PC36AT/LP - Amplicon
PC36AT/LP - Amplicon
PC36AT/LP PC36AT/LP 24 LINE PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT BOARD This Instruction Manual is supplied with the PC36AT and PC36LP boards to provide the user with sufficient information to properly utilise the product as purchased. The information contained has been reviewed and is believed to be accurate and reliable, however Amplicon Liveline Limited accepts no responsibility for any problems caused by errors or omissions. Specifications and instructions are subject to change without notice. PC36AT and PC36LP Instruction Manual Part Nº 858 931 64 Issue B7 © Amplicon Liveline Limited Prepared by C.A. Kenny Approved for issue by A.S. Gorbold, Operations Director Page 1 PC36AT/LP DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY AMPLICON LIVELINE LIMITED CENTENARY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE HOLLINGDEAN ROAD BRIGHTON BN2 4AW UK We declare that the product(s) described in this Instruction Manual are manufactured by Amplicon Liveline Limited and perform in conformity with the following standards or standardisation documents: EMC Directive 89/336/EEC LVD Directive 73/23/EEC CE Directive 93/68/EEC Jim Hicks, I. Eng, MIEIE Managing Director Amplicon Liveline Limited Page 2 PC36AT/LP CONTENTS PARAGRAPH SUBJECT PAGE 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 INTRODUCTION General Description What the Package Contains Key Technical Features Contacting Amplicon Liveline Ltd for Support or Service Technical Support Repairs 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9.1 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 USING THE PC36AT/LP General Information Requirements to Operate the Board and Program Backing up the Software Diskette Installing the Software on a Fixed Hard Disk Digital Input/Output Digital Input/Output Conditions Digital Input/Output Connections Digital Input/Output Port Addresses Customer-configured Base Address PC I/O Map Wait-state Generator Interrupt Request Level Selection Installing the PC36AT/LP in the Computer Testing the PC36AT/LP Socketed Integrated Circuits 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 37 way D type Connector (SK1 User Input/Output) Voltage Outputs Available on SK1 Main I/O Bus Backplane Connections 10 10 11 11 4 4.1 4.2 PROGRAMMING THE PC36AT/LP Demonstration Software Programming the 82C55 PPI 12 12 12 5 5.1 5.2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Specifications Physical Specifications 13 13 13 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE Nº TITLE PAGE 2.1 2 .2 2.3 3.1 3.2 DIL SWITCH BASE ADDRESS SELECTION WAIT STATE SETTINGS IRQ JUMPER SETTING INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTOR MAIN PC BUS BACKPLANE CONNECTOR 6 7 8 10 11 APPENDICES APPENDIX SUBJECT APPENDIX A 82C55 Circuit and Assembly Diagrams Data Sheets on 82C55 Programmable Peripheral Interface PAGE 14 i - xv Page 3 PC36AT/LP 1. 1.1 INTRODUCTION General Description The PC36AT and PC36LP are half sized plug-in boards which provides 24 lines of programmable digital input/output. The PC36AT can be used in most IBM compatible PC/XT, AT/286/386 and higher computers. The PC36LP is a low power version of the board for use in portable computers. 1.2 What the Package Contains The package as delivered from Amplicon Liveline Ltd. contains:1. The plug-in card, PC36AT or PC36LP as ordered, in a protective bag. The board type is identified by a marker in the appropriate position to indicate the model. ! CAUTION Some of the components on the board are susceptible to electrostatic discharge, and proper handling precautions should be observed. As a minimum, an earthed wrist strap must be worn when handling the PC36AT/LP outside its protective bag. Full static handling procedures are BSEN100015/BSEN100015-1:1992. defined in British Standards Publication When removed from the bag, inspect the board for any obvious signs of damage and notify Amplicon if such damage is apparent. Do not plug a damaged board into the host computer. Keep the protective bag for possible future use in transporting the board. 