Yuki Creation Story - Lessons of Our Land
Yuki Creation Story - Lessons of Our Land
Yuki Creation Story As told to Edward Curtis Recorded between 1907-1930 by a Round Valley Yuki There was only water and over it was a fog. on the water was foam. The foam moved round and round continually, and from it came a voice. After a time a person came from the foam. This was Taiko’-mol or Solitude Walker. He floated on the water and sang. He stood on the foam which still revolved. There was no light. He walked on water as if it were land. he made a rope and laid it from north to south, and he walked along it, revolving his hands one about the other. and behind him the earth was heaped up along the rope. But the water overwhelmed it. Again he did tried to make earth by heaping it on the rope. He tried four times, and the water washed the earth away. Taiko’-mol was talking to himself. • “I think we had better do it this way. I think we had better try it that way.” • So he talked to himself and made a new plan. He made four stone crooks. and planted one in the north and the others in the south, west, and east. He stretched them out... until they were continuous lines crossing the world in the center. He spoke a word, and the earth appeared. Then he went along the edge and lined it with So the ocean could not wash away the earth. He shook the earth to see if it was solid. He still makes this test, causing earthquakes. the land was flat and barren. without vegetation and rivers. still there was no light. In the ocean were fish and other creatures but on earth was nothing. yet taiko`-mol had the feathers of various birds. he laid buzzard and eagle feathers on the ground. they became mountains. with lightning he split the mountains. and from the mountains he made our rivers and creeks. He made birds and beasts, which in that time were persons. afterward he changed them into their present forms and created real human beings. Creation story interpreted by Round Valley High School Multi-Media Class 2010 Shanice Britton, 9th Grade Ashantey Case, 9th Grade Laureen Fulwider, 10th Grade Shelby Merrifield, 10th Grade Clay Rabano, 10th Grade Alexis Britton, 11th Grade John Thomas Hanover, 11th Grade Utahna Sausedo, 11th Grade Kristina Perez, 11th Grade Brandon Woods, 11th Grade Cheryl Tuttle, Teacher