Late-Breaking Abstracts
Late-Breaking Abstracts
Experimental Biology LATE-BREAKING ABSTRACTS BOSTON March 28 – April 1 • Boston Convention & Exhibition Center ANNUAL MEETING OF: American Association of Anatomists (AAA) The American Physiological Society (APS) American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP) American Society for Nutrition (ASN) American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY 2015 LATE-BREAKING ABSTRACTS Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Hall B Wednesday, April 1 Authors Place Posters: 7:00 – 7:30 AM Viewing Time: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM Presentation times are listed next to each discipline. Authors Remove Posters: 4:00 – 4:30 PM Anatomy: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Anatomy....................................................................................................................................LB1 Anatomy Education...................................................................................................................LB10 Biological Anthropology...........................................................................................................LB18 Bones, Cartilage and Teeth.......................................................................................................LB20 Cell Biology..............................................................................................................................LB28 Development and Growth.........................................................................................................LB31 Evolution and Comparative Anatomy.......................................................................................LB35 Imaging.....................................................................................................................................LB37 Neurobiology............................................................................................................................LB38 Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, Wound Healing and Bioengineering...............................LB45 -LB9 -LB17 -LB19 -LB27 -LB30 -LB34 -LB36 -LB37 -LB44 -LB49 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Career Development and Education.............................LB50 -LB77 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.......................................................................................LB78 -LB112 Cancer.......................................................................................................................................LB113-LB151 DNA..........................................................................................................................................LB152-LB156 Enzymology..............................................................................................................................LB157-LB166 Extracellular Matrices...............................................................................................................LB167-LB168 Human Microbiome..................................................................................................................LB169-LB170 Lipids........................................................................................................................................LB171-LB178 Membrane Transport Proteins...................................................................................................LB179-LB183 Molecular Mechanisms.............................................................................................................LB184-LB204 Plant Metabolism......................................................................................................................LB205-LB206 Post-translational Modifications...............................................................................................LB207-LB213 Protein Nonfolding....................................................................................................................LB214-LB218 RNA..........................................................................................................................................LB219-LB228 Nutrition: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM ASN Variability in Responses to Diet and Food.......................................................................LB229-LB254 ASN Nutrition on Healthy Growth, Development and Reproduction......................................LB255-LB265 ASN Disease Prevention, Progression and Treatment..............................................................LB266-LB295 ASN Nutrition-Related Behaviors............................................................................................LB296-LB315 ASN Food Supply and Environment........................................................................................LB316-LB320 ASN Vitamins, Minerals, and Bioactives.................................................................................LB321-LB358 ASN Energy and Nutrient Metabolism.....................................................................................LB359-LB376 ASN Community, Public Health and Global Nutrition.............................................................LB377-LB415 i Pathology: 11:45 AM – 1:45 PM Development, Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering and Repair......................................................LB416-LB428 Inflammation, Injury and Disease.............................................................................................LB429-LB444 Tumor Biology..........................................................................................................................LB445-LB462 Pharmacology: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM Pharmacology Education II.......................................................................................................LB463-LB467 Drug Discovery and Development............................................................................................LB468-LB480 Cardiovascular Pharmacology (CVP).......................................................................................LB481-LB489 Central Nervous System Pharmacology...................................................................................LB490-LB505 Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology.....................................................................................LB506-LB519 Pharmacogenomics and Translational Pharmacology...............................................................LB520-LB522 Drug Metabolism and Disposition (DMD)...............................................................................LB523-LB529 Systems Pharmacology and Toxicology...................................................................................LB530-LB533 Cancer Pharmacology...............................................................................................................LB534-LB542 Pharmacology - Other...............................................................................................................LB543-LB547 Physiology: 12:30 PM – 2:15 PM Microcirculation........................................................................................................................LB548-LB556 Cardiovascular Physiology.......................................................................................................LB557-LB612 Cell and Molecular Physiology.................................................................................................LB613-LB636 Central Nervous System............................................................................................................LB637-LB641 Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology..............................................................................LB642-LB643 Biomedical Engineering............................................................................................................LB644-LB650 Endocrinology and Metabolism Physiology.............................................................................LB651-LB659 Environmental and Exercise Physiology..................................................................................LB660-LB680 Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology......................................................................................LB681-LB688 Hypoxia.....................................................................................................................................LB689-LB692 Muscle Biology.........................................................................................................................LB693-LB711 Neural Control and Autonomic Regulation..............................................................................LB712-LB727 Physiological Genomics............................................................................................................LB728-LB728 Renal Physiology......................................................................................................................LB729-LB735 Respiration Physiology.............................................................................................................LB736-LB750 Teaching of Physiology.............................................................................................................LB751-LB760 Translational Physiology...........................................................................................................LB761-LB761 Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis..........................................................................................LB762-LB769 ii Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Anatomy Anatomy LB1 Incidence of Variations in Human Cadaveric Renal Vessels S.S. Hassan, J.C. Johnson and M.F. Youakeem. AT Still Univ., MO and Cairo Univ., Egypt. LB2 Double Inferior Venacava with Anomalous Hemiazygos Vein – A Case Report S. Sakthivelavan, B. Castellanos, S. Rich, R. Goldberg, C.I. Quinteros and R. Baez. Touro Col. of Osteo. Med., NY. LB3 A Preliminary Investigation of Cardiac Stem/ Progenitor Cells in the Lizard Heart K. Jacyniak, D. Hawthorne, L.A. Robertson and M.K. Vickaryous. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. LB4 New Insights into Macaque Hyolingual Anatomy: A Preliminary microCT Study C.P. Orsbon and A. Nabavizadeh. Univ. of Chicago and Pritzker Sch. of Med., Univ. of Chicago. LB5 The Morphology of Male Gonads of the Neotenic Cave Salamander (Proteus anguinus) L. Bizjak Mali and B. Bulog. Biotech. Fac., Univ. of Ljubljana, Slovenia. LB6 Congenital Malformations of the Young Children in a Metropolis M. Gatauova and A. Abduldayeva. JSCo Astana Med. Univ. Kazakhstan. Anatomy Education LB10 Variations on the Traditional Anatomy Practical Examination: Faculty and Student Perceptions of Assessment Strategies at a New Medical School E.M. White and J.L. Devine. Frank H. Netter MD Sch. of Med. and Sch. of Educ., Quinnipiac Univ. 1 LB16 Using a Short Visual-Text Guide to Allow Ultrasound Self-Study by Novices B. Benninger, R. Stringer and L. McLane. Western Univ. of Hlth. Sci. and Samaritan Hlth. Svcs., OR. LB17 A Novel Visualization Table by Sectra Was Used to Render Cadaver CT/MRI Scans into 3-D Images Which Were Manipulated to Enhance Functional Healthcare Anatomy D. Horn and B. Benninger. Western Univ. of Hlth. Sci. and Samaritan Hlth. Svcs., OR. Biological Anthropology LB18 Anthropometric Parameters as Preditor of Obesity among Pregnant Women in Portharcourt Nigeria W.B. Vidona, C.J. Ihentuge, P.A. Ijeoma and F.C. Akpuaka. Imo State Univ. and Abia State Univ., Nigeria. LB19 Determination of Height Using Femur Length in Adult Population of Oguta Local Government Area of Imo State Nigeria A.N. Obialor, C.J. Ihentuge and F.C. Akpuaka. Imo State Univ. and Abia State Univ., Nigeria. Bones, Cartilage and Teeth LB20 A Tissue-Engineered Model of a Tendon-to-Bone Enthesis Q. Yu, R. Jacquet, J. Elias and W.J. Landis. Univ. of Akron and Akron Gen. Hosp. LB21 Compared Craniometry in Dry Bones of the Anomalous Cranium E.P. Camara, M.R. Tavares, M.D. Guimarães and V.S. Fazan. Univ. José do Rosário Vellano, Brazil and Univ. of São Paulo LB22 Study The Role of Serotonin 2B Receptor in Osteoclastogenesis S-Y. Lin, Y-S. Fu, C-L. Lin and T-L. Cheng. Kaohsiung Med. Univ. and Kaohsiung Med. Univ. Hosp., Taiwan. LB11 Evaluating the Efficacy of a Video Dissection Guide Tailored to the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Gross Anatomy Curricula L.M. Campeau and J.C. Mussell. LSUHealth, New Orleans. LB23 User Variance in Defining the Trabecular-Cortical Interface Using MicroCT Images A. Bryce, C. Terhune and A.D. Sylvester. Sch. of Life Sci., Univ. of Glasgow and Univ. of Arkansas. LB12 Using Social Media as an Educational Tool: The Potential Role of Twitter in Enhancing the Student Learning Experience in Neuroanatomy C.M. Hennessy and S. Border. Fac. of Med., Univ. of Southampton. LB24 Femoral Condyle Curvature and the Chondral Modeling Theory E. Harris and A.D. Sylvester. Sch. of Life Sci., Univ. of Glasgow. LB13 Anatomy Education for the YouTube Generation D.S. Barry, P. Tierney and G.W. O’Keeffe. Trinity Col. Dublin and University Col. Cork. LB14 Our Experiences with Creating Active Learning Environments for Undergraduate Biomedical and Medical Students at King’S College London C. Kiecker and D. Williams. King’s Col. London. LB15 An Investigation into Student Perceptions of Peer Learning during a Medical Undergraduate Course S.H. Parson, A. Ezzat, O.D. Foster, M. Moffat and P.W. Johnston. Univ. of Aberdeen. LB25 Assessing Shape Asymmetry in Human Femora and Humeri C.A. Tyas and A.D. Sylvester. Sch. of Life Sci., Univ. of Glasgow. LB26 Complementing Confocal Detection of AntibodyLabeled Lysophosphatidic Acid Receptors in Human Gingivae with Label-Free Second Harmonic Generation Confocal Microscopy Detection of Collagen D.R. Cerutis, M.G. Nichols, M.T. Hironaka, T. Miyamoto, S.A. Khan, A. Ogunleye and T.P. McVaney. Creighton Univ. LB27 Compensatory Mechanisms In Mouse Offspring with Inherently Weak Bones Are Suggesting a Gene-by-Environment Interaction In Utero M. Raygorodskaya, A. Torchinsky, Y. Gabet, C. Shochat and D. Karasik. Bar Ilan Univ. and Tel Aviv Univ. Sackler Sch. of Med. 2 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Cell Biology LB28 Lung Cancer Cellular Apoptosis Induced by Recombinant Human Endostatin Gold Nanoshell-Mediated NearInfrared Thermal Therapy H. Luo, M. Xu, X. Zhu, J. Zhao, S. Man and H. Zhang. First Affil. Hosp., Jinan Univ., Affil. Hosp. of Guangdong Med. Col. and Jinan Univ., China. LB29 Kola Acuminate (Bizzy Nut) Possesses Antimicrobial Activity toward Staphylococcus aureus C.M. Telles, A. Robinson and W. Gray. Southern Univ. Baton Rouge. LB30 Super-Resolution Imaging Shows Spatial Regulation of p130Cas Phosporylation within Focal Adhesions A. Elmokadem, I. Moraru and J. Yu. Univ. of Connecticut Hlth. Ctr. Development and Growth LB31 Correlation Macro Nutrient Intake with Body Fat among Adolescent Gymnastic, in East Java Province, Indonesia S. Adiningsih and D. Indrawati. Univ. Airlangga, Indonesia. LB32 Effect of Maternal Immune Activation on Pre- and Postnatal Murine Brain Development K.W. McDermott, J.M. Pakan and E.K. O’Loughlin. University Col. Cork and Grad. Entry Med. Sch., Univ. of Limerick. LB33 AdamTS-A Developmental Function in Neuronal Development and Migration in Drosophila melanogaster S.E. Romero, Y. Zhu, B. Wilson and J. Skeath. Washington Univ. in St. Louis. LB34 TMED2 Is Sufficient for Trophoblast Fusion L. Jerome-Majewska, L. Yuan, W. Hou and T. Deba. McGill Univ. Evolution and Comparative Anatomy LB35 Vascular and Lymphatic Circulation of the American Alligator Phallus D.A. Kelly, T. Mascari, A. Hamilton and B.C. Moore. Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst and Univ. of the South. LB36 The Phoenix Rises: Reversal of Cave Adaptations in the Blind Cave Salamander, Proteus anguinus? S.K. Sessions, B. Bulog and L. Bizjak Mali. Hartwick Col., NY and Univ. of Ljubljana, slovenia. Imaging LB37 Dynamic Imaging of the Growth Plate Cartilage Reveals Multiple Contributors to Skeletal Morphogenesis Y. Li, V. Trivedi, T. Truong and S. Fraser. Univ. of So. Caltech. Neurobiology LB38 Effects on River Macro-invertebrates of Increased Urbanization Near Puerto Rico’s Watersheds: Changes in Population Abundance and Locomotor and Aggressive Behavior J.L. Ortiz-Lugo, P. Pedreira, E. Maldonado, M. Quiñones, N. Rodríguez, N. Rivera and M. Sosa. Med. Sci. Campus Univ. of Puerto Rico. LB39 Synaptic Abnormalities of Mice Lacking Toll Like Receptor-9. V. Patel, A.M. Patel and J.J. McArdle. NJMSRutgers Univ. LB40 Differential Effects of Mefloquine Enantiomers on a Cholinergic Synapse A.M. Patel, V. Patel, A. DassonvilleKlimpt, P. Sonnet, L.G. Sultatos and J.J. McArdle. New Jersey Med. Sch.-Rutgers Univ. and UFR de Pharm., CNRS-FRE 3517, Amiens. LB41 The Brain on a High Fat Diet: The Effects of BetaHydroxybutyrate on Astrocytes R. Haluska, J.E. Earp and R.E. White. Westfield State Univ., MA. LB42 Semaphorin 6A Mediates Sensory Afferent Projection into the Developing Spinal Cord D.S. Barry, A.M. O’Malley, A.T. Kelly, R. O’Sullivan and K. Mitchell. Trinity Col. Dublin. LB43 Sevoflurane Causes Long-Lasting Dendritic Spine Head Enlargement without Lasting Effect on Neuritic Extension J.H. Zimering, Y. Dong, F. Fang, Y. Zhang and Z. Xie. Sch. of Med. and Dent., Univ. of Rochester Med. Ctr. and Massachusetts Gen. Hosp., Harvard Med. Sch. LB44 Regulation of the NOGO-Associated Enhancer C.U. Pira, E. Haro and K.C. Oberg. Loma Linda Univ. Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, Wound Healing and Bioengineering LB45 Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Isolation Expansion and Validation for GMP Compliance J.R. Smith, K. Pfeiffer, J. Delzeit, S. Akel, J.P. McGuirk and M.L. Weiss. Kansas State Univ. Col. of Vet. Med., Cardinal Glennon Children’s Med. Ctr., St. Louis and Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr., Westwood. LB46 Effect of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Inhibition on the Regenerating Axolotl Tail R. Dickie and A. Ritenour. Towson Univ., MD. LB47 Dynamics of Stem Cells in Skin Flaps Subjected to Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Y.H. Tang, L. Pennington, J. Scordino, J.S. Alexander and T. Lian. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport. LB48 Rapid Isolation of Rabbit Umbilical Cord Stem Cells from Rabbit Umbilical Cords and Their Early Differentiation into Chondrocytes R.S. Rachakatla and D. Perugino. Kirksville Col. of Osteo. Med., AT Still Univ. of Hlth. Sci. LB49 Viability of the Bilayer Bacterial Cellulose Membrane as a Biological Support for Use in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine K.P. Sartori, S.C. Lararini, R.A. Carvalho, H.S. Barud, W.R. Lustri and A.C. Amaral. Univ. Ctr. of Araraquara, Sao Paulo. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Career Development and Education LB50 SciCats: An Integrative Outreach Initiative to Enhance STEM Education in Our Community M. Krentz and S. GarneauTsodikova. Univ. of Kentucky. LB51 Human Argonaute-2: For All Your RNA Slicing Needs D. Sampe, E. Bruss, T.J. Davis, J. Hermsen, J. Johnson, R. Laughlin, M. Lucre’, C. Marable, B. Poniewaz, V. Tuncel, G. Wade, M. Weeden and M. McNally. Brown Deer H.S. and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. LB52 UF Center for Precollegiate Education and Training: University Partnerships for K-12 Research and Education C. Rodkin, H. Darwiche and M.J. Koroly. Univ. of Florida. LB53 Molecular Locomotion: Modeling the Functional Domains of E1 Helicase to Assess the Asymmetric Rotary Model of E1 Helicase J. Rokous, L. Bailey, N. Bradford, S. Chigler, J. Gustafson, H. Iyer, M. Liapin, M. Sherrin, B. Zhan and E. ter Haar. Vertex Pharmaceuts., Boston. LB54 Modeling TRPV1, a Detector of Thermal and Chemical Stimuli, Producing Pain: No Capsaicin Sensation S. Strandberg, S. Fleischmann, E. Barrett, J. David, C. Feller, S. Gottfried, A. Hairston, E. Schauer, T. Siy, S. Soczka, M. Thew, M. Zagloul, A. Ahmad, Y. Ahmad, M. Carrig, J. Dzwierzynski, C. Rooney, R. Ryan, C. Scherrer, K. Zappia and A. Weyer. Divine Savior Holy Angels H.S., Milwaukee and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. LB55 Hungry Like PACAP Man – The Role of PACAP and PACAP6-38 in Eating Behaviors J. Fangmann, D. Rochon, J. Wallner, T. Shaik, P. Emkay, K. Kelly, K. Cavins, F. DeleonCamacho, D. Alphin, A. Braatz, E. Groth, J. Piotrowski, L. Granlund, V. Krenz and S. Choi. Greenfield H.S., Greenfield, WI and Marquette Univ. LB56 Modeling of the PTF1-L/Foxa2 Transcription Factor Complex Controlling Pancreatic Development W. Coats, K. Pedigo, G. Noble, C. Glispin, A. Agha, A. Bazaldua, M. Aranoff, H. Bennett, A. Crowling, N. Gonzales, A. Montoux, A. Espinoza, S. Almazan, C. Allman, C. Kaye, J. Allman, B. Crane, A. Villegas, B. Broughton and R. McDonald. Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. LB57 It’s Strong, It’s Stable, It’s Streptavidin L. Futch, T. Pham, B. Adamson, B. Reilly, J. Kronenfeld, K. Patterson, M. Inostroza, S. Fraijo, J. Montoya, R. Chavez and J. Hazzard. Univ. of Arizona. LB58 [FeFe] Hydrogenase in Artificial Photosynthesis J. Garb, N. Henke, A. Wood, C. Zibolsky, A. Opheim, A. Garb and J. Huang. Laconia H.S., Rosendale, WI and Marquette Univ. LB59 μ-–Opioid Receptor: Opioid Painkillers Redefined C. Chou, T. Bonner, J. Drewes, H. Harroun, A. Jacobi, M. Lippard, J. Martyr, A. Santucci, C. Schumacher, D. Swope, R. Martyr and C. Cunningham. Concordia Univ. Wisconsin. 3 LB60 Allosteric Modulation of CB1 by Pregnenolone J. Spaeth, A. Camacho, B. Rios, T. McKinney and A. Miller. Messmer H.S., Milwukee and Concordia Univ. Wisconsin. LB61 Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase Inhibition Yields Promising Future Implications C. Kaiser, K. Klestinski, J. Tsuji, T. Sabatino, N. Yorke, R. Johnson, K. Arnhold, J. Otten, P. Ahn, K. Cephus, A. Dittlof, L. Ortega, H. Foster, M. Hernandez, M. Rivera, D. Strom, J. Strom, N. Yang, N. Dittrich and M. Waas. Marquette Univ. H.S. and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. LB62 The Role of Hemagglutinin in Influenza Virus Transmission A. Fassler, A. Babinski, D. Georgieva, D. Gui, M. Gui, M. Fernandez, L. Prebble, E. Schultz, A. Shukla and E. Belongia. Marshfield Clin. Res. Fndn., WI. LB63 Not So Hot Rods: Mutations in Rhodopsin Kinase in Regards to Oguchi Disease M. Arnholt, C. Czerniak, S. Daley, J. Bade, A. Kellicut, L. Semler, L. Krupski, J. Killoren, C. Wilkins and M. Wilk. Hartford Union H.S., WI and Med. Col. of Wisconsin. LB64 CFTR: Structural Mishap by Mutation T. Link, P. Arpornsukant, A. Chareddy, A. Alluri, D. Chyong, C. Eshleman, M. Hu, S. Jain, J. Kahn, H. Kemelmakher, A. Kepner, A. Krishnaswamy, V. Raman, K. Sanders and G. Stock. Georgia Tech. LB65 The T Protein: Vertebrae Fit to a T K. Tiffany, K. Tiffany, N. Anderson, A. Arnholt, I. Baumgartner, A. Butt, O. DeBuhr, S. Dyke, M. Griffin, J. Hu, E. Janecek, I. Kalmer, L. Ketelhohn, J. Lawniczak, N. Minerva, A. Naas, M. Roddy, A. Satchie, E. Squires, M. Wandsnider, J. Wankowski, A. Wilde, E. Zietlow and M.A. Pickart. Cedarburg H.S., WI and Concordia Univ. Wisconsin. LB66 Formin Conformations during Processive Actin Elongation M.E. D’Ausilio, S. Briones, E. Li, C. Marone, J. Mayer, S. Moseson, P. Patel, S. Scherl, K. Sharma and F.J. Kull. Dartmouth Col. LB67 Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase: Possible Therapeutic Targets for Insulin Resistant Type-II Diabetes S. Wall, J. Chow, J. Huang, M. Jiang, A. Yang and K. Jones. Wilfrid Laurier Univ., Canada. LB68 Opioid Receptor: Its structure and How It Works K. Crowthers, H. Melo, Y. Chen, N. LaGanke, C. Rooney, C. Clouse and C. Cunningham. Concordia Univ. Wisconsin. LB69 “Hard Core” Acetyl Coenzyme-A Carboxylase C. Elniff, D. Bernardi, N. Boonyasiti, A. Derib-Adugna, A. Einspahr, S. Grover, N. Kandru, N. Lux, S. Marre, J. Dhillon, K. Duong, H. Hameedi, J. Razo, L. Fogt and A. Fenton. Univ. of Kansas Med. Ctr. LB70 The Ebola Virus Glycoprotein: An Essential Envelope Protein for the Life Cycle of Ebola Virus J. Foresman, B. Lackamp, A. McAfee, M. Montague, D. Mungula, K. Wilbur and I. Zegar. Pittsburg State Univ., KS. 4 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB71 Superoxide Dismutase: Free Radical Degradation in Health and Disease E. Kessler, D. Cross, S. Olson, A. Person, H. Smith and S. Kaja. Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City. LB72 A Comparative Study of the 3D Structure of Myoglobin and Its Affect on the Physiology of Terrestrial and Aquatic Mammals A. Granberry, F. Assad, A. Briglall, D. Eusebio, H. Frempong, P. Gajik, M. Simon, T. Valentine and J. Steinberger. Weill Cornell Med. Col. LB73 Implementation of Biotechnology Projects of Different Inquiry Level to Promote Career Success of Non-science Majors P. Valverde. Wentworth Inst. of Technol., Boston. LB74 UF Center for Precollegiate Education and Training: University Partnerships for Teacher Professional Development H. Darwiche, J. Bokor and M.J. Koroly. Univ. of Florida. LB75 Online Homework with Targeted Instructional Feedback Leads to Improved Student Learning Outcomes H. Robus. Sapling Learning, Austin, TX. LB76 Student Reflections from an Upper Level ProblemBased Learning Biochemistry Course A.R. Lescallette, V.R. Knecht and D.R. Dries. Juniata Col., PA. LB77 How the Translation of a 19th Century Medical Text Enhances the Professional Development of a Senior Undergraduate S. Zniber and D.R. Dries. Juniata Col., PA. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology LB78 Genomic Editing of Stem Cells for Modeling and Therapy of Genetic Diseases T. Menon, A.L. Firth, D.D. Scripture-Adams, G.S. Parker, W.B. Gilmore, B.M. Lewis, S.J. Qualls, J.A. Zack and I.M. Verma. Salk Inst. for Biol. Studies and David Geffen Sch. of Med., UCLA LB79 Efficacy of Malaria Intermittent Preventive Treatment in Angolan Endemic Areas M. Ferreira da Cruz, E. Daniel, N. Oliveira, C. Daniel-Ribeiro and F. Fortes. Fndn. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Ministry of Hlth.. Luanda, Angola and Central Hosp. Dr Antonio Agostinho Neto, Lugango, Angola. LB83 Evaluation of the Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of Alkaloid-Rich and Alkaloid-Free Aqueous Extracts of Rhazya stricta Leaves S. Yaghmoor, N.A. Baeshen1 and T.A. Kumosani. King Fahd Med. Res. Ctr., King Abdulaziz Univ., Saudi Arabia. LB84 Probing the Necessity of the Lipoate Cofactor in Plasmodium H. Jhun, M. Spalding, P. Sinnis and S. Prigge. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch. of Publ. Hlth. LB85 Phylogenetic Analysis of Wolbachia from Folsomia candida (Collembola: Isotomidae) via Sequences from WspB and Ribosomal Protein Genes Y. Li and A.M. Fallon. Univ. of Minnesota. LB86 Superresolution Imaging Reveals the Internal Organization of Syntaxin Clusters in Hippocampal Processes S. Lowenstein, D. Shaver, H. Thomson and J. Lochner. Lewis & Clark Col. and Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. LB87 eIF3d Regulates the mTOR Pathway, Cell Growth and Proliferation P. Binder and A. Whitmarsh. Fac. of Life Sci., Univ. of Manchester. LB88 Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibition in Sitotroga cerealella Olivier Exposed to Biopesticides A.C. Adeyemo, E.E. Nwanna and S.A. Shodehinde. Sch. of Sci., Fed. Univ. of Technol. and Fac. of Sci., Adekunle Ajasin Univ., Nigeria. LB89 Effects of Avocado Oil on Kidney Mitochondrial Function and Proteinuria in Type II Diabetic Rats O. Ortiz-Avila, M. Figueroa-Garcia, A. Lopez-Alvarez, J. Campos-Garcia, A. Saavedra-Molina and C. Cortes-Rojo. Univ. Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo and UNAM, Mexico City. LB90 Isolation and Preliminary Characterization of Mitochondrial Spherules Involved in Flock House Virus RNA Replication J.R. Short, R. Gopal, J. Speir and A. Schneemann. The Scripps Res. Inst. LB91 Elevated Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetic OLETF Rat Liver T. Tsuzuki, H. Nakamoto, H. Kobayashi, S. Goto, N. Ichinoseki-Sekine and H. Naito. Juntendo Univ., Tsukuba Univ. Hosp. and The Open Univ. of Japan. LB80 Increasing Spatiotemporal Control over Azidonorleucine Protein Labeling within Cells to Enable Higher Resolution Proteomics E.E. Thomas, N. Pandey and J.J. Silberg. Rice Univ. LB92 Phenolics Constituents and In Vitro α-Amylase, α-Glucosidase and Ecto- 5’-Nucleotidase Inhibitory Properties of Selected Solanum spp E.E. Nwanna, S.A. Shodeinde and A.C. Adeyemo. FUT, Akure, Nigeria. LB81 Thumb II Site Inhibitor Allosterically Suppresses the Dynamics of HCV NS5B RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase B. Jois, D. Deredge, K. Johnson and P. Wintrode. Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County, Univ. of Maryland Sch. of Pharm. and Univ. of Texas at Austin. LB93 Inhibitory Effect of Musa paradisiaca on Enzymes Linked to Diabetes and Hypertension S.A. Shodehinde, E.E. Nwanna and A.C. Adeyemo. Adekunle Ajasin Univ. and Fed. Univ. of Technol., Akure, Nigeria. LB82 Glia Maturation Factor Stimulates Release of Proinflammatory Mediators from Mast Cells A. Zaheer, D. Kempuraj, T. Ramasamy, S. Zaheer, D.A. Santillan and M.K. Santillan. Iowa VA Hlth. Care Syst. and Univ. of Iowa. LB94 PSI SBKB Technology Portal: A Structural Biology Web Resource L.K. Gifford, M.J. Gabanyi, H.M. Berman and P.D. Adams. Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab. and Rutgers - The State Univ. of New Jersey, Piscataway. LB95 Poly-amido-saccharides: Characterization of the Secondary Structure and Protein Interactions W. Blessing, S. Chin, E. Dane and M. Grinstaff. Boston Univ. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program 5 LB96 Akt1 and Akt2 Regulate Human Skeletal Myoblast Differentiation R.W. Matheny, M.N. Abdalla, L.A. Leandry and A.V. Geddis. U.S. Army Res. Inst. of Envrn. Med., Natick, MA. LB108 Drug-Associated DNA Damage in HIV-1 Patients Taking HAART S. Jusino, L. Godoy, E.M. Albino, C.M. Ortiz and M.D. Hill. Univ. of Puerto Rico and Ponce Res. Inst. LB97 Evaluating Signal Response of Wsc2p and Wsc3p Cell Wall Stress Sensors in Yeast V. Velez, J. Del Rosario, N. Martinez, L.E. Vazquez-Quinonez and J.R. Rodriguez-Medina. Univ. of Puerto Rico-Med. Sci. Campus, Univ. of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez and Univ. Metropolitana, Rio Piedras, PR. LB109 Comparative Analysis of the Amino Terminus Region of Twist1 and Twist2 Proteins Y. Rodriguez, R.R. GonzálezMendez and C.L. Cadilla. Univ. of Puerto Rico Sch. of Med. LB98 A Novel Method for Expression and Purification of the C-Terminal Domain of Apolipoprotein A-I D. Sallee, J.V.C. Horn and P.M.M. Weers. California State Univ. Long Beach. LB99 The Endothelial Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Tie2 Is Essential for Vascular Integrity Dependent/Independent of Inflammation C.C. Ghosh, S. David, K.E. Milam, A. Mukherjee, A. Santel, S. Lu, K. Yano, D.J. Dumont and S.M. Parikh. Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr., Hannover Med. Sch. and Univ. of Toronto. LB100 Assessment of Serum Levels of Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate and Estriol (E3) in the 2nd and 3rd Trimesters of Pregnancy, in Some Selected Obstetrics and Gynecological Specialist Hospitals in Port Harcourt: A Measure of Fetal Well-Being F.C. Anacletus, A.P. Onwuka and G. Ogwe. Univ. of Port Harcourt and Univ. of Port Harcourt Teaching Hosp., Nigeria. LB110 Replacing Arg70 by Histidine in the Cytochrome Aa3-600 Menaquinol Oxidase from Bacillus subtilis Changes the Nitrogen Interacting with the Semiquinone Formed at the Qh Site but Does Not Eliminate Catalytic Function S.M. Yi, A.T. Taguchi, S.A. Dikanov and R.B. Gennis. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. LB111 Targeting Disabled-2 to Stabilize ΔF508-CFTR M. Chavez, S.A. Ayyoubi, K. Cihil, A. Swiatecka-Urban, R.L. Barnaby, B.A. Stanton and D.R. Madden. Geisel Sch. of Med. at Dartmouth and Univ. of Pittsburgh Sch. of Med. LB112 The Synthesis and Application of Diarylhydrazones, Diaryl Schiff-Bases, Beta-Carbolines and Their Precursors as Potential Antibiotics W. Horton, K. D’Amico, C. Schaefer, B. Haghshenas, M. Torok, G. Beck and B. Torok. Univ. of Massachusetts Boston and Univ. of Massachusetts Worcester. Cancer LB101 The X-Ray Crystal Structure of a Mutant Glycerol Dehydrogenase from Bacillus coagulans with Acquired Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity G.C. Jones and J.C. Hurlbert. Winthrop Univ. LB113 A Novel EGFR Inhibitor SP101 Blocks Survivin and Tumor Growth in the Human Non-small Cell Lung Carcinoma J-I. Chao, S-P. Wang, Y-H. Wu, J-M. Yang and C. Chen. Natl. Chiao Tung Univ. and Natl. Dong Hwa Univ., Taiwan. LB102 Clathrin and TOM1L1 Regulate Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling at the Plasma Membrane G.S. Judge, C. Garay, S. Lucarelli, S. Bautista, R. Pandey and C.N. Antonescu. Ryerson Univ., Canada. LB114 Integrated Omic Analysis of Lung Cancer Reveals Metabolism Proteome Signatures with Prognostic Impact M.F. Moran, W. Zhang, L. Li, C-Q. Zhu, C. To, V. Ignatchenko, L. Muthuswamy, N-A. Pham, P. Taylor, F.A. Shepherd, M.S. Tsao and T. Kislinger. Hosp. for Sick Children, Univ. of Toronto and Univ. Hlth. Network, Toronto. LB103 The Expression and Role of Melanopsin in Paralichthys dentatus I. Akinnola, A. Kingston, P. Robinson and T. Cronin. Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County. LB104 Metagenomic Profile of Fecal Samples Generated from Mouse Model Simulating Features of Post-raumatic Stress Disorder A. Gautam, A. Hoke, R. Sitta, B. Sowe, G. Dimitrov, N. Chakraborty, S. Muhie, R. Kumar, R. Hammamieh and M. Jett. The Geneva Fndn., Tacoma, U.S. Army Ctr. for Envrn. Hlth. Res., Fort Detrick and Frederick Natl. Lab. for Cancer Res. LB105 Validation of Mycobacteriophage Genome Annotation by Mass Spectrometry Y. Li, S.J. Ha, Z.T. Andor, M.O. Fatukasi, N.R. Hunnewell, J. Wu and K. Clase. Purdue Univ. LB106 Identification of Cells and Proteins from Human Plasma that Interact with Intravenous Immunoglobulin Y. Li, J. Panchal, L.N. Paul, E.M. Topp, J.E. Woodliff and K.L. Clase. Purdue Univ. LB107 Identification of a Novel Inhibitor of 5-Lipoxygenase P. Subramanian, E. Mendez and S.P. Becerra. NEI, NIH. LB115 Hepatocellular Carcinoma Specific Transcriptional Interference of c-Myc Promoter by alpha-Fetoprotein and Sendai Virosome-Based dsRNA System M.K. Zakaria, I. Khan, P. Mani, P. Chattopadhyay, D.P. Sarkar and S. Sinha. Natl. Brain Research Ctr., Manesar, India, All India Inst. of Med. Sci., New Delhi and Univ. of Delhi South Campus. LB116 Induction of Peroxiredoxins in Breast Cancer S.A. Phelan, V. Buurma, B. Freeman, A. Adzenyah, G. Pettit, F. Heinen and J. Muhlbauer. Fairfield Univ. LB117 Differential Effects of Phytochemical Shikonin on Induction of Immunogenic Cell Death versus Autophagy: Potential Application to DC-Based Cancer Vaccine N-S. Yang, S-Y. Lin and T-S. Wu. Agr. Biotechnol. Res. Ctr., Acad. Sincia, Taipei and Develop. Ctr. for Biotechnol., New Taipei City. LB118 Development of a Highly Specific Met Antibody for Screening Met Overexpression in NSCLC C. Chen, H. Wei, K. Yuan, D. Ma and W-w. He. OriGene Tech Inc., Rockville, MD. 6 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB119 The Development of a Highly Specific Monoclonal Antibody against Ki-67 Useful for Immunohistochemistry C. Chen, Z. Li, K. Yuan, L. Zhou, B. Chu, Y. Shu, J. Chen, J. Stafford, W. Fu, W-w. He, R. Chambers and D. Ma. OriGene Tech Inc., Rockville, MD, Beijing Cancer Hosp. and Soochow Univ., China. LB131 ERCC1 and Thymidylate Synthase as Prognostic Biomarkers in Malignant Mesothelioma R. Mezzapelle, U. Miglio, O. Rena, F. Mercalli, C. Veggiani, A. Paganotti, R. Buosi, M. Rinaldi, M.E. Bianchi and R.L. Boldorini. San Raffaele Univ., Milan, Univ. Eastern Piedmont ‘A. Avogadro’ and ‘Maggiore della Carità’ Hosp., Novarra, Italy. LB120 Epidemiological Features of Ovarian Cancer Morbidity of Women in Kazakhstan A. Kuanyshkaliyeva, A. Turgambayeva and N. Igissinov. Astana Med. Univ., Kazakhstan. LB132 Tylophorine Compounds Exert Anti-cancer Activity by Targeting a Ribonucleoprotein Complex Containing Caprin-1 and c-Myc mRNA Y-Q. Qiu, C-W. Yang, Y-Z. Lee, R-B. Yang, C-H. Lee, H-Y. Hsu, C-C. Chang and S-J. Lee. Natl. Hlth. Res. Insts., Miaoli, Natl. Tsing Hua Univ., Inst. of Biomed. Sci., Acad. Sinica, Taipei and Harvard Sch. of Publ. Hlth. LB121 Cinobufotalin Inhibits Ovarian Cancer Cells Proliferation, Migration and Invasion S.H. Afroze, M.A.M. Co, A.B. McDowell, T.C. McCormick, M.R. Beeram, D.C. Zawieja, T.J. Kuehl and M.N. Uddin. Texas A&M Hlth. Sci. Ctr. Col. of Med. LB122 FUSE Binding Protein1 Facilitates Persistent Hepatitis C Virus Replication in Hepatoma Cells by Regulating Tumor Suppressor p53 and p53-Regulatory Factors U.K. Dixit, A. Pandey and P. Mishra. Rutgers Univ. and Saurashtra Univ., India. LB123 A Marine Fungal Antibiotic Inhibits Tumor Adaptation to Hypoxia by Deregulating HIF-1. Y-J. Choi and J-W. Park. Seoul Natl. Univ. Col. of Med. LB124 A YAP/TAZ-Regulated Transcriptional Signature Associated with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma S.E. Hiemer, L. Zhang, V.K. Kartha, T.S. Packer, M. Almershed, V. Noonan, M. Kukuruzinska, M.V. Bais, S. Monti and X. Varelas. Boston Univ. Sch. of Med. LB125 Identification of Amino Acids and Nucleotides Required for Interaction between BAFF-R and Its RNA Aptamer M.R. Lares and J.J. Rossi. Sonoma State Univ. and City of Hope, Duarte, CA. LB126 Human Papillomavirus and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Women with and without Abnormalities in Cervical Cytology A.L.P. Abreu, R.P. Souza, M.G. Bonini, F. Gimenes and M.E.L. Consolaro. Maringá State Univ., Brazil and Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. LB127 Multiplex Analysis of Biomarkers in Thyroid Cancer S. Anderson, R.K. Fuerstenberg, K. Brumbaugh, A. Kalyuzhny and S. Sommer. R&D Systems Inc., Minneapolis. LB128 Anti-tumour Flavonoids Regulation on Oestrogen and Progesterone Receptor Genes in Cervical Cancer Cell Lines (HeLa) A.O. Fadaka, A.B. James, O.A. Magbagbeola and A.A. Alakija. Ekiti State Univ. and Univ. of Lagos LB129 Viscum album var Hot Water Extract Mediates Anticancer Effect through G1 Phase Arrest in SK-Hep1 Human Hepatocarcinoma Cells J.F. dela Cruz, Y.S. Kim, H. Hong and S-G. Hwang. Univ. of the Philippines Los Banos, Hankyong Natl. Univ. and Konkuk Univ., South Korea. LB130 Interleukin-33/ST2 Axis Promotes Epithelial Cell Transformation and Breast Tumorigenesis via Upregulation of COT Activity H.S. Choi. Col. of Pharm., Chosun Univ., South Korea. LB133 Association between DAPK1 Promoter Methylation and Cervical Cancer: A Systematic Review and a Meta-analysis A. Agodi, M. Barchitta, A. Quattrocchi, A. Maugeri and M. Vinciguerra. Univ. of Catania, Italy and University Col. London. LB134 TG-Interacting-Factor-Induced Malignant Progression of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Depends on Superoxide Production from Nox4. H-S. Huang, Z-M. Liu, H-Y. Tseng and F-C. Su. Col. of Med., Natl. Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan. LB135 Isolation of Human Glioblastoma Multiforme Primary Cells and Analysis of CD133+ Y. Yukselten, D. Akcora Yildiz, K. Demircan, A. Sunguroglu and H.C. Ugur. Ankara Univ., Turgut Ozal Univ. and Mehmet Akif Univ., Turkey. LB136 Structural Basis for Akt Translocation to the PM in Breast Cancer Cells C. Agamasu, R.H. Ghanam and J.S. Saad. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. LB137 CB-5083: A p97 Inhibitor Disrupts Cellular Protein Homeostasis and Shows Potent Anti-tumor Effects B. Kumar, J. Rice, S. Djakovic, A. Madriaga, S. Wong, E. Valle, M. Menon, J. Wang, S.K.v. Soly, F. Soriano, B. Yao, R. Le Moigne, H-J. Zhou, D. Wustrow, M. Rolfe and D. Anderson. Cleave Biosciences, Burlingame, CA. LB138 Cx26 Gap Junctions Selectively Suppresses Cell Growth But Enhance Motility by Distinct Mechanisms B.J. Nicholson, E.A. Kalmykov, A. Chandrasekhar, S.R. Polusani and S.N. Zucker. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. LB139 Glehnia littoralis Root Extracts Induces G1-Phase Cell Cycle Arrest in MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells J.F. dela Cruz, Y. Jo, H. Hong, D-H. Kim and S-G. Hwang. Univ. of the Philippines Los Banos, Hankyong Natl. Univ., Konkuk Univ. and Korea Feed Assn., Seoul. LB140 Biochemical Characterization of Heterodimeric Isocitrate Dehydrogenase I Using a Novel High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry-Based Assay J.A. Piesvaux, R. Miller, M. McCoy, Y. Hou, P. Spacciapoli, C. Fischer, M. Machacek and X. Fradera. Merck. LB141 Biological Effects of Rosemary Extract in Human Lung Cancer Cells J.M. Moore, M. Naimi and E. Tsiani. Brock Univ., Canada. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB142 The Role of IL33 in Glioblastoma Multiforme K. Demircan, Y. Yukselten, M.G. Bal, M. Bunsuz, D. Akcora Yildiz, A. Sunguroglu and H.C. Ugur. Turgut Ozal Univ., Ankara Univ. and Mehmet Akif Univ., Turkey. LB143 Identifying Potential Drivers of Differential DNA Methylation Patterns in Breast Cancer Cells A. Fennoy, J. Fong, J. Andrews, A. Gasparrini and J. Edwards. Washington Univ. Sch. of Med. LB144 Oncogenic GNAQ and GNA11 Drive Tumorigenesis and Hyper-pigmentation in a Zebrafish Model of Human Uveal Melanoma A.M. Henle, E. Hoelzli, D.E. Perez, A. Amsterdam and J.A. Lees. Bard Col., NY and MIT. LB145 Effects of Prolactin and Testosterone on MT1-MMP mRNA Expression and Enzymatic Activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in the Rat Prostate D.A. Muñoz, M.K. Serrano, C.L. Sampieri, L. Cocotle, D. Herrera, F. Rojas, J. Manzo and M.E. Hernandez. Univ. Veracruzana, Mexico. LB146 Anti-proliferative Effects of Selected Dietary Polyphenols on Human Colon Carcinoma Cell Line, T84. F. Javed, N.A. Khan, S.J. Detloff, J. Sarathy and N.J. Ronkainen. Benedictine Univ. LB147 Fatty Acids from the Leaves of Clerodendrum volubile Suppresses Tumor Cell Migration and Invasion, Attenuates Oxidative Stress, and Regulates Cell Cycle Progression in Human Neuronal Glioblastoma Cells O.L. Erukainure, O.A.T. Ebuehi, I.M. Choudhary, N. Asraf, A.S. Naqvi, A. Muhammad, M. Zaruwa and G.N. Elemo. Fed. Inst. of Indust. Res., Univ. of Lagos, Univ. of Karachi and Adamawa State Univ., Nigeria. LB148 Diallyl Disulfide Inhibits TNF-alpha Induced CCL2 Release through MAPK/ERK and NF-Kappa-B Signaling D.M. Bauer, E. Mazzio, K.F.A. Soliman and S. Darling-Reed. Florida A&M Univ. LB149 Evaluation of the Effects of Organic and Aqueous Extracts of Euphorbia poissonii on the Gene Expression of BRCA1, BRCA2 and TP53 in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell T.A. Samuel, B.A. James, F. Onawoga, S. Negedu, K. Adekanle and O.A. Magbagbeola. Col. of Med., Univ. of Lagos, Nigeria. LB150 Uncovering Novel Roles of Tandem BRCA1 C-Terminal Domains in DNA Repair, Genome Stability and Breast Cancer J. Davis. Meharry Med. Col. LB151 Understanding the p53 Aggregation Process through Its Activators Resveratrol and PRIMA-1. J.L. Silva, D.C.F. Costa, N.P.C. Campos, C.L. Costa and L.P. Rangel. Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro. 7 DNA LB152 Gene Expression Profiling of Glycosaminoglycan Drived from G. bimaculatus in High Fat Dieted Rat M.Y. Ahn, J.S. Hwang and E.Y. Yun. Natl. Acad. of Agr. Sci., RDA, Wanju, South Korea. LB153 Replication-Dependent Repression of SV40 Early Transcription Occurs by Placement of a Nucleosome over Early Regulatory Elements B.I. Milavetz, K. Christensen and L. Balakrishnan. Univ. of North Dakota and Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Indianapolis. LB154 Genetic Analysis of Replication Protein A Large Subunit Family in Arabidopsis Reveals Its Role in the DNA Damage Response Pathway N.L. Fernandes, B.B. Aklilu and K.M. Culligan. Univ. of New Hampshire. LB155 Increased Mitochondrial Mutational Load Correlates with the Development of Type 2 Diabetes in the Nile Rat (Arvicanthis niloticus) A.E. Osborne, L.J. Wangh and K.C. Hayes. Brandeis Univ. LB156 The Structure and Mechanism of the ATPase that Powers Viral Genome Packaging B.J. Hilbert, J.A. Hayes, N. Stone, C. Duffy, B. Sankaran and B. Kelch. Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. and Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab. Enzymology LB157 The Different Substrate Specificities of Human Influenza Virus PA And PA-X Endonucleases Support Distinct Roles in the Viral Life Cycle G. Maga, S. Cucuzza and L. Bavagnoli. Inst. of Molec. Genet. IGM-CNR, Pavia. LB158 Efficient Isolation, Expression and Improvement Technique System for Feed Enzymes in China P. Yang and B. Yao. Feed Res. Inst., Chinese Acad. of Agr. Sci., Beijing. LB159 Comparison of the Enzymatic and Functional Properties of Three Cytosolic Carboxypeptidase Family Members H. Wu, Y. Rong, K. Correia, J. Min and J.I. Morgan. St. Jude Children’s Res. Hosp. LB160 Characterization of Pokeweed Antiviral Protein Isoforms and Comparison of Their Enzymatic Activities toward the Tobacco Etch Virus RNA V.R. Aitbakieva and A.V. Domashevskiy. John Jay Col. of Criminal Justice, NY. LB161 Evolution of the Iron-Containing Alcohol Dehydrogenase in Animals C. Gaona-López, A. Julián-Sánchez and H. Riveros-Rosas. Fac. of Med., UNAM, Mexico City. LB162 Production of Fluorescent Oligosaccharide Substrates for the Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup W Capsule Polymerase P. McCarthy, C. Williams, O. Ukaegbu and T. Gordon-Travers. Morgan State Univ. 8 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB163 Enzymogenesis of Zinc-Dependent Alcohol Dehydrogenases and Aldehyde Dehydrogenases in Animals Show That Their Origin Predates Natural Availability of Ethanol from the Diet A. Julián-Sánchez, A. Hernández-Tobías, P. VaraCisneros, C. Gaona-López, J.J. Alvarado-Leaño, E. Piña and H. Riveros-Rosas. Fac. of Med., Natl. Autonomous Univ. of Mexico. LB164 Investigating the Nucleotide Selection Mechanism of Bacillus stearothermophilus DNA Polymerase I T.D. Christian and W.H. Konigsberg. Yale Univ. LB165 Reconstructing Membrane-Anchored Mitochondrial AAA+ Proteases for In Vitro Analysis S.E. Glynn, A. Rampello and H. Shi. Stony Brook Univ. LB166 The X-Ray Crystal Structure of Full-length Mammalian Phenylalanine Hydroxylase E.K. Jaffe, E.C. Arturo, U.D. Ramirez, A. Heroux, T. Scary and P.J. Loll. Fox Chase Cancer Ctr. (TUHS), Drexel Univ. Col. of Med. and Brookhaven Natl. Lab. Extracellular Matrices LB167 Leukocyte Integrins αLβ2, αMβ2 and αXβ2 as Collagen Receptors – Receptor Activation and Recognition of GFOGER Motif M. Lahti, J. Heino and J. Käpylä. Univ. of Turku, Finland. LB168 Endothelial Glycocalyx Health Plays Critical Role in Nanoparticle Uptake M. Cheng, H. Homayoni, R. Kumar, S. Sridhar, T. Webster and E. Ebong. Northeastern Univ. Human Microbiome LB169 Microbial Community Responses to Toxic Hydrocarbon Exposure D.K. Morais, V.S. Pylro and M.R. Tótola. Fed. Univ. of Viçosa, Brazil and Argonne Natl. Lab. LB170 Gut Commensal Immunomodulatory Factors: Identification and Structure-Function Studies S.F. Oh, D. ErturkHasdemir and D.L. Kasper. Harvard Med. Sch. Lipids LB171 Reconstitution of Adiposome and Artificial Lipid Droplets P. Liu, Y. Wang and X-m. Zhou. Inst. of Biophys., Chinese Acad. of Sci., Beijing. LB172 Liver and Small Intestinal Mucosa Lysoplasmalogenase and Nutrient Metabolism/Distribution M.S. Jurkowitz. The Ohio State Univ. LB173 Thioesterase Superfamily Member 2 Channels Fatty Acids to Glycerol-3-Phosphate Acyltransferase-1: Role in Hepatic Insulin Resistance A. Minami, D.E. Cooper, R.A. Coleman and D.E. Cohen. Brigham and Women’s Hosp., Harvard Med. Sch. and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. LB174 Intracellular Triacylglycerol Promotes Longevity during Chronological Aging of Yeast W. Handee, X. Li and M-H. Kuo. Michigan State Univ. LB175 Sorting Nexin 21 Is a Novel Membrane-Binding Endonuclease H. Kim, S. Tao, S. Song and W. Cho. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago and Pohang Univ. of Sci. and Technol., South Korea. LB176 Role of Acyl-CoA:Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase 2 in Energy Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle Cells S.Y. Bu. Daegu Univ., South Korea. LB177 Nir2 Plays a Central Role in ER-PM Junctions Maintaining Phosphoinositide Signaling Competence Y.J. Kim, M. Guzman-Hernandez, E. Wisniewski and T. Balla. NICHD, NIH. LB178 Identification of Glutathione Adducts of the Myeloperoxidase Oxidation Product of Plasmalogen, α-Chlorofatty Aldehyde M.A. Duerr and D.A. Ford. Saint Louis Univ. Sch. of Med. Membrane Transport Proteins LB179 Arfaptin-1 Negatively Regulates Arl1-Mediated Retrograde Transport C-J. Yu, L-H. Huang, W-C. Lee, S-T. You and C-C. Cheng. Col. of Med., Chang Gung Univ. and Col. of Med., Natl. Taiwan Univ. LB180 Structural Studies of The N-Terminal Domain of Plasmodium falciparum Copper P-ATPase J. Kisaka and D. Huffman. Western Michigan Univ. LB181 Unraveling Binding Interactions of Serotonin 5-HT1B/1D Receptor Agonists on P-Glycoprotein: The Gatekeeper of the Brain L.A. Wilt and A. Roberts. Univ. of Georgia. LB182 The Role of Endoplasmic-Reticulum-Associated Degradation in the Regulation of a Potassium Channel Associated with Type II Bartter Syndrome B.M. O’Donnell, T.D. Mackie and J.L. Brodsky. Univ. of Pittsburgh. LB183 Suppression of ACSL6 in Skeletal Muscle Induces Alteration of Glucose Metabolism S.Y. Bu. Daegu Univ., South Korea. Molecular Mechanisms LB184 EU-OPENSCREEN: Novel Chemical Tool Compounds for Molecular Biologists B. Stechmann and R. Frank. FMP Leibniz Inst. for Molec. Pharmacol., Berlin. LB185 New Insights into Mechanisms of Vitamin D Action Revealed through the Study of Transgenic, Knockout, and Aging Mice K. Alexandre, V. Veldurthy and S. Christakos. American Intl. Col., MA and Rutgers New Jersey Med. Sch. LB186 The Recruitment of the Transcription Factor YY1 to DNA Damage Sites in Human Cells M.T. Tesfazghi, S. Riman, K. Alexander, R. Rizkallah and M.M. Hurt. Florida State Univ. and George Washington Univ. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program 9 LB187 Determining the Role of Lafora Disease Patient Mutations on Glycogen Dephosphorylation B.D. Turner, K. Brewer, M. Rathagala, C.W. Vander Kooi and M. Gentry. Univ. of Kentucky and Transylvania Univ. LB200 Astrocytes of ABCD1 Deficient Mouse, Adrenoleukodystrophy Model Have Functional Deficits but Not Respective Brain Mitochondria G. Reiser and P. Schoenfeld. Otto von Guericke Univ. Magdeburg. LB188 The Hedgehog Signaling Pathway in Isodiametra pulchra and Stenostomum virginianum M. Minor and J. Smith III. Winthrop Univ. LB201 Virulence Modulation of Bordetella pertussis via Inhibition of the Nicotinate Degradation Pathway L. Buyan and M.J. Snider. Col. of Wooster, OH. LB189 CG10126, a Calcium-Binding Microtubule-Associated Protein, Promotes Mitosis during Drosophila Development Q. Nie and S.A. Spencer. Saint Louis Univ. LB202 Crystallization and Structural Determination of NRas D. Reid and C. Mattos. Northeastern Univ. LB190 Coordinate Regulation of ASK1/TGF-β Signaling Contributes to Improved Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Mice H. Ha, H-A. Seong and R. Manoharan. Chungbuk Natl. Univ., South Korea. LB191 Cytosolic Cathepsin Inhibitor Stefin B (Cystatin B) Regulate Caspase-11 Expression N. Kopitar-Jerala, K. Maher, B. Jerič-Kokelj, M. Butinar, G. Mikhaylov, M. Manček Keber, V. Stoka, O. Vasilieva, B. Turk and S. Grigoryev. Jozef Stefan Inst. and Natl. Inst. of Chem., Ljubljana, Slovenia and Penn State, Hershey. LB192 Translational and Morphological Effects of Signalling Alcohols on C. albicans N.E. Egbe and M.P. Ashe. Univ. of Manchester. LB193 The Functions of miRNAs in Self-Renewal and Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells N. Suh, S-K. Park, S. Hwang and Y. Jung. Asan Med. Ctr., Seoul and Univ. of Ulsan Col. of Med., South Korea. LB194 Stonefish Toxin Defines a New Branch of the PerforinLike Superfamily A.M. Ellisdon. Monash Univ., Australia. LB195 The Yeast Atlastin Sey1p May Not Be Sufficient to Drive Homotypic ER Fusion t Its Physiological Concentration Y. Moon, M. Lee, Y-J. Ko, M. Han, S. Park and Y. Jun. Sch. of Life Sci., Gwangju Inst. of Sci. and Technol., South Korea. LB196 Dynein Activity Induced by a Kunitz-Type Molecule Acting on the Proteasome M.T.F. Pacheco, J.M. Sciani, K.L.P. Morais, S.A. Andrade and A.M. Chudzinski-Tavassi. Butantan Inst., Sao Paulo. LB197 ApoA-IV Regulates Cytokine Responsiveness in LPSChallenged Macrophage Cells X. Li, Z. Li, J. Yan and P. Tso. Xi’an Jiaotong Univ., China and Univ. of Cincinnati. LB198 ATF6-Dependent Sestrin2 Induction Protects from ER Stress-Mediated Liver Injury K.H. Jegal, S.M. Park, J.K. Kim, S.C. Kim and I.J. Cho. Col. of Korean Med., Deagu Haany Univ. LB199 Effect of ASIC-BK Interaction on Migration of PC12 Cells C. Springer, M. Young, Q. Vega and E. Petroff. Montclair State Univ. LB203 Ras Isoforms Conformational Clustering and Community Networks Studies: Simulating Ras with Accelerated Molecular Dynamics H. Guterres, B. Ma, R. Nussinov and C. Mattos. Northeastern Univ. and NCI, Frederick, MD. LB204 Structure and Function of the Vibrio cholerae Master Virulence Regulator ToxT J. Cruite, G. Kovacikova, K. Skorupski, R. Taylor and F.J. Kull. Geisel Sch. of Med. at Dartmouth Col. and Dartmouth Col. Plant Metabolism LB205 Defining Starch Binding by Glucan Phosphatases K. Auger, M. Raththagala, C. Wilkens, B. Svensson and M. Gentry. Univ. of Kentucky and Tech Univ. of Denmark. LB206 Sorghum as a Biological Model for Studying the Effect of Microbial Interactions on Growth and Metabolic Activity in Mining-Impacted Soil F. Dhawi, R. Datta and R. Wusirika. Michigan Technol. Univ. and King Faisal Univ. Post-translational Modifications LB207 Reactivity of HNO-Induced Modifications and Its Relevance to Phospholamban Function G. Keceli and J.P. Toscano. Johns Hopkins Univ. LB208 Tau Phosphosignatures Discriminate Alzheimer Disease from Other Tauopathies N.T. Seyfried, E. Dammer, R. Ren, M. Gearing, D. Duong, J. Lah and A. Levey. Emory Univ. LB209 Arrest Defective 1 Regulates the Oxidative Stress Response in Human Cells and Mice by Acetylating Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase A S-H. Shin and J-W. Park. Seoul Natl. Univ. Col. of Med. LB210 Resveratrol-Induced Inhibition of Endothelial Cell Growth In Vitro Is Dependent on VACM-1/CUL5 NEDD8ylation Status Z. DeBruine. Hope Col., MI. LB211 Characterization of the Activity and Biological Function of Human Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 9 A. Hadjikyriacou, Y. Yang, M. Bedford and S. Clarke. UCLA and Univ. of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr. LB212 Chemical Tools to Study the Biology of Protein Arginine Phosphorylation J. Fuhrmann, V. Subramanian and P.R. Thompson. The Scripps Res. Inst., Jupiter, FL and Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. 10 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB213 Unbiased Glycomics in Cardio-pulmonary Disease M. Ishihara, H. Zhang, T. Kumagai, S. Stalnaker, R. Bridger, L. Wells, M. Tiemeyer, M. Reilly and P. Azadi. Univ. of Georgia and Univ. of Pennsylvania. Protein Nonfolding LB214 Molecular Crowding Effects on the CyaA Toxin RTX Domain: Implication for Toxin Secretion A. Chenal, A.C. Sotomayor Pérez, O. Subrini, A. Hessel and D. Ladant. Inst. Pasteur. LB226 Nuclear Export of Spliceosome-Discarded Intermediates Y. Zeng and J. Staley. Univ. of Chicago. LB227 Effects of miR-99b and miR-365 on Osteoclast Differentiation C.A. Francis, A. Delany, N. Dole and N. Griggs. Defiance Col., OH and Univ. of Connecticut Hlth. Ctr. LB228 Exploring the Requirement for the CCR4-NOT Deadenylase Complex Subunit Regena/NOT2 in MicroRNAMediated Gene Silencing C. Reinke. Linfield Col., OR. Nutrition LB215 Three-Dimensional Domain Swapping in the α Subunit of Tryptophan Synthase K. Michalska, L. Bigelow, M. Endres and A. Joachimiak. Argonne Natl. Lab. ASN Variability in Responses to Diet and Food LB216 Ribosomal Protein L5 Plays a Moonlighting Role in HAC1 mRNA F. Ashish Anshu and M. Dey. Univ. of Wisconsin Milwaukee. LB229 Macrophage Activation Properties of Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from kimchi W. Kim. Grad. Sch. of Biotechnol., Kyung Hee Univ., South Korea. LB217 Molecular Insight on the Relationship between the Opposing Co-chaperones CHIP and HOP J.C. Schisler, K. George, K. Cottingim, K. Makaroff, H. Zhang, H. McDonough, C. Patterson, C.E. Rubel and R.C. Page. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Miami Univ., OH. LB230 Gender and Age Differences in the Effectiveness of the Medifast 4 & 2 & 1 Meal Replacement Plan for Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults: A Retrospective Chart Review of 21 Medifast Weight Control Centers C. Coleman, J. Kiel, K. Davis, A. Mitola and L. Arterburn. Medifast Inc., Owings Mills, MD and Independent Scholar. LB218 The Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure on α-Synuclein Fibrils Probed by NMR J.L. Silva, M.S. Freitas, D. Foguel and C. Cruzeiro-Silva. Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro. RNA LB219 Structural Basis of HIV-1 Genome Recognition via Viral RNA-Protein Interaction A.T. Florwick, G. Carter, S. Keane and M.F. Summers. HHMI, Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County. LB220 Transcriptional Evidence for Failed Reinnervation in Aging Muscle S aare, T. Gove, M. Vuda and R.T. Hepple. McGill Univ. LB221 Identifying Transcriptional Changes in a Conditional Knockout Mouse R.L. Burgan, D.R. Dries and G. Yu. Juniata Col., PA and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr. LB222 Synthesis of Fluorescently-Labeled Tobacco Etch Virus RNA and Its Interactions with Pokeweed Antiviral Protein D.J. Rodriguez and A.V. Domashevskiy. John Jay Col. of Criminal Justice, NY. LB223 Analysis of 5’ and 3’ snoRNA Termini Maturation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Z. Matuszek, S.A. Szczepaniak and J. Kufel. Univ. of Warsaw. LB224 RNA Distribution during Flock House Virus Infection R. Gopal, J.R. Short and A. Schneemann. The Scripps Res. Inst. LB225 miR-142-3p Is a Regulator of the TGFβ-Mediated Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype H. Kang and S. Kim. Incheon Natl. Univ. and Daegu-Gyeongbuk Med. Innovation Fndn., South Korea. LB231 Intermittent Fasting of High-Fat Diet Increases Hypothalamic Norepinephrine and Improves Metabolic Parameters in Obese Mice J.D. Gotthardt, J.L. Verpeut, B.L. Yeomans, T.A. Roepke and N.T. Bello. Rutgers Univ. LB232 Seasonal Variation of Taste Recognition Threshold in Young Females N. Aso-Someya, T. Kanazawa and F. Kudo. Chiba Prefect. Univ. of Hlth. Sci., Japan. LB233 Anti-inflammatory Dietary Intervention Selectively Improves Insulin Sensitivity in Metabolically Unhealthy Overweight Adolescents A.M. McMorrow, R.M. Connaughton, F.C. McGillicuddy, M.L. Healy, E.F. Roche, F.E. Lithander and H.M. Roche. University Col. Dublin, St James’ Hosp., Trinity Col. Dublin and Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Nutr., Univ. of Canberra. LB234 Combination of Anti-inflammatory Nutrients Shows Synergistic Potential at Modulating ProiInflammatory Cytokines in an In Vitro Setting R.M. Connaughton, A.M. Kirwan, A.M. McMorrow, F.C. McGillicuddy, F.E. Lithander and H.M. Roche. University Col. Dublin and Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Nutr., Univ. of Canberra. LB235 The Effect of Dietary Glycemic Properties on Markers of Inflammation, Insulin Resistance and Body Composition in Postmenopausal Women J.D. Bihuniak, V. Stojkovic, C. Simpson, R. Sullivan, A. Cusano and K. Insogna. Yale Univ., Uconn, Storrs and Univ. of Liège, Belgium. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB236 Analysis of Correlational Validity between OGTT Results and a Carbohydrate Intolerance Questionnaire K. Levers, E. Galvan, A. Coletta, R. Dalton, Y.P. Jung, A. O’Connor, C. Goodenough, S. Simbo, M. Koozehchian, B. Sanchez, C. Rasmussen, M. Greenwood, C.P. Earnest and R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ. LB237 Establishing Regression Parameters to Simplify Determination of Carbohydrate Intolerance K. Levers, C. Rasmussen, M. Greenwood, C.P. Earnest and R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ. LB238 Effects of Pre-workout Supplement on Strength, Anaerobic Power, and Body Composition Y.P. Jung, M. Cho, A. O’Connor, C. Chang, M. Koozehchian, C. Goodenough, N. Barringer, F. Ayadi, D. Walker, S. Simbo, E. Galvan, R. Dalton, K. Levers, E. Garcia, C. Mitchell, C. Rasmussen, M. Greenwood, P. Murano, C.P. Earnest and R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ. and Nutrabolt Corp., Bryan, TX. LB239 Effects of 8 Weeks Ingestion of a Pre-workout Supplement with and without Synephrine on Cognitive Function, and Perceptions of Readiness to Perform Y.P. Jung, M. Cho, A. O’Connor, C. Chang, M. Koozehchian, C. Goodenough, N. Barringer, F. Ayadi, D. Walker, S. Simbo, E. Galvan, R. Dalton, K. Levers, E. Garcia, C. Mitchell, C. Rasmussen, M. Greenwood, P. Murano, C. Earnest and R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ. and Nutrabolt Corp., Bryan, TX. LB240 Influence of Metabolic Genotyping on Weight Loss and Body Composition in Women Participating in a 6 Month Diet and Exercise Program: Preliminary Findings B. Sanchez, A. Coletta, E. Galvan, R. Dalton, A. O’Connor, M. Koozehchian, A. Reyes, C. Goodenough, M. Cho, Y.P. Jung, K. Levers, S. Simbo, S. Springer, L. Wilkins, C. Rasmussen and R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ. and Interleukin Genetics, Waltham, MA. LB241 Influence of Obesity-Related Genotype on Weight Loss Success and Body Composition Changes while Participating in a 3-Month Exercise and Weight Loss Program: Preliminary Findings A. Coletta, B. Sanchez, A. O’Connor, R. Dalton, S. Springer, M. Koozehchian, Y.P. Jung, S. Simbo, M. Cho, C. Goodenough, A. Reyes, E. Galvan, K. Levers, K. Wilkins, C. Rasmussen and R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ. and Interleukin Genetics, Waltham, MA. LB242 Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on DNA Methylation of Selected Genes in the PREDIMED-Valencia Intervention Trial D. Corella, J.M. Ordovas, J.V. Sorli, E.M. Asensio, C. Ortega, P. Carrasco, O. Portoles and O. Coltell. Valencia Univ., USDA at Tufts Univ. and Univ. Jaume I, Spain. LB243 Transgenerational Effects on the Feeding Behavior of the Offspring E. Silva-Filha, T.J. Costa, B.S. Farias, P.S.C. Santos, M.N.S. Santana, F.N. Macedo, R.V. Santos and V.J. Santana-Filho. Estácio de Sá, Aracaju and Fed. Univ. of Sergipe, Brazil. 