Campaign Book
Campaign Book
A Brief Historical Timeline for the fknaess Note: For the events beiow, dates are given in CY (Common Year). For other calendars sometimes used, employ the following modifiers to years: SD (Suloise): CY1=SD5516; add +5515 to get SD equivalent of CY date. OC (Elven): CY1=OC4463; add +4462 to get OC equivalent of CY date. BH (Bakluni): CY1=BH266O; add +2659 to get BH equivalent of CY date. FT (Flannae): CY1=FT2151; add +2150 to get FT equivalent of CY date. OR (Oeridian): CY1=OR645; add +644 to get OR equivalent of CY date. CY Date - 485 (apprx.) -466 438 446 479 file 498 Sa m ple Beginning of the Baklunish-Suloise Wars. First employment of humanoid mercenaries in those wars. — 458 Oerid invasions beyond western mountains commence. -447 Suloise migrations beyond western mountains commence. - 422 Invoked Devastation and Rain of Colorless Fire strike Suel and Bakluni lands. — 400 Two centuries of Suel/Oeridian battles for control of the central Flanaess begin, Suel progressively banished to the margins of the lands. - 217 Founding of the Kingdom of Aerdy is a proclamation of the supremacy of the Oeridians. 1 Overking crowned in Rauxes; frontiers of the Great Kingdom extend west to modern-day Greyhawk City and beyond. 100 Viceroyalty of Furyondy established. 254 Thrommel I of the Kingdom of Furyondy crowned in Dyvers; Veluna, Tenh, and Perrenland also become independent. 300-350 Bandit Kingdoms formed. 310-360 Shield Lands become increasingly unified. 320 Northern Nomads first reported and documented. 356 Nyrond established; Kingdom of Keoland at peak, entering its imperialist phase; Theocracy of the Pale and Urnst states become independent. 507 513 563 569 570 573 578 582-584 585 The Small War (Keoland vs. Furyondy/ Veluna); in the aftermath, Keolandish satellites (Bissel, Gran March, Yeomanry) become increasingly independent. Ivid I ascends the Malachite Throne in Rauxes. Iron League formed. North and South Provinces secede from Great Kingdom. Iuz begins conquest of pettyfiefsnorth of Furyondy. Greyhawk becomes a Free City. County of Urnst becomes Palatinate under the Duchy of Urnst. Iuz imprisoned beneath Castle Greyhawk. Humanoid invasions of the Pomarj overrun the land. Rise of the Horned Society. Bone March falls to humanoids. Temple of Elemental Evil in the Gnarley Forest is sacked by the forces of Good. Iuz freed from imprisonment in Castle Greyhawk. Scarlet Brotherhood first reported; Prince of Furyondy and Provost of Veluna disappear. Naval forces of the Great Kingdom and Nyrond skirmish in Relmor Bay. The Greyhawk Wars (see main text). The current year. 1064 «M992 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Demi-Humans Major Resourcest Ruler: AL C/Lvl. Nations of the Fknaess Pop. Align. 4,500 E + some 4.200E, 1,500 D 2.500E, 2,000D Some Very few Few Few ple Very few 12,O0OE9,000G3,000H 20,OOOE Few Few 18,O0OE 7.000G 2.500H None 2,000D Some 3,000D + some Doubtful None 8,000D 3,000G Very few Doubtful file Reference Card #2 5,000G4,000H + some 17,500E5,000G + some Few Few None Some Some Doubtful 8,000E 5.000D 3,000G Some Few Few m Evil CN, CE LG, LN LN, LE, CE Very few Some Very few Very few 18.000E 13.500G 2.500H Very few none LN C5/F11 ?