iT .`"r^"r,"^ documenl on the Nalional skill\ De\elopment
iT .`"r^"r,"^ documenl on the Nalional skill\ De\elopment
\o. J - ll0l l/l l/201s-RE-t (3'l48ll) Covernment of India Deparlmtnl of Rural DerelopmeIt (Mahalm, Gandhi NREGA Division) Krishi Bhawan April,2016 l81h To Chief Executive Omcer Agriculture Skills Sector Council for lndia Subject: Standard Operating Procedure of Barefoot Technician Project and role of ASCI of Barefoot reg. Dear , The Ministry has now fixed a target of training and deployment Technicians in the financial year 2016-17 (Annexe 1)' 2. 1!: The comprehensive Standard Operating Procedure {SgPJ in:ore.ora:lng .Ti the executron for the roles and responsibilities of the ke) stakeholders iro"esses'and ifthis project is enclosed (Annexe'ZJ X l. cenillcation of BFts, the With respect to the role of ASCI in the assessment and following key points may be noted: sgencie\ of ASCI A i. Assist SIRD'S of 18 saates to become nanner t\ill be completion certificate trom ASCI !,vilh resnecl lo this aDoreciated. ii. iT .'"r^"r,"^ documenl on the Nalional skill\ De\elopment the SIRD: crr"*iti., po;al alont nilh *lep b) \tep instruclions tor (enification is l*f rai"iregirrrariLn. batch crealion and ma) "rp"." reouired io be shared uilh allSlRD's. A cop\ uf'trch a documenl fo,Iff 20lo' dar 1() MoliD as per the format Cale iii. Com-rni"ute the Assc;slncnt rarr h( 5(rn lo MoRD b\ qnn"t..{. cal('ndar r pn'ri.ional ,,*ir..J, .11'r Ma) 2010. 1o i, Fo..uail brr.h assessrllcol. thc resulls are 1o bc sharcd in soft cop) ilr. Vin;t,n al r{.-Lrrril'\ ,r nil-irr. This is an addcd slcp for a cohcrent bc cndorsed to Ny'oRD hy l5'h Ma1. nationalDicturc. on reirnbul'elllull "l'pa\lncnt , R\' R00 ncr candidate for r\s,isslncnl. qLrc'tion hcnk C;uJn il. orun,r. ot lerg(ls l'L,r lhi\ linrncial lcur' thc lbr a:.essmenl ma) b. R\ i'(d lrom Iimc lo tim'i' to bc i ii. nsil rnuy propo." a module for assesstncnt ol llrl Trainers considered by lhe MinistD. ,ir.auii""a to \lRl) dirc.ll) success ol_this project we look fon!ard to your continued suPpon in ensuring the Joinl Sccrctarr ( MGNRECA) L.[.t,."",- i L z Bfr B(I <s-,n^'-L a7u*b^1 6"Lo^t^"' L,' BF't Trrgcls 2016-17 \o. ofl][ ls No. of bltchcs 2 Chhallisgarh Kerala 3 Jharkhand I 5 6 'I 9 Cuiarat l0 Jammu and Kashmir ll Karnataka ManiDur Puniab Arunachal Pradesh Meghalaya t2 ll 1,1 l5 l6 r20 (separate schcme) (separatc schcme) t7 510 11 510 4 )l) t2 160 17 510 .t r20 r20 l5 150 : 6i elengana 1l -+- Ilihar 17 Uttar Pradesh llJ Ilanana ,l...,reJi BFl n.'csstncnt Calcndir,' 180 1 Raiasthan Andhra Pradesh Uttrakhand Madhya Pradesh 7 6 60 60 t/ 510 7 210 i l0 l-31 .l{lzl Slate ' rlargel Batches fI I of Batches Batcn I\rmbcr Numbcr I -' ht---ffi rlli-: .