Reflection - Antonine College
Reflection - Antonine College
20 September 2013 Reflection FEAST OF THE EXALTATION OF THE Risen Lord! (Pope Francis’s GLORIOUS CROSS Homily, Rome reports). On Saturday 14 September we celebrated the feast of Jesus said, "If any want to the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, also known as the become my followers, let Triumph of the Cross. This feast was observed in Rome them deny themselves and before the end of the seventh century. take up their cross daily It commemorates the recovery of the Holy Cross, which and follow me" Luke 9:23. had been placed on Mt. Calvary and preserved in Jesus is teaching us that Jerusalem in 335 by St. Helena mother of the Roman the cross is a constant feature in our daily lives as his emperor Constantine the Great, and then the Holy Cross followers. To take up the cross every day, we need to do had fallen into the hands of the Persians. The precious more than wear a crucifix or place it in our surroundings; relic was recovered and returned to Jerusalem by it is a way of life. To live and experience the resurrection Emperor Heralius in 629. and new life is to accept sacrifice and self-denial as part of our daily lives. People who love much sacrifice much. The sign of the cross has become a universal Christian This is what we see in Christ, he showed us how much he symbol. The cross is not just a piece of wood. It is a loves us. This is what we see in the lives of saints. This is symbolic summary of the history of our salvation, what we are called to be. Let us encourage each other to summary of suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus turn our crosses into victory, with Christ and ready to Christ through which we have been redeemed. It is a proclaim: symbol of our faith in the crucified and risen Lord Jesus Christ. O cross, you are the glorious sign of victory. Through your power may we share in the triumph of We celebrate this important feast to emphasise the Christ Jesus. importance of the reality of the cross in the daily life of every Christian. In this manner Pope Francis called all Christians not to live with fear, shame or without resurrection, rather to centre their lives on the Resurrection of Christ. “There are many Christians Quote: "How splendid the cross of Christ! It brings life, not death; light, not darkness; Paradise, not its loss. It is the without the Resurrection, Christians without the Risen wood on which the Lord, like a great warrior, was Lord. They join Jesus to the tomb, they weep, they offer wounded in hands and feet and side, but healed thereby well wishes, but it stops there. Thinking of the attitude of our wounds. A tree has destroyed us; a tree now these Christians without the Risen Lord, I have found three, but there are more: fear, Christians living with fear; shame, those who feel embarrassed; and triumphalist. These three attitudes are not found in the brought us life" (Theodore of Studios). Principal’s Message Sr Daad El-Azzi END OF TERM THREE FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Term three comes to an end today, Friday 20 We remember in our prayers Year 3 students who September, which means the school break starts. The received the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time term break will run from Monday 24 September until on Saturday 14 September at Our lady of Lebanon. It Friday 4 October and term four resumes on Monday 7 was October. The end of term three also marks mid- Congratulations to all these students and their semester two for Foundation to Year 11 students and families and may these children always open their the final three weeks in term four for our Year 12 hearts to Jesus and grow in wisdom and grace. a lovely celebration of our community. students. This time of the year also sees planning for 2014 whilst continuing to work on the teaching and ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL/OVERSEAS TRAVEL learning programs for the remainder of 2013. Absences of some students have been a concern in recent times. Parents need to realize that absences STUDENT INTERIM REPORTS can impact greatly on the progress of students in Teachers have been busy completing term three different ways. We need to remind parents to discuss interim reports. These interim reports will help you as their holiday plan with us before planning any parents to keep informed about the progress and absence of more than 3 days and fill out the effort, the strengths and the challenges of your child appropriate form available through the front office. at this time of the school year. We know reporting to Students and parents should arrange work to parents is an important part of the educational complete wherever possible while they are away. process. It will help parents and teachers to focus on ways to support child’s learning at home and at ANTONINE DAY school. The interim reports will be distributed to It is a great day to celebrate the Antonine Community students on Thursday 19 September. spirit. We were truly blessed for this year’s College Feast Day, which commenced with a wonderful YEAR 12 STUDENTS celebration of the Eucharist and ended up with picnic This time of the year will be the final opportunity for lunch and fun run activities. I wish to thank Mgr. Joe the Year 12 students to get any suggestions or advice Takchi, Maronite parish priest, for being our celebrant from their teachers prior to sitting their trial exams, at mass and I would like to thank the students for the end