Parent Connect Resource Guide - Lancaster Independent School
Parent Connect Resource Guide - Lancaster Independent School
WHAT IS PARENT CONNECT? Parent Connect is the vehicle used by the Lancaster Independent School District to keep parents informed and engaged with current ini a ves and opportuni es to connect to their student’s learning environment. Parent Connect provides training for parents so they can assist students with their academics and social support behaviors. Lancaster ISD recognizes the cri cal role parents play in the achievement of students. Contents Get Connected 3 How to Partner 3 Event Dates & Ac vi es 4 Parent Guidelines & Check Lists 6 Project Budget Talk 9 Therefore, we engage our parents as partners, teachers, advisors and advocates. Parent Con-‐ nect has mul ple opportuni es for parents to connect with one another and our staff throughout the year. Parents are invited to connect with district and campus ini a ves that will enhance the aca-‐ demic and social pursuit of our students. When parents are connected with schools and the dis-‐ trict, student achievement increases. We chal-‐ lenge you to Get Connected today! The Lancaster ISD Parent Connect Organiza on is a part of the district Office of Parent Engagement and Community Partnerships Departments located at the Lancaster ISD Administra on Building, 422 S. Centre Avenue, Lancaster, Texas 75146. Phone: 972-218-1400|Email: [email protected] Parent Involvement Model 13 Addi onal Resources & Forms 25 Student Support Services & Forms 26 Volunteer Applica on Service Intake Form School-Parent-Student Compact HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? Lancaster ISD aims to engage parents in mul ple ways to ensure that we hear the voice of stakeholders while educa ng our children. We recognize the importance of our parents con-‐ nec ng with us. Parents are seen as a cri cal piece to the success of student social and aca-‐ demic well being. Therefore, we ask that you make me to connect with us... Partner Do you own a business, offer a personal service, educa onal program or can con-‐ nect our students to real–world learning opportuni es? Parent Connect can help you establish a beneficial rela onship with our district. Teach Parents are our students’ first teachers and at home are called upon assist with home-‐ work, projects and more. Parent Connect aims to equip parents with the basic con-‐ cepts, tools and resources to help support student learning outside of the classroom. Advocate Advise Many opportuni es exist to strengthen and support student learning, increase achieve-‐ ment and enhance the school environment. Parent Connect extends this opportunity to our parents to be included in the explora-‐ on, the process and the implementa on as a viable voice. Parents who are involved are called upon to par cipate in programs, projects, and im-‐ provement studies to share your opinion in scheduled visits and help to enhance the learning community. Be an advisor and help us navigate the journey achieve our goals for our students. BECOME A PARTNER! Partnership Opportuni es The Lancaster ISD Parent Connect organization believes that education at its highest level can only be achieved through volunteerism/community involvement and a civic closeness. To maximize this effort, we foster distinct outlets where dedicated individuals, businesses, community lead- ers, or anyone with a desire to be a role model in a child’s life, can connect with us. Community Partners The Lancaster ISD Community Partnership is a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship created by a business or organization and the Lancaster ISD to provide schools and businesses an opportunity to share resources. Partnerships are designed to be beneficial, innovative, active and rewarding. The overall goal is to create a relationship that is highly responsive to the needs of both the business and the district. In order to qualify as a Community Partner, a business or organization must be a legal entity. A memorandum of understanding will define the scope and length of the partnership and will be signed by a legal representative of both parties. Adopt – a – Campus A Lancaster ISD School Adoption Partnership is a minimum one-year long, mutually beneficial relationship between a business/organization and a school. A memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be created after all parties determine the scope of the partnership. The overall goal is to create a relationship that is highly responsive to the needs of both the business and the school. In order to qualify as a School Adoption Partner, an organization/business must be a legal entity. An MOU must be on file in the District Office of Community Partnerships signed by a legal representative of both parties. Education Partner An Education Partnership is for a minimum of one year and is a mutually beneficial relationship between a business/ organization and the district. The overall goal is to provide an avenue for local businesses/ organizations to offer district employees discounts for goods/services. The district makes these notices of discounts available to employees in various appropriate ways. A memorandum of understanding will be created to outline all of the guidelines and restrictions, signed by a legal representative of both parties and kept on file in the Office of Community Partnerships. Campus Volunteer A Campus Volunteer is another type of community partner. A volunteer is an individual who sets a schedule with the volunteer coordinator at a school to give their time, energies and talents to help students and staff as needed. The over- all goal is to provide an avenue to allow community mem- bers to become active and involved with neighborhood schools and for the school to benefit from the volunteers’ time, energies, talents and skills. BE OUR V.I.P. ( A Very Involved Parent) A Very Involved Parent (VIP) is a parent who volunteers at their child’s (children’s) school (s) for special events or field trips as needed or on a regular basis. The goal of the rela onship between a school and a VIP is to allow parents to become more involved in their child’s educa on and for the school to meet the needs of students and parents as well as e benefit from the energies, talents and skills of their students and staff in the VIP volunteer work. Parent Connect Sessions & District Conferences November 19 Naviga ng the Parent Portal System Dir. of Instruc onal Technology Anita McPartland December 5 Connec ng to Scholarship Resources Director of College and Career Readiness Creslond Fannin December 9-16 Parent Connect Instruc onal Syllabus Training Instruc onal Team and Parent Co-facilitators January 7 GT Students Opportuni es and Challenges for GT Teachers, Coordinator of Advance Academ-‐ ics Micah Taylor and Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Helena Mose-‐ ly February 10 Mini workshops in Math 10th-11th; Literacy for 9th STEM K-12 Math Coordinator, Latasha Murry March 25-28 Choice Sheets and Informa on about Campuses Pit stop (PM Session) Campus Level: Dr. Lisa Bacon and Dr. Lamont Smith (Meet/Greet) April 8 Job Fair and Shadowing (Session) Director of Parent Engagement Dr. Lisa Bacon and Community Partner (s) Academic 4th Quarter “Push You Can Make It “ (Session) Secondary Administrator (s) May 31 PBL Showcase / Parent and Student Job Fair Director of Parent Engagement Dr. Lisa Bacon CAMPUS LEVEL PTA MEETINGS January– Student Assessment Checkpoint PTA Mission Statement This PTA meeting will concentrate on the identification of the students readiness for the state-mandated assess- To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging ments. Specifically, this is the time to have the conversa- and empowering families and communities to tions regarding STAAR, Pre-AP, AP, benchmark and se- advocate for all children. The goal for Lancaster ISD is mester grades. The parents can connect with teachers that every parent and staff member become involved and students to collaboratively address possible concerns and join their campus PTAs. and types of interventions as well acceleration. The inter- vention and acceleration expectations will come from the Instructional team. PTA Meeting Dates by Campus All elementary schools meet on the second Thursday of the month. (Please note that the semester ends on January 16. Stu- dent report card distribution will begin on January 23 for elementary, GWC and LMS) Click here to get connect February 18 - March 4 PBL Exposition to your students’ campus These meeting times are designed to provide an opportunity for parents, guardians and etc., to participate in an exhibit that will include student recognitions, a 21st Century STEM learning project showcase to highlight stu- dent achievement from the second semester. Campus Level PTA Meeting Topics October— Parent Self-Serve Portal Training March – Instructional Learning Aids This meeting will allow parents to become familiar with the upgraded student information system, known as the Parent Self–Serve Portal System (formerly known as Home Access). Parents and approved guardians will have an opportunity to walk through the new system to enhance the use of the software application at home. The primary focus of this meeting is to connect the parents to the learning aids, and online learning programs for stu- dent use away from campus as a measure to increase achievement and interaction with learning technology re- sources such as Study Island, Renaissance Learning and other current programming before spring break. This will also be the time to ensure that passwords are actively working. Parents may also learn about the need-specific work assigned to their student. November—CFA Student Led Conferences Students will host the on-campus parent sessions and share their projects, current learning objectives and accomplishments with their parents. December - Campus Level Problem-Based Learning Expos This end of the semester PTA Meeting will consist of an exhibit that will include