January - Seattle Metals Guild


January - Seattle Metals Guild
Hello 2015!
guild news
The Lecture Series returns...
the Seattle
Metals Guild
Beginning February 12th and continuing on March
12th, April 9th and concluding with a Business Panel
on May 14th. SPU - Otto Miller Hall, Room 109
I am very pleased to announce the lecture series line up for 2015!
The lecture series committee has been hard at work to create a
lecture series that will continue and build on the amazing work
Aaron Barr contributed as the lecture series organizer. This year,
the first lecture has been postponed to the second week in
February and the series has been extended to the second week of
May! Our first lecture will be held February 12th 2015 at Seattle
Pacific University, Otto Miller Hall, Room 109 doors open at
6:30 and lecture will begin at 7:00pm. Each subsequent lecture
will be held the second Thursday of the month with the same
time and location. The April lecture will still be held at Seattle
Pacific University but will be held in Demaray Hall Room 150;
however, in May we are back in Otto Miller Hall Room 109 for
our Business Panel.
mythology, in the form of mechanical interactive objects”. Most
recently in 2014 Kirk had a solo exhibition, Constellations at the
National Ornamental Metal Museum. He has also been awarded
an Artist Trust Fellowship, Artist Trust GAP Grant and 4Culture Individual Project Grant. His work can been seen in many
different publications including 500 Metal Vessels, 500 Necklaces,
1000 Rings and Metalsmith Magazine. He holds an MFA from
the University of Washington in Interdisciplinary Visual Arts.
Looking forward to a great 2015!
Everett Hoffman
Seattle Metals Guild Workshop/Lecture Series Chair
Feb 12th, 7:00pm Otto Miller Hall, Rm 109
Kirk Lang: Looking Up, Looking Down,
to See the In-Between
Kirk Lang is a Seattle based sculptor, metalsmith, jeweler, designer, and amateur astronomer. He has recently created a series of
kinetic sculptures. Themes in his work include “time, space and
January 2014
Constellation 1 by Kirk Lang
All photos courtesy of the artists - continued on page 3.
Board News
President’s Letter
SMG Events
Happy New Year!
Date / Event
We have many exciting things planned for this year and we hope
you will join us as participants and volunteers! We also hope that
with more volunteers, we can offer more exhibitions and more
workshops in 2015! Please consider signing up as we have a range
of short term and long term opportunities! You can find out more
and sign up, here: http://www.seattlemetalsguild.org/membership/volunteer-now/
Jan 8: Metals Mixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feb 6: SMG General Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feb 12: Lecture Series Returns! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feb 12: Metals Mixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Guild is continuing to evolve. We put some changes in place in
2014, others are new for 2015. So read on, as everything is covered
in this issue - upcoming events, upcoming changes, and upcoming
Remember this PDF is interactive, so email and web addresses,
plus any other blue, bold, italicized text are all hyperlinks.
May your new year be filled with exciting opportunities, friendship
and gorgeous, glittery things, that people show and buy - a lot!
Thank you! Natascha Bybee, President, Seattle Metals Guild
Where’s my Newsletter? or
the SMG goes green...
2015 Lecture Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3-4
Board News:
President’s Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Where’s my Newsletter? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Renew your Membership! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
SMG General Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Passing the Torch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SMG Biennial Exhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Metals Mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Renew your Membership!
This is the last newsletter you will receive in this format. It also is
not available in hard copy, but can be printed out at home. What
happened? Where’s your newsletter? and hey, I paid for that!...
and update your member profile...
Our new software is smart! If you need to renew your membership (even if it’s been a couple of years), you are probably
already in our system. No need to newly join, you can renew
here: http://www.seattlemetalsguild.org/member-update/
After much discussion, the SMG Board voted to redesign the
newsletter to conform more with industry standards and to go
completely digital and green. We also needed to change our
dependence on finding people that knew and could afford Adobe
InDesign to produce this format.
The good news - we will now have a monthly newsletter, delivered
straight to your inbox. It will feature all the great reviews, interviews and articles you have come to expect and will be more timely
in notifying you of upcoming events and opportunities. We have
been attempting a blend of these two formats for the last several
months and will condense these into one, new format that we hope
you will love!
What if you want to show off your work? Be considered for
some of our new exhibitions? Use your profile as a way to drive
business to your web and social media sites?
On the same page and at the same time you renew (or any
time!) you can also update your “Business Card” with your
logo and a tagline or brief statement. The “Business Card” is
what each person sees when they visit our Member Profiles
page, so make it as compelling as possible!
