Spring 2013 - InterVarsity Press
Spring 2013 - InterVarsity Press
IVP Academic Catalog | Volume 70 | Spring 2013 Contents IVP Academic Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 New IVP Academic Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Recent Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Membership Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Digital Reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Commentaries & Series . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 General Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 IVP Sales Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Cover Image: Augustus, Roman Emperor Ame Thaysen/istock.com from InterVarsity Press A Division of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426 Phone: (630) 734-4000 Fax: (630) 734-4200 Email: [email protected] Website: ivpacademic.com Bob Fryling Publisher, InterVarsity Press (M.A., Wheaton College Graduate School) BOB FRY LING, publisher of InterVarsity Press and vice president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, has had a long-term calling to the academic world. He speaks often in areas of spiritual formation and culture and has coauthored three books with his wife, Alice. Andy Le Peau Associate Publisher, Editorial, InterVarsity Press ANDY LE PEAU has directed InterVarsity Press’s editorial efforts since the mid-1980s, often traveling to Europe to keep in touch with our international partners. He is coauthor of Heart. Soul. Mind. Strength. and writes the blog Andy Unedited on the world of publishing. Jim Hoover Senior Editor, IVP Academic, and Associate Editorial Director (M.S., Stanford University; M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) JIM HOOVER has been actively involved with our academic and reference lines since their inception. He oversees the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, the Ancient Christian Doctrine series and the Ancient Christian Texts series. Dan Reid Senior Editor, IVP Academic (Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary) DAN REID is senior editor for reference and academic books. He is the developmental editor for InterVarsity Press’s award-winning New Testament dictionaries. David Congdon Associate Editor, IVP Academic (Ph.D. candidate, Princeton Theological Seminary) DAVID CONGDON is associate editor for academic books. He oversees manuscripts in theology, philosophy and ethics. Brannon Ellis Associate Editor, IVP Academic (Ph.D., University of Aberdeen) BR ANNON ELLIS is associate editor for academic and reference books, and project editor for the Reformation Commentary on Scripture. Claire VanderVelde Editorial Assistant, IVP Academic (M.Div., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) CLAIRE VANDERVELDE is editorial assistant for IVP Academic. She works with editors in preparing academic and reference books for publication. 2 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Jeff Crosby Associate Publisher, Sales & Marketing, InterVarsity Press (M.L.D., North Central College) JEFF CROSBY has overseen the sales and marketing department for more than ten years. Prior to joining InterVarsity Press, he owned and managed a Logos Bookstore. Bob Hetico National Sales Manager, InterVarsity Press BOB HETICO manages the sales team at InterVarsity Press. His thirty years of experience include publishing roles with Augsburg Fortess and Judson Press as well as owning an independent bookstore in Madison, Wisconsin. Liz Klassen Sales Manager, IVP Academic (M.A., Wheaton College Graduate School) LIZ KLASSEN promotes IVP Academic books to academic bookstores and libraries, and coordinates sales for our titles at numerous professional conferences throughout North America. Annie Michaels Marketing Manager, IVP Academic (M.A., Wheaton College Graduate School) ANNIE MICHAELS serves the academic community by acquainting professors and students with the rigorous and faithful scholarship of IVP Academic titles and authors. Adrianna Wright Online Publicist ADRIANNA WRIGHT promotes IVP Academic books and authors through a variety of media channels, including theologically attuned websites and blogs. Alisse Wissman Print Publicist ALISSE WISSMAN manages print publicity for IVP Academic, securing book reviews and author interviews in journals, magazines and newspapers. ivpacademic.com 3 Biblical Studies Edited by Scot McKnight, Joseph B. Modica E D I T E D B Y SCOT McKNIGHT AND JOSEPH B. MODICA F OREWOR D BY ANDY CROUCH JESUS IS LORD CAESAR IS NOT EVALUATING EMPIRE IN NEW TESTAMENT STUDIES April 2013 208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3991-9, $22.00 Foreword by Andy Crouch Jesus Is Lord, Caesar Is Not Evaluating Empire in New Testament Studies Under the direction of editors Scot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica, this volume brings together respected biblical scholars to evaluate the turn toward “empire criticism” in New Testament scholarship. While praising the movement for its deconstruction of Roman statecraft and ideology, the contibutors also provide a salient critique of the anti-imperialist rhetoric pervading much of the current literature. Scot McKnight (Ph.D., University of Nottingham) is professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary in Lombard, Illinois. He is the author of The King Jesus Gospel and The Jesus Creed, and hosts the widely read Jesus Creed blog. Joseph B. Modica (Ph.D., Drew University) is university chaplain and associate professor of biblical studies at Eastern University in Pennsylvania. He is coeditor with Scot McKnight of Who Do My Opponents Say That I Am? An Investigation of the Accusations Against the Historical Jesus. Contents Foreword by Andy CrouchrIntroduction by Scot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica (1) We Have No King But Related Title Defending Constantine, Peter J. Leithart, 978-0-8308-2722-0, $27.00 Caesar: Roman Imperial Ideology and the Imperial Cult by David Nystrom (2) Anti-Imperial Rhetoric in the New Testament by Judith A. Diehl (3) Matthew by Joel Willitts (4) The Gospel of Luke and the Roman Empire by Dean Pinter (5) John’s Gospel and the Roman Imperial Context: An Evaluation of Recent Proposals by Christopher W. Skinner (6) Proclaiming Another King Named Jesus? The Acts of the Apostles and the Roman Imperial Cult(s) by Drew J. Strait (7) “One Who Will Arise to Rule Over the Nations”: Paul’s Letter to the Romans and the Roman Empire by Michael F. Bird (8) Philippians and Empire: Paul’s Engagement with Imperialism and the Imperial Cult by Lynn H. Cohick (9) Colossians and the Rhetoric of Empire: A New Battle Zone by Allan R. Bevere (10) Something Old, Something New: Revelation and Empire by Dwight SheetsrConclusion by Scot McKnight and Joseph B. ModicarContributorsrAuthor Index rSubject IndexrScripture Index 4 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Biblical Studies Michael F. Bird The Messianic Testimony of the Gospels currently debated among New Testament scholars. . . . There is much to be learnt on every page.” Paul Foster, lecturer in New Testament, Who do the Gospels say Jesus is? The title and role of “Messiah” ascribed to Jesus in the Gospels has long been regarded as a late add-on, a fabricated claim or an insignificant feature. Michael Bird, however, argues that the Gospels’ messianic claims are the most significant feature of their portrayal of Jesus. Bird describes how each Evangelist portrays Jesus as the Messiah of Israel, what they think is at stake in that claim, and how the claim that “Jesus is the Messiah” drives the purpose and shape of the Gospels. Emphasizing that Christianity was a messianic movement rooted in its Jewish context, Bird points toward the profound theological implication of Jesus’ identity: that Jesus’ messiahship is the “mother of all Christology.” Michael F. Bird is lecturer in theology at Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia. Previously he served at Crossway College in Australia and Highland Theological College in Scotland. He is the author of several books, including Jesus and the Origins of the Gentile Mission