bulletin - Meeteetse, Wyoming
bulletin - Meeteetse, Wyoming
MEETEETSE COMMUNITY BULLETIN Produced & Distributed by: Meeteetse Visitor Center [email protected] (307)868-2454 August 3, 2016 The Bulletin is published at the Meeteetse Visitor Center. Please email ads to: [email protected] or deliver to the Visitor Center by MONDAY at Noon for WEDNESDAY’S edition. Side ads may be purchased for $5 per week (this includes 2 free lines in the business section). Please keep line ads at a Three Line Max. The Meeteetse Visitor Center does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of advertisers, nor is it responsible for the content of any of the advertisers in this publication. ——— MEETEETSE VISITOR CENTER NEWS ——— The Visitor Center’s Summer Hours: MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9:30am - 5:30pm, SUNDAY 11am - 4pm. If you need immediate assistance during these hours and the office is closed, please contact, Yvonne Renner 272-0610, or Tess Fremlin 272-7808. If the office is closed, ORV permits are available at the Oasis Motel. MVC BOARD MEETINGS ARE HELD ON THE 2nd Wednesday of the month THE NEXT BOARD MEETING WILL BE August 10, 2016 We are currently looking for someone to distribute poster in surrounding towns from Riverton to Billings. Stop by the Visitor’s Center or call 868-2454 if interested! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES are available for upcoming events at the Visitors Center. Come be apart of the community and have fun meeting new people! Stop in today for more information or email [email protected] ——— SENIOR CITIZENS’ MEALS ——— Please note: All menus are subject to change without notice. Mon, Aug. 8: Ham and Beans, Carrots, Green Salad, Cornbread, Fruit Wed, Aug 10: Meat Loaf, Baked Potatoes, Mixed Vegetable, Bun, Jell-O & Peaches ——— NEWS ——— The Meeteetse Fire Department advises that we are in some Red Flag Warnings. Any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning in not recommended. Have a Wildfire action plan. Residents should be READY with preparedness understanding, be SET with situational awareness when fire threatens, and to GO, Acting early when a fire starts. Remember the 7 P’s for evacuation, PEOPLE, PETS, PERSONAL COMPUTER, PRESCRIPTIONS, PAPERWORK, PICTURES, PHONE (cell phone). Larry Rankine / Meeteetse Fire Yard Sale!! 2210 Warren Street Saturday, August 6, at 8:30 am. STORE NO MORE Yard Sale at 1328 Hays Av-Bennett’s. Clothes for school, sports shoes (football cleats), and winter, school supplies, kids toys, riding lawn mower with bagger, couch, chair, books, assortment of items. Friday, Aug 5 Noon to ? and Saturday Aug 6. FOUND: On highway, backpack with toy stuffed animals -- claim at the visitors center. The Meeteetse Shooting Club Thanks Everyone who supported our 2016 Raffle. We congratulate the Winners: Matt Jensen; Jim Vandivort; Dallas Beardall; Reid Coffield; Gwen abbot; Bryan Anderson and Craig Hall. We especially thank our prize sponsors: Davis Trading Post; LBM Linda & W.C. Orrell; Jim Guelde; Jim Trask; Jim Yockey and the Wea Market. We would like to thank everyone for the kind thoughts and prayers on our behalf during the passing of our mother. Meeteetse is a caring place to live. The Little family LABOR DAY PARADE AND TASTE OF MEETEETSE ARE COMING UP FAST! Get Your Application in! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, APPLICATIONS ARE PRINTED ON THE BACK PAGE Vendor application are also available for Labor Day! MORE NEWS ON PAGE 2 ATTENTION COMPUTER TECHS The Meeteetse Visitors Center is looking for help with their computer. If you or someone you know is good with computer problems, please contact us at 868-2454 or stop by the Visitors Center ——— MORE NEWS ——— Would you like to have recycling more accessible in Meeteetse? The Town of Meeteetse recently received a grant and a match fund from an anonymous donor that would help to purchase a recycling trailer (similar to the trailers at the Cody Wal-Mart and K-Mart parking lots) that would be accessible to the residents of Meeteetse at all times. As a community we are tasked with raising $3,500 to help cover the remaining cost of the recycling trailer. That would be about $10 per resident of Meeteetse. Donating