Morris Dibben - Southampton City Council
Morris Dibben - Southampton City Council
Morris Dibben 53 London Rood Southompton Mr M Pidgeon Plonning Officer Southompton City Council Hompshire SOI5 2AD Telephone : Focsimile: Emoil: 09 Moy 2012 Deor Mr Pidgeon RE: I4 York Terroce, I4 Hensleod Rood. Polygon, SO15 2DD We confirm thot l4 York Terroce, Hensteod Rood, SOl5 2DD hos been on the morket for sole ond hos been offered of o reosonoble price bosed on the ossessment of the property morket in the locol oreo. There is no reosonoble demond for the existing residentiol property os confinued C3 Use. N.ts. Rtu- T. Per* Bnr<fds Ltrree- sAltt 3or: Apgru z_,orL , Peler Boker Voluotions Monoger Morris Dibben MAl0205 Morris Dibben Limited. Registered Ofilce: Lock Heath Centre,3lr33 CentreWay, Lock Heath, Southampton, Hampshire 5O3 I 6DX. Registered in England No.5255464. 7!@mH