and The Saving Righteousness of God: Studies on Paul, Justification and the New Perspective, as well as numerous essays, articles and reviews. the Christ Edinburgh University The Messianic Testimony of the Gospels Jesus Is “Michael Bird tackles one of the hottest topics BIRD Jesus Is the Christ Jesus Is the Christ M i c h a e l F. B i r d April 2013 xii + 207 pages, paperback, 978-0-83082823-4, $18.00 Previous Title Introducing Paul, Michael F. Bird, 978-0-8308-2897-5, $20.00 Contents PrefacerAbbreviationsrForewordrIntroduction: When Did Jesus Become the Messiah? (1) The Gospel of Mark: The Crucified Messiah (2) The Gospel of Matthew: The Davidic Messiah (3) The Gospel of Luke (and Acts): The Prophetic Messiah (4) The Gospel of John: The Elusive MessiahrConclusion: Believing in the MessiahrBibliographyrSubject Index ivpacademic.com 5 Biblical Studies Jason B. Hood Imitating God in Christ Recapturing a Biblical Pattern Imitating God in Christ R E C A P T U R I N G A B I B L I C A L PAT T E R N “The long lost discipline of the imitatio Christi is persuasively and poignantly recaptured here by Jason Hood. Through a panoramic survey of Scripture, Hood shows us that imitation is the highest form of adoration. He challenges Christians to truly live as Jesus, not with cheesy clichés or with theological shallowness, but in cruciformed likeness to the Lord Jesus.” Michael Bird, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia JASON B. HOOD June 2013 240 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2710-7, $22.00 Related Title Spirituality According to Paul, Rodney Reeves, 978-0-8308-3946-9, $20.00 Jason Hood takes us on a tour of what the Bible has to say about imitating Jesus. He draws our attention to what Paul told the Corinthians that he taught “everywhere in every church.” And after following the theme throughout the New Testament, he looks at it from a historical and contemporary perspective. The result is the recovery of a biblical pattern for life— one that challenges the assumptions of those who excessively fear moralism as much as it challenges the assumptions of those who embrace it. Here is a reliable theological foundation for imitating Jesus today, a crucial first step toward the renewal of biblical discipleship. Jason B. Hood (Ph.D., Highland Theological College and University of Aberdeen) is currently an adjunct faculty member at Reformed Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. Hood is also the scholar-in-residence at Christ United Methodist Church and director of Christ College Residency Program, an intensive discipleship training program for college students. He is the author of The Messiah, His Brothers, and the Nations. Contents Introduction: What Paul Taught Everywherer Part I: Imitating God (1) Idols of God (2) Imitators of God (3) Priests of God (4) Participating in the Work of Godr Part II: Imitating Jesus (5) The True Human, the Gospel and the Gospels (6) Ambassadors, Apprentices and Agents (7) Family Resemblance and Paternity Tests (8) Resurrection and Imitation (9) The Holy Spirit (10) The Apostle of Imitation (11) The Jesus MirrorsrPart III: Imitating the Saints (12) A Community of Imitation (13) Objections, Obstacles and Presuppositions for ImitationrPart IV: Imitation Yesterday and Today (14) Imitation for Today’s Left, Right and Center (15) A History of ImitationrConclusion 6 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Biblical Studies Edited by Joel B. Green, Jeannine K. Brown, Nicholas Perrin Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (Second Edition) The IVP Bible Dictionary Series Nearly all the 175 articles in the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels have been reconceived and rewritten to reflect Green, Brown & Perrin developments in the field since the 1992 edition. Showcasing the work of a new generation of scholars, this volume surveys scholarship and method in historical Jesus studies, New Testament textual criticism and more. Joel B. Green is professor of New Testament interpretation and associate dean for the Center for Advanced Theological Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary. He was an editor of the first edition of the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels and is the author and editor of numerous books, including The Gospel of Luke (NICNT); Body, Soul and Human Life: The Nature of Humanity in the Bible; The Theology of the Gospel of Luke and (with Mark Baker) Recovering the Scandal of the Cross. Jeannine K. Brown is professor of New Testament, Bethel Seminary. She is the author of The Disciples in Narrative Perspective and Scripture as Communication: Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics. Nicholas Perrin is Franklin S. Dyrness Professor of Biblical Studies, Wheaton College. He is the author of Thomas, the Other Gospel and Jesus the Temple. Contents Preface r How to Use This Dictionary r Abbrevia- SECOND EDITION Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels EDITED BY Joel B. Green, Jeannine K. Brown & Nicholas Perrin A COMPENDIUM OF CONTEMPORARY BIBLICAL SCHOLARSHIP June 2013 996 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2456-4, $60.00 Recent Title in the Series Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets, Edited by Mark J. Boda, J. Gordon McConville, 978-08308-1784-9, $60.00 tions r Transliterations r List of Contributors r Dictionary Articles r Gospel Reference Index r Subject Index r Articles Index About the Series Unique among reference books on the Bible, the volumes of The IVP Bible Dictionary Series bridge the gap between scholars and those pastors, teachers, students and laypeople desiring in-depth treatment of select topics in an accessible and summary format. See page 48 for a complete listing of series titles. ivpacademic.com 7 Biblical Studies Edited by Graham Tomlin Philippians, Colossians Reformation Commentary on Scripture N T XI P, C “Detached from her roots, the church cannot reach the world as God intends. . . . The Reformation Commentary on Scripture roots our thought in great insights of faithful leaders of the Reformation to further biblical G T preaching and teaching in this generation.” Bryan Chapell, chancellor, Covenant Theological Seminary T G S M. M July 2013 400 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2974-3, $50.00 Recent Title in the Series Genesis 1–11, John L. Thompson, 978-0-8308-2951-4, $50.00 About the Series The Reformation Commentary on Scripture (RCS) collects Protestant Reformation reflections on the entirety of the Bible, introducing readers to the depth and richness of exegetical ferment that defined the Reformation. Series editor: Timothy F. George. See page 45 for a complete listing of series titles. 8 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 In the latest volume in the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, editor Graham Tomlin pulls together insights from all over the reforming world—humanists, high Calvinists and Puritans alike—to deliver a commentary on Philippians and Colossians that reveals the heat and light of biblical engagement in the age of reform. Graham Tomlin is vice principal and tutor in historical theology and evangelism at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He also served previously in a parish in Exeter. Tomlin also wrote The Power of the Cross: Theology and the Death of Christ in Paul, Luther and Pascal (Paternoster) and The Provocative Church (SPCK). Contents Abbreviations r General Introduction r A Guide to Using This Commentary r Introduction to Philippians and Colossians r Commentary on Philippians r Commentary on Colossians r Appendix r Map of the Reformation r Timeline of the Reformation r Biographical Sketches of Reformation Era Figures r Bibliography r Author Index r Scripture Index M>N5Np]n^md]`oj_\t Subscribe today and receive the first volume, Galatians, Ephesians, for just $9.99—plus Timothy George’s Reading Scripture with the Reformers absolutely FREE. “Promises to be an ‘open sesame’ to the biblical exegesis, exposition and application of the Bible that was the hallmark of the