1614 __ 04-04-2016 __ WEB
1614 __ 04-04-2016 __ WEB
Week Commencing April 4th 2016 New Releases Contact Us UK: 01420 593 555 EU: 0044 1420 593 510 Fax: 01420 593 599 Email: [email protected] Website: www.esdeviumgames.com Magic the Gathering: Shadows Over Innistrad Releasing April 8th On the plane of Innistrad, humanity is beset on all sides. Horrors stalk in the shadows. Terrors scratch at doors in the night. Only grim determination and staunch faith in their guardian archangel, Avacyn, keep them alive in this nightmarish realm. But odd things are afoot: the forces that had protected them have been twisted into something dark and strange. Unravel the madness! Booster Display WTCB62160001 36 packs at £3.59 Fat Pack WTCB62180000 RRP £33.99 Intro Pack Display WTCB62190001 10 packs at £12.99 Deck Builder’s Tool Kit WTCB62200000 4 at £17.99 Esdevium Games : Unit 6, Waterbrook Road, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2UD 1 Board & Card Games All That Glitters: Dice City Expansion Requires base game AEG5848 Ages 14+, Players 2 - 4 45 - 60 minutes RRP £17.99 Crossover Pack 4: Watchmen - DC Deck Building Game Requires base game CZE01970 Ages 15+, Players 2 - 5 30 - 45 minutes RRP £11.99 Bears Second Edition Under The Mask: Time Stories Expansion Requires base game ASMSCTS04US RRP £19.99 Democracy and Dogma Data Pack: Netrunner LCG Requires base game FFGADN32 RRP £11.99 Click! Clack! Lumberjack! Axe Game FSD3001 Ages 7+, Players 2 - 4 20 minutes RRP £17.99 New Design MDG4226 Ages 5+, Players 2 - 7 10 minutes RRP £19.99 Mage Wars Arena Battlegrounds: Domination Dalek Dice Requires base game AWGMWBG01 Ages 14+, Players 2 45 - 90 minutes RRP £35.99 Tokaido Deluxe Edition FFOTKDDL01US Ages 8+, Players 2 - 5 30 - 45 minutes RRP £59.99 The Infernal Crypts: Dungeon Saga Expansion CB72110 Ages 13+, Players 2+ 10 - 20 minutes RRP £11.99 Here Kitty Kitty FSD2002 Ages 10+, Players 3 - 6 30 minutes RRP £21.99 Perspective Requires base game MGDS05 RRP £29.99 Esdevium Games : Unit 6, Waterbrook Road, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2UD MNI-PER100 Players 1 - 4 5 - 15 minutes RRP £8.99 2 Booze Barons Oracle Class Deck: Add-On Deck Pathfinder Card Game OWG0501 Ages 12+, Players 3 - 9 25 - 45 minutes RRP £34.99 Dingo’s Dreams RVM011 Ages 8+, Players 2 - 4 20 - 30 minutes RRP £17.99 Yeti Requires base game PAI6812 RRP £17.99 Battlecruisers: Eminent Domain Expansion Rome: City of Marble PEG55130G Ages 8+, Players 2 - 5 20 - 40 minutes RRP £24.99 Exotica: Eminent Domain Expansion Standalone expansion TTT3004 Ages 13+, Players 3 - 5 20 - 30 minutes RRP £21.99 RRG450 Ages 10+, Players 2 - 4 60 minutes RRP £42.99 Crabs Adjust Humidity Volume One Requires base game TTT5006 Ages 13+, Players 2 - 5 45 minutes RRP £21.99 Requires base game VSCCAH01 Ages 17+, Players 4+ 30 - 90 minutes RRP £12.99 Roleplaying Games Crabs Adjust Humidity Volume Two Requires base game VSCCAH02 Ages 17+, Players 4+ 30 - 90 minutes RRP £12.99 The Warren RPG BPG007 RRP £17.99 Double Spiral War (Traveller RPG Setting) Dicepunk BPI1017 RRP £21.99 Esdevium Games : Unit 6, Waterbrook Road, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2UD ETG82000 RRP £7.99 3 No Thank You Evil MCG074 Ages 5+, Players 3 - 5 30 minutes RRP £34.99 Restock: Pathfinder Pawns: NPC Codex Box PAI1005 RRP £38.99 Inner Sea Faiths: Pathfinder Campaign Setting PAI9290 RRP £16.99 Atlas of the French Arm: Traveller 2300AD MGP20009 RRP £28.99 Ultimate Intrigue: Pathfinder RPG PAI1134 RRP £32.99 Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors RPG PAIDGDHRPG001 RRP £34.99 Savage Lairs Fantasy Forests (Savage Worlds) Restock: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary Box MLV22501 RRP £14.99 Twisted Caverns: Pathfinder FlipMat PAI1001 RRP £38.99 Wrath of Thrune (Hell’s Vengeance 2 of 6): Pathfinder