Organic Gardening
Organic Gardening
ORGANIC and SUSTAINABLE GARDENING Organic Gardening What do the following have in common? Apples, Strawberries, Grapes, Celery, Peaches, Spinach, Sweet Bell Peppers, Imported Nectarines, Cucumbers, Cherry Tomatoes, Imported Snap Peas, Potatoes. Reggie Reeves Reggie Reeves Certified Master CertifiedGardening Master Gardener What do the following have in common? • They make up the Environmental Working Group’s 2014 “Dirty Dozen List.” Compiled annually since 1995 using USDA and FDA data, this list includes the 12 foods that show the highest levels of pesticide contamination after normal washing and peeling. These would be good foods to buy or grow organically. • 5 Fruits (Fruits typically have the highest levels of residual chemicals) • (Meat fat, milk and coffee are also discussed as having high levels of pesticides. Meat and dairy products also often contain growth hormones and antibiotics) What is Organic Gardening? • Organic Gardening is a system of gardening that attempts to utilize only sustainable, ecologically sound gardening practices. • Rejects the use of artificial pesticides. • Rejects the use of chemical fertilizers. • Emphasizes building soil organic matter and relies on natural sources of supplemental nutrients. Why Organic Gardening? A 2010 report by The President’s Cancer Panel entitled, “Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now,” says: • “Exposure to pesticides can be decreased by choosing, to the extent possible, food grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers …Similarly, exposure to antibiotics, growth hormones, and toxic run-off from livestock feed lots can be minimized by eating free-range meat raised without these medications.” 1 Why Organic Gardening? • Many synthetic pesticides and fertilizers have been documented to cause a significant reduction in soil life and fertility, as well as cause an accumulation of salts in the soil. • Healthy soil has lots of organic matter and is alive with microorganisms and invertebrates, and naturally cycles nitrogen and other nutrients to your plants. • Focus on building and feeding your soil, and let your soil feed your plants. Seed Catalogs • Seed catalogues provide a good deal of information about each variety of vegetable and fruit that you might want to grow • They provide more choices, including organic, heirloom, and disease resistant varieties of vegetables and fruits • Some mail order seed companies specialize in organic and heirloom vegetable seeds and fruit/nut trees, including: Seed Savers Exchange; Southern Exposure Seed Exchange; Seeds of the South; Seeds of Change; Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds; Territorial Seed Company; D. Landreth Seed Company; and Johnny’s Selected Seeds. Soil Test • Soil Test Kits are available from Ag Extension. • Collect, combine, and dry soil samples from throughout your garden. • Add dried soil to the test kit box, complete the soil test kit form, and return to Ag Extension. • Carefully review the soil test results, and apply at no more than the rate recommended. (See Fertilization Section) • You may wish to convert the inorganic fertilizer recommendation to an organic one. (See Fertilization Section for information on converting your inorganic fertilizers to organic) 2 Cover Crops and Soil Preparation • In the fall, plant cover crops such as clover, oars, winter peas, hairy vetch, and cereal rye, and then turn them into the soil before they go to seed to add nutrients and organic matter. Composting • Composting is an essential, fundamental principal of organic gardening, and is the cornerstone to improving soil fertility and tilthe. • Or, gather and add at least 2 inches of organic matter to your soil. Good sources of organic matter include compost, coffee grounds, composted manure, shredded leaves, and grass clippings from chemical free lawns. • Composting is the ultimate recycler, diverting what might otherwise be “waste” from your kitchen, yard, and garden, into a rich organic fertilizer and soil amendment. • Add lime if your are using significant amounts of coffee grounds to control acidity. • Anyone can compost anywhere! • In late winter, incorporate organic matter by lightly turning the soil to a depth of about 4 inches, preferable with a pitchfork or broad fork. Break up clods and discard rocks and roots. Composting • Collect kitchen scraps in a small container located under the kitchen sink or other convenient location. Add all kitchen scraps except meat and dairy products to this container. • Stainless steel kitchen composting bins are recommended and can be found at many local retailers, including World Market, Valley Growers, Target, etc. • Composting diverts useable nutrient rich materials from the waste stream and provides free organic matter and nutrients for you garden. Composting Composting Homemade Compost Bins Include: • Purchase or