is easy, simply go the Bank of the West and make your donation to the “Recycling in Meeteetse” fund. No donation is too big or too small to help us reach our goal. We are also looking for volunteers to help maintain our recycling trailer and keeping the area tidy. Please contact DeAnne Jensen at [email protected] or 868-2210 if you would like to volunteer for a month at a time. ________________________________________________________________________________ UNBRANDED! Four men, sixteen mustangs, and over 3,000 mile of the American West. This book is written by the filmmaker, and is currently available at LittleBigman Bookstore in the Meeteetse Visitor's Center. Great reading and don't forget to SHOP LOCAL! ______________________________________________________________________________ ——— MEETEETSE SENIOR CENTER NEWS —— To Contact Meeteetse Senior Center, call 868-2622 — if no answer, call Tracie @ 272-4768 LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO HOLD YOUR PARTY OR MEETING? THE MEETEETSE SENIOR CENTER IS AVAILABLE FOR RENT. $25 FOR THE DINING ROOM AND $75 FOR THE DINING ROOM AND THE COMMERCIAL KITCHEN. CALL TODAY AND RESERVE YOUR SPACE. 307868-2622 or if no answer call Tracie 307-272-4768 Have you tried the Meeteetse Senior Center for lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays? The food is fantastic and at a cost of $3.50 for Senior Citizens 60 years plus and $6.25 for everyone else, the price can’t be beat. We welcome guests and serve at 12noon. Hope to see you soon! The Meeteetse Senior Center is looking for individuals or groups to give programs during lunch on Mondays or Wednesdays. Educational, Funny, Musical, Creative, Food, etc. We'd love to have you! Please contact Tracie @ 868-2622 or 307-272-4768 if you can come share. - Library Happenings Coming Up Don't Miss Val Geissler this Thursday, August 4, 5:00 pm at Lion's Park. Bring a dish to share for a Pot Luck Picnic and a chair or blanket to sit on. Val will sing, play guitar and tell stories from the filming of the movie "Unbroken". He will have CDs, DVDs and books for sale or Little Big Man books at the Visitor Center also has a few books for sale. Val will autograph them Thursday evening if you'd like. This program is sponsored by the Meeteetse Friends of the Library. August Art Extravaganza is under way! Stop by the library and see the wonderful artwork we have on display - and there are new items coming in daily. It's always wonderful to see the talent we have in this community! Beyond the Book Club will meet on Thursday, August 18 at 2:00. This month we're reading any book with food in it. This could be anything you want - mystery, romance, historical... there are tons of possibilities! And then (if you want) prepare one of the recipes and bring it in for book group to taste. And because that is also "Taste of Meeteetse" we could take our samples downtown! Join us for the fun! Senior Movie Day will be August 24. ________________________________________________________________________________ And another big shout out and Thank You to everyone who helped make our Summer Reading Program successful. Thank You to donors, participants, parents, volunteers and the Friends of the Library. ________________________________________________________________________________ Meeteetse Recreation District News August 3, 2016 GOLF BUS! The golf bus will be going to Cody this Thursday, August 4th. The bus will leave from the Rec. District office at 4:30pm. The cost is $18 to golf plus $5 for the ride for non-members. Please call the office to sign up by noon that day. 868-2603 Open Gym will be on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:00pm throughout the summer. The MeetRecKids Summer Program for students that are just finishing grades k-5 is going on now. The cost is $50.00 per child for nonmembers. Sign your child up at the Recreation District office. This year’s MeetRecKids After School Program for students in grades K-5 will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00 – 5:00pm beginning September 7th. Mondays will be swimming day and Wednesdays will be movie/game day. NOTE: Due to staff cuts we are unable to open this program to the pre-K students. The Meeteetse Recreation District is pleased to announce that we now have Paddle Boards as well as Kayaks available to rent. The fee is $40/day for kayaks and $30/day for paddle boards. Renters must be 18 years old and sign a release. Rentals may be scheduled thru the Rec District office. 