student recognitions, a 21st Century STEM learning project showcase to highlight student achievement from the start to the close of the first academic semester. April- Reflections & Celebrations This is a time to reflect on the progress and your district partnership and also to celebrate the academic excellence of your students and campus. May – Gear Up for Next Year! This time is set aside for elections for the upcoming year, learn about the summer project requirements, STEM camps and the Summer Bridge Programs offered in Lancaster ISD. CONNECT WITH YOUR CAMPUS PTA at a Monthly Mee ng OCTOBER 3 Houston 6:00pm 10 West Main 6:00pm 1 Houston 6:00pm 9 West Main 6:00pm 11 1 GWC 6:30pm 10 Rosa Parks 7:00pm Rosa Parks 6:00pm (STEM Night) 8 Beltline 6:30pm 10 8 Pleasant Run 6:30pm 17 Rolling Hills 5:30pm 17 8 8 8 22 Lancaster 7:00pm Rosa Parks 6:00pm JANUARY 7 Houston 6:00pm 7 13 18 Pleasant Run Beltline 6:30pm 5 GWC 6:30pm 23 Rosa Parks 6:00pm Rosa Parks 6:00pm 23 LMS 4 Houston 6:00pm 4 GWC 6:30 pm 6 Houston 6:00pm 6 GWC 6:30pm 13 Houston 6:00pm Rolling Hills 6:00pm 13 GWC 6:30pm Beltline 6:30pm 20 West Main 6:00pm Pleasant Run 7:00pm 22 Rolling Hills 6:00pm Rosa Parks 5:00pm 22 LMS 7:00pm 27 LMS 7:00pm APRIL 1 7 8 8 Beltline 6:30pm 10 Rosa Parks 6:00pm PTA Partner 2 Teach Advise Advocate FEBRUARY West Main 6:00pm Rosa Parks 6:00pm 7:00pm DECEMBER GWC 6:30pm GWC 6:30pm West Main 6:00pm 14 3 4 Houston 6:00pm Beltline 6:30pm Houston 6:00pm LMS 7:00pm 4 West Main 6:00pm 11 5 21 MARCH MAY 5 27 1 GWC 6:30pm Pleasant 7:00pm Beltline 6:30pm Rolling Hills 5:30pm 3 14 Run 12 21 Lancaster 7:00pm West Main 6:00pm 12 Beltline 6:30pm Rolling Hills 5:30pm West Main 6:00pm NOVEMBER 4 Beltline 6:30pm 11 7:00pm (STEM Night) AFTERSCHOOL, IT’S TIGER TIME! Cost for Elementary Care Tuition is $40 per week for each child in a family who qualifies for free/reduced lunches. An application must be completed to receive the discount. Tuition for nonqualifying students is $45 per week. Secondary After School Care Beginning Monday, August 27, 2013, Tiger Time will be offered to 6th grade students attending George W. Carver STEM Learning Center. Hours are from 4:10 p.m. until TIGER TIME is the Lancaster Independent School Dis- trict’s Afterschool Program that exists to provide an affordable care option for our working parents that are un- able to pick up their students at the close of the school day. Our mission is to support the creation of community by providing supervision and enrichment in a safe, struc- tured learning environment. The program is designed to provide academic skills reinforcement, creative and en- gaging activities including games, art projects, music, with a focus on character development. Tiger Time will be housed at local elementary school campuses. Elementary After School Care Lancaster ISD offers an afterschool program called Tiger Time on all elementary campuses. Tiger Time hours are from 2:45pm until 6:00pm. Snacks will be provided for the students and certified teach- ers will facilitate the program. 6:00 p.m. Tuition is $15 per week for each child in a family who qualifies for free/reduced lunch. An application must be completed to receive the discount. Tuition for nonqualifying students is $20 per week. Snacks will be provid- ed for the students and certified teachers will facilitate the program. Please note: No family will pay more than $100 per week. Payments Accepted: Cashier’s checks and money orders only. SATELLITE LEARNING CENTERS Lancaster ISD opened the doors of five Satellite Learn-‐ ing Centers located throughout the city where Lancaster ISD students can have access to internet-ready computers outside of the hours of the school day. The centers exist as a result of strategic partnerships formed with some of the lo-‐ cal churches and apartment complexes . Each center features comput-‐ ers, printers and a safe learn-‐ ing environment for students to complete homework, do projects and get assistance with current assignments. The hours are most Mondays, s and Thursdays from 3:45p.m. to 6:45p.m. and each loca on has an adult onsite to monitor and assist students. This is another way that Lan-‐ caster ISD is u lizing commu-‐ nity partnerships to fulfill a need that will aid in increas-‐ ing student achievement. SAFE PLACE INTERNET ACCESS HOMEWORK HELP COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS A Local Partnership of the City, District and Faith-Based Organizations Are you connected with a ministry or a faith-based organiza on in the local area that is seeking expand, grow your leaders, connect with city or district programming, please make plans to connect with Lancaster’s Communi es in Schools partnership this year. Local pastors and community leaders meet with Lancaster ISD and City officials quarterly to build capacity to effec vely iden -‐ fy the needs of the community and develop strategic partner-‐ ships that are used to address students’ academic and social needs. The mee ngs are currently held at the Lancaster Senior Life