make an outside compost bin. • Composting can be as simple as piling chopped yard waste such as grass clippings, leaves and garden waste in a corner of your yard, adding kitchen scraps, and turning the pile occasionally to keep it aerated. • Your compost bin or pile should be about 3 to 4 feet tall and wide. You may need more than one, so that as one bin is filled it can continue to compost while you begin to fill another. • Wire Bin - a 3 to 4 foot high length of fencing or concrete reinforcement wire formed into a circle 3 to 4 feet wide. • Pallet Bin – 4 wood pallets stood on their edges and wired or bolted together to make a 4-sided enclosure. • Barrel Bin – an approximate 55 gallon plastic food grade barrel with ½ inch holes drilled in it for aeration. • Wood Slat Bin – Built with cedar lumber and/or wire fencing material. Often built as a 3-bin system to allow continuous composting throughout the year. 3 Homemade Compost Bins Barrel Bin Homemade Compost Bins Wood Pallet Bin Homemade Compost Bins 3 Bin Compost Station Wire Fence Bin Composting Black Soldier Fly Larvae 140 Degrees Raised Beds • Raised beds allow you to focus your soil improvement efforts on the specific areas where you are growing crops. They also tend to drain well and warm up a little earlier in the spring. • Raised beds can be as simple as raking soil up to form elevated rows that are higher than the paths between them, or they can be made more permanent by using boards or other materials to contain them. • Do not use pressure treated lumber, as many of the chemicals used to treat such lumber are generally not labeled for use in contact with food crops. Untreated cedar is preferred, though pine treated with linseed oil or other natural wood sealer can be safely used. 4 Raised Beds Raised Beds Water Harvesting Rain Barrels • A rain barrel can be made using an approximate 55 gallon plastic food grade barrel connected to a downspout, with a standard water faucet placed at the bottom and an overflow placed near the top. • Be sure to direct overflow away from the foundation of your house, and to screen the top inlet opening to keep mosquitoes and debris out. • Elevate your rain barrel as much as possible to generate good water flow at the outlet faucet. • Plastic food grade barrels can be found locally at the Farmers Co-op, Farrer Brothers, etc. Fittings can be found at most hardware stores. Water Harvesting Rain Barrels • If possible, place rain barrels in the shade or on the east or north side of your home or other structure to reduce heat gain from direct sunlight. • Clean your rain barrel at the end of each season, and leave disconnected from your downspout for the winter, or use a water diverter in your down spout to divert water from your rain barrel on through your downspout. • Some studies suggest that rain barrel water should not be applied directly to the leaves or fruit of vegetables due to possible contamination from shingles, bird droppings, and algae growth. If this is a concern, use rain barrels to water shrubs, trees, flowerbeds and potted plants, and as a soil drench around vegetables. 5 Rain Barrels Basic Homemade Setup Screened Inlet Homemade Rain Barrels Ready Made Rain Barrels Water Harvesting Water Harvesting Air Conditioner Condensation Air Conditioner Condensation • During the summer months your A/C unit will produce and discharge as much as 5 to 10 gallons of pure, distilled water per day. The higher the humidity, the more water it produces. • Locate your A/C condensation discharge drain pipe and place a 5 gallon bucket under it. • Some discharge drains are located at or near ground level and may need an extension pipe or hose to reach a location low enough to place a collection bucket under it. • Or, you may need to excavate a hole in the ground near your drain and place your collection bucket in the hole below ground level to catch condensation either directly from the discharge drain pipe or from an extension pipe or hose. • Be careful not to block or obstruct you’re A/C discharge drain! • Enjoy free distilled water all summer! 6 Fertilization • If your soil test recommends fertilizers and other soil amendments, consider using OMRI listed (Organic Materials Review Institute) or NOP listed (National Organic Program) fertilizers, or make your own. • Always read and follow all label instructions! • An objective of organic gardening is to build your soil fertility and let your soil feed your plants. • By using organic gardening practices, you may over time be able to increase soil fertility enough to greatly reduce or even eliminate the need for added fertilizers. Fertilization • Primary nutrients are Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potash or Potassium (K), as well as trace elements. • If your soil test recommends fertilizers, apply a ready made organic fertilizer at the rate and ratio recommended. • A publication entitled, “Converting