alliance Fall 2005 6pg - Village of Arlington Heights
alliance Fall 2005 6pg - Village of Arlington Heights
SPRING 2015 A Message from the Mayor Dear Business Neighbor, In 2014, Arlington Heights experienced another exciting year of economic development. Over 114 new businesses opened their doors in Arlington Heights, bringing nearly 900 jobs to the community. These enterprises are now occupying over 450,000 square feet of formerly vacant real estate. We welcome all our new neighbors as they join our strong core of 3,200+ businesses already operating in the Village. Beyond the numbers, we saw several success stories. Despite the closing of Dominick’s, the store was re-opened six months later as Joe Caputo and Sons Fruit Market. Not only does this bring a great new grocery option to the community, but 100 jobs as well. Last year also saw European Imports move to Arlington Heights. The European fine food and gift distributer brought nearly 200 jobs to the Village and occupies over 100,000 square feet of formerly vacant industrial space. Ditka’s Restaurant returned to Arlington Heights as well. Located just outside Arlington Park race course is where Da Coach opened his largest Chicago-area restaurant yet. In addition to the successes of last year, we have several exciting developments set to come in 2015. Build-out on the new Rohrman Lexus dealership continues to progress. When completed, it will be a major sales tax contributor to the community. Meanwhile, at the former Motorola campus, we are actively pursuing tenants that will increase employment opportunities within the Village. Nokia purchased this property in 2011. The company has since made a multimillion dollar reinvestment and consolidated their operations into one building. They continue to employ over 1,000 people here in Arlington Heights. Construction will be wrapping up shortly on both Autumn Leaves and Transitional Care Management. These new facilities will provide services to those living with Alzheimer’s and those in need of extra care after a lengthy hospital stay. approved a seven-story mixed-use building on a vacant lot at 212 N. Dunton Avenue. The site will bring 45 new apartments and a 1,300square-foot retail space. Please join me in welcoming all our new business partners and I look forward to experiencing a great year for Arlington Heights commerce and industry in 2015 with you! Sincerely, Thomas W. Hayes Mayor, Arlington Heights Parkview Apartments Coming to Downtown Arlington Heights Architectural rendering of Parkview Apartments On February 16, 2015, the Village Board approved a final PUD (planned unit development) to allow the construction of Parkview Apartments in Downtown Arlington Heights. The mixed-use building will be built on vacant land at 212 N. Dunton Avenue, just one block north of Northwest Highway. Parkview Apartments will feature 45 apartments with 60 indoor parking spaces and a 1,300 square foot retail space on the ground floor. Additionally, the developers will designate seven of the units for affordable rents. Plans to break ground are slated for early 2016. We welcome the newest development to our Downtown and the new residents who will help support our great business community. INSIDE THIS ISSUE... PAGE 2 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS MESSAGE FROM CHAIR PAGE 3 ECONOMIC ALLIANCE BREAKFAST PROGRAM DISCOVER ARLINGTON PAGE 4 2015 SPRING & SUMMER SPECIAL EVENTS CALENDAR PAGE 5 BUSINESS NOTES PAGE 6 YOUR WEDDING AND ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Architectural rendering of Arlington Downs Work also continues on Arlington Downs, with the One Arlington luxury apartment building already serving its first tenants. The next phase plans to include a new hotel, as well as a re-opened and expanded water park. Downtown will also see new development. The Village Board recently ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS 2014 Brings Another Successful Year of Economic Development Arlington Heights experienced another successful year of economic development in 2014. The past year brought in over 100 new businesses that contributed nearly 900 jobs and potentially $1 million in sales tax revenue for 2015. Overall, Arlington Heights businesses conducted $1.19 billion in sales last year. This represents a 6.8% increase in sales compared to 2013. As mentioned in the Message from the Mayor, the Village also attracted two businesses that employ over 100 workers. European Imports, a distributor of fine European foods and gifts, moved from Chicago to the southern end of the community in April. Meanwhile, Joe Caputo & Sons continued their Chicagoland expansion efforts with a brand new store that replaced the former Dominick’s in the Town & Country shopping center in June. All told, the time between the closure of Dominick’s and the grand opening of Joe Caputo & Sons was only six months. Other successes include Ditka’s, which opened at Arlington Park and is the third Chicago-area location for Coach Ditka’s restaurant enterprise. Zip Fitness also opened in late December in Arlington Plaza. This is the Chicagoland fitness chain’s sixth location, occupying over 20,000 square feet of formerly vacant space. Marketing efforts have continued to grow the Village’s presence throughout the Chicago area via Discover Arlington. This campaign promotes events, activities, dining, and shopping in Arlington Heights. The website,, continued to grow and saw an increase in visits of over 10% from 2013. Meanwhile, the Discover Arlington Facebook page has expanded tremendously, garnering well over 10,000 “Likes”. is a great and free way to advertise your business. If you have not already registered, please contact the Department of Planning and Community Development at (847) 368-5200 and we will help you get started. The Planning and Community Development Department also conducted extensive business retention, totaling over 450 efforts in all. One success story came in