Annual Report 2012 - Kumbeshwar Technical School
Annual Report 2012 - Kumbeshwar Technical School
“Equal Opportunities for All” KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Patan, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal Annual Report 2012 Presented by Siddhi Bahadur Khadgi Founder Chairman KTS is a non-profit, Fair Trade NGO Her Excellency Madam Susan Grace, Ambassador of Australian Embassy delivering inaugural speech in KTS annual day programme Founder Chairman Mr. Siddhi Bahadur Khadgi delivering speech in School Day programme. Ms. Safia Minney, Founder of Fair Trade Co., Japan and People Tree UK talking with KTS founder Mr. Siddhi Bahadur Khadgi and her team members Yoshiko Lida, Rika Sueyoshi and Mr. Sueyoshi. CONTENTS S.No. Subject 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Director’s Letter About KTS What We Do KTS Vision Selected Highlights Sponsor Welfare of Staff and Producers Workshop and Quality Feedback Participation in Meedings Abroad Christmas Fair Visit and Ineraction Worldwide Friends of Kumbeshwar Kumbeshwar Kids Worldwide KTS Cookbook Edition 2 Financial Report Orphange Nursery and Primary School Extra Curricular Activities Day Care Centre Vocational Training Hand Knitting Training Carpet Weaving Training Carpentry Training Production Unit Hand Knitting Production Unit Carpet Production Unit Carpentry Production Unit KTS News Thanks to you all KTS Supporters Kumbeshwar Knitwear Buyers Kumbeshwar Carpet Buyers The KTS Executive Committee Organization & Internal Structure 2012 P.No. 3 4 4 5 6 13 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 46 2 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL DIRECTOR’S LETTER Beside the regular programme, the management of the Kumbeshwar Technical School has focussed to improve the environment and standardise the education system within the school. The renovation of the rooms and addition of furniture including green boards instead of black boards, construction of comfortable hygienic toilets, establishment of the library and the computer room and change of old text books to new ones have created good atmosphere within the school. Similarly, on the vocational training sector, the school is providing skills in depth as needed for producing quality products. After completion of training, trainees can join our organisation and get job if they wish so. The member producers in production units receive detailed information about the products they have to produce. They are also communicated about the national and international market trend and customer choices. Work place in the school is made comfortable, maintained transparency and supported to them to strengthen their social and economic status in the society. In this year, the knitwear production unit has undertaken trial production of some items by installing hand- made wooden loom. We have carried out all annual programme smoothly. We are highly obliged to all of you for extending us valuable support in achieving the set target and marching ahead toward further progress of the organisation. Thank you. Kiran Bahadur Khadgi Member Secretary and Director KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 3 ABOUT KTS Established in 1983 by former State Council Member, Mr Siddhi Bahadur Khadgi, Kumbeshwar Technical School (KTS) is an educational and vocational training centre supporting the needs of low-income families throughout Nepal. As a non-profit-making, Fair Trade NGO, KTS believes that “equal opportunities for all” is a fundamental human right. KTS was initially established to assist the local Pode community of street sweepers because, as a caste of untouchables, these people had been denied education and employment opportunities. The rest of society shunned them and it was virtually impossible to break free from the traditional caste occupations of street sweepers, butchers and small farmers. Kabindra Khadgi, the youngest son of the Founder Chairman, implemented the first KTS programme in 1983. A childcare project for street cleaning workers was established, followed by adult literacy classes and a nutrition and health clinic, including an immunisation programme. In 1984, KTS opened a primary school and introduced a carpet weaving training programme for adults. The KTS organisation today encompasses a free nursery and primary school for 250 children and offers welfare and education for up to 20 orphan/semi-orphan children in the KTS orphanage. KTS provides vocational training for women and young men in carpet weaving, hand knitting and carpentry. As a founder member of Fair Trade Group Nepal and a member of WFTO and WFTO Asia, KTS strongly believes in Fair Trade practices and is committed to working with its producers to create Fair Trade products. KTS supports Fair Trade income-generating programmes for its producers, through the sale of high-quality Fair Trade carpets, knitwear and furniture, which fund and sustain the KTS activities. KTS also runs a day-care centre for the children of trainees, producers and staff, free of cost. KTS is managed by a seven-member Executive Committee, which makes all the policy decisions relating to the organisation. The Director of KTS has overall responsibility for policy implementation. The KTS administrative team manages the organisation’s day-to-day running. The KTS primary school teachers’ committee bears responsibility for the Nursery and Primary School. The administration staff and a vocational teachers’ committee oversee the Vocational School. WHAT WE DO KTS offers key opportunities to create a secure future. Local children from low-income families learn vital literacy skills and receive a broad education in the KTS Nursery and Primary School. Vocational training in carpet weaving, hand knitting and carpentry opens access to a wide range of employment opportunities. KTS assists in the creation of income-generating programmes that directly benefit low-income groups and, in particular, women and the physically disabled. Orphans and destitute women are offered a home, education and vocational training. KTS also works to empower the local community and the wider population to take responsibility for themselves and their future. As a founder member of Fair Trade Group Nepal and a member of WFTO Global and WFTO Asia, as well as a member of Nepal RugMark Foundation KTS strongly believes in Fair Trade practices and is committed to working with its producers to create Fair Trade products. 