Reformation.” Ndi^g\dmA`mbpnji'!Qspgfttps!pg!Tztufnbujd!Uifpmphz-!Sfeffnfs!Tfnjobsz “The Reformation Commentary on Scripture is a major publishing event—for those with historical interest in the founding convictions of Protestantism, but even more for those who care about understanding the Bible.” H\mf<)IjgG'!Gsbodjt!B/!NdBobofz!Qspgfttps!pg!Ijtupsz-!Vojwfstjuz!pg!Opusf!Ebnf Ndbipk\odqkm`nn)^jh*M>N(H`h]`m Biblical Studies Dave Brunn DAV E B RU N N One Bible, Many Versions Are All Translations Created Equal? ”It is my sincere hope that this book will have an One Bible, Many Versions impact on many who think it is a worthwhile endeavor Are All Translations Created Equal? consultant, Wycliffe Bible Translators to fight fellow believers over literal translation(s).” Ellis W. Deibler Jr., international translation What makes a Bible translation faithful? Is one version superior to others? Do we really need more than one translation? How can answering these questions help us become better Bible readers? Dave Brunn has been an international Bible translator for many years. Here he divulges the inner workings of translation practice to help us sort out the many competing claims for superiority among English Bible translations. His professional assessments and conclusions will be a great help to all seeking truth in translation. April 2013 160 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2715-2, $16.00 Related Title A User’s Guide to Bible Translations, David Dewey, 978-08308-3273-6, $15.00 10 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Dave Brunn is dean of academics for New Tribes Mission (NTM) USA Missionary Training Center. A missionary, translator and educator, Brunn spent over twenty years in Papua New Guinea where he served the Lamogai people through church planting, literacy training and Bible translation and consultation. Among his works is a complete translation of the New Testament into the Lamogai language. Contents Abbreviations r Acknowledgments r Preface r Introduction (1) Unity and Division: Two Opposite By-products of God’s Word (2) Form and Meaning: Innocent Bystanders at the Center of the Debate (3) Ideal and Real: Where Theory Meets Practice (4) What Is in a Word? More, and Less, Than Meets the Eye (5) Criteria for Adjustment: Intentionality Safeguards the Message (6) Divine Inspiration: Do Not Judge the “Logos” by Its Cover (7) The Babel Factor: God Speaks in Languages Other Than English (8) First-Century Translators: Setting Precedents for Future Translators (9) The Pursuit of Faithfulness: In the Eye of the Beholder (10) The Heart of Unity: Embracing God’s Principle of Interdependence Biblical Studies Edited by Heath A. Thomas, Jeremy Evans, Paul Copan Holy War in the Bible Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem The first of its kind, this collection offers a constructive response to the question of “holy war” and Christian morality from an interdisciplinary perspective. By combining biblical, ethical, philosophical and theological insights, the contributors offer a composite image of divine redemption that promises to take the discussion to another level. Heath A. Thomas (Ph.D., University of Gloucestershire, UK) is assistant professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He also serves on the editorial board for the Southeastern Theological Review and as the book review editor. Jeremy Evans (Ph.D., Texas A&M University) is associate professor of philosophy at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He is coauthor of Taking Christian Moral Thought Seriously. Paul Copan is the Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University. He is author of Is God a Moral Monster? and coauthor of Creation Out of Nothing. Contents Part I: The Challenge of “Holy War” for Christian Morality r Part II: Old Testament Perspectives r Part III: New Testament Perspectives r Part IV: BiblicalTheological Perspectives r Part V: Ethical & Philosophical Perspectives r Part VI: Theological Perspectives r Part VII: Afterword holy war in the Bible Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem E DI T ED B Y Heath A. Thomas, Jeremy Evans AND Paul copan May 2013 352 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3995-7, $26.00 Related Titles The Drama of Ephesians, Timothy G. Gombis, 978-0-8308-2720-6, $20.00 God Behaving Badly, David T. Lamb, 978-0-8308-3826-4, $15.00 ivpacademic.com 11 Biblical Studies Hetty Lalleman HmbXU`YC`XHYghUaYbh 7caaYbhUf]Yg HCH7 >YfYa]U\ UbX @UaYbhUh]cbg <Yhhm@U``YaUb Jeremiah and Lamentations Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries Lifting out the understated themes of love, grace, promise and renewal in Jeremiah and Lamentations, this commentary by Hetty Lalleman opens our eyes to an important chapter in salvation history. Hetty Lalleman is tutor in Old Testament studies at Spurgeon’s College, London. She is the author of Celebrating the Law? Rethinking Old Testament Ethics, and is on the advisory board for an Old Testament commentary series in Dutch, to which she has contributed a volume on Jeremiah. Her Ph.D. thesis was titled Jeremiah in Prophetic Tradition. March 2013 384 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4283-4, $16.00 Biblical Studies Derek Tidball, Dianne Tidball T HE M ESSAGE OF WOMEN D EREK & D IANNE T IDBALL THE BIBLE SPEAKS TODAY BIBLE THEMES SERIES EDITOR DEREK TIDBALL The Message of Women The Bible Speaks Today Bible Themes Commentaries Derek and Dianne Tidball defuse the polemics surrounding gender in Christian witness with a refreshing firsthand look at the role of women in the Bible. Beginning with a distinction between creation and new creation perspectives, the authors examine women under the old covenant, women under the new covenant and women in the early church. Derek Tidball is visiting scholar at Spurgeon’s College, London. He also served for many years as a Baptist pastor. He is the author of The Reality of Christ and Skillful Shepherds. Dianne Tidball is currently the regional minister (team leader) of the East Midlands Baptist Association. She is author of the Crossway Bible Guides Peter and Jude and John’s Letters. March 2013 288 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2436-6, $20.00 12 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Theology Pocket Dictionary of the Reformed Tradition IVP Pocket Reference Series Kelly M. Kapic is professor of theological studies at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia. He earned a Ph.D. in systematic and historical theology at King’s College, University of London, and an M.Div. at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He is the author of several books, including A Little Book for New Theologians and (with Bruce McCormack) Mapping Modern Theology. Wesley Vander Lugt is currently working on his Ph.D. in Theology from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. He received his Masters of Divinity from Covenant Theological Seminary and is a cofounder and editor of Transpositions, a blog exploring the relationship between theology and the arts. K apic & Vander Lugt Beginning to study Reformed theology is like stepping into a family conversation that has been going on for five hundred years. How do you find your bearings and figure out how to take part in this conversation without embarrassing yourself? The Pocket Dictionary of the Reformed Tradition takes on this rich, boisterous and varied tradition in its broad contours, filling you in on its common affirmations as well as its family tensions. Here you will find succinct and reliable entries on 1. Latin terms, such as ad fontes and sola fide 2. Theologians, from Calvin to Torrance 3. Confessions, such as the Belgic and Westminster 4. Doctrines, such as atonement and sanctification 5. Apologists, such as Francis Schaeffer and Cornelius Van Til And much more. The Pocket Dictionary of the Reformed Tradition is ready to assist you over the rough parts of readings, lectures, conversations and blogs. It will also be a companionable and concise introduction to one of the great Christian traditions. POCKET DICTIONARY of the REFORMED TR ADITION Kelly M. Kapic, Wesley Vander Lugt