the retention of Atlantic Relocation Systems which will be reinvesting in its property with plans to hire more employees. A Cook County Class 6b was approved to allow them to stay in the community. The Village also awarded its first Zero Interest Loan to Kingsley + Ginnodo Architects. The architecture firm is using the loan to expand into a commercial location and help grow their business. The Zero Interest Loan program is available to new and existing Arlington Heights businesses. Applicants may be eligible for an interest-free loan of up to $10,000. The funds can be used for a variety of purposes such as space renovation and build-out, purchase of equipment, energy efficiency improvement, upgrades to technology, and others. If you’re looking to grow your business and feel you could benefit from a zero interest loan, please contact the Department of Planning and Community Development at (847) 368-5200. In 2014, Arlington Heights continued to perform as a major player in the Chicago market and looks to continue its successes in 2015. A Message from Arlington Economic Alliance Chair –Tony Guido Arlington Heights continued to grow, change, and prosper in 2014. Whether it was the first tenants moving into the Arlington Downs project, the ground breakings for Autumn Leaves and Transitional Care Management, or one of the many new businesses opening their doors in Arlington Heights, positive change occurred almost every day throughout the community. updated Village Code section this year that will reflect the direction in which we want this Commission to move over the NEXT 20 years. Finally, the Alliance has made extensive efforts to partner with other community organizations, such as the Chamber of Commerce, Meet Chicago Northwest, the Park District and the Arlington Heights Memorial Library. These entities are such important resources to the community. Through active communication with them we can get a better sense of the community’s needs and how we, as the Alliance, can potentially assist them and vice-versa. We look forward to a growing partnership with them in the coming years. Positive change has also begun to happen internally as well. The Arlington Economic Alliance was formed over 20 years ago and many things have changed since then. This is why the Commission spent much of 2014 analyzing its mission and how it can be a more effective business advocate in the community. In working with the Village Board, we expect to have an A R L I N G T O N E C O N O M I C A L L I A It’s hard to believe we’re already three months into 2015. We anticipate another exciting and successful year, and we look forward to continually working to make Arlington Heights a great place for business. N C E P A G E 2 P R E S E N T S SEEDS TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS... Wednesday, May 6, 2015 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. at Metropolis Ballroom 6 This year’s theme is “10 Seeds to Help Grow Your Business in Arlington Heights”. If you’re looking to expand your enterprise, or simply trying to establish a new customer base, this program is for you. Local entities and economic development organizations will be highlighting free or low-cost programs available for businesses throughout the community. An array of topics will be covered such as: ■ Marketing Opportunities ■ Funding Programs ■ Employee Assistance ■ And many others... Established businesses won’t want to miss this event. Invitations will be mailed out the first week of April. The fee is $10/person and includes a hot breakfast. Note that seating is limited. Please contact the Department of Planning and Community Development at (847) 368-5200 with any questions or to register for the event. DISCOVER ARLINGTON The Discover Arlington marketing campaign is designed to promote tourism, dining, entertainment, retail and service businesses in Arlington Heights to our customer base. Various forms of media – which include print and digital advertising, as well as social media – are being utilized to promote businesses and events. There are several free promotional opportunities for your business. Check out the great FREE advertising opportunities for your business. ■ Business Listing - Follow the easy to use instructions on the web site to add your FREE business listing. ■ Add an event - Hosting an event or promotion? Add it to the FREE event listing. ■ Free Coupons - Post your coupons for FREE on a regular basis to gain greater market share. “Like” Us on Facebook @ Discover Arlington Heights is your web portal for promoting Arlington Heights business. A R L I N G T O N E C O N O M I C A L L I A N C E P A G E 3 Spring & Summer 2015 Special Events Calendar Arlington Heights Activities are still being planned by many civic organizations. To learn of the latest event schedule information, visit Date Event Time Location Thursdays & Fridays June to Mid-August Sounds of Summer Concert Series 7:30 p.m. Harmony Park Vail Ave. and Campbell St. June 6-7 Arlington Heights Promenade of Art 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Downtown Arlington Heights Vail Ave. and Campbell St. Saturdays Starting in June Arlington Heights Farmer’s Market Mid-June – October 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Lot S - Vail Ave. & Fremont St. across from the Arlington Heights Museum. July 1-5 Frontier Days Festival various hours Recreation Park 500 E. Miner St. August 7 Mane Event/Million Dollar Block Party 5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. In the Downtown, Vail Ave. and Campbell St. August 8 Taste of Arlington Heights Noon to 10:30 p.m In the Downtown, Vail Ave. and Campbell St. For additional information and more great events all year long, visit! Alliance Members Company Phone NumberEmail Address Anthony Guido, Chair Arlington Heights Ford (847) 870-1300 [email protected] Mayor – Thomas W. Hayes Susan Duchek Picket Fence Realty (847) 394-5804 [email protected] Board of