Meeting ERP/IT Providers
Meeting ERP/IT Providers
Concertation sociétale sur les moyens de paiement IT providers (ERP) 21 septembre 2010 INLEIDING: SEPA, stand van zaken 2 / 37 MOB Entreprises Organisatie van de SEPA migratie in België Maatschappelijk overleg betaalverkeer SEPA werkgroepen IT providers Grote bedrijven ("big billers") consumenten Doel van vandaag= SDD: antwoorden op uw vragen Voorbereiding 3é vooruitgangsrapport 3 / 37 MOB Entreprises La migration vers SEPA Virements européens Domiciliations européennes 4 / 37 MOB Entreprises Le virement européen: SCT Etat des lieux de la migration CEC Credit Transfers processed in SEPA format (% of total CTs) 30% 25% 20% Eurozone 15% CEC 10% 5% 0% 5 / 37 MOB Entreprises European Parliament Text adopted Wednesday, 10 march 2010 Strasbourg Resolution P7_TA-PROV (2010) 0057 B7-0132/2010 Calls again on the Commission to set a clear, appropriate and binding end-date, which should be no later than 31 December 2012, for migrating to SEPA instruments, after which all payments in euros must be made using the SEPA standards 6 / 37 MOB Entreprises Le virement européen: SCT "Nouveau" bulletin de virement 7 / 37 MOB Entreprises Europese regelgeving Wet betreffende de betalingsdiensten van 10/12/2009 gepubliceerd in Staatsblad op 15/01/2010 Transparantie en informatievereisten Rechten en plichten bij het gebruik van betalingsdiensten Aansprakelijkheid Uitvoeringstermijnen en valutadatum Verordening betreffende grensoverschrijdende betalingen van 16/09/2009 gepubliceerd in het Publicatieblad op 09/10/2009 8 / 37 MOB Entreprises Resultaten Enquête 9 / 37 MOB Entreprises Scope Focus on: Availability of information Readiness SCT Readiness Core scheme Readiness B2B scheme Interest for e-mandates Sample (# 26 providers, 31 packages) Participants 14 providers 19 packages 10 / 37 MOB Entreprises SDD readiness: availability of information YES Have you been sufficiently informed ? NO 13 13 12 10 9 7 6 enddates technical rules Recurrent questions/remarks: • enddates • no customer demand • possible functionalities of e-mandates • SDD test files & E2E test procedures 11 / 37 CIRI=>XML 6 SDD schemes • R-transactions • change management of the standards MOB Entreprises Readiness SCT ITC packages: # 19 Not ready yet: # 4 soon (2) not yet stable end 2010 N Y 12 / 37 MOB Entreprises SDD Core readiness not planned 4 4 planned, but not yet started 4 3 preliminary study 3 design testing 1 Core no participation • geen deelname (#1): huidig pakket biedt geen dom80 aan 13 / 37 MOB Entreprises SDD B2B readiness not planned planned, but not yet started preliminary study 5 5 design 3 testing 2 2 2 no participation B2B 14 / 37 MOB Entreprises SDD e-mandates interest not planned 5 planned, but not yet started preliminary study 4 design 3 2 testing 2 no development 0 e-mandates 15 / 37 MOB Entreprises Conclusions Still need for information SCT: nearly finished SDD Core well underway SDD B2B well underway but, less providers e-Mandates: some are starting, not yet clear for others 16 / 37 MOB Entreprises SDD European developments 17 / 37 MOB Entreprises Developments at European level ‘Fixed amount’ Scheme Specific mandate : the mandate contains the amount of the future collection(s). The debtor renounces explicitly his refund right The periodicity (f.i. one collection per month) is also an option in this scheme There wil be eligibility limitations at creditor side : End Users have been asked to define a code of conduct. There may be a limitation of this scheme to the payment of goods & services that by their nature cannot be returned. This scheme will be optional Planning : the Rulebook and implementation guidelines are expected to be submitted to the EPC Plenary end September. No planning yet for the Code of conduct. The Belgian banking community aims to support this scheme. The timing is not yet discussed nor defined. 