-B"tch I End-D'tc Aisessmcnl Date I fr-nna^qr'3 T€chnician Project Standard Opemlinq Procedure for Barefool Stakeholders and Processes Training of Pr€p!mtion for Trrining Trainitlg of BFI'Irainer5 of BF"ls BFTs Rs. 29.636 Per Stale Rs. 150 BFT candidate to SIRD day lo BFT Ph!sical NIRI) Iinrancial As per budgel Cell a E @ N1C N ]RD a slate Dept E ln F1 tv SIRD o @ ASCI Masler Trainers g o a a g g g stipend per g s g MoRD. PD MoRD, BFT ASCI Sral. Skilled $a8e mte to BIi Is from matcrial Slate Rs. 800 per s g a @ BFI Trainers s Re.ommended BFT Trainers s |_- BFT ls Candidates BI]Is s ta l. Programme Division MoRD, PD = Ministry of Rural DeveloPmenl' Technic;an Cell ni"iao. irrr cai = vinistry ofRural Dev€lopment' Barefoot NIC = National Infonnatics Centre. MGNREA 9. BFT frainers l. i. 4. NIRD = National lnstitute of Rural Developmenl 5. State Depl = MGNRECA Depaftmenl 6. SIRD = Slate lnstirute of Rurat DeYelopmenl 7. ASCI = A8ricuhure Skills Seclor Council of lndia 8. Master'frainers = Selectcd by MoRD - Nominatcd b) State Covernmcnt after'li)T S.ecoriri'eiddBnT frainers = Recornmendcd bv MoRD tesl a-didatcs - MGNRECA sorkers called for scrcen ing ,i. t'."**i"U iO. for 1r0inin8 TGNREGA workers iassed screening tesr and selecred frrt"foot f..hnicianece ified b) ASCI 3fier training "Ot ir.'irii?*o;""': i;. eff, - 1 Shndard OPerating Procedure i !4q l. 2. Core llIl T4u!$ A"'ol,dffiilar, ar'd ...itor larscts of b'rches and BFTs. -.. t.o*inat. Sn lrainers -- lo Mini'try a' pcr critena 'rr seclion 2.s.6.s. orrhe Ant!4 !y!!i!qqll!-!l!Lof Masler ffiin-ilii-datubas. .1. Acti!ih: 'l rainingof Tminers for S(akeholdtr Documg4 BFT Cell. PI) BFT Targets 2016-17 SEte DePt. BrT oa lssue Training calendar with master lrarneE ano forTraining ofBFT Trainers at NIRD from time to Communicate budeel for conducting lrarnrng ol l,r Database PD Masler Trainers PD Training ofBFT Tminers Calendar 2016- -) 17 7. .fh,,.ioets for Tminins ot Al I I rarners. uffitraine; *A.s"tO d"v t*inin8, issued I Tminers q $ is< Guide in English Hindi arrd pendri\r ith Jay pesentations in English and Hindi' ^-^' PD ""1 BF'T - Tminers, Master NIRD 8. Invenlory of BFT Trainer _l raining Material NIRt) Mainlain inventory ofTraining Malerial lor tsi I Trainers (training guides and pendr;\'es) printed and distributed. por e'actr train;ng of gF"l'Tminers. recommend Bt I Tminers to state Sovemment on the assessment by Master TrainerVASCl- 9. Masler 'frainers.:A SC l, BFI Cell, PD Databasc rral Mainlain database ol'slate wlse reconnllcnoeo 10. l NIRD I Tminers. 6. of BFT Cell time. 5. l ol 'I miners coffi*i.aG srar. gi- rution oI90 da) lraining to Bt srar( Derr' "'n '''J n'rnll'erui'el'ol cul.;4 end dales. detail) ofnudal per5on' traininS rralerial. prcltrred languagc rrd addrcss lo TraiDins l Calendar I which to be couriered. ffiisik-BF-t(Lrt. consislinSof l2 l-earning Unhs for lraining material as pcr communicalioD received Irom llre l+. |,D finrenrorl ot BFf lsirriirg Minislrl'and I r'l(nlrlrcatro.1 r' I Dereloo module and repon' Ibr tsl lidentiticati Marerial \I' I eti6iuitir;rrirerir and redrc* ar') i"u<' re'are lr" rnelllhe. tdenlil\ !ia Proqramme Officer: pro\Icclr\e Hr I i 6': eandidates as per eligibility crileria In Se ion '' i-," . ;" NRFiias^6 mod le. ^-, --.