761-823 - super cub piper parts catalog - pa-18-150
761-823 - super cub piper parts catalog - pa-18-150
SUPERCUB PARTS CATALOG CARD1 OF1 PA-18-150 PIPERAIRCRAFT CORPORATION IPART NUMBER 7018231 1A1 PIPER PARTS CATALOG AEROFICHE EXPLANATION AND REVISION STATUS The parts catalog information in this set of Aerofiche cards is arranged in accordance with general specifications of Aerofiche adopted by the General Aviation Manufacturer's Association Conversion of Aerofiche alpha/numeric code numbers: First number is the Aerofiche card identifier Letter is the horizontal line reference per card Second number is the vertical line reference per card Example: 2J16 = Aerofiche card number two of given set, grid location J16 A Table of Contents is located at grid 1A8 REVISIONS The information in this Aerofiche Parts Catalog is kept current by revisions distributed periodically These revisions supersede all previous revisions, are complete Aerofiche card replacements, and supersede Aerofiche cards of the same number in the set Revisions to this PA-18-150 Super Cub Parts Catalog (761 823) issued June 27. 1988 are as follows Effectivity Publication Date ORG880627 August 15, 1988 Aerofiche Card Effectivity 1 NOTE Consult the Customer Service Information Aerofiche for current revision dates for this manual ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1A2 PIPER PARTS CATALOG INTRODUCTION This illustrated parts catalog provides simple but positive identification of replacement parts for the Piper Super Cub PA-18-150, manufactured by Piper Aircraft Corporation of Vero Beach, Florida - WARNING - Do not use this catalog for rigging or installation purposes 1 The catalog is divided into eleven major sections as follows: a Sections I to X inclusive contain all replacement parts for the complete airplane Each section is subdivided and each division includes an illustration and a parts listing b Section XI is the Miscellaneous Group This group includes a listing of the Optional Equipment Kits 2 The following is a brief explanation of the columns in the parts listing: a The FIGURE AND INDEX column indicates the illustration figure number and its parts index number Example: (2-1), the 2 is the figure number and the 1 is the index number. The figure number appears only at the top of each parts listing page or at the beginning of each new parts listing. b The PART NUMBER column contains the identifying number of the replacement part This number must be shown on all parts orders c The CODE column indicates special uses of the part An explanation of the letter code is shown on the CODE EXPLANATIONS page d The NOMENCLATURE column indicates the part name This name must be shown on all parts orders e The NO REQ column represents the total quantity of parts used per aircraft per figure when the part is not indented and t quantity of parts used per assembly when the part is indented The symbol AR listed in this column means "As Required" f The SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED column indicates the part application by airplane serial number Figure and Index Number EXAMPLE Part Number NOMENCLATURE Code DOOR ASSEMBLY - Baggage compartment ' FRAME ASSEMBLY - Baggage compartment door HINGE ASSEMBLY - Baggage door CLIP - Baggage door spring No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 This listing is interpreted as follows: If the DOOR ASSEMBLY (not indented) is ordered, it will include the three items listed under DOOR ASSEMBLY If the FRAME ASSEMBLY (indented one space) is ordered, it will include the two items listed under FRAME ASSEMBLY If you want only a HINGE ASSEMBLY or CLIP, you order only that item. 3 Optional equipment items are contained in the parts list in their proper sequence and sections These items are not marked optional, since they are fully identified by their descriptions ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1A3 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG HOW TO IDENTIFY A PART IF YOU KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE AND KNOW WHERE IT IS LOCATED 1 Refer to Figure 1 to determine the section number in which the part is located 2 Refer to the Table of Contents and locate the section Note the figure numbers that illustrate the various subgroups of this main section Select the figure title you think might contain the part you wish to identify and turn to the grid (page) specified 3 Find the part on the illustration and note the index number NOTE: If you don't find the part on this illustration, try another figure in this group 4 Refer to the "Figure and Index Number" in the parts listing for complete description of the part HOW TO ORDER PARTS When ordering parts, please observe the following instructions: 1 Place your order with your local distributor or service center 2 Specify the model and serial number of your airplane 3 Specify part number, name, type and quantity required 4 Specify the method of shipment - freight, express, parcel post, air express, air freight or air parcel post Where the nature of the shipment requires it or when no instructions are given, we reserve the right to ship the most suitable way 5 Request price and delivery information prior to order placement. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Shortages All orders are checked before leaving our shipping department A packing slip is enclosed with the shipment. Claims for errors or shortages must be made within three days after receipt of orders 2 Returned Goods Please do not return material to us without securing our written permission Material returned to us without notice will be held at the owner's risk for thirty days and will then be disposed of as we see fit NOTE: Transportation charges must be prepaid on returned goods or the shipment will be refused 3 Transportation Liabilities The Piper Aircraft Corporation cannot be held liable for damages to parts in transit from the factory If a shipment is received in a damaged condition, have the delivery man or transportation company make a notation of the damage and file your claim with the carrier In case of concealed damage, do not attempt to remove the part from the shipping container, or try to repair the damage Call the carrier and have their claim agent inspect the damage before filing your claim with the carrier ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1A4 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG PA-18-150 SERIALNUMBERINFORMATION Serial numbers of the aircraft covered in this parts catalog are as follows: PA-18-150 Super Cub serial numbers 1809001 and up ISSUED JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1A5 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CECONITE 7600 PROCESS FINISH MATERIALS - NOTE - The Piper PA-18-150 Super Cub is manufactured using the Blue River Ceconite 7600 Aircraft Covering Process All finish products listed below are used only in this process PIPER PART NUMBER Flexi-Gloss Finish, Cub Yellow ......................... Flexi-Gloss Finish. White ............................. Flexi-Gloss Finish. Black ............................... Flexi-Gloss Finish, Clear ............................... Activator (7603GL) .................................... Activator (7603QT) .................................... Cement (7602GL) ..................................... Cement (7602QT) ..................................... Cleaner (CL1GL) ...................................... Filler (7601GL) ........................................ Tape - Pinked, 2" wide (76P2) .......................... Tape - Pinked. 3" wide (76P3) .......................... Tape - Pinked. 4" wide (76P4) .......................... Tape - Cloth, multi-purpose, 1" wide .................... Tape - Reinforcing, 1/4" wide (RT14) ................... Tape - Reinforcing, 1/2" wide (RT12) ................... ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1A6 170 880 170 879 170 881 170 882 179 714 170 715 180 004 180 005 279 049 460 987 180 470 180 471 180 472 180 474 180 475 180 473 (Gallon) (Gallon) (Quart) (Gallon) (Gallon) (Quart) (Gallon) (Quart) (Gallon) (Gallon) (50 yard) (25 yard) (25 yard) (60 feet) (60 yard) (60 yard) PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1A7 PIPER PARTS CATALOG TABLEOF CONTENTS FIGURE NUMBER 1 GRID NUMBER FIGURE TITLE 1A6 1A11 .... Ceconite 7600 Process Finish Materials ...................................... Exploded View of Complete Airplane ............................................ SECTION I WING GROUP 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ................ Wing and Fuel Tank Installation ............................... ......................................... Covered Wing Assembly .................. Wing Panel Assembly. Uncovered (Showing Leading Edge) .............................. Wing Panel Assembly, Uncovered (Showing Trailing Edge).............................. Flap Assembly ................................................................. Aileron Assembly ............................................................ Strut Installation ............................................................ .... 1A12 1A16 1A20 1A24 1B5 1B8 1B11 ... ......... ......... SECTION II FUSELAGE GROUP 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Covered Fuselage Assembly, Left View.. ................................ ...... ......... Covered Fuselage Assembly, Right View ................................... Fuselage Frame Assembly .......................................................... ......... Seats Installation ......................................................... Rudder Pedals and Floorboards Installation ................... ...................... Throttle. Cabin and Carburetor Heat Mixture Controls .................................. Instrument Panel Installation (Standard) ................................................ ............... Instrument Panel Installation (With Options) ............................ 1B14 118 121 1C1 1C4 1C7 C10 1C14 SECTION III AGRICULTURAL GROUP SECTION IV TAIL GROUP 17 Tail Surface Installation ...................................... 1C18 ......................... SECTION V CHASSIS GROUP 18 19 20 21 22 Landing Gear Installation ............................................................ Brake Assembly (Cleveland) ................................................... Main Wheel Assembly (Cleveland) .................................................... Tail Wheel Installation ................................................................ ........................................ Brake Installation ............................ .. . 1C22 1D2 1D5 1D8 D11 SECTION VI POWERPLANTGROUP 23 24 25 26 27 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 ................. .................... Powerplant Installation, Lycoming ......... Spinner Installation .................................................................. ,........ Cowl Installation. Lycoming ....................................... ............................ Baffles Installation ............................ Vacuum System Installation .................................................... ..... 1A8 1D14 1D19 1D22 1E 1E4 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURE NUMBER GRID NUMBER FIGURE TITLE SECTION VII FUEL SYSTEM GROUP 28 Fuel System Installation ....................................... .... ......... 1E8 . SECTION VIII ELECTRICALSYSTEM GROUP 29 30 31 32 33 34 Electrical System Installation ............ ................... ...................... Electrical Components Installation .................................................... Wing Light and Strobe Light Installation ................................................ Landing Light Installation ..................................... .................. Electric Fuel Gauge Installation ....................................................... Speaker and Dome Light Installation .................................................. .. 1E12 1E16 1E19 1E22 1F1 1F4 SECTION IX CONTROL SYSTEM GROUP 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Elevator and Aileron Control Installation .............................................. Elevator Control System ......... ................................................... Aileron Control System ............................................................ Rudder Control System ......... ............................................. Flap Control System ................................................................ Adjustment Stabilizer Control System ................................................ Stabilizer Adjustment Crank Installation ..................................... Stabilizer Adjustment Yoke and Bungee Installation ................................... ....... 1F7 1F10 1F13 1F16 1F19 1F23 1G2 1G5 SECTION X RADIO GROUP 43 Piper Automatic Locator (ELT) Installation (Narco Avionics)............................... 1G8 SECTION Xl MISCELLANEOUS GROUP Optional Equipment Kits ........ ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 ..................................................... 