Feel free to add photographs, an artist statement, and links to
your website and social media streams in your profile, so our
new members get to know you and your work.
The bad news - we are no longer offering the printed, mailed version, although the new version can be printed out at your home,
work, school or local library. If you have recently (after Sept 1,
2014) renewed your membership or newly joined the Guild and
paid for the printed newsletter, your refund of $5.00 is already on
the way to you.
Please make sure you also update your privacy settings. When
you login for the first time, use the email associated with
your membership and request a password. This password can
be changed later, once you login. You will also need this information to access our member only pages and take advantage of
our discounted pricing for all upcoming events!
Remember - please keep submitting your news with pictures, at
http://www.seattlemetalsguild.org/submissions/ and they will be
included in our next issue, or posted on our blog or Facebook.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at:
Natascha Bybee [email protected]
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:
[email protected]
Lecture Series, cont.
continued from page 1
March 12th, 7:00pm Otto Miller Hall, Rm 109
Jennifer Navva Milliken: “Ma ze tzorfut?”:
Contemporary Jewelry In Israel
April 9th, 7:00pm Demaray Hall, Rm 150
Anya Kivarkis: Jewelry from Dutch Portraiture
to the Internet Archivel
The lecture “Ma ze tzorfut?” will focus on the short but dynamic
history of contemporary jewelry in Israel…“Amid a turbulent
existence and disparate traditions stretching from Yemen and
Bukhara to London and Amsterdam, a fertile scene of local makers – informed more by a culture of challenging conventions than
by issues of nationhood or heritage – sustains itself through its
ardent commitment to a distinct form of artistic expression. “
Anya Kivarkis will discuss current projects and the trajectory of
her studio work and research context for the last 10 years. Anya
Kivarkis is currently Assistant Professor and Area Head of Jewelry and Metalsmithing at the University of Oregon in Eugene.
She received a BFA in Jewelry & Metalsmithing from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, and an MFA from the State
University of New York in New Paltz in 2004.
Guidelines by Noa Zilberman
Carey Mulligan, Red Carpet 2010 by Anya Kivarkis
Jennifer Navva Milliken is Curator of Craft at Bellevue Arts
Museum. Before joining BAM, she established INTER ALIA
projects, a private curatorial practice dedicated to generating
independent initiatives that served to advance an interdisciplinary agenda focused on art, conceptual craft, design, and new
media. Now based in Seattle, Milliken has lived in a number of
locales including Jerusalem, New York, Seoul, and Tel Aviv. She
has worked for a number of cultural institutions and museums,
including the Museum of Arts & Design (MAD), New York, and
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem.
Most recently in 2014, she was the recipient of the Oregon Arts
Commission Individual Artist Fellowship. She has been in numerous exhibitions in the United States and internationally most
recently including, The Decorative Impulse at the Villa Terrace
Museum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, L’education Sentimentale at
the Solidor Art Space in Cagnes sur Mer, France, Metalsmith, and
COLLECT at Saatchi Gallery in London. Her work is included
in collections such as the Tacoma Art Museum, the Samuel
Dorsky Museum of Art, The Rotasa Foundation, and the Jordan
Schnitzer Museum of Art.
May 14th, 7:00pm Otto Miller Hall, Rm 109
Business Panel Featuring:
Karen Lorene – owner of Facèré Jewelry Art Gallery
Karen Lorene is the owner of Facèré Jewelry Art Gallery. The
gallery shows the work of 49 jewelry artists: northwest, national
and international, as well as antique and vintage jewelry. Karen
along with being a successful business owner, is active in publishing books including, Building a Business, Building a Life – A
Memoir & Workbook. Karen and Facèré have been highlighted in
numerous publications including Ornament Magazine, Volume
30, No. 4, Signs of Life Review; Niche Magazine, Spring 2008,
Gallery Feature; American Craft, June/July 2009, Shop Talk; Art
Jewelry Forum, 2014, Tilling Time/Telling Time Interview.
Jeremy Dunn and Charlie Herner – owners of the
Aran Galligan – owner of Aide-mémoire Jewelry
For the first time the lecture series will be hosting a business
panel; in which we have invited three business owners in the
fields of art jewelry and commercial jewelry. They will discuss
how they got started and offer some advice for those just getting
started. We will then open up the floor for audience questions.