Center located at 1700 Veterans Memorial Parkway from 9:00am-10:30am. LANCASTER ISD PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Mentoring Opportuni es at Campuses Businesses and Ministries partner with campuses to support student achievement, enrichment ac vi es and teacher apprecia on ini a ves. Students are able to give back to the community by par cipa ng in service opportuni es with our partners. Various organiza ons par cipate in training and opportuni es that in direct impact the learning and achievement of our Lancaster ISD students. The Community in Schools Organiza on Meets Quarterly. MAKE AN IMPACT THROUGH PARENT CONNECT PARENTING Parent Resource Center Adult math tutoring Internet Safety night Workshops on positive Discipline Assist families with parenting skills, family support, understanding child and adolescent development, and settling home conditions to support learning at each age and grade level. Assist schools in understanding families’ backgrounds, cultures, and goals for children. COMMUNICATING Parent email list Newsletter by students to parents Multilingual signage Parent Survey Communicate with families about school programs and student progress in varied, clear, and productive ways. Create two-way communication channels from school-to-home and from home-to-school so that families can easily keep in touch with teachers, administrators, counselors, and other families. VOLUNTEERING Parent Volunteer translators School Beautification Projects Safe School Program/Car Drive Duty Volunteer Recognition Reception Improve recruitment, training, activities, and schedules to involve families as volunteers and audiences. Enable educators to work with regular and occasional volunteers who assist and support students and the school. LEARNING AT HOME STAAR Night for Parents Math/Science Family Nights Parent/Child Book Discussions Interactive Homework Involve families with their children in academic learning activities at home, including homework, goal-setting, and other curriculum-related activities. Encourage teachers to design homework that enables students to share and discuss interesting work and ideas with family members. DECISION-MAKING Bringing the PTA/PTO to the Parents Diversity Discussions Family Walk Through Parent to Parent Interviews Include families as participants in school decisions, governance, and advocacy activities through school councils or improvement teams, committees, PTA/ PTO, and other parent organizations. Assist family and teacher representatives in obtaining information from and giving information to those they represent. COLLABORATING W/ COMMUNITY Arts Extravaganza Family Night Thanksgiving Festivities Family Festival & Resource Fair Coordinate resources and services for families, students, and the school with community business, agencies, cultural and civic organizations, colleges, or universities, and other community groups. Enable students, staff, and families to contribute their service to the community. Community Resources PLEASE NOTE: The following list is provided as a courtesy of the Lancaster ISD, Parent Connect and Stu- dent Support Services Departments. The inclusion of an agency in the list below in no way constitutes an endorsement of relationships between Lancaster ISD and the service provider. This list is subject to change. Substance Abuse & Drug Education Outpatient/Inpatient/Residential: Dallas Challenge Green Oaks Hickory Trail Promise House Greater Dallas Council on Alcohol & Drug Abuse 214-942-5166 972-991-9504 972-298-7323 214-941-8578 214-522-8600 Support Groups Substance Abuse: Alcoholics Anonymous Narco cs Anonymous Alateen/Alanon AA – Spanish CODA 214-887-6699 972-699-9306 214-363-0461 214-905-0770 972-492-2432 Grief: Griefworks Journey of Hope The Warm Place 972-960-9981 972-964-1600 817-870-2272 Abuse: Brighter Tomorrows (Outreach) Brighter Tomorrows (Crisis Hotline) Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center Dallas County Rape Crisis Center Friends of the Family Genesis Women’s Shelter New Beginning Center Rape Crisis Center of Dallas County The Family Place (Outreach) The Family Place (24-hr. Crisis Line) 972-263-3126 972-262-8383 214-818-2600 214-590-0430 972-219-2829 214-559-2050 214-276-0057 214-653-8740 214-443-7701 214-941-1991 Divorce: For Kids Sake...