Pocket of Dictionarythe REFORMED TRADITION Over 300 terms clearly & concisely defined K ELLY M. K APIC & WESLEY VANDER L UGT June 2013 128 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2708-4, $8.00 Related Product IVP Pocket Reference App, iOS or Android, $1.99, ivpapps.com About the Series The IVP Pocket Reference Series was designed for students, pastors and others who want an aid to formal or informal study. See page 48 for a complete list of series titles. ivpacademic.com 13 Theology S T R AT EG IC I N I T I AT I V E S I N E VA NGE L ICA L T H EOL OGY Scott R. Swain The God of the Gospel Robert Jenson’s Trinitarian Theology Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology THE G OD OF THE GOSPEL ROBERT JENSON’S T R I N I TA R I A N T H EOL OGY S C O T T R . S WA I N May 2013 208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3904-9, $30.00 Recent Title in the Series Incarnational Humanism, Jens Zimmermann, 978-0-8308-3903-2, $30.00 About the Series Strategic Initiatives in Evangelical Theology is a series of seminal works of scholarship meant to ignite discussion around emerging, current, groundbreaking or controversial subjects in the evangelical community and in the academy at large. See page 50 for a complete listing of series titles. 14 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Who is the God of the gospel? Robert W. Jenson’s way of answering this question, according to Scott Swain, hinges on the nature of the relationship between God in himself and the redemptive events through which God becomes our God. Swain first locates Jenson’s pursuit of a relentlessly “evangelical” understanding of God in the broader history of trinitarian theology after Karl Barth, before carefully and sympathetically unpacking Jenson’s doctrine of the Trinity. For Jenson, one of today’s most prominent theologians, the answer to the question, “Who is the God of the gospel?” may be summarized as, “The one who raised Jesus from the dead.” Swain then offers a constructive evaluation of Jenson’s account of the mutually constitutive character of God’s intrinsic identity and saving acts. Although critical of many of Jenson’s trinitarian reinterpretations, Swain remains attentive to Jenson’s concerns and insights. In the process, Swain sheds new light on what it means for the ecumenical trinitarian tradition to advocate a truly evangelical doctrine of the Trinity in the wake of the twentieth-century recasting of the identity of the God of the gospel. Scott R. Swain (Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is associate professor of systematic theology and academic dean at Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando). Contents Introduction (1) The Question Stated (2) The State of the Question (3) The Way of God’s Identity According to the Old Testament (4) The Way of God’s Identity According to the New Testament (5) The Triune Identity (6) “A Father to You”: God’s Fatherly Self-Determination in the Covenant of Grace (7) Immanuel: The Son of God’s Self-Identification with Humanity in the Incarnation (8) “Deluged with Love”: The Spirit and the Consummation of Trinitarian Fellowship (9) Conclusion: Grace and Being: Bruce McCormack on the Gospel’s God S T R AT EG IC I N I T I AT I V E S I N E VA NGE L ICA L T H EOL OGY 5[fck]b[gYf]YgcZ]bhYfX]gW]d`]bUfmacbc[fUd\gaYUbhhc][b]hY X]gWigg]cbUfcibXYaYf[]b[UbXWcbhfcjYfg]U`giV^YWhg]bh\YYjUb[Y`]WU` Wcaaib]hmUbX]bh\YUWUXYamUh`Uf[Y" I N D I VIDUAL T IT LE S IN C LU D E : H\Y;cXcZh\Y ;cgdY` 5XX]Wh]cb UbXJ]fhiY @]PS`b8S\a]\ÂaB`W\WbO`WO\ BVS]Z]Ug 0Sg]\RbVS;]RSZa]T2WaSOaSO\R 1V]WQS 6mGWchhF"GkU]b 6m?Ybh8ibb]b[hcb ¿7aca^SQbW\OaV]`b O[]c\b]TbW[SbVWaP]]Y eWZZPSdWSeSROaa][S bVW\U]TOQZOaaWQW\bVS TWSZRÀ GhUb`Ym<UiYfkUg 8i_Y8]j]b]hmGW\cc` H\YHf]iad\cZ ;cXcjYf9j]` FYh\]b_]b[ h\YHf]b]hm UbXFY`][]cig D`ifU`]ga BVS]RWQgT]`OE]`ZR]TAcTTS`W\U 6mK]``]Ua<Ug_Yf /\/cUcabW\WO\/aaSaa[S\b ¿/aS`W]caO\R]`WUW\OZ e]`Y]T^VWZ]a]^VgÀ 6m?Y]h\9">c\bgcb ¿BVSUO[SVOaPSS\ QVO\USRÀ 7"GhYd\Yb9jUbg 6Um`cfIb]jYfg]hm @Yk]g5mfYg Ib]jYfg]hmcZ8if\Ua ED ITORIAL ADVI S O RY BOA R D <Ubg6cYfgaU FY[Ybh7c``Y[Y >cY`6";fYYb :i``YfH\Yc`c[]WU`GYa]bUfm Fc[Yf@ibX]b K\YUhcb7c``Y[Y AUf[UfYh?]aDYhYfgcb 9UghYfbIb]jYfg]hm 7"GhYd\Yb9jUbg 6Um`cfIb]jYfg]hm JY`]!AUhh]?}f__}]bYb :i``YfH\Yc`c[]WU`GYa]bUfm AUf_5"Bc`` Ib]jYfg]hmcZBchfY8UaY ?Yj]bJUb\ccnYf Hf]b]hm9jUb[Y`]WU`8]j]b]hmGW\cc` Theology N. T. Wr i g h t AU T H O R O F The Challenge of Jesus EVIL AND THE JUSTICE OF GOD N. T. Wright Evil and the Justice of God N. T. Wright explores all aspects of evil and how it presents itself in society today. Fully grounded in the story of the Old and New Testaments, this presentation is provocative and hopeful; a fascinating analysis of and response to the fundamental question of evil and justice that faces believers. These are the powerful and pressing themes that N. T. Wright addresses in this book that is at once timely and timeless. N. T. Wright, formerly bishop of Durham in England, is research professor of New Testament and early Christianity at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Wright’s fullscale works include The New Testament and the People of God, Jesus and the Victory of God and The Resurrection of the Son of God. Among his many other published works are Surprised by Hope and Simply Christian. June 2013 Now in paperback! 176 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3415-0, $15.00 Theology Robin Routledge Old Testament Theology Old Testament THEOLOGY A Thematic Approach ROBIN ROU T L E D G E A Thematic Approach Robin Routledge provides a substantial overview of the central issues and themes in Old Testament theology. For readers who want to dine on the meat of Old Testament theology but do not have time to linger over hors d’oeuvres and dessert. Robin Routledge is senior lecturer in Old Testament at Mattersey Hall in England. He also teaches at the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague and the Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels. January 2013 Now in paperback! 384 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3992-6, $25.00 16 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Church & Culture Edited by Keith L. Johnson, Timothy Larsen E di t e d by Bonhoeffer, Christ and Culture The 2012 Wheaton Theology Conference was convened around the formidable legacy of Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi conspirator Dietrich Bonhoeffer. This collection, focusing on the man’s views of Christ, the church and culture, contributes to a recent awakening of interest in Bonhoeffer among evangelicals. Keith L. Johnson is assistant professor of theology at Wheaton College. He is the author of Karl Barth and the Analogia Entis and “The Being and Act of the Church: Karl Barth and the Future of Evangelical Ecclesiology,” in Karl Barth and American Evangelicalism. Ke i t h L. Jo hn s o n T i m o t hy Lar s e n and Bonhoeffer, Christ and Cult ur e J i m B e l c he r , L or i B r a n d t Ha l e , J oe l L aw r e n c e , C ha r l e s Ma r s h, S t e p he n P l a n t, D a n i e l T r e i e r , R e g g i e W i l l i a ms, P hi l i p Z i e g l e r Co n t r ib u t o r s in clu de Timothy Larsen is McManis Professor of Christian Thought at Wheaton College. He has been a visiting fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge University, and All Souls College, Oxford University. His monographs include Crisis of Doubt: Honest Faith in Nineteenth-Century England and, most recently, A People of One Book: The Bible and the Victorians (Oxford University Press). Contents Introduction by Keith L. Johnson and Timothy Larsen (1) Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Theologian of the Word of God by Philip G. Ziegler (2) The Evangelical Reception of Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Timothy Larsen (3) Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Harlem Renaissance and the Black Christ by Reggie L. Williams (4) The Evangelization of Rulers: Bonhoeffer’s Political Theology by Stephen J. Plant (5) Modernity’s Machine: Technology Coming of Age in Bonhoeffer’s Apocalyptic Proverbs by Daniel J. Treier (6) Death