4 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL KTS MISSION Equal opportunities for all KTS VISION • • • • • • Provide free nursery and primary education to local community children from low-income families Improve the standard of literacy and general education amongst the pupils Provide technical education and vocational training to disadvantaged women and young men from low-income families and broaden their access to a wider range of employment opportunities Create and support income-generating programmes that directly benefit low-income groups, especially women, through the sale of KTS Fair Trade products Provide education, welfare and training to orphans and destitute women Empower the local community and other beneficiaries to take greater responsibility for themselves and their future Pre- nursery ( play group) Class Orphans enjoying Tea Break KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Students at class room Job opportunities for under privileged Women 5 SELECTED HIGHLIGHTS KTS completed some of the infrastructure improvement works such as constructing improved toilets, green board, solar system - an alternative power for electricity and shelves in the Primary school classrooms with the support of Her Excellency Ms. Susan Grace, Australian Ambassador by DAP fund of AUS AID Similarly with her generous support, the Knitwear design room was developed, with added wool rack and knitwear display cupboard in the knitwear section. 6 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Her Excellency Ms. Susan Grace also supported the addition of new equipment in the carpentry section. This has been a great benefit to the school. The soundproof generator enabled to continue work smoothly at the time of electricity power cuts during day-to-day activities. Wool rack Machinery and equipment for carpentry unit Floor of the Nursery class room, toilet and kitchen for students of primary class being improved with the support of Fair Trade Korea. Flooring in Nursery class KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Newly set-up Kitchen 7 With the support of Docey Lewis, KTS set up a portable effluent plant for a dye waste water treatment under the supervision of Mr. Albert Horowitz and with the collaboration of Mr. Prakash Amatya, Nepal Environment Journalist Association and Mr. Narayan Prasad Upadhya, senior Chemist. For the effluent plant development and improvement, Mr. Albert Horowitz is working with our team members. Ms. Isabella Holding, curator from Australia exhibited KTS carpet designed by Australian Artists in Sidhartha Art Gallery, Babar Mahal Revisited, Kathmandu with support of Her Excellency Ms. Susan Grace, Ambassador of Australia and Madam Judi Holding. KTS Carpet weavers who were invited to the programme enjoyed the occasion very much and were inspired by displays on the wall. 8 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL The Management of KTS held interaction programme with its home based producers and collected detailed information from them. In the programme KTS staff and producers shared views and discussed Fair Trade principles. The producers and group leaders actively participated in the programme. KTS home based producers participating in the interaction programme. KTS celebrated World Fair Trade Day as usual with an interaction programme shared by KTS staff and producers followed by a design competition. A Women’s health and eye camp as well as a quiz contest were held in the primary school. KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 9 On the occasion of World Fair Trade day, we successfully conducted a Women’s Health and Eye check up and treatment camp. 326 people including KTS students, staff, producers and members from the local community received eye check up services and among them 19 people were found suffering from cataracts. The Camp was conducted in association with the Nepal Eye Hospital. The cataract surgery operations were performed in Nepal Eye Hospital with a special discount. Kumbeshwar Trading Centre sponsored the medicines, logistics of the camp and operation costs for all 19 patients. Dr. Piyush Raj Pandey and Mrs. Manju Sharma, Mrs. Nirmala Shakya – Nurses and Mr. Shyam Prasad Dahal - P. Supervisor from Nepal Eye Hospital conducted the eye camp. 10 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Senior Gynecologist Dr. Sushila Shrestha and Dr. Nilima Amatya carried out women’s health check-up in the camp. Senior Nurses Mrs. Durga Laxmi Mulmi, Ms Mamita Maharjan, Ms. Ruchi Shakya, Lab Technician Mr. Laxmi Prasad Bhandari, Pharmacist Ms. Bhawana, Ms. Wanjana Shakya and Mr. Bikram Khadgi, Social workers Mr. Gyan Bahadur Shakya and Mr. Narayan Kapali extended their services voluntarily. KTS Executive Member Mr. Deepak Kumar Khadgi, Mr. Satyendra Khadgi, KTS teachers and staff’s volunteered in the camp. 68 women received benefit from the camp. KTS encouraged staff, producers and neighbours to continue the YOGA programme which was started last year and held in the day care room in the early morning daily. Mr. Ratna Lal Deula is assisting the YOGA programme. KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 11 With the support of Lalitpur Sub Metropolitan City under the social activity programme, a Tuberculosis prevention class took place in the primary school. The experts gave orientation on the prevention of TB to the students. Students from grade 1 to 5 were given “Congenital Rubella Syndrome – CRC” Vaccination and students under 5 years received Vitamin A Capsules as well as polio vaccinations as per the Nepal Government programme conducted by Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City. For health and safety precautions, KTS conducted a demonstration programme on the use of fire distinguisher during fire with directions and instructions for leaving the building. . Fire distinguish operation training was provided to KTS staff. The School celebrated its 25th Anniversary on 19th October 2012. On this occasion, the Chief Guest Her Excellency Ms. Susan Grace, Ambassador of Australia in Nepal inaugurated the programme and distributed prizes to class top students in the primary school and Certificates of Achievement to Hand knitting and Carpet weaving trainees. 12 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL In her inaugural speech, Chief Guest Ms. Susan Grace appreciated KTS activities in promoting skills to the people especially to socially and economically deprived women, and imparting free primary education to the children of poverty-stricken families. Her Excellency Ms. Susan Grace inaugurating the programme and distributing the prizes to students and trainees Students of primary class performing cultural programme. SPONSOR KTS is continuing to provide scholarships to producers’ children Miss Pradina Shrestha, Niva Shrestha, Leeja Lama, Salina Shakya, Roshan Tamang, Beli Tamang ( mentally retarded girl ), Purushottam Thakuri, Shankar Shrestha, Soniya Lama, Aliza Deula, Sujal Khadgi, Rajan Garu and Bishal Lamichhane for secondary school education. WELFARE OF STAFF AND PRODUCERS This year 21 staff and producers benefited from our health and maternity insurance programme. The credit facility was utilised by 12 staff and 20 producers for their house renovation, family business development, etc. KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 13 WORKSHOP AND QUALITY FEEDBACK This year most of our buyers visited us and conducted quality workshops