Soil Test Results to Organic Fertilizer Recommendations”, is very helpful and is available from the Georgia Cooperative Extension. Service C853 Organic Fertilizers Fertilization • Homemade organic fertilizer recipe by Steve Solomon. • Some organic sources of fertilizers and their approximate analysis follow. Consider using OMRI or NOP listed products when possible. • The following materials should be readily available at most garden centers, and may be combined to equal the approximate fertilizer recommendations from a soil test. • Source: University of Georgia Extension Organic Fertilizers • Blood Meal: (12-1.5-0.6) Medium to rapid release, derived from dried slaughterhouse waste. • Alfalfa Meal: (3.0-1.0-2.0) Slow to medium release, seed meals are derived from the processing of vegetable oil. • Bone Meal: (0.7 to 4.0-11.0 to 34.0-0) Slow to medium release, derived from dried slaughterhouse waste. • Cottonseed Meal: (6.0-2.5-1.7) Slow to medium release. • Fish Emulsion: (5.0-2.0-2.0) Medium rapid release. • Granite Dust: (0-0-6.0) Slow release, trace elements. • Greensand: (0-1.0 to 2.0-5.0) Slow release, also improves structure of clay soils. • Soybean Meal: (6.7-1.6-2.3) Rapid release. • Kelp: (0.9-0.5-1.0) Slow release, also contains a wide rage of trace minerals, growth regulators, and natural hormones. *Most organic fertilizer constituents also improve soil structure by adding organic matter. • Colloidal Phosphate: (0-18.0 to 24.0-0) Slow release, derived from marine deposits, 2% of Phosphorus is available per year. Can also use Rock Phosphate. 7 Organic Fertilizers-Free Stuff! • The following materials can usually be found or gathered for free for use in your garden! • They act as both fertilizers and soil conditioners by adding nutrients and organic matter to your soil. • They are generally added to your garden beds and incorporated into the soil in the fall and winter, or are added to your compost bin. Source: Organic Lawn Care Manual, Paul Tukey Organic Fertilizers-Free Stuff! Organic Fertilizers-Free Stuff! • Coffee Grounds: (2-0.3-0.3) Slow release, should be balanced with wood ash or garden lime. • Compost: (1-0.5-1) Slow release, balanced fertilizer, the basis of organic gardening. • Grass Clippings: (4-1-3) Slow release, should not come from chemically treated lawns. • Cover Crops: (.75-.2-.5) Slow release. Organic Fertilizers-Free Stuff! Free Leaves Free Coffee Grounds • Leaves: (.8-.4-.2) Slow release, should be finely shredded. • Dried Manure (Horse): (0.6-0.2-0.5) Slow release, should be well cured. • Dried Manure (Steer): (2.0-0.5-1.9) Medium release, should be well cured. • Wood Ash: (0-2-6) Rapid release, will raise the soil pH similar to lime. Organic Fertilizers-Free Stuff! Compost Tea • Compost tea can readily be made from well cured compost using only a small aquarium pump, a bubbler stone, mesh bag and 5 gallon bucket. • Add a scoop of compost to a mesh bag and place the bag in a 5-gallon bucket of water. • Add 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses to the water. • Place bubbler stone in bucket and turn on the pump. • Your compost tea should be ready in about 24 hours. • Compost tea is a slow release balanced fertilizer and mild fungicide. 8 Organic Pest Control Types of Pests • Two basic categories of pests Organic Pest Control Horticultural Practices • Insecticides should be used as a last resort, and used beginning with the least toxic. First try alternatives. – Piercing and sucking: very difficult to control, generally a contact pesticide is required and must be sprayed directly on pests. • Many pests and their eggs can simply be hand picked. – Chewing: easier to control, can generally be controlled by spraying a liquid pesticide (stomach poison or neurotoxin) on plants being affected. Affects only pest which are consuming your plants and only after being consumed by the pests. • Keep your garden clear of debris, and practice proper crop rotation year to year. • Use row covers or insect netting on crops until the first blooms appear. • Grow flowering plants in your garden to encourage beneficial insects. • Attract birds by providing perches, feeders, and water. Pest Control Pest Control Organic Pesticides • If pesticides are needed, consider using homemade or purchased OMRI or NOP listed products, spray only when and where needed, and only late in the day after most beneficial pollinators are no longer active. • Beneficial Essential Oils: Made from the oils of various plants, including clove, wintergreen, cinnamon, rosemary, and peppermint. • Always read and follow all label instructions. Just because a pesticide is labeled for organic use doesn’t mean that it is not dangerous to humans and wildlife. • Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis): A naturally occurring bacterium that is used to control foliar feeding caterpillars and worms. It affects the pest once it is