Market Retail Study, Fall 2011 update
Market Retail Study, Fall 2011 update
Barrhaven BIA – Commercial Market Analysis Update D R A F T R E P O R T V 1 COMMERCIAL MARKET ANALYSIS: BARRHAVEN COMMUNITY, CITY OF OTTAWA UPDATE TO 2007 STUDY (CRG File No. 08-303) June 8, 2009 Prepared for: Submitted by: CRG CONSULTING 325-301 Moodie Drive Ottawa, ON K2H 9C4 Tel.: 613-596-2910 Fax: 613 820-4718 Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction .....................................................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 2.0 Study Context and Objectives .............................................................................................1 Methodology ........................................................................................................................1 Summary of Findings......................................................................................................3 2.1 Market Demand ...................................................................................................................3 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.2 2.3 Commercial Space Inventory ..............................................................................................8 Key Conclusions - Supportable Additional Space...............................................................8 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 Current Additional Warrant.................................................................................................. 9 2014 Additional Warrant...................................................................................................... 9 2019 Additional Warrant...................................................................................................... 9 Conclusions and Recommendations.................................................................................10 2.4.1 2.4.2 3.0 Population ........................................................................................................................... 3 Demographic Characteristics .............................................................................................. 4 Size of Barrhaven Market.................................................................................................... 5 Spending Potential .............................................................................................................. 5 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 10 Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 11 Study Area .....................................................................................................................13 3.1 3.2 Study Area Delineation......................................................................................................13 Demographic Characteristics ............................................................................................16 4.0 Commercial Overview...................................................................................................19 5.0 Future Commercial Space ............................................................................................24 5.1 The Expenditure Approach................................................................................................24 5.1.1 5.2 Expenditure Analysis......................................................................................................... 28 The Per Capita Level of Provision Approach ....................................................................28 Exhibit 1 – Barrhaven Customer Spotting ..............................................................................30 Exhibit 2 – Barrhaven Study Area Context .............................................................................32 Exhibit 3 – Demographic Characteristics ...............................................................................34 Exhibit 4 – Barrhaven Neighbourhood....................................................................................36 Appendix I – Summary Tables and Calculations ......................................................................I Appendix II – Business Inventory by Type of Store or Service ..............................................II Appendix III – Business Listing by Commercial Area ............................................................III CRG Consulting ( CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Study Context and Objectives The Barrhaven BIA (BBIA) commissioned CRG Consulting (CRG) to update the report entitled “Commercial Market Analysis: Barrhaven Community, City of Ottawa”, prepared by CRG for the BBIA, dated February 16, 2007. The purpose of that report was to investigate the retail commercial real estate market in the Barrhaven community. The primary objectives of this study are to provide current insight into the level of demand for different commercial facilities, to give retailers and service providers insight into market gaps/opportunities and tools to assist them take advantage of market conditions, and to formulate appropriate recommendations. In meeting this study’s primary objectives, it was necessary to gain a current understanding of: • The components and issues associated with market demand; and, • How the existing retail and service commercial infrastructure in Barrhaven is catering to this demand. This report relies on research undertaken for the 2007 report to address issues relating to consumer shopping patterns and perceptions regarding Barrhaven, and those concerning the business community and other stakeholders. 1.2 Methodology The work plan designed to fulfil the mandate of this study included the following specific tasks: • A review of retail market potential. To determine market potential (meaning the dollar value of the retail market), the study area delineated for the 2007 study was retained to facilitate comparative analyses. An updated demographic profile of the study area residents was compiled, as were estimates of retail spending potentials. • An examination of the retail market supply. CRG prepared an updated inventory of all retail uses in Barrhaven, including outlet name, type and size. The outlets were classified and summarized according to standard retail classifications. • A license plate survey. CRG captured up-to-date information regarding consumers shopping patterns and the place of residence of shoppers by capturing data via license plates within the parking lots of selected Barrhaven retail facilities. This data assisted in the delineation of the trade areas. The telephone consumer survey and consultations with business and community members were not undertaken as part of the report update. Our report and associated findings are presented herein, according to the following main sections: Section 1.0 – Introduction; Section 2.0 – Summary of Findings; Section 3.0 – Study Area; Section 4.0 – Commercial Overview; and, Section 5.0 – Future Commercial Space. CRG Consulting ( -1- CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) The analysis is supplemented by four Exhibits, which are appended to the report. Following the Exhibits are three appendices. Appendix I contains the research and calculation tables on which the report relies. The Barrhaven business inventory by type of store or service is provided in Appendix II, and the same listing compiled by commercial area is provided in Appendix III. In reviewing the accompanying report and its findings, it should be recognized that it has been prepared solely on the basis of the information and assumptions as set forth in the accompanying text. CRG Consulting has attempted to verify this information wherever possible, using a combination of field checks and interviews with various officials. However, it is not possible to fully document all factors or to account for all of the changes that might occur in the future. If, for any reason, major changes occur that influence the information and assumptions set forth in this report, the findings should be reviewed in the light of these changed circumstances and revised, if necessary. CRG Consulting ( -2- CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 2.0 Summary of Findings This study has been conducted to provide an updated review of retail business conditions in Barrhaven. The following summarizes the study findings, with more detailed analyses provided in subsequent sections. 2.1 Market Demand 2.1.1 Population • Barrhaven represents a large and growing retail market. The study area defined for purposes of this analysis (Exhibit 1, Page 29) has a population currently (2009) estimated at 131,800. The area includes Barrhaven/South Nepean, extends northerly to Baseline Road, where it is bounded to the east by Merivale Road and the Rideau River. A southern and western area is delimited, south to Cambrian Road to Century Road east, including Manotick, and west to Eagleson Road, but excluding Richmond. A fourth and future trade zone was also delimited, Zone 4, east of the Rideau River. This trade zone, consisting of the Riverside South community, will influence shopping patters to Barrhaven if/when the future bridge linking Strandherd Drive to Earl Armstrong Road is built. While not currently relevant (only 2.0% of the collected licence plates came from this zone), due to its proximity and changing accessibility, Zone 4 is likely to become an important tributary area to Barrhaven commerce in the near future. • The study area population is rapidly growing. From 1996 to 2001, it increased from 88,698 to 99,707, representing a gain of approximately 11,000 persons, or 12.4% (Figure 2.1). Since then, it has increased by an additional 32,000 persons, or 32%. • Population growth in the study area is anticipated to continue at a rapid rate. Over the next decade, the total is projected to reach 181,000, an increase of 49,200 persons (Figure 2.1). Figure 2.1 - Study Area Population 200,000 181,000 Population 154,100 150,000 131,800 117,558 100,000 88,698 99,707 50,000 1996 2001 2006 2009 (Est.) 2014 (Proj.) 2019 (Proj.) Year • The study area includes communities with stable populations, along with others that are rapidly growing. To assess these trends, the study area was subdivided into four sectors (Exhibit 1, Page 29), with population trends for each sector presented in Figure 2.2. The figure suggests that the Barrhaven’s population has more than doubled over the last decade, and continued strong population growth is anticipated (some 48% or CRG Consulting ( -3- CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 30,600 persons) over the next 10 years. Zone 2 could reach a population plateau as is common with most inner city neighbourhoods. Zone 3 is expected to grow modestly. However, population growth rates in this sector may become more favourable, influenced by new development south of the Jock River, as well as the expansion of Manotick Village. • Zone 4 will also receive a major increment of some 17,700 new residents, an increase of 170% over current levels. While commercial districts are planned for this sector, its nearness to the developed retailing of Barrhaven is anticipated to divert significant market shares to South Nepean commerce, once the bridge across the Rideau River is completed. Whereas the Barrhaven/South Nepean commerce directly addresses a market of some 121,400 people in Zones 1, 2 and 3, within a decade with the bridge, the commerce will be serving almost 200,000 persons, mostly with a relatively high income level. Indeed, today Barrhaven addresses a market similar in population to Kanata, and in the near future, the Barrhaven market (with the bridge over the Rideau River in place) will be significantly larger than that addressed by Kanata commerce. Figure 2.2 - Study Area Population by Market Zone Population 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1996 2001 2006 2009 (Est.) 2014 (Proj.) 2019 (Proj.) Zone 1 29,835 37,932 55,558 64,200 79,500 94,800 Zone 2 52,891 52,882 50,301 51,300 51,000 51,000 Zone 3 5,308 5,206 5,540 5,900 6,500 7,100 Zone 4 664 3,687 6,159 10,400 17,100 28,100 The size of the existing market, combined with population increases that are anticipated to be significant, provide excellent opportunities for existing and future retail outlets in Barrhaven. Virtually any common commercial facility is supportable. 2.1.2 Demographic Characteristics The study area population has high income levels and large household sizes. The PTA (Zone 1) and TTA/STA E (Zone 4), the significant growth areas, tend to have younger families. Zone 1 has the highest average number of occupants per household, and Zone 4, the highest average household incomes. Households in Zones 2 and 3 tend to be occupied by older occupants. The mix of demographic characteristics continues to offer opportunities for Barrhaven businesses such as: • Catering to a wide variety of market segments; • Carving out and catering to a specific market niche; • Creating and building customer loyalty among the newer residents before their shopping becomes entrenched elsewhere; CRG Consulting ( -4- CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) • Continuing to augment service offerings; • Offering products and services that cater to the more affluent markets; and • Understanding and servicing the needs of seniors, a growing market segment in all major urban areas. This group can be wealthier than their income levels suggest. 2.1.3 Size of Barrhaven Market • Retail outlets in Barrhaven continue to align sales from a large geographic area. The community attracts just under one-third (33.7%) of its trade from sectors beyond the delineated study area. More than one-fifth of its business comes from other sectors within the City of Ottawa boundaries and more than 12% from areas beyond. TABLE 2.1 SUMMARY OF LICENCE PLATE COLLECTIONS, VARIOUS BARRHAVEN LOCATIONS ZONE Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Sub-total, Study Area Urban Ottawa West Urban Ottawa East Rural Ottawa Sub-total, Other Ottawa Sub-total, City of Ottawa Other TOTAL No. 346 28 22 12 408 57 25 50 132 540 75 615 Pct 56.3 4.6 3.6 2.0 66.3 9.3 4.1 8.1 21.5 87.8 12.2 100.0 • License plates were collected at five locations in the Barrhaven community. Home Depot has the greatest regional attraction, with 42.6% of its customers living in areas outside the delineated study area. Your Independent Grocer, Wal-Mart, Source: CRG Consulting Metro (formerly Loeb), Food Basics and Canadian Tire each attract approximately onethird of their customers from elsewhere, with the figure for Loblaws and Sobeys being near 25%. • Overall, the existing supermarkets in Barrhaven attract nearly 33% of their business from outside the community. • Barrhaven businesses now attract a higher proportion of customers from greater distances than in 2006 (Table 2.2). The license plate collection in 2006 suggested that 7.2% of customers lived outside the City of Ottawa. This proportion has risen to 12.2%. TABLE 2.2 COMPARISON OF LICENCE PLATE COLLECTION: 2006 vs. 2009 ZONE Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Sub-total, Study Area Urban Ottawa West Urban Ottawa East Rural Ottawa Sub-total, Other Ottawa Sub-total, City of Ottawa Other TOTAL 2006 57.8 6.7 3.9 0.4 68.7 9.7 5.6 8.8 24.1 92.8 7.2 100.0 2009 56.3 4.6 3.6 2.0 66.3 9.3 4.1 8.1 21.5 87.8 12.2 100.0 Variation -1.6 -2.1 -0.3 1.6 -2.4 -0.4 -1.6 -0.7 -2.6 -5.0 5.0 -- • Penetration is now beginning in Zone 4 (Riverside South), which now accounts for 2.0% of customers (compared to 0.4% in 2006). 2.1.4 Spending Potential • The total market spending potential provided by the permanent residents of the study area is presently estimated at $1.2 billion. In 2014 (with the Rideau River bridge in place), it could exceed $1.6 billion, and by 2019, be greater than $2.2 billion (real 2008 dollars, Table 3.3, next page). CRG Consulting ( Source: CRG Consulting -5- CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE 3.3 SUMMARY OF SPENDING POTENTIAL ($M) Zone Description 2009 2014 2019 Supermarket & Grocery Stores 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $112.039 $142.214 $178.229 2 North of Barrhaven $89.185 $90.892 $95.543 3 South and West of Barrhaven $10.778 $12.177 $13.982 4 East of Rideau River $0.000 $31.629 $54.618 Total $212.002 $276.912 $342.372 Pharmacy Stores 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $61.632 $84.270 $122.292 2 North of Barrhaven $48.786 $53.550 $65.127 3 South and West of Barrhaven $6.225 $7.573 $10.061 4 East of Rideau River $0.000 $19.409 $38.806 Total $116.643 $164.801 $236.286 Beer, Wine, Liquor Stores 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $34.440 $47.939 $63.137 2 North of Barrhaven $31.583 $30.345 $33.507 3 South and West of Barrhaven $3.796 $4.550 $5.488 4 East of Rideau River $0.000 $11.525 $20.906 Total $69.819 $94.359 $123.039 Department Stores 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $57.900 $84.270 $106.176 2 North of Barrhaven $52.787 $53.550 $55.947 3 South and West of Barrhaven $6.686 $8.015 $9.663 4 East of Rideau River $0.000 $20.041 $36.361 Total $117.373 $165.876 $208.148 Home and Auto Supply Stores 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $18.180 $25.281 $33.275 2 North of Barrhaven $16.517 $15.861 $17.493 3 South and West of Barrhaven $2.160 $2.587 $3.117 4 East of Rideau River $0.000 $6.122 $11.662 Total $36.857 $49.851 $65.546 GAFO (General Merchandise, Apparel, Furniture/Furnishing & Other Stores) 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $154.200 $214.730 $282.694 2 North of Barrhaven $140.616 $135.099 $149.175 3 South and West of Barrhaven $17.915 $21.470 $25.894 4 East of Rideau River $0.000 $53.609 $97.254 Total $312.731 $424.907 $555.016 Home Improvement Stores 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $43.800 $60.977 $80.296 2 North of Barrhaven $39.841 $38.250 $42.228 3 South and West of Barrhaven $5.198 $6.234 $7.519 4 East of Rideau River $0.000 $15.476 $28.072 Total $88.840 $120.936 $158.114 Restaurants 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $65.760 $91.584 $120.586 2 North of Barrhaven $60.599 $58.191 $64.260 3 South and West of Barrhaven $6.869 $8.229 $9.926 4 East of Rideau River $0.000 $21.101 $38.272 Total $133.227 $179.105 $233.044 Personal Services 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $38.760 $91.584 $120.586 2 North of Barrhaven $35.600 $58.191 $64.260 3 South and West of Barrhaven $4.195 $8.229 $9.926 4 East of Rideau River $0.000 $21.101 $38.272 Total $78.556 $179.105 $233.044 TOTAL 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $586.711 $842.847 $1,107.269 2 North of Barrhaven $515.514 $533.929 $587.540 3 South and West of Barrhaven $63.823 $79.062 $95.576 4 East of Rideau River $0.000 $200.013 $364.224 Total $1,166.047 $1,655.851 $2,154.608 East of Rideau River Pct 0.0% 12.1% 16.9% Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( -6- CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) • The construction of the bridge will be an increasingly significant contributor to the spending potential in the Barrhaven market. The direct link to the Riverside South community is anticipated to provide close to 12% of the spending potential to this market in 2014, and 17% in 2019. • Not all of the retail expenditure potential is captured by the study area establishments. Indeed, as shown in Table 3.4, expenditure patterns derived from the telephone survey undertaken for the 2007 study results suggest that nearly two-thirds (62.4%) of the expenditures among Barrhaven residents are done elsewhere, with the most notable being in GAFO (General Merchandise, Apparel, Furniture/Furnishing and Other) stores (80.5%), department stores (79.3%) and personal services (69.7%). These store types present the most favourable opportunities for the realignment of dollars spent elsewhere. TABLE 3.4 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURE PATTERNS 2009 ($M) Estimated Expenditure Location of Spending Percent Supermarket & Grocery Stores Barrhaven $128.322 60.5% Elsewhere $83.680 39.5% Total $212.002 100.0% Pharmacy Stores Barrhaven $61.747 52.9% Elsewhere $54.896 47.1% Total $116.643 100.0% Beer, Wine, Liquor Stores Barrhaven $36.184 51.8% Elsewhere $33.632 48.2% Total $69.816 100.0% Department Stores Barrhaven $24.279 20.7% Elsewhere $93.124 79.3% Total $117.404 100.0% Home and Auto Supply Stores Barrhaven $19.864 53.9% Elsewhere $17.010 46.1% Total $36.874 100.0% GAFO (General Merchandise, Apparel, Furniture/Furnishing & Other Stores) Barrhaven $60.872 19.5% Elsewhere $251.942 80.5% Total $312.814 100.0% Home Improvement Stores Barrhaven $33.607 37.8% Elsewhere $55.268 62.2% Total $88.875 100.0% Restaurants Barrhaven $50.246 37.7% Elsewhere $82.938 62.3% Total $133.185 100.0% Personal Services Barrhaven $23.768 30.3% Elsewhere $54.777 69.7% Total $78.545 100.0% TOTAL Barrhaven $438.889 37.6% Elsewhere $727.267 62.4% Total $1,166.156 100.0% Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( -7- CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 2.2 Commercial Space Inventory • Barrhaven has 1.500 million square feet of commercial space in 295 outlets. Of this space, 67.1% or 1.01 million square feet is retail space, 27.5% or 412,600 is service space and the vacancy rate is currently estimated at 5.4% (±81,000 square feet). Approximately one-third of the vacancy consists of a former supermarket. • Since 2006, the commercial inventory has increased by 69,610 square feet, or 5%. There are now 23 additional outlets (Table 3.5). All of the growth has been in services (73,660 square feet) as retail space has declined slightly (by 4,900 square feet). Rectifying the deficit of services was noted as among the most significant opportunities in the 2007 report. While trending in the right direction, there is continued additional potential for the provision of services. • Vacant space has increased by 11,260 square feet since 2006. However, the current vacancy rate of 5.4% is only 0.5 percentage point higher than it was in 2006. The vacancy rates observed in 2006 and currently are viewed as being “normal” as it is not uncommon to have a 5% annual turnover in retail establishments in typical markets. • Overall Barrhaven retailers continue to experience high sales productivities. • Despite the extent of new retail development over the last decade, major gaps and opportunities continue to exist in the Barrhaven commercial market. This suggests (even in the absence of population growth) further expansion opportunities. There are sectors and store types, however, that are at or near their short term saturation. TABLE 3.5 GROWTH OF THE COMMERCIAL SPACE INVENTORY, BARRHAVEN, 2006-2009 2006 2009 Store Count Total Space Store Count Total Space Outlet Type No. Pct Sq. Ft. Pct No. Pct Sq. Ft. Pct Food Stores 21 7.7 334,770 23.4 14 4.7 322,570 21.5 Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores 8 2.9 63,380 4.4 8 2.7 60,300 4.0 Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores 2 0.7 16,200 1.1 2 0.7 16,200 1.1 GAFO: General Merchandise Stores 5 1.8 218,000 15.2 5 1.7 219,200 14.6 GAFO: Apparel and Accessories Stores 11 4.0 78,460 5.5 12 4.1 79,960 5.3 GAFO: Furniture, Home Furnishings and Electronics Stores 11 4.0 23,320 1.6 8 2.7 16,000 1.1 GAFO: Other Retailers 26 9.6 129,850 9.1 28 9.5 129,570 8.6 Sub-Total GAFO 53 19.5 449,630 31.4 53 18.0 444,730 29.6 Building and Outdoor Home Supplies Stores 3 1.1 137,000 9.6 3 1.0 137,000 9.1 Automotive 8 2.9 20,730 1.4 8 2.7 25,600 1.7 Sub-Total Retail 95 34.9 1,021,710 71.4 88 29.8 1,006,400 67.1 Food Services (Restaurants) 49 18.0 101,340 7.1 54 18.3 114,100 7.6 All Other Services 112 41.2 237,620 16.6 130 44.1 298,520 19.9 Sub-Total Services 161 59.2 338,960 23.7 184 62.4 412,620 27.5 Sub-Total Occupied 256 94.1 1,360,670 95.1 272 92.2 1,419,020 94.6 Vacant 16 5.9 70,110 4.9 23 7.8 81,370 5.4 TOTAL 272 100.0 1,430,780 100.0 295 100.0 1,500,390 100.0 Source: CRG Consulting Variation, 2006-2009 No. Sq. Ft. -7 -12,200 --3,080 ---1,200 1 1,500 -3 -7,320 2 -280 --4,900 ---4,870 -7 -15,310 5 12,760 18 60,900 23 73,660 16 58,350 7 11,260 23 69,610 • Automotive sales and service continue to be absent from the Barrhaven inventory. There is only 25,600 square feet of automotive retailing in Barrhaven. Most of the automotive sales and service occurs elsewhere. 