868-2603. Yoga: Monday and Wednesday 7:30-8:30am at the After School Program Building. The cost is $5.00 per session for non-members. We provide weekly transportation for members of our community. The bus goes to Cody on Thursdays leaving at 8:30am. Please schedule your trip with the Senior Center (868-2622) or the Rec (868-2603) by Wednesday if you would like to make the trip. Pool Schedule for August 2016 Recreational Swim (thru August 19th) Monday – Saturday 1:00 - 3:00pm Adult Swim Saturday 8:00-9:30am Lap Swim Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:00 – 6:30am Hydrocise Tuesday, Thursday 4:30 – 5:30pm Meeteetse Recreation District has Annual Membership Passes available! Your pass will allow you to participate in all recreational activities offered. The cost for membership passes are as follows: • Senior Membership (Age 65 & up) $100.00 per year • Individual Membership $200.00 per year • Family/Couples Membership $300.00 per year (Parents and child(ren) thru age 18) Keep up with all activities we offer on our website: www.meetrec.org ——— RELIGIOUS NEWS ——— Place Your Ad Here For Only $5 Per Week! Meeteetse Community Church -- Sunday Bible Study: 10:30am ~ Tuesday Ladies’ Bible Study: 10am ~ Wednesday Prayer Service: 7pm Food for thought from Dwight D. Eisenhower: “Without God there could be no American form of government, nor an American way of life...Thus, the founding fathers of America saw it…” St. Andrews Episcopal Church meets every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Eucharist with Fr. Joe Galligan is the second Sunday of each month. Wednesday afternoons at 1:00 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is having a drop in, casual Bible discussion led by Rev. Joe Galligan. This is open to everyone. COWBOY CHURCH 7pm Thursday nights in the shop at Cowboys with a Mission. Join us for worship, fellowship and a message from local and guest speakers. Cowboys with a Mission 369 Hwy 290 (307)868-2238 ——— SCHOOL NEWS ——— School Board monthly meetings are held in the Cafeteria on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm. All are encouraged and welcome to come. WE NEED BOXTOPS!!! Meeteetse School Collects Boxtops found on most products! Please clip them and give them to our school! Each Boxtop is worth 10 cents! Thank you for supporting our kids! Welcome to Meeteetse Community Church! www.meeteetsecc.org On the “events” page you will be able to click on a link that will take you to the church FaceBook page. To contact a person in leadership [email protected] and leave a message or call 307-213-9660 If no one is at the church, your call will automatically be transferred to a person in leadership with whom you can talk. We try to be available all hours of the day or night. The Big Horn Rodeo Circuit Is at is again! Sponsorship is available at all levels. Become a new BUCKLE sponsor for only $250 and get recognized all over the Big Horn Basin. We would like to welcome our 2016 sponsors: The 2015-16 Yearbooks are here! They're wonderful. The Yearbook staff did a great job capturing the 2015-16 events. Oh, the memories & what fun we all had! Come to the school office to pick one up for $35 or call the school office at 868-2501. Park Co. School Dist. 16, Meeteetse, WY, has the following positions opening for the 201617 school year: Special Education ParaEducator - 24-32 hrs. per week. HS Assistant Volleyball Coach - Must have PTSB certification in coaching Bus Drivers - full time, part time and substitute bus drivers Substitute Teachers - Must have PTSB certification in substitute teaching Positions open until filled. For more information contact the District Office or send a letter of application, Wyoming Statewide Certified Application, resume and placement file to: Meeteetse Schools -- PO Box 218 -Meeteetse, WY 82433 307/868-2501 [email protected] Park Co. School Dist. 16 is an equal opportunity employer. Hiring of any employee is contingent upon the results