ingested. • Generally speaking-insecticidal oils and soaps are nonselective and must be sprayed directly on the pest to be effective; while those that are first sprayed on plants and then consumed by pests are more selective. • Citrus Oil: Coats and suffocates pest. • Some common organic pesticides follow. Source: Good Bug, Bad Bug – Jessica Walliser Pest Control Organic Pesticides • Horticultural Oils: Controls soft bodied pest by dehydrating and suffocating them. • Insecticidal Soap: A contact pesticide made from fatty acids that controls pest by dehydrating and suffocating them. Can be bought ready to use or can be homemade. • Iron Phosphate: Used to control slugs and snails, and is not harmful to pets. (Pets that ingest conventional slug bait may become sick) Breaks down into iron and phosphorous. Organic Pesticides • Diatomaceous Earth: Made from the crushed exoskeletons of microscopic sea organisms. Controls soft bodies pest by lacerating their bodies and thereby dehydrating them. Pest Control Organic Pesticides • Kaolin Clay: A naturally occurring clay from the weathering of aluminous materials such as fieldspar. It is a white powdery clay that deters pest from landing on vegetables and fruits, creates an unsuitable surface for feeding and egg laying, and acts as an irritant to the pest. • Milky Spore: A naturally occurring bacterium that controls grubs, but does not harm other forms of soil life or mammals. • Neem Oil: Made from the seeds of the tropical neem tree. Does not harm soil life or mammals. Is effective against a wide range of pests and also serves as a fungicide. 9 Pest Control Organic Pesticides • Pyrethrins: Made from the powdered, dried flower heads of a species of chrysanthemum. Do not use the synthetic form called pyrethroids. Pyrethrins are a fast acting contact pesticide effective against a wide range of pest, but also affects many beneficial insects and aquatic life, and should be used only with caution and as a last resort. • Spinosad: Derived from the aerobic fermentation of a bacterium found in the Caribbean Islands in 1982, Spinosad is effective against a wide range of pest, but has a low toxicity against most beneficial insects. It activates the nervous system of pest causing loss of muscle control. Pest Control Label Your Pesticide Sprayers! Pest Control Homemade Organic Insecticidal Soap, Horticultural Oil, and Fungicide • Insecticidal Soap: Combine 2 teaspoons of dishwashing soap in 1 gallon of water, and apply with a 1 quart spray bottle or larger 1 gallon pump sprayer to control soft bodied pests. • Horticultural Oil: Combine 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of dish soap in 1 gallon of water, and apply as a spray on dormant fruit trees. • Fungicide: Combine 2 tablespoons of baking soda or potassium bicarbonate and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil per gallon of water to use as a fungicide. (Cautionbaking soda adds small amounts of sodium to the soil) Pest Control Other Methods • Wooden spoon and an inverted plastic milk carton with the bottom cut out and a collecting bag attached to the spout. • One part canola oil and one part soy sauce in a shallow dish placed in the garden will attract and trap pest. • Beer in a shallow dish will attract and trap slugs. • Cordless shop vaccum with diatomaceous earth in the collecting bag. • Foil or cardboard roll from tissues or paper towels around the base of individual plants. Pest Control Pest Control Insect Netting Insect Netting 10 Pesticide Bee Safety Pesticide Bee Safety • Honey and other bees are required for the pollination of many vegetable and fruit crops. Without adequate populations of bees, production of many crops would be impossible. • Apply insecticides only when bees are not actively foraging. Honey bees are active primarily from morning through early afternoon, therefore many insecticides can be safely applied in the late afternoon or evening. • Bees may be killed while foraging on blooming plants that have been treated by certain pesticides. The greatest hazard, however, is from insecticides, such as carbaryl (Sevin), Penncap-M, nicotinoids and others, some of which may be unintentionally carried with pollen back to the hive. • Be very cautious when applying insecticides to vegetables and fruits that are in bloom. • Dust and wetable powder formulations tend to be more hazardous to bees than granules and emulsifiable concentrates. • It is a violation of federal law if you do not apply insecticides according to the label! • READ THE LABEL! Are there bee precaution directions listed under environmental hazards? Pesticide Label • Read and Follow the Environmental Hazards Example: Spinosad (organic) – Is toxic to bees for 3 hours following treatment, and is toxic to aquatic invertebrates. Do not apply to blooming, pollen-shedding, or nectar producing parts of plants if bees may forage during this time period. – Max