USP Method - ResearchGate
USP Method - ResearchGate
1 ADVANCED USPmethods 2 Also by Phenomenex Chiral HPLC Separation Guide GC Troubleshooting Guide GC User’s Guide Gel Permeation User’s Guide HPLC Column Protection Guide HPLC Troubleshooting Guide Introduction to Protein & Peptide User’s Guide SPE Reference Manual & User’s Guide w w w. p h e n o m e n e x . c o m 3 ADVANCED USPmethods Published by Phenomenex 411 Madrid Avenue Torrance, CA 90501 Tel: (310) 212 - 0555 Fax: (310) 328 - 7768 Copyright © 2003 4 Introduction APPLICATION INDEX COMPOUND Acetaminophen Albuterol Alprazolam p-Aminobenzoic acid Amitriptyline HCl Amoxicillin Aspirin Atenolol Benzalkonium chloride Benzoic acid Benzophenone Betamethasone Butyrophenone Caffeine Cefuroxime axetil Cephalexin Cephradine Chloramphenicol Cortisone acetate Desipramine Dextroamphetamine Dextromethorphan HBr Diphenhydramine Dopamine HCl Doxepin HCl Doxylamine succinate Epinephrine bitartrate Estradiol Estrone Ethinyl estradiol Ethyl paraben Fluoxetine HCl Glyburide PAGE NO. 10,11 14 12,13,71 65 15 16, 72 10, 73 17, 18, 19 20 10, 30, 38, 39 48 63, 64, 82 56 10 21 22, 23, 24, 74, 75 24, 75 25, 76 26, 27 50, 51 61 28 29 30 31 32 60 33 33 34 33, 34, 57 35 36, 37 COMPOUND Guaifenesin Hydrocodone bitartrate Hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone acetate Hydrocortisone cream 1-Hydroxybenzatriazole Ibuprofen Imipenem (sterile) Imipramine Lidocaine HCl Lorazepam Medroxyprogesterone Methyl paraben Minoxidil Naproxen Nortriptyline Oxacillin Phenylephrine HCl Phenylpropanolamine Prednisolone Prednisone Procainamide HCl Progesterone Propoxyphene Propranolol Pseudoephedrine HCl Reserpine Salicylic acid Tetracaine Thiamphenicol Triazolam Valerophenone PAGE NO. 38, 39 40 41, 42, 77 43, 78 44, 45 22, 23, 74 46, 47, 48, 79 49 50, 51 52, 80 53 54, 55 52, 80 54, 55 56, 57 58, 59 81 60 61 63, 64, 82 41, 42, 62, 77 65, 67 36, 37 66 67 29 68 10, 73 69 83 12, 13, 71 46, 47, 79 Introduction 5 ADVANCED USPmethods TABLE OF CONTENTS APPLICATIONS SUPPLIED BY • Application Index ----------------------------------------------- 4 • About this guide ------------------------------------------------I. Method Validation --------------------------------------II. Adjusting USP Methods -------------------------------- 6 7 8 • USP Methods ---------------------------------------------------- 9 • Alternative Methods -------------------------------------------- 70 • Notes --------------------------------------------------------------- 84 6 Introduction ABOUT THIS GUIDE Our goal in developing this guide was to illustrate some of the ways which USP/NF methods may be "modified" in order to improve system performance or increase sample throughput. The requirements of many of the validated HPLC methods have been left intentionally vague in order to allow some room for modification to fit specific circumstances. For instance, a method may state that the flow rate should be "around 1 mL/min". This vagueness would imply that modifications to the flow rate are acceptable, so long as the modified method still meets system suitability requirements. This can be a great advantage to analysts who, for whatever reason, are unable to meet system suitability requirements under the specified method. For instance, closely eluting peaks which fail system suitability resolution requirements may be resolved through slight modifications to mobile phase pH, or even by going to a longer column or smaller particle size packing for a higher efficiency separation. In addition, simple modifications such as increasing flow rate or reducing column length can significantly increase sample throughput over the long run. However, this vagueness has also led to considerable confusion as to exactly what is considered "modified" versus "changed". In response to this, several articles have been published, and the USP itself has published a proposed list of acceptable system modifications in Pharmacopeial Forum vol. 25(2) and vol. 26(5). This list, once approved, will be added to the System Suitability section of the USP. Although we cannot perform your validations for you, we can act as a resource for columns and information to better utilize USP methods. With this guide and our Luna HPLC columns you will be able to comply with USP requirements, as well as modernize and optimize your methods for improved performance and increased productivity. Introduction 7 I. METHOD VALIDATION Chromatographic methods are routinely employed in labs around the world for a variety of analytical and preparatory purposes. Due to the relative ease with which most samples can be analyzed and the robustness of many chromatographic analyses, these techniques have become the methods of choice for combinatorial screening of potential drug products to routine QA/QC analysis of nutritional products. In order to ensure the reproducibility and ruggedness of developed methods, a process known as method validation is carried out. Validation, as defined by the USP is "the process of providing documented evidence that the method does what it is intended to do" and is performed on all instruments and methods used in an analytical method. Thus, everything from the software and hardware system to the method itself must be validated before the analytical method is considered "validated". However, the focus of this guide is specifically on the validation of HPLC methods as defined in the USP/NF. Method validation for HPLC methods consists of a process designed to provide documentation that the method will perform as intended. This process of 8 steps or "Analytical Performance Parameters" (USP {1225}) which must be determined in order for a method to be considered "validated". The parameters to be determined are: 1. The accuracy of a method refers to "the closeness of test results obtained by that method to the true value" (USP XXIII). In most cases an accuracy value of 98-102%, determined by calculating percent recovery values of a known standard or against a second technique, is required. In most pharmaceutical analyses, accuracy is determined against a standard curve generated using known amounts of target analyte. 2. Precision represents the degree of variability in your results using the same method. This is normally expressed as relative standard deviation (RSD%) and must be less than 2% for most methods. There are three different levels of precision: a. Method precision (repeatability) is determined by multiple analyses of the same sample over a short period of time. b. Intermediate precision is the precision of the method when run on different days by different operators using different instruments. c. Reproducibility is the variability when the same method is performed by different labs. 3. Specificity is the "ability to measure accurately and specifically the analyte in the presence of components that may be expected to be present in the sample matrix" (USP XXIII). In other words, the ability to separate your target compound from interfering components. There can be no interference from known impurities or degradation/stress products. 4. The linearity or range of a method refers to the ability of a method to give accurate results over a given range of analyte concentrations. Generally, your assay must have a correlation coefficient >0.997 for 5 points over 50-150% of your expected target analyte concentration. 5. Limit of detection is a value given to the lowest amount of analyte that can be detected, but not quantified, using a given method. Often, this minimum value is specified as three times the signal-to-noise ratio. 