1.3 2. The included distribution software on a high density 31/2 inch diskette (part nº 868 931 67) Please note: Software items are supplied on 31/2 inch diskettes. Please 1 request copies on 5 /4 inch diskettes if this size is more convenient. 3. This Instruction Manual. Any additional accessories (mating connectors, optional software, applications notebook etc.) may be packed separately. Key Technical Features • Flexible card base address in the range 00016 to FFC16. • Interrupt driven operation with selectable Interrupt Request levels. • Wait state generator incorporated on board to provide compatibility with most PCs. • 24 digital input/output lines, all programmable. • TTL level compatible input/output with 2.5 mA drive capability • Free demonstration software in Turbo Pascal and BASIC • PC36LP low power version draws only 35mA from the host computer. Page 4 PC36AT/LP 1.4 Contacting Amplicon Liveline Limited for Technical Support or Service The PC36AT and PC36LP boards are designed and manufactured by Amplicon Liveline Limited and maintenance is available throughout the supported life of the product. 1.4.1 Technical Support Should the PC36AT/LP board appear defective, please check the information in this manual and any 'Help' or 'READ.ME' files appropriate to the program in use to ensure that the product is being correctly applied. If an application problem persists, please request Technical Support on one of the following numbers: Telephone: UK International 0906 293 0293 +44 906 293 0293 Calls cost 25p per min from a BT landline. Calls from other services may vary Fax: UK International Email World Wide Web 1.4.2 01273 570 215 +44 1273 570 215 [email protected] www.amplicon.co.uk Repairs If the PC36AT/LP board requires repair then please return the goods enclosing a repair order detailing the nature of the fault. If the board is still under warranty, which period is 12 months from the date of shipment, there will be no repair charge. For traceability when processing returned goods, a Returned Materials Authorisation (RMA) procedure is in operation. Before returning the goods, please request an individual RMA number by contacting Amplicon Customer Services by telephone or fax on the above numbers. Give the reason for the return and, if the goods are still under warranty, the original invoice number and date. Repair turnaround time is normally five working days but the Service Engineers will always try to co-operate if there is a particular problem of time pressure. Please mark the RMA number on the outside of the packaging to ensure that the package is accepted by the Goods Inwards Department. Address repairs to: Customer Services Department AMPLICON LIVELINE LIMITED Centenary Industrial Estate Brighton, East Sussex BN2 4AW England Page 5 PC36AT/LP 2. 2.1 USING THE PC36AT/LP General Information The PC36AT/LP provides 24 lines of user programmable digital input/output and is supplied complete with demonstration software written in Borland Turbo Pascal and BASICA (GWBASIC). The source code for the Turbo Pascal program is supplied, and is compatible with versions 4 and above. The source code for BASICA is also supplied, which is compatible with GWBASIC and other variants. A copy of the language will be needed if the user wishes to list or edit the code. 2.2 Requirements to Operate the Board and Program This board is suitable for use in any PC compatible computer that can provide a single ISA standard 8 bit I/O slot, with sufficient space for a half length card. Most PC compatible computers, XT and AT 286/386/486 and above, including portables, can accomodate and provide power for this board. In addition to the above host computer, the following minimum software and hardware are required in order to enable the program to be run: • • • • 2.3 DOS 3.3 or later PC36AT or PC36LP (fitted) 31/2 inch disk drive (See paragraph 1.2 if 51/4 inch diskettes are required) A monitor Backing up the Software Diskette It is important that a backup