2.3 Key Conclusions - Supportable Additional Space The southern Nepean community of Barrhaven south of Fallowfield Road and the Greenbelt has become a regional centre of commerce. With a fast-growing local population of 64,200 people, it has reached a market threshold where a considerable amount of retailing is supportable. CRG Consulting ( -8- CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 2.3.1 Current Additional Warrant Our analysis and associated assumptions suggest that the Barrhaven market can currently (2009) support additional retail commercial space consisting of: 2.3.2 Supermarkets (28,000 square feet); Pharmacies (50,000 square feet); Home and Auto Supply (18,000 square feet); Personal services (2,700 square feet); Automobile sales and services (167,000 square feet), and Office services of all types (74,000 square feet). 2014 Additional Warrant By 2014, the local Barrhaven population is projected to increase to 79,500 people. The planned/potential arrival of the rapid transit and the Strandherd-Earl Armstrong connection should open the population immediately to the east of the Rideau River to Barrhaven commerce. This nearby population should total some 17,000 people by 2014. According to our analysis (and the associated assumptions, described herein), the Barrhaven market by 2014 could therefore support additional retail commercial space of all types: • Supermarkets: another 106,000 square feet should be supportable. • General retail: another 425,000 square feet of all types of retail, particularly in the categories of furniture, furnishings, appliances and electronics, which are not wellrepresented in the community. • Restaurants: another 41,000 square feet. • Personal Services: another 31,000 square feet. • Automotive sales and service, which is a current gap in the market, could represent another 213,000 square feet. • Office services of all types, another current gap in the market, could represent another 151,000 square feet by 2014. The type of space envisioned are professional offices, either in a low-rise format or with retail at the ground level with offices above, designed to accommodate the need for services in this market. 2.3.3 2019 Additional Warrant By 2019, Barrhaven is expected to likely have close to 95,000 in population. population east of the Rideau River should total some 28,000 people. The nearby The Barrhaven market, according to our analysis and assumptions, can support additional retail commercial space of all types: • Supermarkets: by 2019, another 196,000 square feet should be supportable. • General retail: by 2019, another 700,000 square feet of all types of retail, particularly in the categories of furniture, furnishings, appliances and electronics, which are not wellrepresented in the community. • Restaurants: by 2019, another 77,000 square feet. • Personal Services: by 2019, another 67,000 square feet. CRG Consulting ( -9- CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) • Automotive sales and service, which is a current gap in the market, could represent another 448,000 square feet. • Office services of all types, another current gap in the market, could represent another 700,000 square feet by 2019. • The market opportunity is very high due to: The very rapid future population growth; The opening of areas to the east of the Rideau River: Rapid transit (bus and/or train); The regional draw of existing commerce; and The fact that most segments (in our calculations) are operating at above “industry average” productivity, which represents an opportunity for more of most types of commercial activity. Importantly, the relatively recent growth of “big box” stores and malls has left a gap in the market in terms of typical generic commercial space occupied by services and local offices. There is also a significant gap in the market in terms of services, which could be filled by new office construction adjacent to the planned Barrhaven transit stations. Unlike the current public transit access in the Greenbelt, the vicinity of the rapid transit stations are viewed as suitable to stimulate a more rounded commercial variety of stores and services. 2.4 Conclusions and Recommendations 2.4.1 Conclusions • Barrhaven has emerged as one of the largest concentrations of commercial space in the City of Ottawa. With more than 1.5 million square feet, it rivals Merivale Road and has more space than the Rideau Centre. As one of the City’s three major suburbs, and with ample developable land remaining, the community is poised to continue growing at a rapid pace and has the ingredients for continued retail success. • The market population, currently estimated at 121,400, is anticipated to reach near 180,000 in the next decade, assuming that the bridge across the Rideau River linking Strandherd Drive to Earl Armstrong Road is built. The City of Ottawa website suggests the completion date for this bridge as being in 2012. On Friday, June 5, 2009, the provincial, federal and municipal governments announced a funding agreement, suggesting that the timetable for completion is quite likely to be realized. • There is just under $1.2 billion of disposable dollars within a short distance, and Barrhaven is well poised to continue attracting a reasonable share of them. Among the commercial tenants are some of the best brand names in the business (Loblaws, WalMart, Cineplex Odeon, Indigo, Sport Check, Home Depot, Staples, etc.). The purchasing potential is anticipated to nearly double over the next decade, attributable primarily to population growth (and the bridge across the Rideau River). • Barrhaven is more “regional” in character than it was in 2006. Customers are drawn from all areas of the City of Ottawa and areas beyond. Barrhaven has a significant net inflow of sales. • Consumer and stakeholder research undertaken for the 2007 report suggested that on average, business volume is growing, and that residents and businesses generally have CRG Consulting ( - 10 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) a positive outlook on the community. We expect that this continues to be the case. However, there continues to be a gap/need for more local employment opportunities and more services. A benefit of service industries is that they are often more labour intensive than retail, resulting in an increase in local employment. • 1.3 million square feet was added to the Barrhaven commercial inventory over the past 13 years. If the Rideau River bridge is built and appropriate space for auto and office uses are made available, then another 1.1 million square feet could be added within the next five years. The ideal location is along the linear axis, Strandherd Road near Greenbank south, within close proximity to rapid transit. • The increase in commercial space over the past three years of some 70,000 square feet suggests much slower growth than in the previous decade. The existing retail landscape is becoming entrenched and consolidated. Similar patterns have been noted in Kanata and Orléans, which have both witnessed a surge in box store development, followed by slower rates of growth. • In addition to additional personal services, there is an apparent need for more restaurants, apparel stores, department store space, electronics stores and enclosed retail facilities. Although not a preferred retail format among developers, enclosed retail facilities would provide a much more comfortable shopping environment. • The retail vacancy rate has increased slightly since late 2006 (from 4.9% to 5.4%). Excluding the former supermarket in Barrhaven Crossing reduces the vacancy rate to 2.8% in 2006 and 3.4% currently. These are “healthy” vacancy rates. • The inventory of supermarkets has remained steady at 302,000 square feet since November 2006. In aggregate, they attract close to 30% of their trade from outside the delineated study area. All of the existing stores are aligned along key arterials (Strandherd Road, Woodroffe Avenue and Greenbank Road). We anticipate that Loblaws might be contemplating the expansion of their store to a Superstore format, as Barrhaven is the only suburban Ottawa market where this banner is not present. • Barrhaven does not have a significant employment base. Thus, a significant portion of its population leaves the area for employment. This “gravity” of employment towards the more inner areas of the region creates the opportunity for convenient retail spending in these sectors. It is expected that Barrhaven will be characterized as having a net outflow of sales for some time. However, this is changing now that RCMP’s relocation to Barrhaven is underway, which when complete, is anticipated to bring in excess of 3,300 full-time professional jobs to the area. • The economic recession has impacted retail sales growth and many retailers are revisiting expansion plans. However, Ottawa’s local economy remains relatively robust, due to the dominance of federal government employment, the limited presence of the manufacturing and automobile sectors and the large number of major construction projects underway or proposed (such as office buildings, transit, condominiums, and the Strandherd-Armstrong crossing which could start on early 2010). 2.4.2 Recommendations In recognition of and building upon the ongoing efforts and strategies of the Barrhaven BIA, we offer the following retail related promotional strategies: • The dissemination of this report. Existing and future members need to know the vitality of the Barrhaven market in general. Key in this regard is that Barrhaven is a $1.3 B market, soon to be a $2.6 B spending market. As was the case for the 2007 report, CRG Consulting ( - 11 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) posting a synopsis of this report on the BBIA website is suggested. However, consideration might be given to improving the synopsis with maps and graphics. • Recognizing that the size of the catchment area is growing. We continue to recommend that promotion be to the entire market, not just Barrhaven. Retailers need to communicate to their market that Barrhaven more than ever, can service their every need. We suggest that Riverside South, Manotick and Bridlewood be key targets in this regard. • A continued co-operative effort to ensure effectiveness. Retailers need to be proactive to combat vulnerability from growing competition inside the community and elsewhere. • Continue to ensure that every customer knows “what else” can be found in Barrhaven. A promotional piece listing Barrhaven businesses and mapping their locations might be considered. It should be available at all the retail and service outlets, and to businesses. The priority could first be given to local residents, followed by those living in the greater market area. Emphasis should also be given to the new population entering the market. • Continued ongoing efforts to promote service and office based market opportunities. While service offerings have improved since 2006, there remains considerable potential in this regard. CRG Consulting ( - 12 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 3.0 Study Area 3.1 Study Area Delineation The study area for the 2007 report was delineated by randomly selecting licence plates from commercial parking lots throughout Barrhaven. At that time, 569 usable plates were selected in five locations (the parking lots of Your Independent Grocer/Home Depot, Loeb, Loblaws/WalMart, Food Basics, and Sobeys/Canadian Tire), in order to illustrate the shopping behaviour among a range of shopping opportunities. Virtually all the plates came from the City of Ottawa (92.8%, Table 3.1). The addresses of the registered owners are mapped on Exhibit 1 (next page and appended on Page 29). TABLE 3.1 LICENCE PLATES BY BARRHAVEN COMMERCIAL LOCATION, COLLECTED APRIL 2009 TOTAL YIG/Home Depot YIG Home Depot TOTAL ZONE No. Pct No. Pct No. Pct No. Pct Zone 1 346 56.3 34 54.8 28 45.9 62 50.4 Zone 2 28 4.6 2 3.2 0 0.0 2 1.6 Zone 3 22 3.6 3 4.8 5 8.2 8 6.5 Zone 4 12 2.0 1 1.6 2 3.3 3 2.4 Sub-total, Study Area 408 66.3 40 64.5 35 57.4 75 61.0 Urban Ottawa West 57 9.3 5 8.1 6 9.8 11 8.9 Urban Ottawa East 25 4.1 3 4.8 0 0.0 3 2.4 Rural Ottawa 50 8.1 9 14.5 8 13.1 17 13.8 Sub-total, Other Ottawa 132 21.5 17 27.4 14 23.0 31 25.2 Sub-total, City of Ottawa 540 87.8 57 91.9 49 80.3 106 86.2 Other 75 12.2 5 8.1 12 19.7 17 13.8 TOTAL 615 100.0 62 100.0 61 100.0 123 100.0 Loeb (now Metro) Loblaws/Wal-Mart Loblaws Wal-Mart TOTAL ZONE No. Pct No. Pct No. Pct No. Pct Zone 1 52 56.5 60 64.5 45 51.1 105 58.0 Zone 2 5 5.4 5 5.4 5 5.7 10 5.5 Zone 3 1 1.1 3 3.2 4 4.5 7 3.9 Zone 4 1 1.1 2 2.2 3 3.4 5 2.8 Sub-total, Study Area 59 64.1 70 75.3 57 64.8 127 70.2 Urban Ottawa West 11 12.0 8 8.6 10 11.4 18 9.9 Urban Ottawa East 4 4.3 3 3.2 2 2.3 5 2.8 Rural Ottawa 5 5.4 3 3.2 9 10.2 12 6.6 Sub-total, Other Ottawa 20 21.7 14 15.1 21 23.9 35 19.3 Sub-total, City of Ottawa 79 85.9 84 90.3 78 88.6 162 89.5 Other 13 14.1 9 9.7 10 11.4 19 10.5 TOTAL 92 100.0 93 100.0 88 100.0 181 100.0 Food Basics Sobeys/Canadian Tire Sobeys Canadian Tire TOTAL ZONE No. Pct No. Pct No. Pct No. Pct Zone 1 47 51.6 40 63.5 40 61.5 80 62.5 Zone 2 5 5.5 4 6.3 2 3.1 6 4.7 Zone 3 4 4.4 1 1.6 1 1.5 2 1.6 Zone 4 1 1.1 1 1.6 1 1.5 2 1.6 Sub-total, Study Area 57 62.6 46 73.0 44 67.7 90 70.3 Urban Ottawa West 9 9.9 3 4.8 5 7.7 8 6.3 Urban Ottawa East 5 5.5 1 1.6 7 10.8 8 6.3 Rural Ottawa 9 9.9 7 11.1 0 0.0 7 5.5 Sub-total, Other Ottawa 23 25.3 11 17.5 12 18.5 23 18.0 Sub-total, City of Ottawa 80 87.9 57 90.5 56 86.2 113 88.3 Other 11 12.1 6 9.5 9 13.8 15 11.7 TOTAL 91 100.0 63 100.0 65 100.0 128 100.0 CRG Consulting ( - 13 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) License Plate Trends: We compared the results of the licence plate collection in April 2009 to those obtained in November 2006. The results are shown in Table 3.2 (next page), with the cells highlighted in yellow suggesting a reduction and those in green, an increase. The following observations are noted: • Barrhaven businesses now attract a higher proportion of customers from greater distances than in 2006. • In addition to growth in the proportion of customers coming from the greater distances (“Other”), penetration is beginning in Zone 4 (Riverside South). • Metro (formerly Loeb)/Strandherd Plaza recorded the largest increase in customers coming from “Other” areas. • Food Basics/Barrhaven Mall is now attracting a greater proportion of customers from sectors of Ottawa outside the study area, as well as from more distant areas. A similar pattern is noted for Your Independent Grocer/Home Depot. • Loblaws/Wal-Mart is the only location where the share of customers coming locally (i.e., from the Study Area) has increased. The opening of the Loblaws Superstore in southern Kanata in September 2006 is viewed as contributing to the change in shopping patterns to the Loblaws. The current economic recession has increased the popularity of shopping in stores with a strong discount image. CRG Consulting ( - 14 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) • In comparison to the other retail locations where plates were collected, Sobeys/Canadian Tire continue to capture the highest share of customers from the Study Area. TABLE 3.2 COMPARISON OF LICENCE PLATES COLLECTED BY BARRHAVEN COMMERCIAL LOCATION, NOVEMBER 2006 & ARPIL 2009 TOTAL YIG/Home Depot YIG Home Depot TOTAL ZONE 2006 2009 Variation Variation Variation 2006 2009 2006 2009 2006 2009 Zone 1 57.8 56.3 -1.6 68.5 54.8 -13.7 56.1 45.9 -10.2 62.3 50.4 Zone 2 6.7 4.6 -2.1 3.7 3.2 -0.5 3.5 --3.5 3.6 1.6 Zone 3 3.9 3.6 -0.3 1.9 4.8 3.0 5.3 8.2 2.9 3.6 6.5 Zone 4 0.4 2.0 1.6 -1.6 1.6 1.8 3.3 1.5 0.9 2.4 Sub-total, Study Area 68.7 66.3 -2.4 74.1 64.5 -9.6 66.7 57.4 -9.3 70.4 61.0 Urban Ottawa West 9.7 9.3 -0.4 13.0 8.1 -4.9 3.5 9.8 6.3 8.2 8.9 Urban Ottawa East 5.6 4.1 -1.6 5.6 4.8 -0.7 3.5 --3.5 4.5 2.4 Rural Ottawa 8.8 8.1 -0.7 3.7 14.5 10.8 15.8 13.1 -2.7 9.7 13.8 Sub-total, Other Ottawa 24.1 21.5 -2.6 22.2 27.4 5.2 22.8 23.0 0.1 22.5 25.2 Sub-total, City of Ottawa 92.8 87.8 -5.0 96.3 91.9 -4.4 89.5 80.3 -9.1 92.9 86.2 Other 7.2 12.2 5.0 3.7 8.1 4.4 10.5 19.7 9.1 7.1 13.8 TOTAL 100.0 100.0 -100.0 100.0 -100.0 100.0 -100.0 100.0 Loeb (now Metro) Loblaws/Wal-Mart Loblaws Wal-Mart TOTAL ZONE 2006 2009 Variation Variation Variation 2006 2009 2006 2009 2006 2009 Zone 1 50.0 56.5 6.5 56.8 64.5 7.7 45.9 51.1 5.3 51.4 58.0 Zone 2 6.8 5.4 -1.4 9.1 5.4 -3.7 10.6 5.7 -4.9 9.8 5.5 Zone 3 9.1 1.1 -8.0 2.3 3.2 1.0 -4.5 4.5 1.1 3.9 Zone 4 -1.1 1.1 -2.2 2.2 1.2 3.4 2.2 0.6 2.8 Sub-total, Study Area 65.9 64.1 -1.8 68.2 75.3 7.1 57.6 64.8 7.1 62.9 70.2 Urban Ottawa West 18.2 12.0 -6.2 5.7 8.6 2.9 12.9 11.4 -1.6 9.3 9.9 Urban Ottawa East 4.5 4.3 -0.2 3.4 3.2 -0.2 10.6 2.3 -8.3 7.0 2.8 Rural Ottawa 5.7 5.4 -0.2 15.9 3.2 -12.7 9.4 10.2 0.8 12.7 6.6 Sub-total, Other Ottawa 28.4 21.7 -6.7 25.0 15.1 -9.9 32.9 23.9 -9.1 29.0 19.3 Sub-total, City of Ottawa 94.3 85.9 -8.4 93.2 90.3 -2.9 90.6 88.6 -2.0 91.9 89.5 Other 5.7 14.1 8.4 6.8 9.7 2.9 9.4 11.4 2.0 8.1 10.5 TOTAL 100.0 100.0 -100.0 100.0 -100.0 100.0 -100.0 100.0 Food Basics Sobeys/Canadian Tire Sobeys Canadian Tire TOTAL ZONE 2006 2009 Variation Variation Variation 2006 2009 2006 2009 2006 2009 Zone 1 62.5 51.6 -10.9 78.0 63.5 -14.5 55.9 61.5 5.6 67.0 62.5 Zone 2 8.0 5.5 -2.5 4.0 6.3 2.3 3.4 3.1 -0.3 3.7 4.7 Zone 3 2.3 4.4 2.1 -1.6 1.6 10.2 1.5 -8.6 5.1 1.6 Zone 4 -1.1 1.1 -1.6 1.6 -1.5 1.5 -1.6 Sub-total, Study Area 72.7 62.6 -10.1 82.0 73.0 -9.0 69.5 67.7 -1.8 75.7 70.3 Urban Ottawa West 12.5 9.9 -2.6 4.0 4.8 0.8 1.7 7.7 6.0 2.8 6.3 Urban Ottawa East 6.8 5.5 -1.3 6.0 1.6 -4.4 3.4 10.8 7.4 4.7 6.3 Rural Ottawa 3.4 9.9 6.5 2.0 11.1 9.1 13.6 --13.6 7.8 5.5 Sub-total, Other Ottawa 22.7 25.3 2.5 12.0 17.5 5.5 18.6 18.5 -0.2 15.3 18.0 Sub-total, City of Ottawa 95.5 87.9 -7.5 94.0 90.5 -3.5 88.1 86.2 -2.0 91.1 88.3 Other 4.5 12.1 7.5 6.0 9.5 3.5 11.9 13.8 2.0 8.9 11.7 TOTAL 100.0 100.0 -100.0 100.0 -100.0 100.0 -100.0 100.0 Variation -11.9 -2.0 2.9 1.6 -9.4 0.7 -2.1 4.1 2.7 -6.7 6.7 -- Variation 6.7 -4.3 2.7 2.2 7.3 0.6 -4.2 -6.0 -9.6 -2.4 2.4 -- Variation -4.5 1.0 -3.5 1.6 -5.4 3.4 1.6 -2.3 2.6 -2.8 2.8 -- From this licence plate information, the same three contemporary trade areas defined for the 2007 report are deemed to remain appropriate, based on retail penetration: • The Primary Trade Area (PTA), Zone 1, Barrhaven/South Nepean, south of Fallowfield; • Secondary Trade Area North, Zone 2, where there is less commercial penetration from the Barrhaven stores, Fallowfield north to Baseline, Merivale in the east to Bells Corners in the west. Several competing commercial opportunities here limit the market share of Barrhaven stores and services; and, CRG Consulting ( - 15 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) • Secondary Trade Area South and West, Zone 3, south of Cambrian Road to Century Road East, including Manotick, and west to Eagleson Road, and not including Richmond. A fourth and future trade zone was also delimited, Zone 4, east of the Rideau River. This trade zone, consisting of the Riverside South community, will influence shopping patters to Barrhaven when the future bridge linking Strandherd Drive to Earl Armstrong Road is built. While not relevant to the contemporary 2009 commercial scene (only 2.0% of the collected licence plates came from this zone), due to its proximity and changing accessibility, Zone 4 is likely to become an important tributary area to Barrhaven commerce in the near future. Indeed, a small increase in the proportion of plates from 0.4% in 2006 suggests movement in this direction. In the calculations in a subsequent section, Zone 4 is treated as a Tertiary Trade Area and considered “inflow” to the 2009 calculations. However, for the 2014 and 2019 time horizons, the Rideau River is assumed to be bridged and Zone 4 becomes an integral part of the Barrhaven commerce as a Secondary Trade Area (STA East). For purposes of this study, the nearby Zone 4 (today TTA, future STA East) is delimited by the river, Leitrim Road, Bowesville Road and Rideau Road. 3.2 Demographic Characteristics a) The estimated 2009 population of the delineated study area is 131,800. The PTA population is estimated at 64,200 persons. The population of Zones 2 (to the north) and 3 (to the south and west) total another 57,200 persons (Table 3.3). TABLE 3.3 ESTIMATED STUDY AREA POPULATION, 2009 Market Zones Population Zone 1 (PTA) 64,200 Zone 2 (STA N) 51,300 Zone 3 (STA S & W) 5,900 Zone 4 (TTA) 10,400 TOTAL 131,800 b) Exhibit 2 (next page and appended on Page 31) shows the study area context and the commercial zones. Of particular importance is the pink shading, showing the zoned and designated lands where the future residential subdivisions will be located. Strong population growth can be expected in Zone 1 (PTA), Zone 4 (STA East) and to some lesser extent in Zone 3 (STA South). CRG Consulting ( - 16 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) c) Over the 2001 to 2006 Census period, population growth was strong in the PTA, Barrhaven/South Nepean, and in the TTA Zone 4 (Table 3.4). TABLE 3.4 STUDY AREA POPULATION, 2001 and 2006 Population Variation Market Zones 2001 2006 No. Pct Zone 1 (PTA) 37,932 55,558 17,626 46.5% Zone 2 (STA N) 52,882 50,301 -2,581 -4.9% Zone 3 (STA S & W) 5,206 5,540 334 6.4% Zone 4 (TTA) 3,687 6,159 2,472 67.0% TOTAL 99,707 117,558 17,851 17.9% d) The entire study area population is currently estimated at 131,800, with the PTA population currently estimated at 64,200 (Table 3.5, next page). Since 1996, population has more than doubled in the Barrhaven PTA, creating a threshold for new regionallyoriented retailing. e) Over the next decade, 2009 to 2019, very strong population growth is anticipated in the PTA, of near 50%, or 30,600 persons. Zone 2 could reach a population plateau as is common with inner city zones. Zone 3 is expected to grow modestly. Zone 4 could receive a major increment of some 17,700 new residents, an increase of 170% over current levels. CRG Consulting ( - 17 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) While commercial districts are planned for Zone 4, its nearness to the developed retailing of Barrhaven will divert significant market shares to South Nepean commerce, once the bridge across the Rideau is completed. Whereas the Barrhaven/South Nepean commerce directly addresses a market of some 121,400 people in Zones 1, 2 and 3, within a decade with the bridge, the commerce will be serving almost 200,000 persons, mostly with a relatively high income level. With a local market of this size, virtually any common commercial facility is supportable. Indeed, today Barrhaven addresses a market similar in population