^-,L-r: su-r.oepr 16. sh;qdt", BFT Cell. t'7. Conduct screen;ng tesl for numerical abilrt-l lor all t5. j I\ r n"n*t:;.t. per b-'k t {th .^".-l-^ri^. ^laFT( state Govl lbr screening len SIRD. I'l) I Repon :l L Que$ion Uank Screeninq'lcsl ,2 p.osfirG BFffiaiaatcJllh--uggested leasl l:l ratio of al ProsPectivc BFTs candidates . t8. D;;lofiA"L;d;p"n;tb' b,r.t c'*lnn oisi Irelaled candidires on NRECASoft and redress all is<ue' o, tl,. r..rks oftt e screening le'l slale s-as.d fonn Govemment to inform sclected candidates and batches 10. NIC. BFI I Repon 2i.2 candidates Repon 21.1. State Dept.. RFT of30 in NRECASoft modulc' P',e;"rallon ofa d; *se rraining Calendar as p€r ll'e Da) wise Training \ ]RL) <,"aa(lised module. '^ilh MoRD recommendcd trarners Calendar inted against each session. f.eparutlon ofcotnptete training Kits for each c-andidate to include; Sel of l2 Learning Units. a. b. c. I pair ofuniform as appropriate. Measuring tape (30m), 3 m steel lape' pockel calculator, 8 m levettube, spiril level, plum bomb' I cap, notebook. the following equipmenl: uo,ue a rn" training ofworks. for 25 key demo wooder/ptaster ofparis live L- scale, steep scale, Frw-ia" Complete documentdion 10 become a parlner ag€ncy with ASCI. p"rtner agencies oIASCI and enter batch details in NSDC portal. Enter batch details in NSDC onco'"plrto, of pt"parafi" a"d prior lo slarl df harch' submission ofmoniloring format Pa A to NIRD for fi rst inslalmenl of fulds -otl""r fonnals Part A fiom SlRDs. calculate amount for fund release offirst com,nunicare to MinislrY. C-; "heck "al"rlaliol, rnd provide rpproval lbr firsl ins6lnlent release upon leceipl ofcoDrmunication for A-ist SIRD"to b.".me NSDC nrodule SIRD, ASCl ASC], NIRI) SIRD, NSDC NSDC module Monitoring N]RL) NIRD, Recomnrrrt(lt dBFT.. l . rainers. BFT i0. N,laiiltain atl'-ndarlce ol tstrl- candidxles itnd dishurt dail] slipend @ Rsj'150 pcr dav for90 da)s. Prbiil,*los*. of T.^illinc Cosls per candidate and SIRD, BT-I Monitoring of bngoing lraining tsFT Cell. any agenc) depuied by Sheet SIRD, BI:'I MoRD Monilorins 1 I n.Gns. ro t f.orn AFI 4 Core Act t4 i5. t6. SIRD. Slslt trtirlertisff C"tl "abuct< : Assossorcnt of BFTS ASCI. SIRD fix date ofassessmefll SIRD tt r!!Sq,!94q1 in based on batch details cale.da. .f b"lch and stale wise assessment ASCI 10 c*Al".te;tth ffiil --in dates. ofA"ses"menr a. per ASCI norms' aona.-ucr i l!!q Uelo"d **lr. "f 4!!$t!g!! ftom NsDC poml' .""r16;?itt"t*"*1 d*rl*d Calendar prim and distribute cerlificates' fr;;;ftcopy'__-ofbatchwhece:1ificarionofBETS a"A r"po,1. fo' 6"l.p..dul" Data ""nification DaEbase of cenified afTs I Reeorl2i.3. of BFTS in ] I enlryjf detallnof E!