18 / 37 MOB Entreprises Developments at European level E-mandates Happens real time over the Internet in a secured way using electronic signatures Will be used throughout SEPA in the same way taking away local differences and organisational barriers Can replace paper trail Validation from the Debtor Bank Can be cancelled or amended in a fully electronic way Available for Core & B2B Pilot in Portugal end of 2010 19 / 37 MOB Entreprises Developments at European level AMI - Advanced Mandate Information (successor of the Belgian proposition ‘MRI before first collection’) The EPC decided that this will become an option in the Rulebook But all banks will not be reachable for this option (banks have to adhere) The technical implementation will be based on XML mandate messages heavier developments The Belgian banking community wants to consider other alternatives 1 cent collection Improvement in the different debtor banks of the process to get the consent from the debtor A regulation is considered by the commission to force the adoption of SEPA. No final text available Publication for submission to the Parliement and the Council in the coming weeks? 20 / 37 MOB Entreprises SDD Meest gestelde vragen 21 / 37 MOB Entreprises Meest gestelde vragen Creditor Identification Mandate & Unique mandate reference (UMR) Wanneer een klant het core mandaat wil wijzigen, moet er een nieuw contract worden ondertekend? B2B: consent van de debtor door te geven aan de bank. Pre-notification Format : Planning migratie van CIRI naar XML? First versus recurrent : Info over "notificatie van bank door klant", foutmeldingen, fout na 1é aanbieding (Acerta) Migration DOM80 SDD Conversie van meerdere bestaande domiciliëringscontracten met één rekeningnummer naar nieuwe mandaten. Management of the mandates Isabel planning Eind-data van de migratie naar SEPA? 22 / 37 MOB Entreprises FAQ1 : Creditor Identifier in Belgium 1. When Creditor has an Enterprise nb: BE 98 001 0456810810 8 17 : Enterprise number (10 pos.) This ID remains the same, whatever bank is that delivers it 2. When Creditor has no Enterprise nb: BE 98 ZZZ 300 D 000000008 8 10 : Creditor Bank Code (3 pos.) ING=300 11 : “D” 12 20: Sequential Number (9 pos.) Remark: The dom80 IDs that begin with 4 or more zeros may not be used Creditor Bank obligations: Issue the Creditor Identifier (AT-02) BE 98 001 Issue the unique sequential nb when no enterprise nb exists Deliver Creditor Identification issuance certificates when requested 23 / 37 0000012345 MOB Entreprises FAQ2 : The Mandate (core rulebook) Unique mandate reference issued by the creditor (max 35 positions) Request type One-off Recurrent Type of relationship 24 / 37 MOB Entreprises Mandates: minimal mandatory details ING BE mandate samples 2 versions 3 languages PSD obligation BE 25 / 37 MOB Entreprises FAQ3 : Amendment of a mandate or new mandate ? Amendment + recurrent is OK if following fields are changed at creditor level -> Creditor Identification * -> Creditor name * -> Unique reference of the mandate * Amendment + first is OK if following fields are changed At debtor level -> IBAN ** -> BIC** • • • 26 / 37 * D-2 : reception at Debtor Bank (recurrent message) for Core ** D-5 : reception at Debtor Bank (1st message) for Core D-1 for B2B…the debtor has to inform any amendment to his bank MOB Entreprises FAQ4 : Consent on the B2B mandate “The debtor “B” has to give his confirmation/consent on the electronic datas sent by the creditor to the bank” -> A B2B collection will only be processed by the debtor bank if the Mandate Related Info (MRI) received from the Creditor with this collection match with the datas that have been confirmed by the debtor. Why is this imposed by the SEPA rulebook? B2B B2B no refund right short timelines for the processing of the collections The debtor has to send the original mandate to the Creditor & give a copy and his consent to the Debtor bank -> the way the debtor bank asks / receives the consent to/from the debtor is depending on the decision of the debtor bank Several debtor banks accept to initiate this process based on copies of the mandates received from the creditor Further improvements : -> Proposal of Advanced Mandate Information: Plenary of September at EPC level -> quid 1st collection 1 cent ? 27 / 37 MOB Entreprises B2B : Process for the mandate 1. The customer and the provider negotiate a commercial transaction The customer The buyer The debtor 3. If the debtor chooses the European Direct Debit as payment instrument, the mandate form is to be filled & signed The provider The seller The creditor 4A. The debtor sends the filled and signed mandate to the creditor 5. The creditor updates his administrat ion and archives the mandate. 