11 LB244 Changes in fMRI Hypothalamic Activity via Intrinsic Oscillations after Intake of Regular Soda, Diet Soda or Water during a Meal S. Bravo, J. Lowndes and J.M. Rippe. Rippe Lifestyle Inst., Celebration, FL. LB245 Sucrose Solution Intake and Its Schedule of Access Affect the Response to Chronic Variable Stress in Mice N. Zeeni, N. Gharibeh, N. Darcel, G. Fromentin, D. Tome and C. Chaumontet. Lebanese American Univ., AgroParisTech and INRA, Paris. LB246 Correlation between Diet Macronutrients and Metabolic plus Cardiovascular Abnormalities in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats S.A. Oliveira Junior, C.R. Padovani, S.A. Rodrigues, N.R. Silva, P.F. Martinez, D.H.S. Campos, M.P. Okoshi, K. Okoshi and A.C. Cicogna. Fed. Univ. of Mato Grosso do Sul and Botucatu Med. Sch., Univ. of Sao Paulo State Univ. LB247 Gastric Clearance Does Not Influence Glycemic Response to Cranberry Juice in Metabolic Syndrome Subjects R.A. Dahl, F.M. Mann, T.L. Hooks and T.W. Wilson. Winona State Univ. LB248 Effects of 28 Days of Two Creatine Nitrate-Based Dietary Supplements on Body Composition and Exercise Performance in Recreationally Active Males E. Galvan, D. Walker, S. Simbo, A. O’Connor, C. Goodenough, R. Dalton, K. Levers, N. Barringer, M. Cho, M. Koozehchian, F. Ayadi, Y.P. Jung, C. Rasmussen, M. Greenwood, P. Murano, C.P. Earnest and R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ. and Nutrabolt Corp., Bryan, TX. LB249 Impact of Arginine Supplementation on Hormonal Levels in Trained Endurance Athletes during Recovery Period M. Koozehchian, A. Moosakhani, R. Soori, L. Zuo, M. Shariatzadeh, F. Moosakhani and R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ., Tehran Univ., The Ohio State Univ., Inst. of Iran and Azad Univ., Iran. LB250 Acute Hemodynamic, Hematologic and Dose Effects of Ingesting Two Creatine Nitrate-Based Dietary Supplements E. Galvan, Y.P. Jung, M. Cho, A. O’Connor, C. Chang, M. Koozehchian, C. Goodenough, N. Barringer, F. Ayadi, D. Walker, S. Simbo, R. Dalton, K. Levers, E. Garcia, C. Mitchell, C. Rasmussen, M. Greenwood, P. Murano, C.P. Earnest and R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ. and Nutrabolt Corp., Bryan, TX. LB251 Characterization of Vanilla Taste Preference H.N. Nelson, K.M. Lange, S.R. Hunter, A.E. O’Bert and T. Wilson. Winona State Univ. LB252 Characterization of Vanilla Olfactory Preference A.E. O’Bert, K.M. Lange, H.N. Nelson, S.R. Hunter, J.M. Connell, I.L. Kluver, T.Y. Villari and T. Wilson. Winona State Univ. LB253 Identifying New Targets and Biomarkers for Nutritional Interventions with Global Metabolomics E. Karoly. Metabolon Inc., Durham. NC. 12 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB254 Effects of an Exercise and Diet-Induced Weight Loss Program on Resistin and Visfatin in Sedentary Obese Women D. Khanna, E. Galvan, C. Baetge, K. Levers, S. Simbo, M. Byrd, P.Y. Jung, M. Koozehchian, C. Rasmussen, M. Greenwood and R. Kreider. Texas A&M Univ. LB264 A Cluster RCT Evaluating the Effect of Iodized Salt on Infant Development in Amhara Region of Ethiopia H. Mohammed, G.S. Marquis, F.E. Aboud, K. Bougma and A. Samuel. Sch. of Dietetics & Human Nutr., McGill Univ. and Ethiopian Publ. Hlth. Inst. ASN Nutrition on Healthy Growth, Development and Reproduction LB265 The Risk of Overweight and Insufficient Dietary Intake among Children in Low-Income Family in South Korea J. Min, J.R. Lee and H. Lim. Korea Inst. of Child Care and Educ., Seoul andGrad. Sch. of East-West Med. Sci., Kyung Hee Univ. LB255 Pregnancy Outcome and Breastfeeding Pattern among Vegans, Vegetarians and Non-vegetarians R. Pawlak, Q. Ding and M. Savyanhadi. East Carolina Univ. and California State Univ. San Bernadino. LB256 DHA/EPA Consumption by Pregnant Women in Louisiana C.A. Thaxton, M.L. Drewery, A.V. Gaitan, R. Pinkston, E. Seidemann, K. Elkind-Hirsch, H.A. Durham and C.J. Lammi-Keefe. Sch. of Nutr. and Food Sci., LSU., Woman’s Hosp., Pennington Biomed. Res. Ctr. and LSU AgCtr., Baton Rouge. LB257 Maternal Low Protein Diet Leads to Dysregulation of Placental iNKT Cells and M1/M2 Macrophage Ratio, Body Weight Loss in Male, Neonate Sprague-Dawley Rats and Increased UCP1 Mediated Thermogenesis E. Vomhof-DeKrey, J.N. Roemmich and K.J. Claycombe. USDA, Grand Forks. LB258 Sex-Specific Metabolic Alterations in Offspring of Mice Exposed Prenatally to Particulate Matter from Petrodiesel Combustion N.K. Fukagawa, T.L. Jetton, M. Peshavaria, E.A. Bonney, M.E. Poynter and B.A. Holmen. Univ. of Vermont Col. of Med. and Sch. of Engin. LB259 Prepregnancy Vitamin D Deficiency and Placental Development in Mice A.D. Gernand, M.T. Cantorna, F.J. Diaz, L.M. Snyder, J.M. Hester, S. Vasudevan, M.M. Kamat and T.L. Ott. Penn State. LB260 Dietary Inflammatory Index during Pregnancy and Maternal Systemic Inflammation S. Sen, S. Rifas-Shiman, N. Shivappa, M. Wirth, J. Hebert, D. Gold, M. Gillman and E. Oken. Brigham and Women’s Hosp., Harvard Pilgrim Hlth. Care Inst., Univ. of South Carolina and Harvard Sch. of Publ. Hlth. LB261 Dietary IGF-Activated Plasma Protein Alleviates Intestine Dystrophy by Induction of Tight Junction Protein in Early Weaned Rats M. Kwak, J. Kim, H-K. Kim, D-J. Ha and K-Y. Whang. Grad. Sch., Korea Univ. and CTC BIO, Seoul. LB262 n-6 Fatty Acids Instead of n-3 and Saturated Fatty Acids Correlate with Body Fat Distribution from Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue to Visceral Adipose Tissue in Healthy and Overweight Subjects J. Jiao and S. Zhu. Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Sch. of Med., Zhejiang Univ., China. LB263 Oxidative Stress, Nutrient Intake, and Red Blood Cell Membrane Fatty Acid Profiles of Women with and without Fertility Issues N.S. Litwin, N.A. Assad, W.A. Clark, R. Mohseni, S. Zheng, T. Ferrell and R.J. Santos-Prowse. East Tennessee State Univ. and Quillen Col. of Med. ASN Disease Prevention, Progression and Treatment LB266 Frequency of Metabolic Syndrome in a Sample of Brazilian Institutionalized Elderly L.F.C. Pedrosa, M.C. Sales, K.C.M. Sena-Evangelista, L.P. Oliveira, T.M.A.M. Lemos, A.C.S. Santos and K.C. Lima. Fed. Univ. of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. LB267 Healthy Eating Index Scores Are Associated with Inflammatory Markers in Breast Cancer Survivors K. Arnold, R. Andridge, A. Logan, L. Yee, M. Lustberg and T. Orchard. The Ohio State Univ. LB268 Sasa quelpaertensis Leaf Extract Inhibits Colon Cancer by Suppressing Colon Cancer Stemness In Vitro and In Vivo E. Kim, S.J. Min, J.Y. Lim, Y-S. Kim, K-M. Kim, H-C. Ko, S-J. Kim and Y. Kim. Ewha Womans Univ. and Jeju Natl. Univ., South Korea. LB269 Low-Intensity Ultrasound Enhances Histon Acetylation and Improves Anti-inflammatory Effects by Short Chain Fatty Acid Treatments in Human Dermal Fibroblasts N. Maeshige, Y. Koga, J. Takegaki, M. Tanaka, M. Aoyama-Ishikawa, M. Miyoshi, M. Usami and H. Fujino. Kobe Univ. Grad. Sch. of Hlth. Sci. LB270 Blueberry Supplementation Attenuates Inflammation and Oxidative Stress and Increases Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Brains of Middle-Aged Mice Consuming a High Fat Diet A.N. Carey, K. Gildawie, C. Gilman, A. Rovnak and B. Shukitt-Hale. Simmons Col. and USDA at Tufts Univ. LB271 Effects of Green Tea and Coffee Polyphenols on Cardiometabolic Function in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome V.B. Tomatis, S. Wassell, M.C. Venables, C.G. Walker, S. Ray, M. Siervo, J.L. Griffin and L.C. Bluck. MRC Human Nutr. Res. and Univ. Cambridge. LB272 Association between Omega-3 Index and Type 2 Diabetes in Older Overweight/Obese People Is Sex Dependent M.L. Garg, K. Abbott, M. Veysey, M. Lucock, S. Niblett, K. King and T. Burrows. Univ. of Newcastle, Australia. LB273 Resveratrol-Induced Browning of White Adipose Tissue: Macrophages in the Loop S. Rayalam, R.V.R. Mula, E. Karam and R. Shashidharamurthy. Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med., Sch. of Pharm., Suwanee, GA. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB274 Isoproterenol Induces Beiging and Thermogenesis in Mature 3T3-L1 Adipocytes C.N. Miller, J-Y. Yang, E.R. England, A. Yin, V. Gajjar and S. Rayalam. Univ. of Georgia and Philadelphia Col. of Osteo. Med., Sch. of Pharm., Suwanee, GA. LB275 Sedentary Behavior and CVD Risk Factors in Year 25 of the CARDIA Study K.C. Carpenter, M.A. Pereira, A.O. Odegaard, D.R. Jacobs, B. Sternfeld, J. Reis and K.P. Gabriel. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Univ. of California, Irvine, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA, NHLBI, NIH and Univ. of Texas Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Austin. LB276 Systemic Nitric Oxide Production is Increased in Children with Sickle Cell Disease Receiving Fortified Supplementary Food A.I. Marealle, J. Makani, A.M. Prentice, A.R. Kamuhabwa, P. Sasi, O. Minzi, M. Siervo, S.E. Cox and S. Wassell. Muhimbili Univ. of Hlth. and Allied Sci., Tanzania, London Sch. of Hyg. and Trop. Med., Sch. of Global Hlth., Nagasaki Inst. of Trop. Med. and MRC Human Nutr. Res., Cambridge. LB277 Web-Based Child Health Promotion Program in South Korea Collaborating with U.S. NASA: Behavioral Changes in Diet and Physical Activity in Preschool Children J. Kim, H. Lim, J. Min and Y. Wang. Grad. Sch. of East-West Med. Sci., Kyung Hee Univ., Korea Inst. of Child Care and Educ., Seoul and Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY. LB278 Intestinal Anti-inflammatory Activity of Ginger Extract: Unveiling the Mechanisms in Colonic Epithelial Cells J.Y. Kim and D.M. Kim. Seoul Natl. Univ. of Sci. and Technol. LB279 Effects of Caffeine on Peroxynitrite-Mediated DNA Strand Breakage A.B.P. Velayutham, J. McCormick and Z. Jia. Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro and Col. of Hlth., Univ. of Utah. LB280 Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG) Inhibits RANTES/CCL5 Induced MMP-1 and MMP-13 Expression in Human Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial Fibroblasts S. Agere, N. Akhtar, S. Riegsecker and S. Ahmed. Col. of Pharm., Washington State Univ. and Col. of Pharm., Univ. of Toledo, LB281 Low Dietary Intakes of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Niacin Are Associated with Schizophrenia in Korean Adults S.Y. Lim, S-W. Kim and S.J. Yang. Chonnam Natl. Univ. and Chonnam Natl. Univ. Med. Sch., South Korea. LB282 DMSO Represses Inflammatory Cytokine Production from Human Blood Cells and Reduces Autoimmune Arthritis I. Elisia, H. Nakamura, R. Cederberg, L. Lee, V. Lam, H. Adomat, E. Guns, J. Cait, M. Hughes, K. McNagny, I. Samudio and G. Krystal. British Columbia Cancer Agcy., Vancouver Gen. Hosp. and Univ. of British Columbia. LB283 Effects of Raspberry on Biomarkers of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Oxidative Stress in Obese Diabetic (db/db) Mice L.M. Atienza, E. Garcia Perez and G. Noratto. Washington State Univ. and Col. of Human Ecol., Univ. of the Philippines Los Banos. 13 LB284 Effect of the Complex Extracts of Lotus/Turmeric in Accordance with Medical Nutrition Therapy in Subjects with Borderline Dyslipidemia H. Lee and H. Lim. Grad. Sch. of EastWest Med. Sci. and Res. Inst. of Med. Nutr., Kyung Hee Univ., South Korea. LB285 Improvement of Biochemical Parameters in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats after the Leaves Hydroethanolic Extract of Yacon Treatment K.C. dos Santos, B.G. Bueno, L.F. Pereira, F.V. Francisqueti, I.O. Minatel and C.R. Corrêa. Botucatu Med. Sch., Sao Paulo. LB286 Intake of Fish and n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Risk of Cognitive Deficit from Mild Impairment to Severe Disease: Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of 24 Independent Cohort Studies Y. Zhang and J. Jiao. Col. of Biosyst. Engin. and Food Sci., Zhejiang Univ. and Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Sch. of Med., Zhejiang Univ., China. LB287 Does Stage of Change Mediate the Impact of a Motivator to Increase Activity Levels among College Students? J.L. Badger, J.S. Morrell, M. Biondolillo, D. Pillemer and S. Cook. Univ. of New Hampshire. LB288 Grape Powder Reverses Deleterious Effects of GLP1 Receptor Antagonism on Oral Glucose Tolerance in Mice T.C. Haufe, A.D. Gilley, K.M. Goodrich, C.M. Ryan, A.T. Smithson and A. Neilson. VPI and State Univ. LB289 Adipose Angiotensinogen Overexpression Promotes Adipose Associated Inflammation and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress L. Ramalingam, M. LeMieux, S. Scoggin, Z. Adrovet, N. Kalupahana and N. Moustaïd-Moussa. Texas Tech Univ. and Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. LB290 L- Cysteine Supplementation Increases Adiponectin Synthesis and Secretion by Upregulating Disulfide Bond A-Like Protein in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes Exposed to High Glucose A.E. Achari and S.K. Jain. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Shreveport. LB291 Cognition and Synaptic-Plasticity Related Changes in Aged Rats Supplemented with 8- and 10-Carbon Medium Chain Triglycerides D. Wang, A. Pannerec, J. Feige, N. Christinat, M. Masoodi and E. Mitchell. Nestle Inst. of Hlth. Sci., Lausanne. LB292 Providing Insight into Complex Disease: Metabolomics Links Genetic Loci to Phenotype R. Mohney and M. Milburn. Metabolon Inc., Durham, NC. LB293 Effects of Canola and Vegetable Oil Blends on Reactive Hyperemia Index in Adults at Risk for Metabolic Syndrome S.G. West, C.E. McCrea, P.M. Kris-Etherton, X. Liu, J.A. Fleming, D.J. Jenkins, P.W. Connelly, B. Lamarche, P. Couture and P.J. Jones. Penn State, St. Michael’s Hosp. Res. Inst., Toronto, Laval Univ., Quebec City and Univ. of Manitoba. LB294 Effect of Phenethyl Isothiocyanate on p21Waf1/Cip1 Regulation of Cell Cycle Arrest in Pancreatic Cancer Cells R.C. Brebberman and S.D. Stan. Purdue Univ. 14 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB295 Waist Circumference Percentile Values of a Sample of Mexican Children Compared to Mexican American and Spanish References M.R. Arellano, R. Ferrer and M.C. Caamaño. Autonomous Univ. of Queretaro, Mexico. LB306 Determine Entry-Level Registered Dietitian Nutritionist’s Practices in and Barriers to Participation in Advocacy and Nutrition-Related Policies V.C. Mondelli, D. Sowa, S. Foley and Y. Chen. Rush Univ. Med. Ctr. ASN Nutrition-Related Behaviors LB307 Changes in Food Group and Nutrient Intakes following a DNA-Based Dietary Advice Intervention for Sodium Intake D.E. Nielsen and A. El-Sohemy. Univ. of Toronto and Nutrigenomix Inc., Toronto. LB296 Reduced Sedentary Time and Associated Changes in Dietary Quality and Caloric Intake K. Jepson, S. Rosenkranz, E. Mailey and R. Rosenkranz. Kansas State Univ. LB297 Liquid versus Solid Added Sugar Intake and Measures of Adiposity among U.S. Teens C. Brumme and J.A. Welsh. Emory Univ., Emory Univ. Sch. of Med. and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. LB308 Physical Activity, Body Image and Body Mass Index: ELSA Brasil Cohort C.G. Coelho, S.M. Barreto, L. Giatti, M.B. Molina and M.A.A. Nunes. Fed. Univ. of Ouro Preto, Fed. Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul, Fed. Univ. of Espírito Santo and Fed. Univ. of Minas Gerais, Brazil. LB298 Gender Differences in Associations between Foods Away-from-Home Consumption and BMI among Chinese Adults W. Du, H. Wang and B. Zhang. Chinese Ctr. for Dis. Control and Prevent. LB309 Effects of Walnut Consumption on Mood in Young Adults P. Pribis, R.N. Bailey, M. Hernandez, T. Grajales and J. Sabate. Univ. of New Mexico, Andrews Univ., MI and Loma Linda Univ. LB299 Effects of Moderate Alcohol Intake on Markers of Liver Function in a Large Representative Sample of the U.S. Population S. Agarwal, H.R. Lieberman and V.L. Fulgoni III. NutriSci. LLC, East Norriton, PA, ORISE, Belcamp, MD, U.S. Army Res. Inst. of Envrn. Med., Natick, MA and Nutr. Impact LLC, Battle Creek. LB310 The Relationship between Vitamin D Deficiency, Anxiety, and Depression A.A. Alatram. Col. of Med., Majmaah Univ., Saudi Arabia. LB300 Nudging Adolescents towards Plant-Based Foods within a School Food Environment H. Ensaff, M. Homer, P. Sahota, D. Braybrook, S. Coan and H. McLeod. Sch. of Hlth. & Wellbeing , Leeds Beckett Univ., Sch. of Educ., Univ. of Leeds and Leeds City Council. LB301 Plant-Based Foods: Adolescents’ Perceptions and the Consequent Implications for Policy and Practice H. Ensaff, S. Coan, P. Sahota, D. Braybrook, H. Akter and H. McLeod. Sch. of Hlth. & Wellbeing , Leeds Beckett Univ. and Leeds City Council. LB302 Daily Consumption of Fructose for 15 Weeks Leads to Metabolic Disorders and Impaired Renal Function without Cause Obesity F.V. Francisqueti, I.R. Betti, I.O. Minatel, A.T. Ferron, K.C. Santos, A.F. Nascimento, V.S. Silva and C.R. Correa. Botucatu Med. Sch., Estacio Col. Vitoria and Fed. Univ. of Mato Grosso, Brazil. LB303 Association of Lunch Meat Consumption and Diet Quality in U.S. Children and Adults: NHANES 2007-2010. V.L. Fulgoni, S. Agarwal and E.P. Berg. Nutrition Impact LLC, NutriSci. LLC and North Dakota State Univ. LB304 Hydration Status and Voluntary Fluid Intake in CollegeAge Gymnasts Training in a Hot Environment H. Hasegawa, T. Fujihara, M. Mukumoto, H. Tawara and K. Okamura. Osaka Univ. of Hlth. and Sport Sci. LB305 The Preference and Intake Frequency of Processed Food among University Students by Residence Type S-Y. Kim, M-K. Choi and S-J. Kim. Kongju Natl. Univ., South Korea. LB311 Quality of Diet and Body Mass Index are Factors Involved in DNA Damage in Human Lymphocytes C.R. Corrêa, L.C. Talon, D.T. Pierine, F.V. Francisqueti, I.O. Minatel, K.C. Santos, V.S. Nunes, A.L.A. Ferreira and J.E. Corrente. Botucatu Med. Sch., Sao Paulo. LB312 Methodological Quality of Meta-analyses on the Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease J.D. Bihuniak, T.B. Huedo-Medina, M. Garcia, J. Kerstetter and A. Kenny. Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs and UConn Hlth., Framingham. LB313 Processed Food and the Impact of Sodium A.M. Brito and M. Spinelli. Mackenzie Presbyterian Univ., Sao Paulo. LB314 Early Sleep Midpoints are Associated with Increased Fruit, Water, and Fiber Intakes and Decreased Discretionary Calories in a Young Adult Cohort A.L. Parker and J.S. Morrell. Univ. of New Hampshire. LB315 How Does Inaccurate Perception of Weight Compared to Actual BMI Status Affect the Diet Score of College Students? J.I. Querido and J.S. Morrell. Univ. of New Hampshire. ASN Food Supply and Environment LB316 A Comparison of Food Supply Over the Recent 25 Years and Degree of Dietary Westernization in Taiwan with Asian Countries and World Continents C-J. Peng and H-R. Guo. Col. of Med., Natl. Cheng Kung Univ., Chi-Mei Med. Ctr. and Natl. Cheng Kung Univ. Hosp., Tainan. LB317 Contaminations of Iron and Aluminum through Food Processing in Tamale Metropolis of Northern Ghana C.K. Kubuga, A.M. Ofosu, C.F. Boateng and W.O. Song. Michigan State Univ. and Univ. for Develop. Studies, Tamale, Ghana. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program 15 LB318 Where do U.S. Households Shop? Understanding the Sociodemographic Characteristics that Predict Shopping Pattern Membership D. Stern, S.W. Ng and B.M. Popkin. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. LB330 Assessing the Content and Daily Intake of Sodium from Instant Ramen in Korean Adolescents and Adults Y-Y. Kim, M-K. Choi and Y-J. Bae. Kongju Natl. Univ. and Shinhan Univ., South Korea. LB319 A Novel Infant Nutrition System Precisely Delivers Hygienic Reconstituted Formula J. Yan, S. Pecquet, H. Wyss and P. Steenhout. Nestlé Nutr. R&D, U.S. and Nestlé, Switzerland. LB331 The Effects of Folic Acid-Fortified Food and Nutrition Education on Folate Nutritional Status and Behavioral Capability in Korean Women of Child-Bearing Age T. Hyun, M-J. Kim, J-H. Kim, Y-A. Jang, K. Kim and Y. Lee. Chungbuk Natl. Univ., R&D Ctr., Nongshim, Baewha Women’s Univ. and Shingu Col., South Korea. LB320 Parents’ Purchases of Kids’ Meals for Children S.H. Lee-Kwan, S. Park, L.C. McGuire, L.M. Maynard and H.M. Blanck. Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent. ASN Vitamins, Minerals, and Bioactives LB321 Vitamin D3, 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3, and 1α-Hydroxyvitamin D3 Modulate Fiber Type Distribution in Bicep Femoris of Growing Rats M.Y. Park, J. Kim and K-Y. Whang. Grad. Sch., Korea Univ. LB322 MicroRNAs in Chicken Eggs Are Bioavailable in Healthy Adults and Can Modulate mRNA Expression in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells S.R. Baier, K.M. Howard, J. Cui, J. Shu and J. Zempleni. Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln. LB323 German Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) Extract and Its Major Polyphenols Inhibit Intestinal α-Glycosidases In Vitro J.A. Villa-Rodriguez, A. Kerimi, L. Abranko and G. Williamson. Sch. of Food Sci. and Nutr., Univ. of Leeds. LB324 Comparison of Phenolic Acids on Alleviating HighFat and High-Fructose Diet-Induced Metabolic Dysfunctions O. Wang, D. Zhang, Q. Cheng, J. Liu, X. Guo and B. Ji. China Agr. Univ., Jiangsu Univ. and China Natl. Res. Inst. of Food & Ferment. Indust. LB325 Dietary Supplement Use among the Undergraduate College Population H.J. Freeman, L.C. Kam and S.R. Harris. Case Western Reserve Univ. LB326 Increased Ferric Iron Species in Lactic Fermented Vegetables May Improve Iron Absorption N. Scheers, L. Rossander-Hulthen, I. Torsdottir and A. Sandberg. Chalmers Univ. of Technol. and Sahlgrenska Acad., Univ. of Gothenburg, Sweden and Univ. of Iceland and Natl. Univ. Hosp., Reykjavik. LB327 Enhancement of Influenza Vaccine-Induced Antibody Titers with Active Hexose Correlated Compound R. Wang and S. Kudo. Maypro Industries LLC., Purchase, NY and Amino Up Chem. Co. Ltd., Sapporo. LB328 Targeted Deletion of Selenium Transport and Recycling Pathways in Mice: Neurological and Metabolic Consequences M.J. Berry, L.A. Seale, P. Kremer, A. Ogawa, A.C. Hashimoto and M.W. Pitts. Univ. of Hawaii at Manoa. LB329 Age and Sex Analysis on the Relationship between Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Hypertension in General Korean Population D. Kim and J. Kim. Grad. Sch. of East-West Med. Sci. and Res. Inst. of Med. Nutr., Kyung Hee Univ., South Korea. LB332 Nutrient Composition of ‘Kunnu-Zaki’ Beverage Fortified with Blends of Groundnut (Arachis hypogeal), Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus) and Brown Rice (Oryza sativa) N.M. Olyalawuba and O.J. Ibe. Imo State Univ., Nigeria. LB333 Modulation of Adipogenesis Using Citric Acids Cycle Metabolites and Vitamin C via Controlling TET Protein Activity Y. Yoo, J.H. Park and Y.J. Park. Ewha Womans Univ., South Korea. LB334 Effect of Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation in Patients with Statin-Related Myalgia P. Mazirka, E. Jones, P. Strachan, M.A. McNurlan, W.E. Lawson and G. Caso. Stony Brook Univ. Med. Ctr. and Rutgers, Robert Wood Johnson Med. Sch. LB335 The Characteristics of Young Children According to Dietary Supplement Use in Infancy: Data from the KNHANES IV and V (2009-2012) K. Kwon, J.E. Shim and H.Y. Paik. Seoul Natl. Univ. and Daejeon Univ. LB336 Calcein’s Quenching In Vitro Method for Assessing Dietary Iron Bioavailability S. Ye, S. Armah, Q. Xu and M. Reddy. Iowa State Univ. LB337 Changes in Heart of Wistar-Induced Morphology by Associate Fructose Consumption and Curcuma longa A.T. Ferron, F. Francisqueti, I. Betti, I. Minatel, A. Nascimento, K. Santos and C. Corrêa. Estacio Col. Vitoria, Botucatu Med. Sch. and Fed. Univ. of Mato Grosso, Brazil; LB338 Bioactive Micronutrients in Seven Species of Passiflora from Brazil M.P.M. Camacho, D. Villamil, K. Mônaco, C.R. Corrêa, G.L.P. Pereira and M.L. Chau. Sao Paulo State Univ. and Botucatu Med. Sch., Sao Paulo. LB339 Anti-hyperglycemic Effect and Mode of Action of Palatinose In Vitro and Animal Models J-Y. Lee, H-Y. Choi, Y. Kang, C-S. Park, Y-C. Kim and Y-I. Kwon. Hannam Univ. and Kyung Hee Univ., South Korea and Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. LB340 Effect of a High Folic Acid Diet on Telomere Length of Colonic Mucosa in Mice L. Paul, H. Sawaengsri, C. Reginaldo and J. Selhub. USDA and Friedman Sch. of Nutr., Tufts Univ. LB341 Profiling the Metabolome Changes Caused by Cranberry Proanthocyanidins in Female Rats Using a UPLC-Q Exactive-MS Based Global Metabolomics Approach H. Liu, T.J. Garrett and L. Gu. Univ. of Florida and Col. of Med., Univ. of Florida. 16 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB342 Effects of Valerian/Hop Mixture on Sleep Quality in Vertebrate and Invertebrate Model K. Jo, K-B. Hong, Y. Park and H.J. Suh. Korea Univ., Seoul. LB343 Protective Effect of Germinated and Fermented Soybean Extract against tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide-Induced Hepatotoxicity in the Rats E.Y. Kim, Y. Park and H.J. Suh. Korea Univ.,, Seoul. LB344 Supplementation of Lactulose Modulates Intestinal Environment K.M. Kim, K. Han, J.H. Kim, H.J. Suh and Y. Park. Korea Univ. and Neo Cremar Co. Ltd., Sungnam, South Korea. LB345 Disruption and Proteome Alterations of Escherichia coli Induced by a Novel Antimicrobial Peptide from Tibetan Kefir J. Miao, G. Liu, F. Chen, S. Duan, Y. Chen, X. Gao, W. Dixon, H. Xiao and Y. Cao. Col. of Food Sci., South China Agr. Univ. and Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. LB346 Vitamin C Supplementation and Immune System: A Metaregression Analysis on Leukocyte Chemotactic Responsiveness M.G. Vecchio, C. Minto and D. Gregori. Zeta Research Ltd., Trieste and Univ. of Padova. LB347 Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Serum Adiponectin: A Metaregression Analysis of Clinical Trials C. Minto, M.G. Vecchio and D. Gregori. Univ. of Padova and Zeta Research Ltd., Trieste. LB348 Effects of Zinc Supplementation on Cardiac Remodeling after Experimental Myocardial Infarction A.F. Gonçalves, P. Santos, B. Rafacho, R. Silva, D. Batista, R. Claro, S. Bazan, K. Okoshi, B. Polegato, P. Gaiolla, M. Minicucci, S. Paiva, F. Chiuso-Minicucci and L. Zornoff. Botucatu Med. Sch., Sao Paulo State Univ. LB349 Cell Membrane Disruption and DNA Binding of Staphylococcus aureus Induced by Antibacterial Peptide F1 from Tibetan Kefir J. Miao, W. Fan, J. Zhou, G. Liu, F. Chen, Y. Chen, X. Gao, W. Dixon, H. Xiao and Y. Cao. Col of Food Sci., South China Agr. Univ. and Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst. LB350 Reduced Transcobalamin I Gene Expression following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Can Contribute to B12 Deficiency P.C. Sala, N.M. Machado, G. Belarmino, R. Ishida, I. Guarda, D. Giannella-Neto, M.A. Santo, E.G.H. Moura, P. Sakai, I.D.C. Silva, J. Ye, S.B. Heymsfield and D.L. Waitzberg. Pennington Biomed. Res. Ctr., Baton Rouge, Fac. of Med., Univ. of São Paulo, Sch. of Med., Sao Paulo and Fed. Univ. of Sao Paulo. LB351 Effects of a Unique Vitamin C Ingredient on Chronic Knee Complaints S.H. Mitmesser, Z. Zhang and Q. Ye. NBTY Inc., Ronkonkoma, NY and Stony Brook Univ. Col. of Family Med. LB352 Does Habitual Fruit Consumption Modulate Microvascular Endothelial Function in Healthy Human Participants? M. Tsiountsioura, M. Sayegh and S. Ray. MRC Human Nutr. Res., Cambridge. LB353 Effects of Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Markers of Colonic Permeability V. Fedirko, R.M. Bostick, A.T. Gewirtz, H. Tran, E.L. Barry and J.A. Baron. Emory Univ., Georgia State Univ., Geisel Sch. of Med. at Dartmouth and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sch. of Med. LB354 Chrysobalanus icaco L. Anthocyanins Reduced Cell Proliferation and Inflammation in HT-29 Colon Cancer Cells V.P. Venancio, P.A. Cipriano, H. Kim, A.Z. Mercadante, M.P. Bianchi, L.M.G. Antunes, S. Talcott and S.M. Talcott. Univ. of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Texas A&M Univ. and State Univ. of Campinas, Brazil. LB355 Açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) Beverage Preserves Antioxidant and Endothelial Protective Properties against Inflammatory Injuries In Vitro after Pasteurization and Storage L. Azevedo, G. Garcia, H. Kim, S. Mertens-Talcott and S. Talcott. Fed. Univ. of Alfenas, Brazil and Texas A&M Univ. LB356 Serum Zinc Concentrations and Depression in Persons with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection K.C. Poudel and K. Poudel-Tandukar. Sch. of Publ. Hlth. & Hlth. Sci., UMass Amherst. LB357 Human Endothelial Cell Transport Bovine Extracellular Vesicles R.J. Kusuma, T. Friemel and J. Zempleni. Univ. of Nebraska Lincoln. LB358 Cognitive Health in Association to Serum Vitamin Levels within Older Puerto Ricans Cognitive Health in Relation to Serum Vitamin Levels within Older Puerto Ricans R. Wurth, M. Kioumourtzoglou, T. Scott and K. Tucker. Northeastern Univ., Harvard Univ., Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell and Friedman Sch. of Nutr. Sci. and Policy, Tufts Univ. ASN Energy and Nutrient Metabolism LB359 Nutritional Factors in the Genesis of Severe Acne N. Tsoy, G.R. Batpenova and O.G. Tsoy. Med. Univ. Astana, Kazakhstan. LB360 Differential Serving Sizes of High β Glucan Oatmeal Elicit Lower Glycemic Response than Rice Cereal T.M.S. Wolever, A.L. Jenkins, J. Campbell, S. Spruill, R. Black, L. Harkness and J-W. van Klinken. Glycemic Index Labs, Inc., Toronto, Applied Statistics and Consulting, NC and PepsiCo, IL. LB361 Dietary Intake of Antioxidants including Vitamins C, E, and Lycopene among Normal Weight and Obese Native American Adolescents S. Zheng, G. Crosby, M.C. Perez, B.D. Knisley and M. Barth. California Baptist Univ. LB362 Relationship between Expended Energy and Stored Energy as Lean and Adipose Tissues in Growing Rats Y. Tai, T. Fujii, M. Maeda and K. Okamura. Osaka Univ. of Hlth. and Sport Sci. LB363 Resistance Training and Mitochondrial Metabolism K.D. Flack, K.P. Davy, M.W. Hulver, M.I. Frisard, A. Anderson, N. Boutagy, J. Savla, R.A. Winett and B.M. Davy. Virginia Tech, USDA and Pikes Peak Community Col., CO. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB364 Effects of High-Fat Diet Intake and Endurance Training on CLOCK Gene In Rat Skeletal Muscle H. Fujii and C. Tamazaki. Sendai Univ., Japan. LB365 The Effects of Recovery Time from Heat Stress on Circulating Bioenergetic Variables and Biomarkers of Leaky Gut M. Abuajamieh, E.J. Laughlin, S.M. Lei, S.K. Stoakes, E.J. Mayorga, J.T. Seibert, E.A. Nolan, M.V. Sanz-Fernandez, J.W. Ross, J.T. Selsby, R.P. Rhoads and L.H. Baumgard. Iowa State Univ. and Virginia Tech. LB366 Dietary (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Supplementation Counteracts Metabolic Disorders in Senescence-Accelerated Mouse S-J. Chang, H-W. Liu, Y-C. Chan and M-f. Wang. Natl. Cheng Kung Univ. and Providence Univ., Taiwan. LB367 Effects of Bisphenol A and Its Metabolites
