A B L E E C T ION II II m25 oz. Sports Mug - G017 - $18.50 II 13 oz. Sports Mug - GC175 - $15.99 &I Sil ver Rimmed, 25 oz. Sports Mug - GC215 - $22.99 mFerdinand Mu g - GC405 - $16.99 11 23 oz. ~ra nd Pil sner Gla ss - GC237 - $16.99 Classic 14.5 oz . Pilsner Glas s - GC124 - $15.99 Toas ting Glass - GC130 - $14.99 Go ld Rimmed Toasting Gla ss - GC150 - $15.99 2 SE E DEALER MASTER CATALOG FOR ADDITIO NAL PRODUCTS AND DESCRIPTIONS II II / II 11 4oz. Stainless St eel Flask - GCn8 - $24.99 II Stainless Steel Leath er Flask - GC126 - $26.99 Manhattan Flask - GC441- $30.99 I 8 oz. Leather Flask - GC267 - $32.99 Spectrum Flask s - GC418 - $26.99 4 SEE DEALE R MASTER CATA LOG FOR ADDIT IO NAL PROD UCTS AN D DESCR]PTIONS II II o Groom small Frame - G C514 - 534.99 o Bridesm aid Frame - GC515 - 534.99 II M r. and M rs. Bla ck and White w eddin g Frame GC430BW - 534.99 D Oval Brushed Austrian Crustal Jewelry Box GC245 - $32.99 III Heart Compact Mirror - GC190 - $20.99 II Round Brushed Compa ct - GC250 - $20.99 II Engraoed BI/d Vase - GC192 - $12.99 9 II II Ra wling's Mi ni Baseball Bat - GC25 8 - $18.99 II R ingbearer/Flow er Girl Jar - GC496 - $25.99 Pewter Train Bank - GC16 8 - $40.99 Pewter Tracto r Bank - GC16 7 - $40.99 . . Silver Plated Train Bank GC199 - $28.99 Silver Plated Yo Yo - GC197 - $24.99 3" Cube Mon ey Bank - GC246 - $25.99 High Poli sh "Hohner" Ha rm onica - GC414 - $21.99 SEE DEALE R MASTER CATALOG rGR ADD ITIONAL PRO DUCTS AND DESCR] PTION S II Personal ized Soft Sided Cooler - GC444 - $41.99 111 Party nib Cooler GC50 9 - $42.99 &I Spa Jar - GC512 - $25.99 II Pink Lea th er Koo zi e - GC521 - $25.99 II NFL Can Koo zie - GC403 - $40.99 Polish ed Beverage Koo zie - GC177 - $24.99 Metro Win e Stopper - GC286 - $15.99 18 SEE DEAL ER MASTE R CATA LOG FO R AD D ITIO NAL PROD UCT S AN 0 DESCRI PTIO N S II FAVO R DESIGN S A p..ll & 'Rob.....t A ""S"H, t 15, 2007 C LASSIC II DEVONSH IRE CLA DDAG H .£:;.~ ) f ~~ BET H & RICHA RD AUGUST 15, 2007 'J(Ja) el jo Jq;h De br a & Rrian Septe mber 10, 2007 )1uoust I5. 1007 IMPE RIA L c :n gz C"",I£, & g."'11um .Alllrl.l1 q . 100~ LOV E TWO H EARTS Cai tl in f/ )nooltl..ul A lI¢u ~ l ELEGANT MONOGRAM q, 2 00 ~ CLASSIC MON OGRAM / JJk./tl •. ~ , (",--t;,~ ( ; .:_ \. w...fr"':"' <'i-r"' . " ' .' DESTINATION mPrinted Tealight Favor s - GC326 12 T EALlGHTS Order of 12-24 $4.99 each > Order of 25-50 $4.50 each Order of 51+ $3.99 each THE MI NIMUM O R DER IS / D II Fauorlight-Printed Votive Cup s and 10 Hours Voti v e Candle (holders not included) - GC309 THE MI NIMUM O RDE R IS 12 F AVORLl GH TS Order of 12-24 $4.99 each > O rder of 25-50 $4.50 each Order of51+ $3.99 each n Printed Bud Vase - GC193 12 BlID V ASES Order of 12-24 $6.99 each > Order of25-50 $6.50 each Orderof51+ $5.99 each THE MI NIMUM ORDER IS II Printed Champagne Flutes - GC180 T HE M IN IM UM O RDE R IS 12 CHAM PA GNE FLl l TES Order of 12-24 $6.99 each · Order of25-50 $6.50 each Order of 51+ $5.99 each ( D Favor Fram e - GC361 THE M INIM UM O RDER IS 12 F AVO R F RAMES Order of 12-24 $6.99 each· Order of 25-50 $6.50 each Order of 51+ $5.99 each 19 'I 't rill el. :Mlltt lUnllsl 19, J(){J6 II - ·"·T1"d :WiJlt ' ~ I4l I( .'t 19. •'QC)6 11Premi er Uni ty Cand le Set - GC330 - $49.99 III