of year examinations or completing final beautiful choir. I take this opportunity to thank all assessment tasks. We ask all parents to encourage their children to continue to seek help from teachers who contributed to the success of this wonderful day of celebration. in class and make the best use of each school day. Should you have any concerns, please feel free to see Term four is very short for our Year 12 students as me. their final school day is Tuesday 22 October. I would like to wish all our Year 12 students the best for the rest of their academic year. I wish everyone a safe, blessed and restful term break. Antonine Day - 18 September 2013 Fun Run - 18 September 2013 Maronite Bishop of Australia, Antoine-Charbel Tarabay Visit to Antonine College - 26 August 2013 Deputy Principal - Staff & Student Wellbeing Ms Joanne Bacash We have had some great activities organised for and by students including the Year 11 Formal and the Antonine College Student Forum. YEAR 11 FORMAL Year 11 students looked amazing as they entered the Regal Ballroom for their Year 11 Formal on Wednesday 4 th September. Students had Salsa and Cha Cha dance classes prior to the night so that they could dance progressively in a "roueda" or circle. They were taught by professional dance instructors, Manuel and Florencia from Candela Dance Company. They really showed excellent dance skills looking very elegant on the night. I was very proud of the Year 11 students for their enthusiasm and willingness to give something new a go and for their perfect behaviour on the night. They really did set a high benchmark for future years. ANTONINE COLLEGE STUDENT FORUM On Thursday 5th September, Antonine College hosted our first ever student forum. About 60 students across Years 5-12 attended. What is a student forum? It is the opportunity for students across year levels to discuss an important topic, share ideas and work collaboratively to come up with possible proposals for the future. A student forum ensures we listen to the student voice in the College and that when decisions are made, we take into account what the students are saying. This year the focus of the forum was Cybersafety as a broad topic but we will be looking more specifically about the current school policy regarding student use of personal mobile phones and other electronic devices at school. The Forum began with a guest speakers, Di Cambridge - Leading Senior Constable and Jo Imrie – Senior Constable both from Brunswick Police Station. Both police officers have worked in the cybersafety unit for many years. The police focused on the issues they see around the topic of cybersafety and use of technology. They also gave students a chance to ask questions. This was followed up by a Great Debate presented by Rodney Bou Antoun and Rita Abou-Issa. They presented a case for and against the use of mobile phones in schools. Students then had the opportunity to engage in some activities and group discussions to come up with a proposal about the use of mobile phones and other electronic devices. Their proposals will be presented to teachers for consideration soon. It was great to have students from the SRC run some sessions and help me with organisation, especially Mark Hosri, Chantal Gerges, Sarah Wassouf, Chloe Warda, James Wakim and Milad Almatrah. Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning Mr Robert Fomiatti TERM THREE – INTERIM REPORTS I would like to take this opportunity to thank all students, teachers and parents for a very successful term three. As we near the end of term it is important that students are able to stop and reflect upon their achievements during this time. A key part of this for all students is that parents are able to discuss their child’s term three interim report with their son or daughter. The interim reports will be sent home with students on Thursday 19 September. This report provides a brief guide for progress throughout term three. YEAR 12 TRIAL EXAMS Year 12 students are fast approaching the finish of their secondary schooling. However, they do have many significant aspects of their schooling that they still need to complete. Students are reminded that there is no change to the College’s expectations regarding attendance, uniform, personal presentation, application, behaviour and respect for others and property. These requirements apply through to the final examination. We ask for, and very much appreciate, parental support of these expectations. All Year 12 students should also be considerate of other students and not disrupt their learning and preparations for the exams. Year 12 students are reminded that their upcoming Trial Exams form an essential and important part of their preparations for their final exams. The Trial Exams will be conducted mostly during class time from Monday 7 to Friday 18 October. Students and parents should check the information that has been provided for them in recent weeks that provides further details about the upcoming trial exams and the formal examination period. I wish the Year 12 students all the best as they embark on a very busy time of their lives. I trust that they will approach this time with a positive attitude and aim to do their best in the coming months. I wish all staff, students and parents a safe and restful break as a preparation for a successful term four. END OF YEAR PROGRAM FOR ST JOSEPH CAMPUS Tuesday 22 October Last teaching day for Year 12 Wednesday 23 October Year 12 Graduation Breakfast Friday 25 October Year 12 