of state mandated background check. FOR BID: Partners in Educations has the following vehicles up for bid. (1) 1999 Ford Expedition, Sports Utility 4D with 136,000 miles and (1) 2001 Ford Excursion, Sports Utility 4D with 134,000 miles. Starting bids for the 1999 Ford Expedition will be $1,800.00 and for the 2001 Ford Excursion will be $4,700.00. Sealed bids will be received at 2107 Idaho Street or PO Box 218, Meeteetse, WY 82433, up to be not later than 4:00 P.m. on August 8, 2016. Envelopes should be sealed and clearly marked which vehicle you are bidding on the outside of the envelope. All proceeds received from these bids will go towards scholarships for Meeteetse graduates. For more information call 868-2501. ——— TOWN NEWS ——— ***************************************************************************************** MEETEETSE FARMERS MARKET every Saturday from 9-12. We have baked goods, breads and pies and such, some fresh produce and crafts. Come and check us out or join in the selling in front of the Mercantile. (8/10/16) *********************************************************************************************************** State Farm, Worland REACH Life Flight If you would like to donate or sponsor, please contact Tess at [email protected] Or 307-272-7808 JUST STOCKED! ALL NEW Historic Meeteetse Buildings Note Cards and 11x14 Kirwin Prints at Meeteetse Museums. Each Note Card has the history of the building and the Meeteetse Story on the back. Looking for Meeteetse Souvenirs? Check out the Meeteetse Magnets at the WEA Market. Inexpensive and all of the photography is from the Meeteetse area! Thanks for shopping local! Meeteetse Cowboy Corner Photography www.meeteetsecowboycorner.com Check our website meeteetsemuseums.org Email us at [email protected] Meeteetse Museum District 1947 State Street ~ Meeteetse, Wyoming 82433 307-868-2423 Charles Belden Museum Meeteetse Museum First National Bank Museum Hours of Operation: Monday - Saturday 9:30 am - 5 pm Sunday 12 - 4 - FREE ADMISSION - MEETEETSE MUSEUMS TO HOST KIRWIN TRIP Meeteetse Museums will host its free, annual field trip to Kirwin, the ghost mining town, on Saturday, August 13, 2016. The guided tour will begin at Kirwin at 10:30 a.m. Tour participants should meet at the museum by 8:00 a.m. to sign in and also to arrange for a ride if one is needed. The tour leaves at 8:30 sharp. Those wanting to meet at Kirwin and not wait for the group may do so, but must still sign in at Kirwin. A high-clearance vehicle is needed to get to the ghost town . Those without a higher clearance vehicle can arrange for carpooling that morning at the museum. Tour participants should bring a picnic lunch. The Kirwin tour will be led by Jim Dunrud, whose family owned the property for years. Jim will explain some of the history of the site. He will be joined this year by family member Brian Webster, who is very knowledgeable about Kirwin and its history. A representative of the US Forest Service will also present information about food and bear safety. Basic information on the proposed logging at Kirwin will also be presented. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the individual buildings (inside and out) as well as the general layout of the former town. Guests may also hike the trail about a mile to the remnants of the summer cabin that was being built by Carl Dunrud for his friend, aviatrix Amelia Earhart. Construction on the cabin stopped when Earhart’s plane disappeared over the Pacific Ocean in 1937. Kirwin is located in the Absaroka Mountains 38 miles southwest of Meeteetse. Its mining history began in 1881 when William Kirwin and Harry Adams were hunting in the area and discovered ore. Money and people rushed to Kirwin and, by the early 1900s, the mining town had a population of over two hundred. Extracting the gold, copper, silver, and lead from the mines was difficult, as was the effort that went into it. All the machinery, for example, had to be hauled in piece by piece by horse-drawn wagons. Despite the difficulties of living and working in Kirwin, the town grew. Most of the dwellings were one or two room structures, although there were a few duplexes there. The mine superintendent lived in a two-story home. A