April 2015 Newsletter - Alder Grove Charter School
April 2015 Newsletter - Alder Grove Charter School
Telephone: 707-268-0854 Fax: 707-268-0813 Website: www.aldergrovecharter.org Alder Grove Charter School 714 ‘F’ Street Eureka, CA 95501 ~Alder Grove News ~ April 2015, 2nd Edition From The Director ~ Alder Grove has never had to limit the number of guests graduates may have attending the ceremony and we don’t want to have to this year. For this reason, we are moving the ceremony from the Eureka Inn to our own site. By dismantling the partitions in the new wing, we will be able to accommodate a much larger number of guests. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I think a change in location may be easier than a limit on guests. The times will be the same, but the graduation ceremonies will be held at our site, 714 F Street in Eureka. The new Smarter Balanced assessment begins April 13th. You should have received or be receiving a letter with your student’s testing dates and times. If you have not, please check with your CT as they have planned testing sessions for their students. We will not have onsite classes for two weeks beginning April 13th. However, your students will still need to be completing work at home on the days they are not participating in the testing. As you can imagine, testing 220+ students online for several hours each is difficult to facilitate. Thanks to our tech. guy Brett, and testing coordinator Debbie for the countless hours they have put in to make this process as painless as possible! Please make sure to take a look at the candidate’s statements and ballot in this issue for the Alder Grove Governance Council. The Governance Council is an essential component of the school and acts much like a school board in a traditional district. Please check this newsletter for all of the exciting activities coming up! There are some fun field trips and a couple of awesome parent workshops. I welcome your ideas, comments, and input on our program. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any reason. Jenni Allen-SanGiovanni Director [email protected] Graduation!!! We are having Graduation Ceremonies here at Alder Grove Charter School! 714 F Street, Eureka Thursday, May 28, 2015 8th Grade Graduation: 3:30 p.m. High School Graduation: 5:30 p.m. SMARTER BALANCED TESTING!!!!!!! Students at Alder Grove will test April 13th through April 24th. Because we are testing over 200 of our students, onsite classes, math lab, and writing lab are cancelled during both weeks of testing (with the exception of Terri’s theater class on Friday). However, students are still expected to keep up with their school work during the these two weeks. During testing, we will be providing cheese pizza and veggies during lunch hour every day, but I recommend sending a snack along with your student as well. Also, students are encouraged to bring a book to read or some other quiet activity that will occupy them during breaks. In addition, please leave all cell phones and/or electronic devices at home if possible. Plan on your student(s) being at school for 4-6 hours each day of testing; however, some students will finish early and some will need more time (all tests are untimed). Don’t forget to get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy breakfast every morning of testing! ...to 4th grader Lily Yasemi who won 1st place in the Humboldt County Science Fair at HSU last Friday. Her project was called “Toxic Chemicals In Your Home?” in the physical science division. This journal entry by fourth grader, Ernesto Hernandez, is a response to the following excerpt from Carl Sandburg's poem, "The People, Yes": "Money buys everything except love, personality, freedom, immortality, silence, peace." Ernesto writes: "I agree with part of it. It would be nice if immortality was real, but unfortunately it's not. I don't agree with that. But I do to the freedom and love part because love is like a blooming rose. Love is beautiful. Love is fantastic. So is peace.” ******* There was a Student Bird Art Contest that was held on behalf of the Redwood Region Audubon Society and Friends of the Arcata Marsh, in conjunction with the Godwit Days Spring Migration Bird Festival. Alder Grove students won 3 different awards!!!: ...Kindergartener Malachi Brown won 1st prize for his drawing of a Bald Eagle! ...to 6th grader Merlin Newcomb who won 1st place in the Science/Engineering genre. His project is labeled “The Power of Solar Panels and Tesla Coils”. Merlin would like to be a part of eliminating nuclear power plants in the future. ...4th grader Jordan Brown won 1st prize for her drawing of a Cinnamon Teal! ...10th grader Tori McConnell won 1st prize for her painting of Marbled Godwits! HERE IT IS!: ******* ...Merlin Newcomb was also chosen as an alternate for the Regional Spelling Bee!!!! Our 12th grader Brianna Schatz has done another great acting performance! This time as Hodel in Fiddler On The Roof with the Ferndale Repertory Theater in Ferndale. The play will be running through April 12th. This play is very well done! Egg cartons needed! Do you have extra egg cartons? Our CT, Ami Brusca is collecting them! You can bring them to the front office. The Arcata Community Center will be open to view all art contest entries from Friday April 17th , 5p-8p, Saturday 10a—3p, through Sunday April 19th 10a—3p. The above awards will be presented Saturday, April 18th at 11:00 a.m. PARENTS OR LEGAL GUARDIANS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSPORTING THEIR OWN STUDENTS : April Field Trips Zip Line / Ropes Course Grades 6-12 Mad River Hatchery Grades K-6 Mendocino Adventure Ropes Course, Leggett Wednesday, April 