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MONROE COUNTY BRIEF Published for the Monroe County Bar Association Third Quarter 2014 Volume 19 Issue 3 Issue 3 Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Monroe County Bar Association, 913 Main Street, [email protected] 570.424.7288 President’s Message Lori J. Cerato, MCBA President As summer comes to a close, I’m pleased to report that the restoration of the porch at 913 Main St. is complete. Those of you who attended our member meetings and social hour on July 30 and September 8 enjoyed an up-close look while enjoying adult refreshments and hors d’oeuvres catered by Kirkridge. Both events allowed members to socialize with a guest compliments of the Association and were a huge success! Before the garden goes to sleep for the winter, we hope to plant bulbs for a spring display! Let me also report on the second goal of my Presidency – strategic planning. At the time I’m writing this article, the strategic plan is complete and out for review by members of the Strategic Planning Group and next will be considered by Executive Board. The final plan will be unveiled to members at our Bench Bar Conference scheduled for October 16, 2014 at the Shawnee Inn. The process of developing the plan was made worthwhile thanks to the efforts of the strategic planning group, Denise Burdge and Ellen Freedman, as well as all of our members who took the time to respond to the member survey. An essential part of the process, the survey results informed the goals and objectives set forth in the plan. Finally, a third goal was to create a historic archive of our Association prompted by plans for our Centennial Celebration in 2015. David Brodsky has agreed to stay on part-time now that he has resumed his studies for a Master’s Degree in History at East Stroudsburg University. David’s research was key to providing a biography for A. Mitchell Palmer for this year’s dinner at the Elks Lodge. He has uncovered and organized useful and arcane pieces of history – enthusiastically! And he has my sincere appreciation. Veranda Restored One of the issues found underneath the old deck floor In spite of old tires used as fill, beams that were just set in the pillars and housed little crawly things, the Building Committee was committed to completing the first major renovation since the second floor was completed. The traditional paint scheme, ferns hanging and the beautiful flowerbeds takes you back to a more peaceful time. Now, beautiful and safe! Our neighbors and guests enjoyed watching the progression. If you haven’t seen the new veranda, please stop by. MCBA Members in the News Malcolm MacGregor becomes President of PAJ Kelly Lombardo joins Lori Cerato’s office Syzane Arifaj leaves PD’s Office Shamira Cooper joins Kash & Fedrigon Andrew Kroeckel opens new firm Law Clerks come, and Law Clerks Go MCBA Members in the News continued on page 4 Monroe County Brief Page 2 MCBA YLD Division YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION News from the YLD Giving Back The YLD continues to find ways to give back to our community, inspiring others to do so as well. On August 16, 2014, Brian Jordan, representing the YLD members, delivered almost $500 worth of school supplies for Head Start, Pocono Services for Families and Children. Donations came from MCBA members, including YLD members, as well as MCBA staff. The Head Start “Stuff the Bus” campaign is held annually at Staples in Bartonsville. Thank you to all those who donated! You made the drive a success for the YLD and more importantly, Head Start. Brian C. Jordan President Kathleen Walters Vice President Syzane Arifaj Treasurer Deborah Huffman Secretary Networking th Bowling with the Judges was held on Saturday, June 7 at Skylanes in East Stroudsburg. Many of the local judges, MDJs and YLD members with their families took some time away from their busy schedules and just had some good old fashion fun, bowling, eating and getting to know each other outside the courtroom. Don’t forget to watch for Friday night Happy Hours. These are open to all members, not just YLD. Everyone can join in and the fun for a relaxing, informal hour of good company and fun. On the left, Tim Lee Executive Director of PSFC, Brian Jordan, YLD President and Molly Jordan, expert shopper and daughter of Brian Monroe County Bar Foundation William J. Reaser, Jr., MCBF Chairman On behalf of the Trustees of the Monroe County Bar Foundation, I am excited to announce Tom Casale has joined the Foundation Board. As many of you know, Tom is a Past President of MCBA and Past President of Conference of County Bar Leaders (CCBL). He has been an active member of MCBA since joining the Bar Association in 1991. We welcome him and look forward to working together on our many