Juliette Guidebook - Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland


Juliette Guidebook - Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland
About Girl Scouts
We’re the Girl Scouts.
We’re 3.2 million strong–3.2 million girls and adults who believe every girl can change
the world.
It began more than 100 years ago with one woman, Juliette Gordon “Daisy” Low, who
believed in the power of every girl. Today, we continue her vision of building girls of
courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place by helping
them discover their inner strengths, passions, and talents.
With so many ways to participate, there’s a chance for every girl to do something
amazing. Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland is excited to support girls in central
and southern Missouri, southeast Kansas, and northeast Oklahoma as they do those
amazing things.
What program level is for me?
To ensure the best experience for each Girl Scout, programming is divided by grade
level. The Juliette program is available to all girls in Kindergarten through 12th grade.
� Girl Scout Daisy—Grades K-1
� Girl Scout Brownie—Grades 2-3
� Girl Scout Junior—Grades 4-5
� Girl Scout Cadette—Grades 6-8
� Girl Scout Senior—Grades 9-10
� Girl Scout Ambassador—Grades 11-12
The Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
u t!
Look for this icon
throughout the Juliette
Guidebook to learn
who to contact to get
The Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
About the Juliette Program
The Juliette program is Girl Scouting custommade for you! It’s a great way to match your unique
interests with Girl Scout participation – special
events, weekend workshops, leadership projects,
or travel opportunities.
Juliettes are busy, independent, self-confident
girls and young women who want to be a part of
something larger – Girl Scouts! Meeting in troops is
one way to be a part of Girl Scouts, but becoming
a Juliette allows you to experience the Girl Scout
program on an individual basis.
The Juliette program is available to all girls in
Kindergarten through 12th grade. When life gets
busy, it’s a way to stay connected and fulfill your
Girl Scout dreams without making a long-term
commitment to a troop.
As a Juliette, you may participate in everything
that is open to your grade level. You may attend all
council-sponsored program events, short-term
series, outdoor program opportunities, summer
camp, and travel opportunities. You can also
participate in council-sponsored money-earning
activities and earn Girl Scout Awards!
This guide is here to help you get started. Turn the
page to find out more!
What Can a Juliette Do?
As a Girl Scout Juliette,
you can participate
in many ways!
Throughout this guide
and on our website,
org, you will find multiple
ways to participate in Girl
Participate in our
Product Program
sales p. 6
Complete a Girl
Scout Journey p. 7
Earn Girl Scout
badges p. 7
Attend a councilsponsored or service
unit event p. 7
Earn a Bronze, Silver,
or Gold Award p. 8
Take part in our
Annual P.A.W.S.
service project p. 8
Participate in a
trip or a Girl Scout
Destinations trip p. 9
Attend summer
camp p. 10
While reading this
guide, if you have any
questions or would like
more information, please
feel free to call or email
us. We’re always happy
to help you get your
adventure started!
Become a Member!
How do I register to be a member?
Register online by visiting girlscoutsmoheartland.org/ROSE! Or, download, print,
and complete the Membership Registration Form found in the Forms & Resources
Library on girlscoutsmoheartland.org, and mail it to your nearest service center
(addresses found on p. 12). Parents, guardians, and other adults are also invited to
become members of the Girl Scout Movement.
Membership Dues
Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA),
our national organization, requires
$15 nonrefundable annual dues to
register as a girl or adult member.
Membership dues go directly
to GSUSA to provide program
development and council support
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is available
to girls for membership dues,
handbooks, uniform components,
program fees, summer camp
fees, and council sponsored travel
opportunities. We are committed to
providing all girls the opportunity to
participate in Girl Scouts.
Uniforms and Insignia
For girls in grades K-8, the uniform includes
choice of a tunic, vest, or sash for displaying
official pins and awards, combined with solid
white shirts and khaki pants or skirts. Girl Scouts
in high school can also wear a scarf that ties their
look to the sisterhood of Girl Scouts around the
Uniforms are available for purchase at your local
council shop or online. You can find information
explaining the uniform and where to place
insignia in The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting or on
our website. The Girl Scout uniform is optional;
a girl doesn’t need to have a uniform to be a
member of Girl Scouts.
For more information, call us at 877-312-4764 or
email [email protected].
Knowing Your Support Team
As a Girl Scout member you are part of a Girl Scout service unit. A service
unit is designed to serve the Girl Scouts within one large community or
several smaller communities together. Many service units host events in
their local area. Juliettes may participate in these events.
