Nov/Dec - Cossack Owners Club


Nov/Dec - Cossack Owners Club
The Magazine of the Cossack Owners’ Club
Paul Codling in Norway on his trusty IZH Planeta Sport.
Nice to sit on something not vibrating then!
Editorial and Contacts ………………..3
New members & letters…………...….4
What’s on ……………………………...5
Cossack Camping Weekend ……….. 6
Civilised Ride Out……………………..7
COC AGM 2014 Minutes ………….... 8
Importing & Registering………..……14
Technical Stuff………………………. 16
Crankshaft nuts, tools & projects…..17
Show Bikes……..…………………....18
Members’ photos………………….... 18
Paul Codling & CJ in Poland………. 19
Off road Urals……………………….. 19
Soviet and DPRK photos……….…..20
Manuals and For Sale…………...….23
After the production of his first Horizontal View and long discussions with Charles
Hancock, (the newly appointed Editor of Horizontal View), he has decided to step
down as Editor of this august publication.
Once again we are searching for an Editor. If you feel a burning desire to put pen to
paper or, more likely, fingers to keyboard, have a love for these quirky bikes and can
find your way around a computer get in touch with a member of the committee. See
the politburo listings for how to do that.
Temporarily all submissions for future editions should be sent to Gina Inman at
[email protected]
Until a new editor is appointed the rest of your committee is dedicated to doing the
best they can to continue production of our Magazine.
This editorial comes from the sick bed of your membership secretary, Gina Inman,
who managed to fall off her bike recently. (More damage to Gina than the bike.)
Although on the mend it will be quite a while before I return to work or biking.
As you’ll have noticed the [written] content of the magazine is much reduced
focussing upon the AGM and the associated Civilised Cossack Camping Weekend at
Wing Hall [plus lots of photos donated, gathered, taken, borrowed, stolen or otherwise
obtained for your enjoyment ~ PJB].
President & Technical Advisor Peter Ballard: 01225 891634. [email protected]
General Secretary: Tony Jones: 01942 605949/07504 700522 [email protected]
Treasurer: Phil Inman: 01780 720420 [email protected]
Membership Secretary Gina Inman 01780 720420 [email protected]
Show Organiser: Carl Booth: 01253 720327 [email protected]
Webmaster: Dave Cox: 01794 884492 [email protected]
Regalia: Phil & Gina Inman 01780 720420 [email protected]
Magazine Editor: Can you fill this space? This
could be you!
The COC will provide the software to generate
a professional magazine, advice, various
content, tea and biscuits as required.
Stuart Sturgess, Wigston, Leicester.
Jim Adams, Market Rasen, Lincs.
Chris Rawlinson, Barnsley, S. Yorks.
Martyn Suffking, Andover, Hants.
Graham Ford, Stevenage, Herts.
Alex Taffetani, Milton Keynes, Bucks.
Kenneth Knight, Cheltenham, Glos.
Paul March, Port Talbot.
George Prosser, High Wycombe Bucks.
Jean-Pierre de Toutoulon, Westcliff on Sea, Essex.
Chris Rawlinson
I am Chris Rawlinson, for over 30 years
along with my son we have run a family
business restoring all types of historic
Some New Members Introduce
vehicles here in Yorkshire. A few months
ago I went into hospital for a minor
operation and whilst under anaesthetic
Alex Taffentani
My name is Alex, I always had a passion suffered a cardiac arrest. I was away
from this world for over 20 minutes and
for old motorcycles, but never got the
chance to get one, until recently, when I needed CPR and VF electric shock to
stumbled on an Ural M-66 that has been bring me back. After over a week in a
coma and some time in hospital in
used as a movie prop and for reintensive care I returned home. Unable
enacting, and it was love at first sight! It
was more of a salvage actually, as it's a to continue with my normal way of life
and taking stock I decided to fulfil a long
bit of a mongrel and in need of some
serious TLC, but I couldn't bear the idea time ambition to buy and restore, for my
pleasure, some kind of old motorcycle. I
of seeing her being abandoned to her
settled on a Ural, being cheap to buy and
own demise, so I decided to adopt and
restore, different and comfortable for me
take care of her.
and my wife to ride and go to shows on.