6. Limit of quantitation, as the name implies, represents the lowest concentration of analyte which can be accurately quantified using a given method. This value is usually a minimum of 10 times the signal-to-noise ratio. 7. The ruggedness of a method is "the degree of reproducibility of the test results obtained by the analysis of the same sample under a variety of normal test conditions, such as different laboratories, different analysts, different instruments, different lots of reagents, different elapsed assay times, different assay temperatures, different days, etc." (USP XXIII). In other words, will other labs be able to reproduce your results? Typically, a valid method must have an RSD% of less than 2% between labs. 8. Method robustness is a measure of the ability of a method to withstand small changes in running conditions. You demonstrate method robustness by varying factors such as mobile phase pH, flow rate, temperature, etc. 8 Introduction II. ADJUSTING USP METHODS Why should I make modifications to USP methods? Although the methods written in the USP compendia have all gone through the validation process and so should, in the best of circumstances, represent methods which will reliably and reproducibly produce acceptable results for the methods, there are instances where it may be worth investigating changing or modifying existing methods. For instance, it could be that a particular formulation for a drug substance gives co-elution with an excipient under the USP conditions. A method which was validated using one particular formulation cannot take into account all of the possible excipients which may be present in future formulations. Thus, it may be possible that a given USP method simply will not resolve the target analyte with acceptable specificity due to excipient compounds present in a formulation. Productivity issues / saving time may also be valid considerations for USP methods. Many of these methods were written using very old HPLC technology, and thus may depend on the use of long columns (300 mm) with large particle sizes (10µ). Given the numerous advances in column technology, many of these older methods could be more efficiently performed using modern HPLC columns with smaller, more highly efficient (3µ) particles and shorter column lengths. Over the long run, the time savings resulting from using shorter columns can be substantial. Improved results can also be an added benefit of using more modern, state-of-the-art HPLC column technologies. The vast advances in silica quality and bonding techniques have resulted in columns which, for many applications, will perform substantially better than their older predecessors. For example, columns packed with low-purity silicas may display extensive tailing with basic or acidic compounds, and failure of the column to meet system suitability requirements for a given assay may delay production and product release. As stated previously, many USP HPLC methods are left intentionally vague. This may be advantageous in that it allows some flexibility in a method, allowing the analyst to "fine-tune" and adjust it to certain situations. If you do make adjustments which are within a reasonable range, you do not have to entirely revalidate, although you must show an improvement in chromatography using reference standards. In addition, it may be advisable to show equivalence to an existing, validated method. The problem arises in determining just what an "acceptable" modification to a method consists of, and when a modification becomes a "change" which would warrant re-validation of a method. For instance, if a method calls for a 300 x 4.6mm column, do I have to revalidate if I choose to use a 250 x 4.6mm? What about a 150 x 4.6mm column? In response to these types of questions, several adjustment limits have been proposed and reviewed in recent publications. At this point, minor modifications to USP methods are commonly used and accepted so long as they conform to the method in intent. The following acceptable method "modifications" have been proposed (Pharmocopeial Forum 25(2) and 26(5)) and are as follows : 1. Mobile phase pH: ± 0.2 units • pH of 7.6 can be adjusted from 7.4-7.8 2. Concentration of salts in buffer: ± 10% • 20mM Potassium phosphate can be 18-22mM, as long as proper pH is maintained as above. 3. Ratio of components in mobile phase: ± 30% of the minor component(s), or ± 2% absolute of that component, whichever is greater. However a change in any component cannot exceed ± 10% absolute, nor can the final concentration be reduced to zero. • 60:40 Acetonitrile/Water can be adjusted to ± 12% water (=30% of 40), but this exceeds the 10% maximum absolute change, so can range from 30% to 50% water in this case 4. Wavelength of UV-Visible Detector: no deviations permitted 5. Column length: ± 70% • 150 x 4.6 mm column can be varied ± 105 mm in length 6. Column inner diameter: ± 50% • 150 x 4.6 mm column can be varied ± 2.3 mm 7. Particle size: can be reduced as much as 50% • 10µ can be switched with a 5µ particle 8. Flow rate: ±50% • 1 mL/min can be varied from 0.5 to 1.5 mL/min 9. Injection volume: increased to as much as twice the volume specified, provided no adverse effects • Must be within stated linearity range of method! 10. Column temperature: ± 20°C USP Methods 9 USP METHODS 10 USP Methods - Acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine - USP Method 2A00710 Also See ALTERNATIVE METHOD page 73 Acetaminophen USP column specified: 100 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.: 00D-4252-E0 Caffeine System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor for all < 1.2 Resolution between any analyte and I.S. is > 1.4 Aspirin USP/NF 23 page: 0021 Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Temperature: Injection: Sample: APP. ID No 3270 Benzoic acid 0.36mg/mL, all others at 0.1mg/mL Water / Methanol / Glacial acetic acid (69:28:3) 2.0 mL/min UV @ 275nm 45°C 10 µL 1. Acetaminophen 2. Caffeine 3. Aspirin 4. Benzoic acid 5. Salicylic acid USP Methods 11 2A00200 - Acetaminophen capsules - USP Method USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.: 00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Efficiency(N) > 1000 plates USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 5047 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.14 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: APP. ID No 3259 Acetaminophen - 0.01mg/mL in mobile phase Water / Methanol (75:25) 1.5 mL/min UV @ 243nm 10 µL 0017 12 USP Methods - Alprazolam - USP Method 2A03940 USP column specified: 300 x 4.6mm L3 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm Silica Part N0.:00G-4042-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 8940 USP Tailing Factor = 1.14 Resolution = 7.05 USP/NF 23 page: 0046 Standard prep: Alprazolam and Triazolam each 0.025mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Chloroform / Butanol / Water / Acetic acid (850 : 80 : 50 : 20 : 0.5) Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. Triazolam 2. Alprazolam APP. ID No 3262 USP Methods 13 - Alprazolam - USP Acceptable Modified Method Also See ALTERNATIVE METHOD page 71 USP column specified: 300 x 4.6mm L3 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm Silica(2) Part No.:00D-4274-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 4071 USP Tailing Factor = 1.12 Resolution = 5.89 USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Alprazolam and Triazolam each 0.025mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Chloroform / Butanol / Water / Acetic acid (850 : 80 : 50 : 20 : 0.5) Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 40 µL Sample: 1. Triazolam 2. Alprazolam APP. ID No 3276 NA 14 USP Methods - Albuterol Tablets - USP Method 2A02962 USP column specified: 150 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.5 Efficiency(N) > 800 (was 5647) Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 5647 Plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.10 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0039 Standard prep: Albuterol - 0.03mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Methanol / Water with 5mM Hexane sulfonic acid and 1% Glacial acetic acid (40 : 60) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 276nm Injection: 20 µL APP. ID No 3260 USP Methods 15 2A09600 - Amitriptyline Hydrochloride - USP Method USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 300 x 3.9mm Bondclone 10µm C18 Part No.:00H-2117-C0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 (was 1.56) Efficiency(N) > 800 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 4812 USP Tailing Factor = 1.56 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Amitriptyline 0.2 mg/mL in water Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / 92 mM Monobasic sodium phosphate pH 2.5 (42:58) Flow rate: 2 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254 nm Injection: 20µL APP. ID No 3319 0093 16 USP Methods - Amoxicillin - USP Method 2A11300 USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.5 Efficiency(N) > 1700 k’ between 1.1-2.8 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 11308 Plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 0.95 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0100 Standard prep: Amoxicillin - 1.2mg/mL in phosphate buffer Mobile phase: 50mM Potassium phosphate pH 5.0 / Acetonitrile (96 : 4) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 230nm Injection: 10 µL APP. ID No 3258 USP Methods 17 2A17776 - Atenolol Injection - USP Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm 5µm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 10598 Plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.23 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Atenolol 0.2mg/mL in citrate buffer pH 6.0 Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / 5mM 1-Octanesulfonatic acid with 38mM Sulfuric acid (25 : 75) Flow rate: 1.7 mL/min Detection: UV @ 275 nm Injection: 10 µL APP. ID No 3284 NA 18 USP Methods - Atenolol - USP Method 2A17774 USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Efficiency(N) > 5000 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 13733 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.06 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: NA Standard prep: Atenolol 0.01mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Methanol / 5mM Dibasic sodium phosphate with 7mM 1-Heptanesulfonate and 20mM Dibutylamine, pH 3.0 (300 : 700) Flow rate: 0.6 mL/min Detection: UV @ 226nm Injection: 10 µL APP. ID No 3285 USP Methods 19 - Atenolol - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Efficiency(N) > 5000 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 6714 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.12 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Atenolol 0.01mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Methanol / 5mM Dibasic sodium phosphate with 7mM 1-Heptanesulfonate and 20mM Dibutylamine, pH 3.0 (300 : 700) Flow rate: 0.9 mL/min (was 0.6mL/min in USP) Detection: UV @ 226nm Injection: 10 µL APP. ID No 3286 0320 20 USP Methods - Benzalkonium Chloride - USP Acceptable Modified Method 7B00500 USP column specified: L10 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm CN Part No.:00F-4255-E0 System Suitability Requirement Efficiency(N) > 1000 plates Resolution > 1.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 7552 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.61 and 1.27 Resolution = 2.70 USP/NF 23 page: 2218 Standard prep: Benzalkonium chloride - 4 mg/mL in water Mobile phase: 100mM Sodium acetate pH 5.0 / Acetonitrile (40 : 60) Flow rate: 2 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 1 µL (was 20µL in USP) Sample: 1. C12 peak 2. C14 peak APP. ID No 9300 USP Methods 21 2C08820 - Cefuroxime Axetil - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm 5µm L13 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm Develosil TMS-UG 5µm Part No.: CH0-4230 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 1.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 8442 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 0.93 Resolution = 2.69 USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Cefuroxime axetil 0.24mg/mL in mobile phase and acetanilide 0.54mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Methanol / 0.2M Monobasic Ammonium Phosphate (380 : 620) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min (was 1.5mL/min in USP) Detection: UV @ 278nm Injection: 10 µL Sample: 1. Acetanilide 2&3. Cefuroxime axetil diastereomers APP. ID No 3318 0315 22 USP Methods - Cephalexin - USP Method 2C09200 Also See ALTERNATIVE METHOD page 74 USP column specified: 250 x 4.0mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 5.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 12317 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 0.99 Resolution = 22.64 USP/NF 23 page: 0320 Standard prep: Cephalexin (0.2 mg/mL) and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole (0.1mg/mL) in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water / Acetonitrile / Methanol / Triethylamine (850 : 100 : 50 : 15) with 5mM 1-Pentanesulfonic acid and adjusted to pH 3.0 Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. 1-Hydroxybenzotriazole 2. Cephalexin APP. ID No 3280 USP Methods 23 - Cephalexin - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 5.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 7743 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 0.99 Resolution = 17.61 USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Cephalexin (0.2mg/mL) and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole(0.1 mg/mL) in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water / Acetonitrile / Methanol /Triethylamine (850 : 100 : 50 : 15) with 5mM 1-Pentanesulfonic acid and adjusted to pH 3.0 Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. 