Your Support Team and Contact Information
The Volunteer Support Coordinator is a local volunteer who provides support
to local volunteers, oversees monthly meetings for troop volunteers, and helps
recruit adults. The VSC can also help Juliette families stay connected to other
Girl Scouts in their area.
My VSC is
Phone number:
There are 112 Girl Scout councils in the United States that are a part of Girl Scouts of the
USA. The staff at each local Girl Scout council coordinates and provides services for girls,
on a network of volunteers to serve both girls and the adults who support them. Your local
council is Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland, which has 63 counties in Missouri, as well
as three in Kansas and two in Oklahoma.
The Leadership Learning Specialist (LLS) is your contact about Girl Scout programs or events.
If you need help working on a badge or completing a journey, your regional LLS can assist you. The
LLS is also your resource for information about Girl Scout holidays, upcoming series, and travel
The LLS for my region is
Phone: 877-312-4764 ext.
The Membership Marketing Specialist (MMS) is your staff contact for general questions about
your Girl Scout membership. Your MMS can help you become a member or renew your membership.
The MMS assigned to my service unit is
Phone: 877-312-4764 ext.
The Leadership Learning Specialist-Outdoor Program is your contact for information about
summer resident camp and service unit day camps.
The LLS-Outdoor Program for my region is
Phone: 877-312-4764 ext.
The Product Program Specialist (PPS) is your contact for information about the Girl Scout Cookie
Program and our Fall Product Program.
The PPS for my region is
Phone: 877-312-4764 ext.
Product Programs
We offer two annual
product programs—
our Fall Product
Program and our
Girl Scout Cookie
Program. Juliettes
can participate in
both programs to
earn recognitions
and proceeds.
Fall Product Program
The Fall Product Program takes place annually in November
and is a great way for a Juliette to get started. The fall
program is for friends and family only. Girls do not go doorto-door selling items.
Girl Scout Cookie Program
The Girl Scout Cookie Program takes place annually from
January-March. During the selling period, girls go door-todoor selling cookies, delivering cookies, and collecting money.
Skill Building
By taking part in the Fall and
Cookie Product Programs,
girls join their Girl Scout
sisters in supporting the
activities and overall
operations of the council,
as well as earn individual
recognitions, and learn five
important skills:
• Goal Setting
• Decision Making
• Money Management
• People Skills
• Business Ethics
Participate in Product Programs
There are two ways a Juliette can participate in product programs.
Through the council: A Juliette will receive selling materials, turn in orders, and pick up
product at her local service center. Juliettes will earn recognitions, such as participation
patches and Cookie Credit gift cards, and troop proceeds for their sales will support
sister Girl Scouts throughout our council.
2. With a troop: A Juliette will receive selling materials, turn in orders, and pick up product
through a troop within her local service unit. Juliettes will earn recognitions, and
the troop will earn troop proceeds to be used for a troop activity or event. Juliettes
participating with a troop will be invited to attend troop activities/events.
Juliettes interested in participating in Cookie Booth sales will need to contact their local product
program specialist for more information.
For more information, call your local
product program specialist or email
[email protected].
Properties, equipment, adult training, program activities,
insurance, and administrative support to volunteers are
all important parts of the Girl Scout program and are
funded in part by the product programs. Girls are only
permitted to sell products that are council-approved:
Fall Product and Girl Scout Cookies. We have important
policies and procedures to keep girls safe in the product
sales programs; all families participating must follow
these policies.
Girl Scout
Leadership Experience
The GSLE is designed to help girls everywhere develop
as leaders and build confidence by learning new skills,
through Leadership Journeys and The Girl’s Guide to
Girl Scouting. It also ensures that Girl Scouts at every
level are sharing a powerful experience—girls together
changing the world!
There are three Leadership Journeys for every grade
level: It’s Your World – Change It!, It’s Your Planet
– Love It!, and It’s Your Story – Tell it! Each amazing
Journey has its own set of awards and a corresponding
adult guide. You can decide what you’d like the Journey
to be about, what type of field trips to take, and which
experts to consult. Each Journey can be as personal,
intriguing, and educational as you would like!
In addition to the Journeys, you can also earn badges!
These badges are outlined in each Girl’s Guide to Girl
Scouting. The guides are colorful, easy-to-use binders
full of helpful Girl Scout information and traditions,
that are specially designed for girls at each grade level!
Council-Sponsored Events
Our events are designed to offer a variety of
scheduled activities that are open to all girls by
grade level. You can choose to participate in as
many events as you like, exploring your skills and
interests along the way in a variety of thematic
areas such as personal growth, STEM, business
literacy, outdoor, arts and culture, and much more!
You’ll get guidance from community collaborators,
adult volunteers, and council staff to develop your
skills and understand how those skills can be used
to make a difference in the world!
Look for council
publications to see what
events are in your area!
You can also go online to
org/events! To register
for these events,
please visit ROSE Registrations Online
Simple and Easy at
For more information on Journeys, badges, or events, call your regional leadership and learning
specialist- girl scout leadership experience or email [email protected].
Bronze, Silver, and
Gold Awards
The Girl Scout Bronze Award, Silver Award, and Gold Award are Girl Scouts’ highest
honors. To receive these awards, girls must meet requirements that help them
prepare for and complete a special project benefiting their communities. As the girls
pursue their awards, they put the Girl Scout Promise and Law into action.
The Bronze
recognizes that a
Girl Scout Junior
has gained the leadership
and planning skills required
to follow through with a
project that makes a positive
difference in her community.
Working towards this
award demonstrates her
commitment to helping
others, improving her
community, and becoming
the best she can be.
The Silver
symbolizes a
Girl Scout
Cadette’s ccomplishments
in Girl Scouting and
community activities as
she matures and works
to better her life and the
lives of others. Girls earn
the award by focusing on a
local issue they care about,
building a team, and putting
their Take Action project
into action!
For girls working on their Silver or Gold Award, call your regional
leadership and learning speciliast-girl scout leadership
experience or email [email protected]!
Pets Are Worth Supporting
The Gold Award,
the highest award in
Girl Scouts, focuses
on the personal
journey through leadership
skills and service. Girl Scout
Seniors and Ambassadors are
eligible to earn the Gold Award.
This prestigious award gives
young women an advantage
when applying to colleges
and financial scholarships.
Gold awardees are honored
annually at our Young Women
of Distinction event.
Did you know that a Girl
Scout who has earned her
Gold Award automatically
rises one rank in any of the
U.S. military branches?
All Girl Scouts are invited to help the animal
shelter of their choice by participating in
the GSMH Council-Wide Service Project!
In April 2014, 659 girls participated, collecting over 59,000 pounds of dog food and over
1,600 pounds of newspaper.​Happening yearly in April, this project can be completed in five
simple steps. GSMH will provide informational door-hangers for Girl Scouts to distribute to
friends, neighbors, and community members to notify them of the project. Return a week
later to collect the donations and donate the items to the animal shelter of your choice.
Complete a P.A.W.S. Project Report and submit to GSMH to receive a free P.A.W.S. Project
patch for every Girl Scout who participated!
For more information, email [email protected].
Travel, Trips &
Girl Scouting gives girls many opportunities to explore
their communities and their world.
Each year we plan at least one council-sponsored trip to an exciting location. Every
three years, we also offer an international trip! Other destinations have included the
Girl Scout Leadership Institute, Girl Scout National Convention, Washington DC,
Savannah (the birthplace of Girl Scouts), and Texas!
Every year, Girl Scouts can also attend specialized
trips called “destinations,” which are organized
through Girl Scouts of the USA. Destinations usually
last one to two weeks, and focus on a theme. Lists of
Destinations can be found at girlscouts.org.
Girls traveled to Salt Lake City for the Girl Scout
National Convention in the Fall of 2014!
For more information,
call your regional
leadership and learning
speciliast-girl scout
leadership experience
or email programs@
Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland
offers four summer camps that
provide unique experiences for
every girl. Girls are empowered to
participate in the outdoors, focusing
on activities such as camping,
canoeing, low and high ropes courses,
and much more. Going to summer
camp is one of the most popular and
recognized aspects of Girl Scouts.
For many girls, camp is the first
opportunity they have to experience
archery, fishing, horseback riding, and
being away from home.
Our camps are open to any girl,
regardless of previous Girl Scout
involvement. Whether it’s her first
time at camp or her fifth, there’s
something new for her to discover!
Cherokee Ridge Program Center
Wayne County, Missouri
The home of our equestrian program! Experience the
thrill of horseback riding, swimming, archery, fishing, and
more, while making memories to last a lifetime.