copy of the software diskette is made and the original stored in a cool dry safe place. The diskette can be copied onto a blank diskette by using the MS-DOS command: DISKCOPY A: A: on a single drive machine, or: DISKCOPY A: B: on a twin drive machine. Always use the copy for your work. 2.4 Installing the Software on a Fixed Hard Disk If it is required to copy the software onto a fixed disk, make a directory called PC36AT using the command: MD\PC36AT If a suitable directory is then to be made on drive C: Page 6 PC36AT/LP 1. Change to this directory by typing CD\PC36AT <RETURN> 2. Put the PC36AT demonstration diskette in drive A and type: COPY A:*.* C: <RETURN> This will copy all of the files into the new PC36AT directory. 2.5 Digital Input/Output This digital I/O board features an uncommitted 82C55 CMOS Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) which can be configured in a variety of operating modes. The operational mode for each port is established by writing to the control register of the 82C55. This control word also establishes whether the port is configured to operate as input, output or bi-directional. The control word is 8 bits and has two formats. When bit 7 is set to 1, the control word is used to establish the operational modes for the ports. When set to 0, the control word is used to write bits to Port C for status/control purposes. The digital I/O facility of the PC36AT/LP provides all 24 lines on three 8 bit ports, labelled DIO Port A0 - A7, DIO Port B0 - B7 and DIO Port C0 - C7. These ports are further divided into two groups of 12 bits each, group A comprising the 8 bits of port A and the high order 4 bits of port C, and Group B comprising the 8 bits of port B and the low order 4 bits of port C. When port C is split in this mode, note that when a half byte of data is being read from or written to port C, those four bits occupy the appropriate high or low end of a full byte, the other four bits not being used. Full details of programming the 82C55 PPI at register level, in its various modes, are shown in the device specification in the appendix, and examples of programming are given on the demonstration diskette. The three basic operating modes are summarised below. Mode 0 (Basic Input/Output) This mode is the power-up default with all ports set as input. In mode 0, the PPI provides simple input/output operations. No control signals are required and the ports defined as input reflect the current state of digital signals on the lines (no latching). The lines of output defined ports are set to zero on the mode change, and when a port is loaded, the outputs are latched to that value All 24 bits can be used for input or output arranged as any combination of two 8 bit ports and two 4 bit ports. Mode 1 (Strobed Input/Output) Mode 1 provides I/O operations on Group A and/or Group B each with a simple handshake protocol. In either group, the 4 bit port is used for status and control of the associated 8 bit port. An IRQ facility in this mode is available on the PC36AT/LP. Page 7 PC36AT/LP Each 8 bit port can be used uni-directionally for either input or output operations, both being latched. Mode 2 (Strobed Bi-directional Input/Output) This mode of operation can be applied to group A only, and provides one 8 bit bidirectional data port and one 5 bit control and status port with IRQ facility. Both input and output operations are latched. Port B can be used in mode 0 or 1 while port A is in mode 2. Mixed Mode The ports of the PPI can be programmed to operate in a mixed combination of modes that in some cases leave bits of port C unused for control or status purposes. These unused bits can be programmed for use as inputs or outputs. 