as well as gave valuable feedback on our products. The workshops and feedback were helpful to our staff and producers in updating their knowledge of markets, improving and enhancing their skills etc. Ms. Megan Johnston checking products and giving feedback Ms. Masako Ueda, FTCo Japan giving feedback to Staff and producers Ms. Yosh Fukuhara, FTCo Japan giving feedback to Staff Ms. Song from Fair Trade Korea giving feedback to KTS QC staff and producers. Ms. Sara from SERRV International, USA providing Web page design training Ms. Marina Spedafora, CTM Italy providing design training and QC feedbacks 14 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Ms. Docey Lewis is helping to develop a new hand-weaving loom in order to introduce new hand woven knitted products in KTS. Safia Minney and Ms. Yoshiko Lida with KTS knitwear producers. Ms. Christine Gent giving orientation on 10 principals of Fair Trade to KTS producers Participation in meetings abroad: Member Secretary/Director of KTS Mr. Kiran Bahadur Khadgi participated in the official delegation of FNCCI in Thailand, attended WFTO Asia regional meetings and conference and WFTO Global AGM in Goa, India. He also participated in the programme “Fair Trade Cotton Supply Chain Development in India & Nepal” and attended “I’ Artigliano in Fiera” programme in Italy. Kiran at Thai Commerce Ministry with high level trade delegation led by Mr. Bhaskarraj Rajkarnikar, 1st Vice president of FNCCI KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Kiran at WFTO Asia regional annual general meeting at Goa, India 15 Kiran participating in the Workshop on “the Fair Trade Supply Chain Cotton project” and sharing the experiences of Indian and Nepalese Fair Trade networks in Rome Christmas Fair Fair Trade Group Nepal organized a Christmas Fair at Hotel Annapurna, Kathmandu. Residential Representative of UNDP His Excellency Mr. Robert Piper and Mrs. Maggie Piper inaugurated the Fair. H.E. Robert Piper & Maggie Piper inaugurating the Fair Trade Christmas Fair H.E. Robert Piper observing Fair Trade Christmas Fair Live demonstration by rug weaver at the Christmas Fair KTS participated in the 9th Handicraft Fair under the roof of FTG Nepal pavilion 16 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL KTS friend Mr. Jan Meijar from Netherland in KTS showroom. Ms. Safia Minney founder Fair Trade Co. Japan at KTS Ms. Jean from UK at Day Care Visitor observing Carpet weaving at KTS. Visit and Interaction Buyers and Designers visit KTS and interaction with them is very effective and useful to improve the quality of our products. The direct interaction with buyers and designers also helped to motivate and inspire our staff and producers. Masako Ueda, designer from Fair Trade Company, Japan, checking the quality of products KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Ms. Docey conducted special design training to KTS Senior knitting staff. 17 Ms. Rabina, QC staff giving orientation to staff about quality. Seong Eun Lee, Sena Ji, Song Kim from Fair Trade Korea giving orientation about new design to KTS staffs Ms Mi Young & Song from Fair Trade Korea giving feedbacks to KTS staffs and producers Ms. Safia and her team with producers Ms. Safia Minney and team interviewing KTS knitwear producers Ms Docey Lewis freelance designer from USA giving weaving knit finishing training to KTS staff. 18 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Above feature was published in Serrv International Catalogue, USA KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 19 WORLDWIDE FRIENDS OF KUMBESHWAR KIDS MEMBERSHIP The membership programme is of great value to us enabling us to continue our social activities such as free Nursery Primary School, Orphans Home, Day Care centre and vocational training with allowances. The support of our national and international members is the base of our strength. KTS is receiving support from members and well-wishers in various fields such as financial support, publicity of KTS activities, promoting markets of KTS products, extending volunteer services, advice and technical support, recommendations to visit Nepal and appraisal and appreciation of Nepalese handicrafts etc. Old cupboard replaced Top floor of KTS building renovated to a room Old cupboard replaced with the support of Ms. Doris Ospelt Top floor of KTS building renovated to a room for producers’ workplace, interaction, health camp and store, all with support of Lydia Cook. There are 143 KK members from the following countries. Nepal 30, UK 40, Australia 14, Netherlands 26, New Zealand 11, USA 5, Japan 6, Denmark 3, Germany 3, Switzerland 1, Spain 1, Portugal 1 , France 1 and UAE 1 Mrs Maggie Adams Langley generously coordinates our UK Friends and well-wishers. Maggie’s address is 52 Osborne Mews, Sheffield, S11 9EG, UK. Tel: 0114 255 4067. Email: magadams@ Ms Lydia Cook formed the KTS Jersey 52 Club to help raise funds through its membership programme. Lydia’s address is 41 Cranham Court, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4RY. Lydia has generously given her time to organise the KTS Lottery which provides considerable funds for KTS. Friends of Kumbeshwar Kids are invited to join the lottery. If you are interested to join, please contact Lydia at her address. Each month the Lottery is drawn and one lucky participant receives a cheque for £100. Ms Nola Ainsworth has been kindly coordinating the Australian WFKK membership. Nola’s address is 4/3 Harbourview Cr., Abbotsford, NSW 2046, Australia. Tel: 97135596. Email: [email protected] 20 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL KUMBESHWAR KIDS WORLDWIDE MEMBERS S.No. NAME COUNTRY 1. Gael Robertson U.K. 2. Juliet Hardiker U.K. 3. Mrs Anne Garbutt U.K. 4. Jan Hopkins U.K. 5. David Potter U.K. 6. Bill & Betty Pryce U.K. 7. Mr T J B George & Mrs Richinda George family U.K. 8. Mr & Mrs Stephenson UK 9. Mark & Maggie Hudson UK. 10. Ms. Vivien Norfolk UK 11. Ms. Lydia Cook UK 12. Mrs. B. Bullen UK 13. Mr. David Williams UK 14. Delena Davison UK 15. Martin and Celia Davies UK 16. Ms.Leela Gourdeau UK 17. Mrs. Audrey Heywood UK 18. Miss Mary W Johnston UK 19. Mrs. Lona Leith McGreggor UK 20. Ms. Barbara Ridley UK 21. Hamish Wood UK 22. Phoebe Ravenhall U.K 23. Eric Coull U.K. 24. Jean Adams UK 25. Mary Patricia Stewart U.K. 26. Jean Kirkley U.K. 27. Brenda Moss U.K. 28. Jane Southward U.K. 29. Ruth Cook UK 30. Joan Adams UK 31. James Brodhurst UK 32. Margaret Smart UK 33. Mrs. Edith Hannah UK 34. Ms Jane Griffith UK 35. Mrs Ann Burgess Watson UK 36. Margaret Broughton Buckler UK 37. Rosemary Harrot UK 38. C. J. Jackson UK 39. JV (Jean) Marshall UK 40. Mr. Andrew Wall UK 41. Dr. Shozo Tateishi Japan 42. Mr. Masatoshi Ishizaka Japan 43.Ms. Toshiko Yakabe Japan 44. A.E.A. Japan 45. Dr. Michiro Nakashima Japan 46.Prof. Hideki Yamamoto Japan 47. Betty Woodsand USA 48. Rand Jack & Mrs Dana Jack USA 49. Kaushal Kishwor Singh & Family USA 50. Mr Edwards Hays USA 51. Miss Shradha Khadgi USA KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL S.No. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. NAME Nola & Tim Ainswort Mette & Marvin Heaston Tony Andersen Mary, & Bob Austic Terry Hines + Tracey Cook Marianne & David Wakeley Gail Barton Tyson McGuiness Motors Amie Long Ms. Diane Byrne Mrs. Narelle Phipps Yvonne Byrne Maureen & Hugh Knox Shanta Kumar Malla Ganesh Man Lama Chester Ketaki Manju Ratna Shakya Agrawal Pawan Mrs. Niti Rana “Trikuti” Mrs. J. P. Rana Jiban Bahadur Malla Mrs. Namgyal Singh Ms. Ami Sengupta Mrs. Jyoti Rana Mr. Mahendra K. Agrawal Mr. & Mrs. Nanda SJB Rana Mr. Upendra Rana Mrs. Som Prava R. L. Shah Mrs. Lekali Shah Mrs. Luma Pun Bachan Man Dongol Mrs. Bina Shah Mrs. Sangeeta Rana Mrs. Kabita Rana Druba Kawar Mrs. Madhu Sengupta Manju Devi Rana Bishnu Narayan Med. Ed. Mrs. Prama Rana Mrs. Brinda Rana Mrs. Aarati Shah Mrs. Sonila Shah Mr. Mohit Rana Cardet Frederic Pieter Wilhjelm Susi Baur Annette Mohar Ms. Berta Caranza Engbert Verkoren P. Blom Assendelft Paul Kwakkenbos COUNTRY Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal Nepal France Denmark Denmark Denmark Spain The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland 21 S.No. NAME 104. Mr. & Mrs. Jan Meijer 105.Ms. Elisabeth De Jong 106. H. Heynen 107. Ms. H. Van EE 108.Mr.& Ms. H.W. Lulofs 109. Mr. & Ms. A.H. Wolters 110. Mr. & Ms. P. Brandsma 111. Ms. A. Spoel- Melchers 112. Mr. & Ms. Krabben 113. Mr. M. Grift 114. Ms. & Mr. G. Kemperink 115. Pieter Jan Visser 116. Els Van Mourik 117. Mr & Ms. G.J.B. Hodes 118. Ms. Sylvia Evers 119. Praxis for Physiotherapie 120. Mr & Ms L. Koerts 121. Van Keulen Riet 122. Mr. H. D. Melchers 123. Mr. W. S. Molenaar 22 COUNTRY The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland S.No. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. NAME Mr. & Ms. Berenpas Stichting Kateker Ms. & Mr. G. Bosman Mrs Margaret Szmurak Blomer Eva Mr.Klaus Blomer Maria Furst Kathleen K. Bruker Ms. Maria Adelaide Mr. Michael & Carol Scutt Collen & Bill Buckley Mr. Herman Roodt Mr. Glem B. Anderson Ms. Ross Walker Fidelity life– cary veenhof Collen Buckley Coinfield & Marrivate rest homes Rotary Club of Whangarie Tony Bestel Jill Jones & Carol Burdon COUNTRYS The Netherland The Netherland The Netherland Switzerland Germany Germany Germany Dubai, UAE Portugal New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand Ms. Safia Minney with Founder Chairman Siddhi Bahadur Ms. Nola with Friends at KTS Michael Emblem from UNITERA at KTS Ed. Hays and family at KTS KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL KTS COOKBOOK EDITION 2 A second edition of the KTS Cookbook is filled with delicious recipes for you to try at home. The book written by Gita Khadgi, wife of KTS Director Kiran, you will love it and will be able to get the true flavour of Nepal dishes in your own kitchen. The sales revenue from the cookbook is used to help the KTS School activities. Mr. Lilamani Paudel, Chief Secretary & Mr Hari Bansha celebrate World Fair Trade Day KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 23 FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY-DECEMBER 2012 DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE Administration 2,740,809 Publicity and Marketing 679,406 Orphanage 1,635,931 Nursery & Primary School 2,751,816 Day Care Centre 460,501 Hand Knitting TR 338,529 Carpet Weaving TR 258,366 Carpentry TR. 343,329 SUB-TOTAL 9,208,687 Hand Knitting PR 45,880,834 Carpet PR 2,864,061 Carpentry PR 1,429,041 Dye unit 437,357 Show room 157,550 Sub Total 50,768,843 Grand Total 59,977,530 INCOME SPONSOR - - - - - 375,629 - 458,523 - 132,872 - .28,900 - - 42,000 - 1,037,924 55,863,453 3,156,033 1,107,479 - - 60,126,965 61,164,889 BALANCE - 2,740,809 - 679,406 - 1,260,302 - 2.293,293 - 327,629 - 309,629 - 258,366 - 301,329 - 8,170,763 + 9,982,619 + 291,972 - 321,562 - 437,357 157,550 + 9,358,122 + 1,187,359 KEY POINTS DD All figures are expressed in Nepali Rupees. DD The report reflects the KTS operational status, excluding assets. DD TR = Training DD PR = Production Unit (income-generating programme) DD The Dye Unit shows expenses for the work done for the knitwear and carpet production. These costs are covered by knitwear and carpet sales. DD Administration, Publicity and Marketing accounted for 6.03% of total expenditure. DD Of the total income, INGO donor input was 0%. The support from Worldwide Friends of Kumbeshwar Kids and sponsorship are shown in sponsor column under the corresponding account heading. DD The debit balance in the Carpentry Unit is due to raw material and finished products in stock. 24 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL ORPHANAGE EXPENDITURE 1,635,931 INCOME - SPONSOR 375,629 BALANCE -1,260,302 Alina Thapa completed class 11, Namrata Thapa completed SLC and admitted to class 11 with science subject aiming to study in the staffnurse course. Chandrajyoti and Urmila are studying hard and doing well at secondary school. Madhuri Thakuri is not able to develop her ability even with extra classes and special counselling provided. Sarmila and Arpana have average ability but Sina, Subina are doing excellently in KTS primary school. Regarding the Boys’ progress, Sunil is in 12 class, Kali Bahadur completed 2 years Carpentry and is doing on-the-job work at KTS, Gopal completed SLC and gained admission to an Electronic engineer course, Gangaram is studying in high school. . Harenna, Kisan, Sudip and Sunilshing Bista are doing well at KTS primary school. There are 17 children (nine boys and eight girls) living in the orphanage. Rajan Garu, Bishal Lamichhane and Nabin left the hostel as they wished to stay with their relatives. KTS decided to sponsor them for further education. The Friends of Kumbeshwar Kids membership programme is a great support in ensuring the smooth running of the orphanage. This year, 19.81% expenses of the orphanage have been covered by the members’ subscriptions and individual sponsorship. The remaining 80.19% expenses were covered by the KTS income-generating programmes through knitwear and carpet sales revenue. Ms. Sandhya honoured students on completion of secondary exam Mr. Andreea Kramarik with Children at KTS home Profile Sunil Singh Bista Sunil Singh Bista Sunil Singh Bista is a seven year old boy from the far-western development region of Bhumeshor V.D.C. ward no. 8. He was born on 2062.03.30 B.S. (2005 July 14). He has one younger brother and one sister. His father was a farmer and mother was a housewife. When Sunil was five year old, his father died in an accident. Being poor and jobless his mother found it very hard to look after him. His uncle brought him to KTS with recommendation of VDC on 29 June 2012. KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 25 NURSERY & PRIMARY SCHOOL EXPENDITURE 2,751,816 INCOME - SPONSOR 458,523 BALANCE - 2,293,293 The management is continuously making an effort to improve the quality of education in the Nursery and