2. The customer receives a contract / an invoice and a mandate form from his provider Additional step for B2B : 4B. The debtor informs his Bank (& gives his consent) about the signed mandate Debtor’s bank Contract / Invoice Reference : 123456789 Provider’s name : subscription Magazine ABC Amount : 57,23 € Payment by : European Direct Debit Mandate SEPA Direct Debit Mandate CREDITOR'S NAME & LOGO Mandate refer ence - to be completed by the cr editor By signing this mandate form, you authorise (A) {NAME OF C REDITOR} to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and (B) your bank to debit your account in accordance with the instructions from {NAME OF CREDITOR}. As part of your rights, you ar Your name + * 1 Your name Name of the debtor( s) Name of the debtor( s) Your addr ess 2 * Your address Street name and number Street name and numb er 3 * Postal code Postal code City City * 4 Country Countr y Debtor identification code 5 Deb tor identification code Creditor's name For business user s: w r ite any code number here w hich you w ish to have quoted by your bank. For business users: wr ite any code number her e which you wish to have quoted b y your b ank. ** Creditor' s name 6 Creditor name Cr editor name ** 7 Creditor Identif ier Cr editor Identifier ** 8 Sreet name and number Street name and numb er ** 9 Postal code Postal code City City 10 ** Country Countr y 11 Creditor reference par ty: Cr editor must complete this section if collecting payment on behalf of another party . Cr editor reference par ty: Creditor must complete this section if collecting payment on behalf of another party . Your account number * Your account number 12 Account number - IBAN Account number - IBAN * 13 SWIFT BIC Person on whose behalf payment is made 14 Debtor Refer ence Party: If you ar e making a payment in respect of an ar rangement betw een { NAME OF CREDITOR} and another person ( e.g. w her e you are paying the other person' s bill) please w r ite the other per son's name here. If you are paying on your ow n behalf , leave blank. Debtor Refer ence Par ty: If you are making a payment in respect of an arr angement between { NAME O F CREDITO R} and another person ( e.g. wher e you ar e paying the other per son's bill) please wr ite the other person's name here. If you are paying on your own behalf, leave blank. Person on whose b ehalf payment is made In respect of the contract ** In r espect of the contr act: 15 Identification number of the underlying contract Identification number of the under lying contract ** Type of payment * Type of payment City or town in which you are signing 16 Description of contr act Description of contract Recurr ent payment Recurrent payment or or One-off payment O ne- off payment 17 Date * Location Location City or town in which you ar e signing D D M M Y Y 18 Date Sig nature(s) Sig natures Please sign here 28 / 37 * MOB Entreprises B2B : Process for the payment Debtor Creditor 1. The provider sends to the debtor a pre advice at least 14 days before the due date. 2. The creditor sends the collections with the Mandate Related Information (MRI) to his bank 6. The creditor’s account is credited 4B. The debtor’s bank debits the account of the debtor Debtor’s bank Creditor’s bank 5. The debtor’s bank pays the creditor’s bank Settlement Additional step for B2B : 4A. The debtor’s bank checks the agreement of the debtor Clearing 3. The creditor’s bank sends the collections + MRI to the debtor’s bank 29 / 37 MOB Entreprises Exception handling & The R messages – B2B Time line for the B2B scheme : D-14 Creditor Presends notification Collection to his bank D-1 collection sent 1) to CSM 2) to Deb bank D D+2 D+5 Limit to send Due date collection Settlement date 1) to CSM Debit date 2) to Deb bank Refusal (Debitor) reject Return (Deb Bk) Specific for B2B : - Shorter timelines - No Refund 30 / 37 MOB Entreprises FAQ5 : The pre-notification 1. The provider sends to the debtor a pre advice at least 14 days before the due date. Pre-notification The creditor can send the pre-notification separately or can join it to a statement or an invoice. Mandate reference : 123456789 Name of the supplier : Subscription Magazine ABC Amount : 57,23 euros Payment date : every year 15th of January First payment : 15th of January 2009 An overview or a plan for several collections is also acceptable The creditor & the debtor can agree about another timing for the pre-notification 31 / 37 MOB Entreprises FAQ6 : Format XML and only XML Each