to Kanata, and in the near future, the Barrhaven market (with the bridge over the Rideau River in place) will be significantly larger than that addressed by Kanata commerce. TABLE 3.5 STUDY AREA POPULATION PROJECTIONS 2009 to 2019 EstiProjected mated Market Zones 2014 2019 2009 Zone 1 (PTA) 64,200 79,500 94,800 Zone 2 (STA N) 51,300 51,000 51,000 Zone 3 (STA S & W) 5,900 6,500 7,100 Zone 4 (TTA/STA E) 10,400 17,100 28,100 TOTAL 131,800 154,100 181,000 f) The study area residents are similar in age to the Ottawa Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) as a whole (the key 20 to 44 year old demographic, 36.9% in Zones 1 through 4, compared to 36.5% for the CMA as a whole). Characteristic of suburban residential areas, there is a slightly higher proportion of younger people in the demographic mix (27.6% compared to 24.7%) and slightly fewer seniors (Exhibit 3, appended on Page 33). g) Typical of a suburban market, the average household size is larger than the CMA as a whole, 2.9 compared to the urban average of 2.5 persons per household. The largest household sizes of 3.1 persons per household register in the PTA (Exhibit 3, appended on Page 33). h) The study area is characterized by low-rise housing (93.5% of the mix) compared to the overall CMA average of 67.6%. The highest proportion of low-rise housing currently occurs in Zone 4 (100%) closely followed by Zone 1 (PTA) at 97.7%, Zone 3 (STA S and E) at 98.5% and then Zone 2 (STA N) at 88.1% (Exhibit 3, appended on Page 33). i) Most importantly, the study area market is typified by relatively affluent households, registering a per capita income 16% higher than the Provincial average. This income level varies, with the average for Zone 1 (PTA) being 15% above the Provincial figure, in Zone 2 (STA N) 12% above, in Zone 3 (STA S & W) 49% above, and in the newer subdivisions in Zone 4 (future STA E), 39% above. All four zones are above the City of Ottawa average income level. We expect that the overall income levels have increased over the 2006 Census data, however, the relative differences among the zones are likely unchanged. CRG Consulting ( - 18 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 4.0 Commercial Overview The commercial structure of Barrhaven has been revolutionized over the past decade. In the early years of the community’s development, commercial was focussed along Fallowfield and northern Greenbank. For example, Barrhaven Mall opened in 1978 as the sole enclosed mall in the community. It was anchored by a 26,000 square foot Loblaws. In 2006, 28 years later, it was “de-malled”. Now, the centre of commerce is found along the southerly arterial, Strandherd Road. Abutting Strandherd today is three-quarters (77%) of the Barrhaven commercial space, while the Fallowfield/Greenbank North has a minor 13% (Table 4.1) TABLE 4.1 COMMERCIAL INVENTORY, BARRHAVEN, 2009: BY COMMERCIAL AREA Establishments Node Total Space Ref. Commercial Area Description Count Pct Sq. Ft. Pct 1 Cedarview 31 10.5 57,670 3.8 2 Greenbank/Fallowfield 39 13.2 113,550 7.6 3 Barrhaven Town Centre/Jockvale 35 11.9 274,960 18.3 4 Rio Can Marketplace 69 23.4 593,180 39.5 5 Greenbank/Strandherd 19 6.4 138,230 9.2 6 Barrhaven Crossing 15 5.1 60,050 4.0 7 Woodroffe/Fallowfield 14 4.7 27,460 1.8 8 Woodroffe/Longfields 16 5.4 26,590 1.8 9 Other Woodroffe 13 4.4 58,800 3.9 10 Strandherd Crossing 28 9.5 120,940 8.1 11 Strandherd Plaza 16 5.4 28,960 1.9 Total 295 100.0 1,500,390 100.0 Two-fifths of the contemporary inventory (39.5%) is located in Rio Can Marketplace, anchored by Loblaws 139,000 square feet, Wal-Mart 129,500 square feet, Cineplex Odeon 26,900 square feet, Winners 26,200 square feet, Staples/Business Depot 25,900 square feet, Chapters/Indigo 19,700 square feet and Sport Chek 15,000 square feet. A commercial inventory of all stores and services in Barrhaven compiled for the purposes of this report suggests that there is a total of 1.5 million square feet of commercial space in 295 outlets in Zone 1, the PTA (Tables 4.1 and 4.2). Of this space, 67.1% or 1.01 million square feet is retail space (a relatively high proportion, largely due to the relatively recent arrival of new “big box” stores and malls into the community), 27.5% or 412,600 square feet is service space and the vacancy rate is currently estimated at 5.4% (±81,000 square feet). Approximately one-third (30,500 square feet) of the vacancy consists of a former supermarket. Exhibit 4 (next page and appended on Page 35) shows a magnified view of the Barrhaven Community and references to the commercial zones. CRG Consulting ( - 19 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE 4.2 COMMERCIAL INVENTORY, BARRHAVEN, 2009: BY OUTLET TYPE Establishments Space Outlet Type Count Pct Sq. Ft. Pct Food Stores 14 4.7 322,570 21.5 Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores 8 2.7 60,300 4.0 Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores 2 0.7 16,200 1.1 GAFO: General Merchandise Stores 5 1.7 219,200 14.6 GAFO: Apparel and Accessories Stores 12 4.1 79,960 5.3 GAFO: Furniture, Home Furnishings and Electronics Stores 8 2.7 16,000 1.1 GAFO: Other Retailers 28 9.5 129,570 8.6 Sub-Total GAFO 53 18.0 444,730 29.6 Building and Outdoor Home Supplies Stores 3 1.0 137,000 9.1 Automotive 8 2.7 25,600 1.7 Sub-Total Retail 88 29.8 1,006,400 67.1 Food Services (Restaurants) 54 18.3 114,100 7.6 All Other Services 130 44.1 298,520 19.9 Sub-Total Services 184 62.4 412,620 27.5 Sub-Total Occupied 272 92.2 1,419,020 94.6 Vacant 23 7.8 81,370 5.4 TOTAL 295 100.0 1,500,390 100.0 Source: CRG Consulting Since 2006, the commercial inventory has increased by 69,610 square feet, or 5%. There are now 23 additional outlets (Table 4.3). All of the growth has been in services (73,660 square feet) as retail space has declined slightly (by 4,900 square feet). Vacant space is up CRG Consulting ( - 20 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) by 11,260 square feet. However, the current vacancy rate of 5.4% is only 0.5 percentage point higher than it was in 2006. TABLE 4.3 GROWTH OF THE COMMERCIAL SPACE INVENTORY, BARRHAVEN, 2006-2009 2006 2009 Store Count Total Space Store Count Total Space Outlet Type No. Pct Sq. Ft. Pct No. Pct Sq. Ft. Pct Food Stores 21 7.7 334,770 23.4 14 4.7 322,570 21.5 Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores 8 2.9 63,380 4.4 8 2.7 60,300 4.0 Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores 2 0.7 16,200 1.1 2 0.7 16,200 1.1 GAFO: General Merchandise Stores 5 1.8 218,000 15.2 5 1.7 219,200 14.6 GAFO: Apparel and Accessories Stores 11 4.0 78,460 5.5 12 4.1 79,960 5.3 GAFO: Furniture, Home Furnishings and Electronics Stores 11 4.0 23,320 1.6 8 2.7 16,000 1.1 GAFO: Other Retailers 26 9.6 129,850 9.1 28 9.5 129,570 8.6 Sub-Total GAFO 53 19.5 449,630 31.4 53 18.0 444,730 29.6 Building and Outdoor Home Supplies Stores 3 1.1 137,000 9.6 3 1.0 137,000 9.1 Automotive 8 2.9 20,730 1.4 8 2.7 25,600 1.7 Sub-Total Retail 95 34.9 1,021,710 71.4 88 29.8 1,006,400 67.1 Food Services (Restaurants) 49 18.0 101,340 7.1 54 18.3 114,100 7.6 All Other Services 112 41.2 237,620 16.6 130 44.1 298,520 19.9 Sub-Total Services 161 59.2 338,960 23.7 184 62.4 412,620 27.5 Sub-Total Occupied 256 94.1 1,360,670 95.1 272 92.2 1,419,020 94.6 Vacant 16 5.9 70,110 4.9 23 7.8 81,370 5.4 TOTAL 272 100.0 1,430,780 100.0 295 100.0 1,500,390 100.0 Source: CRG Consulting Variation, 2006-2009 No. Sq. Ft. -7 -12,200 --3,080 ---1,200 1 1,500 -3 -7,320 2 -280 --4,900 ---4,870 -7 -15,310 5 12,760 18 60,900 23 73,660 16 58,350 7 11,260 23 69,610 In 1996, Barrhaven had 244,500 square feet of commercial space whereas today it has 1.5 million square feet (Table 4.4), an increase of about 1.3 million square feet (an average addition of 97,000 square feet per year). High productivities and major gaps in the full array of stores and services, however, characterize the current Barrhaven commercial profile, which indicates (even in the absence of population growth) further expansion potentials. TABLE 4.4 GROWTH OF THE COMMERCIAL SPACE INVENTORY, BARRHAVEN, 1996-2009 Outlet Type Food Stores Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores GAFO: General Merchandise Stores GAFO: Apparel and Accessories Stores GAFO: Furniture, Home Furnishings and Electronics Stores GAFO: Other Retailers Sub-Total GAFO Building and Outdoor Home Supplies Stores Automotive Sub-Total Retail Food Services (Restaurants) All Other Services Sub-Total Services Sub-Total Occupied Vacant TOTAL Source: CRG Consulting Variation, 1996 2006 2009 1996-2006 Sq. Ft. Pct Sq. Ft. Pct Sq. Ft. Pct Sq. Ft. Pct 131,600 53.8 334,770 23.4 322,570 21.5 203,170 154.4 12,300 5.0 63,380 4.4 60,300 4.0 51,080 415.3 6,600 2.7 16,200 1.1 16,200 1.1 9,600 145.5 -- - 218,000 15.2 219,200 14.6 218,000 -600 0.2 78,460 5.5 79,960 5.3 77,860 12,976.7 2,600 1.1 23,320 1.6 16,000 1.1 20,720 796.9 19,100 7.8 129,850 9.1 129,570 8.6 110,750 579.8 22,300 9.1 449,630 31.4 444,730 29.6 427,330 1,916.3 -- - 137,000 9.6 137,000 9.1 137,000 -1,900 0.8 20,730 1.4 25,600 1.7 18,830 991.1 174,700 71.5 1,021,710 71.4 1,006,400 67.1 847,010 484.8 22,000 9.0 101,340 7.1 114,100 7.6 79,340 360.6 41,100 16.8 237,620 16.6 298,520 19.9 196,520 478.2 63,100 25.8 338,960 23.7 412,620 27.5 275,860 437.2 237,800 97.3 1,360,670 95.1 1,419,020 94.6 1,122,870 472.2 6,700 2.7 70,110 4.9 81,370 5.4 63,410 946.4 244,500 100.0 1,430,780 100.0 1,500,390 100.0 1,186,280 485.2 Variation, 2006-2009 Sq. Ft. Pct -12,200 -3.6 -3,080 -4.9 --1,200 0.6 1,500 1.9 -7,320 -31.4 -280 -0.2 -4,900 -1.1 --4,870 23.5 -15,310 -1.5 12,760 12.6 60,900 25.6 73,660 21.7 58,350 4.3 11,260 16.1 69,610 4.9 A brief explanation of the Retail Sector categories is warranted: • Food stores include supermarkets, jug milk stores and specialty food stores (the NAICS codes of the inventory are shown in Appendix I, Table I.2). Supermarkets in Barrhaven total 302,000 square feet. The detailed inventory is included in Appendix II. CRG Consulting ( - 21 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) • Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores include all drug stores and personal care stores such as opticians and health supplements. • Beer, wine and liquor stores include government and private outlets. • GAFO, an acronym for General Merchandise, Apparel stores, Furniture/Furnishings stores and Other stores, is a retail grouping that is rapidly replacing the historic grouping of DSTM, Department Store Type Merchandise (DSTM is essentially GAFO plus Pharmacies less Hardware). In the General Merchandise category, the stores include department stores, home and auto supply stores (Canadian Tire), membership warehouse clubs (Costco and Sam’s Club), which comprise the three major categories, along with smaller establishments such as dollar stores. A full listing of the store types in each category is included in Appendix I, Table I.2. • Building and Outdoor Home Supplies stores, include home improvement centres like Home Depot, as well as hardware stores, such as Home Hardware. • Services can broadly be described as establishments providing personal, professional, financial, legal, real estate, management, health care and administrative services. In the text, we separate restaurants for particular attention. • Vacant refers to unoccupied space that could be suitable for a wide range of retail or service establishments. The following additional commentary is offered in relation to the changes in the commercial retail structure in Barrhaven since the 2007 report: a) It was stated in the 2007 report that Barrhaven possesses a diversified local commercial base. However, due to the recent arrival of big box stores at that time, it had, compared to other municipalities, a deficit of services. The ratio of occupied retail to services was 75:25, while in an affluent (and larger) municipality such as Markham the ratio was 60:40. As described earlier, there has been an increase in the number of service outlets in Barrhaven. This has improved the ratio of retail to service outlets to 71:29 (Table 4.5). TABLE 4.5 PER CAPITA SPACE PROVISION, BARRHAVEN: 2006 and 2009 Description 2006 2009 Difference DSTM (GAFO + Pharmacies) 8.6 7.9 -0.7 Food Stores 5.6 5.0 -0.6 Building and Home Supplies 2.3 2.1 -0.1 Automotive 0.3 0.4 0.1 All Other Retail (includes Liquor) 0.3 0.9 0.7 Retail Space 17.0 16.4 -0.7 Restaurants 1.7 1.8 0.1 All Other Services 4.0 4.6 0.7 Service Space 5.6 6.4 0.8 Occupied Commercial Space 22.7 22.1 -0.6 Ratio of Retail to Service Outlets 75:25 71:29 Source: CRG Consulting b) There continues to be an absence of automotive sales and service. There remains only 25,600 square feet of automotive retailing in Barrhaven, a marginal increase of 4,900 square feet over the 2006 amount of 20,700 square feet. Most of the automotive sales and service continues to occur elsewhere. CRG Consulting ( - 22 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) c) The commercial inventory of April, 2009 counted 295 commercial establishments in Barrhaven (Table 4.2), of which 23 were vacant. The largest number of establishments were sit-down and fast food restaurants (54), followed by those selling GAFO (53), and food stores (14). The GAFO stores account for 445,000 square feet of commercial space (due to the large component of big boxes), the restaurants comprise 114,000 square feet and the food stores 323,000 square feet. In total, retail space represents 1.01 million square feet of commercial space. The remainder is services (413,000 square feet) and vacancy (81,400 square feet). d) The significant majority of commercial space is on the major arterials, Strandherd (77%) followed by Greenbank, Woodroffe and Fallowfield. These arterials provide good access and good visibility to the stores and services. e) The planned arrival of the Bus Rapid Transit project will construct two Park and Ride Stations along Greenbank Road (at Strandherd Drive and Jockvale Road) and another at Woodroffe Avenue near Strandherd Plaza. The construction of this transitway may encourage a slight increase of public transit customers (a minor benefit for some retailers, but not for supermarkets, for few people carry heavy food purchases on public transit). However, the new road link to Zone 4 across the Rideau River will provide easy access for these consumers to all types of stores and services in Barrhaven. The transitway may also spur the construction of needed office and service space to serve Barrhaven and surrounding areas. Previous proposals for the South Nepean Activity Urban Centre stressed the need for a greatly increased office space component. The downtown proposal by Chapman Mills Developments, for instance, showed a detailed grid of small blocks, many of which had high-density offices. However, the popularity of big box retail centres has not encouraged or facilitated the provision of the needed office and service component in Barrhaven. The arrival of rapid transit may be the catalyst for an expanded office segment, for which there continues to be a clear need (deficit). CRG Consulting ( - 23 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 5.0 Future Commercial Space Two methods have been used to update the estimates of future space requirements in Barrhaven for the next decade: the expenditure approach, when market shares, per capita expenditures and inflow data are available (that is, for the majority of the commercial segments); and the per capita support approach, when the data is more sketchy and where analogies from other markets provide ample support for projecting in terms of local Barrhaven needs. 5.1 The Expenditure Approach Total retail sales for Ontario for 2008 based on Statistics Canada’s Retail Trade publication are estimated at approximately $151 billion (Table 5.1). Using a July 1, 2008 population estimate for the Province of Ontario of 12.929 million, the resulting per capita expenditure for all the trade groups reported is $11,688. TABLE 5.1 ONTARIO RETAIL SALES BY TRADE GROUP, 2008 Store Category $ Millions New car dealers $25,244 Used and recreational motor vehicle and parts dealers $6,369 Gasoline stations $18,008 Furniture stores $3,606 Home furnishings stores $2,301 Computer and software stores $436 Home electronics and appliance stores $4,786 Home centres and hardware stores $6,996 Specialized building materials and garden stores $1,763 Supermarkets $23,143 Convenience and specialty food stores $3,318 Beer, wine and liquor stores $6,853 Pharmacies and personal care stores $11,690 Clothing stores $7,243 Shoe, clothing accessories and jewellery stores $2,277 General merchandise stores $19,514 Sporting goods, hobby, music and book stores $3,687 Miscellaneous store retailers $4,142 TOTAL, ALL STORES $151,376 Per Capita $1,952 $493 $1,393 $279 $178 $34 $370 $541 $136 $1,790 $257 $530 $904 $560 $176 $1,509 $285 $320 $11,823 Source: Statistics Canada, Retail Trade (63-005-XIE). Each trade zone has a different income level (Exhibit 4). A calculation of the elasticity of expenditure by retail category has been made (based on the Statistics Canada Family Expenditure Survey). The elasticity equations are shown in Table 5.2. For each trade zone, therefore, the per capita expenditures differ among the categories. CRG Consulting ( - 24 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE 5.2 ESTIMATE OF PER CAPITA SPENDING BY COMMODITY AND BY MARKET ZONE, 2005-2019 SUPERMARKET HOME AND AUTO SUPPLY Elasticity Equation 86.2+0.1390 times income index Elasticity Equation 17.3+0.7967 times income index Inflation Factor 0.5% per annum to 2014 Inflation Factor 1% per annum to 2014 1% per annum 2015-19 2% per annum 2015-19 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Ratio Ontario 114.6 111.6 148.7 139.2 Ratio Ontario 114.6 111.6 148.7 Elasticity factor 102.1 101.7 106.9 105.5 Elasticity factor 108.6 106.2 135.8 2008 $1,790 2008 $279 2009 $1,799 $1,837 $1,830 $1,923 $1,899 2009 $282 $303 $296 $379 2014 $1,883 $1,876 $1,972 $1,947 2014 $318 $311 $398 2019 $1,979 $1,972 $2,073 $2,046 2019 $351 $343 $439 DEPARTMENT STORE HOME IMPROVEMENT STORE Elasticity Equation 32.7 + 0.6703 times income index Elasticity Equation 17.4+0.7889 times income index Inflation Factor 1% per annum to 2014 Inflation Factor 0% 2008-09 2% per annum 2015-19 1% per annum to 2014 2% per annum 2015-19 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Ratio Ontario 114.6 111.6 148.7 139.2 Ratio Ont 114.6 111.6 148.7 Elasticity factor 119.8 117.5 145.8 138.5 Elasticity factor 107.8 105.4 134.7 2008 $797 2008 $677 2009 $805 $965 $946 $1,173 $1,115 2009 $677 $730 $714 $912 2014 $1,014 $994 $1,233 $1,172 2014 $767 $750 $959 2019 $1,120 $1,097 $1,361 $1,294 2019 $847 $828 $1,059 SPECIALTY GAFO LIQUOR, BEER AND WINE STORES Elasticity Equation 27.2+0.7244 times income index Elasticity Equation 49.5+0.5085 times income index Inflation Factor 0% 2008-09 Inflation Factor 0.5% 2008-09 1% per annum to 2014 1% per annum to 2014 2% per annum 2015-19 2% per annum 2015-19 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Ratio Ontario 114.6 111.6 148.7 139.2 Ratio Ontario 114.6 111.6 148.7 Elasticity factor 110.5 108.3 135.1 128.3 Elasticity factor 107.8 106.2 125.1 2008 $2,326 2008 $530 2009 $2,326 $2,570 $2,520 $3,143 $2,983 2009 $533 $574 $566 $666 2014 $2,701 $2,649 $3,303 $3,135 2014 $603 $595 $700 2019 $2,982 $2,925 $3,647 $3,461 2019 $666 $657 $773 PHARMACIES PERSONAL SERVICES Elasticity Equation 69.3+0.3034 times income index Elasticity Equation 55.6+0.4246 times income index Inflation Factor 2% per annum to 2014 Inflation Factor 1% per annum to 2014 4% per annum 2015-19 2% per annum 2015-19 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Ratio Ontario 114.6 111.6 148.7 139.2 Ratio Ontario 114.6 111.6 148.7 Elasticity factor 104.1 103.2 114.4 111.5 Elasticity factor 104.3 103.0 118.7 2008 $904 2005 $584 2009 $922 $960 $951 $1,055 $1,028 2009 $620 $646 $638 $736 2014 $1,060 $1,050 $1,165 $1,135 2014 $679 $671 $774 2019 $1,290 $1,277 $1,417 $1,381 2019 $750 $741 $855 RESTAURANT Elasticity Equation 11.7+0.8819 times income index Inflation Factor 1% per annum to 2014 2% per annum 2015-19 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Ratio Ontario 114.6 111.6 148.7 139.2 Elasticity factor 104.1 103.2 114.4 111.5 2006 $1,022 2009 $1,053 $1,096 $1,086 $1,205 $1,174 2014 $1,152 $1,141 $1,266 $1,234 2019 $1,272 $1,260 $1,398 $1,362 Sources: Family Expenditure Survey, Table A.5 and CRG Consulting. Zone 4 139.2 128.2 $358 $376 $415 Zone 4 139.2 127.2 $861 $905 $999 Zone 4 139.2 120.3 $641 $674 $744 Zone 4 139.2 114.7 $711 $747 $825 Retail sales continue go grow, albeit to a lesser extent recently due to the current economic recession. An assumption has been made about the change in sales between 2008 and the figures utilized for the contemporary 2009 market: real growth of 0.5% per year for food stores, CRG Consulting ( - 25 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) and 0% to 1% for all other commodities (except 2% for pharmacies, whose sales have been annually growing by more favourable significant amounts). Detailed expenditure calculations are completed in Appendix I for Supermarkets (I.3 to I.5); Pharmacies (I.6); Beer, Wine and Liquor (I.7); Department Stores (I.8); Home and Auto Supply (I.9); Specialty GAFO (I.10, that is, GAFO without the general merchandise, in reality “AFO”); Home Improvement Stores (I.11); Restaurants (I.12); and Personal Services (I.13). Pharmacy Space An example of the methodology for calculating future space support levels is illustrated here from the pharmacy sector. All the other commercial groupings are dealt with in a similar manner in the appendix. TABLE 5.3 ESTIMATED SALES, PHARMACIES, BARRHAVEN, 2009, 2014 and 2019 Per Capita Pharmacy Stores $960 $951 $1,055 $1,028 $966 Elsewhere Pharmacy Per Pharmacy Stores Capita Stores Potential Pharmacy Potential $ Millions 2014 Population Stores $ Millions $61.632 Zone 1 79,500 $1,060 $84.270 $48.786 Zone 2 51,000 $1,050 $53.550 $6.225 Zone 3 6,500 $1,165 $7.573 $10.691 Zone 4 17,100 $1,135 $19.409 $127.334 154,100 $1,069 $164.801 Total Share CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/S. Nepean 91.7% 8.3% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 7.2% 92.8% Zone 3 S. & W. of Barrhaven 27.6% 72.4% Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT 100.0% Zone 1 92.0% 100.0% Zone 2 8.0% 100.0% Zone 3 30.0% n/a Zone 4 25.0% 2009 Population Zone 1 Barrhaven/S. Nepean 64,200 Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 51,300 Zone 3 S. & W. of Barrhaven 5,900 Zone 4 East of Rideau River 10,400 Total 131,800 Barrhaven 2019 Population Zone 1 94,800 51,000 Potential Zone 2 Increase Zone 3 7,100 2009 Zone 4 28,100 29% 181,000 Pharmacy Stores Potential $ Millions $1,290 $122.292 $1,277 $65.127 $1,417 $10.061 $1,381 $38.806 $1,305 $236.286 Share Potential Increase 2009 86% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 92.0% Zone 2 8.0% Zone 3 30.0% Zone 4 25.0% EST. CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/S. Nepean $56.517 $5.115 $61.632 Zone 1 $77.528 Zone 1 $112.509 Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $3.513 $45.274 $48.786 Zone 2 $4.284 Zone 2 $5.210 Zone 3 S. & W. of Barrhaven $1.718 $4.507 $6.225 Zone 3 $2.272 Share Zone 3 $3.018 Share Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a n/a n/a Zone 4 $4.852 Exp. Zone 4 $9.702 Exp. 54% Total Expenditures $130.439 55% Total Expenditures, $ M $61.747 $54.896 $116.643 Total Expenditures $88.936 Inflow, Percent 25.0% Inflow, $ Millions $20.582 Total Estimated Sales Square Feet Estimated Sales Per S. F. $82.329 52,300 $1,574 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $750 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 108,300 109,800 111,300 $800 $850 101,600 102,900 104,300 95,600 96,900 98,200 Probable Increase from current, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent Source: CRG Consulting 56,000 57,500 59,000 49,300 50,600 52,000 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $800 $850 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 146,300 148,200 150,200 $900 $950 137,700 130,000 123,200 139,500 131,800 124,800 141,400 133,500 126,500 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet 43,300 44,600 45,900 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 94,000 95,900 97,900 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $800 $850 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 214,500 217,400 220,300 $900 201,900 190,700 180,700 204,600 193,200 183,100 207,400 195,900 185,500 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet 85,400 77,700 70,900 87,200 79,500 72,500 89,100 81,200 74,200 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 162,200 165,100 168,000 149,600 138,400 128,400 152,300 140,900 130,800 155,100 143,600 133,200 targeted The top left box of Table 5.3 shows by Zone the population, estimated pharmacy expenditure per capita and the product of those two columns, the pharmacy store potential expenditure in 2009 of some $127.3 million. The centre left box indicates the market shares captured by the Barrhaven pharmacy stores from the extensive household expenditure survey conducted for the 2007 study. From Zone 1 residents to Barrhaven pharmacies, a share of 91.7% was obtained. The shares from Zone 2 and Zone 3 were 7.2% and 27.6%, respectively. Multiplying these shares against the pharmacy CRG Consulting ( - 26 - $950 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) potential expenditures results in an expenditure potential in Zone 1 for pharmacies of $61.7 million. Zone 4 is not considered a factor as the bridge across the Rideau River has not yet been constructed. The inflow from outside the three study area zones was shown in the licence plate data to be approximately 25% for pharmacies. A 25% inflow on a $61.7 million expenditure results in an inflow calculation from all other areas, including outside the City of Ottawa, of some $20.6 million, for a total estimated sales (that is, local expenditure plus inflow) in 2009 of $82.3 million. The Barrhaven pharmacy and personal care sector was measured at 52,300 square feet in April 2009. This measurement returns a productivity of sales per square foot of some $1,574 per square foot (i.e., estimated $82.3 million in sales divided by a measured 52,300 square feet). This is a substantial sales productivity (similar to most of the other commercial sectors studied for 2009, above “industry averages”). Based on a range of assumed sales productivities per square foot and a range of inflow factors, a range of supportable square footage is shown, from a low of 95,600 square feet to a high of 111,300 square feet (that is, from lower inflow and high productivity, to higher inflow and lower productivity). Compared to the current provision of 52,300 square feet, these estimates represent a current opportunity for increasing the current provision by approximately 50,000 square feet, based on a sales productivity closer to industry averages and at a consistent 25% inflow. This “targeted” amount represents a support level for 102,900 square feet, or a net increase of support for 50,600 square feet. The top middle box addresses the market of 2014, five years in the future. Population has increased significantly in most of the four zones. As well, per capita expenditures have increased in real terms (real 2008 dollars have been used throughout this study). We have assumed that the bridge across the Rideau River is open by 2014. This will bring Zone 4 (now STA East) into the direct influence of Barrhaven retailing. The potential expenditure in pharmacies and personal care stores in 2014 is calculated at $164.8 million, a 29% increase (due to population and expenditure growth). We have assumed relatively no share increase from Zones 1 and 2, a small increase from the additional stores from Zone 3 and a 25% share (lower than that of Zone 3) for Zone 4, STA East. The result of these assumptions and calculations is a potential expenditure in Barrhaven stores from the four market components of $88.9 million, a 29% increase since 2009. Based on a range of assumed sales productivities per square foot and a range of inflow factors, a range of supportable square footage is shown, from a low of 123,200 square feet to a high of 150,200 square feet (that is, from lower inflow and high productivity, to higher inflow and lower productivity). Compared to the current provision of 52,300 square feet, these estimates represent a possible tripling of the current provision to within the next five years. Our best judgement is a future sales productivity closer to industry averages and at a consistent 25% inflow. This “targeted” amount represents a support level for 139,500 square feet, or a net increase of support for 87,200 square feet. The right hand columns repeat the analysis for the 2019 market. Our best judgement is an increase in pharmacy support of some 140,900 square feet over the 2009 to 2019 period. CRG Consulting ( - 27 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 5.1.1 Expenditure Analysis The above detailed analysis of the pharmacy market is repeated in the Appendix for all the identified expenditure groups, with modifications depending on the results of the household interview survey conducted for the 2007 report (how consumers were behaving) and on the results of the licence plate surveys in the various locations. The analysis of Appendix I is summarized in Table 5.4. TABLE 5.4 TARGETED FUTURE COMMERCIAL SUPPORT, SQUARE FEET CALCULATED ON THE BASIS OF EXPENDITURES Currently (2009) By 2014 By 2019 Supportable Square Footage: Supermarkets 330,300 408,000 497,800 Pharmacies 102,900 139,500 193,200 Beer, Wine and Liquor 16,000 20,800 25,600 Department Stores 129,500 220,900 265,000 Home and Auto Supply 88,300 104,800 122,200 Specialty GAFO 224,400 392,800 534,700 Home Improvement 130,000 169,600 200,600 Restaurants 114,100 155,000 191,100 Personal Services 43,500 71,900 108,200 Sub-total, Supportable Square Footage 1,179,000 1,683,300 2,138,400 Probable Increase from current Square Feet: Supermarkets 28,300 106,000 195,800 Pharmacies 50,600 87,200 140,900 Beer, Wine and Liquor 4,600 9,400 Department Stores 91,400 135,500 Home and Auto Supply 18,500 35,000 52,400 Specialty GAFO 167,270 309,170 Home Improvement 39,600 70,600 Restaurants 40,900 77,000 Personal Services 2,700 31,100 67,400 Sub-total, Probable Increase 100,100 603,070 1,058,170 Sources I.3-5 I.6, 5.3 I.7 I.8 I.9 I.10 I.11 I.12 I.13 I.3-5 I.6, 5.3 I.7 I.8 I.9 I.10 I.11 I.12 I.13 Source: CRG Consulting The rapid population growth and the opening of Zone 4 residents to Barrhaven stores and services by means of the Rideau River bridge represents an increase of retail and service space of some 600,000 square feet in the identified categories by 2014, and some 1.1 million square feet by 2019. This compares with the growth of commercial space in Barrhaven over the past 13 years of some 1.3 million square feet. 5.2 The Per Capita Level of Provision Approach For commodities and services where the productivity factors are not so available, a per capita approach has been utilized. That is, given a future population in Barrhaven of 79,500 people in 2014 and some 94,800 people in 2019, what would analogous communities suggest should be a typical level of retail or service support? The space survey showed only 25,600 square feet of automotive space in Barrhaven (all of which were gas stations, some with convenience components and a single automobile dealership). The household interview survey conducted for the 2007 report indicated a very low share of local automobile service and practically no new car sales. There is consequently a significant deficit (and thus a significant outflow of expenditure) in the automotive sector. It is CRG Consulting ( - 28 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) not unusual to average some 7.5 square feet of auto space per capita. Barrhaven currently registers 0.4 square feet per resident (Table 4.5). It would not be unreasonable to target for three square feet of automotive per capita by 2014 or for five square feet per capita within a decade. These assumptions result in the construction of 213,000 square feet of new auto-related space, including auto showrooms and a full range of auto services by 2014, and some 448,000 new square feet by 2019 (Table 5.5). TABLE 5.5 TARGETED FUTURE COMMERCIAL SUPPORT, SQUARE FEET CALCULATED BY SQUARE FOOTAGE PER CAPITA Currently (2009) By 2014 Supportable Square Footage: Automotive @ 3 and then 5 sf/capita 192,600 238,500 Other Services @ 5 and then 10 sf/capita 321,000 397,500 Sub-total, Supportable Square Footage 513,600 636,000 Probable Increase from current Square Feet: Automotive @ 3 and then 5 sf/capita 167,000 212,900 Other Services @ 5 and then 10 sf/capita 74,480 150,980 Sub-Total, Probable Increase from current Square Feet 241,480 363,880 GRAND TOTAL, SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE: Calculated by Expenditures (Table 5.4) 1,179,000 1,683,300 Calculated by Per Capita (Table 5.5) 513,600 636,000 Sub-Total, Grand Total Supportable Square Footage 1,692,600 2,319,300 Effective Square Feet Per Capita 26 By 2019 474,000 948,000 1,422,000 448,400 701,480 1,149,880 2,138,400 1,422,000 3,560,400 29 38 GRAND TOTAL, PROBABLE INCREASE FROM CURRENT SQUARE FEET: Calculated by Expenditures (Table 5.4) 100,100 603,070 Calculated by Per Capita (Table 5.5) 241,480 363,880 Sub-Total, Grand Total Probable Increase from 2009 341,580 966,950 1,058,170 1,149,880 2,208,050 Source: CRG Consulting In the same fashion, there is a considerable deficit of local office space and other services. If appropriate structures were built (especially near rapid transit), Barrhaven could have an average provision of five square feet per capita by 2014 (excluding the personal services calculated above), and a level of ten square feet per capita by 2019. These assumptions result in the construction of 151,000 square feet of new local office and service space by 2014 and up to 701,000 square feet over the 2009 to 2019 decade (Table 5.5). The type of space envisioned are professional offices, either in a low-rise format or with retail at the ground level with offices above, designed to accommodate the need for services in this market. Ancillary to, and as a result of the RCMP relocation to the former JDS campus, nearby campus-style office development is anticipated. This would be additional to the space warrants described herein. CRG Consulting ( - 29 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Exhibit 1 – Barrhaven Customer Spotting CRG Consulting ( - 30 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) CRG Consulting ( - 31 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Exhibit 2 – Barrhaven Study Area Context CRG Consulting ( - 32 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) CRG Consulting ( - 33 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Exhibit 3 – Demographic Characteristics CRG Consulting ( - 34 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) CRG Consulting ( - 35 No. 8,875 1,335 5,965 115 1,190 640 5 240 18,365 Pct. 48.3 7.3 32.5 0.6 6.5 3.5 0.0 1.3 100.0 $89,172 $32,575 Pct. 69.3 5.8 2.3 2.7 1.9 1.7 1.1 1.0 0.7 1.2 11.2 1.2 100.0 No. 33,835 2,845 1,115 1,295 920 840 530 475 330 580 5,470 565 48,800 Pct. 86.3 4.5 0.2 1.5 0.2 5.5 1.8 100.0 Pct. 27.3 25.8 18.1 16.0 12.8 100.0 No. 1,780 5 85 10 20 1,900 Pct. 93.7 0.3 4.5 0.5 1.1 100.0 $126,588 $43,415 No. 4,775 250 10 85 10 305 100 5,535 No. 1,500 1,420 995 880 705 5,500 1,900 2.9 18,375 2.7 Pct. 22.9 33.5 15.9 12.4 15.3 100.0 5,308 5,206 5,540 334 6.4% 5,900 6,500 7,100 52,891 52,882 50,301 (2,581) (4.9%) 51,300 51,000 51,000 No. 11,430 16,670 7,910 6,180 7,640 49,830 Zone 3 Zone 2 Source: CRG Consulting (613-596-2910), based on 2006 Statistics Canada Census Data and information published by the City of Ottawa. Demographic Variable Zone 1 POPULATION (estimates for 2009, 2014 and 2019 include an adjustment for undercount) Total, 1996 29,835 Total, 2001 37,932 Total, 2006 55,558 Numeric Variation, 2001 - 2006 17,626 Percent Variation, 2001 - 2006 46.5% 2009 (Estimated) 64,200 2014 (Projected) 79,500 2019 (Projected) 94,800 HOUSEHOLDS Occupied Private Dwellings, 2006 17,990 Occupants/Household 3.1 AGE Age Group (2006) No. Pct. 0 - 19 17,525 31.5 20 - 44 22,165 39.8 45 - 54 8,280 14.9 55 - 64 4,415 7.9 65 & over 3,310 5.9 Total 55,695 100.0 MOTHER TONGUE Mother Tongue, 2006 No. Pct. English 37,550 69.0 French 3,080 5.7 Chinese, n.o.s. 1,515 2.8 Italian 710 1.3 Arabic 1,090 2.0 Spanish 585 1.1 Mandarin 745 1.4 Cantonese 710 1.3 Vietnamese 885 1.6 Russian 350 0.6 Other 6,325 11.6 Multiple responses 895 1.6 Total 54,440 100.0 INCOME $103,330 Average Household, 2005 $33,459 Per Capita, 2005 TYPE OF HOUSING Unit Type, 2006 No. Pct. Single detached house 10,320 57.4 Semi-detached house 1,495 8.3 Row house 5,765 32.0 Apartment, duplex 35 0.2 Apartment building, five or more storeys Apartment building, less than five storeys 370 2.1 Other single attached house 5 0.0 Movable dwelling Total 17,990 100.0 Pct. 70.3 10.6 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.2 0.7 0.2 1.2 9.2 1.6 100.0 Pct. 30.3 47.8 10.3 6.5 5.2 100.0 No. 1,205 260 680 2,145 Pct. 56.2 12.1 31.7 100.0 $116,442 $40,648 No. 4,260 640 120 95 85 75 45 10 75 560 95 6,060 No. 1,875 2,960 635 405 320 6,195 2,150 2.9 664 3,687 6,159 2,472 67.0% 10,400 17,100 28,100 Zone 4 40,415 2.9 88,698 99,707 117,558 17,851 17.9% 131,800 154,100 181,000 Pct. 70.0 5.9 2.4 1.9 1.8 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.9 11.0 1.4 100.0 No. 22,180 3,095 12,495 160 1,190 1,010 25 245 40,400 Pct. 54.9 7.7 30.9 0.4 2.9 2.5 0.1 0.6 100.0 $98,613 $33,902 No. 80,420 6,815 2,760 2,185 2,095 1,500 1,275 1,230 1,225 1,015 12,660 1,655 114,835 Pct. 27.6 36.9 15.2 10.1 10.2 100.0 Study Area Total No. 32,330 43,215 17,820 11,880 11,975 117,220 EXHIBIT 3 - SELECTED DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS - BARRHAVEN STUDY AREA No. 204,435 31,500 67,830 13,700 66,865 62,695 960 1,040 449,025 $80,838 $32,101 No. 550,260 360,180 15,235 10,915 28,410 12,710 5,095 5,715 6,535 5,060 96,145 20,810 1,117,070 No. 279,630 412,640 180,870 125,230 132,395 1,130,765 449,032 2.5 998,718 1,067,801 1,130,761 62,960 5.9% ---- Pct. 45.5 7.0 15.1 3.1 14.9 14.0 0.2 0.2 100.0 Pct. 49.3 32.2 1.4 1.0 2.5 1.1 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 8.6 1.9 100.0 Pct. 24.7 36.5 16.0 11.1 11.7 100.0 Ottawa-Hull C.M.A. No. 2,551,760 260,175 358,500 158,755 710,790 490,355 11,725 12,200 4,554,260 $77,967 $29,200 No. 8,230,705 488,815 215,350 282,750 114,725 160,275 75,335 181,825 67,155 78,765 1,957,850 175,330 12,028,880 No. 3,043,910 4,249,290 1,861,375 1,356,510 1,649,170 12,160,255 4,554,252 2.7 10,753,573 11,410,046 12,160,282 750,236 6.6% ---- Pct. 56.0 5.7 7.9 3.5 15.6 10.8 0.3 0.3 100.0 Pct. 68.4 4.1 1.8 2.4 1.0 1.3 0.6 1.5 0.6 0.7 16.3 1.5 100.0 Pct. 25.0 34.9 15.3 11.2 13.6 100.0 Province of Ontario Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Exhibit 4 – Barrhaven Neighbourhood CRG Consulting ( - 36 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) CRG Consulting ( - 37 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Appendix I – Summary Tables and Calculations CRG Consulting ( -I- CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE I.1 BARRHAVEN INVENTORY OF STORES AND SERVICES Establishments Count Pct Type of Store or Service Food Stores Supermarkets and Grocery Stores Supermarket Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Convenience Store Bulk Food Meat Other Specialty Food - Frozen Sub-Total, Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Sub-Total, Food Stores Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores Pharmacies Pharmacy/Drug Store Personal Care Stores Optician Health Supplements Beauty Supplies Sub-Total, Personal Care Stores Sub-Total, Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores Liquor Beer Sub-Total, Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores GAFO - General Merchandise Stores Department Stores Discount Department Store Home and Auto Supply Stores Home and Auto Supply Other General Merchandise Stores Dollar Store Variety Store Sub-Total, Other General Merchandise Stores Sub-Total, GAFO - General Merchandise Stores GAFO - Apparel and Accessories Stores Clothing Stores Family Clothing Women's Clothing Women's Clothing + Houseware Maternity Children's Clothing Sub-Total, Clothing Stores Shoe Stores Children's Shoes Family Shoes Sub-total, Shoe Stores Clothing Accessories and Jewellery Stores Jewellery Sub-Total, GAFO - Apparel and Accessories Stores GAFO - Furniture, Home Furnishings and Electronics Stores Home Electronics and Appliance Stores Telephone Consumer Electronics Sub-Total, Home Electronics and Appliance Stores Furniture Stores Mattress Home Furnishings Stores Floor Coverings Housewares Sub-Total, Home Furnishings Stores Computer and Software Stores Computer Hardware and Software Sub-Total, GAFO - Furniture, Home Furnishings and Electronics Stores GAFO - Other Retailers Sporting Goods, Hobby, Music and Book Stores Books and News CRG Consulting ( - I.1 - Total Space Sq. Ft. Pct 6 2.0 302,000 20.1 5 1 1 1 8 14 1.7 0.3 0.3 0.3 2.7 4.7 13,780 4,800 590 1,400 20,570 322,570 0.9 0.3 0.0 0.1 1.4 21.5 5 1.7 52,300 3.5 1 1 1 3 8 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 2.7 5,100 1,300 1,600 8,000 60,300 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.5 4.0 1 1 2 0.3 0.3 0.7 12,100 4,100 16,200 0.8 0.3 1.1 1 0.3 129,500 8.6 1 0.3 69,800 4.7 2 1 3 5 0.7 0.3 1.0 1.7 15,400 4,500 19,900 219,200 1.0 0.3 1.3 14.6 2 4 1 1 1 9 0.7 1.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 3.1 36,300 26,700 7,500 2,600 1,500 74,600 2.4 1.8 0.5 0.2 0.1 5.0 1 1 2 0.3 0.3 0.7 2,500 2,000 4,500 0.2 0.1 0.3 1 12 0.3 4.1 860 79,960 0.1 5.3 3 1 4 1.0 0.3 1.4 3,200 2,200 5,400 0.2 0.1 0.4 1 0.3 5,000 0.3 1 1 2 0.3 0.3 0.7 1,800 2,100 3,900 0.1 0.1 0.3 1 8 0.3 2.7 1,700 16,000 0.1 1.1 3 1.0 22,270 1.5 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE I.1 BARRHAVEN INVENTORY OF STORES AND SERVICES Establishments Type of Store or Service Count Pct Other Sporting Goods 3 1.0 Sewing, Needlework and Piece Goods 1 0.3 Fitness Equipment 1 0.3 Hobby, Toy and Game 3 1.0 Pre-Recorded Tapes, Compact Discs and Records 1 0.3 Sub-Total, Sporting Goods, Hobby, Music and Book Stores 12 4.1 Miscellaneous Store Retailers Office Supply and Stationery 2 0.7 Pet and Pet Supply 3 1.0 Gift, Novelty and Souvenir 2 0.7 Greeting Cards 1 0.3 Florist 3 1.0 Beer and Wine-Making Supply 1 0.3 Used Clothing/Consignment 4 1.4 Sub-Total, Miscellaneous Store Retailers 16 5.4 Sub-Total, GAFO - Other Retailers 28 9.5 Building and Outdoor Home Supplies Stores Home Centres and Hardware Stores Home Improvement Centre 1 0.3 Specialized Building Materials and Garden Stores Paint and Wallpaper 2 0.7 Sub-Total, Building and Outdoor Home Supplies Stores 3 1.0 Services Food Services Limited-Service Eating Place 32 10.8 Full-Service Restaurant 22 7.5 Sub-total, Food Services 54 18.3 Health Care Services Dentist 13 4.4 Other Health Practitioner - Chiropractor 7 2.4 Other Health Practitioner - Physiotherapy 3 1.0 Physician 4 1.4 Other Health Practitioner - Optometrist 1 0.3 Sub-Total, Health Care Services 28 9.5 Personal and Laundry Services Beauty Salon 13 4.4 Unisex Hair Salon 5 1.7 Other Personal Care Service - Massage 2 0.7 Dry Cleaning 6 2.0 Photo Finishing Service 1 0.3 Ear Piercing/Tattooing/Tanning Salon 2 0.7 Unisex Hair Salon + Tanning Salon 2 0.7 Weight Loss Centre 1 0.3 Barber Shop 2 0.7 Beauty Salon - Nails 5 1.7 Sub-Total, Personal and Laundry Services 39 13.2 Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Facilities Movie Theatre/Cinema 1 0.3 Fitness and Recreational Sports Centre 2 0.7 Sub-Total, Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Facilities 3 1.0 Financial Institutions Bank 11 3.7 Educational Services Athletic Instruction - Martial Arts 4 1.4 Other School - Tutoring 4 1.4 Other School - Dance 1 0.3 Athletic Instruction - Yoga 1 0.3 Other School - Piano 1 0.3 Other School - Driving 1 0.3 Sub-Total, Educational Services 12 4.1 Consumer Rental Services Video Tape and Disc Rental 4 1.4 Professional Services Veterinarian 3 1.0 Real Estate Agent/Broker 3 1.0 CRG Consulting ( - I.2 - Total Space Sq. Ft. Pct 22,500 1.5 10,100 0.7 5,600 0.4 4,600 0.3 3,900 0.3 68,970 4.6 26,820 13,800 3,200 5,400 3,280 1,200 6,900 60,600 129,570 1.8 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.5 4.0 8.6 130,000 8.7 7,000 137,000 0.5 9.1 56,480 57,620 114,100 3.8 3.8 7.6 21,900 9,960 7,590 11,000 2,600 53,050 1.5 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.2 3.5 17,000 5,960 3,690 4,720 1,600 3,000 2,600 1,800 1,510 6,920 48,800 1.1 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.5 3.3 26,900 16,100 43,000 1.8 1.1 2.9 48,280 3.2 10,600 4,900 1,900 2,700 1,300 1,100 22,500 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 1.5 19,200 1.3 6,800 9,390 0.5 0.6 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE I.1 BARRHAVEN INVENTORY OF STORES AND SERVICES Establishments Type of Store or Service Count Pct Insurance Agent/Broker 4 1.4 Legal 1 0.3 Investment Advice/Financial Planning 3 1.0 Tax Preparer 1 0.3 Sub-Total, Professional Services 15 5.1 Administrative Services Travel Service 3 1.0 Business Service Centre 1 0.3 Sub-Total, Administrative Services 4 1.4 Social Services Child Day-Care Services 7 2.4 Automotive Repair and Maintenance Mechanical and Electrical 1 0.3 Personal Goods Repair and Maintenance Appliance - Computer Repair 1 0.3 Other Personal and Household Goods - Tailor 1 0.3 Other Personal and Household Goods 1 0.3 Sub-Total, Personal Goods Repair and Maintenance 3 1.0 Other Lending Services Cheque Cashing Service 1 0.3 Sub-Total, Services 182 61.7 Automotive Vehicle Dealers New Cars 1 0.3 Gasoline Stations Gasoline Station with Convenience Store 3 1.0 Gasoline Station without Convenience Store 4 1.4 Sub-total, Gasoline Stations 7 2.4 Sub-Total, Automotive 8 2.7 Civic and Social Organizations Royal Canadian Legion 1 0.3 Sub-Total, Civic and Social Organizations 1 0.3 Other Provincial and Territorial Public Administration Other Provincial and Territorial Public Administration 1 0.3 Sub-total, Other Provincial and Territorial Public Administration 1 0.3 Vacant 23 7.8 TOTAL 295 100.0 CRG Consulting ( - I.3 - Total Space Sq. Ft. Pct 6,300 0.4 2,900 0.2 2,670 0.2 1,400 0.1 29,460 2.0 2,670 1,800 4,470 0.2 0.1 0.3 19,200 1.3 2,200 0.1 1,200 1,300 560 3,060 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.2 2,100 409,420 0.1 27.3 12,000 0.8 6,300 7,300 13,600 25,600 0.4 0.5 0.9 1.7 1,800 1,800 0.1 0.1 1,400 1,400 81,370 1,500,390 0.1 0.1 5.4 100.0 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE I.2 DETAILED STORE CATEGORIES AND PER CAPITA SALES, 2008 Retail Sector FOOD STORES Store Category Store Type NAICS Code Supermarkets and Grocery Stores Supermarket Grocery