 on Lipid and Glucose Metabolism in Differentiated Murine Adipocytes Y. Park, S.Y. Cho and M. Jeong. Korea Univ., Seoul. LB368 No Association between Body Composition and Activity Level in Obese Children and Adolescents Due to Low Overall Activity Level U. Holmbäck, M. Berglund and A. Forslund. Uppsala Univ., Sweden. LB369 Effects of Epigallocatechin Gallate Nanocarriers on Liver Cholesterol Content in LDL Receptor Null Mice J. Cao, J. Zhang, C. Li and S. Wang. Texas Tech Univ. and Nanchang Univ. LB370 The Role of Glucose Metabolism in Cardiac Remodeling Induced by Tobacco Smoke Exposure P.S. Azevedo, V. Ferreira, P. Santos, A. Gonçalves, M. Okoshi, A.A. Fernandes, M. Roscani, B. Polegato, S. Paiva, L. Zornoff and M. Minicucci. São Paulo State Univ., Botucatu Med. Sch. and São Paulo State Univ. Biosci. Inst. LB371 Localization of Gut Microbiota along Longitudinal and Radial Axes in the Healthy Neonatal Piglet D. Lennon, L. Liu, H. Allen, J. Lukosaityte, L. Zhao, E. Li, G. Wang and P. Borum. Univ. of Florida and Univ. of Florida Col. of Med. LB372 Phosphorus Supplementation Recovers the Blunted Diet-Induced Thermogenesis in Overweight and Obese Subjects M. Bassil and O. Obeid. Lebanese American Univ. and American Univ. of Beirut. LB373 Comparing Effects of Native and Nanoencapsulated Epigallocatechin Gallate on Liver Fat Content in LDL Receptor Null Mice C. Li, J. Zhang, S. Nie, J. Cao and S. Wang. Texas Tech Univ. and Nanchang Univ., China. LB374 Children with Epilepsy with Different Baseline Blood Beta-Hydroxybutyrate Have Similar Blood Beta-Hydroxybutyrate and Response on Ketogenic Therapy H. Allen, G. Pacheco, D. Lennon, J. Lukosaityte and P. Borum. Univ. of Florida. LB375 Effects of Korean Rice Cake (Seolgitteok) on Plasma Glucose, Insulin, and Satiety Hormones E. Pottgen, S.H. Yoon, T. Pham, X. Gu, H-S. Seo and S-O. Lee. Univ. of Arkansas and Woosuk Univ., South Korea. 17 LB376 Effect of Resistant Starch and Protein in Energy Bars on Circulating Glucose and Insulin B.J-W. van Klinken, T. Wolever, M. Kaczmarczyk, D. Bolster, A. Jenkins and L. Harkness. PepsiCo, Barrington, IL and GI Labs, Toronto. ASN Community, Public Health and Global Nutrition LB377 Correlates and the Heritability Estimates of Metabolic Syndrome among African Americans: The Jackson Heart Study R.J. Khan, S. Gebreab, P. Crespo, R. Xu, M. Sims and S. Davis. NHGRI, NIH and Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. LB378 Design of Pilot Scale for Measuring the Security of Access to Water in Guanajuato, Mexico R. Monroy Torres, J. Naves-Sánchez and H. Melgar-Quiñonez. Univ. of Guanajuato, Mother and Children Hosp., León, Mexico and Sch. of Dietetics and Human Nutr. MacDonald Campus, McGill Univ. LB379 Human Milk Intake and Pesticide Transfer in Agricultural and Urban Areas of Sonora, Mexico A.T. LimonMiro, M.L. Aldana-Madrid, L.E. Antunez-Roman, G. AlvarezHernandez, G. Rodriguez-Olivarria and M.E. Valencia. Univ. de Sonora, Mexico. LB380 Lipid Profile of Male Firefighters in a Northwest Austin Area Fire Department J. Huang, M.R. Forman, K. Dong, K. Pilles, L. Mangini, J. Stewart, T. Permenter, S. Bsaibes and L.M. Hernandez. Univ. of Texas at Austin. LB381 Differences in Pregnancy Outcome and Its Predictors among Various Nationalities Residing in Kuwait A. Rahman, H. Al-Rashidi and S. Akhtar. Col. of Life Sci., Kuwait Univ., Ministry of Hlth. and Col. of Med., Kuwait Univ. LB382 Nutritional Composition of Complementary Infant Foods: Evidence from 109 Commercially Marketed Products in 22 Low-Income Countries W. Bell, M. Nene and W.A. Masters. Friedman, Sch. of Nutr. Sci. and Policy, Tufts Univ. LB383 Diet and Lifestyle Associations of Stress in Two Older Adult Communities B. Beezhold, S. Benci, C. Earl, A. Irvine, J. Long, N. Nies and J. Schiappa. Benedictine Univ., IL. LB384 Micronutrient Deficiencies Are Still Common among Chinese Children and Adolescents H. Wang, B. Zhang, S. Du and B.M. Popkin. Chinese Ctr. for Dis. Control and Prevent., Beijing and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. LB385 Global Prevalence and Differentials of Continued Breastfeeding at 1 and 2 Years M.C. Kay, M. Bentley and L.S. Adair. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. LB386 The Role of Male Closeness on Black Adolescent Male Weight Status in Father-Present versus Male-Kinship Households A.S. Coleman, J. O’Neil, M. Asencio, C. Caldwell and A.M. Ferris. Univ. of Connecticut Hlth. Ctr., Univ. of Connecticut and Univ. of Michigan. 18 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB387 Prevalence of Genetic Hemoglobin Variants and Relationships with Anemia and Micronutrient Status among Children in Urban Cameroon R. Engle-Stone, M. Nankap, A.O. Ndjebayi, K.H. Brown and R. Green. Univ. of California, Davis, Helen Keller Intl., Cameroon and Bill & Melinda Gates Fndn. LB398 Status of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program – 4 Years since Expansion P. Ohri-Vachaspati, L. Turner and F.J. Chaloupka. Sch. of Nutr. and Hlth. Promotion, Arizona State Univ., Col. of Educ., Boise State Univ. and Univ. of Illinois at Chicato. LB388 Can Iodine Status be Predicted by Food Group Intake? K.W. Lee, W.O. Song and M.S. Cho. Michigan State Univ. and Ewha Womans Univ., South Korea. LB399 Effects of a World Food Program-Sponsored Malnutrition Intervention Program on Undernutrition and Stunting in La Estancia, El Salvador R. Rosales, K. Gosselin and J. Kasper. Harvard Med. Sch., Boston Children’s Hosp. and Massachusetts Gen. Hosp. for Children. LB389 Becoming Food Aware in Hospital: A Narrative Review of Best Practices for a Multi-level Approach to Improve the Culture of Nutrition in Hospital C. Laur, J. McCullough and H. Keller. Univ. of Waterloo and Schlegel-Univ. of Waterloo Res. Inst. for Aging. LB390 Vitamin D and Cognition: Findings from a Mendelian Randomisation Study J. Maddock, A. Cavadino, C. Power, E. Hyppönen and Vitamin D and Cognition. Study Group. MRC Human Nutr. Res., Cambridge, University Col. London and Univ. of South Australian Hlth. and Med. Res. Inst. LB391 A Proposed Epidemiological Approach to Investigate Mechanisms between Diet and Vascular Function J. Maddock, G. Abmrosini, A. Koulman and S. Ray. MRC Human Nutr. Res., Cambridge and Univ. of Western Australia. LB392 Txt4HappyKids: Using Text Messaging to Promote Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Low-Income Families with Young Children:, A Pilot Study J.M. Power, A. Bersamin, D.D. Uliassi and C. Braccio. Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks and Univ. of Minnesota Sch. of Publ. Hlth. LB393 Socially Marketing Micronutrients: Caregiver Recall of a Multi-channel Communications Campaign in Bolivia K.B. Harding, M.L. Roche, D. López de Romaña, M. Escobari and D. Merino. Micronutrient Initiative, Ottawa and Assn. Cuna, La Paz, Bolivia. LB394 Examining the Quality and Student Acceptability of School Lunches in a Title 1, Alaska Native Serving School District: Findings from the Neqa Elicarvigmun Study A. Bersamin, K. Niles and B.T. Izumi. Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks and Portland State Univ. Sch. of Community Hlth. LB395 Socioeconomic Inequalities in the Childhood Dual Burden of Malnutrition E. Tzioumis, C. Poole, M.E. Bentley and L.S. Adair. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. LB396 Effect of Physical Exercise on a Sub-sample of Obese Children in Enugu South Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria N.M. Olyalawuba and N.M. Nnam. IMO State Univ. and Univ. of Nigeria. LB397 Efficacy of Formats for Added Sugar Labeling on Pre-packaged Foods L. Vanderlee, E.P. Hobin, C.M. White, I. Bordes and D. Hammond. Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Hlth. Systs., Univ. of Waterloo and Publ. Hlth. Ontario. LB400 Parenting and Childhood Obesity Research: A Quantitative Content Analysis over the Past 5 Years S. Gicevic, A. Aftosmes-Tobio, C. Ganter, C. Simon, S. Newlan, N. Yu, J. Manganello and K.K. Davison. Harvard T.H. Chan Sch. of Publ. Hlth. and Sch. of Publ. Hlth., Univ. at Albany, SUNY. LB401 Establishing Self-regulatory Guideline for the Functional Claims of Health Foods Including Dietary Supplements in Japan H. Amagase. Amway Japan, Tokyo. LB402 Focus Groups Support the Use of the Environment and Policy Assessment Observation for Obesity Prevention in Childcare A. Shaw, B. Letiecq and S. Gallo. George Mason Univ. LB403 Children in Child Care Centers that Participated in the Healthy Apple Award Program in San Francisco Had Greater Decreases in BMI Percentile than Children in Other Local Child Care Centers J. Stookey, J. Evans, A. Nelson and C. Chan. San Francisco Dept. of Publ. Hlth. and Children’s Council of San Francisco. LB404 Food Insecurity among Undergraduate Students A.R. Davidson and J.S. Morrell. Univ. of New Hampshire. LB405 Enteral Feeding Therapy: Characterization of Patients and Care in a Tertiary Hospital M.C.M.S. Paiva, M.P. Okoshi, V.A. Martim, A.V.P. Barbin, R. Zambom and S.A.M. Lima. Fac. of Med., Sao Paulo State Univ., Botucatu LB406 Consumer Acceptance and Willingness to Pay for Orange Flesh Sweetpotato Bakery Products in Nairobi, Kenya T. Muzhingi, T.B. Bocher, P. Muoki, A. Magnaghi, J. Low and S. Heck. Intl. Potato Ctr. and Euro-Ingredients Ltd., Nairobi. LB407 What Do We Know about Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in the UK? Trends from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey Rolling Programme (NDNS RP) S. Ray, S. Nicholson, N. Ziauddeen, T. Steer, D. Cole, I. Solis-Trapala, B. Amoutzopoulos and P. Page. MRC Human Nutr. Res., Cambridge. LB408 Bacterial Translocation and Obesity in AntiretroviralNaïve HIV+ Adults in Botswana S.S. Martinez, A. Campa, R. Marlink, J. Makhema, F. Huffman, O.D. Williams and M.K. Baum. Florida Intl. Univ., Harvard Univ. and Botswana-Harvard Partnership, Botswana. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB409 Using the Socio-ecological Framework to Determine Breastfeeding Obstacles in a Low-Income Population in Tijuana, Mexico: Individual Factors D. Bueno-Gutierrez and C. Chantry. Autonomous Univ. of de Baja California and Univ. of California, Davis. LB410 Community Consultants and Cooperative Extension Collaborate to Identify Youth Obesity Prevention Needs A.L. Frith, L. Parrilla-Kaltman and A. David. Ithaca Col. and Cornell Coop. Ext. LB411 Nutrition in the University of Cambridge Medical Curriculum – Student Perspectives L. Fitzpatrick, M. Sayegh and S. Ray. UK Need for Nutr. Educ./Innovatiion Prog. Gp., Cambridge. LB412 Overcoming Consumer Inertia to Dietary Guidance C. Byrd-Bredbenner and D. Webb. Rutgers Univ. and Hlth. and Nutr. Communications. LB413 Nutritional Knowledge and Dietary Behaviors and Intakes of Vietnamese Marriage Immigrant Women According to Receiving of Nutritional Education J-Y. Hwang and M-Y. Joe. Sangmyung Univ. Grad. Sch. of Educ., South Korea. LB414 Communities’ Perceptions of Changes in Income, Women’s Empowerment and Nutrition as a Result of Participating in Feed the Future Activities in Rwanda C.A. Gewa, S. Clark and S. Titus. George Mason Univ. and The SPRING Project. 19 LB420 The Unfolding Tail of CHIP Mutation in Gordon Holmes Syndrome C. Rubel, S. Soss, H. McDonough, W. Chazin, C. Patterson and J. Schisler. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Vanderbilt Univ. LB421 Prenatal Exposure to Inflammation Decreases Endothelial Cell Proliferation in the Mouse Intestinal Mucosa X. Yan, X. Liu, E. Managlia and I. De Plaen. Lurie Children’s Hosp. of Chicago. LB422 MicroRNA-122 (miR-122) Regulates Postnatal Polyploidization in the Murine Liver S-h. Hsu, A. Otero, K. Meehan and A.W. Duncan. Univ. of Pittsburgh. LB423 Elucidation of Resolvin and Protectin Sulfidoconjugated Mediators: New Pro-resolving and Tissue Regenerative Pathways S. Ramon, J. Dalli, P.C. Norris, R.A. Colas and C.N. Serhan. Brigham and Women’s Hosp. and Harvard Med. Sch. LB424 Functional Characterization of Three-Dimensional Human Liver Tissues Generated by an Automated Bioprinting Platform D.G. Nguyen, J.B. Robbins, C. Crogan-Grundy, V.A. Gorgen, P. Bangalore, D. Perusse, O.A. Creasey, S.M. King, S. Lin, C. Khatiwala, C. Halberstadt and S.C. Presnell. Organovo Inc., San Diego. LB425 Microengineered Human Gut-on-a-Chip for Dissecting Intestinal Inflammatory Disease H.J. Kim and D.E. Ingber. Harvard Univ., Boston Children’s Hosp. and Harvard Med. Sch. LB415 Analysis of Dietary Fatty Acids Intake and its Correlation with Body Fat Accumulation in Korean College Students S.Y. Bu. Daegu Univ., South Korea. LB426 Design and Characterization of a Multicellular, ThreeDimensional Tissue Model of the Human Kidney Proximal Tubule S.M. King, O.A. Creasey, S.C. Presnell and D.G. Nguyen. Organovo Inc., San Diego. Pathology LB427 Coating Polyurethane Surfaces by Electrostatic Charging Followed by Dip Coating/Electrophoretic Deposition G. Bhardwaj and T.J. Webster. Northeastern Univ. and King Abdulaziz Univ., Saudi Arabia. Development, Stem Cells, Tissue Engineering and Repair LB416 Characterization of L-Threonine Transport in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells T. Formisano and L. Van Winkle. Midwestern Univ., IL. LB417 The Effect of Endocrine Disruptors on Neuron Development J.J. Feng, Y.Y. Lee, K. Nakayama and R.A. Acey. California State Univ. Long Beach. LB418 Cerebellar Malformations in the Tmem67 Ciliopathy Mouse Model Are Caused by Combined Wnt and Shh Signalling Systems Dysregulations Z. Abdelhamed, C. Toomes, C. Inglehearn and C. Johnson. Univ. of Leeds and Fac. of Med., Al-Azhar Univ., Egypt. LB419 LR-1 Antibody Staining in Kisspeptin Receptor Knockout Mice Brains Reveals Axonal Diameter Differences in GnRH Neurons Due to Reduced GnRH Protein Levels K.J. Murphy, S. Wu, H.J. Novaira, A. Wolfe, S. Radovick and G.E. Hoffman. Morgan State Univ. and Johns Hopkins Univ. LB428 Proteome Analysis of Plasma Exosomes in a Mouse Model of Dilated Cardiomyopathy (4C30 Strain) O. Suzuki. Natl. Inst. of Biomed. Innovation, Ibaraki, Japan. Inflammation, Injury and Disease LB429 Role of Arginase 1 in Diabetes-Induced Senescence of Endothelial Cells and Macrophages Z. Xu, E. Shosha, S.P. Narayanan, T. Lemtalsi, J. Xing, R.W. Caldwell and R.B. Caldwell. Georgia Regents Univ. LB430 Anti-arthritic Effects of Melatonin through Blockade of Cytonuclear Shift of MMP-13. Y. Hong and Y. Hong. Inje Univ., South Korea. LB431 Ion Efflux and Influenza Infection Trigger NLRP3 Inflammasome Signaling in Human Dendritic Cells M.V. Fernandez, E. Miller, F. Krammer, B.D. Greenbaum and N. Bhardwaj. NYU Sch. of Med. and Mount Sinai Med. Ctr. 20 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB432 Pathological Changes in the Heart of the Strain CUX1 Transgenic Mice A. Fletcher, F. Raza, J. Buursma, S. Livingston, D. Kearn, B. Herndon, G. Vanden Heauvel, R. Baybutt and A. Molteni. Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City Sch. of Med., Wheaton Col., IL and Western Michigan Univ. Sch. of Med. LB433 Inhibition of Polyamine Oxidase Reduces Excitotoxicity-Mediated Retinal Neuro-inflammation S.P. Narayanan, C. Patel, Z. Xu, J. Xing, M. Rojas and R.B. Caldwell. Georgia Regents Univ. LB434 The Role of Butyrylcholinesterase in Beta-Amyloid Formation in Neuroblastoma Cells A.D. Turner, L.K. Hartman, K. Nakayama and R.A. Acey. California State Univ. Long Beach. LB435 Neutrophilia Delays Equine Neutrophil Apoptosis S. Anderson and B. Singh. Univ. of Saskatchewan. LB436 A Study of Antinuclear Antibody Binding (ANA) in Lewis Rat Kidney Injected with Human Serum Positive for ANA N.H. Javed, M. Kelly-Worden, M. Griffin, L. Hammer and S. Alhammad. Ball State Univ. LB437 Induction of Mindin Is Associated with Pathological Changes in the Kidney of Cd151-/- Mice C.R. Naudin, J. Weidenhofer, S. Roselli and S. Keely. Univ. of Newcastle, Australia. LB438 Melatonin-Mediated Suppression of Early Peripheral Sensitization in Osteoarthritic Meniscus Y. Hong, J-H. Kim and Y. Hong. Inje Univ. and Col. of Vet. Med., Gyeongsang Natl. Univ., South Korea. LB439 Smooth Muscle Actin (SMA1) Stain Lungs and Heart on a Strain of CUX-1 Transgenic Mice S. Kesh, J. Buursma, S. Livingston, D. Kearn, S. Dasari, B. Herndon, G. Vanden Heuvel, R. Baybutt and A. Molteni. Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City Sch. of Med., Wheaton Col., IL and Western Michigan Univ. LB440 Concurrent Lung Pathology in Dogs with Chronic Liver Disease J. Montgomery, J. Montgomery, E. Simko and S. Hendrick. Univ. of Saskatchewan, Western Col. of Vet. Med. LB441 Building a Better Mouse Model to Understand Infant Respiratory Syncytial Virus Disease D. You, D.T. Siefker, B. Shrestha, J. Saravia and S. Cormier. Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Memphis. LB442 HIV X4 Viruses as Potential Agents in the Pathophysiology of HIV-Associated Pulmonary Hypertension M. Manoharan, Q. He, S. Flores and S. Almodovar. Univ. of Puerto Rico in Ponce and Univ. of Colorado Denver. LB443 Secukinumab Reverses Disease-Defining Psoriasis Histopathology while Retaining Full T-Cell Activation Potential K.A. Wharton, J.G. Krueger, J. Fuentes-Duculan, C.Q. Wang, R. Hillenbrand, Y. Li, I. Koroleva and W. Hueber. Novartis Inst. for BioMed. Res. (NIBR), Cambridge, MA, Rockefeller Univ. and NIBR, Basel. LB444 Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Antrodia camphorata and its Active Compound, Ergostatrien-3β-ol, in a Mouse Skin Ischemia Model T. Tung-Chou, T. Yu-Tang, k. Yueh-Hsiung, L. Jiunn-Wang, T. Hsin-Chung, C. Kowit-Yu, C. Hsiao-Ling and C. Chuan-Mu. Natl. Chung Hsing Univ., China Med. Univ., Asia Univ., Taichung Hosp., Chang Gung Univ. and Da-Yeh Univ., Taiwan. Tumor Biology LB445 Histone Variant MacroH2A1 Marks Liver Aging and Orchestrates the Escape from Senescence Induced by DNA Hypomethylation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma M. Vinciguerra, M. Borghesan, F. Rappa, C. Panebianco, F. Cappello, I. Pata, M. Buschbeck, J. Sedivy, C. Fusilli, T. Mazza and V. Pazienza. IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, Univ. of Palermo, University Col. London, Tallinn Technol. Univ., Estonia IMPPC, Spain and Brown Univ. LB446 The Effects of Reactive Oxygen Species on Human Malignant Mesotheliomal Cells N-y. Kim, H-a. Kim, M-c. Kim, Y-r. Seo and Y. Kim. Col. of Vet. Med., Seoul Natl. Univ. LB447 Glutamine Deprivation Hinders the Proliferation of Human Oligodendroglioma Cells Negative for Glutamine Synthetase L. Ottaviani, M. Chiu, M.G. Bianchi and O. Bussolati. Univ. of Parma. LB448 Keratin 17: Cervical Cancer Prognostic Marker Promotes p27-Nuclear Export and Tumor Growth L. EscobarHoyos, R. Shah, L. Roa-Peña, E.A. Vanner, A. Akalin and K. Shroyer. Stony Brook Univ. and UMass Mem. Med. Ctr. LB449 Dissection of Lung Tumorigenesis Induced by Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A165 Overexpression in Clara Cells of Transgenic Mice C-M. Chen, Y-T. Tung, P-H. Huang and Y-C. Chou. Natl. Chung Hsing Univ., Taiwan. LB450 HPV 16 Variants in Invasive Cancers in the U.S. Prior to HPV Vaccine Implementation E.R. Unger, A.R. McMullen, J-M. Lin, M.S. Rajeevan, M. Steinau and M. Saraiya. Ctrs. for Dis. Control and Prevent. LB451 Centrosome Overduplication in Canine Hemangioma and Hemangiosarcoma J.R. Durrant and E.J. Kushner. North Carolina State Univ. Col. of Vet. Med. and Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. LB452 PD-L1 Expression in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Circulating Tumor Cells: Prognostic Significance J.P. Oliveira-Costa, G. Silveira, F. Soares, J. Chalmers, D. Carraro and A. Ribeiro Silva. Univ. of Sao Paulo, AC Camargo Cancer Ctr., Sao Paulo and The Ohio State Univ. LB453 Activation of Phospho Signaling Pathways in Human Colorectal Cell Lines in Response to Cytokines E. Fasler-Kan, Z. Sautbayeva and N.S. Barteneva. Univ. of Basel and Univ. Hosp. Basel, Univ. of Applied Sci. Northwestern Switzerland, Nazarbayev Univ., Kazakhstan and Children’s Hosp. of Boston, Harvard Med. Sch. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program 21 LB454 Development and Evaluation of Highly Specific Monoclonal Antibodies against Human LGR5 for the Identification of Colon Cancer Stem Cells W. Fu, K. Yuan, C. Chen, H. Wei, H. Lu, Q. Ren, E. Logis, S. Kelly, W-w. He and D. Ma. OriGene Tech Inc., Rockville, MD. LB465 Writing on the Board versus PowerPoint: What Do Students Prefer and Why? LB455 The DNA Replication Licensing Factor Miniature Chromosome Maintenance 7 Is Essential for RNA Splicing of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor, c-Met and Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Receptor J. Luo, Z-H. Chen and Y.P. Yu. Univ. of Pittsburgh. LB466 Nigerian Medical Students at Lagos State Universtity College of Medicine Learn with Information Communication Technology T.A. John and L.A. Agaga. Lagos State Univ. Col. of Med., Nigeria. LB456 The Effect of Croton lechleri on Prostate Cancer Progression L. Glasscock and S. Webb. Winthrop Univ. and North Carolina State Univ. LB457 Targeting Efferocytic M2 Monocytes and Macrophages Offers Therapeutic Promise in Prostate Cancer Skeletal Metastasis J. Jones, F. Soki, A.J. Koh, Y. Shiozawa, L.K. McCauley, T. Morgan, K.J. Pienta, L. Hofbauer, H. Roca and Y. Wang. Univ. of Michigan, Dresden Univ. Med. Ctr. and Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Med. LB458 Intense Lubricin Expression Defines Synoviocyte Differentiation and Detects Cells in Synovium-Related and Myxoid Tumors K.A. Solka, T.M. Schmid and I.J. Miller. Rush Univ. Med. Ctr. LB459 A Scanning Acoustic Microscope - A Novel Tool for Cytological Discrimination K. Miura, T. Tsuchida and S. Yamamoto. Hamamatsu Univ. Sch. of Med. and Univ. Hosp., Japan. LB460 Factor XIII A Clone EP3372 Provides Superior Staining on FFPE Human Tissue Sections Compared to Clone AC1A1. H. Liu and S. Muralitharan. Thermo Fisher Scientific. K. Brandl, S. Schneid and C. Armour. Skaggs Sch. of Pharm., UCSD and UCSD. LB467 Pharmacology Specialty and Brain Drain Are Factors for Consideration in Improving Pharmacology Education in Nigeria - Lagos State University College of Medicine (LASUCOM) as Example T.A. John and L.A. Agaga. Lagos State Univ. Col. of Med., Nigeria. Drug Discovery and Development LB468 Quantifying Signaling Bias: A Simple Approach to Quantify Functional Selectivity and Agonist Bias N. Charter and L. Anantharaman. DiscoveRx, Fremont, CA. LB469 Global Curve Fitting Approach to Receptor Allosterism R. Zhang and M. Kavana. Merck Res. Labs., Kenilworth, NJ. LB470 Controlling Sulfuryl-Transfer In Vivo One Compound at a Time I. Cook, L. Feng, H. Wang, F. Kopp, T. Wang, P. Wu, F. Marlow and T. Leyh. Albert Einstein Col. of Med. LB471 The Discovery of Novel TAAR1 Ligands through the Use of a Homology Model and In Silico Screening V.M. Lam, D. Rodriguez, T. Zhang, E.J. Koh, J. Carlsson and A. Salahpour. Univ. of Toronto and Univ. of Stockholm. LB461 Using Protein Microarray Technology to Screen Anti-E-Cadherin Monoclonal Antibodies for Specificity and Applications in Pathology C. Chen, H. Wei, K. Yuan, D. Ma and W-w. He. OriGene Tech Inc., Rockville, MD. LB472 In Silico Study of the Binding Mode of Biased Agonists of the Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor M. Malta de Sá, J. Gallottini de Magalhães, S. Massimo Modestia, G.H. Goulart Trossini, A.A. Miyakawa, C. de Oliveira RangelYagui and J.E. Krieger. Univ. of Sao Paulo Med. Sch. and Sch. of Pharmaceut. Sci., Univ. of Sao Paulo. LB462 Effects of Glucose Deprivation on the Biological Phenotypes of Human Malignant Mesothelial Cells H-A. Kim, M-C. Kim, N-Y. Kim, Y-R. Seo and Y. Kim. Col. of Vet. Med., Seoul Natl. Univ. LB473 Targeting the Laminin Receptor/PEDF Interface to Treat Prostate Cancer Cells C.S. Umbaugh, A.O. Diaz-Quiñones, J. Zhou, X. Cheng and M. Figueiredo. Univ. of Texas Med. Branch and Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at Houston. Pharmacology LB474 Substance P and IL-33 Synergistically Stimulate Mast Cells to Release IL-1β and TNF-α Implicated in Psoriasis: Inhibition by the Flavonoid Methoxyluteolin A. Taracanova and T. Theoharides. Tufts Sackler Sch. of Grad. Biomed. Sci. Pharmacology Education II LB463 Blended Learning in The Context of Over-the-Counter Drugs: An Approach to Medical Pharmacology Education D. McHugh and C.M. Macica. Sch. of Med., Quinnipiac Univ. LB464 A Mentorship Toolkit for Teachers and Researchers in Pharmacology and Other Biomedical Sciences in Developing Countries H.O. Kwanashie. Ahmadu Bello Univ., Nigeria. LB475 Coumarins from Angelica decursiva Inhibit Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Nitric Oxide Production in RAW 264.7 Cells H. Jung, I.J. Ishita, M.N. Islam, Y.S. Kim, R.J. Choi, H.S. Sohn, A.R. Jo, S.I. Oh and J.S. Choi. Chonbuk Natl. Univ., Pukyong Natl. Univ., Seoul Natl. Univ. Col. of Pharm. and Univ. of Cambridge. 22 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB476 Assessing the Safety and Tolerability of Long-Term Multi-day IVM Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder N. Arabian, N. Huynh, D. Lieu, J. Thuy, N. Patel, K.E. Rodgers and D.L. Davies. Univ. of So. California. LB477 Discovery of Novel Pneumococcal Surface Adhesin A Inhibitors Using Fragment-Based Drug Design M. Bajaj, S. Mamidyala, J. Zuegg, S. Begg, M. Ween, J. Huang, B. Kobe, J. Paton, C. McDevitt and M. Cooper. Univ. of Queensland and Univ. of Adelaide. LB478 Antibacterial Activity of Crude Methanolic Extract of Buchholzia coriacae (Wonder Kola) on Some Bacteria from Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria C.N. Kwanashie, M.C. Esonu and P.H. Mamman. Ahmadu Bello Univ., Nigeria. LB479 Anti-obesity Effect of a Small Molecule Repressor of RORγ M. Chang, T.M. Kamenecka and P.R. Griffin. Scripps Res. Inst., Jupiter, FL. LB480 Investigations into the Antidiabetic Activities of Bitter Kola P.O. Obih, E.P. Ambush, A.P. Jimoh and M.C. Ezebuenyi. Xavier Univ. of Louisiana. Cardiovascular Pharmacology (CVP) LB481 Enhanced Linkage in the Vascular Calmodulin Network by Estrogen via a Feedforward at the G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor 1 (GPER/GPR30) Q-K. Tran, R. Firkins, M. VerMeer, J. Giles, S. Francis, V. Matnishian and J. Jasurda. Des Moines Univ. LB482 Calmodulin: A New Partner for the α1A-Adrenergic Receptor B.Q. Gebert-Oberle, M. VerMeer and Q-K. Tran. Des Moines Univ. LB483 PDI via Nrf2 Contributes to the Regulation of Renal AT1 Receptor Function and Blood Pressure X. Wang and M. Asghar. Univ. of Houston. LB488 Alteration of Redox Homeostasis and Protein Expression of Constitutive Nitric Oxide Synthases Contributes to Erectile Dysfunction of Heart Failure Rats M.A. Claudino, F.H. da Silva, F. Veiga, A. Gambero, F. Priviero and E. Antunes. São Francisco Univ. and State Univ. of Campinas, Brazil. LB489 Tea Inhibits Hageman Factor H. Madkhali, A. Tarawneh, Z. Ali, S. Cutler, I. Khan and Z. Shariat-Madar. Univ. of Mississippi. Central Nervous System Pharmacology LB490 CB1 Receptor Transgenic Mice in the Cannabinoid Triad: A Novel Approach to Assess In Vivo Efficacy of CB1 Ligands T.W. Grim, S. Negus and A.H. Lichtman. Med. Col. of Virginia, VCU. LB491 Hypothermic Effects of Δ9-THC and Nicotine in Kynurenine-3-Monooxygenase Knockout Mice M. Cocke, M.J. Moerke, J.C. O’Connor and L.R. McMahon. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. LB492 Effects of Chronic Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol during Adolescence on Adult Repeated Acquisition and Performance Behavior and CB1 Receptor Expression in Male and Female Rats P.F. Weed and P.J. Winsauer. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. LB493 Neutralization of Aβ-Amyloid Induced Toxicity by Oligomer ‘Trapping’ G. Multhaup, C. Barucker, V. Althoff and A. McKinney. McGill Univ. and Free Univ. Berlin. LB494 Somatostatin Receptor Subtype-4 Agonist Enhances Memory in Apo-E4 Knock-In Mice K.A. Witt, S.A. Farr, A.M. Crider, J.S. Wooten and K.E. Sandoval. Southern Illinois Univ. Edwardsville, St. Louis Univ. and VA Med. Ctr., St. Louis. LB495 Caloric Restriction and Dietary Curcumin Improve Functional Outcomes of Aging in Mice M. Sarker, S. Franks, N. Sumien and M. Forster. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. LB484 Redox-Sensitive Sp-3 Transcription Factor via Renal AT1 Receptor Contributes to Age-Related Hypertension M. Saleem and M. Asghar. Univ. of Houston. LB496 Botanical Drug Puerarin Attenuates 6-Hydroxydopamine-Induced Neurotoxicity via Upregulating Mitochondrial Enzyme Arginase-2. J. Zhao, J. Rong and L. Lao. Sch. of Chinese Med., The Univ. of Hong Kong. LB485 GPER/GPR30 and Components of Store-Operated Ca2+ Entry L.E. Terry, M. VerMeer, S. Francis and Q-K. Tran. Des Moines Univ. LB497 Reducing NADPH Oxidative Stress following Acute Neurotrauma B. Lucke-Wold, M. Robson, A. Logsdon, R. Turner and C. Rosen. West Virginia Univ. and Vanderbilt Univ. LB486 TNFR2-Mediated Survival via Orai1-3-Dependent Calcium Influx in Compensated Cardiac Hypertrophy C. Pavoine, M. Keck, N. Mougenot, A. Fuand, F. Atassi, C. Barbier, A.M. Lompré and J-S. Hulot. Sorbonne Univ., UMPC Univ. Paris 6 and ICAN, Paris. LB498 Pgrmc1/KLF4 Signaling Mediates the Neuron-Glia Crosstalk as a Neuroprotective Mechanism T.V. Nguyen, F. Sun, C. Su and M. Singh. Univ. of North Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. LB487 Propofol and Vascular Regulation: Role of TRPA1 and TRPV1 Ion Channels P. Sinha Roy, S. Sinha, I. Bratz and D. Damron. Kent State Univ. and Northeast Ohio Med. Univ. LB499 Cocaine Sensitization Is Mediated by Proteasome Function in an Activity-Dependent Manner K.K. Howell, G.N. Patrick and S.G. Anagnostaras. UCSD. LB500 Maternal Delay and Social Discounting Behavior Predicts Impaired Mother-Infant Bonding, Maternal Stress, and Paternal Involvement L.K. Brents, J. Young, B.T. Knight, J. Coker, S. Ray-Griffith, A. James, Z. Stowe and C.D. Kilts. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB501 Clinical Evaluation of Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid and its Glucuronide in Biological Matrices of Succinic SemiAldehyde Dehydrogenase-Deficient Patients G.R. Ainslie, K.R. Vogel, E.E.W. Jansen, G.S. Salomons, D.S. Pedersen and K.M. Gibson. Washinton State Univ., VU Univ. Med. Ctr., Netherlands and Univ. of Copenhagen. LB502 Behavioral, Biochemical and Molecular Modulation in Brain and Spinal Cord : A Potential AntinociceptiveAntidepressant Mechanism of Xanthophylls L.B. Badgujar and M.N. Saraf. Bombay Col. of Pharmacol. LB503 Dexmedetomidine Enhances Cerebral Cortex GIRK1 Protein Expression and Attenuates Acute Postoperative Pain in Rats L. Wang, Z. Wu, S. Liu, H. Li, Z. Xia and H. Huang. Second Affil. Hosp. of Guangzhou Med. Univ., China and The Univ. of Hong Kong. LB504 Mediation of Opioid Analgesia by a Truncated Six Transmembrane G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Z. Lu, J. Xu, G.C. Rossi, S. Majumdar, G.W. Pasternak and Y-X. Pan. Mem. Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr. and Long Island Univ., Post Campus. LB505 Noribogaine Is a Mixed Agonist/Antagonist Opioid Ligand with Profound Functional Selectivity E.L. Maillet, N. Milon, J. Fishback, S. Schürer, M.D. Heghinian, N. Garamszegi and D.C. Mash. DemeRx Inc., Univ. of Miami and Miller Sch. of Med., Univ. of Miami. Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology LB506 Investigation of the Properties of the CART Receptor in PC-12 Cells S. Prinster. Touro Univ., NV. LB507 Identifying Proteins of the Murine α7-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Interactome M.J. Mulcahy and E. Hawrot. Brown Univ. LB508 Moringa oleifera Inhibit Neuroinflammation in LPS Activated BV2 Microglia A.G. Bakre, N. Basar, R. Velagapudi, S. Sarker, O.G. Ademowo and O. Olajide. Univ. of Ibadan,Nigeria, Fac. of Sci., Univ. Teknol. Malaysia, Univ. of Huddersfield, U.K. and Sch. of Pharm. and Biomolec. Sci., Liverpool John Moores Univ. LB509 Sestrin2 Regulates TLR-Mediated Proinflammatory Signaling in Macrophages S.H. Ki and J.H. Yang. Chosun Univ., South Korea. LB510 Studying α7 Nicotinic Receptor Anti-inflammatory Signaling R.H. Loring and B. Garg. Northeastern Univ. LB511 THE 18 kDa Sigma-2 Receptor and PGRMC1 are Derived from Separate Genes U.B. Chu, T.A. Mavlyutov, M-L. Chu, H. Yang, C. Mesangeau, C.R. McCurdy, L-W. Guo and A.E. Ruoho. Univ. of Wisconsin Sch. of Med. and Publ. Hlth. and Univ. of Mississippi. LB512 Bioreversible Protein Labeling for Cellular Delivery K.A. Andersen, T.P. Smith and R.T. Raines. Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. 23 LB513 Integration of G Protein Alpha Signaling by the Regulator of G Protein Signaling 14. N.E. Brown, D. Goswami, M.R. Branch, S. Ramineni, E.A. Ortlund, P.R. Griffin and J.R. Hepler. Emory Univ. and The Scripps Res. Inst., Jupiter, FL. LB514 A GLP-1R Positive Allosteric Modulator Acts through Covalent Modification W. Nolte. Pfizer, Cambridge, MA. LB515 Regulation of Mouse Liver Chromatin Accessibility and Associated Early Gene Responses by CAR N.J. Lodato, A. Rampersaud and D.J. Waxman. Boston Univ. LB516 Paxillin Interaction Enhances MEKK2 Activity by Relieving Auto-inhibition B. Cuevas. Loyola Univ. Chicago. LB517 Knockout of the Ergothioneine Transporter ETT in Zebrafish Results in Increased 8-Oxoguanine Levels J. Krueger, C. Pfeiffer and D. Gruendemann. Univ. Hosp. of Cologne. LB518 Selected Correction of Vigabatrin-Related Toxicity in Mice with Adjuvant Rapalog Intervention K.R. Vogel, E.E. Jansen, G.S. Salomons and K.M. Gibson. Washington State Univ. and VU Univ. Med. Ctr., Amsterdam. LB519 OATP2B1 as a Determinant of Drug Effects in the Microcompartment of the Coronary Artery J. Hussner, R. Begunk, K. Boettcher and H.E. Meyer zu Schwabedissen. Univ. of Basel and Univ. of Greifswald, Germany. Pharmacogenomics and Translational Pharmacology LB520 Pharmacogenomics of Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients M.M. Hagras, S.M. Al Attar, A. Abuzenadah, O. Fathaldin, A. Aseri, M. Sulaiman, R. Raddadi and V. Goeb. King Abdulaziz Univ,. Suez Canal Univ., Egypt, King Abdulaziz Univ., King Abdulaziz Univ.