large bunkhouse housed about 75 miners who were employed by the three mining companies. In addition to houses, Kirwin included three general stores, a hotel, and post office. There were no saloons at Kirwin. Because the gold and silver was of low value, Kirwin did not survive long. Its demise was hastened further by a January 1907 avalanche, which destroyed the home and store of C. L. Tewksbury and killed three people. Kirwin never recovered from this deadly event and residents began moving away. Before long, mining operations ended. There were a few efforts to revive the operations there, including one around 1940. Starting in 1969, AMAX, a mining company, also tried to revive mining operations at Kirwin, but this effort was short-lived as well. In 1992, the US Forest Service acquired Kirwin through the efforts of the Mellon Foundation and the Nature Conservancy. The Forest Service maintains the historic structures to this day. A number of well-preserved buildings from Kirwin’s past are accessible to visitors. Again, the tour will begin on site at 10:30 a.m. Participants should meet at the museum, located at 1947 State Street in Meeteetse, by 8 a.m. The tour will depart at 8:30 sharp. For more information, call 307-868-2423 or email [email protected]. —— FOR SALE —— Please let us know when your item sells so it can be removed from the Bulletin FREE: Camper shell - fits long bed truck -- you come get -- 868-2334 Dog Elk Antler Chews are available now at the MVC, best price anywhere! Get 2 good size chews for only $12! Better for your animals than rawhides. Come and get ‘em! FOR RENT: Lots for trailer or RV -- A. Wilson 307-868-2233 (12/28/2016) FOR SALE: Wrangler M+S LT 225/75 RT16 Tires & Rims. Mounted on Jeep Rims. One is new, never been on the ground. Other 4 are 1/2 tread. Asking $300.00. New B&W Turn over Ball Trainer Hitch $300.00. Call Byron Bennett 868-2254 or 899-3556 STORAGE UNIT SALE: Swamp Cooler, Washer & Dryer in good working order, miscellaneous tools, entertainment center, kitchen ware, and so much more. Call Bonnie at 868-2285 to see and make an offer Place Your Ad Here For Only $5 Per Week! FOR SALE: 2” Versatile Wheel Net with cam buckle and narrow flat Hook, for car dolly, 2,000 lb. $15 -- Car Dolly Strap Assembly, 1666 lb, Never used, $25 -- 2 ADCO Small Double Axle Tyre Gards (wheel covers), White, size 27-29” Dia., Never used, $20 each --Call 307-868-2213 While you still can: For sale complete jig kit to complete 80% AR lower receivers (lower NOT included). All fixtures needed and instructions to machine 80% lowers to full function. NO FFL needed. Buy a 80% lower (which does not require a FFL). Your skill and patience will complete the project. Jig kit NIB . $125.00. Call 868-2152 and leave a message. FOR SALE: Nordic Track Treadmill, like new $250; Love seat hide-a-bed in excellent condition with floral pattern and white background $50. Please call 307-272-7865 FOR SALE: Black Truck Shell Fit Chevy, please call 307-272-1664 NATURAL GRASS FED BEEF,1/4s and 1/2s from our ranch here in Meeteetse. Call 868-2505 and leave a message FOR SALE: 9 ft. pickup camper, real good condition $450, 2 round, brass, glass tops end tables $20 each 868-2651 FOR SALE: 15’ X 16’ log cabin with loft. Approx. 100 years old. Can be seen from the alley behind 2129 Franklin St. or call Gary at 272-0672 to see inside. Asking $2200 reduced to $1900 Check out our New inventory WHISPERING ELK CREATIONS at the MVC Online Store: www.handmadeartists .com/shop/ rondamclean FOR SALE: Our dogs loved this comfortable home for large dogs but we no longer need it. The exterior is approximately 50"x50". The sturdy 2x4 construction includes a finished interior with 4" foam board insulation in walls, ceiling and bottom, vinyl flooring and T-111 siding with metal roof. $125. Please call 307-272-0920. Make your dog happy. Summer is in full swing!!! We are still over at: Latigo & Lace Antique and Gifts in the Little Shop across the River We are now open Friday & Saturday, 10am to 4pm (or longer) Come see what is new and what antique you have been searching for. See you soon! 7/30/16 —— AREA REAL ESTATE —— If you have a home or property for sale or rent, please contact the Visitor Center and it will be listed here and passed on to anyone who contacts the Visitor Center. Brian Webster - Associate Broker (307) 899-2494 Western Real Estate of WY, Inc. 1. 