1-Hydroxybenzotriazole 2. Cephalexin APP. ID No 3279 0320 24 USP Methods - Cephradine capsules - USP Acceptable Modified Method 2C10100 Also See ALTERNATIVE METHOD page 75 USP column specified:250 x 4.6mm 10µm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution cephalexin and cephradine must be > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 10270 USP Tailing Factor = 1.12 Resolution = 7.46 USP/NF 23 page: 0326 Standard prep: Mix of cephradine and cephalexin, each 0.1mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water / Methanol / 0.5 M Sodium acetate / 0.7 N Acetic acid (782 : 200 : 15 : 3) Flow rate: 1.2 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. Cephradine 2. Cephalexin APP. ID No 3264 USP Methods 25 2C11500 - Chloramphenicol - USP Acceptable Modified Method Also See ALTERNATIVE METHOD page 76 USP column specified: 100 x 4.6mm 5µm L1 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00D-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 5496 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.15 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Chloramphenicol at 80 µg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water / Methanol / Glacial acetic acid (55 : 45 : 0.1) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 280nm Injection: 10 µL APP. ID No 3312 0332 26 USP Methods - Cortisone acetate - USP Method 2C27200 USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm 10µm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 10µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4250-E0 System Suitability Requirement Efficiency(N) > 1500 k’ > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 4756 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 0.96 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0428 Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: APP. ID No 8709 Cortisone acetate - 0.1 mg/mL Water / Acetonitrile (55 : 45) 2 mL/min UV @ 254nm 35 µL USP Methods 27 - Cortisone acetate - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm 5µm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Efficiency(N) > 1500 k’> 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 4694 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 0.91 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: APP. ID No 8710 Cortisone acetate – 0.1 mg/mL Water / Acetonitrile (55 : 45) 2.0 mL/min UV @ 254nm 20 µL (was 35µL in USP) 0428 28 USP Methods - Dextromethorphan HBr - USP Method 2D06700 USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 22328 USP Tailing Factor = 1.08 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0482 Standard prep: Dextromethorphan HBr-0.1 mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Water (70 : 30), both with 7mM Docusate sodium and 7mM Ammonium nitrate, pH 3.4 with acetic acid Flow rate: 1 mL/min Detection: UV @ 280nm Injection: 20 µL APP. ID No 8711 USP Methods 29 2D17030 - Diphenhydramine & Pseudoephedrine - USP Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L10 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm CN Part No.:00G-4255-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution between two > 3.0 USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 9460 plates/column for diphenhydramine, 8867 for pseudoephedrine USP Tailing Factor = 1.16 for diphenhydramine, 0.96 for pseudoephedrine Resolution = 21.96 USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Diphenhydramine and Pseudoephedrine @ 25ug/mL in 0.5% acetic acid Mobile phase: Methanol / Acetonitrile / Water w/10mM Heptane sulfonate and 13mM Triethylamine, pH 3.3 (10 : 26 : 64) Flow rate: 2 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 50 µL Sample: 1. Pseudoephedrine 2. Diphenhydramine APP. ID No 11203 0534 30 USP Methods - Dopamine HCl Injection - USP Acceptable Modified Method 2D0400 USP column specified: 300 x 4.0mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 4.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 9712 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.63 Resolution = 11.94 USP/NF 23 page: 0549 Standard prep: Dopamine 0.16mg/mL and benzoic acid 0.5mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water with 1% Acetic and 5mM Octanesulfonic acid / Acetonitrile (87 : 13) Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min (was 1.5 by USP) Detection: UV @ 280nm Injection: 40 µL (was 35±1 in USP) Sample: 1. Benzoic acid 2. Dopamine APP. ID No 8712 USP Methods 31 2D20800 - Doxepin HCl - USP Method USP column specified: 125 x 4.6mm L7 Column used: 125 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C8(2) Part No.:00E-4249-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 1.5 USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 14342 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.16 and 1.31 for isomers Resolution = 2.24 USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Doxepin 100µg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: 0.2m Monobasic sodium phosphate / Methanol (61 : 39), adjusted to pH2.5 with phosphoric acid (USP method was 70 : 30) Flow rate: 1 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 20 µL Temperature: 50°C Sample: E and Z isomers of Doxepin APP. ID No 9230 0551 32 USP Methods - Doxylamine succinate - USP Acceptable Modified Method 2D22300 USP column specified: 150 x 4.6mm L7 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 3µm C8(2) Part No.: 00D-4248-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 14059 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 0.91 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0560 Standard prep: Doxylamine 0.25mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Water (37 : 63) with 25mM Monobasic Potassium phosphate, 10mM Triethylamine, and 5mM Sodium lauryl sulphate Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 262nm Injection: 10 µL APP. ID No 3274 USP Methods 33 2E07900 - Estradiol - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution between Estradiol and estrone > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 22223 plates/column for estradiol USP Tailing Factor = 1.15 for estradiol Resolution = 11.52 for 3/2, and 8.88 for 2/1 USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Ethyl paraben-0.75mg/mL Estradiol-20µg/mL Estrone-33µg/mL Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Water (55 : 45) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min (was 1.5 by USP) Detection: UV @ 205nm Injection: 25 µL Sample: 1. Ethyl paraben 2. Estradiol 3. Estrone APP. ID No 8713 0622 34 USP Methods - Ethinyl estradiol - USP Method 2E10800 USP column specified: 150 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 4.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 10128 plates/column for ethinylestradiol USP Tailing Factor = 1.32 Resolution = 13.30 USP/NF 23 page: 0638 Standard prep: Ethinyl estradiol-200µg/mL Ethyl paraben-20µg/mL Mobile phase: Water / Acetonitrile (50 : 50) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 280nm Injection: 25 µL Sample: 1. Ethinyl estradiol 2. Ethyl paraben APP. ID No 3315 USP Methods 35 2F04840 - Fluoxetine HCl - USP Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm 5µm L7 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C8(2) Part No.:00G-4249-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 8448 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.32 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: Supplement No. 8p. 4210 Standard prep: Fluoxetine HCl-110µg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: 10mM Triethylamine buffer pH 6.0 w/phosphoric acid / Tetrahydrofuran / Methanol (60 : 30 : 10) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 227nm Injection: 10 µL APP. ID No 3273 36 USP Methods - Glyburide - USP Method 2G2930 USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L7 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C8(2) Part No.:00G-4249-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 5.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 9853 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.0 for glyburide Resolution = 6.57 USP/NF 23 page: 0713 Standard prep: Glyburide (0.5mg/mL) and progesterone (0.2mg/mL) in mobile phase Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / 10 mM Monobasic ammonium phosphate, pH 5.25 (55 : 45) Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 10 µL Sample: 1. Glyburide 2. Progesterone APP. ID No 3316 USP Methods 37 - Glyburide - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L7 Column used: 125 x 4.6mm LUNA® 3µm C8(2) Part No.:00E-4248-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 5.