Solid Brass - GDL Trading NZ
Solid Brass - GDL Trading NZ
PRODUCT CATALOGUE nz Welcome to our catalogue displaying stock lines available from our Pukekohe warehouse. ONLINE purchase is now available from We look forward to being of future service. GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 page a - c while stock last - NOVELTY 2a - 2f BUCKLES - Novelty, Men’s, SADDLERY 2g - 2h 3 - 3a 4 5 - 5a 6 7 - 8a 9 - 10 11 - 12 13 - 13a 14 15 16 - 17 SOLID BRASS BUCKLES - 50 - 40mm BUCKLES - 38mm BUCKLES - 35mm BUCKLES - 32mm BUCKLES - 30mm BUCKLES - 25mm BUCKLES - 20mm & SMALLER BUCKLES - SIDE RELEASE, LADDERLOCK TRIGLIDE, SLIDE ADJUSTERS BUCKLES - HALF ROLLER BUCKLES - FULL ROLLER BUCKLES - BELT ACCESSORIES / FITTINGS 18 CHAINS 19 - 19a CORNERS 20 - 21a DEES, O-RINGS, RECTANGLES 22 - 23 EYELETS 24 - 25 FASTENERS 26 - 27 HANDLES, BAG Fittings 28 - 29a 30 HOOKS HOOK and LOOP 31 - 32 KEEPERS 33 - 33a KEY FITTING 34 LEATHER 35 - 36a LOCKS 37 - 37b ORNAMENTS 38 PVC, PU AND LININGS 39 - 42 RIVETS AND STUDS 43 - 49 TOOLS 50 WEBBING GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 40mm Buckles - while stock last offer ... a 40mm Buckles - while stock last offer ... b 40mm Buckles - while stock last offer ... c Novelty Buckles - 40mm FLYING EAGLE 38mm Western Buckle BOOT 38mm Western Buckle GUN 38mm Western Buckle 2a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 Novelty Buckles - 40mm - also available in Brushed A.B. TS15720 40mm Buckle 2b GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 Novelty Buckles - 40mm 2c GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 MEN’s Buckles - available in Pearl Nickel, - Gunmetal - Satin nickel Pearl Nickel / Gunmetal - available in Pearl Nickel, - Pearl Gun, - Satin Gun Pearl Nickel Pearl Nickel 2d GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 443 0793 fax: 0800 788 644 SADDLERY Buckles W E N Horsecover 25mm Buckle Black Hobble 25mm Buckle Black Double Bar Buckle, Nickel SY1960 Tie Down Dee 25mm Sizes - 25mm , 19mm Stirrup 25mm Buckle Nickel Surcingle 50mm 3-pce Set Stainless Steel 2e GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 443 0793 fax: 0800 788 644 SADDLERY Buckles W E N SY132 Finish - Stainless Steel & Solid Brass Size - 38mm, 25mm, 20mm, 12mm SY132 - Solid Brass 50mm 2f GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 443 0793 fax: 0800 788 644 Solid Brass BUCKLES Also available Solid Brass Keeper to match. GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 2g Solid Brass - 40mm JT7796 Solid Brass 40mm JT6341 Solid Brass 40mm JT5091 Solid Brass 40mm JT4437 Solid Brass 40mm Available in - Nickel - Pearl Nickel - Antique Brass JT3679 Solid Brass 40mm JT7809 Solid Brass 40mm JT4250 Solid Brass 40mm Also available Solid Brass Keeper to match. 2h GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 BUCKLES - 50mm, 40mm JT339 Solid Brass 51mm Q8547 Brushed Nickel 40mm JT2538 Solid Brass 50mm OE4262 Nickel 40mm #14360 Flip top Matt Nickel , 40mm TS15513 Nickel 40mm ET1301A (60mm ) Buckle ET5047 (40mm ) - in Shiny Nickel & Pearl Nickel GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] OE4368 (40mm) Brushed Gunmetal 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 3 BUCKLES - 40mm JT6393 (40mm ) (CY3820) - available in SOLID BRASS NICKEL PEARL NICKEL JT5091 Solid Brass 40mm JT3679 Solid Brass 40mm JT6341 Solid Brass 40mm JT4437 Solid Brass 40mm JT7796 Solid Brass 40mm JT7809 Solid Brass 40mm JT4250 Solid Brass 40mm GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 3a 38mm BUCKLES ET5233 38mm - available in Nickel Antique Brass Dull Silver Antique Nickel ET5021A 38mm - available in Shiny Nickel Antique Brass Gold Antique Nickel Dull Silver B1759 or L235 (38mm ) - available in Shiny Nickel Pearl Nickel Antique Brass Gold E47 (38mm ) - available in Nickel Solid Brass ET2151 (38mm ) Military Buckle Matt Nickel 4 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 35mm BUCKLES ET4222A 35mm - available in Antique Brass Nickel ET3686 35mm - available in Nickel Antique Brass Dull Silver Gunmetal Pearl Nickel Satin Nickel #16677 Buckle 35mm JT2320 Solid Brass 35mm ET1932L 35mm Antique Brass 5 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 35mm BUCKLES #14778 (35mm) Pearl Nickel/ Gunmetal #15690 (35mm) Pearl Nickel OE4368 Gunmetal 35mm #14429 Matt Nickel 35mm 5a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 32mm BUCKLES Also available in : - 32mm Pearl Nickel - 38mm Pearl Nickel (ref: 4345) B146 32mm - available in Nickel Antique Brass Gold ET4069A 32mm - available in Nickel Antique Brass Antique Nickel Dull Silver 6 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 30mm BUCKLES TS9557 (30mm) Nickel CY3467 (30mm) Brushed Nickel CLIP ON KEEPER attaches to Buckles #140, #141 , CY3467 and TS9557 #141 (30mm) Brushed Nickel #140 (30mm) Brushed Nickel T166 Kiwi Buckle - also available in 25mm Brushed Antique Nickel ET4860 3-pce set Nickel 30mm 7 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 30mm BUCKLES ET4382 Buckle 30mm - in Nickel Antique Brass Gold K4648 Buckle 30mm - in Nickel Antique Brass Gold Y108 Buckle 30mm - in Nickel Antique Brass H1210 Buckle 30mm - in Nickel Antique Brass Gold 8 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 30mm BUCKLES JT1756 Solid Brass 30mm JT1710 Solid Brass 30mm JT9940 Solid Brass 30mm T3009 Buckle 30mm - in Nickel Antique Brass Gold 8a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 25mm BUCKLES B80 (25mm ) - available in Nickel Antique Brass Gold K3317 (25mm ) - available in Nickel Antique Brass Gold T3112 (25mm ) - only available in Antique Brass K5533 (25mm ) - only available in Nickel ET3989 (25mm ) - only available in Antique Brass JT36 (25mm ) JT19 (25mm ) Solid Brass Solid Brass 9 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 25mm BUCKLES ET1596 (25mm ) 3-pce set Buckle A1198 (25mm ) - available in Nickel Antique Brass K4349 (25mm ) Brushed Antique Brass A124-10A (25mm) Antique Brass 10 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 Small BUCKLES JT3027 20mm Solid Brass JT1039 20mm Solid Brass JT2195 20mm Solid Brass K5021 20mm K4623 15mm - in Brushed A.B. B658 20mm B0641 15mm - in NP and A.B. A838 (21mm) A837 (15mm) A1123 (12mm) - all available in Nickel & Antique Brass K3216 12mm - in Nickel Antique Brass & Gold 11 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 Small BUCKLES B2322 16mm Nickel K2699 13mm N.P and A.B. B0232 19mm Nickel A124-06 19mm N.P and A.B. G214 12mm Nickel GILT 8mm Buckle #21572 (8mm) Sandal Buckle 793T 10mm - in Antique Copper 793T 8mm - in Gold & Antique Copper 12 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 Buckles - Sizes: Side Release, Ladderlock SIDE RELEASE Buckles KH3287 - 50MM KH3288 - 38MM KH3289 - 32MM KH3804 - 25MM KH3176 - 19MM SIDE RELEASE Buckles OE4112 12mm OE4113 10mm OE4111 10mm Quick Release 25mm KD1159 25mm Brushed Antique Brass LADDERLOCK Sizes: KH2650 - 38MM KH2649 - 32MM KH2648 - 25MM KH2647 - 19MM 13 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 Buckles - Triglides BK353 Slide 20mm B180 Slide Sizes: 50mm, 38mm, 32mm, 25mm, 20mm Finish: Nickel and Antique Brass TRIGLIDE Sizes: KH3283 - 50MM KH3282 - 38MM KH3275 - 32MM KH3805 - 25MM KH3291 - 19MM 13a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 Buckles - Roller Buckles N1126 Roller Buckles (Heavy ) Finish - Nickel & Antique Brass Sizes: 50mm 50mm 38mm 32mm 25mm 12mm 2 - prong 1- prong - available in NP & A.B. available in NP & A.B. available in NP & A.B. available in NP & A.B. Nickel only Half Roller Buckles (Light ) Sizes: available in Nickel and Antique Brass B45 B40P B41 B54 B40 38mm 32mm 25mm 19mm 12mm (1-1/2”) (1-1/4”) ( 1”) (3/4”) (1/2”) GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 14 Buckles - Roller Buckles N214 Full Roller Buckles Finish: Antique Brass Size: 32mm : 25mm : 22mm 19mm : 12mm Nickel 32mm : 25mm : 22mm 19mm : 16mm : 12mm B40G Casted Buckle 25mm Matt Black Z40 Buckle 25mm & 20mm #3354 Buckle 25mm 15 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 Buckle - Fittings Divider - in 19mm (3/4”) and 25mm (1”) Brace Clip - in 19mm (3/4”) 25mm (1”) 38mm (1-1/2”) Adjustor - in 19mm (3/4”) and 25mm (1”) SA1 Brace Clip 40mm OE3921 TIP 35mm Dull Nickel ET1935 TIP 38mm Nickel & Antique Brass Antique Brass ET1496 - 35mm - in Dull Silver 16 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 Fittings G.I. Stud - Screw in base - available in Nickel, A.B. and Gold G.I. Stud - Rivet in base - only in Nickel Chicago screw - only in Nickel Fish Plates 12mm - Nickel & Antique Brass Fish Plates 16mm - Nickel & Black 17 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 CHAINS OEC3687 - 43” chain with hooks at both end - available in Nickel & Gold H186 - 4 inches ball chain - available in Nickel Antique Brass Gold ET6513 - 2 meter length chain - available in Nickel Dull Silver Antique Brass 18 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 CORNERS H55 Corner - 30mm x 30mm - in Nickel & Gold H67 Corner - 20mm x 20mm - in Nickel & Gold H83 Corner - 15mm x 15mm - in Nickel & Gold H54 Corner - 25mm x 25mm - in Nickel & Gold H64 Corner - 20mm x 20mm - in Nickel & Gold H85 Corner - 15mm x 15mm - in Gold 19 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 CORNERS H73 Corner H72 Corner - 15mm x 15mm - in Nickel & Gold - 15mm x 15mm - in Nickel & Gold H71 Corner AA Corner - 15mm x 15mm - in Nickel & Gold H59 Corner - 25mm x 25mm - in Nickel & Gold - 12mm x 12mm - in Nickel KH123 Corner - 35mm x 35mm - Gold H444 Corner - 14mm x 14mm - in Nickel & Gold 19a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 DEE, O-RING, & RECTANGLE N254 WELDED DEE - light Sizes: 32mm, 25mm, 19mm, 15mm, 12mm ONLY available in Nickel AB Dee 25mm only N1204 WELDED DEE - heavy Sizes: 50mm, 38mm, 32mm, 25mm, 19mm, 15mm, 12mm ONLY available in Nickel CP Open Dee 15mm SPLIT DEE Sizes: 25mm , 19mm , 15mm , 12mm - available in Nickel Antique Brass, & Gold 20 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 DEE, O-RING, & RECTANGLE H120B 19mm RECTANGLE - available in Nickel & Antique Brass H120H 25mm RECTANGLE - available in Nickel & Antique Brass H120i 32mm RECTANGLE - available in Nickel and A.B. H120J 38mm RECTANGLE - available in Nickel and A.B. H120E 50mm RECTANGLE - available in Nickel and A.B. BLACK PLASTIC RECTANGLE Sizes: KH3888 KH3889 KH3171 KH3890 KH3884 Triangle 35mm 50mm 38mm 32mm 25mm 21 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 DEE, O-RING, & RECTANGLE HEAVY WELDED O-RINGS - only available in Nickel Sizes: 3” 2 1/2” 2” 1 3/4” x 6mm x 6mm x 6mm x 6mm - available in A.B. & 1 1/2” x 5mm 1 1/4” x 5mm 1” x 4.5mm 7/8” x 3mm 3/4” x 3mm 1/2” x 2.5mm (76mm) (62mm) (50mm) (45mm) Nickel (38mm) (32mm) (25mm) (22mm) (20mm) (12mm) LIGHT WELDED O-RINGS - only available in Nickel Sizes: 2” 1 1/2” 1 1/4” 1” 7/8” 3/4” 1/2” x 3.5mm x 3mm x 3mm x 3mm x 2.2mm x 2.2mm x 2mm (50mm) (38mm) (32mm) (25mm) (22mm) (20mm) (12mm) 21a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 EYELETS 2004 Shoe Eyelet - 3mm inside diameter - daisy cut barrel made of iron - available in Nickel , Antique Brass , Gold , Black , and Blue 350L Boot Eyelet - 4mm inside Diameter - daisy cut barrel made of iron - available in Nickel , Antique Brass , Gold , Brown, Black and White 2004 Washer - made of iron - Nickel finish only 350L Washer - made of iron - Nickel finish only EY22 Eyelet & Washer - 7mm inside Diameter - made of brass - available in Nickel , Antique Brass , & Gold GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 22 EYELETS 23 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 FASTENERS Series 2000 Fastener - 15mm in Diameter - available in: Nickel Antique Brass Shiny Black Matt Black SOCKET STUD POST Long Post also available - 8mm in length - only in Nickel BUTTON #4473 Snap Fastener - 15mm in Diameter - available in: Nickel Antique Brass Shiny Black 201 Fastener - 12mm in Diameter 668 / S52 Fastener - available in Nickel, Antique Brass, Gold, Shiny Black and White - 12mm in Diameter - available in Nickel, Antique Brass 24 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 FASTENERS AA P325 / BL 3pce Wallet Fastener - only available in Gold Plain Bachelor Button - available in Nickel, Matt Nickel, Ant. Brass, and Black Nickel F955 Bachelor Button - 16mm in Diameter - Antique Brass R113 Tack / Burr - Short Tack =7.7mm - Long Tack = 8.6mm - only available in Antique Brass C1 Toggle Black - 6mm hole Bungy Buttons 25 - Black Plastic GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 HANDLES, BAG Fittings H207 HANDLE - 130mm length H204 HANDLE 130mm length LY1227 HANDLE - 170mm length Luggage Pad 80 x 50mm Shoulder Pad 145 x 50mm Luggage Feet LY1115 Handle GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 26 HANDLES, BAG Fittings OF945 Plastic washer 2.5mm hole x 11mm H741 Handle plate 16mm H220 Handle plate 18mm W027 Plastic washer 4mm hole x 9mm H221 Handle plate 19mm L23 Handle plate 15mm 26a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 HANDLES, BAG Fittings H590 CLEAT- 11mm in Diameter H198 CLEAT- 10mm in Diameter H197 CLEAT- 9mm in Diameter Available in Nickel, Antique Brass and Gold KH420 Dee Set - 12mm dee - in Nickel, Antique Brass & Gold S186 Dee Set - 9mm dee - in Nickel & Antique Brass KH777 Dee Set - 12mm dee - in Nickel & Antique Brass 27 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 HOOKS H34 Hook - 12mm eye-size - 40mm overall hook size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass and Gold H33G Hook - 25mm eye-size - 50mm overall hook size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass, Gold H802 Hook - 13mm eye-size - 50mm overall hook size - available in Nickel and Brushed Antique Brass H26 Hook - 18mm eye-size - 54mm overall hook size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass, Gold H33J Hook - 38mm eye-size - 54mm overall hook size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass, Gold H755 Hook - 20mm eye-size - 56mm overall hook size - available in Nickel and Brushed Antique Brass 28 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 HOOKS H45E Hook - 50mm eye-size H533 Hook - 15mm eye-size - 40mm overall hook size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass, Gold H47A Hook - 25mm eye-size H876 Hook - 20mm eye-size - 50mm overall hook size - only available now in Nickel KC0124 Boot Lace Hook - 22mm eye-size - 46mm overall hook size - only available in Brushed A.B. H37 with Swivel Hook - 15mm eye-size - 62mm overall hook size - only available in Nickel H37 no Swivel Hook - 40mm in size Ly115 Swivel Hook - 8mm eye-size - 48mm overall hook size - only available in Nickel 28a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 HOOKS Black Plastic Hooks: Sizes: KH3277 - 38mm eye-size KH3276 - 32mm eye-size KH3173 - 25mm eye-size KH3887 - 20mm eye-size Z4160 Swivel Bolt Snap - 25mm eye Z225 1” Swivel Hook H161 4” Double ended Hook - only available in Nickel Z225 3/4” Swivel Hook H161 3-1/2” Double ended Hook - only available in Nickel GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] - 25mm eye-size - 95mm overall hook size - only available in Nickel - 19mm eye-size - 90mm overall hook size - only available in Nickel 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 29 HOOKS Swivel Bolt Snap - Nickel 25mm Round Eye Swivel Snap Small - 3/8” x 2 -1/8” Medium - 3/8” x 2 -1/2” Large - 1/2” x 2 -7/8” 19mm Square Eye Swivel Snap - available in Nickel - 75mm Height Z017A 25mm Square Eye Swivel Snap - in Nickel - 90mm Height 10mm Square Eye Swivel Snap - available in Nickel - 48mm Height 19mm Round Eye Swivel Snap - Solid Brass - 75mm Height 4548-A 38mm Hook Nickel - available in Antique Brass - 85mm Height GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 29a 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 HOOK and LOOP VELCRO - Hook and Loop Sold in : 25mtr /ROLL or CUT LENGTHS Sides sold separately SIZES: 10mm, 12.5mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 32mm, 38mm, 50mm, 100mm BLACK and WHITE in stock. For other requirement on Hook and Loop ie. Sew-on, adhesives, etc. please contact us 30 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 KEEPERS T5001 38mm Keeper - 12mm gap size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass, Dull Silver, Antique Nickel, and Gold ET3964 35mm Keeper - 12mm gap size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass, Dull Silver, Antique Nickel - 12mm gap size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass, and Gold email: [email protected] - available in Nickel & Brushed Nickel Y2320 32mm Keeper #4468 30mm Keeper GDL Trading Nz QC22795 Keeper 30mm - 12mm gap size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 31 KEEPERS No.1 Keeper - SIZES: 32mm, 25mm, 19mm - 10mm gap size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass, and Gold B206 Keeper - SIZES: 32mm, 25mm, 19mm - 8mm gap size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass, and Gold Solid Brass Keepers - OEB finish SIZES: JA-202 JT-133 JA-202 JA-202 JA-202 JA-202 50mm (12mm gap) 40mm (11mm gap) 35mm (11mm gap) 30mm (10mm gap) 25mm (10mm gap) 20mm GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] ET7645 Keeper - 38mm - 10mm gap size - available in Antique Brass, & Antique Nickel 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 32 KEY FITTINGS H187 (32mm) Key Ring H193 (25mm) Key Ring - both available in Nickel, Antique Brass, & Gold H911A (30mm) Key Ring H913A (25mm) Key Ring - both available in Nickel and Gold H818 (15mm) Key Ring M7101 (10mm) Jump Ring - available in Nickel & Antique Brass - available in Nickel & Antique Brass H109 (1/4”) Jump Ring - only in Nickel GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 33 KEY FITTINGS H185 KEY FITTING (20mm) - 25mm length of chain - only in Nickel OEC3643 Curtain Ring #402 EASY JOIN (20mm) - 30mm overall size - only in Nickel Crocodile Clip - 70mm overall size - only in Nickel OE3764 Cellphone Clip 33a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 LEATHER - Hides , Thonging and Strings Leather Hide / Skin Selection - varies from time to time as new stock becomes available. Please contact us for more details. 6mm (50mtr /roll) - available in various colour 3mm (10mtr hanks) - available in various colour Round Leather String 1.5mm, 2mm, and 3mm - available in various colour Belt Blanks - stitched - available in 38mm and 30mm - Black, Brown, Tan Please contact us for other belt / strap requirement. 34 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 LOCKS H654 DROP LOCK H653 DROP LOCK - 52mm x 22mm size - available in A.B. and Gold - 45mm x 25mm size - available in A.B. and Gold OEC3588B FLINT LOCK LARGE - 48mm x 40mm size OEC3588A FLINT LOCK SMALL - 35mm x 30mm size - Both available in Nickel and antique Brass K4456 TURN LOCK - 35mm x 19mm size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass and Gold OEC 775 - 19mm in diameter OEC 1096 - 15mm in diameter - both are available in Nickel, Antique Brass and Gold GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 35 LOCKS KA0131A LOCK (large) H294 FOLIO LOCK (large) - 58mm x 45mm size - 43mm x 37mm size KA0130A LOCK (small) H295 FOLIO LOCK (small) - 38mm x 28mm size - 45mm x 35mm size - both available in A.B. and Gold Both are available in Brushed Nickel and Antique Brass KA0123A LOCK 202G FOLIO LOCK - 52mm x 45mm size - available in Brushed Nickel and Antique Brass - 43mm x 38mm size - only available in Antique Brass A2 large set - 68mm x 34mm size A3 small set - 65mm x 28mm size * 1 set = left and right side plus 2 hasps Hasps also sold separately. 36 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 LOCKS YC3207 TUCK Lock - 25mm x 19mm size - available in Nickel, Antique Brass and Gold OE3688 TUCK Lock - 40mm x 30mm size - available in Nickel and Antique Brass OE4547 TUCK Lock - 28mm x 43mm size - Antique Brass 36a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 ORNAMENTS BK001 (40mm) BK002 (33mm) BK003 (25mm) KH3953 - 35mm Nickel - 39mm wide - Nickel 13mm 11mm N303 SQUARE 30mm - 55mm x 43mm - Antique Nickel Best 3 - 30mm Antique Brass 15mm Best 1 18mm STAR GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] B130 (30mm) - Nickel 13mm S228 Diamond 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 37 ORNAMENTS Dots - 5mm wide OE4333 Cross A114 Flower A926 Coin Flat Square - 8mm T912 Car A486 Kiwi A438 Bull Head A2365 37a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 ORNAMENTS – while stock last Concho Antique Brass 38mm wide Boot - 55mm height Black Button Stud 14mm Cat OE4245 Skull n Bone GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] Spider OE4304 Flying Skull OE4246 Skull n Bone 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 37b Pvc Vinyl, PU, Lining PVC VINYL - swatch sample varies from time to time as new stock becomes available. If you want to be on our mailing list for samples, please phone us at 0800 644 788 or email us [email protected] ELK PVC - 1.2MM X 137CM available in Black 38 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 RIVETS BIFURICATED RIVETS No.9 CAPS sold separately Available in Nickel and Gold SIZES: 9x 9x 9x 9x 9x 9x 4/16” 5/16” 6/16” 7/16” 8/16” 9/16” x x x x x x 8/16” x 12 g BRASS 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 5/16” 12/16” x 12 g BRASS & Black TUBULAR RIVETS SIZES: gauge x stem x head Japanese Brand only available in Nickel 4x 6 x 7 4x 6 x 8 4x 8 x 8 4 x 10 x 8 4 x 12 x 8 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 4 x 6 x 8 HONGKONG Brand in Black 4 x 8 x 8 HONGKONG Brand in Nickel, A.B. Brass, Dull Nickel , and Black 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 39 RIVETS DOUBLE CAP RIVETS 810 CAPS (9mm) also sold separately SIZES & FINISH H810 - 8mm H810 - 9mm H810-10mm H810-12mm H810-13mm available in Nickel, A.B. & Black available in Nickel, A.B., Gold and Black available in Nickel, A.B. and Black available in A.B. and Black available in Nickel and A.B. DOUBLE CAP RIVETS 810 CAPS (9mm) also sold separately SIZES & FINISH 10 x 8 available in Nickel, A.B. and Solid Brass 14 x 10 available in A.B. and Black 14 x 12 available in A.B. and Black 14 x 13 available in A.B. 40 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 RIVETS SINGLE CAP RIVETS 810 CAPS (9mm) also sold separately SIZES & FINISH 810- 6mm in Nickel, A.B. & Black 810- 8mm in Nickel, A.B. & Black 810- 9mm in Nickel, A.B. Gold & Solid Brass 810-10mm in Nickel & A.B. 810-12mm in Nickel 810-15mm & 16mm in Nickel SINGLE CAP RIVETS 107 CAPS (7mm) also sold separately SIZES: 107’s 107- 5mm in Nickel, A.B. & Gold 107- 6mm in Nickel, A.B. & Gold 107- 7mm in Nickel, A.B. & Gold 107– 8mm in Nickel, A.B. & Gold 40a GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 RIVETS Available in Nickel and Gold SIZES: F1293 4/16” Head size 5mm F1292 4/16” Head size 9mm F1292 5/16” Head size 9mm with longer stem Y4149 Cone Stud rivet in - 9mm Head diameter - only available in Nickel F2502 Tube Pyramid Stud Y4152 Cone Stud rivet in - 10mm Head - only available in Nickel OEC 3 Cone Split Leg - 9mm Head diameter - only available in Nickel 41 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 RIVETS #344 SPEAR HEAD OEC4311 Hexagonal Stud - 14mm length - only available in Nickel - 25mm length - only available in Nickel LARGE SPIKE with screw - 40mm in length - only available in Nickel ALUMINUM RIVET + WASHER Tool to set also available. SIZES: 10 x 12mm 10 x 20mm 10 x 25mm COPPER RIVET + WASHER SIZES: GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 12mm 16mm 19mm 25mm 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 42 TOOLS LEATHER TOOLS - for specific requirement please phone us 09 238 1916 or visit our website DUAL ACTION ROTARY PUNCH REVOLVING PUNCH : Osbourne & Maun Tubes: 4.5mm, 4mm, 3.5mm, 3mm, 2.5mm, 2mm ROUND Drive Punches 16mm, 13mm, 12mm, 10mm, 9mm, 7mm, 4mm, 3mm MAXI Punch - 5mm, 5.5mm, 6mm, 6.5mm, 7mm, 8mm GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] With 6 replaceable punches: 4.5mm, 4mm, 3.5mm, 3mm, 2.5mm, 2mm Maun Wad Punch 3/8”, 7/16”, 1/2”, 5/8”, 3/4”, 7/8”, and 1” MINI Punch - 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 3.5mm, 4mm, 5mm 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 43 TOOLS OBLONG PUNCH Sizes: 25mm, 19mm, STRAP END PUNCH Sizes: 38mm, 32mm, 16mm, 12mm 25mm, 19mm LACEMAKER STRAP CUTTER Adjustable Swivel Knife Set Includes 4 blades 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2” straight and 1/4” angle blade Leather Stripper Cuts in multiples of 1/8” up to 3” wide. Works best on firmer leather from 3-4 oz Border Tool - used with a swivel knife GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 44 TOOLS PRO HEAD KNIFE HYDE KNIFE CURVE AWL SCALPEL LACING / STITCHING FID SCRATCH AWL EDGE BEVELLER Sizes: # 2 3/32” #3 1/8” SAFETY BEVELLER 45 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 TOOLS FRENCH EDGE SKIVER SUPER SKIVER EDGE CREASER Adjustable V Gouge ADJUSTABLE GROOVER BUCKSTITCH Chisel Sizes: 1/8” 4-PRONG LACING CHISEL Sizes: 1/8” 4-PRONG 1/8” 3-PRONG GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 46 TOOLS SPEEDY STITCHER THREAD SPEEDY STITCHER Coarse and Fine thread available EASY SEW NEEDLE SET SEWING AWL Thread Refills available in Black, White, Natural LINEN Thread Waxed Thread Refill for Sewing Awl 47 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 TOOLS DIE SETs For: 2004 Eyelet 350L Eyelet EY22 Eyelet SPO to SP3 Eyelet 201 Fastener 668/S52 Fastener Senior Durable Fastener HAND PRESS SNAP ALL TOOL SETS: Senior Durable Fastener Baby Durables 668/S52 Fastener Copper Rivet Setter RIVETS - hammer hand tool for: No. 9 Biff Rivets Pyramid Rivets 2-pce single cap rivets GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] EYELET SETTER - hammer hand tool for: 2004 Eyelet 350L Eyelet 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 48 TOOLS NYLON EDGE SLICKER NYLON BONE FOLDER Alphabet Set 1/4” Maun Safety Rule 49 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 WEBBING WT60 - heavy weight halter / harness weave Sizes: 50mm 38mm 32mm 25mm 19mm Breaking Strain (25mm) 750kg WT52 - medium weight herringbone weave Sizes: 50mm 38mm 32mm 25mm 19mm Breaking Strain (25mm) 525kg For other requirements: ie: Light Weight webbing or Different colour Please contact us for availability. 50 GDL Trading Nz email: [email protected] 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: 0800 644 788 phone: 09 238 1916 fax: 0800 788 644 nz 66 John Street, Pukekohe PO Box 683, Pukekohe 2340 free phone: phone: fax: 0800 644 788 09 238 1916 0800 788 644 email: [email protected]
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