Primary School, and has introduced a better course / work book, fixed alternative solar power electricity, renovated class rooms, kitchen, toilets, washing room etc. The library, computer and visual classes have become more attractive to the students and become part of the daily routine. In the library, teachers focus on storybooks, English language conversations and teaching through audio visual materials. The library is also helpful to teachers in preparing teaching materials. There are currently 214 students in the school to whom school provides free nutritious food to 141 students in the pre-nursery, nursery and kindergarten classes once a day and provides additional food to 83 children in pre-nursery and nursery classes. In the primary school, 26 percent of the pupils are from the local street sweeper community and the remainder are from local and migrated poor families from remote areas. The School continues to provide quality education with necessary materials free of cost to all children. The school reopened on 1st February after a month’s winter holiday. It is a pleasure to mention that the Library now has 1607 children’s books. All the books are simple but informative, stimulating and helpful for students. They also assist us in providing quality education for them. KTS gives importance to extra-curricular activities for students’ physical, mental and social development. The extra-curricular activities have encouraged the children to attend classes regularly. They find the library, computer class, cultural events, quiz contests and spelling competitions interesting and stimulating their desire to learn. These activities endorse the KTS belief that there should be equal opportunities for all, regardless of their background. People Tree/Global Village Japan has partially sponsored the KTS educational programme. The Friends of Kumbeshwar Kids membership and sponsorship covered 15% of expenses and the remaining 85% was covered by sales revenue from knitwear and carpet products. 26 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES The students take advantage of the extra-curricular activities. The cultural programme is one of the most favoured areas for the students. These activities are very helpful to boost their career development, reduce any inferiority complex and promote self-confidence among the low caste children. This year several activities took place. Some pictures are given below: The primary school students performed songs and dances on the occasion of the Nepali New Year. Parents and guests participated in the programme and enjoyed the occasion. Students taking part in sports day Students celebrating child rights day The children celebrating children’s day Students participating in Quiz contest KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 27 Director delivering speech on school day Students performing drama A Cultural Programme was also held on the occasion 28 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL DAY-CARE CENTRE EXPENDITURE INCOME 460,501 - SPONSOR 132,872 BALANCE -327,629 KTS producers, vocational trainees and staff benefit by being able to leave their young children in the Day-Care Centre on working days, knowing that they are professionally cared for in a bright, happy environment in the new building. There are books, toys and games for the children to enjoy and learn from. KTS provides nutritional snacks and drinks for the children. There are 20 regular, 22 irregular children and an average 31 children per day in the day-care centre. The day-care centre costs Nrs.38.85 per child per day and parents contribute NPR 25 per month for each child’s care. A qualified teacher, an assistant and a helper run the day-care centre, ensuring that the children are safe and well looked after at all times. This year 12 % of the day-care centre expenses were covered by sponsorship and the remaining 88% covered by knitwear and carpet sales revenue. Children in the day-care centre KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 29 VOCATIONAL TRAINING Nepal is a country of culture, art and craftsmanship. People learn traditional skills from their families thereby passing on the cultural heritage of the country from generation to generation. However, people may not always have enough knowledge about production, quality, marketing and business management. Some traders exploit producers and they becoming poorer. As such, the young generation can be – and often is discouraged by the prospect of continuing to work in the traditional family occupation and seeks a different career. However, the employment market is becoming more competitive, especially for low-educated and underprivileged people. Vocational training is also becoming more expensive and marginalized people cannot afford it. KTS supports people from uneducated and low caste background families including physically disabled or destitute women. KTS provides vocational training to such people offering them practical and marketable/self-employment jobs in three areas i.e., carpet weaving, hand knitting and carpentry. As many potential trainees from the countryside cannot afford the city’s high accommodation costs, KTS is developing programmes for providing rooms to stay during their training. These programmes are helping to improve the quality of life for people in rural areas of Nepal. All KTS training courses are run in line with Fair Trade practices and all products comply with Fair Trade standards. Number of Graduates from KTS Programme Men-1 Year Men-2 Year Women short term Women 2 Year Carpentry 197+ 5 103 + 3 - - Carpet 10 1 231 + 10 16 Hand knitting 1497 + 40 - Total 212 107 1778 16 Total 308 268 1537 2113 Programme Men. Women Total Carpet weaving training for Blind / disabled 7 2 9 Hand knitting training for Blind people 2 1 3 Carpentry training for Disabled people 2 2 Hand knitting Training for women prisoners in the Kathmandu Central Prison 40 40 Hand knitting Training for women prisoners in the Kathmandu Central Prison with PA Nepal 55 55 Hand knitting training for disabled people 6 3 9 Total 17 101 118 KTS advertises details of the vocational training programmes in daily national newspapers, radio, toll free information from telephone service and also through GOs, NGOs and INGOs from time to time. 30 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL HAND KNITTING TRAINING EXPENDITURE INCOME 338,529 - SPONSOR 28,900 BALANCE --309,629 The hand knitting is going smoothly. Management has focused on providing training to women also having leisure time after household work. The training hours are fixed at 11.30 a.m. to 13.30 p.m. This time is mostly convenient to those groups. The training is one of the best skills for poor and illiterate people, especially women and physically challenged people. The training is for two hours a day, five days a week, over three months. Amateur knitters can also join the course to upgrade their skills. Different styles of knitting