As any wise family man would, I have
Originally I was going to copy a wartime
done this whilst buying a new house,
look, but there seems to be plenty of
because men are renowned for getting
those about already and as I have 2
their priorities straight, so now
Dodge M37 troop carriers in wartime
"Brünhilde" is part of our family, and I
livery already, I decided on something
look forward to putting her back on the
different for the Ural. I am so glad I found
road and meeting other like-minded
your club. So friendly and helpful, and I
Cossacks out there, who have a heart
bigger than their brain; I hope this works! look forward to meeting up with some of
I had a quick flick through the magazine the members in due course when I get
my outfit finished.
yesterday (ED: July/August edition), I
Keep up the good work.
really like the cut and the work you've
Best regards Chris R.
done with it, I'm really delighted to have
found this small world of Russian bike
Thanks for that Chris. Look forward to
enthusiasts :-)
seeing you out and about in time.
Best Alex.
Temp. Ed.
Many thanks for that Alex. Temp. Ed.
This cemented the decision and after
much searching and learning I found a
Thank you for the welcome mail; it’s a
chap selling a 1974 Dnepr MT-9 on ebay
pleasure to be here.
from Lithuania with some seized
I have had a number of bikes over the
pistons…A few emails and a van ride with
years from my first foray into Motocross
my lovely wife secured our current pride
at 3, my beloved Carbon Apillia Mille R to
and joy.
a Hayabusa that was fun but cornered
It should be up and running in the next
like a whale on track.
couple of months as I have had some
I spent a few years doing track days in
postage problems from a lovely chap in
the UK and France and eventually gave
Crimea who supplies the parts…
up riding about 4 years ago when time,
Just need to finish the wiring, sort the
funds and a large family didn’t permit it
carbs out and it will be MOT’d and finally
registered in the UK…the paintwork will
As you can see we have a mad family, 6 have to wait until the winter…
children (yes they are all ours and yes we
Hopefully ready for some fun and
now own a TV…thanks for asking), they
enjoyment by all…the children especially
range in age from 10 - 6, 5 girls and a
can’t wait…not too sure about the dog
little boy…oh and a soppy dog.
Happy and safe riding.
Jean-Pierre de Toutoulon
Many thanks Jean-Pierre. Look forward to
meeting up with you and your family.
I have wanted to get back into biking but I Temp. Ed.
didn’t want to kill myself and thought that
all the new bikes were just too fast for our
roads and lacked a little “Je ne sais
The Cossack Owners Club now has its
Watching an old war film I saw a BMW
very own Facebook page. ‘Like’ the
R75 and thought that would be right up
page and keep up to date with what’s
my street. Having searched a lot I read a
blog by Alex Pearsall on his ride across
the great divide on a Ural with his dog
And very civilised it was too. After some confusion at the campsite about who, what,
where, when, why and how, we were once again accommodated in the field closest
to the pub. There was a good turn out on Friday evening including a guy, Dusty,
who’d come down from Tyne and Wear along with girlfriend, daughter and Voskhod
in his Espace. More about that in the separate Ride Out report.
Tony Jones’s Party Tent was erected, a Fire Pit hired, logs collected – mainly from
Tony’s trailer – a saw handed to the person keenest to
get going on those logs just too big for the Fire Pit and we
settled in for the night. Karen attacked the logs with the
saw while all the guys sat around supping beer and
watching. Others went off to the Pub. The following
morning we got ready for a ride out when disaster struck.
Phil Whitney’s bike refused to start and after several
minutes of prodding and poking he suggested we go
without him. So off we went leaving a forlorn Phil still
We returned to find more people had arrived, Phil still
unable to start his bike and, after treating the entire
campsite to several loud explosive attempts at starting,
now considering having to call the breakdown truck to
take him home. But not until tomorrow.
Saturday evening was a rerun of Friday, although Karen
did decline to saw any more logs. And on Sunday still
more people arrived. Some to chat, some for the AGM,
held in the party tent, and one couple, who’d seen the
event advertised in ‘Back Street Heroes’ came along
from Milton Keynes just for the ride out and to say hello!
How on earth did the event get into BSH I hear you
asking. We always send them a copy of the magazine –
and somebody obviously reads it!
The AGM started fairly promptly and
there’s a full report in the magazine.
Afterwards the party broke up and we all
started for home. Well, all except one. At
4.00pm when Phil and I left the campsite
Phil Whitney was still there, a lone figure
in the middle of a large empty field.
Who knows, when we return next year he
may still be there, waiting for the truck
that never came.