1A9 1G 12 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1A10 PIPER PARTS CATALOG XI MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL Figure 1 Exploded View of Complete Airplane ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1A11 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 2 Wing and Fuel Tank Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1A12 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 2 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1A13 WING AND FUEL TANK INSTALLATION SECTION I Wing Group Figure and Index Number 2- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -7a -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 12322 13766 14477 DRAWING - Rigging Diagram DRAWING - Wing and Fuel Tank Installation DRAWING - Aircraft Dimension and Control Surface Travel 12276-00 12276-01 19657-00 11523-00 12274-00 12274-02 12275-00 12275-01 11719-00 11719-01 14400-04 14400-05 459 131 FAIRING - Wing Root, LH FAIRING - Wing Root. RH MOULDING - Rubber FAIRING - Wing Root, top FAIRING - Wing Root, bottom front, LH FAIRING - Wing Root, bottom front. RH FAIRING - Wing Root, bottom rear, LH FAIRING - Wing Root, bottom rear, RH PLATE - Fairing attachment. LH PLATE - Fairing attachment, RH PANEL ASSEMBLY - Wing, Ceconite covered, LH PANEL ASSEMBLY - Wing, Ceconite covered, RH ENVELOPE - Wing, Ceconite, left or right (BLU PA-18-W) BOLT - (AN5-17A) WASHER - (AN960-515) NUT - (MS20365-524C) BOLT - (AN5-16A) WASHER - (AN960-516) NUT - (MS20365-524C) FAIRING - Flap, LH FAIRING - Flap, RH FLAP ASSEMBLY - Aluminum, Left FLAP ASSEMBLY - Aluminum, Right HINGE - Flap, inboard HINGE - Flap, outboard AILERON ASSEMBLY - Aluminum, left AILERON ASSEMBLY - Aluminum, right HINGE - Center HINGE - Inboard and outboard HORN ASSEMBLY COVER - Pulley COVER ASSEMBLY - Fuel tank, LH COVER ASSEMBLY - Fuel tank. RH (reversed) FELT - Top (4-per ship) FELT - Bottom (4-per ship) FELT - Front (4-per ship) FELT - SAE F-50-tank cover (10 ft per ship) CAP - Tank (fuel cap assembly) STUD - Tank strap (4-per ship) TANK ASSEMBLY - Fuel, LH TANK ASSEMBLY - Fuel, RH * FLANGE - Fuel tank filler cap HOSE, Flexible HOSE, Flexible HOSE. Flexible CLAMP, (#8 SAE Type "E" Zinc plated) CLAMP. (SAE TY F GS4SS) 401 195 407 566 404 889 401 194 407 566 404 889 12795-00 12795-01 60709-02 60709-03 11682-00 41881-02 60714-02 60714-03 41891-00 41881-00 40501-00 60752-00 12570-09 12570-09 10016-20 10016-21 10016-17 180497 60750-02 80111-00 10849-34 10849-43 74181-00 82371-10 82371-07 82371-06 454 983 554 778 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 5' 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1A14 PA-18-150 SECTION I Wing Group WING AND FUEL TANK INSTALLATION Figure and Index Number 2-33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 554 871 460 649 458 940 72091-00 12532-03 424217 407 565 407 585 13764-00 60762-02 476 652 11253-00 Code NOMENCLATURE CLAMP, (SAE TY F GS6SS) FITTING - CONNECTOR - W/H # 234 x 4 ELBOW - (AN-840-4D) STRAINER ASSEMBLY - Tank outlet WINDOW - Landing light PIN - Hinge, aileron and flap (AN394-41) WASHER - (AN960-416) WASHER - {AN960-416L) TUBE ASSEMBLY - Airspeed (pitot/static) GAUGE ASSEMBLY - Sender NIPPLE - (AN 840-6D) TAB - Aileron trim No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 4 1 1 2 1 10 AR AR 1 2 4 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1A15 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 3 Covered Wing Assembly ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1A16 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 3 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1A17 SECTION I Wing Group Figure and Index Number COVERED WING ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 3- 14400 DRAWING - Wing Assembly, Covered -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 82461-00 12761-02 81232-15 85012-78 80122-51 80541-02 80122-53 60671-00 15761-00 60863-03 60863-09 11473-47 WINDOW - Wing inspection COVER ASSEMBLY - Drag wire inspection DISC - Pyralin, jig hole cover GROMMET- Round GROMMET - Reinforcing, pyralin GROMMET - Cover GROMMET- Drain GROMMET - Aileron pulley cover REINFORCEMENT- Pyralin REINFORCEMENT- Leather REINFORCEMENT- Leather PLATE - Reinforcing No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED AR AR 8 AR AR AR AR 2 4 7 2 6 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1A18 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1A19 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 28 53-54 RIGHT HAND ONLY 21 45 43 5-6 62 Figure 4 Wing Panel Assembly, Uncovered (Showing Leading Edge) ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1A20 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 4 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1A21 WING PANEL ASSEMBLY. UNCOVERED (Showing Leading Edge) SECTION I Wing Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 4- 14394 DRAWING - Wing panel assembly, uncovered -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 14394-02 14394-03 472 661 10630-05 10630-08 14387-00 -6 14387-01 7 14389-00 -8 14389-01 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 * -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 13072-06 15723-00 15723-01 453 126 16611-00 16601-00 16551-00 16561-00 10401-00 14461-00 14192-00 10648-03 10650-02 10649-03 10641-00 14161-00 11677-00 452 335 40092-10 11672-00 11675-02 11675-03 10703-04 10703-03 10921-00 422 604 11678-00 10291-00 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 89232-02 14271-00 14182-00 15631-03 15631-02 10703-00 10921-00 422 604 14581-00 14611-00 14611-01 14621-00 WING PANEL ASSEMBLY - Uncovered LH WING PANEL ASSEMBLY - Uncovered RH LIGHT - Landing (4509) COVER - Leading edge inboard RH #1 COVER - Leading edge inboard LH #1 COVER - Leading edge center inboard section LH #2 COVER - Leading edge center inboard section RH #2 COVER - Leading edge center outboard section LH #3 COVER - Leading edge center outboard section RH #3 COVER - Leading edge outboard #4 COVER - Tip, leading edge. LH COVER - Tip, leading edge, RH BOW - Wing tip FITTING - Wing tip bow rear spar FITTING - Wing tip bow rear spar FITTING - Wing tip bow front spar FITTING - Wing tip bow front spar FITTING - Front spar butt hinge BLOCK - Filler FITTINGASSEMBLY - Left strut attachment STRAP ASSEMBLY - Fuel tank STRAP ASSEMBLY - Fuel tank STRAP ASSEMBLY - Fuel tank TUBE - Drag brace, fuel tank FITTING - Hinge rear spar butt ROD - Push pull flap BEARING - Push pull rod BELLCRANK BRACKET - Flap bellcrank ANGLE - Reinforcement ANGLE - Reinforcement BRACKETASSEMBLY - Flap hinge BRACKETASSEMBLY - Flap hinge BLOCK - Bearing RIVET - Steel (1/8" x 15/16" L) PLATE - Stop ANGLE - Reinforcement inboard aileron hinge, outboard aileron hinge, and outboard flap hinge BRACE ASSEMBLY - False spar BLOCK - Filler FITTING - Lift strut attachment SPACER SPACER BRACKETASSEMBLY - Aileron hinge BLOCK RIVET - Steel (1/8" x 15/16" L) STOP ASSEMBLY - Aileron BRACKET- Aileron pulley, inboard half, LH BRACKET- Aileron pulley, inboard half, RH BRACKET- Aileron pulley, outboard half, LH No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 11 21 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 8 4 6 12 4 4 2 2 6 1 2 2 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number. Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1A22 PA-18-150 WING PANEL ASSEMBLY, UNCOVERED (Showing Leading Edge) Figure and Index Number SECTION I Wing Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 4-49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 14621-01 14261-00 82732-24 12847-00 14571-00 14571-01 14291-00 14291-01 14401-08 14411-02 14401-03 14411-03 14401-04 14411-04 14401-05 41291-00 400 443 -66 -67 12028-00 407 564 -68 80122-11 Code NOMENCLATURE BRACKET - Aileron pulley, outboard half, RH BRACKET - Aileron pulley housing attachment BUSHING BRACKETASSEMBLY - Door catch mounting ANGLE - Reinforcement, pulley bracket, LH ANGLE - Reinforcement, pulley bracket, RH ANGLE - Reinforcement, center aileron hinge, LH ANGLE - Reinforcement, center aileron hinge. RH ANGLE - Reinforcement, No 1 drag strut ANGLE - Reinforcement, No 2 drag strut ANGLE - Reinforcement. No 2 drag strut ANGLE - Reinforcement. No 3 drag strut ANGLE - Reinforcement, No 3 drag strut ANGLE - Reinforcement. No 5 drag strut ANGLE - Reinforcement, No 5 drag strut HOUSING - Pulley BOLT - Flap bellcrank to push pull rod (AN3-12A) CHANNEL - Reinforcement WASHER - Spacer, flap control rod installation at bellcrank (AN960-10) WASHER - Fuel tank strap attachment No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 2 2 21 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 16 When ordering. always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27,1988 1 A23 PA-18-150 _ PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 5 Wing Panel Assembly, Uncovered (Showing Trailing Edge) ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1A24 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 5 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 PA-18-150 1B1 SECTION I Wing Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 5- 14394 DRAWING - Wing Panel Assembly, Uncovered -1 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 14385-00 14385-01 11670-06 11670-07 14382-04 14382-05 15572-04 15572-05 12252-02 12252-03 12252-06 14232-02 80122-25 80022-31 10171-04 10705-00 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 81102-03 10171-04 10221-00 10201-00 10711-00 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 81102-03 10161-04 10221-00 10201-00 14222-02 10706-00 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 81102-03 10161-04 10221-00 10201-00 10707-00 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 81102-03 10201-00 10221-00 10161-05 16462-00 10112-07 16472-00 10709-00 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 81102-03 10171-05 10221-00 10201-00 14941-06 14941-07 14361-02 14361-03 SPAR - False, flap inboard, left SPAR - False, flap inboard, right SPAR - False, flap outboard, left SPAR - False, flap outboard, right SPAR - False, aileron inboard, left SPAR - False, aileron inboard, right SPAR - False, aileron outboard, left SPAR - False, aileron outboard, right BRACE - Channel (8 5" L) BRACE - Channel (16 0" L) BRACE - Channel (6 25" L) STRUT - Drag, No 1 WASHER BUSHING - Insert FITTING - Attachment, brace tube FITTING ASSEMBLY - Drag wire pull, rear spar, No 2 drag strut 'WASHER - Square 'FITTING 'CLEVIS 'NIPPLE FITTING ASSEMBLY - Drag wire pull, front spar No 2 drag strut 'WASHER - Square 'FITTING 'CLEVIS 'NIPPLE STRUT ASSEMBLY - Drag, No 2 and No 3 FITTING ASSEMBLY - Drag wire pull, front and rear spar, No 3 drag strut 'WASHER - Square *FITTING 'CLEVIS *NIPPLE FITTING ASSEMBLY - Drag wire pull, "N" brace, front and rear spar, No 4 drag strut 'WASHER - Square 'NIPPLE °CLEVIS 'FITTING TUBE ASSEMBLY - Drag strut, upper "N" TUBE - Drag strut, "N" brace TUBE ASSEMBLY - Drag strut, lower "N" FITTING ASSEMBLY - Drag wire pull, front and rear spar, No 5 drag strut *WASHER - Square 'FITTING - Wire pull *CLEVIS 'NIPPLE WIRE - Drag. No 2 and No 3 bay (44 875" L) WIRE - Drag. No 4 bay (56 25" L) ANGLE - Rear spar ANGLE - Front spar -2 -3 -4 WING PANEL ASSEMBLY, UNCOVERED (Showing Trailing Edge) No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 16 2 2 2 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 2 1 3 2 4 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 8 4 2 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number. Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1B2 PA-18-150 WING PANEL ASSEMBLY, UNCOVERED (Showing Trailing Edge) Figure and Index Number 5-45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 SECTION I Wing Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 12581-00 14371-02 14371-03 11580-00 10644-00 11061-00 10531-04 10531-05 80012-03 10151-00 14222-00 12252-05 89192-04 89192-05 89190-04 89190-05 89193-04 89193-05 89195-04 89195-05 89195-06 89195-07 89195-08 89195-09 89196-02 89196-03 89195-10 89195-11 89195-10 89195-11 89196-02 89196-03 89195-10 89195-11 89195-10 89195-11 89195-10 89195-11 89195-12 89195-13 89191-02 89191-03 89215-02 89215-03 15831-02 15831-05 14391-04 14391-05 14392-04 14392-05 13171-00 11151-02 12331-02 16141-00 Code NOMENCLATURE FITTING - Front and rear spar. Jury strut BLOCK - Filler, rear spar BLOCK - Filler, front spar BRACKET - Airspeed, left BRACKETASSEMBLY - Pulley CLIP - Navigation light wire FORMER - Fabric, "N" brace assembly, left FORMER - Fabric, "N" brace assembly, right BUSHING - Insert, pulley PLATE - Lock STRUT - Drag No. 5 BRACE - Channel (11" L) RIB ASSEMBLY - No 1 butt, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 1 butt, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 2 and 3, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 2 and 3, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 4, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 4, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 5. left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 5, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 6, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 6, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 7, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 7, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 8, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 8, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 9, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 9, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 10, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 10, right RIB ASSEMBLY- No 11, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 11, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 12, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 12, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 13, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 13, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 14, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No 14, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 15, left RIB ASSEMBLY - No. 15, right RIB ASSEMBLY - No 16, left tip RIB ASSEMBLY - No 16, right tip RIB - Nose, tip, left RIB - Nose, tip, right RIB ASSEMBLY - Nose, left and right RIB ASSEMBLY - Nose, No 6, left and right SPAR ASSEMBLY - Front, left SPAR ASSEMBLY - Front, right SPAR ASSEMBLY - Rear, left SPAR ASSEMBLY - Rear, right GUSSET - False spar PLATE - "U", fairlead retainer PLATE - Butt rib and leading edge attachment BRACE - Wing rib No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 4 2 2 1 2 22 1 1 1 24 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 AR When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1B3 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1B4 PIPER PARTS CATALOG -5 12 Figure 6 Flap Assembly ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1B5 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 6 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1B6 SECTION I Wing Group Figure and Index Number 6-1 -2 -3 -4 -4a -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 FLAP ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 50709-02 50709-03 50709-14 50709-15 40451-02 40451-03 40451-03 40451-02 40451-07 40451-06 60708-02 60708-06 11682-00 41881-02 40451-03 40451-02 60709-06 60401-04 60401-05 60709-08 60709-09 60709-10 60709-11 60709-12 60709-13 60709-18 Code NOMENCLATURE FLAP ASSEMBLY - Left FLAP ASSEMBLY - Right SPAR ASSEMBLY - Flap, left (complete) SPAR ASSEMBLY - Flap, right (complete) BULKHEAD - Flap, left BULKHEAD - Flap, right BULKHEAD - Flap, left BULKHEAD - Flap, right BULKHEAD - Flap, left BULKHEAD - Flap, right RIB - Flap RIB - Flap HINGE ASSEMBLY - Flap, inboard HINGE ASSEMBLY - Flap, outboard BULKHEAD - Flap, left BULKHEAD - Flap, right SKIN - Flap, leading edge SKIN - Flap, leading edge, inboard, left SKIN - Flap, leading edge, inboard, right SKIN - Flap, leading edge, outboard, left SKIN - Flap, leading edge, outboard, right SKIN - Flap, trailing edge, top, left SKIN - Flap, trailing edge, top, right SKIN - Flap, trailing edge, bottom, left SKIN - Flap, trailing edge, bottom right REINFORCEMENT- Trailing edge No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1 B7 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG -22 -19 Figure 7 Aileron Assembly ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1 B8 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 7 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1B9 SECTION I Wing Group Figure and Index Number 7-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 AILERON ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 60714-02 60714-03 60714-16 60714-17 40451-02 40451-03 40451-03 40451-02 60708-02 60708-03 60708-04 60708-05 41881-00 41891-00 40501-00 40451-03 40451-02 60714-04 60714-05 60714-06 60714-07 60714-08 60714-09 60714-10 60714-11 60714-12 60714-13 ,60714-14 ;60714-15 60714-30 160714-29 60714-28 60714-27 60748-03 18379-00 60714-26 Code No. Req. NOMENCLATURE AILERON ASSEMBLY - Left AILERON ASSEMBLY - Right 'SPAR ASSEMBLY- Left (complete) 'SPAR ASSEMBLY - Right (complete) "BULKHEAD - Flap, left "BULKHEAD - Flap, right "BULKHEAD - Flap, left "BULKHEAD - Flap, right "RIB - Aileron "RIB - Aileron "RIB - Aileron "RIB - Aileron "HINGE ASSEMBLY - Aileron "HINGE ASSEMBLY - Aileron, center "HORN ASSEMBLY - Aileron 'BULKHEAD -Aileron, left 'BULKHEAD - Aileron, right 'SKIN - Aileron, inboard, left 'SKIN - Aileron, inboard, right 'SKIN - Aileron, center, inboard, left 'SKIN - Aileron, center, inboard, right 'SKIN - Aileron, center, outboard, left 'SKIN - Aileron, center, outboard, right 'SKIN -Aileron, outboard, left 'SKIN - Aileron, outboard, right 'SKIN - Aileron, trailing edge, inboard, top, left 'SKIN - Aileron, trailing edge, inboard, top, right 'SKIN - Aileron, trailing edge, inboard, bottom, left 'SKIN - Aileron, trailing edge, inboard, bottom, right 'SKIN - Aileron, trailing edge, outboard, top, left 'SKIN - Aileron, trailing edge, outboard, top, right SKIN - Aileron, trailing edge, outboard, bottom, left SKIN - Aileron, trailing edge, outboard, bottom, right *WEIGHT - Aileron balance TAB - Aileron trim REINFORCEMENT- Trailing edge When SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ordering When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1B10 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 9 3 8 4 2 13 7 10 Figure 8 Strut Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1B11 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 8 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1B12 SECTION I Wing Group Figure and Index Number STRUT INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 8- 10578 DRAWING - Strut Installation, Lift and Jury 8-1 -2 -3 12571-02 12571-03 400 438 407 564 406 681 12591-02 10654-02 10656-00 40081-00 40701-00 80002-41 10552-00 10552-01 12345-04 15631-02 89202-02 89201-02 13241-00 404 395 424 059 89203-02 89201-02 401 355 407 566 406 683 13241-00 404 395 424 059 401 366 406 683 80944-02 STRUT - Jury, front STRUT - Jury, rear BOLT - (AN3-4A) WASHER - (AN960-10) NUT - (Elastic Stop Nut No 22M02) TUBE - Jury strut spacer CLAMP ASSEMBLY - Front jury strut CLAMP - Rear jury strut RING - Snap, cable fairlead FAIRLEAD - Cable, segment CLAMP - Jury strut HOUSING ASSEMBLY - Pulley, LH HOUSING ASSEMBLY - Pulley, RH BRACKETASSEMBLY - Tie down BUSHING - Spacer STRUT ASSEMBLY - Lift front 'FORK ASSEMBLY BOLT - Lift strut attachment NUT - (AN320-6) PIN - Cotter (AN320-6) STRUT ASSEMBLY - Rear lift 'FORK ASSEMBLY BOLT - (AN5-14A) WASHER - (AN960-516) NUT - (42E054) BOLT - Lift strut attachment NUT - (AN320-6) PIN - Cotter (AN380-3-3) BOLT - (AN5-27A) NUT - (Elastic Stop Nut No 42E054) DECAL - No Step -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 4 8 4 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 When ordering. always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1B13 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 9 Covered Fuselage Assembly. Left View ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1B14 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 9 ISSUED JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1B15 COVERED FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY SECTION II Fuselage Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 9- 14486 14836 DRAWING - Fuselage Assembly, Complete DRAWING - Fabric or Ceconite Installation, Fuselage -1 754 825 -la -2 459 134 12761-02 12761-02 60571-00 60571-01 64835-00 64835-01 82461-00 14849-02 12379-02 12379-00 12377-00 12378-00 14059-00 14060-00 14075-00 14061-00 10933-00 10933-01 10934-00 80122-53 80122-49 80122-49 80122-51 FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY - Ceconite covered (with seat and floor) 'ENVELOPE - Fuselage, Ceconite (BLU PA-18-F) COVER - Inspection COVER - Inspection (battery drain access) COVER - Stabilizer yoke inspection, LH COVER - Stabilizer yoke inspection, RH PANEL - Tail inspection, LH PANEL - Tail inspection, RH COVER - Inspection, rectangular COWL ASSEMBLY - Fuselage 'ANGLE - Cowl attachment 'ANGLE - Cowl attachment 'STRIP - Windshield, front 'STRIP - Windshield, rear 'BOX ASSEMBLY - Cold air vent "VALVE "SEAL 'GASKET - Seal BLANKET - Cowl insulator, LH BLANKET - Cowl insulator, RH BLANKET - Cowl insulator, front GROMMET - Drain GROMMET GROMMET - Access GROMMET - Battery drain vent inlet with sealed battery box installation GROMMET GROMMET GROMMET GROMMET GROMMET PANEL - Side. LH PANEL - Side, RH WASHER - Cowl attachment WASHER - Fibre COVER - Firewall, blanket, black STRINGER - Bottom STRINGER - Top STRINGER - Top, LH and RH STRINGER- LH STRINGER- RH WEBBING - Cowl (83891) HEADLINING ASSEMBLY - Cockpit CHANNEL - No 1, headlining arch CHANNEL - No 2, headlining arch CHANNEL - No 3. headlining arch CHANNEL - Weatherstrip WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Sliding, front 'CHANNEL - Weatherstrip 'STIFFENER - Front window CHANNEL - Weatherstrip WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Sliding rear -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 60863-03 60863-05 10984-00 10292-00 64834-00 12818-00 12818-01 80122-07 80122-43 24032-22 14978-00 14983-03 14984-02 14979-00 14979-00 180 810 12448-07 12193-10 12193-08 12193-09 11432-11 12254-00 11648-02 12254-03 11432-10 12255-00 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 4 1 21 112 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number. Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1B16 PA-18-150 COVERED FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Number 9-44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 SECTION II Fuselage Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 11648-02 11432-09 12259-00 10545-00 13091-00 81342-45 85012-14 10776-02 12308-05 12444-00 12309-00 15271-08 12261-00 12260-00 12264-00 12264-01 13373-02 13373-04 11994-22 13433-02 14275-00 13914-00 471 077 13903-00 12430-00 99479-02 13483-00 14435-00 80541-02 12314-00 Code NOMENCLATURE *CHANNEL - Weatherstrip CHANNEL - Weatherstrip, front and rear TRIM STRIP - Sliding window, exterior WINDOW - Rear enclosure TRIM STRIP - Sliding window, interior WASHER WASHER PANEL - Cockpit. front, LH PANEL - Cockpit, center, LH PANEL - Cockpit, rear, LH PANEL ASSEMBLY - Throttle control PANEL - Upper trim, LH TRIM STRIP - Windshield, interior, LH TRIM STRIP - Windshield, interior, RH TRIM STRIP - Windshield, exterior, LH TRIM STRIP - Windshield, exterior, RH PLATE - Trim PLATE - Trim GUSSET - Front enclosure, inside WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Top deck, tinted WINDOW ASSEMBLY - Front, left 'GASKET - Ventilator *KNOB - Ventilator 'SCREW - Ventilator assembly WINDSHIELD GAUGE - Air temperature ARM ASSEMBLY - Air vent control COVER - Brake line GROMMET PANEL ASSEMBLY - Rear of Throttle Panel No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1B17 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 1314 2 1 Figure 10 Covered Fuselage Assembly, Right View ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1B18 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 10 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1B19 COVERED FUSELAGE ASSEMBLY SECTION II Fuselage Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 10-1 -2 -3 -4 50183-11 50131-00 12257-12 14216-00 -5 -6 -7 50192-00 86092-15 52841-22 52841-24 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 52841-26 12256-10 83481-00 10049-02 12279-00 187610 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 13093-00 10668-00 12036-03 12036-02 10930-00 12311-00 12445-00 14337-05 180 497 60602-00 40592-00 13471-03 12284-02 12855-00 -27 -28 -29 -30 52745-00 82461-00 60753-02 12265-00 Code NOMENCLATURE DOOR ASSEMBLY - Fuselage, Ceconite covered 'PLUNGER ASSEMBLY - Complete 'FRAME ASSEMBLY "HANDLE ASSEMBLY - Aluminum (for all replacement doors) "LINK ASSEMBLY PIN - Hinge WEATHERSTRIPASSEMBLY - Enclosure door (red) WEATHERSTRIPASSEMBLY - Enclosure door (black and white) WEATHERSTRIPASSEMBLY - Enclosure door (black) DOOR ASSEMBLY - Upper 'STUD - Door catch 'TRIM STRIP - Front 'WINDOW MOULDING - Upper and lower enclosure doors (Die No 1923 Cont Rubber Works) STRIP - Moulding attachment TRIM STRIP - Window, rear STRAP ASSEMBLY - Baggage. tip end STRAP ASSEMBLY - Baggage, buckle end PANEL - Cockpit, center, RH PANEL - Cockpit, front, RH PANEL - Cockpit, rear, RH PANEL - Cockpit, upper right FELT - Chafing, SAE F-50, 0.065 x 1/2" FAIRING - Fin leading edge FIN ASSEMBLY - Uncovered PANEL - Baggage compartment, rear PANEL - Baggage compartment, bottom LOCK - Control stick (used when no radio is installed) CATCH - Control lock COVER - Inspection, rectangular DECAL - "Piper Super Cub" TRIM STRIP - Window installation, top deck No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 9' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1 B20 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 38 37 41 52 53 Right Door Opening Frame 323 Figure 11 Fuselage Frame Assembly ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1 B21 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 11 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1B22 PA-18-150 FUSELAGE FRAME ASSEMBLY SECTION II Fuselage Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 11- 12446 12183 DRAWING - Fuselage Frame and Super Structure DRAWING - Frame Assembly, Fuselage -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 24121-02 21752-03 24101-00 12179-00 24121-03 10466-09 10134-00 12777-00 21272-03 81272-15 81332-09 14308-00 21571-01 21571-00 11692-02 20841-00 20841-01 85061-00 20951-00 20951-01 20961-00 20961-01 12178-03 12178-02 10818-00 752 978 12767-00 12767-01 11821-00 11821-01 21752-02 11829-03 11692-00 10565-00 12184-02 12184-03 82341-02 751 376 20652-00 80022-20 20491-03 20491-02 21161-00 22412-00 20611-02 80292-15 20631-00 11692-02 20551-00 20391-00 12205-06 10061-00 12206-00 12180-00 FITTING - Rudder pedal attachment, front STOP ASSEMBLY - Fuselage door, front FITTING - Floorboard attachment BRACKET- Elevator cable pulley FITTING - Rudder pedal attachment, rear FITTING - Clamp, front seat installation, front CHANNEL - Brake unit support FITTINGASSEMBLY - Flap lever FITTING ASSEMBLY - Landing gear, front GUSSET - Front landing gear fitting FITTING - Clamp, front seat installation, rear PLATE - Fuel shut off valve, mounting BRACKET - Stabilizer adjustment crank, right BRACKET - Stabilizer adjustment crank, left BRACKET - Rudder cable pulley STOP - Torque tube horn, left STOP - Torque tube horn, right CAPSCREW - Stop PLATE - Fuselage aileron pulley housing, left rear PLATE - Fuselage aileron pulley housing, right rear PLATE - Fuselage aileron pulley housing, front left PLATE - Fuselage aileron pulley housing, front right TUBE - Rear seat bottom, rear TUBE - Rear seat bottom, front TUBE - Square, rear seat back TOP DECK SECTION ASSEMBLY - Fuselage frame * FITTING - Wing hinge, front left * FITTING - Wing hinge, front right * FITTING - Wing hinge, rear left * FITTING - Wing hinge, rear right STOP ASSEMBLY - Fuselage door, rear FITTING - Rear safety belt attachment BRACKET- Elevator cable pulley BRACKETASSEMBLY - Throttle (with tube) FITTING - Landing gear and lift strut, left rear FITTING - Landing gear and lift strut, right rear BUSHING - Engine mount bulkhead BULKHEAD SECTION ASSEMBLY - Fuselage frame HANDLE - Fuselage fitting BEARING - Stabilizer screw, lower BEARING - Stabilizer screw, upper BRACKET - Fin, front post attachment SUPPORT ASSEMBLY - Stabilizer TAIL POST ASSEMBLY FITTING - Tail wheel spring attachment FITTING - Tail tie rod attachment FITTING - "U". tail wheel spring attachment BRACKET- Lower bungee cable pulley attachment BRACKET- Stabilizer adjustment idler CLIP - Stringer attachment CHANNEL - Window CHANNEL - Window, front, bottom, LH CHANNEL - Window BRACKET- Elevator cable pulley, lower -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 4 1 6 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 25 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1 B23 PA-18-150 SECTION II Fuselage Group FUSELAGE FRAME ASSEMBLY Figure and Index Number 11-49 -50 -51 -52 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 11207-03 20981-02 20751-00 750 283 750 284 10058-00 11408-12 11408-14 11408-13 12205-02 12205-05 12205-04 12205-03 12202-00 12200-00 12446-08 752 979 10300-02 12203-00 11546-02 Code NOMENCLATURE GUARD - Bungee cable pulley BRACKETASSEMBLY - Torque tube, front bearing BRACKETASSEMBLY - Torque tube, rear bearing CHANNEL - "U' steel x 0 020 (6' pieces) CHANNEL - "U" steel " x 0 016 (6' pieces) CHANNEL - Rear window ANGLE - Baggage compartment support, rear ANGLE - Baggage compartment support, LH ANGLE - Baggage compartment support, RH CHANNEL - Upper enclosure door, top CHANNEL - Upper enclosure, rear CHANNEL - Lower enclosure door, rear CHANNEL - Lower enclosure door, front CHANNEL - Windshield, LH CHANNEL - Windshield, RH FUSELAGE FRAME AND SUPER STRUCTUREASSEMBLY TOP DECK SECTION ASSEMBLY - Fuselage super structure HINGE - Lower enclosure door CHANNEL - Sliding window, top CHANNEL - Sliding window, bottom No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1 B24 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 6 10 21 22 Figure 12 Seats Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1C1 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 12 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1C2 SECTION II Fuselage Group Figure and Index Number SEATS INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 12- 14950 DRAWING - Shoulder Harness and Seats Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 25801-05 13129-05 13129-04 13300-00 13305-00 12294-28 12293-48 10763-46 12289-39 12268-18 12079-00 12269-00 83302-13 12914-00 454 888 12774-02 11699-06 11700-00 50111-00 11723-00 12776-00 80132-10 12267-16 487 274 487 272 11420-03 12244-00 487 274 11420-03 14340-00 401 450 407 567 404 856 BELT ASSEMBLY - Safety, front and rear, black STRAP ASSEMBLY - Rear. black STRAP ASSEMBLY - Front, black BRACKETASSEMBLY - Front strap installation CLAMP - Front strap installation CUSHION ASSEMBLY - Front seat, bottom, black CUSHION ASSEMBLY - Front seat, back, black CUSHION ASSEMBLY - Rear seat, bottom, black CUSHION ASSEMBLY - Rear seat, back, black SEAT BASE ASSEMBLY - Front * HANDLE ASSEMBLY - Seat release * ROD - Extension * SPRING - Return (487283) PIN - Stop CLIP - Fastener, #62 LEVER ASSEMBLY - Flap control *PLUNGER