Integração Contínua com containers Docker Fabricio Leotti [email protected] @lonefreak Agenda Stacks Continuous Integration Docker Dockerize Continuous Integration Docker + Jenkins Devtools Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks Stacks Continuous Integration Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. -- Martin Fowler Continuous Integration Maintain a code repository Automate the build Make the build self-testing Everyone commits to the baseline every day Every commit (to baseline) should be built Test in a clone of the production environment Make it easy to get the latest deliverables Everyone can see the results of the latest build Keep the build fast Automate deployment Continuous Integration Maintain a code repository Automate the build Make the build self-testing Everyone commits to the baseline every day Every commit (to baseline) should be built Test in a clone of the production environment Make it easy to get the latest deliverables Everyone can see the results of the latest build Keep the build fast Automate deployment Continuous Integration Maintain a code repository Automate the build Make the build self-testing Everyone commits to the baseline every day Every commit (to baseline) should be built Test in a clone of the production environment Make it easy to get the latest deliverables Everyone can see the results of the latest build Keep the build fast Automate deployment Continuous Integration Maintain a code repository Automate the build Make the build self-testing Everyone commits to the baseline every day Every commit (to baseline) should be built Test in a clone of the production environment Make it easy to get the latest deliverables Everyone can see the results of the latest build Keep the build fast Automate deployment Continuous Integration Maintain a code repository Automate the build Make the build self-testing Everyone commits to the baseline every day Every commit (to baseline) should be built Test in a clone of the production environment Make it easy to get the latest deliverables Everyone can see the results of the latest build Keep the build fast Automate deployment Continuous Integration Maintain a code repository Automate the build Make the build self-testing Everyone commits to the baseline every day Every commit (to baseline) should be built Test in a clone of the production environment Make it easy to get the latest deliverables Everyone can see the results of the latest build Keep the build fast Automate deployment Continuous Integration Maintain a code repository Automate the build Make the build self-testing Everyone commits to the baseline every day Every commit (to baseline) should be built Test in a clone of the production environment Make it easy to get the latest deliverables Everyone can see the results of the latest build Keep the build fast Automate deployment Continuous Integration Continuous Integration Continuous Integration Continuous Integration Continuous Integration Continuous Integration Continuous Integration Continuous Integration Docker Docker Docker Docker PRODUCTION READY?? Docker Docker Docker Dockerize Continuous Integration Dockerize Continuous Integration Dockerize Continuous Integration Dockerize Continuous Integration Dockerize Continuous Integration Dockerize Continuous Integration Dockerize Continuous Integration Dockerize Continuous Integration Dockerize Continuous Integration Docker + Jenkins = Amor empacotamento de aplicações FPM $FPM_OPTS Docker + Jenkins = Amor empacotamento de aplicações Especialmente útil para linguagens que sem facilidades para empacotar Desacoplamento entre a aplicação e o ambiente Script de empacotamento no controle de versão Sem conflito entre dependências Container precisa de acesso ao workspace Nem sempre é a melhor solução Cuidado com a arquitetura em que ocorre o empacotamento Docker + Jenkins = Amor teste e análise uniformes Docker + Jenkins = Amor teste e análise uniformes Ideal para ambientes de CI com mutas necessidades diferentes Container precisa de acesso ao workspace Liberdade na escolha da sua pilha de testes CI Server precisa ter permissão pra manipular artefatos Ambiente de integração contínua organizado É uma “caixa preta” se os devs não conhecerem Docker Fácil reprodução e manutenção do ambiente de testes Código de execução dos testes no controle de versão Manutenção do Docker host Docker + Jenkins = Amor Jenkins slaves com containers Docker + Jenkins = Amor Jenkins slaves com containers Funciona bem para casos onde não há ambiente sob demanda Mais rápido do que usar VMs Escala facilmente com muito jobs Permite usar containers como artefatos de build Documentação escassa Cada job necessita de uma imagem cadastrada Volumes para os caches de dependências Container precisa de acesso ao workspace CI Server/Container precisa ter permissão pra manipular artefatos Docker + Jenkins = Amor testes de integração Docker + Jenkins = Amor integração contínua de cookbooks driver_plugin: docker driver_config: socket: tcp:// dockerfile: test/Dockerfile [email protected] @lonefreak