2236 Franklin St.-1123 sq ft home on large lot. Steel siding and hardwood flooring. $64,900 2. 2245 Franklin St.. 2112 sq ft twinhome with many updates & large attached garage. $139,500 Brian Webster Associate Broker FOR RENT: $750 per month. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms on 5 acres, horses are welcome, inside pets negotiable. Please call Brent 307-272-0223 Integrity in your Real Estate Transaction FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, house with new pellet stove, 2 car garage, big yard, sprinkler system. $150,000 call 868-2334. Office: 307-587-5584 Cell: 307-899-2494 Home: 307-587-0881 FOR SALE: ELKHORN BAR & GRILL - Great operating business and real estate (Building and 4 Downtown Lots), All equipment and inventory. A new owner can capitalize on the great summer activity. For private showing call Bob Bole - Cowboy Realty 307-272-2653 (9/21/16) E-mail: [email protected] Www.westernre.net (7/30/16) FOR SALE: Meeteetse (2) 15 acre lots. Great, Great building site. Get one or both. $64,900 each call Bob Bole - Cowboy Realty 307-272-2653 (9/21/16) FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 1 bath home on Warren St. $120,000 - 3.43 acre lot on Sand Cliffs Rd water, electricity, & gas already to the pad $42,000 - Call Shawna 307-272-0939 Brand Above Real Estate 307-548-7070 FOR SALE: 6 bdrm/3 full bath home on 2 lots. 2 car garage/storage shed. Auto Sprinklers, wood stove, great location! $220,000 — Call Jody at Real Living Eagle Real Estate @307-250-4421 Best buy in Meeteetse! Help support The Big Horn Rodeo Circuit Available at the MVC Unisex Youth to Adult sm-3xl $15 Hats $20 Patches $5 Glitter Ladies sm-3xl $20 Meeteetse Labor Day Rodeo Is around the corner Sponsorships are available for the Labor Day Rodeo. Become a BUCKLE sponsor for only $250, and secure your name in the record books. Thank you... Denny Menholt Al & Ann Simpson Cowboy Bar Gould Vet Clinic ACE Hardware Please contact Tess at the MVC (307)868-2454 [email protected] ——— BUSINESS INFORMATION ——— New at Gould Vet Clinic ---Dog Gone Cute Pet Grooming. Call today for your pet’s appointment! Presently we are grooming Tuesdays and Thursdays, however we are willing to expand as needs arise. 868-2440 If you are in need of new installation or repairs of siding, windows, doors, decks, roofing, fencing, landscaping, decorative rock, concrete or dirt work call Fenton Scolari for your free project estimate @ 307-267-4473. Licensed and insured. Public is welcome to attend the Meeteetse Shooting Club every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at the American Legion Hall in the basement of the Senior Center. Certified Home & Hospice Care, Licensed CNA, Specializing in Respite care, qualified for all everyday needs from dispensing meds, bathing, cooking, personal care, & to end of life care. Anywhere from 2 to 24 hour care in the Cody and Meeteetse area. Excellent References, call Gaye Patterson at 307-250-6896.(07/27/16) Park County Weed & Pest has all the pesticides that may be needed in this area. Please call Andy at 307-272-1787 or the Town Hall at 307-868-2278. Quilters, we have some wonderful quilt books at the Meeteetse Visitor's Center. They are all reasonably priced and have great ideas and patterns for your quilting projects. As always, SHOP LOCAL ! ——— IMPORTANT NUMBERS ——— Park County Sheriff Dispatch (non-emergency calls) 800-786-2848 One Call of WY 800-849-2476 or 811 Park County Court House 800-786-2844 Frequently Used Phone Numbers: Bank 868-2521 Fire Dept. 868-2627 Town Hall 868-2278 Library 868-2248 Museum 868-2423 Visitor Center 868-2454 Post Office 868-2461 Rec Center 868-2603 WEA Market 868-2518 School 868-2501 Senior Citizens 868-2622 These thoughts are part of me … The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention. I listen to you – my neighbors! Together, we have what it takes to keep the Big Horn Basin strong: Respect, Responsibility, Resilience. These are what make us Wyoming! Our communities are Wyoming. I listen to you, work for you, and fight for our