Together: Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Becoming the Church for Others by Joel Lawrence (7) Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Under the Constraint of Grace by Charles Marsh (8) Bonhoeffer and the End of the Christian Academy by Keith L. Johnson (9) Bonhoeffer’s Christological Take on Vocation by Lori Brandt Hale (10) The Secret of Finkenwalde: Liturgical Treason by Jim Belcher r Contributors r Subject Index April 2013 208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2716-9, $20.00 Related Titles Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen, 978-0-83082084-9, $8.00 20th-Century Theology, Stanley J. Grenz, Roger E. Olson, 978-0-8308-1525-8, $28.00 ivpacademic.com 17 Church & Culture Ron Highfield Ron Highfield God, Freedom and Human Dignity Embracing a God-Centered Identity in a Me-Centered Culture “Provides for anyone who cares about the gospel today a guide to the postmodern condition and where the gospel must strike first. If this book were pocket size you’d find a copy in my pocket.” God, Freedom & Human Dignity EMBRACING A GOD-CENTERED IDENTITY IN A ME-CENTERED CULTURE March 2013 256 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2711-4, $22.00 Related Titles The Doctrine of Humanity, Charles Sherlock, 978-0-8308-1535-7, $22.00 Human Dignity in the Biotech Century, Edited by Charles W. Colson, Nigel M. de S. Cameron, 978-0-8308-2783-1, $24.00 Scot McKnight, Northern Seminary Ron Highfield traces the genealogy of the modern self from Plato, Descartes and Locke to Charles Taylor’s landmark Sources of the Self. What emerges is a stark portrait of the modern ideal of self-governance and the crisis it provokes for a Christian view of human identity, freedom and dignity found in God. Essential reading for Christian students who are interested in the debates around secularism, modernity and identity formation. Ron Highfield (Ph.D., Rice University) is professor of religion at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. He is the author of Great is the Lord: Theology for the Praise of God (Eerdmans) and Barth and Rahner: Toward an Ecumenical Understanding of Sin and Evil (Peter Lang). Highfield is coauthor (with Gregory Boyd, Willliam Lane Craig and Paul Helseth) of Four Views on Divine Providence. His published chapters and articles have covered subjects ranging from theological anthropology to open theism to Christian higher education. Contents Preface r Part I: The Me-Centered Self (1) How the Me-Centered World Was Born (2) Defiance: The Promethean Dimension of the Modern Self (3) Subservience: The Religion of Idols, Hypocrites and Hirelings (4) Indifference: A Study in Thoughtlessness (5) The Disquieting God of the Modern Self (6) The Secret Aspirations of the Modern Self (7) Some Unwelcome Limits on Freedom and Dignity r Part II: The God-Centered Self (8) The Self-Giving God of the Gospel (9) The Irony of Divine “Weakness” (10) The Awakening Presence (11) A New Way of Being Human Being (12) The Divine Adoption (13) The Emergence of God-Centered Identity (14) The Freedom of the Children of God (15) God’s Love as the Ground and Measure of Human Dignity (16) The Reconciliation of Heaven and Earth r Conclusion r Indexes 18 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Church & Mission Mark A. Noll The New Shape of World Christianity M A R K A. NOL L How American Experience Reflects Global Faith CHRISTIANITY TODAY BOOK AWARD WINNER! “Here is a book that both critics and supporters of missions must read. Noll helps us move beyond the simple praise and blame associated with Western missions to see the complexity and glory of the growth of Christianity, and, in the process, opens THE NEW SHAPE OF WOR L D C H R I S T I A N I T Y up new frontiers of understanding and new lines of research.” William Dyrness, professor of theology and culture, Fuller Theological Seminary How American Experience Reflects 2010 Christianity Today Book Award winner! With characteristic rigor and insight, in this book Mark Noll revisits the history of the American church in the context of world events. He makes the compelling case that how Americans have come to practice the Christian faith is just as globally important as what the American church has done in the world. He backs up this substantial claim with the scholarly attentiveness we’ve come to expect from him, lucidly explaining the relationship between the development of Christianity in North America and the development of Christianity in the rest of the world, with attention to recent transfigurations in world Christianity. Here is a book that will challenge your assumptions about the nature of the relationship between the American church and the global church in the past and predicts what world Christianity may look like. Mark A. Noll (Ph.D., Vanderbilt University) is Francis McAnaney Professor of History at the University of Notre Dame. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, advisory editor for Books & Culture and subeditor for the new Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Some of his many books include The Civil War as a Theological Crisis, Is the Reformation Over?, The Rise of Evangelicalism: The Age of Edwards, Whitefield and the Wesleys and The Old Religion in a New World. Global Faith April 2013 Now in paperback! 212 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3993-3, $20.00 Related Titles Clouds of Witnesses, Mark A. Noll, Carolyn Nystrom, 978-0-8308-3834-9, $25.00 Global Awakening, Mark Shaw, 978-08308-3877-6, $20.00 Contents Tables and Figures (1) Introduction (2) The New Shape of World Christianity (3) Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Identity, Power and Culture as Anticipating the Future (4) Posing the Question (5) What Does Counting Missionaries Reveal? (6) Indictment and Response (7) American Experience as Template (8) American Evangelicals View the World, 1900-2000 (9) What Korean Believers Can Learn from American Evangelical History (10) The East African Revival (11) ReflectionsrGuide to Further ReadingrIndex ivpacademic.com 19 Psychology & Counseling Heather Davediuk Gingrich Restoring the Shattered Self A Christian Counselor’s Guide to Complex Trauma Heather Davediuk Gingrich April 2013 272 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2712-1, $24.00 Related Titles Integrative Psychotherapy, Mark R. McMinn, Clark D. Campbell, 978-0-8308-2830-2, $30.00 The Reciprocating Self, Jack O. Balswick, Pamela Ebstyne King, Kevin S. Reimer, 978-0-83082793-0, $27.00 20 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Restoring the Shattered Self A Christian Counselor’s Guide to Complex Trauma What is complex traumatic stress disorder (CTSD)? How do Christian counselors help complex trauma survivors live the “abundant life”? Are we inadvertently retraumatizing our counselees? Heather Davediuk Gingrich applies years of counseling experience to the sensitive task of treating complex traumatic stress disorder (CTSD). Writing for pastors and counselors who have not received training in complex trauma, Gingrich integrates current trauma therapy research with Christian priorities such as prayer and spiritual warfare. Heather Davediuk Gingrich (Ph.D., University of the Philippines) is a counselor, scholar, teacher and former missionary. She is currently associate professor of counseling at Denver Seminary, Littleton, Colorado, and a dissertation advisor and committee member at Asia Graduate School of Theology, Quezon City, Philippines. A member of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD), the Trauma Psychology Division of the American Psychological Association, and clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), Gingrich is also a mental health consultant at International Development and Educational Associates (IDEAS), where she conducts shortterm, mid-term and long-term mental health evaluations of missionary candidates. Contents Acknowledgments (1) Shattered (2) Shattering the Self: The Effects of Trauma on Childhood Development (3) Rebuilding the Shattered Self: The Process of Counseling (4) Phase I: Safety and Stabilization (5) Phase II: Trauma