Peter Barker, the retiring Editor, enjoying the
Written by Gina Inman.
lots of happy bikers. Thank you Simon &
Heather at the Waggon & Horses in
On the Weekend of the August Bank
Holiday members of this Club gathered
once again at Wing Hall Campsite for a
weekend away under canvas. Saturday
dawned, bright and sunny. After waiting
to see if Phil Whitney would be able to fix
his bike he suggested we go without him.
So shortly after 11.00 am we set off with
a new plan hatched in order to
accommodate the requirements of
various participants.
First stop, 2 miles away, was for petrol.
Second stop 100 yards further on was –
for petrol, the first station being closed for
some reason. Onward, and the ride could
begin in earnest, well, after a stop at Phil
and Gina Inman’s home to do some
running repairs on Mike Pullan’s bike!
Bikes all lined up at the pub on the ride out.
Next, the ‘piece de resistance’ of the ride.
LIDL! After being asked at lunchtime
where the nearest shop would be to the
campsite for some of those essential
supplies it was decided that as so many
of us needed to shop we’d take another
detour and visit the local Lidl on the
return route.
OK, 7 miles out of 54 done.
Now we were really motoring. A
circuitous route took us around the town
of Stamford, over 3 level crossings and
down Nine Bridge Road. (It really does
have 9 bridges and they’re all single
width!) We finally arrived at our lunch
stop only to discover a misunderstanding
about timing had occurred and there
wasn’t anyone to cook the food at the
/ continued ….
A quick call to the burger van man and 20
minutes later burgers all round with a
veggie option for those so inclined and
Should be plain riding now - or not. A
scant 4 miles from the campsite and
suddenly the leader noticed no-one
following on behind. A quick about turn
took me back to where everyone else
was stopped with Dusty and his Voskhod
that had stopped. This little bike, a fairly
recent find, had been MOT’d and Taxed
2 days earlier and bought down in the
back of his Espace from Tyne & Wear
just for this weekend. This ride out was
its first outing. The brave little bike only
failed at the last hurdle! It simply ran out
of sparks.
Also introduced was Charles Hancock
who will be proposed as new Editor of
Horizontal View following handover from
Peter Barker.
Tony Jones as COC Secretary opened
the meeting.
Peter J Ballard agreed to take the
Those present also included:
Dave Cox: Web Master
Phil Inman: Treasurer and acting
Gina Inman: Membership.
Peter Barker: Editor of Horizontal View.
Comments from members re this
2. Apologies from Carl Booth and Mike
3. Approval of 2013 AGM Minutes.
Proposed Phil Inman. Seconded Dave Cox.
4. Committee Reports:
Secretary : Tony Jones
As last year I have been the main contact
point for the Club. I receive all emails
We left Dusty at the side of the road and directed to the Club and either answer
returned to the campsite.
them or forward them as appropriate.
This system seems to be working so far. I
I should just add that Gina escorted
seem to have had more enquires from
Dusty’s family in the Espace back to
members of the public than last year
collect him and the bike.
including from a pop group who have
Written by Gina Inman toured Afghanistan on a Ural and a
Spanish motor museum. Most of the
outside enquiries have been machine
COC AGM 2014
dating related and have been forwarded
to Peter Ballard. My big news is that I
Held at the Wing Hall Estate campsite, have organised a venue for the 2016
‘Redstar’ East European Rally. The
11am 24th August 2014.
provisional date is 15th to 17th July 2016
at the Canberra Club, Salmesbury,
Honorary President/Technical Adviser:
Lancashire. This is an excellent venue
Peter J Ballard
and we were lucky to get it. I have been
Secretary: Tony Jones
working with Krsz Platek to manufacture
Membership Secretary: Gina Inman
the prizes ourselves and the venue is
Treasurer/Regalia: Phil Inman
free of charge provided we eat and drink
Shows Organiser: Carl Booth
a lot. The main outlay will be for rally
Magazine Editor: Peter Barker (Retiring)
badges and that will be about £500. I am
Magazine Editor Elect: Charles Hancock
prepared to stand again as Club
Web master: Dave Cox
Peter Barker said that he believed that
the Grand Day Out was a great success
and should be repeated. Phil & Gina, &
PJB agreed, and encouraged it to be
repeated. Lots more interest in this kind
of event rather than a wet camping
Regalia sales show an increase of
£107.66 over last year, probably because
regalia items were offered for sale at the
Stafford Classic Bike Shows in October
last year and in April this year. It is hoped
to continue to do this on a regular basis.