communities! Attitude is Everything. Grit, grace, and gratitude – these make us who we are. Be positive in all we do. Priorities I will work for in Cheyenne: Education and human services Jobs/the economy/agriculture Infrastructure in our communities 8/3/16 DID YOU KNOW… Here are some Civil War era Veterans who are affiliated with Meeteetse or the surrounding area. Sylvester W Hardesty Civil War CO C Ohio 78th INF RGT. Enlisted Dec 2 , 1863, mustered in Dec 28, 1863 Mustered out June 2, 1865 at Camp Dennison Ohio. He was born July 18, 1845 and died Feb 25, 1913. He was living in Meeteetse in 1910 with his sons James and Hayes. Hayes moved to Bozeman, and his father Sylvester went with him. He was buried in Bozeman on July 18, 1918. His wife Mary June King preceded him in death in 1889. Coming Soon... Events in Meeteetse in 2016 Meeteetse Visitors Center 2005 Warren Street / PO Box 238 Meeteetse, WY 82433 / (307) 868-2454 All event forms & schedules can be found on our website at www.meeteetsewy.com August 13th (Saturday) – Kirwin Tour - This is a tour of the historic ghost town of Kirwin put on by the Meeteetse Museum. 868-2423 August 18th (Thursday) – Taste of Meeteetse - Get a taste of the local cuisine. Event starts at 6pm at the authentic boardwalk in downtown Meeteetse. There is no cost to try out everything there is. The entry that gets the most donated money will win first place and there is People’s Choice award as well. Donations collected will go to the Meeteetse Christmas Baskets and the Meeteetse Youth Works Program. **Good cookers needed! :) ** September 3rd , 4th & 5th (Sat., Sun. & Mon.) – Labor Day Celebration - 104th annual celebration in Meeteetse with the Craft Fair, Parade, Street Dance and more. This will also be the Big Horn Rodeo Circuit’s Finale Rodeo to wrap up the Circuit’s second year. (Sat) Annual Absaroka Challenge is a great 5k, 10k or 15k mountain run that starts at 10am, put on by the Meeteetse Recreation District. 868-2603 **Food and other vendors needed. Volunteers needed for the rodeo, parade, and other weekend activities** Meeteetse 104th Labor Day Rodeo September 23 Is & 24 (Fri. & Sat.) –the Fall Garage-a-Rama. around corner!A town wide gard th rage sale. Cost is only $5 to participate for selling and free to the public. Come find a treasure! Vendors, Crafters, Artisans, Sponsors, Parade Floats, and Volunteers are needed. September 23rd & 24th (Fri. & Sat.) – Black Footed Ferret Celebration Exhibits at the Meeteetse Museums with lectures, presentations about finding BUCKLE SPONSOR the blackBecome footed ferreta and live ferrets. 868-2423 for only $250, and secure your name in the record books. December 10th (Saturday) – Christmas in Meeteetse Please Tess the MVC Fun for all...all overcontact Meeteetse! Localatartisan’s Craft(307)868-2454 Fair, food specials, Santa [email protected] visit, and lighting of the Memory Tree, roasting marshmallows, community dinner.**Craft Fair vendors needed** This is at this time, the end of the Civil War and Indian War era veterans. Next will be the Spanish American and WWI veterans, and a few musings about what happened to the Carl C Crawford Legion Post # 58. I am busy now inquiring wherever I can to find out what happened to that Post, and to try to get more information on Carl C Crawford. I hope everyone is still interested in all this. Jay Lynn Torrey - Spanish American War Army colonel 2nd Us Volunteer Cavalry “Torrey’s Rough Riders” Mustered in Spring of 1898 and mustered out October 1898 Born Illinois Oct. 16, 1852 - died Missouri Dec 4, 1920 Bud Bridges Spanish American War born Missouri Dec 8, 1872 - died April 20, 1941 in Thermopolis. In 1910 he was cow foreman for the Antler Land and Cattle Co, and in 1918 he was cow foreman at Dickie. The 1930 census confirms he was in the Spanish American War, but I have been unable to find any further information. James Edgar Mount Spanish American War Troop M 3rd Regt US Vol Cavalry - Service dates: April 25, 1898 - Sept 8, 1898 - Born Nebraska Feb. 19, 1869, he died in Cody May 26, 1958. Worked for Bill Adams on Poverty Flats in 1920, and for his sister and brother-in-law Roy and Minnie Sage - Election Dist 2 in 1930 and was still there in 1940. Now we start on