1st, 10:00—4:00 p.m. $42.00 1660 Hatchery Rd., Blue Lake, CA Thursday, April 2nd, 1:00—2:00 p.m. Free May Field Trips Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary Grades K-6 River Rafting! Grades 6-12 Our final adventure field trip of the year will be a full day river rafting trip with HSU’s Center Activities Aquatic Program: Center Activities would like to welcome your child to participate in this exciting event. The goal of this event is to provide a safe, fun, and memorable rafting adventure on the Trinity River. Trip Date: May 27th, 2015 Meeting Time: 9:00 am Meeting Location: Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center, 921 Waterfront Drive, Eureka Trip Cost: $45 Center Activities will provide trained guides, all of the necessary rafting equipment (rafts, paddles, wetsuits, lifejackets, helmets and safety equipment) as well as our years of expertise in the outdoor field. Participants do not need to be excellent swimmers, however they should be able to tread water and be comfortable around aquatic environments. Transportation will be provided by Center Activities. Students will be gone all day and will return around 5:30PM. Students have the option of paying for the trip with their student budget or by paying privately, if out of budget. Checks need to be made out to Center Activities for $45, and must be included with the registration forms. Forms and information letters are available at the front office. There will be 24 available student spots. If we have any unclaimed spots, parents will have an option to join for $85. If a parent is interested, let me know, and I will inform you if we have an opening prior to the trip. Students and parents need to fill out and sign the forms to be put on the list. All cancellations need to be made before noon on May 25th, to not be charged for the trip. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Terri Tripp at 407-8196 or by email: [email protected] 569 G. St., Arcata Thursday, May 7, 10:00—11:30 a.m. Free Please sign up at the office—268-0854 Fort Humboldt State Historic Park Grades K-6 3431 Fort Ave., Eureka Thursday May 14, 2015 11 am Students will break into groups and take self guided tours. They will get a brochure where they will be looking for clues while learning park history. There is room for 30 students. Meet by the office. Directions: 3431 Fort Ave, Eureka, CA Take Highland Ave off Hwy 101, travel east one block. Parent Workshops!! Saturday, April 25th 9:00—3:00 p.m. Kim Sutton www.creativemathematics.com Learn how to integrate games, music, and hands-on exploration in to your math study. Creative Mathematics is a leading local educational consulting company that has provided 23 years of teacher training workshops in the U.S., Canada, and internationally. There will be books, music, supplies, and manipulatives for sale. She will be addressing common core standards alignment and will be dividing into grades K-3 and grades 4-12. All participants should bring their own scissors, markers, scotch tape, stapler, and hole punch if possible. Participants should also bring a lunch, or enjoy a local restaurant for the lunch break. Please sign up by April 8th by calling 268-0854. Wednesday, May 13th 1:15—2:45 p.m. Calleagh Ferrara Planning For Next Year Evaluate your school year. Pick curriculum to match your child’s temperament. Sign up at the office or call 268-0854. Rotary Youth Exchange Information Night Eureka High School Lecture Hall Thursday, April 9, 2015 5:30 p.m. Have you ever wanted to: Keep on H.oW.L. - ing! Marc McGowan is going to keep doing Friday Hot Wheels classes here: May 29th, June 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th for a Summer Session. (The 26th will be held at Angelo’s Pizza). This Summer Session is free of charge! It will be from 12:00 to 1:15PM for ages 5 and up. There is a limit of 15 students, so don’t delay! There are lots of surprises in store!! Become fluent in another language? Experience everyday life in another culture? Make friends from around the world? Help to foster global understanding? Become a Rotary Youth Exchange Student! Each year, Rotary International sends thousands of students on worldwide exchanges to destinations all over the globe, and you could be next! If you’ve ever considered traveling abroad, please come to our informational meeting to learn more! Come see the Alder Grove annual musical play! This year, presenting: Murder At Crooked House This production is Free Friday, May 15th 7:00 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM for bake sale for donations) Eureka High School Auditorium 1915 J Street, Eureka Requests From The Office... Please notify your CT if you have changed your phone number or address. We want to keep you posted! Please come look through our Lost and Found. We will be donating all of the items in it to Uniquely You clothing store in Arcata on June 1st. Fill out the original only. This form has been mailed to you. April 2015 Sun 5 Mon Tue 6 7 Wed Thu 1 2 Field Trip for 6th— 12th grades—Zip Line, Leggett (this is now full) 1:00—2:00—Field Trip for K-6th grades—Mad River Hatchery, Blue Lake 8 9 Fri Sat 3 4 10 11 17 18 S P R I N G B R E A K ~School Closed~ 12 13 14 15 16 6:30—Governance Council Meeting S M A R T E R B A L A N C E T E S T I N G| N O O N—S I T E CLASSES (3rd—8th and 11th grades) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11:00—Leadership Team Meeting S M A R T E R B A L A N C E T E S T I N G| N O O N—S I T E CLASSES 26 27 28 29 30 STAR SCIENCE TESTING (5th, 8th, and 10th grades) Onsite Classes Resume 9:00a—Parent Workshop—Kim Sutton, “Creative Mathematics”
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