ASSEMBLY - Flap control **PAWL **SPRING DECAL - Flap lever RATCHET- Flap lever TUBE - Liner SEAT FRAME ASSEMBLY - Front *SPRING *SPRING *LINK - Spring connector SEAT FRAME ASSEMBLY - Rear back *SPRING *LINK - Spring connector WASHER - Shim, flap handle installation BOLT - AN6-7a WASHER - AN960-616 NUT - MS20365-624C No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 9 1 8 14 AR 4 8 4 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1C3 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG '10 'I 10 3 3 5 7 Figure 13 Rudder Pedals and Floorboards Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1C4 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 13 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1C5 PA-18-150 FLOORBOARD INSTALLATION AND RUDDER PEDAL INSTALLATION SECTION II Fuselage Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 13- 10769 10735 DRAWING - Rudder Pedal Installation DRAWING - Floorboards Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 10799-00 13743-00 80222-03 40941-00 81262-08 80122-10 40842-04 40842-05 85012-04 85012-05 85012-06 50042-00 12810-00 459 848 FLOORBOARD ASSEMBLY - Rear FLOORBOARD - Front CLAMP SPRING - Rudder pedal LINK WASHER PEDAL ASSEMBLY - Rudder, LH PEDAL ASSEMBLY - Rudder, RH WASHER WASHER WASHER COVER - Pulley housing COVER - Pulley EXTINGUISHER - Fire (SCT4221 1-00) -10 -11 -12 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 10 4 10 6 2 2 AR AR AR 2 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1C6 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 9 Figure 14 Throttle. Cabin and Carburetor Heat Mixture Controls ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1C7 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 14 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1C8 SECTION II Fuselage Group Figure and Index Number THROTTLE, CABIN AND CARBURETOR HEAT MIXTURE CONTROLS PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 14-1 -2 -3 12955-00 471 060 16775-00 -4 14056-00 -5 -6 -7 10780-00 14055-00 10666-06 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 16775-00 471 053 81342-20 81172-20 41491-00 41551-00 12694-03 -15 -16 80032-51 16775-00 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 471 060 61323-10 83161-02 13541-16 13541-04 13764-00 471 060 18875-07 487 823 15300-00 15299-00 89216-02 83161-02 Code NOMENCLATURE CABLE ASSEMBLY - Cabin and carburetor heat control *KNOB 'CABLE ASSEMBLY - Cabin and carburetor heat control (less knob) BUSHING - Attachment, cabin and carburetor heat control cable BRACKETASSEMBLY - Front BRACKET- Rear PANEL ASSEMBLY - Ignition switch, carburetor and cabin heat CABLE ASSEMBLY - Mixture control (less knob) KNOB - Mixture control (3004-S-M) pastel red WASHER - Throttle, vellumoid friction LUG - Friction (steel at throttle assembly) LEVER - Throttle control LINK - Throttle lever connector CABLE ASSEMBLY - Throttle control (Lycoming engine) CLAMP - Throttle control CABLE ASSEMBLY - Cold air vent control (less knob) KNOB - Cold air vent, black TUBING - Airspeed HOSE - Airspeed, rubber TUBING - Airspeed, left wing TUBE - Airspeed indicator TUBE ASSEMBLY - Airspeed (pitot and static) KNOB - Cabin and carburetor heat control KNOB - Throttle lever, black SWITCH - Ignition (#110-S-67) GUARD - Switch PANEL - Magneto switches HARNESS ASSEMBLY - Shielded magneto HOSE- Airspeed, rubber No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1C9 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 12 15 7 6 2 13 17 10-11-20 3 14 Figure 15 Instrument Panel Installation (Standard) ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1C10 PA-18- 150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 15 A - Washer is positioned against back side of instrument panel ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1C11 PA-18-150 INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (STANDARD) SECTION II Fuselage Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 15- 89227 DRAWING - Instrument Panel Standard Installation -1 -2 -3 06161-02 13416-02 13621-04 62177-03 486 596 11339-10 13541-04 548 330 450 628 66752-00 487 550 11015-00 471 060 11382-04 471 053 419474 514751 406 386 515 714 477 673 418 581 406 355 407 142 PANEL - Instrument GAUGE ASSEMBLY - Oil temperature and pressure TACHOMETER ASSEMBLY TACHOMETER ASSEMBLY SHAFT - Tachometer INDICATOR ASSEMBLY - Airspeed TUBE - Airspeed INDICATOR - Altimeter COMPASS CARD - Compass Deviation SWITCH - Starter PLACARD - Starter KNOB - Cabin air, black PRIMER ASSEMBLY KNOB - Mixture control SCREW - (MS51861-12) SCREW NUT - Tinnerman (A8944-632-24) SCREW NUT SCREW - (MS35207-281) NUT - Tinnerman (A6052-632-1) WASHER - (AN936-A1416) -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 A No Re Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 19 AR 6 6 4 4 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1C12 PA-18 150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1C13 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 19 23 Figure 16 Instrument Panel Installation (With Options) ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1C14 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 16 A - Optional Nav/Com installations available: Piper Code Number 598 242 548 292 596 662 599 163 598 843 598 455 596 840 599 164 599 012 KX-155 Nav/Com Kit (King/Bendix 069-1024-08) KI-208 Vor/Loc Indicator Kit (King/Bendix 066-3056-00) KT-76A Transponder Kit (King/Bendix 066-1062-00) KY-97A Corn Transceiver (King/Bendix 064-1051-60) MK-12D Nav/Com Kit (Narco 03118-0300) ID-824 Vor/Loc Indicator Kit (Narco EL-03749-0300) AT-150 Transponder Kit (Narco EL-03606-300) Escort IIA Nav/Com Indicator (Narco 03119-0308) AR-850 Encoder Kit (Narco 03725-0300) B - Washer is positioned against back side of instrument panel ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1C15 INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTALLATION (WITH OPTIONS) SECTION II Fuselage Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 16- 89227 89225 DRAWING - Instrument Panel Standard Installation DRAWING - Vacuum System Installation -1 -2 -3 06161-02 13416-02 13621-04 62177-03 486 596 548 868 548314 599178 11339-10 13541-04 99003-08 548 459 550684 548 330 PANEL - Instrument GAUGE ASSEMBLY - Oil temperature and pressure TACHOMETER ASSEMBLY TACHOMETER ASSEMBLY SHAFT - Tachometer CLOCK INDICATOR - Turn and slip (Vacuum) INDICATOR - Turn and slip (Electric) INDICATOR ASSEMBLY - Airspeed TUBE - Airspeed INDICATOR - Directional gyro INDICATOR - Attitude gyro INDICATOR - Rate of climb INDICATOR - Altimeter INDICATOR - Navigation COMPASS CARD - Compass deviation GAUGE - Suction SWITCH - Starter PLACARD - Starter KNOB - Cabin air, black PRIMER ASSEMBLY TRANSPONDER NAV/COM KNOB - Mixture control SCREW - (MS51861-12) SCREW NUT SCREW - (MS35207-281) NUT - Tinnerman (A6052-632-1) SCREW NUT - Tinnerman (A8944-632-24) WASHER - (AN936-A1416) -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 A 450 628 66752-00 548 886 487 550 11015-00 471 060 11382-04 A A 471 053 419474 515714 477 673 418581 406 355 514751 406 386 407 142 B No Req SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 4 4 AR AR 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number. Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1C16 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1C17 Figure 17 Tail Surface Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1C18 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 17 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 PA-18-150 1C19 TAIL SURFACE INSTALLATION SECTION IV Tail Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure and Index Number Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 17- 10918 DRAWING - Tail Surface Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 10555-02 81102-02 41031-02 61341-03 61341-02 41051-00 406 681 407 564 401 315 40131-02 406 682 401 274 82732-72 401 266 406 681 10556-02 61342-00 41031-03 61341-04 61340-00 41051-00 12789-04 12789-05 12770-00 459 132 80122-53 400 440 401 266 407 564 406 681 400 003 80012-17 407 565 406 682 404 100 12790-04 12790-05 12769-00 459 130 80122-53 400 444 407 564 406 681 400 443 86062-79 12573-02 40622-07 15726-02 WIRE ASSEMBLY - Brace, upper WASHER - Square WIRE *CLEVIS CLEVIS *NIPPLE NUT - (No 22M02 elastic stop nut) WASHER - (AN960-10) BOLT - (AN4-15A) WASHER - Fin tail brace NUT - (No 42E028 elastic stop nut) BOLT - (AN3-15A) BUSHING BOLT- (AN3-5A) NUT - (No 22M02 elastic stop nut) WIRE ASSEMBLY - Brace, lower WASHER - Square WIRE *CLEVIS *CLEVIS *NIPPLE ELEVATOR ASSEMBLY - Ceconite covered, LH ELEVATOR ASSEMBLY - Ceconite covered, RH ELEVATOR ASSEMBLY - Uncovered ENVELOPE - Elevator Assy, Ceconite (BLU PA-18-E) * GROMMET - (5 per elevator) BOLT - (AN3-6A) BOLT - (AN3-5A) WASHER - (AN960-10) NUT - (No 22M02 elastic stop nut) BOLT - (AN4-6A) BUSHING WASHER - (AN960-416) NUT - (No 42E048 elastic stop nut) NUT - (AN310-3) STABILIZERASSEMBLY - Ceconite covered, LH STABILIZERASSEMBLY - Ceconite covered, RH STABILIZERASSEMBLY - Uncovered * ENVELOPE - Stabilizer Assy, Ceconite (BLU PA-18-ST) * GROMMET - Drain BOLT - (AN-3-13A) WASHER - (AN960-10) NUT - (No 22M02 elastic stop nut) BOLT - (AN-3-12A) TUBE - Liner, rear RUDDERASSEMBLY - Ceconite covered * RUDDER ASSEMBLY - Uncovered RUDDERASSEMBLY - Uncovered (Used with strobe if installed) ENVELOPE- Rudder Assy Ceconite (BLU PA-18-R) GROMMET - Drain (0.75 OD, 00 25 ID) 'WASHER - Drain (1 25 OD. 044 ID) WIRE ASSEMBLY - Tail light WIRE ASSEMBLY - Strobe light PIN - Hinge (AN394-55) PIN - Cotter (AN380-2-2) WASHER BUSHING - Bronze, long BUSHING - Bronze, short DECAL - "Piper" -23 -23a -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -35a -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -43a -44 -45 -45a -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 459 133 80122-53 85012-106 12177-39 12177-39 424 224 424 051 80122-86 80022-44 80022-45 55549-02 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 2 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 12 6 12 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1C20 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1C21 PIPER PARTS CATALOG '10 7 34 38 Figure 18 Landing Gear Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27,1988 1C22 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 18 A - See item 4 for washer, nut, and pin B - Refer to figure 20 for complete parts breakdown and description of Cleveland (40-60) Wheel Assembly C - Refer to figure 19 for complete parts breakdown and description of Cleveland (30-60) Brake Assembly ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1C23 SECTION V Chassis Group Figure and Index Number LANDING GEAR INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE No. Req. 18- 14479 DRAWING - Landing Gear Installation -1 -2 30602-07 401 359 407 567 404 889 407 586 400212 400213 407 567 404 103 424 059 14088-02 14093-00 14094-00 434 142 434 144 12998-03 31322-05 12844-04 487 558 12845-00 12875-00 85012-57 480 691 400220 407 567 407 587 404 890 400219 407 567 407 587 404 890 10032-08 10032-07 459 135 10033-06 10033-05 80022-63 10034-00 10748-00 81903-03 761 970 762 032 761 994 451 735 24918-00 415531 407 120 30491-00 424 065 551 771 551 727 400 002 404 888 60703-02 460 677 558819 VEE ASSEMBLY - Cabane 1 BOLT - (AN5-20A) 2 WASHER - (AN960-616) 4 NUT - (MS20365-524C) 2 WASHER - (AN960-516L) AR BOLT- (AN6-17) 2 BOLT - (AN6-20) 2 WASHER - (AN960-616) 4 NUT - (AN310-6) 2 PIN - Cotter (MS24665-283) 2 STRUT ASSEMBLY - Shock, complete (Hydrasorb unit) 2 *PLATE - End, shock cord cover 2 *COVER - Shock cord 2 *GROMMET - Upper (AN931-14-20) 2 *GROMMET - Lower (AN931-16-22) 2 STRUT ASSEMBLY - Shock 2 *RING - Shock cord 3/4" 2 *TUBE ASSEMBLY - Shock, long 1 *STRUT - Shock, short (Hydrasorb) 1 *FITTING ASSEMBLY - Shock strut, upper end 1 *FITTING ASSEMBLY - Shock strut, lower end 1 *WASHER - Bumper, upper 1 *PIN 1 BOLT - (AN6-27) 1 WASHER - (AN960-616) 2 WASHER - (AN960-616L) AR NUT - (MS20365-624C) 1 BOLT - (AN6-26) 3 WASHER - (AN960-616) 3 WASHER - (AN960-616L) AR NUT - (MS20365-624C) 3 GEAR ASSEMBLY - Landing, Ceconite covered, LH 1 GEAR ASSEMBLY - Landing, Ceconite covered, RH 1 *ENVELOPE - Landing gear assembly, Ceconite (BLU PA-18-L) 1 *GEAR ASSEMBLY - Landing, uncovered, LH 1 *GEAR ASSEMBLY - Landing, uncovered. RH 1 **BUSHING - Insert 2 **LINEASSEMBLY - Brake 1 *GROMMET - Landing Gear Vee 1 STEP ASSEMBLY - Landing gear 1 TIRE -(6 00 x 6. 4 ply) B F Goodrich 2 TIRE - (6 00 x 6, 4 ply) Goodyear Flight Custom II 2 TIRE - (6 00 x 6, 4 ply (McCreary Airhawk) 2 TUBE - 6 00 x 6 2 COVER - Wheel 2 SCREW - (MS35206-241) 6 WASHER - Lock (AN936-B8) 6 NUT - Axle 2 PIN - Axle nut 2 WHEEL ASSEMBLY - (40-60) Cleveland 2 BRAKE ASSEMBLY - (30-60) Cleveland 2 BOLT - (AN4-5A) 8 NUT - (MS20365-428C) 8 LINE ASSEMBLY - Brake 2 ELBOW - (400 x 4) 2 ELBOW - (502 x 4) 2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 A B C SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1C24 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1D1 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 5 Figure 19 Brake Assembly (Cleveland) ISSUED: JUNE 27,1988 1D2 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODEEXPLANATIONS FORFIGURE19 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 PA-18-150 1D3 SECTION V Chassis Group Figure and Index Number 19-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 BRAKE ASSEMBLY (Cleveland) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 551 752 761 752 757 755 761 757 758 484 752 752 753 757 751 407 751 404 407 727 749 202 826 488 830 203 491 095 698 966 965 850 489 450 585 402 838 587 Code NOMENCLATURE BRAKE ASSEMBLY - (Cleveland 30-60) 'PLATE - Back (64-5) 'LINING - Back plate (66-56) 'RIVET - Brake lining (561) 'PLATE ASSEMBLY - Pressure (73-41) "PLATE - Pressure (63-6) 'LINING - Pressure plate (66-57) 'PISTON - Cylinder (62-6) 'CYLINDER - Brake (61-67) 'PACKING - O-ring (AN6227-27) *SEAT - Bleeder (81-1) 'SCREW - Bleeder (79-3) 'CAP - Bleeder (183-1) 'PLATE ASSEMBLY - Torque (75-125) 'BOLT - (AN4H-15A) 'WASHER - (AN960-416L) 'BOLT - Anchor (69-2L) 'NUT - Anchor (AN3640624) 'WASHER - Anchor bolt (AN960-616L) No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 2 12 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1D4 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG -7 -10 Figure 20 Main Wheel Assembly (Cleveland) ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D5 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 20 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D6 PA-18-150 MAIN WHEEL ASSEMBLY (Cleveland) SECTION V Chassis Group Figure and Index Number 20-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 551 756 757 756 757 754 762 754 754 756 750 401 407 407 404 771 681 831 682 831 615 534 849 850 008 063 334 585 565 888 Code NOMENCLATURE