2.6 Digital Input/Output Conditions Brief specifications of the digital input/output lines on ports A, B and C are:Inputs - 'Low' input voltage -0.3v to +0.8v. ) 'High' input voltage +2.2v to +5.3v. TTL ) compatible When an input line is left open circuit, its high input impedance makes it susceptible to static charge and interference and the state may be indeterminate. Ensure that signals to any inputs are within the above limits, and that any unused input lines are grounded or masked out in software. Optional pull down 100 kΩ resistor networks RN2, 3 and 4 can be fitted to the I/O lines if required. Outputs - 2.7 'Low' output voltage 'High' output voltage +0.4v max at 2.5mA +3.7v min at -2.5mA. Digital Input/Output Connections The three ports of the PPI are all terminated on the rear 37 way D type connector SK1, and use pin 37 as the digital ground connection. Pin-outs are shown in figure 3.1. A mating D type connector part number 708 703 92 is available from Amplicon. 2.8 Digital Input/Output Port Addresses The port addresses for the digital input/output functions are in the range BA to BA + 03, where BA is the base address set up on the card. BA + 00: BA + 01: BA + 02: BA + 03: Port A of QA1/82C55 PPI Port B of QA1/82C55 PPI Port C of QA1/82C55 PPI Control Word for QA1/82C55 PPI Page 8 PC36AT/LP The configuration of the three ports and details of the control word are fully explained in the 82C55 data sheets shown in the appendix. 2.9 Customer-configured Base Address The base address of the PC36AT/LP can be selected in the hex range 00016 to FFC16. Base address configuration is accomplished by selecting the appropriate settings of SW1 and SW2 DIL switches. The most significant hex digit is coded by the four most-left switches, and the middle hex digit is coded by the four most-right switches of SW1. Two poles of SW2 set the least significant digit to 0, 4, 8 or C. The two right hand poles of SW2 select the required wait state as explained in paragraph 2.10. In figure 1, the illustration shows base address 30016 selected. SW1 - 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are switched to '0' (switch on) and SW1 - 3 and 4 are switched to '1' (switch off). SW2 - 1 and 2 are both '0'. This setting is the factory default configuration, and occupies an area in the PC I/O map designated for prototype cards. This base address 30016 will suffice for most applications but paragraph 2.9.1 lists the standard I/O assignments to assist the user in the choice of an alternative base address if a conflict is likely to occur at 30016. ‘0’ ON OFF ON OFF 1 2 5 6 7 8 800 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 MS 3 4 ‘1’ BASE ADDRESS 1 2 3 4 8 4 2 1 LS WAIT STATE This example shows the default base address 30016 and zero wait states selected FIGURE 2.1 2.9.1 DIL SWITCH BASE ADDRESS SELECTION PC I/O Map The standard PC/AT I/O map assignments are listed below. I/O addresses 000 to 0FF16 are reserved for the PC system board I/O. 100 to 3FF16 are available on the I/O channel. Hex Range Usage 1F0-1FF 200-20F 210-21F 238-23B 23C-23F 270-27F 2B0-2DF 2E0-2E7 2E8-2EF 2F8-2FF 300-31F 360-36F 378-37F Hard Disc (AT) Game/Control Reserved Bus Mouse Alt. Bus Mouse Parallel Printer EGA GPIB (AT) Serial Port COM4 Serial Port COM2 Prototype Card Network Parallel Printer Page 9 PC36AT/LP 380-38F 3A0-3AF 3B0-3BB 3BC-3BF 3C0-3CF 3D0-3DF 3E8-3EF 3F0-3F7 3F8-3FF SDLC SDLC MDA Parallel Printer EGA CGA Serial Port COM3 Floppy Disc Serial Port COM1 The installation of the PC36AT/LP at a base address that uses unlisted ports may result in conflicting assignments with other third party adapters. 2.10 Wait-state Generator The PC36AT/LP incorporates an on-board wait-state generator to enable it to operate in almost any fast PC compatible that is currently available. This has been made necessary because some clone manufacturers operate the PC expansion bus at higher clock frequencies than the accepted 8 MHz. Many of the integrated circuits currently available cannot operate at these higher frequencies and so it is necessary to slow down the expansion bus signals, locally, on the PC36AT/LP board. The slowing down of the expansion bus operating frequency is local to the PC36AT/LP and will in no way impair the performance of the host machine. The expansion bus clock frequency should not be confused with the main processor clock speed. A computer which is