projects. Join us as we celebrate the coming of fall as we host Oktoberfest 2014. This year we’ve ramped it up a bit with more German style food, more raffle prizes and, and well more fun! (hot raffle prizes include Eagles and Flyers tickets donated by Chicago Title Insurance Company) Nestled under the beautiful Camelback Mountain, the event will be held at Barley Creek Brewery on Saturday, October 11, 2014 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. With the full financial support of MCBA, again this year all proceeds will go to charity. Beneficiaries are the local public libraries children’s programs. Price includes three drinks of Barley Creek beer, Mountain View wine or soda and food for all three hours! Tickets are $90 a couple and $50 for YLD couples. Tickets may be purchased from any Trustee or at the MCBA building. The evening promises lots of fun! Hope to see you all there! Bill Reaser On the right, Denise Burdge, MCBA/Ed, Dorothy Bordon, PSFC, Chuck Seese, SBG Radio Personality, Molly Jordan and Brian Jordan. Monroe County Bar Foundation Board of Trustees 2014 William J. Reaser Chairman Elizabeth Bensinger Weekes Treasurer Thomas V. Casale Trustee Tom Dirvonas Trustee Diane Dagger Trustee Denise Murray Trustee Victoria Strunk Trustee Denise M. Burdge Executive Director Monroe County Brief Social Hours on the Veranda Members and guests enjoying our beautiful historic veranda! Page 3 Page 4 Monroe County Brief 32nd “Race Judicata” Donates Proceeds to Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bridge From left to right: Commissioner Suzanne McCool, BBBS Board Member, Attorney Dan Coveleyn, Race Committee Member, Jenna Sargent, BBBS Caseworker, Chief William Parrish, BBBS Board Member, Erica Venlander, BBBS Board Member, Attorney Ed Krawitz, Law Day Race Chair, Attorney Steve Krawitz, Race Committee Member and Attorney Elizabeth Field, Race Committee Member. Monroe County Brief Page 5 New Pennsylvania CLE Rules for 2015 By Mark A. Kearney, President, PA Bar Institute The April and August compliance deadlines for CLE credits have passed and attorneys with those deadlines may have put their CLE requirement out of mind for another year. Recent changes to the CLE Rules make that a bad strategy. In January, the Supreme Court made these two changes: • • Attorneys are now required to have at least two (2) ethics credits every year; Attorneys have permission to use up to six (6) distance education credits to satisfy the annual 12 credit requirement. Both changes became effective for CLE compliance periods beginning May 1, 2014, which means that the increased ethics requirement will be enforced for compliance periods ending on April 30, 2015. Beware! After 20 years of satisfying the requirement with one (1) ethics credit, it will be easy for attorneys to find themselves out of compliance with the ethics credit responsibility next April and through the remainder of 2015. The full CLE requirement of 12 credits annually has not changed, only the minimum number of ethics credits as part of those 12 credits. Many CLE courses include one hour of ethics training related to that field of practice. PBI offers a group of one hour ethics courses near the end of each compliance period under the title Ethics Potpourri. Keep the new rule in mind to avoid getting an unpleasant reminder and possible fine after your 2015 deadline. The distance education changes offer 24/7 convenience in meeting the CLE requirement, but there is a nuance in that change, too. “Distance education” credits, as defined by the CLE Rules, do not, like other credits, carry over to subsequent years. For example, an attorney who viewed 6 hours of CLE from PBI’s Online Campus before her deadline in 2014 will not be able to count 2 of those credits toward either her 2014 or 2015 requirement. PBI simulcasts to bar associations and other facilities around the Commonwealth are not subject to this “cap” on distance education credits. They combine the convenience of local programming with quality instruction by statewide experts. Time spent in these outstanding seminars will help satisfy your full 12 credit requirement and can be carried forward to two future years. Live webcasts, viewed on an attorney’s own computer at his office or home, on the other hand, are subject to the six credit cap. CLE “bundles” available from some national online providers may offer so many credits that will not be available to satisfy the Pennsylvania CLE requirement. PBI offers in-person training, simulcasts delivered to local communities statewide, practical course manuals, PBI Press publications, webcasts, podcasts and the 24/7 convenience of our Online Campus, all focused on the substantive needs of Pennsylvania practitioners. For 50 years, PBI has provided the practical