Hyperbilirubenemai in preterm neonates
Hyperbilirubenemai in preterm neonates
small matters in hyperbilirubinaemia AMANDLA ABANTWANA AMANCANE Power to the small babies 1785 UNIVERSITY OF PARIS RESEARCH PRIZE Traité de l'Ictère ou Jaunisse des Enfans des Naissance Jean Baptiste Thomasee Baumes Hansen TWPioneers in the scientific study of neonatal jaundice and kernicterus.Pediatrics.2000 • Bidault F. Essai sur l'Ictère des Nouveau-nés. Paris, France: University of Paris; 1804. Doctoral thesis • Vaillant L. Dissertation sur l'Ictère des Nouveau-nés. Paris, France: University of Paris; 1816. Doctoral thesis • Denis P-S. De l'Ictère et de l'Endurcissement du Tissu Cellulaire des Enfans Nouveau-nés. Paris, France: University of Paris; 1824. Doctoral thesis • Bouton J-P. Thèse Pour le Doctorat en Médicine. Paris, France: University of Paris; 1838. Doctoral thesis • Billard C. Traité des Maladies des Enfans Nouveau-nés et a la Mamelle. Paris, France: JB Baillière; 1828 Jacques François Édouard Hervieux 1847 De l'Ictère des Nouveau-nés “ …. On the Jaundice of Newborns) Hansen TWPioneers in the scientific study of neonatal jaundice and kernicterus.Pediatrics.2000 Hervieus De l'Ictère des Nouveau-nés (English translation: On the Jaundice of Newborns). Paris, France: University of Paris; 1847. Doctoral thesis Virchow discovers bilirubin crystals in 1847 • Suggests it is derived from blood Orth 1875 Haemolytic anaemia and jaundice HansenPioneers in the scientific study of neonatal jaundice and kernicterus.Pediatrics 2000 Christian Schmorl coins the term kernicterus 1903 HansenPioneers in the scientific study of neonatal jaundice and kernicterus.Pediatrics 2000 280 neonatal autopsies 120 with jaundice 114 yellow stained brains 6 intense staining of basal ganglia and medulla oblongata 2 preserved in formaldehyde HansenPioneers in the scientific study of neonatal jaundice and kernicterus.Pediatrics 2000 Kern= nucleus Icterus = Jaundice Illustrations from Schmorls report HansenPioneers in the scientific study of neonatal jaundice and kernicterus.Pediatrics 2000 Scotty, beam me up McDonagh A Plant Pigment Strelitzia nicolai New Scientist, 2010 HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN Heme oxygenase Antioxidant Burtis, C, Ashwood, E and Bruns, D. Tietzs Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 4th Edition, Tyson J Perinatology 2012 September) Bilirubin might have a protective role in the progression of type 1 diabetic nephropathy NishimuraSerum bilirubin concentration is associated with eGFR and urinary albumin excretion in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Complications. 2015 ToyaAssociation of serum bilirubin levels with development and progression of albuminuria, and decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusJ Diabetes Investig 2014 Albumin level Gestational age Sepsis Acidosis Drugs Unbound FFA Bili- alb bindingκ DIRECT BILIRUBIN EPIDEMIOLOGY OF NEONATAL JAUNDICE e The Young Infants Clinical Signs Study Group. (2008) Clinical signs that predict severe illness in children under age 2 months: a multicentre study. Lancet 371 Newborn Jaundice in the USA No Jaundice Jaundice Severe Jaundice Bhutani Johnson,Kernicterus in the 21st century: frequently asked questions, Journal of Perinatology (2009) Bolajoko O. Olusanya Risk Factors for Severe Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis PLOS One 2015Centre for Healthy Start Initiative Kernicterus in Rh Disease 2,8/100000 births NIGERIAN CONSENSUS STATEMENT ON NEWBORN JAUNDICE Bolajoko O. Olusanya Risk Factors for Severe Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis PLOS One 2015Centre for Healthy Start Initiative ETF +PTT +RhIg VK Bhutani1 and L Johnson Kernicterus in the 21st century: frequently asked questions J Perinatology. 2009 Johnson, VK Bhutan Clinical report from the Pilot USA Kernicterus Registry (1992 to 2004) J Perinatology 2009 St Elsewhere Watchko, Oski Pediatrics 1983 AAP 1994 1994 20 2004 A R Horn Neonatal academic hospitals’ consensus guidelines for South African hospitals and primary care facilities 2006 L Johnson VK Bhutani Clinical report from the Pilot USA Kernicterus Registry (1992 to 2004) J Perinatology 2009 Clinical report from the Pilot USA Kernicterus Registry (1992 to 2004) J perinatology 2009L Johnson1, VK Bhutan Pilot US Kernicterus registry 19922004 Kernicterus n= 122 25 Hemolysis No hemolysis 97 Clinical report from the Pilot USA Kernicterus Registry (1992 to 2004) J