ST. HILARY OF POITIERS CHURCH 333 TWIN OAKS DRIVE, RACELAND, LA 70394 Pastor: Fr. Sabino Rebosura, II Phone: 985 985--537 537--6002 Phone: 985 985--537 537--6002 Associate: Fr. Mario Veloso Fax: 985 985--537 537--4408 Fax: 985 985--537 537--4408 “LIKE” St. Hilary of Poitiers Catholic Church on Facebook for updates and activities or visit us on our website: www.sthilaryraceland, MASS INTENTIONS 21 Saturday 4pm: Esther Mayet - Majesta & Adriel Price – Chester, Ella & Trudy Ledet – Benson Pitre & Fly. - Patrick Danos - Clifton & Eunice Lecompte – Bill & Bella Bye – Don Bye – Carl Marsalis – Susan Lacheny - Joyce & Raymond Plaisance - Gerald Detillier -Barbara Dupre Orgeron - James “TJ” Cantrelle III – Martial Babin Jr. - David Robichaux - Cunningham “Mouse” Bradberry – Edgar & Rosalie A. St. Pierre – Frederick & Augustine G.(B) Bradberry - Norwin P. Adams & Flys. - Charles Matherne – Gina Chiasson - Melba Hebert - Ralph & Mary Jane Chauvin – Fanwick Chiasson (B) – Claire Chauvin Hebert Edward Gerrets (DA) - Estelle Comardelle (DA) - Odette Breaux (B) Roy Hernandez Sr. – Joshua Hernandez - Elaine T. Robichaux - Desiree Boudreaux - Leonard Falgout Jr, - Carol Ledet Falgout 22 Sunday 7am: Betty & Edwis Loupe – Darlene Theriot – Doris Gautreaux - Shillie Sampey – Maud, Norris & Howard Sampey – Tyler Dufrene – Michael & Betty Sampey – Bess & Thomas Toups & Fly. Madge Foret – Noel LeBlanc – Zachary Foret - Charles J. St. Martin Desiree A. Boudreaux 9am: Bernard D’Arcangelo, Jr. – Jimmy Pertuit – D.D. & Doris Toups Alphonse LeBlanc, Sr. – Bertha F. LeBlanc – Octave Monnier, Sr. – Leona T. Monnier – Francis Monnier - Bella Vedros - Ernest Vedros – Freddie & Theoma Levert - James “TJ” Cantrelle III –Lynn J. Reulet Gigi Adams - M/M Kenneth Hargis – M/M Ralph Hargis – Ed Daigle Jr., Lois Earley – James Earley – Stephen Punch – Pixie Gouaux Harold Guidroz Jr. – Mary G. Saunier – Maxie & Firmin Gaudet – Harold & Mildred Guidroz Jr. - Marguerite Daigle – Louis Griffin Jr. – Louis Griffin Sr. – Craig Griffin – Leola Griffin – Roy & Octavia Ledet 11am: Charles & Gilda Duvernay – Josephine & Donald Melancon Eddie, Pearl (B), & Milton Gaudet – Marie Robichaux – Irene Larousse Alcida Babin – Alvin & Audrey Mayet, Alvin Jr. & Kay 23 Monday 5pm: Antoine Betanof (DA) – Thomas Curran (DA) Herbert & Lucia France – Barbara & Jody Foret – Laurie Autin – T.J. France –Louis, Lena & Sonny Rivet - Abby, Muriel & Bill Robichaux Salvin Sampey – Elvans & Lorita Sampey - Richard & Ada Cologne – Donald & Janice Leininger – Matthew Leininger – Troy & Debbie Smith - Holy Souls in Purgatory - Murphy, Rosemary, Doris, Jimmey & Lucy Aucoin 24 Tuesday 5pm: Rev. H. C. Paul Daigle - Rev. Clemens Schneider Sr. Marguerite Anne Champagne - Rev. Warren Chassaniol – Msgr. James Songy - Rev. Stanislaus J. Manikowski – Lucille Ford - Medric & Doris Gautreaux – Byron, Maurice & Medric Gautreaux - Damian Theriot – Moise (B) & Emma Matherne – Eula B. Matherne – Autin & Matherne Flys. 25 Wednesday 10am: Charley & Marie Pierce 26 Thursday 5pm: Joyce & Raymond Plaisance - Esma Knight Babin - Sanders, Yvonne & Sandy Falgout – Annette & Horace Arabie – Christopher Zeringue – Stephen Punch (DA) 27 Friday 7am: Our Lady of Guadalupe for End of Culture of Death FAMILY PICTORIAL DIRECTORY St. Hilary invites you to participate in our Family Pictorial Directory and capture memories for a Lifetime! Stop by after mass and pick up important information that will help you with scheduling an appointment. Photography Dates will be April 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th. There are several ways to schedule your photography appointment: You may sign up in person after every mass, call the parish office or use this link Let’s proudly celebrate together who we are as a family church community. Help us make this directory complete. Please be a part of it! It won’t be the same without you!! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The K.C.’s Officers' meeting is Wednesday, March 25th at 7pm. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11 Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59 Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56 Sunday: Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 (procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39] Monday: Fifth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2015 I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people. - Jeremiah 31:33 WEEKLEY OFFERING 3-15-15 Envelopes: $ 4,097.00 Loose: $ 3,271.00 Total: $ 7,368.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! ST. HILARY’S EASTER QUOTA IS $8,675. This collection directly funds the Diocesan Vocations Office, the Education and Formation of Seminarians and the Permanent Diaconate Office. These offices provide a benefit not only to our diocese but the entire church. Please be generous this year and help St. Hilary reach their quota. NEW PARISHIONERS Please welcome the following new parishioners to St. Hilary Parish: Mr. & Mrs. Moussa, Johnny Ryans, Megan Vedros, Justin Dufrene, Lynn & Robert Ledet, Terry & Jeannette Champagne, Marty & Jeri Acosta and Philip Calzar. Traveling Chalice: Wade & Ruby Plaisance will receive the Traveling Chalice on Sunday, March 22nd at the 9:00am Mass and it will remain in their home for one week as they pray for vocations. Sanctuary Lamp in Memory of: M/M Kenneth Hargis – M/M Ralph Hargis – Ed Daigle Jr. - Lois Earley – James Earley Stephen Punch - Pixie Gouaux Died in Christ: In the charity of your prayers please remember Esther Matherne & Curtis Chiasson who passed away last week and pray that their families find comfort and consolation in their faith. Baptized in Christ: By Water and the Holy Spirit we welcomed into our Catholic Christian Community Walker John Arcement, son of Mr. & Mrs. Mason Arcement, Bently Kole Bellanger, son of Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Bellanger, Jack Anthony Giroir, son of Mr. & Mrs. Garret Giroir and Landon Lee Denning son of Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Denning who were baptized last week. Wedding Banns Cody Babin & Alyse Baronne 2 Dustin Landry & Kalin Breaux 1 PRAY FOR HEALING Odile Fremin, Carol Murzi, Brenda Deslatte, Richard Weber, Nathaniel Becho, Spergin Plaisance, Alvin P. Breaux, Shedric Bananto, Andrea Gouaux, Edward Thibodeaux, Jr., Diane Baudoin, Kathy Pertuit Durapau, Trey McMillian, Hugh Foret, Laura Badeaux, Wendy Martinez Couvillion, Nikko Verret, Denise Saucier, Johnny Guidry, Marcella Pierce, Delores Guidroz, Barbara Arcement, Gerald “Buzz” Breaux, Annabelle Molaison, Ramona Poche, Dot Bollinger, Josiah Zeringue, Neil Verret, Alvin Sapia, Warren Robichaux, Lynn Theriot, Milton Arabie, Jessica Thibodaux, Debbie Michel, Dwayne Dupre, Ari Verdin, Barbara Dufrene, Joel Rivera, Beau Kyzar, Lucile Boudreaux, Barbara Delaune Toups, Richard Louque Jr., Kit Prejean, Jimmy Walker, Ira Lasseigne, Jordon Scott, Louie Jankovski, Audrey Billiot, Katie Hebert, Rita Lowery, Albert & Lorita Loupe, Russell Billiot, Judith Bergeron, Emma Touro, Venice Breaux, Ronnie Blanchard, Barbara Vedros, Jerry Boudreaux, Dina Chiasson, John & Anne Germann, Neva Plaisance, Elaine Folse Foret, Louise Foret, Peggy Adams, Charlene Prestenback, Lester Theriot, Billy Bellanger, Gloria Matherne, Patsy McKee. After a certain time we have to remove names from our Sick List to make room for new ones. To have someone put back on or removed, please call the Parish Office at 537-6002. Thank you. CCD SCHEDULE March 23 March 24 Grades 6 - 10 Grades 1-5 6 - 7:15pm 6 - 7:15pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please continue to register your students for CCD for our next school year. If you are registering a child for the first time you must contact Diane at 537-6002 to set up an appointment. The deadline to register is March 30th and a $10 late fee will be added to any registration turned in after this date. We ask that you please get your paper work in early. Thanks for your cooperation. If you have a student who is leaving Catholic School in grades 1st - 10th and entering public school, that child must attend CCD classes in his / her church parish. If you have any questions, please call Diane at 537-6002. ADULT CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES If you are interested