Regalia stock is replenished on an asneeded basis and steps are currently
being taken to reduce the overall stock
level, since re-ordering can be achieved
quickly. Regalia sales (£432.06)
exceeded Regalia costs (£398.94) by
Show Officer: Carl Booth.
Apologies for being somewhere else.
This year we have only done three shows
but they are main ones the October 2013
& April 2014 at Stafford and, a new one
to us, Donnington Classic Racing
Festival. We have acquitted ourselves
very well with a good selection of bikes
on display. As we are the only club which
deals in Russian & other obscure Eastern
Block marques, the public are interested
in what we stand for as a club & this
gives us access hopefully to new
members. By continuing to do this we
keep the interest alive in our machines &
try to get a younger generation involved
to keep them for the future. I have a good
base of members/friends who display but
with over 250 members in the club it
would be great for others to join the ranks
as we would like to see some new faces
around the "Fumigator" to swap stories
with We have a good bbq & some strong
home brew which Gina can recommend
heartily (sorry Gina), so think about it,
you are only helping your club get better
& using your membership to its full use.
So endeth the order of Comrade Carl....
Overall expenditure amounted to
£4667.48, compared with £3743.09 for
last year. This increase of £924.39 is
accounted for almost entirely by the
purchase and maintenance of the
franking machine. Since the machine is
now owned by COC, next year’s
expenses will consist purely of
maintenance costs. The machine will
continue to gain the club significant
savings in postage. Printing costs have
risen by £101.21, offset by a reduction in
postage costs amounting to £277.65.
Despite publishing a bigger and better
magazine, moving to bi-monthly
publication appears to be reducing
Treasurer’s Report for Year End
overall costs. A clearer picture will
31st July 2014 (incorporating Regalia
emerge next year. Magazine costs will be
Secretary’s Report): Phil Inman.
further controlled by adjusting printing
quantities as membership numbers
Firstly, may I draw your attention to the
Year-End Report, which gives a detailed fluctuate and, hopefully, more members
take up the email option.
breakdown of Income and Expenditure,
by category. Our bank balance at Year
The Club’s income has exceeded
End was £3238.81, compared with
expenditure by £247.05, a small but
£2991.76 for Year End 2013.
significant figure bearing in mind our
Income from member subscriptions
falling membership numbers. I make no
shows a small increase over last year
recommendation in respect of an
(£69.61) despite a drop in membership
increase in subscription charges for the
numbers. This has been brought about
forthcoming year.
by the subscription increase agreed at
last year’s AGM, and despite the greater
number of members paying the lower
subscription rate for having their copy of
the club magazine by email rather than
as a mailed paper copy.
Amount £
Donations to COC
Membership Subscriptions
Regalia Sales
Sundry Expenses
Total excess income
over expenditure for the
May I offer my thanks to all those who have made my first year as Treasurer such an
easy one. I am willing to continue in post next year should that be the membership’s
Phil Inman - 18 August 2014
Membership Secretary:
Gina Inman
(Notification Of Vehicle Arrival), that
makes it a legal requirement to notify
HMRC when a vehicle is imported. This is
Membership numbers: Year 2013/14:
the responsibility of the importer, but then
the importers sell the bikes on without the
268 Paid Up Members
HRMC/NOVA application and not telling
24 Honorary Members
the unsuspecting new owner of the law,
292 Members in total.
maybe the importers do not know or don't
Only 42 people joined the club last year
care! There is a £5.00 per day fine for not
and we’ve seen a significant fall in overall notifying HMRC after 14 days. Sadly
numbers as people leave. 65 people
many new owners buy/import the bike,
failed to renew their membership, which
sort it out, get a MoT then join the COC,
is a small increase over last year. Only 6 then work out who pays the fine for late
of these gave a reason and 1 died.
notification. We need to get these new
owners to join COC before buying the
In my role as Membership Secretary I am
bike. More advertising or what?
also responsible for the distribution of
Horizontal View.
I offer Technical Advice on older bikes,
There has been a large increase in the
numbers of members receiving their
copies Horizontal View by email since we
introduced a reduced membership cost
for those who take this option. 61 people
have taken this option. 19 of whom were
new members.
typically the two strokes and the 650cc
OHV and 750cc SV bikes, David Angel of
‘F2 Motorcycles’ supports all owners with
parts and advice but takes all the
enquiries on the 750cc OHV bikes that he
knows and loves. The technical enquiries
are around 50/50 email and telephone,
but now mainly during restoration or
rebuilds rather than running problems.