specified as a 12, 16 MHz or higher machine could well have an expansion bus frequency of 8 MHz. Unless explicitly stated in the machine specifications, there is no easy way to establish the expansion bus speed. The number of wait states is set up by switch SW2, poles 3 and 4 allowing zero, 1 or 2 wait states to be selected. If the expansion bus clock frequency for the machine can be established, use figure 2 to set the appropriate number of wait states. If the expansion bus clock frequency is unknown, it is suggested that the number of wait states is left at 0. If the operation is erratic, increase the wait states to 1 or 2 until proper operation is achieved. If the number of wait states is set too high, the response of the PC36AT will not be optimum. Some computers will not tolerate wait states on expansion boards, in which case wait states must be left at zero. TYPICAL BUS SPEED 0 to 8 MHz 8 to 12 MHz 12 to 16 MHz NUMBER OF WAIT STATES 0 1 2 SWITCH SW2 SETTINGS ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF 1 2 3 4 2 1 FIGURE 2.2 1 2 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 1 WAIT STATE SETTINGS Page 10 PC36AT/LP 2.11 Interrupt Request Level Selection There are six Interrupt Request levels available on the PC36AT/LP, IRQ2 - IRQ7 with IRQ2 having highest priority and IRQ7 the lowest priority. The interrupt level is selected by the position of jumper J1, and, when selected, an interrupt generated by the 82C55 will be sent to the host computer at that IRQ level. The interrupt request output is generated by Port C3 and is operable when the 82C55 PPI is enabled in modes 1 or 2. For a complete description see the data sheets in the appendix. Figure 3 shows the jumper arrangement for selection of the IRQ level 2 to 7. A jumper may only be inserted in one position, and the chosen level must not conflict with other devices in the host computer. Factory default setting is IRQ level 5. J1 IRQ 2 3 FIGURE 2.3 4 5 6 7 IRQ JUMPER SETTING To assist the user in choosing a suitable interrupt level, the following table shows the available levels on the PC36AT/LP and normal usage of all PC/AT hardware interrupts. PC36AT/LP Jumper 1 IRQ Name Interrupt Number – – 2 3 4 5 6 7 – – – – – – – – 0 1 IRQ2 IRQ3 IRQ4 IRQ5 IRQ6 IRQ7 IRQ8 IRQ9 IRQ10 IRQ11 IRQ12 IRQ13 IRQ14 IRQ15 8 9 A B C D E F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Usage Description Timer ) Keyboard ) IRQ 8 - 15 COM2 or SDLC COM1 or SDLC LPT Floppy Disk LPT Real Time Clock Re-directed to IRQ2 Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Co-processor Hard Disk Unassigned Not available on the Bus Connectors ) ) ) Not available on ) the PC36AT/LP ) ) ) ) Page 11 PC36AT/LP 2.12 Installing the PC36AT/LP in the Computer When the board has been correctly set up for the application as described above, it may be installed in the host PC. ! CAUTION ENSURE THAT THE POWER TO THE COMPUTER IS SWITCHED OFF BEFORE INSTALLING OR REMOVING ANY EXPANSION BOARD. ALWAYS WEAR AN EARTHED WRIST STRAP AND OBSERVE PROPER PRECAUTIONS IN HANDLING THE PC36AT/LP AND ANY OTHER BOARDS BEING INSTALLED OR REMOVED. REPAIR OF DAMAGE CAUSED BY MIS-HANDLING IS NOT COVERED UNDER THE AMPLICON WARRANTY. Before installing the PC36AT/LP board in the computer, refer to the hardware manual supplied with the machine for instructions on how to remove the cover and install devices into an input/output slot. The PC36AT/LP may be installed in any available slot on the I/O bus provided that there is no restriction specified for that position by the manufacturer of the machine. 2.13 Testing the PC36AT/LP When installation is complete, the PC36AT/LP can be tested using the supplied demonstration software. See section 4. 2.14 Socketed Integrated Circuits Of all the components on the PC36AT/LP board, the unprotected integrated circuit associated with external signals is the most vulnerable to abuse. Incorrect connections, short circuits, transients or excessive signal levels can occur and cause the interface chip to be permanently damaged. Such potential problems are recognised, and the susceptible interface IC on the PC36AT/LP is mounted in a socket, so that if damage is suspected, it can be easily replaced. The socketed IC is:QA1 82C55 Programmable Peripheral Interface Normal precautions should be taken when handling the board for IC replacement. Page 12 PC36AT/LP 3. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 19 DIO Port B7 37 DIG.GND 18 DIO Port B6 36 Not used 17 DIO Port B5 35 Not used 16 DIO Port B4 34 Not used 15 DIO Port B3 33 -12 V Out 14 DIO Port B2 32 Not used 13 DIO Port B1 31 Not used 12 DIO Port B0 30 -5 V Out 11 DIO Port A7 29 Not used 10 DIO Port A6 28 Not used 9 DIO Port A5 27 DIO Port C7 8 DIOPort A4 26 DIO Port C6 7 DIO Port A3 25 DIO Port C5 6 DIO Port A2 View from Rear (Pins) 24 DIO Port C4 5 DIO Port A1 23 DIO Port C0 4 DIO Port A0 22 DIO Port C1 3 Not used 'DIO Port' refers to theDigital Input/Output Ports of QA1 21 DIO Port C2 2 +5 V Out 20 DIO Port C3 1 +12 V Out FIGURE 3.1 3.1 INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTOR 37 way D-type Connector (SK1 - User Input/Output) Connections from the PC36AT/LP to the user devices are made via a 37 way D-type connector. The pin assignments for this connector are shown in figure 3.1. A mating 37 way female connector is available as a separate item under Amplicon order code 708 703 92. An external terminal block is also available and requires two items: 37 way Screw Terminal Assembly 37 way, 1 metre Cable Order Code 908 919 50 Order Code 908 920 05 Page 13 PC36AT/LP Use of Shielded Cables In order to maintain compliance with the EMC directive, 89/336/EEC, it is mandatory that the final system integrator uses good quality screened cables for external connections. It is up to the final system integrator to ensure that compliance with the Directive is maintained. Amplicon Liveline offers a series of good quality screened cables for this purpose. Please contact our sales staff. 3.2 Voltage Outputs Available on SK1 In addition to the 24 digital input/output lines, the PC voltage rails are brought out on SK1, the I/O connector. These rails are +12, +5, -5 and -12 VDC. No more than 1.0 A should be drawn from the +5 V rail and no more than 100 mA from each of the other rails. Refer to the computer technical reference manual for total current availability from the source power supplies. Some portable computers do not have the ±12 V power supplies available. 3.3 Main I/O Bus Backplane Connections Connection to the computer is made through the I/O channel main bus 62 Pin Connector. (Pins B1 and A1 are at the bracket end of the board). Pin connections are shown below. For further information please consult the technical reference manual for the host computer. S O L D E R S I D E Ground + Reset +5 Volts +IRQ2/9* -5 Volts +DRQ2 -12 Volts -0WS +12 Volts Ground -SMEMW -SMEMR -IOW -IOR -DACK3 +DRQ3 -DACK1 +DRQ1 -DACK0 CLK +IRQ7 +IRQ6 +IRQ5 +IRQ4 +IRQ3 -DACK2 +T/C +BALE +5 Volts OSC Ground < < < > < > < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26 B27 B28 B29 B30 B31 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -I/O CHCK SD7 SD6 SD5 SD4 SD3 SD2 SD1 SD0 I/O CHRDY AEN SA19 SA18 SA17 SA16 SA15 SA14 SA13 SA12 SA11 SA10 SA9 SA8 SA7 SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA2 SA1 SA0 C O M P O N E N T S I D E * Note: Pin B4 is IRQ2 for an XT. Pin B4 is IRQ9 for an AT which is re-directed as IRQ2 FIGURE 3.2 MAIN PC BUS BACKPLANE CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS Page 14 PC36AT/LP 4. PROGRAMMING THE PC36AT/LP 4.1 Demonstration Software The PC36AT/LP is supplied complete with demonstration software written in Borland Turbo Pascal and BASICA (GWBASIC). The source code for the Turbo Pascal program is supplied, and is compatible with versions 4 and above. The source code for BASICA is also supplied, which is compatible with GWBASIC and other variants. To run the Turbo Pascal program enter PC36AT at the DOS prompt and press <RETURN>. To run the BASICA program, first load BASICA (or GWBASIC etc), then load PC36AT.BAS and run in the normal way. Both programs request the base address for the board. The hardware default address is 30016 which must be entered unless another base address has been set up as described in section 2.9. The Pascal or BASIC program in use provides two demonstration/test routines which between them will exercise all 24 bits of the interface. 