-North Border Univ., Minstry of Hlth., Saudi Arabia and Rouen Univ.- Amiens Univ. Hosp., France. LB521 Use of Pharmacological Modeling to Understand Key Questions on the GOAT Ghrelin Processing In Vivo H. Yang, M-S. Kuo, J. Tong, N.A. Reynolds, T.E. Shockley, Y. Chen and M.K. Mosior. Eli Lilly and Co. and Duke Univ. LB522 Altered Drug and Steroid Metabolism by Mutations in Human NADPH Cytochrome P450 Reductase A.V. Pandey and C.E. Flück. Univ. of Bern, Switzerland. Drug Metabolism and Disposition (DMD) LB523 Utilizing a Novel Human P450 Biocatalytic System for the Multi-cycle Production of Metabolites E. Martinez, S. Das, D.M. Callewaert and M. Subramanian. Oxford Biomed. Res. Inc., Rochester Hills, MI and Univ. of Iowa, Coralville. LB524 Ischemia-Reperfusion-Inducible Protein Modulates the Activity of Metabolizing Enzymes O.N. Obianom and Y. Shu. Univ. of Maryland Baltimore. 24 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB525 Bioactivation of Indoles by Human Liver Microsomes with Glutathione as Trapping Agent: Formation of Novel Cyclic Cysteine and Cysteine-Glycine Adducts K. Wang, R. Burton and S. Anderson. Quintiles, Indianapolis. LB536 Antiangiogenic Activities of the Trigonella foenumgraecum Seed Extracts H.M. Hammad, Z.A. Habib, F.U. Afifi and M. Zihlif. Fac. of Sci., Fac. of Pharm. and Fac. of Med., Univ. of Jordan. LB526 Characterization of Corning® HepatoCells for Drug Uptake Transport Assays R. Zuo, K.L. Cooper, M. Andes, F. Li, S. Parikh, N. Li, J. Liu, R.A. Faris, C.L. Crespi and C.J. Patten. Corning Inc., MA and NY. LB537 Identifying Synergistic Interactions between the Rexinoid and Adrenergic Signaling Pathways I.P. Uray, D. Zsolczai, L. Yao, P.H. Brown, R.A. Bond and P. Yang. MD Anderson Cancer Ctr. and Univ. of Houston. LB527 Characterization of a Novel “Thaw and Go” CellBased Transporter Model for Studying SLC Transporters J. Wang, J. Bourgea, K. Cooper, C.J. Patten and N. Li. Corning Life Sci., Bedford, MA. LB538 Effect of Acidic Tumor Microenvironment on Nonsmall-Cell Lung Cancer Cells S. Arikatla and J.C. Livesey. Univ. of the Pacific. LB528 Functional Characterization of HC11 Mouse Mammary Epithelial Cells Transduced with Abcg2 A. Wu, P. Dalvi, B. Earl, M. Yang, P.A. Harper and S. Ito. Hosp. for Sick Children and Univ. of Toronto. LB529 Simple Method Provides Resolution of Albumin, Lipoprotein, Free Fraction, and Chylomicron to Enhance the Utility of Protein Binding Assays A. Brockman, H. Oller, B. Moreau, K. Kriksciukaite and M. Bilodeau. Blend Therapeut. Inc., Watertown, MA. Systems Pharmacology and Toxicology LB539 Kolaviron-Induced Inhibition of H1299 Lung Cancer Cells Growth and Survival via PKA/P13K Pathways C.R. Blake, O.A. Adetokunbo, A.A. Adedapo, T.A. Omobowale and M.A. Yakubu. Texas Southern Univ. and Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria. LB540 Modulation of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Apoptotic Pathways by Macrolide Antibiotics in Chemically-Induced Hepatocellular Carcinoma M.F. El-Azab, N.I. Abdel Hamid and Y.M. Moustafa. Fac. of Pharm., Suez Canal Univ. LB541 Antiproliferative and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Herbal Supplement SAABFAT6 on HT29 Colorectal Adenocarcinoma Cells S.E. Kwende and M.A. Yakubu. Texas Southern Univ. LB530 Effects of a Fusarium Mycotoxin, Beauvericin, on Bovine Granulosa Cell Proliferation and Steroid Production M. Albonico, L.F. Schutz, F. Caloni, C. Cortinovis and L.J. Spicer. Univ. of Milan and Oklahoma State Univ. LB542 Calorie-Induced ER Stress Silences the GuanylinGUCY2C Paracrine Axis Underlying Colorectal Cancer in Obesity E.S. Blomain, J.E. Lin, F. Colon-Gonzalez, G.W. Kim, T. Hyslop, T. Zhan, A.E. Snook and S.A. Waldman. Thomas Jefferson Univ. and Duke Univ. LB531 Neuropeptide-Interactions in Gastric Mucosal Defense Initiated Centrally in the Rat. K. Gyires, J. Németh and Z. Zádori. Semmelweis Univ. and Univ. of Debrecen, Hungary. Pharmacology - Other LB532 The Effect of Cocaine on C6 Glial Cells and Its Modulation of Oxygen Consumption, Growth and Transcription Factors M. Agharahimi, C. Goodman and R. Badisa. Florida A & M Univ. LB533 Enhanced Expression and Purification of a SUMOMetallothionein Chimeric Protein Using an Improved Fermentation Method P.H.B. Nguyen, G.R. Jordaan, H. Nguyen and R.A. Acey. California State Univ. Long Beach. Cancer Pharmacology LB534 Effect of Curcumin on the Production of Interleukin-6 from MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells J.R. Paciotti, R. Condori-Salas, R. Rojas-Humpire and A.J. Pino-Figueroa. MCPHS Univ., Boston and Sch. of Pharm., Catholic Univ. of Santa Maria, Peru. LB535 Lactate Dehydrogenase Is Unrelated to Lactic Acid Production in MDA-MB-231 Human Breast Cancer Cells N. Mack, E. Mazzio, D. Bauer and K. Soliman. Col. of Pharm. and Pharmaceut. Sci., Florida A & M Univ. LB543 Mouse Models for Studying Human Disease J. Beckwith, S. Rockwood and M. Sasner. The Jackson Lab. LB544 Impaired Peripheral Dopaminergic System in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis V. Kernychnyi, N. Dziubenko, A. Prysiazhniuk and G. Tolstanova. Khmelnytsky Reg. Hosp., Vinnitsa Natl. Pirogov Mem. Med. Univ. and Taras Shevchenko Natl. Univ. of Kiev, Ukraine. LB545 Enhanced SpO2s in Response to Intermittent Hypoxia in a Patient with COPD. Progress Report II S. Cardoso, V. Samillan, M. Werneck, P. Pereira, M. Horowitz and R. Feuers. Univ. of Tennessee Hlth. Sci. Ctr., Memphis, San Pedro Univ., Peru, Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalen and NCTR, Jefferson AR. LB546 Aqueous Extract of Gumiganghwal-Tang, Traditional Herbal Medicine, Reduces Pulmonary Fibrosis through Transforming Growth Factor-β1/Smad Signaling Pathway In Murine Model of Chronic Asthma W-Y. Jeon, I-S. Shin, H-K. Shin and M-Y. Lee. Korea Inst. of Oriental Med., Daejeon and Korea Res. Inst. of Biosci. and Biotechnol., Cheongju-si. LB547 Restoring Light Sensitivity in Blind Retinae Using Third Generation Photopharmacology L. Laprell, M. Stein, M. Sumser and D. Trauner. Ludwig Maximilians Univ., Munich. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Physiology Microcirculation LB548 Single Cell Analysis of Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Vascular Endothelial Sub-phenotypes N. Madfis and K.E. McCloskey. Univ. of California Merced. LB549 Doxycycline Prevents Right Ventricular Dysfunction Induced by Pulmonary Embolism E.N. Neves and J.A. Kline. Indiana Univ., Indianapolis. LB550 Salvianolic Acid B Ameliorates LipopolysaccharideInduced Albumin Leakage from Rat Mesenteric Venules through Src J-Y. Han and C-S. Pan. Peking Univ. Hlth. Sci. Ctr. LB551 The Reduced Uterine Perfusion Pressure Model of Preeclampsia Causes Decreased Capillary Perfusion in Skeletal Muscle G.M. Fraser, J.S. Morton, S.M. Schmidt, S.L. Bourque, S.T. Davidge, M.H. Davenport and C.D. Steinback. Schulich Sch. of Med. and Dent., Western Univ. and Univ. of Alberta, Canada. LB552 Simultaneous Determination of Microvascular Endothelial Glycocalyx Structure and Albumin Flux In Vivo K.B. Betteridge, K.P. Arkill, C.R. Neal, D.O. Bates and A.H.J. Salmon. Univ. of Bristol and Univ. of Nottingham. LB553 Exercise-Like Mechanical Stimulation of Soleus Feed Arteries Attenuates Age-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction J.W. Seawright, M.J. Luttrell and C.R. Woodman. Texas A&M Univ. LB554 Microvascular Responses to Ischemic Stroke following Splenectomy H.A. Seifert, J. Russell and D.N. Granger. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr. Shreveport. LB555 Disturbed Shear Stress Promotes Caveolae-Mediated oxLDL Uptake Leading to Increased Endothelial Stiffness E. LeMaster, D. Eddington, M. Cho, R. Minshall and I. Levitan. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. LB556 Intravital Video Microscopy of Forelimb Capillary Blood Flow in Rat Skeletal Muscle G.M. Fraser. Western Univ., Canada. Cardiovascular Physiology LB557 Characterization of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: A Role for KDAC Activity M. Waldman, M. Arad, D. Leviner, D. Aravot, M. Laniado-Schwartzman, N.G. Abraham and E. Hochhauser. Tel Aviv Univ. and New York Med Col. LB558 Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blockade Ameliorates Myocardial and Ventricular Function of Rats with Diabetes Mellitus L. Pagan, R. Gimenes, R. Damatto, M. Cezar, C. Rosa, M. Nunes, F. Damatto, D. Campos, M. Gomes, C. Bonomo, M. Okoshi and K. Okoshi. Sao Paulo State Univ.Botucatu Med. Sch. 25 LB559 The Effect of the Rho–Kinase Inhibitor (Y-27632) on the Relaxation of Thromboxane A2 Mimetic (U-46619) Induced Contraction in the Presence and Absence of the Endothelium A.M. Danborno, P.L. Monnet and J.A. Orr. Ahmadu Bello Univ., Nigeria and Univ. of Kansas. LB560 Renin-Angiotensin System in Trained Hypertensive Women during Climacteric Period A. Zanesco, C.G. Sponton, A.P. Jarrete, C.P. Anaruma, T. Fernandes, F.B. Fernandes, E.M. Oliveira, D.E. Casarini and R.D. Esposti. Sao Paulo State Univ., Univ. of Sao Paulo and , USP and Fed. Univ. of Sao Paulo. LB561 About System Evaluation of Health and Diagnostics Level of Adaptable Possibilities of an Organism of Teenagers and Youth N. Slivkina. JSC Med. Univ. Astana, Kazakhstan. LB562 Effects of Telmisartan and Treadmill Running on Bone Mineral Density in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats N.S. Bissoli, A.R.S. Medeiros, K.O. Nonaka, R.M.R. Pereira, L.D.G. Ruffoni, L. Takayama and M.A. Birocale. Fed. Univ. of Espirito Santo, Fed. Inst. of Educ. of Espirito Santo, Fed. Univ. of São Carlos and São Paulo Univ., Brazil. LB563 Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease at Outpatient Clinic Service in Kazakhstan K.D. Turlybekova, Z.A. Khismetova and T.K. Rakhypbekov. Semey State Med. Univ., Kazakhstan. LB564 Systemic and Microcirculatory Vasoactive Effects of a Third Generation Perfluorocarbon in a Rodent Top-Load Model R.F. Crossland, A.R. Macko, B.K. Song and F.R. Sheppard. Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston. LB565 Effects of Maternal Separation on Behavior and Cardiovascular Function in the Wistar-Kyoto Rat S. Rana, C.R. McCoy, P.C. Pugh, J.M. Wyss, S.M. Clinton and I.A. Kerman. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. LB566 Combined Aliskiren and L-Arginine Treatment Prevents Vascular Dysfunction in Renovascular Hypertension C.H. Santuzzi, R.V. Tiradentes, S.A. Gouvea and G.R. Abreu. Univ. Ctr. of Espírito Santo and Fed. Univ. of Espírito Santo, Brazil. LB567 The Effects of a Community-Based Multi-lifestyle Intervention on CV Health in Rural Populations K. Lee, E. DeVallance, S. Fournier, C.L. Brainard, E. White, W.C. Miller, A. Petrone, P. Chantler and G. Dino. West Virginia Univ., MidOhio Valley Hlth. Dept., Roane Cty. Family Hlth. Care and West Virginia Sch. of Osteo. Med. LB568 Effect of Gastric Bypass Surgery on Endothelial Function and Heart Rate Variability K. Lee, E. DeVallance, K. Grogg, R. Mason, R.W. Hull, K. Rosati, L. Tabone, J.C. Frisbee and P. Chantler. West Virginia Univ. LB569 Lung Progenitor Cells Expressing PW1 Gene Participate in Vascular Remodeling during Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension S. Nadaud, F. Dierick, T. Hery, V. Monceau, N. Mougenot, M. Crisan, P. Dorfmuller, G. Marodon, V. Besson, G. Marazzi, D. Sassoon, J-S. Hulot and F. Soubrier INSERM, Paris and Le Plessis-Robinson and Erasmus MC Stem Cell Inst., Rotterdam. 26 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB570 Cardiac Hypertrophy in Obesity Model Induced by High Fat Diet: Participation of Immune System F. Gasler Silva, M.A. Christoffolete and M. Carneiro Ramos. Fed. Univ. do ABC, Sao Paulo. LB571 Day-to-Day Variability in Arterial Diameter and Brachial Artery Flow-Mediated Dilation in Sedentary Young Men and Women N. Shenouda, L.E. Skelly, M.J. Gibala and M.J. MacDonald. McMaster Univ., Canada. LB572 Endothelial Cell Senescence with Age Is Associated with Oxidative Stress-Mediated Suppression of Endothelial Function in Healthy Adults S.D. Hill, M.N. McNamara, D.R. Seals and R.E. Kaplon. Univ. of Colorado Boulder. LB573 Temporally-Controlled Cell Labelling Reveals Transdifferentiation of Smooth Muscle Cells during Atherogenesis S. Feil, B. Fehrenbacher, M. Schaller and R. Feil. Univ. of Tuebingen. LB574 Reviving an Impaired Cardiomyocyte G.H. Kunkel, P. Chaturvedi and S.C. Tyagi. Univ. of Louisville Sch. of Med. LB575 Limb Specific Vascular Adjustments at Exercise Onset A.M. Fenuta, M.F. Bravo, J.A. Hartnett and M.E. Tschakovsky. Sch. of Kinesiol. and Hlth. Studies, Queen’s Univ., Canada. LB576 Pregnancy Up-regulate Genes Involved in Glucose and Lipids Metabolism in the Left Ventricle of Rat J.G. SonanezOrganis, M.L.E. Hernandez-Palomares, A. Virgen-Ortiz, J.A. Rosas-Rodriguez and R.M. Ortiz. Univ. of Sonora, Mexico and Sch. of Nat. Sci., Univ. of California Merced. LB577 The Commercial Supply Sprague-Dawley Rat in Taiwan (2012-2013) with Spontaneously Mild Hypertension May Affect the Degree of Inflammation S-I. Lue, S-Y. Lin, Y-S. Fu and T-S. Lu. Koahsiung Med. Univ., Taiwan and Brigham and Women’s Hosp., Harvard Med. Sch. LB578 Divergent Relationship between Arterial Baroreflex Sensitivity and Mental Stress-Induced Blood Pressure Reactivity in Women and Men of Oman Family Study S. Albarwani, P. Millar, P. Picton, D. Jaju, S. Al-Yahyaee, R. Bayoumi, J. Floras and M.O. Hassan. Sultan Qaboos Univ., Oman, Univ. of Guelph, Canada and Univ. of Toronto. LB579 Ski Modulates Myofibroblast Motility via Downregulation of MMP2 and Paxillin M.S. Kavosh, K.L. Filomeno, S.G. Rattan and I.M.C. Dixon. St. Boniface Res. Ctr., Univ. of Manitoba. LB582 Inhibition of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Normalizes Augmented Myogenic Response in Coronary Arteris of the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats S-K. Choi, M. Lim, S-I. Yeon and Y-H. Lee. Col. of Med., Brain Korea 21 PLUS Proj. for Med. Sci., Yonsei Univ. LB583 The Anti-inflammative Effects of Evens Blue on Compound48/80 Induced Anaphylactic Shock of Rat C-L. Luo, S-Y. Lin, Y-S. Fu, H-T. Huang and T-S. Lu. Kaohsiung Med. Univ. and Brigham and Women’s Hosp., Harvard Med. Sch. LB584 Acute Aortic Regurgitation and the Autonomic Modulation to the Heart J.I.F. De Gobbi, P.G.B. da Silva, A.C.M. Omoto, P.F.O. Gregolini and R. Fazan Jr. Inst. of Biosci., Sao Paulo State Univ. and Ribeirão Preto Med. Sch., Univ. of São Paulo. LB585 Knockout of Toll-Like Receptors 2 and 4 Prevents Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy M. Trentin-Sonoda, R. Cirino-Silva, M. Vieira Abrahão, G. Monnerat-Cahli, E.H. Medei and M. Sorelli Carneiro-Ramos. Fed. Univ. of ABC, Santo Andre and Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro. LB586 The Degree of Myocardial Injury during the Reperfusion Depends on the Oxygen Surrounding the Isolated Heart during Global Normothermic Ischemia J.C. Bopassa. Univ. of Texas Hlth. Sci. Ctr. at San Antonio. LB587 High Trans-Fat but Not Saturated Fat Beverage Causes an Acute Reduction in Vascular Endothelial Function and Insulin Sensitivity in Humans A.D. Lane-Cordova, J.R. Witmer, K. Dubishar, L.E. Dubose, C.A. Chenard, A. Wehrle and G.L. Pierce. Univ. of Iowa. LB588 Habitual Aerobic Exercise Does Not Significantly Influence Age-Related Microvascular Endothelial Dysfunction in Healthy Estrogen-Deficient Postmenopausal Women T.R. Strahler, G.L. Pierce, D.R. Seals and J.R. Santos-Parker. Univ. of Colorado Boulder and Univ. of Iowa. LB589 Dietary Sodium Loading Increases Central Systolic Blood Pressure More in Middle-Aged Compared to Young Salt-Resistant Adults B.J. Muth, M.S. Brian, E.L. Matthews, M.G. Ramick, S. Lennon-Edwards, W.B. Farquhar and D.G. Edwards. Univ. of Delaware. LB590 Sevoflurane Increases Proliferation, Adhesion on HUVEC and Incorporation in Tubular Structures of Endothelial Progenitor Cells A. Munteanu Vlad, G. Isvoranu, M. Gilca, L. Ceafalan, M. Surcel, I. Stoian and G. Manda. Carol Davila Univ. of Med. and Pharm. and Victor Babes NIRD, Romania. LB580 Targeted Delivery of microRNAs by Microparticles to Inflamed Endothelium Ameliorates Endothelial Inflammation and Atherosclerosis S. Ma, X.Y. Tian, C. Mu, H. Shen, J. Bismuth and W.T. Wong. Houston Methodist Res. Inst. and Houston Methodist Hosp. LB591 SRF Involvement in Egr-1-Dependent Signaling in Acrolein-Mediated Inflammatory Responses Z. Yousefipour and M.A. Newaz. Texas Southern Univ. and Col. of Pharm., Chicago State Univ. LB581 Effects of Voluntary Exercise Preconditioning on Ang II-Induced Cardiovascular Pathophysiology in the Mouse B.E. Wilson, S. Forrester, K. Kawata, B. Kim and J-Y. Park. Temple Univ. LB592 Repeatability of Reactive Hyperemia Flow-Mediated Dilation in the Superficial Femoral Artery S.M. Schmitter, T.J. King and K.E. Pyke. Sch. of Kinesiol. and Hlth. Studies, Queen’s Univ., Canada. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB593 Cardiomyocyte-Specific Ablation of the Long-Chain Fatty Acid Transporter CD36 Accelerates the Progression of Pressure Overload-Induced Heart Failure in Mice M. Sung, N. Byrne, J. Levasseur, G. Masson, M. Febbraio and J. Dyck. Univ. of Alberta. LB594 Schild Analysis of In Vivo Theophylline Antagonism of Adenosine in Fetal Sheep Coronary Arteries S.S. Jonker, G.D. Giraud and S. Louey. Oregon Hlth. & Sci. Univ. and VA Portland Hlth. Care Syst. LB595 Imbalance between Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 and Calponin-1 In Early Hypertensive Vascular Remodeling V.A. Belo, J.E. Tanus-Santos and M.M. Castro. Fac. of Med., Univ. of Sao Paulo. LB596 Effects of Pamidronate in Acute Cardiotoxicity Induced by Doxorubicin in Rats B.F. Polegato, P.B. Carvalho, C.M. Bergamasco, A.F. Gonçalves, P.S. Azevedo, P.N. Modesto, M.G. Roscani, A.A. Fernandes, S.R. Paiva, L.M. Zornoff, L.S. Matsubara, M.P. Okoshi and M.F. Minicucci. Botucatu Med. Sch., Sao Paulo Stat Univ. LB597 Exercise Response in a New Porcine Model of Chronic Embolic Pulmonary Hypertension K. Stam, D.P. de WijsMeijler, A. Verzijl, R.W. van Duin, I.K. Reiss, D.J. Duncker and D. Merkus. Erasmus Univ. Med. Ctr., Rotterdam. LB598 Physical Activity Assessed with Accelerometer Is an Accurate and Independent Predictor of Mortality in Patients with Advanced Heart Failure E. Rullman and T. Gustafsson. Karolinska Inst. LB599 Resveratrol Attenuates Vasocontractile Responses to Phenylephrine and Potassium Chloride via a Nitric Oxide Synthase- and Endothelium-Independent Mechanism P.E. Holder, S.G. Denniss and J.W. Rush. Univ. of Waterloo, Canada. LB600 Repeatability of Superficial Femoral Artery Flow Mediated Dilation as induced by Calf Exercise T.J. King, S.M. Schmitter and K.E. Pyke. Queen’s Univ., Canada. LB601 Effects of Aging on Wire Injury-Induced Neointimal Hyperplasia: An In Vitro and In Vvivo Study C-H. Wu, C-H. Pan and C-H. Wu. Taipei Med. Univ., China Med. Univ., Taiwan. LB602 Evidence of a Prolonged Post-mental Stress Decline in Flow-Mediated Dilation in Young Healthy Subjects M.D. Plotnick and K.E. Pyke. Sch. of Kinesiol. and Hlth. Studies, Queen’s Univ., Canada. LB603 Perivascular Adipose Does Not Affect EndotheliumDependent Relaxation or Contractionin Spontaneously Hypertensive and Wistar Kyoto Rat Aorta L.V. Wood, S.G. Denniss, P.E. Holder and J.W.E. Rush. Univ. of Waterloo, Canada. LB604 Excess Alcohol Consumption and Cardiac Fibrosis A. McCalister, A. Mouton, M. Kay and J.D. Gardner. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans. 27 LB605 Within Subject Variability and Duration of Brachial Artery Dilation in Response to GTN I.A.C. McPhee, B.M. Levac and K.E. Pyke. Sch. of Kinesiol. and Hlth. Studies, Queen’s Univ., Canada. LB606 Regional Variation in Arterial Stiffening and Dysfunction in Western Diet-Induced Obesity S.B. Bender, J.A. Castorena-Gonzalez, M. Garro, C.C. Reyes-Aldasoro, J.R. Sowers, V.G. DeMarco and L.A. Martinez-Lemus. Harry S. Truman Mem. Veterans Hosp., Univ. of Missouri-Columbia, Univ. of Missouri Sch. of Med. and City Univ. London. LB607 Maximal and Submaximal Handgrip Exercise Stimulates Thrombocytosis J.J. Walsh, R.F. Bentley and M.E. Tschakovsky. Sch. of Kinesiol. and Hlth. Studies, Queen’s Univ., Canada. LB608 Manipulation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation to Endothelial Cells L.S. DiVincenzo, C. Kolz, W. Chilian and L. Yin. Northeast Ohio Med. Univ. LB609 Evidence that Shift Work Influences the Relationship between Reactivity to Mental Stress and Indices of Vascular Health: A Pilot Study K.E. Pyke, J. Tranmer, I. Carson and M. Batson. Sch. of Kinesiol and Hlth. Studies and Sch. of Nursing, Queen’s Univ., Canada. LB610 Trait Aggression (TA) Correlates with Increased Blood Pressure in the Wistar-Kyoto Rat S. Rana, S.A. Stringfellow, P.C. Pugh, R.C. White, H.M. Stauss, J.M. Wyss and I.A. Kerman. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham and Unvi. of Iowa. LB611 Trial-to-Trial and Day-to-Day Variability in Forearm Blood Flow during Reactive Hyperemia K.A. D’Urzo, M. Plotnick, T. Stuckless and K.E. Pyke. Sch. of Kinesiol. and Hlth. Studies, Queen’s Univ., Canada. LB612 Differences in the Responses to Chronic Rapamycin Treatment by Healthy and Insulin-Resistant Rats L. Pulakat, C. Luck, V. DeMarco, K. Lum-Naihe and A. Mahmood. Univ. of Missouri-Columbia. Cell and Molecular Physiology LB613 Aging and Atherosclerosis Impair Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function M. Porto, B. Rodrigues, G. Bezerra, B. Campagnaro, T. Menezes, T. Pereira, E. Vasquez and S. Meyrelles. Fed. Univ. of Espirito Santo, EMESCAM, UVV and Sci. and Technol., Ifes, Brazil. LB614 Alveolar Macrophages Express Membrane CD200 That Inhibits Mast Cell Activation K. Santerre, J-F. LauzonJoset, A. Langlois, D. Marsolais and E. Bissonnette. Univ. Laval, Quebec. LB615 PKD Regulates Mitochondrial Morphology and Function via Phosphorylation of DLP1 in Cardiac Myocytes B.S. Jhun, J. O-Uchi, J. Mishra, X. Xu, S. Hurst, U. Mende and S-S. Sheu. Thomas Jefferson Univ. and Rhode Island Hosp. 28 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB616 Gene Expression and Functional Studies of Janus Kinase 3 in Ovarian Granulosa Cells K. Ndiaye, D.W. Silversides and J.G. Lussier. Univ. of Montreal. LB617 Regulation of the Tight Junction Protein Cingulin in Ovarian Theca Cells of Cattle L. Zhang, L.F. Schutz, C.L. Robinson, M.L. Totty and L.J. Spicer. Oklahoma State Univ. LB618 Protective Effects of Melatonin against Ischemic Neuronal Damage in Rats with Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia J. Won, S. Lee, S. Park and Y. Hong. Inje Univ. and Kyungnam Univ., Republic of Korea. LB619 Regulation of DAPK Activity Attenuates Neuronal Cell Death in Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemic Rats J. Won and Y. Hong. Inje Univ., South Korea. LB620 Variant Specific Cleavage of the Na+-Ca2+ Exchanger NCX3 during Excitotoxicity L.Y.M. Michel, J.G.J. Hoenderop and R.J.M. Bindels. Radboud Univ. Med. Ctr., Netherlands. LB621 Measurement and Analysis of the Dynamics of Erythrocyte Oxygen-Dependent ATP Release R.J. Sove, D. Goldman, G.M. Fraser and C.G. Ellis. Western Univ., Canada. LB622 Isoforms of VEGF-A in the Developing Feline Placenta S. Weerakoon, G. Frydman, C. Martin, K. Gudenschwager and W.R. Huckle. Virginia Tech, Col. of Vet. Med. and Virginia Tech Carilion Sch. of Med. LB623 Examining the Effect of Doxorubicin on Apoptotic Signaling in Skeletal Muscle of ARC KO Mice A.S. Mitchell, L.I. Merkel and J. Quadrilatero. Univ. of Waterloo, Canada. LB624 Expression of TRP Ion Channels in Cardiac Myocytes S.R. Andrei, I. Bratz and D.S. Damron. Kent State Univ. and Northeast Ohio Med. Univ. LB625 The Role of Wip1 in Regulating the Protumorigenic Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype R. Tapia, K.C. Flanagan and S.A. Stewart. Washington Univ. Sch. of Med. LB626 MicroRNA-301a Alters Dicer Expression in Primary Human Atrial Cells and Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells: Implications for Cardiac Fibrosis A.L. Muller and D.H. Freed. Univ. of Alberta. LB627 PDE8A Shapes the Profile of Cyclic AMP Signaling Events: Assessing the Importance of PKA-Dependent Feedback Regulation J.Y. Jiang, J. Abi-Jaoude, J. Nichols, S. Curci and A.M. Hofer. Harvard Med. Sch., Brigham and Women’s Hosp. and VA Boston Healthcare Syst. LB628 Recycling of the Kidney Anion Exchanger 1 Is Regulated by Adaptor Protein Complex 1B E. Cordat, E. Almomani, M. Jung, R. Zimmermann and R.T. Alexander. Univ. of Alberta and Saarland Univ. LB629 The Effect of Exposure to Mild Heat Stress on Culture Cells N. Sugimoto, K. Matsuzaki, M. Katakura, A. Yachie and O. Shido. Kanazawa Univ. and Shimane Univ., Japan. LB630 Obesity in Saturated Fat Diet Does Not Alter the Proteins Involved in Myocardial Calcium Transit A.F. de Deus, D.F. Vileigas, D.C.T. da Silva, D.S. Campos, P.G. Santana, S.M. Oliveira, L.U. Pagan, M.O. Okoshi and A.C. Cicogna. Botucatu Med. Sch., Sao Paulo. LB631 Airway Exposure of e-Cigarette-Vapors Impairs Autophagy and Induces Aggresome-Formation P.C. Shivalingappa, C.V. Westphal and N. Vij. Col. of Med., Central Michigan Univ. LB632 Persistent cAMP Signaling via Vasopressin V2 Receptors Imaged in 3D Cultures Using Lightsheet Microscopy J.Y. Jiang, I.Y. Kuo, J. Abi-Jaoude, F. Lemos, Y. Yang, S. Curci, B. Ehrlich and A.M. Hofer. Harvard Med. Sch., Brigham and Women’s Hosp., VA Boston Healthcare Syst., Yale Univ. and East China Univ. of Sci. and Technol. LB633 Effects of Melatonin on Neural Reconstruction and Motor Recovery through Regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response and Autophagy in Spinal Cord Injured Animal Y. Jin, S. Park and Y. Hong. Grad. Sch. of Inje Univ., Inje Univ. and Kyungnam Univ., South Korea. LB634 Effect of Altered Endogenous Melatonin Regulated by Conditional Light Exposure on Neural Reorganization by Regulation of ER Stress Response and Autophagy after Spinal Cord Injury J-H. Kim, Y. Jin, S. Park and Y. Hong. Col. of Vet. Med., Gyeongsang Natl. Univ., Grad. Sch. of Inje Univ., Inje Univ. and Kyungnam Univ., South Korea. LB635 Synthesis of Type I Collagen in an Animal Model of Skin Injury via TGF-β1 and IGF-1R Upregulation J. Choi and Y. Hong. Inje Univ., South Korea. LB636 Progressive Mechanisms on Naïve Wound Healing Process in an Animal Model with Skin Injury J. Choi, Y. Hong and Y. Hong. Inje Univ., South Korea. Central Nervous System LB637 Characterization of Dendritogenesis in Cortical Pyramidal Layer V Neurons in Niemann-Pick Type C Disease Using Yellow Fluorescent Protein R. Morales Silva, J. AlvaradoTorres, L. Boudewyn and S. Walkley. Univ. of Puerto Rico at Ponce and Albert Einstein Col. of Med. LB638 Performance on Paper-Pencil Cognitive Tests: A Comparison between Hindi and English Language A. Dixit and A.K. Rai. All India Inst. of Med. Sci., Jodhpur. LB639 Development of Conditioned Place Aversion to Spontaneous Morphine Withdrawal during Estradiol Replacement K.D. Martinez-Casiano, D.L. Ramos-Ortolaza, J.L. Chamorro and A. Torres-Reveron. Ponce Hlth. Sci Univ., Pontifical Catholic Univ. and Univ. of Puerto Rico, Ponce. LB640 Arginase-1 Expression in Human Peripheral Blood Is Associated with an Impaired Ability to Support Lymphocyte Proliferation following Ischemic Brain Injury G. O’Connell, A. Petrone and T. Barr. West Virginia Univ. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program 29 LB641 Pathophysiological and Neurobehavioral Identification of Propionic Acid-Mediated Autism-Mimetic Rat Model S. Lee and Y. Hong. Inje Univ., South Korea. LB653 Effectiveness of a Structured Educational Program for Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Outpatient Care V. Li and E. Dalenov. Astana Med. Univ., Kazakhstan. Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology LB654 Diet Board as Strategy to Development of Fetal Programming on Female Rats C.C. Kanunfre, L.P. Oliveira, N.C. Costa, S.B. Lecke, D. Morsch and P.M. Spritzer. Ponta Grossa State Univ. and Rio Grande do Sul Fed. Univ., Brazil. LB642 Unraveling the Avian Paradox: Avian Resistance to Protein Glycation K. Sweazea, C. Borges, J. Zuck and S. Rayle. Arizona State Univ. LB643 Collective Behavior and the Respiratory Physiology of Social Insect Colonies J.S. Waters. Providence Col. Biomedical Engineering LB644 Polymorphisms in rs 13181 of ERCC2 Gene in the Personnel of Stepnogorsk gorno chemiches kombinat, Kazakhstan T.S. Balmukhanov, P.K. Kazymbet and B.S. Toltaev. Med. Univ. Astana, Southern Kazakhstan State Pharmaceut. Acad. LB645 Incorporation of SDF-1α into Pre-formed Dextran Sulfate and Chitosan Nanoparticles P. Zaman, J. Wang, T. Li, W. Wang, D.S. Kohane, J. Loscalzo and Y-Y. Zhang. Brigham and Women’s Hosp. and Boston Children’s Hosp. LB646 Affect of Uranium Ore Dust on Separate Indexes of Nitrous Exchange of Rat Liver Using Lacryc Radices Root Extract A.S. Jakenova, R.T. Jumasheva and D.D. Abdirasilova. Med. Univ. Astana, Kazakhstan. LB647 Evaluation of Radiation of Aral Sea Residential Area A. Ismailov, M. Kamiev and A. Jakenova. Med. Univ. Astana, Kazakhstan. LB648 Radiation Situation of Territory Uranium Mining Deposit of Kazakhstan M.M. Bakhtin, E.T. Kashkinbaev and N.Z. Altaeva. Med. Univ. Astana, Kazakhstan. LB649 Decreased Bacterial Activity on Nano-patterned PDMS Replica for Catheter-Associated Infection Prevention L. Liu, B. Ercan and T.J. Webster. Northeastern Univ. and King Abdulaziz Univ., Saudi Arabia. LB650 Low-Shear Sodding of an Implantable Expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene Scaffold with a Rat Adipose-Derived Stromal-Vascular Fraction P. Gastrell, J. Cho and B. Klitzman. Duke Univ. Endocrinology and Metabolism Physiology LB651 Effect of Treatment with Victoza® on Cafeteria-Induced Obese Rats D.X. Scomparin, J.L. Xavier, F.O. Mendonça, M.T. da Silva, P.E. Lima and C.C. Kanunfre. State Univ. of Ponta Grossa, Brazil. LB652 Role of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α on Mitochondrial Function in Insulin Resistance Muscle Cells M.B. Araújo, T.I. Lima, I.H. Sampaio, B.G. Teodoro, L.H.M. Bomfim, A.L. Queiroz, M.A. Passos, J.R. Santos, E.M. Carneiro and L.R. Silveira. Univ. of Campinas and Univ. of Sao Paulo. LB655 Classical Macrophage Activation Decreases the Level of Extracellular MicroRNA-223 Secreted by Bone MarrowDerived Macrophage R. Chang, H. Song, W. Ying, T. Splawn and B. Zhou. Texas A&M Univ. LB656 Regulation of Pancreatic β Cell Function by GLP-1 Released from α Cells in Response to Activation of TGR5 by Bile Acids D.P. Kumar, A. Asgharpour, F. Mirshahi, J.R. Grider, K.S. Murthy and A.J. Sanyal. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. LB657 The Efficacy of a Minimal Dose of Aerobic Exercise or Soluble Fiber for Lowering Postprandial Blood Glucose Response A. Elder, C. Rohrer, G. Ganther and B. Hunt. Wheaton Col., IL. LB658 Expression of Inflammatory Markers in Visceral Fat of Obesity-Prone Rats Is Increased by High Fat Diet Consumption F. Souza-Smith, H.D. Braymer, T. Allerton, T. Tzeng, L. Harrison-Bernard and S. Primeaux. LSU Hlth. Sci. Ctr., New Orleans and Pennington Biomed. Res. Ctr., Baton Rouge. LB659 Folliculogenesis and Oocyte Quality in Awassi Sheep C. Al Fahel, C. Nassif, R. Bou Karroum, J. Ibrahim, J. Sahakian, K. Houchaymi, E. Hajj and P.Y. Aad. Notre Dame Univ.