Turkey Annual capacity
Turkey Annual capacity
Vestel Group of Companies Vestel Production Premises 3 Production Area Turkey and Russia Turkey Annual capacity Russia Annual capacity 35.000.000 units, 500.000 units, Tv Digital Refrigerator Washing Machine Cooking Apliances Dish Washer Vestel CITY and Vestel Head Quarters Production Area (Total) 1.500.000 ANNUAL 4 Giant Manufacturing Base 8 Companies in Turkey 11 Companies Abroad 8 Total of Exports to 149 countries Production Capacity 49 19 Companies 2013 5 00 $ 4 investment turnover Employees 6 1 R&D centers on a global scale 500 + different brands R&D engineer posts The export champion of the Turkish electronics industry for the last 16 years 6 %88 of Turkey’s TV export* %8 8 * August 2014, ECID Report Research & Development 7 Industrial Design Mechanical Design Power & Control Card Design Software Hardware Research & Innovation CAD Design IPR Test & Verification 8 R&D Staff Real architects of innovation Software 350 Engineers Total 1000+ R&D Employee Designers 120 Engineers Master Degree Doctorate 420 Engineers 40 Multidisipline Engineers 9 Key Strenghts Key R&D Strengths 6 Key Strenghts of Vestel R&D Software System Design Power Electronics Optical Design ID-MD Design Test Infrastructure Strong Design and Test Infrastructure EMC RELIABILITY DQA SAFETY ACCREDITATIONS OPTICAL TESTS MECHANICAL TESTS ENVIROMENTAL TESTS ELECTRICAL TESTS 10 11 DIGITAL SET TOP BOXES TV PROFESSIONAL DISPLAYS LED LIGHTING SMARTPHONE TABLET HOME APPLIANCES 12 International Collaboration WHY • The wild competition in the consumer electronics • Low profit range • Trend is collaboration 13 14 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • CATRENE - Nanoelectronics • EUROPIDES - Integrated Smart Systems • ITEA3 - Software-intensive Systems & Services COMMUNICATION • Celtic Plus - Telecommunications OTHER CLUSTERS • Manufuture • Energy – Eurogia 2020 15 Eureka Events Proposal Days Tübitak Days B2B Matching Sections 16 FIRST INTERNATIONAL PROJECT PVR IDTV Cabot Vestel Electronic C/E Coordinator Partner EUREKA INDIVIDUAL VESTEL CABOT 17 AND THE OTHER PROJECTS... 18 25 International Projects In Different Eureka Clusters In great variety of countries 19 Total Projects 25+ 13 Project Partners 100+ Different Countries R&D Volume 20.000.000 € International Networking 21 International Technology Platforms 25 International Project Collaboration in Europe Most Succesfull Big Companies in Turkey “ One of the most SUCCESSFUL company in International Projects in Turkey Turkey Eureka Chairmanship Opening Conference Old Minister of Sicience, Industry and Technology – Nihat ERGÜN 1. VESTEL ELEKTRONİK 2. ARÇELİK A.Ş. ” 3. TURKCELL İLETİŞİM HİZMETLERİ A.Ş. 4. TÜRK TELEKOMÜNİKASYON A.Ş. 5. ASELSAN ELEKTRONİK SAN. VE TİC A.Ş. 22 Hipermed Silver Award 2014 Industrial Partner of Project is Vestel Also, another Vestel contributed project GENIO has been nominated for Celtic Plus Award 23 Eureka Innovation Award 2014 Industrial Partner of Project is Vestel Celtic-Plus e-health project HIPERMED won the prestigious EUREKA Innovation Award at the EUREKA Innovation Event in Basel on 19 November 2014. 24 Next Step Horizon 2020 Smart City 25 HOW WE CAN START COLLOBORATIONS TOGETHER? • Joint R&D • Project Consortiums for Eureka&Horizon2020 Programs • Collaboration on ICT Smart City Thank You For Attention [email protected] 26