World War One Veterans, and I thought I would cover the ones who never made it home first. Bruce Beath Born and raised in Missouri WWI He enlisted in CO K Wyo National Guard and died of pneumonia at Camp Mills on Dec. 1917. Never even made it out of the US. Chester Forkner WWI CO K WY nat. Guard died Jan 1918 in France of pneumonia contracted in the hospital where he was being treated for wounds sustained during a trench raid. Still searching for more info on him. - Research from Kathleen Holtzer Meeteetse’s 104th Annual Labor Day Parade 2016 Entry Form Dear Parade Entrants, Thank you for participating in the 102nd Annual Labor Day Celebration Parade. Please fill this form out so we can process your entry correctly. To ensure everyone’s safety, please pick one category for the line-up, and for judging purposes, please pick only one category that you would like to be judged in. There will be a Overall Grand Prize as well as 1st and 2nd prizes in each category. The Parade line up starts at 8:30 am, Monday, September 1st under the school’s sign (please see the Category for Line-Up below for placement). The Parade will start at 9:30. This year’s theme is: “Wyoming Wildlife” Meeteetse Visitor Center P.O. Box 238 Meeteetse, WY 82433 Please pick one Category for Line-Up: Motorized (on Hays St) Walking (on Idaho St) Animal (Lions Park) Please pick one Category for Judging: Motorized Non-Motorized Animal Float Group Individual Band / Music Vehicle Entries: For the safety of all involved, please DO NOT do any ‘burn-outs’ in or around the parade route. We appreciate your consideration and involvement. Contact Info: Group Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Sponsor or Group Leader: ______________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: Phone # Email Address: Please indicate if you would prefer to be contacted by e-mail in future years: _____ yes ______no Brief description of entry (Please fill this in for the announcer and/or use back ): ______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ *Late entries are welcome, but will be placed at the end of the parade and may not be announced. **We hold MVC harmless of any injury caused during or in the course of parade activities** Group Representative Signature 2016 Taste of Meeteetse Along the authentic boardwalk of Meeteetse Thursday, August 18, 2016 6pm Name Mailing Address Email For Office Use Only Cash Check Phone City Zip Hold Harmless Agreement By my signature, I hold harmless the Meeteetse Visitors Center, all officers, employees and volunteers for the Taste of Meeteetse and am participating at my own risk. If I have a minor child, I have the authority to hold harmless the Meeteetse Visitors Center, all officers, employees and volunteers in the Taste of Meeteetse for any said minor child under my care and responsibility. Signature Entry is only $5, submit your entry form with your fee to the MVC. Set up will begin at 4:30pm. There is electricity available in the various establishments on the boardwalk. Please bring a table, a collection jar and any electric cords you need. The Meeteetse Visitors Center will provide small to-go containers, eating utensils, and napkins. All entrants need to have this form filled out prior to setting up. Judging will be done by the general public, who will ‘vote’ by giving donations to your collection jar. There will also be a People’s Choice award given. This will also be judged by the general public. Everyone will be given a ticket (no need to be filled out) and the public will put their ticket into their “People’s Choice” collection jar. Each winner will receive a Chef’s apron noting their winning status and year. Interested in A Taste of Meeteetse Cookbook? Many of the public ask for the recipe of your dish. We are entertaining the idea of making A Taste of Meeteetse Cookbook. If you are interested in contributing, please submit your recipe on the back of this entry form and sign below . I hereby authorize Meeteetse Visitors Center to publish this recipe and relinquish any rights to said recipe. This is a charitable gift to the Meeteetse Visitors Center to be used for the purpose of fund raising. Signature Date
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