Number of Applications Per Season (beans-6) – Min. Number Days to Wait Before Reapplying (beans5) – Min. Number of Days to Wait From Last Application to Harvest (beans-3) Organic Weed Control • • • • • • • • Horticultural Practices Establish permanent raised beds. Use grass clippings, shredded leaves, straw, etc. as mulch around plants in beds to suppress weeds, retain moisture, and suppress soil born diseases. Maintain a thick layer of wood chips or a grass and clover mix in paths between beds. Weed by hand diligently. Carefully hoe around plants when necessary. Use cover crops or a thick layer of organic matter when beds are idle. Use corn gluten meal as a pre-emergent weed control. Do not use until after garden seeds have come up. Use 1 gallon of 5% acidity vinegar with 1 tbs. of dish soap and 1 tbs. of vegetable oil as a post-emergent weed control. Apply as a spray. Works best on annual weeds, and when temperatures are high. Organic Weed Control Cover Crops Mulch 11 Renewable Garden Structures Native River Cane Renewable Garden Structures Native River Cane Garden Structures • Consider growing native river cane (Arundinaria gigantea) as a source of renewable garden structures to support plants, to use as trellises, fences, etc. • Canes can be harvested annually and will regrow. • Native river cane does spread, so be sure and plant it where it can be contained or where it can be allowed to spread. Other Organic Gardening Tips • Select disease resistant varieties of vegetables and fruit trees (see seed catalogues or web-search for disease resistant varieties of vegetables, or of particular fruit trees-like apples, peaches, pears, etc.) • Disease resistant varieties are not disease proof, but are much less likely to contract diseases, thereby often reducing the need to control diseases. • Disease resistant varieties are not pest resistant Organic Lawn Care • • • • Aerate annually Fertilize with seed meals or compost Dethatch as needed Overseed annually at appropriate time (warm or cool season) (reconsider Bermuda grass-extremely invasive!) • Sow a low growing white clover into your lawn to help add nitrogen, color, and to provide nectar for bees • Consider migrating to chemical free lawn care: Organic Lawn Care • Consider using a push type reel mower to maintain small lawns, or portions of larger lawns, and rechargeable electric mowers, trimmers, and blowers to reduce gas and oil consumption, emissions, and noise. • Mow frequently and at correct height • Leave grass clippings on lawn • Apply compost tea 2 to 4 times a year • Use corn gluten to control weeds and add nitrogen • Pull or spot treat weeds as needed • Apply beneficial nematodes or milky spore to control grubs if necessary Garden Design Magazine - April 2011 Michele Owens • Forget the Chemicals: Organic soils encourage a greater balance and diversity of mocrobes to serve plants and better control pathogens. • Add Organic Matter: Compost, cover crops, manure, and mulch offer habitat to beneficial soil creatures. • Rethink the Tiller: Tilling disrupts soil communities and fungal networks. • Consider Heirloom Vegetables: Plant varieties that precede the development of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Source: The Organic Lawn Care Manual-Paul Tukey 12 Helpful Resources UT Extension Publications: • • • • • • • • Guide to Spring-Planted Cool-Season Vegetables (SP 291-0) Guide to Warm-Season Garden Vegetables (SP 291-P) Fall Vegetable Gardens (SP 291-G) Organic Vegetable Gardening (PB 1391) Managing Landscape and Garden Waste (PB 1578) Composting Yard, Garden, and Food Waste at Home (PB 1479) Disease Resistance in Recommended Vegetable Varieties for Home Gardens ( SP277K) Tree Fruit, Tree Nut and Small Fruit Cultivar Recommendations for Tennessee (PB746) Helpful Resources Helpful Resources Books State and Federal Government Resources • • • • • UT Ag Extension-eOrganics UT Organic and Sustainable Crop Production TN Department of Agriculture-Organics USDA National Organic Program National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • • • • • • • • • • • • Good Bug, Bad Bug – Jessica Walliser The Organic Lawn Care Manual – Paul Tukey Carrots Love Tomatoes – Louise Riotte The Organic Manifesto – Maria Rodale/Eric Scholser Animal, Vegetable, Miracle – Barbara Kingsolver The Omnivore’s Dilemma – Michael Pollon Mini Farming – Brett Markham Square Foot Gardening – Mel Bartholomew The Winter Harvest Handbook – Elliot Coleman Root Cellaring - Nancy and Mike Bubel Putting Foods By – Janet Green, Ruth Hertzberg, Beatrice Vaughn Decoding Gardening Advice: The Science Behind the 100 Most Common Recommendations - Gillman, Jeff Helpful Resources Television Programs • • • Volunteer Gardener Victory Garden Growing a Greener World Other Web Sites • • • Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management Organic Materials Review Institute Safe Lawns Thanks! Questions? 13