Graduation Mass and Dinner Wednesday 30 October – Friday 22 November Year 12 VCE Examinations Monday 11 – Friday 22 November Year 11 VCE Exams Year 11 VCAL normal classes Wednesday 20 – Friday 22 November Year 10 Exams Monday 25 November – Friday 6 December Year 11 & 12 VCE & VCAL Classes - 2014 Monday 2 December Year 7 2014 Orientation (normal school day) Tuesday 3 – Friday 6 December Years 7 – 9 Exams Friday 6 December Years 7-9 Exam (period 1) Year 11 & 12 VCE & VCAL Classes – 2014 (period 1 & 2) Years 8 – 10 2014 Orientation Package (period 2) Years 7-11 Mass (period 3) Years 7-11 Final Assembly (period 4) Overseas Travel Policy It is advisable that students miss no more than four weeks of school in total. Missing more than four weeks may have a negative impact on their progress at school. Please take this into consideration before making your decision to travel and discuss extended travel plans with the Principal. VCE students must attend 90% of all their classes to get a satisfactory result in their subjects. The school must be notified at least one month in advance of the intended travel so that work can be set for the child to complete while overseas. An Overseas Travel Form must be completed and returned to the College to be approved by the Principal. Finance Department SCHOOL FEES First, second and third instalments of 2013 Tuition Fees are now overdue and need to be paid as they are required for the ongoing costs of the College. Re-enrolment fee of $200 should be paid by now to secure a place for your child/children for 2014. Laptop Parent Contributions for Years 9 - 12 students are now overdue and need to be paid immediately. If you are not sure if all payments have been made for your son/daughter’s laptop please contact the office. We appreciate your prompt attention to the completion of these fees. Credit Card Authorisation can be faxed to the Accounts Department on 9354 1399. Direct Deposit facilities are available. Please contact Mrs Reina Osta on 9354 1377 if you wish to use this facility or if you have any other enquiries regarding the fees. Office News OFFICE HOURS DURING TERM BREAK Please note that the Office at Saint Joseph Campus will be open during the first week of the term break: Monday 23rd to Friday 27th September 9.00am - 4.00pm UNIFORM CHANGEOVER PERIOD All students have the option to wear either winter or summer uniform during the first week of term four. From Monday 14th October, the summer uniform is compulsory for all students. Parents are advised to check if their child/children’s uniform still fits and make new purchases during the first week. Please assist your child/children in maintaining pride in themselves and the school by replacing uniform items that are worn out, particularly if they are too tight or too short. Please note that the uniform shop will be open the first week of term 4: Monday 7th to Friday 11th October 9.00am - 4.00pm (closed between 12.30 and 1.30pm) Important Dates 07 October 07 November * Term 4 begins * Year 3 Excursion - NGV Federation Square (9:00 AM-1:45 PM) 09 October 08 November * Year 7 Premier League (12:00 PM-3:00 PM) * Year 7-11 Remembrance Day and Elective Assembly (10:20 AM- 10 October 11:35 AM) * SACCSS Badminton (Boys) 11 November - 22 November * Cedar House Athletics Carnival (8:45 AM-3:15 PM) * Year 11 Exams 16 October 18 - 20 November * Year 7 Immunisations * Year 6 Camp * Year 7 Premier League (12:00 PM-3:00 PM) 20 - 22 November 17 October * Year 10 Exams * Antonine Sisters Child Care Visit to Cedar Campus (9:30 AM- 20 November 12:00 PM) * SACCSS Awards Lunch (12:00 PM-3:00 PM) * Year 11 Psychology Excursion (10:20 AM-3:00 PM) 25 November - 6 December * Year 6 Camp Parent Information Evening (6:00 PM-7:00 PM) * Years 11 & 12 Classes 2014 18-24 October 25 November * Life Education Van * Lebanese Independence Day 22 October 26 November * Real Life Interviews (Year 10 & VCAL) (9:00 AM-11:35 AM) * Year 5 Excursion (9:00 AM-3:00 PM) * Last Teaching Day for Year 12 (3:15 PM-12:00 AM) 02 December 23 October * Year 7 2014 Transition Day (TBC) (9:00 AM-12:00 PM) * Year 12 Breakfast (8:30 AM-10:00 AM) 03 - 06 December * Year 7 Premier League (12:00 PM-3:00 PM) * Years 7 - 9 Exams 25 October 04 December * Year 12 Mass and Graduation Dinner (5:30 PM-11:59 PM) * Antonine Awards Evening (6:45 PM-8:00 PM) 28 October - 01 November 06 December * Cedar Campus Numeracy Week * Years 7-11 Final Teaching Day 28 October * Years 8 - 10 2014 Orientation (10:20 AM-11:35 AM) * Years 5-8 Maths Morning (8:45 AM-11:30 AM) * Anointing of the Sick Mass - St Ambrose Church 29 October * Years 7-11 Mass (12:25 PM-1:40 PM) * Foundation 2014 Orientation Day (9:30 AM-10:45 AM) * St Joseph Campus Final Assembly (2:15 PM-3:15 PM) 30 October - November 11 December * VCE Examinations * Cedar Christmas Concert (6:00 PM-8:00 PM) 30 October 12 December * F-4 World of Maths Incursion (9:00 AM-3:00 PM) * Year 6 Transition Mass (1:30 PM-3:00 PM) * Year 7 Premier League (12:00 PM-3:00 PM) 13 December 04 November * F-5 Final Teaching Day (finish at 1:00 pm) * No Classes * St Joseph Staff Final Day 05 November 17 December * Melbourne Cup Public Holiday * Cedar Staff Final Day Religious Education Mrs Christina Staunton-Burke RE Coordinator F-12 BISHOP’S VISIT Monday 26th August was certainly an historic day and a great thrill for all of us when Bishop Antoine Tarabay, the newly appointed fourth Maronite Bishop of Australia, visited Antonine College for the first time. Special assemblies were held at both campuses. The