training to help you become a better lawyer throughout your career. Meet Ashley Narwid, MCBA’s new Event Coordinator In July, MCBA welcomed Ashley Narwid. Ms Narwid is a 2013 graduate of Shippensburg University where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Communication Studies. Ashley will coordinate the many events of the Association, including social, educational, and fundraising /community service. In addition, she will manage the MCBA calendar, including conference room reservations for both members and non-members. Ashley will be the internal lead for the Find a Lawyer program and the membership database. You can reach Ashley at [email protected] or by calling the office, 570.424.7288. Please join the Board of Directors in welcoming Ashley Narwid to the MCBA family. Monroe County Brief Page 6 Upcoming PBI Schedule at the Bar Center – Live-feed Group-casts & Video Replays For more details or to register for any PBI seminar, go to Courses are subject to cancellation by PBI if a minimum number of attendees do not pre-register. Please go to the MCBA calendar to confirm seminar. Canceled - PBI - The Most Frequently Encountered Landlord Tenant Issues - Video Date and Time: 10/2/14 9:00 AM - 01:30 PM Canceled - PBI - Trying a Case in State Court - Video Date and Time: 10/7/14 9:00 AM - 05:00 PM PBI - A Day on Health Law Date and Time: 10/9/14 8:30 AM - 1 03:40 PM PBI - Law and Policy after the Midterm Election Date and Time: 10/10/14 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM PBI - Succession Planning for Family and Closely Held Businesses Date and Time: 10/14/14 9:00 AM - 04:30 PM PBI - Ethical Issues in Federal Tax Representation: Serving Your Clients While Protecting Yourself Date and Time: 10/21/14 12:30 PM - 02:30 PM PBI - Diversity Summit 2014 Date and Time: 10/23/14 8:45 AM - 05:00 PM PBI - Business Law & Ethics (PEG) Date and Time: 10/24/14 8:30 AM - 03:30 PM PBI - The Intersection of Legal &Mental Health Issues in Custody Cases Date and Time: 10/27/14 9:00 AM - 04:30 PM PBI - 18th Annual Family Law Update - Groupcast Date and Time: 10/29/14 8:30 AM - 12:45 PM PBI - 21st Annual Auto Law Update Date and Time: 10/31/14 12:15 PM - 04:30 PM PBI - Litigating Condominium & HOA Cases Date and Time: 11/3/14 12:00 PM - 04:15 PM PBI - Cybersecurity Law 101 - Video Date and Time: 11/4/14 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM PBI UPCOMING COURSES continued on Page 7 Page 7 Monroe County Brief Continued from Page 6 Please go to the MCBA calendar to confirm seminar. PBI - Election Law 101 Date and Time: 11/7/14 9:00 AM - 01:15 PM PBI - Elder Law Update Date and Time: 11/10/14 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM PBI - Nuts & Bolts of Adoption Practice in Pennsylvania Date and Time: 11/12/14 9:00 AM - 01:30 PM PBI - Third Annual Supreme Court Roundup - Video Date and Time: 11/18/14 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM PBI - Estate Planning for Middle Market Client - Video Date and Time: 11/26/14 9:00 AM - 01:30 PM PBI - Thorny Issues in PA Landlord Tenant Law Date and Time: 12/1/14 9:00 AM - 01:15 PM PBI - Medical Malpractice Update Date and Time: 12/2/14 12:00 PM - 04:15 PM PBI - Private Eyes are Watching You: Privacy in the Workplace - Video Date and Time: 12/5/14 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM PBI - General Practitioners' Update - Video Date and Time: 12/9/14 9:00 AM - 05:00 PM PBI - Uncovering Digital Evidence: Mobile Device Forensics - Video Date and Time: 12/10/14 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM PBI - An Old, Dead Poet's Take on Justice, Mercy, and Getting Mine: A Lawyer's Life and "The Merchant of Venice" - Video Date and Time: 12/12/14 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PBI - Sell Yourself Ethically: Walk-through Website Design for Law Firms Date and Time: 12/16/14 1:30 PM - 03:30 PM Website Update In April MCBA launched a new website with a sleeker more modern design. The format changed a bit, and the colors more professional than our old site. As we continue to improve the new site, we will add more information for both the membership and the public. There have been a few changes already. Members now manage their own membership information allowing the public and peers to always have the most up to date information. If you haven’t signed on and updated your information, we suggest you do so. One of the other major changes is the direct links to the Monroe County Courthouse website site, . MCBA will link, whenever possible, to rules, forms and calendars included on the courthouse website. This again allows you access to the most current information. The Website/IT Committee has made several suggestions, which you will see over the next several weeks. Changes include drop-down