We bought a Franking Machine last
August which has continued to save the
club money on postage, especially as Phil Parts are easier each year to buy on the
is now responsible for Regalia.
internet, though for the two strokes more
of a problem. Although the COC does not
I am happy to continue in the role of
provide manuals, Dave Cox has a wide
Membership Secretary for a further year.
selection to cover most bikes. There are
still owners trying to rebuild bikes with no
Technical Adviser: Peter J Ballard
manuals with the resulting problems with
early repeat failures or poor performance.
As always my time is split between
More advertising in the publications and
generating Date Certificates and
website suggested.
Technical Advice.
I provide Date Certificates to enable
owners to get Age Related Registration
numbers for bikes brought into the
country or older imported bikes that have
lost their registrations, still 100% success
rate with DVLA applications. I generate
typically one per month. Many owners
(non-members mainly) have been caught
unawares by relatively recent HMRC
requirements, with respect to NOVA
I am still Marque Specialist with the
VMCC despite not being a member, a
unique situation for them.
I will be pleased to continue this role at
Technical Adviser to the COC.
Comments from members ref this
Paul Codling related that the DVLA &
HRMC have problems with translating
Cyrillic characters, but that it had not
affected the obtaining of a UK
registration, only concern is that the
frame number on the Registration Doc
does not exactly match the frame number
on the frame.
ACTION – PJB to write more complete
document on how to import/register a
motorcycle with no UK registration
President: Peter J Ballard.
I also hold the Honorary Position of
President, for which I am truly humbled. I
have run these bikes since 1972 so can
help many owners with theirs. I have
knowledge over many years of the history
of our little club and the wider world of
Soviet and ex-Soviet motorcycles. I have
carried out few if any Presidential duties
in recent years, but leave it entirely up to
the membership if the COC needs a
President & who it might be.
Comments from members ref this
Tony Jones suggested that PJB was still
the best man for the job due to his
knowledge of the history of the club and
these contributions over the years.
Editor: Peter Barker.
Peter said that he was happy to be
passing on the task of a bi-monthly
publication, it was a natural stop. He was
pleased that the new format was working
well. As of this AGM is retiring but will
help with any handover issues.
Web Master: Dave Cox.
Dave reported that there had been a
massive problem with the website, belief
that the damage was due to it being
hacked. He is now rebuilding the site, but
it takes a lot of time. The photo gallery
will be done last. Dave is willing to
Comments included much appreciation
and thanks for his efforts on writing and
maintaining the website.
5. Proposals from Members.
6. Election of the Committee.
Including the retirement of Peter Barker
and support for Charles Hancock to stand
as Editor.
Proposed Paul Codling.
Seconded by Mike Pullan.
Unanimous approval.
7. 2015 AGM venue and date
discussion. Suggest 2nd Weekend of
September to avoid other events.
Tony has investigated using the site of
in Boston Lincs. It is only possible to book
the whole site for a weekend. Fees would
be £15 each for a weekend and would
need a minimum of 30 people to cover
the cost, which is a risk.
Phil Inman suggested that the club
should have a site more north, but would
need suggestions. It was agreed that
members should make suggestions to the
secretary. Attendees generally agreed
that this site at Wing was quite central.
8. Any other business
8.1 Alan Mottram Award.
[This is awarded annually to a member or
committee member who has given far
more time and effort to the club than
would normally be expected, as Alan
Mottram did, before he passed away].
Tony suggested that Peter Barker
(retiring Editor) should receive the reward
for his work. This covered generation of
the informative and amusing monthly
Horizontal News but also for proposing
and implementing the well received new
format of the bi-monthly Horizontal View
to replace the monthly HN and the
occasional HV.
Proposed Dave Cox. Seconded Phil
Inman. Unanimous approval.
8.2 Postage of the new HV publication
– concerns raised by Gina Inman.
Funding generally - one bumper issue per
year should be able to be funded with
respect to increased printing and
increased postage costs. There is a
significant risk of producing a slightly
larger publication and then going into the
next more expensive postal rate. A slight
increase in size will increase the postage
from 33p to 65p. It is essential to keep the
package under 5mm thick for the 24
pages, but currently it is very close.
Any underpayment made on the franking
machine results in the underpayment
charges coming back to COC at £1.00
per item plus the underpayment. We
need to work with the printers, Ellison
Printing, to cost different paper
thicknesses/qualities if the Editor wants to
increase the size of the HV.
Charles suggested that more publications
could go out on email and not hardcopy,
but this is increasing anyway.