enthusiastic waving of flags by the Cedar students to a stirring rendition of the College Anthem, as Bishop Tarabay entered the Atrium, was one of the highlights of his visit. We look forward to seeing him again in the future. SACRAMENTAL ACTIVITY DAY It was wonderful to have such a big turnout again this year of our First Communion students and their parents at the Sacramental Activity Day on Saturday 31st August at Cedar Campus. FIRST RECONCILIATION The Sacrament/Mystery of Reconciliation is an act of God’s love and is a personal moment to be lived in a relationship with God. We pray for our students who received their First Reconciliation on Saturday 7th September and experienced the Lord’s forgiveness and compassion. It was a very personal time for them in their relationship with God. Special thanks to Monsignor Joe Takchi, Father Edmond Andraos and Father Alain Fares for hearing the Confessions. FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST It was great to see all the Dads and their children at the Father’s Day Breakfast held at Cedar Campus before school on Friday 30th August. Special thanks to the Year 3B students who performed the delightful song My Dad – A Funny Song for Dad as a tribute to all our fathers. During the week the students had many opportunities to talk about their dads and granddads and to pray for them. We give thanks for the gift of our fathers and pray for those who are no longer with us. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MASS Holy Communion is the reception of the Eucharist which is the “Source and summit of the life and mission of the Church” CCC 1324 Saturday 14th September was a blessed and grace filled day for Antonine College and Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Parish when our First Communion candidates were welcomed to the Table of the Lord to share in the Eucharist for the very first time. Congratulations to the following students who have now completed their initiation as members of the Church family. May they always be close to Jesus in the celebration of the Eucharist and use their gifts and talents to proclaim the Good News to others. Welcome to the Table of the Lord to share in the Eucharist YEAR 3B YEAR 3A Jasmine Abboud Charbel Khneisser John-Paul Abou-Saba Chantelle Mansour Angel Raffoul Pauline Abou-Issa Mary Nammour Matthew Ahmar Andre Makhoul Angelo Hawas Chloe Ahmar Solomon Romanos Rafqa Ayoub Pietra Maroun Marina Saad Jacob Al-Bazi Laith Shomali Mikayla Bacash Jennifer Mazloum Theresa Taouk Angelique Diab Jebraeel Sukkar Jana Diab Charlie-Jai Mhaya Angy Lazar Joseph Rustom Joseph Saba Larrissa Haifa Raquel Jarmach YEAR 4A Celine Warda Youssef El-Ahmar Angel Zaher Charbel Tabet Daniella El-Tawil YEAR 4B Alesha Alkazaly Jonathan Tabet Rand Lazar YEAR 5B Cameron Wustenenk SATURDAY SCHOOL Lisa Mireille Chdid Jude Dannaoui Noah Dannaoui Marcus Elia Ethan Faddoul Inacia Ferreira Nayef Hadchiti Rochelle Hadchiti Marcus Mansour Stephanine Moussa Luca Nakouzi Aidan Romans Marc Sassine Leonardo Sposito Georgio Yaacoub We are very proud of our First Communion Group and very grateful to all those who have been part of their Communion journey. These sentiments were beautifully expressed by Angelique Diab on behalf of the children in the following Thanksgiving Prayer read at the First Holy Communion Mass last Saturday: THE THANKSGIVING PRAYER We, the children of the Antonine College and Maronite Parish Community would like to thank you for joining with us in celebrating this special day when we received Our Lord for the first time in the Holy Communion. Special thanks to Monsignor Joe, Father Alain, Father Edmond, Father Charles, Father Hovig, our teachers Mrs Stradiot-Gatto, Miss Wiley, Sister Chadia and Mrs Staunton-Burke for their efforts in helping us understand and appreciate the Eucharist. Thank you to Mrs Merhi, Mrs Wakim and Mr George Nemer and the choir for their singing accompanied by Mr Dany on the organ. We thank our loving parents who have helped us prepare for Our First Communion today. Bless them with peace and happiness always. A final thank you must be given to Sister Sayde and Vivien for their wonderful work behind the scenes and for the magnificent decorations in the Church. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MORNING TEA AT CEDAR CAMPUS The First Holy Communion students enjoyed a welcome surprise on Tuesday 17th September when they entered the Performance Room at Cedar Campus which featured colourful “First Communion” posters decorated by the Year 1 and Year 5 students. Special thanks to the Year 4 students and their families who generously supplied the delicious Morning Tea which was greatly appreciated by all the children. Thanks to all the senior students who provided the cups, plates and serviettes and helped the Foundation students prepare First Communion cards whilst Year 2 students made prayer cards in honour of the occasion. It has been wonderful to see all the classes involved in this event which will be well remembered by our First Communion students. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION THANKSGIVING MASS A Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated at Our Lady of Lebanon Church for our First Communion candidates and their families on Sunday 22ndth September at 9.30am.They will gather to pray and give thanks for the sacrament of First Holy Communion received the previous Saturday. GROWING TOGETHER IN FAITH It was a great day for our College community on Wednesday 18th September when we gathered to celebrate Antonine Day Mass together in Our Lady of Lebanon Church, Thornbury. The Mass was a wonderful start to our Antonine Week celebrations as we honoured Saint Anthony the Great and paid tribute to the Antonine Sisters, the founders of our College, for their continued dedication and commitment. We thank God for the blessings given to us through the presence of the Antonine Sisters who devote their lives to prayer and the service of our community. Loving God We thank you for sending us the Antonine Sisters. Bless them and all who pray and work and learn together at Antonine College. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Head of Cedar Campus Mr Abraham Diab Head of Cedar Campus Dear God, We celebrate spring’s returning and the rejuvenation of the natural world. Let us be moved by this vast and gentle insistence that goodness shall return, that warmth and life shall succeed, and help us to understand our place within this miracle. Let us see that as a bird now builds its nest, bravely, with bits and pieces, so we must build human faith. It is our simple duty; it is the highest art; it is our natural and vital role within the miracle of spring: the creation of faith. Amen. It’s hard to believe that we are at the end of term three! Once again it has been a very busy term with parent teacher interviews, First Holy Communion, various masses, UNSW competitions, incursions and excursions, assemblies, SEDA Sports, Antonine Day, Run a Thon, Book Week, Character Parade, Indigenous Dream Time and Tony Bones performance, Tournament of the Minds, Active After School Program, Father’s Day Breakfast, R.E. Concert and of course plenty of learning. The children and staff have worked very hard this term and I wish them a restful and well deserved break. I thank all the parents who have contributed to the school, your efforts and support are appreciated by us all. We look forward to an enthusiastic return to school on Monday the 7th of October. FATHER’S DAY On Sunday 1st September we celebrated Father’s Day. We recognised the amazing contribution men make in our children’s lives. There is a growing recognition of the irreplaceable contribution men offer families in their roles as fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers, uncles, family friends, guides, mentors and carers. We honoured the significant men in all our children’s lives. We honoured the way in which they model strong, masculine care and respect for their loved ones and for themselves. We especially remembered those in our community who no longer have a father in their lives and know that Father’s Day was a difficult one for them as they remember their loved ones. Thank you to all of our Dads and Special Others for joining us over breakfast to celebrate Father's Day. We had a fantastic turn out and it was great to see so many kids starting their day with their special person. A special thanks to the parents and friends committee for donating their time in organising a scrumptious Father’s day breakfast and selling of the gifts during lunch. ACTIVE AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM This term Active After School Program continued at Antonine College. It was a great success with students being involved in Taekwondo, Hip Hop Dancing and Homework Club. All students participating begin with a healthy snack and are involved in developing the skills associated with the above sports and correct study habits. Thank you to all the parents that are collecting their children on time at 4.15pm. A special thanks to Mr Nick and all the teachers involved in sacrificing their time after school to assist students with their homework and promote a healthier lifestyle. ATTENDANCE Reflecting on data throughout term three showed that many of our students have taken days off school when they have not been ill and or been late to class. Parents need to be reminded that students who are absent from school miss out on vital aspects of their education. If your child is sick and can not attend school a note explaining this should be given to the classroom teacher on your child’s return. These days schools are expected to stringently account for student absence and punctuality. Please help us do this. AFTER SCHOOL PICK UP Please ensure your child is collected from school each afternoon by 3.15pm. Children do get anxious when parents are late. We do understand that an emergency can occur on the odd occasion. If this is the case and you are running late please phone the school office. LOST PROPERTY Could all parents please check their children’s jumpers, jackets etc. for name tags. We have a few “named” jumpers and jackets missing that may have well been taken home by mistake. All clothing should be labelled so they can be returned to the owners. FOUNDATION (PREP) OR IENTATION DAY The 2014 Foundation (Prep) Orientation Day will be held on Tuesday the 29th of October. Please ensure you return your confirmation slip that will be sent out soon. We are looking forward to meeting our new enrolments for 2014! Library Mr Gavan Kelly College Teacher Librarian F-12 BOOK WEEK 2013 The students at Cedar Campus celebrated a very successful and engaging Book Week earlier this term. A wide range of events were scheduled that lasted more than a week and kept the students involved in activities that inspired them to show their love of books and literature. The week commenced with storytelling, dance and music from the oldest continuing culture on Earth. Russell, an