-Louaize, Lebanese Univ. and Lebanese Agr. Res. Inst., Terbol. Environmental and Exercise Physiology LB660 Protective Effects of Endurance or Resistance Training Exercise on Chemotherapy-Induced Skeletal Muscle Weakness and Fatigue D.S. Hydock, E.C. Bredahl, C.J. Quinn and R. Hayward. Univ. of Northern Colorado. LB661 Comparing the Effects of Rapid and Gradual Cooling following Acute Hyperthermia on Body Temperature and Inflammatory Response J.S. Johnson, A. Sapkota and D.C. Lay, Jr. USDA, West Lafayette, IN. LB662 Acetylcysteine Prevents Maximal Exercise-Induced Increase in Circulating miR-126 Expression and Angiogenic Mediators in Intermittent Claudication Patients N.D. da Silva Junior, B. Roseguini, M. Chehuen, T. Fernandes, G. Mota, C. Forjaz, N. Wolosker and E. Oliveira. Sch. of Phys. Educ. and Sports, Univ. of São Paulo and Col. of Hlth. and Human Sci., Purdue Univ. LB663 Effects of Endurance Exercise Training on Gastrointestinal Barrier A.M. Holland, H.W. Hyatt, A.J. Smuder, K.J. Sollanek, A.B. Morton, M.D. Roberts and A.N. Kavazis. Auburn Univ. and Univ. of Florida. 30 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB664 Exercise Increases Stem Cell Retention and Exercise Capacity Post-MI E.N. Chirico, G. Muthukumaran, D. Ding, S.R. Houser, T. Starosta, A. Mu, K.B. Margulies and J.R. Libonati. Univ. of Pennsylvania and Temple Univ. LB676 Qualitative Muscle Mass Index as the Prognostic Value of Low Muscle Functions in the Elderly J.S. Chang, H. Kim, T-H. Kim, S-K. Cha and I.D. Kong. Yonsei Univ. Wonju Col. of Med. and Yonsei Univ., South Korea. LB665 AnInvestigation into Practical Exercise Strategies to Offset the Negative Impact of 12h of Sitting on Glycaemic Control N.E. Brooks, D.L. Henderson, K.D. Tipton and D.L. Hamilton. Univ. of Stirling, U.K. LB677 Acute Effects of External Pneumatic Compression on Peripheral and Central Hemodynamics L.M. Vincent-Horta, D.J. Sanders, J.S. Martin and D.T. Beck. Univ. of Rhode Island and Edward Via Col. of Osteo. Med.-Auburn Campus. LB666 Acute Exercise Improves Insulin Action in Parallel with Increases in Markers of Inflammation in Liver from Mice Fed a High Fat Diet W.T. Peppler, R.E.K. MacPherson and D.C. Wright. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. LB678 ATP Antagonism Attenuates the Reflex Cutaneous Vasoconstriction Response in Humans K.A. Smaller and J.A. Lang. Des Moines Univ. and Drake Univ. LB667 Blunted Non-shivering Thermogenesis in Obese Relative to Non-obese Adult Males A.C. McMillan and M.D. White. Simon Fraser Univ., Canada. LB679 Effect of Acute Bouts of High Intensity Exercise in Hot and Cold Environments on Autophagy, Oxidative, and Inflammatory Proteins in Neutrophils J. Lewis, E. Greska, L. Cosio-Lima and Y. Lee. Univ. of West Florida. LB668 Influence of Habitual Carbohydrate Intake on ExerciseInduced Inflammation in Ultra-Endurance Athletes J. Bartley, C.X. Munoz, L.J. Kunces, C. Saenz, B.C. Creighton, D.J. Freidenreich, E.C. Lee, C.M. Maresh and J.S. Volek. UConn Hlth., UConn and The Ohio State Univ. LB680 The Influence of Excess Postexercise Leucine Ingestion on Markers of Autophagy in Skeletal Muscle of Older Men A.C. D’Lugos, P.T. Reidy, D.M. Gundermann, M.S. Borack, E. Volpi, B.B. Rasmussen and J.M. Dickinson. Arizona State Univ. and Univ. of Texas Med. Branch. LB669 Anti-apoptotic Effect of Combined Melatonin and Exercise following Focal Cerebral Ischemic In Rats M. Lee and Y. Hong. Inje Univ., South Korea. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology LB670 Optimal Vitamin D Status Is Associated with Healthier Immune Indices in Untrained, but Not Trained Females L.A. Forney, N.M. Johannsen, A.K. Barkemeyer, M.A. Dietrich, T.M. Henagan and L.K. Stewart. Pennington Biomed. Res. Ctr., LSU Sch. of Kinesiol. and LSU Sch. of Vet. Med., Baton Rouge., Purdue Univ. and Univ. of Northern Colorado. LB671 Prior Exercise Training Protects against Short-Term High Fat Feeding Induced Weight Gain and Glucose Intolerance L.A. Snook, S. Frendo-Cumbo, R.E.K. MacPherson, L. Castellani, W.T. Peppler, Z.G. Anderson, G.P. Holloway and D.C. Wright. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. LB672 Influence of Age on Blood Pressure Variability and Baroreceptor Sensitivity in Response to Acute Exercise A.J. Rosenberg, R.M. Kappus, K. Bunsawat, B. Shafer, S-O. Wee, T. Baynard and B. Fernhall. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago. LB673 Cerebellar HSP70 Remains Elevated during Heat Stroke Recovery Despite Return to Baseline Core Temperature C.T. Fulco, S.M. Dineen, G.N. Audet and L.R. Leon. U.S. Army Res. Inst. of Envrn. Med., Natick, MA. LB674 Exercise Training is More Effective than the Ability of 17-β-Estradiol to Reverse Glucose Intolerance in Ovariectomized Rats T. MacDonald, K.L. Ritchie, S. Davies, M. Hamilton, D. Cervone, D.C. Wright and D.J. Dyck. Univ. of Guelph, Canada. LB675 Reliability of Skin Blood Flow Measures by LaserDoppler Flowmetry R.L. Herron, S.J. Carter, A.B. Collins and M.D. Leatherwood. Auburn Univ. at Montgomery, Univ. of Alabama and Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. LB681 Restoration of Liver Function following Transplantation of Healthy Hepatocytes into the Fah -/- IL2rg-/- Rat Model S.A. Rasmussen, S. Mallanna, A. Lerch-Gaggl, P.E. North, S.C. Fahrenkrug, D.F. Carlson, W. Tan, E.M. Wilson, S. Duncan and A. Geurts. Med. Col. of Wisconsin, Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities and Yecuris Corp., OR. LB682 Screening for Early Detection of Stomach Cancer in Kazakhstan: First Results G. Orazova, L. Karp and A. Dossakhanov. Astana Med. Univ. and Natl. Sci.Med. Res. Ctr., Kazakhstan. LB683 Analysis and Morbidity Prognosis for Stomach and Esophageal Cancers in the Regions of Kazakhstan G. Orazova, L. Karp and A. Dossakhanov. Astana Med. Univ. and Natl. Sci. Med. Res. Ctr., Kazakhstan. LB684 The Salivary Protein PSP/Bpifa2 Protects against Intestinal Inflammation S-U. Gorr, H. Hirt and S.R. Nandula. Univ. of Minnesota Sch. of Dent. LB685 Disadvantages and Complications of Laparoscopic Operations A.B. Fursov, A.S. Ismailov and E.N. Kuspaev. JSCo, Astana Med.Univ., Kazakhstan. LB686 Analysis of the Reasons of Development of Lethal Cases of Surgical Patients A.S. Ismailov, E.N. Kuspaev and A.B Fursov. Med. Univ. Astana, Kazakhstan. LB687 Stimulation of Cystathionine-γ-Lyase (CSE) Activity and Generation of Hydrogen Sulfide in Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscle via NO/cGMP/PKG Pathway A.D. Nalli, J.R. Grider and K.S. Murthy. Virginia Commonwealth Univ. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB688 Role of GCN2 in Guiding the Cellular and Molecular Response to Asparaginase in the Pancreas L. PhillipsonWeiner, E.T. Mirek, Y. Wang, G.J. Wilson and T.G. Anthony. Rutgers Univ. Hypoxia LB689 The Impact of Hydroxylase Inhibition on TGF-β1Induced Fibrosis Associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease M.C.Manresa, M.M. Tambuwala, M.A. Cavadas, A. Cheong, E.P. Cummins and C.T. Taylor. University Col. Dublin. LB690 Hypometabolism in Endotoxic Shock Reflects a Thermoregulatory Response and Occurs Independently of Circulatory Hypoxia A.A. Steiner, J.J. Corrigan, M.T. Fonseca, E.A. Flatow, K. Lewis and C.C. Brito. Univ. of Sao Paulo, Albany Col. of Pharm. and Hlth. Sci. and St Joseph’s Hosp., Phoenix. LB691 Effect of Chronic Hypoxia on the Carotid Body Glomus Cell Mitochondrial Response to Acute Hypoxia I. Kim and J.L. Carroll. Univ. of Arkansas for Med. Sci. LB692 PICK1 Is Required for ASIC1-Mediated Activation of NFATc3 in Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells T.R. Yellowhair, C. Browning, L.M. Herbert, W. Giermakowska, L.V. Gonzalez-Bosc and N.L. Jernigan. Univ. of New Mexico Hlth. Sci. Ctr. Muscle Biology LB693 Cellular and Physiological Implications of Dietary Supplementation with Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutyrate and Beta-Alanine in Late Middle-Aged Mice J. Vallejo, M. Spence, A-L. Cheng, L. Brotto, N.K. Edens, S.M. Garvey and M. Brotto. Sch. of Nursing and Hlth. Studies, Univ. of Missouri Kansas City and Abbott Nutr., Columbus, OH. LB694 Fluorescent Microspheres Injected into Skeletal Muscle to Observe Fluid Movement in Interstitial Space L.Q. Evertz, S.M. Greising, D.A. Morrow, G.C. Sieck and K.R. Kaufman. Mayo Clin. LB695 Angiopoietin-1 Enhances Skeletal Muscle Regeneration in Mice G. Danialou, M. Mofarrahi, J.M. McClung, C.D. Kontos, E.C. Davis, B. Tappuni, N. Moroz, A.E. Pickett, L. Huck, S. Harel and S.N.A. Hussain. Royal Military Col. Saint-Jean, Quebec, McGill Univ., Royal Victoria Hosp., Montreal and Duke Univ. Med. Ctr. LB696 Skeletal Muscle Wasting during Cancer Progression: Exploring the Therapeutic Role of Enhanced Aerobic Capacity C. Alves, W. das Neves, N. de Almeida, V. Voltarelli, A. Lancha, Jr and P. Brum. Sch. of Phys. Educ. and Sport, Univ. of São Paulo. LB697 No Therapeutic Effects of Resistance Exercise Training in a Severe Cancer-Induced Skeletal Muscle Wasting Rat Model W. das Neves, C. Alves, N. de Almeida, P. Campos-Ferraz, F. Guimarães, P. Ramires, P. Brum and A. Lancha, Jr. Sch. of Phys. Educ. and Sport, Univ. of São Paulo. 31 LB698 Altered Signaling Pathway Governing Protein Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle of the Japanese Black Bear during Hibernation M. Miyazaki, M. Shimozuru and T. Tsubota. Col. of Rehabil. Sci., Hlth. Sci. Univ. of Hokkaido and Sch. of Vet. Med., Hokkaido Univ. LB699 A Role for CD34 in the Response of Skeletal Muscle to Hypoxic Conditions M. Pagé, A. Langlois, A. Dubé, D. Patoine, F. Maltais, M. Morissette, R. Debigaré and M-R. Blanchet. IUCPQ, Univ. Laval, Quebec. LB700 Isolated Intercostal Muscle Fibers as a Human Skeletal Muscle Ex Vivo Model K. Olsson, A.J. Cheng, S. Alam, H. Westerblad, J.T. Lanner, J.D. Bruton and T. Gustafsson. Karolinska Inst. LB701 Phenotype of Extraocular Muscles from Anophthalmic Rats M. Dunn and C. Westerkamp. Ferris State Univ., MI. Agonist Suppresses Foxo LB702 Β2-Adrenergic Transcriptional Activity by Regulating Foxo1 Phosphorylation but Not Acetylation in Skeletal Muscle D.A.P. Goncalves, L.H. Manfredi, F.A. Graça, W.A. Silveira, D. Lustrino, I.d.C. Kettelhut and L.C.C. Navegantes. Ribeirão Preto Med. Sch., Univ. of São Paulo. LB703 Time Course of Mitophagy-Related Signals in Skeletal Muscle following a Single Bout of Aerobic Exercise in Mice P. Jannig, V. Voltarelli, L. Bozi and P. Brum. Sch. of Phys. Educ. and Sport, Univ. of Sao Paulo. LB704 Estradiol Enhances Neutrophil Infiltration into Traumatically-Injured Skeletal Muscle G. Le, M.J. Jergenson, D.A. Lowe and G.L. Warren. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis and Georgia State Univ. LB705 SERCA1 Overexpression in Skeletal Muscle Preserves Motor Function and Delays Disease Onset in a Mouse Model of ALS D. Chen, D.A.G. Mazala and E.R. Chin. Univ. of Maryland College Park. LB706 Functional Expression of WNK Kinases and Insulin Signaling Effectors in Diabetic Skeletal Muscle H. Kim, J-H. Kim, K-H. Hwang, K-S. Park, S-K. Cha and I.D. Kong. Yonsei Univ. Wonju Col. of Med., South Korea. LB707 Astaxanthin Supplementation Improves Decreased Mitochondrial Enzyme Activity and Capillary Regression during Recovery from Muscle Atrophy T. Maezawa, M. Kanazashi, M. Tanaka, N. Maeshige, H. Kondo and H. Fujino. Kobe Univ. Grad. Sch. of Hlth. Sci. and Nagoya Women’s Univ. LB708 Intramyocellular Triacylglycerol Is Associated with Peroxisomal Biogenesis in Skeletal Muscle from Lean and Obese Humans T-Y. Huang, D. Zheng, S. Park, J.A. Houmard, R.C. Hickner and R.N. Cortright. East Carolina Univ. LB709 Muscle-Specific RING Finger 1 Dependent Activation of Dual-Specificity Phosphatase 4 under Neurogenic Atrophy Conditions A. Haddock and D. Waddell. Univ. of North Florida. 32 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB710 Influence of N-Acetylcysteine on Apoptosis in WhiteGastrocnemius Muscle of Rats with Chronic Heart Failure P.F. Martinez, V.M. Lopes, L.U. Pagan, C. Bonomo, M.J. Gomes, S.A. Oliveira Junior, M.D.M. Cezar, R.L. Damatto, A.R.R. Lima, D.C. Fernandes, F.R. Laurindo, L.A.M. Zornoff, K. Okoshi and M.P. Okoshi. Botucatu Med. Sch., Sao Paulo State Univ., Fed. Univ. of Mato Grosso do Sul and Fac. of Med., Univ. of Sao Paulo. LB711 Effects of Branched-Chain Amino Acids and LowIron Containing Diet on Non-heme Iron and Muscle Mass of Aging Rats Y. Kim, S. Men, C. Liang and K.C. DeRuisseau. Syracuse Univ. Neural Control and Autonomic Regulation LB712 Genetic Identity of Warm and Cool Thermosensory Relay Neurons in the Mouse Parabrachial Nucleus J.C. Geerling, M. Kim, L. Agostinelli and T.E. Scammell. Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr. LB713 TRPV4 Induces Warm-Defense Responses in Nongenetically Modified Rats C.S. Scarpellini, G.M. Correa, M.C. Almeida, L.H. Gargaglioni and K.C. Bícego. Sao Paulo State Univ., Fed. Univ. of Sao Carlos-Sao Paulo State Univ., Natl. Inst. of Sci. and Technol., Jaboticabal and Fed. Univ. do ABC, Brazil. LB714 Hemodynamic Responses to Mild Warming during Simulated Hemorrhage P.Y.S. Poh, D. Gagnon, S.A. Romero, S.J. Petruzzello, V.A. Convertino and C.G. Crandall. Texas Hlth. Presbyterian Hosp. and Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr., Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and U.S. Army Inst. of Surg. Res., Fort Sam Houston. LB715 The Opioid System of the Medial Amygdaloid Nucleus Modulates Autonomic and Hormonal Responses Caused by Restraint Stress in Rats A. Fassini, A. Scopinho, E. Fortaleza, L. Resstel and F. Correa. Med. Sch. of Ribeirão Preto, Univ. of São Paulo. LB716 Comparison of Fos Expression in Cardiovascular Brainstem Centers following Air Jet and Restraint Stress S.K. Jayaratne, H.U.W. Dissanayake, L. Prestipino and J.W. Polson. Univ. of Sydney, Camperdown. LB720 Rapid Onset Pressor Response to Static Handgrip in Young Normotensive Women with a Family History of Hypertension E.L. Matthews, J.L. Greaney and M.M. Wenner. Univ. of Delaware and Penn State. LB721 Nighttime Blood Pressure Dipping under Controlled Sodium Conditions: Effect of Sex and Race M. Brian, E.L. Matthews, B.J. Muth, M.G. Ramick, S. Lennon-Edwards, M.M. Wenner, D.G. Edwards and W.B. Farquhar. Univ. of Delaware. LB722 Facial Skin Blood Flow Response during Exposure to Emotionally-Charged Movie K. Ishii, M. Ito, K. Endo, N. Liang, M. Idesako and K. Matsukawa. Grad. Sch. of Biomed. and Hlth. Sci., Hiroshima Univ. LB723 Pivotal Role of Melatonin Plus Exercise as a Neuroregenerator following Focal Cerebral Ischemic Injury S. Park, S. Lee and Y. Hong. Kyungnam Univ. and Inje Univ., South Korea. LB724 Obesity Induces Further Autonomic Impairment in Sheep Exposed Antenatally to Betamethasone M.J. Lawson, H.A. Shaltout, D.I. Diz and J.P. Figueroa. Wake Forest Sch. of Med. LB725 Activation of Brainstem and Hypothalamic Areas Related to Increased Tail Skin Temperature in Ovariectomized Rats C.S. Fonseca, G.K.N. Gonçalves, R.E. Szawka and A.M. Reis. Fed. Univ. of Minas Gerais, Brazil. LB726 Identification of Pin1 Isomerase on Neuronal Cell Rescue in Ischemic Brain Injury S. Lee, J. Won and Y. Hong. Inje Univ. and Grad. Sch. of Inje Univ., South Korea. LB727 Electrophysiological Properties of Magno-and Parvocellular Neurons in Rat Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus Y.M. Shen, S.Y. Lee, S.K. Han and P.D. Ryu. Seoul Natl. Univ. and Chonbuk Natl. Univ. Physiological Genomics LB728 Genetic Regulation of Endothelial Responses to Exercise Training S.K. Kim, J.J. Avila and M.P. Massett. Texas A&M Univ. LB717 Hypothalamic c-Fos/CRF Activations during Acute Stress and Expression of β-Endorphin Fibers in an Animal Model of Perimenopause A. Arikawe, R. Rorato, L. Elias and J. Anselmo-Franci. Sch. of Dent. and Sch. of Med. of Ribeirao Preto, Univ. of Sao Paulo. Renal Physiology LB718 Analysis of RVLM Gene Expression in Young, MiddleAged and Aged F344 Rats C.K. Ganta, H. Pawar, A. Garcia, N. Lu, K.G. Becker and M.J. Kenney. Kansas State Univ. and NIA, NIH, Baltimore. LB730 Renal HCO3- Reabsorption Is Differentially Modulated by Water Deprivation Depending on Food / Na+ Intake T.D. Pessoa and G. Malnic. Univ. of Sao Paulo. LB719 Determining Significant within-Subject Changes of BOLD MRI Cerebrovascular Reactivity to CO2 O. Sobczyk, A. Crawley, J. Poublanc, D. Mandell, D. Mikulis, J. Duffin and J. Fisher. Univ. of Toronto and Univ. Hlth. Network. LB729 Improvement of Nephrotic Syndrome by Banggihwanggitang S.M. Lee, S-K. Chung, S-Y. Lee, D.G. Kang and H.S. Lee Korea Inst. of Oriental Med. and Wonkwang Univ. LB731 TRPV4 Contributes to Renal Injury Induced by Angiotensin II in Mice Y. Wang, M. Zhu, L. Cui, W. Liu, X. Wang, S. Shen and H. Xu. First Affiliated Hosp., Henan Univ. of Traditional Chinese Med. and Michigan State Univ. Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB732 Functional Implications of a Novel Point-Mutation at an ACTN4 Phosphorylation Site D. Feng, R. Krishnan, J.M. Steinke and M.R. Pollak. Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr. and Helen DeVos Children’s Hosp., Grand Rapids, MI. LB733 Na+-Cl- Cotransporter Is Differentially Regulated by Aldosterone in Early and Late Distal Convoluted Tubule S.B. Poulsen and B.M. Christensen. Aarhus Univ., Denmark. LB734 Comprehensive Proteomics in Vasopressin-Sensitive mpkCCD Cells: Virtual Western Blotting M.S. Emamian, C-R. Yang, P. Tongyoo, P.C. Sandoval, V. Raghuram and M.A. Knepper. NHLBI, NIH. 33 LB744 Anti-fibrotic Effect of Ajulemic Acid in BleomycinInduced Lung Fibrosis M. Lucattelli, S. Fineschi, E. Selvi, E. Garcia Gonzales, E. Balistrieri, S. Lorenzini, M. Galeazzi, J.H.W. Distler and G. Lungarella. Univ. of Siena, Italy and Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. LB745 Ventilatory and Neurochemical Effects of Microdialysis of a µ-opioid Receptor Agonist (DAMGO) into the Region of the Ventral Respiratory Column in Awake Goats T. Langer, S. Neumueller, E. Crumley, C. Muere, M. Hodges, L. Pan and H. Forster. Med. Col. of Wisconsin, Marquette Univ. and Clement Zabloki VA Hosp., Milwaukee. Respiration Physiology LB746 A Nonpeptide Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptor Agonist Prevents Pulmonary Fibrosis A. Horowitz, A. Rathinasabapathy, V. Shenoy, K. Horton, M.K. Raizada, U.M. Steckelings, T. Unger, C. Sumners and M. Katovich. Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Southern Denmark and Maastricht Univ. CARIM Sch. for Cardiovasc. Dis. LB736 Assessment of Social and Hygienic Characteristics of Disabled People Due to Circulatory System Diseases K.A. Alikhanova, T.O. Abugaliyeva and V.A. Omarkulov. Karaganda State Med. Univ., Kazakhstan. LB747 Expression Profile of Claudin Family Members in the Developing Lung J.B. Lewis, F.R. Jimenez, M. Chavarria, J.R. Gassman, T.R. Jergensen, T. Schrader, D.C. Millner, J.S. Bodine, J.A. Arroyo and P.R. Reynolds. Brigham Young Univ. LB737 Extracellular Nucleic Acids in the Blood of Patients with Secondary Home Pneumonia with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease R. Bakirova, L. Muravlyova and V. Molotov-Luchanskiy. Karaganda State Med. Univ., Kazakhstan. LB748 Exocytotic Release of ATP from preBötzinger Complex Astrocytes Contributes to the Hypoxic Ventilatory Response via a P2Y1 Receptor, PLC, PKC-Dependent Mechanism V. Rajani, S. Sheikhbahaei, Y. Zhang, N.Y. Chu, J.D. Zwicker, E. Posse de Chaves, S. Pagliardini, J.C. Smith, S. Kasparov, A.V. Gourine and G.D. Funk. Univ. of Alberta, University Col. London, NINDS, NIH and Univ. of Bristol. LB735 Increased Glomerular ET-1 in Female Sickle Cell Mice Is Abolished by Chronic Hydroxyurea Treatment M. Kasztan, J.S. Speed and D.M. Pollock. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham. LB738 Can HSP27 and HSP70 be Used as Biomarkers for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Diagnosis? H.A. Al Kayal, H. Abou Abass, A. El Sabbah, W. Ramadan, H. Khashfe, K. Al Kwatly and W. Joumaa. Damascus Univ. Fac. of Pharm., Syria, Nabih Berri Gov’t. Univ.Hosp. and Lebanese Univ. Fac. of Sci. LB739 Characteristics of Pneumonia in Children with Cerebral Palsy E. Starosvetova, S. Razumov, L. Skuchalina and R. Aishauova. Astana Med. Univ., Kazakhstan. LB740 Morphological Characteristics of Bronchial Asthma in Children S.A. Razumov, E.N. Starosvetova and L. Skuchalina. Med. Univ. Astana, Kazakhstan. LB741 Hypoglossal Long-Term Facilitation Shifts the Power Spectral Density to Higher Frequencies M.K. ElMallah, D.A. Stanley and D.D. Fuller. Univ. of Florida, Univ. of Massachusetts Med. Sch. and Boston Univ. LB742 Antagonism of Corticotropin Releasing Factor in the Locus Coeruleus Increase Respiratory Response to Hypercapnia J.M. Incheglu, G.F. da Silva, K.C. Bicego and L.H. Gargaglioni. Sao Paulo State Univ, Jaboticabal. LB743 Respiratory Control in Female Adult Rats G.S.F. da Silva, D.A. Marques, D. de Carvalho, K.C. Bícego and L.H. Gargaglioni. Sao Paulo State Univ. LB749 Diminazene, an ACE2 Activator Modulates Gut Microbiota and Provides Protection against Pulmonary Hypertension V. Shenoy, T. Yang, A. Rathinasabapathy, A. Horowitz, M. Raizada and M. Katovich. Univ. of Florida. LB750 Adipose Stem Cells Attenuates Bleomycin-Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis A. Rathinasabapathy, V. Shenoy, A. Horowitz, D. Guzzo, S. Jaekel, M. Raizada and M. Katovich. Univ. of Florida and Friedrich Alexander Univ., Germany. Teaching of Physiology LB751 Internet Addiction among Students of Different Countries L. Karp, Z. Salpynov and S. Akhelova. Astana Med. Univ. and JSCo, Kazakhstan. LB752 ‘Heart Shots’ – A Classroom Activity to Kindle Active Learning R. Abraham and A. Vashe. Melaka Manipal Med. Col., Manipal Univ., India. LB753 Functional State Screening Evaluation of Several Major Systems of the Organism among Teenagers N. Slivkina. JSC Med. Univ. Astana, Kazakhstan. LB754 Teaching Physiology to Homeschool Students in Rural Mississippi E.E. Gillis and J.H. Dasinger. Univ. of Mississippi Med. Ctr. 34 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program LB755 Health of Elderly People in the Context of Their Profession G. Doszhanova, S. Tardzhibayeva and M. Sholikbayeva. Med. Univ. Astana and Turan Univ., Kazakhstan. LB756 Museum-Based PhUn Week 2014: Reflections from the Third Year J.M. Poteracki and E.A. Wehrwein. Michigan State Univ. LB757 Eye Can Learn about Physiology through PhUn Week M.L. Alarcon Fortepiani and J.M. Ibarra. Univ. of the Incarnate Word, TX. LB758 Investigating Social Jet Lag in the 6th Grade, a 2015 PhUn Week Activity to Introduce Circadian Physiology in Middle School K. Solocinski and M. Gumz. Univ. of Florida. LB759 Repetition of Key Words during Phun Week Activities Increases Correct Answers in a Population of Junior Students in Puerto Rico N. Martínez-Orengo, M. Marrero-Criado, S. Ramos, E. Cora, C. Santiago, C. Appleyard and G. Chompre. Ponce Hlth. Sci. Univ. and Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Puerto Rico. LB760 PhUn Week: A One Day Program for K-8 Students A. Fox, L. Reyes and J.M. Serrador. Rutgers Biomed. and Hlth. Sci., Newark and NJ Dept. of Veterans Affairs, East Orange. Translational Physiology LB761 Genetic Modification of Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus Sequences in Cultured Pig Cells as a Model for Decreasing Infectious Risk in Xenotransplantation D.A. Dunn, M. DaCosta, M.G. Harris, R. Idriss and A.T. O’Brien. SUNY Oswego. Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis LB762 Effect of Antenatal Betamethasone on Ovine Renal Function in Obese Offspring J. Bi, J.P. Figueroa, M.C. Chappell and J.C. Rose. Wake Forest Sch. of Med. LB763 Deletion of mDia1 Is Protective against Renal Damage in a Murine Model of Diabetes M.B. Manigrasso, R. Rosario, R. Ramasamy, V. D’Agati and A.M. Schmidt. NYU Langone Med. Ctr. and Columbia Univ. Col. of P&S. LB764 Chenodeoxycholate (CDCA) Activation of Ca2+Dependent Cl- Transport in Human Embryonic Kidney-293 Cells (HEK-293) is CFTR-Independent A. George, J. Domingue, M. Ao, J. Sarathy and M.C. Rao. Univ. of Illinois at Chicago and Benedictine Univ. LB765 Effects of Sodium Loading plus Walking on Bone Mineral Content K. Angelakos and T. Hew-Butler. Oakland Univ., MI. LB766 Targeted Ablation of Afferent Renal Nerves by Periaxonal Capsaicin Abolishes the Reno-Renal Reflex C.T. Banek and J.W. Osborn. Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis. LB767 Prostaglandin E2 Inhibition Promotes Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cell Differentiation O.O. Adedoyin and C.D. Loftin. Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham and Univ. of Kentucky Col. of Pharm. LB768 Reduction of Adiposity Improves Preeclampsia Symptoms in BPH/5 Mice H.E. Lob, J.L. Sones, J. Song and R.L. Davisson. Cornell Univ. and Weill Cornell Med. Col. LB769 Aged Female HV1-/- Dahl Salt-Sensitive Rats Develop a ProiInflammatory T-Cell Profile E. Ralph, J.C. Sullivan and P.M. O’Connor. Georgia Regents Univ. LATE-BREAKING Experimental Biology 2015:AUTHOR Late-BreakingINDEX Program 35 The number following each name refers to the abstract number. A Aad, P. Y., LB659 Aare, S., LB220 Abbott, K., LB272 Abdalla, M. N., LB96 Abdel Hamid, N. I., LB540 Abdelhamed, Z., LB418 Abdirasilova, D.D., LB646 Abduldayeva, A., LB6 Abi-Jaoude, J., LB627, LB632 Abmrosini, G., LB391 Abou Abass, H., LB738 Aboud, F. E., LB264 Abraham, N. G., LB557 Abraham, R., LB752 Abranko, L., LB323 Abreu, A. L.P., LB126 Abreu, G. R., LB566 Abuajamieh, M., LB365 Abugaliyeva, T., LB736 Abuzenadah, A., LB520 Acey, R. A., LB417, LB434, LB533 Achari, A. E., LB290 Adair, L. S., LB385, LB395 Adams, P. D., LB94 Adamson, B., LB57 Adedapo, A. A., LB539 Adedoyin, O. O., LB767 Adekanle, K., LB149 Ademowo, O. G., LB508 Adetokunbo, O. A., LB539 Adeyemo, A. C., LB88, LB92, LB93 Adiningsih, S., LB31 Adomat, H., LB282 Adrovet, Z., LB289 Adzenyah, A., LB116 Afifi, F. U., LB536 Afroze, S. H., LB121 Aftosmes-Tobio, A., LB400 Agaga, L. A., LB466, LB467 Agamasu, C., LB136 Agarwal, S., LB299, LB303 Agere, S., LB280 Agha, A., LB56 Agharahimi, M., LB532 Agodi, A., LB133 Agostinelli, L., LB712 Ahmad, A., LB54 Ahmad, Y., LB54 Ahmed, S., LB280 Ahn, M.Y., LB152 Ahn, P., LB61 Ainslie, G. R., LB501 Aishauova, R., LB739 Aitbakieva, V. R., LB160 Akalin, A., LB448 Akcora Yildiz, D., LB135, LB142 Akel, S., LB45 Akhelova, S., LB751 Akhtar, N., LB280 Akhtar, S., LB381 Akinnola, I., LB103 Aklilu, B. B., LB154 Akpuaka, F. C., LB18, LB19 Akter, H., LB301 Al Attar, S. M., LB520 Al Fahel, C., LB659 Al Kayal, H. A., LB738 Al Kwatly, K., LB738 Alakija, A. A., LB128 Alam, S., LB700 Alarcon Fortepiani, M. L., LB757 Alatram, A. A., LB310 Albarwani, S., LB578 Albino, E. M., LB108 Albonico, M., LB530 Aldana-Madrid, M. L., LB379 Alexander, J. S., LB47 Alexander, K., LB186 Alexander, R. T., LB628 Alexandre, K., LB185 Alhammad, S., LB436 Ali, Z., LB489 Alikhanova, K., LB736 Allen, H., LB371, LB374 Allerton, T., LB658 Allman, C., LB56 Allman, J., LB56 Alluri, A., LB64 Almazan, S., LB56 Almeida, M.C., LB713 Almershed, M., LB124 Almodovar, S., LB442 Almomani, E., LB628 Alphin, D., LB55 Al-Rashidi, H., LB381 Altaeva, N.Z., LB648 Althoff, V., LB493 Alvarado-Leaño, J. J., LB163 Alvarado-Torres, J., LB637 Alvarez-Hernandez, G., LB379 Alves, C., LB696, LB697 Al-Yahyaee, S., LB578 Amagase, H., LB401 Amaral, A. C., LB49 Ambush, E. P., LB480 Amoutzopoulos, B., LB407 Amsterdam, A., LB144 Anacletus, F. C., LB100 Anagnostaras, S. G., LB499 Anantharaman, L., LB468 Anaruma, C. P., LB560 Andersen, K. A., LB512 Anderson, A., LB363 Anderson, D., LB137 Anderson, N., LB65 Anderson, S., LB127, LB435, LB525 Anderson, Z. G., LB671 Andes, M., LB526 Andor, Z. T., LB105 Andrade, S. A., LB196 Andrei, S. R., LB624 Andrews, J., LB143 Andridge, R., LB267 Angelakos, K., LB765 Anselmo-Franci, J., LB717 Anthony, T. G., LB688 Antonescu, C. N., LB102 Antunes, E., LB488 Antunes, L. M.G., LB354 Antunez-Roman, L. E., LB379 Ao, M., LB764 Aoyama-Ishikawa, M., LB269 Appleyard, C., LB759 Arabian, N., LB476 Arad, M., LB557 Aranoff, M., LB56 Araújo, M. B., LB652 Aravot, D., LB557 Arellano, M., LB295 Arikatla, S., LB538 Arikawe, A., LB717 Arkill, K. P., LB552 Armah, S., LB336 Armour, C., LB465 Arnhold, K., LB61 Arnholt, A., LB65 Arnholt, M., LB63 Arnold, K., LB267 Arpornsukant, P., LB64 Arroyo, J. A., LB747 Arterburn, L., LB230 Arturo, E. C., LB166 Asencio, M., LB386 Asensio, E. M., LB242 Aseri, A., LB520 Asghar, M., LB483, LB484 Asgharpour, A., LB656 Ashe, M. P., LB192 Ashish Anshu, F., LB216 Aso-Someya, N., LB232 Asraf, N., LB147 Assad, F., LB72 Assad, N. A., LB263 Atassi, F., LB486 Atienza, L. M., LB283 Audet, G. N., LB673 Auger, K., LB205 35 Avila, J. J., LB728 Ayadi, F., LB238, LB239, LB248, LB250 Ayyoubi, S. A., LB111 Azadi, P., LB213 Azevedo, L., LB355 Azevedo, P. S., LB370, LB596 B Babinski, A., LB62 Babu, P.V., LB279 Bade, J., LB63 Badger, J. L., LB287 Badgujar, L. B., LB502 Badisa, R., LB532 Bae, Y-J., LB330 Baeshen, N. A., LB83 Baetge, C., LB254 Baez, R., LB2 Baier, S. R., LB322 Bailey, L., LB53 Bailey, R. N., LB309 Bais, M. V., LB124 Bajaj, M., LB477 Bakhtin, M.M., LB648 Bakirova, R., LB737 Bakre, A. G., LB508 Bal, M. G., LB142 Balakrishnan, L., LB153 Balistrieri, E., LB744 Balla, T., LB177 Balmukhanov, T.S ., LB644 Banek, C. T., LB766 Bangalore, P., LB424 Barbier, C., LB486 Barbin, A. V.P., LB405 Barchitta, M., LB133 Barkemeyer, A. K., LB670 Barnaby, R. L., LB111 Baron, J. A., LB353 Barr, T., LB640 Barreto, S. M., LB308 Barrett, E., LB54 Barringer, N., LB238, LB239, LB248, LB250 Barry, D. S., LB13, LB42 Barry, E. L., LB353 Barteneva, N. S., LB453 Barth, M., LB361 Bartley, J., LB668 Barucker, C., LB493 Barud, H. S., LB49 Basar, N., LB508 Bassil, M., LB372 Bates, D. O., LB552 Batista, D., LB348 Batpenova, G.R., LB359 Batson, M., LB609 36 Batyrov, T., LB7, LB8, LB9 Bauer, D., LB535 Bauer, D. M., LB148 Baum, M. K., LB408 Baumgard, L. H., LB365 Baumgartner, I., LB65 Bautista, S., LB102 Bavagnoli, L., LB157 Baybutt, R., LB432, LB439 Baynard, T., LB672 Bayoumi, R., LB578 Bazaldua, A., LB56 Bazan, S., LB348 Becerra, S.P., LB107 Beck, D. T., LB677 Beck, G., LB112 Becker, K. G., LB718 Beckwith, J., LB543 Bedford, M., LB211 Beeram, M. R., LB121 Beezhold, B., LB383 Begg, S., LB477 Begunk, R., LB519 Belarmino, G., LB350 Bell, W., LB382 Bello, N. T., LB231 Belo, V. A., LB595 Belongia, E., LB62 Benci, S., LB383 Bender, S. B., LB606 Bennett, H., LB56 Benninger, B., LB16, LB17 Bentley, M., LB385 Bentley, M. E., LB395 Bentley, R. F., LB607 Berg, E. P., LB303 Bergamasco, C. M., LB596 Berglund, M., LB368 Berman, H. M., LB94 Bernardi, D., LB69 Berry, M. J., LB328 Bersamin, A., LB392, LB394 Besson, V., LB569 Betteridge, K. B., LB552 Betti, I., LB337 Betti, I. R., LB302 Bezerra, G., LB613 Bhardwaj, G., LB427 Bhardwaj, N., LB431 Bi, J., LB762 Bianchi, M. E., LB131 Bianchi, M. G., LB447 Bianchi, M. P., LB354 Bícego, K. C., LB713, LB742, LB743 Bigelow, L., LB215 Bihuniak, J. D., LB235, LB312 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Bilodeau, M., LB529 Bindels, R. J.M., LB620 Binder, P., LB87 Biondolillo, M., LB287 Birocale, M.A., LB562 Bismuth, J., LB580 Bissoli, N. S., LB562 Bissonnette, E., LB614 Bizjak Mali, L., LB5, LB36 Blake, C. R., LB539 Blanchet, M-R., LB699 Blanck, H. M., LB320 Blessing, W., LB95 Blomain, E. S., LB542 Bluck, L. C., LB271 Boateng, C. F., LB317 Bocher, T.B., LB406 Bodine, J. S., LB747 Boettcher, K., LB519 Bokor, J., LB74 Boldorini, R. L., LB131 Bolster, D., LB376 Bomfim, L. H., LB652 Bond, R. A., LB537 Bonini, M. G., LB126 Bonner, T., LB59 Bonney, E. A., LB258 Bonomo, C., LB558, LB710 Boonyasiti, N., LB69 Bopassa, J.C., LB586 Borack, M. S., LB680 Border, S., LB12 Bordes, I., LB397 Borges, C., LB642 Borghesan, M., LB445 Borum, P., LB371, LB374 Bostick, R. M., LB353 Bou Karroum, R., LB659 Boudewyn, L., LB637 