Concerns were raised that by emailing
the HV to members and putting the latest
issue (not immediately it is true) on the
website that one of the key benefits of
being a member of the COC was being
distributed free in the form of a digital HV.
There was general concern over this and
really does need to be considered. Tony
suggested that the emailing of the
publications did make the COC more
attractive to members. It was noted that
the RMOA
rmoawebsite/ Russian Motorcycle
Owners Association (of Australia) [Aside
– club covers all Soviet and ex-Soviet
motorcycles not just Russian ones, but
they got stuck with a name that is no
longer accurate like the COC has] no
longer sends its publications to the COC.
was damaged or ‘lost’. Free to members
and charged to non-members, in the
same way the ‘Date Certificates’ are
ACTION – add the facility to the website
with contact either through the Secretary
or the Technical Adviser.
8.4 Dave Cox suggested that more use
could be made of Social Media such as
Facebook. Many concerns over
unwarranted ‘abuse’ that occurs
particularly considering our website has
been hacked. It is unknown if other bike
clubs have Facebook pages. There was
much discussion around this subject.
Charles suggested that a COC presence
on Facebook will tempt younger owners
who were enthusiastic and dynamic to
join. It was acknowledged that
membership age was increasing but
could well be directly linked to age of
owners increasing thus would we be
targeting people with no intent of running
a Soviet or ex-Soviet motorcycle. PJB
pointed out that in the 1970’s and 1980’s
many owners were in their 20’s and 30’s,
but that is not typical now. Dave Cox has
some knowledge of Facebook via a
colleague at work who could help, but
also to ensure that ability to add abuse
was denied. Phil suggested that we
should (all) look at other clubs and see
what they do on this matter. It was
pointed out that the Swedish Ural based
club only have a Facebook account and
no website. F2Motorcycles have a
Facebook page in addition to their
ACTION – Dave Cox to investigate and
report back to the committee.
8.5 Loss of members from a club –
Gordon (also in Royal Enfield Club)
8.3 Tony suggested that another service points out that with an ageing
the COC could offer would be a Valuation membership sadly a significant
Service. This would enable owners to
percentage of the loss of members is due
get an ‘Agreed Valuation’ with their
to them passing away rather than just
insurance companies so that they would deciding to leave the club.
get a realistic pay-out if their motorcycle
8.6 15th to 17th July 2016, ‘Redstar’
Eastern European Rally has has been
confirmed as taking place in Salmesbury,
Lancashire (less than 10 miles East of
Due to the agreement this again is likely
to be a profitable event. The COC are key
organisers in this, with Tony Jones taking
a leading role. Gina suggested funding a
talk by Austin Vince “... best known for his
long distance adventure motorcycle
expeditions: twice round the world as part
of the Mondo Enduro and Terra Circa
trips...” who has also ridden many miles
on Ural outfits. Booking Fee would be
about £400 with free entrance to rally
attendees but a charge could be made for
visitors. Good support for this.
Before you buy a motorcycle make sure
that the frame number matches the VIN
plate on the headstock. Ideally the engine
number will also match but an engine
change of the same type is no problem.
Make sure any registration documents
(from whatever country) match the bike,
at least the VIN plate on the headstock
and frame number.
Get a receipt that matches the frame
number at least. If the receipt also states
the year of manufacture of the bike then
that will be very useful. Hand written on
paper and signed is OK.
As soon as you get the bike into the UK
you MUST apply to HMRC to Notify them
of a Vehicle Arrival into UK. A delay
can result in a fine of £5.00 per day!
Without notification and acceptance, the
ACTION - Phil to make contact with
Austin Vince.
8.7 European Meet.
Phil & Gina proposed a long weekend in
the German/Luxembourg border region
for members. There was concern over
putting on such an event with respect to
Public Liability Insurance. This needs
looking into. But if it is just a meeting
without recommended route or groups on
the road together then maybe insurance
will not be required. Events insurance for
UK was about £250 but unclear if this
would be required.
ACTION: Phil and Gina to investigate and
go ahead if possible.
- END DVLA will NOT register your bike.
NB The importer is liable, if you buy an
imported bike in the UK insist that the
importer does the NOVA application.
Read the DVLA requirements
In 1981 a new piece of UK C&U
(Construction and Use) legislation was
introduced, that prevented sidecars being
fitted to the right hand side (hence LHD)
of motorcycles registered after Aug 1981.