perinatology L Johnson1, VK Bhutan So what about the babies < 35 weeks? Kernicterus in Preterm Babies EVIDENCE AUTOPSY STUDIES CASE STUDIES IN PREMS SENSORIMOTOR HEARING LOSS CHOREOATHETOID CP Moll M Are recommended phototherapy thresholds safe enough for(ELBW) infants? Neonatology 2011 Oh W Association between peak serum bilirubin and neurodevelopmental outcomes in extremely low birth weight infantsPediatrics.2003 BILI EFFECT IN PREMS • Kernicterus in prems at low bili levels- 128-148 mmol/l • Peak TSB in premature babies associated with – Death/ disability – Sensorineural hearing loss – Low psychomotor development index Moll M Are recommended phototherapy thresholds safe enough for(ELBW) infants? Neonatology 2011 Oh W Association between peak serum bilirubin and neurodevelopmental outcomes in extremely low birth weight infantsPediatrics.2003 ↑TSB ↑ Cerebral palsy risk in hyperbilirubinaemia ↓Gestational age BhutaniBilirubin Neurotoxicity in Preterm Infants: Risk and PreventionJ Clin Neonatol2013 van de Bor. Hyperbilirubinemia in preterm infants and neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years of age: results of a national collaborative survey. Pediatrics. 1989 Airede AI. Relation of peak total serum bilirubin concentrations to neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years of age in premature African neonates. Ann Trop Paediatr. 1992 PROLEMS WITH PROGNOSTICATING • Difficult to tease out from other neurodevelopmental issues with extreme preterm infants • Definitely and issue with the late preterm baby REFERENCES FOR SLIDES 38-41 Treatment of jaundice in low birthweight infants M J Maisels, J F Watchko 2003 Moll M, Goelz R, Naegele T, Wilke M, Poets CF. Are recommended phototherapy thresholds safe enough for extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants? A report on 2 ELBW infants with kernicterus despite only moderate hyperbilirubinemia. Neonatology 2011 Watchko Maisels The enigma of low bilirubin kernicterus in premature infants: Why does it still occur, and is it preventable? S e m i n ars in p e r inatology 3 8 (2014)397 – 4 0 6 Watchko Maisels Enduring controversies in the management of hyperbilirubinemia in preterm neonates Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine Additional risks in preterm baby Immature liver Immature GI tract Later feeding Enhance enterohepatic circulation J F WatchkoM J MaiselsJaundice in low birthweight infants: pathobiology and outcomeARCH DIS CHILD 2003 Risks of the preterm baby • • • • • • Sepsis/ chorioamnionitis/ FIRS Hypoalbuminaemia Elevated FFA levels Genetic conditions Dehydration Poor feeding Watchko Maisels The enigma of low bilirubin kernicterus in premature infants: Why does it still occur, and is it preventable? Seminars in Perinatology 3 8 (2014)397 Shapiro Kernicterus.In:StevensonDK,MaiselsMJ, Watchko JF,eds. Care of the Jaundiced Neonate. NewYork: McGraw Hill;2012.229–242 The high risk baby • • • • • • • pH<7,15 Pressor dependant Blood culture proven sepsis in last 24 hours Lower gestational age Mechanical ventilation at time of sample Apnoea or bradycardias in prev 24 hours Rapidly rising TSB Watchko Maisels The enigma of low bilirubin kernicterus in premature infants: Why does it still occur, and is it preventable? Seminars in Perinatology 3 8 (2014)397 Bilirubin encephalopathy Haemolysis -associated hyperbilirubinaemia Non-haemolysis associated hyperbilirubinaemia Kaplan, Hyperbilirubinaemia, hemolysis and increased bilirubin neurotoxicity, Seminars in Perinatology 2014 PVL IVH BILIRUBIN ENCEPHALOPATHY Shapiro Kernicterus.In:StevensonDK,MaiselsMJ, Watchko JF,eds. Care of the Jaundiced Neonate. NewYork: McGraw Hill;2012.229–242. Watchko Maisels The enigma of low bilirubin kernicterus in premature infants: Why does it still occur, and is it preventable? Seminars in perinatology2014 How does Kernicterus present in a premature baby? Signs may be so subtle, that they may be missed Bilirubin encephalopathy premature baby Abnormal ABER Abnormal cry Apnoea Apnoea Hyperbilirubinaemia Especially high unbound bilirubin levels Reversible auditary dysfunction Amin, Apnoea in Acute bilirubin encephalopathy Seminars in perinatology 2014 So it’s a problem? How do we screen? Yaser Interscapular site for transcutaneous bilirubin measurement in preterm infants: a better and safer screening site. J Perinatol. 