aircraft control cable rigging tool
aircraft control cable rigging tool
AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING SYLLABUS 1. PRINCIPIOS BÁSICOS ESTRUCTURA DEL AVION. •Generalidades. SUPERFICIES DE MANDO Y CONTROL. •Ejes del avión. •Superficies primarias. •Superficies secundarias. FUERZAS QUE ACTUAN EN VUELO. •Factores que afectan a la sustentación. •Centro de gravedad. •Resistencia. •Empuje o tracción. ESTABILIDAD •Estabilidad estática •Estabilidad lateral •Estabilidad Direccional ANGULOS •Angulo de Ataque •Angulo de Incidencia •Angulo Diedro 2. PARTES DEL SISTEMA DE CONTROLES DE VUELO •Cables •Poleas •Conexiones y Actuaciones 3. TECNICAS DE INSPECCION Y MANTENIMIENTO • Aspectos de Seguridad • Técnicas de Inspección y Mantenimiento • Temperatura vs tensión 4. HERRAMIENTA • Equipo y Material AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING INSTRUCTOR TJ (RA) JOSE MIGUEL ATEHORTUA ARENAS ASESOR TECNICO ESTRUCTURAS AERONAUTICAS E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Web: [email protected] Tel. Celular: 300-735-18-00 Tel. Oficina: 3159800 Ext. 1627 UAEAC TEMC 982 AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRAFICAS 1. FAA 8083-31 HANDBOOK Aircraft Maintenance Manual –AMA, CHAPTER 2 2. FAA. AC 43.13-1B, ADVISORY CIRCULAR Aircraft Standard Practices, Chapter 8 3. TM-1-1500-204-23-1, TECHNICAL MANUAL General Aircraft Maintenance (General Maintenance and Practices). Volume 1. 4. MANUAL DE VUELO. PRIVATE PUBLICATION Reference: MIGUEL ANGEL MUÑOZ 5. T.O. 1A-XXX-2-4 . TECHNICAL ORDER Organizational Maintenance Flight Control Systems. 6. T.O 1-1A-8, USAF TECHNICAL ORDER AIRCRAFT STRUCTURAL HARDWARE 7. USAF MANUALS PORTALS DIGITAL AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING ENSAMBLE DE CABLEADO POR ESTAMPADO CON TERMINALES Locoloc® M2 - Type II Locoloc® #1-P Pneumatic Swager Locoloc® #4-H Hydraulic 10.000 psi Locoloc® M1-K - Type I - Kit AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING ENSAMBLE DE CABLEADO POR ESTAMPADO CON TERMINALES HAND SWAGER TYPE I- M1-K PORTABLE HAND SWAGING MACHINE KIT 1. This portable, hand operated roll type swaging machine, will swage MS type terminals onto galvanized and stainless steel cables from 1/16" diameter up to and including 3/16" diameter. 2. The Locoloc® Type I Roll Swaging Kit, includes the machine, a full set of roll dies, terminal gauges, and feed guide adapters in a steel carrying and storage case. Peso: 64 Lbs. 04-1K630 PORTABLE MANUAL CABLE SWAGER KIT AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING ENSAMBLE DE CABLEADO POR ESTAMPADO CON TERMINALES Ball Terminal Dies Weight: 4 Lbs. ea set. 32Avos. Straight Shank Terminal Dies - Weight: 4 Lbs.ea set AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING ENSAMBLE DE CABLEADO POR ESTAMPADO CON TERMINALES Straight Shank Terminal GA-S26 GA-B24 Ball Terminal Dies AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING PROCESO DE ESTAMPADO CON TERMINALES Hand-swaging tools-mechanical and pneumatic ST825 Swaging Tool for Cable (Wire Rope) AT520JK Portable Cable Swaging -Kit ATI520JK AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING ENSAMBLE DE CABLEADO POR ESTAMPADO CON TERMINALES Hydraulic Cable Cutters HC-24 HANDHELD HYDRAULIC CUTTER , 7/8" CAPACITY HC-16 HYDRAULIC CABLE CUTTER HC-20 HYDRAULIC CABLE CUTTER, ½” AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING ENSAMBLE DE CABLEADO POR ESTAMPADO CON TERMINALES 1. To quickly determine diameter of any cable (up to and including 3/8" or 10 mm) this simple gauge does the trick. 2. Merely slip it over a cable and when the cable fits snugly in the "V" slot, note the diameter printed on the gauge. One side reads in fractions of an inch, the other side in millimeters. 3. Very inexpensive insurance to eliminate using wrong size cable. 4. Easily carried in pocket or wallet. Lightweight and corrosion resistant. Cable Diameter Gauge - GA-4 AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING ENSAMBLE DE CABLEADO POR ESTAMPADO CON MANGAS Locoloc® SLEEVE GAUGES GA-1P Cable Diameter Gauge - GA-1P GA-1P - Gauges 1/32", 3/64", 1/16", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32", and 3/16" oval and stop sleeves. 1. To assure proper swaging of Locoloc® aluminum, copper and stainless steel sleeves with Locoloc® tools these simple, "Go" "No-Go" Gauges will determine if your tools are out of adjustment or alignment. Locoloc® SLEEVE GAUGES GA-2P 2. When the proper slot in the gauge slips over the compressed area of the sleeve after swaging then your swage is satisfactory. If the proper slot does not fit over the compressed area of the sleeve after swaging then your tool is out of adjustment and your cable assembly will not hold the rated breaking strength of the cable which should be the result when oval sleeves are used to form a loop or eye in a cable assembly. GA-2P - Gauges 7/32", 1/4", 9/32", and 5/16". AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL TURNBUCKLE WRENCH CABLE RIGGING Part Number: ADE4U Part Number: TB02 Part Number: TB01 AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL TURNBUCKLE WRENCH CABLE RIGGING AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL TURNBUCKLE WRENCH CABLE RIGGING Kid Rig #1226HW AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING PRUEBA DE TENSION PARA ENSAMBLAJE DE CABLES POR ESTAMPADO CON TERMINALES AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL TRANSPORTADOR DE ANGULOS AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL TRANSPORTADOR DE ANGULOS COMBINATION SQUARE SET PROTRACTOR, MAGNETIC LEVEL USD$50-100 Inclinómetro Digital INSIZE 2173-360 Protractor Scale AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL TENSIOMETROS T5 – 2000 Series Cable Tensiometer USD$595-735 (USAF C9) T60 Cable 1/16 1/4 150-450 lbs USD$800-1000 #30001 10-70 lbs •USAF C9(1/16", 1/8", 3/32") equivalent USD$269.95 #30002 250-350 lbs (5/32" & 3/16“) AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL TENSIOMETROS AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL TERMOMETRO Y MEDIDOR DE HUMEDAD Fluke 971 Medidor de Temperatura y Humedad Relativa USD$ 150 Termómetro – higrómetro digital UT-331 USD$80 AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL REGLAS Y CINTAS METRICAS AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL LENTES DE AUMENTO 7X Min. AIRCRAFT CONTROL CABLE RIGGING TOOL ESPEJOS