Store Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Convenience Store Meat Fish and Seafood Fruits and Vegetables Bakery Candy and Nut Herbs and Spices Milk / Cheese / Ice Cream / Dairy Products Coffee and Tea Soft Drinks Health Food (not supplements) (e.g. Noah's Natural Foods) Delicatessen Bulk Food Other Specialty Food PHARMACIES AND PERSONAL CARE STORES Pharmacies Pharmacy / Drug Store Cosmetics / Beauty Supply / Perfume Personal Care Stores Optician Health Supplements (not food) (e.g. General Nutrition Centre, Nutrition House) Medical Aids and Equipment (e.g. hearing aids, orthopaedic aids, oxygen) BEER, WINE AND LIQUOR STORES Beer Wine Liquor $257 44512 44521 44522 44523 445291 445292 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 445299 $904 44611 44612 $750 44613 446191 446199 $154 $530 44531 44531 44531 $1,509 Department Stores Traditional Department Store Discount Department Store Warehouse Membership Clubs Warehouse Membership Club - Food Component Warehouse Membership Club - Other Merchandise, largely DSTM and Tires Home and Auto Supply Stores Home and Auto Supply (e.g. Canadian Tire, TSC Stores) Automotive Parts and Accessories includes auto add-in $797 45211 45211 $270 $165 $105 $279 45291 45291 452991 44131 Tires Other General Merchandise Stores ONTARIO Estimates 44511 44511 GAFO: GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORES CRG Consulting ( ONTARIO 2008 Per Capita $2,047 $1,790 add fr auto $91 44132 $163 - I.4 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE I.2 DETAILED STORE CATEGORIES AND PER CAPITA SALES, 2008 Retail Sector Store Category Store Type Catalogue Sales Showroom (e.g. Sears Catalogue and Sears Dealer stores) Dollar Store (e.g. Dollarama, Buck or Two) Variety Store (e.g. Bargain Shop, Giant Tiger, Liquidation World) General Store (e.g. Co-Op, Country Depot, "farmer's supply" stores) GAFO: APPAREL AND ACCESSORIES STORES Clothing Stores Men's Clothing Women's Clothing Children's and Infants' Clothing Family Clothing Athletic Clothing (not uniforms) Fur Leather Apparel Bridal Lingerie Maternity Outerwear Swimwear Uniforms and Work Clothing Other Clothing Shoe Stores Men's Shoes Women's Shoes Children's Shoes Family Shoes Athletic Shoes Clothing Accessories and Jewellery Stores Costume Jewellery Clothing Accessories (e.g. handbags, hosiery, hats, scarves, ties, gloves, umbrellas) Jewellery Luggage and Leather Goods GAFO: FURNITURE, HOME FURNISHINGS AND ELECTRONICS STORES Furniture Stores Household Furniture Household Furniture and Appliance Office Furniture (if it sells to consumers) Outdoor Furniture Mattress Home Furnishings Stores Floor Coverings (e.g. carpet, tile, wood, linoleum) Window Treatments (e.g. drapery, curtain, blinds) Print and Picture Frame Bedding / Linen / Bath China / Glassware / Cutlery / Kitchenware Housewares Mirrors CRG Consulting ( - I.5 - NAICS Code 452999 452999 452999 452999 ONTARIO 2008 Per Capita ONTARIO Estimates $736 $560 44811 44812 44813 44814 448199 448191 448199 448199 448199 44812 448199 448199 448199 448199 44821 44821 44821 44821 44821 $176 44815 44815 44831 44832 $861 $279 44211 44211 44211 44211 44211 $178 44221 442291 442292 442298 442298 442298 442298 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE I.2 DETAILED STORE CATEGORIES AND PER CAPITA SALES, 2008 Retail Sector Store Category Store Type Pottery Lamps and Lighting Fixtures Fireplace Accessories Computer and Software Stores Computer Hardware and Software (e.g. CompuSmart) Home Electronics and Appliance Stores Household Appliance Consumer Electronics (e.g. TV, radio, stereo) Household Appliance and Electronics Satellite Receivers Telephone (including cellular phone) Personal Care Appliance Sewing Machines Vacuum Cleaners Room Air Conditioners Camera and Photography Supply GAFO: OTHER RETAILERS Sporting Goods, Hobby, Music and Book Stores Bicycles Fitness Equipment Bait and Tackle / Firearms Other Sporting Goods (including uniforms) Hobby, Toy and Game (including arts and crafts, console game stores) (e.g. EB Games, MicroPlay) Sewing, Needlework and Piece Goods (including yarn and fabric) Musical Instruments and Supplies Books and News Pre-Recorded Tapes, Compact Discs and Records Miscellaneous Store Retailers dstm Art Supply dstm Autographs, Cards and Collectibles dstm Beer and Wine-Making Supply dstm Coins and Stamps dstm Florist dstm Gift, Novelty and Souvenir dstm Greeting Cards dstm Office Supply and Stationery (including office furniture if not selling to consumers) dstm Other Miscellaneous Retailer (including water systems) dstm Party Supply dstm Pet and Pet Supply dstm Tobacco CRG Consulting ( - I.6 - NAICS Code 442298 442298 442298 ONTARIO 2008 Per Capita ONTARIO Estimates $34 44312 $370 44311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44313 $566 $285 45111 45111 45111 45111 45112 45113 45114 45121 45122 $320 453999 453999 453992 453999 45311 45322 45322 45321 453999 453999 45391 453999 $240 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE I.2 DETAILED STORE CATEGORIES AND PER CAPITA SALES, 2008 Retail Sector Store Category Store Type Art Dealer Auctioneering Hot Tubs / Whirlpools / Swimming Pools Other Used Merchandise (not pawnshops) Tombstones Used Appliances Used Books Used Clothing Used Furniture / Antiques BUILDING AND OUTDOOR HOME SUPPLIES STORES Home Centres and Hardware Stores hitm Home Improvement Centre dstm Hardware Store Specialized Building Materials and Garden Stores dstm Paint and Wallpaper hitm Kitchen Cabinets / Doors and Windows hitm Electrical Supply hitm Plumbing hitm Lumber hitm Other Building Materials (e.g. brick and tile, fencing, glass, roofing) hitm Outdoor Power Equipment (e.g. lawnmowers) hitm Nursery / Garden Centre (including lawn ornaments) SERVICES Financial Institutions Bank Credit Union Other Depository Institution (e.g. provincial savings and loans) Other Lending Services Consumer Lending (e.g. personal credit and loan companies) Pawnbroker Mortgage and Loan Broker Cheque Cashing Service Consumer Rental Services Car Rental Electronics and Appliance Rental Formal Wear and Costume Rental Video Tape and Disc Rental Other Consumer Goods Rental (e.g. furniture, sports equipment, party supply) General Rental Centre Professional Services Investment Advice / Financial Planning Insurance Agent / Broker Real Estate Agent / Broker Legal (e.g. lawyer, notary, paralegal) Accounting (e.g. accountant, tax preparer, bookkeeper, payroll service) Photographer CRG Consulting ( - I.7 - NAICS Code 45392 453999 453999 45331 453999 45331 45331 45331 45331 ONTARIO 2008 Per Capita ONTARIO Estimates $80 $677 $541 44411 44413 $487 $54 $136 44412 44419 44419 44419 44419 44419 44421 44422 $14 $122 52211 52213 52219 522291 522299 52231 52239 53211 53221 53222 53223 53229 53231 52393 52421 53121 5411 5412 54192 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE I.2 DETAILED STORE CATEGORIES AND PER CAPITA SALES, 2008 Retail Sector Store Category Store Type Veterinarian Administrative Services Employment Service Business Service Centre (e.g. photocopying service, private mail centre) Travel Service (e.g. travel agent, tour operator, auto club, ticket agent, tourist bureau) Educational Services Business and Secretarial School Computer Training Athletic Instruction (e.g. gymnastics club, martial arts club) Other School (e.g. driver training, tutoring) Health Care Services Physician (including psychiatrist) Dentist Other Health Practitioner (e.g. chiropractor, optometrist, psychologist, other therapist) Out-Patient Care Centre (e.g. family planning,, substance abuse, community health) Medical and Diagnostic Laboratory Social Services Individual and Family Service (e.g. family counselling, big brothers and sisters) Community Food, Housing, Emergency Relief Service (e.g. food bank, meals on wheels) Vocational Rehabilitation Service Child Day-Care Service Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Facilities Movie Theatre / Cinema Live Theatre Sports Arena / Stadium Amusement Arcade Casino Lottery Ticket Vendor Other Gambling Facility (e.g. bingo parlour, off-track betting) Marina Fitness and Recreational Sports Centre Bowling Alley Billiard Hall Other Amusement and Recreation Facility (e.g. amusement rides, miniature golf) Food Services Full-Service Restaurant Limited-Service Eating Place (e.g. fast food, take-out, doughnut shop, cafeteria) Drinking Places (e.g. bars, pubs, lounges, night clubs, taverns) Automotive Repair and Maintenance Mechanical and Electrical (e.g. general repair, specialty repair of muffler, brake, transmission) Body, Paint, Interior and Glass Car Wash Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance (e.g. lubrication, emission testing, undercoating) CRG Consulting ( - I.8 - NAICS Code 54194 ONTARIO 2008 Per Capita ONTARIO Estimates 5613 56143 5615 $312 61141 61142 61162 61169 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 6241 6242 6243 6244 $2,276 51213 711311 711319 71312 71321 713291 713299 71393 71394 71395 71399 71399 $1,022 7221 7222 7224 81111 81112 811192 811199 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) TABLE I.2 DETAILED STORE CATEGORIES AND PER CAPITA SALES, 2008 Retail Sector Store Store Category Type Personal Goods Repair and Maintenance Home and Garden Equipment Appliance (including consumer electronics) Reupholstery and Furniture Repair (including furniture refinishing) Footwear and Leather Goods Repair Other Personal and Household Goods (e.g. garments, bicycles, jewellery, watches, key duplication) Personal and Laundry Services Barber Shop (i.e. men only) Beauty Salon (i.e. women only; includes nail salons, manicures, pedicures) Unisex Hair Salon (i.e. men and women) Weight Loss Centre (e.g. Jenny Craig, Herbal Magic) Hair Removal / Hair Replacement Ear Piercing / Tattooing / Tanning Salon Other Personal Care Service (e.g. bath house, massage parlour) Coin-Operated Laundry Dry Cleaning Linen and Uniform Supply Pet Care (e.g. animal shelter, boarding kennel, pet grooming) Photo Finishing Service (e.g. one hour photo finishing services, not camera shops) All Other Personal Service (e.g. party planning, personal shopping, psychic, shoe shine, escorts) VACANT SPACE OTHER NON-RETAIL SPACE GENERAL OFFICE SPACE GAFO: OTHER RETAILERS [EXCLUDED] Miscellaneous Store Retailers [EXCLUDED] Mobile Homes AUTOMOTIVE [EXCLUDING AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES STORES AND TIRE DEALERS] Vehicle Dealers [EXCLUDING AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES STORES AND TIRE DEALERS] New Cars Used Cars Recreational Vehicles Motorcycles Boats Other Motor Vehicles (e.g. ATVs, snowmobiles, trailers, aircraft) Gasoline Stations Gasoline Station with Convenience Store Gasoline Station without Convenience Store NON-STORE RETAILERS Electronic Shopping and Mail-Order Houses Vending Machine Operators Fuel Dealer Other Direct Selling Establishments Sources: CRG Consulting and Table 5.1. CRG Consulting ( - I.9 - NAICS Code ONTARIO 2008 Per Capita ONTARIO Estimates 811411 811412 81142 81143 81149 $620 812114 812115 812116 81219 81219 81219 81219 81231 81232 81233 81291 81292 81299 NA NA NA 45393 44111 44112 44121 44122 44122 44122 $1,952 $493 $402 $1,393 44711 44719 45411 45421 45431 45439 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Barrhaven/South Nepean North of Barrhaven South and West of Barrhaven East of Rideau River Total TABLE I.3 ESTIMATED SALES, SUPERMARKETS, BARRHAVEN, 2009 Per Capita Supermarket Supermarket and Grocery Supermarket Supermarket Population and Grocery Potential Share Potential $ Millions $ Millions 64,200 $1,837 $ 117.935 95% $ 112.039 51,300 $1,830 $ 93.879 95% $ 89.185 5,900 $1,923 $ 11.346 95% $ 10.778 10,400 $1,899 $ 19.750 95% $ 18.762 131,800 RioCan Marketplace Loblaws Superstore $1,843 $ 242.910 Barrhaven Strandherd Town Centre Crossing Loblaws YIG Loeb CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 47.9% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 4.9% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 25.0% Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a 9.5% 1.2% 10.9% n/a ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 53.667 $ 10.644 Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 4.370 $ 1.070 Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 2.695 $ 1.175 Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a n/a Total Expenditures, $ Millions $ Inflow, Percent 60.731 $ 24.7% 12.889 95% $ 230.764 Barrhaven Woodroffe Village Sq. Avenue Sobeys 10.6% 1.3% 4.8% n/a Barrhaven Mall Farm Boy Food Basics 10.2% 1.6% 3.1% n/a 10.6% 1.1% 4.6% n/a 9.7% 4.0% 1.6% n/a Sub-Total Barrhaven Elsewhere Total 98.5% 14.1% 50.0% n/a 1.5% 85.9% 50.0% n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% n/a $ $ $ 11.876 1.159 0.517 n/a $ $ $ 11.428 1.427 0.334 n/a $ $ $ 11.876 0.981 0.496 n/a $ $ $ 10.868 3.567 0.172 n/a $ $ $ 110.358 12.575 5.389 n/a $ $ $ 1.681 76.610 5.389 n/a $ 112.039 $ 89.185 $ 10.778 n/a $ 13.553 $ 13.189 $ 13.353 $ 14.608 $ 128.322 $ 83.680 $ 212.002 35.5% 35.9% 27.0% 35.9% 37.4% 30.3% Inflow, $ Millions $ 19.921 $ 7.094 $ 7.590 $ 4.878 $ 7.478 $ 8.727 $ 55.689 Total Estimated Sales $ 80.652 $ 19.983 $ 21.143 $ 18.067 $ 20.831 $ 23.335 $ 184.012 Square Feet 139,000 41,100 41,000 33,000 21,400 26,500 302,000 Estimated Sales Per Square Foot $580 $486 $516 $547 $973 $881 $609 Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( - I.10 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 TABLE I.3.1 ESTIMATED SUPERMARKET SUPPORT, BARRHAVEN, 2009 Estimated Per Capita Supermarket 2009 Supermarket and Grocery Supermarket Population and Grocery Potential Share $ Millions Barrhaven/South Nepean 64,200 $1,837 $ 117.935 95% North of Barrhaven 51,300 $1,830 $ 93.879 95% South and West of Barrhaven 5,900 $1,923 $ 11.346 95% East of Rideau River 10,400 $1,899 $ 19.750 95% Total 131,800 $1,843 $ 242.910 CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 98.5% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 14.1% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 50.0% Zone 4 East of Rideau River 0.0% New Rideau Bridge not yet built 95% Supermarket Potential $ Millions $ 112.039 $ 89.185 $ 10.778 $ 18.762 $ 230.764 ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 110.358 Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 12.575 Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 5.389 Zone 4 East of Rideau River $ Total $ 128.322 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $475 Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent Inflow, 27 percent $500 $525 $550 360,200 365,100 370,100 342,200 346,800 351,600 325,900 330,300 334,800 311,100 315,300 319,600 58,200 63,100 68,100 40,200 44,800 49,600 23,900 28,300 32,800 9,100 13,300 17,600 Probable Increase from current, Square Feet Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent Inflow, 27 percent targeted Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( - I.11 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 TABLE I.4 ESTIMATED SUPERMARKET SUPPORT, BARRHAVEN, 2014 Estimated Per Capita Supermarket 2014 Supermarket and Grocery Supermarket Population and Grocery Potential Share $ Millions Barrhaven/South Nepean 79,500 $1,883 $ 149.699 95% North of Barrhaven 51,000 $1,876 $ 95.676 95% South and West of Barrhaven 6,500 $1,972 $ 12.818 95% East of Rideau River 17,100 $1,947 $ 33.294 95% Total 154,100 $1,892 $ 291.486 CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 98.5% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 15.0% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 55.0% Zone 4 East of Rideau River 25.0% Assuming New Rideau Bridge 95% Supermarket Potential $ Millions $ 142.214 $ 90.892 $ 12.177 $ 31.629 $ 276.912 ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 140.080 Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 13.634 Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 6.697 Zone 4 East of Rideau River $ 7.907 Total $ 168.319 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $500 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent $550 $600 $650 442,900 448,900 454,900 402,700 408,000 413,600 369,100 374,000 379,100 340,700 345,300 349,900 140,900 146,900 152,900 100,700 106,000 111,600 67,100 72,000 77,100 38,700 43,300 47,900 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent targeted Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( - I.12 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 TABLE I.5 ESTIMATED SUPERMARKET SUPPORT, BARRHAVEN, 2019 Estimated Per Capita Supermarket 2019 Supermarket and Grocery Supermarket Population and Grocery Potential Share $ Millions Barrhaven/South Nepean 94,800 $1,979 $ 187.609 95% North of Barrhaven 51,000 $1,972 $ 100.572 95% South and West of Barrhaven 7,100 $2,073 $ 14.718 95% East of Rideau River 28,100 $2,046 $ 57.493 95% Total 181,000 $1,991 $ 360.392 CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 98.5% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 15.0% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 60.0% Zone 4 East of Rideau River 30.0% Assuming New Rideau Bridge 95% Supermarket Potential $ Millions $ 178.229 $ 95.543 $ 13.982 $ 54.618 $ 342.372 ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 175.555 Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 14.332 Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 8.389 Zone 4 East of Rideau River $ 16.385 Total, $ Millions $ SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 214.662 $500 $550 $575 $600 $650 564,900 572,400 580,200 513,500 520,400 527,400 491,200 497,800 504,500 470,700 477,000 483,500 434,500 440,300 446,300 262,900 270,400 278,200 211,500 218,400 225,400 189,200 195,800 202,500 168,700 175,000 181,500 132,500 138,300 144,300 targeted Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( - I.13 - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Per Capita Pharmacy Population Stores 2009 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Barrhaven/South Nepean North of Barrhaven South and West of Barrhaven East of Rideau River 64,200 51,300 5,900 10,400 Total 131,800 Barrhaven $960 $951 $1,055 $1,028 Pharmacy Stores Potential $ Millions $ 61.632 $ 48.786 $ 6.225 $ 10.691 $966 $ 127.334 Elsewhere Total CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 91.7% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 7.2% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 27.6% Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a 8.3% 92.8% 72.4% n/a ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 56.517 $ 5.115 $ Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 3.513 $ 45.274 $ Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 1.718 $ 4.507 $ Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a n/a Total Expenditures, $ Millions $ Inflow, Percent Inflow, $ Millions $ Total Estimated Sales $ Square Feet Estimated Sales Per Square Foot 61.747 $ 25.0% 20.582 54.896 154,100 $1,069 $ 164.801 Share Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Population 94,800 51,000 7,100 28,100 181,000 $1,290 $1,277 $1,417 $1,381 Pharmacy Stores Potential $ Millions $ 122.292 $ 65.127 $ 10.061 $ 38.806 Potential Increase 2009 $1,305 $ 236.286 Share 86% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 92.0% Zone 2 8.0% Zone 3 30.0% Zone 4 25.0% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 92.0% Zone 2 8.0% Zone 3 30.0% Zone 4 25.0% 61.632 48.786 6.225 n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 77.528 Zone 2 $ 4.284 Zone 3 $ 2.272 Zone 4 $ 4.852 ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 112.509 Zone 2 $ 5.210 Zone 3 $ 3.018 Zone 4 $ 9.702 $ 116.643 Total Expenditures $ 88.936 Share Expenditures 54% Total Expenditures $ 130.439 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $800 Share Expenditures 55% 82.329 52,300 $1,574 $750 $800 $850 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 108,300 109,800 111,300 101,600 102,900 104,300 95,600 96,900 98,200 56,000 57,500 59,000 49,300 50,600 52,000 43,300 44,600 45,900 Probable Increase from current, Square Feet SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $800 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 146,300 148,200 150,200 $850 $900 $950 137,700 139,500 141,400 130,000 131,800 133,500 123,200 124,800 126,500 77,700 79,500 81,200 70,900 72,500 74,200 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 94,000 95,900 97,900 Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( 29% 2019 Per Capita Pharmacy Stores 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% n/a SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent TABLE I.6 ESTIMATED SALES, PHARMACIES, BARRHAVEN, 2009, 2014, 2019 Per Capita Pharmacy Pharmacy Stores 2014 Population Stores Potential $ Millions Zone 1 79,500 $1,060 $ 84.270 Zone 2 51,000 $1,050 $ 53.550 Zone 3 6,500 $1,165 $ 7.573 Potential Zone 4 17,100 $1,135 $ 19.409 Increase 2009 - I.14 - 85,400 87,200 89,100 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 214,500 217,400 220,300 $850 $900 $950 201,900 204,600 207,400 190,700 193,200 195,900 180,700 183,100 185,500 138,400 140,900 143,600 128,400 130,800 133,200 targeted Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 162,200 165,100 168,000 149,600 152,300 155,100 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 2009 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Barrhaven/South Nepean North of Barrhaven South and West of Barrhaven East of Rideau River Total TABLE I.7 ESTIMATED SALES, BEER, WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, BARRHAVEN, 2009, 2014, 2019 Per Capita Beer, Wine Per Capita Beer, Wine Beer, Wine and Liquor Beer, Wine and Liquor Population and Liquor Potential 2014 Population and Liquor Potential 2019 $ Millions $ Millions 64,200 $574 $ 36.851 Zone 1 79,500 $603 $ 47.939 Zone 1 51,300 $566 $ 29.036 Zone 2 51,000 $595 $ 30.345 Zone 2 5,900 $666 $ 3.929 Zone 3 6,500 $700 $ 4.550 Potential Zone 3 10,400 $641 $ 6.666 Zone 4 17,100 $674 $ 11.525 Increase 2009 Zone 4 131,800 Barrhaven 76.482 Total 12.4% 89.7% 76.8% n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 90.0% Zone 2 11.0% Zone 3 27.5% Zone 4 25.0% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 90.0% Zone 2 11.0% Zone 3 27.5% Zone 4 25.0% 36.851 29.036 3.929 n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 43.145 Zone 2 $ 3.338 Zone 3 $ 1.251 Zone 4 $ 2.881 ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 56.823 Zone 2 $ 3.686 Zone 3 $ 1.509 Zone 4 $ 5.227 69.816 Total Expenditures ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 32.281 $ 4.569 $ Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 2.991 $ 26.045 $ Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 0.912 $ 3.018 $ Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a n/a Total Expenditures, $ Millions $ Inflow, Percent Inflow, $ Millions $ Total Estimated Sales $ Square Feet Estimated Sales Per Square Foot 36.184 $ 25.0% 12.061 33.632 $ $612 $ Share $ 94.359 23% 50.615 Share Expenditures 54% Total Expenditures $680 $ 123.039 Share $ 61% 67.245 Share Expenditures 55% 48.245 16,200 $2,978 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $3,000 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 22,200 22,500 22,800 $3,250 $3,500 $3,750 20,500 20,800 21,000 19,000 19,300 19,500 17,800 18,000 18,200 2,800 3,100 3,300 1,600 1,800 2,000 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 6,000 6,300 6,600 Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( 181,000 Potential Increase 2009 $580 $ Elsewhere CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 