... 224, 230-233, 236-240 Tax base ................................................................................................................................................ 223 Shopping centers ........................................................................................................................................... 226 Shoreline ......................................................................................................................................................... 54 Stadiums ....................................................................................................................................................... 215 State government. (See also Elections and elected officials and Taxes) Bonded debt ............................................................................................................................................ 87 Tax collections and other revenues .................................................................................................... 83, 84 Taro ......................................................................................................................................... 104, 106-107 Tax Base .......................................................................................................................................... 85, 119, 223 Taxes Collections .................................................................................................................................. 83, 85, 86 General excise and use ............................................................................................................... 3, 84, 223 Real property ............................................................................................................................... 83, 85, 86 State .................................................................................................................................................... 3, 84 Telescopes ..................................................................................................................................................... 137 Television stations. (See also Cable television) ............................................................................................... 118 Temperature ........................................................................................................................................ 59, 60, 62 Tourism. (See also Hotels) Activity participation ............................................................................................................................. 208 Attractions ............................................................................................................................................. 212 Average visitor census ............................................................................................................. 22, 186, 187 246 Index Cruise ships ........................................................................................................................... 205, 206, 207 Decision timetable ................................................................................................................................ 209 Economic activity generated .................................................................................................................. 202 Expenditures .................................................................................................................................. 201, 202 Per visitor day ................................................................................................................................... 187 Japanese ........................................................................................................................................... 187 Income ............................................................................................................................................. 193 Occupancy .......................................................................................................................... 3, 193-96, 200 Origin of visitors ............................................................................................................................ 188, 191 Projections .............................................................................................................................................. 22 Satisfaction rating .......................................................................................................................... 209, 210 Visitor characteristics .................................................................................................. 3, 186, 190, 201-205 Visitor counts ............................................................................................................................. 3, 185-191 Visitor plant inventory ............................................................................................................ 154, 195-200 Transportation Consumer Price Index ............................................................................................................................. 28 Employment and payrolls ...................................................................................................................... 230 Establishments ....................................................................................................................................... 230 Trucks ........................................................................................................................................................ 122 Utilities. (See also Electricity and Gas utilities) ....................................................................................... 138, 141 Vegetables and melons ................................................................................................................... 140, 106-107 Visitors and visitor industry. See Tourism. Voters and voting. (See also Elections and elected officials) ........................................................................ 79-82 Wages and salaries. (See also individual industries) ....................................................................................... 176 Water. (See also Geographic data) Area, inland water ................................................................................................................................... 53 Use and consumption ........................................................................................................................... 142 Water transportation Cargo and freight ............................................................................................................................ 131-134 Ship arrivals ................................................................................................................................... 131, 134 Waterfalls ........................................................................................................................................................ 55 Wholesale trade. (See also individual industries) Establishments ........................................................................................................ 224, 227, 228, 230-240 Employment and payrolls ...................................................................................... 175, 227, 230, 234, 236 Sales ............................................................................................................................. 227, 228, 234, 240 Index 247
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