We are hoping this will be a recurring part of the lecture series
that offers insight into metals community businesses and
All photos courtesy of the artists.
continued on page 4
Lecture Series, cont.
continued from page 3
Jeremy Dunn and Charlie Herner are founders of The Rephinery in Seattle, a custom jewelry shop focusing on high quality
Fine custom jewelry. Jeremy is a classically trained Gold and
Platinumsmith, a graduate of the Eli Broad College of Business at
Michigan State University, a GIA Graduate Gemologist and Certified Gemologist through the American Gem Society. Charlie
has a background in Architectural Drafting and Graphic Design,
and diplomas from the GIA in the Graduate Jeweler & Applied
Jewelry Arts programs. http://www.therephinery.com/
Aran Galligan is the owner of Aide-mémoire Jewelry. Aran
received a BFA in Craft/Material Studies with a focus in jewelry
from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2000, and her MFA
in Metal from SUNY New Paltz in 2012. After graduation from
SUNY New Paltz Aran moved back to Seattle where she started
Aide-mémoire Jewelry. Which specializes in custom eco-friendly
and ethical men’s and women’s wedding rings, in gold, palladium,
and silver. Her business also focuses on using 100% recycled precious metals, ethical fair-trade, recycled and lab-grown diamonds
and gemstones. http://aidememoirejewelry.com/
General Meeting
Elections, Awards & Refreshments
February 6th, 7:00pm, Doors open at 6:30pm
North Seattle College - North Star Dining Room
The Seattle Metals Guild General Meeting takes place each year. This is when we elect new board members, make general announcements, receive a financial report and present awards. The Guild presents its Lifetime Achievement Award to an outstanding member
of our diverse community and in odd years, in conjunction with the Biennial Exhibition, we also present an Emerging Artist Award.
Awardees enlighten and entertain us with their stories offering insight, inspiration and often some good laughs. Please join us for great
presentations and light refreshments on Friday, February 6th at 7:00pm. Doors will open at 6:30pm at North Seattle College.
Lifetime Achievement Award Nancy Worden!
Emerging Artist Award
In 2013 the Seattle Metals Guild began what we anticipated to
become a biennial tradition of selecting and celebrating a highly
motivated and talented emerging artist within our community.
We are excited to carry on the tradition this year, and soon, very
soon we will all know the winner! In the meantime look forward
to learning about this bright artist on the scene when they make
a presentation of their work during the annual meeting in February and when we read about them in the next newsletter. You
will also get the opportunity to see a strong representation of
their work this spring during the SMG Biennial Exhibition.
This year we are honored to present this award to Nancy Worden
in recognition of her amazing talent and significant contributions
to the metalsmithing community!
For more than three decades, Nancy Worden has interpreted the
events in her life as an American woman. Her jewelry intertwines
an exploration of materials from contemporary American culture
and an intensive study of the history of jewelry design from
around the world. Worden borrows design elements from Native
American squash blossom necklaces, Art Nouveau masterpieces,
Egyptian broadcollars and African amulets. The end result is a
narrative work that reflects a female and American point of view,
with a nostalgic reference to older jewelry traditions.
However for now we must wait a little longer as a decision is
made by our jurors, three well respected individuals: Nancy
Mēgan Corwin, Jana Brevick and Rock Hushka. These dedicated
and generous people have been making time between holiday
travel and meals to review the applications received for this year’s
Emerging Artist Award.
We look forward to her
presentation and learning
about her work and career!
Your applications are in good hands.
The winner will be announced on January 15th.
Good luck to all who applied!
The Family Reunion by Nancy Worden
Photo courtesy of the artist.
Events, cont.
Passing the Torch is Seattle Metals Guild’s annual statewide
jewelry and metal arts competition and exhibition for Washington State high school students. This program gives students the
experience of exhibiting their metal work and encourages them
to consider a life in metal arts. Beyond the annual exhibition,
Passing the Torch also maintains a network of high schools and
teachers teaching metals in Washington State, and provides professional development opportunities for these teachers.
Every other year, SMG produces a grand exhibition, open to all
SMG members. The show will once again be held in the South
Galleria of the Washington State Convention Center. The Galleria space is the central thoroughfare of the Convention Center,
with nearly 20,000 visitors walking through daily.
Important dates in 2015:
Thursday, March 5 – Online Submission Deadline
Each year the Passing the Torch exhibition features three categories which are Jewelry, Holloware/Sculpture, and a rotating third
category. The third category for 2015 is: Decay & Renewal.
Saturday & Sunday, March 7 - 8 - 12:00pm - 4:00pm - Drop off
at Danaca Design
Thursday, April 2 – Sunday, June 21 – Entire duration of exhibit
at the Washington State Convention Center, South Galleria
The 2015 Passing the Torch Exhibition will be at the Washington
State Convention Center, in conjunction with the Seattle Metals
Guild Biennial Exhibition. Work will be on display early April
through late May.