are taught, based on knitwear designs. During the training period, KTS provides all stationery materials and wool free of charge. KTS provides opportunities to any trainee who shows real aptitude, offering work to produce smaller items such as socks, gloves and scarves for which KTS pays wages as paid to other professionals. After training, KTS offers job opportunity to all graduates who are interested to work for KTS. It encourages trainees to complete the training and gain experience to work full-time in the future. This year, 40 trainees completed the training out of 42 and 25 graduates joined the hand-knitting production unit. Hand Knitting Training Classes KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 31 CARPET WEAVING TRAINING EXPENDITURE 258,366 INCOME SPONSOR - - BALANCE - 258,366 The short-term four months carpet weaving practical course has been an attraction to poor and low educated migrated women and girls. The trainees can gain benefit quickly from the skills they learn. The training is also very useful for underprivileged people as it quickly enables them to earn a living. KTS gives each trainee an allowance of NPR40 per day and offers a day-care centre for his or her young children. Older children are offered free education at the KTS primary school. More than 90% of KTS graduates are employed in the carpet weaving industries. This year, four trainees completed the training and joined the production unit. Carpet Weaving Training 32 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL CARPENTRY TRAINING EXPENDITURE INCOME 343,329 - SPONSOR 42,000 BALANCE -301,329 Carpentry is one of the most appropriate practical skill-training for low educated poor underprivileged people. KTS runs a two-year course, providing 20% theory and 80% practical training. Each trainee is given an allowance of NPR50 per day to partially subsidise their living costs, as the family may not be able to afford to support him/her fully while they are on training. During the training period, students learn how to make different types of furniture. The students can sit the carpentry Level 2 skills exam of the Nepal Government’s Centre for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT). All the graduates who wish to work can get a job, become independent and establish a livelihood from the skills they have learnt at KTS. Local underprivileged boys and rescued boys of the streets from the Shangrila Home in Kathmandu are in the Carpentry training. The minimum qualification of the trainees is grade five and they must be at least 15 year old. This year, three trainees in the second year and five trainees in the first year completed the training. Carpentry trainees in theory and practical classes KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 33 PRODUCTION UNITS At present, KTS has over 2113 producers benefiting over 1033 families and 79 local community members. We provide job opportunities for graduates of the vocational training programmes which, in return, enable the organisation to be self-sustained by producing KTS products . KTS is a founder member of Fair Trade Group Nepal (FTGN). This organisation is helping its members create an opportunity to promote their products through capacity building and propagating advocacy, publicity, marketing and buyer introductions. We sell our Fair Trade products throughout the world and are proud to be at the forefront of Fair Trade business in Nepal. Working with its own designers, buyers’ designers and individual illustrators from overseas, KTS is endeavouring constantly to create new and up-todate products, which also reflect the culture and heritage of Nepal. KTS launches feedback and quality control programmes in conjunction with all its buyers so as to ensure the quality of its products meet the required standard. The close working relationship KTS has with all its buyers is of enormous importance to the organization. Special custom designed carpet 34 Special custom designed shelve KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL HAND KNITTING PRODUCTION UNIT EXPENDITURE INCOME BALANCE 55,863,453 + 9,982,619 45,880,834 The hand knitting production is going smoothly under home-based producers. For the identification of producers and producers’ assistants working for KTS and to advocate KTS objectives and WFTO norms about Fair Trade, we organized a producers meeting in the core area of producers living in “Bhaktapur”, “Banepa”, Kirtipur”, Lubhu”, “Thecho”, “Teku” and school premises. In the meeting, 1284 producers and their assistants registered and found 447 additional new producers. There are 2100 producers. Out of that there are 121 direct, 24 group leaders, 538 producers under group leaders and 1417 assistants. Among the producers 2096 are women and 1 man, physically challenged 2 women and 1 man involved in production. Also 15 people are engaged in transporting the raw materials to producers and collecting the finished products from them. In Nepal there is still a joint family system. If we calculate beneficiaries from 2100 producers and assistants, nearly 10,500 “grass roots” people are receiving benefit from KTS income generating programme. Quality control is a big challenge to us involving yarn to finished product. Regarding directing and counselling of yarn suppliers and spinning groups, the management is applying a different KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 35 methodology in monitoring skill training, interaction, thorough checking one by one and receiving feedback. The majority of jobs are done by home based members and producers. The marketing and quality of knitwear is highly important to the organisation. All the jobs are very sensitive and need extra care to maintain the necessary high standard required. However, it is a pleasure to us that the quality of our production is meeting international standard and is able to help alleviate poverty and illiteracy in Nepal and also create awareness about the Fair Trade. This year, sales revenue increased by 18% compared to last year sales. The surplus amount is being spent on social activities of KTS. Trends of Production and Sales of KTS Knitwear in Last 3 years 30000 25000 Nepalese Rupees 20000 15000 Production Sales 10000 5000 0 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2011 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 Sweater Shoes/socks Hand dying wool 36 Gloves Muffler/warmer Cap\Hat Misc Hand winding the wool for knitting work KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL CARPET PRODUCTION UNIT EXPENDITURE INCOME 2,864,061 3,156,033 BALANCE +291,972 KTS produces high quality Tibetan sheep wool rugs and carpets in 60 and 100 knots in traditional and contemporary designs as well as bespoke designs for individual customers. There are 5 wool spinners, 20 carpet weavers, 2 dyers and 1 trimmer currently working in the unit. This year, sales revenue is decreased by 3% compared to last year sales. Wool spinning for carpet Carpet Weaving Carpet Triming Special custom carpet weaving KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 37 CARPENTRY PRODUCTION UNIT EXPENDITURE INCOME BALANCE 1,429,041 1,107,479 -321,562 The Carpentry unit spends much of its time giving practical training to the trainees as well as producing items of furniture for bespoke local commissions. The work includes sofa bench, beds, chairs, cupboards and other small items, such as magazine racks, tables etc. This unit is working in maintaining furniture in Nursery and Primary School section, other vocational areas and all of our buildings. This year, sales revenue is increased by 28% compared to last year’s sales. 