{!3!q4P{ll de-af ffi.onNREGASOIi, NIC U"o"io.pkr;n ofas5"ss..nt. pul up bill lo \lRD based on cenillcalion of BFT candidales' ffi;ffi;Sal il,-ilomDh moniloring b"*a * brt"id bY fiem accord;ng _-i,on of bdch "o"imunicalion rnstalmenl for second \lRD lo B ASCI NIRD, ASCI, PD S]RD. N]RI) MoniloriIg Fomrat Part B "f formal Pafl C;iiect mo""itatt B ftom SIRDs' calculate and amount for fund rilease for second instalmenl communicatc to Mi ffieroval :rstulm"nt ,"t.u"" up"n 18. t for second ceipt ofcommunication for mcnl of BFTS ActivitE rott re'pot''iuitlrl u"a srJt('Depr' t.n., tl-rue "irt' ;;;;,';.;;;p.,section2'5b'&or lheAnnLar BFI' \4oRD 5 Core of o.ptoyn.t r to Master aircular. Slate may depute BFT Trainers Letter of Deplolmclrl J s-rTc"lt & I Dakbase ol I BF-rr Deplo)ed RePofl l: 4. 4 Documents and R.Ports 1lt. lo Prepared Br S. No. Molp BFllqr=\- I Lisr ofl4asler I rainers .- MoRD \ tI) N{oltD Slalc L Stale DePl MoRD ASCI MoRI) \IRD MoRD NIItD NloRl) ASCI Stale Dept Moitt) Moltl) 90 DaY Training Calendar S]RD N EE .u^rk MoRD of lraining ofBFT Trainctu { List of Recomm€nded BF] l'rainers Calendar a.-.- orT T-;nina a.l.h.l4r 1 Calendar ofBalch Assessment Dales ofT,ainine ofBFT Truiners Muteriul 8 lnrentol ofBFI lmining Malerial 9 Balch iiiifry \ ise cenificalion of BFTs n--r^-,---r ^.lrcrt ^f RFTi ng format A & B incl udin g: J6i-irori ' '' iil " oaity anendance & disbursemenr ofslipend t0 (iil ll 2 r,^.}^.i.. 5 Exolanatorv ppt on NRECASoi module ppt on NSDC .od,l. D .1 I PFTS ld.ndfied R s R 23.4 BFTS Deployed IV. Role and entitlements 1. i. with them. items. l. s. 6. i. """ Slale Dept. ASCI/MoRD NIRD & SIRDS NRECASoft ofBFI NRECASoft candidates Aaend screening test conducted by SIRD' tiri"n"t" so a;',.ining including field componenls :. n"*it" NICi MoRD NREGASofl 2i.3 Batch wise Cerrification ofBFIs '7 as per Training calendarshared t*inin8 kil including l2 Learning Units' uniform ne".iu" rtip*a @ ns. IRI) NREGASoR -E*plunrtory Batches Crealed R 23.2 BFT 6 MoRD and olher prescribed by SIRD along w;th 150 per day based on allendance maintained informalion of full lraining cosls by ASCI' day iraining, give assessrnent lesl conducted O" fronr SIRD' "fS0 certillcate ol the ""r;". via the assessment' receire a hard copy Ifqualified ol.deplor- ,ltenl lettti iiJ"niti"a. *iu u" aesignalcd as a Barefool Technician" receive Governmenl with role responsibility and rcPorling strudure frorn Slate full time posilion a ajob or nol gF;s to acquire a skill' have;e entittenrent a. p"r-"* *u,*ln"ae lhrough NREGAsofl t. . fronr l% ofvork eslimale based on numtler of works suPer"r'ised ''ro-n"tuin.if,".;gft10dounskilledworkontheiobcard-proYidedthaliiisitfdllltesafte vork he/she iS tasked to srtpervise v. Role of Masler Trainers ofBFT cellProg Div on conducling ToT at NIRD 1. Respond to requests 2. availabilitY. Entitled to fee @ R5 5OO0 per day for conducling l0 dav ToT' as per 3. Minislr) on lhe ongoing Iraining o\er lhe Providl: quict and ongoing feedbacL lo the Deriod 5. of lO dals lhrough te\L/whal:app emarl methodolog) ["ri," *.