DD batch Same due date Same Sequence Type: First (D-5) Recurrent (D-2) Final (D-2) One-off (D-5) Same scheme Different batches in file when Different due date Different scheme (core vs B2B) rule 32 / 37 MOB Entreprises FAQ7 : first versus recurrent Sequence type “First” & “ recurrent” If a “ First” sent is rejected (Reject message) -> need to resend a “First” message If a “ First” sent is returned (Return message)-> need to send a “ Recurrent” message Info: Reject message occurs before settlement Return message occurs after settlement 33 / 37 MOB Entreprises 1. Core scheme : Exception handling & The R messages (1) 34 / 37 MOB Entreprises FAQ8 : migration DOM80 SDD(core) If a pre-PSD DOM80 mandate covers several contracts, you can use it further after conversion to SDD. New mandate must refer explicitely to the underlying contract. 35 / 37 MOB Entreprises Migration of 'old' BE mandates Debtor Debtor bank By Nov 1st, 2009 monthly upload individual notification of enriched mandates data Active mandates + BIC + IBAN download request data of Creditor X Creditor bank Creditor X request for migration 36 / 37 MOB Entreprises FAQ9 Mandate management - What was the role of the Bank in a “debtor mandate flow” ? - - SEPA is a “ Creditor Mandate Flow” - 37 / 37 Archive and manage the mandates Check on debtor signature Give the possibility to the customer to open, amend or cancel the mandates The creditor is responsible to Archive and manage the mandates Several Mandate management providers on the market MOB Entreprises Other FAQs Channels Update Planning Isabel End date for DOM 80 Depending on joint migration plan Will be defined when the end-date regulation will be published 38 / 37 MOB Entreprises Eindslide Reserve-slides voor SDD/PSD Wet betreffende de betalingsdiensten van 10/12/2009 gepubliceerd in Staatsblad op 15/01/2010 Transparence des conditions des services de paiement (art 9 => 14) opérations de paiement isolées contrat-cadre description des principales caractéristiques l'identifiant unique délai d'exécution maximal frais 41 / 37 MOB Entreprises Loi relative aux services de paiement art 38 & 39 Remboursements d'opérations de paiement initiées par ou via le bénéficiaire S'applique aux domiciliations "nationales" DOM80 et SDD Le prestataire de services de paiement du payeur doit rembourser si l'autorisation n'indiquait pas le montant exact et le montant dépassait le montant auquel le payeur pouvait raisonnablement s'attendre Contrat-cadre: le payeur et son prestataire de services de paiement peuvent convenir que le payeur a droit au remboursement même si ces conditions ne sont pas remplies 42 / 37 MOB Entreprises Loi relative aux services de paiement art 38 & 39 Remboursements d'opérations de paiement initiées par ou via le bénéficiaire Contrat-cadre: le payeur n'a pas droit à un remboursement s'il a donné son consentement directement à son prestataire de services les informations relatives ont été fournies au payeur 4 semaines avant l'échéance 8 semaines le remboursement est effectué dans un délai de 10 jours 43 / 37 MOB Entreprises Droit de refund en pratique en Belgique Le droit de refund inconditionnel s’applique durant 8 semaines: aux domiciliations "nationales" DOM80 à partir du 1/4/2010 aux domiciliations européennes SDD – core depuis le 1/11/2009 Au-delà des 8 semaines, Il y a droit de refund durant 13 mois S’il n’y a pas de mandat valide. La preuve est à charge : Du créancier pour SDD & DOM70 De la banque du débiteur pour DOM80 Le droit de refund inconditionnel ne s’applique pas : aux SDD – B2B aux SDD – fixed amount (en cours de développement) 44 / 37 MOB Entreprises Loi relative aux services de paiement art 29 Autorisation des opérations de paiement Le mandat de domiciliation doit répondre aux conditions suivantes: Un consentement exprès du payeur La procuration doit se référer expressément au contrat sous-jacent (lequel précise la nature, l’échéance…) La domiciliation ne peut se réaliser valablement que si le payeur a été précédemment informé du contrat sous-jacent 45 / 37 MOB Entreprises Loi relative aux services de paiement art 45 & 78 délai d'exécution et date valeur Belgique Virements: D+1 (papier +1 jour) Domiciliations: D+3 jusqu'au 01/01/2012 D+1 après le 01/01/2012 Transfrontaliers (virements & domiciliations) Jusque 01/01/2012: D+3 D+1 à partir de 01/01/2012 46 / 37 MOB Entreprises