Adventure Path #104 PAI30072 RRP £12.99 Necessary Evil: Breakout Limited Edition PAI90104 RRP £17.99 Lankhmar: Savage Foes of Nehwon Limited Edition (Savage Worlds) S2P10019LE RRP £17.99 Esdevium Games : Unit 6, Waterbrook Road, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2UD S2P11004LE RRP £17.99 4 Wargames War in the Wind: Battle for Attu Island, May 1943 COM1028 Ages 14+, Players 2 120 minutes RRP £52.99 Whippet Tank: The Great War Boardgame Expansion PSCTGW019 RRP £16.99 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Deck Box v1 Avacyn Holds 82 cards in sleeves Releasing April 8th: UPR86341 RRP £2.99 Operation Dauntless Dawn’s Early Light Red Hammer GMT1510 RRP £47.99 Heroes of the Falklands LNLCC01 RRP £39.99 LNLHF01 RRP £55.99 Accessories Tank: The Great War Boardgame Expansion Re-Advertised PSCTGW020 RRP £39.99 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Deck Box v2 Jace Holds 82 cards in sleeves Releasing April 8th: UPR86342 RRP £2.99 Toploader & ONETOUCH Card Sorting Tray NEW - Pack of 4 A Link Between Worlds - The Legend of Zelda Playmat 24” x 13.5” UPR84861 RRP £19.99 UPR84754 RRP £18.99 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Deck Box v3 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Deck Box v4 Nahiri Holds 82 cards in sleeves Releasing April 8th: UPR86343 RRP £2.99 Esdevium Games : Unit 6, Waterbrook Road, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2UD Sorin Holds 82 cards in sleeves Releasing April 8th: UPR86344 RRP £2.99 5 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Deck Box v5 Arlinn Kord Holds 82 cards in sleeves Releasing April 8th: UPR86345 RRP £2.99 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Double-Sided Play Mat 24” x 13.5” Releasing April 8th: UPR86346 RRP £29.99 MTG: Shadows MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Mat Over Innistrad v3 PRO-Binder Sorin 24” x 13.5” Releasing April 8th: UPR86349 RRP £17.99 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad DPD v1 Avacyn For standard sized cards 80-count pack Releasing April 8th: UPR86358-R 6 packs at £6.99 Holds 360 Cards in sleeves Releasing April 8th: UPR86350 RRP £17.99 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad DPD v2 Jace For standard sized cards 80-count pack Releasing April 8th: UPR86359-R 6 packs at £6.99 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Mat v1 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Mat v2 Nahiri 24” x 13.5” Releasing April 8th: UPR86347 RRP £17.99 Liliana 24” x 13.5” Releasing April 8th: UPR86348 RRP £17.99 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Playmat 6ft MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad Playmat 8ft 72” x 30” Releasing April 8th: UPR86351 RRP £89.99 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad DPD v3 96” x 30” Releasing April 8th: UPR86352 RRP £109.99 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad DPD v4 Nahiri For standard sized cards 80-count pack Releasing April 8th: UPR86360-R 6 packs at £6.99 Esdevium Games : Unit 6, Waterbrook Road, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2UD Sorin For standard sized cards 80-count pack Releasing April 8th: UPR86361-R 6 packs at £6.99 6 MTG: Shadows Over Innistrad DPD v5 Capitol World Playmat - Star Realms Arlinn Kord For standard sized cards 80-count pack Releasing April 8th: UPR86362-R 6 packs at £6.99 Dark Knight Playmat - Epic WWG012 RRP £19.99 Sea Titan Playmat - Epic WWG013 RRP £19.99 WWG301 RRP £19.99 Magazines C3i Magazine #29 WWG302 RRP £19.99 Death World Playmat - Star Realms RBMC3I29 RRP £34.99 Wargames Illustrated Issue #342 STRWI342 RRP £4.50 Esdevium Games Ltd. Registered in England & Wales: 3055732 VAT No: GB 329 8008 46 Registered Office: 27/28 Eastcastle Street, London W1W 8DH 7
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