38 Teachers desk Low height working table Customers designed furniture Carpentry team with newly built hand loom KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL KTS NEWS We have many visitors, friends, well-wishers, buyers and volunteers who come to see us and work with us. Ms. Safia Minney founder of Fair Trade Company Japan and People Tree UK visited with Christine Gent and launched a day workshop on SFTMS and Fair Trade advocacy with KTS staff and producers. KTS producers at workshop KTS staff & producers at workshop under RAG project facilitated by Christine Gent Ms. Isabella Holding organized an exhibition with the theme “Weaving Art and Change” with support of Her Excellency Ms. Susan Grace, Ambassador of Australia to Nepal and Ms. Judi Holding at Kathmandu. Her Excellency Ms. Susan Grace, His Excellency Mr. Robert Piper, Residential representative of UNHFO, Mrs. Maggie Piper and KTS carpet producers at the exhibition. Ms. Isabella Holding delivering speech in the opening ceremony of exhibition of “Weaving Art and Change” at Kathmandu KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL KTS weavers observing exhibition of “Weaving Art and Change” 39 H.E. Mr. Robert Piper, Residential represent of UNDP, Ms. Isabella and KTS weavers at the exhibition Information about the carpet at the exhibition Ms Wendy Teakel observing carpet trimming Ms. Sarah Swartzendruber from SERRV International visiting physically challenged couple at their home. Ms. Megan Johnston from The Little Sparrow, Australia, Alex Pla from Italis, Mr. Jose from Fair Trade Spain, Ms. Isabella Holding, Judi Holding and friends from Australia visited. Ms Masako Ueda from Fair Trade Company, Japan visited KTS and held productive meetings with the knitwear producers and gave feed- back on last year’s consignments and updated current designs. Dr. Hidaki Yamamoto from Japan, Ms. Celine & Juliet, Mr. ED Heys and family from USA, Ms. Windy from Australia, a group of students from Wisconsin, USA, Ms. Sam IJsbrandy from Zilalila, Netherlands and Mr. Jan Meijar from Netherlands visited KTS. Ms Yosh Fukuhara from Fair Trade Company, Japan visited and had productive meeting with the Accessories producers and gave feed- back on last year’s consignments and updated the current designs. Mi young Lee, Seong Eun Lee, Sena Ji, and Song Kim from Fair Trade Korea visited. Ms Stefania Leone and Mr Antonello Picucci from Italy visited 40 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Mr. Andreea Kramarik from Handicraft Department, CTM, Ms. Sarah Swartzendruber, Marketing Coordinator of SERRV International visited. Ms Maria Forte and Ms Barbara Pandolfi from Italy visited. Ms. Nola Armstrong from Australia and her friends visited , Mr. Isizaka, Mr. Ganesh Man Lama and teachers visited. Ms. Safia Minney founder of Fair Trade Company Japan / People Tree UK visited with Yoshiko Lida, Rika Sueyoshi and Mr. Sueyoshi. Ms. Padmini Sharma, ED of FTF-I, Mr. O.P. Yadav of Fair Trade Forum India, Mr. Manikandan, textile technical consultant, Mr. Rajeev Pillai and Mr. Ghananath Parajuli, textile technician from Nepal visited. Ms. Marina Spadafora from CTM visited and conducted design training. Mr. Hem Ratna Khadgi, Production coordinator participated in “Negotiation Skill” training organized by Lalitpur Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Bhaktapur Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Federation of Handicraft Association of Nepal Ms. Rina and Ms. Urmila attended one day design training organised by FTG Nepal supported by Ms Marina Spadafora, CTM Italy. Ms. Gita Shrestha participated in South South Exchange Programme organised in India under FK Exchange programme through Fair Trade Group Nepal.. Ms. Rima Khadgi attended awareness programme of Balsanrachhyan Baikalpik Syahar (“Children rehabilitation and alternative care”) organized by Central Child Welfare Board, Nepal Government. The KTS annual general meeting took place on 15 October 2012 in line with the constitution of the organisation. All the management and knitwear quality control staff attended a workshop on quality of products with Ms. Masako Ueda, Fair Trade Company Japan. Knitwear quality control staff attended a workshop on quality of products with Ms. Yosh, Fair Trade Company Japan All the management and knitwear quality control staff attended another workshop on quality of products with Mi young Lee, Seong Eun Lee, Sena Ji, Song Kim from Fair Trade Korea KTS staff participated in various skill development programmes organised by different organisations in the country. KTS helped local community house by furnishing wooden windows and door frame / panels. KTS staff helped to fight fire in a neighbouring house using the KTS fire distinguisher and controlled fire quickly. Volunteers Mr. Satyendra Khadgi is regularly assisting in carpet graphic design training through computer to Sandhya and Sunil. He is also assisting the carpet production unit, quality control and communicating with buyers. He is managing SFTMS pilot programme and Fair Trade Guarantee System of KTS. At the same time he is helping to set up a dye water treatment programme. KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 41 THANK YOU TO ALL KTS SUPPORTERS KTS would like to thank all friends, well-wishers, buyers, supporters, individuals and organisations who have, directly or indirectly, supported us during the year: Thanks to: All our buyers listed on the next page. Association of Craft Producers (ACP) for continuing to sale our furniture and carpets through its showroom ‘Dhukuti’. Sana Hastakala for selling the KTS Nepalese Cookbook, SWEC shop for selling carpets and cookbooks. Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan Municipality, Lalitpur Municipality Ward no. 22 Committee, District Development Office, District Administration Office, Social Welfare Council, CTEVT, District Education office and related GOs, NGOs, INGOs and others. WFTO Global, WFTO Asia and FTG Nepal for providing information, co-operation, training, expertise and recommendations to potential international buyers, as well as supporting KTS’s participation in workshops and conferences. Fair Trade Company Japan, People Tree UK, SERRV Self-Help International USA, Ten Thousand Villages Canada, Ten Thousand Villages USA, Consorzio CTM Altromercato Italy, El Puente Germany,, UK, Ram Associations Italia, Fair Trade Korea and other organizations who are helping to market KTS products and extending other support. Jan Hopkins, Maggie Adams Langley, Lydia Cook, Nola Armstrong, Jan Maijer and other friends who so generously gave their time and effort to raise funds through the Worldwide Friends of Kumbeshwar Kids. Last, but not least, KTS would like to express its sincere gratitude to the Executive Committee members for their valuable time and expertise in ensuring the smooth-running of the KTS organization. We would like to thank all the organizations and companies which have bought KTS products during 2012. This has helped a lot to promote our income-generating programme and enabled us to continue our social activities, including extra-curricular activities for KTS school children. It has also supported the KTS on-going development plan; for example, the installation of a new library and computer room in the KTS Primary School. 42 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL KUMBESHWAR KNITWEAR BUYERS Canada Melissa Cressman TEN THOUSAND VILLAGE 65B HERITAGE DRIVE NEW HAMBURG, ON N3A2J3, CANADA. Tel.: 519/662-1879 Japan Safia Minney Fair Trade Company 5-1-16-3F, Okusawa Satagaya-KU, Tokyo 158-0083, Japan TEL: 81-3-5731-6093 Jennifer Pullin FIBRE OF LIFE 3289 Robie Street, Halifax, NS, B3K 4R7, Canada Tel.: 902 402 9996 UK Safia Minney People Tree Ltd 5 Huguenot Place, 17a Heneage Street London E1 5LN, U.K Tel.: 020 7042 8999 Germany Angela Lepa EL PUNTE GmbH Lise-Meitner-Str. 9, D-31171 Nordstemmen Tel.: +49 5069 348920, Fax: +49 5069 804122 Leni Lewis Shakti Man 66,Parliament Street Ramsey, Isle Of Man,IM8 1AJ, U.K. Tel: 01624 815060 Mobile: 07624 436297 Italia Veronica Zuccolin Consorzio CTM-Altromercato Via Francia 1/C, 37135 Verona, Italy Tel: 045 8222671 USA Barbara B. Fogle, SERRV International INC 500 Main Street, P.O Box 365 New Windsor, Maryland 21776 USA Tel.: 410 635-8761 Ranzo Garrrone / Marta Associazione RAM VIA Mortola 15-16030 S-Rocco DI Camogli (GE) Italy Tel.: 018577 3061 Bob Chase SERRV Self-Help International 122 State Street, Suite 600 Madison, WI 53703, USA Tel: 608 255 0440 Korea MI Young Lee Fair Trade Korea Co. Ltd 175-56 Anguk-Dong, Jongno-GU Seoul, Korea 110-240 Tel.: 82-2- 739- 7944-5 Fax : 82-2-739-7950 Charity USA / GLOBAL GIRLFRIEND 8101 Shaffer Park Way Suite 103 Littleton Co 80127 USA Tel. : 3037303680 Sweden Gunilla/Katarina AFROART Hornsgatan 58 118 21 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 8 642 50 95 Charity USA.Com LLC One Unino Square 600 University Street, Suite 1000 Seattle, WA 98101, USA Tel.:206 263-8448 The Netherland Sam Ysbleandy Zilalila Westeuguacht 39 Kood, 2013 ZJ Haaulem The Netherland Kelly Weinberger World Finds 121 West 61 ST Street Westmont, IL 60559 USA Tel.: 773-263-6669 Fax.: 800-609-9303 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 43 KUMBESHWAR CARPET BUYERS Australia Isabella Holding 20 Fergle ST Ftizroy North 3068 Melbourne VIC , Australia Mobile # 04 332282822 Canada Terry Bender Ten Thousand Village 65B Heritage Drive New Hamburg, ON N3A2J3, Canada. Tel.: 519/662-1879 USA Bob Chase SERRV Self-Help International 122 State Street, Suite 600 Madison, WI 53703, USA Tel: 608 255 0440 UK Kabindra Khadga Comolongmo.Com 53A Terrace Road,Plastow London E13 OPP,U.K Tel.: 020 8586 2513 Barbara B. Fogle, SERRV International INC 500 Main Street, P.O Box 365 New Windsor, Maryland 21776, USA Tel. : 410 635-8761 Chris Haughton Node Rugs 61 Regent Studios 8 Andrews Road, London E8 4QN UK Tel.: 02072 544459 Melissa Hand Ten Thousand Villages 221 Forney Drive Ephrata, PA 17522 , USA. Tel. : 717 859 8100 Mary Stewart Commodity World The Old Manse, Insch, Aberdeenshire Scotland, AB526LU, UK 44 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL HONORARY PATRONS Mrs. Annmaree O'Keefe Former Ambassador of Australia ADVISOR Mr. Uttam Ratna Dhakhwa HONORARY MEMBERS Mr. Les B. Douglas Ms. Phoebe Ravinhall Former Ambassador of Australia Former VSO Volunteer Mr. Timothy J.B. George Former Ambassador of GT. Britain KTS AMBASSADOR Ms. Jan Hopkins Former VSO Volunteer THE KTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Mr. Siddhi Bahadur Khadgi Social worker Founder Chairman Mr. Ram Prasad Nepal Engineer & Former Director General Department of Electricity Vice Chairman Miss Karuna Khadgi Principal, KTS Nursery and Primary School Member Mr. Deepak Kumar Khadgi Social worker Member Mr. Ritu Raj Rai Architect Member Mr. Babu Raja Shakya Journalist Treasurer Mr. Kiran Bahadur Khadgi Director, KTS Member Secretary KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL 45 46 KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Prim./Nur. School Mrs.Sanumaiya Mrs.Sangita Mr. Indra Bahadur Guard Asst Mrs. Monika Asst. Teacher Ms. Archana Asst. Teacher Mrs. Sudha Cleaner Ms, Radhika Asst. Teacher Mrs. Sanju Asst. Teacher Mrs. Kanti Asst. Teacher Mrs. Urmila Ms. Sarita Mrs. Shanti Sweing Button Lab Ms.Sarshowti Aw Asst. Button/Lab Mrs. Roshani Button/L fixing Asst Mrs.Usha Mrs. Nanee Ms. Sangita Asst Maid Mrs. Tika Maid A.altra Cont. Ms. Bhumita Mrs. Mangalmaya Children home Mrs. Tara Assis Ins/s.inchar Asst Child Care Mr.Ram Mrs. Sanu Asst. Instructor Mr. Sunil Carpentry Mr. Kajilal Carpet Weaving Ms. Renu Asst. Instructor Hand Knitting Trainings Mrs. Rina Inst. / QC Mrs. Jamuna Asst Vocational Ms.Bijayata Asst. Teacher Ms. Deepa Asst. Teacher Ms. Anju G. Teacher Mr. Bharat Mahat Science Mrs. Putali Math Ms. Radha General Ms. Ramina Asst. Teacher Mr. Gopal Music Kiran Bahadur Khadgi Member Secretary & Director Miss. Karuna Khadgi Principal Siddhi Bahadur Khadgi Founder Chairman Asst. Carpenter Ms. Rojina Ms. Rati Asst. stitch Store A. produc Ms. Maiya Ms Laxmi Ms Rina Knit clean asst Ms. Rabina Ms.Rochana Mrs. Sarashowti Mrs.Krisnadevi Packing asst Mr. Umesh Asst. knit produc Ms. Archana Checking A/sample Mrs. Sony Asst Asst button S/L Cleaning Asst Mrs. Romi Gurad Mr. Hashiman Asst. wool store Mrs.Binju Mrs.Radha Showroom Mr. Kiran Assis. Instru Mrs. Nima Carpenters Mr. DilKrishna Coordinator Mr. Panchalal Unit Carpentry Treasurer Baburaja Shakya Mrs. Jayanti Dye Carpet pro.coord Ms. Shandhya Ms. Ratnashova Miss Rina Mrs. Sanu J.Asst.QC Ms. Rama Asst.Che/pack Miss Lakshmi Prod.coordin Ms. Sunita Mrs. Sarmila Mrs. Meena Asst. QC Ms. Anita Ms. Anusha Ms. Laxmishova Mrs. Rina Knit Coordinator Production coordinator Production HandKnitting Carpet Mr. Hem Ratna Khadgi Miss Sanita Business Officer /QC Manager Ms. Naina Mr. Satyendra Volunteer Ms. Anamika Mrs. Rima Ms. Dipshikha Ms. Priyanka Ms. Sanita Volunteer Mod Model Assistant Mr. Bijay Accoun.Asst Mrs. Rima Offic. Asst. Mr. Bishwo P.Officer Mr.Ratnalal S. Accountant Account unit Mrs. Shandhya Deepak Logistic Executive Committee KUMBESHWAR TECHNICAL SCHOOL Organization & Internal Structure 2012
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