167th Ohio Infantry Soldier Roster
167th Ohio Infantry Soldier Roster
167th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. ONE HUNDRED DAYS SERVICE. THIS Regiment was organized at Hamilton, 0., May 14, 16 and 17, 1864, to hundred days. It was composed of the Sixty-first and Sixty-fifth Two days after mus Battalions, Ohio National Guard, from Butler County. serve one ter-in the Regiment received orders to proceed to Charleston, W. Va., which reached on the 21st of May, and reported to Colonel Ewart, command place ing the post. Six companies were immediately sent to Camp Piatt, and four to it Gauley Bridge, relieving the Second, Third, and Seventh Regiments Virginia The points named were posts of supply, and the only duty the Cavalry. was called upon to perform was guarding Government stores and Regiment accompanying trains to and from the main bodies of the National forces in that part of Western Virginia. It was mustered out September 8, 1864, on expiration of its term of service. (371) REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 167TH FIELD AND STAFF. Mustered in May 1C, 1864, at Hamilton, out Sept. 8, 1864, at 0., by Urmston, 1st Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. by C. P. Horton, Captain and A. D. C. T. D. Hamilton, COMPANY Mustered in May Jamr-s E. Stewart A. Ken nedy Charles M. Dexter James T. Langstroth.. C. Charles McCracken Moon Captain.. 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. 1st Sergt. Sergeant. do John \V. Craig Samuel Oath George W. Sadler Joseph Hayden Samuel McDonald Richard Butler Jacob A. Zeller Cyrus D. Cross John J. Wright, Jr.... Elijah D. Sadler ....do.... ....do.... Corporal . do ....do.... ....do.... ....do... ....do... ....do... ....do... Private. Bishop, George S Bishop, Robert II., Jr. Booth, William Brooks, Frank D Brooks. John K Brooks, Peter II Carll, James L Henry L Waldo V Squire F George W Caulker, Charles S Churchill, Calvin W.. Cone, George II Mustered Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1861. Mustered out \vith company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1804. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out -with company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1X64. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1864. Mustered out with company Sept. 8, 1864. mustered out with company Appointed May May May May May May May May May- May May May May Mav May Mav ; 2, 1864 2, 18(i4 2, 2, .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. Mustered A. Sept. Beckett, John Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown. A. 14, 1864, at Hamilton, O., by T. D. Urmston, 1st Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. S. A. out Sept. 8, 18u4, at Hamilton, O., by C. P. Horton, Captain and A. D. C. James John S. O., 2, 2, 2, 18U4 1*64 1S64 1864 1864 2, 2, 2, 1864 1864 2, 1X6-1 2, 1864 2, 186-1 2, 2, 1864 1864 8, 1864. Mustered out with Mustered out with Mustered out with Absent, sick Mustered out with Mustered out with Mustered out with Mustered ont with Mustered out with Mustered out with Mustered out with Mustered out with Mustered out with Mustered out with Mustered out with . company Sept. 8, 1864. company Sept. 8, 1864. company Sept. 8, 1864. No further record found. company Sept. 8, 1864. company Sept. 8, 1864. company Sept. 8, 1*64. company Sept. 8, company Sept. 8, 1864. company Sept. 8, 1X64. company Sept. 8, 1864. eonuwny Sept. 8, 1864. company Sept. 8, 1864. company Sept. 8, 1864. company Sept. 8, 1864. 18t>4. /O-ON (6 6) 1 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 374 COMPANY Mustered in May 17, 1864, at out Sept. B. Hamilton, 0., by T. D. Urmston, 1st Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. 1864, at Hamilton, O., by C. P. Horton, Captain and A. D. C. 8, S. A. Mustered 167TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMPANY Mustered in May at C. Hamilton, O., by T. D. Urmston, 1st Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. out Sept. 8, 186-1, at Hamilton, O., by C. P. Horton, Captain and A. D. C. 17, 1864, 375 S. A. Mustered ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 376 COMPANY Mustered in May 14, 1864, at out Sept. T. D. Hamilton, O., by 1864, at Hamilton, 8, D. Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. Urmston, by C. P. Morton, Captain and A. D. C. O., 1st S. A. Mustered 167TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMPANY Mustered in May 17, 186-1, E. at Hamilton, O., by T. D. TJrmston, 1st Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. S. A. 8, 1864, at Hamilton, O., by C. P. Horton, Captain and A. D. C. out Sept. 377 Mustered ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 378 COMPANY Mustered in May F. Hamilton, ()., by T. D. Urmston, 1st Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. out Sept. 8, 1864, at Hamilton, O., by C. P. Horton, Captain and A. D. C. 14, 1864, at S. A. Mustered 167TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. 379 380 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. COMPANY Mustered in May 14, 1864, at out Sept. G. Hamilton, O., by T. D. Urmston, 1st Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. at Hamilton, O., by C. P. Horton, Captain and A. D. C. 8, 1864, S. A. Mustered 167TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMPANY Mustered in May 14, 1864, at out Sept. H. Hamilton, O., hy T. D. Urmston, 1st Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. 1864, at Hamilton, O., by C. P. Horton, Captain and A. D. C. 8, 581 3. A. Mustered ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS. 382 COMPANY Mustered in May I. at Hamilton, O., by T. D. Urmston, 1st Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. out Sept. 8, 1864, at Hamilton, O., by C. P. Horton. Captain and A. D. C. 14, 1864, S. A. Mustered 167TH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. COMPANY Mustered in May K. 16, 1864, at Hamilton, O by T. D. Urmston, 1st Lieutenant 12th Infantry, U. out Sept. 8, 1864, at Hamilton, O., by C. P. Horton, Captain and A. D. C. , 383 S. A. Mustered 384 ROSTER OF OHIO TROOPS.