Bougma, K., LB264 Bourgea, J., LB527 Bourque, S. L., LB551 Boutagy, N., LB363 Bozi, L., LB703 Braatz, A., LB55 Braccio, C., LB392 Bradford, N., LB53 Brainard, C. L., LB567 Branch, M., LB513 Brandl, K., LB465 Bratz, I., LB487, LB624 Bravo, M. F., LB575 Bravo, S., LB244 Braybrook, D., LB300, LB301 Braymer, H.D., LB658 Brebberman, R. C., LB294 Bredahl, E. C., LB660 Brents, L. K., LB500 Brewer, K., LB187 Brian, M., LB721 Brian, M. S., LB589 Bridger, R., LB213 Briglall, A., LB72 Briones, S., LB66 Brito, A. M., LB313 Brito, C. C., LB690 Brockman, A., LB529 Brodsky, J. L., LB182 Brooks, N. E., LB665 Brotto, L., LB693 Brotto, M., LB693 Broughton, B., LB56 Brown, K. H., LB387 Brown, N. E., LB513 Brown, P. H., LB537 Browning, C., LB692 Brum, P., LB696, LB697, LB703 Brumbaugh, K., LB127 Brumme, C., LB297 Bruss, E., LB51 Bruton, J. D., LB700 Bryce, A., LB23 Bsaibes, S., LB380 Bu, S., LB183, LB415 Bu, S.Y., LB176 Bueno, B. G., LB285 Bueno-Gutierrez, D., LB409 Bulog, B., LB5, LB36 Bunsawat, K., LB672 Bunsuz, M., LB142 Buosi, R., LB131 Burgan, R. L., LB221 Burrows, T., LB272 Burton, R., LB525 Buschbeck, M., LB445 Bussolati, O., LB447 Butinar, M., LB191 Butt, A., LB65 Buurma, V., LB116 Buursma, J., LB432, LB439 Buyan, L., LB201 Byrd, M., LB254 Byrd-Bredbenner, C., LB412 Byrne, N., LB593 C Caamaño, M., LB295 Cadilla, C. L., LB109 Cait, J., LB282 Caldwell, C., LB386 Caldwell, R. B., LB429, LB433 Caldwell, R. W., LB429 Callewaert, D. M., LB523 Caloni, F., LB530 Camacho, A., LB60 Camacho, M. P.M., LB338 Camara, E. P., LB21 Campa, A., LB408 Campagnaro, B., LB613 Campbell, J., LB360 Campeau, L. M., LB11 Campos, D., LB558 Campos, D. H.S., LB246 Campos, D. S., LB630 Campos, N. P.C., LB151 Campos-Ferraz, P., LB697 Campos-Garcia, J., LB89 Cantorna, M. T., LB259 Cao, J., LB369, LB373 Cao, Y., LB345, LB349 Cappello, F., LB445 Cardoso, S., LB545 Carey, A. N., LB270 Carlson, D. F., LB681 Carlsson, J., LB471 Carneiro Ramos, M., LB570 Carneiro, E. M., LB652 Carpenter, K. C., LB275 Carraro, D., LB452 Carrasco, P., LB242 Carrig, M., LB54 Carroll, J. L., LB691 Carson, I., LB609 Carter, G., LB219 Carter, S. J., LB675 Carvalho, P. B., LB596 Carvalho, R. A., LB49 Casarini, D. E., LB560 Caso, G., LB334 Castellani, L., LB671 Castellanos, B., LB2 Castorena-Gonzalez, J. A., LB606 Castro, M. M., LB595 Cavadas, M. A., LB689 Cavadino, A., LB390 Cavins, K., LB55 Ceafalan, L., LB590 Cederberg, R., LB282 Cephus, K., LB61 Cerutis, D.R., LB26 Cervone, D., LB674 Cezar, M., LB558 Cezar, M. D.M., LB710 Cha, S-K., LB676, LB706 Chakraborty, N., LB104 Chalmers, J., LB452 Chaloupka, F. J., LB398 Chambers, R., LB119 Chamorro, J. L., LB639 Chan, C., LB403 Chan, Y-C., LB366 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Chandrasekhar, A., LB138 Chang, C., LB238, LB239, LB250 Chang, C-C., LB132 Chang, J.S., LB676 Chang, M., LB479 Chang, R., LB655 Chang, S-J., LB366 Chantler, P., LB567, LB568 Chantry, C., LB409 Chao, J., LB113 Chappell, M. C., LB762 Chareddy, A., LB64 Charter, N., LB468 Chattopadhyay, P., LB115 Chaturvedi, P., LB574 Chau, M. L., LB338 Chaumontet, C., LB245 Chavarria, M., LB747 Chavez, M., LB111 Chavez, R., LB57 Chazin, W., LB420 Chehuen, M., LB662 Chen, C., LB113, LB118, LB119, LB449, LB454, LB461 Chen, D., LB705 Chen, F., LB345, LB349 Chen, J., LB119 Chen, Y., LB68, LB306, LB345, LB349, LB521 Chen, Z., LB455 Chenal, A., LB214 Chenard, C. A., LB587 Cheng, A., LB693 Cheng, A. J., LB700 Cheng, C., LB179 Cheng, M., LB168 Cheng, Q., LB324 Cheng, T-L., LB22 Cheng, X., LB473 Cheong, A., LB689 Chigler, S., LB53 Chilian, W., LB608 Chin, E. R., LB705 Chin, S., LB95 Chirico, E. N., LB664 Chiu, M., LB447 Chiuso-Minicucci, F., LB348 Cho, I.J., LB198 Cho, J., LB650 Cho, M., LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB250, LB555 Cho, M.S., LB388 Cho, S.Y., LB367 Cho, W., LB175 Choi, H.S., LB130 Choi, H-Y., LB339 Choi, J., LB635, LB636 Choi, J.S., LB475 Choi, M-K., LB305, LB330 Choi, R.J., LB475 Choi, S., LB55 Choi, S-K., LB582 Choi, Y-J., LB123 Chompre, G., LB759 Chou, C., LB59 Chou, Y., LB449 Choudhary, I. M., LB147 Chow, J., LB67 Christakos, S., LB185 Christensen, B. M., LB733 Christensen, K., LB153 Christian, T. D., LB164 Christinat, N., LB291 Christoffolete, M. A., LB570 Chu, B., LB119 Chu, M-L., LB511 Chu, N. Y., LB748 Chu, U. B., LB511 Chuan-Mu, C., LB444 Chudzinski-Tavassi, A.M., LB196 Chung, S., LB729 Chyong, D., LB64 Cicogna, A. C., LB246, LB630 Cihil, K., LB111 Cipriano, P. A., LB354 Cirino-Silva, R., LB585 Clark, S., LB414 Clark, W.A., LB263 Clarke, S., LB211 Claro, R., LB348 Clase, K., LB105 Clase, K. L., LB106 Claudino, M.A., LB488 Claycombe, K. J., LB257 Clinton, S. M., LB565 Clouse, C., LB68 Co, M.A. M., LB121 Coan, S., LB300, LB301 Coats, W., LB56 Cocke, M., LB491 Cocotle, L., LB145 Coelho, C. G., LB308 Cohen, D. E., LB173 Coker, J., LB500 Colas, R. A., LB423 Cole, D., LB407 Coleman, A. S., LB386 Coleman, C., LB230 Coleman, R. A., LB173 Coletta, A., LB236, LB240, LB241 Collins, A. B., LB675 Colon-Gonzalez, F., LB542 Coltell, O., LB242 Condori-Salas, R., LB534 Connaughton, R.M., LB233, LB234 Connell, J. M., LB252 Connelly, P. W., LB293 Consolaro, M. E.L., LB126 Convertino, V. A., LB714 Cook, I., LB470 Cook, S., LB287 Cooper, D. E., LB173 Cooper, K., LB527 Cooper, K. L., LB526 Cooper, M., LB477 Cora, E., LB759 Cordat, E., LB628 Corella, D., LB242 Cormier, S., LB441 Corrêa, C., LB337 Corrêa, C. R., LB285, LB302, LB311, LB338 Correa, F., LB715 Correa, G. M., LB713 Correia, K., LB159 Corrente, J. E., LB311 Corrigan, J. J., LB690 Cortes-Rojo, C., LB89 Cortinovis, C., LB530 Cortright, R. N., LB708 Cosio-Lima, L., LB679 Costa, C. L., LB151 Costa, D. C.F., LB151 Costa, N. C., LB654 Costa, T. J., LB243 Cottingim, K., LB217 Couture, P., LB293 Cox, S. E., LB276 Crandall, C. G., LB714 Crane, B., LB56 Crawley, A., LB719 Creasey, O. A., LB424, LB426 Creighton, B. C., LB668 Crespi, C. L., LB526 Crespo, P., LB377 Crider, A. M., LB494 Crisan, M., LB569 Crogan-Grundy, C., LB424 Cronin, T., LB103 Crosby, G., LB361 Cross, D., LB71 Crossland, R. F., LB564 Crowling, A., LB56 Crowthers, K., LB68 Cruite, J., LB204 Crumley, E., LB745 Cruzeiro-Silva, C., LB218 Cucuzza, S., LB157 37 Cuevas, B., LB516 Cui, J., LB322 Cui, L., LB731 Culligan, K. M., LB154 Cummins, E. P., LB689 Cunningham, C., LB59, LB68 Curci, S., LB627, LB632 Cusano, A., LB235 Cutler, S., LB489 Czerniak, C., LB63 D DaCosta, M., LB761 D’Agati, V., LB763 Dahl, R. A., LB247 Dalenov, E., LB653 Daley, S., LB63 Dalli, J., LB423 Dalton, R., LB236, LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB250 Dalvi, P., LB528 Damatto, F., LB558 Damatto, R., LB558 Damatto, R. L., LB710 D’Amico, K., LB112 Dammer, E., LB208 Damron, D., LB487 Damron, D. S., LB624 Danborno, A. M., LB559 Dane, E., LB95 Danialou, G., LB695 Daniel, E., LB79 Daniel-Ribeiro, C., LB79 Darcel, N., LB245 Darling-Reed, S., LB148 Darwiche, H., LB52, LB74 das Neves, W., LB696, LB697 Das, S., LB523 Dasari, S., LB439 da Silva Junior, N. D., LB662 da Silva, D. C.T., LB630 da Silva, F. H., LB488 da Silva, G. F., LB742 da Silva, G. S.F., LB743 da Silva, M. T., LB651 da Silva, P. G.B., LB584 Dasinger, J.H., LB754 Dassonville-Klimpt, A., LB40 Datta, R., LB206 D’Ausilio, M. E., LB66 Davenport, M. H., LB551 David, A., LB410 David, J., LB54 David, S., LB99 Davidge, S. T., LB551 Davidson, A. R., LB404 Davies, D. L., LB476 38 Davies, S., LB674 Davis, E. C., LB695 Davis, J., LB150 Davis, K., LB230 Davis, S., LB377 Davis, T.J., LB51 Davison, K. K., LB400 Davisson, R. L., LB768 Davy, B. M., LB363 Davy, K. P., LB363 de Almeida, N., LB696, LB697 Deba, T., LB34 Debigaré, R., LB699 DeBruine, Z., LB210 DeBuhr, O., LB65 de Carvalho, D., LB743 de Deus, A. F., LB630 De Gobbi, J. I.F., LB584 dela Cruz, J. F., LB129, LB139 Delany, A., LB227 Deleon-Camacho, F., LB55 Del Rosario, J., LB97 Delzeit, J., LB45 DeMarco, V., LB612 DeMarco, V. G., LB606 Demircan, K., LB135, LB142 Denniss, S. G., LB599, LB603 de Oliveira Rangel-Yagui, C. LB472 De Plaen, I., LB421 Deredge, D., LB81 Derib-Adugna, A., LB69 DeRuisseau, K. C., LB711 Detloff, S., LB146 DeVallance, E., LB567, LB568 Devine, J. L., LB10 de Wijs- Meijler, D. P., LB597 Dey, M., LB216 Dhawi, F., LB206 Dhillon, J., LB69 Diaz, F. J., LB259 Diaz-Quiñones, A. O., LB473 Dickie, R., LB46 Dickinson, J. M., LB680 Dierick, F., LB569 Dietrich, M. A., LB670 Dikanov, S. A., LB110 Dimitrov, G., LB104 Dineen, S. M., LB673 Ding, D., LB664 Ding, Q., LB255 Dino, G., LB567 Dissanayake, H. U.W. LB716 Distler, J. H.W., LB744 Dittlof, A., LB61 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Dittrich, N., LB61 DiVincenzo, L. S., LB608 Dixit, A., LB638 Dixit, U.K., LB122 Dixon, I. M.C., LB579 Dixon, W., LB345, LB349 Diz, D. I., LB724 Djakovic, S., LB137 D’Lugos, A. C., LB680 Dole, N., LB227 Domashevskiy, A. V., LB160, LB222 Domingue, J., LB764 Dong, K., LB380 Dong, Y., LB43 Dorfmuller, P., LB569 dos Santos, K. C., LB285 Dossakhanov, A., LB682, LB683 Doszhanova, G., LB755 Drewery, M. L., LB256 Drewes, J., LB59 Dries, D. R., LB76, LB77, LB221 Du, S., LB384 Du, W., LB298 Duan, S., LB345 Dubé, A., LB699 Dubishar, K., LB587 Dubose, L. E., LB587 Duerr, M. A., LB178 Duffin, J., LB719 Duffy, C., LB156 Dumont, D. J., LB99 Duncan, A. W., LB422 Duncan, S., LB681 Duncker, D. J., LB597 Dunn, D. A., LB761 Dunn, M., LB701 Duong, D., LB208 Duong, K., LB69 Durham, H. A., LB256 Durrant, J. R., LB451 D’Urzo, K. A., LB611 Dyck, D. J., LB674 Dyck, J., LB593 Dyke, S., LB65 Dziubenko, N., LB544 Dzwierzynski, J., LB54 E Earl, B., LB528 Earl, C., LB383 Earnest, C., LB239 Earnest, C. P., LB236, LB237, LB238, LB248, LB250 Earp, J. E., LB41 Ebong, E., LB168 Ebuehi, O. A.T., LB147 Eddington, D., LB555 Edens, N. K., LB693 Edwards, D. G., LB589, LB721 Edwards, J., LB143 Egbe, N. E., LB192 Ehrlich, B., LB632 Einspahr, A., LB69 El-Azab, M. F., LB540 Elder, A., LB657 Elemo, G. N., LB147 Elias, J., LB20 Elias, L., LB717 Elisia, I., LB282 Elkind-Hirsch, K., LB256 Ellis, C. G., LB621 Ellisdon, A. M., LB194 ElMallah, M. K., LB741 Elmokadem, A., LB30 Elniff, C., LB69 El Sabbah, A., LB738 El-Sohemy, A., LB307 Emamian, M.S., LB734 Emkay, P., LB55 Endo, K., LB722 Endres, M., LB215 England, E. R., LB274 Engle-Stone, R., LB387 Ensaff, H., LB300, LB301 Ercan, B., LB649 Erturk-Hasdemir, D., LB170 Erukainure, O. L., LB147 Escobar-Hoyos, L., LB448 Escobari, M., LB393 Eshleman, C., LB64 Esonu, M. C., LB478 Espinoza, A., LB56 Esposti, R. D., LB560 Eusebio, D., LB72 Evans, J., LB403 Evertz, L. Q., LB694 Ezebuenyi, M. C., LB480 Ezzat, A., LB15 F Fadaka, A. O., LB128 Fahrenkrug, S. C., LB681 Fallon, A. M., LB85 Fan, W., LB349 Fang, F., LB43 Fangmann, J., LB55 Farias, B. S., LB243 Faris, R. A., LB526 Farquhar, W. B., LB589, LB721 Farr, S. A., LB494 Fasler-Kan, E., LB453 Fassini, A., LB715 Fassler, A., LB62 Fathaldin, O., LB520 Fatukasi, M. O., LB105 Fazan Jr, R., LB584 Fazan, V. S., LB21 Febbraio, M., LB593 Fedirko, V., LB353 Fehrenbacher, B., LB573 Feige, J., LB291 Feil, R., LB573 Feil, S., LB573 Feller, C., LB54 Feng, D., LB732 Feng, J. J., LB417 Feng, L., LB470 Fennoy, A., LB143 Fenton, A., LB69 Fenuta, A. M., LB575 Fernandes, A. A., LB370, LB596 Fernandes, D. C., LB710 Fernandes, F. B., LB560 Fernandes, N. L., LB154 Fernandes, T., LB560, LB662 Fernandez, M., LB62 Fernandez, M. V., LB431 Fernhall, B., LB672 Ferreira, A.L. A., LB311 Ferreira, V., LB370 Ferreira da Cruz, M., LB79 Ferrell, T., LB263 Ferrer, R., LB295 Ferris, A. M., LB386 Ferron, A. T., LB302, LB337 Feuers, R., LB545 Figueiredo, M., LB473 Figueroa, J. P., LB724, LB762 Figueroa-Garcia, M., LB89 Filomeno, K. L., LB579 Fineschi, S., LB744 Firkins, R., LB481 Firth, A. L., LB78 Fischer, C., LB140 Fishback, J., LB505 Fisher, J., LB719 Fitzpatrick, L., LB411 Flack, K. D., LB363 Flanagan, K. C., LB625 Flatow, E. A., LB690 Fleischmann, S., LB54 Fleming, J. A., LB293 Fletcher, A., LB432 Floras, J., LB578 Flores, S., LB442 Florwick, A. T., LB219 Flück, C. E., LB522 Fogt, L., LB69 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Foguel, D., LB218 Foley, S., LB306 Fong, J., LB143 Fonseca, C. S., LB725 Fonseca, M. T., LB690 Ford, D. A., LB178 Foresman, J., LB70 Forjaz, C., LB662 Forman, M. R., LB380 Formisano, T., LB416 Forney, L. A., LB670 Forrester, S., LB581 Forslund, A., LB368 Forster, H., LB745 Forster, M., LB495 Fortaleza, E., LB715 Fortes, F., LB79 Foster, H., LB61 Foster, O. D., LB15 Fournier, S., LB567 Fox, A., LB760 Fradera, X., LB140 Fraijo, S., LB57 Francis, C.A., LB227 Francis, S., LB481, LB485 Francisqueti, F., LB337 Francisqueti, F. V., LB285, LB302, LB311 Frank, R., LB184 Franks, S., LB495 Fraser, G. M., LB551, LB556, LB621 Fraser, S., LB37 Freed, D. H., LB626 Freeman, B., LB116 Freeman, H. J., LB325 Freidenreich, D. J., LB668 Freitas, M. S., LB218 Frempong, H., LB72 Frendo-Cumbo, S., LB671 Friemel, T., LB357 Frisard, M. I., LB363 Frisbee, J. C., LB568 Frith, A. L., LB410 Fromentin, G., LB245 Frydman, G., LB622 Fu, W., LB119, LB454 Fu, Y-S., LB22, LB577, LB583 Fuand, A., LB486 Fuentes-Duculan, J., LB443 Fuerstenberg, R. K., LB127 Fuhrmann, J., LB212 Fujihara, T., LB304 Fujii, H., LB364 Fujii, T., LB362 Fujino, H., LB269, LB707 Fukagawa, N. K., LB258 Fulco, C. T., LB673 Fulgoni, V. L., LB303 Fulgoni III, V. L., LB299 Fuller, D. D., LB741 Funk, G. D., LB748 Fursov, A., LB685, LB686 Fusilli, C., LB445 Futch, L., LB57 G Gabanyi, M. J., LB94 Gabet, Y., LB27 Gabriel, K. P., LB275 Gagnon, D., LB714 Gaiolla, P., LB348 Gaitan, A. V., LB256 Gajik, P., LB72 Gajjar, V., LB274 Galeazzi, M., LB744 Gallo, S., LB402 Gallottini de Magalhães, J., LB472 Galvan, E., LB236, LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB250, LB254 Gambero, A., LB488 Ganta, C. K., LB718 Ganter, C., LB400 Ganther, G., LB657 Gao, X., LB345, LB349 Gaona-López, C., LB161, LB163 Garamszegi, N., LB505 Garay, C., LB102 Garb, A., LB58 Garb, J., LB58 Garcia, A., LB718 Garcia, E., LB238, LB239, LB250 Garcia, G., LB355 Garcia, M., LB312 Garcia Gonzales, E., LB744 Garcia Perez, E., LB283 Gardner, J. D., LB604 Garg, B., LB510 Garg, M. L., LB272 Gargaglioni, L. H., LB713, LB742, LB743 Garneau-Tsodikova, S., LB50 Garrett, T. J., LB341 Garro, M., LB606 Garvey, S. M., LB693 Gasler Silva, F., LB570 Gasparrini, A., LB143 Gassman, J. R., LB747 Gastrell, P., LB650 Gatauova, M., LB6 Gautam, A., LB104 Gearing, M., LB208 Gebert-Oberle, B. Q., LB482 Gebreab, S., LB377 Geddis, A. V., LB96 Geerling, J. C., LB712 Gennis, R. B., LB110 Gentry, M., LB187, LB205 George, A., LB764 George, K., LB217 Georgieva, D., LB62 Gernand, A. D., LB259 Geurts, A., LB681 Gewa, C. A., LB414 Gewirtz, A. T., LB353 Ghanam, R. H., LB136 Gharibeh, N., LB245 Ghosh, C. c., LB99 Giannella-Neto, D., LB350 Giatti, L., LB308 Gibala, M. J., LB571 Gibson, K., LB518 Gibson, K.M., LB501 Gicevic, S., LB400 Giermakowska, W., LB692 Gifford, L. K., LB94 Gilca, M., LB590 Gildawie, K., LB270 Giles, J., LB481 Gilley, A. D., LB288 Gillis, E. E., LB754 Gillman, M., LB260 Gilman, C., LB270 Gilmore, W. B., LB78 Gimenes, F., LB126 Gimenes, R., LB558 Giraud, G. D., LB594 Glasscock, L., LB456 Glispin, C., LB56 Glynn, S. E., LB165 Godoy, L., LB108 Goeb, V., LB520 Gold, D., LB260 Goldberg, R., LB2 Goldman, D., LB621 Gomes, M., LB558 Gomes, M. J., LB710 Gonçalves, A., LB370 Gonçalves, A. F., LB348, LB596 Goncalves, D. A.P., LB702 Gonçalves, G. K.N., LB725 Gonzales, N., LB56 Gonzalez-Bosc, L. V., LB692 González-Mendez, R. R., LB109 Goodenough, C., LB236, LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB250 Goodman, C., LB532 Goodrich, K. M., LB288 39 Gopal, R., LB90, LB224 Gordon-Travers, T., LB162 Gorgen, V. A., LB424 Gorr, S., LB684 Gosselin, K., LB399 Goswami, D., LB513 Goto, S., LB91 Gottfried, S., LB54 Gotthardt, J. D., LB231 Goulart Trossini, G. H., LB472 Gourine, A. V., LB748 Gouvea, S. A., LB566 Gove, T., LB220 Graça, F. A., LB702 Grajales, T., LB309 Granberry, A., LB72 Granger, D. N., LB554 Granlund, L., LB55 Gray, W., LB29 Greaney, J. L., LB720 Green, R., LB387 Greenbaum, B. D., LB431 Greenwood, M., LB236, LB237, LB238, LB239, LB248, LB250, LB254 Gregolini, P. F.O., LB584 Gregori, D., LB346, LB347 Greising, S. M., LB694 Greska, E., LB679 Grider, J. R., LB656, LB687 Griffin, J. L., LB271 Griffin, M., LB65, LB436 Griffin, P. R., LB479, LB513 Griggs, N., LB227 Grigoryev, S., LB191 Grim, T. W., LB490 Grinstaff, M., LB95 Grogg, K., LB568 Groth, E., LB55 Grover, S., LB69 Gruendemann, D., LB517 Gu, L., LB341 Gu, X., LB375 Guarda, I., LB350 Gudenschwager, K., LB622 Gui, D., LB62 Gui, M., LB62 Guimarães, F., LB697 Guimarães, M. D., LB21 Gumz, M., LB758 Gundermann, D. M., LB680 Guns, E., LB282 Guo, H., LB316 Guo, L-W., LB511 Guo, X., LB324 Gustafson, J., LB53 Gustafsson, T., LB598, LB700 Guterres, H., LB203 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program 40 Guzman-Hernandez, M., LB177 Guzzo, D., LB750 Gyires, K., LB531 H Ha, D-J., LB261 Ha, H., LB190 Ha, S., LB105 Habib, Z. A., LB536 Haddock, A., LB709 Hadjikyriacou, A., LB211 Haghshenas, B., LB112 Hagras, M. M., LB520 Hairston, A., LB54 Hajj, E., LB659 Halberstadt, C., LB424 Haluska, R., LB41 Hameedi, H., LB69 Hamilton, A., LB35 Hamilton, D.L., LB665 Hamilton, M., LB674 Hammad, H. M., LB536 Hammamieh, R., LB104 Hammer, L., LB436 Hammond, D., LB397 Han, J-Y., LB550 Han, K., LB344 Han, M., LB195 Han, S.K., LB727 Handee, W., LB174 Harding, K. B., LB393 Harel, S., LB695 Harkness, L., LB360, LB376 Haro, E., LB44 Harper, P. A., LB528 Harris, E., LB24 Harris, M. G., LB761 Harris, S. R., LB325 Harrison-Bernard, L., LB658 Harroun, H., LB59 Hartman, L. K., LB434 Hartnett, J. A., LB575 Hasegawa, H., LB304 Hashimoto, A. C., LB328 Hassan, M. O., LB578 Hassan, S. S., LB1 Haufe, T. C., LB288 Hawrot, E., LB507 Hawthorne, D., LB3 Hayes, J. A., LB156 Hayes, K. C., LB155 Hayward, R., LB660 Hazzard, J., LB57 He, Q., LB442 He, W., LB118, LB119, LB454, LB461 Healy, M.L., LB233 Hebert, J., LB260 Heck, S., LB406 Heghinian, M. D., LB505 Heinen, F., LB116 Heino, J., LB167 Henagan, T. M., LB670 Henderson, D. L., LB665 Hendrick, S., LB440 Henke, N., LB58 Henle, A. M., LB144 Hennessy, C. M., LB12 Hepler, J. R., LB513 Hepple, R.T., LB220 Herbert, L. M., LB692 Hermsen, J., LB51 Hernandez, L. M., LB380 Hernandez, M., LB61, LB309 Hernandez, M. E., LB145 Hernandez-Palomares, M. L.E., LB576 Hernández-Tobías, A., LB163 Herndon, B., LB432, LB439 Heroux, A., LB166 Herrera, D., LB145 Herron, R. L., LB675 Hery, T., LB569 Hessel, A., LB214 Hester, J. M., LB259 Hew-Butler, T., LB765 Heymsfield, S. B., LB350 Hickner, R. C., LB708 Hiemer, S. E., LB124 Hilbert, B. J., LB156 Hill, M. D., LB108 Hill, S. D., LB572 Hillenbrand, R., LB443 Hironaka, M. T., LB26 Hirt, H., LB684 Hobin, E. P., LB397 Hochhauser, E., LB557 Hodges, M., LB745 Hoelzli, E., LB144 Hoenderop, J. G.J., LB620 Hofbauer, L., LB457 Hofer, A. M., LB627, LB632 Hoffman, G. E., LB419 Hoke, A., LB104 Holder, P. E., LB599, LB603 Holland, A.M., LB663 Holloway, G. P., LB671 Holmbäck, U., LB368 Holmen, B. A., LB258 Homayoni, H., LB168 Homer, M., LB300 Hong, H., LB129, LB139 Hong, K-B., LB342 Hong, Y., LB430, LB430, LB438, LB438, LB618, LB619, LB633, LB634, LB635, LB636, LB636, LB641, LB669, LB723, LB726 Hooks, T. L., LB247 Horn, D., LB17 Horn, J. V.C., LB98 Horowitz, A., LB746, LB749, LB750 Horowitz, M., LB545 Horton, K., LB746 Horton, W., LB112 Hou, W., LB34 Hou, Y., LB140 Houchaymi, K., LB659 Houmard, J. A., LB708 Houser, S. R., LB664 Howard, K. M., LB322 Howell, K. K., LB499 Hsiao-Ling, C., LB444 Hsin-Chung, T., LB444 Hsu, H-Y., LB132 Hsu, S-H., LB422 Hu, J., LB65 Hu, M., LB64 Huang, H., LB503 Huang, H-S., LB134 Huang, H-T., LB583 Huang, J., LB58, LB67, LB380, LB477 Huang, L., LB179 Huang, P., LB449 Huang, T-Y., LB708 Huck, L., LB695 Huckle, W. R., LB622 Hueber, W., LB443 Huedo-Medina, T. B., LB312 Huffman, D., LB180 Huffman, F., LB408 Hughes, M., LB282 Hull, R. W., LB568 Hulot, J-S., LB486, LB569 Hulver, M. W., LB363 Hunnewell, N. R., LB105 Hunt, B., LB657 Hunter, S. R., LB251, LB252 Hurlbert, J. C., LB101 Hurst, S., LB615 Hurt, M. M., LB186 Hussain, S. N.A., LB695 Hussner, J., LB519 Huynh, N., LB476 Hwang, J.S., LB152 Hwang, J-Y., LB413 Hwang, K-H., LB706 Hwang, S., LB193 Hwang, S-G., LB129, LB139 Hyatt, H. W., LB663 Hydock, D. S., LB660 Hyppönen, E., LB390 Hyslop, T., LB542 Hyun, T., LB331 I Ibarra, J. M., LB757 Ibe, O. J., LB332 Ibrahim, J., LB659 Ichinoseki-Sekine, N., LB91 Idesako, M., LB722 Idriss, R., LB761 Igissinov, N., LB120 Ignatchenko, V., LB114 Ihentuge, C. J., LB18, LB19 Ijeoma, P. A., LB18 Incheglu, J. M., LB742 Indrawati, D., LB31 Ingber, D. E., LB425 Inglehearn, C., LB418 Inostroza, M., LB57 Insogna, K., LB235 Irvine, A., LB383 Ishida, R., LB350 Ishihara, M., LB213 Ishii, K., LB722 Ishita, I.J., LB475 Islam, M.N., LB475 Ismailov, A., LB685, LB686 Ismailova, A., LB647 Isvoranu, G., LB590 Ito, M., LB722 Ito, S., LB528 Iyer, H., LB53 Izumi, B. T., LB394 J Jacobi, A., LB59 Jacobs, D. R., LB275 Jacquet, R., LB20 Jacyniak, K., LB3 Jaekel, S., LB750 Jaffe, E. K., LB166 Jain, S., LB64 Jain, S. K., LB290 Jaju, D., LB578 Jakenova, A., LB647 Jakenova, A.S., LB646 James, A., LB500 James, A. B., LB128 James, B. A., LB149 Janecek, E., LB65 Jang, Y-A., LB331 Jannig, P., LB703 Jansen, E. E., LB518 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Jansen, E. E.W., LB501 Jarrete, A. P., LB560 Jasurda, J., LB481 Javed, F., LB146 Javed, N. H., LB436 Jayaratne, S. K., LB716 Jegal, K.H., LB198 Jenkins, A., LB376 Jenkins, A. L., LB360 Jenkins, D. J., LB293 Jeon, W-Y., LB546 Jeong, M., LB367 Jepson, K., LB296 Jergensen, T. R., LB747 Jergenson, M. J., LB704 Jeric-Kokelj, B., LB191 Jernigan, N. L., LB692 Jerome-Majewska, L., LB34 Jett, M., LB104 Jetton, T. L., LB258 Jhun, B.S., LB615 Jhun, H., LB84 Ji, B., LB324 Jia, Z., LB279 Jiang, J. Y., LB627, LB632 Jiang, M., LB67 Jiao, J., LB262, LB286 Jimenez, F. R., LB747 Jimoh, A. P., LB480 Jin, Y., LB633, LB634 Jiunn-Wang, L., LB444 Jo, A.R., LB475 Jo, K., LB342 Jo, Y., LB139 Joachimiak, A., LB215 Joe, M-Y., LB413 Johannsen, N. M., LB670 John, T. A., LB466, LB467 Johnson, C., LB418 Johnson, J., LB51 Johnson, J. C., LB1 Johnson, J. S., LB661 Johnson, K., LB81 Johnson, R., LB61 Johnston, P. W., LB15 Jois, B., LB81 Jones, E., LB334 Jones, G. C., LB101 Jones, J., LB457 Jones, K., LB67 Jones, P. J., LB293 Jonker, S. S., LB594 Jordaan, G. R., LB533 Joumaa, W., LB738 Judge, G. S., LB102 Julián-Sánchez, A., LB161, LB163 Jumasheva, R.T., LB646 Jun, Y., LB195 Jung, H., LB475 Jung, M., LB628 Jung, P. Y., LB254 Jung, Y., LB193 Jung, Y. P., LB236, LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB250 Jurkowitz, M. S., LB172 Jusino, S., LB108 K Kaczmarczyk, M., LB376 Kahn, J., LB64 Kaiser, C., LB61 Kaja, S., LB71 Kalmer, I., LB65 Kalmykov, E. A., LB138 Kalupahana, N., LB289 Kalyuzhny, A., LB127 Kam, L. C., LB325 Kamat, M. M., LB259 Kamenecka, T. M., LB479 Kamiev, M., LB647 Kamuhabwa, A. R., LB276 Kanazashi, M., LB707 Kanazawa, T., LB232 Kandru, N., LB69 Kang, D.G., LB729 Kang, H., LB225 Kang, Y., LB339 Kanunfre, C. C., LB651, LB654 Kaplon, R. E., LB572 Kappus, R. M., LB672 Käpylä, J., LB167 Karam, E., LB273 Karasik, D., LB27 Karoly, E., LB253 Karp, L., LB682, LB683, LB751 Kartha, V. K., LB124 Kashkinbaev, E.T., LB648 Kasparov, S., LB748 Kasper, D. L., LB170 Kasper, J., LB399 Kasztan, M., LB735 Katakura, M., LB629 Katovich, M., LB746, LB749, LB750 Kaufman, K. R., LB694 Kavana, M., LB469 Kavazis, A. N., LB663 Kavosh, M. S., LB579 Kawata, K., LB581 Kay, M., LB604 Kay, M. C., LB385 Kaye, C., LB56 Kazymbet, P.K., LB644 Keane, S., LB219 Kearn, D., LB432, LB439 Keceli, G., LB207 Keck, M., LB486 Keely, S., LB437 Kelch, B., LB156 Keller, H., LB389 Kellicut, A., LB63 Kelly, A. T., LB42 Kelly, D. A., LB35 Kelly, K., LB55 Kelly, S., LB454 Kelly-Worden, M., LB436 Kemelmakher, H., LB64 Kempuraj, D., LB82 Kenney, M. J., LB718 Kenny, A., LB312 Kepner, A., LB64 Kerimi, A., LB323 Kerman, I. A., LB565, LB610 Kernychnyi, V., LB544 Kerstetter, J., LB312 Kesh, S., LB439 Kessler, E., LB71 Ketelhohn, L., LB65 Kettelhut, I. d.C., LB702 Khan, I., LB115, LB489 Khan, N. A., LB146 Khan, R. J., LB377 Khan, S. A., LB26 Khanna, D., LB254 Khashfe, H., LB738 Khatiwala, C., LB424 Khismetova, Z., LB563 Ki, S.H., LB509 Kiecker, C., LB14 Kiel, J., LB230 Killoren, J., LB63 Kilts, C. D., LB500 Kim, B., LB581 Kim, D., LB329 Kim, D.M., LB278 Kim, D-H., LB139 Kim, E., LB268 Kim, E.Y., LB343 Kim, G. W., LB542 Kim, H., LB175, LB354, LB355, LB425, LB676, LB706 Kim, H-A., LB446, LB462 Kim, H-K., LB261 Kim, I., LB691 Kim, J., LB261, LB277, LB321, LB329 Kim, J.H., LB344 Kim, J.K., LB198 Kim, J.Y., LB278 41 Kim, J-H., LB331, LB438, LB634, LB706 Kim, K., LB268, LB331 Kim, K.M., LB344 Kim, M., LB712 Kim, M-C., LB446, LB462 Kim, M-J., LB331 Kim, N-Y., LB446, LB462 Kim, S., LB225, LB268 Kim, S. K., LB728 Kim, S.C., LB198 Kim, S-J., LB305 Kim, S-W., LB281 Kim, S-Y., LB305 Kim, T-H., LB676 Kim, W., LB229 Kim, Y., LB268, LB268, LB446, LB462, LB711 Kim, Y.J., LB177 Kim, Y.S., LB129, LB475 Kim, Y-C., LB339 Kim, Y-Y., LB330 King, K., LB272 King, S. M., LB424, LB426 King, T. J., LB592, LB600 Kingston, A., LB103 Kioumourtzoglou, M., LB358 Kirwan, A.M., LB234 Kisaka, J., LB180 Kislinger, T., LB114 Klestinski, K., LB61 Kline, J. A., LB549 Klitzman, B., LB650 Kluver, I. L., LB252 Knecht, V. R., LB76 Knepper, M.A., LB734 Knight, B. T., LB500 Knisley, B. D., LB361 Ko, H., LB268 Ko, Y-J., LB195 Kobayashi, H., LB91 Kobe, B., LB477 Koga, Y., LB269 Koh, A. J., LB457 Koh, E. J., LB471 Kohane, D. S., LB645 Kolz, C., LB608 Kondo, H., LB707 Kong, I.D., LB676, LB706 Konigsberg, W. H., LB164 Kontos, C. D., LB695 Koozehchian, M., LB236, LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB249, LB250, LB254 Kopitar-Jerala, N., LB191 Kopp, F., LB470 Koroleva, I., LB443 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program 42 Koroly, M. J., LB52, LB74 Koulman, A., LB391 Kovacikova, G., LB204 Kowit-Yu, C., LB444 Kozhakov, B., LB7, LB8, LB9 Krammer, F., LB431 Kreider, R., LB236, LB237, LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB249, LB250, LB254 Kremer, P., LB328 Krentz, M., LB50 Krenz, V., LB55 Krieger, J. E., LB472 Kriksciukaite, K., LB529 Kris-Etherton, P. M., LB293 Krishnan, R., LB732 Krishnaswamy, A., LB64 Kronenfeld, J., LB57 Krueger, J., LB517 Krueger, J. G., LB443 Krupski, L., LB63 Krystal, G., LB282 Kuanyshkaliyeva, A., LB120 Kubuga, C. K., LB317 Kudo, F., LB232 Kudo, S., LB327 Kuehl, T. J., LB121 Kufel, J., LB223 Kukuruzinska, M., LB124 Kull, F. J., LB66 Kull, F.J., LB204 Kumagai, T., LB213 Kumar, B., LB137 Kumar, D. P., LB656 Kumar, R., LB104, LB168 Kumosani, T. A., LB83 Kunces, L. J., LB668 Kunkel, G. H., LB574 Kuo, I. Y., LB632 Kuo, M-H., LB174 Kuo, M-S., LB521 Kushner, E. J., LB451 Kuspaev, E., LB685, LB686 Kusuma, R. J., LB357 Kwak, M., LB261 Kwanashie, C. N., LB478 Kwanashie, H. O., LB464 Kwende, S. E., LB541 Kwon, K., LB335 Kwon, Y-I., LB339 L Lackamp, B., LB70 Ladant, D., LB214 LaGanke, N., LB68 Lah, J., LB208 Lahti, M., LB167 Lam, V., LB282 Lam, V. M., LB471 Lamarche, B., LB293 Lammi-Keefe, C. J., LB256 Lancha Jr, A., LB696, LB697 Landis, W. J., LB20 Lane-Cordova, A. D., LB587 Lang, J. A., LB678 Lange, K. M., LB251, LB252 Langer, T., LB745 Langlois, A., LB614, LB699 Laniado-Schwartzman, M., LB557 Lanner, J. T., LB700 Lao, L., LB496 Laprell, L., LB547 Lararini, S. C., LB49 Lares, M. R., LB125 Laughlin, E. J., LB365 Laughlin, R., LB51 Laur, C., LB389 Laurindo, F. R., LB710 Lauzon-Joset, J., LB614 Lawniczak, J., LB65 Lawson, M. J., LB724 Lawson, W. E., LB334 Lay, Jr., D. C., LB661 Le, G., LB704 Leandry, L. A., LB96 Leatherwood, M. D., LB675 Lecke, S. B., LB654 Lee, C-H., LB132 Lee, E. C., LB668 Lee, H., LB284 Lee, H.S., LB729 Lee, J.R., LB265 Lee, J-Y., LB339 Lee, K., LB567, LB568 Lee, K.W., LB388 Lee, L., LB282 Lee, M., LB195, LB669 Lee, M-Y., LB546 Lee, S., LB618, LB641, LB723, LB726, LB729 Lee, S.M., LB729 Lee, S.Y., LB727 Lee, S-J., LB132 Lee, S-O., LB375 Lee, W., LB179 Lee, Y., LB331, LB679 Lee, Y. Y., LB417 Lee, Y-H., LB582 Lee, Y-Z., LB132 Lee-Kwan, S.H., LB320 Lees, J. A., LB144 Lei, S. M., LB365 LeMaster, E., LB555 LeMieux, M., LB289 Le Moigne, R., LB137 Lemos, F., LB632 Lemos, T. M., LB266 Lemtalsi, T., LB429 Lennon, D., LB371, LB374 Lennon-Edwards, S., LB589, LB721 Leon, L. R., LB673 Lerch-Gaggl, A., LB681 Lescallette, A. R., LB76 Letiecq, B., LB402 Levac, B. M., LB605 Levasseur, J., LB593 Levers, K., LB236, LB237, LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB250, LB254 Levey, A., LB208 Leviner, D., LB557 Levitan, I., LB555 Lewis, B. M., LB78 Lewis, J., LB679 Lewis, J. B., LB747 Lewis, K., LB690 Leyh, T., LB470 Li, C., LB369, LB373 Li, E., LB66, LB371 Li, F., LB526 Li, H., LB503 Li, L., LB114 Li, N., LB526, LB527 Li, T., LB645 Li, V., LB653 Li, X., LB174, LB197 Li, Y., LB37, LB85, LB105, LB106, LB443 Li, Z., LB119, LB197 Lian, T., LB47 Liang, C., LB711 Liang, N., LB722 Liapin, M., LB53 Libonati, J. R., LB664 Lichtman, A. H., LB490 Lieberman, H. R., LB299 Lieu, D., LB476 Lim, H., LB265, LB277, LB284 Lim, J.Y., LB268 Lim, M., LB582 Lim, S.Y., LB281 Lima, A. R.R., LB710 Lima, K. C., LB266 Lima, P. E., LB651 Lima, S. A.M., LB405 Lima, T. I., LB652 Limon-Miro, A. T., LB379 Lin, C-L., LB22 Lin, J. E., LB542 Lin, J-M., LB450 Lin, S., LB117, LB424 Lin, S-Y., LB22, LB577, LB583 Link, T., LB64 Lippard, M., LB59 Lithander, F.E., LB233, LB234 Litwin, N. S., LB263 Liu, G., LB345, LB349 Liu, H., LB341, LB460 Liu, H-W., LB366 Liu, J., LB324, LB526 Liu, L., LB371, LB649 Liu, P., LB171 Liu, S., LB503 Liu, W., LB731 Liu, X., LB293, LB421 Liu, Z-M., LB134 Livesey, J. C., LB538 Livingston, S., LB432, LB439 Lob, H. E., LB768 Lochner, J., LB86 Lodato, N. J., LB515 Loftin, C. D., LB767 Logan, A., LB267 Logis, E., LB454 Logsdon, A., LB497 Loll, P. J., LB166 Lompré, A.M., LB486 Long, J., LB383 Lopes, V. M., LB710 Lopez-Alvarez, A., LB89 López de Romaña, D., LB393 Lorenzini, S., LB744 Loring, R. H., LB510 Loscalzo, J., LB645 Louey, S., LB594 Low, J., LB406 Lowe, D. A., LB704 Lowenstein, S., LB86 Lowndes, J., LB244 Lu, H., LB454 Lu, N., LB718 Lu, S., LB99 Lu, T-S., LB577, LB583 Lu, Z., LB504 Lucarelli, S., LB102 Lucattelli, M., LB744 Luck, C., LB612 Lucke-Wold, B., LB497 Lucock, M., LB272 Lucre’, M., LB51 Lue, S-I., LB577 Lukosaityte, J., LB371, LB374 Lum-Naihe, K., LB612 Lungarella, G., LB744 Luo, C-L., LB583 Luo, H., LB28 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Luo, J., LB455 Lussier, J. G., LB616 Lustberg, M., LB267 Lustri, W. R., LB49 Lustrino, D., LB702 Luttrell, M. J., LB553 Lux, N., LB69 M Ma, B., LB203 Ma, D., LB118, LB119, LB454, LB461 Ma, S., LB580 MacDonald, M. J., LB571 MacDonald, T., LB674 Macedo, F. N., LB243 Machacek, M., LB140 Machado, N. M., LB350 Macica, C. M., LB463 Mack, N., LB535 Mackie, T. D., LB182 Macko, A. R., LB564 MacPherson, R. E.K., LB666, LB671 Madden, D. R., LB111 Maddock, J., LB390, LB391 Madfis, N., LB548 Madkhali, H., LB489 Madriaga, A., LB137 Maeda, M., LB362 Maeshige, N., LB269, LB707 Maezawa, T., LB707 Maga, G., LB157 Magbagbeola, O. A., LB128, LB149 Magnaghi, A., LB406 Maher, K., LB191 Mahmood, A., LB612 Mailey, E., LB296 Maillet, E. L., LB505 Majumdar, S., LB504 Makani, J., LB276 Makaroff, K., LB217 Makhema, J., LB408 Maldonado, E., LB38 Mallanna, S., LB681 Malnic, G., LB730 Malta de Sá, M., LB472 Maltais, F., LB699 Mamidyala, S., LB477 Mamman, P. H., LB478 Man, S., LB28 Managlia, E., LB421 Mancek Keber, M., LB191 Manda, G., LB590 Mandell, D., LB719 Manfredi, L. H., LB702 Manganello, J., LB400 Mangini, L., LB380 Mani, P., LB115 Manigrasso, M. B., LB763 Mann, F. M., LB247 Manoharan, M., LB442 Manoharan, R., LB190 Manresa, M.C., LB689 Manzo, J., LB145 Marable, C., LB51 Marazzi, G., LB569 Marealle, A. I., LB276 Maresh, C. M., LB668 Margulies, K. B., LB664 Marlink, R., LB408 Marlow, F., LB470 Marodon, G., LB569 Marone, C., LB66 Marques, D. A., LB743 Marquis, G. S., LB264 Marre, S., LB69 Marrero-Criado, M., LB759 Marsolais, D., LB614 Martim, V. A., LB405 Martin, C., LB622 Martin, J. S., LB677 Martinez, E., LB523 Martinez, N., LB97 Martinez, P. F., LB246, LB710 Martinez, S. S., LB408 Martinez-Casiano, K. D., LB639 