WHEEL ASSEMBLY - (Cleveland 40-60) · WHEEL HALF ASSEMBLY - Inner (161-70) * CUP - Bearing - (08231) · WHEEL HALF ASSEMBLY - Outer (162-65) ' * CUP - Bearing (08231) · DISC ASSEMBLY - Brake (164-67) ' RING - Grease seal (153-2) · FELT - Grease seal, outer wheel (154-2) · FELT - Grease seal, inner wheel (154-28) RING - Snap (155-2) BEARING - Cone (08125) BOLT - (AN4-36A) * WASHER - (AN960-416L) - WASHER - (AN960-416) ' NUT - (AN365-428) No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 6 6 6 6 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1 D7 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 21 Tail Wheel Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D8 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 21 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1D9 SECTION V Chassis Group Figure and Index Number TAIL WHEEL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 21- 13759 DRAWING - Tail wheel installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 14895-00 85012-48 80122-30 400 262 407 568 406 685 10999-05 10999-03 753 127 751 350 752 888 752 982 752 983 753 403 753 207 755 880 756 205 755 878 753 208 756 206 753 914 751 264 756 207 756 208 755 879 753915 753 404 751 806 753 405 750 749 756 209 751 265 753 209 753 406 750 750 750 746 751 964 756210 401 405 404 890 407 567 80122-41 30531-02 30541-02 400 004 404 888 14977-00 12567-04 97288-00 159 119 472 681 TAIL WHEEL ASSEMBLY - Complete *WASHER 'WASHER *BOLT - (AN7-21) *WASHER - (AN960-716) *NUT - (#52E070) 'SPRING *SPRING *TAIL WHEEL ASSEMBLY - (Scott 8". #3200) **BUSHING - (#3241-2) **SPACER- (#3243-2) **TIRE **TUBE **BRACKETASSEMBLY - (#3216) **WASHER - Thrust (#3207) Micarta **PLATEASSEMBLY - Thrust (#3234) **SPRING- Compression (#3233) **PAWL - (#3219) "WASHER - Thrust (#3206) **SPRING- (#3222) **DUSTCAP - Top (#3235-2) **ARM ASSEMBLY - (#3214) **'SPACER - (#3258-1) **SPACER- (#3258) **PIN - (#3257) **DUST CAP - Bottom (#3235-1) **BUSHING - (#3205) **FORK ASSEMBLY - (#3224) **BEARING - (#A4050) **RETAINER- Grease (#1864) *8SPACER- (#2504-1) 'AXLE ASSEMBLY - (#3236) **WASHER - Lock (#3225) **BUSHING - (#3227) **RETAINER- (#1862) **BEARINGASSEMBLY - (#1883) **HUB - (#2598) **SPACER- (#2602) BOLT - (AN6-25A) NUT - (MS20365-624C) WASHER - (AN960-616) WASHER CLAMP PAD - Tail spring BOLT - (AN4-7A) NUT - (MS20365-428C) WASHER SPRING SPRING CHAIN -(PS10076-1) LINK - (PS10075-1) -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1D10 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 8 Figure 22 Brake Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D11 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 22 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 PA-18-150 1D12 SECTION V Chassis Group Figure and Index Number BRAKE INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 22- 14569 DRAWING - Brake Installation -1 451 709 451 710 750 999 750 998 750 997 750 386 750 387 750 379 752 688 750 384 750 295 492 023 752 791 752 798 80122-11 80122-07 752 788 41581-04 71061-04 460 663 752 475 14570-00 14570-01 81262-08 41531-00 41521-00 80222-03 10734-00 10734-01 85012-04 751 492 12944-00 CYLINDER - Master brake, Scott, LH CYLINDER - Master brake, Scott, RH 'PEDAL - LH (with bushing) 'PEDAL - RH (with bushing) 'BUSHING 'SPRING 'SCREW - Vent (B-1258) *GASKET - Vent (B-1159) 'PAD - Diaphragm 'DIAPHRAGM 'PISTON VALVE - Parking brake (No 4200-A1) 'RING - "O", 1/4OD x 1/8"ID (10V70-S7-1) 'RING - "O", OD x 1/4" ID (10V70-S7-5) WASHER WASHER ROD - Brake lock control (No 4151) ROD - Tie LINE ASSEMBLY - Flexible ELBOW - 45 No 3350 x 2 NIPPLE - Close, 1/8" PLATE - Heel, cockpit floor, LH PLATE - Heel, cockpit floor, RH LINK - Pedal BLOCK - Pedal, inner BLOCK - Pedal, outer CLAMP - Pedal PEDAL ASSEMBLY - Brake, LH PEDAL ASSEMBLY - Brake, RH WASHER - Shim CLAMP - Brake installation (2715-1) CHANNEL - Reinforcement -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 No Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 2 4 1 1 AR 2 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D13 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 88 Figure 23 Powerplant Installation, Lycoming ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D14 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 23 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 PA-18-150 1D15 POWERPLANT INSTALLATION LYCOMING SECTION VI Powerplant Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 23- 15531 15013 DRAWING - Oil Radiator Installation DRAWING - Powerplant -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 450 996 14444-00 454 118 15007-00 15005-00 73451-03 401 918 -8 -9 91193-00 70371-02 -10 70371-03 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 12956-04 80032-34 82732-08 80022-68 10466-21 10466-33 13003-00 101 980 10525-32 10525-18 14235-00 10525-18 12457-12 12457-13 14434-02 12433-14 12436-10 71261-05 15216-00 82332-26 80032-51 63901-144 82332-38 -33 454 890 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 14174-00 82371-56 554 947 14441-00 12414-00 454 873 454 887 PROPELLER- Sensenich metal, 74DM6-0-56 BOX ASSEMBLY - Carburetor air, complete CARTRIDGE - Air filter DOME - Carburetor air filter BOX ASSEMBLY - Carburetor air - complete PLATE - Attachment BOLT - (MS20074-4-3) Air box to carburetor attachment FITTING - Swivel, mixture control cable attachment FITTING - Swivel, carburetor heat control attachment at carburetor STUD - Mixture and carburetor heat control cable attachment VALVE ASSEMBLY - Oil drain CLAMP - Carburetor heat control cable attachment BUSHING - Spacer, throttle control attachment BUSHING - Spacer, throttle control attachment CLAMP - Tail pipe support, top CLAMP - Tail pipe support tube installation, bottom TUBE - Tail pipe support TUBE - Flexible, aluminum 2 " OD HOSE - Right rear baffle to muffler shroud HOSE - Tail pipe shroud to carburetor air box CLAMP ASSEMBLY - Exhaust stack and muffler attachment HOSE - Muffler to cabin heater STACK ASSEMBLY - Front cylinders STACK ASSEMBLY - Rear cylinders MUFFLER ASSEMBLY - Complete *MUFFLER ASSEMBLY - Less shroud *SHROUD - Muffler *CLIP ASSEMBLY - Shroud HOSE ASSEMBLY - Flexible, oil pressure TUBE ASSEMBLY - Non-flexible, oil pressure CLAMP - Attachment, oil pressure line HOSE - Flexible, oil pressure line TUBE ASSEMBLY - Non-flexible, oil pressure line 13-1/2" L CLIP - Tinnerman (No A2828-022-16) throttle control cable on firewall ANGLE - Support throttle control cable HOSE - Flexible, engine breather line connector CLAMP - (SAE TY F-10SS) Oil breather line TUBE - Engine breather TUBE - Hold up, cowl side CLIP - Cowl hold up tube CLAMP - Tinnerman. cabin heat and mixture control cable CLAMP - Tinnerman, (A4980S-2-91) primer line attachment BOX ASSEMBLY - Cabin heat PLATE - Inside firewall 454 927 -41 -42 12353-00 12440-00 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 27" 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 4 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D16 PA-18-150 SECTION VI Powerplant Group POWERPLANT INSTALLATION LYCOMING Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 23-43 434 134 -44 434 142 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 434 134 451 855 13725-07 13720-04 454 933 458 931 458 898 458 932 476 664 60726-02 484 654 14624-00 39995-35 484 654 13726-00 14206-00 -53 -54 -55 -56 -57 -58 -59 -60 -61 -62 -63 -64 -65 -66 -67 -68 -69 -70 -71 -72 -73 -74 -75 -76 -77 -78 -79 -80 -81 -82 -83 -84 -85 -86 -87 -88 -89 -90 -91 752 494 453 647 14549-00 400 321 404105 424 059 12351-15 400 211 404 103 424 059 81102-17 80122-43 12411-02 12410-00 12409-00 12213-00 401 400 406 683 12408-00 12407-00 80002-27 12350-00 10525-14 10525-19 71261-07 14239-00 80122-55 455 158 15020-00 15019-00 15530-02 89240-02 Code NOMENCLATURE GROMMET - Rubber (AN931-6-10) Carburetor and cabin heat control GROMMET - Rubber (AN931-14-20) Tachometer shaft, throttle mixture control GROMMET - Rubber (AN931-6-10) Air vent control cable ADAPTER - (W/H 3200 x 6) BRACKETASSEMBLY - Oil radiator support, LH BRACKETASSEMBLY - Oil radiator support, RH CLAMP - Tinnerman (A409-S-8-91) bracket attachment ELBOW - (No 905-8B) ELBOW - (AN822-8D) ELBOW - (No 1100-8) NIPPLE - (AN816-8D) LINE ASSEMBLY - Oil cooler, left, outlet RING - Seal LINE ASSEMBLY - Oil cooler, right, inlet HOSE ASSEMBLY - Oil cooler, right, inlet RING - Seal PLATE - Lock RADIATOR - Oil cooler, 12 plate (PAC No 455 168) NUT - Oil radiator BUMPER - Oil radiator, snap in (4235) BRACKET - Line support. oil radiator ENGINE - Lycoming (0-320) BOLT - (AN8-44) NUT - (AN310-8) PIN - Cotter (AN380-3-3) MOUNT ASSEMBLY - Engine BOLT - (AN6-16) NUT - (AN310-6) PIN - Cotter (AN380-3-3) WASHER - Attachment, steel WASHER - Attachment, fibre HINGE - Motor mount, rear HINGE - Motor mount, front LUG - Hinge attachment BRACKETASSEMBLY - "U" BOLT- (AN6-20A) NUT - Elastic stop (42E054) CLAMP ASSEMBLY - Throttle control CLAMP ASSEMBLY - Mixture control CLAMP - Cowl support tube TUBE - Cowl support HOSE - Exhaust stack shroud to bottom cowl HOSE - Exhaust stack shroud to muffler shroud CLIP - Shroud, exhaust stack SHROUD - Exhaust stack WASHER - Attaching propeller CONNECTOR- Male, oil outlet port (500 x 8) BLOCK - Line attachment BRACKET - Baffle reinforcement PLATE - Baffle reinforcement ADAPTER- Restrictor. oil pressure No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 11 2 2 1 2 4 1 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D17 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1D18 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 5 'I 6 Figure 24 Spinner Installation ISSUED JUNE 27, 1988 1D19 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 24 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 PA-18-150 1 D20 SECTION VI Powerplant Group Figure and Index Number 24-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 SPINNER ASSEMBLY PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 14422-00 14424-00 14426-00 35012-47 416995 416995 30122-55 Code NOMENCLATURE SPINNER ASSEMBLY - (Sensenich metal propeller) PLATE - Rear (Sensenich metal propeller) PLATE - Front (Sensenich metal propeller) WASHER - Fibre (10 per ship) SCREW - Machine truss head (No 10-32 x 1/2") SCREW - Machine truss head (No 10-32 x 1/2") WASHER - Propeller bolt attachment No Req SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 10 6 4 6 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D21 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 1 2 4 17 21 20- Figure 25 Cowl Installation, Lycoming ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1 D22 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 25 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D23 PA-18-150 COWL INSTALLATION LYCOMING SECTION VI Powerplant Group Figure and Index Number 25-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 12356-03 487 563 487 565 463 368 12362-03 487 288 13029-00 13029-01 12723-04 12360-00 15012-00 15008-00 15008-01 15018-00 15010-00 12707-00 484 341 487 566 463 369 487 565 463 368 15009-00 14236-00 434 142 13716-00 487 288 180 808 13717-00 12364-03 12364-05 487 288 453 640 14073-00 Code NOMENCLATURE COWL ASSEMBLY - Top * STUD - Fastener (No 5-0-140A) STUD - Fastener (No 5-0-200A) Front GROMMET - (No GOS-5-93) BRACKET- Cowl mounting, top * SPRING - Stud fastener COWL ASSEMBLY - Side, LH COWL ASSEMBLY - Side. RH * FASTENER ASSEMBLY STUD - Cowl stop COWL ASSEMBLY - Engine, bottom · PLATE - Vent (less oil drain hole) LH PLATE - Vent (with oil drain hole), RH FLANGE - Vent, outside SCOOP - Carburetor air * CUP - Cowl fastener * RECEPTACLE- Cowl fastener STUD - Cowl fastener, side (No 5-F-60) GROMMET - Sides (No GF-150) * STUD - Cowl fastener, front (No 5-0-200A) ' GROMMET - Front (No GOS-5-93) * SCOOP - Carburetor air, outside * SCOOP ASSEMBLY - Air *GROMMET - Oil drain (AN931-14-20) COWL ASSEMBLY - Nose * SPRING - (No 5-295) * WEBBING - Cowl * SCOOP ASSEMBLY - Nose cowl air CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Cowl lower mounting, LH CHANNEL ASSEMBLY - Cowl lower mounting, RH * SPRING - Stud fastener * TIP - Rubber COVER - Radiator, nose cowl No Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 6 3 9 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 4 8 8 3 3 1 1 1 1 7 6' 1 1 1 4 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number. Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1D24 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 7 2 6 5 Figure 26 Baffles Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1E1 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODEEXPLANATIONS FORFIGURE26 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1E2 PA-18-150 SECTION VI Powerplant Group Figure and Index Number 26-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 ENGINE BAFFLES INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 14455-00 14456-00 14452-00 14457-00 15529-02 14440-00 14458-05 14467-07 10175-00 74912-00 14513-00 10415-03 15530-02 Code NOMENCLATURE BAFFLE - Engine, side, right rear BAFFLE - Engine, side, right front BAFFLE - Engine, side, left front BAFFLE - Engine, side, left rear BAFFLE ASSEMBLY - Front right BAFFLE - Engine, left front BAFFLE ASSEMBLY - Engine, right rear BAFFLE - Engine, left rear BRACKET - Rear baffle support BAFFLE - Intercylinder ROD - Tie, connecting front and rear baffles SUPPORT - Intercylinder baffle hanger PLATE - Baffle reinforcement No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1E3 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 8 2625 Figure 27 Vacuum System Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1E4 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 27 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 PA-18-150 1E5 VACUUM SYSTEM INSTALLATION SECTION VI Powerplant Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 27- 89225 DRAWING - Vacuum System Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 79399-00 61541-36 554 802 458 958 558 900 454 987 485 080 492 272 25230-00 66673-00 451 881 454 983 558913 84013-107 84013-106 84013-102 84013-103 454 832 588 428 84013-104 84013-105 588 567 84013-108 84013-109 84013-101 69015-77 69015-78 82371-90 PUMP - Vacuum (ARM21 1CC) HOSE - Vacuum pump to suction regulator CLAMP - Hose (SAE-TY-E-14) ELBOW - (1K1-6-10) ELBOW - (1K8-6-8) CLAMP - Hose (SAE-TY-E-12) O-RING - (PRS2210V74775) VALVE - Suction regulator (ARM2H3-23) FILTER - Air (PAC 460 798) FILTER - Air (PAC 460 888) FITTING- (1K10-2-4) CLAMP - Hose (SAE-TY-E-8) ELBOW - (1K9-4-6) HOSE - Tee fitting to turn and bank HOSE - Tee fitting to turn and bank HOSE - Tee fitting to attitude gyro HOSE - Tee fitting to directional gyro CLAMP - Hose (SAE-TY-E-10) FITTING - Tee (1K14-6-6-6) HOSE - Air filter to tee fitting HOSE - Air filter to tee fitting FITTING - Tee (1K30-6-4-6) HOSE - Suction regulator valve to tee fitting HOSE - Tee fitting to directional gyro HOSE - Suction