indigenous performer, held the students spell bound with his retelling of traditional oral stories that explain creation and natural Dreamtime Storytelling phenomena from an Aboriginal perspective. Oral stories of this type are the foundation in all cultures of the written word found in books and more recently in digital form in eBooks, interactive apps and Internet blogs. The Book Fair commenced the following day and proved to be a huge success. Students filled the library at recess and lunch every day to purchase quality literature to enjoy at home over and over again. The success of the fair can be measured by the overall income generated, $3585.85. This entitled our school to $1006.00 in commission for holding the event. This commission has enabled us to purchase new books for our Campus library which are now catalogued and ready for borrowing. Congratulations to the following students who each received a $20 voucher to purchase books at the fair. These prizes were drawn from hundreds of tickets handed out to students every time they made a purchase of books to the value of $5 or more at the fair: Celina Aleishe 5A Happy Customers at the Book Fair Raphael Hawas 5A Hayssem Mouhamad 1A On Friday 23 August, the ever popular Book Character Parade was held and the atrium was transformed into a swirling sea of colour as the students took turns, class by class, to strut, pose and perform to the rest of the school, showing off their creativity and time spent on preparing for the event. Prizes were awarded to the best dressed boy and girl in each class. The judges certainly had a hard time narrowing down their choices. Congratulations to everyone who took part and made the event so successful. Perhaps next year we might even have a special section for parents! Gathered Together - Waiting for the Parade Perfect Princesses and Wonderful Woody Book Week concluded the following Monday with the incursion of the Tony Bones’ performances of two plays based on books shortlisted for the Book of the Year Awards. Foundation to Year 4 viewed Herman and Rosie and students in Year 5 & 6 viewed Other Brother. Using a variety of dramatic tools including puppetry, light projection, music and song, as well as a sophisticated stage and appropriate props, the two actors creatively brought to life the many characters in each of the books. “In the morning we watched a play called Herman and Rosie. And they lived close to each other because Herman was on the fifth floor and Rosie was on the seventh floor. Herman liked to play the oboe, pot plants, boysenberry yogurt, and watch ocean movies. But Rosie loved to listen to jazz music, ocean movies, smelling the subway breeze in winter. Rosie was singing a song Tony Bones Performance - Herman & Rosie and Herman heard that beautiful voice and Herman played the oboe and Rosie heard it and then they met. They started to sing jazz music together.” Eden Kanaan 2A “I thought Herman was the funniest because he made everyone laugh and he played the oboe. He liked pot plants. So do I. Rosie loved jazz music. She sang it as well.” Shaban Mouhamad 2A “Why is Herman not related to Rosie? And why does Herman like ocean movies when he is a fresh water crocodile? I wonder why Rosie is a good singer. Poison berry yogurt is poison shouldn’t he die? Is playing the oboe hard? Why is Herman more funnier than Rosie? Herman is the best.” Nyk Kheerodhur 2A LIFE EDUCATION The Life Education van will be returning to Cedar Campus for five days commencing Friday, 18 October. Each year the van and Life Educator visit and involve the students in a comprehensive and sequential program that develops life skills in students that help prevent and minimise the harm of drug misuse. This is an integral part of our Health and Personal Development curriculum. A new unit has been introduced in the van’s program for 2013. The bCyberwise unit aims to: build positive relationships with online and offline friends demonstrate safe and respectful online behaviour provide strategies for keeping personal information safe online provide strategies for dealing with face to face and cyberbullying. Parent Information Session: Have you ever considered the following? What is my child learning in Life Education? Have you seen inside the Life Education mobile classroom, or know of Harold? What drug education is appropriate for primary school students? Why do we have health and drug education? How is health and drug education integrated into your school’s curriculum? Then come to the Parent Information session to be held in the van Friday morning on the 18th of October at 8:50am. Just knock on the door and come on in. The session runs for 30 minutes. Learning Support Ms Nandy Awadalla F-12 Learning Support Domain Leader THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF APPS! With so many educational apps available, there’s no limit to the learning possibilities at your fingertips. Take a look at some of our favourite apps for learning that are being used in our classrooms. READING, WRITING & SPELLING S p e a k I t ! is a great text-to-speech solution that can allow students with reading difficulties to get a little help with reading when they need it. D r a g o n is an excellent speech-to-text application. It transfers what you say into text. For students who struggle with writing, this tool allows them to record their ideas quickly and then gives them an opportunity to edit their work after. D i c t i o n a r y a perfect app for looking up definitions or getting a