(adults) 469-752-2272 Griefworks divorce recovery (children) 972-960-9981 Parents: Toughlove Because I Love You – BILY 972-278-0640 972-647-9573 Ea ng Disorders: Overeaters Anonymous Elisa Project Children’s Medical Center 972-238-0333 214-369-5222 214-456-8895 Crisis Hotlines (24 hours/day) Crisis Helpline Teen Contact Suicide & Crisis Center Turning Point Rape Crisis 972-233-2233 972-233-8336 214-828-1000 800-886-RAPE Clothing-Food-Shelter Bethlehem Founda on Lancaster Outreach Center New Beginning Center Red Cross Salvation Army–Dallas (Social Services ) Salvation Army – Dallas (Family Violence) Dallas Urban League 214-371-3407 972-227-0138 972-276-0057 214-678-4800 214-424-7000 214-424-7112 214-915-4600 ADVISE! TEACH! ADVOCATE! PARTNER! CONTACT US: Lancaster ISD Parent Connect 422 S. Centre Avenue Lancaster, Texas 75146 972-218-1400 [email protected] Youth and Family Counseling Agencies Professional Tutoring Child and Family Guidance Pastoral Counseling Center Children First Rapha Dallas Metrocare Salesmanship Texas Youth Hotline Univ. of North Texas Youth Advocate Braintrain Gideon Kumon Sylvan Learning Center 214-351-3490 214-526-4525 972-264-0604 972-257-0449 214-331-0107 214-915-4700 800-989-6884 972-780-3646 214-821-6505 Psychiatric Evalua ons Child & Family Guidance Baylor Hospital Children’s Hospital Parkland Hospital Dallas Metrocare Timberlawn Hickory Trail Hospital Northpointe 214-351-3490 1-800-4BAYLOR 214-456-5937 214-590-2926 214-331-0107 214-381-7181 972-298-7323 972-394-4357 Medical Clinics Parkland Clinic Dallas Co. Health Charlton Methodist Hospital Mom’s Program Planned Parenthood Care Now 214-590-8000 214-819-2000 214-947-7777 214-324-6300 972-709-0081 972- 780-0802 972-980-7488 214-331-0107 972-224-8606 Youth Shelters CITY House Promise House New Beginning YMCA Casa Shelter Bilingual Services Centro de mi Salud CFB Adult & Parent Educa on Mosaic Counseling Center Salesmanship Club 214-941-0798 972-968-6500 214-821-5393 972-481-7890 Alterna ve Educa on Dallas Can Academy GED Hotline Winfree Academy Job Corps 972-225-1194 800-626-9433 972-869-3250 1-888-442-7759 Legal Services Legal Aid of Northwest Texas SMU School of Law Clinical Program Dallas Bar Associa on 214-748-1234 214-768-2562 214-744-5277 Gang Educa on & Resources GREAT Program Lancaster Police Dept. 972-218-2700 Drug Tes ng ADD/ADHD Evalua ons Covenant Chris an Ministries Dallas Metrocare Southwestern Psychiatric Center 972-293-9800 972-274-6284 972-274-4805 800-375-9152 972-423-7057 214-941-8578 972-276-0057 214-358-4504 Allegiance Lab Accu-Chem Drug Test Your Teen U.S. Health Works 214-320-2900 972-234-5577 214-797-8378 972-236-1941 School-Parent-Student Compact social performance of student. Making sure that homework and all assignments are completed. Monitoring activities of students outside school and promoting positive use of child’s extracurricular time. Volunteering in my student’s school. Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my student’s education. A. School Accountability Pledge – Lancaster Staying informed about my child’s education ISD Schools will: and communicating with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school Provide high-quality curriculum and or the school district either received by my child or by mail and responding, as instruction in a supportive and effective appropriate. learning environment that enables the par- ticipating children to meet the State’s stu- Serving, to the extent possible, on policy ad- dent academic achievement standards. visory groups, such as being the Title I, Part A parent representative on the school’s Hold parent-teacher conferences during School Improvement Team, the Title I Policy which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s Advisory Committee and others as appropri- ate. achievement. Provide parents with frequent reports on C. Student Accountability Pledge - We, as their children’s progress. students, will share the responsibility to Provide parents reasonable access to staff. achieve in school and in life. We will: Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class and to Adhere to all expectations and guidelines of school. observe classroom activities. all materials and completed Provide opportunities for participation in Bring assignments to class each day and actively professional and personal development that participate in my learning process. improve teaching and learning and which support partnerships of families and Ask for help when I need to and participate communities. in activities offered to support my learning. Provide safe and supportive learning Study and read at least 30 minutes every environment. day outside of school time. Lancaster ISD Schools, the parents, and the students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A, agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve success in school and in life. B. Family/Parent Accountability Pledge – We, as parents, will support our student’s learning by: Give to my parents or the adult who is responsible for my welfare all notices and information received by me from my school every day. Monitoring attendance and academic and Complete form with school name. Sign, date and return to child’s home campus. School Name: _______________________________ Date: __________________________ Parent (s) Name: _______________________________ Signature: _____________________ Student Name: _______________________________ Signature: _____________________ STAY LINKED! Stay Connected with Parent Connect! More parent-focused resources are available on our website! Click to Connect Become a Parent Connect Volunteer Today Lancaster Independent School District 972-218-1400 | | [email protected] .