2014. Engle Transcutaneous bilirubinometry Seminars in perinatology 2014 Y N Bilirubin / albumin ratio Need more evidence Iskander I Serum bilirubin and bilirubin/albumin ratio as predictors of bilirubin encephalopathy. Pediatrics 2014 Hulzebos Dijk van Imhoff The bilirubin albumin ratio in the management of hyperbilirubinemia in preterm infants to improve neurodevelopmental outcome: a randomized controlled trial--BARTrial.PLoS One.2014 Watchko Maisels The enigma of low bilirubin kernicterus in premature infants: Why does it still occur, and is it preventable? S e m i n ars in p e r inatology 3 8 (2014) So what are guidelines for babies < 35 weeks? bilirubin in micromol/litre = (gestational age × 10) − 100 At 72 hours NICE 2010 A R Horn Neonatal academic hospitals’ consensus guidelines for South African hospitals andprimary care facilities 2006 Watchko JF, Maisels MJ. Jaundice in low birthweightinfants: pathobiology and outcome. Arch Dis Child FetalNeonatal Ed 2003Jon Watchko Maisels Enduring controversies in the management of hyperbilirubinemiain preterm neonatesSeminars fetal Neonatal med UK 28 week 2010 NORWAY 1-1500G 2006 DUTCH 11250 g 2007 SA 28-29+ week 2006 AAP 28+ week 2012 UK 30+ week 2010 DUTCH 12501500 g 2007 NORWAY 1-1500G 2006 SA 30-31+ week 2006 AAP 30+ week 2012 Neonatal Research Network • 2008 • Conservative vs Aggressive Phototherapy in ELBW infants • Phototherapy started at prescribed bilirubin levels per gestational age Brenda H. Morris Aggressive vs. Conservative Phototherapy for Infants with Extremely Low Birth Weight. NEJM 2008 750-1000g Exchange Transfusion 255 SA=220 Conservative 171 Aggressive 85 Brenda H. Morris Aggressive vs. Conservative Phototherapy for Infants with Extremely Low Birth Weight. NEJM 500-750g Exchange Transfusion 230 SA= 220 Conservative 120 Aggressive 85 Brenda H. Morris Aggressive vs. Conservative Phototherapy for Infants with Extremely Low Birth Weight. NEJM CONCLUSIONS • Aggressive PTT decreases NDI • Aggressive PTT increases death esp <750g • Aggressive phototherapy has no effect on death / NDI Brenda H. Morris Aggressive vs. Conservative Phototherapy for Infants with Extremely Low Birth Weight. NEJM Lipsitz PJ, Gartner LM, Bryla DA. Neonatal and infant mortality in relation to phototherapy. Pediatrics 1985; 75 ???? Light may penetrate deeper into premature tissue because of immature skin ???? Direct oxidative effect of phototherapy on tissues ???? Potential benefits of bilirubin negated ???? Potential effects of light on other protective molecules Watchko Maisels Enduring controversies in the management of hyperbilirubinemiain preterm neonatesSeminars fetal Neonatal med When to stop phototherapy? TSB LEVEL NICE- 34-51 mmol/l below PTT threshold SA guidelines – 50 mmol/ l below threshold AGE AT WHICH TO STOP? Blood brain barrierPiglet model Research in humans Polin, Fetal and Neonatal Physiology Development of the blood brain barrier 2011 Lee, postnatal maturation of the blood brain barrier for unbound bilirubin in newborn piglets. Brain research Aug 1995 Brito The blood brain barrier and bilirubin Archives of medical research Nov 2014 “Our first attempts at phototherapy took place during the summer of 1971, when MEHK was still well. At this time it seemed impractical to restrict her activities sufficiently to permit the prolonged exposure to phototherapy lamps that would have been necessary for effective treatment(12 or more hours a Accordingly, a simple compromise was struck. The patient was sent to the beach every day for 5 days, and spent 8 hours in the sun in a fashionably small twopiece bathing suit. The plasma bilirubin concentration was day). measured every morning on the way to the beach and every afternoon on the way home. However, it fell by an average of only 0.5 mg/100 ml during the day and had usually returned to the base line level by the following morning so that we were not encouraged to pursue the phototherapy, at least in the form of heliotherapy” BERK; JAMES F. MARTIN,Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia Physiologic Evaluation and Experimental Approaches to Therapy Annals of Internal Medicine 82:552-570, 1975 Bilirubin in the adult brain Bilirubin damage Intracerebral haemorrhage Lakovic K Bilirubin and its oxidation products damage brain white matter. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab.2014 Nov;34(11):1837-47 The Bruised Premature Baby • ?More prone to hyperbilirubinaemia? • ? Will benefit from prophylactic phototherapy? “Certainly phototherapy, if used appropriately, is capable of controlling the bilirubin levels in almost all LBW infants, with the possible exception of the occasional infant with severe erythroblastosis fetalis or pronounced bruising” Maisels WatchkoTreatment of jaundice in low birthweight infants ADC Fet & Neo 2003 Prophylactic phototherapy • Cochrane review - less ETF in older trial with liberal ETF policy -slightly less risk of neurodevelopmental impairment in prophylactic group RR 0.85(0.740.99) -All cause mortality similar between groups • Possible benefits- but trials required that assess safety of PTT Okwundu Cochrane Review: Prophylactic phototherapy for preventing jaundice in preterm or low birth weight infants Evid Based Child Health 2013 Type of lights • • • • Conventional fluorescent tubes Halogen LED Fibre-optic blanket Mills Fibreoptic phototherapy for neonatal jaundice Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2001 Intravenous Immunoglobulin in isoimmune hemolytic disease A GUARDE DYES AAP 2004/2012 If TSB is rising and within 34-51 mml/l of ETF level NICE 2010 TSB increase 51mmol/l in 6 hours Cochrane review 2014 Maisels Watchko An approach to the management of hyperbilirubinemia in the preterm infant less than 35 weeks of gestation J Pernatology 2012 Vinod K. Bhutani Bilirubin Neurotoxicity in Preterm Infants: Risk and Prevention. J Clin Neonatol. 2013 Louis Intravenous immunoglobulin in isoimmune haemolytic disease of newborn: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed.2014 Cochrane review 2014 Rh incompatibility: no benefit shown in studies with low risk of bias Rh and ABO incompatibility : benefit shown in studies with high risk of bias Albumin infusion no evidence problems in prems increased IV volume alveolar leak cardiopulmonary compromise Bhutani Bilirubin Neurotoxicity in Preterm Infants: Risk and Prevention J Clin Neonatol. 2013 Apr-Jun; 2(2): 61–69. Phenobarbital • • • • No clinical effect <32 weeks Ineffective < 12hrs of age Slow onset of action Long duration of action- unwanted sedation will persist Bhutani Bilirubin Neurotoxicity in Preterm Infants: Risk and Prevention J Clin Neonatol. 2013 Apr-Jun; 2(2): 61–69. Future directions • Tin mesoporphyrin • Safety trials pending • Not yet FDA approved WatchkoTiribelliBilirubin-Induced Neurologic Damage — Mechanisms and Management ApproachesN Engl J Med 2013 Future directions • Decrease enterohepatic circulation and β glucuronidase Casein supplements L Aspartic Acid Watchko Tiribelli ilirubin-Induced Neurologic Damage — Mechanisms and Management ApproachesN Engl J Med 2013; 369 Future directions • Minocycline attenuated bilirubin induced neurotoxicity in Gunn rats Jon F. Watchko, M.D., and Claudio Tiribelli, M.D., Ph.D. Bilirubin-Induced Neurologic Damage — Mechanisms and Management ApproachesN Engl J Med2013 The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nichlaes Tulp, Rembrandt St Elsewhere • Bhutani: • “detection of jaundice and measurement of TSB does not prevent the complications of kernicterus. • It is the targeted treatment about which we are discovering more and more. • However the panacea still eludes us” BhutaniBilirubin Neurotoxicity in Preterm Infants: Risk and PreventionJ Clin Neonatol. 2013 Temper(r) Preterm Jaundice? A conundrum for modern neonatology USANA 2017 guest list • • • • Maisels Watchko Bhutani Johnson Edit out What about light intensity? Hyperbilirubinaemia • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • What is hyperbilirubinaemia Why must we make special considerations in prem Kernicterus in prems BIND in prems Signs in prems that hyperbilirubinaemia is reaching potentially toxic levels What do we/ don’t we know about hyperbilirubinaemia in prems? What is the potential benefit of bilirubin? When must we start phototherapy- what is the evidence base? Should we start photo prophylactically? The sick/ septic/haemolysing acidotic/ hypercapnoiec prem and bili level What are the dangers of phototherapy? Which phototherapy?- what is intensive, what is single, what is double? What about conventional photo, what about fibreoptic? Do we know enough about hyperbilirubinaemia in prems Measurements in prems What measurements? TSB/ UCB/ Bili: alb ratio TcB in prems, what site, in SA TcB in black population Which nomogram- AAP/NICE/Dutch/ Norway Use of ABR in prems to determine therapy Other therapies: metalloporphyrins, phenobarbitone Cricket's Vigintiphobia: Stop blaming T20 for poor cricket Antoinette Muller
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