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 15428 plates/column for glyburide USP Tailing Factor = 0.94 Resolution = 8.08 USP/NF 23 page: 0713 Standard prep: Glyburide (0.5mg/mL) and progesterone (0.2mg/mL) in mobile phase Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Water with 10mM Monobasic ammonium phosphate, pH 5.25(550 : 450) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min (was 2.0mL/min in USP) Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 10 µL Sample: 1. Glyburide 2. Progesterone APP. ID No 3317 38 USP Methods - Guaifenesin Tablets - USP Method 2G05800 USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm 10µm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 10µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4250-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 3.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 3734 plates/column for guaifenesin USP Tailing Factor = 1.04 Resolution = 10.83 USP/NF 23 page: 0724 Standard prep: Guaifenesin-40µg/mL Benzoic acid-100µg/mL Mobile phase: Water / Methanol / Acetic acid (60 : 40 : 1.5) Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 276nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. Guaifenesin 2. Benzoic acid APP. ID No 3281 USP Methods 39 - Guaifenesin Tablets - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm 10µm L1 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00D-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 3.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 3870 plates/column for guaifenesin USP Tailing Factor = 1.23 for guaifenesin Resolution = 10.83 USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: Sample: APP. ID No 3267 Guaifenesin-40µg/mL Benzoic acid-100µg/mL Water / Methanol / Acetic acid (60 : 40 :1.5) 2.0 mL/min UV @ 276nm 20 µL 1. Guaifenesin 2. Benzoic acid 0724 40 USP Methods - Hydrocodone bitartrate - USP Acceptable Modified Method 2H06000 USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L3 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm Silica(2) Part No.:00G-4274-E0 System Suitability Requirement Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 10423 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.54 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0751 Standard prep: Hydrocodone 1mg/mL in methanol Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Water / Diethylamine / Methanol (440 : 2.2 : 0.55 : 45) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 280nm Injection: 5 µL(USP was 20µL) APP. ID No 9299 USP Methods 41 2H06200 - Hydrocortisone - USP Method USP column specified: 300 x 4.0mm L3 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm Silica(2) Part No.:00G-4274-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 3.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 10804 USP Tailing Factor = 1.01 Resolution = 8.34 USP/NF 23 page: 0753 Standard prep: Hydrocortisone 0.1 mg/mL and prednisone 0.06 mg/mL in chloroform Mobile phase: Butyl chloride / Water-saturated butyl chloride / THF / Methanol / Glacial acetic acid (95 : 95 : 14 : 7 : 6) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 10 µL Sample: 1. Hydrocortisone 2. Prednisone APP. ID No 9295 42 USP Methods - Hydrocortisone - USP Acceptable Modified Method 2H06200 USP column specified: 300 x 4.0mm L3 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm Silica(2) Part No.:00D-4274-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 3.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 5116 USP Tailing Factor = 0.98 Resolution = 5.98 USP/NF 23 page: 0753 Standard prep: Hydrocortisone 0.1 mg/mL and prednisone 0.06 mg/mL in chloroform Mobile phase: Butyl chloride / Water-saturated butyl chloride / THF / Methanol / Glacial acetic acid (95 : 95 : 14 : 7 : 6) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 10 µL Sample: 1. Hydrocortisone 2. Prednisone APP. ID No 3287 USP Methods 43 2H07000 - Hydrocortisone acetate - USP Method Also See ALTERNATIVE METHOD page 78 USP column specified: 300 x 4.0mm 10µm L3 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 10µm Silica(2) Part No.:00G-4091-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 8111 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.0 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0758 Standard prep: Hydrocortisone acetate 0.1 mg/mL in chloroform Mobile phase: Butyl chloride / Water-saturated butyl chloride / Tetrahydrofuran / Methanol / Glacial acetic acid (95:95:14:7:6) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 10 µL APP. ID No 9298 44 USP Methods - Hydrocortisone cream - USP Method 2H06300 USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement None stated Column Performance: Efficiency(N) =13,569 USP Tailing Factor =1.02 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0754 Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: APP. ID No 3271 Hydrocortisone-50µg/mL in methanol Water / Acetronitrile (75 : 25) 2.0 mL/min UV @ 254nm 15 µL USP Methods 45 - Hydrocortisone cream - USP Acceptable Modified Method Also See ALTERNATIVE METHOD page 77 USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 3µm C18(2) Part No.:00D-4251-E0 System Suitability Requirement None started Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 11611 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.11 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0754 Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: APP. ID No 8714 Hydrocortisone-50µg/mL in methanol Water / Acetronitrile (75 : 25) 1.5 mL/min (was 2mL/min USP) UV @ 254nm 15 µL 46 USP Methods - Ibuprofen - USP Method 2I00100 USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 20975 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.07 Resolution = 8.08 USP/NF 23 page: 0785 Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: Sample: APP. ID No 3278 Ibuprofen 12mg/mL and valerophenone 0.35mg/mL in mobile phase Acetonitrile / Water (600:400) with 20mM Chloroacetic acid, pH3.0 2.0 mL/min UV @ 254nm 5 µL 1. Ibuprofen 2. Valerophenone USP Methods 47 2I00100 - Ibuprofen - USP Acceptable Modified Method Also See ALTERNATIVE METHOD page 79 USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 10203 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.25 Resolution = 5.77 USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: Sample: APP. ID No 3277 Ibuprofen 12mg/mL andvalerophenone 0.35mg/mL in mobile phase Acetonitrile / Water (600:400) with 20mM Chloroacetic acid, pH3.0 2.0 mL/min UV @ 254nm 5 µL 1. Ibuprofen 2. Valerophenone 0786 48 USP Methods - Ibuprofen Oral Suspension - USP Acceptable Modified Method 2I00150 USP column specified: 150 x 4.6mm L7 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C8(2) Part No.:00F-4249-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 1.5 Peak tailing < 2.0 (was 1.03) Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 10935 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.03 Resolution = 7.93 USP/NF 23 page: 0551 Standard prep: Ibuprofen - 0.4 mg/mL Benzophenone - 0.3 mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: 0.01M phosphoric acid / Acetonitrile (55 : 45) (USP method states 63 : 37) Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 220nm Injection: 5 µL Sample: 1. Benzophenone 2. Ibuprofen APP. ID No 3263 USP Methods 49 2I00770 - Sterile Imipenem - USP Method USP column specified: 300 x 4.0mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm AQUA™ 5µm C18 Part No.:00F-4299-E0 System Suitability Requirement Efficiency(N) > 600 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 3299 