**."t.f rll BFf Tminers based on pre]cribcd *"ft ,oT communicate recommended trainers to BFT o, ..rr[tf", "f ' Cell/Prograrnme Division. vt. Role of BF't Trainers to Min;stry' . i*tr." "* . oe recommended by stat€ govcnnnent ,l' - . - either I0 dav trainins ar NIRD and receive I Trainers Guide "aa *J""r" *i, i iii '""eive $ise pr("enlarions' , or ln rtinai and a pen dri\e $ilh da) srate go\ernmenl ilffi.'e.'rne", rr, ,'r asr er Trainers AsCl $ill bc recommended lo ,. i",ri.rt ; _ r"annfrtf,.."gfirrainers$ill beaulh'JrisedloconducllheBl-llrainingaltheslalc ,"-t,n"nO"a, +. ' 6ni" i-,rf." * to deliver will draw terms ofreference with state govemment faculr) decided mtes' f he suggesled norm\ are: SIRD orher an! rrom bur member: ,rainer other than racult, emplolee' go\ernmenl a Rs' 1000 da) lrainer olher Ihan "*.r*ll) ;;#,;;;;,;. *.r.-rr." l.*nrn*t from CSO bact'ground etc Rs 2500'dav' with slRD 1o ensur€ that all requiremeots t' i""".*"rJ"Jitr trainers io coordinate ;"'j;;i,'dr; ";" provided for including field visits erc' If not' should be broughr 6. i. to the nolice of Statc Covt /BFT Cell/Ministry' and for lhe assessment' Hand hold and suppofl BFTS during lraining on lhejob' BFTS menlor Trainers to Stut"Inuy a"prt" orl Vll. Monitoring Fornats Pan A &B to starl of h ior llf l artq! Slilus S.No. (Complcte ] lncomplele = Enclosed) I so d-.rkahine cut"nou. - Lnclose copl g0 da) training calendar $nh 'ession $ire break up froln Recommended and calendai with indicalion ofdcpulcd tminer Scrcening Tesl Date ofscreening Number ofcandidales anended 2. . . - Data lest l I somen' SC and ST trorms for set.ction ,'pholding preference to enln in \RECASoR - irf identificalion lrom iob cards - BET t'alch formal;on rB 1.2) 4. I R 2i l r Tminine Kit foreach BFT candrdale - ler of l2 Leaming Unil! lreter\ed from NIRD) - 1 r'air ofuniform . oiher Material; Tape (iO v r. i V sleel lape l pocket calcularor' 8 CaP' milevet tube, spirit tevel, PIumb bob. L-scale' Sieel Scale' --l Notebook, Bag 5. Aids at Training venue TraininP. -1-ria.a"rrif. "' - "'f audio'vi'ual aids' Pla\leroIPari5 wooden Live model demo ofatleast 25 works D;cumentation for certifi cation SIRD-ASCI Partner agenc) Data entry ofbatch detarELN!!9 B Monitor!!g 6. - I &rma!.{al! S.No. -t \trlu\ i tillffi tCornPlctc b.nclosed) TAn""dr*. I , i pcr ofdail) aflsndancc lrJ di'htrr:crrrcrrr "r 'ripu"l 'i its. lj0 1 i da! b\ eotr)nclutl rull,orrl) Vo,',rorirr - CoP) erion olassessment for all - tlliT cand]!Erf$)]l1 ! inl and distrihutc ccdificittes Data entrv in NRECASoft ' dnrer balch wise details ofcertiucalion of BFI'SDeplolment - Enclose cop\ of lener ofdeplo Down : I VIll. State BF I-l raining Calendar l0l6-ll orsas orrraining N,{atelql Gnguage of Brr rraining vate'iat eatch wise Calendar :0t6-t7 8