87.6% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 10.3% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 23.2% Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a 154,100 Per Capita Beer, Wine Beer, Wine and Liquor Population and Liquor Potential $ Millions 94,800 $666 $ 63.137 51,000 $657 $ 33.507 7,100 $773 $ 5.488 28,100 $744 $ 20.906 - I.15 - SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $3,000 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 29,500 29,900 30,300 $3,250 $3,500 $3,750 27,200 27,600 28,000 25,300 25,600 26,000 23,600 23,900 24,200 9,100 9,400 9,800 7,400 7,700 8,000 targeted Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet 4,300 4,600 4,800 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 13,300 13,700 14,100 11,000 11,400 11,800 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 2009 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Barrhaven/South Nepean North of Barrhaven South and West of Barrhaven East of Rideau River Total TABLE I.8 ESTIMATED SALES, DEPARTMENT STORE(S), BARRHAVEN, 2009, 2014, 2019 Per Capita Department Per Capita Department Department Store Department Store Population Store Potential 2014 Population Store Potential $ Millions $ Millions 64,200 $965 $ 61.953 Zone 1 79,500 $1,060 $ 84.270 51,300 $946 $ 48.530 Zone 2 51,000 $1,050 $ 53.550 5,900 $1,173 $ 6.921 Zone 3 6,500 $1,233 $ 8.015 Potential 10,400 $1,115 $ 11.596 Zone 4 17,100 $1,172 $ 20.041 Increase 2009 131,800 RioCan Marketplace Wal-Mart $979 $ 129.000 Elsewhere CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 30.5% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 7.4% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 25.9% Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a 24.279 $ 35.2% 13.189 69.5% 92.6% 74.1% n/a 93.124 $1,076 Total ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 18.896 $ 43.057 $ Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 3.591 $ 44.939 $ Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 1.792 $ 5.128 $ Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a n/a Total Expenditures, $ Millions $ Inflow, Percent Inflow, $ Millions $ 154,100 $ 165.876 29% 2019 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Per Capita Department Department Store Population Store Potential $ Millions 94,800 $1,120 $ 106.176 51,000 $1,097 $ 55.947 7,100 $1,361 $ 9.663 28,100 $1,294 $ 36.361 181,000 $1,150 Share Potential Increase 2009 $ 208.148 61% Share 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 50.0% Zone 2 8.0% Zone 3 30.0% Zone 4 25.0% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 50.0% Zone 2 8.0% Zone 3 30.0% Zone 4 25.0% 61.953 48.530 6.921 n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 42.135 Zone 2 $ 4.284 Zone 3 $ 2.404 Zone 4 $ 5.010 ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 53.088 Zone 2 $ 4.476 Zone 3 $ 2.899 Zone 4 $ 9.090 $ 117.404 Total Expenditures $ Share Expenditures 53.834 32% Total Expenditures $ 69.553 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $300 Share Expenditures 33% Total Estimated Sales $ 37.468 Square Feet 129,500 Estimated Sales Per Square Foot $289 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $300 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 236,100 239,300 242,500 $325 $350 $375 218,000 220,900 223,800 202,400 205,100 207,900 188,900 191,400 194,000 72,900 75,600 78,400 59,400 61,900 64,500 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 106,600 109,800 113,000 Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( - I.16 - 88,500 91,400 94,300 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 305,100 309,100 313,300 $325 $350 $375 281,600 285,300 289,200 261,500 265,000 268,500 244,000 247,300 250,600 132,000 135,500 139,000 114,500 117,800 121,100 targeted Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 175,600 179,600 183,800 152,100 155,800 159,700 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 2009 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Barrhaven/South Nepean North of Barrhaven South and West of Barrhaven East of Rideau River Total TABLE I.9 ESTIMATED SALES, HOME AND AUTO SUPPLY, BARRHAVEN, 2009, 2014, 2019 Per Capita Home & Per Capita Home & Home & Auto Supply Home & Auto Supply Population Auto Supply Potential 2014 Population Auto Supply Potential $ Millions $ Millions 64,200 $303 $ 19.453 Zone 1 79,500 $318 $ 25.281 51,300 $296 $ 15.185 Zone 2 51,000 $311 $ 15.861 5,900 $379 $ 2.236 Zone 3 6,500 $398 $ 2.587 Potential 10,400 $358 $ 3.723 Zone 4 17,100 $358 $ 6.122 Increase 2009 131,800 Barrhaven CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 88.3% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 4.0% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 93.0% Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a Total Expenditures, $ Millions $ Inflow, Percent Inflow, $ Millions $ Total Estimated Sales $ Square Feet Estimated Sales Per Square Foot 19.864 $ 32.3% 9.477 40.597 Total 11.7% 96.0% 7.0% n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 90.0% Zone 2 5.0% Zone 3 94.0% Zone 4 25.0% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 90.0% Zone 2 5.0% Zone 3 94.0% Zone 4 25.0% $ $ $ 19.453 15.185 2.236 n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 22.753 Zone 2 $ 0.793 Zone 3 $ 2.432 Zone 4 $ 1.530 ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 29.947 Zone 2 $ 0.875 Zone 3 $ 2.930 Zone 4 $ 2.915 $ 36.874 Total Expenditures 17.010 $ $250 $300 $350 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 104,500 105,900 107,400 87,100 88,300 89,500 74,700 75,700 76,700 34,700 36,100 37,600 17,300 18,500 19,700 4,900 5,900 6,900 Probable Increase from current, Square Feet 23% Share Expenditures 27.508 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $300 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 120,600 122,300 123,900 181,000 $362 $ Share 55% Total Expenditures SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $300 $350 $400 $450 103,400 104,800 106,200 90,500 91,700 92,900 80,400 81,500 82,600 20,700 21,900 23,100 10,600 11,700 12,800 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 50,800 52,500 54,100 Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( 49.851 $ 65.546 61% Share Expenditures 36.667 56% 29.341 69,800 $420 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent $323 $ Share Potential Increase 2009 $308 $ Elsewhere ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 17.177 $ 2.276 Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 0.607 $ 14.577 Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 2.080 $ 0.157 Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a n/a 154,100 2019 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Per Capita Home & Home & Auto Supply Population Auto Supply Potential $ Millions 94,800 $351 $ 33.275 51,000 $343 $ 17.493 7,100 $439 $ 3.117 28,100 $415 $ 11.662 - I.17 - 33,600 35,000 36,400 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 160,800 163,000 165,200 $350 $400 $450 137,800 139,700 141,600 120,600 122,200 123,900 107,200 108,600 110,100 50,800 52,400 54,100 37,400 38,800 40,300 targeted Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 91,000 93,200 95,400 68,000 69,900 71,800 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 2009 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Population Barrhaven/South Nepean North of Barrhaven South and West of Barrhaven East of Rideau River 64,200 51,300 5,900 10,400 Total 131,800 Barrhaven CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 31.9% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 2.5% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 27.0% n/a Zone 4 East of Rideau River Per Capita Specialty GAFO $2,570 $2,520 $3,143 $2,983 Specialty GAFO Potential $ Millions $ 164.994 $ 129.276 $ 18.544 $ 31.023 $2,609 $ 343.837 Elsewhere Total 68.1% 97.5% 73.0% n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% n/a ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 52.633 $ 112.361 $ 164.994 Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 3.232 $ 126.044 $ 129.276 Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 5.007 $ 13.537 $ 18.544 n/a n/a n/a Zone 4 East of Rideau River Total Expenditures, $ Millions $ Inflow, Percent Inflow, $ Millions $ 60.872 $ 251.942 25.0% 20.291 $ 312.814 TABLE I.10 ESTIMATED SALES, SPECIALTY GAFO, BARRHAVEN, 2009, 2014, 2019 Per Capita Specialty Specialty GAFO 2014 Population GAFO Potential $ Millions Zone 1 79,500 $2,701 $ 214.730 Zone 2 51,000 $2,649 $ 135.099 Zone 3 6,500 $3,303 $ 21.470 Potential Zone 4 17,100 $3,135 $ 53.609 Increase 2009 154,100 $2,757 $ 424.907 Share 24% 2019 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Population 94,800 51,000 7,100 28,100 181,000 Per Capita Specialty GAFO $2,982 $2,925 $3,647 $3,461 Specialty GAFO Potential $ Millions $ 282.694 $ 149.175 $ 25.894 $ 97.254 Potential Increase 2009 $3,066 $ 555.016 Share 61% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 40.0% Zone 2 3.5% Zone 3 30.0% Zone 4 25.0% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 40.0% Zone 2 3.5% Zone 3 30.0% Zone 4 25.0% ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 85.892 Zone 2 $ 4.728 Zone 3 $ 6.441 Zone 4 $ 13.402 ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 113.077 Zone 2 $ 5.221 Zone 3 $ 7.768 Zone 4 $ 24.314 Total Expenditures $ 110.463 Share Expenditures 26% Total Expenditures $ 150.380 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $325 Share Expenditures 27% Total Estimated Sales $ 81.162 Square Feet 225,530 Estimated Sales Per Square Foot $360 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $325 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 447,200 453,200 459,300 $350 $375 $400 415,300 420,800 426,500 387,600 392,800 398,100 363,400 368,200 373,200 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 221,670 227,670 233,770 Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( - I.18 - 189,770 195,270 200,970 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 608,800 616,900 625,300 $350 $375 $400 565,300 572,900 580,600 527,600 534,700 541,900 494,700 501,300 508,000 302,070 309,170 316,370 269,170 275,770 282,470 targeted Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet 162,070 167,270 172,570 137,870 142,670 147,670 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 383,270 391,370 399,770 339,770 347,370 355,070 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 2009 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Barrhaven/South Nepean North of Barrhaven South and West of Barrhaven East of Rideau River Total TABLE I.11 ESTIMATED SALES, HOME IMPROVEMENT STORES, BARRHAVEN, 2009, 2014, 2019 Per Capita Home Per Capita Home Home Impr'v'm'nt Home Impr'v'm'nt Population Impr'v'm'nt Potential 2014 Population Impr'v'm'nt Potential 2019 $ Millions $ Millions 64,200 $730 $ 46.866 Zone 1 79,500 $767 $ 60.977 Zone 1 51,300 $714 $ 36.628 Zone 2 51,000 $750 $ 38.250 Zone 2 5,900 $912 $ 5.381 Zone 3 6,500 $959 $ 6.234 Potential Zone 3 10,400 $861 $ 8.954 Zone 4 17,100 $905 $ 15.476 Increase 2009 Zone 4 131,800 Barrhaven 97.829 Total 40.4% 88.9% 70.1% n/a 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 66.0% Zone 2 12.0% Zone 3 35.0% Zone 4 25.0% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 66.0% Zone 2 12.0% Zone 3 35.0% Zone 4 25.0% 46.866 36.628 5.381 n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 40.244 Zone 2 $ 4.590 Zone 3 $ 2.182 Zone 4 $ 3.869 ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 52.995 Zone 2 $ 5.067 Zone 3 $ 2.632 Zone 4 $ 7.018 88.875 Total Expenditures ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 27.932 $ 18.934 $ Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 4.066 $ 32.562 $ Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 1.609 $ 3.772 $ Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a n/a Total Expenditures, $ Millions $ Inflow, Percent Inflow, $ Millions $ 33.607 $ 42.6% 24.942 55.268 $ $785 $ 120.936 Share $ 24% Share Expenditures 50.885 42% 181,000 Total Expenditures $874 $ 158.114 Share $ 62% 67.712 Share Expenditures 43% Home Cntr Total Estimated Sales $ 58.548 Square Feet 130,000 Estimated Sales Per Square Foot $450 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $350 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 191,300 193,800 196,500 $400 $450 $500 167,400 169,600 171,900 148,800 150,800 152,800 133,900 135,700 137,500 18,800 20,800 22,800 3,900 5,700 7,500 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 61,300 63,800 66,500 Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( Potential Increase 2009 $742 $ Elsewhere CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 59.6% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 11.1% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 29.9% Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a 154,100 Per Capita Home Home Impr'v'm'nt Population Impr'v'm'nt Potential $ Millions 94,800 $847 $ 80.296 51,000 $828 $ 42.228 7,100 $1,059 $ 7.519 28,100 $999 $ 28.072 - I.19 - 37,400 39,600 41,900 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $350 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 254,600 258,000 261,400 $400 $450 $500 222,700 225,700 228,800 198,000 200,600 203,300 178,200 180,600 183,000 68,000 70,600 73,300 48,200 50,600 53,000 targeted Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 124,600 128,000 131,400 92,700 95,700 98,800 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 2009 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Barrhaven/South Nepean North of Barrhaven South and West of Barrhaven East of Rideau River Total Per Capita Restaurant Population Restaurant Potential $ Millions 64,200 $1,096 $ 70.363 51,300 $1,086 $ 55.712 5,900 $1,205 $ 7.110 10,400 $1,174 $ 12.210 131,800 Barrhaven CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 59.6% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 11.1% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 29.9% Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a $1,103 $ 145.394 Elsewhere Total 40.4% 88.9% 70.1% n/a ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 41.936 $ 28.427 $ Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 6.184 $ 49.528 $ Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 2.126 $ 4.984 $ Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a n/a Total Expenditures, $ Millions $ Inflow, Percent Inflow, $ Millions $ 50.246 $ 25.0% 16.749 82.938 TABLE I.12 ESTIMATED SALES, RESTAURANTS, BARRHAVEN, 2009, 2014, 2019 Per Capita Restaurant 2014 Population Restaurant Potential $ Millions Zone 1 79,500 $1,152 $ 91.584 Zone 2 51,000 $1,141 $ 58.191 Zone 3 6,500 $1,266 $ 8.229 Potential Zone 4 17,100 $1,234 $ 21.101 Increase 2009 154,100 $1,162 $ 179.105 Share 23% 2019 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Per Capita Restaurant Population Restaurant Potential $ Millions 94,800 $1,272 $ 120.586 51,000 $1,260 $ 64.260 7,100 $1,398 $ 9.926 28,100 $1,362 $ 38.272 181,000 Potential Increase 2009 $1,288 $ 233.044 Share 60% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 66.0% Zone 2 12.0% Zone 3 35.0% Zone 4 25.0% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 66.0% Zone 2 12.0% Zone 3 35.0% Zone 4 25.0% 70.363 55.712 7.110 n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 60.445 Zone 2 $ 6.983 Zone 3 $ 2.880 Zone 4 $ 5.275 ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 79.586 Zone 2 $ 7.711 Zone 3 $ 3.474 Zone 4 $ 9.568 $ 133.185 Total Expenditures $ 75.584 Share Expenditures 42% Total Expenditures $ 100.340 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $600 Share Expenditures 43% Total Estimated Sales $ 66.995 Square Feet 114,100 Estimated Sales Per Square Foot $587 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $600 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 165,800 168,000 170,200 $650 $700 $750 153,000 155,000 157,100 142,100 144,000 145,900 132,600 134,400 136,200 28,000 29,900 31,800 18,500 20,300 22,100 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 51,700 53,900 56,100 Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( - I.20 - 38,900 40,900 43,000 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 220,000 223,000 226,000 $650 $700 $750 203,100 205,800 208,600 188,600 191,100 193,700 176,000 178,400 180,800 74,500 77,000 79,600 61,900 64,300 66,700 targeted Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 105,900 108,900 111,900 89,000 91,700 94,500 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) 2009 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Population Barrhaven/South Nepean North of Barrhaven South and West of Barrhaven East of Rideau River 64,200 51,300 5,900 10,400 Total 131,800 Barrhaven Per Capita Personal Services CONTEMPORARY BARRHAVEN SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean 51.0% Zone 2 North of Barrhaven 5.9% Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven 15.8% Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a $646 $638 $736 $711 TABLE I.13 ESTIMATED SALES, PERSONAL SERVICES, BARRHAVEN, 2009, 2014, 2019 Personal Per Capita Personal Services Personal Services Potential 2014 Population Services Potential $ Millions $ Millions $ 41.473 Zone 1 79,500 $679 $ 53.981 $ 32.729 Zone 2 51,000 $671 $ 34.221 $ 4.342 Zone 3 6,500 $774 $ 5.031 Potential $ 7.394 Zone 4 17,100 $747 $ 12.774 Increase 2009 Total Expenditures, $ Millions $ Inflow, Percent Inflow, $ Millions $ Total Estimated Sales $ Square Feet Estimated Sales Per Square Foot 23.768 $ 10.0% 2.641 ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 60.0% Zone 2 6.5% Zone 3 30.0% Zone 4 25.0% ESTIMATED FUTURE SHARE, PERCENT Zone 1 60.0% Zone 2 6.5% Zone 3 30.0% Zone 4 25.0% 41.473 32.729 4.342 n/a ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $ 32.388 Zone 2 $ 2.224 Zone 3 $ 1.509 Zone 4 $ 3.193 ESTIMATED FUTURE EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 $42.660 Zone 2 $2.456 Zone 3 $1.821 Zone 4 $5.796 78.545 Total Expenditures $ 39.315 $600 $625 $650 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 44,000 45,300 46,600 42,300 43,500 44,700 40,600 41,800 43,000 Probable Increase from current, Square Feet SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $600 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 72,800 74,900 77,100 37% Total Expenditures SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf $600 $625 $650 $675 69,900 71,900 74,000 67,200 69,100 71,200 64,700 66,600 68,500 Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet 3,200 4,500 5,800 1,500 2,700 3,900 -200 1,000 2,200 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 32,000 34,100 36,300 Source: CRG Consulting CRG Consulting ( $763 $ 138.144 Share 61% $52.733 Share Expenditures 38% 26.409 40,800 $647 SUPPORTABLE SQUARE FOOTAGE Productivity, psf Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent Potential Increase 2009 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% n/a Share Expenditures 181,000 $750 $741 $855 $825 49.0% 94.1% 84.2% n/a $ 23% 94,800 51,000 7,100 28,100 85.939 Total 54.777 $688 $ 106.006 Share Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Population Personal Services Potential $ Millions $ 71.100 $ 37.791 $ 6.071 $ 23.183 $652 $ Elsewhere ESTIMATED CONTEMPORARY EXPENDITURES IN BARRHAVEN Zone 1 Barrhaven/South Nepean $ 21.151 $ 20.322 $ Zone 2 North of Barrhaven $ 1.931 $ 30.798 $ Zone 3 South and West of Barrhaven $ 0.686 $ 3.656 $ Zone 4 East of Rideau River n/a n/a 154,100 2016 Per Capita Personal Services - I.21 - 29,100 31,100 33,200 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 115,600 117,200 118,800 $625 $650 $675 111,000 112,500 114,000 106,700 108,200 109,600 102,800 104,200 105,600 65,900 67,400 68,800 62,000 63,400 64,800 targeted Probable Increase from 2009, Square Feet 26,400 28,300 30,400 23,900 25,800 27,700 Inflow, 24 percent Inflow, 25 percent Inflow, 26 percent 74,800 76,400 78,000 70,200 71,700 73,200 CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Appendix II – Business Inventory by Type of Store or Service CRG Consulting ( - II - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Food Stores Supermarkets and Grocery Stores Supermarket Farm Boy 3033 Woodroffe Avenue 21,400 Food Basics 900 Greenbank Road 26,500 Loblaws 3201 Greenbank Road 139,000 Metro Strandherd Crossing 3201 Strandherd Drive 41,000 Sobeys 1581 Greenbank Road 33,000 Your Independent Grocer 3777 Strandherd Drive 41,100 Sub-total, Supermarket Sub-total, Supermarkets and Grocery Stores 6 outlets 302,000 6 outlets 302,000 Convenience and Specialty Food Stores Convenience Store Mac's 1 Tartan Drive Nasa Food Centre 3050 Woodroffe Avenue Quickie 1 Jockvale Road 2,800 Quickie 3023 Cedarview Road 2,700 Quickie/Tim Horton's/Esso/Pizza Boyz 1 Rideaucrest Drive 5,100 Sub-total, Convenience Store 2,200 980 5 outlets 13,780 Bulk Food Bulk Barn 3161 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Bulk Food 4,800 1 outlet 4,800 Meat Pete & Gus Meat Market 1 Jockvale Road Sub-total, Meat 590 1 outlet 590 Other Specialty Food - Frozen M & M Meat Shops 1581 Greenbank Road 1,400 Sub-total, Other Specialty Food - Frozen 1 outlet 1,400 Sub-total, Convenience and Specialty Food Stores 8 outlets 20,570 14 outlets 322,570 Sub-total, Food Stores CRG Consulting Page II.1 of II.27 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores Pharmacies Pharmacy/Drug Store Pharma Plus 900 Greenbank Road Pharmasave 16 Green Street 2,500 Rexall Guardian 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,400 Shoppers Drug Mart 3777 Strandherd Drive 18,500 Shoppers Drug Mart 3151 Strandherd Drive 15,700 Sub-total, Pharmacy/Drug Store Sub-total, Pharmacies 14,200 5 outlets 52,300 5 outlets 52,300 Personal Care Stores Optician Laurier Optical 80 Marketplace Avenue Sub-total, Optician 5,100 1 outlet 5,100 Health Supplements General Nutrition Centre 50 Marketplace Avenue Sub-total, Health Supplements 1,300 1 outlet 1,300 Beauty Supplies Sally's Beauty Supply 1581 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Beauty Supplies Sub-total, Personal Care Stores Sub-total, Pharmacies and Personal Care Stores CRG Consulting Page II.2 of II.27 1,600 1 outlet 1,600 3 outlets 8,000 8 outlets 60,300 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores Liquor LCBO 120 RioCan Avenue Sub-total, Liquor 12,100 1 outlet 12,100 Beer Beer Store 35 Larkin Drive Sub-total, Beer Sub-total, Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores Sub-total, Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores CRG Consulting Page II.3 of II.27 4,100 1 outlet 4,100 2 outlets 16,200 2 outlets 16,200 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Address Size (sq. ft.) 3651 Strandherd Drive 129,500 GAFO - General Merchandise Stores Department Stores Discount Department Store Wal-Mart Sub-total, Discount Department Store Sub-total, Department Stores 1 outlet 129,500 1 outlet 129,500 Home and Auto Supply Stores Home and Auto Supply Canadian Tire 2501 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Home and Auto Supply Sub-total, Home and Auto Supply Stores 69,800 1 outlet 69,800 1 outlet 69,800 Other General Merchandise Stores Dollar Store Buck or Two 50 Marketplace Avenue 4,300 Dollarama 3777 Strandherd Drive 11,100 Sub-total, Dollar Store 2 outlets 15,400 Variety Store Overstalks 900 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Variety Store Sub-total, Other General Merchandise Stores Sub-total, GAFO - General Merchandise Stores CRG Consulting Page II.4 