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 0.95 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0792 Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: APP. ID No 3272 Imipenem 0.4 mg/mL in mobile phase 7mM potassium phosphate pH 6.8 1.5 mL/min UV @ 300nm 10 µL 50 USP Methods - Imipramine - USP Method 2I00800 USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 1.3 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 9366 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.85 Resolution = 2.76 USP/NF 23 page: 0794 Standard prep: Imipramine and desipramine 0.3mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: 0.06M Sodium perchlorate / Acetonitrile / Triethlamine (625 : 375 : 1), adjusted with Perchloric acid to a pH of 2.0 Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 269nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. Imipramine 2. Desipramine APP. ID No 3255 USP Methods 51 - Imipramine - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 1.3 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 5424 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.53 Resolution = 2.12 USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Imipramine and desipramine 0.3mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: 0.06M Sodium perchlorate / Acetonitrile / Triethlamine (625 : 375 :1), adjusted with Perchloric acid to a pH of 2.0 Flow rate: 2 mL/min (was 1.5 in USP) Detection: UV @ 269nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. Imipramine 2. Desipramine APP. ID No 3248 0794 52 USP Methods - Lidocaine HCl - USP Acceptable Modified Method 2L02900 Also See ALTERNATIVE METHOD page 80 USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution Lidocaine/methyl paraben > 3.0 Column Performance: Resolution = 22.57 USP/NF 23 page: 0887 Standard prep: Lidocaine-1.7mg/mL in mobile phase Methyl paraben-220µg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Water with 5% Acetic acid, pH 3.4 (20:80) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 5 µL (was 20 µL in USP method) Sample: 1. Lidocaine 2. Methyl paraben APP. ID No 3254 USP Methods 53 2L05856 - Lorazepam Tablets - USP Method USP column specified: 300 x 4.0mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 13254 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.15 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 0905 Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: 1.0 APP. ID No 3253 min Lorazepam 0.1mg/mL in mobile phase Water / Methanol / Acetic acid (55 : 45 : 2) 2.0 mL/min UV @ 254nm 20 µL 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 54 USP Methods - Minoxidil - USP Method 2M23430 USP column specified: 250 x 4.0mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 12603 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.09 Resolution = 15.50 USP/NF 23 page: 1032 mL APP. ID No 3266 Standard prep: Minoxidil 0.2 mg/mL and Medroxyprogesterone acetate 0.25 mg/ in mobile phase Mobile phase: Methanol / Water / Acetic acid (700 : 300 : 10) with 7mM Docusate sodium and pH 3.0 with perchloric acid Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV@254nm Injection: 10 µL Sample: 1. Minoxidil 2. Medroxyprogesterone acetate USP Methods 55 - Minoxidil - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.0mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 5424 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.53 Resolution = 2.12 USP/NF 23 page: 1032 Standard prep: Minoxidil 0.2 mg/mL and Medroxyprogesterone acetate 0.25 mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Methanol / Water / Acetic acid (700 : 300 : 10) with 3.0g docusate sodium pH 3.0 with perchloric acid Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min (was 1 mL/min in USP) Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 10 µL Sample: 1. Minoxidil 2. Medroxyprogesterone acetate APP. ID No 3265 56 USP Methods - Naproxen Tablets - USP Method 2N01900 USP column specified: 150 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Efficiency(N) > 4000 Resolution > 11.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 10645 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.08 Resolution = 14.46 USP/NF 23 page: 1054 Standard prep: Naproxen 25 µg/mL and butyrophenone 0.001µL/mL Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Water / Glacial Acetic acid (50 : 49 : 1) Flow rate: 1.2 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. Naproxen 2. Butyrophenone APP. ID No 3282 USP Methods 57 2N01950 - Naproxen Oral Suspension - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00D-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 3.0 USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 5175 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.15 for naproxen Resolution = 8.91 USP/NF 23 page: 1053 Standard prep: Naproxen - 50 µg/mL Ethylparaben - 4.4 µg/mL Mobile phase: Methanol / Water (50 : 50) with 30mM Sodium acetate pH 5.8 Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. Naproxen 2. Ethylparaben APP. ID No 3283 58 USP Methods - Nortriptyline HCl Capsules - USP Method 2N12400 USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L10 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm CN Part No.:00G-4255-E0 System Suitability Requirement Efficiency(N) > 500 USP Tailing Factor < 3.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 8343 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.61 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 1107 Standard prep: Nortriptyline 0.38mg/mL in methanol Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Methanol / 12mM Potassium phosphate pH 6.7 (40 : 43 : 17) Flow rate: 2.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 239nm Injection: 5 µL APP. ID No 9296 USP Methods 59 - Nortriptyline HCl Capsules - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L10 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 3µm CN Part No.:00D-4254-E0 System Suitability Requirement Efficiency(N) > 500 USP Tailing Factor < 3.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 8653 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.6 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: 0.38mg/mL in methanol Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Methanol / 12mM Potassium phosphate pH 6.7 (40 : 43 : 17) Flow rate: 2.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 239nm Injection: 5 µL APP. ID No 9297 1107 60 USP Methods - Phenylephrine Hydrochloride Injection - USP Method 2P13200 USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 1.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 13430 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.32 for epipnephrine, 0.78 for phenylephrine Resolution = 7.32 USP/NF 23 page: 1212 Standard prep: Phenylephrine HCl and Epinephrine bitartrate, both 0.4mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water / Methanol (50 : 50) with 0.1% 1-octanesulfonic acid adjust to pH3.0 with phosphoric acid Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 280nm Injection: 5 µL (USP was 20µL) Sample: 1. Epinephrine bitartrate 2. Phenylephrine HCl APP. ID No 3246 USP Methods 61 - Phenylpropanolamine HCl-Limit of Amphetamine - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 150 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00D-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 5.