regulator valve to attitude gyro HOSE - Directional gyro to suction gauge HOSE - Tee fitting to suction gauge HOSE - Vacuum pump air exhaust -10 -11 -12 -13. -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 No Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 18 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1E6 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1E7 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 28 Fuel System Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1E8 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 28 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1E9 SECTION VII Fuel System Group Figure and Index Number FUEL SYSTEM INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 28- 14469 13766 DRAWING - Fuel System Installation DRAWING - Fuel Tank Installation - Wing Installation -1 14207-00 -2 14208-00 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 14209-00 11300-03 12836-02 12836-03 180497 14211-00 189 534 82371-04 11987-15 11987-23 11299-02 11299-03 60763-02 451 103 10143-63 10143-97 460 652 460 684 -20 460 683 -21 -22 -23 468 340 17766-65 460 659 458 892 460 661 458 895 460 689 476 640 460 651 15225-03 12764-00 492 022 14428-00 85012-32 72302-03 750 273 750 272 60765-02 71991-00 10729-03 488 374 460 661 460 654 460 653 61964-02 12838-02 491 947 LINE ASSEMBLY - Vent. top of fuel gauge to rear header tank (right tank) LINE ASSEMBLY - Fuel, rear of right wing tank to rear header tank LINE ASSEMBLY - Fuel, rear header tank to fuel valve LINE ASSEMBLY - Fuel CLAMP - Rear header tank, LH CLAMP - Rear header tank, RH FELT - SAE F-50, header tank clamp TANK ASSEMBLY - Header, rear DUCT - Plane, 563" x 10" HOSE - Flexible LINE ASSEMBLY - Fuel LINE ASSEMBLY - Vent CLAMP ASSEMBLY - Header tank, LH CLAMP ASSEMBLY - Header tank, RH TANK ASSEMBLY - Header, front PUMP - Primer, Kohler (K-2406-SAE-2) LINE ASSEMBLY - Primer outlet (44" long) LINE ASSEMBLY - Primer inlet (55" long) TEE - Primer line, W/H 702 x 2 FITTING - Compression nut W/H No W61 x 2 (with Kohler primer pump) FITTING - Compression sleeve, W/H No W60 x 2 (with Kohler primer pump) JET - Primer, (4) per ship LINE ASSEMBLY - Fuel ELBOW - W/H No 352 x 6 x 45 ELBOW - (AN823-6D) ELBOW - Street, W/H No 3400 x 4 ELBOW- (AN822-6D) ELBOW - Female inverted, W/H No 450 x 6 NIPPLE - /4 NPT Brass CONNECTOR - Inverted, W/H No 200 x 2 STRAINER ASSEMBLY - Fuel, E-Z drain * BOWL - Fuel strainer, E-Z drain * DRAIN - (E-Z) COVER - Fuel strainer ' GASKET - Fuel strainer * NUT - Fuel strainer bowl seat * SEAT - Fuel strainer bowl SCREEN - Fuel strainer WIRE ASSEMBLY - Bail, nut and seat BRACKETASSEMBLY - Fuel strainer mounting LINE ASSEMBLY - Fuel TEE - Inverted. W/H No 600 x 6 ELBOW - Street, W/H No 3400 x 4 ELBOW - W/H 400 x 6 CONNECTOR - Inverted, W/H No 200 x 6 HANDLE ASSEMBLY - Selector ON and OFF PLATE - Fuel ON and OFF indicator VALVE - Fuel Selector (AAT6S122) -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 -37 -38 -39 -40 -41 -42 -43 -44 -45 No. Req SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 2 1 1 19" 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering. always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1E10 PA-18-150 FUEL SYSTEM INSTALLATION Figure and Index Number SECTION VII Fuel System Group PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 28-46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 554 871 554 778 82371-36 82371-37 434 132 80032-69 18307-00 -53 -54 14470-00 11987-57 -55 10143-18 -56 11987-61 -57 10143-91 -58 10143-95 -59 90797-02 -60 60756-02 Code NOMENCLATURE CLAMP - (SAE TY F-6SS) CLAMP - (SAE TY F-4SS) HOSE - Fuel lines to rear header tank HOSE - Vent line to rear header tank WASHER - Fuel line installation (MS35489-19) CLAMP - Primer lines attachment on engine CLAMP - Primer line attachment to intake manifold tubes, right and left BRACKET- Mounting, primer line tees LINE PRIMER - From tee to left rear back of engine to tee at left rear side engine LINE - Primer, from tee at right rear side of engine to right rear cylinder LINE - Primer, from tee at right rear side of engine to right front cylinder LINE - Primer, from tee at left rear side of engine to left front cylinder LINE - Primer, from tee at left rear side of engine to left rear cylinder SLEEVE - Primer line attachment at left front cylinder SPACER- Fuel selector No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 2 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1El1 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 20 31 Figure 29 Electrical System Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1E12 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 29 ISSUED JUNE 27. 1988 1E13 PA-18-150 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION SECTION VIII Electrical System Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE No. Req. 29- 15500 DRAWING - Electrical System Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 14226-02 15503-02 14224-12 189 080 17604-30 189 080 14065-00 450035 14064-00 14890-03 12298-11 15504-02 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 487 149 12177-28 14510-00 18576-06 80122-10 10128-27 10128-28 15491-02 455 151 89228-02 454 738 84584-10 487 793 454 658 84584-09 487 791 487 791 454 638 454 739 23969-03 66696-00 60766-02 484 373 1 CABLE ASSEMBLY - Solenoid to starter 1 HARNESS ASSEMBLY - Battery to master switch panel 1 CABLE ASSEMBLY - Battery to solenoid 6" * DUCT - Type S P 1/2" ID 1 CABLE ASSEMBLY - Battery ground 61/" * DUCT - Type S P 1/2" ID 1 COVERASSEMBLY - Battery box 1 BATTERY- Reading (No R-35-12V) 1 BOX ASSEMBLY - Battery 1 BOARD ASSEMBLY - Battery box mounting HARNESS ASSEMBLY - Wire, landing light switch to wing root 1 HARNESS ASSEMBLY - Wire (voltage regulator, starter 1 switch and alternator) 1 SOLENOID - Starter 1 WIRE ASSEMBLY - Tail light, disconnect to rudder 1 HARNESS ASSEMBLY - Navigation light in top deck 1 STRIP - Insulator. inside right front windshield channel 8 WASHER 1 WIRE ASSEMBLY - Navigation light, RH 1 WIRE ASSEMBLY - Navigation light, LH 1 PLATE - Solenoid mounting 1 RELAY - Power (6041H105A) 1 PANEL - Switch AR CIRCUIT BREAKER - (PS50120-4-71) 5 amp 2 BUS BAR 1 SWITCH - Toggle, battery master 1 CIRCUIT BREAKER - (PS50120-5-3) 60 amp 2 BUS BAR 1 SWITCH - Toggle, landing light 2 SWITCH - Toggle, navigation and anticollision light 1 CIRCUIT BREAKER - (PS50120-4-4) 20 amp 1 CIRCUIT BREAKER - (PS50120-4-72) 7 5 amp 6 NIPPLE 1 AMMETER 1 CABLE ASSEMBLY 1 RELAY - Landing light (24059) SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1E14 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1E15 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 30 Electrical Components Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1E16 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 30 ISSUED JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1E17 SECTION VIII Electrical System Group Figure and Index Number ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 30- 15500 DRAWING - Electrical System Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 472 660 90797-13 13180-00 487 563 463 368 13179-00 487 288 22369-04 12177-68 12177-69 12177-22 454 925 472 736 751 203 753 341 14072-00 81342-56 22369-23 22369-23 14066-00 14225-00 14070-00 487 550 470 648 756 586 60727-03 60754-04 762 256 44235-00 565 288 16860-00 19807-00 450 742 751 349 761 620 761 618 758 080 LIGHT - Cockpit SLEEVE - Insulator DOOR ASSEMBLY - Battery access ' STUD - Fastener (No 5-0-140A) * GROMMET - (No GOS-5-93) FRAME ASSEMBLY - Battery door * SPRING - Fastener (No 5-295) TUBE - Battery drain WIRE ASSEMBLY - Wing unit WIRE ASSEMBLY - Ground WIRE ASSEMBLY - Voltage regulator to generator CLAMP - Battery drain tube (No 18-882) LIGHT - Navigation, tail (A2064-1073) ' LENS - White (No A2103-1) * BULB - (10-73) TAG - Battery service instructions WASHER - Terminal bolt attachment TUBE - Battery vent. outlet TUBE - Battery vent, inlet TUBE ASSEMBLY - Battery air intake BOLT ASSEMBLY - Terminal STRIP - Insulation, positive terminal SWITCH - Starter (CHC901 1) MOUNT ASSEMBLY - Voltage regulator shock VOLTAGE REGULATOR - (60 amp alternator) RELAY ASSEMBLY - Overvoltage BRACKETASSEMBLY - Voltage regulator mounting SPIKE GUARD - Voltage (A-178) PLATE - Stall warning horn mounting HORN - Stall warning (02054-3) PLATE ASSEMBLY - Lift detector reinforcement PLATE - Lift detector mounting LIFT DETECTOR- (C-52207-4) ALTERNATOR -(A-152A) MOUNTING BAR - (A-167-9) MOUNTING BRACKET - (A-167-10) CAPACITOR - (A-177) -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 -27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33 -34 -35 -36 No Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1E18 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 31 Wing Light and Strobe Light Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1E19 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 31 ISSUED JUNE 27. 1988 1E20 PA-18-150 WING LIGHT AND STROBE LIGHT INSTALLATION SECTION VIII Electrical System Group Figure and Index Number 31-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 472 665 751 202 751 381 472 666 751 201 751 381 12560-00 44291-02 755 200 761 189 755 042 757 359 472 963 454 738 487 791 15857-02 80380-02 14773-05 Code NOMENCLATURE LIGHT - Navigation, wing, red, LH (Grimes No A1285) * LENS - Red (No A1280-2) BULB-(No 1512) LIGHT - Navigation, wing, green, RH (Grimes No A1285) * LENS - Green, (No A1280-3) BULB - No 1512 BRACKETASSEMBLY - Navigation light, wing LENS - Strobe light CLAMP - Ring assembly (A409) FLASH TUBE - (A469D) GASKET - (A467) POWER SUPPLY - (A412A-14) Single flash POWER SUPPLY - (A412A-14DF) Double flash CIRCUIT BREAKER (PS50120-4-71) SWITCH - (110-S-73) CABLE ASSEMBLY - Tail strobe light PLACARD - Warning, anticollision light RUDDER ASSEMBLY No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED JUNE 27, 1988 1E21 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 5 15 2 Figure 32 Landing Light Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1 E22 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 32 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1 E23 PA-18-150 LANDING LIGHT INSTALLATION SECTION VIII Electrical System Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 32- 14442 14502 DRAWING - Landing Light Installation DRAWING - Landing Light Assembly -1 14787-03 -2 14786-00 14786-01 49977-86 12525-00 12525-02 472 661 12177-33 12524-03 12524-04 12524-02 12529-03 12527-03 12529-02 189 625 10128-93 14785-03 STRIP - Landing light window attachment, top and bottom STRIP - Side attachment, left STRIP - Side attachment, right HARNESS ASSEMBLY - Wire PLATE - Landing light attachment PLATE - Landing light attachment LIGHT - Landing. 100W-12V (No 4509) WIRE ASSEMBLY - Light, ground, outboard BRACKET BRACKET BRACKET PLATE - Reinforcement PLATE - Landing light mounting PLATE - Reinforcement GROMMET - (MS21266-1N) (12 75" Long) WIRE ASSEMBLY - Light, ground, inboard WINDOW - Landing light -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AR 1 1 When ordering. always specify Part Number, Description. and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1 E24 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 33 Electric Fuel Gauge Installation ISSUED JUNE 27, 1988 1F1 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 33 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1F2 ELECTRICFUEL GAUGE INSTALLATION SECTION VIII Electrical System Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 33- 15277 DRAWING - Electric Fuel Gauge Installation -1 18049-34 18049-43 60762-02 751 767 755 049 15166-02 15271-08 14337-05 454 738 82371-06 454 983 458 940 48659-11 487 726 487 350 TANK ASSEMBLY - Fuel, left TANK ASSEMBLY - Fuel, right GAUGE ASSEMBLY - Fuel, tank unit (548 532) * FLOAT ASSEMBLY - Fuel gauge GASKET - Fuel tank unit (15-423) GAUGE ASSEMBLY - Fuel, panel unit PANEL - Cockpit, upper left trim PANEL - Cockpit, upper right trim CIRCUIT BREAKER - (PS50120-4-71) HOSE - Vent line CLAMP - Hose (8) ELBOW - Fuel tank vent (AN844-4D) SCREW ASSEMBLY - Seal STRAP - Mounting (A C 6460429) SEPARATOR - Terminal (A C 1515642) -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 10 2 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F3 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 5 Figure 34 Speaker and Dome Light Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F4 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 34 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F5 PA-18-150 SPEAKER AND DOME LIGHT INSTALLATION SECTION VIII Electrical System Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 34- 15285 DRAWING - Speaker and Dome Light Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 15281-00 12715-00 472 036 487 777 21879-02 15271-08 15318-00 LIGHT ASSEMBLY - Dome * LENS - Dome light (PAC 472 330) * BULB - Dome light (89) SWITCH - Dome light (5518) SPEAKERASSEMBLY PANEL - Cockpit, upper left trim PANEL - Speaker No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F6 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 6 . Figure 35 Elevator and Aileron Control Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F7 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODEEXPLANATIONS FORFIGURE35 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1F8 SECTION IX Control System Group Figure and Index Number CONTROL INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 35- 13739 DRAWING - Control Installation, Elevator and Aileron (dual control) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 18875-07 13733-04 13731-04 13729-00 13733-04 13731-04 13729-00 13735-00 21811-03 41371-02 41371-03 41371-04 80122-17 40261-00 KNOB STICK ASSEMBLY - Front * STICK - Top * STUB ASSEMBLY STICK ASSEMBLY - Rear * STICK - Top * STUB ASSEMBLY TORQUE TUBE ASSEMBLY - Dual control CAP - Bearing SHIMS - Torque tube bearing attachment SHIMS - Torque tube bearing attachment SHIMS - Torque tube bearing attachment WASHER - Torque tube bearing attachment TUBE ASSEMBLY - Control stick connector (with dual control) -11 -12 No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 AR AR AR 4 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F9 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 8 5 10 L Figure 36 Elevator Control System ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F10 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 36 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1F11 ELEVATOR CONTROL SYSTEM SECTION IX Control System Group Figure and Index Number 36-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 40123-78 40123-89 13745-00 42722-02 41271-02 10870-16 42722-02 80421-00 81342-42 86102-92 12241-00 41001-00 80122-18 11200-00 80012-04 40071-00 40081-00 Code NOMENCLATURE CABLE ASSEMBLY - Bungee CABLE ASSEMBLY - Bungee CABLE ASSEMBLY - Elevator, lower ' TURNBUCKLE ASSEMBLY - Control cable LINK - Cable attachment CABLE ASSEMBLY - Elevator, upper * TURNBUCKLE ASSEMBLY - Control cable PULLEY - Fibre 1-3/4" WASHER BUSHING BRACKET - Pulley guard PULLEY - 2-3" WASHER PULLEY BUSHING - Insert FAIRLEAD - Cable RING - Snap No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 41 1 1 1 1 4 6 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1F12 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 12 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 ISSUED: JUNE 27, ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F13 1F13 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 37 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1F14 AILERON CONTROL ASSEMBLY SECTION IX Control System Group Figure and Index Number 37-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 14300-19 42722-02 81262-36 14300-28 42722-02 81352-32 80421-00 80012-03 40991-00 80012-04 81342-42 40731-00 40701-00 40081-00 Code NOMENCLATURE No. Req. CABLE ASSEMBLY - Aileron control, balance ' TURNBUCKLEASSEMBLY - Control cable LINK CABLE ASSEMBLY - Aileron control, torque tube to aileron ' TURNBUCKLEASSEMBLY - Control cable LINK - Connecting, aileron cable (2 312 L) PULLEY - Fibre, 1-3/" BUSHING PULLEY BUSHING WASHER - Spacer PLATE - Rub, cable FAIRLEAD - Cable RING - Snap, fairlead 2 1 2 2 1 1 6 4 4 2 4 3 8 4 SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F15 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 'I 3 9 6 5 Figure 38 Rudder Control System ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1F16 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 38 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F17 PA-18-150 RUDDER CONTROL SYSTEM SECTION IX Control System Group Figure and Index Number 38-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 10865-05 80421-00 80122-18 80012-04 40071-00 40081-00 10866-00 10867-00 10868-00 Code NOMENCLATURE CABLE ASSEMBLY - Rudder PULLEY WASHER BUSHING - Insert FAIRLEAD - Cable, segment RING - Snap FITTING ASSEMBLY - Rudder cable, front FITTING ASSEMBLY - Rudder cable, center FITTING ASSEMBLY - Rudder cable, rear No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 2 4 2 8 4 2 2 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F18 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 7 Figure 39 Flap Control System ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1F19 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODEEXPLANATIONS FORFIGURE39 ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 PA-18-150 1F20 SECTION IX Control System Group Figure and Index Number 39-1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 FLAP CONTROL SYSTEM PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 12794-04 14300-27 42722-02 487 328 81262-14 41001-00 81342-11 Code NOMENCLATURE CABLE ASSEMBLY - Flap control, in fuselage CABLE ASSEMBLY - Flap control, upper * TURNBUCKLE ASSEMBLY - Control cable SPRING - Flap return (14384-00) LINK - Cable to bellcrank PULLEY WASHER No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 2 4 5 5 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED JUNE 27. 1988 1F21 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 1F22 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 7 Figure 40 Adjustment Stabilizer Control System ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1 F23 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 40 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1F24 ADJUSTMENT STABILIZER CONTROL SYSTEM SECTION IX Control System Group Figure and Index Number 40- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 14486 DRAWING - Stabilizer Adjustment Cable Installation 41671-17 41671-19 42664-03 43001-00 80122-18 40721-00 40731-00 42911-00 80012-04 CABLE - Stabilizer adjustment CABLE - Stabilizer adjustment WIRE - Stabilizer indicator PULLEY - Stabilizer adjustment control cable, 1 inch WASHER - Stabilizer adjustment pulley BLOCK - Rubbing, stabilizer control cable, front PLATE - Rub FAIRLEAD - Stabilizer indicator wire BUSHING - Insert No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1G1 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG 4 3 Figure 41 Stabilizer Adjustment Crank Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1G2 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 41 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1G3 PA-18-150 SECTION IX Control System Group Figure and Index Number STABILIZER ADJUSTMENT CRANK INSTALLATION PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 41- 12999 DRAWING - Stabilizer Adjustment Crank Mechanism Installation -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -12 -12 60291-02 42891-00 41121-00 10936-00 41151-00 12983-00 12105-00 480 731 81761-04 80122-18 80421-00 80012-04 CRANK ASSEMBLY - Stabilizer adjustment SPRING - Stabilizer indicator return INDICATOR ASSEMBLY PLATE - Indicator cover SPRING - Stabilizer crank PULLEY PIN - Crankshaft PIN -(59-028-125-0750) PIN - Crank pulley locking WASHER - Spacer PULLEY BUSHING - Insert No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27. 1988 1G4 PA-18-150 22 21 Figure 42. Stabilizer Adjustment Yoke and Bungee Installation ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1G5 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 42 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1G6 PA-18-150 STABILIZER ADJUSTMENT YOKE AND BUNGEE INSTALLATION SECTION IX Control System Group Figure and Index Number 42- -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23 -24 -25 -26 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 13000 12263 DRAWING - Stabilizer Adjustment Mechanism Installation DRAWING - Bungee Installation 40821-03 80421-00 10466-28 86062-80 14180-02 14177-00 42961-02 80122-41 81342-05 85012-12 80122-24 81342-08 41631-00 42692-00 85211-00 80421-00 81381-00 10940-02 10449-00 12982-00 43001-00 80122-18 80012-04 80421-00 81411-02 460 693 11692-05 FITTING - Pulley PULLEY CLAMP TUBE - Liner LINK ASSEMBLY ' BUSHING - Insert, brass SCREW - Stabilizer adjustment WASHER WASHER WASHER WASHER WASHER KEY YOKE ASSEMBLY - Stabilizer adjustment CLAMP PULLEY HOUSING ASSEMBLY - Bungee pulley SPRING - Cable attachments LINK - Upper horn PULLEY PULLEY WASHER BUSHING - Insert PULLEY SPRING - Tension FITTING - Grease(No 1688) BRACKET- Pulley No. Req SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 6 5 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1G7 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Figure 43 Piper Automatic Locator (ELT) Installation (Narco Avionics) ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1G8 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR FIGURE 43 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1G9 PA-18-150 SECTION X Radio Group Figure and Index Number PIPER AUTOMATIC LOCATOR (ELT) INSTALLATION (Narco Avionics) PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code NOMENCLATURE 43- 66081 DRAWING - Piper Automatic Locator (ELT) Installation -1 54800-54 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 758 452 762 357 763019 758 453 597 257 39273-03 60704-02 587 965 80687-02 477 829 TRANSMITTER ASSEMBLY - Automatic locator (ELT 10) (includes alkaline battery pack) · BATTERYPACK - Transmitter assembly (57674-00) • STRAP - Transmitter assembly (57682-0101) • ANTENNA - Blade, portable (57667-0001) · BASE - Transmitter assembly (57666-0101) ANTENNA ASSEMBLY - ELT (01652-0101) BRACKET ASSEMBLY - ELT mounting PLATE - Ground SWITCH - (7101-K) PLACARD - Warning, ELT NUT - Dress 18025) No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1G10 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG CODE EXPLANATIONS FOR OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT A - Refer to figure 16 for a list of optional flight instruments B - Refer to figure 27 for vacuum system installation details ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 PA-18-150 1G11 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT KITS SECTION XI Miscellaneous Group Figure and Index Number PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Code A B A A A 60717-02 765 371 44296-17 NOMENCLATURE No. Req. SERIAL NUMBERS AFFECTED Vacuum instruments package Vacuum system (without vacuum instruments) Turn and slip indicator (electric) Vertical speed indicator Clock (electric) Outside air temperature gauge Night lighting package Strobe light kit assembly When ordering, always specify Part Number, Description, and Serial Number of Aircraft ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1G12 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG NUMERICAL INDEX Part Number 06161-02 06161-02 10016-17 10016-20 10016-21 10032-07 10032-08 10033-05 10033-06 10034-00 10049-02 10058-00 10061-00 10112-07 10128-27 10128-28 10128-93 10134-00 10143-18 10143-63 10143-91 10143-95 10143-97 10151-00 10161-04 10161-04 10161-05 10171-04 10171-04 10171-05 10175-00 10201-00 10201-00 10201-00 10201-00 10201-00 10221-00 10221-00 10221-00 10221-00 10221-00 10291-00 10292-00 10300-02 10401-00 10415-03 10449-00 10466-09 Figure and Index No. 15-1 16-1 2-22 2-20 2-21 18-20 18-20 18-22 18-22 18-24 10-10 11-54 11-46 5-34 29-18 29-19 32-15 11-7 28-55 28-17 28-57 28-58 28-17 5-53 5-19 5-25 5-32 5-11 5-14 5-38 26-9 5-16 5-21 5-27 5-30 5-40 5-15 5-20 5-26 5-31 5-39 4-36 9-23 11-65 4-17 26-12 42-19 11-6 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 Part Number 10466-21 10466-28 10466-33 10525-14 10525-18 10525-18 10525-19 10525-32 10531-04 10531-05 10545-00 10552-00 10552-01 10555-02 10556-02 10565-00 10630-05 10630-08 10641-00 10644-00 10648-03 10649-03 10650-02 10654-02 10656-00 10666-06 10668-00 10703-00 10703-03 10703-04 10705-00 10706-00 10707-00 10709-00 10711-00 10729-03 10734-00 10734-01 10748-00 10763-46 10776-02 10780-00 10799-00 10818-00 10849-34 10849-43 10865-05 10866-00 Figure and Index No. Part Number 23-15 42-3 23-16 23-82 23-19 23-21 23-83 23-18 5-51 5-51 9-47 8-10 8-10 17-1 17-16 11-29 4-3 4-4 4-23 5-49 4-20 4-22 4-21 8-5 8-6 14-7 10-14 4-42 4-32 4-31 5-12 5-23 5-28 5-36 6-17 28-38 22-25 22-25 18-25 12-8 9-51 14-5 13-1 11-22 2-26 2-26 38-1 38-7 10867-00 10868-00 10870-16 10921-00 10921-00 10930-00 10933-00 10933-01 10934-00 10936-00 10940-02 10940-02 10984-00 10999-03 10999-05 11015-00 11015-00 11061-00 11151-02 11200-00 11207-03 11253-00 11299-02 11299-03 11300-03 11339-10 11339-10 11382-04 11382-04 11408-12 11408-13 11408-14 11420-03 11420-03 11432-09 11432-10 11432-11 11473-47 11523-00 11546-02 11580-00 11648-02 11648-02 11670-06 11670-07 11672-00 11675-02 11675-03 1G13 Figure and Index No. 38-8 38-9 36-5 4-33 4-43 10-17 9-15 9-15 9-16 41-4 42-18 48-25 9-22 21-8 21-7 15-11 16-18 5-50 5-77 36-13 11-49 2-44 28-13 28-14 28-4 15-5 16-7 15-13 16-20 11-55 11-57 11-56 12-26 12-29 9-45 9-42 9-38 3-12 2-3 11-67 5-48 9-40 9-44 5-2 5-2 4-28 4-29 4-30 Part Number 11677-00 11678-00 11682-00 11682-00 11692-00 11692-02 11692-02 11692-05 11699-06 11700-00 11719-00 11719-01 11723-00 11821-00 11821-01 11829-03 11987-15 11987-23 11987-57 11987-61 11994-22 12028-00 12036-02 12036-03 12079-00 12105-00 12177-22 12177-28 12177-33 12177-39 12177-39 12177-68 12177-69 12178-02 12178-03 12179-00 12180-00 12184-02 12184-03 12193-08 12193-09 12193-10 12200-00 12202-00 12203-00 12205-02 12205-03 12205-04 Figure and Index No 4-25 4-35 2-12 6-7 11-28 11-15 11-42 42-26 12-17 12-18 2-6 2-6 12-20 11-25 11-25 11-27 28-11 28-12 28-54 28-56 9-60 4-66 10-16 10-15 12-11 41-7 30-10 29-14 32-7 17-45 17-45a 30-8 30-9 11-21 11-20 11-4 11-48 11-30 11-30 9-36 9-37 9-35 11-62 11-62 11-66 11-58 11-61 11-60 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No 12205-05 12205-06 12206-00 12213-00 12241-00 12244-00 12252-02 12252-03 12252-05 12252-06 12254-00 12254-03 12255-00 12256-10 12257-12 12259-00 12260-00 12261-00 12264-00 12264-01 12265-00 12267-16 12268-18 12269-00 12274-00 12274-02 12275-00 12275-01 12276-00 12276-01 12279-00 12284-02 12289-39 12293-48 12294-28 12298-11 12308-05 12309-00 12311-00 12314-00 12331-02 12345-04 12350-00 12351-15 12353-00 12356-03 12360-00 12362-03 12364-03 12364-05 12377-00 12378-00 12379-00 12379-02 12407-00 12408-00 12409-00 12410-00 11-59 11-45 11-47 23-75 36-10 12-27 5-5 5-6 5-55 5-7 9-39 9-41 9-43 10-8 10-3 9-46 9-56 9-56 9-57 9-57 10-30 12-23 12-10 12-12 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-1 2-1 10-11 10-25 12-9 12-7 12-6 29-11 9-52 9-54 10-18 9-71 5-78 8-11 23-81 23-66 23-41 25-1 25-9 25-5 25-27 25-27 9-9 9-10 9-8 9-7 23-79 23-78 23-74 23-73 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 Part Number 12411-02 12414-00 12430-00 12433-14 12436-10 12440-00 12444-00 12445-00 12446-08 12448-07 12457-12 12457-13 12524-02 12524-03 12524-04 12525-00 12525-02 12527-03 12529-02 12529-03 12532-03 12560-00 12567-04 12570-09 12571-02 12571-03 12573-02 12581-00 12591-02 12694-03 12707-00 12715-00 12723-04 12761-02 12761-02 12764-00 12767-00 12767-01 12769-00 12770-00 12774-00 12776-00 12777-00 12789-04 12789-05 12790-04 12790-05 12794-04 12795-00 12795-01 12810-00 12818-00 12818-01 12836-02 12836-03 12838-02 12844-04 12845-00 Figure and Index No 23-72 23-38 9-66 23-25 23-26 23-42 9-53 10-19 11-63 9-34 23-22 23-23 32-10 32-8 32-9 32-4 32-5 32-12 32-13 32-11 2-37 31-7 21-43 2-19 8-1 8-2 17-42 5-45 8-4 14-14 25-14 34-2 25-8 3-2 9-2 28-29 11-24 11-24 17-35 17-23 12-16 12-21 11-8 17-22 17-22 17-34 17-34 39-1 2-10 2-10 13-11 9-25 9-25 28-5 28-6 28-44 18-12 18-14 Part Figure and Number Index No. 12847-00 12855-00 12875-00 12914-00 12944-00 12955-00 12956-04 12982-00 12983-00 12998-03 13003-00 13029-00 13029-01 13072-06 13091 -00 13093-00 13129-04 13129-05 13171-00 13179-00 13180-00 13241-00 13241-00 13300-00 13305-00 13373-02 13373-04 13416-02 13416-02 13433-02 13471-03 13483-00 13541-04 13541-04 13541-04 13541-16 13621-04 13621-04 13716-00 13717-00 13720-04 13725-07 13726-00 13729-00 13729-00 13731-04 13731-04 13733-04 13733-04 13735-00 13743-00 13745-00 13764-00 13764-00 13903-00 13914-00 14055-00 14056-00 1G14 4-52 10-26 18-15 12-14 22-28 14-1 23-11 42-20 41-6 18-10 23-17 25-7 25-7 4-9 9-48 10-13 12-3 12-2 5-76 30-5 30-3 8-15 8-19 12-4 12-5 9-58 9-59 15-2 16-2 9-61 10-24 9-68 14-21 15-6 16-8 14-20 15-3 16-3 25-23 25-26 23-48 23-47 23-57 35-4 35-7 35-3 35-6 35-2 35-5 35-8 13-2 36-2 2-41 14-22 9-65 9-63 14-6 14-4 Part Number 14059-00 14060-00 14061-00 14064-00 14065-00 14066-00 14070-00 14072-00 14073-00 14075-00 14088-02 14093-00 14094-00 14161-00 14174-00 14177-00 14180-02 14182-00 14192-00 14207-00 14208-00 14209-00 14211-00 14216-00 14222-00 14222-02 14224-12 14225-00 14226-02 14232-02 14235-00 14236-00 14239-00 14261-00 14271-00 14275-00 14291-00 14291-01 14300-19 14300-27 14300-28 14308-00 14337-05 14337-05 14340-00 14361-02 14361-03 14371-02 14371-03 14382-04 14382-05 14385-00 14385-01 14387-00 14387-01 14389-00 14389-01 14391-04 Figure and Index