Martinez-Lemus, L. A., LB606 Martínez-Orengo, N., LB759 Martyr, J., LB59 Martyr, R., LB59 Mascari, T., LB35 Mash, D. C., LB505 Mason, R., LB568 Masoodi, M., LB291 Massett, M. P., LB728 Massimo Modestia, S., LB472 Masson, G., LB593 Masters, W. A., LB382 Matheny, R. W., LB96 Matnishian, V., LB481 Matsubara, L. S., LB596 Matsukawa, K., LB722 Matsuzaki, K., LB629 Matthews, E. L., LB589, LB720, LB721 Mattos, C., LB202, LB203 Matuszek, Z., LB223 Maugeri, A., LB133 Mavlyutov, T. A., LB511 Mayer, J., LB66 Maynard, L. M., LB320 Mayorga, E. J., LB365 Mazala, D. A.G., LB705 Mazirka, P., LB334 Mazza, T., LB445 Mazzio, E., LB148, LB535 McAfee, A., LB70 McArdle, J. J., LB39, LB40 McCalister, A., LB604 McCarthy, P., LB162 McCauley, L. K., LB457 McCloskey, K. E., LB548 McClung, J. M., LB695 McCormick, J., LB279 McCormick, T. C., LB121 McCoy, C. R., LB565 McCoy, M., LB140 McCrea, C. E., LB293 McCullough, J., LB389 McCurdy, C. R., LB511 McDermott, K. W., LB32 McDevitt, C., LB477 McDonald, R., LB56 McDonough, H., LB217, LB420 McDowell, A. B., LB121 McGillicuddy, F.C., LB233, LB234 McGuire, L. C., LB320 McGuirk, J. P., LB45 McHugh, D., LB463 McKinney, A., LB493 McKinney, T., LB60 McLane, L., LB16 McLeod, H., LB300, LB301 McMahon, L. R., LB491 McMillan, A. C., LB667 McMorrow, A.M., LB233, LB234 McMullen, A. R., LB450 McNagny, K., LB282 McNally, M., LB51 McNamara, M. N., LB572 McNurlan, M. A., LB334 McPhee, I. A.C., LB605 McVaney, T. P., LB26 Medei, E. H., LB585 Medeiros, A.R. S., LB562 Meehan, K., LB422 Melgar-Quiñonez, H., LB378 Melo, H., LB68 Men, S., LB711 Mende, U., LB615 Mendez, E., LB107 Mendonça, F. O., LB651 Menezes, T., LB613 Menon, M., LB137 Menon, T., LB78 Mercadante, A. Z., LB354 Mercalli, F., LB131 Merino, D., LB393 43 Merkel, L. I., LB623 Merkus, D., LB597 Mertens-Talcott, S., LB355 Mesangeau, C., LB511 Meyer zu Schwabedissen, H. E., LB519 Meyrelles, S., LB613 Mezzapelle, R., LB131 Miao, J., LB345, LB349 Michalska, K., LB215 Michel, L. Y.M., LB620 Miglio, U., LB131 Mikhaylov, G., LB191 Mikulis, D., LB719 Milam, K. E., LB99 Milavetz, B. I., LB153 Milburn, M., LB292 Millar, P., LB578 Miller, A., LB60 Miller, C. N., LB274 Miller, E., LB431 Miller, I. J., LB458 Miller, R., LB140 Miller, W. C., LB567 Millner, D. C., LB747 Milon, N., LB505 Min, J., LB159, LB265, LB277 Min, S.J., LB268 Minami, A., LB173 Minatel, I., LB337 Minatel, I. O., LB285, LB302, LB311 Minerva, N., LB65 Minicucci, M., LB348, LB370 Minicucci, M. F., LB596 Minor, M., LB188 Minshall, R., LB555 Minto, C., LB346, LB347 Minzi, O., LB276 Mirek, E. T., LB688 Mirshahi, F., LB656 Mishra, J., LB615 Mishra, P., LB122 Mitchell, A. S., LB623 Mitchell, C., LB238, LB239, LB250 Mitchell, E., LB291 Mitchell, K., LB42 Mitmesser, S. H., LB351 Mitola, A., LB230 Miura, K., LB459 Miyakawa, A. A., LB472 Miyamoto, T., LB26 Miyazaki, M., LB698 Miyoshi, M., LB269 Modesto, P. N., LB596 Moerke, M. J., LB491 44 Mofarrahi, M., LB695 Moffat, M., LB15 Mohammed, H., LB264 Mohney, R., LB292 Mohseni, R., LB263 Molina, M. B., LB308 Molotov-Luchanskiy, V., LB737 Molteni, A., LB432, LB439 Mônaco, K., LB338 Monceau, V., LB569 Mondelli, V. C., LB306 Monnerat-Cahli, G., LB585 Monnet, P. L., LB559 Monroy Torres, R., LB378 Montague, M., LB70 Montgomery, J., LB440, LB440 Monti, S., LB124 Montoux, A., LB56 Montoya, J., LB57 Moon, Y., LB195 Moore, B. C., LB35 Moore, J. M., LB141 Moosakhani, A., LB249 Moosakhani, F., LB249 Morais, D. K., LB169 Morais, K. L.P., LB196 Morales Silva, R., LB637 Moran, M. F., LB114 Moraru, I., LB30 Moreau, B., LB529 Morgan, J. I., LB159 Morgan, T., LB457 Morissette, M., LB699 Moroz, N., LB695 Morrell, J. S., LB287, LB314, LB315, LB404 Morrow, D. A., LB694 Morsch, D., LB654 Morton, A. B., LB663 Morton, J. S., LB551 Moseson, S., LB66 Mosior, M. K., LB521 Mota, G., LB662 Mougenot, N., LB486, LB569 Moura, E. G.H., LB350 Moustaïd-Moussa, N., LB289 Moustafa, Y. M., LB540 Mouton, A., LB604 Mu, A., LB664 Mu, C., LB580 Muere, C., LB745 Muhammad, A., LB147 Muhie, S., LB104 Muhlbauer, J., LB116 Mukherjee, A., LB99 Mukumoto, M., LB304 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Mula, R. V.R., LB273 Mulcahy, M. J., LB507 Muller, A. L., LB626 Multhaup, G., LB493 Mungula, D., LB70 Munoz, C. X., LB668 Muñoz, D. A., LB145 Munteanu Vlad, A., LB590 Muoki, P., LB406 Muralitharan, S., LB460 Murano, P., LB238, LB239, LB248, LB250 Muravlyova, L., LB737 Murphy, K. J., LB419 Murthy, K. S., LB656, LB687 Mussell, J. C., LB11 Muth, B. J., LB589, LB721 Muthukumaran, G., LB664 Muthuswamy, L., LB114 Muzhingi, T., LB406 N Naas, A., LB65 Nabavizadeh, A., LB4 Nadaud, S., LB569 Naimi, M., LB141 Naito, H., LB91 Nakamoto, H., LB91 Nakamura, H., LB282 Nakayama, K., LB417, LB434 Nalli, A. D., LB687 Nandula, S.R., LB684 Nankap, M., LB387 Naqvi, A. S., LB147 Narayanan, S., LB429 Narayanan, S.P., LB433 Nascimento, A., LB337 Nascimento, A. F., LB302 Nassif, C., LB659 Naudin, C. R., LB437 Navegantes, L.C. C., LB702 Naves-Sánchez, J., LB378 Ndiaye, K., LB616 Ndjebayi, A. O., LB387 Neal, C. R., LB552 Negedu, S., LB149 Negus, S., LB490 Neilson, A., LB288 Nelson, A., LB403 Nelson, H. N., LB251, LB252 Németh, J., LB531 Nene, M., LB382 Neumueller, S., LB745 Neves, E. N., LB549 Newaz, M. A., LB591 Newlan, S., LB400 Ng, S.W., LB318 Nguyen, D. G., LB424, LB426 Nguyen, H., LB533 Nguyen, P. H.B., LB533 Nguyen, T. V., LB498 Niblett, S., LB272 Nichols, J., LB627 Nichols, M. G., LB26 Nicholson, B. J., LB138 Nicholson, S., LB407 Nie, Q., LB189 Nie, S., LB373 Nielsen, D. E., LB307 Nies, N., LB383 Niles, K., LB394 Nnam, N. M., LB396 Noble, G., LB56 Nolan, E. A., LB365 Nolte, W., LB514 Nonaka, K. O., LB562 Noonan, V., LB124 Noratto, G., LB283 Norris, P. C., LB423 North, P. E., LB681 Novaira, H. J., LB419 Nunes, M., LB558 Nunes, M.A. A., LB308 Nunes, V. S., LB311 Nussinov, R., LB203 Nwanna, E. E., LB88, LB92, LB93 O Obeid, O., LB372 Oberg, K. C., LB44 O’Bert, A. E., LB251, LB252 Obialor, A. N., LB19 Obianom, O. N., LB524 Obih, P. O., LB480 O’Brien, A. T., LB761 O’Connell, G., LB640 O’Connor, A., LB236, LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB250 O’Connor, J. C., LB491 O’Connor, P. M., LB769 Odegaard, A. O., LB275 O’Donnell, B. M., LB182 Ofosu, A. M., LB317 Ogawa, A., LB328 Ogunleye, A., LB26 Ogwe, G., LB100 Oh, S. F., LB170 Oh, S.I., LB475 Ohri-Vachaspati, P., LB398 Okamura, K., LB304, LB362 O’Keeffe, G. W., LB13 Oken, E., LB260 Okoshi, K., LB246, LB348, LB558, LB710 Okoshi, M., LB370, LB558 Okoshi, M. O., LB630 Okoshi, M. P., LB246, LB405, LB596, LB710 Olajide, O., LB508 Oliveira Junior, S. A., LB246, LB710 Oliveira, E., LB662 Oliveira, E. M., LB560 Oliveira, L. P., LB266, LB654 Oliveira, N., LB79 Oliveira, S. M., LB630 Oliveira-Costa, J.P., LB452 Oller, H., LB529 O’Loughlin, E. K., LB32 Olson, S., LB71 Olsson, K., LB700 Olyalawuba, N. M., LB332, LB396 Omarkulov, V., LB736 Omobowale, T. A., LB539 O’Malley, A. M., LB42 Omoto, A.C. M., LB584 Onawoga, F., LB149 O’Neil, J., LB386 Onwuka, A. P., LB100 Opheim, A., LB58 Orazova, G., LB682, LB683 Orchard, T., LB267 Ordovas, J. M., LB242 Orr, J. A., LB559 Orsbon, C. P., LB4 Ortega, C., LB242 Ortega, L., LB61 Ortiz, C. M., LB108 Ortiz, R. M., LB576 Ortiz-Avila, O., LB89 Ortiz-Lugo, J. L., LB38 Ortlund, E. A., LB513 Osborn, J. W., LB766 Osborne, A. E., LB155 O’Sullivan, R., LB42 Otero, A., LB422 Ott, T. L., LB259 Ottaviani, L., LB447 Otten, J., LB61 O-Uchi, J., LB615 P Pacheco, G., LB374 Pacheco, M. T.F., LB196 Paciotti, J. R., LB534 Packer, T. S., LB124 Padovani, C. R., LB246 Pagan, L., LB558 Pagan, L. U., LB630, LB710 Paganotti, A., LB131 Pagé, M., LB699 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Page, P., LB407 Page, R. C., LB217 Pagliardini, S., LB748 Paik, H.Y., LB335 Paiva, M. C.M., LB405 Paiva, S., LB348, LB370 Paiva, S. R., LB596 Pakan, J. M., LB32 Pan, C-H., LB601 Pan, C-S., LB550 Pan, L., LB745 Pan, Y-X., LB504 Panchal, J., LB106 Pandey, A., LB122 Pandey, A. V., LB522 Pandey, N., LB80 Pandey, R., LB102 Panebianco, C., LB445 Pannerec, A., LB291 Parikh, S., LB526 Parikh, S. M., LB99 Park, C-S., LB339 Park, J.H., LB333 Park, J-W., LB123, LB209 Park, J-Y., LB581 Park, K-S., LB706 Park, M., LB321 Park, S., LB195, LB320, LB618, LB633, LB634, LB708, LB723 Park, S.M., LB198 Park, S-K., LB193 Park, Y., LB342, LB343, LB344, LB367 Park, Y.J., LB333 Parker, A. L., LB314 Parker, G. S., LB78 Parrilla-Kaltman, L., LB410 Parson, S. H., LB15 Passos, M. A., LB652 Pasternak, G. W., LB504 Pata, I., LB445 Patel, A. M., LB39, LB40 Patel, C., LB433 Patel, N., LB476 Patel, P., LB66 Patel, V., LB39, LB40 Patoine, D., LB699 Paton, J., LB477 Patrick, G. N., LB499 Patten, C. J., LB526, LB527 Patterson, C., LB217, LB420 Patterson, K., LB57 Paul, L., LB340 Paul, L. N., LB106 Pavoine, C., LB486 Pawar, H., LB718 Pawlak, R., LB255 Pazienza, V., LB445 Pecquet, S., LB319 Pedersen, D. S., LB501 Pedigo, K., LB56 Pedreira, P., LB38 Pedrosa, L. F., LB266 Peng, C., LB316 Pennington, L., LB47 Peppler, W. T., LB666, LB671 Pereira, G. L.P., LB338 Pereira, L. F., LB285 Pereira, M. A., LB275 Pereira, P., LB545 Pereira, R.M. R., LB562 Pereira, T., LB613 Perez, D. E., LB144 Perez, M. C., LB361 Permenter, T., LB380 Person, A., LB71 Perugino, D., LB48 Perusse, D., LB424 Peshavaria, M., LB258 Pessoa, T. D., LB730 Petroff, E., LB199 Petrone, A., LB567, LB640 Petruzzello, S. J., LB714 Pettit, G., LB116 Pfeiffer, C., LB517 Pfeiffer, K., LB45 Pham, N., LB114 Pham, T., LB57, LB375 Phelan, S. A., LB116 Phillipson-Weiner, L., LB688 Pickart, M. A., LB65 Pickett, A. E., LB695 Picton, P., LB578 Pienta, K. J., LB457 Pierce, G. L., LB587, LB588 Pierine, D. T., LB311 Piesvaux, J. A., LB140 Pillemer, D., LB287 Pilles, K., LB380 Piña, E., LB163 Pinkston, R., LB256 Pino-Figueroa, A. J., LB534 Piotrowski, J., LB55 Pira, C. U., LB44 Pitts, M. W., LB328 Plotnick, M., LB611 Plotnick, M. D., LB602 Poh, P. Y.S., LB714 Polegato, B., LB348, LB370 Polegato, B. F., LB596 Pollak, M. R., LB732 Pollock, D. M., LB735 Polson, J. W., LB716 Polusani, S. R., LB138 Poniewaz, B., LB51 Poole, C., LB395 Popkin, B. M., LB318, LB384 Porto, M., LB613 Portoles, O., LB242 Posse de Chaves, E., LB748 Poteracki, J. M., LB756 Pottgen, E., LB375 Poublanc, J., LB719 Poudel, K. C., LB356 Poudel-Tandukar, K., LB356 Poulsen, S. B., LB733 Power, C., LB390 Power, J. M., LB392 Poynter, M. E., LB258 Prebble, L., LB62 Prentice, A. M., LB276 Presnell, S. C., LB424, LB426 Prestipino, L., LB716 Pribis, P., LB309 Prigge, S., LB84 Primeaux, S., LB658 Prinster, S., LB506 Priviero, F., LB488 Prysiazhniuk, A., LB544 Pugh, P. C., LB565, LB610 Pulakat, L., LB612 Pyke, K. E., LB592, LB600, LB602, LB605, LB609, LB611 Pylro, V. S., LB169 Q Qiu, Y-Q., LB132 Quadrilatero, J., LB623 Qualls, S. J., LB78 Quattrocchi, A., LB133 Queiroz, A. L., LB652 Querido, J. I., LB315 Quinn, C. J., LB660 Quiñones, M., LB38 Quinteros, C. I., LB2 R Rachakatla, R. S., LB48 Raddadi, R., LB520 Radovick, S., LB419 Rafacho, B., LB348 Raghuram, V., LB734 Rahman, A., LB381 Rai, A. K., LB638 Raines, R. T., LB512 Raizada, M., LB749, LB750 Raizada, M. K., LB746 Rajani, V., LB748 Rajeevan, M. S., LB450 Rakhypbekov, T., LB563 Ralph, E., LB769 45 Ramadan, W., LB738 Ramalingam, L., LB289 Raman, V., LB64 Ramasamy, R., LB763 Ramasamy, T., LB82 Ramick, M. G., LB589, LB721 Ramineni, S., LB513 Ramires, P., LB697 Ramirez, U. D., LB166 Ramon, S., LB423 Ramos, S., LB759 Ramos-Ortolaza, D. L., LB639 Rampello, A., LB165 Rampersaud, A., LB515 Rana, S., LB565, LB610 Rangel, L. P., LB151 Rao, M.C., LB764 Rappa, F., LB445 Rasmussen, B. B., LB680 Rasmussen, C., LB236, LB237, LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB250, LB254 Rasmussen, S. A., LB681 Rathagala, M., LB187 Rathinasabapathy, A., LB746, LB749, LB750 Raththagala, M., LB205 Rattan, S. G., LB579 Ray, S., LB271, LB352, LB391, LB407, LB411 Rayalam, S., LB273, LB274 Raygorodskaya, M., LB27 Ray-Griffith, S., LB500 Rayle, S., LB642 Raza, F., LB432 Razo, J., LB69 Razumov, S., LB739 Razumov, S.A., LB740 Reddy, M., LB336 Reginaldo, C., LB340 Reid, D., LB202 Reidy, P. T., LB680 Reilly, B., LB57 Reilly, M., LB213 Reinke, C., LB228 Reis, A. M., LB725 Reis, J., LB275 Reiser, G., LB200 Reiss, I. K., LB597 Ren, Q., LB454 Ren, R., LB208 Rena, O., LB131 Resstel, L., LB715 Reyes, A., LB240, LB241 Reyes, L., LB760 Reyes-Aldasoro, C. C., LB606 46 Reynolds, N. A., LB521 Reynolds, P. R., LB747 Rhoads, R. P., LB365 Ribeiro Silva, A., LB452 Rice, J., LB137 Rich, S., LB2 Richard, B., LB360 Riegsecker, S., LB280 Rifas-Shiman, S., LB260 Riman, S., LB186 Rinaldi, M., LB131 Rios, B., LB60 Rippe, J. M., LB244 Ritchie, K. L., LB674 Ritenour, A., LB46 Rivera, M., LB61 Rivera, N., LB38 Riveros-Rosas, H., LB161, LB163 Rizkallah, R., LB186 Roa-Peña, L., LB448 Robbins, J. B., LB424 Roberts, A., LB181 Roberts, M. D., LB663 Robertson, L. A., LB3 Robinson, A., LB29 Robinson, C. L., LB617 Robinson, P., LB103 Robson, M., LB497 Robus, H., LB75 Roca, H., LB457 Roche, E.F., LB233 Roche, H., LB234 Roche, H.M., LB233 Roche, M. L., LB393 Rochon, D., LB55 Rockwood, S., LB543 Roddy, M., LB65 Rodgers, K. E., LB476 Rodkin, C., LB52 Rodrigues, B., LB613 Rodrigues, S. A., LB246 Rodriguez, D., LB471 Rodriguez, D. J., LB222 Rodríguez, N., LB38 Rodriguez, Y., LB109 Rodriguez-Medina, J. R., LB97 Rodriguez-Olivarria, G., LB379 Roemmich, J. N., LB257 Roepke, T. A., LB231 Rohrer, C., LB657 Rojas, F., LB145 Rojas, M., LB433 Rojas-Humpire, R., LB534 Rokous, J., LB53 Rolfe, M., LB137 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Romero, S. A., LB714 Romero, S. E., LB33 Rong, J., LB496 Rong, Y., LB159 Ronkainen, N. J., LB146 Rooney, C., LB54, LB68 Rorato, R., LB717 Rosa, C., LB558 Rosales, R., LB399 Rosario, R., LB763 Rosas-Rodriguez, J. A., LB576 Rosati, K., LB568 Roscani, M., LB370 Roscani, M. G., LB596 Rose, J. C., LB762 Roseguini, B., LB662 Roselli, S., LB437 Rosen, C., LB497 Rosenberg, A. J., LB672 Rosenkranz, R., LB296 Rosenkranz, S., LB296 Ross, J. W., LB365 Rossander-Hulthen, L., LB326 Rossi, G. C., LB504 Rossi, J. J., LB125 Rovnak, A., LB270 Rubel, C., LB420 Rubel, C. E., LB217 Ruffoni, L. D.G., LB562 Rullman, E., LB598 Ruoho, A. E., LB511 Rush, J. W., LB599 Rush, J. W.E., LB603 Russell, J., LB554 Ryan, C. M., LB288 Ryan, R., LB54 Ryu, P.D., LB727 S Saad, J. S., LB136 Saavedra-Molina, A., LB89 Sabate, J., LB309 Sabatino, T., LB61 Saenz, C., LB668 Sagyndyk, H., LB7, LB8, LB9 Sahakian, J., LB659 Sahota, P., LB300, LB301 Sakai, P., LB350 Sakthivelavan, S., LB2 Sala, P. C., LB350 Salahpour, A., LB471 Saleem, M., LB484 Sales, M. C., LB266 Sallee, D., LB98 Salmon, A. H., LB552 Salomons, G. S., LB501, LB518 Salpynov, Z., LB751 Samillan, V., LB545 Sampaio, I. H., LB652 Sampe, D., LB51 Sampieri, C. L., LB145 Samudio, I., LB282 Samuel, A., LB264 Samuel, T. A., LB149 Sanchez, B., LB236, LB240, LB241 Sandberg, A., LB326 Sanders, D. J., LB677 Sanders, K., LB64 Sandoval, K. E., LB494 Sandoval, P.C., LB734 Sankaran, B., LB156 Santana, M. N., LB243 Santana, P. G., LB630 Santana-Filho, V. J., LB243 Santel, A., LB99 Santerre, K., LB614 Santiago, C., LB759 Santillan, D. A., LB82 Santillan, M. K., LB82 Santo, M.A., LB350 Santos, A. C., LB266 Santos, J. R., LB652 Santos, K., LB337 Santos, K. C., LB302, LB311 Santos, P., LB348, LB370 Santos, P. S., LB243 Santos, R. V., LB243 Santos-Parker, J. R., LB588 Santos-Prowse, R. J., LB263 Santucci, A., LB59 Santuzzi, C. H., LB566 Sanyal, A. J., LB656 Sanz-Fernandez, M. V., LB365 Sapkota, A., LB661 Saraf, M. N., LB502 Saraiya, M., LB450 Sarathy, J., LB146, LB764 Saravia, J., LB441 Sarkar, D., LB115 Sarker, M., LB495 Sarker, S., LB508 Sartori, K. P., LB49 Sasi, P., LB276 Sasner, M., LB543 Sassoon, D., LB569 Satchie, A., LB65 Sautbayeva, Z., LB453 Savla, J., LB363 Savyanhadi, M., LB255 Sawaengsri, H., LB340 Sayegh, M., LB352, LB411 Scammell, T. E., LB712 Scarpellini, C. S., LB713 Scary, T., LB166 Schürer, S., LB505 Schaefer, C., LB112 Schaller, M., LB573 Schauer, E., LB54 Scheers, N., LB326 Scherl, S., LB66 Scherrer, C., LB54 Schiappa, J., LB383 Schisler, J., LB420 Schisler, J. C., LB217 Schmid, T. M., LB458 Schmidt, A.M., LB763 Schmidt, S. M., LB551 Schmitter, S. M., LB592, LB600 Schneemann, A., LB90, LB224 Schneid, S., LB465 Schoenfeld, P., LB200 Schrader, T., LB747 Schultz, E., LB62 Schumacher, C., LB59 Schutz, L. F., LB530, LB617 Sciani, J. M., LB196 Scoggin, s., LB289 Scomparin, D. X., LB651 Scopinho, A., LB715 Scordino, J., LB47 Scott, T., LB358 Scripture-Adams, D. D., LB78 Seale, L. A., LB328 Seals, D. R., LB572, LB588 Seawright, J. W., LB553 Sedivy, J., LB445 Seibert, J. T., LB365 Seidemann, E., LB256 Seifert, H. A., LB554 Selhub, J., LB340 Selsby, J. T., LB365 Selvi, E., LB744 Semler, L., LB63 Sen, S., LB260 Sena-Evangelista, K. C., LB266 Seo, H-S., LB375 Seo, Y-R., LB446, LB462 Seong, H-A., LB190 Serhan, C. N., LB423 Serrador, J. M., LB760 Serrano, M. K., LB145 Sessions, S. K., LB36 Seyfried, N. T., LB208 Shafer, B., LB672 Shah, R., LB448 Shaik, T., LB55 Shaltout, H. A., LB724 Shariat-Madar, Z., LB489 Shariatzadeh, M., LB249 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Sharma, K., LB66 Shashidharamurthy, R., LB273 Shaver, D., LB86 Shaw, A., LB402 Sheikhbahaei, S., LB748 Shen, H., LB580 Shen, S., LB731 Shen, Y.M., LB727 Shenouda, N., LB571 Shenoy, V., LB746, LB749, LB750 Shepherd, F. A., LB114 Sheppard, F. R., LB564 Sherrin, M., LB53 Sheu, S-S., LB615 Shi, H., LB165 Shido, O., LB629 Shim, J.E., LB335 Shimozuru, M., LB698 Shin, H-K., LB546 Shin, I-S., LB546 Shin, S-H., LB209 Shiozawa, Y., LB457 Shivalingappa, P. C., LB631 Shivappa, N., LB260 Shochat, C., LB27 Shockley, T. E., LB521 Shodehinde, S. A., LB88, LB93 Shodeinde, S. A., LB92 Sholikbayeva, M., LB755 Short, J. R., LB90, LB224 Shosha, E., LB429 Shrestha, B., LB441 Shroyer, K., LB448 Shu, J., LB322 Shu, Y., LB119, LB524 Shukitt-Hale, B., LB270 Shukla, A., LB62 Sieck, G. C., LB694 Siefker, D. T., LB441 Siervo, M., LB271, LB276 Silberg, J. J., LB80 Silva, I. D.C., LB350 Silva, J. L., LB151, LB218 Silva, N. R., LB246 Silva, R., LB348 Silva, V. S., LB302 Silva-Filha, E., LB243 Silveira, G., LB452 Silveira, L. R., LB652 Silveira, W. A., LB702 Silversides, D. W., LB616 Simbo, S., LB236, LB238, LB239, LB240, LB241, LB248, LB250, LB254 Simko, E., LB440 Simon, C., LB400 Simon, M., LB72 Simpson, C., LB235 Sims, M., LB377 Singh, B., LB435 Singh, M., LB498 Sinha Roy, P., LB487 Sinha, S., LB115, LB487 Sinnis, P., LB84 Sitta, R., LB104 Siy, T., LB54 Skeath, J., LB33 Skelly, L. E., LB571 Skorupski, K., LB204 Skuchalina, L., LB739, LB740 Slivkina, N., LB561, LB753 Smaller, K. A., LB678 Smith, H., LB71 Smith III, J., LB188 Smith, J. C., LB748 Smith, J.R., LB45 Smith, T. P., LB512 Smithson, A. T., LB288 Smuder, A. J., LB663 Snider, M. J., LB201 Snook, A. E., LB542 Snook, L. A., LB671 Snyder, L. M., LB259 Soares, F., LB452 Sobczyk, O., LB719 Soczka, S., LB54 Sohn, H.S., LB475 Soki, F., LB457 Soliman, K., LB535 Soliman, K. F., LB148 Solis-Trapala, I., LB407 Solka, K. A., LB458 Sollanek, K. J., LB663 Solocinski, K., LB758 Soly, S. K.v., LB137 Sommer, S., LB127 Sonanez-Organis, J. G., LB576 Sones, J. L., LB768 Song, B. K., LB564 Song, H., LB655 Song, J., LB768 Song, S., LB175 Song, W. O., LB317 Song, W.O., LB388 Sonnet, P., LB40 Soori, R., LB249 Sorelli Carneiro-Ramos, M., LB585 Soriano, F., LB137 Sorli, J. V., LB242 Sosa, M., LB38 Soss, S., LB420 Sotomayor Pérez, A., LB214 Soubrier, F., LB569 Souza, R. P., LB126 Souza-Smith, F., LB658 Sove, R. J., LB621 Sowa, D., LB306 Sowe, B., LB104 Sowers, J. R., LB606 Spacciapoli, P., LB140 Spaeth, J., LB60 Spalding, M., LB84 Speed, J. S., LB735 Speir, J., LB90 Spence, M., LB693 Spencer, S. A., LB189 Spicer, L. J., LB530, LB617 Spinelli, M., LB313 Splawn, T., LB655 Sponton, C. G., LB560 Springer, C., LB199 Springer, S., LB240, LB241 Spritzer, P. M., LB654 Spruill, S., LB360 Squires, E., LB65 Sridhar, S., LB168 Stafford, J., LB119 Staley, J., LB226 Stalnaker, S., LB213 Stam, K., LB597 Stan, S. D., LB294 Stanley, D. A., LB741 Stanton, B. A., LB111 Starosta, T., LB664 Starosvetova, E., LB739 Starosvetova, E.N., LB740 Stauss, H. M., LB610 Stechmann, B., LB184 Steckelings, U. M., LB746 Steenhout, P., LB319 Steer, T., LB407 Stein, M., LB547 Steinau, M., LB450 Steinback, C. D., LB551 Steinberger, J., LB72 Steiner, A. A., LB690 Steinke, J. M., LB732 Stern, D., LB318 Sternfeld, B., LB275 Stewart, J., LB380 Stewart, L. K., LB670 Stewart, S. A., LB625 Stoakes, S. K., LB365 Stock, G., LB64 Stoian, I., LB590 Stojkovic, V., LB235 Stoka, V., LB191 Stone, N., LB156 Stookey, J., LB403 Stowe, Z., LB500 Strachan, P., LB334 47 Strahler, T. R., LB588 Strandberg, S., LB54 Stringer, R., LB16 Stringfellow, S. A., LB610 Strom, D., LB61 Strom, J., LB61 Stuckless, T., LB611 Su, C., LB498 Su, F-C., LB134 Subramanian, M., LB523 Subramanian, P., LB107 Subramanian, V., LB212 Subrini, O., LB214 Sugimoto, N., LB629 Suh, H.J., LB342, LB343, LB344 Suh, N., LB193 Sulaiman, M., LB520 Sullivan, J. C., LB769 Sullivan, R., LB235 Sultatos, L. G., LB40 Sumien, N., LB495 Summers, M. F., LB219 Sumners, C., LB746 Sumser, M., LB547 Sun, F., LB498 Sung, M., LB593 Sunguroglu, A., LB135, LB142 Surcel, M., LB590 Suzuki, O., LB428 Svensson, B., LB205 Sweazea, K., LB642 Swiatecka-Urban, A., LB111 Swope, D., LB59 Sylvester, A. D., LB23, LB24, LB25 Szawka, R. E., LB725 Szczepaniak, S. A., LB223 T Tabone, L., LB568 Taguchi, A. T., LB110 Tai, Y., LB362 Takayama, L., LB562 Takegaki, J., LB269 Talcott, S., LB354, LB355 Talcott, S. M., LB354 Talon, L. C., LB311 Tamazaki, C., LB364 Tambuwala, M. M., LB689 Tan, W., LB681 Tanaka, M., LB269, LB707 Tang, Y., LB47 Tanus-Santos, J.E., LB595 Tao, S., LB175 Tapia, R., LB625 Tappuni, B., LB695 48 Taracanova, A., LB474 Tarawneh, A., LB489 Tardzhibayeva, S., LB755 Tavares, M. R., LB21 Tawara, H., LB304 Taylor, C. T., LB689 Taylor, P., LB114 Taylor, R., LB204 Telles, C. M., LB29 Teodoro, B. G., LB652 ter Haar, E., LB53 Terhune, C., LB23 Terry, L. E., LB485 Tesfazghi, M. T., LB186 Thaxton, C. A., LB256 Theoharides, T., LB474 Thew, M., LB54 Thomas, E. E., LB80 Thompson, P. R., LB212 Thomson, H., LB86 Thuy, J., LB476 Tian, X.Y., LB580 Tiemeyer, M., LB213 Tierney, P., LB13 Tiffany, K., LB65, LB65 Tipton, K. D., LB665 Tiradentes, R. V., LB566 Titus, S., LB414 To, C., LB114 Tolstanova, G., LB544 Toltaev, B.S., LB644 Tomatis, V. B., LB271 Tome, D., LB245 Tong, J., LB521 Tongyoo, P., LB734 Toomes, C., LB418 Topp, E. M., LB106 Torchinsky, A., LB27 Torok, B., LB112 Torok, M., LB112 Torres-Reveron, A., LB639 Torsdottir, I., LB326 Toscano, J. P., LB207 Tótola, M. R., LB169 Totty, M. L., LB617 Tran, H., LB353 Tran, Q-K., LB481, LB482, LB485 Tranmer, J., LB609 Trauner, D., LB547 Trentin-Sonoda, M., LB585 Trivedi, V., LB37 Truong, T., LB37 Tsao, M. S., LB114 Tschakovsky, M. E., LB575, LB607 Tseng, H-Y., LB134 Tsiani, E., LB141 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Tsiountsioura, M., LB352 Tso, P., LB197 Tsoy, N., LB359 Tsoy, O.G., LB359 Tsubota, T., LB698 Tsuchida, T., LB459 Tsuji, J., LB61 Tsuzuki, T., LB91 Tucker, K., LB358 Tuncel, V., LB51 Tung, Y., LB449 Tung-Chou, T., LB444 Turgambayeva, A., LB120 Turk, B., LB191 Turlybekova, K., LB563 Turner, A. D., LB434 Turner, B. D., LB187 Turner, L., LB398 Turner, R., LB497 Tyagi, S. C., LB574 Tyas, C. A., LB25 Tzeng, T., LB658 Tzioumis, E., LB395 U Uddin, M. N., LB121 Ugur, H. C., LB135, LB142 Ukaegbu, O., LB162 Uliassi, D. D., LB392 Umbaugh, C. S., LB473 Unger, E. R., LB450 Unger, T., LB746 Uray, I. P., LB537 Usami, M., LB269 V Valencia, M. E., LB379 Valentine, T., LB72 Valle, E., LB137 Vallejo, J., LB693 Valverde, P., LB73 van Duin, R. W., LB597 Vanden Heauvel, G., LB432 Vanden Heuvel, G., LB439 Vander Kooi, C. W., LB187 Vanderlee, L., LB397 van Klinken, B., LB376 van Klinken, J-W., LB360 Vanner, E. A., LB448 Vara-Cisneros, P., LB163 Varelas, X., LB124 Vashe, A., LB752 Vasilieva, O., LB191 Vasquez, E., LB613 Vasudevan, S., LB259 Vazquez-Quinonez, L. E., LB97 Vecchio, M.G., LB346, LB347 Vega, Q., LB199 Veggiani, C., LB131 Veiga, F., LB488 Velagapudi, R., LB508 Veldurthy, V., LB185 Velez, V., LB97 Venables, M. C., LB271 Venancio, V. P., LB354 Verma, I. M., LB78 VerMeer, M., LB481, LB482, LB485 Verpeut, J. L., LB231 Verzijl, A., LB597 Veysey, M., LB272 Vickaryous, M. K., LB3 Vidona, W. B., LB18 Vieira Abrahão, M., LB585 Vij, N., LB631 Vileigas, D. F., LB630 Villamil, D., LB338 Villari, T. Y., LB252 Villa-Rodriguez, J. A., LB323 Villegas, A., LB56 Vincent-Horta, L. M., LB677 Vinciguerra, M., LB133, LB445 Virgen-Ortiz, A., LB576 Vitamin D and Cognition Study Group, LB390 Vogel, K. R., LB501, LB518 Volek, J. S., LB668 Volpi, E., LB680 Voltarelli, V., LB696, LB703 Vomhof-DeKrey, E., LB257 Vuda, M., LB220 W Waas, M., LB61 Waddell, D., LB709 Wade, G., LB51 Waitzberg, D. L., LB350 Waldman, M., LB557 Waldman, S. A., LB542 Walker, C. G., LB271 Walker, D., LB238, LB239, LB248, LB250 Walkley, S., LB637 Wall, S., LB67 Wallner, J., LB55 Walsh, J. J., LB607 Wandsnider, M., LB65 Wang, C. Q., LB443 Wang, D., LB291 Wang, G., LB371 Wang, H., LB298, LB384, LB470 Wang, J., LB137, LB527, LB645 Wang, K., LB525 Wang, L., LB503 Wang, M-F., LB366 Wang, O., LB324 Wang, R., LB327 Wang, S., LB113, LB369, LB373 Wang, T., LB470 Wang, W., LB645 Wang, X., LB483, LB731 Wang, Y., LB171, LB277, LB457, LB688, LB731 Wangh, L. J., LB155 Wankowski, J., LB65 Wan Winkle, L., LB416 Warren, G. L., LB704 Wassell, S., LB271, LB276 Waters, J. S., LB643 Waxman, D. J., LB515 Webb, D., LB412 Webb, S., LB456 Webster, T., LB168 Webster, T. J., LB427, LB649 Wee, S-O., LB672 Weed, P. F., LB492 Weeden, M., LB51 Ween, M., LB477 Weerakoon, S., LB622 Weers, P. M.M., LB98 Wehrle, A., LB587 Wehrwein, E. A., LB756 Wei, H., LB118, LB454, LB461 Weidenhofer, J., LB437 Weiss, M. L., LB45 Wells, L., LB213 Welsh, J. A., LB297 Wenner, M. M., LB720, LB721 Werneck, M., LB545 West, S. G., LB293 Westerblad, H., LB700 Westerkamp, C., LB701 Westphal, C. V., LB631 Weyer, A., LB54 Whang, K., LB321 Whang, K-Y., LB261 Wharton, K. A., LB443 White, C. M., LB397 White, E., LB567 White, E. M., LB10 White, M. D., LB667 White, R. C., LB610 White, R. E., LB41 Whitmarsh, A., LB87 Wilbur, K., LB70 Experimental Biology 2015: Late-Breaking Program Wilde, A., LB65 Wilk, M., LB63 Wilkens, C., LB205 Wilkins, C., LB63 Wilkins, K., LB241 Wilkins, L., LB240 Williams, C., LB162 Williams, D., LB14 Williams, O.D., LB408 Williamson, G., LB323 Wilson, B., LB33 Wilson, B. E., LB581 Wilson, E. M., LB681 Wilson, G. J., LB688 Wilson, T., LB251, LB252 Wilson, T. W., LB247 Wilt, L. A., LB181 Winett, R. A., LB363 Winsauer, P. J., LB492 Wintrode, P., LB81 Wirth, M., LB260 Wisniewski, E., LB177 Witmer, J. R., LB587 Witt, K. A., LB494 Wolever, T., LB376 Wolever, T. M.S., LB360 Wolfe, A., LB419 Wolosker, N., LB662 Won, J., LB618, LB619, LB726 Wong, S., LB137 Wong, W.T., LB580 Wood, A., LB58 Wood, L. V., LB603 Woodliff, J. E., LB106 Woodman, C. R., LB553 Wooten, J. S., LB494 Wright, D. C., LB666, LB671, LB674 Wu, A., LB528 Wu, C-H., LB601, LB601 Wu, H., LB159 Wu, J., LB105 Wu, P., LB470 Wu, S., LB419 Wu, T., LB117 Wu, Y., LB113 Wu, Z., LB503 Wurth, R., LB358 Wusirika, R., LB206 Wustrow, D., LB137 Wyss, H., LB319 Wyss, J.M., LB565, LB610 X Xavier, J. L., LB651 Xia, Z., LB503 Xiao, H., LB345, LB349 Xie, Z., LB43 Xing, J., LB429, LB433 Xu, H., LB731 Xu, J., LB504 Xu, M., LB28 Xu, Q., LB336 Xu, R., LB377 Xu, X., LB615 Xu, Z., LB429, LB433 Y Yachie, A., LB629 Yaghmoor, S., LB83 Yakubu, M. A., LB539, LB541 Yamamoto, S., LB459 Yan, J., LB197, LB319 Yan, X., LB421 Yang, A., LB67 Yang, C-R., LB734 Yang, C-W., LB132 Yang, H., LB511, LB521 Yang, J., LB113, LB274 Yang, J.H., LB509 Yang, M., LB528 Yang, N., LB61, LB117 Yang, P., LB158, LB537 Yang, R-B., LB132 Yang, S.J., LB281 Yang, T., LB749 Yang, Y., LB211, LB632 Yano, K., LB99 Yao, B., LB137, LB158 Yao, L., LB537 Ye, J., LB350 Ye, Q., LB351 Ye, S., LB336 Yee, L., LB267 Yellowhair, T. R., LB692 Yeomans, B. L., LB231 Yeon, S-I., LB582 Yi, S. M., LB110 Yin, A., LB274 Yin, L., LB608 Ying, W., LB655 Yoo, Y., LB333 Yoon, S.H., LB375 Yorke, N., LB61 You, D., LB441 You, S., LB179 Youakeem, M. F., LB1 Young, J., LB500 Young, M., LB199 Yousefipour, Z., LB591 Yu, C., LB179 Yu, G., LB221 Yu, J., LB30 Yu, N., LB400 Yu, Q., LB20 Yu, Y. P., LB455 Yuan, K., LB118, LB119, LB454, LB461 Yuan, L., LB34 Yueh-Hsiung, K., LB444 Yukselten, Y., LB135, LB142 Yun, E.Y., LB152 Yu-Tang, T., LB444 Z Zack, J. A., LB78 Zádori, Z., LB531 Zagloul, M., LB54 Zaheer, A., LB82 Zaheer, S., LB82 Zakaria, M., LB115 Zaman, P., LB645 Zambom, R., LB405 Zanesco, A., LB560 Zappia, K., LB54 Zaruwa, M., LB147 Zawieja, D. C., LB121 Zeeni, N., LB245 Zegar, I., LB70 Zempleni, J., LB322, LB357 Zeng, Y., LB226 Zhan, B., LB53 Zhan, T., LB542 Zhang, B., LB298, LB384 Zhang, D., LB324 Zhang, H., LB28, LB213, LB217 Zhang, J., LB369, LB373 Zhang, L., LB124, LB617 Zhang, R., LB469 Zhang, T., LB471 Zhang, W., LB114 Zhang, Y., LB43, LB286, LB645, LB748 Zhang, Z., LB351 Zhao, J., LB28, LB496 Zhao, L., LB371 49 Zheng, D., LB708 Zheng, S., LB263, LB361 Zhou, B., LB655 Zhou, H-J., LB137 Zhou, J., LB349, LB473 Zhou, L., LB119 Zhou, X-M., LB171 Zhu, C., LB114 Zhu, M., LB731 Zhu, S., LB262 Zhu, X., LB28 Zhu, Y., LB33 Ziauddeen, N., LB407 Zibolsky, C., LB58 Zietlow, E., LB65 Zihlif, M., LB536 Zimering, J. H., LB43 Zimmermann, R., LB628 Zniber, S., LB77 Zornoff, L., LB348, LB370 Zornoff, L. A.M., LB710 Zornoff, L. M., LB596 Zsolczai, D., LB537 Zuck, J., LB642 Zucker, S. N., LB138 Zuegg, J., LB477 Zuo, L., LB249 Zuo, R., LB526 Zwicker, J. D., LB748 Career Center & MARC Activities COMPLIMENTARY CAREER SERVICES The Career Center is an absolute must for any professional looking to start their research career, anyone thinking it’s time for a job change or for the seasoned professional wanting to brush-up on their professional development skills. • Beginning on March 2, 2015, employers and job seekers will have 24-hour access to the Online Career Center site to list their job opportunities and profile information by accessing the website, The Online Career Center will be available through April 1, 2015. Each Career Center online job posting will be available online for 30 days from date of its initial posting. (Onsite career services will be available beginning at 9 AM on March 28, 2015.) Experimental Biology EXCLUSIVE CAREER DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES For registered EB attendees only – Free Career Services The Career Center offers more than 40 seminars to enhance your professional development skills. The career development seminars are included with your registration fee and are exclusive to EB 2015 attendees. A full list of the seminars is available on the meeting website, BOSTON ANNUAL MEETINGS OF: NIH BOOT CAMP: “BECOMING A MANAGER”* Leadership & Management Training for PhD-level Scientists and Senior-level Graduate Students who will be leading their own groups in academics, industry, non-profits and government (research and non-research related positions) Friday-Saturday, March 27-28 only; 8:30 AM – 5 PM *NOTE: A separate and advanced registration is required for the NIH Boot Camp; Travel awards are available. A FULL LIST OF THE SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS IS AVAILABLE AT CAREER CENTER HOURS Saturday, March 28 . . . . . . . . . .9 AM – 5 PM Sunday, March 29 . . . . . . . . . . .9 AM – 5 PM Monday, March 30 . . . . . . . . . . .9 AM – 5 PM Tuesday, March 31 . . . . . . . . . . .9 AM – 4 PM Wednesday, April 1 . . . . . . . …..9 AM – 3 PM CONTACT US Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Phone: 301-634-7010 Phone: 301-634-7930 Phone: 301-634-7021 Enhance Your EB Experience Download the App! The latest scientic sessions and event information at your ngertips. • Build a personalized schedule • Take notes and download event handouts and presentations • Interactively locate sessions and exhibitors • Find attendees and connect with your colleagues • Receive important real-time communications • Join the conversation on Twitter/Facebook • And much more! 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