little spelling help. i T h e s a u r u s a great tool for students to use to increase their vocabulary and make their writing more interesting. R e a d & W r i t e : Students can practice reading and writing letters using this application. Students can trace letters, learn letter sounds, and get illustrations to go along with each part of the alphabet. This hands-on app gives students practise tracing letters with a finger to increase their memory retention and develop fine motor skills. S e n t e n c e B u i l d e r : is designed to help students learn how to build grammatically correct sentences. S i m p l e x S p e l l i n g : this app is outstanding in developing students’ reading and spelling skills. It teaches students spelling rules through simple, engaging lessons. You can easily track your child’s progress on this app and see areas where they need further practise. Science YEAR 2 SCIENCE This term grade 2 have been studying Science with Miss Hine and Mrs Monds. We have looked at the life cycle of butterflies, frogs and plants. We have also looked at the parts of trees. As part of their studies all the grade 2’s planted cress seeds in the shape of their name. This is an easy experiment to complete at home: What you need: Cress seeds Paper towel A texta Steps Write your name on the paper towel in large writing. Wet the paper towel but do not soak it. Carefully place cress seeds where you have written your name on the paper towel. The seeds should stick to the paper towel. YEAR 4 SCIENCE While studying plants and how they can be classified Grade 4’s were provided with photos of various plants. They then needed to work out how they could be classified, for example finding the vines, the seeded and non-seeded plants and plants which provided food we could eat. Mrs Stephanie Monds F-6 Science Domain Leader Leave the paper towel on a tray or paper plate. Water every second day or whenever necessary to keep the paper towel moist. (If the paper towel is drying out too quickly you can leave it sitting on some wet cotton wool). After a week or so the cress will start to sprout. It should be ready to eat in about 2 weeks. Numeracy Miss Amy Kilpatrick F-12 Numeracy Domain Leader FREE MATHS APPS FOR YOUR IPAD/IPHONE Many parents and students have their own iPads or iPhones and might just be looking for some educational apps to download for free. Below are 8 apps that are very popular amongst primary school aged children. Check them out and have a go! Math Dragon Math Ninja A great game for Simple addition and recognising numbers subtraction game Virtual Manipulatives Educreations Great for learning Fractions Works like a whiteboard and can record what you do Number Battle A great game for mental maths Telling Time Fun games involving time Shuttle Mission Math A mathematical puzzle game Digital Abacus Use an abacus to learn + and - 2013 MAV YEAR SIX INTERSCHOOL MATHS GAMES DAY Students from Year 6 made the most of a wonderful opportunity to show off their maths skills at a recent Maths Games Day organised by the Maths Association of Victoria at Genazzano College. More than 40 teams from other schools competed. The activities included Team Problem Solving, One-on-one Games of strategy and Physical Maths Games. Our students displayed great maths skills and worked effectively in teams. We are very proud of the way that Zain Al-Boudi, Zein Wannous, James Melhem and Zein Ahmed represented Antonine College. We will find out the final placings and scores soon. WELL DONE BOYS! Tournament of Minds Miss Amy Kilpatrick & Miss Jessica Hine On the 19th August, two groups of students from Year 5 and 6 competed in the annual Tournament of Minds challenge at Latrobe University. Team 1 consisted of: Team 2 consisted of: Mia Obeid Rene Warda Chanel Farah Jacqueline Sahyoune Joseph Makhoul Shinelle Younis Anthony Ghantous Rosella Slim Dorvarn Jarmach Sandra Ghosn Shayenne Shakaroun Joseph Asmar Angela Nammour Mariam Wehbe Both groups chose the Language Literature activity and created a book using characters from other stories. The students worked very hard in the weeks leading up to the competition making costumes, props, scripts and practising their performances. Both teams performed very well on the day, in the scripted and spontaneous challenges. Congratulations to all students on a job well done. Year 1 Excursion ScienceWorks Ms Belinda Vidos & Miss Anne-Marie Nehme Year 1 teachers On Friday the 13th of September, the Year 1 students went on an excursion to ScienceWorks. The students were very excited to experience a range of Science models and learn of many interesting scientific facts. The students explored the Nitty Gritty Supper City. They were amazed by the large screen viewing of Tycho on the Moon in the Planetarium room. Below is a snap shot of what the students had to say: “My favourite part was when we watched the movie” Abdel-Latif “I liked the part was when we raced each other but the best part is when we played the piano” Ushae “My favourite part is when we watched a movie about the universe. There was a big screen and it turned around and around. We became dizzy.” Samuel We ended our day with some lovely meditation. We were all so exhausted! The Year 1 teachers would like to thank the parent helpers, student teacher and teacher’s aid for their assistance on the day. It was a rewarding excursion! Year 3B Drama Mrs Anna Stradiot-Gatto Year 3B teacher There were 28 excited Year 3s on Tuesday morning. Dressed in their Flat Stanley and fairy tale