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 6656 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.32 Resolution = 13.24 USP/NF 23 page: 1214 Standard prep: Phenylpropanolamine HCl and Dextroamphetamine sulfate, each 5µg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: THF / Methanol / Water with 0.2% TMAH and 0.5% Phosphoric acid (4 : 40 : 956) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min (USP was 1.0mL/min) Detection: UV @ 215nm Injection: 10 µL (was 5 µL in USP) Sample: 1. Phenylpropanolamine 2. Dextroamphetamine APP. ID No 8275 62 USP Methods - Prednisone oral solution - USP Acceptable Modified Method 2N12400 USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor< 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 6349 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.14 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 1285 Standard prep: Prednisone at 40µg/mL in methanol / water (25 : 75) Mobile phase: 17mM Monobasic potassium phosphate / Acetonitrile (60 : 40) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 10 µL APP. ID No 3268 USP Methods 63 2P23800 - Prednisolone - USP Method USP column specified: 300 x 4.6mm L3 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm Silica(2) Part No.:00G-4274-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 3.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 12561 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.11 Resolution = 10.30 USP/NF 23 page: 1277 Standard prep: Presnisolone and Betamethasone, 0.1mg/mL in chloroform Mobile phase: Butyl chloride / Water-saturated butyl chloride / Tetrahydrofuran / Methanol / Glacial acetic acid (95 : 95 : 14 : 7 : 6) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 10 µL Sample: 1. Betamethasone 2. Presnisolone APP. ID No 11202 64 USP Methods - Prednisolone - USP Acceptable Modified Method USP column specified: 300 x 4.6mm L3 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm Silica(2) Part No.:00D-4274-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 3.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 5532 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 0.95 Resolution = 6.64 USP/NF 23 page: 1230 Standard prep: Presnisolone and betamethasone, 0.1mg/mL in chloroform Mobile phase: Butyl chloride / Water-saturated butyl chloride / Tetrahydrofuran / Methanol / Glacial acetic acid (95 : 95 : 14 : 7 : 6) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 10 µL Sample: 1. Betamethasone 2. Presnisolone APP. ID No 3269 USP Methods 65 2P28300 - Procainamide HCl - USP Method Also See ALTERNATIVE METHOD page 82 USP column specified: 300 x 3.9mm 10µm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 10µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4250-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 5.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 3735 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.08 Resolution = 5.99 USP/NF 23 page: 1294 Standard prep: Procainamide HCl - 0.05mg/mL in mobile phase p-Aminobenzoic acid - 0.01mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water / Methanol / TEA (140 : 60 : 1) adjusted to pH 7.5 with phosphoric acid Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 280nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. p-Aminobenzoic acid 2. Procainamide HCl APP. ID No 3261 66 USP Methods - Propoxyphene HCl Capsules - USP Acceptable Modified Method 2P30900 USP column specified: 33 x 4.6mm 3µm L1 Column used: 50 x 4.6mm LUNA® 3µm C18(2) Part No.:00B-4251-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 6049 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.37 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 1319 Standard prep: Propoxyphene 6.5µg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: 50mM Monobasic potassium phosphate pH 3.0 with 20mM Triethylamine / Acetonitrile (70 : 30, was 3 : 2 in USP) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 220nm Injection: 5 µL (10µL in USP) Sample: 1. Propoxyphene APP. ID No 3269 USP Methods 67 2P31700 - Propranolol - USP Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm 5µm L7 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C8(2) Part No.:00G-4249-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.0 USP Tailing Factor for propranolol < 3.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 10067 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.08 Resolution = 15.88 USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: Propranolol (0.04mg/mL) and Procainamide (0.04mg/mL) in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water / Acetonitrile / Methanol (70 : 70 : 90) with 7mM Sodium Lauryl sulfate and 11mM Phosphoric acid Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 290nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. Procainamide 2. Propranolol APP. ID No 3291 1327 68 USP Methods - Reserpine - USP Method 2R01000 USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00G-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Efficiency(N) > 1500 USP Tailing Factor < 1.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 11218 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.32 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: 1369 Standard prep: Reserpine at 10µg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / 1% Ammonium chloride, pH5.6 (50 : 50) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 268nm Injection: 20 µL APP. ID No 3292 USP Methods 69 2T05300 - Tetracaine HCl opthalmic solution - USP Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L10 Column used: 250 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm CN Part No.:00G-4255-E0 System Suitability Requirement Efficiency(N) > 500 USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 11664 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.43 Resolution = NA USP/NF 23 page: Standard prep: 0.1mg/mL in water Mobile phase: 10mM Ammonium phosphate pH3.0 / Acetonitrile (70 : 30) Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 280nm Injection: 5 µL APP. ID No 3293 1506 70 USP Alternative Methods ALTERNATIVE METHODS The following Alternative Methods are based on USP methods but have been changed to optimize runtime, peak shape and/or provide more rugged mobile phase conditions. Because the methods are "changed" and not "modified" within the proposed guidelines of Pharmacopeial Forum vol. 25(2) and vol. 26(2), the following methods are not USP accepted modified methods. These methods warrant additional validation by the USP. USP Alternative Methods 71 - Alprazolam - Alternative Method USP column specified: 300 x 4.6mm L3 Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 3µm CN Part No.:00D-4254-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 12166 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.03 Resolution = 2.74 Standard prep: Alprazolam and Triazolam each 0.025mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Hexane / Methylene choride / Methanol (75 : 20 : 5) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 20 µL Sample: 1. Triazolam 2. Alprazolam APP. ID No 3309 72 USP Alternative Methods - Amoxicillin - Alternative Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C8(2) Part No.:00F-4249-E0 System Suitability Requirement k’ between 1.1 -2.8 Efficiency(N) > 1700 USP Tailing Factor < 2.