Basic Information - Tecnológico de Monterrey
Basic Information - Tecnológico de Monterrey
Basic Information 1 . Numeric. 5 . File I/O Vis for writing or reading data from a file. First we will review the string pallet, remembering that a string is sequence of characters and the strings are regular ASCII text. The next table presents the backslash codes, those codes could be applied inside the string control. In the same way, the strings are displayable or nondisplayable. This characteristic allows generating passwords, codes and hex. The most important operations using File I/O palette are 1-Reading and writing data 2-Opening and closing data files 3- Moving and renaming files and directories 4-Changing files characteristics In order to get familiarized with Files I/O, open the palette and find the icons for Read, write and Open-Crate Replace File Example 1-selecte a string control from the string pallet, as it is shown on figure 2. 2 . Wiring Tecniques. Example 2-Go to the display conditions and select password display 3 . Data types. Reading data from a file Spreadsheets Files Exaple 4 . Control Modules. 3-Create the following code and try different display formats like Hex display, Code Display, etc Highlight execution Run the code structure by structure. Retain wire values Retain the values generated by the execution. Start Single Stepping Run the code to the following structure. Start Single Stepping Run the code to the following operation. Step Out Run the code until the following structure. Reorder VI placement (front, back, etc). Clean up Selection Distribt structures inorganized manner. You can use the Files I/O Express Vis TECNOLÓGICO DE MONTERREY 6 . Strings and clusters. 8 . Structures. Waveform graph- allows display a data array An Array is a set of data elements that all of them are same type. One important issue is Polymorphism which is the characteristic of doing operation with different values dimensions and representations. For Loop While Loop Build X-Y graph express Array 2-D Case Clusters Flat Sequence 9 . Formula node and Matlab. Formula node Graph annotations 7 . Charts and Graphs. Matlab The information needs to be displayed in a graphical form, thus the charts and graphs are very useful tools. The main characteristics are the following Waveform charts Two Signals Add visible items TECNOLÓGICO DE MONTERREY 10 . Global Variables. Shift Register