So if the bike has a registration document
from any country in the world dated prior
to Aug 1981 then the sidecar can go on
the right. Actual text shown at the bottom
of this page. So with no previous
registration document, however old the
bike is, the sidecar would have to go on
the left UK side. However, recently a
1986 piece of legislation came to light
that defines what happens if there is no
previous registration document! So...
[As in the Construction and Use Regulations, Ed]
MoT; only now needed for vehicles built
since 1960, but many insurance
companies will still need a MoT on a
For the purpose of these Regulations, vehicle older than 1960, so ask your
the date on which a motor vehicle is first broker/insurance company!
used is—
The bike can be insured and MoT’d on
(a)in the case of a vehicle not falling within
the frame number. At the MoT, the
sub-paragraph (b) and which is registered, the
examiner will enter the frame number and
date on which it was registered;
date of manufacture into the VOSA
(b)in each of the following cases—
(i)a vehicle which is being or has been used (Vehicle Operators Services Agency)
database and this will be accessed by
under a trade licence as defined in section 16
of the 1971 Act (otherwise than for the
DVLA when you apply to register.
purposes of demonstration or testing or of
So make sure your NOVA application
being delivered from premises of the
matches the MoT and insurance!
manufacturer by whom it was made or of a
NB If you add or change a sidecar then a
distributor of vehicles, or dealer in vehicles, to
new MoT is required!
premises of a distributor of vehicles, dealer in
vehicles or purchaser thereof or to premises of
a person obtaining possession thereof under a
hiring agreement or hire purchase agreement);
(ii)a vehicle belonging, or which has
belonged, to the Crown and which is or was
used or appropriated for use for naval, military
or air force purposes;
(iii)a vehicle belonging, or which has
belonged, to a visiting force or a headquarters
or defence organisation to which in each case
the Visiting Forces and International
Headquarters (Application of Law) Order 1965
(iv)a vehicle which has been used on
roads outside Great Britain before being
imported into Great Britain; and
(v)a vehicle which has been used otherwise
than on roads after being sold or supplied by
retail and before being registered;
the date of manufacture of the vehicle.
To register with the DVLA to get an age
related registration number contact them
and get the form V55/5. or call them on
0300 790 6801.
You will almost certainly need a ‘Date
Certificate’ from me to go with the
application (I am approved by the DVLA
to issue such), it will at least smooth the
process. Success rate with Age Related
Registration applications with a COC
Date Cert is 100%. Photographs of the
bike, frame number, engine number and
VIN plate will be required and scans of
any docs will be useful but not essential.
The COC Date Cert is FREE to members.
Thus with no previous registration from
another country then the date of
manufacture shall be used as the date for
application to other legislation, including
the infamous C&U Reg 93! This means
that the owner now has to prove the date
of manufacture that should be on the VIN
plate, or on the receipt from the seller.
This does seem to be a legitimate way of
allowing UK registration of a motorcycle
with a sidecar on the right that has no
previous registration document but can
be proved to have been manufactured
before Aug 1981.
There is also a route to register a bike
built up from parts if the parts are from a
type that was made over 25 years ago.
This is for a ‘Reconstructed Classic’. No
such applications have been made
through the COC yet.
Send V55/5 to DVLA with the COC Date
Cert and other required docs as specified
on the form and you will get an age
related UK registration number.
Have fun; Peter J Ballard.
COC Tech Advice.
The COC can take no responsibility for the ultimate safety of any of this advice, but it
is offered in good faith. Thanks to various members for submitting the photos & ideas.
Standard link between the arms of a TLS
front brake, same feature on Urals and
Dneprs, difficult to get both shoes
touching simultaneously.
Fitted a 8mm stainless steel marine
quality ‘turn buckle’ with right hand thread
at one end and left hand at the other to
easily adjust the length!
Ural SLS front brake plate grafted onto
the sidecar drive unit of a Dnepr MT12/
MT16. Operated by rod to a cross tube to
a pedal for the right foot. PJB.
“To learn from the Soviet Experience”
painting by
BMW R51.
Boyer Bransden ignition on a Ural M63,
glued Boyer back plate to the Ural points
plate centrally, used epoxy. PJB.
Getting the flywheel
nut loose and tight
can be difficult as
you need to stop the
engine moving,
wedging with a
spanner can be very
effective with care.
Use of impact
drivers is never a
good idea on the
flywheel nut or the
clutch screws.
Once the
fire wood is
gone it will
be spring
and time to
ride the
outfit again!