/W? none CG F7/W13 NG Prl6 CNF12 LGP15 LGF14/W15(e) LGC5/W10 many CEPrl3 CN F15 LE Pr? Demipower LGR14 CG Pr20 LN Pr3/F14 NF12 LGF17 LE Pr? LE Pr? LN Prl5 LN F13 many NE F14 NGR14 CNF9 LE Pr? NW11/T5 LE Pr? LG P13(e) CN F14 NG F8/B12(e) CEF19 CG C6/F8/W9 LN F13(e) CNF12 LN F13 ND14 NG F7/W11 Few silver (Rift mines) food, cloth, gold, gems copper, gems, ivory? silver, gems food, cloth, silver food, cloth food, furs, silver, gold food, cloth, gold cloth, gold, silver, food, gems food, cloth, copper, fine gems food, cloth, silver, gold, gems scarce resources furs, copper, gems food, copper, gold furs, electrum food, cloth, copper, fine gems unknown silver, gems, fine gems rare woods, spices food, cloth, silver, gems+fine fruits, rare woods platinum, fine gems copper, fine gems, some food copper unknown silver, electrum, gold, gems furs, gold, gems, wood furs, gold spices, gold, wood, gems +fine none outstanding food food copper, gems silver, electrum, gold, gems furs, ivory, silver, gems electrum, platinum, gems+fine food, platinum furs, silver, gems food, silver, gold food, cloth, silver, gems food, cloth, electrum, gems CG LG, NG CN LG LG, LN/Hu LG, LN LE, NE, CE LE, NE, CE CN NG, CG CE LG, LN, N CG LG, LN, LE N, CN LN, LG, NG LE, NE LG, LN LN LG, LN All? CE N, CN CN LE, NE, CE NE, CE, CN N, CN LG/Hu CN LG, NG/Hu N, CN, CE N, NG LN CN, CE LN LG, NG, CG LG, NG, CG Sa Popn. Races* Capital Country OFSb OSB FS Hu OSf B S Osb Hu/FSO SOf OS Of S OS Hu/Obf FO O B Hu/SO Sof F/Hu S So SOf Hu/Osf S Hu/OSF FS So F B B OFS Sfo So Bso So Os S SOf So 55,000 none Bandit Kingdoms 55,000 Thornward Bissel Dantredun Blackmoor 700 100,000 + none Bone March Enstad 21,000 Celene Ekbir 260,000 Ekbir 55,000 Krakenheim Frost Barbarians Chendl 360,000 Furyondy 16,500 Gorna Geoff 100,000 Hookhill Gran March Great Kingdom# 4,900,000 none (Rauxes) 40,000 Molag Horned Society Glot 60,000 Ice Barbarians 50,000 Naerie Idee Dorakaa 200,000 Iuz, Land of## Niole Dra 315,000 Keoland 2,500 Lo Reltarma Lendore Isles 83,000 Lopolla Ket 72,000 Sulward Lordship of Isles 1,175,000 Rel Mord Nyrond 2,000 none Olman Islands 37,500 Scant Onnwal Wintershiven 260,000 Pale, Theocracy Schwartzenbruin 200,000 Perrenland 500,000 none Paynims, Plains 90,000 none Pomarj### Marner 36,000 Ratik 35,000 none Rovers of Barrens ? 40,000 + Scarlet Brotherhood 45,000 Asperdi Sea Barons 95,000 Monmurg Sea Princes 30,000 Admundfort Shield Lands 95,000 Soull Snow Barbarians Istivin 15,000 Sterich 55,000 Vlekstaad Stonefist 65,000 Pitchfield Sunndi Nevond Nevnend 160,000 Tenh 75,000 + Yecha Tiger Nomads 150,000 Sefmur Tusmit Jurnre 30,000 Ulek, County of 28,000 Tringlee Ulek, Duchy of Mitrik Eru-Tbvar Loftwick Zeif ? Gryrax Ulakand Radigast City Leukish Capital 27,000 100,000 + 240,000 250,000 10,000 260,000 80,000 115,000 200,000 Popn. B SOf BF Osf OBf? SO So SO B Races' 2,000E3,000D 1.000H Doubtful Few 30,000D + some Doubtful 3,000H+few 3,000D 3.000G 5.000H Some elves, gnomes? ll,000E7,000G+some Demi-Humans* * ple m Sa LG CN LG, LN LN _? LG, NG, CG CN, CE LG, NG LG, NG Pop. Align. food, silver, gems + fine silver, gems food, cloth, gold food, all metals, gems + fine unknown food, cloth, silver, gold furs, copper food, cloth, silver, gems food, fine gems Major Resourcest CG F9/T12 CEF13 CGW13 CGR13 NEW19 LG Pr21 CNF14 LN C5/F11 LNF15 Rulert AL C/Lvl file 1064 e i992TSR. Inc. All Rijhts Reserved. Migration patterns of various races into the Flanaess. The Baklunish, Suel, and Oeridian races are represented. Original Flan homelands are indicated by patches of diagonal lines. For more information, refer to the introduction in the Atlas of the Flanaess booklet. * Hu = Humanoids (and/or giants) as the dominant group. Alignments for nations that include entries followed by /Hu give the dominant human alignments. The Hu indicates that humanoids are now dominant after the Greyhawk Wars. D = Dwarves, E = Elves, G = Gnomes, H = Halflings. For subdivisions of racial types, see main Cyclopedia entries. t Fine gems are of 500 gp + value on average; gems are of average 10-100 + . The entry gems + fine means both gem types are resources of this land. Food includes crops, fruits, livestock, fishing, whaling, etc.; see Cyclopedia entries for more details. + Abbreviations: AL = Alignment, C/Lvl. = Class/Experience level. For character classes, C = Cleric, Pr = Priest, D = Druid, F = Fighter, R = Ranger, P = Paladin, W = Wizard, T = Thief, B = Bard. A ruler denoted with (e) is in exile. # Includes all lands of old Aerdy, including North and South Provinces, Medegia, and Almor. ## Population total given is 85% humanoids, 15% evil humans. Population total given is 80% humanoids, 20% evil humans. Notes Ulek, Principlty Ml Urnst, County of Urnst, Duchy of Vale of the Mage Veluna Wolf Nomads Yeomanry Zeif Country How to Red the tAay GriA Coordinates rows of hexes, slanting from the bottom right to the upper left of the maps. To find a specific hex, such as H21, locate the proper hex column and row, and trace them until they meet, as shown in the diagram. The hex at which the column and row intersect is hex H21. A second example shows how to locate hex D12. Sa m ple file Printed along the top of the Flanaess maps are letters of the alphabet, in sequence. Due to the size of the maps, the alphabet is repeated several times, and each sequence is marked accordingly (A, A2, A3, etc.). These letters identify vertical hex columns. In a similar fashion, a series of numbers is printed on the side and bottom edges of the maps. These numbers identify Reference Card #3 An inki to the Cities of the Fknaess A5-113 F5-105 N2-68 E3-98 05-123 E2-75 B2-47 N-ll R4-112 L2-84 V-48 R2-33 K6-124 N-18 12-61 C2-27 J5-87 V2-112 R3-80 L4-88 P4-89 D-79 M5-130 D5-123 S5-98 12-44 X3-86 S-77 D3-63 Y2-78 B5-95 E4-73 M5-93 T4-125 V2-99 V3-131 14-94 P3-82 E3-50 Y4-113 G2-83 C-55 Q2-56 Z2-80 K-65 L2-90 file ple Hokar Hookhill Innspa Irongate Istivin Jalpa Johnsport Jotsplat Jurnre Kalstrand Kaport Bay Kelten Kester Knudje Knurl Krakenheim Krestible Kro Terlep Leukish Libernen Littleberg Lo Reltarma Loftwick Longspear Lopolla Marner Maure Castle Mentrey Midmeadow Mithat Mitrik Molag Molvar Monmurg Naerie Narisban Narwell Nellix Nevond Nevnend Niole Dra Nulbish Oakenhart Ogburg Oldred Ountsy Pitchfield m X3-77 06-108 G-54 0-48 14-102 B3-38 13-83 A2-49 U3-103 C3-67 Z2-45 Z5-100 S2-79 Q4-83 N4-104 C4-78 Q4-81 Q4-55 V-59 U4-97 J2-37 14-68 D2-93 B2-99 H4-89 B2-56 F2-62 H6-95 K2-107 F4-101 P4-100 U4-64 N5-82 H4-99 C-17 R5-120 J4-76 Q4-117 D4-86 L4-113 C4-91 K4-111 R2-88 B5-90 A4-101 N5-114 Sa Admundfort Antalotl Asperdi Atirr Badwall Bastro Beetu Bellport Blue Borneven Calbut Ceshra Chathold ruins Chendl Courwood Critwall Crockport Dantredun Delaric Devarnish Djekul Dorakaa Dullstrand Duxchan Dyvers Eastfair Edge Field Ekbir City Ekul Elredd Enstad Eru-Tovar Exag Fax Glot Gorna Grabford Gradsul Greyhawk City Gryrax Hardby Havenhill Hexpools Highfolk Highport Hochoch Z-82 V4-130 U2-85 W2-40 Q3-73 H2-47 X-68 K3-59 P-70 N2-81 B3-75 03-65 N-52 M-59 N3-58 F4-94 N3-100 E5-82 Z5-98 U3-83 D5-109 G-22 H2-51 13-64 A4-105 U-90 15-100 C2-78 C5-77 J3-74 S4-107 G6-114 D5-74 Y4-96 P4-95 C3-42 Y4-107 Y4-128 E4-82 K4-54 Y2-53 X2-69 J3-79 Y5-79 L6-101 X2-92 Pontylver Port Toli Prymp Purmill Radigast City Ratikhill Rauxes Redspan Rel Astra Rel Deven Rel Mord Riftcrag Rinloru Roland Rookroost Safeton Scant Schwartzenbruin Sefmur Seltaren Shiboleth Soull Spinecastle Stoink Stoneheim Sulward Thornward Torrich Traft Troigol Tringlee Ulakand Ungra Balan Veluna City Verbobonc Vlekstaad Waybury Westkeep Willip Winetha Wintershiven Womtham Woodwych Yecha Zeif Zeltradon 1064 c l992TSR. Inc. All Rights Resetved. Greater Powers Boccob Beory Istus [ncabulos Pelor Nerull Rao file -Intermediate Powers - St. Cuthbert Ehlonna Fharlanghn Ervchnul m ple Celestian Sa Hextor Heironeous Procan Wee Jas Ulaa Trithereon •& I^cndor Kord Pholtus Olidammara Obad-Hai *r ^ Ralishaz. Zilchus Demipowers olo Iuz Mayaheine Zagyg Reference Card #4