of II.27 4,500 1 outlet 4,500 3 outlets 19,900 5 outlets 219,200 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address GAFO - Apparel and Accessories Stores Clothing Stores Family Clothing Mark's Work Wearhouse 3161 Greenbank Road 10,100 Winners 101 Marketplace Avenue 26,200 Sub-total, Family Clothing 2 outlets 36,300 Women's Clothing Liz Claiborne 3161 Greenbank Road 4,700 Nygard 3161 Greenbank Road 9,500 Pennington's 80 Marketplace Avenue 5,000 Reitman's 3161 Greenbank Road 7,500 Sub-total, Women's Clothing 4 outlets 26,700 Women's Clothing + Houseware Tweed & Hickory 3161 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Women's Clothing + Houseware 7,500 1 outlet 7,500 Maternity Thyme Maternity 80 Marketplace Avenue Sub-total, Maternity 2,600 1 outlet 2,600 Children's Clothing Upper Kids Consignment 3570 Strandherd Drive Sub-total, Children's Clothing Sub-total, Clothing Stores 1,500 1 outlet 1,500 9 outlets 74,600 Shoe Stores Children's Shoes Kiddie Kobbler 80 Marketplace Avenue Sub-total, Children's Shoes 2,500 1 outlet 2,500 Family Shoes Payless Shoe Source 80 Marketplace Avenue Sub-total, Family Shoes Sub-total, Shoe Stores CRG Consulting Page II.5 of II.27 2,000 1 outlet 2,000 2 outlets 4,500 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address GAFO - Apparel and Accessories Stores Clothing Accessories and Jewellery Stores Jewellery Frank Jewellery 900 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Jewellery Sub-total, Clothing Accessories and Jewellery Stores Sub-total, GAFO - Apparel and Accessories Stores CRG Consulting Page II.6 of II.27 860 1 outlet 860 1 outlet 860 12 outlets 79,960 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address GAFO - Furniture, Home Furnishings and Electronics Stores Home Electronics and Appliance Stores Telephone Bell World 50 Marketplace Avenue Rogers Wireless 130 Marketplace Avenue Telus 129 RioCan Avenue Sub-total, Telephone 1,000 700 1,500 3 outlets 3,200 Consumer Electronics The Source 81 RioCan Avenue Sub-total, Consumer Electronics Sub-total, Home Electronics and Appliance Stores 2,200 1 outlet 2,200 4 outlets 5,400 Furniture Stores Mattress Sleep Country 81 RioCan Avenue 5,000 Sub-total, Mattress 1 outlet 5,000 Sub-total, Furniture Stores 1 outlet 5,000 Home Furnishings Stores Floor Coverings Barrhaven Flooring 130 Marketplace Avenue Sub-total, Floor Coverings 1,800 1 outlet 1,800 Housewares Steel's Retailing 3780 Fallowfield Road Sub-total, Housewares Sub-total, Home Furnishings Stores 2,100 1 outlet 2,100 2 outlets 3,900 Computer and Software Stores Computer Hardware and Software Over The Top Computing 3570 Strandherd Drive Sub-total, Computer Hardware and Software Sub-total, Computer and Software Stores CRG Consulting Page II.7 of II.27 1,700 1 outlet 1,700 1 outlet 1,700 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address GAFO - Furniture, Home Furnishings and Electronics Stores Sub-total, GAFO - Furniture, Home Furnishings and Electronics Stores CRG Consulting Page II.8 of II.27 8 outlets 16,000 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address GAFO - Other Retailers Sporting Goods, Hobby, Music and Book Stores Books and News Book Stop 1 Jockvale Road Chapter's/Indigo 125 RioCan Avenue Wizard's Tower 3350 Fallowfield Road Sub-total, Books and News 770 19,700 1,800 3 outlets 22,270 Other Sporting Goods Barrhaven Source for Sports 1581 Greenbank Road 4,000 Play It Again Sports 3161 Greenbank Road 3,500 Sport Chek 125 RioCan Avenue Sub-total, Other Sporting Goods 15,000 3 outlets 22,500 Sewing, Needlework and Piece Goods Bouclair 71 Marketplace Avenue Sub-total, Sewing, Needlework and Piece Goods 10,100 1 outlet 10,100 Fitness Equipment Fitness Depot 120 RioCan Avenue Sub-total, Fitness Equipment 5,600 1 outlet 5,600 Hobby, Toy and Game A Fine Mess 3191 Strandherd Drive 1,600 EB Games 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,200 Toy's on Fire 130 Marketplace Avenue 1,800 Sub-total, Hobby, Toy and Game 3 outlets 4,600 Pre-Recorded Tapes, Compact Discs and Records International Musicland 3161 Strandherd Drive Sub-total, Pre-Recorded Tapes, Compact Discs and Records Sub-total, Sporting Goods, Hobby, Music and Book Stores CRG Consulting Page II.9 of II.27 3,900 1 outlet 3,900 12 outlets 68,970 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address GAFO - Other Retailers Miscellaneous Store Retailers Office Supply and Stationery Printwell 3350 Fallowfield Road Staples Business Depot 101 Marketplace Avenue Sub-total, Office Supply and Stationery 920 25,900 2 outlets 26,820 Pet and Pet Supply Global Pet Food 3191 Strandherd Drive 1,800 Pet Smart 3161 Greenbank Road 10,100 Pet Valu Better Pet Nutrition 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,900 Sub-total, Pet and Pet Supply 3 outlets 13,800 Gift, Novelty and Souvenir Brass & Gift Shop 900 Greenbank Road 2,000 Edible Arrangements 129 RioCan Avenue 1,200 Sub-total, Gift, Novelty and Souvenir 2 outlets 3,200 Greeting Cards Hallmark 3161 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Greeting Cards 5,400 1 outlet 5,400 Florist Anika Arts & Flowers 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,500 Ivonne's Flowers & Gifts 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,200 Select Floral 71 Marketplace Avenue 580 Sub-total, Florist 3 outlets 3,280 Beer and Wine-Making Supply Wine Craft 1 Tartan Drive Sub-total, Beer and Wine-Making Supply CRG Consulting 1,200 1 outlet Page II.10 of II.27 1,200 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address GAFO - Other Retailers Miscellaneous Store Retailers Used Clothing/Consignment Act 11 Fashions 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,000 Byward Bargain Centre 80 Marketplace Avenue 1,500 Here we Grow Again 3777 Strandherd Drive 3,100 Winehaven 3171 Strandherd Drive 1,300 Sub-total, Used Clothing/Consignment 4 outlets 6,900 Sub-total, Miscellaneous Store Retailers 16 outlets 60,600 Sub-total, GAFO - Other Retailers 28 outlets 129,570 Building and Outdoor Home Supplies Stores Home Centres and Hardware Stores Home Improvement Centre Home Depot 3777 Strandherd Drive 130,000 Sub-total, Home Improvement Centre 1 outlet 130,000 Sub-total, Home Centres and Hardware Stores 1 outlet 130,000 Specialized Building Materials and Garden Stores Paint and Wallpaper Benjamin Moore 1581 Greenbank Road 1,400 Randall's Paints Ltd 71 Marketplace Avenue 5,600 Sub-total, Paint and Wallpaper Sub-total, Specialized Building Materials and Garden Stores Sub-total, Building and Outdoor Home Supplies Stores CRG Consulting Page II.11 of II.27 2 outlets 7,000 2 outlets 7,000 3 outlets 137,000 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Address Size (sq. ft.) Services Food Services Limited-Service Eating Place 1 for 1 Pizza 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,200 Booster Juice 50 Marketplace Avenue 980 Boston Pizza 1581 Greenbank Road 6,100 China Star 3161 Strandherd Drive 1,200 Dairy Queen 50 Marketplace Avenue 2,300 Dominos Pizza 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,300 Extreme Pita 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,100 Gabriel's Pizza 3350 Fallowfield Road 1,400 Guava's Shawarma 3161 Strandherd Drive 1,400 Joe's Palace 3780 Fallowfield Road 790 KFC 3780 Fallowfield Road 1,000 Little Caesars Pizza 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,200 McDonald's 3340 Fallowfield Road 2,400 McDonald's 3773 Strandherd Drive 4,400 Milano Pizzeria 3050 Woodroffe Avenue Mr Mozzarella 1 Tartan Drive 1,200 Pizza Haven 3023 Cedarview Road 1,300 Pizza Pizza 50 Marketplace Avenue 2,600 Quizno's Subs 1581 Greenbank Road 1,200 Quizno's Subs 3350 Fallowfield Road 1,400 San Marino 1 Jockvale Road Shawarma Heaven 129 RioCan Avenue 1,100 Starbucks 3141 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Starbucks 125 RioCan Avenue Steamers Coffee House 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,100 Subway 3141 Strandherd Drive 1,800 Subway 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,400 Tim Horton's 3691 Strandherd Drive 3,200 Tim Horton's 3330 Fallowfield Road 3,100 Toppers Pizza 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,700 CRG Consulting Page II.12 of II.27 980 590 840 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Food Services Limited-Service Eating Place Two Monkeys 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,400 Wendy's 3681 Strandherd Drive 3,200 Sub-total, Limited-Service Eating Place 32 outlets 56,480 Full-Service Restaurant Barley Mow Pub 1481 Greenbank Road 4,100 Broadway Bar & Grill 3777 Strandherd Drive 6,500 Fiamma Retaurant 3570 Strandherd Drive 2,100 Fratelli 130 Marketplace Avenue 2,700 Go 4 Greek 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,100 Greenfields Pub and Eatery 900 Greenbank Road 4,800 Joey's Only Seafood Restaurant 50 Marketplace Avenue 2,300 Johnny Canuck's 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 3,500 Kelsey's 71 Marketplace Avenue 5,100 La Porto A Casa 3500 Fallowfield Road 2,200 Liu's Cuisine 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,300 Lotus Chinese Food 3780 Fallowfield Road 680 Nufortune Restaurant 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,200 Pho Hoa Nam Restaurant 3171 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Pho'Thi Fusion Restaurant 129 RioCan Avenue 1,600 Pizza Hut 1581 Greenbank Road 1,200 Swiss Chalet 3777 Strandherd Drive 5,800 Taste Better Chinese Restaurant 3023 Cedarview Road 940 The Royal Oak 4100 Strandherd Drive 3,700 Vietnamese Restaurant 3777 Strandherd Drive 3,000 Wans Chinese Food 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,100 Winner House Chinese Food 1 Tartan Drive 1,100 Sub-total, Full-Service Restaurant Sub-total, Food Services CRG Consulting Page II.13 of II.27 22 outlets 57,620 54 outlets 114,100 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Health Care Services Dentist Barrhaven Dental Centre 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,300 Barrhaven Dentistry 129 RioCan Avenue 1,700 Barrhaven Family Dentistry 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,100 Barrhaven Square Village Dentists 1581 Greenbank Road 1,600 Captial Orthodontist-Dr. Clarke 50 Marketplace Avenue 2,500 Chapman Mills Dental-Dr. Fayad 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,500 Dental Centre 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,300 Dentistry@Cedarview (Dr. Ziereisen) 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Family Dentistry 10 Green Street 1,300 Orthodontist Periodontist 3171 Strandherd Drive 2,400 Queensbury Dental Centre 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 1,900 Southpointe Dental In Barrhaven 3191 Strandherd Drive 1,800 Strandherd Dental Clinic 3560 Strandherd Drive 1,900 Sub-total, Dentist 13 outlets 21,900 Other Health Practitioner - Chiropractor Barrhaven Chiropractic 900 Greenbank Road 2,500 Barrhaven Village Square Family Chiropractic 1581 Greenbank Road 2,000 Chiropractic Health Centre 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,300 Greenbank Chiropractic Centre 804 Greenbank Road Marketplace Chiropractic Centre 80 Marketplace Avenue 1,200 South Nepean Family Chiropractic Clinic 1 Tartan Drive 1,200 Strandherd Crossing Chiropractor 3171 Strandherd Drive 1,200 Sub-total, Other Health Practitioner - Chiropractor 560 7 outlets 9,960 Other Health Practitioner - Physiotherapy Advanced Physiotherapy 3780 Fallowfield Road 790 Family Physio Centre 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,800 Professional Physio Plus 3570 Strandherd Drive 5,000 Sub-total, Other Health Practitioner - Physiotherapy CRG Consulting Page II.14 of II.27 3 outlets 7,590 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Health Care Services Physician Active Care Walk In Clinic 16 Green Street 1,600 Medical Centre 3161 Strandherd Drive 3,400 Medical Clinic 900 Greenbank Road 3,100 Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Cent 4100 Strandherd Drive 2,900 Sub-total, Physician 4 outlets 11,000 Other Health Practitioner - Optometrist Optometrist 1581 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Other Health Practitioner - Optometrist Sub-total, Health Care Services CRG Consulting Page II.15 of II.27 2,600 1 outlet 2,600 28 outlets 53,050 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Personal and Laundry Services Beauty Salon Angel Beauty 3350 Fallowfield Road 1,300 Barrhaven Beauty Salon 808 Greenbank Road 1,800 Cappucci Hair Studio 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,300 Herbal Magic 900 Greenbank Road 1,600 Laser Esthetique 3161 Strandherd Drive 1,300 Milly's Salon 1 Tartan Drive 1,100 Pure Hair Design 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,600 Salon Silk 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Serenity Salon & Spa 1 Jockvale Road 1,200 Souls Parlour 900 Greenbank Road Spa Haven 3171 Strandherd Drive 1,200 Tabby's Hair Studio 1581 Greenbank Road 1,100 Trade Secrets 80 Marketplace Avenue 1,200 Sub-total, Beauty Salon 700 13 outlets 17,000 Unisex Hair Salon Family Hair Salon 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 860 First Choice Hair Cutters 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,000 First Choice Hair Cutters 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,400 Magicuts 3191 Strandherd Drive 1,100 Magicuts 900 Greenbank Road 1,600 Sub-total, Unisex Hair Salon 5 outlets 5,960 Other Personal Care Service - Massage Advanced Massage 10 Green Street Jockvale Massage Therapy 1581 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Other Personal Care Service - Massage CRG Consulting 2,900 790 2 outlets Page II.16 of II.27 3,690 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Personal and Laundry Services Dry Cleaning Brown's Cleaners 3191 Strandherd Drive 580 Brown's Cleaners - Sears Catalogue Store 3500 Fallowfield Road 450 Browns Cleaning 808 Greenbank Road 1,300 Goodfellow Cleaners 3570 Strandherd Drive 960 Lyra Drycleaning 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 990 Star Fashion Cleaners 3777 Strandherd Drive 440 Sub-total, Dry Cleaning 6 outlets 4,720 Photo Finishing Service Black's 81 RioCan Avenue Sub-total, Photo Finishing Service 1,600 1 outlet 1,600 Ear Piercing/Tattooing/Tanning Salon iTan Studios 1581 Greenbank Road 1,200 Palm Beach Mega Tan 71 Marketplace Avenue 1,800 Sub-total, Ear Piercing/Tattooing/Tanning Salon 2 outlets 3,000 Unisex Hair Salon + Tanning Salon Le Look Hair & Tanning Studio 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,400 Shear & Tan 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,200 Sub-total, Unisex Hair Salon + Tanning Salon 2 outlets 2,600 Weight Loss Centre Weight Watchers 2910 Woodroffe Avenue Sub-total, Weight Loss Centre 1,800 1 outlet 1,800 Barber Shop Barrhaven Barber Shop 804 Greenbank Road 310 Barrhaven Barbers 3350 Fallowfield Road 1,200 Sub-total, Barber Shop CRG Consulting 2 outlets Page II.17 of II.27 1,510 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Personal and Laundry Services Beauty Salon - Nails Lovely Nails 3560 Strandherd Drive 1,300 Lovely Nails & Spa 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Nice One Nails Tanning 129 RioCan Avenue 2,700 Star Nail 71 Marketplace Avenue 580 T. Nails 900 Greenbank Road 740 Sub-total, Beauty Salon - Nails Sub-total, Personal and Laundry Services 5 outlets 6,920 39 outlets 48,800 Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Facilities Movie Theatre/Cinema Cineplex Odeon 131 RioCan Avenue Sub-total, Movie Theatre/Cinema 26,900 1 outlet 26,900 Fitness and Recreational Sports Centre Curves 35 Larkin Drive GoodLife Fitness 3181 Strandherd Drive Sub-total, Fitness and Recreational Sports Centre Sub-total, Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Facilities CRG Consulting Page II.18 of II.27 2,100 14,000 2 outlets 16,100 3 outlets 43,000 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Financial Institutions Bank Alterna Savings 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,200 Bank of Montreal 3777 Strandherd Drive 5,600 CIBC 3777 Strandherd Drive 3,700 Citi Financial 3500 Fallowfield Road 2,100 RBC 4100 Strandherd Drive 4,600 RBC Royal Bank 3131 Strandherd Drive 6,500 Royal Bank 1 Jockvale Road Scotiabank 3701 Strandherd Drive 8,700 Scotiabank 3025 Woodroffe Avenue 3,900 TD Bank 3191 Strandherd Drive 4,800 TD Canada Trust 3671 Strandherd Drive 6,500 Sub-total, Bank Sub-total, Financial Institutions CRG Consulting Page II.19 of II.27 680 11 outlets 48,280 11 outlets 48,280 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Educational Services Athletic Instruction - Martial Arts Greco Martial Arts 3023 Cedarview Road 3,600 K2 Martial Arts 3500 Fallowfield Road 3,200 Stronger You Martial Arts And Fitness 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,700 Taekwondo 2910 Woodroffe Avenue 2,100 Sub-total, Athletic Instruction - Martial Arts 4 outlets 10,600 Other School - Tutoring Grade Expectations Learning Centre 1 Jockvale Road 1,200 Learna 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,400 Mathnasium The Math Learning Centre 3350 Fallowfield Road 1,100 Oxford Learning 3171 Strandherd Drive 1,200 Sub-total, Other School - Tutoring 4 outlets 4,900 Other School - Dance The Canadian School of Dance 900 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Other School - Dance 1,900 1 outlet 1,900 Athletic Instruction - Yoga Mountain Goat Yoga Centre 3350 Fallowfield Road Sub-total, Athletic Instruction - Yoga 2,700 1 outlet 2,700 Other School - Piano Ottawa School Of Piano 3570 Strandherd Drive Sub-total, Other School - Piano 1,300 1 outlet 1,300 Other School - Driving D T S M Driving Schools Inc 80 Marketplace Avenue Sub-total, Other School - Driving Sub-total, Educational Services CRG Consulting Page II.20 of II.27 1,100 1 outlet 1,100 12 outlets 22,500 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Consumer Rental Services Video Tape and Disc Rental Blockbuster 900 Greenbank Road 7,600 Flicks & Flavours Ice Cream 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 2,000 Rogers Video 3161 Strandherd Drive 4,600 Rogers Video 3777 Strandherd Drive 5,000 Sub-total, Video Tape and Disc Rental Sub-total, Consumer Rental Services CRG Consulting Page II.21 of II.27 4 outlets 19,200 4 outlets 19,200 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Professional Services Veterinarian Barrhaven Veterinary Hospital 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,800 Chapman Mills Animal Hospital 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 1,500 Greenbank Animal Hospital 3160 Greenbank Road 3,500 Sub-total, Veterinarian 3 outlets 6,800 Real Estate Agent/Broker Caldwell Banker 3777 Strandherd Drive Remax 129 RioCan Avenue 3,400 Royal Lepage 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 5,200 Sub-total, Real Estate Agent/Broker 790 3 outlets 9,390 Insurance Agent/Broker Allstate 4100 Strandherd Drive 2,400 Baizana Insurance Brokers 806 Greenbank Road 1,200 Co-Operators 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,700 The Co-Operators 3171 Strandherd Drive 1,000 Sub-total, Insurance Agent/Broker 4 outlets 6,300 Legal Bradly, Hiscock Law Office 1581 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Legal 2,900 1 outlet 2,900 Investment Advice/Financial Planning Edward Jones Investments 10 Green Street Edward Jones Investments 1 Tartan Drive Edward Jones Investments 3350 Fallowfield Road Sub-total, Investment Advice/Financial Planning 630 1,200 840 3 outlets 2,670 Tax Preparer H & R Block 3171 Strandherd Drive Sub-total, Tax Preparer Sub-total, Professional Services CRG Consulting Page II.22 of II.27 1,400 1 outlet 1,400 15 outlets 29,460 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Administrative Services Travel Service Algonquin Travel 3777 Strandherd Drive Barrhaven Travel 80 Marketplace Avenue Cruiseship Centre 1581 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Travel Service 530 1,200 940 3 outlets 2,670 Business Service Centre The UPS Store 900 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Business Service Centre Sub-total, Administrative Services 1,800 1 outlet 1,800 4 outlets 4,470 Social Services Child Day-Care Services A Gym Tale 3777 Strandherd Drive 2,700 Cornerstone Montessori 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,900 Little Angels Academy Montessori 3023 Cedarview Road 2,700 Little Scholars Montessori 4100 Strandherd Drive 2,400 Little Scholars Montessori 2910 Woodroffe Avenue 1,200 Montessori Daycare 3500 Fallowfield Road 2,500 Playhouse Learning Centre 3350 Fallowfield Road 5,800 Sub-total, Child Day-Care Services Sub-total, Social Services 7 outlets 19,200 7 outlets 19,200 Automotive Repair and Maintenance Mechanical and Electrical Certigard 890 Greenbank Road Sub-total, Mechanical and Electrical Sub-total, Automotive Repair and Maintenance CRG Consulting Page II.23 of II.27 2,200 1 outlet 2,200 1 outlet 2,200 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Services Personal Goods Repair and Maintenance Appliance - Computer Repair Barrhaven Vacuum 129 RioCan Avenue Sub-total, Appliance - Computer Repair 1,200 1 outlet 1,200 Other Personal and Household Goods - Tailor Prestige Tailors 50 Marketplace Avenue Sub-total, Other Personal and Household Goods - Tailor 1,300 1 outlet 1,300 Other Personal and Household Goods Overtime Sports Repair 3191 Strandherd Drive Sub-total, Other Personal and Household Goods Sub-total, Personal Goods Repair and Maintenance 560 1 outlet 560 3 outlets 3,060 Other Lending Services Cheque Cashing Service Money Mart 3350 Fallowfield Road Sub-total, Cheque Cashing Service Sub-total, Other Lending Services Sub-total, Services CRG Consulting Page II.24 of II.27 2,100 1 outlet 2,100 1 outlet 2,100 182 outlets 409,420 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Automotive Vehicle Dealers New Cars Jack May Pontiac Buick 3788 Prince of Wales Drive Sub-total, New Cars Sub-total, Vehicle Dealers 12,000 1 outlet 12,000 1 outlet 12,000 Gasoline Stations Gasoline Station with Convenience Store Esso on the Run 3580 Strandherd Drive 3,500 Petro Canada Gas/Convenience 3300 Woodroffe Avenue 1,000 Sunoco/Horizon 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,800 Sub-total, Gasoline Station with Convenience Store 3 outlets 6,300 Gasoline Station without Convenience Store Canadian Tire Gas Bar 2201 Greenbank Road 1,300 Petro Canada 3766 Fallowfield Road 2,400 Petro Canada 3320 Fallowfield Road 1,400 Shell 2950 Woodroffe Avenue 2,200 Sub-total, Gasoline Station without Convenience Store Sub-total, Gasoline Stations Sub-total, Automotive 4 outlets 7,300 7 outlets 13,600 8 outlets 25,600 Other Services Civic and Social Organizations Royal Canadian Legion RCL Branch 64 Legion 3023 Cedarview Road Sub-total, Royal Canadian Legion Sub-total, Civic and Social Organizations Sub-total, Other Services CRG Consulting Page II.25 of II.27 1,800 1 outlet 1,800 1 outlet 1,800 1 outlet 1,800 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Public Administration Other Provincial and Territorial Public Administration Other Provincial and Territorial Public Administration Lisa MacLeod MPP 3500 Fallowfield Road Sub-total, Other Provincial and Territorial Public Administration Sub-total, Other Provincial and Territorial Public Administration Sub-total, Public Administration CRG Consulting Page II.26 of II.27 1,400 1 outlet 1,400 1 outlet 1,400 1 outlet 1,400 Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX II: BUSINESS INVENTORY BY TYPE OF STORE OR SERVICE Business Name Size (sq. ft.) Address Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant 810 Greenbank Road 3,300 Vacant 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,400 Vacant 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,500 Vacant 3500 Fallowfield Road 8,700 Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Vacant 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,000 Vacant 3050 Woodroffe Avenue Vacant 3500 Fallowfield Road Vacant 129 RioCan Avenue 5,400 Vacant 3777 Strandherd Drive 5,500 Vacant 3777 Strandherd Drive 800 Vacant 10 Green Street 2,700 Vacant 3780 Fallowfield Road 1,100 Vacant 3780 Fallowfield Road 1,000 Vacant 3780 Fallowfield Road 790 Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Vacant 3023 Cedarview Road 2,000 Vacant 3054 Woodroffe Avenue 3,500 Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Sub-total, Vacant Sub-total, Vacant Sub-total, Vacant GRAND TOTALS CRG Consulting Page II.27 of II.27 980 30,500 23 outlets 81,370 23 outlets 81,370 23 outlets 81,370 295 outlets 1,500,390 Printed on June 1, 2009 Commercial Market Analysis, Barrhaven Community (Update) Appendix III – Business Listing by Commercial Area CRG Consulting ( - III - CRG File No. 08-303 (Draft Report V1) APPENDIX III: BUSINESS LISTING BY COMMERCIAL AREA Business Name Address Size (sq. ft.) Type of Store or Service Node 1 - Cedarview Quickie Pizza Haven 3023 Cedarview Road 3023 Cedarview Road 2,700 1,300 Convenience Store Limited-Service Eating Place Taste Better Chinese Restaurant 3023 Cedarview Road 940 Greco Martial Arts Little Angels Academy Montessori 3023 Cedarview Road 3023 Cedarview Road 3,600 2,700 Athletic Instruction - Martial Arts Child Day-Care Services RCL Branch 64 Legion 3023 Cedarview Road 1,800 Royal Canadian Legion Vacant 3023 Cedarview Road 2,000 Vacant Quickie Pete & Gus Meat Market 1 Jockvale Road 1 Jockvale Road 2,800 590 Convenience Store Meat Full-Service Restaurant Book Stop 1 Jockvale Road 770 San Marino Serenity Salon & Spa 1 Jockvale Road 1 Jockvale Road 590 1,200 Books and News Royal Bank 1 Jockvale Road 680 Grade Expectations Learning Centre 1 Jockvale Road 1,200 Other School - Tutoring Rexall Guardian Two Monkeys 4100 Strandherd Drive 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,400 1,400 Pharmacy/Drug Store Limited-Service Eating Place The Royal Oak Limited-Service Eating Place Beauty Salon Bank 4100 Strandherd Drive 3,700 Full-Service Restaurant Dentistry@Cedarview (Dr. Ziereisen) 4100 Strandherd Drive Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Centre 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 2,900 Dentist Physician Salon Silk 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Beauty Salon Lovely Nails & Spa 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Beauty Salon - Nails RBC Allstate 4100 Strandherd Drive 4100 Strandherd Drive 4,600 2,400 Bank Insurance Agent/Broker Little Scholars Montessori 4100 Strandherd Drive 2,400 Child Day-Care Services Vacant Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 1,600 Vacant Vacant Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Vacant Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Vacant Vacant Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 1,600 Vacant Vacant Vacant 4100 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Vacant Sub-total, Cedarview CRG Consulting 57,670 Page III.1 of III.8 31 outlets Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX III: BUSINESS LISTING BY COMMERCIAL AREA Business Name Address Size (sq. ft.) Type of Store or Service Node 2 - Greenbank/Fallowfield Petro Canada Steel's Retailing 3766 Fallowfield Road 3780 Fallowfield Road 2,400 2,100 Gasoline Station without Convenience Store Housewares KFC 3780 Fallowfield Road 1,000 Limited-Service Eating Place Joe's Palace Lotus Chinese Food 3780 Fallowfield Road 3780 Fallowfield Road 790 680 Limited-Service Eating Place Full-Service Restaurant Advanced Physiotherapy 3780 Fallowfield Road 790 Other Health Practitioner - Physiotherapy Vacant 3780 Fallowfield Road 1,100 Vacant Vacant Vacant 3780 Fallowfield Road 3780 Fallowfield Road 1,000 790 Vacant Vacant Family Dentistry 10 Green Street 1,300 Dentist Advanced Massage Edward Jones Investments 10 Green Street 10 Green Street 2,900 630 Other Personal Care Service - Massage Investment Advice/Financial Planning Vacant 10 Green Street 2,700 Vacant Pharmasave 16 Green Street 2,500 Pharmacy/Drug Store Active Care Walk In Clinic Greenbank Chiropractic Centre 16 Green Street 804 Greenbank Road 1,600 560 Physician Other Health Practitioner - Chiropractor Barrhaven Barber Shop 804 Greenbank Road 310 Baizana Insurance Brokers Barrhaven Beauty Salon 806 Greenbank Road 808 Greenbank Road 1,200 1,800 Barber Shop Insurance Agent/Broker Beauty Salon Browns Cleaning 808 Greenbank Road 1,300 Dry Cleaning Vacant 810 Greenbank Road 3,300 Vacant Certigard Food Basics 890 Greenbank Road 900 Greenbank Road 2,200 26,500 Mechanical and Electrical Supermarket Pharma Plus 900 Greenbank Road 14,200 Pharmacy/Drug Store Overstalks Frank Jewellery 900 Greenbank Road 900 Greenbank Road 4,500 860 Variety Store Jewellery Brass & Gift Shop 900 Greenbank Road 2,000 Gift, Novelty and Souvenir Greenfields Pub and Eatery 900 Greenbank Road 4,800 Full-Service Restaurant Barrhaven Chiropractic Medical Clinic 900 Greenbank Road 900 Greenbank Road 2,500 3,100 Other Health Practitioner - Chiropractor Physician Souls Parlour 900 Greenbank Road 700 Herbal Magic Magicuts 900 Greenbank Road 900 Greenbank Road 1,600 1,600 Beauty Salon Beauty Salon Unisex Hair Salon T. Nails 900 Greenbank Road 740 The Canadian School of Dance 900 Greenbank Road 1,900 Beauty Salon - Nails Other School - Dance Blockbuster The UPS Store 900 Greenbank Road 900 Greenbank Road 7,600 1,800 Video Tape and Disc Rental Business Service Centre Beer Store 35 Larkin Drive 4,100 Beer Curves 35 Larkin Drive 2,100 Fitness and Recreational Sports Centre Sub-total, Greenbank/Fallowfield CRG Consulting 113,550 Page III.2 of III.8 39 outlets Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX III: BUSINESS LISTING BY COMMERCIAL AREA Business Name Address Size (sq. ft.) Type of Store or Service Node 3 - Barrhaven Town Centre/Jockvale Greenbank Animal Hospital McDonald's 3160 Greenbank Road 3773 Strandherd Drive 3,500 4,400 Veterinarian Limited-Service Eating Place Your Independent Grocer 3777 Strandherd Drive 41,100 Supermarket Shoppers Drug Mart Dollarama 3777 Strandherd Drive 3777 Strandherd Drive 18,500 11,100 Pharmacy/Drug Store Dollar Store Here we Grow Again 3777 Strandherd Drive 3,100 Home Depot 3777 Strandherd Drive 130,000 Subway Little Caesars Pizza 3777 Strandherd Drive 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,400 1,200 Limited-Service Eating Place Limited-Service Eating Place Swiss Chalet 3777 Strandherd Drive 5,800 Full-Service Restaurant Vietnamese Restaurant Broadway Bar & Grill 3777 Strandherd Drive 3777 Strandherd Drive 3,000 6,500 Full-Service Restaurant Full-Service Restaurant Barrhaven Family Dentistry 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,100 Dentist Family Physio Centre 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,800 Other Health Practitioner - Physiotherapy Star Fashion Cleaners Le Look Hair & Tanning Studio 3777 Strandherd Drive 3777 Strandherd Drive 440 1,400 Dry Cleaning Unisex Hair Salon + Tanning Salon CIBC 3777 Strandherd Drive 3,700 Bank Bank of Montreal Learna 3777 Strandherd Drive 3777 Strandherd Drive 5,600 1,400 Bank Other School - Tutoring Rogers Video 3777 Strandherd Drive 5,000 Caldwell Banker 3777 Strandherd Drive 790 Co-Operators Algonquin Travel 3777 Strandherd Drive 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,700 530 Used Clothing/Consignment Home Improvement Centre Video Tape and Disc Rental Real Estate Agent/Broker Insurance Agent/Broker Travel Service Cornerstone Montessori 3777 Strandherd Drive 1,900 Child Day-Care Services A Gym Tale Sunoco/Horizon 3777 Strandherd Drive 3777 Strandherd Drive 2,700 1,800 Child Day-Care Services Gasoline Station with Convenience Store Vacant 3777 Strandherd Drive 5,500 Vacant Vacant 3777 Strandherd Drive 800 Vacant Mac's Wine Craft 1 Tartan Drive 1 Tartan Drive 2,200 1,200 Convenience Store Beer and Wine-Making Supply Mr Mozzarella 1 Tartan Drive 1,200 Limited-Service Eating Place Winner House Chinese Food South Nepean Family Chiropractic Clinic 1 Tartan Drive 1 Tartan Drive 1,100 1,200 Full-Service Restaurant Other Health Practitioner - Chiropractor Milly's Salon 1 Tartan Drive 1,100 Beauty Salon Edward Jones Investments 1 Tartan Drive 1,200 Investment Advice/Financial Planning Sub-total, Barrhaven Town Centre/Jockvale CRG Consulting 274,960 Page III.3 of III.8 35 outlets Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX III: BUSINESS LISTING BY COMMERCIAL AREA Address Size (sq. ft.) Type of Store or Service Bulk Barn Mark's Work Wearhouse 3161 Greenbank Road 3161 Greenbank Road 4,800 10,100 Bulk Food Family Clothing Liz Claiborne 3161 Greenbank Road 4,700 Women's Clothing Reitman's Nygard 3161 Greenbank Road 3161 Greenbank Road 7,500 9,500 Women's Clothing Women's Clothing Tweed & Hickory 3161 Greenbank Road 7,500 Women's Clothing + Houseware Play It Again Sports 3161 Greenbank Road 3,500 Other Sporting Goods Pet Smart Hallmark 3161 Greenbank Road 3161 Greenbank Road 10,100 5,400 Loblaws 3201 Greenbank Road 139,000 General Nutrition Centre Buck or Two 50 Marketplace Avenue 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,300 4,300 Health Supplements Dollar Store Bell World 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,000 Telephone EB Games 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,200 Hobby, Toy and Game Pizza Pizza Dairy Queen 50 Marketplace Avenue 50 Marketplace Avenue 2,600 2,300 Limited-Service Eating Place Limited-Service Eating Place Extreme Pita 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,100 Limited-Service Eating Place Booster Juice Joey's Only Seafood Restaurant 50 Marketplace Avenue 50 Marketplace Avenue 980 2,300 Limited-Service Eating Place Full-Service Restaurant Captial Orthodontist-Dr. Clarke 50 Marketplace Avenue 2,500 Dentist Chapman Mills Dental-Dr. Fayad 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,500 Dentist Pure Hair Design First Choice Hair Cutters 50 Marketplace Avenue 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,600 1,000 Beauty Salon Unisex Hair Salon Prestige Tailors 50 Marketplace Avenue 1,300 Other Personal and Household Goods - Tailor Bouclair Select Floral 71 Marketplace Avenue 71 Marketplace Avenue 10,100 580 Business Name Node 4 - Trinity Commons Pet and Pet Supply Greeting Cards Supermarket Sewing, Needlework and Piece Goods Florist Randall's Paints Ltd 71 Marketplace Avenue 5,600 Paint and Wallpaper Kelsey's 71 Marketplace Avenue 5,100 Full-Service Restaurant Palm Beach Mega Tan Star Nail 71 Marketplace Avenue 71 Marketplace Avenue 1,800 580 Ear Piercing/Tattooing/Tanning Salon Beauty Salon - Nails Laurier Optical 80 Marketplace Avenue 5,100 Optician Pennington's Thyme Maternity 80 Marketplace Avenue 80 Marketplace Avenue 5,000 2,600 Women's Clothing Maternity Kiddie Kobbler 80 Marketplace Avenue 2,500 Children's Shoes Payless Shoe Source 80 Marketplace Avenue 2,000 Family Shoes Byward Bargain Centre Marketplace Chiropractic Centre 80 Marketplace Avenue 80 Marketplace Avenue 1,500 1,200 Used Clothing/Consignment Other Health Practitioner - Chiropractor Trade Secrets 80 Marketplace Avenue 1,200 Beauty Salon D T S M Driving Schools Inc Barrhaven Travel 80 Marketplace Avenue 80 Marketplace Avenue 1,100 1,200 Other School - Driving Travel Service Winners 101 Marketplace Avenue 26,200 Family Clothing Staples Business Depot 101 Marketplace Avenue 25,900 Office Supply and Stationery Rogers Wireless Barrhaven Flooring 130 Marketplace Avenue 130 Marketplace Avenue 700 1,800 Telephone Floor Coverings Toy's on Fire 130 Marketplace Avenue 1,800 Hobby, Toy and Game Fratelli The Source 130 Marketplace Avenue 81 RioCan Avenue 2,700 2,200 Full-Service Restaurant Consumer Electronics Sleep Country 81 RioCan Avenue 5,000 Mattress Black's 81 RioCan Avenue 1,600 Photo Finishing Service LCBO Fitness Depot 120 RioCan Avenue 120 RioCan Avenue 12,100 5,600 CRG Consulting Page III.4 of III.8 Liquor Fitness Equipment Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX III: BUSINESS LISTING BY COMMERCIAL AREA Business Name Address Size (sq. ft.) Type of Store or Service 125 RioCan Avenue 125 RioCan Avenue 19,700 15,000 Books and News Other Sporting Goods Node 4 - Trinity Commons Chapter's/Indigo Sport Chek Starbucks 125 RioCan Avenue 840 Telus Edible Arrangements 129 RioCan Avenue 129 RioCan Avenue 1,500 1,200 Shawarma Heaven 129 RioCan Avenue 1,100 Limited-Service Eating Place Pho'Thi Fusion Restaurant 129 RioCan Avenue 1,600 Full-Service Restaurant Barrhaven Dentistry Nice One Nails Tanning 129 RioCan Avenue 129 RioCan Avenue 1,700 2,700 Dentist Beauty Salon - Nails Remax 129 RioCan Avenue 3,400 Real Estate Agent/Broker Barrhaven Vacuum Vacant 129 RioCan Avenue 129 RioCan Avenue 1,200 5,400 Appliance - Computer Repair Vacant Cineplex Odeon 131 RioCan Avenue Wal-Mart 3651 Strandherd Drive 129,500 TD Canada Trust Wendy's 3671 Strandherd Drive 3681 Strandherd Drive 6,500 3,200 Bank Limited-Service Eating Place Tim Horton's 3691 Strandherd Drive 3,200 Limited-Service Eating Place Scotiabank 3701 Strandherd Drive 8,700 Bank Sub-total, Trinity Commons 26,900 593,180 Limited-Service Eating Place Telephone Gift, Novelty and Souvenir Movie Theatre/Cinema Discount Department Store 69 outlets Node 5 - Greenbank/Strandherd Barley Mow Pub 1481 Greenbank Road 4,100 Sobeys 1581 Greenbank Road 33,000 Full-Service Restaurant M & M Meat Shops 1581 Greenbank Road 1,400 Other Specialty Food - Frozen Sally's Beauty Supply Barrhaven Source for Sports 1581 Greenbank Road 1581 Greenbank Road 1,600 4,000 Beauty Supplies Other Sporting Goods Supermarket Benjamin Moore 1581 Greenbank Road 1,400 Paint and Wallpaper Quizno's Subs Boston Pizza 1581 Greenbank Road 1581 Greenbank Road 1,200 6,100 Limited-Service Eating Place Limited-Service Eating Place Pizza Hut 1581 Greenbank Road 1,200 Full-Service Restaurant Barrhaven Square Village Dentists 1581 Greenbank Road 1,600 Dentist Barrhaven Village Square Family Chiropractic Optometrist 1581 Greenbank Road 1581 Greenbank Road 2,000 2,600 Other Health Practitioner - Chiropractor Other Health Practitioner - Optometrist Tabby's Hair Studio 1581 Greenbank Road 1,100 Beauty Salon Jockvale Massage Therapy iTan Studios 1581 Greenbank Road 1581 Greenbank Road 790 1,200 Other Personal Care Service - Massage Ear Piercing/Tattooing/Tanning Salon Bradly, Hiscock Law Office 1581 Greenbank Road 2,900 Cruiseship Centre 1581 Greenbank Road 940 Canadian Tire Gas Bar Canadian Tire 2201 Greenbank Road 2501 Greenbank Road 1,300 69,800 Sub-total, Greenbank/Strandherd CRG Consulting 138,230 Page III.5 of III.8 Legal Travel Service Gasoline Station without Convenience Store Home and Auto Supply 19 outlets Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX III: BUSINESS LISTING BY COMMERCIAL AREA Business Name Address Size (sq. ft.) Type of Store or Service Node 6 - Barrhaven Crossing Pet Valu Better Pet Nutrition Act 11 Fashions 3500 Fallowfield Road 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,900 1,000 Pet and Pet Supply Used Clothing/Consignment Dominos Pizza 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,300 Limited-Service Eating Place Wans Chinese Food La Porto A Casa 3500 Fallowfield Road 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,100 2,200 Full-Service Restaurant Full-Service Restaurant Barrhaven Dental Centre 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,300 Dentist First Choice Hair Cutters 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,400 Unisex Hair Salon Brown's Cleaners - Sears Catalogue Store Citi Financial 3500 Fallowfield Road 3500 Fallowfield Road 450 2,100 Dry Cleaning Bank K2 Martial Arts 3500 Fallowfield Road 3,200 Athletic Instruction - Martial Arts Montessori Daycare Lisa MacLeod MPP 3500 Fallowfield Road 3500 Fallowfield Road 2,500 1,400 Child Day-Care Services Other Provincial and Territorial Public Administration Vacant 3500 Fallowfield Road 30,500 Vacant Vacant 3500 Fallowfield Road 1,000 Vacant Vacant 3500 Fallowfield Road 8,700 Vacant Sub-total, Barrhaven Crossing 60,050 15 outlets Node 7 - Woodroffe/Fallowfield Petro Canada 3320 Fallowfield Road 1,400 Tim Horton's 3330 Fallowfield Road 3,100 Gasoline Station without Convenience Store Limited-Service Eating Place McDonald's Wizard's Tower 3340 Fallowfield Road 3350 Fallowfield Road 2,400 1,800 Limited-Service Eating Place Books and News Printwell 3350 Fallowfield Road 920 Office Supply and Stationery Quizno's Subs 3350 Fallowfield Road 1,400 Limited-Service Eating Place Gabriel's Pizza Angel Beauty 3350 Fallowfield Road 3350 Fallowfield Road 1,400 1,300 Limited-Service Eating Place Beauty Salon Barrhaven Barbers 3350 Fallowfield Road 1,200 Barber Shop Mathnasium The Math Learning Centre Mountain Goat Yoga Centre 3350 Fallowfield Road 3350 Fallowfield Road 1,100 2,700 Other School - Tutoring Athletic Instruction - Yoga Edward Jones Investments 3350 Fallowfield Road 840 Playhouse Learning Centre 3350 Fallowfield Road 5,800 Child Day-Care Services Money Mart 3350 Fallowfield Road 2,100 Cheque Cashing Service Sub-total, Woodroffe/Fallowfield CRG Consulting 27,460 Page III.6 of III.8 Investment Advice/Financial Planning 14 outlets Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX III: BUSINESS LISTING BY COMMERCIAL AREA Business Name Address Size (sq. ft.) Type of Store or Service Node 8 - Woodroffe/Longfields Ivonne's Flowers & Gifts 1 for 1 Pizza 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,200 1,200 Florist Limited-Service Eating Place Nufortune Restaurant 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,200 Full-Service Restaurant Dental Centre Chiropractic Health Centre 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,300 1,300 Dentist Other Health Practitioner - Chiropractor Lyra Drycleaning 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 990 Shear & Tan 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,200 Unisex Hair Salon + Tanning Salon Alterna Savings Flicks & Flavours Ice Cream 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,200 2,000 Bank Video Tape and Disc Rental Dry Cleaning Barrhaven Veterinary Hospital 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,800 Veterinarian Royal Lepage Vacant 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 5,200 1,500 Real Estate Agent/Broker Vacant Vacant 2900 Woodroffe Avenue 1,400 Vacant Weight Watchers 2910 Woodroffe Avenue 1,800 Weight Loss Centre Taekwondo Little Scholars Montessori 2910 Woodroffe Avenue 2910 Woodroffe Avenue 2,100 1,200 Athletic Instruction - Martial Arts Child Day-Care Services Sub-total, Woodroffe/Longfields 26,590 16 outlets 12,000 New Cars Node 9 - Other Woodroffe Jack May Pontiac Buick 3788 Prince of Wales Drive Quickie/Tim Horton's/Esso/Pizza Boyz Shell 1 Rideaucrest Drive 2950 Woodroffe Avenue Scotiabank 3025 Woodroffe Avenue 3,900 Farm Boy 3033 Woodroffe Avenue 21,400 Nasa Food Centre Milano Pizzeria 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 980 980 Johnny Canuck's 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 3,500 Full-Service Restaurant Queensbury Dental Centre Family Hair Salon 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 1,900 860 Dentist Unisex Hair Salon Chapman Mills Animal Hospital 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 1,500 Veterinarian Vacant 3050 Woodroffe Avenue 980 Vacant Vacant 3054 Woodroffe Avenue 3,500 Vacant Sub-total, Other Woodroffe CRG Consulting 5,100 2,200 58,800 Page III.7 of III.8 Convenience Store Gasoline Station without Convenience Store Bank Supermarket Convenience Store Limited-Service Eating Place 13 outlets Printed on June 1, 2009 APPENDIX III: BUSINESS LISTING BY COMMERCIAL AREA Business Name Address Size (sq. ft.) Type of Store or Service Node 10 - Strandherd Crossing RBC Royal Bank Subway 3131 Strandherd Drive 3141 Strandherd Drive 6,500 1,800 Bank Limited-Service Eating Place Starbucks Shoppers Drug Mart International Musicland 3141 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Limited-Service Eating Place 3151 Strandherd Drive 3161 Strandherd Drive 15,700 3,900 China Star 3161 Strandherd Drive 1,200 Guava's Shawarma 3161 Strandherd Drive 1,400 Limited-Service Eating Place Medical Centre Laser Esthetique 3161 Strandherd Drive 3161 Strandherd Drive 3,400 1,300 Physician Beauty Salon Rogers Video 3161 Strandherd Drive 4,600 Video Tape and Disc Rental Winehaven Pho Hoa Nam Restaurant 3171 Strandherd Drive 3171 Strandherd Drive 1,300 1,600 Used Clothing/Consignment Full-Service Restaurant Orthodontist Periodontist 3171 Strandherd Drive 2,400 Dentist Strandherd Crossing Chiropractor 3171 Strandherd Drive 1,200 Other Health Practitioner - Chiropractor Spa Haven Oxford Learning 3171 Strandherd Drive 3171 Strandherd Drive 1,200 1,200 Beauty Salon Other School - Tutoring The Co-Operators 3171 Strandherd Drive 1,000 Insurance Agent/Broker H & R Block GoodLife Fitness 3171 Strandherd Drive 3181 Strandherd Drive 1,400 14,000 Pharmacy/Drug Store Pre-Recorded Tapes, Compact Discs and Records Limited-Service Eating Place Tax Preparer Fitness and Recreational Sports Centre A Fine Mess 3191 Strandherd Drive 1,600 Hobby, Toy and Game Global Pet Food 3191 Strandherd Drive 1,800 Pet and Pet Supply Southpointe Dental In Barrhaven Magicuts 3191 Strandherd Drive 3191 Strandherd Drive 1,800 1,100 Dentist Unisex Hair Salon Brown's Cleaners 3191 Strandherd Drive 580 TD Bank Overtime Sports Repair 3191 Strandherd Drive 3191 Strandherd Drive 4,800 560 Metro Strandherd Crossing 3201 Strandherd Drive 41,000 Petro Canada Gas/Convenience 3300 Woodroffe Avenue 1,000 Sub-total, Strandherd Crossing 120,940 Dry Cleaning Bank Other Personal and Household Goods Supermarket Gasoline Station with Convenience Store 28 outlets Node 11 - Strandherd Plaza Strandherd Dental Clinic Lovely Nails 3560 Strandherd Drive 3560 Strandherd Drive 1,900 1,300 Dentist Beauty Salon - Nails Upper Kids Consignment 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,500 Children's Clothing Over The Top Computing Anika Arts & Flowers 3570 Strandherd Drive 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,700 1,500 Computer Hardware and Software Florist Toppers Pizza 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,700 Limited-Service Eating Place Steamers Coffee House 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,100 Limited-Service Eating Place Fiamma Retaurant Go 4 Greek 3570 Strandherd Drive 3570 Strandherd Drive 2,100 1,100 Full-Service Restaurant Full-Service Restaurant Liu's Cuisine 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,300 Full-Service Restaurant Professional Physio Plus Cappucci Hair Studio 3570 Strandherd Drive 3570 Strandherd Drive 5,000 1,300 Other Health Practitioner - Physiotherapy Beauty Salon Goodfellow Cleaners 3570 Strandherd Drive 960 Stronger You Martial Arts And Fitness 3570 Strandherd Drive 1,700 Athletic Instruction - Martial Arts Ottawa School Of Piano Esso on the Run 3570 Strandherd Drive 3580 Strandherd Drive 1,300 3,500 Other School - Piano Gasoline Station with Convenience Store Sub-total, Strandherd Plaza GRAND TOTAL, ALL ZONES CRG Consulting 28,960 1,500,390 Page III.8 of III.8 Dry Cleaning 16 outlets 295 outlets Printed on June 1, 2009
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