I do not like
motors in
our lovely
Urals, but
this is
Is this the start or end of
a project or two?
Above KMZ MT14 I believe.
Right IZH Jupiter 500cc before they went 4 stroke.
Left, what
when they
show Urals in
Good shot of
the finned
sump, sidecar
drive shaft
and sidecar
Upper left Michael rebuilding a M72. Below left, father and son in Rotherham with a
couple of outfits. Above, Richard on a very nice MT12 in Netherlands ;-) !
Paul Codling’s Chang Jiang in
Poland, presumably with Paul as
well, makes a nice torquey solo!
Top, Soviet era ISDT M72 and motocross
M63 (?) outfits.
Above PJB’s M66 outfit with MT12 sidecar
wheel drive, left descending a pass in the
Lake District and right bogged down in
Lancashire, though we did tug it out with a
MT9 and long stretchy tow rope and a long
run up, worked well (please add sucking
noises here!).
me S
iett Era
Era Photos
os s
entt to m
e by v
us p
Then and ‘now’.
M72/K750 and a Ural ‘Retro’.
Jerzees T-Shirt
Jerzees Polo
Shirt £15.50
Sweat Shirt
Choice of either the Silver Club Logo or the Silver Star Logo over the
left breast and in all the popular sizes: Normal range of sizes: Medium
- Large - Extra Large - XXL & XXXL
Hooded Sweat Shirts
These are normally on
an order basis, as we
only hold one or two in
Full & Half Zip Fleeces - £23.50
Product Code: COC-FL. 100% Polyester, unlined. Comes with Silver Club
Logo or Star Logo over the left breast. These are great for chilly mornings on
the rally field. Normal range of sizes: Medium - Large - Extra Large - XXL &
Regatta Dover Fleeced Lined Jacket - £47.00
Product Code: COCJ1. Waterproof, Windproof hydrafort polyester fabric. Fully
lined with Thermo-guard insulation. Taped seams, concealed hood and
adjustable cuffs. 2 zipped lower pockets. These jackets are very nice and
comfortable and come with the Star Logo on the left breast as with other
products. There is also the clubs web address
( across the shoulders on the back. Colours:
Only in Black with Silver Logo and writing. Sizes: M (40") - L (42") - XL (44") XXL(47") - XXXL(50") Chest (to fit).
Woolly Hats - £8.50 The
woolly hat is the knitted type
and again with either club
logo. This is an essential bit
of kit for any club member.
Baseball Caps - £9.00
Adjustable band at back,
supplied in Black or Blue.
One size fits all, choice of
either the standard Club Logo
or Star Logo.
Club Umbrella
Key Ring
Owners Club
metal ring on
an easy tag.
Golf sized
brollies in two
types with
COC logos on
2 panels.
The club only now holds a small collection of manuals for servicing it
does not have access to the entire collection. We do still have a few
manuals but now only for some of the 2-strokes. If you need a manual
please call before evenings to see what is available.
We are though in collaboration with Russian Motorcycle Manuals who provides good quality Repair/
Service Manuals along with Parts Catalogues.
Dave Cox (For contact, see page 2)
Chang Jiang 750cc Side Valve M1M with left
hand sidecar (On the left). 12V. Kick Start/
Electric start, fitted with handlebar warmers.
Mileage is 8,800+ km, has reverse gearbox & 4
forward. New/renewed parts over last 9 months;
Avon tyre inner tube & gaiter, another wheel has
new inner tube & gaiter, additional ignition key, 4
chains & locks, new rubber gasket to right hand
valve adjustment port, new petrol tank cap, both
fuel taps, fuel pipe, new ignition coil, spark plugs & caps, HT leads, battery, crankcase
breather pipe, points, new captured bolt, 3 oil reservoirs drained fresh oil added, new
points were fitted, new crankcase breather pipe. Front wheel is a Ural with twin leading
shoe brake. Sidecar has tonneau cover, windshield, locking boot, spare wheel & basic tool
kit with jack. Bike has centre stand fitted. ‘Taxed’ until 31/8/15. Ural windscreen possibly
available as extra.
~ £2,600 ~
Contact Stephen Bolton 01427 616450
(or [email protected] but only through library access)
COC advice:- Note, although this is a year 2002 (approx) model, 1st UK
registered in 2003, it has a 1950’s age related registration and number plate.
Therefore it does need VED (Road Tax) to be paid and a MoT to be road legal,
so will need re-registering correctly.