Trustees: Mike Field School District 214 (847) 718-7706 [email protected] Lisa Henderson Transitional Care Management (773) 816-1870 [email protected] Jamie Janeczko Metropolis Ballroom (847) 870-8787 [email protected] Carol J. Blackwood Joseph C. Farwell Thomas Glasgow Robin LaBedz Bert Rosenberg John Scaletta Michael J. Sidor Jim Tanaglia Village Manager’s Office 847-368-5100 Police and Fire Emergency – 9-1-1 Published by the Village of Arlington Heights Department of Planning & Community Development Regina Schlamp Village Bank & Trust (847) 385-7066 [email protected] Gary Skiba Northwest Community Healthcare (847) 618-5016 [email protected] Scott Whisler Brian Properties (847) 640-1500 [email protected] The Arlington Economic Alliance meets the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 am at the Arlington Heights Village Hall, 33 S. Arlington Heights Rd., Arlington Heights. Important Contact Information Department of Planning & Community Development Department of Building Department of Engineering Wheeling Township Assessor's Office Elk Grove Township Assessor's Office 847-368-5560 847-368-5250 847-259-1515 847-437-0300 Arlington Heights Chamber of Commerce 847-253-1703 HAVE COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS? CALL AN ECONOMIC ALLIANCE MEMBER 847-368-5200 The Arlington Economic Alliance encourages any member of the Arlington Heights business community to call or email its members with any thoughts, observations, comments or questions relative to doing business in Arlington Heights. Please refer to the information at the head of this newsletter for Alliance member names, telephone and email contact information. A R L I N G T O N E C The Village of Arlington Heights is here to serve your business. Are we missing an important topic in our newsletter coverage? Please call the Department of Planning and Community Development at 847-368-5200 or send your email to [email protected] to share your ideas! Also, to receive updates on Village News sign up for the Village E-News. O N O M I C A L L I A N C E P A G E 4 Business Notes The Village Planning & Community Development Department has been aggressively promoting Arlington Heights and has been actively involved in attracting the following businesses. Quinlan & Fabish Music Company Quinlan & Fabish Music Company recently re-located to Arlington Heights at 59 W. Seegers Road. The business offers music instruction in addition to instrument sales and repair. This is one of three Chicago-area Quinlan & Fabish locations and employs 20 people. SVM (Solutions That Motivate) Arlington Downs One Arlington, the luxury apartment building that makes up the first phase of the Arlington Downs project, is now leasing to tenants. The next phase of the project, a new hotel plus a re-opened and expanded water park, is planned to break ground within the next year. SVM relocated their international headquarters to Arlington Heights this past winter. The company programs and assembles rewards program gift cards for numerous national brands. SVM currently employs over 50 employees and expects to grow to nearly 100 in the next ten years. Aurelio’s Pizza Aurelio’s Pizza is coming this spring to the Esplanade at Arlington Heights (2944 W. Euclid Avenue). The 5,100 square foot restaurant will offer traditional Italian dishes in addition to classic Chicago deep dish and thin crust pizza. In addition to indoor seating for nearly 200 patrons, Aurelio’s will offer outdoor dining as well. Transitional Care Management (TCM) TCM is wrapping up construction on its rehabilitative care facility at 1200 N. Arlington Heights Road. The building will be used to care for patients in need of short-term once released from a hospital stay. TCM expects to open in late spring and employ over 100 staff. Autumn Leaves Autumn Leaves is nearing completion of an assistedliving facility for memory loss care. The 30,000 square foot building will be the ninth Autumn Leaves location in the Chicago area and is expected to open in late spring. Rohrman Lexus Tru-Grind Inc. Tru-Grind Inc. was recently approved for a Class 6b incentive that will allow them to locate their headquarters in Arlington Heights (3815 N. Ventura Drive). The company services and finishes parts provided by manufacturers. Tru-Grind expects to commence operations in Arlington Heights in the spring, and will bring 80 workers to the community. Construction is nearing completion on Rohrman Lexus. The auto dealership on Dundee Road just east of IL-53 will be a significant sales tax generator for the community and plans to employ over 50 people. A R L I N G T O N E C O N O M I C A L L I A N C E P A G E 5 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Arlington Heights is the perfect place for YOUR WEDDING Your Wedding... Did you know that Arlington Heights offers such a diverse range of businesses that you can plan your wedding from start-to-finish without ever leaving town? Discover your perfect wedding in Arlington Heights. Whether searching for a memorable reception venue, finding your dream bridal gown, or planning the perfect honeymoon, features all the businesses that will make your wedding perfect without having to leave the Village. We encourage wedding vendors in the community to register on so all our brides and grooms can find your business in one spot. If you’re already registered, make sure to let us know what bridal services you provide so we can be sure to feature you on the website. There is no cost to participate. Please contact Michael Mertes, Business Development Coordinator, at (847) 368-5220 or [email protected] with any questions. Pre-Sorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Palatine P & DC, Illinois 60095 Permit #2594 Village of Arlington Heights Department of Planning and Community Development 33 South Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005 ECRWSS Business Postal Customer
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