in being a candidate for Confirmation you must be 20 years of age or older, a Catholic in good moral standing with the Church and not in an invalid marriage. Please call the Parish Office and speak with Fr. Benny at 537-6002 if you are interested. PASTORAL COUNCIL NEWS The response to the census has been very encouraging, and we’d like to Thank all who have already submitted their form. We are collecting forms until the end of March so if you have not yet filled one out, blank forms are available in the vestibule of Church. Please complete one and place it in the collection or return it to the Parish Office. EASTER FLOWERS If you would like to donate flowers in memory of a loved one please place their names and donation in an envelope marked “Flowers” and place it in the collection. The deadline will be March 23rd. WAY OF THE CROSS The Grief to Grace and Prayer line parishioners will lead the Way of the Cross on Friday, March 20th at 7pm. The Way of the Cross will conclude with the exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Remember that Fridays in Lent are days of Fast and Abstinence. LIGHT IS ON The “Light is on for You” is an outreach program which offers the opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation in all parishes in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux on the evening of March 25, 2015. A priest will be available from 6:00pm until 8:00pm. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PHARMACY PROJECT Our CCD program will again be working with St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy to collect monetary donations to assist individuals with their prescriptions. We ask that you please pick up a prescription bottle under the Religious Ed bulletin board in the back of church and return it with your donation anytime during the month of March. Thank you in advance for your generosity. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Blessing of Palms during ALL masses. (including Saturday at 4pm.) Easter Egg Hunt after 11:00am Mass. Holy Monday 4:30 pm Confession 5:00pm Mass Holy Tuesday 4:30 pm Confession 5:00pm Mass Holy Wednesday 10:00am Mass at Raceland Manor Holy Thursday 11:00am Chrism Mass - St. Francis Cathedral 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8:00pm - 12:00am Adoration Good Friday 3:00pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7:00pm Youth Living Way of the Cross Holy Saturday 8pm Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday 7:00am, 9:00am & 11:00am Mass Palm Sunday PALMS We are in need of palms for Palm Sunday. We ask that you bring your palms (cleaned if possible) on Wednesday, March 25th and place them in the containers in the front of church. Once again, thanks for your cooperation. CHOIR PRACTICE Practice on March 22nd will be at 6:15pm at Alice’s Bonneval’’s house and on March 26th at 6:15pm in church. If you are interested in joining our Music Ministry please contact Hannah Arceneaux at hannah [email protected]. CAKE SALE The Ladies Auxiliary will hold a Cake sale after all masses on April 5th, Easter Sunday. Please support our Auxiliary and bring a delicious dessert home for your family. Love is not what you Say. Love is what you Do. Mass is celebrated on Wednesdays at 5:30pm at St. Anthony Church in Gheens followed by the Way of the Cross during Lent. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of your weekly envelope statement for 2014 is asked to call the Parish Office at 537-6002. We will be happy to mail it to you. EASTER EGG HUNT There will be an Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday after the 11:00am mass in the field by the multipurpose building. Please bring your children and join in the fun. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Hilary of Poitiers Church #515199 333 Twin Oaks Drive Raceland, LA 70394 TELEPHONE 985 537-6002 CONTACT PERSON Peggy Mayet EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows XP PRINTER HP Laserjet 1300 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 12:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION MARCH 22, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS