Military Pensions
Military Pensions
2 EDW. VI!.] MilitaTY Pensions. New 219 [1902, No. 54. ~ealand. ANALYSIS. Title. . 4. Seotion 7 of prinoipal Aot amended. 1. Short Title. Soale amended. 2. Extension of prll10ipal Act to Eighth, Ninth, 6. Aot retrospective. and Tenth Contingents. 7. Governor to grant pensions. 3. MedICal Board. Schedule. 15. 1902, No. 54. AN Ac'!' to amencl .. 'rhe Military Pensions Act, 1866," and to further extend the Provisions of "The Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900." [31'd Octuber, 190:J. BE IT ENACr1'ED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : 1. 'rhe Short Title of this Act is ., The Military Pensions Act, 1902"; anll it shall form part of and be read together with" The Military Pensions Act, 1866" (hereinafter referred to as "the principal Act "). 2 .. r1'he persons whose nallles are set forth in the Schedule hereto shall be deemed to be members of the forces elll'olled by the Government for service in South Africa, and the provisions of " The Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900," are hereby extended to such persons accordingly. 3. Section four of the principal Act is hereby repealed, and the following substituted in lieu thereof : "(1.) The Governor may from time to time appoint a Board, consisting of not leRs than three duly qualified medical practitioners, whose duty it shall be to inquire into every claim for a pension or gratuity in respect of a wound or injury received in the actual performance of military duty, or in respect of the death of any officer, non-commissioned officer, or private, and to report thereon to the Governor. "(2.) No such pension or gratuity shall be granted except on the unanimous recommendation of the Board." Title. Short Title. Extension of prinoipal Act to Eighth, Nmth, and Tenth Contingents. Medioa.l Boa.rd. 220 1902, No. 54.J Section 7 of principa. Act a.mended. 4. Section seven of the principal Act is hereby amended by repealing the words" six months after his being first certified to be ill," in paragraph (b) thereof, and substituting the following in lieu thereof: "twelve months after his having first been removed from duty on account of such illness, provided the illness is certified to have commenced during and as the result of active operations; or, if he died in consequence of injuries received in the performance of military duty otherwise than in action, within twelve months after having been injured." 5. (1.) The columns of the scale annexed to the principal Act headed respectively "To widows whose husbands were killed in action," and "Where the father was killed in action," are hereby extended to include those who within twelve month!'! died of their wounds. (2.) The columns of the said scale headed respectively "To widows whose husbands died from illness contracted in the field," and" Where the father died from illness contracted in the field," are hereby extended to include those who within twelve months died in consequence of injuries received in the performance of military duty otherwise than in action. 6. (1.) Sections four and five hereof shall extend to every person whose name appears in the respective Schedules to " The Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900," "The Military Pensions Act, 1901," and this Act, whether the contingency in respect of which a pension or allowance is claimed under these Acts occurred before or after the passing of this Act. (2.) If at any time within one year of the passing of this Act the Governor is satisfied that there is any error or omission in the Schedule to either of the last-mentioned Acts or this Act, he may, by notice in the Gazette, remedy such error or omission. (3.) On the publication of such notice the names of the persons appearing therein shall be deemed to have been inserted in or omitted from the Sched nle to this Act. (4.) Such alteration shall be subject to ratification by Parliament in the next succeeding session, and if not so ratified shall have no further power or effect. 7. Every penSIOn or allowance under the principal Act shall be granted by the Governor; and every such pension shall be deemed to commence as from such date as the Governor determines. Sca.le a.mended. Aot retrospective. Governor to grant pensions. Milita1'y Pensions. [2 EDw. VII. 2 EDW. VII.] .LVlilitary Pensions. [1902, No. 54. SOHEDULE. NO./ Bank and Name. Schedule. Next-at-kin, and Address. EIGHTH CONTINGENT. BRIGADE STAFF. Brevet·Oolonel Davies, Richard Hut· ton Brigade-Major Bingley, Arthur George Ellton Captain Matthews, Robed Saxton •• Lieutenant Valintine, Henry Phipps Brigade Surgeon - Major PearleBB, Waiter Relf Brigade Ohaplain (Honorary Oaptain) Oompton, Arthur William Henry Brigade Transport-Officer Lieutenant Grimes, John William Brigade Sergea.nt - Major Rogers, Oharles Philip Brigade Farrier Quartermaster-BeEgeant Bro,herton, Obarles Wife: Mrs. M. Davies, Inglewood. Wife: Mrs. Bingley, Bank of New Zealand, Ohrlsichuroh. Wife: Mrs. Oaroline Matthews, Inglewood. Brother: Dr. Valintine, Wellington. Wife: Marianne Lessel Pearless, Wakefield, Nelson. Father: Rev. S. J. Oompton, South Oreake Vicarage, Takenham, Norfolk, England. Brotber: S. G. Grimes, Soaroliffe Grange, Ohesterfield, England. Friend: A. Dickie, WaHotara. Mother: Mrs. A. Rogers, Inglewood. Father: Robert Brotherton, 11, Harrowby Stree$, Bute Docks, Oardiff, England. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-REGIMENTAL STAFF. Major Bartlett, Edwin .. .. Captain PoIson, Donald, D.S.O. (second in command) and Adjutant Todd, Tbomas John Marr, D.S.O. Surgeon-Oaptain Eccles, Horace Dorset Forbes, Franois Oourtenay Sutherland Veterinary Oaptain Ola.yton, John Greenwood Lieutenant and Paymaster Pitt, William Lieutenant and Quartermaster Gardiner, Thomas John 5000 Regimental Sergt.-Major L'Estrange, Eudo WaIter 5181 5001 5003 5002 5006 5007 I Regimental Quartermaster. Sergeant McDonnell, Michael Regimenh,l Orderly Sergeant Latta, Robert Sanderson Paymaster - Sergeant Page, Thomas Maloolm Provost - Sergeant Maxwell, Ken Andrew Oorporal-Dispenser Tooh ill , William Henry Dorlzao, Oharles :221 Wife: Mrs. Isabella Bartlett, Hawera. Mother: Mrs. R. Poison, Disraeli Street, Addington. Wife: Mrs. E. Eooles, Mangonui. Son: H. M. B. Forbes, Hinemoa, Auokland. Sister: Miss M. Clayton, Fulshaw, Welmslaw, Obeshire. Friend: John A. Gilruth, Department of Agriculture, Wellington. Mother: Maata te Owai, care of O. P. Davies, Messrs. WllIiams and Kettle (Limited), Gisborne. Wife: Agnes Gardiner, 51, Brougham Street, Wellington. Father: Colonel L'Estrange, Army and Navy Club, London. Friend: Mrs. :\1asters, Commercial Hotel, Wellington. Father: John McDonnell, Spring Creek, Marlborough. Father: Robert S. Latta, Surrey Street, Grey Lynn, Auckland. Father: J. E. Page, 14, Austin Street, Wellington. Father: David Maxwell, Stratford, Taranaki. Father: Daniel E. Toohill, Boseneath, Eketahuna. Father: Frederiok Dorizao, Berhampore, Wellington. 222 MilitaT.I/ 1902, No. 54.] Rank a.nd Name. PCIIsio1l8. [2 En\y. VII. Next-of-kin, and AddrellS. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A SQUADRON. Captain Seddon, Riohard John Spots- Father: Rt. Hon. R. J. Seddon, Molesworth Street, Wellington. wood Lieutenant Wighton, Alexander Mit- Father: David Wighton, Upper Dixon Street, Wel. ohell lington. Friend: Miss Ferguson, Sanatorium, Rotorua. Morris, Cyri! Russell Father: W. R. Morris, Aooountant's Branoh, G.P.O., Wellington. Roberts, Alexander Wil- Father: Heotor Simpson, Hepburn Street, Ponsonby, Ha.m Auckland. Cunningham, Adam J. Cunningham, 'raipo, Christohurch Roa.d, Westla.nd. Samuel Mother: Mary Hartley Davis, German Bay, Akaroa. " Davis, William Hartley 5015 Sergeant-Major Cha.rters, Alexander Father: W. W. Charters, 187, WIlson's Road, Christ· churoh. Bennett 5022 Quartermaster-Sergeant Hill, Frede· Sister: Mrs. J. B. Peyman, Wanganui. rick Hugh Father: Lewis Larsen, Springfield, Ohio, U .S.A. 5018 I Sergel\nt Larsen, Hans Friend: A. Carisen, Sa.wmiller, Dannevirke. Jacksoo, Cranworth Frank· Father: GoddlLrd Ja.ckson, Wadestown. 5019 lin Pender, Alexander Friend: J. G. W. Ahken, Aitken and Wilson, Wel· 5020 lington. Rowntree, George Arthur .. Father: W. B. Rowntree, Tory Street, Wellington. 5021 Brother: Dr. Turner, Ashfield, Kmtore, Aberdeen_ Turner, Daniel 5023 shire. Friend: Captain Maointosh, Kent Terraoe, Wellington. 5024 Nairn, James Walker Father: J80mes Nairn, Khandallah, Wellington. Willoughby, Edgar de Burgh Mother: Mrs. Marion Willoughby, Kronstad, South 5029 Africa.. Friend: l!'rank White, Sherwood, Takapau, Hawke's Bay. Mother: Mrs. E. Wylie, 8, Bidwell Street, WellingWylie, Robert 5030 ton. 5016 Farrier - Sergeant Neilson, Albert Father: Oscar Neilson, 95, Riddiford Street, Wellington. Ernest 5849 Farrier - Sergeant C u n n i n g h a, m, Mother: Mrs. Is80bella Cunningham, Taipo Post· William Henry office, Christchurch Road, Westland. 5017 Saddler· Sergeant Harland, Samuel .. Father: Thomas Harland, Lansdowne, Masterton. Father: A. A. Wood, Amberley, Canterbury. 5025 Corporal Wood, George Edward 5026 Skinner, Charles John Dun· Father: W. H. Skinner, 9, Hawkestone Cresoent, Wellington. bar Rowell, Henry Mother: Mrs. Mary Rowell, 176, Willis Street, Wel· 5027 lington. Sheeban, Edward Robert .. Mother: Mrs. Bridget Pery, Upper Hutt, Wellington. 5031 McGregor, David .. Father: John D. McGregor, Hmau, Feilding. 5032 Hill, Jack Si.ter: Mrs. J. Andrews, Temuka. 5033 Rogers, Harold Cummins .. Father: Johu Francis Rogers, Ingleside, 25, Hill 5034 Street, Wellington. 5035 • McLaren, Chlulie Douglas .. Mother: Mrs. MoTeal, Gisborne. Mother: Mrs. Mary A. Grimstone, Poplar Grove, 5028 Bugler Grimstone, Lionel Francis Wellington. 5036 Saddler McKain, John Ward Father: Daniel McKain, Lower Hutt, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Jessie Ross, 4, Crawford Street, Wel· 5037 Farrier Ross, Ja.mes lington. F"ther: Daniel McKain, Lower Hutt, Wellington. 5038 McKain, Argyle Mother: ElIen Jane Lee, Otaki, Wellington. 5019 I • JilIett, J cseph Father: William Bridson, Post·offioe, Wellington 5940 ! Private Bridson, Corran South. Bridson, Thomas Angus Father: William Bridson, care of W. Awnley, South 5633 ! Wellington. Burn, Ernest Edward Father: I?hilip E. Burn, 27, Hopper Street, Welling. 5041 ton. Fa.ther: David Bourke, East Oxford, Canterbury. 5042 Bourke, Miohael .• 504il Bliss, Alfred Mother: Mrs. Aligela Wilkinson, Obau, Manawatu. Barker, William John D044 Father: William Barker, Sailmaker, Wanganui. 6040 Bradley, Augustine Father: Orton Guthrie Bradley, 17, Andrew Street, Waltham, Christohuroh. Brother: John Brasell, Lower Hutt, Wellington. Brasell, Rohert 5045 Father: Charles J. Buroh, Grey town, Wairarapa. Burch, Warren William 5046 Black, James Father: George Blaok, Lawrenoe, Otago. 5047 ' Brunton, Thomas •. Mother: Mrs. Isabella Brunton, Grey town North. 5048 Bendall, Arthur Travers 5049.1 i F .. tber : Captain W. Bendall, Wesley Crescent, : Wellington. I 'I I' 2 EDW. No. I Military Pensions. VII.l Rank a.nd Name. [1902, No. 54. Next-ot-kin, and Address. EIGHTH <lONTINGENT-continutd. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A SQUADRON-continued. 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5685 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094 6095 Private Bra.ndon, Peroy Eustaoe de B.I Mother: Mrs. A. M. Bra.ndon, 17, Tina.kori Road, ! Wellington. Fa.ther: Alexander Birnie, Taihape, Taranaki. Birnie, Alexa.nder •• I Father: Robert Clifford Cook, Wadestown, WellingOook, Leonard WIl1iam ton. Cumming, Da.vid Brother: Andrew Cumming, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Carbery, Oharles .. Father: Miohael Carbery, Hutt Road, Petone, Wellington. Father: Robert Campbell, Lithgow, New South Oampbell, Rober' .• Wales. Friend: A. Beggs, Owen Street, Newtown, Wellington. Clouston, John Peter Porteus Father: Dr. Clouston, Wa.iuku, Auokland. Call am , Arthur Mother: Mr~. M. F. Callam, Drummond Street, Wellington. Climie, Percy Richmond Father: J. D. Climie, Lower Hutt, Wellington. Coates, Frank Father: James Coates, Otaki, Manawatu, Wellington. Cook, Thomas Uppadine Uncle: Alfred Fraser, Foxton, Wellington. Clout, Norma.n Father; Wiiliam Clout, Lower Hutt, Wellington. Father: A. Conneil, Tiri Tiri, Auokland. Connell, Alexander Miller Dixon, Osca.r Clarenoe Father: William Dixon, Ba.nnister Street, Masterton. Father: WilIiam H. Dobson, Willis Street, WellingDobson, William Henry ton. Denhard, Henry Conrad Father: Henry Denhard, 166, Upper Willis Street, Wellington. Evans, George Alexander Mother: Mrs V. Evans, Taonui Roa.d, Feilding. Fletoher, John Father: J. D. Fletoher, Lower Kyeburn, Otago. Fa.ther: Joseph Wilkinson, Kaikoura, Marlborough. Gooda.1I, Edward Gorman, Harry Oousin: Miss Llzzie Nicholson, MoLean Street, Woodville. Gaffney, James Father; Miohael Gaffney, Kilmolin, Enniskerry, Wioklow, Ireland. Friend; Henry Robertson, Waipara-Cheviot Ra.ilway, Waipara, Canterbury. Gibbons, Patriek Mother: Mrs. J. Reid, Masterton. Hardie, Alexander Minion .. Father: J, Hardie, 69, Webb Street, Wellington. Harvey, Edward John Father: Edward Harvey, ien., 18, Roxburgh Street, Wellington. Higgins, Donald .• Mother: Mrs. Maria H. Higgins, Feilding. Hulme, Hedley Russell Father: - 47, Austin Street, Wellington. Father: WI1liam lorns, Masterton, Wellington. lorns, William Augustus J ames, William Father: Thomas James, Hobart, Tasmania. Friend: John Stewart, 4, Webb Street, Wellington. Johnson, George Alexander Father: Alexander Johnson, Willis Street, Wellington. Father: William Jenkins, Otaki, Wellington. Jenkins, Alexander Johnston, Albert Kenmore .. Father: Alexander Johnston, Ohaupo, Waikato, Auokland. James, George EllIs Brother: William James, Johnsonville, Wellington. Father: Robert Kennedy, Kaikora Nortb, HaRke's Kennedy, David .• Bay. King, Alexander J ames Mother: Mrs. Mary Devereux, Atarau Post-offioe, Grey Valley, Wes~ Coast. Father: Samuel Wilford Luoas, Featherston, WairaLuoas, Robert Ernest rapa. Le Boi, Frank Leopold Fatber: Viotor Le Roi, East Oxford, Ca.nterbury. McLaughlin, Father: J. MoL<mghlin, Darfield, North Canterbury. Macaulay, Charles Haddon Father: Alexander Maoaulay, Arun Street, Oamt\ru, Otago. Spurgeon Mother; Mrs. Annie MoCa.11um, Kaiwa.rra., WellingMcCallum, Dona.1d ton. MeGowa.n, Cyril John Father; John McGowan, Newtown, Wellington. Muloahy, James .• Mother: Mrs. J. Muleahv, Hugh Street, Wellington. Father: John Mills, Viotoria Street, Brunswlok, Mills, Robert lames Viotoria. Friend: Louise Pawson, Post - offioe, Wellington. Ma.rcks, Lewis Hewson Father: John Ma.roks, Maheno, Otago. Markmann, Oarl Molehine.. Father: Carl F. T. Markmann, 14, MoDonald Cresoent, Wellington. McLaughlin, John .. , Father: James MoLaughlin, Hugh Street, Wellington. Messenger, George La.wlion ... Father: Lieut.-Colonel Messenger, Permanen~ Artil· lery, Wellington. MoWilliam, Lavington •• Mother: Mrs. Annie MoWil1iam, of T. O'Brien, Tory Street, Wellington. I 223 224 1902, No. 54.J No. I Military Pensions. )2 EDW. VII. Next-ot-kin, and Address. Rank and Name. EIGHTH CONTINGENrr.-contimud. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A SQUADReN-continued. 5096 5109 5110 5111 5112 ., Father: Robert John Moody, CasUemaine, Viotoria' Friend: William Hickey, 17, Courtenay Plaoe, Wellington. MoKenzie, William Alexander Father: John McKenzie, Upper Plain, Masterton. MoKerrow, WiIliam Fa.ther: John Oraig MoKerrow, 9, Fitzherbert Terrace, Wellington. Morrison, William Henry Mother: Mrs. Sarah Morrison, Nelson Street, Petone, Alfred Wellington. McAlpine, Angus .. Father; James MoAlpine, 58, Nairn S5reet, WelUng· ton. Orr, Thomas Harry Father: Thomas Orr, 18, Featherston Terraoe, Wel· lington. Parker, F. Father: Robert Parker, 33, Hill Street, Wellington. Pike, Cyril Seldon Father: George Pike, Tinakori Road, Wellington. Palmerston, Norman Adam Stepfather: George L. R. Soott, Ferguson Street, Palmerston North. Pepper, George Henry Father: Benjamin Pepper, Otaki, Wellington. Porritt, Harold ElIiott Father: Rev. Thomas PorrH , Featherston, Wellington. Rookstrow, WIlliam Caspari Brother: J. F. Rookstrow, Defenoe Department, Wellington. Reilly, William .• .. Sister: Miss Fanny Reilly, Palmerston North. Reed, Kingsford Frederiok .. Father: R. K. Reed, Palmerston North. Ryan, Thomas Francis Father: Dennis Ryan, Tawa Flat, Wellington. Robinson, Joseph Lawson Father: Charles Robinson, 2, Evelyn Plaoe, Welling- 5113 Smith, Sydney Harold 5097 5098 5099 5100 5100 5108 5104 5105 5106 5107 5108 Private Moody, Robert ton. 5114 5115 5119 5120 5116 5117 5118 5121 5122 5128 5124 5125 5126 5127 Father: John Henry Smith, 44, Kent Terraoe, Wellington. Smith) Charles Granville Father: Frederiok C. Smith, Polioe·station, Carter. ton. Smith, Charles Father: George Smith, Wakanul Roa.d, Ashburton. Smith, Arundel Harry Father: Samuel Smith, Lower Hut~. Smith, Arthur Henry Father: Thomas Smith, Warren point, Ireland. Friend: William Tompsitl, Urenui, Taranakl. Stewart, George Father: Willia.m Stewart, Sumner Roa.d, Lyttelton. Stuart, Frederick ., Brother: Alexander Stuart, Awahuri, Wellington. Stevens, Bert Father: J ames H. Stevens, Post·office, Hawera. Smithers, Henry George Friend: H. K. Bethune, Bank of Australasia, Wel· Al bert lington. Sampson, Thomas Nicholson Father: Andrew E. Sampson, Tinakori Road, Wellington. Sperlce, William .. Brother: Magnus B. Spence, care of - Fraser, Bookseller, Oamaru. Sbaw, Guy Langston Mother: Mrs. Marie Courtney, Niger House, New Plymouth. Tuohy, Thomas Henry Father: Thomas Tuohy, Whetukura, OrmondviIle, Hawke's Bay. Thompson, Robert William Father: Arohibald Thompson, Waione, Wellington. Thomson, Claude Hamilton Father: John Thomson, 3, Derwent Square, Liver. pool, England. Friend: W. C. FitzGerald, Welling. ton. 5128 5129 5180 Vicary, Lionel William Her- Father: William Vioary, Dannevirke. bert Walton, John Thomas Father: Henry Walten, Waikanae, Wellington. Wheloh, Harry Father: Tom Wheloh, Abraa, Oanterbury. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-B SQUADRON. Captain Cameron, John .. Lieutenant Blair, Dunoan Barrie Collett, Henry Charles .. Langford, William Eustaoe Morgan, William Arthur Sergeant· Major Blaokiston, Charles Douglas 6167 Quartermaster - Sergeant Cal vert, George Gordon 5159 Sergeant Baker, Joseph Waiter 5160 Heslop, George Whitfield .. 5162 Sommerville, John Adam .. 6164 Bmith, Lesbe 6168 Brother: Allan Cameron, Wanganui. Mother: Mrs. D. Blair, Waoganui. Father: Martin Collett, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. Mother: Elizabeth Langford, Gisborne, Poverty Bay. Father: Edmund James Morgan, Kaimate, luglewood, Taranaki. Mother: Mrs. Mary A. Blaokiston, Grey town North, Wairarapa. Father: George William Ca.1vert, Strathmore, 'rar... naki. Father: Wa.Iter Baker, Ashburton, Oanterbury. Father: William Heslop, Sentry Hill, New Plymouih, Father: Colonel Sommervill8, No. 2 Lln., Wanglonw. Father: John W. Smibh, Watecl'ark, T~r ..d ..l., Na.,lOJ. 2 EDW. VII.] No. I Military Pensions. Bank &nd Name. [1902, No. 54. Next-of-kln. and Addres•. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continutd. NORTH ISLAND REGlMENT.-B SQUADRON-continued. Sergeant Cr..wley, Robert William.. Mother: Mrs. James Crawley, Brunswiok, Wang.. nui. Father: Cha.rlea Holmwood, Maaterton, Holmwood, Bern..rd 5166 Wellington. Father: J"mes Hughes, 4, Franeis Street, Sydney, 5168 • Hughes, Ja.mes Ceoll New South Wales. Friend: C. H. Arrow, Walpawa, Hawke's Bay. Father: F. H. Haselden, Esq., M.H.R., Hllnterville, Haselden, Frederiok 5172 Wallganui. 5158 Farrier· Sergea.nt Peebles, Ja.mes Father: A. Peeblest Woodville. William Mother: :frIra. Chrlstina MoClendghan, Turakina, 5157 Sa.ddler·Sergeant Dais, William Wa.rg",nui. F"ther: Peter Ma.xwell, Opotiki, Auckland. 5169 Corpol;>.l Maxwell, Willia.m Fatber: Frederick William Bierre, Cuba Street, 5170 Blerre, August Palmerston North. Father: Henry Jolly, Feilding. Jolly, Sydney Herbert 5171 Father: Antonio H. LI.t. Park.ide, Hastings. List,Otto 5173 Father: Samuel We_ton, Hunterville. Wellington. Weston, Lewls 5174 Mother: Wallaoe Ross, Wanganui. Ross, Da.vid 5240 Father: Willia.m Carpenter, 60, Ingestre Street, WelCarpenter, Frederick 5198 Imgton. Wright, Peroy Geoghegan .• Father: Arcbie Manning Wright, Kiniemuir, Still· 5260 organ Pa.rk, County Dublin. Friend: Frank Water· house, Manga.ha.u,'s Bay. 5175 Shoeing-smith Adams, Robert Stafiord Mother: Mrs. Rose Adams, North Street, Palmerston North. 5180 N Kirkbam, ArtburJames Father: Walter Kirkham, Taradale, Hawke's Bay. Mother: lIlrs EUen Taylor, North Gisborne. 5179 I Saddler Taylor, Percy 5178 I • Edwards, George Frederick .. Mother: Mrs. Janet Edwards, Post· office, Waverley. Mother: Mrs. Fanny Tombs, Prlnoes Street, Palmers· 5176 Bugler Tomhs, Sidney ton North. Father; William Adams, Lansdowne, Masterton. 5181 Pril"ate Adams, Robert Allm Mother: Mrs. E. Finnis, Levin, Wellington. Aldridge, William Henry 5182 Father; Thomas Allan, Hawera, Wanganui. Allan, WilIiam Kirk 5183 Father; ;Tohn Sa-muel August. Waiwetu, Lower Hutt. August, :Rrnest John 5185 Father; J"on ..than Burton, Colyton, Feilding. Burton, Fred 5186 Fa.ther; Henry Bryant, Amesbury Street, Palmerston Bryant, Herbert Henry 5187 North. Father: James Bremner, Wa.nganui. Bremner, William .• 5188 Beamish, Ernest CecU Mother; Mrs. Jane Beamish, Regent Street, Hawera. 5189 Mother: Mrs. J. Black, Kalti, Glsborne. Black, AlIa.n 5190 Mother: Mrs. H. E. B. Buiok, Post.offioe, Longburn, Buiok, lames 5191 Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Bourne, 5, Pittville Crescent, Chelten. Bourne, Arthur Uniaoke 5192 ham, England. Friend: Hon. Captain B ..illie, M.L.C., Picton. Bpnnett, Bruoe Scott Father: C. D. Bennett, Childers Road, Gisborne. 5193 Father: Charles E. Clifiord, Molesworth Street, Wel. Clifford, Charles Edward 5200 lington. Mother: Mrs. RUen Clunie, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Clunie, William 5194 Mother: Mrs. Maria Cunningham. Gisborne. Cunningbam, Thomas 5195 Brother: Alfred Henry Clark, Chief Post.offioe, GillClark, Frederiok William 5196 borne. Christian, George Nathaniel Father: Jesse Christian, 15, Rymes Street, Herne 5197 Hill, London, S.E. Catherall, Robert George Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Catherall, Avenue Road, 5199 Hastings. Father: William Thomas DUks, Fitzherbert East, Dilks, William Thoma.s 6201 Palmerston North. Davidson, Wllliam Philip Mother: Mrs. J. Davidson, Midhirst, Tarallaki. 5202 Father: George Davidson, Longburn, Palmerston Davidson, John 5203 North. 1 D'Aroy, Thomas Lambton •. Mother: Mrs. M. M. D'Aroy, MasLerton. 6204 I •. Father: John Fergulon, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. J!'erguson, Alfred .. 5205 I Finnamore, Waiter Gordon Father: John Finna.more, Stratford. 5206/ File, Ernest F&ther: Wllliam O. File, Roebuok Road, Gisborno. 5207 FitzbBrbert, Arthur GeofirBy Father: Artbur Ilo. Fi~zherbert, Marton, Wanganui. 5208 I .. Mother: Mrs. Amelia Redsha.w, 9, Queen's 'r.rrace, Grioourt, Adolph •• 5209 Southampton, England. Friend: Harold Ma.1fy, Post.offioe, Palmerston. Grabam, William •• lI'a.ther: Andrew Graham, Gisbomo. 6:410 1 5165 I , Ib I 225 • 226 1902, No. 54.J Military Pensions. Ba.nk and NlIollle. Nex,""f-kin, and [2 Enw. VII. Address. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continlUd. SQUADRON-continued. Father: John Griffitha, Spring Grove, Nelson. Father: Daniel Hughes, Manlloia, Tarllouaki. Father: Matthew Hutohinson, Nora.wood, Hawke's Ba.y. Father: William Home, Hastings Street, Hasting •. Horne, William John Stevens Mother: Mrs. E. Henley, Tinakori Road, Wellington. Henley, Arthur William Father: James Hlggs, Wairengaahika, Gisborne. Higgs, Frederiok .• Father: Ennis Haydon, Te Karaka, Gisborne. Haydon, Albert Edward Father: Franois Hood, Fernridge, MlIosterton. Hood, Franois Sbaw Father: Arthur Harrison, Putiki, Wangllonul. Harrison, William George Father: Samuel Hickling, Adelaide Road, Wellingion. Hickling, James A1ber~ Father: Charles W. Jackson, Grey town North. Jaokson, John Keith Father: Oaptain Johnston, Waverley, Wellington. J ohnston, Frederick Father: A. V. ;J ones, 100, ClIonning Street, FlIolkner ;Jones, Harold Lancelot Square, Liverpool. Friend: A. O. Stewaort, Maokuti, Pahiatua. Mother: Mrs. Oelia Kerr, Opotiki, Ba.y of Islands. Kerr, Alfred Buttars Litchfield, Harbert Younger Father: Arthur B. Litchfield, Haloombe, Taranaki. Lock, Herbert J ames Hoddi· Father: James Candy Look, Saltford, Bristol, England. Friend: Alfred Slight, Crofton, Marton. nett Father: Rahert Lawson, Inglewood, Lawson, Thomas .. Father: Charles Morga.n, Oak Road, Hastings, Morgan, Oharles .• Hawke's Bay. McDonald, Duncan Buohanan Father: Dunoan MoDonald, Burnside, Waverley. MoBurney, Wllliam Brother: David MoBurney, Drury, Auokland. Mayhew, Ambrose •. Father: Robert Mayhew, Waituna, Feilding. Mundell, Frederiok Brother: Andrew Mundell, 49, Stirling Road, Trinity, Edinburgh, Scotland. Friend: Mrs. Janet OaldwelI, Upokongaru, Wanganui. Stepmother: Mrs. F. Ohristie, Powderha.m Street, Murphy, Arthur •• New Plymouth. Mandeno, Herbert Father: John Howe Ma.ndeno, Hairini, Te Awa.mutu, Auokland. Meyriok, Herbert •• Mother: Mrs. Mary Meyrick, Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North. N elBon, Henry Father: Oharles Nelson, Levin, Wellington. Fa.ther: Soren Nellsen, Mangatainoka, Wellington. Neilsen, Charles .. N eilson, Maurice George Brother: Andrew Nellson, Titokino, Hawke's Bay. Perry, John Francis Father: Frank Perry, Palmerston North. Pu1lett, George H. Father: Rohert Pu1lett, Umon Steawship Company, Spit, Napier. Parsons, Ivor Daniel Father: Thomas Pa.rsons, Parkville, Eketahuna. Price, John Father: Stephen Prioe, Upper, Masterton. Rasmussen, Henry Neil Father: Neil RlIosmussen, Mem Street, Newtown, Wellington. Runoiman, WilliamMoKenzie Father: William Morrison RUDciman, Waihi Goldmine, Auckland. Robertson, John Brother: Thoma.s Robertson, Ma.ha, Hawera, Reed, Bernard Aunt: Mrs. Louisa Braithwaite, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Russell, Robert Sister: Mrs. E:1lmllo Dohrmann, oare of J. T. Dohrmann, West Oxford, near Christchurcb. Raikes, Franois Oampbell Father: G. R. C. Raikes, Okaiawa, TaralJaki. Sexton, Eliott James Father: James Sexton, Gladatone, Wairarapa. Shannon, Athol Eruest C1&- Father: Ezekiel Shannon, Waituna West, Feilding. renoe Stent, Arthur John Father: James Stent, Pemberton, Feilding. Stent, Louis James Father: James stant, Pemberton, Feilding. Stanly, Henry Robert Mother: Mrs. TereJi80 Agnes Stanly, Waipawa, Hawke'8 Bay. Street, Riohard Brother: Alfred Street, Bell Block, Taranaki. Street, Alfred Father: Riohard Street, Bell Block, Taranaki. Somervllle, John William Father: John Somerville, Disraeli Street, Gisborne. Bwarbriok, Jobn Geoffrey Father: Jonatha.n Swarbrick, Tarawa, Nubnka, Poverty Bay. Stuokey, Arthur Walker . Father: Fred J. Stuokey, Levin, Wellington. SwalDson, Charles William .. Bister: Mrs. ElIa M. Marshall, Marton, Rangitikei. Southern, William Father: G. P. Southern, Newoastle-on-Tyne, England. Friend: Dr. Oharlton, Feilding, Rangitikei. Skinner, JaIlit, MacAdam •• Father: W. B. Skinner, 9, Hawkestone Orescent, I Wellington. NORTH ISr,AND REGIMENT.--B 5008 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 6351 5221 6352 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5177 5238 5239 5009 115141 5242 5248 5244. 5270 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 , 5256 5257 1 Private Griffiths, John Bell Hughes, Andrew Patriok Hutohinson, Frank William 2 EDW. VII.] NO., Military Pensions. Rank and Name. [1902, No. 54. Next-of-kin, and Address. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continued. NOBTB ISLAND REGIMENT.-B SQUADRON-contimMd. 5258 Priva.te Ulrioh, Everard Ernest Fa.ther: C. A. Ulrioh, Ha.y Street, Orienta.l Bay, Wellington. Father: William Whitoombe, Harrlson Street, W.. nganui. Wooldridge, Ebenezer Fa.ther: Joseph H. Wooldridge, Obta, Tara.naki. Wood, Oharles Mother: Mrs. L. T. Hill, Stratford. Withers, Arthur Ja.mea Father: William Vere Withers, Broad Street, Palmerston North. Webh, Fra.nk Henry Aunt: Miss Annie Mason, Churoh Street, Ponsonby, Auckla.nd. Whitworth, Franois Mother: Mrs. A. Whitworth, 123, Pershaw Road, 8elby Park, Birmingha.m. Friend: Miss Daisy Bra.dland, Hospita.l, Grey town, Waira.rapa. Father: Alexander Walker, Pahiatua. Walker, Thomas Alexander Walterson, David Dunoan .. Father: H. E. Walterson, Tongio Post-offioe, Vlotorla. Cousin: George Cooper. Blaokball. Winter, Samuel Father: David James Winter, Takaka, Nelson. Gra.ndmother: Margaret- Thomas, Sverndale Spa,, David Hauls Gloucester, Engla.nd. Friend: Charles Attwood, Oroue. Bridge, Palmerston North. Willoughby, Nathaniel Leo- Mother: Mrs.M. Willoughby, Wainuiomata, Wellingnard ton. Wright, Herbert Ja.mes Mother: Mrs. E. Wright, Brunswlok, Wanganul. Young, Frederiok •• Fa.ther: John Young, Putiki, Wanganui. 5259 Whitoombe, George 5261 5262 526. 5264 5265 5266 5267 5268 5269 6386 6390 6391 NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-C SQUADRON. 5294 5295 5298 5299 5300 5801 5802 5307 5297 5296 5308 5510 5342 5303 5305 5306 5385 5405 5331 5311 5314 5315 5316 Captain Saxby, Oonrad George ._ Father: G. H. Baxby, Bluff Hm, Napier. Lieutenant O'Dowd, Willillom John .. Father: Fra.nk O'Dowd, Seafield, View Road, Auok. la.nd. Taplin, Burton Bedford Father: Samuel Taplin, Palmerston North. Montrose Foster, Trevor Hugh Father: Regina.ld Foster, Pap.nui, Ohristohurob. Mason, WilIiam John •. Brother: C. R. Mason, Sun and Fire Offioe, Leadenhall Street, London. Friend: Mils Fergulon. Matron, Sana.torium, Rotorna. Sergeant-Major Burr, Oharles James Father: William Burr, Rawene, Hokianga, Auokland. Quartermaster-Sergeant Miller, Albert Sister: Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, Leith Street, Dunedin. Franois Sergeant Read, Alexander •• Sister: Miss Martha Read,87, Cuba Street, Wellington. Walker, John Brother: Isa.a.o Walker, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty. Ta.ubman, Alexander Goldie Mother: Mrs. Goldie Taubman, 27, St. Thomas Mansions, London. Friend: Mrs. Thoma.s Oross, Lincoln Road, Napier. Burgess, Frederiok Peroy .. Father: Frederiok J ames Burgess, Stipendiary Ma.giBtrate, Queenstown, Otago. Best, Sldney Herbert Father: Captain George Oharles Best, Oa.lliope Roa.d. North Shore, Auokland. • Oa.ssidy, WilIiam .. Sister: Miss Bery I Cassidy, Opunake, Taranaki. Farrier-Sergea.nt Abbott, Harold Father: Wllham Abbott, Ota.huhu, Auokland. Saddler-Sergeant Jobnston, John Ed- Father: John J ohnston, Wasbington Valley, Nelson. ward Shoeing - smith Courtenay. Alfred Father: Alfred Oharles Oourtenay, Whangarei, Auokland. Oharles • Smith, David Father: Oharles Smith, Hikurangi, Auckland. Saddler Ebert, George Father: George Ebert, Newton Road, Auokland. Oorporal Swanberg, Oharles William Father: Frank Oscar Swanberg, Cameron Street, Whanga.rei, Auckland. Parsons, George Alfred Father: Henry Willia.m Panon., Ooonool, Pahia.tua. Wellington. William Thomas Wal- Father: George Hall, Lepperton, • Hall, sham Mother: Mrs. Gertrude Pa.rsons, Coonoor, Pahiatna. Parsons, Henry Norman Young, Helbert Frank Fa.ther: Fra.nk Young, Taheke, Hokianga, Auckland. Father: WaIter Ca.rder, Ponsonby, Auokland. Carder, Joshua Bugler Brown, Ralph DaYis Father: Arthur Brown, Orawford Street, Wellington. Private Arthur, James Half-brother: Oharles Ernest Tennant, Post-office, Auckland. Father: George Atkins, Olevedon, Wairoa South, Atklns. WiIlia.m •• Auokland. Father: George Atkins, Olevedon, Walroa South, Atklns, George Ara.bia!. N 15 * 227 228 1902, No. . No. I 54.~ Military Pensions. Rank Dd Name. ,2 EDW. VII. Next-of-kin, and Address. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-contInued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-C SQUADRON-continued. 5318 5820 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5827 6817 5328 5329 5880 5382 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 6333 534B 5349 5350 5351 5352 5353 6337 6336 5312 5354 5355 5356 5357 5358 53.59 G3.j5 5360 5361 Priva.te Baguley, Oharles Henry Father: Riohard Baguley, Pukekohe, Auckla.nd. William Bell, William lohn Mother: Mrs. Sarah Bell, Kaurikohore, Whangarei, Auokland. Birt, Benjamin ThomaB Father: Benjamin Thoma.s Birt, Mareretu, Auokland. Mother: Mrs. Sarah Bell, KlLurikohore, Whangarei, Bell, Robert Auokland. Blaokwell, Edwin West Mother: Mrs. Margaret Willet., Devonport, Auckland. Father: Henry Browne, Hampden Street West, Browne, William .• Nelson. Brownlee, James Little Father: WiIliam Brownlee, Grey Lynn, Auokland. Bourke, Leonard Humphrle. Fa,her: Jeremiah L. Bourke, Waioteamarama, Hokianga. Blomfield, Frederick Wilcox Father: lames Blomtield, Fernleigh Street, Ponsonby Burke, John Father: D. Burks, East Oxford, Canterbury. Curtis, Ernest Charles Father: James Curtis, Melrose, Devonport, Auckland. Constable, Edward Brother: Wi1liam Constable, Normanby Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. Castle, George Alfred S,ster: Miss Graoe Castle, Ca,nning's Dining-rooms, Queen Street, Auckland. Calvert, Leo Mother: Mrs. Annie Matilda Oalvert, Mount Eden, Auckland. Cuff, Peroy Augustus Father: Edwin Cuff, Halcombe, Rangitikei. Christian, Edward Father: Thomas Ohristian, Stanway, near Halcombe, Wellington. Dean, John Sister: Margaret Dean, Bombay, Wailrato, Auckland. Dean, David Uncle: John Dean, Pokeno, Hokianga.. Drewett, Frank Father: Thoma.s Drewett, Indian Civil Service, Bom· bay, India. Mother: Mrs. M. A. Drewett, Hokianga. Denyer, Ernest Frederiok Fa.ther: Henry Frederick Denyer, Avondale, Auckland. Dick, Robert Fa.ther: John Dick, Polio ok, Waiuku, Auokland. Diokson, Robert •• Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Dickson, Haloombe, Rangitikei. Easton, Alfred Ja.mes Easton, Pukekohe EasG, Auokland. Eustace, Sidney Willia.m Fa.ther: Sidney EUstace, Chiltern, Viotoria. Friend: John Kneebone, Post-office, Ohristohurch. Fish, Samuel Henry Father: Joseph Henry Fish, Essex Road, Mount \ Eden, Auckland. I Farmer, Daniel George Mother: Mrs. D. G. Farmer, Karangahake, Auckla.nd. Forte, James Chisman Mother: Mrs Mary E. Forte, St. Staven's Avenue, Parnell, Auokland. Firmston, Frank .. Father: Alfred Flrmston, New Plymouth, Tara.naki. Fitzgerald, Nathaniel Father: John Fltzgera.ld, Palmerston North. Gibbons, Charlel Fra.ncis Father: R. P. Gibbons, Kopu, Thames, Auckland. Graham, John Father: Wllliam Graham, Block XXVII., Gold-mine, Thames. Griffiths, Charlel Thomas Mother: Mrs. Ann Griffith~, Paeroa, Auckland. Green, Patriok Father: Matthew Green, Stanway, RalcJmbe, Wellington. _Gray, Harry .• Mother: Mrs. Agnes Osborne, Wellington. Gosling, William Charles Father: Charles Goslmg, Levels Post·office, ~'imaru. Gedge, Charles Fa.ther: Stepben Gedge, Stratford, Taranaki. Georgetti, John Mrs. E. Georgetti, Blue-gum Oottage, Ball Street, Wanganui. Herbert, Marous Reynolds Mother: Katherine S. Herbert, Percival Street, Wel(Payma.ster's Clerk) lington. Henderson, John .. Mother: Mrs. Margaret Renderson, Waihi, Auckland. Hill, Thomas John Mother: Mrs. K. Hill, Paeroa, Auckland. Ha.mmcnd, Alexander Mal- Brother: Christopher Ha.mmond, Rail way-station, colm Rotorua, Auckland. Ireland, John Father: WilIiam Irela.nd, West Tamaki, Auckland. Kempsell, John Consin: William Paddon Snell, Waitara, Taranaki. King, Alfred Ernest Father: Thomas King, Ponsonby, Auckland. King, Edward Charles Father: Edward King, Okato, Taranaki. Keating, Roland Roward Mother: Mrs. Charlotte Keating, Kopu, Thames, Auckland. Lenuon, William •• Father: James Lannon, Lincens Railwa.y-sta.tion, North Gippsland, Victoria.. Friend j Alfred Maiden, Post· office, Masterton. Military Pensions. 2 EDW. VII.] NO., Rank and Name. [1902, No.:5~. Next-of-kin, and Address. EIGHTH OONTTNGENT-continued. NORTH ISt,AND REGIMENT.-C SQUADRON-continued. Father: H. Lund, Norsewood, Hawk.'B Bay. •• Father: Wil\iam C. Larsen, Pokeno, Auokland. •• Father: Oharles John Little, Whangapoua, Ooromandel. Lorange, William Joh!l JOBeph Father: John Lorange, Spring Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. J,ilewall, John Father: John LilewalI, Davonport, Auckland. Moore, William John Den- Father: William Moore, Netherton, Thames River, Auckland. nerby Ma.lcolm, Alexa.nder Winham Mother: Mrs. Alziere Bell Malcolm, care of Messrs. Everett Bros., Nelson. Menhennet, Samuel Henry .. Mother: Mrs. Julia Menhennet, Patea, Taranakl. Mannmg, Robert •. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Meldrum, Wade, Auckland. Mason, Colin Father: John Mason, Masterton Road, Woodville. McNally, Robert Henry Father: Robert McNally, Pukekohe, Auckland. McNab, Thomas •• Father: Peter McNab, Normanby Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. McGivern, Henry Fehx Father: Felix McGivern, Te Awamutu, Auckland. McCartney, Thomas Sister: Mi-s Mary J. McCartney, Marton, Rangitikei. McDons.ld, Hugh •• Father: Angus McDonald, 40, Nairn S~reet, Wel· lington. Noble, Edward Father: Edward Noble, Newmarket, Auckland. Orr, Ma.tthew Gilmour Father: Mr. Wilham Longmuir Orr, Tuakau, Auck· land. Pulford, George Jo,eph Father: William Pulford, Marton, Rangitikei. Pullen, Da.vid Herbert Father: John Pullen, Purua, Aponga, Whaogarei, Auckland. Page, WaIter Vernon Father: Robert Page, Waimamaku, Hokianga, Auckland. Paul, Robert Brother: Thomas Paul, Inglewood, Taranaki. Pbair, Samuel Mother: Mrs. A. Phair, Southara, Portsmouth, Engl!lnd. Sister: Miss Phair, care of Mrs. Wigg, Northcote, Auckland. Pye, George Mother: Mrs. Matilda Pye, Te Aroha, Auckland. Pee.rce, Mark Allen Father: Mark Pearce, Kings Street, Newmarket, Auckland. Pearson, Edwin Father: Peter Pearson, Pahiatua. Renwick, Albert Garcon Father: John Renwiok. Normanhy Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. Ryan, Martin Henry Father: George Ryan, Otahuhu, Auckland. Steed, J ames Fatber: Matthew Steed. Scar borough Terrace, Parnell, Auckland. F!l.ther: H. J. Stevens, Ongaruhe, Auckland. Stevens, Charles Albert Smith, Ernest Prin Father: Sydney Smith, Upper Nelson Street. Auokland. Sauer, Henry Father: Frederiok William Sauer, Waimate, South Canterbury. Silcock, Samuel Thomas Father: J ames Silcock, Paeroa, Auckland. Sievers, George Frederick Father: Alfred Sievers, South Makara, Vlellington. T.nks, Albert Father: Isaac Tonks, Waimamaku, Hokianga, Auckland. Thomson, William George •• Sister: Mrs. Ma,y Elizabeth Burgess, 29, Park Road. Addington, Ohrlstoburoh. Taylor, William James Father: John Henry Taylor, Waiotahi Oreek, Thamea, Auckland. Turner, Benjamin Evans Father: E. B. Tumer, Great North Road, Auckland. Thomas, Waiter Ernest Father: Daniel Thomas, Hiwinui, Bunnythorpe. Urquhart, Hector Alexander Grandmother: Mrs. Janet Urquha.rt, Featherston. Trevanion Wilson, James Henry Sister: Miss A. Wilson, Rai Valley, Pelorus. Marlborough. Walker, Flrnest Henry Fs.ther: Henry John Walket, MQ.rsden, Auokland. Watts, Arthur Harold Father: George Watts, WiIloughby Street. Thamel, Auckland. Walsh, James Henry Father: James Henry Walsh, MlIockie Stree~, Waihi, Auckland., Frank Jones Father: W. J. Williams, Addington Workshops, Ohristohurch. Wilson, Robert Arnold Father: Peter Wi1son, Stratford. Young, Ernest Father: Frank Young. Taheke, Auckland. Younger, George •• Mother: Mrs. Jane Younger, MaJrino, FeildiIlB, W.llington. 6862 Private Lund, George Edward 5868 Larsen, John Theodore 5864 Little. Oharles 5865 5866 5867 5868 5369 5370 5371 5372 5373 9374 5375 5876 5377 5878 5879 5380 5381 5382 5388 5884 5886 6366 5887 5388 5889 5890 5391 5392 5293 5394 5895 5396 5897 5898 6888 5899 5400 5401 5402 5408 6806 6888 5404 5406 229 230 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J No. I Rank ..nd Name. r2 EDW. VIl. Next-ot-kin, and Address. EIGHTH OONTINGENT--continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-D SQUADRON. 5431 5432 5435 5436 5437 5438 5440 5444 5454 5478 5433 5434 5441 5442 5443 5445 5527 5520 5505 1S!l72 5448 5449 5450 5451 5452 5453 5456 6310 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 5463 5543 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468 5469 5471 6544 Captain Sommerville, Charles LeaIie Father: J. R. SommerviJIe, No. 2 Line, Wa.nganui. Lieutenant Parker, Waiter Ja.mes •• Mother: Mrs. Barhara., 86, Grey Street, Auokla.nd. Simpson, Donald Petrie .• Father: Heotor Simpson, Hepburn Street, Ponsonby, Auckla.nd. Bullook, George Gilbert.. Mother: Mrs. M. Bullock, Sydney Plaoe, Wanga.nui. • Cotterill, George Robert.. Father: A. J. Cotterill, Napier. Sergea.nt-Ma.jor Bell, Malcolm J ames Mother: Mrs. E. Bell, Ma.rton, Ra.ngitikei. Qua.rterma.ster.Sergeant Fra.ser, Edwin Father: John F. Fra.ser, Edward Street, Devonport, Gordon Auckla.nd. Sergea.nt Denby, Waiter Henry .• Father: J. G. Denby, Northcote, Auokla.nd. " Snellmg, Douglas Cromwell Father: W. H. Snelling, Maungaturoto, Auokland. Linkhorn, Waiter Edwa.rd.. Father: J. R. Linkhorn, Kent Street, AucklfOnd. Allen, Arthur Arnold Father: T. W. Alien, Northoote Hotel, Northoote, Auokland. MoLeod, John Arth ur Sister: Miss A. MoLeod, Rawene, Hokia.nga, Auok· land. Howa.rd Cory, Dona.ld Henry Father: W. H. Corry, Ollore of G. Corry, Cardiff, South Wales. Cousin: Henry Matthew, Wairata, Te Uku, Ra.glan, Auokland. Fa.ther: Henry Armer, Cambridge, Auokland. Armer, George WilIiam Brother: Thomas Fla.vell, Pukekohe, Auokla.nd. " Flavell, John Brother-in·la.w: Captain Mewett, care of McGregor Fa.rrier-Sergea.nt Hedley, Edwa.rd Steamship Company. Father: J. O. Taylor, North Gisborne, Hawke's Bay. Sa.ddler-Sergea.nt Taylor, William Father: Ja.mes J. Wllson, 9, Sydney Street, Wel· Corporal Wilson, John James lington. Mother: Mrs. M. Stichbury, Newton Roa.d, Auckland. Stichbury, Nichola.s Colin Brother: W. J. Petchell, Station Road, Otahuhu, Petohell, Flancis John Auckland. Sister: Mrs. J. M. Brine, Awhitu Central, Auckland. Robson, Herbert Oeoil Fa.tber: Pa.trick Sheaha.n, Wade, Auokla.nd. Sheaha.n, John Father: Thomas H. Pile, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty. Pile, John Mother: Mrs. EmUy M. Ma.lcolm, Avondale, Auck· Malcolm, Neil Oampbell Ia.nd. Ca.rter, Herbert Thompaon.. Father: E. Oarter, Southview, Timperley, Oheshire, Engla.nd. Friend: W. Philpott, St. Pa.ul's Ca.thedral, AuckIa.nd. Saddler Petersen, August Adolpb Unole: Hans Petersen, Orawford Lane, Wellington. JUlil1S Father: W. Alfred Ha.rvey, Ewington Avenue, Mount Ha.rvey, William Alfred Roskill, Auckland.·law: Oaptain Mewett, oare of MoGregor Fa.rrier Hedley, J"oseph William Steamship Oompa.ny, Auckla.nd. Father: Oha.rles Alexa.nder Ma.rtin, Opotiki Hotel, Ma.rtin, Alfred Ernest Auokland. Fa.ther: John Arnold, Oa.mbridge, Priva.te Arnold, John Fa.ther: John Appleton, Opotiki, Ba.y of Plentv. Appleton, Ernest George Mother: Mrs. G. Andrews, Ma.ngatamoka.. Andrews, Percy George Father: John Arnold, Oamblidge, Wa.ikato. Arnold, Henry Fa.ther: W. T. Brown, Puriri, Thames, Auokland. Brown, Albert Evans Fa.ther: G. Bennett, Wa.iuku, Auckla.nd. Bennett, Edwa.rd Joseph Sister: Miss M. Baker, West Street, Newton, Auok· Baker, Arthur John land. Brewin, Peroy •• . . Fa.ther: Ja.mes Brewin, Boston Road, Auokland. Buckley, Henry George Mar. Father: A. J. Buokley, Perth. Mother: Mrs. M. Buckley, Day Street, off Beresford Street, Auok· shall Ia.nd. Barker, Thomas Alexa.nder .. Father: Thoma.s O. Barker, Tapapa., Tirau, Auokland. Mother: Mrs. Bra.und, Parliament Street, Auckland. Bra.und, Joseph Norma.n Fa.ther: T. H. Brown, Gea.r Company, Wellington. Brown, Henry Fenton Mother: Mrs. J. Colquhorn, Wha.ngarei, Auokland. Colquhorn, Ludovio Father: Daniel Ooe, Pirongia., Wa.ikato. Ooe, Henry Oaple .• Father: Charles Cowa.n, Mount AlbeIt, Auckland. Cowan, Charles AlIa.n Mother: Mrs. Offeson, Ma.ta.i Road, Devonport, Auok· Ohester, WilIia.m .• land. Mother: Mrs. Oa.therine Callagher, Napier Street, Oa.I1a.gher, Frank Colin Auckla.nd. Aunt: Mrs. George, Ohristohurch. Fa.ther: William Christia.n, Arthur HaroId Christian, Liverpool, New South Wales. Father: F. J". Oox, HuntIy, Waikato, Auokland. Cox, Franois J"oseph Father: S. Oimioo, BouIoott Street, Wellingtoo. Oimino, Oharles Thomas Mil1~ta1'?J PeI181~oIl8. 2 EDW. VII.1 RanK Bnd 1'1&111.. iHl02, No. 54. Next-ot-kin, Bnd Addreo8. EIGHTH OONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-D SQUADRON-continued. 6319 Private Craig, Henry William 5498 5474 5475 5476 5477 5479 Delabrosse, Tyrell Lushington Drower, Harvey Bucklaud .. Douglas, Ja.mes •. Eivers, Edmund William Elliott, J ames Fenton, Reginald John Foster, John William 5480 Finah, William John 5481 5482 Fax, John Finoh, Thomas 54073 5483 • Finoh, Samuel 54840 • Gomez, Frank Gaby, Ernest Alfred 5485 5486 5488 6338 5489 5490 5491 5492 Gillander, Franois Vinoent .. Gresham, Hugh •• Graham, Russell Bedford Holmes, J oseph Ed ward Horspool, Alfred Outram Horne, Robert Robert Hamilton, James •• 5493 5494 Hemphill, Harry Camp bell .. Hetherington, Thomas 6347 5495 5496 • Henderson, John .. Jobnson, George Richardson Kobler, Frederiok .. 5497 • Lennard, Alfred Harold 5499 Lysaght, George •• 5500 5501 Ladhrook, Herbert McKenzie, Alexander 5502 McGregor, James Alexander 5503 5504 Mitne, James Greene McBurney, Stanley Harbert t 5506 5507 5508 5b10 • MaLeod, Murdooh John McRae, J ames Heator McFarlane, William Murray, Dona.ld Colin 5511 5512 Mahon, James Molloy, Thomas 5513 Moore, J ames Allied 5514 5515 5516 5517 5518 5519 6365 1 • 5521 • Neil, David O'Neill, Allan Philip O'Neill, Franois Herbert Pike, Reginald .. .. Parkinson, Frederiok Charles Pevreal, Riohard Andrew .. Pevreal, Evan Robertson, James Alexander Reunie, Kenneth lohn Ryan, Henry Ormond 5522 5523 6524 •• 1 • Soanla.n, Edward 00 Fa.ther: Robert Craig, Prospeot Terrace, Ponsonby, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. DelabroBse, Wbo.kapira.u, Kaipara.. Father: G. B. Drower, New NortlJ. Road, Auokla.nd. Father: 1. Douglas, Hutt Road, Petona, Wellington. Father: E. Eivers, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. Father: Samuel Elliott, Opotiki, Auckland. Father: Samuel Fenton, Lawrie Street, Auokl!md. Father: David Foster, Belmont Terrace, Remuera, Auokland. Father: Samuel Finch, Western Springs Road, Mount Albert, Auckland. Father: John Fox, Munsen Street, Reefton. Brother: George Finoh, Woodlelgh, Glenmurray, Auokland. Father: Sa.muel Finoh, Western Springs Road, Mount Albert, Auokla.nd. Sister: Mrs. Ada Cobbett, Waituna, Raglan. Father: A. A. Gaby, Soottsdale, Tasmania. Friend: Rev. W. Woollass, Birkenhead, Auokland. Father: Chas. Gillander, Ngaruawahia, Waikato. Father: Thomas Gresham, Auokland. Mother: Mrs. Jane S. Grierson, Wairakei. Father: John Holmes, Raiwsrra, Wellington. Fath~r: A. Horspool, Seafield View Road, Auokland. Mother: Mrs. Horne, Tauranga. Sister: Mrs. Riohards, Ardrossan, Sootland. Friend: Bob Little, Kearne's Boardinghouse, Chapel Street, Auokland. Father: James Hemphill, Maungatoroto, Kaipara. Brother: J. W. Hetherington, Ruarangi Post.offioe, Auokland. Cousin: Mrs. MoGonnal, Frankton, WaikRto. Father: T. Johnson, Tiki Road, Coromandel, Father: FrederlOk Kobler, Island Bay Hotel, Wellington. Father: John Pa.lmer Lennard, Harp of Erin Hotel, EIlerslie, Auokland. Father: Edward Lysaght, care of Mrs. Williams, Durha.m Street, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Mary Martin, Cambridge, Waikato. Father: Alexander MoKenzie, Pahi, Kaipa.ra, Auok· land. Friend: Bartholomew Soanlan, Dargaville, Auokland. Father: Sidney A. McGregor, EdInburgh, Sootland. Father: David Milne, Whakapirau, Kaipara. Mother: Mrs. Martha MoBurney, Ngaruawahia, Wai· kato. Father: Maloolm MeLeod, Haydon Street, Auokland. Fa.ther: F. F. MeRae, Ramo, Whangarei. Father: John C. MoFadane, Huntly. Mother: Mrs. Agnes Murray, Montague Street, Newton, Auckland. Father: Martin Ma.hon, Drury, Auokland. Sister: Mrs. E. Blaokmore. York Street, Newton, Auokland. Mother: Mrs. C. Molloy. Suva, Fiji. Mother: Mrs. Jane Moore, 18, Arthur Street, Ponsonby, Auokla.nd. Father: Arthur Neil, Huntly, Auokland. Mother: Mrs. F. O'Neill, Cambridge West, Auokland. Mother: Mrs. F. O'Neill, Cambridge, Waikato. Father: George Pike, Ardmore, Auokland. Father: Arthur Parkinson, Opotiki. Father: Willia.m Pevreal, Waihou, near Te Aroha.. Father: Willlam Pevreal, Waihou, Waikato. Father: James A. Robertson, 90, Taranaki Street, Wellington. Father: Kenneth Reunie, Rotorua, Auokland. Brother: Thomas B. Rya.n, Hakaru Post offioe, Auokland. Fa.ther: Bartholomew Soa.nlan, Dargaville, North Wairoa. 231 232 1902, No. 5 /Ll Military Pens1:ons. Bank a.nd [2 EDW. VII. Next-ot-kfn, a.nd Addres.. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continu.d. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-D SQUADRON-cont~nued. I 5525 Private Stevens, Franols Alfred 5526 : • Sifileet, Henry Thomas Father: Perov E. Stevens, Hamilton, Waikato. Sister: Mrs. M. A. Gillespie, 29, Brown Street, Auokland. Smith, John Henry Father: J. F. Smith, Manukau, Rotorua. Smith, Ernest Lewis Father: E. L. Smith, Star Hotel, Taura.nga. Father: Samuel Selby, Parnell, Auokland. Selby, Henry George Spilman, Arthur Marson Friend: G. L. Mahon, Hamilton, Auokland. Father: Daniel Spilman, Victoria Street, Petone. Spurdle, Frederick Mauricc Father: Frederick Morris Spurdle, Ridgway Street, Wanganui. Seymour, Robert ._ Mother: Mrs. Mary Conrad, care of Mrs. McNamara, Wingfield Street, Wellington. Thwaites, Ernest Fra.ncis Father: Franois Thwaite8, Maning Street, Auckland. Vaughan, Frederick Louif .. Father: Thomas Vaughan, Waiuku, Auokland. Father: D. C. Wilson, Wbangarei, Auokland. Wilson, Stanley Waiker, Henry Mother: Mrs. James Walker, Tuparoa, Gisborne. Ward, Franois John Father: Joseph Grange Ward, Tor View, Cambridge, Auckland. Father: William Henry Wyman, Mangere Bridge, Wyman, Ralph Onehunga. Wray, WIUiam John Father: William John Wray, Takapuna, Auckland. Wykes, Heotor James Fa..ther: Josiah Wykes, Linooln Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. White, Arthur William Father: H. White, Papakura Valley, Waikato, Auckland. Wehster, George Frederiok .. Father: WiIliam Webster, 25, Claremont Street, Auckland. Wilson, William Father: Robert Wilson, Umutaro., Dannevirk., Hawke'. Bay. 5528 5529 5530 M31 553S1 687S1 5533 5534 5535 5536 5537 5538 5539 5;)40 5541 5542 .. 6387 SEVENTH CONTINGENl'. NOMINAL ROLL OF DETAILS FOR SEVENTH CONTINGENT. Father: MOBS Davis, oare of Messrs. Hanoook and Co., Auckland. Peaoock, Gerald Beresford Father: G. L. Peacock, Devonport, Auokland. Father: J. M. She ra, Remuera, Auckland. " She ra, Louis Marie 6302 Sergeant-Major Boddington, Houston Father: J. C. Boddington, Box 23, Masterton. Mayor 6305 Quartermaster-Sergeant Fahey, J ames Father: Denis Fahey, Collins Street, Hawera. 6303 Sergeant Davidson, Frederick Oharles Father: Alexander Davidson, Patea, Wanganui. Mother: Mrs. Clara Rankin, Ingestre Street, Wa.nga6304 Rankin, John nui. Fa.ther: Jeremiah Sheaha.n, Patea. 6373 • Shea.han, Patriok .. 6307 Farrler·Sergeant Newcombe, Herbert Father: William Newcombe, Bull's. Wife: Mrs. Sarah Newcombe, Ahaura, Grey Valley, West Coast. 6809 Corporal Allardice, George Henry Mother: Mrs. Elrzabeth AlIardioe, Mangatere, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. Fredetick Ma.cDonald, Dougla.s Mc- Father: Hugh MaoDonald, Waituna. West, Feilding. 6861i1 • Lean Father: Oharles Small, Seafield, Wanganui. 6874 Small, Alfred Oharles Father: 1. L. Hills, Hlwinui, Bunnythorpe. 6344 • Hills, WaIter Ernest Mother: Mrs. Rose Adams, North Street, Palm.ratoD 6311 Private Adams, William John North. Father: James Bland, Railway Department, Na.pier, Bland, Harry 6811i1 Hawke's Bay. Father: George Bowles, Carterton. Bowles, Jesse 6313 Father: J. D. Baird, Brunnerton, Taueru, Masterton. Baud, Stuart Macdonald 6314 Father: George G. Boyd, Port Awa.nui, East Cape. Boyd, Artbur 6315 Father: William Brown, Whatapoke, Riverside Road, Brown, William 6816 Gisborne. Uncle: Samuel Campbell, Pihama, Taranaki. Oampbell, David 6318 F",ther: W. H. Cooper, Nelson Street, Gisborne. Cooper, William 6320 Brother: Frank Coe, IrweU, Canterbury. Ooe, Allan EdwlD •. 6321 I Father: H. O. Oaulton, Rowland Lodge, Ep,om, • Oaulton, Ernest Wa.lter England. Oousin: Alexander Oaulton, Ha.stings, Ha.wke's Bay. Sister: Mary D. Ca.mpbell, Gi,bome, Poverty Bay. Lieutenant Davis, Herbert Moss :1 • 2 VII.] EDW. NO.j Military Pensions. f1902, No. 54. Nen-of-Idn, aDd AddresB. Bauk aDd Name. SEVENTH CONTINGENT-continued. NOMINAL ROLL OF DETAILS FOR SEVENTH 6324 6325 63Sl6 6327 6328 Private Crump, Robert Nixon Charles, Edmund .• Croft, Alfred Clinch, Herbert •. Coombridge, Wllfred ArthUl 6329 6330 6331 Campbell, Thomas DaultoD, Thomas Miles Elliot, William 6332 Fowler, Ernest No.thaniel 6334 6335 6339 6340 Fleetwood, WiIliam Swayno Fo.lvey, John Graham, John Henry Gilpin, Edmund •• 6341 6342 6343 6392 6345 6346 Gordon, Willio.m •• Glass, Waiter William Green, Harry Gower. Alfred Robert Ho.rt, George Willio.m Hampton, Christopher 6348 Hendry, Peroy 6349 • Hammer, George •• 6350 6308 6353 6354 Humfrey, Henry Fulford • Ha.toh, George Edwa.rd Jenkins, Frederiok Kennedy, Frederick Chafe .. CONTINGENT-continued. Mother: Mrs. Susan Crump, Pa.lmerston North. Fo.ther: Ed. Charle9, Aorangi, Feilding. Father. Alfred Croft, Kumara, Westlo.nd. Fo.ther: George Clinch, Huntly, Auokland. Father: John Ooombridge, Ca.rlton Mill Road, Ohrist· ohuroh. Fa.~her: Thoma.s Campbell, Karori. Father: Thomas Daulton, Te Arai Bridge, GiBbome. Father: John ElJiot, Post.offioe, Ho.stings, Hawke's Bo.y. Mother: Mrs. Ma.rtha Fowler, Gla.BgOW Street, W... ngo.nui. Sister: Jeo.nnette A. Fleetwood, Turakina., Wanganui. Father: Daniel Fo.lvey, Clyde Road, Napler. Father: John Gro.bam,, Fo.ther: Thomo.s Gilpin, North Havelock, Hawke's Bay. Fo.ther: Thomas Gordon, Viotorio. Avenue, Wo.nga.nui. Father: Cbo.rles R. Gla'lS,, Hokitika. Father: Joseph D. Green, Toko, Stratford, Taranaki. Brother: Herbert Gower, Patea. Father: William Ho.rt, Do.lefield, Wairarapa. Fo.tber: David Hampton, St. Andrew's, South Can. terbury. Father: Ja.meB B. Hendry, Devon Street, New Ply. mouth. Father: B. G. Humfrey, Cavo.naoor, Straban, Ireland. Friend: O. Neenan, Ormond, Gisborne, Hawke's Bay. Mother: Mrs. Olive Hammer, Fitzherbert Street, Palmerston North. Father: George Hatch, Rimu, Hokitika. Fo.ther: James Jenkins, Maybank, Wanganui. Father: John Kennedy, of Messrs. Barraud and Abraham, Palmerston North. Fo.ther: Waiter J oseph Lindop, Co.rterton, Fo.ther : Robert Lankshear, Colyton, Pa.lmerston North. Father: John Luoas, Ro.ilway-station, Palmerston North. Father: WilIiam MorriR, Ormond, Gisborne. Mother: Mrs. Luoy McOulloch, Waipawa., Hawke's Bay. Mother: Mrs. So.rah Mo.clean, Bunnythorpe. Fo.ther: James McOhesney, Marton. Mother: Mrs. Emma Nlcholson, Rmtoul Street, Wel. lington. Brother: Barnev Newsham, Whangaroa, Auckland. Father: G. M. Pugh, Motueko., Nelson. Mother: Mrs. Sarah Powno.Il, Hastings, Ha.wke's Bay. Mother: Mrs. M. A. Pasooe, St. Just, C01~nwall, England. Father: Thomo.s Ryan, Makuri, Gisborne. Father: Waiter Ramsbottom, Warkworth, Auokland. 6380 6356 Lindop, Alee John Hnlme " Lo.nkshea.r, Sydney Warner .. 6357 Luoa.s, John Willia.m 6381 6359 Morris, William •• McOullooh, Douglas 6360 6361 6363 Mo.olea.n, Alfred Hubert McOhesney, Thomas Nioholson, VICtor Herbert .. 6379 6364 6367 Newsham, John Pugh, George Pownall, Da.vid 6368 Pasooe, Richard Owen 6369 6370 Ryan, James Ra.msbottom, Louis (known 80S Ra.msa.y) Mother: Mrs. Harriett E. Robbie, Old Hospital Road, Robbie, David Ba.rker New Plymouth. Father: WilIiam Stookwell, Manaio., Stockwell, Thoma.B, Harold Lionel Ayns. Father: Duncan Sinolair, Teuaoe End, Palmerston North. ley Fo.ther: H emy Stimpson, Inglewood, Taranaki. StlmpBon, George •• Father: Tllomas Stllrt, 53, Blatcbingdon Road, Sussex. Sturt, Louis WiIliam Unole: Thomas Wing, Marton, Rangitikei. Mother: Mrs. Agnes Sadler, Courtenay Street, New So.dler, Arthur Ernest Plymouth. Fa.ther: Robert Tier, Paradise Road, Napier. Tier, Ja.mes Fo.ther: William Tate, Ra.ilway Department, Auolt· Ta.te, Alfred James Io.nd. Father: O. M. Willia.maon, Murdoob Road, Epsom, WilliamBon, Cho.ries Auokland. Willia.mson, Hugh Oaskey Father: 1. B. WUllr.m8on, H ..rp Road, EllerlUe, Auokland. (Pay Clerk) 6371 6375 6876 6377 6878 • 6382 6384 6385 6889 544"7 • 233 234 1902, No. 54.! No. I M ilitrzry Pensl:nns. Bank &Dd Name. f2 EDW. VII. Next-of-kin, and Address. EIGHTH CONTINGENT. SoUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-REGIMENTAL STAFF. Brevet Lieut .Colonel Chaytor, Ed· ward Waiter Clervaux Captain Pringle, John •• Surgeon-Oaptain Bauohop, WilIi"-m Forsaith Surgeon - Captain Rogers, JOBeph Ernest Veterinary - Surgeon-Captain Young, Alexander Reid Captain and Quartermaster Lewin, Montague C. M. Captain and Adjutant Colbeok, Frank Lieutenant and Paymaster Hay-Mackenzie, Rone-Id Charles Wife: Mrs. Louisa Jane Chaytor, Blenheim. Mother: Mrs. A. Pringle, Lower Hutt, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. M. D. Y. Bauchop, Grey Street, Port Chalmers. Mother: Mrs. Annie Rogers, Glenquorch, Athol, Inveroargill. Mother: Mrs. A. R. Young, Fordown Station, Kincar. dineshire, Scotland. Wife: Mrs. Emma Lewin, Park Road, Addington, Canterbury. Wife: Mrs. Tempe Colbeok, Wakaporau, Auckland. Father: Tertius Hay-Maokenzie, Westport. BATTALION REGIMENTAL STAFF.-NoN-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. 5715 Regimental Sergeant-Major Jessop, Father: Charles Jessop, Kakahu Sohool, South CanJames Simon terbury. 5716 Regimental Quattermaster - Sergeant Brother: Edward Withers, Manukau Road, ParnelI, Withers, Thomas Newton Auokland. Paymaster-Sergeant Oliver, WilIiam Father: Rev. W. O. Oliver, Taranaki Street, WellingAnnut Hill ton. 5718 Regimental Orderly Sergea.nt Sellers, Father: Frederiok P. H. Sellers, Fitzherbert Street, Charles John Patriok Hokitika. 5717 Assistant Quarte rmaster - Sergean t Mother: Mrs. Ann Fraser, 47, North Road, Forres, Fraser, Robert John Scotla.nd. Friend: David MOlr, Ratanui, New Zealand. 5809 Regimental Orderly Corporal Lewis, Sister: Miss Minnie Lewis, Churoh Street, Timaru. Henry John 5626 Corporal.Dispenser Burke, William Father: William Patrick Burke, Tattersall's Hotel, Joseph Christohurch. 5989 • Baxter, Walker .. Mother: Mrs. Emm" Baxter, AVonside,Ohristohuroh. 5831 Corporal (Veterinary Dispenser) Red- Father: Thomas Redwood, Blenheim. wood, Wilfred Henry li719 SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-E SQUADRON. 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 56HI 5613 5615 5616 H17 Captain Fooks, Alfred •• . . Father: Charles Fooks, Ashburton. Lieutenant Manson, John de Putron Father: John Manson, 8, North Villa, Camden Square, London. Friend: W. Bain, Rolle.ton, Canterbury. Harper, John Henry Cra- Mother: Mrs. Sarah Harper, Upper Haoktbome, Ashoroft burton. • Saunders, Edward Wife: Mrs. Margaret Saunders, Ashburton. • Joyoe, Selwyn .. .. Brother: Oaptain Joyce, Dunedin. Sergeant-Major Murray, Frank Leslie Father: Frank Murray, Gore, Southland. Quartermaster-Sergea.nt Hall, JeBse Fllother: Thomas Hall, 280, Oxford Terraoe, Christchuroh. Bertie Father: John Greig, Pleasant Point, South CanterSergea.nt Greig, James bury. Mother: Mrs. D. CloUston, Geraldine. Clouston, WiIliam Father: Arthllr L. Joseph, Rai toa, Upper Ricoarton. Joseph, Arthur Henry Christchurch. Father: James F. Collins, Kylemore, Invercargill. • Collins, Herbert .. Father: James Cameron, Kowai Bush, Springfield. Farrier-Sergeant Cameron, James Saddler - Sergeant Gluyas, Henry Father: William Gluyas, Morven, South Oanterbury. James Father: HiramOrohard, Waikuku, North Oanterbury. Corporal Oroha.rd, George •• Fa.ther: Henry N. Bates, the Supply Stores, Syden• Bates, Waiter Norman ham. Canavan, John William " , Mother: Jane Canavan, Orari, South Canterbury. Father: William Henderson, sen., Orari, CanterHenderson, James •• bury. Father: Robert Brown, Hororata, South Canter. Brown, Bobert James bury. Father: James Findlay, Temuka. • Findlay, James Charles Lance Corporal Vallanoe, Robert Hugh Father: Hugh Vallanoe, Sefton, North Canterbury. • Piloher, Alfred George Mother: Mrs. Mary L. Pilcher, Medbury, North Can· William terbury. Worthington, Leonard Father: Rob.rt Wor1;hington, Pleasant PoiJl,1;, Timaru. Edward John • 2 Emv. VII.l NO., Military Rank and Na.m•. Pen8ion.~. Next-of-IdD, a.nd [1902, No. 54. Address. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-E SQUADRON-continued. 5618 Shoeing-smith McPhederan, Oolin Father: Dunoan McPhederan, Fairview, Timam. CampbeIl Father: James Glen, Manohester Street South, Glen, Thoma8 5663 Cbristohurch. Mother: Mrs. Agnes Syme, 316, St. Asaph Street, 5614 Bugler Syme, Alexander Cbristohuroh. Father: Peter Anderson, Le Bon's Bay, Akaroa. 5619 Private Anderson, Charles August Mother: Mrs. Isabella E. Ayres, Avonside, OhristAyres, Herbert 5620 church. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Andrews, New Brighton, Andrews, John Riohard 5621 Canterbury. Mother; Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, Oamside, Kaiapoi. Anderson, Alexander 5622 Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Andrews, New Brighton. Andrews, Valentine 5623 Father: John Allan, Waikari, North Canterbury. AIlan, Alexander .. 5624 Father: Edward Aoton, Pleasant Point, Timaru. 562.5 Aoton, Franois Sister: Mrs. Easton, BaD galore, Opawa, Cbristchuroh. Brett, de Renzie Harris 5627 Mother: Mrs. Jean Bilby, Palmerston North. Bilby, John Frederick 5628 Father: Waiter, New Brighton, Christohuroh. Blake, Harold Rookwood 5629 Brother: William S. Buxton, No. 9, North-east Belt, Buxton, Albert Ernest 5630 Christchurch. Mother: Mrs. Marion Budge, View Hill, West Oxford, Budge, Wal ter Thomas 5631 North Canterbury. Fa.ther: Adam Beok, 10, Riohmond Terraoe, ChristBeck, WiIl'am Arthur 5632 ohurch. Father: Alfred Buzan, Publio Gardens, Oamaru. Buzan, James Stephen 5634 Father: Carl Blank, West Oxford, North Canterbury. 5635 Blank, Edward Father: Colonel C. S. Bailey, Timaru. Bailey, Harold Desmond 5636 Father: Edmund Cuthbert, Avonside, Christohuroh. Cuthbert, WilIiam George 5637 Campbell, Donald .. Father: John Oampbell, Fernhill, St. Andrew's, South 5638 Canterbury. Clllor k, Al bert Grandmother: Mrs. John Wright, Harman Street, 5639 Addington. Carson, Harry Father: John Carson, Woodend, Canterbury. 5640 Cheeseman, WaIter Augustus Father: William H. Oheesman, Clovelly, North Belt, 5641 Christohurch. Friend: F. Roblnson, Springfield, North Canterbury. Cavanagh, Patrick •• 5642 Sister: Miss Bridget Cavanagh, oare of Mr. Mulronsy, Palmerston North. Father: Edwa.rd W. Cooper, Cust, North Canterbury. Oooper, WilIiam 5643 Mother: Mrs. C. Cottrell, Westport, West Cottrell, Cyril Crispe 5644 Coast. Father: John Donaughey, Rolleston, Canterbury. Donaughey, Robert Thomas 5645 Mother: Mrs. Mary Driscoll, Charles Street, Kaiapoi. DriscolI, Charles 5646 Da.vis, Edward John Father: Richard H. Davis, Exeter Street, Lyttelton. 5647 Father: Charles T. Dudley, G1entunnel, Oanterbury. Dudley, Charles Heotor 5648 Father: Charles Robert Duke, Sumner Road, LytDuke, Emest Edward 5649 telton. Father: John Davis, oare of H. J. Davis, 182, Oashel Davis, Cecil Harold 5650 Street, Christohurch. Sister: Miss Agnes Dunoan, New Brighton, OanterDunoan, George 5651 bury. Father: Michael Doyle, South Lobum, North OanDoyle, James 5652 terbury. Mother: Mrs. Clare. Dobson, 189, Durham Street, DobsOD, Robert Ambr08e 5723 Christohuroh. Fisher, Oharles Brother: WiIliam Fisher, 5, Standard Bank Build5653 ings, Oape Town, South Africa. Friend: H. Stewart, Armagh Street, Christchurch. Brother: Herbert Free, Marshlands, Christchurch. Free, Frank 5654 5655 Farrow, Henry William Father: A. P. Farrow, Opawa, Christchurch. McGregor Brother: Owen J. Gardiner, Farm-hand, Fenda.lton. Gardiner, Sidne,. .. 5656 Father: Hugh Gallagher, Kaiapoi. Ga\lagher, Miohael 5657 Green, Thomas Father: John Green, Springbank, Moeraki, North 5658 Canterbury. Glenie, Herbert Austin Father: James M. Glenie, Sumner, Cbristohuroh. 5659 Gatoia, Erio Marston Father: Captain Garoia, Inglewood, Papanui Road, 5660 Ohristohuroh. 5661 Father: Martin Galla.gher, Staplaton's Road, Rlch. • Gallagber, James •• mond, Ohristohurob. 235 236 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54., BaIIk &lid Name. f2 Enw VII. Next-of-kin, and Address. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIJlENT.-E SQUADltON-continued. 5662 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5721 5672 5673 5726 5674 5675 5676 5677 5678 5679 5680 5681 5682 5683 5684 5686 5687 5688 5689 5725 5691 5692 , 5693 i 5694 ' 5695 5720 5724 5696 5697 5698 5699 5700 5701 5722 6702 6708 5704 ;'705 Faiher: Oonrad Gefken, Southbrook, North Canterbury. Hunter, William Henry Mother: Mrs. Mary Hunter, care of Mrs. Koore, 83, Tory Street, Wellington. Father: Henry P. Hill, Leinster Road, St. Albam, Hill, Reginald Frederiok Christohuroh. Father: Thomas Hawk, Lowclifie, Hinds, South OanHawk, Robert terbury. Fa£her: William Lewis Horley, Waking, England. Horley, Lewis Father: George Harper, Cathedral Square, ChrlstHarper, Philip HamiUon ohurch. Father: lohn P. lones, Sumner Road, Lyttelton. lones, Frederick Cleave Father: Robert laokson, care of Mrs. J. Kaan, WaiJackson, William Robert mate, South Oanterbury. Father: J. O. Jones, Union Bank, Rangiora. Jones, Charles Booth Father: George Frederick Jones, care of Lord GlasJones, J'onathan Russell gow, Kelburne Castle, Fairlie, Scotland. E'riend: Miss Ma.rtha Pratt, Tai Tapu, Canterbury. Father: William Kelly, Doyleston, Canterbury. Kelly, Arthur Father: Henry Lake, Upper Riccarton, Chrlstchurch. Lake, WaIter Oharles Nephew: H. R. Lawrence, care of Moore and Moore, Lawrence, William Fruit Exchange, Sydney. Friend: W. Dlllon, New Zealand Express Company, Chrlstchurch. Father: Samuel Mortland, Sneyd Street, Kaiapoi. Mortland, Alexander Father: Timothy MelIor, North Road, Kaiapci. Mellor, Percy Murphy, Martin Joseph Father; Edward Murphy, Broadfields, Canterbury. Father; Hugh Manson, Yaldhurst, Canterbury. Manson, John Hugh Father; David Muir, Oakhill, Green Valley, Otago. MUlr, John Father; Denis Murphy, Waitangi, Chatham I-lands. Murphy, Arthur Father; Robert Manson, Martin's Lane, Hilmorten. Manson, Vivian Spreydon. Motber: Mrs, J emima Miller, Fairfield, N orta DunMiller, Alexander edin. Fa.ther; George William Mintrom, Post. office, StaveMintrom, Wilfred ley, Ashburton. Mother: Mrs. Sarah Mulhearn, Little RivH, Banks Mulhearn, Thomas Peninsula.. MoLaughlin, Andrew John .. Mother; Mrs. E. McLaughlin, Darfield, Canterbury. MoConaghey, John .. Father: Mr. Joseph McConaghey, DoylestoD, Canter· bury. Brother: Riohard McCleary, Charles Street, Llnwood, MoCleary, J oseph .. Christ,·hurch. Father: Thomas McGoverin, Darfieild, Canterbury. MoGoverin, Martin Father: R. H. Nichols ,n, care of Miss Bo'ftie, WoodNioholson, Wallaoe end, North Ca.nterbury. Father: David Neave, 70, Montreal Street, Christ· Neavs, Alfred churoh. Fatber: Daniel O'Donnell, Wilson's Road, Opawa, O'DonnelI, Joseph .. Christohurch. Father: James Purves, View Hill, We,t Oxford. Purves, J allies Father: Henry RevelI, Horotueka, Kaiapoi. Revell, Lewis John Father: P. Roberts, Post· office, Ashburton. Roberts, Peroy Coleman Fa.tber: Alexander Rattray, Hook, Wa.imate, South Rattray, Alexander Canterbury. Father: John Robinsoll, Lowchff ... , Hmd", Canterbury. Robiuson, John Rutherford, Leslie A. Mother: ]{rs. C. Rutherford, Rona Ba..'·, Wellington. Mother; Mrs. Mary Scott, Beckford Road, Opawa, So ott, William Tasman Christchuroh. Father: George Shellock, Sou~h Rakala, Canterbury. Shellock, Arthur Father; James Syme, St. Asaph Street West, ChristSyme, David ohuroh. Sheath, Raymond lohn Father: J. B. Sheath, Kyber Pass Road, Auokland. Skilling, George Brother: John Skilling. Lakeside, Canterbury. Sargisson, Charles Henry Mother; Mrs. O. SarglBson, Tinwald, Ashbllrton. Smith, Sidnsy Lamben Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, North Street, St. Albans, Christohurch. Thompson, Albert .• Father; John Thompson, Rakaia, South Canterbury. Tippett, Edward Father; John Tippett, MoDowell's Road, Upper Ric. oarton, Cbristchuroh. 'rholUson, Arthur Shi~ley Father: William Thomson, Balmoral, via Ohrist· ohurch. Weekes, Leslie Mother: Mrs. Sophia Weekes, Dublin Street, Lyttelton, Private Gefkeu, Conrad 2 EDW. VI!.] No. j MilitaTY Pensions. [1902, No. 54. Next·of-kin, and Addre••. Rank ..nd Name. EIGHTH CONTINGEN'f-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-E SQUADRON-continued. 5706 Private Wallace, Charles Gladstone 5707 Winter, Frederiok •• 570:> Walla.oe, Robert 5709 5710 5711 Wa.rd, Rillhard White, Kenneth CeoH Winter, George ArnoId 5712 Williams, Thoma.s Henry 5713 5714 Walsbury, Thomas •• Wa.tkins, Frederiok Fa.ther: lames Wallace, 38, Oxford Terrace, Chri.~ ohuroh. Fa.ther : Frederiok Winter, Dergholm, Viotoria. Friend: Mrs. Ooohane, 192, High Street, Ohdstohuroh. Father: Robert Wallace, Lakeside, Leeston, Oanterbury. Father: Franois Ward, RUb.ell's Fla.t, Canlerbury. Father: John WiIliam White, Grasmere, Timaru. Father: Thomas Henry Winter, Balmoral, Lake Tekapo.. •• Father: loseph WilliamK, bootmaker, Waimate, South Canterbury. Brother: Ma.tthew Walsbury, Patea. Father: George A. Watkins, 812, Moray Street, South Melbourne, Viotoria. "I SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON. Captain Rbodes, Robert Heaton .. Wife: Mrs. R. H. Rhodes, Otahuna, Te.i 'rapu. Lieutenant Ferguson, George Weir .. Brother: John Ferguson, jun., Melrose, Halswell, Canterbury. O'Oal1aghan, Lealie George Father: A. P. O'Callaghan, Supervising Valuer, Ohristohuroh. ! • MarLin, John • • .. Father: George O. Martin, ROilS, Westland. I Sergeant-Major Freeth, Erneat John Mother: Mrs. Mary A. Freeth, Grove Road, Blen. WiIliam heirn. Quartermaster Sergeant Davies, John Father: John Davies, Oxford St;reet, Lyttelton. William Sergeant Jones, John William Mother: Mrs. M. A. Jones, Tiverton, Wilson's Road, Ohristohurch. Bowman, Waiter .. Mother: Mrs. Janet Sowman, Nile Street, Nelson. Childe, Harry Edgar Mother: Mrs. H. Ollilde, Ouslow Street, St. Albans. • Morgan, Oharles Frederick .. Mother: Mrs. C. Morgan, Sewell Street, Hokitika. iladdlbr - Sergeant MoLean, Robert Father: Robert MoLean, Linooln, Canterbury. ;Tames Oorporal Bartlett, Albert Ernest F.ther: JamBS Bartlett, Weld Street, B1enheirn. • Staples, Frederick John Father: John Staples, Long Plain, Taka,ka, Nelson. Clegg, William James Father: John Olegg, Russell Street, Westport. Hormg, John Gainsborough Father: Oharles Hornig, Bridge Street, Nelson. Harding, Harry • • • • Mother: Mrs. Eliza Rarding, Sturm's Gully, Napier. Lauce·Oorporal Dunford, C1aude •. Sister: Mrs. Simpson, Ferry Road, Christchuruh. • Diok, Albert James .. Father: WilIiam Diok, Spring Creek, B1enheim. Erskine, John Robart Mother: Mrs. Sarah Erskiue, Westport. Fox, Charles Frede- Fa.ther: Oharles Dilworth Fox, Foxdown, Walkari, rick Dilworth North Canterbury. Starky, John Bayutun Father: George B. Starky, Braokenfield, Amberley. Thompson, Waiter Father: Charles Edward Thompson, Lower Moutere, Darins Motueka, Nelson. Shoeing-smith BlIssett, I alao A. Father: William Blissett, Orari, South Canterbury. • Brown, Frank Mother: Mrs. Martha Brown, Stawell, Viotoria.. Bugler Simpson, Bethel •• Father: Andrew Simpson, Hampstead, Ashburt;on. Private AllBop, Richard Coleman Father: Arthur Allsop, Halswell, Oant;erbury. Anderson, Andrew •• Adopted brother: Fred King, Exohange Hotel, HoItitika.. Barrett, Anhur Frank Father: Cha.rles Balrett, Tai Tapu, Canterbury. Beloher, James Father: Rioha.rd Belcher, Kaiwarra, Papanui Road, , Christchurch. Butterworth, WiIliam Fa.ther: Ja.mes Butterworth, Devon Street, New Plymoutb. Boyes, Lionel Arthur I Father: Thomas Boyes, Motueka, Nelson. Bate, Poroy Thomlloll Father: Daniel Bate, Riwaka, Nelson. Butler, Arthur Mother: Mrs. Emma Butler, Deloraine, Tasm ..nia.. Friend: John Monigit;tl, jun., Sergeant's Hill, West;. port. Bottom, Robert F.ther: Alber. Bot,orn, Denniston, West Coast. Bennett, Leo Percy Father: WilIia.m H. Bennett, Manakau, Otaki. Boyoe, Glorge •• Mother: Mrs. G. Boyce, New Road, Blenheim. Orampton, Philip Douglas .• Father: William George Orampton, Maokenzie, Oho. viot. Oook, Ol;to Richard Father: John G. Oook, Xelly's ROllod, St,, Ohristohuroh, I 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 5743 574-1 5745 5746 5747 5748 5750 5751 5752 5753 5754 5755 5750 5757 5749 5758 5759 5760 5761 5762 5768 576' 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 H ! 237 238 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.] No. I Ba.nk and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next-of-kiD. and AddrelL EIGHTH OONTINGENT-oontinued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON-continued. 5771 5772 5778 57U. 5775 5776 Priv&te Coltb&rt, Edward .. • Ooltb&rt, Thomas .. Our~is, Alfred Father: Robert Oolthart. Sheffield, Canterbury. Father: Robert Oolthart, Sheffield, Canterbury. Father: Alfred Curtis, 236, Armagh Street West, Christchurob. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Chinn, Orushington, Reefton. Father: Patriok Considine, Fernhill, Victoria. Father: William Orombie, Railway Traffio Manager, Greymouth. Mother: Mrs. Emma Oongdon, Charles Street, Blen· heim. Mother: Mrs. Isabel Oameron, Lombard Street, Pal. merston North. Brother: Harry Orase, oue of 1. Wilson, Miners' Hotel, Reefton. Brother: Fred Collins, Ohristohuroh Olub, Latimer Square, Christohurch. Mother: Mrs. Helen Fraser, Spotswood, Cheviot. Mother: Mrs. Mary Summerfield, East Oxford, Can. terbury. Father: Robert Grimwood, Bush Street, Rangiora. Father: William Gibbs, Motupiko, Nelson. Mother: Mrs. Fanny Goodma.n, Waimea Road, Nelson. Father: George Higham, Styx, North Canterbury. Mother: Mrs. M. Henderson, Ha,lkett, Oanterbury. Father: William Hoskin, Yaldhurst, Canterbury. Mother: Mrs. lohn Hogg, Coiling wood Street, Nel. Bon. Mother: Mrs Ellen Hogg, Tempera.nce Hotel, Nelson. Mother: Mrs. FallDY S. Akers, Alton Stteet, Nelson. Father: Harry R. Hadfield, Eltham Road, Blenheim. Father: Richmond Hursthouse, Motueka, Nelson. Friend: A. M. Smith, Lower Moutere, Nelson. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Hodson, Blenheim. Father: H . .El. Hall, Hope, Nelson. Father: Henry B. Huddlestone, Blenheim. Sister: Miss Elizabeth Humphrey, care of C. Hum· phrey, Macetown, Otago. Father: W. W. Henderson, care of Louis Predizzi, Ross, West Coast. Uncle: Frederick Aroher, Oapleston, Reef ton. Mother: Mrs Emily Henderson, 89, Montreal Street, Sydenham. Mother: Mrs. Caroline Charlotte Hood, 97, Oashel Street, Linwood, Christchurch. Father: George Harper, Cathedral Square, Christ· ohurch. Father: Andrew J ennings, Picton, Marlborough. Father: Seldon Johnson, Karamea, Westport. Mother: Mrs. Mary LeDnox, Halkett, Canterbury. Father: William Lambele, Ha.ley Park, Strathlogie, Viotoria.. Friend: F. Ferriman, Ashburton. Mother: Mrs. James Lunn, Collingwood, Nelson. Brother: Thomas Lally, Greymouth. Father: J. D. Leslie, Brittain Street, Hokitika. Father: Daniel Lindon, High Street, Rangiora. Father: Richard Meredith, Tullamore, Spring bank, Canterbury. Father: Captain J. Morrison, Weld S,reet, Blenheim. Father: Charles Morvan, Leonard Street, Greymouth. Mother: Mrs. Ja.mes Morgan, Fifth Street, Kumara. Father: Robert Meharry, Upper Kokatahi, West Coast. Sister: Miss Sophia Maohirus, Wa.kefield, Nelson. 5777 Ohinn, Thom&a Oonsidine, Peter Orombie, Willi&m Dudley Stuart Oongdon, Alfred J ames 5778 Oameron, William 5779 Or&ze, Willia.m Alfred 6851 Oollins, H. J. 6781 5'182 Fraser, Thoma.s Grant, William Robert 5788 578' 5785 Grimwood, Robert Henry Gibbs, WilIiam Archer Goodman, George •• 5786 5'18'1 5788 5789 Higbam, Mark •• Henderson, John •• Hoskin, George Lewls Hogg, Edward 5790 5791 5792 5793 579' 5795 5796 5797 5798 Hogg, Arthur Joseph Hadfield, Stanley Riohard .. Hadfield, Charles Alfred .. Hursthouse, Oabert FearOD Hudson, Frederiok Hodson, Harry Edmund Hall, Waiter Ernest Huddlestone, Henry Humphrey, James 5799 Henderson, Archer Kenneth 5800 5801 Henderson, Albert Alexa.nder Henderson, Willia.m Frank .. 5852 Hood, Frederiok •• 5858 Harper, Cuthbert Straohery 5802 5803 580' 5R05 Jennmgs, Martin Andrew JohnsoD, Alfred Cbarles Lennox, Henry Lambele, Ernest Allason 5806 5807 5808 5810 1S811 Lunn, John Neighofi Lally, Pa.triok Leslie, WilIiam Alexander .. LindoD, Isaac Meredith, Richard 5812 5813 58g 5815 Morrison, Joseph Marie Morvan, Oharles •. Morgan, John Meharry, James Gilohrist 5816 Maohirus. Frederio Henry Theodore MoNiohel, Alexander WiIliam Brother: John Hardy MoNiohel, of T. R. Winton, Riverton, Southla.nd. MoDonald, Willi&m George Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth MoDonald, Brunnerton. Father: Mark Newth, Waimea. West, Nelson. Newth, Winfield .• Fa.ther: William Arthur Nalder, Baton Run, Nelson. Nalder, Horaoe Fa.ther: Willlam Newton, Bluft, Bouthla.nd. New ton, William •• 5817 3818 5819 5820 5821 2 EDW. No. Military Pensions. VII.J I [1902, No. 54. Next-of-kin, and Address. Name. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIl\fENT.-F{SQUADRON-continued. 5822 Private Poison, George McLeod 5823 Parsonage, Henry John 5824 5825 Pahl, Arthur William Quaok, Oharles Frederiok 5826 Rebay, Alfred 5827 5828 Ryan, Thomas .• Ryan, Robert John 5829 Rya.n, James 5830 5832 5833 5834 Riohards, Frank Harold Reilly, Alphonso '. Robertshaw, Leona.rd Righton, Helbert .• 5835 5850 RoblDson, Willia.m Ryan, William 5836 Steele, Allan Harmer 5837 5838 5839 5840 Soilitt, George E ..• Alexander .. Smith, Sidney Enfield Stephen, Wilham Alexa.nder 5841 5842 Todd, Josepb Matthew Tubman, Robert Su~ton, .. 5~4S Thiele, Frederiok Oharles 5844 5845 5846 Vooasivich, Jeremiah Wilson, Samuel Watson, Robert Jamea 5847 5848 5849 Watt, Wllliam Watson, John George Ward, Norma.n James Mother Mrs. R. Poison, 2, Disra.eli Street, Addington, Ohristohuroh. Father: John Franois Parsonage, ThiB.le Street, Launoeston, Tasmania. Mother: Mrs. Harriet Pahl, Weka, Street, Nelson. Friend: Edward Moore, Stook Inspeotor, Blenheim. Fa.ther: EmU Quack, 211, Orox~th Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool, England. Father: Galdino ReblloY, Post-offioe, Stafford, West· land. Father: George Ryan, Ota.huhu, Auokland. Sister: Miss Mary Ryan, oare of McGratb Bros., Allendale, Viotoria. Brother: Thomas Ryan, Vale Street, Alfredton, Balla.rat West. Friend: Thoma.s Baxter, Kokil'i, Greymoutb. Father: James Riohards, Nile Street East, Nelson. Mother: Mrs. Sarah Jane Reilly, Takaka, Nelson. Father: Frederiok 1. Robertshaw, Postmaster, Pioton. Father: Wilham H. Righton, 271, St. Asaph S~reet, Christohurch. Father: WiIliam Robinson, Okain's Bay, Akaroa. Sister: Miss Mary Ryan, Alfredton, Ballarat, Viotoria. Friend: Harry Sullivan, Belfast, North Canterbury. Father: Hiohard Steele, 6, Kilmore Street, Ohrist· ohuroh. Aunt: Mrs. E. MoDona.ld, Selwyn. Father: Thomas Sutton, Halswell, near Ohristohurob. Father: James Smith, Maitai Valley, Nelson. Mother: Mrs. Eliza.beth Stephen, Orawaiti, Westport. Father: J ames Todd, Timaru. Father: Robert Tubman, Tuoker's Road, Papanui. Christchuroh. Sister: Miss Lily Theile, Slanley Street, Sydenham. Christohuroh. Father: Trepo Vooasivioh, Kumara, Welt Ooas*. Father: Samuel Wilson, Weedon's, Canterbury. Father: John Watson, oare of Willia.m Watson, Halkett, Canterbury. Fa.ther: John Wat~, Denniston. Father: John Wa.tson, Halswell, Oanterbury. Father: James Ward, Onamalutu, Blenheim. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON. 5872 5873 5874 5875 5877 5880 5878 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5887 5888 Oaptain Montgomerie, John Egllnton Mother: Mrs. E. Montgomerie, Eaglesham, Wanganui. Father: Isaac Street, 2, Wllliam Street, South YarrBo, Lieutenant Street, OeoiI Henry Melbourne. Kelsa.II, Viotor A1bert Mother: Mrs. Emma Kelaall, 70, Marine Parade, Na.pier. Fa.ther: Robert Keruon Smith, Marine Parade, Napier. " Smith, Oharles John Sergeant-Major Blaok, George Oorliss Mother: Mrs. Mary Black, Stafford Street, Duuedin. Quartermaster - Sergeant Mitchell, Father: George F. Mitchell, Balolutha. George Sergea.nt Grenteli, Alfred Fitohett •• Brother: Harding Grenfell, Lees S~reet, Oamaru. De Lautour, Oeci! Andrew •• Father: Dr. H. A. De Lautour, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. Eady, WiIliam Niven Father: John Eady, sen., Miller's Flat, Otago. Wah, Charles William Sister: Miss Edith Watt, Main Street, North-east Valley, Dunedin. Farrier·Sergea.nt Molntosh, Wi11iam Nephew: Angus MoKenzie, Hedgehope, Inveroargill. Soobie Corporal Little, John Fa.ther: Robed Little, 286, Oumberland Street, Dun· edin. Grant, Bartlett Father: 10hn Grant, Straohan's Siding, Otiake, Otago. McGoun, John Todd Father: Alien McGoun, Ben More Station, Kurow, Oamaru. White, William Frank Father: David Oairns White, Naseby, Otago. Father: Patriok Russell, Helena Street, Dunedin. "Russell, William .. Shoeing-smith, 10hn Rober~ Father: lohn Douglass, Hampuen, Otago. • Ferrar, David BasseU Pather: Bassett B. Ferrar. Post-office. Otautall, Sonth- land. 239 240 1902, No. 54. J lYlilita1'Y Pensions. Ra.nk and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Nut·ef.kin, a.nd Address EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continutd. SQUADRON-continued. Father: James Don, Hawthornedale, Kaikorai, Dun~ edin. 5889 Private Alexander, William Father: Edwe.rd Alexander, Prince Edward Read, South Dunedin. 5890 Black, George Alexander Mother: Mrs. G. Blaok. lrvine Street, Lawrence. 5891 Burns, Ritohie J ames Brother: John Burns, Greta Street, Oamaru. 5892 Blaokwood, Arahlbald George Aunt: Mrs. Alexander B. Smith, Mona Vale, Tlmaru. Rennie 5893 Brown, Alexander Father: Alexander Brown, North·east Valley, Dunedin. 5894 B•.rron, James Father: Alexander Barron, Dunrobin, via Heriot, Otago. 5895 Blair, WiIlie.m Whitehouse Father: Robert Blair, Riocarton, Eas. T.. ieri, Otago. 5896 Bushell, Willia.m Father: Samuel Bushell, Helena Street, South Dunedin. 5897 Beagley, Joseph Father: 1. Beagley, Goodwood, Otago. 5990 Brya.n, John Father: James Bryan, Llnooln, Canterbury. 5898 Cameron, Dug!!'l Arohibald •. Mother: Mrs. Margaret Cameroll, Waitahuna, Otago. 58!!;) Cuahnie, Jams! Father: James D. Oushnie, Wyndbam, Soutbland. 5900 Carr, William Joshua Mother: Mrs. Ann Carr, Forbury Road, St. Clair, Dunedin. 5901 Cornish, Riohard Alexa.nder Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Cornish, care of Mrs. Mowatt, McGregor Silverstream, North Taieri. 5902 Brother: WiIliam Crombie, oare of J. Horn, Storc· Crombie, John Riohard keeper, Bannookburn. 5903 Cutts, Edward Fa.ther: Enoch Cutts, Palmerston South, Otago. 5904 Cllmmook, Allan .. Father: WiIliam Cummook, Alexandra South. 5905 Capstiok, Leon AlbeIt Mother: Mrs. Janet Capstiok, oare of Mrs. Cooper, North Belt, Christohuroh. Oudmore, Henry Carrington Father; D. H. Cudmore, Viotor Ha.rbour, South 5906 Australia. 5907 Donnelly, William Cooper •• Mother: Mrs. Ann D. Donnelly, Earn Street, lnver· oargill. 5908 1 Fa.ther: William Dyer, LearmDuth, Ballarat, VictDria.. Dyer, Thomas Friend: Mr. Schafie, Mount Pisa., Oromwell, Otago., Father: William Duff, Dunrobin, Heriot, Otago. 5909 Dllft, Oliver Father: Henry Daysh, Konini, Forty-mile Bush, mu 5910 Daysh, Norma.n John Wellington. 0911 Mother: Mrs. Mary Duffoy, Hampden, Otago. Duffey, Frederiok .. De Lautour, Edgar Frederick Father: Dr. H. A. De Lautour, Anderson's Bay, 5912 Dunedin. Friend: T. Power, European Hotel, Dunedin. Darling, Albert James 5913 Fa.ther: Robert Darling, Ros€dale, Gippsland, Viotoria. Father: Wllliam Duff, Dunrobin, Otago. 0988 DlIff, Ceoil Father; David Evans, 20, Edward Street, Timarn. 5992, Frederick Charles Mother: Mrs. John Fraser, 81, Clarendon Street, Fraser, Peter Orr ., 5914 Dunedin. Friend: John Toner, oare of Cox's Tempelance Hotel, 5915 Fyfe, John Henry .. Dunedin. 5916 Ferguson, George Hepbarn .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Ferguson, Forbury Road, St. Clair, Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. Jessie Geary, Hanley West, Taiori, 5985 Geary, Charles Angus Otago. Father: Thomas GibBon, Woodbaugh, Dunedin. Gibson, Douglas Charles 5917 Brother: Thomas Goodlet, oare of Wright, Stepl.J~n. 5918 Goodlet, Alexander son, and Co., lnveroargill. Father: Henry Goodman, Surrey Street, South Goodman, Thomas 5919 Dunedin. Father: James Geddes, Green Island. 5920 Geddes, William Guardian: William Curry, Riversdale, Southland. Hamilton, John Robed 5921 5922 Hogg, Robert •. • . Father: Edwin Hogg, Helena Street, South Dunedin. Henderson, Alexander Doug. Father; Robert Henderson, Anderson's Bay, Dun· 5923 edin. las Father; David Barvey, ASllwick Flat, Fairlie, South Harvey, David 5986 Canterbury. Father: John A. Harper, St. Ma.rlin',;, Opawa, Christ· Harper, Leonard 5993 church. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter, Rivert n, Soutuland. 5994 Hunter, E. J. D. Friend: A. Battersby, Helena Road, Caver.ham, 592i Illgie, Olaude Dllnedin. SOUTH ISLAND R.h:GIMENT.-G 5886 Bugler Don, Angus Mitohell Military Pensions. 2 Enw. VII.I No. I Rank and Name. [1902, No. 54. Nut-of-kin, and Addres •. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continued. 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5991 6933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940 5942 5943 5944 5946 5947 5948 59411 5950 5951 5952 5953 5954, 5987 5955 5956 5!l57 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 6969 SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON-continued. Priva.te Johnlton, Willi8.m Aitken •. FstbeE: Thomllos Jobnston, Mlddlemarob, Centn.l Otago. Father: Da.vid S. J'olly, Moray Plaoe, Dunedin. Jolly, Jaok James, Frederick WilIia.m .. Father: Frederick William Ja.mes, 53, Melville Street, Dunedin. Jennings, John Father: Ja.mes Jennings, 54, St. Andrew Street, Dunedin. Jeffery, Lawrence Father: Geor~e Jeffery, Sta.tioner, Lawrence. Sister: 1I1Iss Rebecca J'ohnston, care of Peter Aitken, Johnston, William Aitken Royal, Dunedin. Friend: MicbaelMeena.n, Moray Place, Dunedin. J ones, Alfred James, WilIiam Henry F!loIher: William James, Clvdesvale, Walwera South. J ohnston, Cha.rles Frederick Mother: lIlrs. Eubertone J ohnston, Plua.des, I:)outh Rpad, Wellington. Father: Slmon Kenny, Henley, Dnnedin. Kenny, Stephen Father: Patrick Dennis Keogh, Milton, Otago. Keogb, John La.wrence Father: FredeIick Wllliam King, Glenavy, South King, Fra.nois Joseph Canterbury. Father: Frededok WiIliam King, Glena.vy, South King, Frederick Willia.m Canterbury. Father: Harvey T. Knigbt, 249, Evering Road, ClapKnight, Frank Harvey ton, London. Friend: Mr. J. R. Falrbairn, care of Victoria Insurance, Duneilin. Mother: lirs. R. S. Muir, Burke Street, Mornington, Muir, John Ha.y Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. Atala.nta Murra.y, George Street, DunMurray, Ja.mes Dingwa.ll edin. Father: Arthur Hay Ma.ude, Elvington, Oa.maru. Maude, Henry Fa.irfax Fa.ther: William R. G. Mearns, Brown Street, MornMearns, WilIiam James ington, Dunedin. Father: Andrew Miller, Sa.wyer's Bay, Dunedm. Miller, David F .. tber: Alexander Mathie, Richa.rdson Street, St. Matbie, Wllliam Edward Kilda, Dunedin. Fa.ther: Archibald MaoGregor, Richmond Street, MaoGregor, Ja.mes B. South Dunedin. Father: Alexander McGregor, Goodwood, Pa.lmerston McGregor, James .• South. Father: James McKnigbt, Blacketone Hill, Otago. McKnigbt, Robert Father: Robert McBride, Rough Ridge Post-office, McBride, John Otago. Father: James lIfcNa.ughton, Ida Valley, Ophir, MaNe.ughton, John Otago. MoLella.nd, Alexander Coulter Mother: Mrs. James McLelland, Eddystone Street, Kaltangata. Father: Robert McBride, Rough Ridge Post-office, McBrlde, Robert Otago. Fatuer: Donald MoKercher, Post-office, Benmore, McKercher, John .• In veroargtll. Father: John McAllister, Lower Shotover, QueensMcAlJister, Peter Gray town. Sister: Miss Ma.ry F. McDona.ld, Fabia.n's, Grea.t McDonald, J'a.mes Latham, near Wlthem, ERsex, England. Guardian: Mrs. Agnes Nimmo, 127, Alhion Street, Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. Mary S. Nicholls, Milton, Ote.go. Nicholls, Jesse Charles Father: James Nelson, Owaka, Otago. Nelson, James Mother: Mrs. A. Orlowski, Waihola, Otago. Orlowski, John Andrew Father: Pa.trick O'Kane, 8, Arthur Streft, Danedin. O'Kane, Pa.trick Ja.mes Paterson, George Antbony .. Father: George Paterson, Herbert, Nor th Ot8g0. Father: Henry Price, 137, Walker Street, Dunedin. Price, Willia.m Fa.ther: Rabert Potter, of Mrs. R. Potter, King Potter, Henry John Street, North Dllnedin. Father: John Rosenbrock, Argyle Street, Dunedin Rosenbrock, Frederick South. Fllther: John Rov, Moonligbt, lIfacra.e'~, 0 ago. Rov, Peter Rowlatt, Edmund Pyoroft . Father: George F. Rowlatt, 61, Serpentine Avenue, Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. Marga.ret Rankin, 176, Ma.itla.nd Street, Ra.nkin, Willia.m •• Duned'n. Father: Robert Shand, Waihola. Post-office, Otago. Sha.nd, George Fa.tber: Robert Peter Sharp, Balclutha, Ot8g0. Sha.rp, Robert lIfcOallum Mother: Mrs. J. Sa.nderson, Anderson's Bay, Dun· • Sa.ndorlou, WllliMll edin. .. .. 16 241 242 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J No. I Rank and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next·of·kln, and Addres•. EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON-continued• 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976 5977 5979 5980 5981 5982 5983 5984 Private Skinner, Lewis •. i Mother: Mrs. J. A. Skinner, North-east Valley, Soott, William Henry Robertson Stewart, Duncan .. .. .. Boott, William Third, William •• Tennant, Edward Covvper .. Waldie, James .. I Dunedin. I Father; James R. Bc ott, Crawford Street, Duned!n. ' Brother: James Stewart, Outram, Otago. Friend: Mrs. Hislop, 5, Forth Street, Dunedin. I Father; James Third, Post-office, Gisbome. \, Father: Edward 'fennant, Port Chalmers, Otago. Mother: Mrs. Naomi Waldie, St. Andrew Street, Dunedia. Waldie, Gilbert .. .., Mother: Mrs. Naomi Waldie, St. Andrew Street, Dunedin. Williamson, Robert Alexandel Father; Sinclair Wllliamson, Waitahuna, Otago. Whiston, William .. I Mother: 1'I:rs. 'Ma.rgaret Whiston, Post-offioe, Dunedin. Woodhouse, Archibald Steel I Mother; Mrs. Elizabeth Woodhou£e, Bannockburn, Otago. Mother: Mrs. John Watt, Denniston. Watt, William WiIlett, Neill Maloolm Camp- Mother; Mrs. Annie WilIett, Forbury Road, Caverbell sham, Dunedin. Watts, James Gilbert Mother; Mrs. Maria Watts, West Plains, Invercarglll. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-H SQUADRON. Haselden, John Lane Lieutenant Orbell, Henry SaoH McNab, Alexa.nder Valla.noe, James Ba.ird • Palmer, Sydney Robc!rt .. Sergeant. Major Wright, Thomas Ran· dall 6009 Sergeant Frisken, John Thoma.s 6008 6010 6011 6012 6017 Massey, Edwa.rd John McAuley, Robert William .. Forsyth, Henry .. Hunter, Ernest George Father: William Reeve Haselden, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Margaret Orbell, Waikouaiti, Otago. Brother: Robert McNab, M.H.R., Knapdale, Gore. Father: James B. Vallanoe, 3, Hartley Street, Wolverhampton, England. Cousin: H. Vallanoe, Karori, Wellington. Father: Rabert Palmer, Eltham, Taranaki. Brother: Donald M. Wright, Fitzgerald's Avenue, Wellington. Sister: Miss Amie Frisken, Myross Bush Post-offioe, Invercargill. Mother; Mrs. Mary Massey, Riddle Street, Oamaru. Father: John James McAuley, Portobello, Dunedin. Father; George Forsyth, Portobello, Dunedin. Mother; 'Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter, Post-office, Riverton, Southland. Father: Albert E. Orange, Riooarton, East Taieri. Farrier. Sergeant Orange, George Alfred 6014 SlIoddler - Sergeant MoRay, William Father: Hugh MoRay, Rotherham, North Canterbury. Jobn 6015 Corporal Bissett, Roderick . . . . Mother: Mrs. C. Bissett, Wainui, Southland. 6016 • Whitehead, David Lunam. Mother: Mrs. Mary Robertson, 92, Stewart Street, Dunedin. Half-brother: WiIliam MoRenzie, Orepuki, South. 6019 McAna.lly, Samuel land. Father: Cha.rles Austin, Conolly Place, Bea.consfield, 6028 Austin, Cha.rles Harold Orange River Colony, South Afrioa.. Friend: WilHam Wilson, 130, Leet Street, Invercargill. Father: J. H. Smaillie, Wingatui, Mosgiel. 6021 Lanc.-Corpora.1 Smaillie, David Father: Robert Findlay, Mosgiel Woollen· mills, 6022 • Findlay, John Otago. 6023 Oa.meron, William Sister: Mrs. William Perry, Hawea Flat, Otago. Francis Father: Samuel Harris, Ryeburn, Otago. 602' • Rarris, William 6026 Shoeing-Smith Cook, Lewis George .. Father: Reuben Cook, Colao Bay, Southland. 6027 • Cheyne, John .. Mother: Mrs. A. L. Cheyne, Arrowtown, Otago. Father; Humphrey Barden, Charles Street, Kaiapoi. 6020 Bugler Barden, Thomas Henry Mother: Mrs. Emma Butt, Waikiwi, Inveroargill. 6030 Private Butt, James William Father: Archibald Boyd,S, Eden Street, Pelichet Bay. 6031 Boyd, Arohibald Neil Mother: Mrs. Sus an Barlow, Churoh Street, Pana6032 Bar!ow, James .. matta, New South Wales. Friend: Mrs. Rate Bar· low, 12, Gladstone Street, Sydenham. Brother: David Black, Wendor, Riversdale, Southland. 6038 Bla.ok, J'ames Sister: Miss Eva Brown, Sheffield, North Canterbury. 303' Brown, Victor Father: George Bruce, Phcenix Mills. Oamaru. 6035 Bruce, J'ames Father: Willtam Banks, Riversdale, Southland. 6036 Banks, John Father: Timothy Boyle, Gore. 6037 Boyle, Thomas .. 6088 Browning, Ernest James Father: John Browning, Pukerau, Bouthland, 6013 2 EDW. VII.] Military Pensions. [1902, No. 54. NO'~I__________R_a_n_k__an_d__N_a_m_8_.______~ _____________N_ex_t_-o_f_~_in_,_a_n_d_A_d_d_r_6_sB_._____________ EIGHTH CONTINGENT-contil~uetl. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.--H SQUADBON--continued. 6039 . Private Bruce, George 6041 Bra.dley, Pa.ul Thomas 6042 Bourne, Charles Spencer Father: George Bruce, Phoonix Mills, Oamaru. Father: Auton Bradley, 17, Andrew Street, Sydenham. Father: Charles F. Bourne, Christ's Oollege, Christchurch. Brown, Henry Mother: Mrs. Ellen Brown, Denniston, via Westport. Barnes, George Ernest Father: W. H. Barnes,30, G1ouoester Street, Linwood, Christoh uroh. Corson, John George Father: WiIliam OorsoD, 216, Leith Street, Dunedin. Condon, Richard .. Brother: Redmond CondoD, Milton. Cook, Robert Father: Andrew Cook, West Plains, InvercargiIl. Clyms., William Js.mesNairne Father: John Olyma, 179, Prinoes Street, Dunedin. Canty, Miohael Mother: Mrs. James Oanty, Rimu, near Longbush, Southland. Fs.ther: John Dysaski, Allanton. Taieri, Otago. Dysaskl, Frank Mother; Mrs. Margaret Devon, Gimmerburn, ManioDevon, Walter toto,Otago. Dodd, Oharles WilIiam Father: Jobn Dodd. Mancbester street, Ohristcburch. Debenham, Frederick Mother: Mrs. Olara Debenham, 90, Manchester Strett. Cbdstohurch. Edgar, John Fatber: John Edgar, Queenstown, Otago. Fatber: Harry Elston, Palmerston South, Ota.go. Elston, Samuel George Fa.ther: Thomas Emerson, Railway-station, Oamaru. Emerson, Albert Leslie East, Herbert Edward Father: Alfred Edward East, New Brigbton, Canterbury. Fulton, Norman Macfarlane Mother: Mrs. O. FuUon, Fendalton, Ohristchurch. Mother: Mrs. W. Fletcher. Lower Shotover, Otago. Fletcher. Richard .• Father: George Grant, Middlema.rch, Otago. Grant, WiIlis.m Chisholm Father: John Harvey, Maheno, Otago. Harvey, John Father; James Hayes, Halswell, Oanterbury. Hayes, William Hugh Harris, James Sister: Miss Sarah Harris, AthoI, Southland. Hutchison, Frank Haugthy Sister: Miss Annie Hutchison, New Plymouth. Brother: Riohard O. Jarrett, Murray's Foundry, Jarrett, Frederick •. Wanganui. Sister: Mrs. D. Richards, SoranloD, Penn., U.S.A. Jones, John Henry Friend: Robert MoDowell, Wendonside, Southlanil. Jones, Charles Sister: MISS Ma.bel Jones, Convent, Dunedin. Sister: Miss Blanohe Joyce, 165, North Belt, ChristJoyce, Miohael Disraeli church. Father; Frederick W. S. Jordan, Church Street Jordan, Benjamin Steven North, Rangiora. Kennedy, Robert Alexander Father; Robert Kennedy, Oollege Street, Caversham, Dunedin. Father: Henry Kidd, Albury, South Oanterbury. Kidd, Thomas Kracke, Frederick William Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Rambanul, Mandeville, Southland. Ernest Mother: Mrs. Margaret Kirk, Middlemaroh, Central Kirk, William Henry Otago. Mother: Mrs. F. S. Lowe, Styx, North Ca.nterbury. Lowe, Franois David Lilburne, Herbert Thomas Sister: Mrs. O. C. Hood, Milton, Otago. Alexaniler Stepmother: Mrs. David Leeden, Gladstone Road, Leeden, Walter John Mosgiel, Otago. Mother: Mrs. L. O. Forsyth, Owaka., Otago. Laughton, John Sister: Mrs. Jean Gallagher, Gibbon Street, Syden. Lyness, Robert ham. Father: John Lee, Woodlands, Southland. Lee, Patrick Father: Timothy Lehrs, Waihi Mines, Auokland. Lehrs, Peter Edward WHliam Brother: Oliver Mason, Napoleon's, Ballarat, VicMason, William Waiter toria.. Friend: Belami, Kokiri, Greymouth. Mother: Mrs. Esther Malcolm, Forbury Road, CaverMaloolm, John Joseph sham, Dunedin. Father: Albert Mulford, Peter Street, Ashburton. Mulford, Alfred James Father: Jobn Fred Mayne, Napier Street, Al1ckland. MaYIle, George Henry McDonald, Thomas Thomp- Father: Captain John McDona.ld, Fla.gstafi, Blnff. son Macdonald, Archibald Hut- Father: .Tames Ms.odonald, Thames Street, Oamaru. ohison Father S. Ma'oney, Little River, Canterbury. Maloney, John Father Henry McLean, Gladstone, Inveroaclil!. McLean, Alfred Father Roderick MaLeod, Seaclift. Dunedi!!. MoLeod, Murdock 6043 6129 6044 I1 6045 6046 6047 6048 6050 6051 6131 6132 6052 6053 6054 6055 6059 6056 6057 6060 6061 6126 6133 6062 6063 6064 6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 6070 6e71 6072 6074 6075 6076 6077 6123 6078 6080 6081 6082 6083 6084 6085 6086 i 6087 I 16 * 243 244 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J NO., [2 EDW. VII. Next-of·kin. a.nd Addres.. Ba.nk a.nd EIGHTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-H SQUADRON-continued. Mother: Mrs. ElizB Mllrra.y, 156. North Ma.ln Street, Yongha., County Cork. Ireland. Friend: Joseph Old· field, care of Mr. O'Rok, Fenda.1ton. Christehuroh. Fa.ther: Henrich Mehrtens, Ca.mside Fa.rm, Ra.ngiora.. Mehrtens. Oharles Willia.m McBride, Andrew Lindsa.y .. Mother: Mrs. Jessie March. Lake Wanaka, Obgo. Niven, Willia.m Alexander .. Fa.ther : James Niven, High Street, Southbridge, Canterbury. Father: Soren Neilson. Pa.hla.tlla.. . Neilson. Andrew " Mother: Mrs. Annie O.borne. Middlema.rch. Central Osborne, Bobert .• O[agl). Father: Joseph O'Brien. Fitzherbert Street. Hokitika.. O'Brien, Edwa.rd Albert Father: Albert Owen, Long Bush, Invercargill. Owen, Albert Cha.rJes Parker, John Henry Father: Thomas Parker, Stirling, Ota.go. Pearson, Thomas Louis Father: Thoma.s Louis Pea.rson. Millerton. Westport. Father: James Pow, Edondalo, Southland. Pow, Ja.mes Pocock, Regina.ld Victor Father: George Pocock, Sea.field, Ashburton. Pinkerton. Robert Bruther; George Pinkerton, Fa.irlie, Sonth Oanterbury. Father: Thomas Plumridge, Lincoln Boa.d, Spreydon, Plumridge. Ha.rry .. Canterbury. Pea.rson, Alfred E. Father: Alfred Maidstone Pea.rson. Ma.gistrate·s Court. Oamaru., Charles Ernest Father: James F. Peake, Leith Street. Dunedin. Q.linn, Thomas Father: Willia.m Quinn, Ota.go. Mother: Mrs. Willia.m Beay, Washington Va.lley, Reay, William Nelson. Ross, Dona.ld F"tber: Donald Ross, Riversda.le, Southland. Mother: Mrs. mara. Rogers. Fitzroy, Melbourne. Rogers. Percy Sister: lIIiss Alice Rogers, care of Mrs. Whyte. Strathtay, Woodhaugh, Dunedin. Ronan, Miobael Father: WIlliam Bonan, Dipton. Southland. Rober~s, Oha.rles Friend: H. Murra.v, City Fire Brigade Station, Dun. edin. Sister: Mrs. Hanno.h Fredericks, Fitzroy, Victoria. Sebelin, Thoma.s Charles .. Father: Henry Sebelin, Hyde. Oto.go. Sanderson. George D. Gra.nt Father: George Sanderson, Ka.kanui, Otago. SherwiJI. WIlliam . Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Sberwill, Wyndham. Smith, Joseph Fa.ther: James C. Smith, Woollen.mills, Mosgiei, Dunedin. Stephenson. Thoma.s Father: J. G. Stephenson, corner Humffray a.nd Brad· bury Street. Ballara.t, Victoria.. Friend: McOracken, 52, Rintoul Street, Wellington. Symonds, Benjamin Lewis. Father: Harold Symonds. Omihi Va.lley, Wa.ipara.. Stringer, Edric HaroId Fa.ther: Joseph Henry Stringer, 74, Stanmore Road, Linwood, Christchurch. Mother: Mrs. Amelia Simllson, 82, Waverley Road, Simpson. George Catiin Woolla.hra, Sydney. New South Wales. Father: B. E. Tall, Alexandra. S JUth. TaU, Beujamin Thoma.s Turner, WLlia.m .. Mother: Mrs. lIia.ry Turner. Outram. Otago. Thomas, Nioholson Lindsa.y Father: Nicholas Thoma.s. Belt Street, Waimate, South Canterbury. Whetter, WilJiam Mother: Mrs. A. Y. Tempieton, Waikoua.iti, Otago. Wilson, Oharles Friend: Miss L. Burns. Post. office. Wellington. WIse, George Fra.nois Fa.tber: Osborne R. Wise, Queen's Hotel. Oamaru. Way, ArLhur Levelis Hine .. Fa.ther: George Edward Wa.y, Oraiti, Port Hilla, Obristchurch. Father: Arthur Williams, Wa.imshska., Invercargill. Wi11iams. Frederkk Arthur Wheeler, M. Thomas Fa.ther: Oornelius Wheeler, Falgrave and S~ephen Streets. Sydenham. Ohristchuroh. 6088 I Priva.te Murra.y. Maurioe .. 6089 6130 6090 6091 6092 6093 6094 6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6122 6121 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6127 9106 6107 I 6108 6109 6110 6111 6128 6185 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6119 6120 6125 I SIXTH AND SEVENTH CONTINGENTS. NOMINAL ROLL OF RELIEFS FOR SIXTH AND SEVENTH CONTINGENTS. 6144 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 Sergea.nt· Major Hardy. Johnston. Mother: Mrs. Emma Hardy.Johnston. 108, Hereford Street, Linwood, Ohristchurch. Oha.rleR Angustus Maslerma.n Sergeant Oann. W!lliam 1ITatchew Father: Robert Cann. MOtllpipi, Taka.ka, ~elson. Corporal Spear, Howa.rd Wq,lshe Fa.ther: Frederick Spea.r, Washington Valley, Nelson., James Herbert ~'a.ther: Otto, Belgrove Hotel, Belgrove West, Nelson. I Private Atkins, Bernard Neil Fa.ther.:~ John Atkins, Motueka, Nelson.: , Atkinson, Arthur .. Father.: Frederick Atkinson, Beaohville, Nelson. 2;-;EDW. VII.] Military Pensions. Rank and Name. [1902,-No.54. Next-ot-kin, and Address. SIXTH AND SEVENTH CONTINGENTS-continutd. NOMINAL ROLL OF RELIEFS FOR SIXTH AND SEVENTH CONTINGENTS-continued . 6150 I Private Bonai Hugh Gordon . •'[Mother : Mrs. ElIa Margaret Bonar, Stafford Street, tlOKJ.lilka.. 6176 6235 1 6177 6178 6337 6336 6180 6181 6179 6182 6183 6185 6166 6151 6152 6153 6154 6187 6188 6189 6190 6155 6191 6192 6156 6157 6158 6103 6194 6159 6160 6195 6196 6355 6197 6198 ;.',99 6200 6161 6162 6164 6201 6202 6175 ' Bjermqvist, Oharles Henry. . Sister: Miss Nellie Bjermqvist, Wellington Hospital Mother: Mrs. Margaret Beck, 7, Oambridge Terraoe, Beck, Albert Wellington. Boyce, William Henry Father: Henry Boyoe, 163, Victoria Street, Christ· church. Bowers, James Sister: Mrs. Porter, 117, Carlyle Street, Sydenha.m, Christchurch. Brenohley, Thomas Freeman Father: Thomas Brenobley, MBurioeville, Wairarapa. Birry, Edwin Thomas F. Berry, Office Road, St. Albans, Christchurch. Clark, Alexander •• Mother: Mrs. Maricn Clark, Rockyside, Caversham, Dunedin. CampbeU, Richard Father: Arcbibald Campbell, 348, St. Asaph Street, Christchurch. Craig. William Westwood Mother: Mrs. Flora Craig, Colombo street, St. Albans, Christchurch. Devereux, OIement Lawrence Father: Peter Devereux, 48, Oashel Street, Christchurch. Doig, John Rattray Aunt: Mrs. Jane Rattray, Hcok, Waimate. Da.wson, Arthur John Father: Thoma.s Dawson, Hornhy, ehristchurch. Dunn, Roy Hawthorne Mcther: Mrs. F. C. Dunn, 18, Gordon Avenue, Kew, Victoria. Friend: Jack Horner, Star and Garter Hotel, Waikari, Canterbury. Edgar, James FMher: Robert Eigar, Nelson, British Columbia, N ortb Amerioa. Brother: George Drummond Edgal, Reef ton. Edgar, Frederiok Matthew.. Father: Robart Edgar, Nelson, British Columbia, North Amerloa. Brother: George D. Edgar, Reefton. Eden, Albert Father: C. H. Eden, Motueka, Nelson. Erskine, James Thomas Father: Robed Erskine, Carter's Junotion, Cape Line, Westport. Evatt, Samuel Thomas Father: Riohard Chaplain Evatt, Department of Agriculture, Wellington. Everest, Frank WJiliam Father: WiIliam Everest, Shag Point, Otago. Ewart, William Mother: Mrs. Johanna Ewart, Oannibal Bay, Owaka., Dunedin. Edwa.rds, Willia.m •• Mother: Mrs. Amelia Edwards, Ooquet Street, Fogden, WiIliam Franois Father: William Francis Fogden, 27, Cambridge Terrace, Wellington. Fyffe, William Father: David Fyffe, Millburn, Otago. Gray, Alfred Father: Thomas Gray, 7, Armagn Street, Christ· ohurch. Goodman, James Mother: Mrs. Fanny Goodma.n, Waimea Road, Nel. son. Goodman, Mark Newland Father: William Robert Goodma.n, Swan Road, Motueka. Robert Gresson, John Stepfather: H. J. Gordon, Union Ba.nk, Ashburton. Garrett, Herbert Edward Brother: George Garrett, North Avon Road, Riohmond, Chrhtchurch. Goodwin, John William •. Father: J. Edward Goodwin, Palmerston South. Harris, James Alfred Mother: Mrs. Emily Harris, care of James A. Harria, Washington Valley, ~elson. Hodge, Francls Victor Father: Charles Stephen Hcdge, Port Chalmers. Hendry, Fcederick Father: J. B. Hendry, Devon Street, New Plymouth. Harrington, Edmnnd Alma Mother: Mrs. Lottie Harrmgton, Bridle·path, Lyttelton. Rarding, Henry Will lam Brother: George Harding, Aka.roa. Irvine, Wllliam Cousin: Alfred Canning, Mlchie Street, Roslyn, Dunedin. Iones, Henry Edmund Father: Henry Innes, Goodwcod, Palmerston South. Johnston, Arthur James Father: Charles E. Johnston, 226, Montreal street, :, Christohuroh. Jone~, Robert Aleck Mother: Mrs. EUen Hempstalk, Bridle.patb, Ly*~el. 1 ton. KeIling, Alfred '[other: Mrs. Anna. KelIiDl~, Wa.kefield. Nelson. I Father: Wllham Harvey Kua.pp, Spring Grove, Nelson. Knapp, Kempster; .. .. : Father: GeorgeLves,sen., Lower Kokatahi, Lyes, George Lacey, Waiter Thon:as .. ,Father: Richard Lacey, Mersey Street, Gore, Southland Lee, William .. ' Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, Eden Street, Oamaru. Father: WilliamGeorge Murray, Hokitika, West Coast. Murray, William George .. I 'I' i .. I :245 246 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J NO.j n ..nk and Name. [2 EDW. VI!. N ext-of-kin, and Address. SIXTH AND SEVENTH OONTINGENTS-continued, CONTINGENTs-continued. Henry Wil\iam Miles, Cheviot, Oanterbury. ; Father: Charies Martin, Ngatimote, Nelson. I!'ather: George Merrett, Rongotea, Manawatu. Sister: Mrs. Nellie Free, New Brighton, Christchurch. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Mooney, Magnetic Street, Port Ohalmers. Father: Robelt McIntosh Mefien, Black's .Road, Meffen, Robert Mackintosh North·east Valley, Dunedin. , Father: A. Myers, 9, Octagon, Dunedin. Myers, Mark : 11:other: Mrs. Eliza.beth Luony, Hamua, vilt Pahiatua. Martin, James MoDonald, George Conrad " Mother: Mrs. F. MoDonald, Collingwood Street, Nelson. MaofarJane, William Hum- Father: Dunoan MaofarJane, Hokitika. bolt Stephen Mother: lIlrs. Jessie McNab, South Oamaru. McNab, Alexander Father: James McQuillan, Geraldine, Oanterbury. lIIcQuillan, Arohibald Mother; Mrs. Catherine R. McLeod, Melrose, DunMaLaod, William James edin. Father: John O'Donnell, West Eyreton, Oanterbury. O'Donnell, Mathew Father: Henry Odey, Kakanui. Odey, George Father: John Ogg, Main South Road, Dunedin. Ogg,John Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Paul, Wa.ihi, Upper Thames, Paul, James Auckland. Phillips, Charles Brother: John James Phillips, Wakatipu, Southland. Mother: Mrs. Mary Parlane, Spencer Street, Milton._ Parlane, William .. Partridge, WilIiam Henry .. Father: Joseph Partridge, oare of Ja.mes Pa.rtridge, Dallington, Cbristchurch. Mother: Mrs. Jessie Pugh, St. Albans Lane, OhristPugh, John ohurch. Father: Edward Rowling, Rlwaka, Nelson. Rowling, Fletcher .. Father: John Robertson, Ashley, North Canterbury. Robertson, James .. Fa.ther: John Harnot Reekie, Anderson's Bay, Dun· Reekie, Christopher edin. Mother: Mrs. Janet Russell, Main South Road, Russell, J ames Dunedin. Rule, WiIliam Father: Harry James Rule, Coquet Street, Oamaru. Rodgers, Harry Ta.ylor I Fa.ther: Thomas Rodgers, Dee Street, Oamaru. S~uart, Thomas James ! Father: Ja.mes Stuart, Rimu, Hokitika. .. i Mother: Mrs. Helen Scott, Ornoto Road, Greymouth. Scott, Arthur Edward .. Father: John Singer, KaDieri, Nelson. Singer, John Fa.ther: Robert Sbaw, Gimmerburn, Otago. Shaw, Robert George Fa~her: Alfred Smith, Reed Street, Oamaru. Smith, Alfred Elston Short, James Father: Thomas Short, Duddingston, North - east Valley, Dunedin. Father: John ThomsoD, 171, Armagh Stree~, OhristThomson, Thomas church. Father: John Thompson, South Rakaia. Thompson, Robert Father: Johl!' Thomas, Linooln, Oanterbury. Thomas, John Henry Turner, Tnomas .. Mother: Mrs. Agnes Turner, Hull Street, Oamaru. Wilson, Marmaduke Father: Ma.rmaduke Wilson, South Street, Nelson. Father: Lionel Charles Williams. New Brighton, Williams, Arthur .. Chrislchurch. Father: James Grant Wilson, Humphrey's, Hokitika. Wilson, James Grant Brother: Henry Woodford, Green Island, Otago. Woodford, Joseph •. Welsh, Thomas Father: James Welsh, Addison Street, Sydenham, Christchurch. M0tber: Mrs. Annle Jane Willlams, Dublin Street,, Thomas LyttaHo.n. NOMINAL ROLL OF RELIEFS FOR SIXTH AND SEVENTH 6165 I Private Miles, William Howard 6166 Martin, Rus.ell 6167 Merrett, William Charles 6203 Marsh, Charles 6204 Mooney, Thomas .. 6205 6206 6209 6168 6169 6334 6207 6208 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 ~915 6216 6338 6170 6217 6218 6219 6220 6221 6171 6172 6173 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 61'/4 6229 6230 6231 6232 6233 '. I Father: EIGHTH CONTINGENT. ROLL OF MEN TAKEN ON THE STRENGTH AFTER LEAVING NEW ZEALAND. 5966 5997 ! Private Cohen, Percy Arthur Hulme, Percy Growcott 6134 Oampbell, Arthur Milton 5993 599B i O'Brien, Daniel Ohristopher Larkins, Edward .. 6136 5161 Doggett, WJlliam John Langham, James .. Graham, WiJliam .. Harding, Reginald Neill 5487 6545 Brother: S. Cohen, lHaarama Crescent, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. E. Hulme, 160, R"gent's Road, Mount Pleasant, S oke-on·Trent, Staffordshire, England. Father: A. J. Campbell, "Talca," Edgeolifie Road, Wool\abra, N.S.W. Father: Jeremiah O'Brien, Stafford Street, Hokitika.. Mother: Mrs. A. Larkins, Peria, near Mongonui, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. C. Doggett, Ulster Road, Albany, W.A. Brother: J. Langbam, Wanganui. Father: S. Graham, Mangapai, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Malcolm, West Australia. Friend; Mrs. D. McKenzie, Shag Valley, Otago. 2 EDW. VII.] NO., Military Pensions. Rllllk and Name. [1902, No. 54. Next-of-kin, &nd Addre ••. NINTH CONTINGENT. SOUTH ISLANt: REGIMENT.-BATTALION STAFF. I 7672 7797 7767 8100 7863 7986 7880 7883 7787 8111 7981 Wife: Mrs. Neilina Marion Jane Jaokson, St. Clair, Dunedin. Captain and Adjutant Nioholson, Father: J. MoLeod Nioholson, Leven Street, Roslyn Dunedin. J ames Millar Lieutenant and Paymaster Jack. Mother: Mrs. R. Jaok, Hokitika. Archibald Lieutenant and Quartermaster Wilkle, Mother: Mrs. Isabella Wilkie, Great South Road, Ashburton. Alexander Herbert Surgeon. Major Milne - Thomson, Wife: Mrs. E. M. Milne-Thomson, Wairoa, Hawke's Alexllonder BIloY· Surgeon Captain Falooner, Alexander Father: A. R. Falooner, York Plaoe, Dunedln. Robertson : Mother: Mrs. E. M. Deok, Motueka, Nelson. Surgeon. Captain Deck, H. O. B. Wife: Mrs. Edith Brand, Bournemouth, England. Veterinary Captain Brand, James Friend: J. A. Gilruth, Chief Veterinary Offioer, Wellington. Ohaplain Captain Dutton, Rev. Daniel Wife: Mrs. Ellen Dutton, The Manse, Oaversham. Dunedin. Oaptain Halpin, Thomas Peter (un- Wife: Mrs. Elizabeth Halpin, Oarlyle Screet, Napier. attaohed) Lieutena.nt Chesney, R. Oswa.ld (unattached) Smythe, R. B.(unattached) " Hawdon,K. Regimental Sergeant Major Moyle, Father: William Henry Moyle, 47, Tuam Street, Christchurch. Wllliam Stephen Edward Regimental Quartermaster. Sergeant Father: Henry MoArtney, Blenheim. McArtney, Henry Farrier-Major Miles, Philip Charles Mother: Mrs. Georgina. Miles, 76, Longridge Road, Earlscourt, London. Friend: George Gould, care of Kent Gould, Beaumont, and Co., Hereford Street, Ohrist· church. Assistant Quartermaster - Sergeant Father: William G. Wallace, Whetukura, Ormondville, Hawke's Bay. Wa.llace, James Alfred Orderly· room Sergeant Baird, Hugh Mother: Mrs. E. M. Baird, 359, George Street North. Dunedin William Charles Sergeant (Veterinary Di spenser) Father: - Wynn. Willlams, Latimer Square, Christchuroh. Wynn- Wllliams, Cecil Sergeant (Veterinary Dispenser) Brother: Nathan Seddon, Government Workshop>. Wellington. Seddon, Riohard John Orderly-room Corporal Dale, Edward Father: Robert Charles Dale, Kaitangata, Otago. George Oorporal Harley, Franois Howard Mother: Mrs. S. A. Harley, Oashel Street, Ohrist· ohurch. (Paymaster's Clerk) Dispenser Oorporal S t e p hen son, Mother: Mrs. M. Stephenson, 255, Oumberland Street, Dunedin Frederiok Pratten Dispenser Corporal Cook, John Father: John Cook, Bernicia Street, Port Chalmers. Major Jaokson, Henry Drummond •. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A SQUADRON. 7873 7860 7913 7970 7925 7886 7920 7973 7898 8028 7762 7961 Oaptain MoMillan, James Watson .. Lieutenan~ McKeich, Robert .. Bazlett, Edgar , Collis, Frederiok Henry.. .. " Itayne, Henry.. Sorgeant-Major Olapoott, Alexandria Allan Quartermaster-Sergeant Booth, Amos Sergeant Ivimey, Frederick Elder .. Wilson, William .. Meek, Peter Dreaver, John Grant Keown, Hngh Steward " William., John .. Farrier.Sergeant Fraser, William .. " Fraser, Pn.triok Willlam Saddler· Sergeant Eyre, Albert George Corporal Steven, John .. •• Mother: Mrs. E. McMillan, 91, Leith Street, Dunedin. Wife: Mrs. E. H. McKeich, Lawrence, Otago. Father: James Hazlett,16, Bond Slreet, Dunedin. Father: F. Collis, Oamaru. I Mother: Mrs. M. Rayne, Roslyn, Dunedin. Sister: Mrs. H. G. Barklay, Waimate, Canterbury. Father: Albert Booth, Oamaru, Otago. Father: Robert Ivimey, 88, Elm Row, Dunedin. Fa.ther: Thomas Wilson, Herbert, North Otago. Father: John Meek, 70, Elm Row, Dunedin Father: Andrew Dreaver, Dun baok, Otago. Mother: Mrs. Snsan Keown, Balfour, O~ago. Mother: Mrs. Mar,ion WilIiams, Waikaia, Otago. Father: Donald Fraser, Lumsden, Otago. Father: WiIliam Oharles Fraser, Kurow, Otago. Father: John Oharles Eyre, Saddler, Owaka, Otago. Father: James Steven, Great King Street, North Dunedin. 247 248 1902, No. Military Pensions. 54.J Rank and Name. [2 EDW. vii. Next-of-kin, and Addre8B. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A SQUADRON-COlltintted. '1968 Corporal Walker, Robert •. '1930 7964 7956 7957 7943 7929 7941 7942 7865 7880 7962 8027 8064 7862 ,7975 7858 7859 '1861 7868 7864 '1866 7867 7976 7984 '1869 7870 7871 '1872 '1874 '1875 7S76 7878 7881 7982 7882 7885 79~5 7887 '1888 '1889 '1890 7891 '1892 7894 7895 Mother: Mrs. Francis Jane Walker, Westbury Street Ea.t, St. Kilda, Victoria. Friend: Arthur Stubbs, Heriot Row, Dunedin. McKellar, Gerald Forbes Ft\ther: A. McKellar, Outram, Otago. Topping, J ames .• 1>Iother: Mrs. Archie Campbell, Evansdale, Otago. RObS, John Joseph Fatber: Duncan Ross, M .. ndeville, Otllgo. Father: Thomas Stiven, Tapanui, O·ago. " Stiven, Rob"rt Bertie Father: John Forbes Orr, City Bufi~t Hotel, WelBugler-Corporal Orr, James lington. Lance.Corporal M 0 I n t 0 s h, Henry Father: J. MoIntosh, George Street North, Dunedln. Beveridge McBaiD, Alexander Fatber: Donald ll'CcBain, Otama, Otago. McQueen, Alexander Father: Alexander McQneen, Gore, Southland. Beasley, Leopold Mother: Mrs. T. Beasley, Walkouaiti, Otago. Harry Coo per, Rob e r t Father: Samuel Ccoper, Arrowtown, Otago. SiDclair Smith, James George Sister: Mrs. P. McGehan, Ponsonby Road, Auokland. Farrier Gibbon, Thomas Spenoer Father: Benjamin Gibbon, Nlgbtcaps, Otago. Llewyn Paulin, John Thomas Father: WilUam PauUn, Glenorchy, Otago. Wllliam Saddler Bathgate, John Henry Father: John Bathg!\te, Gourie, Ontram, Otago. Bugler Wardrop, Gavin Wilham Father: William Wardrop, South DUlledin. Private Abure, Frank George Father: Samuel Aburo, 38, Leith Street, Dnnedin. Blair, Joseph Archibald Mother: Mts. J essie Blair, Diaken Street, Hamilton, Victoria. Friend: Heory A. GIlffhhs, George Street, Caversham, Donedin. Blackie, AlIan George Father: AlIan Blackie, Ross Street, Roslyn, Dunedin. Burke, Charles Frank Stanley Mother: Mrs. Amelia Stanley, 65, St. David Street, DunediD. Breese, Albert F .. ther: Thomas Breese, Anderson's Bay Road, Dunedin. Biggar, George Father: George Biggar, Croydon, near Gore, Sou tbland. Briggs, Artbur John Father: WiIliam Briggs, Gore, Southland. Burlin.on, George van de Father: G. M. Burlimon, Industrial School, CaverGraaff sham, Dunedm. Barron, Frank Douglas Father: W. Barron, .. The Willows," Caversham, Dunedin. Clarke, James Neill Mother: Mrs. S. Clarke, St. Ann's Road, Mornington, Dunedin. Clark, Stanley Maris Father: Richard Maris Clark, Eglinton, Mornington, Dunedin. Campbell, John Comrie Uncle: John Comrie Campbell, Glentunnel, near Christchurch. Crawford, George Wllliam •• Mother: Mrs. W. Crawford, 49, Clyde Street, Dun· ediD. Cuttriss, George Sister: Miss Kate Cuttriss, 163, George Street, Dun· edin. Cuttle, William James Father: John Cuttle, College Street, Caversham, Dunedin. Coxon, Edward Anderson Father: Ma.tthew Coxon, Weatberstone, Otago, CoghiJl, George Father: Henry Cogh.ll, Balclutha. Churnside, Robert John Fa.ther: John Cburnside, Balclutha. Campb·n, D.. niel •• F .. ther: D. Campbell, Richardson Street, Dunedin. Da.le, Wllli«m Sister: Nurse Margaret Da.le, Dunedin Hospital. Dreaver, WIlIiam Leal Fa.tber: Andrew Dreaver, Dunback, Otago. Don, Angns Mltchell Fa.ther: James Don, King Street, Ro-Iyn, Dllnedin. 1 Frew, Andrew Fa.ther: Aedrew Frew, Factory Roa.d, Mosgiel, Otago. ForsYlh, David Daniel Sister: Miss Clara Forsyth, Industrial School, Caversham, Dunedin. Finoh, John Wiillam Father: George Finch, Milton Post.offioe, Milton, J..)ueedin. Fergusson, Artbur Cbarles .. Father: Peter Fergusscn, Olltram, Otago. Forsytb, Thoma.s •• Father: George Forsyth, Portobello, Otago. Frd-ser, Roderick MoKay Mother: Mrs. Loule Rendenon, Henley, Otago. Familton, Rabert •• Mother: Mrs. E. Familton, Storekeeper, Hampden, Ota.go. Father: R. Gibson, Ravensbourne, Dunedin. • Gibson, Alfred Lewis .. 2 EDW. VI1.] No. \ Military Pensions. [1902, No. 54. Nex\-of·kin, and Address. Rank and Name. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. SQUADRON-continuea. Fa.ther: Joseph Greenfield, Owen Street, Burnside, East Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. Andrew Guv, 70, High Street, DunediD. F ... ther: Thomas Griffin, Hampden, Otago. Father: John Glengarry, Catoy's Ba.y, Port Cha,lmers. Father: John Hodgson, Hampden, Otago. Father: James Hutton, Waian~karua, Otago. Father: J. J. Ha.rris, Halwyn Cottage, Roxburgb. Father: Henry Hurndell, Beach Street, Waikouaiti, Otago. Father: T. J. Hallam, Glad stone Road, Gisborne•. Father: James Howard, Eva.nsdale Hotel, Evansdale, Otago. Mother: Mrs. Maggie HendersoD, Clinden Road, Ma.ori Hill, Dunedin. F",ther: Andrew Henderson, care of Gray's Foundry Melbourne. Father: William Helm, St. Bathan's, Centra.l ma.go. Father: Hans Erick Hallburg, Waipabi, Otago. Father: Richard James HardmAoD, Waik"ia, Otago. Mother: Mrs. l.Iary Hanna.h, Ma.iIlor Street, Mom· ington, Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. Olive Stone, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. Father: James Alexandra Jones, Broughton Street, Kaikorai Valley, Dunedin. Father: James Jelly, Selwyn Road, North - east Valley, Dunedin. Father: Reuben Jackson, Palmerston South, Otago. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Kennedy, Owaka, Otago. Father: James Kerr, Captain Cook Hotel, King Street, Dunedin. Father: David Kennedy, DunbAock, Otago. Motber: Mrs. Neil Laverty, Taieri Beach, Otago. Father: John AlIan McEachen, Alexa.ndra, Otago. Mother: Mrs. Ellen Mowa.t, Silverstrea.m, North Taieri, Ota.go. Mother: Mrs. Ca.therine McConneIl, Miller's Flat, Otago. Father: George Mills, 70, St. Andrew Street, Dunedin. Father: Wi\IJam McNaught, Hibble Street, Oamaru. Fa.ther; John Mears, Mosgiel, Dunedin. Father: Robert McTaggart, Broad Ba.y, Peninsula, Otago. Father: John McFarlane, Tapanui, Otago. F ..ther: Andrew McFarlane, Road, Caversha.m, Dunedin. Father: Andrew McFarlane, Main Road, Caversham, . Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. R. M. Mather, care of W. Mather, Havelook Street, MorniDgton, Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. WaIter MacLean, Broad Bay, Dunedin. Father: John MUnro, Shag Valley, Palmerston South. Fa.ther: Michael Moffitt, Whylam Street, Waikaia, Otago. Mother: Mrs. M. Roache, Glen, Mornington. Dunedin. Father: Daniel O'Brien, Ma.ndeville, Otago. Father: James Young Pace, Donald, Victoria. Friend: James Hughes, Post-office, Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. Mary Quin, Hampden, Otago. Friend: Herbert Storey, TotaraEstate, Oamaru, Otago. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A 7896 Private Greenfield, Robert Henry 7897 7898 8108 Guy, WaIter William Griffin, l\Iaurice •• Glengarry, Thomas 7899 7900 7902 7903 Hodgson, Arthur .. Hutton, Robert Hogg Harris, Albert l\Ianllel Hurndell, Thomas Henry 7905 7906 HaIlam, Lawrence Howard, Henry Charles 7907 Henderson, Ronald 7909 7910 7911 7983 Helm, James Hallburg, Victor Alexander Hardman, Samuel Henry Hanna.h, Andrew •• 7912 7914 Israelson, Oliver .. Jones, Joshua. Alexander 7915 Jelly, George 7916 7917 7918 Jackson, Artbur Edwin Kennedy, Alexander Kerr, James 7919 7921 7922 7923 Kennedy, Wi11iam John Laverty, Edward .• McEachen, John Allan Mowat, Alexander Neil 7924 McConnelI, James •• 7926 7927 7928 7931 Mill •. John Daniel l\IoNaugbt, John Bedford Mears, J ames Fra.ncis MoTa.ggart, Rubert 7932 7933, William John.., Jose ph 7934 McFa.rlane, Norman 7935 Mather, Alfred 7936 7937 7939 MaoLean, Thomas Longlands Munro, Donald Alexander •. Moffitt, WiIliam .• 7977 Ma.rtin, William Ja.mea 7944 '194.5 O'Brien, Charles Ja.mes Paoe, Robert Andrew 7946 8107 Quin, Thomas Robertson, Graba.m Cun)ngham Father: W. J. Rider, 50, Manor Place, Dunedln. Rider, Colin William Reid, James Mother: Mrs. Christina Reid, Selwyn Road, North· Valley, Dunedin. Ra.yner, Ha.rold Heaper Father: Jobn Frederick Ra.yner, Nuggets, Porh Molyneux, Balclutha. Father: John Wtlson Rigby, Ma.orl Hill, Dunedin. Rigby, J ames Carr Father: Robert Roger, Sandymount, Peninsula, Otago. Roger, John Walker Ryan, Edmund Thomas Father: Pierce Ryan, InverJeigh, Viotoria, Brother: Piercy Ryan, Kurow, Oamaru. 7947 7948 '1949 7950 7951 79511 .." I 249 250 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J No. I Re.nk and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next-of-kin, and Addrell. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A SQUADRON-contimted. 7953 7954 7955 Private Reid, Cbarles Franois Renz, Robert Ruddy, Joseph Patriok 7958 7959 Sbirkey, WiIliam .. Stubley, Charles .. 7960 7963 7965 Sell, Charles William Todd, Cha.rles Taylor, John 7966 7967 Turner, WiIliam Charles Vintiner, James .. 7972 7974. Wilson, John Biggar Woodhouse, Andrew Young Father: Donald Reid, Solicitor, Milton. Father: Ernest Renz, Burnside, Otago. Father: Patrick Ruddy, Bellview Place, Port Cbalmers. Fatber: Peter Shirkey, Union Street, Milton, Otago. Mother: Mrs. 1. Stubley, King Street, Hastingp, Hawke's Ba.y. Father: Waiter Sell, King Street, Roslyn, Dunedin. Father; William Todd, Higb Street, Roslyn, Dunedin. Fa.ther: Robert Tr.ylor, Opoho Road, Valley, Dunedin. Father: Charles Turner, Hatnpden, Otago. Fr.ther: Job Vintiner, care of Mrs. C. Vintiner, Gisborne Street, Dunedin. Father: John Wilson, Waianakarua, Hatnpden, Obago. Mother: Mrs. Woodhouse, Br.nnookburn, Central Ota.go. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-B SQUADRON. Captain Elder, Maloolm Balfour Lieutenant Ocbell, Elliston SeoU 7969 8105 7989 8000 8073 800b 8071 8078 8053 8093 8047 8066 7998 8003 8016 8099 8012 8015 8026 8063 7987 8014 8070 7990 8098 7940 8096 Brother: H. R. Elder, Waikanae, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Margaret 800tt Orbell, The River, Waikonaiti, Otago. Newman, Charles Father: F. Newman, Aramoho, Wanganui. AIgie, John Alexander Father; James Stewart AIgie, Balclutha. Smith, Geoffrey Samuel_ . Father: Rev. A. Smith, Wendover, Bucks, England. Friend: Mrs. E. Bowen, Middleton, Upper Riocarton, Christchurch. Sergeant. Ma.jor Williams, Frank Father: Peter, oare of Fleming and Hedley, GiffOl:d Quartermaster - Sergeant Maokay, Father: George Gunn Mackay, West port. John Thomas Sergeant Adamson, George Townsend Brother: John Adamson, Ross, viii Hokitika. Bell, Richard Chambers Mother: Mrs. R. Bell, Main Street, Kumare., Hokitika. Riddell, Andrew Gabriel Father; Robert Riddell, Orepuki, Otago. Calder, James Father: James Calder, care of Thomas Robertson, Oamaru. • Ryan, Leo Cyri! .. Mother: Mrs. Mary E. Ryan, Alexandra South, Otago_ Mother; Mrs. Jane Burges~, Delmore, Pahia, Otago. " Smith, David Kay Farrier- Sergeant Mackin, Richard Sister: Mrs. Thomas Dillon, Blackstone Hill, Otago. Henry Voight, John Father: Otto Voight, Pukerau, Ota.go. Charles Saddler-Sergeant Low, George Father: John Low, Balolutha, Otago. Corporal Partridge, George Arthur Father: George Partridge, Rae's JUnction, Lawrenoe, Otago. Brown, Douglas Wilson Mother: Mrs. J. H. Peroival, Brooklyn House, Hobson Street, Auokland. Mother; Mrs. M. Culling, HiIIgrove, Otago. Oulling, Alphonsus Father; Charles Duff, Balclutha., Ot&.go. Duff, John Walker, Arthur Bernard Aunt: Miss Barker, Sbelbourne Streeu, Nelson. Dyke, John Robert Father: Thomas Edwe.rd Dyke, Blggar Street, lnver· cargill. Lanoe-Corporal Darling, John Father; James Darling, Kaitangata, Otago. Grifihh, AlIen Per- Father: T. Griffith, J.P., Stanley Brook, Nelson. oiva.l O'Connor, Terence Father: Miohael O'Connor, Herbert, near Oamaru, Otago. Patrick Adam, Alexander .. Father: Alexander Adam, Owaka, Otago. Donehue, Thomas Mother: Mrs. Annle Donehue, Petersham, Sydney, New South Wales. Friend: Mrs. Miohael Reid, Francis Orepuki. Sou~hland. Father: Robert Robson, LoveU's Flat, Otago. • Robson, Robert Brother: John He.rold Atkinson, Fox Street, Inver· Farrier Atkinson, Norma.n .. cargill. • Webb, Alexander .. Father; James Webb, Arrowtown, Otago. Saddler Martin, Henry Rose Father: Rev. Canon Martin, Stookton-on.Tees, England. Friend: Jamea Paterson, Walmea High School, Otago. Bugler Webb, Riohard Father: Thomas Webb, Gore, Otago. 2 :EDW. VII.: NO., Military Pensions.Ba.nk a.nd Name. [1902, No. 54. Next of-kin. and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-ccmtinued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-B SQUADRON-contimted. '7988 7991 7992 7993 7994 7995 7996 7997 7999. 8001 8002 800t 8006 8007 8008 8009 8011 8013 8017 8118 8019 8020 8021 8024 8025 8028 8029 8030 8031 8032 8033 803i 8035 8036 8037 8109 8038 8039 8040 80tl 80t2 8043 80H 8045 8046 8048 80t9 8050 8051 8052 80M 8055 8056 8057 8058 8059 8119 i Fa.ther: Charles Robert Aroher, Clifton, Invercargill. , F.ather: ~ndrew AndersoD, Avenal, Invercargill. , SIster: ~llss Mary Anslow, Post· office, WelJ\lJgt:lD. " Friend: J. W. Newport, Brook Street, Nelson. , Father: John Burke, Pukerau, Nelson. Father: Alfred BuzaD, Oamaru, Otago. ~lother: Mrs. Sarah Jane Brazier, Nightcaps, South. I la.nd. ! Father: John William Baker, Arrowtown, Otago. Baker, George ! Father: David Brown, Kaniari, West Coast. Brown, David , Father: John Baker, Arrowtown, Otago. Baker, Hector , Father: Thomas Coleman, Wakefield, Nelson. Coleman. Sydney Father: Henry Callaghan, Ardgowan, North Otago. Callaghan, Hugh .• Father: Albert Bird Cook. Eden Street, Oamaru, Cook, John Otago, Father: WiIIlam Cassidy, Lawrence, Otago. CBssidy, James Robert Father: John Callaghan, Cardrona, Otago. CalIaghan,. Ed ward , Father: Thomas Cull, Waianiwa, Southland. Cull, WJlliam ~ Father: WiJliam Dunlop, Pme Bush, Southland. Dunlop, Adam DonneJIy, Thomas Andrew .. Father' Thomas Donnelly, Ha!dane, Otago. Duokworth, Robert Francls Father :- Andrew Duckworth, Stirling, Otago. Father: William Dorreen, Longburn, Manawatu. Dorreen, J ames Thomas Mother: Mrs. Jane Eadie, Sunburv, Victoria. Friend: Eadle, Peter WaIter Crowder. Bluff. . Ewart, Frederick .. Sister: Mrs. J. Bush, New Brighton, Christohuroh. Finnerty, James Henry Father: Roger Finnerty, Bluff, Southland. Ford, Alfred George Fe.ther: Frederick Ford, Waim~a, Nelson. Fowler, George Ole.rke Father: James Fowler, Upper Takaka, Nelson. Dunbar Gill, Thomas Motber: Mrs. Maria Gill, Limehills, Winton, Otago. Gale, Leighton Samuel Brother: H. G. Gale, Post· office, Oamaru. Fatber: Danid Gale, Kaniva, Victoria. Gibbs, Josepb Henry I Father: Joseph Gibbs, Wakefield, Nelson. , Fatber: David WaIter Gunn, Richmond, Nelson. Gunn, Percy 'l'heodore Guest, Thomas John : Sister: Mrs. W. G. Burrows, Slanley Brook, Nelson. Griffitb, WiIliam DrulDmolld Father: John Griffith, Spring Gro\'e, Nelson. Hodgkinson, Ern~st John Fe.ther: Frank Hodgkinson, Sheffield, 'l'asmania. Friend: Peter Anderson, Nelson Street, South In· veroargill. Father' John Hood, Tyne Street, Oamlloru. Hood, Charles Stuart Father: John Hogg, Collingwood Street, Nelson. Hogg, Henry Mother: Mrs. W. F. Horner, Elaine, Vi"toria. Horner, Albert Friend: J. Baxter, Still water, Greymouth. George Herbert, Stuart Street, Auckland. Herbert, Charles Father: Robert Johnstone, Blackstone Hill, Otago. Johnstone, Gordon White Brother: John James Jones, Stafford Street, Hokitika. Jones, Edward Joseph Brother: John F. Jolly, Revell Street, Hokitika.. Jolly, James Henry Father: Simon Kennard, Waianawa, Otago. Kennard, Thomas John Mother: Mrs. Mary Keady, West Plains, Otago. Keady, John l!'ather: James Laing, Balclutha, Otago. Laing. Robert La.mbert, William Fredel:ick Mother: Mrs. Annie Routen, Gibson's Quay, Hoki· tika. Byrne Father: William Leith, Tokonui Gorge, Fortrose, Leith, John Moore Otago. Mother: Mrs. Hanna.h Lyons, Stanley Street, Auok· Lyons, Herbert land. Brother: Horace Lyford, Nelson. Lyford, Albert Edward Father: George Manson, Bannockburn, Otago. Manson, Charles .. Father: David Messent, Wedderburn, Otago. Messent, Da.vid Father: Thomas Menzies, Lumsden, South land. Menzies, James M,prray Father: Samuel McCally, Hakataramea, South CanMcCa.lly, Charles Samuel terbury. Brother: MlChael McDonald, Lowburn, Otago. McDonald, Edwa.rd Father: James Me.olaren, Maungatu, Taieri District, Maolaren, Wllliam Otago. Father: J. MoLean, Waikaia, Riversdale, Otago. McLean, Alexandra. Hugh Father: Adam MllIar, Hardy Street, Nelson. Millar, David Father: Donald McPhee, Giadstone, Wairarapa. MoPhee, Dunoan .. Father: David Meffen, Olifton, Inveroargill. Meffin, David Father: T. MacAipine, Post-office, Port ChaiIl1elo, MaoAlpine, Joseph Bates Otago. Private Aroher, William Arthur Anderson, James .. Auslow, Rohert Ernest Anderson, Alexa.nder Burke, Ja.mes Buzan, Alfred WiIliam Brazier, Thomas 251 252 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J NO./ Rank 8.nd [2 EDW. Vli. Next-at-kin, and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-B SQUADRON-continued. 8061 8062 8065 8067 8104 8069 8072 8074 8075 8076 8077 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 8120 8086 8087 8088 8089 8090 8091 8092 8094 8095 8097 BIOI 8121 Private Newton, George Orr, Robert Charles Pullenger, James .. Parker, John William Prussing, James .. Mother: Mrs. Alice Newton, Orepuki, Southla.nd. Fatber: George Orr, Kurow, Otago. Father: Robert Pullenger, Maheno, Otago. F .. ther: Benjamin Parker, StIrling, Otago. Father: WIlliam Prussing, Post-office Hotel, Collingwood, N el.on. Mother: Mrs. Sarah Ann Reeves, care of Mrs. T. Reeves, WilJiam James Reeves, sen" Washington Valley, Nelson. Rossiter, William Henry Father: William Rossiter, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. Robb, Hamilton .. Father: WIlliam Brody Robb, Incholme, near Maheno, O,ago. Reid, WilIiam F"ther : John Reid, Taieri Beach, Otago. Spencer, Cectl BlaoKbourn .. Mother: Mrs. Spencer, Grove Street, Nelson. Stock, Arthur James Father: A. H. Stock, Union Bank, Invercargill. Sutherland, An,lrew Sinclair Father: James Sutherland, Fairtax, Southland. Sut.on, John Stainton F .. ther: John Benewith Sutton, Thornbury, Otsgo. Soutter, William .. Mother: Mrs. J. Soutter, care of T. PhllllPd, Woodlands, South Otago. Stevenson, James .. Brother: WIlliam 8tevenBon, care of H.M. Customs, WellIngton. Spiers, Edgar Father: S. M. Spiers, Kumara, West Coast. Spam, John Fatller: Thomas Spam, Ida Valley, O&ago. Ftlother: John SmIth, Arahura. Hokitlka. Smith, Alexander David Shaw, George Father: T. S. Sbaw, Melville Street, Edinburgh, Scotland. Uncle: W. Shaw, Otaki, Welliog&on. Taylor, Alexander .. Mother: Mr •. George T"'ylor, Roxburgh, Otago. Fdend : Archibald McPnerdon, Delmore Post-office, Thompson, John .. Pahia, Otago. Templet~n, Samuel Fatber: John Templeton, Wairnahaka, South Otago. Templeton, George Stewart Father: Thomas 'rempleton, Otara, viii Fortrese, Otago. Twaddle, Archibald Father: Arohibald Twaddle, Waitepeka, Otago. Turl"y, WIlham Tuomas Fatber: Wllliam Turley. Tarapuhi Street, Greymouth. Turner, Percy Edward Father: Jacob Turner, Thorpe, Nelson. F .. ther: James Wybrow, Haldane, Southland. Wybrow, Thomas .. Walker. J&llleS Father: James W .. lker, Wyndham, Otago. Waide, Pnilip George Father: Charles Walde, Tarras, via Cromwell, Otago. Fllther: John Ward, Brook Street, Nelson. Ward, J"hn Artemus Watson, John Herbert M· ,ther: Mrs. Henrietta W MBon, 67, High Street, Dunedin. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-O SQUADRON. Lieutenant Wray, Wllliam George "1 Mother; Mrs. Elizabeth Anna Wray, 38, Kilmore Street, Cbrlstchurch. " Capstick, Thomas .. Wife: Mrs. C. Capstlck, Kaiapoi, Canterbury. Father: i C, Cap"tick, Kendal, Westmorel ..nd, England. " Blake, Henry Waiter Wife: Mr~. E. M. Blake, Upper Hutt, Wellington. 7705 Serge aut-Major Sundin, Manin Laland Mother: Mrs. Hannah Sundm, 16, Liddle 'rerrace, Bensham, Durham, England. Fdend: John Allan Rea, Coal Creek, Greymoutb. 7761 Quartermaster - Sergeant Li n d say, Father: Frederick Lindsay, Dampier's Bay, Lyttelton. James Douglas Mother: Mrs. Moody, 13, Conference Street, Christ7671 Sergeant Moody, Arthur Thomas , church. '1647 Hamilton, Waiter "1 Father: John Boyle Hamilton, Avonia, Avonside, Ohristchurch Bermingham, WilIiamHenry Cousin: Mi_s E. Olegg, Post-office, Tapanui, Otago. 7605 Dlxon, Henry Miohael ., Uncle: J. W. Murpby, 64, Armagh Street. Linwood, 7623 Christchurch. Father: Henry Archer Dixon, 31, I South Terrace, Cork, Ireland. : Father: Murdock McKay, Hurunui, North CanterMcKay, Donald .. 7667 : bury. ,1 Fatber: William Kennedy, Sutton, Central Otago. 7657 " Kenlledy, John Father: John Durey, Upper Eiccarton, Christchurch. 7627 Farrier-Sergeant Durey, George , Father: James Wilson, Barry's Bay, Akaroa. n Wilson, Arthur 7713 . Mother: Mrs. Mary Driscoll, Kaiapoi, Canterbury. 7629 Saddler-Sergeant Driscoll, Henry Father: Andrew Cowan, Cricklewood, South Canter7622 Corporal Cowan, Edward •• bury. I Father: James Chamman, Oashel Street, OhristChamman, Albert .. 7616 church. '1 2 EDW. No. VI!.] I Military Pensions. Rank and Na.rue. [1902, No. 54. Next·of·kin, and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-C SQUADRON-continued. 7615 7707 7674 7719 7610 7614 7682 7646 7688 7612 7652 7701 7684 7908 7601 7602 7603 7604 7606 7607 7608 7609 7611 7618 7617 7618 7620 7621 7720 7723 7624 7625 7628 7630 7631 7688 7635 7636 7637 7659 7640 7641 7642 7643 Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Cookson, 88, Salisbury Street, Christchurch. Simpson, James Bannister .. Father: William Simpson, Ca.m Road, Ka.iapoi, Ca.n· terbury. Mahan, Richard Edward Mother: Mrs. Mary Jane Mahan, Rangitata., South Canterbnry. Ma.son, Frank Fri~nd: Mr~. J. J. O'Connor, Criterion Hotel, nl1n~din. La.nce.Corporal Bowden, John Sister: Miss Agnes Bowden, Maitland Street, Dunedin. Browne, J oseph Father: J oseph Browne, Gordon Road, l1osgiel, Dunedin. Forbes, Robert Fa' her: William Forbes, St. Albans, North Belt, Christcburch. Ho r n e, T h 0 m a s Father: Andrew Horne, Methven, Christchurch. R,bert Gwatkin, Herbert .. Mother: Mrs. Agnes Gwatkin, 87, North Belt, Christ· church. Ballantyne, Thomas Mother: Mrs. Mary Dora Ballantyne, Fendalton, Christchurph. Anderson Fa.rrier Ja.cobs, Samuel Henry George Mother: lIfrs. Emma Jacobs, 291, Tuam Street West, Christchurch. Stock, Cla.ude Mother: Mrs. James Yonng, Rangiora, Canterbury. Saddler Flood, Archie Herbert Cousin: Joseph Flood, Wellesley Street West, Auck· land. Bugler Hutchinson, Louis Edward .. Mother: Mrs. C. Hutchinson, care of Collier's Boot· shop, Princps Street, Dunedin. Priva.te Adams, John Father: Will,am A~ams. Archdale, Bea1iby, Victoria.. Friend: John Trotter, Flloirlie, South Canterbury. Bell, Fra.ncis Henry Mother: Mr". Mary Slow, Fairl,p, South Canterbury. Buckley. Alfred Friend: Jos. HornE'r, Culverden. Cantprbury. Bluett, J ames Brother: WiIliam Bluett, care o'f A. D"vis, Gloucester Street, Christoburch. Blackburn, John Uncle: Christopher Hensley, York Street, Opawa, Christchurch. Blackler, John Edwin Father: John Bla.cklpr, Branchley Road, Lyttelton. Ban&on, Clarance .• Mother: Mrs. Sarah Banton, Avondale, Auckland. Beckingsa.le, Ernest 1!'aLber: Thomas B9ckingsale, Buckston's Corner, Shirley, Chrlstchurch. Burns, Waiter Fd.ther: James Burns, Wright Road, Spreydon, Can· terbury. Bougan, Henry Fll.ther: Joseph Bongan, Hokianga, AllcklFmd. Coleman, Wdliam .• Father: David Coleman, Post·office. Auckland. Campbell, George Rennie Father: John Arthur Campbell, 33, North Street, Timaru. F .. ther: Alfred Cook, 55, Cashel Street, Linwood, Cook, Henry Christchnrch. Coa.tes, Frederick John Father: Robert COBtes, St. AlbBns, Christchurch. Cuwe, Robert Hunt Fd.ther: John H. Currie, Aylmer Street, Ross, West· land. Churchill, George Wife: Mrs. Mary Churchill, 103, Castle Street, Dun. edin. Dunlop, Alexander Father: Henry Dunlop, Cust, Canterbury. Daley, Frank .. Mother: Mrs. R. Daley, 12, Horatio Street, Christ· church. Dillon, Thomas Robert Father: Tbomas Robert Dillon, Wangapeka, Nelson. Devane, Thomas Michael Father: Patrick Devane, Fa.mily Hotel, Ashburton. Edwards, Edwa.rd .• Mother: Mrs. M. J. Popplewell, Amuri, Rotherham, Canterbury. Fuller, Arthur Cha.rles Father: G. H. W. Fuller, 167, Cambridge Terra.oe, Christchurch. Fraser, WiJliam Father: James Fnser, 414, King Street, Dunedin. Gawler, Herbert Father: Harry Gawler, Pohangina, Palmpr~ton North. Greenbank, Wllliam Father: Wrlham Greenbank, Humphrey's, Hokitika. Gibson, George Orrock Mur· Father: John Glbson, Eltham. doch Glbson, William .. Brother: Robert Gibson, Papanui Road, Christ· churcb. Gourley, John King Mother: Mrs. Julia. Gourley, Mary Street, lnver· cargill. Groga.n, James Mother: Mrs. Sarah Grogan, Papanui Road, Christ· church. GreeD, Edwa.rd Father: Samuel Green, Glen.iti, Corporal Cookson, Reginald Overton q 253 21)4 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J No. j Rank and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next-of-kin, and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. 7644 7645 7648 7649 7650 7651 7653 7654 7655 7656 7658 71)59 8112 7660 7662 7663 7664 7718 7665 7666 7668 7669 7670 7673 7675 7676 7678 7679 7680 7681 7682 8107 7683 7684 7685 7686 7687 7688 7689 7690 7691 7692 8113 SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-O SQUADRON-continued. Private Hugbes, William James Father: Frederiok William Hughes, Port Robinson Cheviot. Graham Hodgetts, Franois .. Mother: Mrs. Marion Hodgetts, Castle Street, Dunedin. Holland, Frederick George .. Father: Frederiok Holland, Greendale, North Canterbury. Hann, Herbert Father: Eli Hann, Greendale, Canterbury. Henderson, George Father: Henry Henderson, Sohoolmaster, Cust, Canterbury. Irwin. Peroy Stuart Father: F. H. Irwin, sen., Cargill Street, Dunedin. Johnstone, Arthur Mother: Mrs. Jessie Johnstone, Kowai Bush, near Springfield, Canterbury. J oines, Harold Father: Thomas Joines, Porter's Pass, Springfield, Canterbury. Kimber. Robert George Father: Henry Kimber. Springston, Canterbury. Mother: Mrs. Hannah Maria Kennedy, Creek Street, Kennedy, John Robert Linwood, Canterbury. Father: George Kettle, Mary Street, Papanui, ChristKettle, Herbert Leslie churcb. Fatber: Peter Kelly, Dunsandel, Canterbury. Kelly, Harold WiIliam lUtto, J ames Father: WiIliam Kitto, R()xburgh, Otago. Lester, Thomas Mother: Mrs. Bessie McPhall, Salts Gully, Lyttelton. LilIey, WIIliam Father: John Lilley, Southbridge, Canterbury. Lanauze, Edgar Father: Harry Ward Curtls Lanauze, Waitangi, Chatham Islands. Friend: Edward Reid, Port Albert. Auckland. Motber: Mrs. Bessie Lester, Lyttelton. Lester, Norman Lowden, RobeIt Bowman Father: J oseph Lowden, care of Mornington Tramway Company, Mornington, Dunedin. McLay, Thomas Benjamin .. Father: John McLay, Waikouaiti, Otago. Matheson, Donald Father: Kennath Matheson, Post-offioe, Kakanui, viii Oamaru. Morrison, Alexander Henry Father: George Morrison, Belfast, Canterbury. McKinley. Wllliam SIster: Mrs. J. Williamson, Sumner, Christohurch. Mother: Mrs. Duncan McPhee, Grey town North, MoPhee, WilIiam John Wellington. McLaughlin, David Sieter: Mrs. Maggie Penny, Halswell, Christchurch. Father: Douglas Wil/gins Manyn, 25, Stanley Street, Martyn, William .. Sydenham, Christohurch. Mills, Percy Michael Sister: Miss Rose E. Mills, 98, Rattray Street, Dunedin. Moore, Lionel Woodford Fatber: Riohard Moore, Charles Street, Kaiapoi. Brother: Thomas MorriAon, oare of James Patriok, Morrison, Robert .. Lee Cre,k, Outram, Otago. Mltchell, Charles Osborne .. Father: Hugh Mitohpll, 40, Watson's Oresoent, Edinburgh, Sootland. Uncle: A. C. Broad, Cosy Dell, Dunedin. Millar, Joseph Edward Father: James Millar, Irwell, North Canterbury. Father: Colin Munto, Home View, Cheviot, Can Munro, Hugh terbury. Mathieson, WilIiam Father: A. Mathieson. 239, George Street, Dunedin. North, Albert Thomas Father: WllIiam James North, Goldsmith Street Sydenham, Christchuroh. Father: Edward Frederiok O'Neil!, Rangitara Valley, O'Neill, John Joseph Canterbury. Father: Patriek O'Connor, Totara Valley, Pleasant O'Connor, Patrick Ma.rtin Point, Timaru. Father: WllIiam Page, Springston, Canterbury. Page, John Percy, Harry Clarence Father: Richard Percy, Alkman's Road, St. Alhans, Cbristcburob. . Father: Enoch Pepper, Northoote Road, Papanui, Pepper, Joseph Christchuroh. Father: John David Pope, Kowai Bush, Springfield, Pope, Franois Ernest Canterbury. Pollock, WilIiam James Stppfatber: Robert Dreaver, Cumberland Street, Dunedin. Friend: William Roberts, Glenmark, Waipara, North Phillips, John Canterbury. Motber: Mrs. Hanna Phillips, Tregtagon, Cornwall, England. Father: William T. Popple, Springfield, Canterbury, Popple, William Father: Frank Payne, Otakaia, Taieri. Payne, William Military Pensions. 2 EDW. VII.] Rank ..Dd Name. No. [1902, No. 54. Next-ot-kin. and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-C SQUADRON-continued. 7693 7696 7697 7698 7722 7700 7702 Friend; William Arneil, Martinbornugh, Wairarapa. Aunt; Mrs. H. J. Rogers, Sumner, Christcburcb. Father; William RORsiter, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. Friend; J. Norton, Culverden, Canterbury. Father; CharieR Ryan, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty. Fatber: W. F. Stone, Selwyn Terrace, Lyttelton. Father; Fred. Stephens, care of Mrs. Stepbens, Parkes Street, Christohurch. Father; Harry Scott, Beckford Road, Opawa, ChristScott, Sydney Redinal churoh. Spencer, Matthew. . . . Mother; Mrs. Spencer, Spring,ton, Christchurcb. Staniland, Wllliam Harrison Father; George W,lliam Staniland. Littleover, New Brighton Road, Christchurch. Brotber: Arthnr Vinoent, London Hotel, Napier. Vincent, John Joseph Filtber: John Walker, Courtenav, Christchurch. Walker, George Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth West, 36, Gloucester Street, West, Douglas McGregor Linwood, Chrlstchurch. Mother; Mrs. Hepziah Wooding, Woodbury, Geraldine, Wooding, Arthur Riohard South Canterbury. Whittington, Frederick Father; Samuel Whittington, St. John's Street, Woolston, Canterbllry. William Father: Alfred Webb, 29, Gladstone Terra.ce, ChristWebb, Arthur Francis churoh. Mother; Mrs. Mary Woodward, 50, St. Asaph Street, Woodward, John ., ChriRtchurch. Mother: Mrs. Fanny Whittington, Princes Street, Whittington, LeoDard Woolston, Christchuroh. Father: Robert Young, Forbury Road, St. Clair, Young, Robert Dunedin. Private Quain, John Rogers, Waiter Rossiter, Samuel James Robinson, Harry ., Ryan, Daniel Stone, Frank Stephens, John William 7703 7704 7706 7'709 7710 7711 7712 7714 7715 7724 7717 7721 SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT·.-D SQUADRON. Captain Marsh all , W. Lieutenant Richards, Robert Riley .. Father: R. Richards, Lincoln Road, AddingtOD, Chrlstohurch. Mother: Mrs. M. G. Grahame, Elizabeth Street, Timaru. Johnstone, William Eli .. Mother: Mrs. E. Dove, Arahura Road, Hokitika. McLaren, James Robertson Mother: Mrs. M. McLaren, Post-office, Lawrence. Sergeant-Major Sutherland, James Father: WllIiam Sutherland, Ashburton. Wi.lJiam Quartermaster-Sergeant Willis, Arthur Mother; Mrs. Effie Willis, ARhburton. Sergeant Grafar, Wilham Horace Mother; Mrs. Alioe Eliza Crafar, Blenbeim. Conolly, WHired .. Father: Justice Conolly, Remuera, Auckland. Brown, Ceci! Wallingiord .. Father: C. Brown. Ironmonger, Temuka. Payne, Frederick Wllliam.. Father: WiHiam H. Payne, RoHeaton, Canterbury. Hawklns, Albert Thomas .. Father: Thomas Hawkins, Wa<idington. Oanterbury. " Morrison, John Haughton.. Father: John Morrison, Weld S~reet, Blenheim. Farrier-Sergeant Hutton, Arohibald Father; Robert Hutton, Beaoonsfield, Timaru. Craig Vorbach, Arthur Father: John Vorbacb, Renwiok, Marlborougb. Amos Saddler-Sergeant Tait, Thomas Father: James Tait, Mount Somers, Ashburton. Corporal Doherty, Charles WaIter Father; Charles Doherty, Tinwald, Canterbury. Sharplin, Edward Father: John Sharplin, West Oxford, Canterbury. Ring, John Worthy Father: John King, Bellord Flour-mill., Timaru. MoMaster, Hugh .. Father: John McMaster, Main Street, ReeftoD. Wilson, Joseph Mother: Mrs. Mary Wil.on, Newmarket, Auckland. Chapman, Charles Lewis Sister: l\Irs. Id .. Bradaey, Hor~t Vllle, Sydney. Rutter Friend: Adam Long, Tinwald, Ashburton. Lance-Corporal Taylor, Albert James Father: James Taylor, High Street, Rangiora, CaDterbury. . Father: Andrew Wilson, Ashburton. Wilson, Joseph Mitchell,JamesHenry Uncle: Peter Gourdie, Ashburton. McLaren, Donald Father: William MoLaren, Mayfield, Ashburton, Allen, WaIter Father: John Alien, Oxford Road, Rangiora. Hammond, John Father: Robert Hammond, Temona, Geraldine, Can· Archiba.ld terbury. Farrier Goldsmith, Frank Ernest Fatber; George Edward Goldsmith, Staveley, Canterbury. Maher, Edward Joseph Mother: Mrs. Ellen Maher, Masterton. Grahame, Hugh Charles.. N 7827 7838 7754 7755 7740 7809 7786 7805 77'75 7835 7830 7'760 7819 '1790 7806 7843 7745 7829 7845 7798 7799 7730 7774 7767 7804 255 256 1902, No. 54 ] No. I Military Pensions. Rank and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next-ot-kin, and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-D SQUADRON-continued. 7783 Saddler Hunter, Alexandra 7879 Bugler Christle, Thomas Adam 7729 7731 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7741 7742 7743 7R47 7744 7746 7747 7748 7749 7750 7751 7752 7753 7756 7757 7758 7759 7848 7761 7763 7764 7765 7766 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 Father: WilIiam Hunter, Wa;ngaroa, TakRka, NE'lson. Father: Thomas Christte, SWItchback Road, Gore, O-ago. Private Anderson, Robert .. Father: WiIliam Anderson, North Moeraki Downs, Cust. Rll.nglOra. Father: Fnderick Anning, Redcliffe, Glena.vy, South Anning, Wilfred James Canterbury. Avpry, Wdliam Fat'ler: Robert Avery, Carema. West C01\st. Ander~on, CharieR David Father: D M. An<ier"on, Glenbllrnie, R alton. Bank", Willi"m Alexander .. F .• ther: Dal1iel Bank., Ashle\, Canterbury. B anciJel t, Wllliam FathH: Andrew B anchett. Stafford Street, Timaru. Father: Charles Allin B~tteR, care of New EaLtes, Emest Allin L an and Mercant..le Agen~y, Ternuka. Bird, John Father: Thomas Edward Bird, Chapel Street, Auck. land. Baker, Horace Mother: Mrs. Esther Baker, Gladstone Road, Gis· borne. Fatber: George 13la;r, Clarpnce R0ail, Christchurch. B1air, James Brooker, Erlgar David Fllther: George Brooker, WaShington Valley, Nehon. Bettjemann, JOLn Henry Fa.ther: John Henry Bettjemann, Fairdown, Westport. !\h,ther : Mrs. M. A. Connors, Shakespeare Road, Connors, Henry Charles Napier. Cunningham, J oseph Alex- Father: Charles Avery Cunningham, Rangiora, Can· aT del terbury. Cballi., Jonas George Friend: Leslie Moore, LagmhDr, Westerfield, Canter· bury. Father: Jonas Challis, Winchelsea, Victoria. Mother: Mrs. Hannah S .. rah Cla.rk, Tinwald, CanClark, Charles terbury . . Mother: Mrs. Mary Campbell, Spreddage, Ashburton Campbell, Thomas James Forks, C~nterbury. Coldicott, William John Father: William Coldioott, Treverton, Ashburton. Charteris, Thomag Francis Father: Thomas Chartens, Glen-iti, Timaru. Lovegrove Mother: Mrs. Mary Hewson, Boundary Creek, Conlan, Francis John Oamaru. Father: Duncan Campbell, Cambridge, Waikato. Cftmpbell, Hugh .. Coxon, Henry Father: John Nicholas Coxon, Ferry Road, Christ· ohurch. Clark, John McMullen Mother: Mrs. Mather Dry, Tory Channel, Te Awiti Sounds, Marlborougb. Father: Dunran Corby, Taylorville, Wanganui. Corby, Duncan Oran Crook, Charles Mother: Mrs. Hannah Crook. Reef ton. West Coast. F",ther: Thomas Croucher, RiNaka, Nelson. Croucher. George Father: William Currie, HIllsborough. ChrlRtohuroh. Currie, nobert Mother: Mrs. lWzabetb E ,ston, care of S. Dalrymple, Easton, George IORpector of Macnillery, Auckland. Fergl1son, Donald James Sister: Miss Mltggie Ferguson, care of Mrs. Hickmot, Alexander 42, B ... rbadoes Street, Christchuroh. F"ther: Hugh Fergllson, care of Mrs. H. Ferguson, Ferguson, Wllliam Peter Pakawau, Colhngwood, N.l.on. F .. ther: William Francis Fogden, 27, Cambridge Ter. Fogden, Ernest Harold race, Wdlington. F",ther: James Gordon, Elmore, Villtoria. Friend: Gordon, Peter Thomllos Fr.nk 81ddons, High Street, Rangiora. Father: Edward Grimsey, Oran. South Canterbury. Grimsey, Edward James Father: Henry G.lmer, Tutara Flat., West Coast. Gllmer, Samuel Grnwcott, Enoch _. Father: William Growcott, Rosp, West Coast. Mother: Mrs. Louisa Sorensen, 45, Sydney Street Glllien, John Frederick W .. llingtoD. Father: James Hammon, Christchnrch. Hftmmon, James Moses Father: Robert Harcus, 11><crae'. Flat, Otago. HarcuH, RobPrt ,.'Mber: George Ha.mmond, Wood bury, Geraldine, H .. mmond, George Richard C... nterbury. F ,ther: George Hobbs, Temuka, Sonth Canterbury. Hobbs, Herbert James Father: Wllliam Harvey, Rockyside, Caveraham, Harvey, Wllliam Edward Dunedin. Father: Charles Hobbs, Waimate, South Canterbury. Hobbs, Thomas F"tber: John William Harrison, George Street, Port HarIison, John William Ohalmera. 2 EDW. VII.] No. I Military Pensions. R&nk &nd N&me. NI~TH [1902, No. 54.. Next-of·kin, &nd Address. CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-D SQUADRON-continued. 7807 7808 Father: John Rendry, High Street, Waimate, South Canterbury. Brother: William John Hall, Carterton, Wairarapa. Ha.Il, Sa.muel HJdl/km_on, Alfred Ernest .. Father: Alfred Hod"kinson, The TerrlJ,oP, Greymouth. Ha.mmill, Thomas David .. Father: David Hammill. Glen Street, Ormaru. Hughes, CharieR .. Mother: Mrs. E. Hugbes, Ashhurton, Canterbury. Irving, JOReph F!l.ulder Flltber: Waiter Trving, Limes Street, Reef ton, Nelson. Kenyon, Arthur Alexander .. Father: Hugh Kenyon, Thorpe, Nelson. Friend: Charles Nelson, oare of - Bailey, Coiling. Keating, J ames wood, Nelson. Brother: Hugh John.ton Lenon, Adelong, New South Lenon, Albert Thomas Wales. Ftiend: Mrs. Wheeler, Federal Boarding. house, Cltnterbury. Latto, James Sister: Miss Jane Lattp, Cust, Canterbury. Long, Robert Father; Thomas Long, Temoana, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. Mitohell, Albert William Father: John Mitohell, oare of E. Wall, Tannred Strett, Ashburton. Father: James Ross McKay, Cox Street, A.hburton. McKay, John Johnstone Mother: Mrs. Annie O'Byrne, Seaward Moss Post· Murdocb, John office, Southland. F ... ther: James MacDonald, Dipton, SOllth Otago. MacDonald. Peter .. McMorrlD, Wilham Stewart Brotber; J ames MoMorrin, Spring Creek, Blenneim. Father: John Mason, Ander.on Road, Roslyn, Dun· Mason, George edin. F!l.ther: William Pycroft, Fulford Street, Taranaki. Pycroft, Wiiliam .. Father: J oseph Partitt, Pie ton Road, Mount Pleasant, Parfitt, Isaac John 7810 7811 Quill, Patrick QUIDian, WiJliam John 7781 Private Hendry, Herbert .. 7782 7784 7785 7788 7789 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7800 7801 7802 7803 7978 Blenh~im. Fa.ther: Patriok Quill, Rangiora. Canterbury. Brother: James Qumian, Southerton, Oxford Street, Timaru. Rowland, Charies Edwin Father: George Rowland, Post·offioE', Hilton, Can· terbury. :\fother; Mrs. JI,!&ry Anna Stevens, High Street, Stevens, WiIliam Alfred Rallgiora, ClJ,nterbllry. Smith, Thomas Peter Father: Robert Pollock Smith, Cl if ton Street, Ad· dington, Cnristoburch. Fal h. r: Andrew Barnes Sha.nkland, King Street, Shankland Thomas Ranglora. Brotber: WiIliam SCOOll, Rallgiora, Canterbury. Sooon, John Father: George Snelloek. Rakala, Ca.nterbury. Sbell(}ck, George .. Sbarphn, Harry Ha.velock .. Father: H. Hav"lock Shalplin, Stavelev, Canterbury. Father: Frank Scott, Pukeraeraki, Otago. Scott, Harold Leslie Selble, D!l.niel Wedderell .. F!l.ther: George Selbie, Claremont, T,maru. Simpson, John Purcell Fa~her: Edward Simpson, Riverton, Southland. 7812 7813 7814 7815 7816 7818 7820 7821 782~ 7823 Campb~ll Father: John Staples, Takaka, NelHon. F.-ther: WilIiam Serlmgpour, Collmgwood, N.lson. Father: Solomon M ,rris Spiers, Main S-reet, K"mara. F>tther: WiIlia.m Storey, Temuka, South ClIonterbllry. Brother; H. Stanaway, Clerk, Railway.station, Dun· edin. T h 0 m a s, Matthew Mark Father: William John Thomas, Quail Island, Lyt. telton. Stanley Thompson, Fred Arthur Mother: Mrs. Ann Thompson, 81, St. Asaph Street, Christohuroh. Tennant, H!l.rold Douglas F!l.ther: Robert C. Tennant, Bank of New South Wales, Timaru. Williams, Claude Forbes Father: William Henry Williams, Eliza.beth Street, Timaru. Father: Riohard Henry Watkins, West Belt, Watkins, Riohard Henry R",nRiora. Canterbnry. Ward, William Ernest Father: WiIliam Erlward Ward, Otipua, Timaru. Fa'her: Andrew Welsh, 36, Lut -n Street, LIverpool, Welsh, Patrick Joseph England. Friend: J. Crawford, Mounted Polioeman, T,maru. Brother: T. Watts, Hilton, South Canterbury. Watts, Henry Jamel Father: Meredith Wilson, Wakanui, Canterbllry. Wilson: J ames Father: Cbarles Wilson, Parsonage Hoad, Waimate, Wilson, Harold Canterbury. Y,urall, Peroy Thoma.s Father: John G. Yarrall, Pioton Road, Mount Plello· sant, MaJ:!borough. Staple., Bernard ., S"rimg~our. Arthur Raymond Spiers, Bertr!l.m FrederlCk .. S'orey, Alfred Edward Stanaway, John Aloysius .. 78247825 7826 7828 7849 7831 7832 7833 7836 7837 7840 7841 7842 7839 7844 7846 17 257 258 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J No. I Rank and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next·of-kin, a.nd Address. SEVENTH CONTINGENT. NOMINAL ROLL OF DETAILS FOR SEVENTH CONTINGENT. 8180 Sergeant Balt, Thornas Butler. 8181 PrIvate Bateman, Harry George 8182 813~ 8134 8135 8136 8137 8138 8139 8140 8141 8142 8143 Wife: Mrs. A. Bax, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Father: Edward Thomas Bateman, Glen Avenue, Mornington, DunedlU. Oowie, Robert Mother: Mrs. Agnes Cowie, 19, Brown Street, Dun. edin. D~vidson, Wi1liam Patrick .. Father: W. Davidson, Kaikorai Valley, Dunedin. Docherty, Wllliam Chapman Mother: Mrs. Anna Docherty, 123, Moray Place, Dunedin. Horrobin, Thomas Sister: Miss Kate Horrobin, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. H. Hendrick, Howe Street, Dumdin. Hendrick, George .. Father: WiIliam Jewiss, Constitution Street, Port Jewiss, Frank Chalmers, Otago. McDonald, Allan Jo~eph Father: A. J. McDonald, Main Road, South Dunedin. McFarlane, Herbert M,lne .. Father: Andrew McFarlane, care of - Livingstone, Parkside, Caversham, Dunedin. Nicholson, James WilIiam .. Swanson, Wilham Brown Father: S. Swanson, Hawthorne Avenue, Moruington, Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. H. Vi~ey, Day Street, Sydney. Brother: Visey, Thomas Hernon M. Visey, Sethsmith, Ngapara, Otago. Watts, William Mother: Mrs. C. Watts, North-east Valley, Dunedin. Westbrooke, George Vincent Father: Rev. Brown James Westbrocke, Springburn, Canterbury. NINTH CONTINGENT. NORTH ISLAND 7540 7482 7543 75H 7545 7546 7547 7548 REGIMENT.-BATTALION STAFF. Major O'Brien, Lucius Wife: Mrs. Rosina O'Brieu, Mount Eden, Auckland. Captain and Adjutant Beale, Jamrs Father: Joseph Bea.le, Oakey Creek, Darling Downs, Bruce Queensland. Lieutenant and Paymaster Handy. Father: John Stewa.rt Handyside, Akitio, New Zeaside, WiIliam land. Lieutenant and Quartermaster Cham-I Wife: Mrs. Amilda M. Chambers, Commandant's bers, Richard Wdlesley Benjamin Office, Wellington. Surgeon.Captain King, Frederick Wil- I Wife: Mrs. Sarah Wad man King, Wellesley Street Ham Robert John I East, Auckla.nd. Bakewell, Robert Wife: Mrs. Arabella Bakewell, Hobson S~reet, Auck· Hall land. Veterinary Surgeon Lieutenant Mat- Wife: Mrs. Agnes Matthews, Lower Hutt, Wel, thews, Frank Carle lington. Veterinary Surgeon Lieutenant Father: John Franks, Yaldhurst, Christchurch. Franks, WiIliam Thorley , Chaplain·Captain Bates, Rev. Daniel i Wife: Mrs. E. L. Bates, Post-office, Auckland. Cross Rf'gimental Sergeant Major Hesp, Job Father: Robert Hesp, Templeton, Christchurch. Robin80n Regimental Quartermaster - Sergeant, Father: WilIiam Frederiok Parsons, 2, Murphy Parsons, George Frederick I Street, Wellington. Orderly - room Sergeant Co t ton,l Mother: Mrs. Madeline Cotton, Clare Road, St. Albans, Christchuroh. Cbarles Kenneth Assistant Quartermaster. Sergf'ant Father: Martin Graoe, Lower Vincent Street, Auckland. Graoe, Me.rtin William Paymaster's Clerk Power, Henry Wife: Mrs. Frances Ethel Power, Sentinel Road, Pon. Wilson sou by, Auckland. Orderly. room Corporal Ramsey" Father: Thomas Ramsey, Ponsonby Road, Auckland. John Edmund Dispenser Corporal Wishart, Alexander; Father: Alexander Wishart, Middleton Road, George Remuera, Auckland. " Alford, Edward, Wife: Mrs. Florence Alford, Doon House, Rose Road, Henry Mickle- I Auokland. tbwalte I I I I I NOT ATTACHED TO SQUADRONS. Mother: Mrs. Mere Inoi Arthur, care of A. C. Arthur, Te Hapara, Gisborne. Lieutenant McLeod, Neil Glouster .. Father: J. McLeod, MoLeod Bros., Queen Street, Auckland. Smith, Agmen George Mother: Mrs. A. E. Smith, 9, Hill Street, Wellington. Father: J. B. Heywood, Treasury, Wellington. .. Heywood Hawkesby, J. G. E. Father: G. W. Hawkesby, Alma, Mount Eden, Auckland. Captain Arthur, Beckham .. Military Pensions. 2 EDW. VII.] --;:--1... Rank and Name. [1902, No. 54. Next·of·kin, and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. FOR INSTRUCTION. I Lieutenant Sandle Mickle " .. "I NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-E SQUADRON. 7181 7059 7017 7026 7031 7043 7053 7116 7014 7114 7022 7021 7004 7038 7068 7105 7109 7032 7067 7081 7154 7089 7337 7344 7099 7027 7001 7002 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7015 7016 7018 7019 7020 Lieutenant S,.xby, Ronald Gordon .. Coventry, Michael Wil· liam Grant, Edward Marryatt Mair, Norman Willlam Lynedock Newdick. WUlialI1 Henry (attached) Sergeant-Major Huuter, Gilbert Father: Gordon Harding Saxby, Napier. Wife: Mrs. B. C. Coventry, Otaki, Wellington. Father: John Grant, Woodville, Hawke's Bay. Father: W. G. Mair, Auckland. Father: Richard N ewdick, Waihi, Ohinemuri, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Mercy Hunter, Selwyn Street, Onehunga. Quartermaster· Sergeant J ackson, John Mother: Mrs. Josbua Jackson, Northcote, Auckland. Frederick Sister: Miss Edith Cairn, Riversdale Road, AvonSergeant Cairn, WiIliam Edwin dale, Auckland. Draper, Harry Father: George D. Draper, Remuers., Auckland. I Day, Arthur Edward Mother: Mrs. Mary Day, 33, Ponsonby Road, Auck· i land. Grant, Andrew Johnston Father: John Grant, Mount Eden Road, Auckland. Houghton, Edward George .. Father: Oharles Houghton, Parawai, Thames. • Wooller, Ernest .' Father: George Wooller, Mount Eden. Auckland. Farrier - Sergeant Buckham, James Father: R. Buckham, Arrowtown, Otago. Robed Wllson, James Brother: Robert Wilson, Lyttelton Times Oompany, Luke Christchurch. Saddler-Sergeant Crombie, James .. FlI.ther: James Orombie, Frs.nkliu Road, Auckls.nd. Oorporal Cochrane, Arthur Hamilton Father: Joseph Cochrane, Ta Arohs., Thames. " Bell, William Ernest Osborne Brother: George Bell, care of E. Bowden, Chapel Street, Auckland. Fabey, Edward Joseph Fs.ther: Edward Fahey, Bombay, Auokland. Father· Cs.rl Moller, Birkenhead, Auckland. Moller, Oarl WiIliam Father: Samuel Oharles Sohofield care of Major Schofield, Thomas Schcfield, Pa.rk Road, Auckland. Father: Harry Taylor, Irishtown, Thames. • Taylor, John Thomas Lance,()orporal de Montalk, George Mother: Mrs. A. de Montalk, Mount Eden Road, Tancred Auckland. Lockley, Gordon Father: George Lockley, ShortJand Street, Auckland. Sister: Mrs. Josephine Olarke, Tokatoka., Northern Nilson, Gustal Wairoa. Father: Thomas Coffey, Upper Hutt, Wellington. Coffey, James O'Rellly, Eugene Father: Charles O'Reilly, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty. Philip Mother: Mrs. Eliza. Nelson, Washington Valley, Fa.rrier Nelson, Arthur Nelson. Father: John Rollo C. Parker, Whataupoko, Gisborne. Parker, Josaph Wylie Quarterman, Thoma.s Henry Fa.ther: Edward Quarterman, Kopu, Tha.mes. Father: George Dormer, care of Buddle, Button, and Bugler Dormer, Ernest WaIter Co., Auckland. Private Andrews, Charles Barness .. Mother: Mrs. Caroline Andrews, Lower Hepburn Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. Father: J. Anderson, Matakohe, Northern Wairoa, Anderson, Anthony Auckland. Brine, J ames Stepfather: George Schaltz, Makaraka, Gisborne. Bower, Frederick •. Mother: Mrs. Ann Bower, Devonport, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. M. Biggs, Te Arohs., Auckland. Biggs, Alfred Elnest Brother: Alfred Boo" Wellsford, Auckland. Boot, George Father: James Barton, Dunedin. Barton, Iselin Ross Blucher, Christian Frederick Father: O. F. E. Blucher, Birkenhead, Auckland. Edmond Father: Mark Bemrose, Takapuna, Auokland. Bemrose, Frank .. Father: R. S. Bush, Thames, Auckland. Bush, Ge)l'ge Arthur Barnes, Wilham Harcourt .. Father: William Balnes, Mount Albert, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. E. S. Boys, Inglewood, VICtoria. Bovs. FrederICk Arthnr Father: James Bull, Manurewa, Auckland. Bull, Henry Fs.tber: James Cargo, East Ta.maki, Auckland. Cargo, Vernon Brother: James Cha.lmers, Waiuku, Auckland. Chalmer~, George •. Mother: Mrs. Jessie Clague, Eltham, Taranaki, Clague, Robert N ••. N 17* 259 260 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.] Rank ",nd Name. [2 EDW. VII Next-of-kin, and AddresB. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. 7024 7025 7055 7023 7180 7029 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7039 7040 7041 7442 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048 7126 7049 7050 7051 7052 7054 7056 7057 7058 70/10 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 I I NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-E SQUADRON-contimled. Private Carrenter, Robert Byron .. Father: J. H. M. Carpenter, Remuer", Auckland. OolebLOok, Heroert John Drew Mother: Mrs. Elozabeth Harvey Colebrook, Tiki Road, O,)rilmandel, Auckland. Coldicutt, Frederick Charles Father: Thomas Coldictltt, Arthur Street, Onehunga. Father: James Camp, Post-office, Sydney. Mother: Camp, William George Mrs. Mary C"mp, Rose Road, Grey Lynn, Auckland. Cunningham, Norman Father: Andrew Cunningham, Queen Street, One· hUllga. Davis, Charles Father: J&me~ Davis, Eden Terrace, Auckland. Drlllnan, W,lliam Andrew •. l<'atber: John Drinnan, Kauk"pakapa, Auckland. Ensor, Charles Bedley VlCker, Father: Moses Ensor, ~Iary S,reet, Thame~. Ellis, Robert Gordon Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth ElIis, 35, Greek l:ltreet, Syd· ney. FrIend: James Beckett, TattersaU's Club, Auckland. Evane, George Wateon Fa,her: William Johu Evans, Northcote, Auckland. Friend: Mrs. G. BisseJl, 4, Filleul Street, Dunedin. Edwards, Will'am .. Fmnagan, Andrew Thomas .. l<'ather: Alexander Finnagan, Northeru Wairoa, Auckland. FitzgeraId, John .. F",ther: M. Fitzgerald, Whatawhaki, Hamilton. Francols, Peray James Father: John Francois, Motueka, Nelson. Gussy, Joseph Joshua Brother: Thomas Gussy, oare of Mrs. de Fratus, Chapel Street, Auckland. Griffiths, Riohard .• Father: Alfred GriffittlS, Wyndham Street, Auckland. Gray, Ernest John Father: Samuel Gray, Hobson Street, Auckland. Gear, WillIam Joseph Stepbrother: R. Short, Dargaville, Northern Wairoa, Auckland. Gatheroole, George Father: Thomas Gatheroole, Wayby, Warkworth, Auckland. Griffiths, William Mortimer Father: Owen Griffi'hs, Dundonald Street, Auokland. Gordon, William .. Sister: Miss Grace Gordon, Kyber Pass Road, Auckland. HoImes, Andrew Arkle F"ther: Richard Holmes, Ramarama, Drury, Auckland. Hinton, Charles Henry Father: Frederick Hinton, St. Mary's Road, Ponson by, Auckland. Henderson, David .. Father: David Henderson, Ngij.ruawahi", Waikato. Hanson, Edward Father: John Edward Hanson, Upper RICcarton, ChrIstcburch. Hurley, John Brother: Timothy Hurley, Yokohama, Japan. Friend: F. Arns, Walhi, Auckland. Button, Wyndham Father: Wyndham Hutton, Te Kopuru, Northern WaIroa, Auckland. Hl'rtwell, David Brother: J. W. Hartwell, Glasgow Street, Wanganul. Jones, WilIiam Henry Father: TUomas Jones, Care of Mrs. T. Jones, DrIven S,reet, Upper Town, Coromandel. Jackson, Herbert Lionel Mother: Mr.. Amelia Harriet J ackson, Takapuna, Auckland. . Keppel, Leicester Walpole .. Father: L. C. Keppel, Broadoak, Jpswioh, Engla.nd. Frlen:i: Miss E. ]'aleul, Hamburg Villa, Bobson Street, Auckland. King, William John Carr FaLher: J. O. King, Kingsland Road, Mount Albert, Auckland. Lubbock, George WaIter Mother: Mrs. S. Temple, West Cottage, Ma.yland, J!}8sex, England. Friend: Miss E. D. Rousse, Pukekobe, Auckland. Love, William Charles Father: John Love, Niblett Street, Wanganui. Lyell, Stuart Mother: Mrs. Annie A. Lyell, Grafton Road, Auckland. La.rner, Eiward Mother: Mrs. Larner, 9, Hargreaves Street, Auckla.nd. Ma.ttson, Barndt Benry Mother: Mrs. Salah Elizabeth Mattson, Pakuranga, Auckland. Mason, John WaIter Fatber: WaIter Mason, Whangarei. Moses, Mo,s ~Iother: Mrs. E. Moses, PerLh, Western Australia. Friend: Sidney Nathan, SymQnds l:itreet, Auckland. Mardon, Ceci! Norman Father: Wilham Mardon, Rawene, Hokianga. Malr, Harold Gilbert Father: Wllliam Mair, Native Land Court, Auckland., Francis Joseph Father: George Frederick Mellars, Taupiri, Waikato. Mlkkelson, William F ... ther: Wllliam Mikkelson, Bdlwood, Mount Roskill, Auckland. MoMillan, William George .. MOLher: Mrs. Maria McMillan, Alexander Street, Auckland, 2 EDW. Military Pensions. VII.] Rank and Name. [1902, No. 54. 261 Next-of-kin, and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISuAND REGIMENT.-E SQUADRON-continued. 7077 7079 7080 7082 7083 7084 7085 7087 7088 7090 7091 7093 7094 7096 7097 7100 7103 7104 7106 7101 7107 7108 7126 7110 7111 7112 7113 7127 7128 7124 7115 7117 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7129 7125 Father: Mlchael McMahon, Tapu, Tho.mes. Brother: H. McLeod, Post-office, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Jane Nazer, Victoria. Avenue, Eden Terrace, Auckland. NIlson, George Oscar Sister: Mi.s Annie Nilson, Tokatoka, Northern Wai· roa, Auckland. Nelll, Alfred Augustus Aunt: Mr •. Mary Key, Symonds Street, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Julia Br)ant, Upper Queen Street, Nolan, Percy Martin Auckland. Noton, Frank Stevens Father: H. H. Noton, Ponsonby, Auckland. Brother: Thomas D. Nicholas, oare d Mrs_ W. Nlcholas, Joseph .. McKewan, Brown Street, Ponaonby, Auckland. O'Neill, Clarence " Mother: Mrs. O'Ne,lI, Hasting., Ha.wke's Bay. Partridge, Wllliam Bertraw Father: Richard Edwin Partridge, 141, Grey Street, Auckland. Prince, Albert Edward Father: C. H. Prince, Pirongia, Waikato. Peters, Andrew Fdother: W. R. Peters, Kai Aua, viii Thames. Parker, WillIam Charles Father: Cbarles Parker, Haydon Street, Auckland. Parnell, George Thomas Father: George Tnomas Parnell, Wesley Street, Auok· land. Perry, WiIliam Stewart Father: Alfred Perry, Hunterville. Ryan, Charles William Father: W. C. Ryan, 1'e Puke, Bay of Plenty. Stockley, John William l!'ather: Edwin l::Itockley, West Tamaki, Auokland. Stewart, Alexander Father: W. J. Stewa.rt, Tauranga. Scott, George Andrew F,,' her: N Ixon Scott, Police.station, Aratapu, Northern Wairoa. Simona, William .. Fdend: William Lawry, Inglew()od, Taranaki. Stanley, John SiRter: Mrs. Knox, Newton Road, Auckland. Scott, Mlddleton James }lother: Mrs. A. E. Keath, Star Hotel, Albert Street, Auckland. F .. ther: George Albert Tapper, Rattray Street, Tapper, Louis Bertram Davonport, Auckland. Taylor, Harry Father: Donald Taylor, Green Lane, Remuera, Auck. land. Turner, George Archibald Brother: John Harold Lefroy Ttlrner, Grahamstown, Fox Whangarei. Mother: Mrs. Margaret Turner, 52, Burnett Street, Hoba.rt. Uncle: W,lIiam Trigg, Aymmer Street, Cardiff, Eng. Trigg, Francis Arthur land. Friend: Joseph Evans, Hohoura, Mongonui, Auckland. Tucker, WaIter Robert Mother: Mrs. C. A. Tucker, Hunt Street, Whangarei. Coufin: L. Batkin, Pabiatua. Tatham, Ernest Edga.r Father: Charles WorraJi, Epsom, Auckland. Worrall, Harold Augustu8 Watts, Horace Arthur Father: John Watts, Wa'pawa, Hawke's Bay. Wilson, James Mother: Mrs. Alice Wilson, Prospect Terrace, Pon. sonby. Auckland. Mother: Mrs. May Louise Wooll, Grand Hotel, WooJl, Leslie Waverley, S)dney. Aunt: Mrs. Ado. Slaney, Queen Street, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. M. Wllliams, Upper Union Street, Williams, Harry Howard Auckland. Warner, Robert Father: John Warner, St. George's Bay Road, Par· nell, Auckland. Father: F. G. Welch, Queen's Street, Onehunga. Welch, Barrett Foster Mother: Mrs. K. E. Woodruffe, Riverhead, Auckland. Woodruffe, Arthur Brother: James Weeks, Waihi, Upper Thames, Auok. Weeks, Alhert Innd. Worthley, William Thomas Father: W. Worthley, Hawera, Tara.naki. Cbarles Woods, Charles Father: William Thomas Woods, Mount Smart, Pen. rose, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Annie Yates, Parenga, North Cape. Yates, Lanoe Adolphus Private McMahon. George Hamilton McLeod, Percy Rona Nazer, John Buffett NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON. Father: Ca.ptain Daniel Bockett, Te A.wa.mutu, Wai· Bookett, Charles .., Auokland. Lieutenant Grace, William Russell .. Father: Morgan Grace, Hawkestone Street, Wellington. Kinsey, William Henry Si.ter: Mrs. Isabel Lockhart Bell, VHa Neu, New Hebrides. Friend: M"jor L. W. Loveday, Welling. Soott ton. Maodonald, Henry John Mother: Mrs. Jane Macdonald, Otahuhu, Auokland. • 262 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J ~o. Rank and Name. [2 Enw. VII. Next-ot-kin, and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F 7179 7326 7162 7178 7000 7506 7205 7236 7395 723il 7lG7 7214 7148 7193 7222 7234 7149 7190 7156 7168 7169 7174 7230 7243 7390 7387 7415 7252 7135 7136 7138 7140 7141 7142 7143 7144 7145 7253 7146 7147 7270 7150 7151 7152 7153 SQUADRON-continued. Sergeant-Major H~witt, Thomas Father: Thomas Hewitt, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Snow den Quartermaster-Sergeant MoDonald, Mother: Mrs. Jean McDonald, Scotland. Brother: Peter Donald McDonald, De BeerslHine, Kimberley, South Africa. Friend: John Martin, Martinborough, Wairarapa. Sergea.nt Dunn, Christopher Blencoe Brother: Herbert Chesney Dunn, Kaitaia, Mongonui. Noble Father: Andrew Gilmour, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. Gilmour, Andrew Kirk Sister: Miss Panny Atkins, The Mansion, Northcote, Atkins, Albert Artbur Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Kate Turner,143, Willis Street, WelTurner, Edward Charles lington. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth MUDro, Hamilton, Waikato. Munro, Benjamin Sbaw, Frederick Thomas .. Father: Thomas E. Shaw, Paeroa, Ohinemuri, Auokland. " Donald, Harley Hodgson •. Father: Donald Donald, Landsdowne, Masterton. Farrier-Sergeant Thomson, WiIliam .• Father: William Thomson, Klhikihi, Auckland. FranCls, Thomas ., Mother: Mrs. Emma J ane Francis, Whakatane, Bay of Plenty. Saddler - Sergeant Powell, Albert Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth MoIntosh Powell, North Ernest Shore, Al1ckland. Brother: F. H. Bell, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty. Corporal Bell, AJlan Father: H. Long, Hukerenui West, Hikurangi. Long, Arthur Feltham Robinson, Edward MiIligan Mother: Mrs. Wllson, VICtoria Avenue, Eden Terrace, Auckland. Father: Mark Stott, Wharehine, Kaipara. Stott, Mark Foster Father: P. Ooegrove, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. Cosgrove, Patrick John Father: George Kelly, Cheltenham Terrace, DevonKelly, Percy John .. port, Auckland. Uncle: Henry Jury, Waihi, North Thames. Lance-Corporal Collier, Edward Father: Andrew B. Fordyce, Mount Eden Road, Fordyce, Bruce Auckland. Grimsdale, Wilford .. Father: Thomas Frederick Grimsdale, Sandycroft, Hoylake, Cheshire, England. Friend: A. E. Beckett, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Godwin, Alfred Ernest Father: J. B. Godwin, Rotorua. Scott, John Orlando Father: Charles John Scott, Hornesy Street, LondoD, Englani!. Friend: A. G. Smith, Frasertown, Napier. Father: Thomas WillIS, Ohaucer Road, Napier. Willis, Robert Fa.ther: Thomas Johns, Walhi, Auckland. Farner Johns, Ernest Newton Father: Charles Wright, Devonport Lane, St. Albans, Wright, Oharles Edward Cbristchurch. Saddler Barwick, Robert •. Father: Robert Barwiok, Shakespeare, Southwick, Sutherland, England. Bugler Pattrick, Hedlev Vi oars Father: Thomas Pattrick, Papanui, Christchurch. Priva.te Alderdice, Wa.lter .. Fl\ther: WIlliam Waiter Alderdice, Belfast, Ireland. Friend: R. F. Sinclair, Customs Street, Auckland. Ashmore, Rupert WilIiam Mother: Mrs. Kate Spiers, Foxton, Manawatu. George Father: George Bailey, Cambridge, Auckland. Bailey, Edwin Barkwili, Waiter Herbert Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Barkwill, Haydonton, via Murrurundi, New South Wales. Father: T. Bond, Te Awamutu, Waikato. Bond, Thomas Higginson Father: James S. Bond, care of Waikato Times, Bond, Charles Fcederick Hamilton. Mother: Mrs. E. Wood, Waibi, Ohinemuri. Borrell, George Brady, Harry Father: William Brady, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty. Brinkley, Waiter Albert Father: Thomas Brinkley, Te Aroha, Auokland. Brookway, Charles Edwin " Father: Thomas Henry Brockway, Harlyne, Gladstone Road, Portsmouth, England. Friend: William Reid, Falcon Street, ParneIl, Auckland. Father: Archibald Buchanan, Huntly, Auckland. Bucbanan, Alexander Burchell, Arthur John Mother: Mrs. Alice Janson, Te Aroha, Pia.ko, Auokland. Bassett, WiJliam Thomas Father: Job Bassett, Parmer, Eketahuna. CannelJ, Percy Father: William Cannell, New Plymouth. Father: John Casley, Paeroa, Auokland. Casley, James Henry Clode, Alexander .• Father: Arthur Olode, Cola.c Bay, Southland. CowlLn, William .. Mother: Mrs. Sarah Cowan, Paeros. Brewery, Paeros., Auckland. 2 EDW. VII.] No. I Military Pensions. Rank and Name. [1902, No. 54. Next-of-kin, and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON-continued. 7155 Private Cottee, Charles William 7157 Carkeek, Martin .. 7158 7159 7160 7161 7163 7255 7164 7165 7166 7300 7170 7171 7172 7173 7175 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7191 7192 7194 7195 7196 7197 7198 7200 7201 7202 7203 7329 7206 7207 7208 7209 7210 7211 7325 7212 7213 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7223 ) Father: Daniel Cottee, Sealey Street, Thames. Father: Morgan Carkeek, Otaki, Wellington. Father: Maxwell Dempster, care of H. Whimp, Upper Dempster, Maxwell Opuawhanga, Whangarei. Father: Joseph Drabble, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty. Drabble, Robert WilIiam Father: George Drew, Makotuku, Hawke's Bay. Drew, John Father: John Dumphy, 35, Montreal Streel South, Dumphy, Cbarles Edward Christohurob. Fatber: James Darrow, Tararu, Tbames. Darrow, Reginald .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Drewet, Wekaweka, Hokianga. Drewet, Jesse Carr Father: William Eves, Tokatoka, Northern Wairoa. Eves, Robert James Eagleton, Randolph Albert Father: R. A. A. Eagleton, Harding Street, Auokland. Alexander Fatber: George Floyd, Cambridge, Waikato. Floyd, Edward Arthur Mother: Mrs. Agnes Osborne, care of W. Osborne, Gray, Robert Johnston Pine Grove, Palmerston North. Father: Henry Ga.rdlJer, Puketapu, Hawke's Bay. Gardner, William .. Garmonswav, Thomas Albert Father: Tbomas Garmonsway, Onanpo, Waipa. Father: Alexander Gordon, Wuodville. Gordon, La~rence Father: James Gordon, Augustus Street, Thames. Gordon, William Nelson Father: R. R. Groom, Orrnondville, Hawke's Bav. Groom, Bernard .. • Hayes, John WiIliam Augus- Father: Patrick Hayes, Klhikibi, WaikatJ. tine Hendel'son, Robert Martin .. Motber: Mrs. J. Henderson, Kibikihi, Waikato. Mother: Mrs. Rire Hall, Obmemutu, Rotorua. Hall, Jack Hoskin, John WilIiaUl Father: Wiliiam.Hoskin, Te Koroa, Mongonui. Hughes, Frederick Ernest .. Father: W. T. W. Hllghe3, Aratiatia, Te Aroha. Johns, Douglas Fatber: Harvey John", Taihape, Wanganui. Mother: Elizabeth Joughm, Waihi, Auckland. Joughin, Robert Father: J oseph Robert Kmg, Middleton Post· office, KIng, John VIIi Corowa, vdi Sydney, New South Wales. Friend: Wlliiam Mabbet, Weber Post-offioe, vui Dannevirke. Kitchen, Douglas .. Father: George Kitchen, VICtorIa Valley, Mongonui. King, John EJward Father: John Kmg, Deputy Registrar, Old.age Pensions, Auckland. Lee, Jason Mother: Mrs. Jane Lee, Kawakawa, Bay of Islands. Lockie, Noel John Mother: Mrs. Sarah Lockie, Ngaruawahia. Lamond, James Father: James Lamond, Balulutha, Otago. Moore, Wllliam John Mother: Mrs. Louisa Jane Hayman, Waimate, South Canterbury. Metcalfe, Herbert Vivian Father: J. M. Metoaife, Matakohe, Marsden. Martin, William .. Father: WiIliam Martin, Kawakawa, Bay of Islands. Monds, WiIliam John Father: Robert Monds, Camp bell Terrace, Parnell, Auokland. Moar, Daniel Henry Father: J. W. Moar, Mount Eden, Auckland. Meredith, Ernest Alfred Father: C. H. Meredith, Poro-o-tarao, King-country. Middleton, Charles Motber: Mrs. Annie Middleton, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Macdonald, Donald F"ther: James Macdonald, Pukahu, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. McOauley, John Richard Father: WJlliam Henry McCauley, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty. McCarthy, Donald Mother: Mrs. Jessie McCarthy, Kuaotunu, Auokland. McGlashan, Douglas Roy Father: Wilham McGlashan, Eskdale, Napler. McNeish, James Alfred Father: J. A. McNeish, Cambridge, Waikato. McConkey, Arthur Edgar Father: W. H. McConkey, Te Awamutu, Waikato. Marsh, Norriss Charles Mother: Mrs. Annie Harrlet Tidswell, Ngaire, Taranaki. Owen, Robert Bruce " i Mother: Mrs. Annie Owen, Alfredton, Wairarapa. O'Kee£e, Daniel J oseph •• I Fatber: Daniel O'Kee£e, Hill Street, Newmarket, ! Auokland. Pye, John : Mother: Mrs. M. Pye, Te Aroha, Auckland. Pa.lmer, Charles Robert I Father: H. L. Palmer, WoodviIle. Pearson, Ernest Hel'bert Mother: Mrs. Marion Pears on , Invercargill, Southland. Pilmer, William Claymore .. Mothe!: Mrs. Alexander G. Pilmer, College Street, Welllllgton. Quidley, Ernest Joseph Fatber: James Quidley, Ponsonby, Auokland. Rlpley, William .• Mother: Mrs. Annl\ Ripley, Hikutaia, near Paero~, Auckland. Reinhardt, Harry .. Brother: Charles Reinhardt, Queen's Hotel, Rymonds Street, Auckland. 263 264 Military Pensions. 1902, 1{o. 54.J Rank and Name. [2 EDW. VI1. Next-ot-kin, a.nd Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIlI'rENT.-F SQUADRON-Gontinued. 7224 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7221 7259 7231 7232 7233 7235 7237 7257 7240 7241 7256 7242 7244 7245 7246 7247 7248 7250 7251 7254 7260 Father: John Chapman Retter, Post· office, Dannevirke. Father: John Reay, Mangao, Pahiatua. Reay, Robert Raynor, Charles Alfred .. Father: William Haynor, Dannevlrke, Hawke's Bay. Riohardson, Robert Sharman Fatber: Roben Ricbardson, Onehunga.. Hughes Grandmother: Mrs. Mary Annie Duokworth, HotelRitson, Joseph Thomas keeper. Kumara.. SI.ter: MISS F. Ratclifie, Longfield Street, Stawell Ratclifie, Charles .. West, Victoria.. Frlend: MISS Maggie Gardiner, C.P.O., Dune lino Motber: Mr8. E. J. R~bertson. Cambridge, AuckVmd. Robertson. William Phillips Mother: Mrs. Louisa Read, Selby House, Adelaide Read, James Earl .. Road, Wellington. WIfe: Mls. Alioe 8Jphia Read, Maller Street. MormngtOn. Dunedin. Father: Rubert Saunder., 43, Branch Street. FlemingSaunders, Daniel George ton, Melbourne. Frl.nd: Miss M. Garland, B1Shopscourt, P"rnell, Auckland. Father: James S)monds, Palmerston Street, WeetSymonds, Waiter .. port. F ... ther: Thomas Stanley, Te Aroha., Auokland. Stanley, Herbert Andrew Snowden. Thomas .. Fatber: Andrew Snowden, Maropiu, Dargaville. F ... ther: G. H. Saddler, Opango, Omaha. Saddler, James Henry Simpson, David Brotber: E. P. Simpson, PObtmaster, Mount Eden, Aucklan<l. TimminR, Patrick .. Father: John Timmins, Waihou, Piako. Townshend. Ferrers Ernest Father: George F~rrers Townshend, Devonport, Auokland. Osborne Thompson, Edwin George Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Victoria Valley, lIIongonui. Cowie Brother: Frank Vetter, Gisborne. Vetter, A1bert Leon Webster, Charles M"ther: Mrs. Mary Webster, Kaiwaka, Auckland. Brother: H. Webst .. r. Kaiwaka, Auckland. Walsh. Thomas Mottler: Mrs. Mary Walsh, Carnarvon, Palmerston North. WiIlott, James Mother: Mrs. Mary WiIlott, Rainow, Macklefield, England. Friend: J ames Beachy. Little Fort Street, Auckland. Father: Harry Welch, Taupiri, Waikato. Welch. Albert Wilton. William Moore Father: John Wilton, Waibi, Thames. Wbalen, William •• Mother: Mrs. Julia Whalen, Wake field Street, Auck. land. Whitehead, Arthur Father: Edward Whitehea.d, Bellevue Road, Mount ]!;den R 'ad, Auckla.nd. Walker, Charlton James Sister: Mi.s ElIzabeth Walker, Stua.rt Street, Mount Eden, Auckla.nd. Welch, Charles Leaning Father: Henry Welch, Taupiri, Waikato. Private Retter, Frederick Arthur NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON. Captain Henderson, William Francis 7310 7311 7281 7363 7280 7322 7374 7849 Wife: Mrs. Lucy Ethel Henderson, Glentin, Symonds Street, Auckland. Lieutenant Neale, Frank Frederick .. Wife: Mrs. Emma Sarah Neale, Goring Street, Wel. lington. Ta.ylor, Tboma.s Sydney •. Wife: Mrs. Minnie Taylor, Tauranga. Barton, Flederick .. Father: Waiter May Barton, The Guildhall, East Dereham, Norfolk, England. Friend: Thomas Jex, Maungakiore, Te Arai. Gisborne. Sergea.nt.Major Herbert, Lancelot Mother: Mrs. Kathleen Herbert, 6, Percival Street Wellington. ' Tuckwell Ql1arlermaRter Sergea.nt Hawthorne, Fa.ther: James Hawthorne, Greenmeadows, Napier. Wllliam Edward Sergea.nt Ca.therall, Joseph Andrew .. Mothe~: Mrs. Mary Anne Catherall, Avenue Road, HastlDgs. Thomas, Gerald Harry Mother: Mrs. Jean Thomas, Wan stead, Essex, Eng. land. Collinge, Leslie .. . . Father: John Collinge, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. Lean, Riohard Edwa:rd Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Lea.n, Havelock, Ha.wke's Alexander Bay. Warren, John Fatber: WiIliam Warren, Great King Street, North Dunedin. Rusden, Albert Jamee Mother: Mrs. Isa.bella Rusden, No. 2 Line, Wanganui. 2 EDW. VII.] Military Pensions. [1902, No. 54. ------------ No. I Rank and Name. Next·of-kin, and Addres•. NINTH CONTINGENT. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON-continued. 786!:1 74!:19 7078 7266 7873 7835 7278 7843 7386 7802 7831 7830 7291 7851 7346 7385 7370 7304 7261 7262 7263 7258 726·5 7267 7268 7269 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7396 7279 7282 7283 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 7284 7537 7292 Farrier-Sergeant Trengrove, Thomas Duncan, Edmund Clarke Saddler-Sergeant MoRee, James Alexander Corporal Barnott, Thomas Meredith .. Father: Thomas George Trengrove, Pahiatua. Father: Joseph Duncan, Brookland, Riwaka, Nelson. Father: John MeRee, Te Aroha, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Clara LouiBa Barnott, Fernleigh, Wanganui. Father: R. Wellwood, Brooklands, Hastings, Hawke's Well wood, Arthur Trevor Bay. Father: Robert McLean, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. MoLean, Charles J ames Mor.her: Mrs_ Mary Coll"tt, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. C"llett, Alnert Edward Mother: Mrs. Matilda Jane Peterson, Tennyson Peterson, WlllIam Alfred Street, Napier_ Lance-Corporal Woifgram, Richard .. Brother: Paul Wolfgram, Post Assistant, Stargard, Pomerania, Germany. Friend: FredPilcher, Clyde, Ha~ke's Bay. Goodwin, Alexander Si.ter: Mr •. George Thomas Bryan, Hinau, Pemberton, Feilding. Marsh, Alfred Hayes Father: Herbert Thomas Marsh, Villa Street, Masterton. McRenzie, John Mur- Father: John McKenzie, Te Whiti, Masterton. dock Father: Wllliam Craig, Putiki, Wanganui. Craig, William Sp€ck, Ernest Brink- Mother: Mrs. J Speck, Toko, Sttatford. worth Father: John Piercy, Ashhurst, Palmerston North. Farrier Piercy, John Donald Mother: Mrs. Frances Elizabeth White, Raweka, White, Waiter Hastings, Hawke's B ...y. Mother: Mrs. Halen Blan Vile, Sanson, Manawatu. Saddler Vile, Thoma,q Rayner Mother: Mrs. Emily Grubb, Palmerston North. Bugler Grllbb, Frederick TllOooas Mother: Mrs. Anne Matilda Asbenden, 6, Crawford Private Ashenden, Claude .. Street, Wellington_ Mother: Mrs. Jessie Aitken, oare of Mrs. Grace, Oastle Aitken, William .. Street, Dunedin, Stepmotber: Mrs. Fanny Arden, Frankley Road, New Arden, Leslie Hamar Plymouth_ Father: Thomas Bu.h, Wooloombe Street, Wellington. Bush, Waiter Stanley Unole: William Appleyard, Hawera. Baker, Arthur Beecbeye, Thomas Ohris- Father: C. O. Beecheye, Marine Parade, Napier. topher Brother: Fred Bieman, care of Charles Mackery, WaiBieooan, Joseph pukarau. Father: Hans Bai, sen., Brickmaker, Ormondville. Bai, Edward Father: John Bone, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. Bone, Frederick William Fatber: Herbert M. Brabant, Park Road, Auokland. Brabant, Ernest Vernon Father : John Black, Stratford. Black, FrederIck Ford Mother: Mrs. Ellen Buiok, Longburn, Palmerston Buick, Wllliarn David North. Boscawen, Hugh Townsend Father: Captain Hugh BOBcawen, Mount Eden, Auckland_ Father: James Duncan Belk, 28, Great North Road, Belk, Albert Henry Allckland. Broughton, Edward Renata Father: WiIliam Broughton, Omahu, Napier. Father: Arthur John Oooper, Palrnerston Road, GisCooper, Arthur John borne. Father: William Crawford, Hunterville. Crawford, WiIliam James Father: Thomas Oairns, Humber S~reet, Oamaru. Oalrns, James lnglis Father: Riohard John Cook, Makauri, Glsborne. Cook, Richard Edward Father: William Compton, Gordon Road, Hastings. Compton, Leonard Willie Friend: Mrs. J_ W_ ]\fltton, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay. Clifiord, Thomas William Mother: Mrs. Margaret Oarrington, Newman_ Oarrington, William Father: Oharles Cleaver, Rowan Road, Stratford. Oleaver, Harry Herbert Father: John C1ark, Stony River, Okato. Clark, John Father: William Cheffings, Egmont Road, New PlyOheffings, Charles .. mouth. Mother: Mrs. Sarah Anne Cameron, Riverton, SouthOarneron, John Donald land. Mother: Mrs. Mary Anne Clarke, Bailey Street, Clarke, John Thomas Thames. Father: Michael Dodunske, York Road, Midhirst, Dodunske, John Miohael Taranaki. 265 266 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J No. I Rank and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next.-of-kin, and Add,·ess. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G 7293 7393 7294 7536 7295 7296 7297 7298 7301 7303 7305 7306 7307 7308 7309 731g 7313 7535 7314 7315 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7323 7324 7327 7328 7333 7334 7336 7391 7338 7339 7340 7341 734~ 7347 7348 7350 7352 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7360 Private Duller, Harry John SQUADRON-continued. Mother: Mrs. M. A. Duller, Avenue Road, New Ply· mouth. De Bourbel, Eustice Raoul .. Father: Harold Henry de Bourbel, Lake Takapuna, Auckland. Early, Edward John Brother: WiIliam Early, Midhirst, Taranaki. Elliott, Harold Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, Jervois Road, Ponson by, Auckland. Farr, Frederick Father: Frederick Farr, Waverley, Wanganui. Fraser, Robert Henry Father: Robert Fraser, Waituna West, Rangitikei. Fox, Jack Father: CharlesF. Fox, Clayton.'s Avenue, Wellington. Green, Arthur Mother: Mrs. Mary Green, Spit, Napier. Gray, Alexander Mother: }frs. Agnes Osborne, care of WiIliam Osborne, Pine Grove, Palmerston North. Goodwin, Herbert .. Sister: Mrs. G. T. Bryan, Hinau, Pemberton, Feilding. l\lother: Mrs. Anne Elizabeth Greager, }fomohaki, Greager, Norman Victor Waitotara, Wanganui. Hooker, Perey Father: Samuel Hooker, Washington Valley, Nelson. Hutchison, Thoma8 Allan Father: David Hutchison, care of Nolan and Tonks, Hawera. HarriRon, WaIter Edwin Father: Valentine Harrison, Oaonui, Taranaki. Has~e, Charles Mother: Mrs. Lizzie Hasse, Taonui, near Feilding. Howell, William Mother: Mrs. }f. Howell, Waituna West, Feilding. Hurley, W,lJiam Alexander Father: W,lliam Alexander Hurley, Waitotara. Father: Artbur Hlbbs, Drake Street, Freeman's Bay, Hibbs, A. J. Auckland. Ireland, Frederick William Father: James Ireland, Wellesley Road, Napier. Father: Thomas Jorda.n, Stratford. Jordan, James Stewart Father: Davld J ohnson, 4, The Terraoe, Richmond, Johnson, Norman Surrev, England. Friend: Frederick Henry Hasel. den, Hunterville. Father: John Hall Johnstone, Fairlie, Waharoa., Johnstone, John Hall Waikato. Father: W. }f. Kirk, Te Arai Bridge, Gisborne. Kirk, Albert Mother: }frs. Matllda Lock, Aramoho, Wanganui. Lock, Frederick WllIiam Mother: Mrs. Fanny Wray, Onaero, Taranaki. Lash, Arthur K. Mother: Mrs. ElIen Teresa Leydon, Toko, via Strat· Leydon, John Edward ford. }fackay, John Tod Father: Murdoch Mackay, Awakino, via }fokau. }feKenzie, Alexander Father: Kenneth McKenzie, Mangarimu, FeildlUg Frederick Father: William John McGough, Pukekohe, Auckla.nd. McGough, Robert Henry Mother: Mrs. Agnes McCabe, West Street, Newton, McOabe, Francis .. Auckland. }forton, George Father: John Morton, Awatuna, Eltham. Sister: }frs. Catherine Brown, care of H. O. Brown, Monteith, Hubert James Dannevirke. }funn, Oharles John Victor Father: Charles John Munn, 2, Knigge's Avenue, Wellington. McLennan, Donald John Mother: Mrs. Sarah Tldswell, Taihape, Wanganui. O'Hagan, Oharles .. Sister: Miss Bndget Jane O'Hagan, Pitt Street, Palmerston North. Mother: }frs. Emily Parsons, Post-office Box 77, Parsons, Alfred John Wanganui. Sister: Miss Alma Prouse, College Terraoe, WelProuse, James lington. Father: William Palmer, Waveriey, Wanganui. Palmer, James Mother: }frs. Rose Potier, Denbigh Street, Feilding. Potier, Charles Francis Reed, Wlll,am Henry Mother: Mrs. C. Reed, Queen Street, MastertoD. Mother: }frs. Eliza Rogers, Rangitikei Street, PalRogers, Ambrose John merston North. Father: Hugh Ross, Victoria Avenue, Wanga.nui. Ross, Archibald Hugh Father: Frederick Silvester, Riversdale, Hawera. Silvester, John Aunt: }frs. William Little, Featherston Street, Pal· Stuart, J ames merston North. Shaekleton, Frederick Father: Francis Shackleton, Otley, Wharfedale, Yorkshire, England. Solicitor: William Meldrum, Hunterville. Sinclair, Angus Father: Peter Sinoiair, Pangaroa, nel\r Pahiatua. Swarbrick, Jonathan Father: Jonathan Swarbrick, Nuhaka, Gisborne. Strawhridge, John Thomas .. Father: Thomas Strawbridge, Beaconsfield, FeiIding. Scorrl\r, WiIl,am Leonard •• Father: James Scorrar, Post-office, Opaki, Wairarapa. Military Pensions. 2 EDW. VII.] NO., [1902, No. 54. Next-of·kin, a.nd Address. RlUlk a.nd NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON-continued . 7392 7361 7364 Private Swann, John Tardleu, Ernest Albert Thomas, Aubrey .. 7365 7366 7367 7368 7369 Till, Charles Henry Treanor, Wllliam 'fait, Waiter Trass, Samuel Thom, Robert 7371 7372 Wray, Ernest Alfred . Worma.ld, John Worgan 7375 Wa.tson, William Bain 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 Wylds, Alfred Ernest Watt, James Watt, John Walker Watt, Charles Walsh, Wilham Henry 7381 7382 7383 7384 Watkins, William .. Wilton, Lewis Webby, Owen WaIter Wood, Thomas Mallory 7388 7389 Wallace, Daniel Vincent Whe·well, James Russell 7394 Willis, Ernest Raymond •• I Mother: Mrs. Annc Swann, Raglan, Auckland. : Sister: Mrs. Sarah Gullet, Wanui, Gisborne. I Sister: Miss Edith Grace Thomas, GrenvilIe House, , Mount Durrant, Guernsey. Friend: George H. Vickars, Colyton, Feildmg. .Father: John Till, Upper Hutt, Wellington. Father: Harry Treanor, Church Street, Onehunga. Father: Charles Tait, New Plymouth. Father: George TrasA, Masterton. Father: J ames Thom, Gow Crescent, Kirkcaldie, Fife· shire, Scotland. Father: Alfred Wray, Onaero, Waitara. Father: John Worgan Wormald, Yaldhurst, Canter· bury. Father: Alexander Watson, Charles Street, Rangior&., Canterbury. Father: A. H. Wylds, Palmerston North. Mo&her: Mrs. Annie Watt, Hunterville. Mother: Mrs. Annie Watt, Hunterville. Mother: Mrs. Annie Watt, Hunterville. Father: Stephen Walsb, Carnarvon, viii Rongotea, Palmerston North. Father: Hubert Watkins, Hunterville. Father: Thomas Wilton,, Te Rangitumau. Father: Alfred Webby, Kaponga, Taranaki. Father: Cbristopher Wood, Barugh House, Piokering, Yorkshire, England. Motber: Mrs. Norah Wallace, Takapau, Hawke's Bay. Motber: Mrs. Sarah Whewell, Ivanboe, Orakei Road, Remuera, Auckland. Father: Archibald Dudingston Willis, Viotoria Avenue, Wanganui. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-H SQUADRON. 7445 7432 7466 7476 7504 7508 7516 7464 7452 7420 7426 7443 7199 7402 7444 7461 7465 14,67 7469 Lieutenant Hardham, Willia.m Ja.mes, Mother: Mrs. George Hardham, 10, Riddiford Street, Wellington. V.C. Lewis, Harold George Mother: Mrs. Catherine Lewis, 226, Adelaide Roa.d, Wellington. Richard son, Thomas Father: WIlliam Ahey Richardson, Greenmeadows, Napier. George Airey Father: William Horsfall, Coal. dealer, Petone, Wel. Sergeant-Major Horsfa.lI, James lington. Father: David Franois, Stratford. Brother: Ha.rry Sergeant Franois, James Francis, care of Dr. Cahill, Welling&on Terrace, Wellington. Father: Hector Munro, Masterton. Munro, Hector MoGoldrick, Robert Patriok Father: James McGoldrick, Panama Hotel, Welling. ton. Tattle, Frederick James Father: George Tattle, 6, Lipman Street, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Franoes Camp bell Tully, Grey town Tully, Harry OotavlUs North, Wairarapa. Father: David Brown Wallace, Kohukohu, Auokland. " Wallace, Harold Knox Mother: Mrs. Esther Merson, Grey town North. Fa.rrier·Sergeant Merson, Thomas Saddler· Sergean& Johnson, Albert Mother: Mrs. Christina Johnson, care of W. Johnson, The Port, Nelson. Sven Fatber: John L. Cooke, 45, Roxburgh Street, Welling~ Corpora.l Cooko, John George ton. Ca.mpbeJl, Sydney Arthur ., Father: Ca.ptam James Ca.mpbell, 68, Webb Street, Wellington. Henderson, Lawrenoe Mat· Father: Henry Beveridge Henderson, Balmona, Mowbray S&reet, Wellington. thew Murdoch, Tnomas Mother: Mrs. Ca.therine Murdooh, care of - Aldred, 34, George Street, Dunedin. Lance.Corporal Amos, Arthur Aunt: Mrs. J. Chalme,s, Weir Marsh, Ashburton. Hume, Ha.rold Clive Mother: Mrs. Emily Nicol, Post· office , Auckland. Larkin, Alfred Father: John Larklll, Wadest-own, Wellington. Monnock, Thoma.s Mother: Mrs. Mary Monnock, Sale Street, Freeman's Bay, Auckland. Joseph Minifie, Ernest Henry Father: Ernest Minifie, 65, Rlddiford Street, Wellington. Morgan, Henry "Mother: Mrs. Ma.tilda Morgan, Takll.pu, Tawa Flat, Wellington. 267 268 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J NO.j Rank and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next-ot-kin, and Address. NINTH CONTINGENT-continued. SQUADRON-continued. Brother: William McGoldrick, Defence Office, Wellington. Father: John William Thurston, Waverley, Wanganui. Mother: Mrs. Mary Fernandos, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Father: George Pearce, Sydney Street, Petone, W.llington. Father: James Archibald, Wadestown, Wellington. Father: James AlIardyce, Dannevirke, Hawks's Bay. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Allardyce, same address. Father: Wilham Arnott, Apiti, via Feilding. Mother: Mrs. Mary Ellen Adams, 12, Lloyd Street, Wellington. Fdther: R. W. Austin, Wattle Grove, Sheffield, Tasmania. Half-brother: H. B. Austin, Wellington. Brother: Norris Bell, Hargreaves Street, Welltngton. Fa.ther: Martin Beifki, care of Mrs. B. Belski, Rtl.ngiwahia, viii Feildinl(. Father: William Bell, Butcher, Eveline, Oamaru. Mother: Mrs. M. D. BJrne, County Roscommon, Ireland. Friend: Samuel Courtney, 91, Aro Street, Wellmgton. Father: Francis Bassett, Ohau, Manawatu Line, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Mary Beard, Union Street, Petone, Wellington. Father: Arthur Brown, 4A, Crawford Street, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Jane Broadhent, Masterton. Father: Thomas Bennett, 2, Vlvian Street, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Frances Burreli, Main Road, Petone, Wellington. Sister: Mrs. J. Bryan, 3, Ramsay Street, Balmain, Sydney. Father: Frederick Beuth, Hepburn Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. Father: Augustus George Baddiley, Ponsonby Road, Auckland. Wife: Mrs. Amelia Connelly, Martinborough, Wairarapa. Mother: Mrs. Mllry Comerford, 25, West Duke Street, SaHord. Manchester, England. Friend: Mrs. W. George Jenkins, 160, Tinakori Road, Wellington. lIIother: Mrs. Elizabeth Cross, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Wife: Mrs. Martha Ellen Coley, White's Hotel, Foxton. Stepbrother: Edward John Bryant, Dowling Street, Dunedin. Father; E. G. M. Corlet, Johnsonville, Wellington. Mother; Mrs. AlIce Maud Carter, 105, Adelaide Road, Wellington. Father: Duncan Campion, Manakau. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth CoHins, 10, Adelaide Road, Wellington. Father: James Swinborne D'Emden, 65, Owen Street, Wellington. Sister: Mrs. HeHie Speight, St. George's Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland. Sister: MISS E. Feasey, oare of D. Hoaie, New Zealand Railways, Wellington. Father: Mtchael Fitzgerald, Kaiwarra, Wellington. Father: Thomas Florence, 'finakori Road, Wellington. Father: P. C. Frasi, Surveyor, Okura, Masterton. Father: Samuel F,ss, Clareville, Wairarapa, Father: George A. Fairbrother, Carterton, Wairarapa. Father: James Macintosh Fraser, Waiwera, viii Auckland. Father; Frederick WhHtington Green, care of C. F. Gawith, Masterton. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-H 759.7 7505 Farrier McGoldrick, James Thurston, WiIIiam George 7433 Saddler Fernandos, George .. 7485 Bugler Pearce, George Edward Nelson 7400 7401 Private Archibald, Robert .. Allllrdyce, Albert WilIillm 7403 7405 Arnott, Arthur Adams, Albert 7431 Austin, Edgar 7406 7407 BelJ, Arnold Edward Belski, John 7408 7410 Bell, Arthur Hamilton Byrne, John 7411 Bassett, Francis John 7412 Beard, Frederick .. 7413 Brown, Tythe Joyce 7414 7416 Broadbent, Harry .. Bennett, Albert 7528 BurreU, George WilJiam 7550 Bryan, John Albert 7551 Beuth, Charles 7139 Baddiley, Augustus George .. 7417 Connelly, John Patrick 7418 Comerford, John 7419 Cross, Horace Montague 7421 Coley, Frederick 7422 Coutier, Charles WaIter 749.3 7424 Corlet, George Valentine Carter, Lionel Charles 7425 7427 Campion, Charles Dennis Collins, Michael Augustus .. 7428 D'Emden, George .. 7531 EllisoD, William John Percy 7434 Feasey, Hiram Henry 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 7525 Fitzgerald, Thomas Florence, Thomas George Frasi, John George Foss, Samuel James Beart .. Fairbrother, Eustace Claude Fraser, Frederick CampbeU 7440 Green, Waiter Gray .. .. Military Pensions. 2 EDW. VII.] No. I [1902, No. 54. Next·of·kin, a.nd Address. Ra.nk a.nd Na.m •. NINTH CONTIN G ENT-continutd. NOR'rH ISLANC REGIMENT.-H SQUADRON-continued. 7441 Private Green, WiIliam Havelock 7442 Grimstone, Arthur 7446 Harris, Edwin Arthur 7447 7448 Hogg, James Hayblttle, RaJph .. 7449 7450 Hart, Herbert Ernest Hodgkins, Peroy .. 7451 Henderson, Wiiliam John 7452 Jackson, WilIiam Alfred 7454 7534 745e Jones, WiIliam Wallaoe Knight, Waiter KDlght, Leonard 7538 Kerr, Thomas Henry 7459 Lumley, Herbert Richard 7460 Lovell, J a.mes Thomas Andrew 7526 Laskey, Frederick WiIIlam .. 7462 7463 Mitchell, Herbert .. Meredith, John 7468 M"gee, Robert Burton 7470 7471 Morgan, Edward Stanley Morgan, Frederick George .. 7472 Meech, Harry 7474 Macalister, Albert •• 7475 MoGilp, Clyde 7478 McGrath, Edward •• 7479 MoPhail, Charles E. 7480 7530 7455 7481 7523 75a2 7483 7484 McIver, George Henry Morg"n, George Marks, George W.lliam Owen, Robert Otterson, Geoffrey David Ormrod, Alfred Britain Pulford, William Franois Parrant, James Lewis 7486 7487 Pbilpot, Frederick Alfred Park, Odwald Gavin MoIntyrt 7488 7489 Phelps, WilIiam B.unett Pelham, Herbert John 7490 7491 Priest, Thomas Palm er, Ceci! Watson 7492 7493 Page, WaIter Sydney Riohards, John Benjamin 7494 Raw!ings, Thomas William 74,95 Styles, Arthur Ja.mes Lawrie .. Si.ter: Mrs. WIlliam Betty, Tay Bank, Clyde Quay, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Agnes Grimstone, 5, Poplar Grove, Wel. lington. Father: Edward Harris, Caledonian Road, Christ· church. Father: Thomas Hogg, Kaiwarra, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Emma Hayblttle, Upper Hutt, Wel. lington. Father: William Hart, Dalefield, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Rachael Owen Hodgkins, Kelburne, Wellington. Father: William Henderson, Mangititi, Forty.mile Bush, Wellington. Sister: Mrs. Lilian May Nicol, Grey town North, Wairarapa. Father: Wall ace Jones, Inaba, Hawera, Taranaki. Father: WaHer Knight, Mangere, Auckland. Father: John Edward KDlght, Jackson Street, Pet one, Wellington. Father: Henry Kerr, 129, Hereford Street, Linwood, Christohurch. Father: Benjamin Lumley, Peel Street, WmdAor, Melbourne, VICtoria. Uncle: Charles Lumley, Car· terton, Wairarapa. Mother: Mrs. Emlly Lovell, The Shades, near Keke. rangu, Marlborough. Brother: John Laskey, care of - Jones, Butoher, Midhlrst, Taranaki. Father: Thomas Mitchell,19, Owen Street, Wellinl!ton. Mother: Mrs. Catherme Butcher, High Street, Wai· mate, South Canterbury. Father: James Armstrong Magee, 16, Tory Street, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Matilda l\Iorgan, Takapu, Tawa Flat. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Morgan, Johnsonville, Wellington. M"ther: Mrs. Emma Meech, 2, Mowbray Street, Wellington. Father: Robert Macalister, Crown Lands Depart. ment, Christchurch. Mother: MrR. Mary McGilp, Victoria Street, Cam· bridge, Waikato. Mother: Mrs. Margaret McGrath, Doyleston, North Canterbury. Mother: Mrs. Mary Frances McPhail, 26, Molesworth Street, Wellington. Father: Waiter McIver, Waikaia, S~uthland. Muther: Mrs. Annie Morgan, Fifth Street, Kumara. Father: W. F. Marks, Fitzroy Street, OllehungIL. Friend: Alfred Hulina, Nor.ewood, Hawke's Bay. Father: Henry Otterson, Hob.on Street, Wellington. Fa.ther: Alfred Henry Ormrod, Onehunga. Father: WilIiam Puiford, Marton. Mother: Mrs. Sarab Jane Parr ant, Jackson Street, Petone, Wellington. Sister: Mrs. A. Routh, 92, ConRtable Street, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Mary Park, Wadestoll'ln, Wellington. Father: Gavin McIntyre Park, Dawson City, Alaska. America. Father: Barnett Phplps, 4, Pipitea Street, Wellington. Father: Thomas Pelnam, care of Mrs. E. Pelbam, 2, College Street, Wellington. Father: Samuel Isaac PrieRt. Eketahuna. Brother: A. N. Palmer, BaLk of New Zealand, Wel· Iington. Fatber: William Paj:!e, Hal~ombe, Rangitikei. Fa.ther: William Frederick Rlohards, Queen Street, Levin, Manawatu. Sister: Miss Elizabeth Rawlings, Hospital College, Durham, England. Friend: Thomas William S.inn, care of Gear Compl\ny, Petone, WelllDgton. Father: Arthur S. Styles, Molesworth Street, Wel· !inston. 269 270 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J No. Rank and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next-or-kin, and Address. NI~TH CONTINGENT-continued; NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-H SQUADRON-continued. Private Saxby, Wi,liam John Skelly, Alfred Leonard 7496 7497 Sister: Ethel Marv Saxby, Adelaide Road, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. ELIzabeth Skelly, 27, Wordsworth Street, Wellington. . Silvester, Henry George Brother: David Silvester, No. 1 Service Compa.ny, Permanent Artillery, Wellington_ Spiers, Arthur Edward Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Spiers, Karori, Wellington. Smith, Frederick Thomas Father: F .. C. Smith, Carter ton, Wairarapa. , SCOWIJ, Daniel Mother: Mrs. Mary Scown, CastJecliff, Wanganui. S lUthcom be, Alexander Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Southcombe, Waverley. Smith, James SIster: Miss Mamle Smith, All NatIons Hotel, Hobart, Tasmania. Terry, WaIter Mother: Mrs. Mary Francis, l\Iulgrave Street, Wellington. Taylor, George Brother: Waiter Taylor, Stafford Street, Wellington. Taylor, George William Mother: Mrs. Martha Benson, Eighty-eight Valley, Wakefield, Nelson. Ulrich, Bernard Father: Charles Albert Ulrich, care of Post·office, Box 118, Wellington. Vennell, Alfred Wilham Mother: Mrs. ElIzabeth Mary Vennell, Abel Smith Street, Wellington. Vincent, Andrew Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Vinoent, Elm Row, Dunedin. Woon, Ernest Edmund Mother: Mrs. Frances Woon, C80re of W. H. Woon, Government Life Insurance, Wellington. Woodfield, Frederick William Mother: Mrs. J80ne Woodfield, Caversbam, Dunedin. White, Goorge Father: P. J. White, Whangamomona, Taranaki. West, Felix Ackerley Uncle: George Jaeger, Claugbton Road, Birkenhead, England. Friend: W. Ferguson, Harbour Board Office, Wellington. Wilkins, John Thomas Father: George Wilkins, Upper Hutt, Wellington. Whiteman, Edward Father: Robert Whiteman, Mungaroa, Wellington. Wallace, Arthur Alexander •. Mother: Mrs. Ellen Wallace, Manaia, Taranakl. Ward, Robert Henry Father: WiIliam B. Ward, Boundary Creek, near Oamaru. 7498 7499 7500 7501 7503 7533 7507 7509 7510 7511 7512 7513 7514 1517 751S 7520 7521 7522 7524 7529 ROLL OF MEN TAKEN ON THE STRENGTH (9TH SOUTH AFRICA. Private Raines, Herbert J ames " Adams, Arthur Corporal Simeon, Herbert Richard .. Lieutenant Shepherd, Robert Hazelton Bugler Charles, William Percy 8307 7725 8160 CONTINGENT) AT SEA AND IN Father: H. Raines, Winton, Southland. Father: J. Adams, Western Spit, Napier. Wife: Mrs. E. F. Simeon, Moyns Lodge, Gisborne. No. 1 Service Company, P. A., Auckland. . Brother: Robert Charles, 24, Fouveaux Street, Surrey Hills, Sydney, N.S.W. 7422 Private Maoalister, Robert .. Father; R. Macalister, Lands Department, Christ· church. Blackie, Charles Dawson 7549 Unole: Charles Keith, 9, High Street, Rothesay, Scotland. 7436 Elliott, Harrold Mother; Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, J ervois Road, Ponson by, Auckland. Graham, William .. Whangarei. 8295 Robinson, Frederick 7554 Motber: Mrs. M. A. Robinson, EItham, Taranaki. Robertshawe, Alfred Percy .. Mother: Mrs. E. Robertshawe, Elm Row, Dunedin. 7553 Stephenson, Henry Tapua Father: Henry Stephenson, Russell, Bay of Islands. 7552 ; I Athelston Holford, Harry Father: J. Frederick Holford, 33, Palmerston Street, 8254 Gisborne. 8300 I Monk, George Frederick Father: William Monk, Bell Block, New Plymouth. J TENTH CONTINGENT. NCRTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-REGIMENTAL STAFF. Captain and Adjutatlt Hughes, D.S,O., John Gethin Honorary Captalll and Paymaster MahlD, Burton Frederick Honorary Captain and Quartermaster Dalrymple, John George Wymyss Honorary Captain Hawthorne, Sydney Surgeon - Major Mackenzie, Franois Wallace Surgeon-Captain Dixon, J. Francis .• Sister: Margaret Ann Hughes, Bower Street, Napier. Brother: Emmerson Mabin, Levin and Co., Wellington. Wife: Daisy Dalrymple, Masterton. Wife: Emily Pope Hawthoroe, Devonport, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Flora Mackenzie, care of Captain F. W. Mackenzie, Picton. Mother: I Mrs. Heorietta Dixon, 12, Conyngham Road, Dublin, 2 EDW. Military Pensions. VII.] NO., Rank and Name. [1~02, No. 54. Next-of-kin. and Address. TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-REGIMENTAL STAFF-continued. I 8500 8501 8522 7502 8504 7505 8858 9802 8802 8518 Lieutenant Tapper, Charles AlbeIt Father: G. A. Tapper, Victoria Road, Devonport, Henry Auckland. Veterinary Surgeon-Captain Towers, I Father: B. Towers, 18, Dray ton Avenue, Didsbury, Jobn Alexander Robertson Cbeshire, England. Regimental Sergeant - Major Mol- Sister: J ohanna Molloumby, Catholio Presbytery, Nelson, loumby, Michael John Regimental Quartermaster - Sergeant Father: R. C. Tennent, Bank of New South Wales, Tennent, Leonard Couper Timaru. Bugler-Sergeant Jobnston, Daniel-.. Mother: Mrs. A. C. Johnston, Ure Street, Oamaru. Assl.tant Quartermaster - Sergeant Father: Henry Miller, Mount Albert, Auckland. Miller, Henry Orderly Regimental Sergeant Gilbert, Father: George Gilbert, 13, Fairlight Avenue, HarlsCharles den, London. Orderly Regimental Corporal Webster, I Father: A. L. Webster, Grey town North. Henry Arthur Paymaster's Clerk Corporal Park, Father: :Mr. G. Park, Glenavy, South Canterbury. Alexa.nder Dallas DiRpenser Corporal Mitchinson, Mother: Mrs. Grace Mitchinson, 3, Riddiford Street, Wellington. Charles Tennent Dispenser Corporal Clements, sampsonl Father: T. P. Clements, 111, Cuba Street, Wellington. D .. vid Veterinary Dispenser Corporal Aitken, Father: Alexander Aitken, Kumara. Hugh Alexander I OFFICERS NOT ATTACHED TO BATTALIONS. Captain Davy, Edwin J ones, Mostyn Humphrey Innes Lieutenant Wallis, Fletcher Early, Nathan .. Richards, Arthur Cllorr, Robert Henry Sister: Mrs. Cock, Khandallah, Wellington. Brotber: Herbert F. lnnes Jones, Higbfield, Motuplko, Nelson. Father: Mr. H. Wallis, Hamilton. Father: Mr. E. A. Early, Ly,telton. Father: James Thomas RlChards, 15, Cashel Street, Christchurcb. Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Cllorr, Forbury Road, St. Clair. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A SQUADRON. Captain Charles E. Browne Lieutenant McKiIlop, John Obllorles .. Robbie, Alexander Bertrllom Clarke, Edward Churton 9063 8514 8539 8541 8566 8584 7583 8591 8609 8611 8537 Father: Mr. Browne, Co wick, Yorks., England. Fllotber: C. McKilIop, Masterton. Father: J. W. Robbie, Te Henui, New Plymouth. Mother: Mrs. S. M. Clarke, Carlton Gore Road, Auckland. Gordon Brother: George Jobnston, S.M. Court, Gisborne. Sergeant-Major Jobnston, CarrlCk Quartermaster - Sergeant Alexander, John Edward Sergeant Dignan, Gordon .. Dewar, Peter Robert Harsant, Roger Cato Cbat les McKee, Jobn McGruer, Norman Osmond, James lngram Taylor, Herbert Wilson Trevarthen, William Farrier-Sergeant Co c k, E d war d Stephen Saddler-Sergeant Warren, Frank Reece Corporal Campbell, James .. N Mother: Mrs. Catherine Alexander, Mount Eden, Auckland. Fllother: A. M. Dignan, Epsom, Auckland. Father: Stewart Dewar, Gore. Mother: Mrs. Roftey, Taurauga. Fllotber: John McKee, Te Aroba. F"tber: George Norman McGruer, Karangahake. Mother: Mrs. A. B. Osmond, Church Street, PODsonby. Father: J aIDes Taylor, Obri~tchuroh. Mother: Mrs. M. Trevartben, Napier Street, Auckland. Father: Frederick Cook, Paerollo. Father: Young Warren, Moun~ Roskill, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. E. Stead, Yorkshire Street, East Richmond, Melbourne. Caradus, Charles Alexander Father: James Caradus, Napier Street, Auokland. 8530 Calvert, Edwin Te Ngaire Father: George WiIliam Calvert, Strathmore, Tara8625 naki. Hunt, James Slater J. T. Hunt, Hitoben, England. . 8564 Jones, WiIliam Herbert Father: Herbert Jonep, Birkenhead, Auokland. 8570 Newdick, Herbert .• Fa.ther: Philip New-dick, Thames. 8590 8549 Lance-Corporal Forster, Franois Mother: Mrs. Emily Forster, Kenny Street, Waihi. Samuel lnder, Robert Walker Father: Simeon lnder, Coromandel. 8568 Norman Lloyd, Henry William Father: John Lloyd, Thames. 8575 Marshall, Thomas .. Father: Robert Marshall, Bertie Street West, Hind8582 marsh, Adelaide. McLean, John Father: Charles 14cLean, Karangahake. 8585 " Warren, PbilipJa.mes Fatber: ~Ijllip Warren, Great Barrier, Auckland. 8613 Father: A. S. Moore, Karangahake. 8576 Farrier Moore, Louis Vivian 8614 8539 N 271 272 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J [2 EDW. VII. Next-of-kin, and Address. Rank and Name. TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. SQUADRON-continued. Mother: Mrs. S. 11,1- Brown, Aratiti. Te Aroha. Cousin: F. P. Langford, ArtesIan Farm, Te Kopuru, Northern Wairoa. Mother: Mr'. Mary Jane Walsh, care of Mrs. H. Husher, Norfolk Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. Father: John AshdoWll, nlatawhero, Alsborne. Father: John Ashdown, Matawhero, Glsborne. Father: George Henry AUckram, Albert Street, Onehunga. John WilliA.m Adamson, 9, Ellice Street, Wellington. Father: Fred. Bracey, Waimamakn, Hokianga. Father: J. L. Bonrke, Waimamaku, Rokiaoga. ll'ather: George Bennett, Wa,uku. Father: James George Bevege, Eltham. Mother: Mrs. Julia Fllzpatrick, Fenton Street, Stratford. Father: ThomA.s Brough, Gladstone Street, Hawera. Sister: Grace Caqtles, RIchmond. Nelson. Father: Richard Cross, Newmarket, AuckIllnd. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Callagher, Napier Street, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Annie Connor, Devonport, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. F. Cogolan, Sllerld,tn Street, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Johanna Cook, Eltham, Taranaki. Father: Jack Cullen, Mount lUonmouth Street, Tauranga. Father: John Cook, Kenny Street, Tauranga. Father: Charles Cbristv, MaungA.tangA., Waikato. Father: Alexander Coutts, WalmRley ROA.d, Waihi. Father: PatrlCk Connery, Boulton Road, Wanganui. Father: Charles Cleaver, Rowau, Kaponga. Father: Nathaniel Dickey, Tanranga. Fatber: John Dchsol1, Kopu, Th,mes. Father: Fletcher D,xon, Stratford. Father: William Evett. Gaine Street, New Plymouth. Mother: Mrs. Jos. M. F att, Bridge Street, Te Aroha. Mother: Mrs. Rosetta Ford, 24, Carter Street, Christchurch. Brother: Samuel Flavell, WA.itekauri. Mother: Mrs. Annie Maria Fox, East Street, Newton, Auokland. Father: JA.mes For~!ie, Stanley Street, Auokland. Father: Charles Goffin, Grattan Street, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Alice Gee, Nortbcote, Auokland. Ftlother: B -rnard Greene, Onehungit. Father: William GORsett, Birkenllead, Auckland. Father: Charles Glllander, N~arnawahia. Father: James Gallagher, Pukekohe. Father: James Gallltgher, Pukekohe. Bruther: William Gaffney, Tweed Street, Inveroargill. Motber: Eliza Gilpin, 3, Amy Street, Grahamtown, Thames. Father: William James Garry, Hawera. Brother: Arthur Dixon Galbraith, Equitable Life Insurance, Christchurch. Father: John Hill, Pon.onbv, Auckland. Father: James BoHis, Old Beach, Tasmania. Mother: Mrs. Mary H"llibone, St,ratford. S,ster: Miss Dinah Hendrick, care of Mrs. McGough, Pllkekohe East. Father: Robert Johnston, Northco~e. Brother: D ... vld JoneR, Crllshillgton, Reef ton. Father: Waiter P. Johnston, Waihou, Te Aroha. Stepmother: Margaret Jury, Thames, Auckland. Father: Charles Klrl~, Edwarcl Street, Thames. Sister: Mrs. A. CUlrie, Devon Street, Auckland. Father: John Keefe, Ahercromble Stre-t, Auckland. Father: Samuel KIte, Matamata, Allckland. Mother: Mrs. M. A. Kane, Newcastle, New South W"les. Father: John G. Laqh, Rochville, Collingwood, Nelson. Father: William Mather, Inglewood. Father; Archiba,ld Menzies, Newmarket, Auokland, NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-A 9095 8593 Farrier McCarthv, John .. Pa.lmer, Wllliam Henry 8761 Bugler Walsh, John Franois 851.5 8516 8517 Private Ashdown, Alfred .. Ashdown, SyJney John Auckram, Edward Henry 8629 8520 8521 8523 8630 8623 Adamson, Percy Lorenzo Bracey, Frederick .. Bourke, Peter Vincent Bennett, B~njamin Bevege, James Herbert Burns, John B. 8637 8525 8526 8527 Brough, Joseph Pa.triok Castles, John Alhert Oross, Wllliam Henry Calla.gher, Thomas Henry 8528 8531 8532 8533 Connor, Roy Robert Coghlan, Edward Ernest Cook, Thoma.s Joseph Cullen, Edward Ja.mes 8534 8535 8536 8638 8626 8540 8542 86.35 8543 8544 8545 Cook, John Chri·ty, Thomas W. Coutts, Daniel Burrows Connery, John Cleaver, George Rorace DIckey, W,lli .. m J. Dob.on. Joseph Dixon, Frank Netherwood ., Evett, Frank James Flatt, Waiter Henry Ford, Alfred Leonard 8546 8547 Flavell, Edwin Fox, Barry 8548 8551 8552 8554 8555 8557 8558 855V 8560 8561 Forgie, Leonard Ca.mpbell .. Goffin. George Gee, Ernest Greene, Tboma.s " Go.sett, Willia.m Montgomer) G,llander, Cha.rl,'s MoRae Gallagher, James George Gallagher, Alfred John Gaffney, Chfford " Gi/pm: James 8621 8524 Garry, Alfred James Galbl'aith, Wllliam Ronald .. 8565 8567 8636 8622 Hill, Charles David Bolli .. , Charles Holhbone, John Franois Bendrick, Wllliam George .. 8569 8571 8572 8634 8538 8573 8574 8579 9801 Johnston, WilIiam J nn"s, Alfred J ohnston, Alfred Charles Jury, Henry Kidd, Kenneth Harold King, James Edward Keefd, John P"trick Kite, James Waiter Kane, Hugh Leslie 8628 8620 Lash, Ralph Harry Mather, James ldenaies, CnarIel J ame. 8577 2 EDW. VII.] i No. I Milita1'y Pensions. Rank and Name. [1902, No. 54. Next-of·kin, and Address. ----------------------------~------------------------------------- TENTH CONTING ENT--continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.--A SQUADRON-continned. 8578 8631 8586 8587 8588 8731 8581 8589 8632 9803 PrIvate Munro, Kenneth William Matthews, George May, WiIliam Henry ". Manning, Rudolph Morrison, Edward James Moeller, Albert Gordon McKee, Arobibald .. Nioholson, William Seegar .. Newsham, George Hursthouse Nicholson, Francis Edl'\ard 8592 8594 8627 O'Halloran, George Edward Parrish, Alfred Pearoe, Thomas .. 8633 8595 Porter, Waiter James Powell, William .. 8596 8597 8598 8599 Patterson, Wilham Henry Potts, John Kirker Power, Richard Milgrew Roderick, Emanuel 8600 8601 8603 Stewart, Arthur Stewart, Cbarles James Slater, Thomas 8604 8605 Smitb, Wilmot Lawrence Smith, Patrick James 8606 8619 8624 8608 8610 8579 Soott, Arohibald Alfred Simpson, George .. Simmons, William Edward .. Tuke, Ernest 'fotman, Clement .. Tierney, Riohard Frederick .. 8612 8615 8616 8617 9024 Webster, Alexander Tbomson Wynyard, Wilham Thoma•.. Wallace, John Walker, John William Gibson Whyte, Gordon Hart Father; David Munro, Upper Queen Street, Auckland. Father; James Matthews, Normanby. Hawera. Cousin: Miss M. Wilson, 29, Clyde Street, off Madras Street, North Ohristchurch. Father: F. W. Manning, Paparaka, Pukekohe. Father: John Morrison, Hlkutaia, Thames. Father: Charles Moeller, Tiri Tiri, Auckland. Father: Jobn McKee, Te Aroha. Father: Tbomas Nicholson, Devonport, Auckland. Father: Charles N'ewsham, Mangatoki, Eltham. Father: Thomas Deacon Nicholson, Victoria Road, Devonport, Auckland. Father: G. O'Halloran, Feilding. Father: Mark Parrish, Northcote. Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Pearce, Juliet Street, Stratford. Father: William James Porter, Penrose, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Ann Powell, Pollen Street, Ponsonby, Auckland. Father: Wllliam Patterson, Otahuhu, Auokland. Father: WilIiam Henry Potts, Thames Father: Maurice Gilbert Power, Waihi. Father: Joseph Roderick, Sussex Street, Newton, Auokland. Father: Henry Stewart, Birkenhead, Auckland. Father: WilIiam John Stewart, Tauranga. Father: Joseph Slater, Torrens Road, College Park, East Adelaide. Father: William Smith, Thames. Father: Patrick Smith, Derby Street, Parnell, Auckland. l!'ather: Alfred Scott, Waihi, Ohinemuri. Father: William James Simpson, Eltham. Fatber: J ames Slmmons, Stratbmore, Taranaki. Brother: Henry Tuke, Whitianga, Mercury Bay. Father: Abraham Totman, Burlelgh Street, Auckland. Brother: Thomas Tierney, Brooklyn, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Lorne Hogg, Brooklyn, Wellington. Father: James Webster, Rlmu, Hokitika. Father: J. Wynyard, Devonport, Auckland. Cousm: W. Goodall, Chelsea, Birkenhead, Auckland. Father: J. D. Walker, Bird·in-hand Hill, Tbames. Mother: Mrs. J. J. Whyte, Seccombe Road, Mount Eden, Auokland. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-B SQUADRON. 8710 8513 8654 8671 8681 8682 8700 8739 8758 8767 8911 8753 Lieutenant Heckler, Henry Thackeray Mother: Mrs. W. Heckler, Waikouaiti, Dunedin. Mother: Eliza Weir, 127 Cromwell Road, South Weir, Archibald Scott Kensington, London. Friend: Boyd McGregor, Cberry Bank, Wanganui. Father: Mr. Willis, Johnsonville. WIllis, Frank .. Mother: Mrs. Whyte, Seccombe Road, Mount Eden, Whyte, Harry .• Auokland. • Chapman, Frank. Quartermaster-Sergeant J ohns,RicbarJ Father: John Johns, Pukekohe. Waiter Sister: Miss Grace Gordon, Kyber Pass Road, AuokSergeant-Major Gordon, WiIliam land. Father: George Atkins, Clevedon. Sergl'ant Atkins, Harry Challis, Cbristopher George Mother: Mrs. J ane Challis, 8, Ropemaker Street, London, E.C. Brother: Ernest Cameron, 7th N.Z. Contingent. Cameron, Henry Gilford Friend: Edward Davis, Ribi, Waikato. Brother: Charles Copland, Prinoes Street, Dunedin. CopJand, John Father: John Hook, Waiamaku, Hokian~a. Hook, Leonard Richard Pearson, Herbert William .. Fatber: William Pearson, Wbitton, N.S.W. Father: Thomas Tasker, Motueka. Tasker, Thomas .. Mother: Mrs. Anna Wilson, Brighton Road, Parnell, Wilson, Lynden Henry Auckland. Farrier-Sergeant Gordon, Edward Father: Thomas Gordon, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. Craig Saddler-Sergea.nt Thomas, Emanuel Father: Artbur Thomas, Whangarei. George 18 273 274 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.] ~o Rank and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next-of·kin, and Add,·ess. '---------.--~-.-~ TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-B SQUADRON-continued. 1 Father: Henry Armer, Cambridge. 8653 Corporal Armer, Ernest : Father: Arthur Carter, Arch Hill, Auokland. Carter, James AHson 8678 , Father: Robeet Crickett, Cambridge. Crickett, Robert .. 8680 Father: Sylvester Davis, Hamilton. Davis, George 8689 Sister: Mrs. F. Peake, Te Puke, Auckland. Lake, Albert Edward 8719 Father: Andrew J. McMath, Rotorua. 8726 " McMath, Andrew .. Father: John Holmes, Ciive, Hawke's Bay. 8699 Lance-Corporal Holmes, Charles Harrison, Henry Jack· Father: John Harrison, Dargaville. " 9061 son William Friend: C. B. Edwards, Dargaville. Jesser, 8707 Thomas Kavanagh, Vivian Mother: Mrs. C. Kavanagh, Mauku, Auckland. 8770 Claud Mullins, Herbert Father: John Muilins, Cambridge. 8728 Frederiok Father: Robert Neill, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. 8856 Bugler Neill, William Mother: Mrs. Margaret Bruce, Whatawhata, Waikato. 8663 Farrier Bruce, Robert Hector Livingstone, David Benjamin Brother: William Livingstone, Tuhikaramea, Wai8720 kato. Father: G. E. Smith, Aratapu. 8746 " Smith, George William Father: Charles Robson, Tekaha, Opotiki. 8743 Saddler Robson, Charles Skellern, Harry Father: John M. Skellern, Upper Pitt Street, Auck· 8747 land. Brother: William Baker, Kihikihi. 8660 Private Baker, Ernest Bastable, Harold Charles Mother: Louisa Bastable, Kirikiriwa. 8662 Bullians, Robert Father: William Bullians, Mangapai. 8656 Bright, Thomas Brother: Richard H. Bright, Post-office, Westport. 8658 Brown, Samuel Mother: Mrs. Eliza Brown, Wellsford. 8659 Bertram, Alfred Father: Frank Bertram, Kangahia. 8665 Baker, Frederick Brother: William Baker, Kihikihi: 8661 Father: Brittain Beatty, Pukekohe. 8664 Beatty, William Father: Thomas Bellamy, Waihou, Te Aroha. 8665 Bellamy, Harry Blowes, Oliver Father: William Blowes, Maharahara East, Hawke's 8667 Bay. William Mother: Mrs. Rose Bougen, Gisborne. Bougen, 8666 Cunningham, James Mother: Mrs. Sarah Paratene, Te Arai, Gisborne. 8669 Oarr, Samuel Father: David Oarr, Avondale, Auckland. 8679 Cartwright, Henry Father: Nelson Cartwright, Matakohe. 8675 Cartwright, Ebenezer Father: Nelson Cartwright, Matakohe. 8676 Clive, John Father: Andrew Olive, Liverpool, England. 8673 Constance, Clemington 8672 Brother: Owen Constance, Kawakawa, Bay of Islands. Cook, Alexander 8677 Mother: Mrs. Mary Oook, Mary Street, Invercargill. Culley, Wllliam Henry Father: John Oulley, Kawakawa. 8674 Dwyer, Matthew .. Father: William Dwyer, Bulls, Rangitikei. 8691 Mother: Mrs. Delia Dunn, Temuka. 8690 Dunn, Joseph Davison, Thomas Richard 8683 Mother: Mrs. Eliza Davison, Marua, Wanganui. Dennison, George .. Mother: Mrs. Bessie Dennison, Munro Street, Napier. 8684 Doyle, Henry Thomas Fatber: Thomas Doyle, Kihikihi. 8687 Drever, John Hastie 8685 Father: William Drever, Kauri, Whangarei. Dunlop, Thomas Robert Father: T. A. Dunlop, Parawai, Thames. 8688 Ferguson, James .. 869'2 Mother: Mrs. G. F. Sederman, Attenborough, Timaru. Gile8, Charles Wllliam 8695 Father: Charles Giles, Hamilton, East Waikato. Graham, Reginald 8693 Father: Thomas D. Graham, Marua, Whangarei. Griffin, Thomas Father: Edmund Griffin, Maungakaramea. 8694 Gibb, Robert 8556 Aunt: Mrs. William Fagan, Mount Pleasant, Thames. Hay, Lionel James Father: James C. Hay, Thames. 8705 Hamilton, Thomas Shaw Father: J ames Hamilton, J ambumia, Victoria. 8698 Harvey, 1\1001e Wllliam S697 Father: Thomas Ha.rvey, Dunloy, Mauchline, Ayr. shire, Scotland. Howell, Thomas .. 8696 Mother: Mrs. Margaret Howell, care of Captain Binney, Glsborne. Henderaon, William 8702 Father: David Henderson, Ngaruwahia. Holloway, Waiter Henry Father: H. E. Holloway, Morrisville. 8704 Holloway, George Enos Father: H. E. Holloway, Morrisville. 8703 Hutton, Stimson Patrick 8701 Father: Wvndham J. Hutton, Te Kopuru. Jones, Richmond Herbert '8711 Mother: Mrs. Annie Jay, Market Street, Kingston, Herefordshire, England. Jackson, J ames Brother: Frank J ackson, Onehunga. 8709 Jackson, Samuel 8708 Brother: Frank J a.ckson, Onehunga. Kere, John 8714 Mother: Mrs. J. Kerr, Eden Terrace, Mount ~oski1l, Auckland. 2 Enw. VII.] M·ilitary Pensions. [1902, No. 54. ---------No. ! Rank and Name. TEN rH Next-ot-kin, an,l Address. CONTINGJ~~T--continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-B SQUADRON-continued. Father: John Kewish, Kihikihl. Mother: Mrs. Hannah Larsen, Kelburne Road, Palmerston North. Little, Wilham J ames Father: Robert Little, Kaiti, Gisborne. Lawrence, Frederick WiIliam Father: Frederiok James Lawrence, Pnrewa, Auckland. Father: Peter Lynch, Paeroa. Lynch, William Mother: Mrs. F. Welsh, Opitonui, Coroma.ndel. Lyttelton, James John Father: John Mohr, Otorohanga. Mohr, Henry Mother: Mrs. J. ]\101r, Dunfermline, Scotland. Moir, Lawrence Father: William T. l\Iaddren, Hikurangi. Maddren, RIChard Henry Father: George Maunder, Klhiklbi. Maunder, George Henry Sister: Mrs. Clam. Evans, Whata.tutu, Gisbome. lIIartlll, Harry Father: Archibald Menzies, Newmarket, Auckland. Menzies, Hugh Bruce McGovern, Matthew Michael Father: James McGovern, HAompden Street, Hokitlka. Father: Mr. Mclver, Waikare, Napier. MaIver, Robert Father: Robert Nicol, Papaklua, Auckland. Nicol, Robert Father: Thomas O'Connor, Kaihu. O'Connor, John Mother: Mrs. E. Parker, Masonic Hotel, Gisborne. Parker, Charles Father: John R. U. Pa.rker, Whautpu, Glsborne. Parker, William John Father: John Passell, Dargaville. Passell, James Brother: William Pattiscn, Marcoma., Victoria. Pattison, Roderick John Father: John J. Pleydell, OrboEL, Gippsla.nd, VicPleydeU, Ernest .. toria. Rae, Henry Bruce Somer- Brother: Hugh Rae, Cambridge, Wa.ikato. ville Rountree, James Leonard .. Sister: Mrs. L. Bayly, Ohaupo. Mother: Mrs. C. Ives, Kamo. Rowlands, Horace .. Mother: Mrs. Ruddell, Queen Street, Onehunga. Ruddell, Donald .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Stephens, N eerim, SOllth Gipps Stephens, Edwin James land, Victoria. Father: B. Scanlan, Dargaville. Scanlan, Stephen .. Father: Bart. Scanlan, Dargaville. Scanlan, Herbert .. Stafl'ord, Wllliam Nathaniel Uncle: David Stafford, Wellesley Street, Auckland. Sutherland, John Alexander Father: G. Sutherland, Hlkurangi. Stannaway, Alhert Alfred .. Father: WIiliam Stannaway, Aratapu. Father: Andrew Thorburn, Parua Bay, Whangarei Thorburn, Kenneth Thornton, James WIiliam .. Father: George W. Thornton, Kiawaka. Father: George W. Thornton, Kiawaka. Thornton, Richa.rd Father: Charles Tuck, Auckland. Tuck, George Albert Brother: Harry Vail, Dargaville. Vall, Reginald Leslie Verner, Thomas Ferguson .. Father: John Verner, Kihikihi. Father: Thomas Wallbank, Whangarei. Wa.\lbank, Edward Father: Isaac Ward, Clevedon, Wairoa South. Ward, Alfred Mother; Mrs. Sarah Whiddon, North Street, AshburWhiddon, Francis .. ton, Devonshire, England. Father: Louis WilIiams, Hikurangi. Williams, Lewis .. Father: LOUIS Williams, Hlkurangi. WiIliams, Rupert .. Mother: Mrs. Agnes Wilier ton, Matakohe. Willerton, George .. Father: J. A. Walker, Devonport. Walker, George Atkinson Private Kewlsh, John Wilham Larsen, Gns Alfred 8713 872~ 8721 8718 8716 8717 8727 8730 8724 8729 8734 8725 8733 i 8732 8735 " ,8736 I 8769 8740 8737 8738 9096 8744 8745 8741 8742 8751 8749 8750 8752 8748 9087 8754 8755 8756 8757 8760 8759 8763 8668 8764 8766 8765 8769 8768 NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-C SQUADRON. Father: Hon. Major Steward, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Bsssy Lilly, Duxford Street, Paddington, Sydney. Father: J. P. Smith, Eketahuna. Smith, Manriee Ralph Father: Mr. Christopher Conn, McAndrew Road, Conn, James Dunedin. Father: J ames Wrlght McCra.e, Stronvar, Ma.sterton. " McCrae, John .. Sergeant. Major Wa.rd, Louis Welling- Father: Thomas Ward, Wellington Terrace. ton Quartermaster-Sergeant Smith, Henry Mother: Mrs. Mary Smith, 116, Adelaide Road, Wellington. Hazelhurst Father: D. Aurelius, Newcastle, New South Wales. Sergeant Aurelius. Da.vid " Mother: Mrs. E. Burns, Wellington. Burns, William .. Broomhall, Frank Cha.rles .. Sister: Mrs. Bridge, Union Bank Chambers, Blxteth Street, Liverpool. Mother: Mrs. JeEaie Baker, Corina Avenue, Newtown, Baker, Alfred James Wellington. Steward, Vernon W. W. Lieutenant Lilly, James Osburne 8891 8879 8786 8791 8796 9097 18* ~75 276 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J No. ) [2 Enw. VII. Next·of-kin, and Address. Rank and Name. TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. SQUADRON-continued. Mother; Mrs. Mary M. Guy, Buokle Street, Wellington. Father; H. W. Lawrence, Kimbolton, Leominster, Herefordshire, England. Father: Thomas Rochester, Brook Street, Inglewood, Victoria. Father: T. Wolford, Hampden, Otago. Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Anjie YOUlJg, •. Tempe," Symonds Street, Auckland. Father: Patrick Delaney, Rosedale, Newsted, Waikato. Mother: Mrs. H. M. Burgess, Wellington. Father: J' W. Blacklock, Thorndon Quay, Wellington. Father: W. Dixon, Masterton. Father: G. McIlvride, Lower Hutt. Mother: Mrs. Hannah McMaster, Greytooon North. Mother: Selena Murphy, 30, Shellgate Road, Olapham Junotion, London. Friend: Mr. Wood, Norman Road, Mount Eden, Auokland. Father: G. O. Brodie, Pahiatua. Mother: M. A. Dunoan, Mosgiel, Dunedin. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-C 8900 8834 8865 Sergean& Guy, Orosier Lawrence, Bertram W oodforde Rochester, Charles Hem) . 8893 8618 " Wolford, Thomas Follis Saddler-Sergeant Young, Arthur 8686 Farrier-Sergeant Delaney, Francis 8790 8792 Corporal Burgess, James Moulton .. " Blacklock, J ames Pearson .. 8810 8847 8850 8902 Dixon, Albert Leslie Mcllvride, William John MoMasters, Arohibald Rawlinson, Philip .. 8789 Lance.Corporal Brodie, Joseph " Duncan, Alexander 8812 Low Grabam, Percy 8819 Giesen, Frank 8821 Luxford, Stanley Fair8535 hall 8867 " Ryan, John 8850 Farrier Griffin, Guy Featherstone 9029 8607 8762 8901 8785 W orsop, Lance Arthur Snelgar, George Albert " Wallbank, Diok Bugler Adair, John .. .. Private Anthony, Frederick William Father: G. G. Graham, Lower Hutt. Father: E. Giesen, Feilding. Father: D. Ryan, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay. Father: Braybrook Griffin, Portland Road, Remuera, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. J. K. Worsop, Waitotara. Father: George Snelgar, Waiotahi Creek, Thames. Father: Thomas Wallbank, Whangarei. Father: J. Adair, 73, Hopper Street, Wellington. Step-sister: G. L. E. Anthony, 298, Madras Street, Ohristchuroh. Brother: T. A.. Atkinson, 42, Abel Smith Street, Wellington. Father: E. Angle, Sydney, N.S.W. Friend: J. Maloney, Pukekohe. Mother: Mrs. A. Wilkinson, Ohau, Manawatu. Mother: Mrs. E. Bradbury, Wellington. Father: W. Brown, Kumara, Westland. Mother: E. C. Beattie, Beattie Street, Wellington. Father: Thomas Brightwell, Wood ville. Father: H. W. Bunn, Oolyton, Feilciing. Father: J. Barnes, Victoria Street, Masterton. Father: P. Oollins, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty. Father: G. J. Cooper, Herbert, Otago. Father: Joshua Ouff, Rata, Rangitikei. Father: R. Oampbell. Father: William Church, 22, Normanby Street, Wellington South. Father: Thomas Castle, Spenoer Street, Addington, Christchurch. Father: W. Day, Petone, Wellington. Father: J. Downes, Beaconsfield, Otago. Father: C. Dlxon, Masterton. 8787 , Atkinson, Harry 8788 Angle, George 8793 8794 8795 8798 8799 8800 8801 8805 8806 8807 8808 8809 Bliss, Frederick Bradbuty, John Brown, WiIliam James Beattie, Douglas Sherwell .. Brightwell, Waiter Edwin .. Bunn, Norman Henry Barnes, John Joseph Collins, Dennis Cooper, John Henry Ouff, Allan Devereaux Oampbell, Robert Woodward Church, Arthur 8804 Oastle, George 'I.'homas 8811 8813 8814 Day, William Downes, Peter Dixon, Edward Horace Eugene Davls, John Burnet Father: Henry Frederick Davis, Brougham Street, Wellington. Eugene, Waiter Mother: Mrs. M. Eugene, Hastings. Evans, Robert William Mother: Mrs. V. Evans, Oolyton, Fellding. Evans, ~obert Francis Mother: Mrs. Evans, Eketahuna. Fraser, Daniel Gordon Father: A. Fraser, Petone. Ghlzzi, Alfred Peter John Father: L. Ghizzie, Waiuku, Auckland. Griffiths, Thomas .. Mother: Mrs. A. Griffiths, Queen Street, Wellington. George, J ames Father: T. George, Hamua. Glennan, John Mother: Mrs. W. Boyd, Masterton. Green, Herbert Father: F. W. Green, Masterton. GrB.l\t, Sutherla' d MoDonald Mother: Margaret Grant, Masterton, Wairarapa. HUghes, John •. .. Father: J. Hughes, Karori, Wellington, 9835 8815 8816 8868 8817 8818 8820 8822 8823 8824 8848 8825 2 EDW. VII.] Rank and Name. 8826 8827 8828 8829 8830 8831 8832 8836 8833 8837 8838 8839 8840 8841 8842 8843 8846 8845 8844 8851 8852 8853 8854 8855 8856 8857 8859 8860 8861 8862 8863 8864 8849 8866 8869 8870 8871 8872 8873 8874 8875 8880 8882 8876 8877 8878 8881 8883 8884 8885 8886 8887 8888 8890 8892 8894 8895 8896 8897 8898 8899 Military Pensions. [1902, No. 54. Next-of-kin, and Address. TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-C SQUADRON-continued. Private Hasse, Harry Ralph Father: A. Hasse, Tainui, Feilding. Howard, John Hooton Mother: Mrs. M. Rayner, Pollen Street, Thames. Hastock, Ernest .. Mother: Mrs. Yateman, Pukehou, Hawke's Bay. Jackson, Daniel Father: Charles J aokson, Mangaweka, Rangitikei. Kennedy, Donald .. Sister: N. Kennedy, Ma.rtinborough. Knight, Louis Dale Father: Uwai, Apiti, Feilding. Le Comte, John •. Father: H. D. Le Comte, Petone. Lagerstrom, John .. Friend: Thome.s Greenbow, Palmerston North. Leach, Ernest Father: W. Lea.oh, Newma.n, Eketahuna.. Leacb, William Henry Mother: Mrs. K. Ma.ttbews, Utiku, Rangitikei. Lenoban, John Ernest Father: Miohael Andrew Lenohan, Kempsey, MoLeay River, New South Wales. Friend: Mrs. Wilmot, Provincial Hotel, Palmerston North. Malmanohe, William De Mother: Mrs. F. De Malmanohe, Christchuroh. Father: T. Morgan, Tawa }<'Iat. Morgan, David Glbson Monteith, Willia.m Henry Sister: Mrs. W. E. Young, Pukihikura, Waituna. West. Michell, William .. - - Southbrook, Canterbury. Mends, Alfred James Brother: G. H. Mends, Awahuri, Feilding. Monk, Bertha Charles Father: R. M. Monk, Kaikoura.. Miller, Oliver Allan Fa.ther: Robert Miller, Waewhatu, Lower Hutt. Father: Herbert Thomas Marsb, Villa. Street, MasterMarsh, Frank ton. McKinnon, Frank .. Father: W. H. McKinnon, Central Police Station, Wellington. MoKenzie, Stanley Father: Murdoch MoKenzie, Unnataroa., Dannevirke. McLa.oblan, Colin .. Sister: Miss Annie McLaohlan, Clareville, Waiparara. Nioholson, George .. Friend: J. Stewa.rt, Allora, Queensland. Nielson, Peter Mother: Mrs. Kathleen Christensen, Waipa, Maurioeville. Nell!, William Father: Robert Neill, Wairoa, Rawke's Bay. Nelson, Sidney Father: Charles Nelson, Eltha.m, Tara.naki. Park, Riohard Gavin Brother: Harry Albert Park, TeAute Cottage, Hawke's Bay. Mclntyre Mother: Mrs. E. A. C. Plgg, Stewart Street, North Pashley, John Bundeburg, Queensland. Father: George Pulley, Loburn, Canterbury. Pulley, Ceci! William Pennefather, Alfred Arm- Father: A. Pennefather, Apiti, viii Feilding. strong Edward Potier, Albert James Mother: Mrs. R. Potier, Feilding. Father: J_ Piercy, Ashhurst. Piaroy, Ewen Cba.rles Philp, Daniel Charles Father: Spa.rks Philp, 89, Cuba Street, WellIngton. Reeder, Frank Sister: Mrs. J. Munro, Meniyao, South Gippsland, Victoria. Robinson, Bob Father: Andrew Robinson, West Eyreton, Canterbury. Father: James Reed, Masterton. Reed, Frederiok Charles Father: George Reynolds,, Otago, Hi11grove. Reynolds, George .. Father: James Ryma.n, Kairanga., Palmerston Nortb. Ryman, James Cbarles Motber: Mrs. Hester Robins, Ma.sterton. Robins, Williams Edward Father: Andrew Sinclair, Kaiwarra.. Sinolair, Duncan .. Smith, Wallaoe Robertson .. Father: W. J. Smith, Tamwortb, New South Wales'. Seooombe, Frederick William Father: Charles William Seooombe, Waitotara. Fa.ther: W. Selby, Cambridge. Selby, Alfred Herbert Fa.ther: R. W. Stewart, Glasgow Street, Wanganui. Stewart, John Mother: Mrs. M. K. Samuel, Tborndon Quay, WelSamuel, Jack lington. Father: A. Sievers, South Makara, Wellington. Sievers, Arthur Father: George E. Sass, St. Stephen's, Rigstrup, Sass, John Emil Copenhagen, Denmark. Father: H. Simpson, Ca.shmere, Sydenham, ChristSimpson, Robert Henry churoh. Father: W. Stone, 8outhbrook, Canterbury. Stone, Thomas Henry Ihiend: Charles Monaghan, 145, Tina.kori Road, WelThorley, Cba.rles David lington. Father: S. Thomasen, Eketahuna. Thomasen, Bartle Thomp~on, John ., Father: George Thompson, Masterton. Fatber: W. Tyler, Woodville. Tyler, Charles William Father: J. C. Vincent, Terra.oe End, Palmerston North. Vino ent, WilIiam •. 1Ilother: J. A. Webster, Wmchester,SouthCanterbury. Webster, Frank Herbert Warn, Alfred John Father: W. Warn, Otaki. Father: Cha.rles Wilmot, Palmerston North. Wilmot, Joseph Ernest Father: Cha.rles Wilmot, Palmerston North. Wilmot, Thome.s Henry Father: Wa.lter Watson, Apiti, Feilding. Watson, Will'am Henry Mother: Susan Woodbead, Lint~, Manawatu. Woodhead, Albert C~arles .. Father: Archdeacon Wright, Riobmond, Nelson. Wrlght, Willia.m Ceoil 277 :278 1902, No. 54.= Military Pensions. [2 Enw. VII. Next-of-kin, and Address. TENTH OONTINGENT--continued. NORTH ISLAND REGIlIIENT.-D SQUADRON. Mr. J. D. Mitchel\, Burnbank, Manaia. Father: J. Duigan, Wanganui. Father: Captain Lewin, Christchuroh. Captain lIfitchell, James '" Lieutenant Duigan, John Evelyn Lewin, Charles Montague Paul, Gerald Adams " Speedy, JolmFrederick .. 8553 Sergeant Major Ward, James Gilbert 8977 8981 9007 892.5 8957 Brother: W. G. Speedy, Herbertville, Wainui. Mother: Mrs. Matilda Harris, Christchurch. Friend Wllliam Henry Ward, Warepa, Otago. Quartermaster·Sergeant Humphrle<, Father: William Humphries, New Plymouth. Stanley Larwell Mother: l\Irs. Fanny Alien, New Plymouth. Sergeant Alien, William Father: Herman Barty, Rata Flat, Mangamahu. Barty, Albert Father: R. Crichton, Dannevirke. Crichton, Robed James. Father: J. C. Eccles, Woodville. Eccles, Charles Edward Gunn, Willtam Alexander .. Mother: Mrs. J. A. GUlln, Guy ton Street, Wanganui. Harknes" Reginald Frank .. Father: J. G. Harkness, Taraki, Taranaki. Pointon, Edward Arthur .. Father: Jesse Pointon, Spit, Napier. Mother: Mrs. S. Taylor, London, England. Taylor, Percy Father: D. Scott, Bull's. " Seott, John Douglas Saddler. Sergeant Sutherland, Edward Father: Alexander Sutherland, Montagne Street, Auckland. Ernest Farrier-Sergeant TurnbulI, William Sister: Mrs. T. Hodgen, 148, South Belt, ChriBtchurch. Thomas Mother: lIlrs. W. Couper, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Corporal Couper, Peter Joseph Bay. Ford, Leonard : Father: Harris Ford, New Plymouth. Garnham, Benjamin J obn .. Mother : Mrs. Gertrude Garnham, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Richards, Ralph .. Father: J. Riohards, Woodville. Symonds, Fred. JameR I Father: James Symonds, Government Railways, Westport. I Lance.Corporal Burton, Charles , Father: Charles Burton, 247, Pitt Street, Sydney. Campbell, Donald I Father: R. Oampbell, Seadown, South Canterbury. Fraser, Davld Hender-' Father: J ames Fraser, Dannevirke. son \ Lean, HenryEdmon,j I Father: James Lean, 1I1akotuku, Hawke's Bay. Murphy, Matthew .. Sister: Mrs. G. Chipper, Herald Street, Wellington. " Redman, Laurie I Stepmother: Mrs. H. T. Smythe, Inglewood. Saddler Bllrdett, WllIiam .. I :Mother: Mrs. C. Burdett, Karangahake, Auckland. Father: George Robert Greene, Hastmgs, Hawke's Greene, Marcus John 8803 9003 8917 Farrier Cornwall, Frederick " Potter, Edwin Private Anderson, Edward John 9032 8916 8928 8935 8951 8960 8962 9001 9020 9016 8602 8889 8932 8954 8958 9009 9016 8921 8933 8955 '1 B~y. Father: J. Barnes, Victoria Street, lI1asterton. 1 Father: J. Potter, Upper lIIohaka. I Mother: Mrs. John Anderson, Maxwelltown, Wangai 8918 8919 8920 8922 8923 8927 8929 8772 8924 8930 8931 8934 8936 8937 8939 8940 9046 8041 8942 ~943 8944 8945 Afl46 Bailey, J oseph Jamea nui. Father: Joseph James Bailey, Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay. Father: Robert Bell, Matamau. Bell, Robert WiIliam Buohanan, James .. I Mother: Mrs. William Buchanan, Hastings Street, , Napier. Baxter, John I Mother: Mrs. lIf. Baxter, Pitfield Plains, Victoria. Blyde, Albert Harry , Mother: lIlrs. G. Blyde, Inglewood, Kaimata. Birchley, Malcolm Sidney .. : Mother: Mrs. J. J. Birchley, Hokowhaite, Palmerston , North. ! Falher: James Bowen, Turakina Valley. Bowen, WllIiam Thomas " Father: C. H. BOllas(l, Wanganui. Borlase, John Campbell, James WIlham I Stepfather: Robed R,IJ, lIbtamau, Hawke's Bay. Casey, Daniel , Father: Patnck Casey, Bridge Street, Spit, Napier. Christiansen, Alfred Stepmother: Mrs. E. Kar, Kaikora, Hawke's Bay. Conohie, EdgarJames Wilson l!'ather: E. J. Conchie, HUllterville. Mother: ]\lrs. H. McN eil, Wood ville. Collins, Albert Cox, Harry Father: H. Cox, Woodville. Crawley, Godfrey Avent Father: Rorace OrawJey, Kai Iwi, Wanganui. Crawford, George Thomas Sister: Miss Lizzie Crawford, care of Mrs. Thornton Wanganui. ' Carbis, Wllliam James Father: Jallles Thomas Carbis, Hobson Street, Waimate, South Canterbury. Davidson, 'fhomas lIIother: lIIrs.lIlargaret Davidson, White Hoad, Napier. Davitt, Alfred lIIother: Mrs. E. Davitt, WilIiam Street, Gisborne. Duigan, William Joseph Father: lIIlchael Duigan, Ball Street, Wanganl1i. Dickinsnn, Thomas Harry Father: H. A. Dickinsoll, Midhirst, Taranaki. Dobbs, Herbert Edward Brother: A. DobbR, Ormondville. Drmkwater, Henry l\[other: Mrs. H. Drinkwater, Dannevirke. 2 EDW. VII.] No. Military Pensions. Rank and Name. ~ [1902, No. 54. Next-oi-kin, and Address. ENT H CONTING ENT-contmued. NORTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-D SQUADRON-contin'/led. 8947 8948 8949 8950 8952 8953 8956 8959 8961 8963 8964 8965 8966 8967 8968 8969 8970 8971 8972 8973 8974 8975 8976 9007 8978 8980 8982 8983 8987 8988 8990 8979 8984 8985 8986 8991 8992 8993 8994 8995 8996 8997 8998 6999 9000 9004 9005 9031 9006 9008 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9017 9018 9019 9021 9022 9023 9025 9026 9027 9028 9080 Private Dlxon, Chl1stopher .. I Mother: Mrs. lvI. Dlxon, WoodviHe. Davidson, StanIey George .. ' Father: Alexander Davidson, Patea. Davis, Richard Father: John W. Davis, oare of Mrs. Cox, Linwood, Christchurch. Ellis, Montague Fa.ther: F. H. M. Ellis, Clifton, Motupipi, Nelson. Fenemor, Charles Frederilk i Father: William Fenemor, Stanley Brook, Nelson. Flynn, Morrice I\lexa.nder Father: Morrtce Flynn, Waipawa, Ha.wke's Bay. Green, Frank Nevill Father: George Green, Tikokino, Hawke's Bay. Gooding, Raymond Bruce Father: C. Goading, Ngaire, Taranaki. Hargreaves, WillIam ' Father: Peter Hargreaves, Carlyle Street, Napier. Hunt, John Richard.. .. ' Father: George Hunt, Kimbolton, Feilding. Hoskin, Jobn Alexander .. ' Father; John Hoskin, Wang9.nui. Ireland, Herbert Denton .. I Father: James Ireland, Weliesley Road, Napier. Innes, George White .. ' Father: W. Innes, Pigeon Bay, Canterbury. Irvine, WiIliam James .. Father: Lawrence Irvine, Waverley, North Island. Jones, James .. I Brother: William Jones, Manohester Hotel, Feilding. .. i Father: Joseph King, Taupo Road, Tohui. King, Thomas Knight, Arthur Father: J. Knight, New BrIghton, Christchurcb. Kitchener,FredeIick WiIli .. m Father: J. Kitchener, Dannevirke. Brother: A. R. Lawry, Inglewood, New Plymouth. Lawry, William Foster Luxton, WiIliam .. Mother: Mrs. Jane Luxton, Waitara, Taranaki. Father: W. Lewis, Pahiatua. Lewis, Samuel EWridge Le Vaillant I Brother: Lewis Le Vaillant, Robinson's BIloY, Akaroa. Lookett, Patrick Barnet , Brother: John Lockett, Castleohff, Wanganui. Laurie, Redman .. Stepmother: Mrs. H. T. Smythe, Inglewood. Masters, Sydney .. Father: Alfred Masters, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. Mulinder, Arthur lIel'bert Mother: Mrs. H. Mulinder, Milton Road, Napier. Mjils, Ernest Father: W. F. Mills, Greendale. Mitoheli, Robed Spencer Father: W. W. Mitchell, Burwood, Lumsden. Meads, Claude Father: N atban Meads, Waiatapu. Mooney, Cbarles .. Father: Edward Mooney, Wanganui. Mills, Edward Oakl~y Father: WilIiam Mills, Greendale. Father: James MoDonald, Pukahu, Hastings, Hawke's MoDonald, George Bay. McKeown, Herbert Father: T. MoKeown, Stratford. MoLean, WilIiam.. Father: K. MoLean, Porangahau, Dannevirke. MoTavish, Samuel Father: J. MoTavlsh, Pahiatua.. MacDonald, Colin Telfer Father: C. Donald McDonald, Wa.verley, North Isla.nd. Mclnnes, Dunoan Blair Mother: lHrs. Christina McInnes, Douglas Wallaoe Street, Wellington. Fa.ther: R. H. Nicholson, Woodend. Nioholson, James Edward Nuttall, Henry Father: W. T. Nuttali, Wanganui. Naedl, Ernest Gran.t Father: R. C. Noedl, Wood'lille. Nloolson, Ja.mes Father: R. S. Nicolson, Eglinton, Dunedin. O'Brien, Pa.triok Father: J. O'Brien, Ormondville, Dallnevirke. O'Hagan, John Father: J. O'Haga.n, Kumeroa.. Petheriok, Albert Father: George Petherick, Paki, Hawke's Bay. Preston, David Mother: Mrs. J. Preston, Gaine Street, New Plymouth. Pask, William Fa.ther: John Pask, Sedgebrook, Wanganui. Platz, Joseph Sister: Mrs. Higham, Edward Street, Napier. Penny, Willia.m Rev. C. Penny, Pukekohe, Auckland. Sister: Mrs. M. Rossiter, Papanui, Canterbury. Quinney, Henry Wllham Rendle, WilIiam Henry Father: E. T. Rendle, WoodviJle. Rae, Alexander Riohmond .. Father: Da.vid Rae, Leech Street, New Plymouth. Relling, Thorsten Frederick Father: J. H. Relling, Waitara. Rogers, Robert Ferguson Father: John Rogers, Campbeli Plaoe, Wanganui. Mother: Mrs. Snoswell, EmersoD. Street, Napier, Snosweli, Jose ph .. Struthers, Henry •• Mother: Mrs. S. Struthers, Pukahu, Hastings, Hawke's Bay. Sa.lvin, Joseph Alexander Mother: Mrs. J. Salvin, Bell Street, Wanganui. Spa.rke, Fra.nk .. Father: Dr. G. Sparke, Barthon, Ma.nsfield, Notts, England. Stewart, Kennith .. Father: Alexander Stewart, Taihape. Tuohy, James Joseph Father: P. Tuohy, Takapau. Vesty, Da.vid Fa.ther: M. Vesty, Tikokino, Hawke's Bay. Vesty, Samuel Father: S. Vesty, Tikokino, Hawke's Ba.y. Watson, James Father: WalterWatson, La.ngsfieId, Outram, Otago. Wood, J ames William FMher: A. J. Woods, Tikokino, Hawke's Bay. Whalley, WiIliam Sister: Mrs. F. F. Fletcher, Inglewood. Walker, Edwa.rd Luther Father: E. Walker, Woodvllle. Waite, Wilham Father: H. Walte, Grey town. WilsoD, Willia.m Ja.mes Father: J. Wilson, Plll$On. I 279 280 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J Runk and Name. [2 Emv. VIl. Next-of-kin, and Address. TENTH OONTINGENT-continued. DETAILS FOR NEW ZEALAND REGIMENTS. 0050 [' Sergeant.Major Cowell, Henry Lennox:1 8775 9044 8912 8908 9033 90G5 9069 9088 8784 8913 9068 9099 8783 9034 9805 9806 9002 9035 9036 9037 9038 9039 9040 9041 9042 9043 9836 9807 9808 9045 8989 8910 9047 9048 9049 9051 9052 8729 9809 9810 9811 9053 9054 9055 9056 9057 9812 9058 9059 8781 9813 8903 Fatbe~; Arthur Alexander Cowell, Somerset, Tasmama. ; Quartermaster-Sergeant West, Thomas Father; Thomas West, 46, Colombo Road, SydenI Waiter ham, Canterbury, Sergeant Bruce. Roy Aunt; Mrs, P. Johnston, Bank of Australasia, London, East. Cullen, Thomas William Father: William Cullen. Queen Street, Masterton. Son: Richard George DeightOD, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay. Deighton, Richard George Father; David Grant, Humber Street, Oamaru. " Grant, David Father; Colonel Leslie, Edinburgh. Friend; J. G. Corporal Leslie, Norman tewart Johnston, Waipawa. McConnell, William Nevin 'Father: John MoConnell, Gladstone Road, Parnell, Auckland. Stitohbury, Ivory Jose ph .. i Father: William Stitohbury, Manukau Road, Auck. i land. Todd, Robert .. I Father; Robert Todd, St. Bathan's, Otago. Lance· Corporal Cope, Gerard Brent· I Mother: Mrs. Ada Charlotte Cope Dowsing, 3, Wel. nall hngton Terrace, Wellington. Matson, J ames Father: John Riohard Matson, Kiry Street, Dunedin. Riley, James Father: James Riley, Clyde, Otago. Wright, Evelyn John Mother; Janet Wrlght, Island Bay, Wellington. Private Autridge, Wiliiam James .. Father: James Autridge, Brown Street, Thames. Armstrong, William Lincoln Father; George Armstrong, Akaroa. Avenell, Henry Father; William Avenell, Summer Street, 1'0nsonby, Auckland. Father: Arthur Baker, Little Wanganui, Westport. Baker, John Frederiok Mother: Mrs. J. Hamilton, Kaiti Bridge, Gishorne. Baker, Frederick Charles Motuer: Mary Bannin, Carterton. Bannin, Neil Barry, Patrick Stephen Father: G. J. Barry, Mangatiti, Pahiatua. Bassett, Joseph Fat.her; Joseph Bassett, Eketahuna. Byford, Davld Father: George Byford, Coote Road, Napier. Bell, Robert McAdam ... IIIother; Mrs. E. Bell, Durham Street, Auckland. Bidwell, John .. \l\Iother; Mrs. Mary Byenon. . . R. Lester, Mount Roskill Road, Auckland. Boot, Alfred I Father: John Bowler, Thames. Bowler, Charles Bougen, George Bruce :lIother; Mrs. John Ashoowa, Matawhero, Gisborne. Brady, Reginald .. Father: Frank Brady, 39, Tinakori Road, Wellington. Bristow, George Henry Father: Heary George Bristow, Campbell Street, Spit, Napier. Cap per, Joseph John Father: E. H. Capper, Ohinewai, Waikato. lIIother: Mrs. Margaret Campbell, Whakatutu, GisCampbell, Allan borne. Cheffings, Frank .. Father; W. Cheffings, Bell Blook, New Plymouth. Cash, William Frederick ~fother: Mrs. Amelia Cash, 91, Hobson Street, Auckland. ;lIotber: Mrs. M. Clegg, Ormondville. Clegg, John James Couper, John Frederick I Father; J. Couper, T.nnyson Street, Napier. Crook, Waiter ; Father: George Crook, Rlohmond Road, Ponsonby, Auckla.nd. Cunliffe, Arthur Erasmus I Father; James ErasmuB Cunliffe. JobnBonville, WelI ling ton. I Mother: Mrs. ElIen Warner, Havelook. Curry, John . Father; John Conroy, Karori, Wellington. Oonroy, George CarBon, Arthur Andrew Father; J. A. Carson, Waldegrave Street, Palmerston North. Cameron, David •. Father; W. Cameron, Utiku, Kaikoura, viii Hunterville. Father: J ames Dare, Mount Pleasant, Thames. Dare, William Dawson, William Rawland.. Father; William Dawson, Fairfax Road, Epsom, Auokland. Drower, George Edmond Father: George Rowland Drower, Mount Albert, I Auckland. Evans, De Laoy .. , Fath.r; John Evans, Hepburn Street, Auckland. Fisher, Frederick Ferguson I Father: WIlliam Fisher, Eketahuna. Fahey, Michael Bernard . '1' Father; Anthony Fahey, Rosslyn Bush, Southland. Gernhoefer, Richard Samuel Father: Guttlieb Gernhoefer, Inglewood. GutUieb Griffin, Henry Featherstone ,Father; Braybrook Griffin, Remuera, Auckland. Gordon, George : Father; Alexander Gordon, Masterton, Dannevirke. Garrett, James Arthur I Sister; Miss Elizabetl. Perry, Beach Street, Petone. Hooper, Henry I Father; John Hooper, South Karori, Wellington. 2 EDW. No. VU.; Military Pensions. [1902, No. 54. 281 Next-of-kin, a.nd Address. Ra.nk a.nd TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. DETAILS FOR NEW ZEALAND REGIMEN'fs-continued. \J060 9062 8780 8779 \)815 9814 9816 9094 9817 9818 9064 8915 8905 8904 9834 9066 9067 8778 9819 9820 8909 9072 9073 9074 9821 9070 8782 8906 9071 8777 9822 9823 9814 9825 9075 9076 9826 9098 9077 9078 9079 9080 9081 9082 9083 9084 8907 9085 9086 8776 8774 9099 9827 9828 9089 9090 Private Harris, WilIiam Hemmings, Oeoil _. Horne, George William Harris, WiIliam Stevens Ha.nnon, Daniel Ha.nnon, J oseph Hammond, Edward Instone, Thomas Henry lvimey, Sidney Septimus Johnston, Robert _. Kava.nagh, La.urence I Sister: Mrs. H. Hickey, Kalkora North, Hawke's Ba.y. I Father: Francis Hemmings, Woodleigh, Waikato. , Father: Davld Mitchell Horne, Woodville. Father: Edward Stevens, Cook Street, Auckland. Mother: Mrs. Mary Hannon, Carlyle Street, Napier. Father: Daniel Hannon, sen., Dannevirke. Father: James Hammond, Waihi. Father: J oseph Instone, VICtoria Street, Petone. Father: Robert lvimey, 88, Elm Row, Dunedin. SIster: Mrs. J ane Hamilton, Templeton, Christchurch. Beatrice Kavanagh, Kavau, County Meath, I Mother: Ireland. Kea.ting, J ames Henry Mother: Oharlotte Keating, Kopu, Thames. Kennedy, laMe CampbeJl Father: John Kennedy, North Street, Pa.lmerston North. Kilminster, Winford Robert Brother: Ernest Kilminster, Paraparaumu. Lear, Ernest Howard Lear. Lucas, Frederick William .. , Father: Prederick Luoas, Pukekohe. Lucas, Frank Willett Father: Frank Willett Lucas, Great Barrier, Auckland. Lucas, Frank Usher l!'ather: Usher Lucas, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. Lowrie, Frederick _. Mother: Mrs. Isabel Lowrie, Turakma. Lile, Adam Father: Adam Lisle, Inglewood, Taranaki. Moore, Frederiok Edwin Father: Harry Samuel Moore, 20, Bank's Terrace, Wellington. Meroer, Edwa.rd Waiter Father: John Mercer, Grove Street, Nelson. Monstedt, Edward Oharles .. Father: Martin Monstedt, Albany, Auckland. Morgan, 'l'homa.s Lewls Mother: Mrs. Rose Morgan, Wanganui. Muir, John Father: Alexander ]\fuir, Donald, Victoria. McKa.ndry, Ja.mes .. , Father: James McKandry, Wolf Street, Auokland. McGuire, William Frooms .. Brother: John McGuire, Wynyard Street, Auckland. McGill, Henry Father: Daniel McGiIl, Hutt Road, Petone. MoLennan, Murdock Father: Norman McLennan, Rauri, Whangarei. McArthur, Archibald Mother: Mrs. Rsther McArthur, Guillon Street, Wanganui. McMilla.n, Samuel Thomas .. Mother: Mrs. Maria McMillan, Alexander Street, Wanganui. MoKeague, WilIia.m John Brother: Daniel McKeague, Gisborne. lIIacdonald, John Ohristopher Sister: Mrs. Major Gerrard, Sidapur, Coorg, South India. Nichol, Cecil Father: George Nichol, 5, Courtenay Place, Wellington O'Neil, Bertie Father: Thomas O'Neil, Bombay, Auckland. Onion, Joseph Friend: Mrs. A. Cunningham, Dickens Street, Napier. O'Neill, John Father: Timothy O'Neill, Hawera Hotel, Hawera. Peterson, Alfred : Sister: Miss Hilda Peterson, Nag's Head Hotel, Wellington. Patterson, Ja.mes : Mother: Rachael Patterson, Hobson Street, Auckland. Quinla.n, Andrew, juu. I .l!'ather: A. Quinian, Mangatainoka. Rea., Edward Henry Mother: Mrs. Margaret Sherry, Pahau Street, Thames. Ralph, William Anthony Father: Robert Rilley Ralph, Huntly, Waikato. Reeves, Charles Stepfather: Harry Flrmston, Pahiatua. Rose, Don aid Henry Father: WIiliam Rose, Dannevirke. Rowberry, Frederick Mother: Mrs. Sarah Rowberry, Hawera. Rye, Edward Father: Edward Rye, Newcastle, New South Wales. Friend: T. Bettley, Hamilton, Waikato. Selwood, Arthur Mother: Mary Anne Selwood, Gear Street, Petone. Smith, Luke Father: G. Smith, Woodville. Smith, WaIter Father: J. Smith, Pahiatua.. Standish, Ivan Father: Arthur Standish, Witiora, New Plymouth. Simpson, Albert Richmond .. Father: W. H. Simpson, Hastings. Sutherland, Wilham Franci- Mother: Mrs. Amelia Sutherland, 1, Waiter Street, Donald Wellington. Stevens, Robert Father: Robert Stevens, Bloomfield Road, Lower Hutt. I Father Simon, David Mark Simon, Rotorua. Taylor, John Solomon : Father John Henry Taylor, Waiotahi Creek, Thames. 'fuck, Franois Henry Father Elias Tuck, Mount Eden, Auckland: 'I • 282 Military Pensions. 1902, No. 54.J No. I Rank and ~ame. [2 EDW. VII. Next-ol-kin, and Address. TEN'I'H CONTINGENT-continued. DETAILS FOR NEW ZEALAND 8773 REGIMENTS-continued. Private Tipliog, Harold Beaumollt .. Father: Joseph Tipling, 26, Marion Street, Wellington. Urquhart, Harry ,. Father: Duncan Urquhart, Bolton Road, Wanganui. Walker, Regmald George .. Father: Thomas Walker, Levin, Wellington. Whitcombe, Albert Edward Father: WiIliam Whitcombe, Wanganui. Wilkills, Percy Reginald Father: Joseph Henry Wilkins, Mount Albert, Auck· land. Wilkie, Charles Father: James Wilkie, Stanley Street, Auokland. WilsOIl, Rohert Stewart J ames Father: Robert Wilson, Mary Hill Terrace, Mornington, Dunedin. Wickens, Albert Edward Father: James Wickens, Queen Street, Masterton. 9829 9091 9092 9093 9830 9831 9832 MEN SWORN IN ON S.S. "DRAYTON GRANGE." 9838 Private Ferguson, Amold .. 9839 Marshall, Alfred J oseph 9837 Knowles, Francis .. OFFICERS AND MEN ENROLLED Mother: Mrs. Dora Beggs, 142, Tory Streeet, Wellington. Father: Alf. J. Marshall, 51, Cambridge Terrace, Wellington. Father: Henry John Knowles, National Bank Featherston. IN SOUTH AFRICA CONTINGENTS) . (FROM SIXTH AND SEVENTH Captain and Adjutant Browne, Charles Father: - Browne, Cowiok, Yorks., England. E., 7th Mother: Mrs. Whyte, Seccombe Road, Mount Eden, Lieutenant Whyte, Harry, 7th Auckland. Conn, James, 7th Father: Mr. Christopher Conn, MoAndrew Road, Dunedin. Lewin, Charles Montague, 6th Father: John Forbes, Devon Street, Wellington. 3730 Sergeant-Major Forbes, William Farrier Quartermaster-Sergean t Rouse, 1!'ather: J. Rouse Ratbmere Street, Fairfield Park, William George Melbourne. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-REGIMENTAL STAFF. 9101 9102 9103 9104 9105 9107 9106 9108 9109 !Jll0 Major Pennycook, William Scott Captain and Adjutant Corle, Arthur CeciI Captain and Paymaster Cossgrove, David Surgeon-Captain MoLachlan, Robert Clephane Veterinary - Surgeon - Captain Neale, Charles Raymond Honorary Captain and Chaplain Luxford, John Aldred Honorary Captain and Quartermaster Bremner, Robert James Staff Sergt.-Major Coleman Regimental Sergt.-Major Durham, Joseph Waiter Regimental Quartermaster- Sergeant Montgomery, John Farrier Quartermaster-Sergt. A'Court, Sydney Charles Assistant Regimental QuartermasterSergt. Hussey, Wliliam James Orderly. room Sergeant Proctor, John Macfarlane ,Paymaster's·Sergeant Curtis, James WilIiam Orderly-room Corporal Barker, ArchiI bald Henry Dispenser. Corporal A'Court, William , Henry 'I Dispenser Corporal Duvall, Frederick Charles : Veterinary-Corporal McKay, Wiiliam Wife: Mrs. Kate L. Pennycook, Balolutha, Otago. Father: Charles C. Code, Christchurch. Wife: Mrs. Celina Cossgrove, Tuawhi, Kaiapoi. Father: Arohibald McLachlan, Doyleston. Friend: J. Gilruth, Chief Government Vet., Wellington. Son: J. A. Luxford, Bank of Australasia, Invercargill. Wife: Mrs. Annie Bremner, Alexandra Street, Caversham. Defence Office, Christohurch. Mother: Mrs. M. A. Durham, Dublin Street, Lyttelton. Father: James Montgomery, 21, York Plaoe, Dunedin. Father: Samuel A'Court, Durham Street North, Cbristchurch. Wife: Mrs. F. M. Hussey, Sohool Road, Upper Riccarton. Mother: Mrs. Alexander Proctor, Wilderness Road, Addington. Father: J ames Curtis, Halswell Street, Wanga.nui. Mother: Mrs. Ella Barker, Retreat Road, Avonside, Cbristchurch. Mother: Mrs. S. A'Court, 179, Durham Street North Christchuroh. Mother: Mrs. A. Cook, Brixton Road, Mt. Roskill, Auckland. Son: Willla.m McKa.y, Hanmer Plains, Canterbury. 2 EDW. VII.] No. Mil·itary Pensions. Ra.nk a.nd Name. [1902, No. 54. Next-of-kin, and Address. TENTH CONTINGENT-conttnued. SOUTH ISLAND RBGIMBNT.-E SQUADRON. 9112 9115 9113 9125 9114 9116 9117 9122 9119 9120 9124 9118 9123 9126 9127 9131 9128 9163 9173 9186 9132 913il 9209 9134 9135 9136 9137 9138 9139 9140 9141 !J142 9143 9144 9145 9146 9147 9148 9130 9149 9150 9151 9152 9153 9154 9155 Captain Fisber, Francis Marion Bates Wife: Mrs. Esther A. Fisher, 14, Park Terraoe, Chrlstchurch. Fatber: Edwin Derrett, Hororata, Canterbury. Lieutenant Derrett, George Oecil Father: Abner Clough, Waitangi, Chatham Islands. Olough, Edgar John Hill, Tbomas Clifford Father: Antony Hill, 17, Wadsworth Street, Sydenham. Father: T. A. Dunlop, Parawai, Thames. " Dunlop, David WaIter Squadron Sergt.-Major Lyons, Thus. Mother: Mrs. A. S. Lyons, Balguerie Street, Akaroa. WaIter Squadron Quartermaster - Sergeant Father: Oaptain J. Mather, Spreydon, Obrlstchrch. Matber, William Sergeant Fear, Arthur Robed Mother: Mrs. Robart'Fear, Woodend, Canterbury. Hill, Oharles Willlam Friend: F. Fuller, solicitor, Chancery Lane, Christchurch. Smitb, Charles Frederick Sister: Jennie Smitb, care of Mrs. Allnutt, Harewood Road, Papanui. Father: WIlIiam Smith, Westerfield, Ashburton. Smith, John Henry Simpson, George Daniel Father: George Simpson, CornAr North Belt, Barbadoes Street, Christchurch. Father: George Coasar, Tai Tapu. " Oossar, David Henry Mother: Mrs. J. M. Andrew, Outram. Farrier-Sergeant Andrew, John Nortb, Willialll Father: W. J. North, Goldsmith Street, Sydenham. James COUSID: F. G. Horrel, Horrellville. Saddler-Sergeant Neill, Harry Oorporal Ritchfield, Samuel James .. :>ister: E. E. Ritchfield, Robinson's Bay, Akaroa. Father: William Sparrow, Ashburton. Sparrow, WiIliam Jobn Lyons, John .. . . Father: Mark Lyons, Balguerie Street, Akaroa. Bennett, Edward Charles .. Father: Stephen Bennett, Mahoe, Taranaki. Symons, Frederick Henry .. Brother: Wilfred R. ,,;ymons, Aylesbury, North Canterbury Welsh, J oseph J ames Sister: Mrs. Gordon, 125, Montreal Street, Christohurch. Lance-Oorporal Ferris, John Smith .. Mother: Mary Ann Ferris, st. Loch, Truro, Cornwall, England Holland, James Ed- Father: James Holland, Raven Street, Kaiapoi. ward Moore, 1'Iarold Fred- Father: John Henry Moore, Rangiora. erick Hocking, Edward Father: J. G. H.Hocking,ISmollet Street, Sydenham. Francis Hopkins, Henry Father: H. D. Hopkins. Cox Street, Ashburton. Church South, Richard Wil- Motber: Mrs. Mary South, Cedars, Colombo Street, Christchurch. liam Father: Henry Staunton, 1, Bath Street, ChristBugler Staunton, Archibald church. Farrier Harwood, Albert Edward Sister: Mrs. W. Pease, Pamford Street, Woolston. Father: John Campbell, Timaru. " Campbell, James .. Father: Joseph Miles, Asbburton. Saddler Miles, Richard George Private Andersoll, George Alfred Father: Thomas Henry Anderson, Armadale, Bowen Street, Christchurch. Heath .. Ashton, Herbert .. Father: W. L. Ashton, Stewart's Gully, Canterbury. Adam, Leonard Bruce Father: George Adam, Spohr Street, AddingtolJ. Sister: Mrs. 1:>. McCaul, Milton, Otago. Bradbury, Robert .. Busbell, Reginald .. Uncles: Rhodes Bros., Flea Bay, Akaroa. Bing, Alfred Edward Mother: Mrs. G. Gordon, Kelly's Road, St. Albans. Mother: Mrs. E. Brookes, Banks Peninsula, Akaroa.. Brookes, Alexander Father: James S. Bland, Winchmore, Ashburton. Bland, George Arthur Father: Thomas Bradford, Ashburton. Bradford, Henry .. Bradford, Thomas Fleming .. Father: Thomas Bradford, Ashburton. Father: Wllliam H. Breach, Rakaia. Breach, Sydney Mother: Mrs. Mary Campbell, Waltham Roa.d Camp bell, Walter .. Sydenham. Collins, Herbert Milford Father: E. F. Collins, 18, Tuam Street, Christchuroh. Carter, Henry Father: John Carter, Hunter Road, Eltham, Taranaki. Mother: Mrs. M. Conlan, Oamaru. Conlan, Owell Eugene Father: Patrick Cannon, Home View, Cheviot. Cannon, J ames Cheeseman, Cecil Henslowe Friend: Mrs. Heslop, St. Alban's Lane, Christchurcb. Father: WilIiam Cameron, 130, Gloucester Street, Cameron, Archibald Ctlristchurob. Coleman, Richard .. Father: Joseph Coleman, Ashburton. 283 284 1902, No. 54.J No. Militar!J Pensions. Rank !lntI Name. [2 EDW. VII Next·of-kin, and Address. TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-E 9688 9156 9157 9158 915IJ 9160 9161 9162 9225 9164 9165 9166 9H;7 9168 9692 9690 9120 9169 9170 9171 9172 9174 9175 !J691 U176 U177 V17tl 9179 9180 9182 9183 9184 9185 9187 9188 9189 \H90 9191 9192 9193 9194 9195 9196 !Jl29 9197 9198 9199 9200 9201 9224 9202 9203 9204 9205 9206 9207 9208 9210 9211 9212 9213 9214 Private Ca.ssidy, Richard .. SQUADRON-continued. Mother: Mrs. Anne Cassidy, Earne Street, Inveroargill. COUSIn: Miss E. Tee, Christchurch. Brother-iD-law: Mr. Wheartin, Baxter's Siding, Kokiri. Denham, Clarence Murray .. Father: Frederick Denham, Richmond. Evans, Wilfred George Father: C. Evans, Kalkoura. Forbes, George Father: George Forbes, Dunedin. Forbe8, Robert Father: A. Forbes, 103, Barnes Street, Sydenham. Ferguson, Alfred William Aunt: Mrs. Denton, Gasworks Roaj, Christchuroh. Fisher, John Friend: F. Cox, Spencer Street, Addington. Fisher, George Friend: Joseph Cox, Spencer Street, Addington. Forbes, John Father: John Forbes, Wellington. Gallavin, John Father: John GallavlD, Winchester Street, Lyttelton. Gill, Frederick EdwIn Brother·in·law: Mr. Mulhern, Selwyn Terrace, Lyttelton. Father: M. Gottermeyer, Canal Read, Marshland. Gottermeyer, Charles Graham, Miles John Father: John Graham, Brunswiok Street, Dur.edin. Gunn, Vernon Robert Father: D. W. Gunn, Queen Street, Richmond, Nelson. Hallam, John Father: James Hallam, Falgrove Street, Sydenham. Hartley, Edward Mother: Mrs. Hartley, Andrew Street, Sydenham. Fattler: J. Hurse, Cust. Hurse, Leonard Grenville Hawker, Charles Mother: Mrs. Hawker, North Street, St. Albans. Heney, WilJiam John Father: Thomas Heney, Charles Street, Kaiapoi. Hill, Waiter Francis Father: F. W. Hill, Lismore, Hinds. Hagerty, Daniel Washington Father: John Hagerty, Winton, Southland. Hume, Peter Gullard Mother: Mrs. Charlotte Hume, 39, York Place, Dunedin. Father: Mr. Iles, Papanui. Iles, Lealand Harry Father: L. Jacobsen, Brougham Street, Sydenham . .Jaoobsen, Horace Joseph Johnston, David Friend: Miss M. Comfort, Shepparton, Victoria. Friend: Mrs. Wheeler, Ashburton. Jones, WaIter Edward Father: Fredenck Lindsay, Walas Road, Lyttelton. Lindsay, Charles Ellesmere Lynskey, Edwin Father: William Lynskey, Wilson's Siding, Kaiapoi. Father: George Mould, O'Kain's Bay, Canterbury. Mould, William Mould, Thomas Father: George Mould, O'Kain's Bay, Oanterbury. Father: R. Moore, 11, Gladstone Terrace, ChristMoore, George BirUle church. Father: William Miles, Rangiora. Miles, Alfred James Father: John Martin, Sneyd Street, Kaiapoi. Martin, Thomas Father: Patrick Madden, Seafield Road, Ashburton. Madden, Joseph .• Friend: William Henry Pearce, Ashburton. Mason, Michael Bertie Father' James Metcalfe, Ashhurst, Palmer8ton Metcalfe, Septimus John North. Mother: Mrs. A. McArley, Pukeuri. McArley, Olliver .. Father: Wilham McLaren, Mayfield, Ashburton. McLaren, Duncan Father: John McConnell, North·east Belt, Ashburton. McConnell, John George McConnel, Henry .. I Father: R. MoConnel, Christchurch. I Father: Henry P. Malthus, Maori Hill, Timaru. Malthusl Samuel .. Father: J. B. Moody, Woodend, Canterbury. Moody, William Sister-in-law: Mrs. P. J. Crozier, 85, Queen Street, Phillpott, Victor George Sydenham. Father: H. Phillips, 48, Durham Street, Christchuroh. Phillips, Harry Father: F. Primmer, North Street, St. Albans. Primmer, Peroy Prettyjohn, William Francis Mother: Mrs. Grace A. Prettyjohn, 145, Peterborough Street, Christchurch. Norman Mother: Mrs. L. Prestney, Fernside. Prestney, Arthur .. Father: G. P. Pulley, Loburn. Pulley, Francis Cousin: Mrs. Heseltine, Tinwald. Paterson, George Duncan Father: John Payne, Ma.yfield, Ashburton. Payne, Thomas George Uncle: John Ash, Prebbleton. Porter, Andrew John Father: John Robinson, 60, Tuam Street, Linwood. Robinson, Waiter Maitland Aunt: Mrs. L. Turpin, Linwood Station. Rich, Robert Francis Father: Jas. Rogers, Greymoutb. Rogers, Harry Josiah Father: Charles Rout, Stratford, Viotoria. Rout, George Abraham Mother: Mrs. Charlotte Sheridan, Rangiora. Sheridan, Charles .. Brother: W. J. Stevenson, H.lIf. Customs, Wellington. Stevenson, John Father: E. Samuels, Morven, South Canterbury. Samuels, Charles Henry Mother: Mrs. H. M. Scott, Havelock Street, Ashburton. Scott, George Francis Father: David Olliver Sewell, Ruapuna, Ashburton. Sewell, Charles Davie., Charles Arthur Davies, Thomas Gordon .. 2 EDW. VII.] Military Pensions. Rank and Name. [1902, No. 54. Next-of-kin, and Address. TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.--E SQUADRON-con#mted. 9215 9217 9218 9219 9220 9221 9222 9223 9694 Private Tregear, Everard Leopold Mother: Mrs. J. Tregear, Wattlevale, St. Martin's, Quinton Opawa. Vincent, Bartholomew Mother: Mrs. E. Vinoent, Romato Settlement, Woolston. Thomas Wallburton, Phillip Charles Brother: F. G. Wallburton, Aulesbrook's Biscuit Company, Christchurch. Ward, Newman.Gordon Father: N. L. Ward, 48, Tinakori Road, Wellington. Wallace, James Crofford Father: James Wallace, Mollett Street, Christchurch. Webb, William Ernest Brother: F. Webb, Thames Street, Linwood. Whitlock, Charles .. Brother: James Whitlock, Gisborne. Wood, William Uncle: Norman Johnston, Springburn. Whitty, Richard George Father: S. Whitty, Dowliog Street, Dunedin. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON. 9226 9227 9228 9229 9230 9231 9232 9233 9234 9235 9236 9237 9238 9239 9240 9241 9242 9243 9244 9245 9246 9247 9248 9249 9250 9251 9252 9253 9254 9255 9256 9257 9258 9259 9260 9261 9262 9263 9264 9265 9266 Lieutenant Maling, Thomas James .. Father: Thomas Maling, 277, Armagh Street, Christchuroh. Powrie, Malcolm Angus .. Father: J ames Powrie, Chri6tchurch. Hiokson, Waiter Atken .. Mother: Mrs. R. A. Hickson, Kilmore, Prospect Street, Waverley, Sydney, New South Wales. Garland, Jonothan Father: Benjamin Garland, Auokland. William Squadron Sergeant - Major J effreys, Father: F. J. Jeffreys, Nelson. Charles Alfred Squadron Quartermaster· Sergeant Mother: Mrs. A. Smith, Lyndhurst Street, GreySmith, Joseph Henry mouth. Sergeant Burnett, John Edward Father: J. R. Burnett, Dovedale, Nelson. Thomas Holland, Ernest Lionel Father: J. Holland, Bishopdale, Nelson. Smith Daniel Brother-in-law: J. S. Smyth, Denniston, Westport. Marshall, William Griffiths Sister: Mrs. Forsyth, Blue Spur, Hokitika. D i b b I e, J 0 h n J a me s Friend: Mr. Coney, Club Hotel, Kaikoura. McDonald " Burch, Adolphus Dodsol1 .. Father: C. Burch, Papawai, Grey town. Farrier-Sergeant Lummas, George .. Father: A. Lnmmas, High Street, Blenheim. " Bebbington, Harry Mother: Mrs. R. Campbell, Seadown. Saddler· Sergeant Johnston, Ern est Father: F. W. Nelson, Port Nelson. Victor Corporal Nicolls, John .. Father: J. H. Nicolls, Spraylands, Blenheim. " McLiver, John Lachlau Father: Captain J. McLiver, Avondale, Auckland. Holmes, J ames Father: Richard Holmes, Denniston. Cox, Frederick James Father: Mr. Cox, Kaiapoi. Burke, Rupert Eg~rton Mother: Mrs. Norah Burke, Church Terrace, Timaru. ~'ather: Thomas Fogarty, Timaru. " Fogarty, David Lance-Corporal Lewis, Tom Father: O. Lewis, Pahiatua. Opie, Harold Uncle: H. A'Court, Papanui, Christchurch. Hole, William Bruton Father: John Hole, Glen-iti, Timaru. Rutherford, Andrew Father: Mr. Rutherford, Waiau. Don Bennett, Henry Father: WiIliam Bennett, Pleasant Valley, Geraldine. " Malthus, Percy Father: Henry P. Malthus, Maori Hill, Timaru. Bugler Weir, EdwardJames Mother: Mrs. Weir, Teviot Street, Invercargill. Farrier McPhedran, Donald Cunning- Friend: John Whittaker, Stafford Street, Timaru. ham " MoLeod, George Frank Cousin: Robed Judge, Hawera. Saddler Wilkinson, Charles Thomas Father: C. H. Wilkinson, Motupiko, Nelson. Henry Private Ambrose, Arthur Father: John Ambrose, Ferguson Street, Palmerston North. Arm strong, John William Mother: Mrs. Charlotte Armstrong, Blenheim. Anderson, William Charles Brother: Joseph Anderson, Onamalutu, Blenheim. Anderson, George Robert Father: Alexander Anderson, Kaiapoi. Brasell, Henry Wllliam Father : John Brasell, Duntroon. Butt, William Harry Father: James Butt, Cheviot Hill. Brown, Eric Father: Robert Brown, Riccarton. Brown, Albert George Father: G. J. Brown, Kowai Bush. Brown, J oseph Father: E. L. Brown, Alton Street, Nelson. Brown, John Father: David Brown, Kanieri, Westland. Baucke, Frank Herman Father: Herman Baucke, Ranieri, Westland. Berry, Austin Father: T. W. Berry, Alfred Street, Blenheim. Brown, Robert Jobn Father: W. T. Brown, Kowai Bush, Springfield. Caldwell, AllgustqS Mother; Mrs. Elil1iabeth OaldweU, Clive, Hawke's Ba.y. 285 288 1902, No. 54.J Military Pensions. Rank and Name. [2 EDW. VII. Next-of-kin, and Address. TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND RF,GIMENT.-F 9267 I Private Clark, Thomas Lander 9268 i Cook, Ernest William 9269 Chandler, Wllliam \ 9270 ! 9271 9272 9273 9274 9275 9276 9277 9278 9279 9280 9281 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 9287 9288 9289 9290 9291 9292 9293 9294 9295 9296 9297 9298 9299 9300 9301 9302 9303 9304 9305 9306 . i ; ' ! . . I i I . i I ' 9307 9308 9309 9310 : 9311 9312 9313 9314 9315 1 9316 . 9317 I ! 9318 9319 I 9320 9579 9321 9322 9323 9324 9325 9326 9327 9a28 I SQUADRON-continued. Uncle: A. C. Mouldey, Worcester Street, Ohristchurch. Father: H. Cook, Grevtown North. SIster: Miss Mary Chandler, care of G. Waham, Renwiek Road, Blenheim. Cundy, Ernest Henry Father: Harry Cundy, Blenheim. Carew, John Henry I Friend: T. Barrett, Queen Street, Westport. , Father: A. T. Card, Plcton. Card, Arthur Blamires ., i Mother: Mrs. James Cameron, Kowai Bush, SpringCameron, George .. i field. CampbeIl. Kenneth Olliver '. Father' J. Campbell, Waipu North, Auckland. Doonan, Matthew .. lIIother: Mrs. Margaret Doonan, Terrace, Reefton. Gillespie, J os. Francis Father: John GilIespie, Temuka. Gla.son, John FrIend: Jos. Bryan, Timaru. Goldsmith, Benjamin DawsoJl Friend: P. Lyom, Temuka. Graham, Herbert Lewis Father: Samuel E. Graham, Kakahu School, Temuka. Gibbs, George Herbert Father: J. Gibbs, Wakefield, Nelson. Gilmer, Ro~ert Father: Henry Gilmer, Totara Flat, Greymouth. Gainsford, Waiter Allen Father: R. H. Galnsford, East Oxford. Fanehelle, Frank Charles Sister: Mro. H. Smith, Takaka, Nelson. Franklyn, Charles Henry Brother: J. Franklyn, Takaka East, Nelson. Flower, William Herbert lIIo,her: Mrs. J. W. Flower, Kalkoura, Mar1borough. Harrison, Robert .. .. Father: John Harrison, Temuka. Head, William Arthur Father: Arthur Head, Kanieri, Hokitiki. Hutehison, David .. Brother: John Hutehlson, Kanieri, Westland. Horton, John Peacson Father: John Horton, Reef ton. Hyne, Arthur Friend: A. Miles, Collingwood. James Charles Robert Mother: Mrs. SBrah E. James, Washdyke, Timaru. Jones, Thomas Pat rick Brother: Peter Jones, Stafford Street, Hokitiki. Jordan, Alexander St. Father: Alexander Jordan, Springfield. Kelly, Thoma~ Father: William Kally, Cheviot. Kitehing, Thomas Mercer Father: A. Kltching, Nelson. Lorrett, Frank Mother: Mrs. Anne Lorrett, Hororata. Sister: Mrs. R. Glover, Nelson. Lammas, John Oscar Father: H. Lowe, Birchfield, Westport. Lowe, Christopher Lamb, Herbert Arthur Father: H. A. Lamb, Wellington. Lund, John Father: Waiter Lund, Pleasant Point, Timaru. Maban, Adam George Mother: Mrs. M:ary Jane Mahan, Rangitata. MeredHh, John Thomas Father: G. R. M:eredith, Hilton, near Temuka. Father: W. J. Mitchell, Eaton Street, Timaru. Mitchell, WilIiam John Father: John Moore, Temuka. Moore, WIlliam John Manson, George Gray Sister: Mrs. Maynard, Freehurst Roa.d, Lyttelton. Sister: Mrs. A. HJ de, care of A. Hyde, care of Mrs. Moore, John Thomas C. Kent, Gill t:ltreet, New Plymouth. Morgan, Frank Mother: Mrs. AnDie Morgan, Fifth Street, Kuma.ra. Mother: Mrs. ElIza Nesbitt, Belgrove, Nelson. McLean, William .. MeWilliams, Jameo Brother: Thomas Mc Williams, Cook Street, Auokla.nd. McCarthy, Perey .. Father: F. MeCarthy, Boundary Street, Greymouth. MePherson, Norman Father: Norman McPherson, sen., Ora.ri. MeDonald, Andrew Father: John McDonald, Hedgehope, Invercargill. MeFarlane, John .. Friend: Mr. D. Livingstone, Grey Street, Port Chalmers. Sister: Mrs. Burfeet, Timaru. McKenzie, Hughie Stepmother: Mrs. Ameha Nelson, Limehill, SouthNelson, David land. Friend: T. Holden, Collingwood, Nelson. Nelson, Charles O'Connor, Charles Father: Maurice O'Connor, Glen-iti Post-office, Timaru. Olliver, Arthur Hawdon Mother: Mra. Olliver, Fernside. PoweIl, John Father: Lewis Powell, East Oxford, North Canterbury. Pfahlert, Jose ph .. Father: Ernest Pfahlert, Kanied, Westland. Potter, John Josepll Mother: Mrs. E. D. Potter, Edmund Street, Wool8ton. Redwood, Henry Francis Mother: Mrs. Charlotte Redwood, Muller Road, Blenheim. Ring, Perey Aunt: Mrs. A. Maynard, Medbury, North Canterbury. Reid, John Edwin .. Father: John Reld, Church Street, Timaru. Father: John H. Swaney, Temuka. Swaney, Peter Smith, JOBeph Brother: Jack Smith, Feilding. Smith, Thomas Father: Edward Smith, Brunnerton. Father: John Singer, Kanieri, Westland. Singer, Louis Father: Anthony Stankey, Kanieri, Westland, Stankey, JOlievh Military Pensions. 2 EDW. VII.] ~~----~-- Rank and Name. [1902, No. 54. ------~~-----~---- Next-of-kin, and Address. TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-F SQUADRON-continned. 9329 9330 9331 9332 9333 9334 9335 9336 9337 9338 9339 9340 9341 9342 Private Snook, John Herbert Solly, John Sorimgeour, Henry Scott, George WiJliam Sutton, Edward William Shepherd, David .. Shaw, William Edwa.rd Shaw, William John, John .. .. Upton, Robert Willia.m Chas. Wllliams, William .. Walker, William Henry Ward, Riohard Wells, Thomas Edward : Father: A. E. H. Snook, Dovedale, Nelson. Father: E. Solly, Kahaka. Father: J. Sorimgeour, Collingwood, Nelson. ' Mother: Mrs. Helen Se ott, Omoto Road, Greymouth. Father: Frank Sutton, Wamakaka.ho, Blenheim. Father: Mr. Shepherd, Kmg Street, Rangiora. Friend: A. S. Bird, Culverden. Friend: Miss Mary Brunnel, Mount Fyfe, Kaikoura.. Brother: Victor, Denniston. 1 Mother: Mrs. Gieseler, Springfield. Friend: James Wilson, Miners' Hotel, Reef ton. Sister: Mrs. Stringer, Fairdown, nea.r Westport. : Father: John Bruster Ward, Fairview, near i Mother: Mrs. Wells, Kauieri, Westland. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON. Lieutenant Keddell, Philip Arthur .. I Father: Major Keddell, Oamaru. " Jones, Sidney Leslie .. Father: John Richard Jones, 14, Park Street, Dunedin. Corlett, Henry Robert Father: B. S. Coriett, Rotorua. Seymour Walmsley, Francis John Father: D. W. Walmsley, Government Buildingd, Wellington. 9343 Squadron Sergt.-Major Challis, Arthur Father: George Challis, Avenel. Henry 9344 SquadronQuartermaster-Sergt.Elston, Relative Mrs. Wright, Avonside, Christohuroh. Frederiek John Goddard 9345' Sergeant Booth, Frederick Underwood Mother: Mrs. A. Booth, Cross Lane, Oamaru. Mother: Mrs. R. J. Meadows, Luggate, Otago. 9346 Oooper, John Joseph Father: Henry Stock, Kakanui. Stock, Arthur Francis 9347 9348 Sutherland, Robert Mother: Mrs. Jessie Sutherland, Mata.kanui, Ota.go. La.wson, George ., Cousin: Miss Maud Holmes, Napier. 9349 Father: Alexander Ross, Kelso, Otago. 9350 " Ross, John 9583 Farrier-Sergeant Hutehings, WIlliam Sister: Mrs. Eva Norris, Maclaggan Street, Dunedm. Ernest • Burgess, Charles Duff Father: C. D. Burgess, Balclutha. 9352 9353 Saddler· Sergeant Taylor, Joseph Alfred Father: John Taylor, Walpole Street, Wa1tham. 9354 Corporal Porter, Ernest Father: Robert Porter, care of J. E. Hutchison, Waimate. Sutherland, Henry Father: Robert Sutherla.nd, Ke.ihiku, Ota.go. 9355 Anderson, James Henry Brother: John Anderson, Outram, West Taieri. 9356 Father: William Seade, Ke.kanui. Searle, Richard 9357 Fairlie, John Mother: Mrs. Louisa Fairlie, High Street, Roslyn, 9358 Dunedin. Toomey, Patrick 9359 Brother: Sergeant J. Toomey, Police-sta.tion, Feild1 ing. Uncle: John Anderson, Queensbury, Luggate. 9360 Lance-Corporal Anderson, Thomas Frith, William 9361 Father: W. H. Frith, The.mes Street, Oamaru. 9362 Codiss, Mor~imer Pat- Father: John Corliss, Vogeltown, Wellington. rick Wilson, George Fa.ther: Cha.rles Wilson, Parsonage Road, Waimate. 9363 9364 Manson, Andrew Fa.ther: Donald Manson, Pukerau. Mouat Father: Alexe.nder Johnson, Herbert, Otago. 9365 " Johnson, Herbert Father: John Bland, North·east Valley, Dunedin. 9366 Bugler Bland, Archibald May FMher: -George Murphy, Naseby. 9367 Farrier Murphy, George Bur~, Frederick Godfrey 9368 Father: W. A. Burt, Victorie. Street, Rangiora. 9369 Sl.ddler Joss, William Father: Alexander J OSS, Queenstown. Mother: Mrs. Mary Ba.ln, 298, Cashel Street, Christ. 9370 Private, Maxwell Stewart church. Father: Neil Bain, Kurow. 9371 Bain, Henry Brown, Frederiok .. Fa.ther: Courtney Brown, Oamaru. 9372 Bolton, William .. Father: Ja.mes Bolton, Hampden. 9373 Buchanan, Michael 9374 Father: George Buche.nan, Wai-iti Road, Mother: Mrs. Baxter, Maunge.tua, Ote.go. Baxter, Ernest W,lliam 9375 Cox, George 9376 Father: George Cox, Pape.kaio, Oamaru. Cox,John Father: George Cox, Papakaio, 9377 Cairns, Robert Father: Robert Cairns, New Street, Oamaru. 9378 Clark, Alexander David Father: Hugh Clark, Ardgowa.n. 9379 Cooper, Thomas Ernest 9380 Mother: Mrs. Meadows, Luggate. Oadogan, Clifford Taylor 9381 Father: David Ca.dogan, Rocky Side, Ca.vershe.m N 287 288 1902, No. 54.J Mildary Pensions. [2 RDW. VII. No_·~I__________R_a_n_k_a_n__d_N__am__e_.________~____________N_e_xt_-_Of_~_i_n_,_a_nd__A_d_d_r_eB_s_.____________ TENTH CONTINGENT--continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGILHENT.--G SQUADRON--contill1ted. 9382 9383 9384 9385 9386 9387 9388 9389 Private Cromb, John Hay Donaldson Carter, George Ralph Connor, John Cranwell, Charles .. Columb, Edward Joseph Donovan, Wllliam Henry Dougherty, Benjamin .. Dunean, Archibald Camphell 9390 9391 9392 9393 9394 9395 9396 9397 , 939B I 9399 9400 9401 9402 940:l 9404 940':; 940fi 9407 940B 940~) 9051 9410 9411 9412 , 9413 ' 9414 9415 94W 9417 9418 9419 i 9420 942l I 9422, 9423 . 9424 I 9425 ' 9426 9427 9428 9429 9430 9431 9689 9432 9433 9434 9435 943G : 9437 i 9438 9439 9440 9441 9442 9443 9444 9445 944u Brother: William Cromb, Ranfurly, Otago. Friend: Duncan Livingstone, Alexandra. Mother: !vIrs. May Connor, Cricklewood, Timaru. Brother-in-law: WaIter 'fa.nner, Fairlie. Sister: Mary Columb, MosgieJ, Otago. l\Iichael Douovan, 1<Jden Street, Oamaru. Fatber: Neil Dougherty,Cannongate Street, Dunedin Father: RIChard Duncan, Woodlands, North Road Oamaru. Dawson, Charles .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Dawson, Hampden. Deam, Frank Father: John Deam, Waihemo. Dempsey, William Father: Alexander Dempsey, Ngahere, Greymouth, Westland. Ennis, Andrew Alfred Brother: Wllliam Olliver Ennis, Herbert. Ellis, William Henrv Godfather: W. H. Smitb, Fairlie. Edgeeombe, Willlam Stenning Mother: Mrs. Edgecombe, Alexandra. South, Ota.go. EIlIs, Leollard Riohmond Father: J. J. Ellis, Rangitata, South Canterbury. Flynn, Peter Father: John Flynn, Studholme Junction. FmdJayson, Robert Father: Alexander FlDdlayson, Tinwald, Ashburton. Fraser, RoderlOk .. Mother. MrA. Ellen Fraser, Lake Te Anau. Gow, James Thomson Father: A Gow, Waireka Junction, Oamaru. Mother: Mrs. F. Meadows, Hawea Flat, Ota.go. Goodall, Edward .. Gilchrist, John Father: Alexander Gilchrist, Herbert. Geddes, WiJham .. Mother: Mrs. James Geddes, Palmerston South. Green, WiIliam James Siseer: Mr~. W. Reay, Morven, South Canterbury. Griffiths, George .. Friend: P. KIldiegh, Temuka. Hoare, Edwin Father: Thomas Hoare, Waimate. Hunt, John Father: Peter Hunt, Melbourne Strellt, Invercargill. Jackson, William .. Father: Wllliam Jackson, Hillgrove. Joyce, George :!vIother: Mrs. J. Duckett, Mary Street, Waimate. Kerr, Robert Fatber: Jobn Kerr, Gordon Street, Sydenham. Kay, Robert Father: J ames Kay, Allan Street, Oamaru. Kidd, John Father: Henry Kidd, Albury, South Canterbury. Kennington, Joseph Father: William Kennington, Okaramio, Havelook. Kitchen, Thomas Alexander Father: James Kitchen, PalmHston South. Fatber: Peter Kelly, Dunsandel. Kally, John Morrison Knowles, Tbom>\s FrederlCk Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Knowles, Motueka, Nelson. Kilpatrick, John Johnstooe .. Father: John Kilpatrick, Cumberland Street, Dunedin. Leask, William Miss Ross, Awamoka, Oamaru. Mother: Mrs. R. White, Waimate, Soutb Canterbury. Laird, Samuel Livingstone, Herbert Mr. J. Trotter, Fairlie. Morrison, LauchJan Ca.Mer .. Father: Angus Morrison, Herbert. Meadows, WilIiam Father: Thomas Meadows, Luggate, Otago. Mitchell, James Father: Peter Mitchell, Caversham, Otago. Marshall, John Alfred Fatber: Robert William Marshall, Timaru. Mackay, Perey lVbther: Mrs. G. Maekay, 252, George Street, Dunedin. Faeher: James Milne, J.P., Wyndham. MIlne, Franeis MeGregor, Maleolm Father: Malcolm MoGregor, Kakanui, Oamaru. McPherson, Arthur Fergus .. Uncle: Alfred Cox, Office Road, St. Albans, Christchurch. Moyles, Ern est James Mother: Frances Hansen, Ranfurly, Otago. Meyer, John Herman Brother: R. Meyer, 15, Moray Pla.oe, West Dunedin. Nicol, George Father: Robert Niool, Wlloimate. Father: Reginald C. Ouston, Lumsden. Ouston, William Edgar Pedler, John WiIliam Father: John Pedler, 33, Madras Street, Christchurch. Phillips, Robert Augustus Father: Robert Phillips, Campbelltown, Tasmania. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Price, Tapanui. Price, Tbomas Richardson, Edward Malcott SiAter: Mrs. J. C. Dixon, Oamaru. Robson, Thoma. .. Brother: John Rob.on, Redcliff, Glenavy. Hidd, William Thomas Mother: Mrs. Isabella Rrdd, Miller's Flat, Otago. Mother: Mrs. J. Smith, Blakely's Hotel, Wyndham. Robins, John FraneiR Father: George Ratcliffe, Fortifioation, near Milton. Ratcliffe, John Scott, William Father: J ames Scott, Glenavy. Smitb, Robert David Stepbrother: WiIliam Sole, Waimate. Sullivan, James Mother: Mrs. G. Sullivan, Nottingly Park, Waimate. Sullivan, Richard .. Mother: Mrs. George Sullivan, Park Road, Waimate. Small, Maurioe Motber: Mrs. Kate Small, FairHe. Saunders, Charlols William .. Mother: Phoebe Saunders, Pleasant Point. SimmerA, Dunaan A. Father: Ca.ptain J. G. Simmers, Queenstown. Smiley, Arahibald :RobeLtson Father; Tbomas G. Smiley, Arrowtown, Military Pensiu1I8. 2 EDW. YII.~ No. Rank and Name. -1002, No. 54. Next-of-kin. and Address. TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-G SQUADRON-continued. 9447 Priva.te Smith, W.Ilia.m Sha.w, Ernest Olliver 9448 Sa.unders, Eusta.ce 9449 , 9450 . Smith, George Goddard, George 9451 Temple, David James 9452 Timblick, Ernest John 9453 Tudey, Micha.el .. 9454 Ward, Frederick Herbert 9455 Wills, Frank 9456 Wilson, Thomas Lawrence .. \H57 Wilson, Willia.m •• 9458 Fa.ther: J ames Smith, Luggate, Otago. Father: Ja.mes H. Sha.w, Fa.irlie. Fa.ther: Mark Sa.unders, Point. Fa.ther: S. J{, Smitb, Wa.ikoua.ite. Fatber: John, Herbert, Ota.go. Fa.ther: W.lliam Temple Weston, Otago. Father: John Timblick, Etlfield, Oa.maru. Friend: J. Clarke, of Olarke Bros., Oamartl. Frietld: A. Heclar, Post· office, Waikoua.ite. W. Wills, Waimate. Friend: E. J. Carter, Makikihi, South Canterbury. Friend: Edward Downes, Warrington, Otago. SOUTH ISLAND REGIMENT.-H SQUADRON. Brother: W. E. Butler, Comma.nda.nt's Offioe, Defence Department, Wellington. Mother: Mrs. Harriet Robbie, t\ew Plymouth. Robbie, Cha.rles Edwa.rd Brother: W, H. C. Glassotl, Tuakall, Auckla.nd. Gla.sson, Albert Josiah Mother: ~frs. R. Stevens, Wakefield, Nelson. " Stevens, WilIia.m James Squa.dron Sergt.-Major West, Arthur Sister: Mrs. S. Brown, Russel Street, South Dunedin. Qua.rterma.ster - Sergea.nt Father: John Thomas McDona.ld, Kaikoura. McDona.ld, John Thoma.s Friend: S. Jarvis, Dunedin. Sergea.nt Wilton, Sidney Ha.rold Father: James Murphy, Majoriba.nk Street, WelMurphy, James .. !ington. McGregor, Cla.ude Ernest Father: John C. McGregor, Ma.taura. Bucbana.n Sister: Mrs. Vella., Bluff. Marisco, Frank .. Clyma, John Albert Cyri! .. Mother: Mrs. Ma.rga.ret Clyma., 179, Princes Street, Dunedin. ", Albert Edward Fa.ther: William, St. Kilda., Dunedin. Farrier· Sergeant McNeil, John Boyne Sister: Mrs. A. Murphy, Green Isla.nd, Dunedm. u Excell, Waiter Father: Harry Excell, St. Bathan's, Ota.go. Saddler-Sergeant Hutchison, Thomas, Mother: Mrs. F. Hutchison, Broughton Street, Gore. Holmes ' Corporal Stalker, Duncan .. Father: Alexander Stalker, Te Tua, Orepuki. Hamilton, William Vickery Mother: Mrs. EIlen Ha.milton, King Street, Dunedin. Sa.nderson, John Fa.ther: Ja.mes Sa.nderson, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. Hinton, Henry Godfrey Father: Daniel Hinton, Ya.rra. Street, Inverca.rgill. " Anderson, Thomas Leona.rd Brother: Alfred E. Anderson, QueenstolVn. Lllnce-Corpora.! McPherson, John ., Fa.ther: Charles McPherson,, Ba.lclutha. Mc K Il y, T h 0 m a. sMother: Mrs. C. Redpllth, Clinton. McLean MoKenzie, Henry .. Sister: Mrs. Jones, Longbush, Southland. I u Brown, Henry Cha.rles Father: H. T. Brown, Cutten Street, St. Kilda. Father: Benjamin Edwards, Ythen Street, Inver· I Bugler Edwards, Herbert John cargill. Father: T. D. Leitoh, Ta.radale, S'apier. i Fllrrier Leitch, Thoma.s Douglas I " Deveraux, John Fitzpa.trick .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Macfa.rlane, Waihai. Mother: Mrs. Catherine Meyer, Da.nnevirke. i S].ddler Jenson, Harry Mother: Mrs. Ma.rgaret AcklJlB, BlLthga.te Street, ' Private Ackins, William Richard Dunedin. Anderson, Clement Henry •. Fa.ther: A. F. Anderson, 45, Leith Street, Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. Jea.n Anderson, Kaikorai, Dunedin. Anderson, John Mother: Mrs. Eliza.beth Hammond, Wa.lwera Souib, Almond, Edwin I Otago. Anderson, Thomas Theodore Father: Thomas Henry Andersoll, Arma.da.le House, I Bowen Street, Cbristcburch. i Father: James Bla.ckburn, Edendale. Blaokburn, Daniel i Fa.ther: Samuel Barwell, Inverca.rgill. BarwelI, Henry Cha.ries . Fa.ther : James Ba.rolay, Shades Hotel, Dunedin. Ba.rclllY, Ernest . : Father: John Bacon Broa.dbay, Otago. Ba.con, Bertram Charles ! Sister: Mrs. Habershon, Broadbav, Dllnedin. Badenock, Arohibald Fa.ther: Thoma.s Burgess, Green Isla.nd, Ota.go. Burgess, Ernest Mother: Mrs. E. Burgess, Peter Street, Ca.versham. Burgess, Sa.muel Mother: Mrs. Ba.ird, Stirling. Baird, Peter Mother: Mrs. Sa.rah Burton, 21, Armagh Street, Burton, Harry Linwood. Father: T. A. Colema.n, Pa.hia, Orepuki. Colema.n, Arthur : Fa.ther: Ja.mes Cla.rk, Nightcaps, Southla.nd, Clark, Albert Victor Lieutena.nt Butler, John Francis 9459 9460 9461 9462 9463 9464 9465 9466 g467 g468 9469 9470 9471 9472 9473 9474 9475 9477 9478 9479 9480 9481 9482 9483 9484 9485 9486 9487 9575 9488 9489 9490 9491 9492 9493 9494 9495 9574 9496 9497 2S0 290 Milita1"y Pensions. 1902, No. 54. J \~--~- ~ Rank and Name. [2 Enw. VII. Next-of-kin, and Address. --~~~~~~~~~~~~~--- TENTH CONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND REGIlIIENT.-H 9498 9499 9500 9501 9502 9503 9504 9505 9506 9507 9508 9509 9511 9512 9513 9514 9515 9516 9517 . 9518 : 9519 9520 • 9521 9522 I I 9523 : 9524 9525 1 I 9526 I 9527 I 9528 I 9529 ! 9530 I 9531 . 9532 9533 9534 9535 I 9536 9537 9538 9539 9540 9541 9576 9542 : 9582 ! 9543 i 9544 I 9545 I 9546 9547 9548 9549 9550 9551 9552 tl553 9554 9555 I SQUADRON-continued. Aunt: Mrs. T. Screed, Maitland Street, Dunedin. Friend: Peter Smiley, Post-office, North Taieri. Sister: Mrs. Cook, Ophir, Otago. Father: James Corbett, 52, London Street, Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. Mary Dempster, Nightcaps, Southland. Mother: Mrs. Robert Davidson, Klllg Street, Mosgiel. Father: Frank Deans, Opoho, Dunedin. Sister: Mrs. J. Weeks, Waihi. Father: Robert Dow, Cal'gill Street, Dunedin. FaGher: Alfred Dray,Osmond Street, South Dunedin. Mother: Mrs. Mary 'Driscoll, Smith Street, Caversbam. Mother: Mrs. Francis Davidson, Clyde Street, Balclutha. Sister: Mrs. J_ Dowse, Kaikorai, Dunedin. Ellis, Alexander .. Evison, Charles Corfe Halli- Father: J. W. Evison, Kumara. day Ferguson, Archibald Edward Father: Peter Ferguson, Outram. Father: John Fleming, Kahiku_ Fleming, Thomas •. Father: F. T. Fox, Anderson's Bay Road, South Fox, WilIiam George Dunedin. Father: Thomas Fallowfield, Taieri Beaoh, Otago. Fallowfield, Joseph Mother: Mrs. J. Graham, Ashburton. Graham, James Gorman, Patrick Joseph Mother: Mrs. Mary Gorman, Mataura Island. Gaffney, WiIliam Joseph Mother: Mrs. Kate Gaffney, Grosvenor Street, Kensington. Goodsir, Herbert .. Mother: Mrs. Goodsir, Ogg's Corner, Dunedin. Good, Frederick Herbert Father: George Good, Prebbleton, Canterbury. Gallaher, William John Aunt: Mrs. Catherine Davidson, 266, St. Asaph Street, Christchurch. Henderson, John .. Father: John Henderson, Maniototo, Otago. Jenkins, Peter Mother: Mrs. F. C. Driver, Curry Street, Port Chalmers. J ones, Frederick Reginald _. Uncle: F. W. Dowding, Inglis Buildings, Chrlstchurch. King, Ernest Rudolph r.fother: Mrs. E. King, Bride Street, South Dunedin. Kirk, Percy Milawa Uncle: Mr. Curtis, of Gasworks, Dunedin. KeUs, Patrick William Friend: Andrew Hall, Edendale. Lang, WilIiam Father: Captain Peter Lang, Neidpath Road, Mornington, Dunedin. Latimer, Waiter Hamilton .. Mother: Mrs. G. Latimer, 63, Leith Street, Dunedin. LIilburne, WilIiam MOGher: Mrs. A. Lillburne, sen., Milton. Logan, Alexander .. Father: William S. Logan, Omlow Street, Gore. Lvnn, William Allan Fatber: Thomas Lynn, Musselburgh, Dunedill. Millar, Adam Father: Arlam MilIar, Nelson. Mitchell, Robert Hercules .. Father: Robert Mitchell, Musselburgh, Dunedin. Matheson, William Mother: Mrs_ Ann Matheson, Rlversdale. MacGill, Andrew _. Father: Alldrew McGill, Green Island, Otago. McKeich, Waiter Ernest .. Father: R. McKeich, Whitehaven Street, Lawrence. McLure, Valentine Murray. Friend: S. W. Bates, Castle Street, Dunedin. McLenn, James Father: John McLean, Brockville Road, Kaikorai. Merry, John Buttle Stepfather: E. Packwood, Kakanui. Oweu, Waiter Mother: Mrs. S_ Owen, 91, Maclaggan Street, Dun. edin. Orchard, Edward .. Father; E. C. Orohard, Gore. Price, WillIam Charles Mother; Margaret Price, Kilbirnie, Wellington. Peebles, Robert Father: J ames Peebles, Asoot Vale, North·east Valley, Dunedin_ Pratt, Alfred Father: J ames Pratt, Black's Road, N orth·east Vallev. Perks, Benjamin Brother: J. B. Perks, Gore. • Paterson, John Father: William Paterson, Lovell's Flat, Otago. Parker, Frank Ernest Father: Benjamin Parker, Stirling. Riddell, Mark Father: Robert Riddell, Orepuki. Rogers, David Mother: Mrs. Rogers, Queenstown. Reeves, Henry Charles Father: Cornelius A. Reeves, George Street, Port Chalmers. Roxburgh, Charles Hugh Father: John Roxhurgh, Cargill Street, St. Kilda, Dunedin. Robertson, James ._ Father: John Robertson, Gordon Road, MosgieI. Stalker, Alexander Father: Alexander Stalker, Tetua. Swain, Henry Father: Hodges Swain, Gore Road, Invercargil!. Staples, John Thomas Father: T. S. Stavles, Park Street, Gore. Private Campbell, Henry Samuel Olanoy, Francis Morris Coe1lie, Lewis Corbett, Harry Dempster, Alex. ._ Davidson, James .. Deans, Francis Herbert Dobson, John Dow, Robert Dray, Herbert Alfred Driscoll, Frank Henry Davidson, Waiter .. 2 EDW. VI!.] MilitaTy Pensioll:;. [1902, No. 54. :N ext-of-kin, and Address. Rank and Name. TENTH OONTINGENT-continued. SOUTH ISLAND RF,GIMENT.-H SQUADRON-continued. Brother: Henry Smith. Be-liour. Father: James Soott, Otaraia, Pukerau. Mother: Mrs. Rebeoca Stewart, Rose Street, Gore. Father : John Sayers, Gore. Father: John Smith, Stirling. Father: John Smillie, Waipati Settlement, Ohaselands. Friend: Robert Story, Kidlook, Otautau. Thompson, George Ta.ylor, We-lter Ernest Fatber: William Taylor, care of Mr. W. Murdocb Mosgiel. Mother: Mrs. Margaret Thom, Maori Hill, Dunedin. Thom, Robert Turner, Harry Friend: J. Oarruthers, Denniston Hill, West port. Taylor, Benje-min George Father: A. F. Taylor, Blaoks. MeD. Father: W. Thompson, Wanganui. Thompson, James White Wilson, George Sebastopol .. Father: Thomas Wilson, Kawarau Gorge, Oromwell. Father: Thomas White, Seaolifi, Otago. White, William Lyle Father: A. J. Wadsworth, Wairoa South, Auokland. Wadsworth, Thomas Mother: Mrs. W. Williams, Waikaia, Gore, Ota.go. Williams, Ed ward Walker, Wllliam ., Father: James WlIolker, SlIoddle Hill, Ota.go. Father: J. C. Wylie, 254, Castle Street, Dunedin. Wylie, Robert Alexand~r 9556 9557 9558 9559 9560 9561 Private Smith, James Phillip Scott, J ames Stewart, Richard Jame" Sayers, John Morrison Smith, Robert Smillie, John 9562 9563 9564 9565 9.'i66 9577 9568 9569 9570 9571 9572 957:=\ DETAILS FOR SEVENTH, EIGHTH, AND NINTH CONTINGENTS. 9624 9625 9626 9627 8628 9629 8630 9631 9632 ~~~: 9635 9636 9580 9637 9638 9639 9640 9641 9642 9643 9687 90U 9645 9646 9647 9648 9649 9650 9651 9652 9653 g57B 9584 9654 Lieut. Oraig, William Alfred Private AlIen, Edwin Thomas Angus, Henry James '1 Mother: Mrs. J. Graig, Symond Street, Auckland. l!'ather: J obn Alien, North Rangiora. Father: John Angus, RlIoutoiti, George Street, Dunedin. : Father: Alexander Allan, Railway Department, Allan, Robert Alexander , Petone. Sister: Ruby Burns, Studholme Junction. Burns, William Raymond Burrows, James Frederick .. Father: Henry Burrows, Maclaggan Street, Dunedin. Stepfather: M. Baxter, Middlemarch, Strathtaieri. Birtles, Peter Boyce, Fnderick William .. Mother: Mrs. Mary Boyce, Post-office, Ohristchurch. Father: Oharles Baternan, Maheno, Otago. Bateman, J ames Barrington : Father: John Galder, Henley, West Otago. I Oalder, William James Mother: Mrs. Mary A. Orilly, North Street, Wellington. Orilly, Frederick ._ Father: George Oates, Ashburtoll. Gates, George Hunter Father: Edward Oollison, Barr Hill, via Rakaia. Collison, Hugh EdwarJ Oaverhill, Francis John Scott Father: T. H. Oaverhill, Vague Road, Papanui. I Father: WiIliam Oameron, p ... lrnsrston North. Garneron, Frederick I Father: Fred Davies, Park Road, Papanui. Davies, Cyri! Father: Andrew Dreaver. Dunback. Dreaver, Robert Thomas I Father: Thomas Douglas, Mount White Station, Douglas, James . Springfield. I Father: James Dunll, Kokiri, Jackson Line. Dunn, Robert I Father: R. G. Davidson, Shooter's Hill, New South Davidson, Robert Gilbert : ! Wales. I Father: G. Ferguson, Foyle Street, Bluff. FergusolJ, Robert Stewart , Father: F. Marshal1, Addison's Flat, Westport. : Formllon, Marshall John Franois, Reginald Alfred Perry Mother: Mrs. R. H. Francis, 142, Peterborough Street, Ghristchurch. Brother: Edward Guest, Korime.ko, Pillton Road, Allting-Co!pota.l Guest, William Marlborough. Friend: Mrs. Sleeman, 191, Woroester Street, OhristPrivate Gilpin, Robert Henry ohuroh. Acting-Corporal GibBon, A.lexander Father: LewisGibson,Railway Department, Oamaru. David Mother: Mrs. John Oooper, Bluespur, Otago. Private Grant, James Ramsay Stepfather: L. Abraha.rns, South Malvern. Harland, Albert Edward Father: Thomas Hassal, OlarkvilIe, Ka.iapoi. Hassal, George Herbert Father: M. Henderson, Milton. Henderson, Robert Father: Jos. Hurren, Kumara. Hnrren, John Hildyard, Sidney Harcourt Mother: Mrs. Betsy Hildya.rd, Oanterbury Street, Lyttelton. Hardy - Johnston, Thomas Mother: Mrs. T. M. Hardy-Johnston, 103, Hereford Street, Linwood. Edwa.rd Mother: Mrs. Harriet Hawkaworth, Hardy Street, Hawksworth, John Nelson. Father: J C'seph Holmes, 24, Arthur Street, Wellington, Holmep, Edgar Thomas Friend: Robert Thompson, Kaiapoi. Jones, Frederick Richard r 19 * .. ., 291 1902, No. 54.~ MiWary Pellsiulls. [2 EDW. VII. ----------~------ Next-of-kin, and Address. Hank and Name. :"10. TENTH OONTING ENT-continued. DETAILS FOR SEVENTH, EIGHTH, AND NINTH CONTINGENTS-continued. .. I Brother: Alien J ohnston, Kensington, South Dunedin. 9655 Private J ohnston, Robert .• Jones, Alfred Allen ... Father: W. Jones, Matawhero, Gisborne. 96.56 ! Jobnston, David Nelson Father: Thoma.s Johnston, Middlemaroh. 9657 I Jones, James •. .. Friend: John Molntosh, Hokitika.. 9658 I Jamieson, George Williamson Father: James Jamieson, Upper Green Street, Auck9.';85 I I land. Sister: Elizabeth A. Keetley, North Road. Kaiapoi. Keetley, Henry Joseph 9686 [ " Kerr, Percy Mother: Mrs_ William Kerr, Brightwater, Nelson. 9659 9660 Aoting - Sergeant Keddell, Charles· Father: Major J. Keddell, S.M., Oamaru. Septimus Friend: Miss Pillins, Stirling. 9661 Private Kenyon, Feed B. ._ Father: Ja.mes Pa.trick Kelly, Queenstown. Kelly, Thomas Patrick 9662 Father: John Loper, Waimate. Loper, John ., 9663 I Friend: David Burt, Wallsend, Brunnerton. MoMahon, Donald 9664 I { Sister: Ma.rgaret Pa.yne, Lyttelton. g665 I MoSweeney, John .. 9666 I I Friend: Nelly Payne, Lime Hills, Winton. Marsh, Herbert ! Father: Jos. Metzger, Gore Street, Bluff. Metzger, Jos. Arthur 9667 I Friend: J. B. Nicol, Gore. McGrath, Frank _. 9668 Father: Thomas McGee, Winslowe, Canterbury. Mc Gee, John 9669 i Father: Thoma.s Mason, South Dunedin. Mason, William Thomas 9670 .. I Father: Robert Morris, Kanied Morris, George Albert 9671 .. Father: Robert Morris, Kanieri. 9672 : Morris, Robert Leonard " I Father: Henry McWilliams, Union Street, MIlton 9673 McWilliams, Henry Nicol, Frank Wilired I }j'ather: Alexander Niool, Ngapara, 9674 Napper, Sidney Frederick Father: Oharles Fred Napper, 164, Kilmore Street, 9581 ! I I I Ohristchurch. Sister: Mrs. Brown, Auokland. I " I Mother: Mrs. Pritohard, Alford Forest Road, Ashburton. " i Father: O. Reeves, Port Chalmers. Reeves, Alfred Robert Strangemure, P. Louis .. Sister: Ethel Strangemure, 26A, Vivian Street, Wel: Imgton. i Acting-Sergeant Simpson, Gilbert : Fatber Willialll Simpson, Kalapol. I Private Stephen, Ge:lrge Father: James Stephen Stavely, Ashburton. 1 Stew art, Oharles .. Father: William Stewart, Ida Valley. : Sowman, Arthur .. Father: Arthur Sowman, sen., Nelson. I Sotheran, Thomas Father: Thomas Sotheran, MarsdenRoad, Greymoutb. Tall, John Edward Father: Benjamin Tall, Alexandra South. Taylor, Frederick .. . Father: Robert John Taylor, Gera.ldine. I Webster, Alexander Father: John Webster, care of H. Moore, Addington. i Wilson, Andrew Forrester Father: Andrew Wilson, Shag Point, Otago. I 9675 9676 9586 9.'591 9677 9678 9679 9680 9681 9682 9683 9684 96i:<5 Parr, George Janes Rodda, James Stephen DwrAII,S OF THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH CONTINGENTS WHO JOINED THE 2ND REGIMENT, TENTH CONTINGENT, IN SOUTH AFRICA . . Captain Stevenson, Robert.. 3530 3227 3731 3290 3710 :3798 3691 3780 3799 3562 i:l607 3614 \1796 Mother: Mrs. R. Stevenson, 86, Lichfield Street, Christchuroh. Harper, Edmund .. Father: G. Harper, Esq., Christchurch. Morrison, Wilson Oameron .. Mother: Mrs. M. Morrison, Okaiawa, Taranaki. " Tudor, Piers Lloyd ;\1r. T. L. Tudor, Marton. Lieutenant Wallis, William Fletoher Mr. H. Wallis, Hamilton, Auckland. Smith, Harold .. Father: Mr. A. Smith, Leeds, Yorkshire, England. MoKenzie, William Mother: Mrs. M. F. McKenzie, care of Mr. R. Gunyan, Alexandra South. Hay, Bruce Somerville .. Father: Mr. A. R. Hay, Woodlands, Southland. Carter, George Brook Mother: Mrs. E. B. Carter, Darby Street, Gisborne. . Sqnadron Sergeant - Major Mence, Sister: S. J. Reeve, P.O., JohnsoDville. I Herbert ! .,;ergeant GalIaher, David .• Brother: J. O. Gallaher, No. 5, Churoh Street, PonBonby. " Falconer, James Howden .. Father: James Falconer, Kakanui, Otago. " Thorp, Waiter Father: A. J. Thorp, Paeroa, Auckland. !. .b il.rrier - Sergeant Crozier, William Father: William Orozier, Waitahuna, Otago. I James I Fil.rrier-Sergeant Tlloker, William Brother: David Tuoker, Gore. Gorporal Horton, Geoffrey .. Father: Thomas Horton, Blenheim. Lance - Oorporal Mnrray, Arthur Mother: l.irs. Jane Murray, Gore. Howard Lance-Oorporal McDonald, John Father: James MoDonald, Orawai, Southla.nd. Private Ohant, Manson Watterson Father: J ames M. Ohant, Athol Crescent, Wellington. Edwards, James Henry Mother: Mrs. L. Edwards, 89, North Belt, Christchurch. " Gebbie, John Father: David Gebbie, Teddington, Oanterbury. Lanoe-Oorporal.Stark, Charles Leggart Mother: Mrs. Rosina Stark, Kaitangata, Otago. 2 EDW. VII.J Milita1'y Pensions. Rank and No. \ I ----~- :1902, No. 54. Next-of-kin, a.nd Address. ---------'rENTE CONTINGENT-continued. ~N}) REGIMENT.-DETAILS SWORN IN AFTER LEAVING NEW ZEALAND. \J5W 9598 U600 Private Barker, George Cbatfield, Gordon ., Curtin, Thomas Joseph 9588 9601 U597 U590 9596 U602 Connolly, Martin .. Dunnet, Wilham James Geddes, Percy Manning Gould, James WilIiams Mclntosb, Edmund O'Kane, Henry '.)594 U589 Pierard, Edward .. Pearson, Andrew ., 9587 9592 9595 Bugler Robinson, Artbur L. Private Reade, John Fielder Stevens, John Mother: Mrs. Emma Barker, Milton. Mother: Mary L. Chatfield, Dampier's Bay, Lyttelton Mother: Mrs. Bessie Curtm, Terrace Street New Farm, Brisbane. l!~ather: M. ConnoUy, Temuka, South Canterbury. Father: C. F. Dunnet, Kelso, Otago. I Father: G. W. Geddes, 26, Cannongate, Dunedin. l!~ather: S. R. Gould, Geraldine. : Mother: Mrs. Mary McIntosh, Caversham, Dunedin. ! Mother: Mrs. Satah O'Kane, 63, Filluel Street, Dunedin. Friend: J. C. Port, 10, Austin Street, Wellington. Father: Alexander Pearson, 20, Pleasance Street, Edinburgh. Mother: Mrs. Ema Robinson, Gisborne. Father: G. A. Reade, Roslyn, Dunedin. Father: Richard Stevens, 52, St. Asaph Street, Cbristchurcb. WELLINGTON: Printe,1 under authorIty of the New Zealand GoYernment, by JOHN MACKAY, Government Printer.-1902. 293