Sunday, April 5 - Opening Reception
To participate in the Biennial, you must be a current member.
Registration will be open on the website shortly and we will
notify the membership via email.
Important dates in 2015:
Saturday, February 20 – Please RSVP for Exhibition and
Teacher Workshop by this date
You may enter up to 3 pieces. Pieces that will be displayed in
cases must be no bigger than 18” x 18” x 18”. Larger pieces can
be hung on the wall. Any pieces displayed outside a case should
be sturdy. Artists who
plan on submitting large
pieces should plan on
installing their artwork
at the Convention
Saturday, March 21 – Drop-off day for entries, Teacher Workshop
Thursday, April 2 – Thursday, May 28 – Entire duration of exhibit at the Washington State Convention Center, North Galleria
Saturday, May 2 – Awards Ceremony at the Washington State
Convention Center, North Galleria
For more details, to participate, or to volunteer for this program,
please contact the committee chairperson at passingthetorch@
For more details,
to participate, or
to volunteer for
this exhibition,
please contact the
committee chairperson
at biennial@
Events, cont.
Metals Mixers - the fun starts here!
Come join your fellow guilders for a drink and some conversation, monthly at the Metals Mixers at various locations in and
around Seattle. Look for the chasing hammer to find our group.
The first one of 2015 is:
June 10, 2015 - 7pm - 10pm - Loretta’s Northwesterner
July 8, 2015 - 7pm - 10pm - The Pine Box Bar
January 8, 2015 - 7pm - 10pm - Nickerson Street Saloon
August 12, 2015 - 7pm - 10pm - Loretta’s Northwesterner
318 Nickerson Street
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 284-8819
September 9, 2015 - 7pm - 10pm - The Pine Box Bar
October 17, 2015 - Post Symposium Reception
Time and Location - TBD
November 11, 2015 - 7pm - 10pm - Nickerson Street Saloon
December 12, 2015 - Ornament Exchange Party!
Time and Location - TBD
February 12, 2015 - 7pm - 10pm - Nickerson Street Saloon
If you would like to suggest a location for a Metals Mixer, please
contact us at [email protected].
March 12, 2015 - 7pm - 10pm - Nickerson Street Saloon
April 9, 2015 - 7pm - 10pm - Nickerson Street Saloon
All are welcome - this is NOT a members only event! We look
forward to seeing you there!
May 14, 2015 - 7pm - 10pm - Nickerson Street Saloon
SAVE TIME, JOIN ONLINE at http://seattlemetalsguild.org/membership/join
2014-2015 SMG Board of Directors
All addresses are suffixed with “@seattlemetalsguild.org”
Natascha Bybee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . president@
Dana Cassara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pastpresident@
Kirk Lang. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vicepresident@
Peggy Foy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . secretary@
April Keroack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . treasurer@
Kristen Hummel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . board1@
Sarah Meranda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . board2@
Claire Ramsey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . board3@
Everett Hoffman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . board4@
OPEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . board5@
Monica Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . board6@
SMG Services
Workshops . . . . . . . . . . Everett Hoffman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . workshop@
Symposium. . . . . . . . . . Abby Frank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . symposium@
Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tory Herford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . librarian@
Membership. . . . . . . . . Sarah Meranda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . membership@
President. . . . . . . . .
Past President . . . .
Vice President. . . .
Secretary . . . . . . . .
Treasurer. . . . . . . . .
General Board. . . .
General Board. . . .
General Board. . . .
General Board. . . .
General Board. . . .
General Board. . . .
The Seattle Metals Guild is a non-profit
organization made up of people with varying interests and involvement in traditional
and contemporary jewelry and metal arts.
The Guild was founded in 1989 to provide
for the exchange of ideas and information,
as well as to offer affordable educational opportunities to its members and the public.
Our activities include: a web site, bimonthly
newsletter, exhibitions and a series of aesthetic, technical and business workshops
and lectures.
The skills, energy and enthusiasm of the Seattle Metals Guild members promote and
sustain its successful programs.
We welcome new members and encourage
participation by everyone.
The Seattle Metals Guild is an Associated Program of Shunpike.
The Seattle Metals Guild Newsletter is digitally published monthly.
Comments, announcements and ads are welcome from all SMG members.
Please contribute to your Newsletter
We encourage participation and welcome information about upcoming shows and events, articles about safety and bench
tips you would like to share. If you have comments or something to contribute, please submit your information, via the new
form on our website at http://www.seattlemetalsguild.org/submissions and include photos, links or documents, if available.