Processing—Integrating the Components of a Traumatic Experience (6) Phase III: Consolidation and Resolution (7) Additional Treatment Considerations for the Client with Dissociative Identity Disorder (8) Spiritual Issues and Resources in the Treatment of CTSD (9) Vicarious Traumatization and Building Counselor Resilience (10) How the Church Can Help r Appendix: Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) r References r Author Index r Subject Index Psychology & Counseling Edited by Randolph K. Sanders Christian Counseling Ethics (Second Edition) A Handbook for Psychologists, Therapists and Pastors Editor Randolph K. Sanders assembles a team of scholarpractitioners to forge a comprehensive ethical approach to Christian counseling. Christian psychotherapists, pastors and others in the counseling profession will find here a ready resource for a whole array of contemporary clinical scenarios. This revised edition engages the significant cultural changes counselors have seen in the years since the first edition. Written by a cadre of highly qualified professional counselors and scholars, this book remains an indispensable resource for understanding and applying ethics in Christian counseling. Randolph K. Sanders, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist in private practice in New Braunfels, Texas, and the author of several books. He served as the executive director of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) from 1994 to 2005. Contents (1) Embracing Our Ethical Mandate (2) Psychotherapy and Christian Ethics (3) Qualifications of the Christian Mental Health Professional (4) Essential Elements for Ethical Counsel (5) Sexual Misconduct and the Abuse of Power (6) Nonsexual Multiple Relationships (7) Ethics in Couples Therapy (8) The Child Client (9) Addressing Spiritual and Value Issues in Therapy (10) The Sexual Minority Client (11) Clients with Chronic Conditions (12) Ethical Concerns in Culturally Sensitive Practice (13) Business Ethics in Mental Health Services (14) Pastors Who Counsel (15) Lay Counselor Training (16) Mixed Agency Dilemmas for Professionals in the Military and Other Government Agencies (17) Ethics in University Counseling Centers (18) Ethics in Member Care: Toward an International Framework (19) Ethics in Providing Psychological First Aid (20) Training Programs (21) A Model for Ethical Decision Making r Appendix 1: Ethical Codes and Guide- EDITED BY Randolph K. Sanders Christian Counseling Ethics A Handbook for Psychologists, Therapists and Pastors SECOND EDITION April 2013 420 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3994-0, $30.00 Related Titles Counseling and Christianity, Stephen P. Greggo, Timothy A. Sisemore, 978-08308-3978-0, $22.00 Theology for Better Counseling, Virginia Todd Holeman, 978-0-83083972-8, $20.00 lines r Appendix 2: Sample Forms r Contributors List r Index ivpacademic.com 21 Science & Technology Derek C. Schuurman Shaping a Digital World Faith, Culture and Computer Technology June 2013 144 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2713-8, $18.00 Related Titles Changing Signs of Truth, Crystal L. Downing, 978-0-8308-3966-7, $24.00 Understanding Evangelical Media, Edited by Quentin J. Schultze, Robert Herbert Woods Jr., 978-0-8308-2882-1, $27.00 22 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Digital technology has become a ubiquitous feature of modern life. Our increasingly fast-paced world seems more and more remote from the world narrated in Scripture. But despite its pervasiveness, there remains a dearth of theological reflection about computer technology and what it means to live as a faithful Christian in a digitally-saturated society. In this thoughtful and timely book, Derek Schuurman provides a brief theology of technology, rooted in the Reformed tradition and oriented around the grand themes of creation, fall, redemption and new creation. He combines a concise, accessible style with penetrating cultural and theological analysis. Building on the work of Jacques Ellul and Neil Postman, and drawing from a wide range of Reformed thinkers, Schuurman situates computer technology within the big picture of the biblical story. Technology is not neutral, but neither is there an exclusively “Christian” form of technological production and use. Instead, Schuurman guides us to see the digital world as part of God’s good creation, fallen yet redeemable according to the law of God. Responsibly used, technology can become an integral part of God’s shalom for the earth. Derek C. Schuurman (Ph.D., McMaster University) is associate professor of computer science and chair of the mathematics/physics/computer science department at Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ontario. He is also a professional engineer (P.Eng.) holding memberships with the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences (ACMS) and the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE). Contents (1) Introduction (2) Computer Technology and the Unfolding of Creation (3) Computer Technology and the Fall (4) Redemption and Responsible Computer Technology (5) Computer Technology and the Future (6) Concluding Thoughts r Discussion Questions r Bibliography Education courage Philip E. Dow Virtuous Minds Philip E. Dow Intellectual Character Development “As I read Dow’s book, I was struck with what a fresh and potent addition it would make to a college or high school course on critical thinking. . . . [It] is chock-full of vivid, discussable illustrations.” Robert C. Roberts, distinguished professor of ethics, Baylor University Teacher-administrator Philip Dow explores the implications of setting intellectual character (rather than intellectual content) at the heart of our educational programs. With ample stories and practical suggestions, Dow shows how intellectual virtues like tenacity, carefulness and curiosity are teachable traits that can produce good lives. carefulness tenacity VIRTUOUS MINDS fair-mindedness curiosity Intellectual Character Development honesty humility FOR STUDENTS, EDUCATORS & PARENTS Philip E. Dow (Ph.D., Cambridge University) is superintendent of Rosslyn Academy in Nairobi, Kenya. Dow has over a decade of classroom experience, teaching advanced courses in social studies and history at the high school level. He is the author of “School in the Clouds”: The Rift Valley Academy Story. May 2013 144 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2714-5, $16.00 Contents Acknowledgments r Foreword by Jason Baehr Related Titles Introduction r Part I: The Seven Intellectual Virtues (1) Intellectual Courage (2) Intellectual Carefulness (3) Intellectual Tenacity (4) Intellectual Fair-mindedness (5) Intellectual Curiosity (6) Intellectual Honesty (7) Intellectual Humility r Part II: The Fruits of Intellectual Character (8) The Benefits of Knowing More About More (9) The Benefits of Better Thinking (10) Loving God (11) Loving Your Neighbor r Part III: Becoming People of Intellectual Character (12) Developing Virtuous Intellectual Character in Yourself (13) Seven Suggestions for Parents and Educators r Conclusion r A Discussion Guide for University and Church Groups r Appendices A-I r Habits of the Mind, James W. Sire, 978-0-8308-2273-7, $18.00 The Passionate Intellect, Alister McGrath, 978-0-8308-3843-1, $22.00 ivpacademic.com 23 Pastoral Resources Robbie F. Castleman Story-Shaped Worship Following Patterns from the Bible and History :c``ck]b[DUhhYfbg Zfcah\Y6]V`Y UbX<]ghcfm May 2013 200 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3964-3, $20.00 Related Title The Emergence of the Church, Arthur G. Patzia, 978-0-8308-2650-6, $23.00 24 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 What is the right way to worship? Right worship does not require a return to the identical forms found in the early church or later in Rome or after that in Westminster. What it calls for is a faithful response today to the God of our salvation in light of those biblically ordered and historically informed patterns. In this study Robbie Castleman uncovers the fundamental shape of worship. What she unearths is a shape that is outlined in Scripture, enacted