Prof. Dr. Röhlich Pál Dr. L. Kiss Anna Dr. H.-Minkó Krisztina EM images for medical students Semmelweis University, Department of Human Morphology and Developmental Biology p n rER N L 1. Macrophage nucleus (N) nucleolus (n) lipid droplets (L) rER (rough endoplasmic reticulum) processes on the cell surface (p) mitochondria (black arrows) M M 2. Higher magnification of the macrophage shown on Fig. 1. mitochondria (M) citoplasmatic processes (black arrows) labyrinthycal invaginations of the cell surface (*) clathrin-coated vesicles (white arrows) G N 3. Cross section of smooth muscle cell nucleus with euchromatin (N) Golgi apparatus (G) caveolae (arrows) MT TV C AV 4. Fibroblast centriole (C) endoplasmic reticulum (ER) autophage vacuole (AV) transport vesicles (TV) microtubule (MT) ER N G Nm gr 5. nucleus (N) nuclear membrane (Nm) Golgi apparatus (G) granules (gr) N rER F Nm N EC 6. nucleus (N) euchromatin (EC) nuclear membrane (Nm) rER mitochondria (white arrows) phago-lysosome (F) F G 7. Nucleolus pars granulosa (G) pars filamentosa (F) rER N M Nm M M 8. Pancreas cell (exocrine) nucleus (N) pore (arrow) on nuclear membrane (Nm) mitochondria (M) rER for export protein synthesis N rER M Nm sER 9. nucleus (N) nuclear membrane (Nm) mitochondrium (M) rER sER (smooth ER) M CF rER 10. Fibroblasts cisternae of rER (rER) nucleus (N) collagen fibers (CF) mitochondrium (M) N CF rER N M G ly 11. rER lysosomes (ly) mitochondria (M) Golgi apparatus (G) nucleus (N), nuclear pores (arrows) R M rER 12. Fibroblast ribosomes (R), rER transport vesicule (arrow) mitochondria (M) nucleus (N) endocytotic vesicle (arrowheads) N G L 13. Golgi apparatus (G) cytoskeleton, intermediate filaments (black arrow) lipid droplet (L) clathrin-coated vesicles (white arrow) rER R IF N 14. intermediate filaments (IF) rER nucleus (N) caveolae (arrowheads) ribosomes (R) N M rER 15. mitochondrium (M) nucleus (N), nuclear membrane (Nm) rER clathrin-coated pit (arrow) Nm rER HC rER N Nm PM 16. Cell of exocrine pancreas Plasma membrane between cells (PM) rER nucleus (N), nuclear membrane (Nm), heterochromatin (HC), nuclear pore (arrow) SC M M 17. Epithelium with stereocilia (epididymis) stereocilia (SC) junctional complexes (white arrows) mitochondrium (M) endocytotic vesicles (black arrows) N C 18. Fibroblast the 2 centrioles in the center (C) nucleus (N) microtubules (white arrows) M R R M M M 19. mitochondria (M) ribosomes (R) M M M M rER M 20. Hepatocyte mitochondria (M) rER ribosomes (arrow) M sER rER M P 21. Hepatocyte mitochondria (M) rER sER peroxisome (P) M N M M M M PM 22. plasma membrane between 2 cells (PM) mitochondria (M) nucleus (N) nuclear pores (arrows) M A M 23. Cell of the adrenal cortex tubular mitochondria (M) ribosomes (arrows) autophage vacuoles (A) M PM v s G v rER 24. plasma membrane (PM) Golgi apparatus (G), cis-Golgi network (black arrows), vacuoles (v) derived from trans-Golgi network, trans-Golgi network (white arrows), secretory vacuole (s) rER ly G 25. Oocyte Golgi apparatus (G) ribosomes (arrows) lysosome (ly) mitochondria (M) M ly ly N M M ES 26. Details from 3 hepatocytes plasma membrane (PM) extracellular space (ES) mitochondria (M) euchromatin in nucleus (N) lysosome (ly) PM V rER CP 27. clathrin-coated pit (CP) and vesicle (V), high magnification ribosomes (arrows) rER cisterne (rER) LB ES PM 28. Periphery of smooth muscle cell plasma membrane (PM) extracellular space (ES) caveolae (white arrows) lamina basalis (LB) M M Nm N rER R 29. Hepatocyte mitochondria (M) glikogen granules (white arrows) ribosomes (R) rER cistern (rER) nucleus (N), nuclear membrane (Nm) N rER Nm M M sER 30. Hepatocyte nucleus (N), nuclear membrane (Nm), rER mitochondria (M) sER 31. Brush-border on intestinal epithelium cells microvilli on the cell surface zonula occludens (tight junction) (arrowhead) zonula adherens (white arrow) Desmosome (black arrow) rER PM C N 32. clathrin-coated vesicle (C) ribosome (arrow) dilated rER cistern (rER) heterochromatic nucleus (N) plasma membrane (PM) MT MF 33. Fibroblast microfilaments (MF) intermediate filament (white arrow) microtubules (MT) polyribosomes (arrowheads) N N N Nm Ro C G M 34. segmented nucleus (N), nuclear membrane (Nm) mitochondrium (M) Golgi apparatus (G) centriole, longitudinal section (C) striated bundle (rootletin, Ro) G 35. section of centrioles, high magnification R C S G 36. Cross section of centriole (C), satellites (S) Golgi cisternae and vacuoles (G) SER M M DER N n HC EC sER 37. nucleus (N), nucleolus (n), euchromatin (EC), heterochromatin (HC) mitocondria (M), rER sER IF PM Pl PM 38. desmosome in the middle plasma membrane (PM) plaque (Pl) intermediate filaments (IF) CF rER G rER 39. fibroblasts rER Golgi apparatus (G) collagen fibres in the extracellular space (CF) CF rER G rER M TV G MB A M 40. Fibroblast Golgi apparatus (G) mitochondrium (M) rER primary cilium (arrow) autophagosome (A) basal lamina of neighboring cell (MB) transport vesicles (TV) TV G 41. Golgi apparatus (G) in secretory cell transport vesicles (TV) ribosomes (black arrows) Cy N R 42. nuclear pores (arrows) nucleus (N), citoplasm (Cy), ribosomes (R) ly N 43. mitochondrium (M) Golgi apparatus (G) nucleus (N) nuclear pore (black arrow) lysosome (ly) M G A c 44. cross section of centriole (C) autophagosome (A) N Nm C C ly Mb 45. centrioles (C) nucleus (N), nuclear membrane (Nm) Golgi apparatus (G) lysosome (ly) multivesicular body (Mb) G G G rER G Mb rER 46. Detail from neuron mitochondrium (arrows) rER ribosomes (arrowheads) lysosome (ly) neurofilament (intermedier f., white arrow) Golgi apparatus (G) multivesicular body (Mb) ly CGN G R rER 47. Golgi apparatus (G) ribosomes (R) rER cis-Golgi network (CGN) transport vesicles (white arrows) Nm N G M M A M M 48. mitochondrium (M) nucleus (N, euchromatin), nuclear membrane (Nm) Golgi apparatus (G), autophagosome (A) M N M rER P 49. Liver cell nucleus (N) nucleolus (n) mitochondrium (M) rER peroxisome (P) n M M 50. Detail from adrenal gland cortex cell mitochondria with tubular cristae (M) glikogen granules (black dots) IF MF 51. Fibroblast microfilaments (MF) intermediate filaments (IF) microtubule (arrow) 52. Cross sections of cilia