gear, the students were prepared to show their parents the hard work they had done during Drama and Literacy classes this term. The children studied the novel Flat Stanley and two groups wrote and devised their own plays. The third group of students wanted to experience acting using a script so they learnt their lines, practised hard and were able to deliver a very confident and polished performance. Below is some feedback from the students: “I love learning about drama.” John-Paul Abou-Saba “I learnt we have to speak slowly, face the audience and speak loudly. I was the wicked step-mother.” Eva Farah “I learnt that you have to co-operate with your team-mates and listen carefully to the director’s instructions. I was Ardis the princess.” Taleen Hassanieh “When you are doing drama, don’t worry if you make a mistake, you can make your own words to fit the play. I was the Prince.” Marina Saad “I learnt it was very hard work to do an act.” Joseph Rustom Year 4 Excursion National Gallery of Victoria Mr Paul Tarabay & Miss Danielle Velona Year 4 teachers Students in Year Four have been studying a unit of with the aim to further develop their understanding work titled ‘First Contacts’ in History. In school, they about the Indigenous people of Australia through their have learnt a lot of background information about the shared Artwork in the gallery. The guided tour was indigenous people of Australia such as their ways of indeed very valuable and informative. The day ended living, languages spoken, kinship, educating and with the students being involved in an hour of an Art sharing their culture through Dreamtime stories, workshop where they have worked cooperatively, hunting for food, their agriculture, aquaculture and creatively and excitedly. much more. The unit will conclude by touching on the conflicts Aboriginals have had with the Early Settlers Students in Year Four and their teachers would like to and the impact of that on them. offer their gratitude to the parent helpers (Mrs Azzi and Mrs Ibrahim) who came along to offer their much So on Thursday the 12th of September, students in Year appreciated support. Overall, it was a day enjoyed by Four attended the national gallery of Victoria in the city all. Standing next to Aboriginal tombs Happily working together Year 5 Excursion Mary MacKillop Centre & Queen Victoria Market Miss Amy Kilpatrick & Mr Nick Triantafillopoulos Year 5 teachers During this term the Year 5 students have been learning about the development of the Catholic Church in Australia and the people who have helped to shape our Church such as Saint Mary MacKillop. The Year 5 students visited the Mary MacKillop Heritage Centre, East Melbourne on Thursday 29th August and enjoyed finding out more of the remarkable life of Australia’s first saint. Mary devoted herself to caring for the poor and defending the rights of all peoples. Her tireless dedication and trust in God inspire all Australians and many people throughout the world. Mary’s example was followed by other women and today we especially celebrate her life with the Sisters of St. Joseph who continue her good work today. The students also had the opportunity to visit one of Melbourne’s major landmarks – The Queen Victoria Market. Children had the chance to do some shopping and browse around the largest open-air market in the Southern Hemisphere. Lots of yummy delights were purchased from vegetable vendors and delicatessens. All children found the experience of visiting the market very rewarding and fulfilling. Literacy Mrs Ayn Walsh-Richardson ORAL READING Reading is a complex process, students use several sources of information while reading and they need to combine the information to gain meaning from print. The information they use includes: word knowledge, the structure of language, possible meanings of texts, their knowledge of the world, the shape and sounds of words and the alphabet. Readers are problem solving as they process a text while gaining meaning from it. All students need to practise oral reading daily so that they can put into practice the strategies they have learnt. Therefore, during the holidays students should continue to read often, to build on and improve their oral reading skills. Teachers have observed that some students’ reading ability has regressed after a holiday break because they have not been reading during the holidays. SUPPORTING ORAL READING If your child comes to a word they don’t know..... Visual Information Prompts give them some time to work it out. suggest they say the first part, middle and end. look at the words around it. ask them to guess a word with the same beginning sound and would make sense. look at all the letters. Meaning Information Prompts can the picture help think about what would happen next. think about the story. think about what you know about the character. what would make sense and sound right. Co-Curricular Activities Mr Nick Triantafillopoulos SRC/Co-curricular - Cedar campus FOOTY DAY With the AFL finals upon us, students from Cedar Campus were asked to wear their AFL team jumpers, scarves and beanies to celebrate Cedar Footy Day. There were various footy related activities such as handball target, longest kick and kicking for goal. The day was full of fun for everyone and it was fantastic to see smiles and laughter all around. Finally, a special thanks to all those involved (including VCAL students) in making Footy Day a great success at Cedar. GO HAWKS!
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