in Israel, refocused in the New Testament community, regulated and guarded by the Apostolic fathers, and recovered in the Reformation. It is a worship that can and does still shape the liturgy of many congregations today. Robbie F. Castleman (D.Min., University of Dubuque) is associate professor of biblical studies and theology at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. She previously served for several years as a staff member with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, specializing in ministry to graduate students at campuses in and around Tallahassee, Florida. Contents Acknowledgments r Introduction r Part I: Biblical Patterns: Story-Shaped Liturgy (1) Genesis and the Gospel: The Beginning of Worship r Workshop (2) Worship and Identity: Yahweh and Sabbath in the Torah, Prophets and Gospels r Workshop (3) Worship and Sacred Space: The Grace of Invitation, the Holiness of Boundaries r Workshop (4) The Shape of Biblical Worship r Workshop (5) Worship by the Book r Workshop (6) Worship and Holiness r Workshop (7) Worship in Exile, Synagogues and the Early Church r Workshop r Part II: Historical Patterns: the Interpretations of Worship (8) Early Patterns for Christian Worship: Clarifying the Faith r Workshop (9) Reformation Patterns for Christian Worship: Recovering the Faith r Workshop (10) Contemporary Patterns for Christian Worship: Keeping the Faith r Workshop r Glossary r For Further Reading r Subject Index r Scripture Index Pastoral Resources Edited by Ian Paul, David Wenham Preaching the New Testament “You will find in this collection of essays a treasure PREACHING THE N E W T E S TA M E N T trove of convictions and insights about preaching the New Testament that can nourish, challenge and enrich Edited by IAN PAUL & DAVID WENHAM any pastor’s sermons.” Mark Labberton, Fuller Theological Seminary Editors Ian Paul and David Wenham present this collection of scholarly reflections on preaching from the New Testament. It covers the main texts and genres, and also includes chapters on the infancy narratives, parables, miracles, ethics, future hope and judgment, archaeology and history, and hermeneutics. Ian Paul is dean of studies at St. John’s College in Nottingham, England. He chairs the Revelation Seminar at the annual British New Testament Conference. David Wenham (Ph.D., Manchester) is senior lecturer in New Testament at Trinity College, Bristol. He is the author of Paul: Follower of Jesus or Founder of Christianity? Contents Contributors r Abbreviations r Introduction by Ian Paul and David Wenham (1) Preaching the Gospels by D. A. Carson (2) Preaching on the Infancy Narratives by R. T. France (3) Preaching Jesus’ Parables by Klyne Snodgrass (4) Preaching the Miracles of Jesus by Stephen I. Wright (5) Preaching the Sermon on the Mount by David Wenham (6) The Challenges and Opportunities for Preaching from the Acts of the Apostles by Christoph Stenschke (7) Preaching Paul’s Letters by Justin K. Hardin and Jason Maston (8) Preaching from the Pastoral Epistles by I. Howard Marshall (9) The Challenge and Opportunity of Preaching Hebrews by Charles A. Anderson (10) Preaching the General Epistles by Mariam J. Kamell (11) Preaching from the Book of Revelation by Ian Paul (12) How Archaeology and History Can Help with New Testament Preaching by Peter Oakes (13) Preaching the Ethics of the New Testament by John Nolland (14) Preaching Hope and Judgment by Stephen Travis (15) The Hermeneutics of Relationship by William Olhausen (16) The Role of Exegesis and Biblical Texts in Preaching the New Testament by Helge Stadelmann (17) Preaching the Gospel from the Gospels by Paul Weston r Index of Scripture References March 2013 288 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3990-2, $26.00 Related Titles The Parables of Jesus, David Wenham, 978-0-8308-1286-8, $20.00 Reclaiming the Old Testament for Christian Preaching, Edited by Grenville J. R. Kent, Paul J. Kissling, Laurence A. Turner, 978-08308-3887-5, $23.00 ivpacademic.com 25 Pastoral Resources Andrew Root A NDR E W RO OT The Relational Pastor Sharing in Christ by Sharing Ourselves THE RELATIONAL PASTOR S HA R IN G BY S HA R IN G IN C H RIST O U R S E LV E S Practical theologian Andrew Root deconstructs relational ministry as we have come to understand it, calling for a new breed of “empathic minister” to take the helm in our churches. Bringing current practice in touch with incarnational theology, Root searches for a more robust understanding of the relationships that make up the body of Christ. Andrew Root (Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary) is in the Baalson Olson Chair as associate professor of youth and family ministry at Luther Seminary (St. Paul, Minnesota). A former Young Life staffworker, he has served in churches and social service agencies as a youth outreach associate and a gang prevention counselor. April 2013 256 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4102-8, $18.00 Pastoral Resources Bob Burns, Tasha Chapman, Donald C. Guthrie Resilient Ministry 9,:030,5; >/(;7(:;69:;63+<:()6<; :<9=0=05.(5+;/90=05. )6 ) ) <9 5 : ;( : / ( * / (7 4 ( 5 (5+ +6 5 ( 3 + * . <; / 9 0 , What Pastors Told Us About Surviving and Thriving Why does one well-equipped, well-meaning person in ministry succeed while another fails? Bob Burns, Tasha Chapman and Donald Guthrie undertook a five-year intensive research project on the frontlines of pastoral ministry to answer that question. What they found was nothing less than the DNA of thriving ministry today. Bob Burns is the dean of lifelong learning and associate professor of education ministries at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis. Tasha D. Chapman is associate dean of lifelong learning and adjunct professor of educational ministries at Covenant Seminary. Donald C. Guthrie is professor of educational ministries at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. March 2013 304 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4103-5, $17.00 26 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Pastoral Resources Richard J. Goossen, R. Paul Stevens Entrepreneurial Leadership RICHARD J. GOOSSEN AND R. PAUL STEVENS Finding Your Calling, Making a Difference Responding to what they see as an “entrepreneurial black hole” in the church today, Richard Goossen and R. Paul Stevens present a theologically robust vision of Christian entrepreneurship that seeks to enfranchise a strategic class of parishioners on behalf of their congregations. ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADERSHIP Finding Your Calling, Making a Difference Richard J. Goossen (Ph.D., Middlesex University) is a serial new venture founder, strategic advisor, lawyer, researcher, author, professor and professional public speaker. He is director of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Transforming Business, a research and development center at the University of Cambridge, UK. R. Paul Stevens is professor emeritus of marketplace theology and leadership at Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia, and a marketplace ministry mentor. May 2013 210 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3773-1, $18.00 Pastoral Resources Mark Labberton Foreword by John Ortberg The Dangerous Act of Worship MARK LABBERTON Foreword by J OHN O RT BERG Living God’s Call to Justice In this prophetic call to the contemporary church, Mark Labberton redefines Christian worship in the language of justice. He calls us away from individualized worship and into worshiping communities that give expression to righteousness and justice. Mark Labberton (Th.D., University of Cambridge) is Lloyd John Ogilvie chair for preaching and director of the Lloyd John Ogilvie Institute for Preaching at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. Previously Labberton served as senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, Berkeley, California, for sixteen years. THE DANGEROUS ACT OF WORSHIP Living God’s Call to Justice Now in Paperback! 