1. Test the bits of Port C as input by applying a '1' level to any combination of the port C input pins and observing the reading on shown on the screen. The '1' level can be obtained from the +5 volt output on pin 2 of SK1, and for safety this should be applied to the selected inputs via a 1 kΩ resistor. The unselected port C inputs should be wired to ground which is '0' level. 2. Test the bits of Ports A and B as output by setting and resetting the individual bits. The output levels can be observed on an oscilloscope, or by using a multimeter or wiring low current LEDs to the pins of interest. The output current from any digital out line must not exceed 2.5 mA. 4.2 Programming the 82C55 The appendix contains a full set of data sheets on the 82C55 Programmable Peripheral Interface and sufficient information is included on all the registers and functions to enable an experienced programmer to fully utilise the functionality of the PC36AT/LP using any language of choice. Source code of the Turbo Pascal and BASICA programs is provided on the demonstration diskette, and any sections of this code may be incorporated in a user's program for use with Amplicon products. Page 15 PC36AT/LP 5. 5.1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Specification Digital I/O Ports 24 I/O lines arrange as three 8 bit ports (A, B and C). May also be programmed as two groups of 12 bits (group A, group B) and used in three modes of operation. Mode 0: Mode 1: Mode 2: Basic input/output Strobed input/output Bidirectional bus (Group A, group B) (Group A, group B) (Group A only) Digital Inputs 'Low' input voltage 'High' input voltage -0.3v to +0.8v. ) +2.2v to +5.3v. TTL ) compatible Digital Outputs 'Low' output voltage, 'High' output voltage, +0.4v max at 2.5mA +3.7v min at -2.5mA. User I/O Connector 37 way male D type. 24 digital I\O lines, power and ground. Address Range The board is addressable within the range 000-FFC16 at 4 bit boundaries. IRQ Range Port C3 Interrupt can be set to one level in the range IRQ2 to IRQ7. Power Powered by +5 Volts from the host PC bus. PC36AT draws 65 mA or up to 125 mA when all 24 digital output lines are fully loaded. PC36LP draws 35 mA or up to 95 mA when all 24 digital output lines are fully loaded. The following PC bus voltages are available at the user I/O connector: +12 VDC at 100 mA +5 VDC at 1 A -5 VDC at 100 mA -12 VDC at 100 mA 5.2 ) ) ) ) Subject to current being available from PC power supply. Physical Specification Fits half size IBM XT or AT compatible I/O expansion bus slot. Height Width Depth Weight Card Only Packed 107 mm (+22 mm locator tongue) 20 mm 168 mm 0.15 kg 180 mm 80 mm 215 mm 0.3 kg Page 16 PC36AT/LP APPENDIX A CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC AND ASSEMBLY DRAWING Full circuit diagrams and layout drawings of the PC36AT are given in this appendix. Except where otherwise noted, the circuit and layout of the PC36LP is identical to the PC36AT. Drawing number B893160 PC36AT Schematic. Component Reference Function QA1 QA2 QA3 QA4 QA5 QA6 QA7 82C55 User Programmable Peripheral Interface 74LS245 PC bus transceiver 74F521 Base Address comparator PC36AT PAL20L8 Programmable Logic Device PC36LP GAL20V8 Programmable Logic Device 74HCT174 Wait state generator 74ACT04 Interrupt driver 7417 Open collector driver SW1 SW2 Base Address set-up switch. Most significant digits Base Address LSD and wait state set-up switch RN1, R2 PC36AT 10 kΩ PC36LP 1 kΩ Fitted on request RN2, RN3, RN4 Drawing number B893163 PC36AT Assembly Detail Jumper J1 shown in default position Switches SW1 and SW2 shown in default positions after flow soldering Page 17 PC36AT/LP PC36at Circuit Diagram Page I PC36AT/LP PC36at Component Layout Page II