menus under each main menu category, clarification on “Find a Lawyer” vs Member Directory and a much easier to locate “News and Photos” location to name a few. If you have questions or suggestions about the website, please email Denise Burdge at [email protected] . Monroe County Brief Page 8 Members In the News and New Members In the News New Members Malcolm MacGregor Elected State Trial Lawyers President Daniel E. Cummins, Esquire Foley, Comerford & Cummins 507 Linden Street, Suite 700 Scranton, PA 18530 570.346.0745 Attorney MacGregor, a trail attorney and founding partner of the law firm of McDonald & Macgregor, LLC has been elected the 46th President of the Pennsylvania Association for Justice. PAJ is the largest trial lawyer association in the state with over 2,200 members. MacGregor is President of the Lackawanna Bar Association and a member of MCBA. His involvement in the legal profession includes both local and state positions including former Chair of the PBA’s Civil Litigation Council. Kelly L Lombardo joins Lori J Cerato Attorney Kelly Lombardo has joined the office of Lori J Cerato has a part-time associate. Lombardo will concentrate on Elder Law in the private practice while maintaining a part-time position in the District Attorney’s office, where she has been since 2011. Suzanne Estrella, Esquire Effort, PA Vern S. Lazaroff, Esquire 123 Blueberry Dr. Milford, PA 18337 570.686.2824 Marc B. Shipon RUch & shipon, PC 710 East Johnson Hwy Norristown, PA 19401 610.277.4400 Syzane Arifaj moves to Northampton County Law Clerks Arrive Attorney Syzane Arifaj has left the Monroe County Public Defender’s Office to join the Northampton’s Public Defenders Office. Arifaj will also be opening her own firm over the next weeks, primarily working in the area of family law. Attorney Arifaj is the 2014 YLD Treasurer. Rachel Awan The Hon. Arthur L. Zulick Shamira Cooper joins Kash & Fedrigon After interning for several years with Kash & Fedrigon, Shamira Cooper joins the firm as their newest associate. Attorney Cooper was most recently law clerk to the Honorable Jonathan Mark before joining the firm. Cooper will focus her time on family law, including divorce, custody, and support. Former Law Clerk Andrew Kroeckel in Private Practice Attorney Kroeckel opened his office in Bethlehem this September. Kroeckel will work with individuals and families needing services in family law, unemployment law and landlord/tenant issues. Attorney Kroeckel was most recently law clerk to the Honorable Jonathan Mark. Jami Bustamante The Hon. Jennifer Harlacher Sibum Ryan Campbell The Hon. Margherita Patti Worthington Lauren Cheever The Hon. David J. Williamson Eric Derr The Hon. Jennifer Harlacher Sibum Tia Dinh The Hon. Jonathan Mark Joseph Garbarino The Hon. Jonathan Mark James Sensor The Hon. Margherita Patti Worthington Monroe County Brief Page 9 Page 10 Monroe County Brief Monroe County Brief Page 11 Page 12 Monroe County Brief Monroe County Brief Page 13 Monroe County Brief Page 14 YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME 2014 Monroe County Bar Association Officers and Directors Lori J. Cerato Todd W. Weitzmann Jeffrey A. Durney Timothy J. McManus Jane Maughan Mark Primrose Elizabeth Bensinger Weekes Brian C. Jordan President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large YLD President Estate Lawyers Lunch – 1st Wednesday Real Estate Attorneys Lunch – 2nd Tuesday Municipal Law Lunch – 3rd Tuesday Willowtree Inn, Noon - 1:00 pm Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Lunch – 4th Tuesday Sarah’s Cafe Remember to notify the MCBA office if you have any changes to your membership by emailing info2@monroebar Up-to-date member information is available on the MCBA website: FOR UP-TO-DATE MCBA NEWS and COURTHOUSE NEWS GO TO MCBA Legal Links Page Save the Date Bench Bar Conference – Thursday, October 16, 2014 at Shawnee Inn and Golf Resort Member Meeting and CLE Luncheon – Friday, November 14, 2104 at Terraview, Stroudsmoor Swearing in Ceremony - Friday, December 19, 2014 Holiday Open House - Friday, December 19, 2014 Monroe County Bar Association Holiday Schedule Columbus Day, Monday October 13, 2014 – MCBA Office closed Thanksgiving Holiday, Thursday and Friday, November 27 and 28, 2014 – MCBA Office closed Christmas Holiday, Wednesday, December 24, 2014 MCBA Office closes at 1:00 pm Christmas Holiday, Thursday, December 25, 2014 MCBA Office closed New Year’s Holiday, Wednesday, December 31, 2014 MCBA Office closes at 1:00 pm New Year’s Day, Thursday, January 1, 2015 MCBA Office closed MCBA Staff Denise M. Burdge, Executive Director [email protected] Mirtha Quintana, Journal Coordinator [email protected] Ashley Narwid, Events Coordinator [email protected]
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