kosaras siker • irány seinÄjoki!!! • új fáys egyenruha • panaszfal


kosaras siker • irány seinÄjoki!!! • új fáys egyenruha • panaszfal
kosaras siker • Irány seinÄjoki!!! • új fáys egyenruha • panaszfal • Isten embere
IV. évf./2.
2007. április
I didn’t
Sz.: Hello! Have you got some time for me? We
could chat a bit…
B.: Oh, hi! Haven’t seen you for ages. How is your
trade exam?
Sz.: The fifth year is completely different from
the previous years, we’ve got plenty of trade stuff
to learn, we’ve got little time as we have to go to
on-the-job training every week. L
B.: What trade do you actually study?
Sz.: Postal services. Among the fifth year students only we go to work regularly, so at the end of
the year I’ll get an exam with which I could even
start working if I wanted.
B.: If you wanted? Why are you talking in conditional? Hm?
Sz.: After the final exam the fifth year was a
good opportunity for me, as I wasn’t admitted
to university. I hope I will be this year because I
would really like to study journalism.
B.: Really? That’s cool. I’m also interested in this
subject very much, I’ve just got a task like that. Interested? 
Sz.: Of course. What is it exactly?
B.: You know, there were some adventurous students from our Finnish partner-school here…
Sz.: Oh, of course I remember, I took some of
them to my heart.  I’m looking forward to meet
them again in April. There will be a lot of things to
talk about.
B.: Oh, good. You could be my number one colleague. We’ll mix a cert magazine …
Brigi & Szonja
secondary technical school
for economics, business
and postal services
Sopron – Hungary
Teleki P. u. 26.
Phone: +3699510092
Fax: +3699510093
[email protected]
Number of students: 450
Number of teachers: 40
Number of years: 5
Trades taught at Fáy:
manager of finance and
enterprise manager
marketing manager
trade manager
of administration
manager of postal
IV. évf./2.
2007. április
The Brief
of our School…
If somebody goes to Jereván
housing estate today, he will see a
quite big, white building. Would
you think that the history inside
these concrete walls goes back more
than 120 years? Well, it does. When
this school was founded, probably
our grandparents weren’t even born
yet. Although at this time the school
was called ‘State Secondary Commercial School of Sopron, and the
building was somewhere else, 21
Széchenyi Square. At this time the
school had no more than 7 students.
2 years later the school became an
academy. After that the number of
its students suddenly soared, so the
small building was soon outgrown.
The new place was 1 Balfi Street
with 23 rooms. It was in 1889. In
contrast to the situation now, at that
time there were mainly boy students, as it was a boys’ school until
the 1940’s. The next move led the
students to Pócsi Street where you
can find the Széchenyi library now.
It also got a new name: ‘Commercial High School for Boys’. In 1921
(being afraid of seceding from the
country) the school was moved to
Pápa, but since Sopron wanted to
belong to Hungary, it was placed
back. The school got the name ‘András Fáy’ in 1925. After the Second
World War new, fashionable trades
appeared in the institute year by
year, for example economy, typewriting and shorthand writing, even
all sorts of practical vocational
trainings. In 1992 the repertory expanded by the financial branch. As
we could
already get
The O ld Fáy
used to it,
and T he new the school
m o v e d
s chool
from here
as well, to
the place
of the previous ‘Erkel’, otherwise
known as ‘White school’. It was
then that it was merged with József
Attila Secondary Technical School
for Postal Services. So the number
of trainings expanded again by
postal and commercial branches.
So, this story is still going on, written by generations. I’ve already
written my own line, so it is your
turn now…
IV. évf./2.
2007. április
Opinion poll:
Why is it
to be a student/teacher
at Fáy?
Mrs. Herczeg
“It is good to be a teacher as well
as a headmistress at Fáy for several
reasons: the teacher colleagues and
the students. The students here can
be loved and they are also kind and
loving, so a good atmosphere has
developed. I think I always get back
what I give. It is good to teach at
Fáy just like it was at the old school
‘József’. There has always been an understanding relationship where everything can be talked over. I always have
favourites, but it’s even more difficult for them because I
treat them harder, I demand more of them in order that they
don’t feel I’m partial. It isn’t good to be my favourite .”