Latonka Program Center
Wayne County, Missouri
Challenge yourself on our
low ropes adventure course
or swing in the trees on our
high ropes course. Don’t
forget to soar down the
zip line, swim in the lake,
and soak up the sun on the
sandy beach front!
Mintahama Program Center
Newton County, Missouri
Mintahama boasts a private 12-acre lake with Goose
Island in the center! Come explore wildlife at the nature
center, perfect your shot at the archery range, or take a
nature hike along the lakeshore.
Our other program centers are often the site of service unit events
and council events. They include Friendship Fields Program Center
(Crawford County, KS), Sacajawea West Program Center (Pettis
County, MO), Silver Meadows Program Center, and Green Berry
Acres Program Center (both in Boone County, MO).
Finbrooke Program Center
Greene County, Missouri
Finbrooke offers a wide
variety of programs
designed to encourage and
support girls in their quest to
face outdoor challenges and
overcome their fears.
For more information,
call the leadership and
learning specialist-outdoor
program or email camp@
Parents, Guardians, and Girl Scout Program Partners
There are many adventures awaiting your Girl Scout
Juliette. To ensure her ability to share in these
opportunities, a Girl Scout Program Partner* is
encouraged to register as an adult Girl Scout member
and participate with your girl. Their involvement will
help shape your girl’s experience. She’ll see their
commitment to her growth and before you know it,
you’ll be growing too!
*An adult (18 or older) Girl Scout Program Partner is
someone who is special to your girl. This could be a parent/
guardian, an aunt, a grandparent, or someone unrelated
that is trusted by the family. Girl Scout Program Partners are
not assigned; they are chosen by the girl and her family.
As a Girl Scout Program Partner, you:
• will help your Girl Scout choose the Journey books
and badges that sound interesting to her and . . .
- assist your Girl Scout in purchasing the books
and materials required to complete the badges
and Journeys.
- verify that your Girl Scout has completed the
requirements for the badges and help her
purchase them from the council’s Girl Scout
• will decide with your Girl Scout when to meet and do
Girl Scout activities.
• will discuss with your Girl Scout how to create a
budget to help her reach her goals and earn her way
to all of the fun programs and camps available to her.
• will help your Girl Scout decide to participate in Fall
Product and Cookie Programs, ensuring she follows
program requirements and safety guidelines.
• will review council event offerings, summer resident
camp offerings, and other council adventures that
your Girl Scout can attend with you (or, if a program
allows and she is ready, to attend on her own).
• must pre-register as required.
• must provide transportation, arriving and picking
your Girl Scout up on time for all Girl Scout activities.
As a parent/guardian you:
• must sign the girl
membership form and
pay the annual $15
national membership
• must sign parent/
guardian permission
slips to participate
in product programs
or attend program
events, camp, and
other activities.
• must make sure any
necessary forms
(health history, parent
permission, etc.)
are submitted in a
timely manner to the
appropriate person.
For more information, call
your local membership
marketing specialist
or email gscouts@
Ways to
Connect with GSMH
Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland offers a variety
of resources to help keep you updated on all things
happening around our council. Our website,
girlscoutsmoheartland.org, provides easy-to-find
resources for girls, volunteers, and parents. You can
also stay up-to-date on activities happening locally
and council-wide by connecting with GSMH on
Facebook, Twitter, and our council blog!
Girl Scouts of the
Missouri Heartland
We want to know about the fabulous things Girl Scouts are
doing! A link to our “Share Your Story” feature can be found on
our home page! Use it to highlight the great things you’re doing: service
projects, skills learned, or fun events in which you’ve participated.
The council shops offer the latest casual
wear, uniform components, accessories,
fun patches, memorabilia, and books for
girls and adults. The Journey books and
badges are there, too! Find just the right
gift or give a gift certificate to another Girl
Scout. Girl Scouts may use earned Cookie
Credit gift cards toward council purchases.
The council shops are open to the public
on week days and select Saturdays.
You can also shop online anytime at
GSMH Locations
We have five regional service centers with
retail shops to serve our membership.
Springfield Area
Administrative Service Center
210 S. Ingram Mill Road
Springfield, MO 65802
Cape Girardeau
Area Service Center
2136 William Street, Suite 178
Cape Girardeau, MO 63703
Dexter Area Service Center
1420 Girl Scout Way
Dexter, MO 63841
Joplin Area Service Center
1202 S. Range Line Road, Suite 8
Joplin, MO 64801
Jefferson City
Area Service Center
230 Metro Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109