200 pages, paperback, 5978-0-8308-3414-3, $15.00 ivpacademic.com 27 Spiritual Formation Kyle Strobel F O R M E D FOR THE G L O R Y OF G O D Formed for the Glory of God Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards “From the ‘sovereignty principle’ to an Edwardsian Learning from the Spiritual retreat, Kyle has given a gift that will be a means of Practices of Jonathan Edwards grace for many.” John Ortberg “A rich distillation of this remarkable American divine’s spiritual vision. . . . What a distinctively evangelical piety has looked like in the past and why that pattern is still of great value today.” KYLE STROBEL June 2013 192 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-5653-4, $16.00 Related Titles Jonathan Edwards and the Ministry of the Word, Douglas A. Sweeney, 978-0-8308-3851-6, $20.00 Life in the Spirit, Edited by Jeffrey P. Greenman, George Kalantzis, 978-08308-3879-0, $25.00 28 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Michael A. G. Haykin, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Kyle Strobel mines the work of Jonathan Edwards in search of the Puritan minister’s personal vision for spiritual development. “In Edwards,” Strobel writes, “we find a grasp of spiritual formation that tries to balance deep thought with deep passion . . . a life of love with the contemplation of divine things.” Kyle Strobel (Ph.D., University of Aberdeen) is professor of theology at Grand Canyon University. He is also the co-founder and director of Metamorpha Ministries, a ministry committed to fostering community among people who want to grow their relationship with Christ. He is the author of Metamorpha: Jesus as a Way of Life. Contents Acknowledgments r Introduction r Part I: A Journey into Beauty (1) A Journey to See Clearly (2) Mapping the Way of Love (3) Walking in Affection r Part II: Tools for the Journey (4) Spiritual Disciplines as Means of Grace (5) Knowledge of God and Knowledge of Self (6) Meditation and Contemplation (7) Jonathan Edwards’s Spiritual Practices r Conclusion r Appendix 1: Praying with Jonathan Edwards r Appendix 2: Practicing Conference with Jonathan Edwards r Appendix 3: Going on Retreat with Jonathan Edwards r Appendix 4: The Jonathan Edwards Project r Abbreviations Spiritual Formation Alan Fadling An Unhurried Life 5@5B:58@=B; Following Jesus’ Rhythms of Work and Rest Spiritual director and “recovering speed addict” Alan Fadling leads readers in a disarming meditation on the unhurried life. Following the framework of Jesus’ earthly life, Fadling shows how the work of “unhurrying” ourselves is central to our spiritual development in such pivotal areas as resisting temptation, caring for others, praying and making disciples. 5b Ib \ if f ]YX@ ]ZY :c``ck]b[>YgigÁF\mh\agcZKcf_UbXFYgh Alan Fadling (M. Div., Fuller Theological Seminary) is associate director of The Leadership Institute in Orange, California, a ministry that trains Christian leaders to integrate spiritual formation and leadership development. A certified spiritual director, Fadling has also taught courses on spiritual formation at Hope International University. June 2013 192 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3573-7, $15.00 Spiritual Formation Mae Elise Cannon Just Spirituality How Faith Practices Fuel Social Action Mae Elise Cannon opens the annals of activist history to see if there is a correlation between great acts of compassion and advocacy and great depths of prayer. Looking at the lives of Mother Teresa, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King Jr. and others, Cannon finds a depth of spiritual practice at the root of courageous social action. Mae Elise Cannon (M.Div., North Park Theological Seminary; M.B.A., School of Business & Nonprofit Management at North Park University) is the executive director of El Karma Ministries in Pompano Beach, Florida, a ministry focused on bridging the divide between Christians around the world and the community of Christ followers in the Middle East. She is the author of Social Justice Handbook. Just Spirituality How Faith Practices Fuel Social Action MAE ELISE CANNON Author of Social Justice Handbook February 2013 208 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3775-5, $16.00 ivpacademic.com 29 Recent Releases David Hansen The Art of Pastoring (Revised Edition) Leading us well beyond the niceties of self-help literature, pastor David Hansen pulls back the veil on the actual pastorate—the one that emerges without your permission in the midst of life and ministry. In this revised and expanded edition, Hansen expands on his view of the pastor as a “parable of Jesus” and adds a new postlude. 224 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4104-2, $16.00 / IVP Praxis Edited by Julia E. M. Cameron Foreword by S. Douglas Birdsall Christ Our Reconciler Here are the collected presentations from the Third Lausanne Congress in Cape Town, South Africa—a historic event convened in 2010 that brought delegates from some two hundred nations to cast a new vision for world evangelization in the third millennium. 219 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-3776-2, $18.00 / IVP Books Cyril of Alexandria Translated by David R. Maxwell, Edited by Joel C. Elowsky Commentary on John, Volume 1 In the latest addition to the Ancient Christian Texts series, David Maxwell renders a service to students of patristics and New Testament studies alike. The first complete English translation of Cyril of Alexandria’s Commentary on John since the nineteenth century, this volume unveils one of the brightest lights in the Alexandrian tradition. 400 pages, hardcover, 978-0-8308-2911-8, $60.00 / IVP Academic Aaron Chalmers Exploring the Religion of Ancient Israel Aaron Chalmers examines the major religious offices mentioned in the Old Testament (including prophet, priest, sage and king) alongside the beliefs and practices of the common people—giving students a unique introduction to the religious and social world of ancient Israel. 176 pages, casebound, 978-0-8308-2545-5, $30.00 / IVP Academic 30 IVP ACADEMIC Spring 2013 Recent Releases Edited by Chad Meister, James K. Dew Jr. God and Evil Chad Meister and James Dew Jr. edit this volume in which leading thinkers in Christian philosophy and apologetics take on the problem of evil and suffering. 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Individual titles include The Message of Creation David Wilkinson. 296 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2405-2, $20.00 The Message of Heaven & Hell Bruce Milne. 352 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2406-9, $20.00 The Message of Holiness Derek Tidball. 288 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2412-0, $20.00 The Message of Mission Howard Peskett and Vinoth Ramachandra. 288 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2407-6, $20.00 The Message of Prayer Timothy Chester. 272 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2408-3, $20.00 The Message of Salvation Philip G. Ryken. 314 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-2404-5, $20.00 The Message of Sonship Trevor J. 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Windows Version: 978-0-83084279-7, $260.00 Macintosh Version: 978-0-83084280-3, $260.00 Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC) Tyndale New Testament Commentaries provide passage-by-passage interpretation in the transparent style that has become the hallmark of the Tyndale series. Set of 48 OT and NT volumes, paperback, 978-0-8308-4229-2, $773.00 Set of 20 NT volumes, paperback, 978-0-8308-4230-8, $325.00 Individual titles include Matthew (vol. 1) R. T. France. 422 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084231-5, $17.00 1 Corinthians (vol. 7) Leon L. Morris. 238 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4237-7, $16.00 The Pastoral Epistles (vol. 14) Donald Guthrie. 251 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4244-5, $16.00 Mark (vol. 2) R. Alan Cole. 340 pages, paperback, 978-0-8308-4232-2, $17.00 2 Corinthians (vol. 8) Colin G. Kruse. 217 pages, paperback, 978-08308-4238-4, $16.00 Hebrews (vol. 15) Donald Guthrie. 281 pages, paperback, 978-0-83084245-2, $16.00 Luke (vol. 3) Leon L. 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