No 9-11 9-12 9-14 29-9 29-7 30-19 30-21 30-15 25-30 9-13 18-5 18-6 18-7 4-24 23-34 42-6 42-5 4-39 4-19 28-1 28-2 28-3 28-8 10-4 5-54 5-22 29-3 30-20 29-1 5-8 23-20 25-21 23-85 4-50 4-38 9-62 4-55 4-56 37-1 39-2 37-4 11-12 10-20 33-6 12-30 5-43 5-44 5-46 5-47 5-3 5-3 5-1 5-1 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 5-74 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 14391-05 14392-04 14392-05 14394-02 14394-03 14400-04 14400-05 14401-03 14401-04 14401-05 14401-08 14411-02 14411-03 14411-04 14422-00 14424-00 14426-00 14428-00 14434-02 14435-00 14440-00 14441-00 14444-00 14452-00 14455-00 14456-00 14457-00 14458-05 14461-00 14467-07 14470-00 14510-00 14513-00 14549-00 14570-00 14510-01 14571-00 14571-01 14581-00 14611-00 14611-01 14621-00 14621-01 14624-00 14773-05 14785-03 14786-00 14786-01 14787-03 14849-02 14890-03 14895-00 14941-06 14941-07 14977-00 14978-00 14979-00 14983-03 Figure and Index No 5-74 5-75 5-75 4-1 4-1 2-7 2-7 4-59 4-61 4-63 4-57 4-58 4-60 4-62 24-1 24-2 24-3 28-31 23-24 9-69 26-6 23-37 23-2 26-3 26-1 26-2 26-4 26-7 4-18 26-8 28-53 29-15 26-11 23-61 22-20 22-20 4-53 4-54 4-45 4-46 4-47 4-48 4-49 23-55 31-17 32-16 32-2 32-2 32-1 9-6 29-10 21-1 5-41 5-42 21-42 9-29 9-32 9-30 1988 ISSUED: 27, JUNE ISSUED:JUNE 27, 1988 Part Number 14984-02 15005-00 15007-00 15008-00 15008-01 15009-00 15010-00 15012-00 15018-00 15019-00 15020-00 15166-02 15216-00 15225-03 15271-08 15271-08 15271-08 15281-00 15299-00 15300-00 15318-00 15491-02 15503-02 15504-02 15529-02 15530-02 15530-02 15572-04 15572-05 15631-02 15631-02 15631-03 15723-00 15723-01 15726-02 15761-00 15831-02 15831-05 15857-02 16141-00 16462-00 16472-00 16551-00 16561-00 16601-00 16611-00 16775-00 16775-00 16775-00 16860-00 17604-30 17766-65 18049-34 18049-43 18307-00 18379-00 18576-06 18875-07 Figure and Index No. Part Number 9-31 23-5 23-4 25-11 25-11 25-20 25-13 25-10 25-12 23-89 23-88 33-5 23-28 28-28 9-55 33-6 34-6 34-1 14-27 14-26 34-7 29-20 29-2 29-12 26-5 23-90 26-13 5-4 5-4 4-41 8-12 4-40 4-10 4-11 17-43 3-9 5-72 5-73 3115 579 533 535 415 416 414 413 14-3 14-8 14-16 30-30 295 28-22 331 331 28-52 7-22 296 1-24 18875-07 19657-00 19807-00 20391-00 20491-02 20491-03 20551-00 20611-02 20631-00 20652-00 20751-00 20841-00 20841-01 20951-00 20951-01 20961-00 20961-01 20981-02 21161-00 21272-03 21571-00 21571-01 21752-02 21752-03 21811-03 21879-02 22369-04 22369-23 22369-23 22412-00 23969-03 24032-22 24101-00 24121-02 24121-03 24918-00 25230-00 25801-05 30491-00 30531-02 30541-02 30602-07 31322-05 39273-03 39995-35 40071-00 40071-00 40081-00 40081-00 40081-00 40081-00 40092-10 40123-78 40123-89 40131-02 40261-00 40451-02 40451-02 15 1G15 1G Figure and Index No 35-1 2-2 33-31 11-44 11-36 11-35 11-43 11-39 11-41 11-33 11-51 11-16 11-16 11-18 11-18 11-19 11-19 11-50 11-37 11-9 11-14 11-13 11-26 11-2 35-9 34-5 30-7 30-17 30-18 11-38 29-32 9-28 11-3 11-1 11-5 18-29 27-9 12-1 18-32 21-40 21-40 18-1 18-11 43-7 23-55 36-15 38-5 8-7 36-16 37-14 38-6 4-27 36-1 36-1 17-10 35-12 6-3 6-4 Part Number 40451-02 40451-02 40451-02 40451-02 40451-03 40451-03 40451-03 40451-03 40451-03 40451-03 40451-06 40451-07 40501-00 40501-00 40592-00 40622-07 40701-00 40701-00 40721-00 40731-00 40731-00 40821-03 40842-04 40842-05 40941-00 40991-00 41001-00 41001-00 41031-02 41031-03 41051-00 41051-00 41121-00 41151-00 41271-02 41291-00 41371-02 41371-03 41371-04 41491-00 41521-00 41531-00 41551-00 41581-04 41631-00 41671-17 41671-19 41881-00 41881-00 41881-02 41881-02 41891-00 41891-00 42664-03 42692-00 42722-02 42722-02 42722-02 Figure and Index No 6-9 7-3 7-4 7-12 6-3 6-4 6-9 7-3 7-4 7-12 6-4a 6-4a 2-17 7-11 10-23 17-43 8-8 37-13 40-5 37-12 40-6 42-1 13-7 13-8 13-4 37-9 36-11 39-6 17-3 17-18 17-6 17-21 41-3 41-5 36-4 4-64 35-10 35-10 35-10 14-12 22-23 22-22 14-13 22-16 42-13 40-1 40-1 2-16 7-9 2-13 6-8 2-15 7-10 40-2 42-14 37-5 36-3 36-6 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 42722-02 42722-02 42891-00 42911-00 42961-02 43001-00 43001-00 44235-00 44291-02 44296-17 48659-11 49977-86 50042-00 50111-00 50131-00 50183-11 50192-00 52745-00 52841-22 52841-24 52841-26 54800-54 55549-02 60291-02 60401-04 60401-05 60571-00 60571-01 60602-00 60671-00 60703-02 60704-02 60708-02 60708-02 60708-03 60708-04 60708-05 60708-06 60709-02 60709-02 60709-03 60709-03 60709-06 60709-08 60709-09 60709-10 60709-11 60709-12 60709-13 60709-14 60709-15 60709-18 60714-02 60714-02 60714-03 60714-03 60714-04 60714-05 Figure and Index No 37-2 39-3 41-2 40-7 42-7 40-3 42-21 30-28 31-8 Misc 33-11 32-3 13-10 12-19 10-2 10-1 10-5 10-27 10-7 10-7 10-7 43-1 17-51 41-1 6-11 6-11 9-3 9-3 10-22 3-8 18-37 43-8 6-5 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 6-6 2-11 6-1 2-11 6-1 6-10 6-12 6-12 6-13 6-13 6-14 6-14 6-2 6-2 6-15 2-14 7-1 2-14 7-1 7-13 7-13 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 Part Number 60714-06 60714-07 60714-08 60714-09 60714-10 60714-11 60714-12 60714-13 60714-14 60714-15 60714-16 60714-17 60714-26 60714-27 60714-28 60714-29 60714-30 60717-02 60726-02 60727-03 60748-03 60750-02 60752-00 60753-02 60754-04 60756-02 60762-02 60762-02 60763-02 60765-02 60766-02 60863-03 60863-03 60863-05 60863-09 61323-10 61340-00 61341-02 61341-03 61341-04 61342-00 61541-36 61964-02 62177-03 62177-03 63901-44 64834-00 64835-00 64835-01 66673-00 66696-00 66752-00 66752-00 69015-77 69015-78 70371-02 70371-03 71061-04 Figure and Index No 7-14 7-14 7-15 7-15 7-16 7-16 7-17 7-17 7-18 7-18 7-2 7-2 7-23 7-20 7-20 7-19 7-19 Misc 23-53 30-25 7-21 2-24 2-18 10-29 30-26 28-60 2-42 33-2 28-15 28-36 29-34 3-10 9-20 9-21 3-11 14-18 17-20 17-5 17-4 17-19 17-17 27-2 28-43 15-3 16-3 23-31 9-24 9-4 9-4 27-9 29-33 15-9 16-15 27-25 27-26 23-9 23-10 22-17 1G16 Part Number Figure and Index No 71261-05 71261-07 71991-00 72091-00 72302-03 73451-03 74181-00 74912-00 79399-00 80002-27 80002-41 80012-03 80012-03 80012-04 80012-04 80012-04 80012-04 80012-04 80012-04 80012-17 80022-20 80022-31 80022-44 80022-45 80022-63 80022-68 80032-34 80032-34 80032-51 80032-51 80032-69 80111-00 80122-07 80122-07 80122-10 80122-10 80122-11 80122-11 80122-17 80122-18 80122-18 80122-18 80122-18 80122-18 80122-24 80122-25 80122-30 80122-41 80122-41 80122-43 80122-43 80122-49 80122-51 80122-51 80122-53 80122-53 80122-53 80122-53 23-27 23-84 28-37 2-36 28-33 23-6 2-27 26-10 27-1 23-80 8-9 5-52 37-8 36-14 37-10 38-4 40-8 41-12 42-22 17-30 11-34 5-10 17-49 17-50 18-23 23-14 23-12 23-12 14-15 23-30 28-51 2-25 9-26 22-14 13-6 29-17 4-68 22-13 35-11 36-12 38-3 40-4 41-10 42-22 42-11 5-9 21-3 21-39 42-8 9-27 23-71 9-18 3-5 9-19 2-7 9-17 17-24 17-36 Part Number 80122-53 80122-55 80122-55 80122-86 80132-10 80222-03 80222-03 80292-15 80380-02 80421-00 80421-00 80421-00 80421-00 80421-00 80421-00 80421-00 80541-02 80541-02 80687-02 80944-02 81102-02 81102-03 81102-03 81102-03 81102-03 81102-03 81102-17 81172-20 81232-15 81262-08 81262-08 81262-14 81262-36 81272-15 81332-09 81342-05 81342-08 81342-11 81342-20 81342-42 81342-42 81342-45 81342-56 81352-32 81381-00 81411-02 81761-04 81903-03 82332-26 82332-38 82341-02 82371-04 82371-06 82371-06 82371-07 82371-10 82371-36 82371-37 Figure and Index No 17-44 23-86 24-7 17-48 12-22 13-3 22-24 11-40 31-16 36-7 37-7 38-2 41-11 42-2 42-16 42-23 3-6 9-70 43-10 8-21 17-2 5-13 5-18 5-24 5-29 5-37 23-70 14-11 3-3 13-5 22-21 39-5 37-3 11-10 11-11 42-9 42-12 39-7 14-10 36-8 37-11 9-49 30-16 37-6 42-17 42-24 41-9 18-26 23-29 23-32 11-31 28-10 2-30 33-8 2-29 2-28 28-48 28-49 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 82371-56 82371-90 82461-00 82461-00 82732-08 82732-24 82732-72 83161-02 83161-02 83302-13 83481-00 84013-101 84013-102 84013-103 84013-104 84013-105 84013-106 84013-107 84013-108 84013-109 84584-09 84584-10 85012-04 85012-04 85012-05 85012-06 85012-12 85012-14 85012-32 85012-47 85012-48 85012-57 85012-78 85012-106 85061-00 85211-00 86062-79 86062-80 86092-15 86102-92 89190-04 89190-05 89191-02 89191-03 89192-04 89192-05 89193-04 89193-05 89195-04 89195-05 89195-06 89195-07 89195-08 89195-09 89195-10 89195-10 89195-10 89195-10 Figure and Index No Part Number Figure and Index No Part Number Figure and Index No 23-35 27-27 9-5 10-28 23-13 4-51 17-13 14-29 14-19 12-13 10-9 27-24 27-15 27-16 27-19 27-20 27-14 27-13 27-22 27-23 29-27 29-24 13-9 27-26 13-9 13-9 42-10 9-50 28-32 24-4 21-2 18-16 3-4 17-44 11-17 42-15 17-41 42-4 10-6 36-9 5-57 5-57 5-70 5-70 5-56 5-56 5-58 5-58 5-59 5-59 5-60 5-60 5-61 5-61 5-63 5-64 5-66 5-67 89195-10 89195-11 89195-11 89195-11 89195-11 89195-11 89195-12 89195-13 89196-02 89196-03 89196-02 89196-03 89201-02 89201-02 89202-02 89203-02 89215-02 89215-03 89216-02 89228-02 89232-02 89240-02 90797-02 90797-13 91193-00 97288-00 99003-08 99479-02 5-68 5-63 5-64 5-66 5-67 5-68 5-69 5-69 5-62 5-62 5-65 5-65 8-14 8-17 8-13 8-16 5-71 5-71 14-28 29-22 4-37 23-91 28-59 30-2 23-8 21-44 16-9 9-67 101 159 180 180 180 180 180 187 189 189 189 189 400 400 23-18 21-45 2-23 10-21 28-7 25-25 9-33 10-12 29-4 29-6 28-9 32-14 18-36 17-29 400 004 400 211 400 212 400 213 400 219 400 220 400 262 400 321 400 438 400 440 400 443 400 443 400 444 401 194 401 195 401 266 401 266 401 274 401 315 401 334 401 355 401 359 401 366 401 400 401 405 401 450 401 918 404100 404 103 404 103 404 105 404 395 404 395 404 838 404 856 404 888 404 888 404 888 404 889 404 889 404 889 404 890 404 890 404 890 406 355 406 355 406 386 406 386 406 681 406 681 406 681 406 681 406 681 406 682 406 682 406 683 406 683 406 683 21-42 23-67 18-3 18-4 18-19 18-18 21-4 23-63 8-3 17-25 4-65 17-40 17-37 2-9 2-8 17-14 17-26 17-12 17-9 20-12 8-18 18-2 8-20 23-76 21-39 12-31 23-7 17-33 18-4 23-68 23-64 8-15 8-19 19-18 12-33 18-36 21-42 20-15 2-8 2-9 18-2 18-18 18-19 21-39 15-19 16-27 15-16 16-28 8-3 17-7 17-15 17-28 17-39 17-11 17-32 8-20 8-18 23-77 ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 980 119 497 497 497 808 810 610 080 080 534 625 002 003 1G17 Part Number 406 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 407 415 416 416 418 418 419 419 422 422 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 424 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 450 450 450 450 685 120 142 142 564 564 564 564 564 565 565 565 566 566 566 567 567 567 567 567 567 568 585 585 585 586 587 587 587 531 995 995 581 581 474 474 604 604 051 059 059 059 059 059 065 217 224 132 134 134 142 142 142 144 035 628 628 742 Figure and Index No 21-6 18-31 15-20 16-29 4-67 8-3 17-8 17-27 17-38 2-39 17-31 20-14 2-8 2-9 8-18 12-32 18-2 18-4 18-18 18-19 21-39 21-5 2-40 19-16 20-13 18-2 18-18 18-19 19-19 18-30 24-5 24-6 15-18 16-26 15-15 16-24 4-34 4-44 17-47 8-15 8-19 18-4 23-65 23-69 18-33 2-38 17-46 28-50 23-43 23-45 18-8 23-44 25-22 18-9 29-8 15-8 16-14 30-32 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number Figure and Index No 450 996 451 103 451 709 451 710 451 735 451 855 451 881 452 335 453 126 453 640 453 647 454 118 454 638 454 658 454 738 454 738 454 738 454 739 454 832 454 873 454 887 454 888 454 890 454 925 454 927 454 933 454 983 454 983 454 983 454 987 455 151 455 158 455 168 458 892 458 895 458 898 458 931 458 932 458 940 458 940 458 958 459 130 459 131 459 132 459 133 459 134 459 135 459 848 460 649 460 651 460 652 460 653 460 654 460 659 460 661 460 661 460 663 23-1 28-16 22-1 22-1 460 677 Part Number Figure and Index No. 683 684 689 693 368 368 368 28-20 28-19 28-25 27-10 460 460 460 460 463 463 463 4-26 463 369 4-12 25-29 23-60 23-3 29-30 29-26 29-23 31-13 33-7 29-31 27-17 23-39 29-40 12-15 23-33 30-11 23-40 23-49 2-31 27-11 33-9 27-6 29-21 23-87 23-58 28-23 28-24 23-51 23-50 23-52 2-35 33-10 27-4 17-35a 2-7a 468 470 471 471 471 471 471 471 471 471 471 472 472 472 472 472 472 472 472 25-17 28-21 30-23 14-9 15-14 16-23 14-2 14-17 14-23 15-12 16-19 9-64 34-3 30-1 4-2 32-6 31-1 31-4 18-28 23-46 17-23a 17-43a 9-1a 18-21 13-12 2-34 28-27 28-18 28-42 28-41 28-23 28-24 28-40 22-18 18-38 ISSUED:JUNE 27, 1988 340 648 053 053 053 060 060 060 060 060 077 036 660 661 661 665 666 681 736 472 963 476 476 476 477 477 640 652 664 673 673 477 829 480 480 484 484 484 691 731 341 373 654 484 654 484 698 485 080 42-25 25-4 25-19 30-4 25-6 487 487 487 487 30-6 487 550 554 554 554 558 558 558 565 587 588 588 597 599 750 750 750 750 750 750 23-56 487 288 487 288 487 288 868 886 684 727 727 771 771 778 778 554 802 29-35 23-54 12-28 487 550 487 558 548 548 550 551 551 551 551 554 554 41-8 25-15 487 274 563 563 565 565 566 726 777 791 791 791 793 823 374 947 022 023 272 751 751 714 714 314 330 330 548 459 30-12 31-12 28-26 2-43 23-52 15-17 16-25 43-11 18-17 596 596 149 272 274 288 328 350 550 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 488 491 492 492 492 514 514 515 515 548 548 548 21-46 19-10 27-7 15-4 16-4 29-13 12-25 12-24 486 486 487 487 487 Part Number 25-24 25-28 39-4 33-13 871 871 947 819 900 913 288 965 428 567 257 178 063 272 273 283 284 295 750 379 750 384 15-10 16-17 750 386 30-22 18-13 1G18 Figure and IIndex No. 25-2 30-4 25-3 25-18 25-16 33-12 34-4 29-28 29-29 31-14 29-25 14-25 28-39 28-45 28-30 22-10 27-8 15-16 16-28 15-17 16 25 16-6 15-7 16-12 16-10 16-5 16-16 16-11 18-35 19-1 18-34 20-1 2-32 28-47 27-3 2-33 28-46 Part Number 750 750 750 750 750 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 751 752 752 752 752 752 749 750 997 998 999 201 202 203 264 265 349 350 376 381 381 402 450 492 767 806 964 475 494 688 749 788 752 791 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 752 753 798 826 888 965 966 978 979 982 983 127 23-36 753 207 18-39 27-5 27-12 30-29 753 753 753 753 753 753 753 43-9 27-18 27-21 43-6 16-6 20-11 28-35 28-34 11-52 11-53 22-9 22-6 22-8 22-4 750 387 22-5 750 746 21-36 208 209 341 403 404 405 406 753 850 753 753 754 754 754 914 915 615 825 849 754 850 755 042 755 755 755 755 755 049 200 830 878 879 Figure and Index No 21-30 21-35 22-3 22-2 22-2 31-5 31-2 30-13 21-22 21-32 30-33 21-10 11-32 31-3 31-6 19-17 19-15 22-27 33-3 21-28 21-37 22-19 23-59 22-7 19-2 22-15 22-11 22-12 19-4 21-11 19-12 19-11 11-23 11-64 21-12 21-13 21-9 21-15 21-19 21-33 30-14 21-14 21-27 21-29 21-34 19-13 21-21 21-26 20-6 9-1 20-8 20-9 31-11 33-4 31-9 19-6 21-18 21-25 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG Part Number 755 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 756 757 757 757 757 757 757 758 758 758 758 761 761 761 761 761 761 761 762 762 762 762 763 765 880 008 205 206 207 208 209 210 586 681 682 359 488 489 491 831 831 080 095 452 453 189 202 203 618 620 970 994 032 256 357 534 019 371 Figure and Index No Part Number Figure and Index No Part Number Figure and Index No Part Number Figure and Index No 21-16 20-10 21-17 21-20 21-23 21-24 21-31 21-38 30-24 20-2 20-4 31-12 19-5 19-14 19-8 20-3 20-5 30-36 19-9 43-2 43-5 31-10 19-3 19-7 30-35 30-34 18-27 18-27 18-27 30-27 43-3 20-7 43-4 Misc ISSUED: JUNE 27, 1988 1G19 PA-18-150 PIPER PARTS CATALOG GRIDS 1G20 THRU 1L24 INTENTIONALLY 1G20 LEFT BLANK
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