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 6531 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.18 Resolution = NA Standard prep: Amoxicillin - 1.2mg/mL in phosphate buffer Mobile phase: 20mM Ammonium acetate pH4.9 / Methanol (95 : 5) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 230nm Injection: 5 µL APP. ID No 3294 USP Alternative Methods 73 - Aspirin tablets - Alternative Method USP column specified: 300 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 11523 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.06 Resolution = 7.34 Standard prep: Aspirin 2mg/mL and Salicylic acid 1.6mg/mL Mobile phase: 20mM Ammonium formate pH3.0 / Acetonitrile (75 : 25) Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 2 µL Sample: 1. Aspirin 2. Salicylic acid APP. ID No 3301 74 USP Alternative Methods - Cephalexin - Alternative Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm Phenyl-Hexyl Part No.:00F-4257-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 5.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 4788 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.07 Resolution = 9.61 Standard prep: Cephalexin(0.2mg/mL) and 1-Hydroxybenzotriazole (0.1mg/mL) in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water with 0.05%formic acid / Methanol with 0.05% formic acid (70 : 30) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 5 µL Sample: 1. 1-Hydroxybenzotriazole 2. Cephalexin APP. ID No 3308 USP Alternative Methods 75 - Cephradine capsules - Alternative Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm 10µm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C8(2) Part No.:00F-4249-E0 System Suitability Requirement ResolutionResolution > 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 5999 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.23 Resolution = 5.0 Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: Sample: Mix of Cephradine and Cephalexin, each 0.1mg/mL in mobile phase 20mM Ammonium acetete pH4.9 / Methanol (70 : 30) 1.2 mL/min UV @ 254nm 10 µL 1. Cephalexin 2. Cephradine 1 APP. ID No 3295 76 USP Alternative Methods - Chloramphenicol - Alternative Method USP column specified: 100 x 4.6mm 5µm L1 Column used: 50 x 4.6mm LUNA® 3µm C18(2) Part No.:00B-4251-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Efficiency(N) > 1899 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 4206 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.09 Resolution = NA Standard prep: Chloramphenicol at 80µg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water with 0.05%formic acid / Methanol with 0.05% formic acid (70 : 30) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 280nm Injection: 4 µL APP. ID No 3312 USP Alternative Methods 77 - Hydrocortisone - Alternative Method USP column specified: Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm Phenyl-Hexyl Part No.:00F-4257-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 3.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 9120 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.01 Resolution = 2.91 Standard prep: Hydrocortisone 0.1mg/mL in mobile phase and Prednisone 0.06mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Acetonitrile / Water (20 : 80) Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 5 µL Sample: 1. Hydrocortisone 2. Prednisone APP. ID No 3303 78 USP Alternative Methods - Hydrocortisone Acetate - Alternative Method USP column specified: Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C8(2) Part No.:00F-4249-E0 System Suitability Requirement USP Tailing Factor < 2.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 6194 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.15 Resolution = NA Standard prep: Mobile phase: Flow rate: Detection: Injection: APP. ID No 3311 Hydrocortisone acetate 0.1mg/mL in mobile phase Methanol / Water (60 : 40) 1.0 mL/min UV @ 254nm 10 µL USP Alternative Methods 79 - Ibuprofen - Alternative Method USP column specified: 250 x 4.6mm L1 Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C18(2) Part No.:00F-4252-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 2.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 12739 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.09 Resolution = 7.71 Standard prep: Ibuprofen-12mg/mL in mobile phase Valerophenone-0.35mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: 20mM Ammonium acetate pH4.0 / Acetonitrile (60 : 40) Flow rate: 2.0 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 5 µL Sample: 1. Ibuprofen 2. Valerophenone APP. ID No 3278 80 USP Alternative Methods - Lidocaine HCl - Alternative Method USP column specified: Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm C8(2) Part No.:00F-4249-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution Lidocaine/methyl paraben > 3.0 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 4136 plates/column for Lidocaine USP Tailing Factor = 1.25 Resolution = 11.16 Standard prep: Lidocaine-1.7mg/mL in mobile phase Methyl paraben-220µg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: 20mM Ammonium acetate with 30mM TFA / Acetonitrile / Methanol (70 : 10 : 20) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 5 µL Sample: 1. Lidocaine 2. Methyl paraben APP. ID No 3300 USP Alternative Methods 81 - Oxacillin - Alternative Method USP column specified: Column used: 150 x 4.6mm LUNA® 5µm Phenyl-Hexyl Part No.:00F-4257-E0 System Suitability Requirement Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 8142 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.11 Resolution = NA Standard prep: Oxacillin 0.5mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water / Acetonitrile / Methanol, all with 10mM Formic acid (40 : 30 : 30) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 230nm Injection: 2 µL APP. ID No 3296 82 USP Alternative Methods - Prednisolone - Alternative Method USP column specified: Column used: 100 x 4.6mm LUNA® 3µm Cyano Part No.:00D-4254-E0 System Suitability Requirement Resolution > 3.5 Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 9443 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.09 Resolution = 4.05 Standard prep: Prednisolone and Betamethasone, 0.1mg/mL in chloroform Mobile phase: Hexane / Isopropanol (85 : 15) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 254nm Injection: 10 µL Sample: 1. Betamethasone 2. Prednisolone APP. ID No 3302 USP Alternative Methods 83 - Thiamphenicol - Alternative Method USP column specified: Column used: 50 x 4.6mm LUNA® 3µm C18(2) Part No.:00B-4251-E0 System Suitability Requirement Column Performance: Efficiency(N) = 4492 plates/column USP Tailing Factor = 1.10 Resolution = NA Standard prep: Thiamphenicol at 0.5mg/mL in mobile phase Mobile phase: Water with 0.05% formic acid / Methanol with 0.05% formic acid (85 : 15) Flow rate: 1.5 mL/min Detection: UV @ 280nm Injection: 20 µL APP. ID No 3297 84 Notes Notes 85 86 87 88 ADVANCED USPmethods Phenomenex products are available worldwide. For the distributor in your country, contact Phenomenex USA, International Department by telephone, fax or e-mail: [email protected]. tel.: fax: email: USA 411 Madrid Ave. Torrance, CA 90501-1430 USA (310) 212-0555 (310) 328-7768 [email protected] Puerto Rico 271 Sierra Morena, Suite #104 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00926 (800) 541-HPLC (310) 328-7768 [email protected] Canada 411 Madrid Ave. Torrance, CA 90501-1430 USA (800) 543-3681 (310) 328-7768 [email protected] United Kingdom Queens Avenue, Hurdsfield Ind. Est., Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 2BN, England 01625-501367 01625-501796 [email protected] Germany Zeppelinstr. 5 63741 Aschaffenburg Deutschland 06021-58830-0 06021-58830-11 [email protected] New Zealand P.O. Box 31-601 Milford Auckland New Zealand 09-4780951 09-4780952 [email protected] Australia P.O. Box 264 Pennant Hills NSW 1715 Australia 1800-553-929 1800-553-923 [email protected] 2301_L mail: SM
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