Mrs. Hacsi:
“I’ve been at Fáy for 13 years, I
feel very good here, I like my students, the teaching staff, and since
the 2 schools emerged, there have
been more people, more colourful
characters, funny colleagues. It’s a
pity that there are only few male colleagues, but those who are here, are
very kind and cheerful. As for the
students, they are unfortunately a bit
more lively and less amenable than previously, but they
also seem to be ‘usable’…”
Mrs. Boros:
“I’ve actually taught here for only
one year. I’d worked as an economist
before in Budapest, then we moved
to Sopron, and as I have two little
children, I thought a teacher’s timetable would be more optimal for us,
so I thought I would try myself as a
teacher. I really like working here at
Fáy, I think it’s a good school with
positive atmosphere, good teachers
and with skilful but lazy students. I
like being here and teaching here and
I’m glad I’ve tried it. At the moment
I’m teaching plenty of classes, altogether 11.”
Mr. János
“Because this is, without question, the best school in the town. I’ve
been teaching here for 6 years and
the atmosphere is also very good.”
Melinda Németh:
“This is a very good school. As
a new student I adjusted easily, the
teachers are also very helpful. I’ve
been acquainted with a lot of new
things, I’ve had a lot of new experiences here. I hope everything will
remain so good and nice. ”
Szonja Kuslits:
“I’ve been at this school for five
years, and the time of cold feet passed
long time ago. The atmosphere became usual, the faces are familiar,
friends are faithful, and we associate teachers with their most typical
qualities and their funny statements.
However, in spite of the time passed, the school can still
surprise us and from time to time, it educates us a bit, maybe, in some way, for life as well. It has become part of me
and the experiences gained here will
be with me forever. ”
Henriett Zepkó:
“I’ve been learning at Fáy for 2
years. I studied in the preparatory
English class. Later I’d like to find
a job in the advertising-marketing
The life
IV. évf./2.
2007. április
in our school
Student’s Day
Student’s Day
Student’s Day
School Dance
Funny Farewell Party
Graduation Ceremony
School-leaving Exam
Graduation Ceremony
First-year Student Initiation
24-Hour Swimming
IV. évf./2.
2007. április
Sopron is a little town in the west of Hungary. The town isn’t far from the border of
Austria. Many people go to work there. The town has got 55000 inhabitants, it’s a
school town too, because there are some high schools, and a university. In Sopron
there are some modern shopping centres, entertainment facilities like movies discos
and theatres. You can see a lot of old buildings.
1. Main Square, where is the Firetower, which is
a symbol of Sopron. The tower is 58 m tall. Not
far away from the Firetower is the key of Sopron.
Leslie the fourth gave Sopron the free royal town
title in 1277. There were only eight free royal
towns in Hungary in the Middle Ages.
2. We are going in the Castle Boulevard (Várkerület). It was built
up in the 17th century. The buildings were built on the walls of the
town. There is the Maria Column too. There was a church but it
was pulled down in the 16th century.
3. Fertõrákos, lake Fertõ
4. Interspar, which
can be found in 15-17
Selmeci Street, was
also considered to be
a popular meeting
place. The foundations
of the department
store were laid down
in 2000… Today it is
a popular shopping
centre. We also made
use of its favourable
qualities – mainly for
obtaining things to
5. Bobsleigh track: It has been operated
since 05 July 1996 on Bécsi hill. The
length of the track is 1000 metres.
IV. évf./2.
2007. április
Fisherman’s Bastion
The Royal Palace of Buda
The View from Gellért Hill
Matthias Church
Our Finnish Friends
at Heroe’s Square
IV. évf./2.
2007. április
29 september 2006 – 11 october 2006
finnish visitors
at fáy