Engraved M edallion Unity Candl e Set - GC364 - $54.99 7.t ~~ d a ; ,a r r y nJjl l rt " n o.: qh~",,·{ '<Jr, dr...,," Eternity Unitt} Candle Set - GC440 - $49.99 Lorr ~ . II, ' n 'II / .r: ,<I':Ii/l;";' Eternity Unity Candle - GC360 - $38.99 Personalized Unity Candl e - GC305 - $39.99 SEE DEALE R MASTER CATALOG FOR ADDITIO NAL PROD UCTS AND DESCR IPT IO NS 'I,,,,,,::'(" xo . UN ITY CANDLE DESIGNS 7£ iS d QY 9 marry my friend, 7,b€ on e 9 laugh aI/iii, %~ /tuefor, dream{VII£, cis ---(? >& ,.d ?!uyusl IS, 2007 LO VE BEARS A l l T H IN GS. DEVONSH IRE • .<\ ",O¥V~~ ~ 5 ::> ~ JI\O'" Kim & RuPert SECOND MARRIAGE 9 r aC<" of lRJtfliam ')tuf u SI IS, 2{)()7 shall become ....N D1 H E CM ;lo.lE JTO F H HUl l lOVE IMPERIAL ~ 1\!llj etJ osepfi Grella and sa m AUCU lT 15. 2007 )lUf/US l 15, Z00 1 A ugust 15 . 2 007 I CORINTHIANS CLADDAGH c2~ gz two one T.. ~I'..1 ....1U 11'I1H f END H'lI.,H Tf<INGI H ' ;>...{ LAn: FJo.IlH, HOPE,l>.N O LOV! C.lo.fl..O Ll N E ....N D lUC H)..,"'-D A Uj u:if 15 , 2001 Nid. BIYce. Briana ~ lOVE N EV ER END S. CLASS IC ~~ KELLY & JEfF AUGU n 15, ;WO] BELIEVESAll THIN GS, HO PES Al l T HI N GS, ENDURE S A LLTHIN GS. :Jennifer tl: :John T ho m a s .• A~/,fNiJ7 I3OlJC,. Na ncy 0""~ . f3t,y alty . :k,...,,~'0 !f Jk", EPH ESIANS 5 TWO H EARTS e"I/;', 8, tJ",o1f,,~ .A.~ •. 1001< ELEGANT MONOGRAM IMAG E FOR MEMORIAL VASE &CAN D LE gn lo uin'! memory 0/ Ca it lin fI Jonatl lOlll A lI ~II "1 'Xall1an 0/ervarl 9 . 20 0 8 CLASSIC MO N OGRAM 0ara :7Inderson who are present in our h ear/so ' I n louill!? m anIa''} 4 geo;y e :JJecb"ef MEMORIAL (For Vase & Cand le) , 7!fice J/elfersol1 '1l<' Qf"e P F'{' $(!n / i notlrMI1!/J ./ O1 (/J1Iorj ~' 91) Iocun.!l I 7V,fliam 'JJ4~j 1;" IJ pr~.senl in ouf D EST IN AT IO N II D Memorial Candle Set - GC314 - $49.99 II Printed Memoria l Bud Vase - GC327 - $31.99 23 ORDERING INFORMATION • All personalization is included in the pricing. • Engravable Gifts will sh ip within 2-3 bu siness days. • Candles and Fav ors will sh ip w ithin 5 business days. • If you need your items sooner, plea se in qu ire abou t ru sh services. ENGRAVABLES • Gifts are personalized w ith the font pictured in this broch ure. • Please review your personalizati on carefu lly. We w ill personalize your gift exactly as you enter the text. Thi s incl u d es punc tu ation . • Mo st gifts can accommod ate multip le lines of personalization. Typ ically the gifts are personalized with n ames, event d ates, initials or titles (i.e., Best Man, Maid of H onor, et c.). If a monogr am is desired, please specify "Monogram" when orderin g. The initials for a Monogram shou ld be listed in thi s or der: first name initial, last name initial, middle name initial. The last name initial will be enlarged and will appear as follows : MKL CAND LES AND FAVORS • Candles are available in either White or Ivory. • Candles are banded with either a Gold or Silver band. • Candles and Favors can be printed with either Black, Gold or Silver ink. • All Favors must be ordered in quantities of 12 or more. • Engraved Medallion Candle requires assembly and comes with matching ribbon SEE DEALER MASTER CATALOG FOR ADDITION AL PRO DUCTS AN D DESCRJ PTIO NS © 2008
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